#the nerds of welton
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deadpoetyogurt · 2 months ago
they’re so gay they even earn their demerits together
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svholand · 11 months ago
𝐥𝐬𝐝𝐥𝐧 + 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 — ESTEBAN KUKURICZKA. 👓📙📻
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: smut (eu aviso quando começa, então menores podem ler até certo ponto só) mas muito mais fluff + slice of life. ps: imaginem todos os personagens como maiores de idade e eh isso.
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: headcanon do esteban baseado em dead poets society. (um dos melhores filmes existentes, assistam!) eu imaginei ele bastante como o steven meeks, então muito dele foi baseado nesse personagem! 🥺
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: ia desenvolver e postar apenas mais tarde, mas me deu um surto de criatividade para essa headcanon, então tá aí! 🖤
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[ sfw. ]
∿ entrou na welton hellton academy por pura pressão dos pais, que querem que ele siga a área da saúde (mais especificamente: medicina). no entanto, tem um grande amor por eletrônicos. não sabe exatamente o que seria caso seguisse essa paixão porque, na cabeça dele, seu futuro já foi escolhido pelos pais;
∿ é a cabeça do grupo, sempre ajudando os amigos com as tarefas que eles estão com dificuldade porque ele é bom em todas as matérias. porém, o que ele tem mais facilidade de aprender e ajudar é latim, porque tem muito interesse na área e acha divertido aprender uma língua morta. quando quer confundir os amigos, fala algum palavrão em latim;
∿ os melhores amigos dele são fran romero e matías recalt, cujas personalidades são contrastantes, mas trazem o melhor de esteban: fran é o companheiro de estudos e do pequeno clube (de duas pessoas, cof) que montaram sobre eletrônicos. com matías, é porque o menor é naturalmente extrovertido - compensando a introversão de esteban - e porque ele sempre pede a ajuda de kukuriczka em alguma matéria;
∿ como é proibido qualquer eletrônico - além de relógios - em welton, ele e fran construíram um rádio do zero (escondendo dos professores, falando que era um projeto de ciências) e gostam de ouvir rock em uma das torres mais vazias de welton, evitando o olhar curioso dos professores;
∿ não gosta muito de quebrar regras, mas, às vezes (lê-se: quando entrou pra sociedade dos poetas mortos), acha que vale a pena, especialmente sobre quando é por algo que ele acredita;
∿ entrou na sociedade dos poetas mortos sem precisar de muito convencimento, na verdade. inclusive, ele quem convenceu fran de participar do clube. esteban sempre gostou de poesia secretamente e, agora, podia expressar o amor pela arte com os amigos;
∿ usa óculos praticamente fundo de garrafa e não enxerga nada sem eles. odeia quando matías - para zombar dele - pega os óculos dele e esconde em algum lugar;
∿ ele e fran são tão tímidos que se perguntam como eles se aproximaram. a resposta? são colegas de quarto em welton, ou seja, não tiveram outra opção a não ser conhecer melhor um do outro e virarem amigos;
∿ joga xadrez nas horas vagas, um hobby que pegou costume por causa do pai, que o ensinou. é um ótimo jogador e tem muito orgulho disso... exceto quando falam isso para as garotas, aí ele fica com muita vergonha de ser um nerd;
∿ no entanto, apesar de preferir os livros, é um jogador razoável de rugby - o esporte oficial de welton - e joga quando os amigos pedem. geralmente fica como reserva, porque não é a atividade de escolha dele;
∿ gosta de arrumação e, diferente de fran, pega muito no pé dos amigos para que tudo esteja bem limpinho. quando os encontros da sociedade dos poetas mortos começaram, ele encheu o saco de todos para que limpassem a caverna - local onde as reuniões da sociedade acontecem - da floresta que fica ao lado de wellton e mantessem o lugar sem lixo, de preferência;
∿ gosta de poesias clássicas (dos gregos), mas também tem uma paixão secreta por poesia simbolista e parnasiana. gosta bastante da métrica parnasiana por ter uma lógica e, por ser um homem lógico, se sai melhor escrevendo e entendendo esse tipo de poesia;
∿ te conheceu em uma das saídas com os membros da sociedade para uma festa em um final de semana livre que a coordenação de welton deixou com que eles saíssem para passear;
∿ você estava casualmente tentando mudar a música da festa para algo mais animado e, sem querer, acabou quebrando o rádio. ele viu tudo, do cantinho da parede no qual estava encostado e, em um breve surto de confiança, se ofereceu para ajudar a consertar;
∿ a interação teria acabado por aí (porque, apesar do interesse dele e dele te achar linda, ele é muito tímido) se você não tivesse dado o número do seu telefone para ele, deixando bem claro que queria conhecer ele melhor;
∿ naquela noite, os amigos zoaram muito ele, mas também deram todo o suporte necessário e confiança para que ele te ligasse na primeira vez. depois disso, ele sempre dava um jeito de correr para algum telefone público de welton para te ligar e conversar sobre o seu dia;
∿ por ser mais tímido, prefere que você puxe assunto... exceto quando você toca em algum dos interesses dele, aí ele fala igual uma matraca sem perceber (e é extremamente fofo);
∿ traços de personalidade: calmo, gentil, inteligente, leal, lógico, introvertido, pensativo, metódico, influenciável, inseguro.
[ nsfw. ]
∿ a primeira vez de vocês acontece na segunda vez que vocês se encontram, para o choque de todo mundo;
∿ vocês já eram bem próximos por ligação e, quando você teve que voltar para o seu internato - que só permitia garotas - preparatório para faculdade, era difícil se encontrar pessoalmente. quando ele tinha tempo livre, você estava ocupada... quando você estava livre, ele estava ocupado. então, passaram meses se conhecendo por ligação;
∿ matías deu camisinhas de presente pra dele, falando que ele "ia precisar", dando uma risadinha maldosa que deixou esteban todo vermelho... mas, no final de tudo, acabou realmente precisando das camisinhas;
∿ vocês foram para um café que ficava em uma distância razoável para ambos, onde passaram a tarde toda conversando e dando risada sobre assuntos diferentes. só perceberam que o tempo tinha passado quando o barista teve que avisar que o café estava fechando e vocês teriam que se retirar;
∿ na calçada, você achou que o encontro ia acabar por ali, apesar de não querer. esteban achava a mesma coisa, lamentando internamente por não ter tanta atitude para levá-la para outro lugar. contudo, quando vocês foram dar um beijo na bochecha de despedida, se atrapalharam e acabaram dando um selinho - inicialmente vergonhoso, porém não queriam se separar de jeito nenhum, aproveitando aquele momento delicado;
∿ você que tomou a atitude de transformar aquele selar em um beijo de língua, puxando o homem alto para sua altura e beijando-o com vontade;
∿ ele aproveitou para te puxar pela cintura, colando seu corpo no dele e mantendo-a ali em um beijo demorado até que o fôlego acabasse;
∿ ele ficou tímido e todo vermelho quando percebeu que estava duro contra seu corpo só por causa de um beijo, mas aquilo te deu confiança para puxar esteban até um motel mais próximo e ter a primeira noite de vocês ali;
∿ como era a primeira vez de ambos, foi romântico e calmo, ainda descobrindo o que vocês gostavam. isso, claro, foi mudando conforme se encontravam outras vezes e esteban foi ficando cada vez mais confiante...
∿ após ganhar confiança, virou bem mais dominante e mandão. não é muito de falar demais durante o sexo - assim como também não fala muito fora dele -, mas quando fala com aquela voz rouca e te manda obedecer... é o suficiente para que você fique maluquinha por ele.
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good--merits-accumulated · 1 year ago
i feel like u have more to say abt how u percieve pitts i wanna hear it,,
You caught me! I do (but also it's 00:55 right now, so this is going to make very little sense. Bear with).
Like I said in my tags + you said in your hcs, I think the lodestone of Pitts' character is an intense easy-goingness which people THINK is because he's an emotionally obtuse nerd archetype - but he's very much not, he's very, very mature. Pitts to me is a kind of social glue of the group in his own way, and the cool head that many of the others lack. And (veering more and more into fanon here) I also think that Pitts' relationship with science is slightly different to Meeks', in that Meeks has always struck me as someone who does science for the love of knowledge. Pitts, on the other hand, does science for the love of science. He's having fun! And that's where my perception of his character hinges right now, in that I think Pitts thinks of things in terms of how fun they are. This is not in a childish way but really rather wise (! I wish I could do the same sometimes!), and it results in Pitts being a) impressively self-fulfilled for a seventeen-year-old, and b) having no sense of embarrassment or cringe. (i.e. Pitts has well and truly lived up to the "kill the part of you that cringes" meme.) More headcanons include:
- kind of guy who complains about the tough homework, but does it all in twenty minutes anyway
- seconding you, I think he IS fashionable, and specifically in a way beyond trends. Personally I think of browns, mustard yellows and sage greens, suede and worn leather and sunglasses never worn but always on top of his head
- guy who says groovy and tubular unironically, extremely surprised to find out these are "hippie"/"surfer" lingos. Does not stop saying groovy or tubular
- adding onto this: if DPS had been set a few years earlier, for some reason, I have a deep abiding conviction that Pitts would have been a Beatnik. (In fact I have a WIP lying around somewhere where he is!) (This I'm going to have to think on a lot more to find out why it's so convincing...)
- brilliant, brilliant organiser
- on speaking terms with every boy in Welton. How? Who knows?
- really into wilderness camping
(Just to finish off - below the readmore is a little snippet of another WIP which I think expresses my thoughts on Pitts more eloquently than I could otherwise right now!)
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of-apollo · 2 years ago
Ship requests
Request rules and fandom list below the cut ->
Ted Lasso: Dani Rojas, Sam Obisanya, Jamie Tartt, Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton and Keeley Jones
MCU: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff and Yelena Belova
BBC Ghosts: Thomas Thorne, Alison Cooper, Kitty
TLoG: Judee Levinson, Bernice Woodall, Stella Hull, Olive Kilshaw, Benjamin Denton, (are you seeing a pattern here, Joseph Lisgoe, Ross Gaines, Ollie Plimsolls, Matthew Chinnery (potentially more, just ask!)
WWDITS: Nandor, Guillermo, Nadja, Laszlo
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley
BBC Ghosts: The Captain, Pat Butcher, Fanny Button, Mary
Please feel free to ask about other fandoms that I repost/mention! These are just the ones I am 100% comfortable in writing currently, but I am willing to consider others upon request!
I will NOT write about: pregnancy, suicide, self harm, prejudice/discrimination or any level of smut.
I write headcanons or imagines, so please clarify which you’d prefer. Otherwise, I’ll choose what I think fits the request best.
I use they/them pronouns for all of my writing, but I will consider using she/her upon request.
If you are unsure of any of these rules, please feel free to DM me or send an ask for clarification!
My asks are always open, whether for something writing related or just a chat! Just please be kind and respectful when you visit my blog! :)
My requests are always open, and you are free to send more than one at a time (I’d cap it at five, please don’t go overboard!).
A bit about me: I’m Welsh, a history lover and musical theatre nerd. I also love Taylor Swift a whole lot. Talk to me about any of those things, you have my heart.
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inchidentally · 1 year ago
dead poets society look…thank you now i’m thinking many thoughts 😵‍💫 and crying myself to sleep
I watched that movie on my own a few yrs ago and it's the first time I wasn't checking my phone during a movie <3
ok so obv I want to landoscar it but I can't bring myself to give either of them Neil's fate or make either of their dads into Neil's dad so... godDAMN IT what is it with my inbox making me lestappen??
bc Max as Neil and Charles as Todd and Seb as Mr. Keating is.... fucking devastating to think about. Seb encouraging Charles to express himself through the piano (I wanted him to be Lewis but Keating needs to be partly a nerd lol). promising star pupil Max discovering a love of hmmm, let's switch acting to poetry and that enrages his father. Charles' beautiful agonized face screaming Max's name into the cold snowy air. the FIA being Welton and trying to crush everything Seb has been teaching the students but Charles leads the other boys in reciting O Captain! My Captain!
and we all sit here and now dissolve into tears
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meekswillinherittheearth · 1 year ago
What the Poets are like in my DR!
this is a response to this ask! hope you enjoy!! posting it a bit earlier than originally intended bc i couldn't take the anticipation anymore :)
Neil Perry
my found family brother!!
always looking out for me
he was the first person i met when i started at Welton
we do bicker like siblings but it's okay
i love going to his plays, watching him perform is so much fun and he is so happy
seeing him like that is enough to heal the soul
we share books a lot
i do his stage makeup!
he makes the strangest little sounds sometimes
it will be dead silent and he'll make a silly little squeaky sound
always joins me and my dad (mr keating) for family time
Todd Anderson
he's so sweet and caring
he can be very sarcastic though
insert the "the one with the buck teeth?" situation 😭
he's super funny without trying to
we're both super anxious and it's nice to have someone around who understands that
amazing hugs!! not often, but they are healing
that time i was having a really stressful day and he hugged me and i immediately cried
he can be insecure about his relationships with people because he thinks people don't wanna be around him and just hang out with him out of pity
he needs reassurance but refuses to act for it
really good at painting! i got him watercolors for his birthday <3
he deserves everything. if i could give you the moon i would todd bb
Charlie Dalton
outrageous drama queen
he loves dancing
never said he was good at it though!
it's mostly just twirling
flirts with you to antagonize you but only if you tell him it's okay, he would never wanna make someone uncomfortable <3
my number 1 supporter since forever
superrrr competitive
can and will turn anything into a competition
massive cheesy nerd but denies it adamantly
he cares about his friends more than anything
very very affectionate
wants to be touching someone at all times
his love language is 1000% touch
very talented at music, he can play guitar, sax and a little bit of drums
doesn't sing often but definitely can
hates studying, not because he doesn't care about his education, but because it's not stimulating enough for his brain and he gets distracted really easily
i've said it once and i'll say it again, he is EVERYONES BIGGEST CHEERLEADER!!!
we're polar opposites but will match energy when needed
knows when to be hyperactive and when to be chill and quiet
sarcastic, always being a little shit
"hey charlie, will you pass me that?" "um, no" as he's passing it to you type of thing
gets me out of my shell, which i appreciate so much <3
i really benefit from the confidence he gives me and he likes being around someone who doesn't expect him to be going at a million miles an hour all the time
Knox Overstreet
my gossip buddy!
when we're bored we sit and people watch and make up life stories for the people we see
he has the silliest, most giggle
can and will lift you up
on his shoulders, picking you up and spinning you around, no matter what, it will happen
i watched him pick Charlie up and shake him and nearly peed myself laughing
very platonically affectionate, like little cheek kisses and stuff
it's his way of showing gratitude
hes also pretty sensitive and emotional
he read pride and prejudice and cried his eyes out
type of guy to kick his feet and giggle while twirling his hair
Gerard Pitts
hits his head off things at least once a day
so long and gangly and strange
like those things at car dealerships (affectionate)
he's so sarcastic and goofy
we always gang up on Charlie when he does/says something stupid
he takes his grades very seriously
but he isn't a stick in the mud about it
loves music so much
its one of the main things i hear him talk about
finds and keeps cool rocks
gives them to people when they're having a rough day
penguin behavior tbh
he is just a silly guy!
Steven Meeks
this is gonna be a long one, buckle up lovelies
we met and instantly clicked
inconsolably sweet, all the time
also kind of a chronic people pleaser but we're working on it okay!
we both have an affinity for latin
we have secret conversations in latin sometimes <3
about a week after we first met he asked Charlie if I was dating anyone but made him promise not to tell me (which didn't last long)
when we met i complimented his glasses and he blushed and went "thank you, i need them to see. i like your freckles."
he did not realize how hilarious of a response that was until later
falling asleep on his shoulder when we're up late studying <3
he always wants to carry me places. who needs legs honestly
flustering him is so easy and i love to do it because it's so funny
trying to teach him how to dance and he trips over his own feet
he has the softest most beautiful curls ever
tiny little ringlets by his ears!! my heart is melting!!!!
and his eyes.... cut the cameras
hes so pretty
him laying in my lap while i read to him
leaving lipstick all over his face and him not realizing.... the literal cutest
he is always the first one I run to when I get off stage after a recital (they all come to my ballet recitals in my dr)
us always getting caught staring at each other <3
writing poetry for each other!!!!
his love language is acts of service and quality time
his glasses are somehow constantly fogging up
he always offers me his sweater/coat/jacket when i'm chilly
my love im kicking my feet and giggling writing about him
he feels like the song 'let the light in' by lana del rey
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eddysocs · 9 months ago
Ted Lasso OC Masterlist
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Name: Brennan Marks
Face Claim: KJ Apa
Love Interest: Jamie Tartt
Fic Title: Sweet & Sour
Plot Summary: Brennan Marks grew up a theater nerd. He’d always had a passion for the stage, but he also had incredible skill on the pitch, and that’s where the doors opened for him. He hasn’t given up hope of a career on stage or screen yet though, and Jamie Tartt starts to resent Brennan for stealing his spotlight. Brennan tries not to let Jamie's resentment get to him, but it’s sort of hard when he’s carrying a torch for the cocky, self proclaimed star of AFC Richmond. But are Jamie's feelings merely jealousy and hatred, or are they masking something else?
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Name: Kelsey Tompkins
Face Claim: Dianna Agron
Love Interest: Roy Kent
Fic Title: Here, There, Everywhere
Plot Summary: Soccer doesn’t have cheerleaders. That’s what all of Kelsey's friends told her when she decided she wanted to pack up and move to England after seeing a news article about Ted Lasso and the work he was doing with AFC Richmond. Yet Kelsey didn’t let that stop her. She shows up to the football club bright eyed and full of hope, and while she may not start a cheerleading craze across the UK, she’s a force of positivity for the team and even scores a position as their new physiotherapist. And Kelsey can’t help but be drawn to the eternally grumpy and pessimistic Roy Kent, who she vows to turn into a believer.
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Name: Matilda Northbrook
Face Claim: Mandy Moore
Love Interest: Ted Lasso
Fic Title: Lasso Around My Heart
Plot Summary: Born in Dorset, Matilda Northbrook spent her early years in England, before her parents moved her to the American midwest for her schooling. Since then, she’s travelled the world as a sports journalist, landing back in the UK at the announcement of American Football coach Ted Lasso heading up AFC Richmond for the season. Intrigued by this unique choice, Tildy wants to cover the story for better or worse, and turn it into a documentary.
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Name: Nessa Tolliver
Face Claim: Samantha Logan
Love Interest: Rebecca Welton
Fic Title: Lightning Strikes
Plot Summary: Set to inherit Bones & Honey, her father's exclusive members only club, Nessa has naturally spent a lot of time there. It’s truly not her favorite place, and she’s met more than her fair share of wankers and scumbags. Rupert Mannion, a longtime member of her father's club, is the exact type of person that Nessa loathes. But her vision for the future of Bones & Honey is different and it starts with Rebecca Welton and AFC Richmond. So Nessa joins forces with Rebecca to take down Rupert and reinvent their respective businesses, and themselves.
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Name: Noah Barclay
Face Claim: Rome Flynn
Love Interest: Trent Crimm
Fic Title: Mouthpiece
Plot Summary: Noah has always been a lover of the arts, so how he ended up in football is a mystery to most anyone who knows him. But he loves the game and he’s pretty damn good at it. Taking questions from the press is really where he shines though. His charisma and eloquence in his replies have gotten AFC Richmond out of a few awkward predicaments. And there’s no one he loves talking to more than Trent Crimm from The Independent. His charming smile instantly falls the day he doesn’t see Trent's face in the crowd of reporters, but as he’ll soon find out, it’s because Trent has joined the team, so to speak, and is planning to write a book about them.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 days ago
victoria victoriae (f.)
https://ift.tt/MS95Pwn by dee_thequeenbee prompt #12 of the 312 Fics for Colin: Rebecca’s middle name is Victoria, and Ted makes comments about her being good luck for the team, because it’s in their motto (Gradarius Firmus Victoria). And maybe he thinks she adds a little luck to his life, as well. Words: 1382, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 20 of canon in (te)d Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Rebecca Welton, Ted Lasso Relationships: Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton Additional Tags: AFC Richmond as Found Family, Fluff, Post-Canon, ted is back don't worry, mentions of Latin (the language), Rebecca Welton is a Nerd, AFC Richmond Players are Himbos (Ted Lasso) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/63309376 February 23, 2025 at 03:09AM
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deadpoetyogurt · 2 months ago
pitts is meeks' cuddle monster and you can't tell me otherwise
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hotporridgepot · 3 years ago
i want to see more tedtrent headcanons that aren't grumpy/sunshine because while it is completely true, they ARE that trope, i also have it on good authority (source: my brain) that trent is simply a clingy baby behind closed doors (source: throws away his entire career for a man who isn't even his coworker) and would absolutely be the one who literally trips over himself trying to impress ted
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lesbicosmos · 2 years ago
a bunch of random headcanons based on my space nerd meeks headcanon because im projecting
he saved up for like a whole year to buy a telescope and managed to sneak it into school. he sets it up so it points out of the window of his and pitts's dorm, and pitts has to suffer through his constant complaining about it being cloudy out
he nearly broke his glasses on the telescope lens once because he was so excited about seeing a comet he forgot to take them off before looking through
hes often really tired at breakfast and during first period because he's been up most of the night observing the sky
he's always at the back of the group walking back from the poets cave because he's too busy staring at the sky
he never stops talking to the others about new astronomical discoveries he found out about
half of his bookshelf is always just full of space books he's borrowed from the library
a decade after leaving welton, he throws a whole party when the moon landing happens and invites all the poets (because they're all alive and still friends, fuck canon)
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you-and-youth · 2 months ago
its not just welton (wellton?) thats like this.
especially if we again bring up the queerness metaphor - this is pre stonewall. pre pride. very pre gay marriage. im not like a history nerd i just think its important to aknowledge is all
the setting of dps was speciifcally chosen to be an especially restrictive harsh environment i think.
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aedan-mills · 3 years ago
the DPS Fandom's iterations of Neil Perry
Welton's Golden Boy
Undercover Himbo
Not so subtle Theater Nerd
Daddy Issues McGee
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cc-tinslebee · 3 years ago
btw if you want to see a poly Poets fic with genderfluid Charlie figuring out Gender that has Chris and Ginny being absolutely worshipped by their partners/friends and so much overwhelming love and support (both platonically and romantically), I highly recommend my friend’s cute ass fic <33
seriously, this fic is jam-packed with so much fun, adorable stuff and references. it’s an insanely fun read! (with a smidge of angst heh)
ft. one of my favourite scenes from the fic:
Charlie was trying to tie her tie straight in the bathroom mirror after having Mr. Nolan turn her around and tell her to fix it. She had tied it more like a bow today.
Meeks came in to wash his hands, and he smirked. "Nolan didn't like your fashion choice, did he?"
"When doesn't he?" Charlie laughed, then turned her attention back to the mirror.
Meeks wiped his hands on the towel, watching her. "You seemed stressed during the pillow war this morning. Is everything okay?"
"What? I wasn't stressed," Charlie said, far more defensively than intended. "Sorry, Stevie. I'm... I'm..." For a moment, she locked eyes with Meeks and thought she was going to tell him. "I don't know."
"You sure? You know you can tell me anything." Meeks stood up on his tiptoes and gave her forehead a kiss. He stood for a minute, holding her face in his hands and looking in her eyes fondly. "I'll love you no matter what."
"What if I killed the president?" Charlie asked, hating to be the one to ruin a tender moment, but also hating to be the one to pass up on a joke.
Meeks's nose wrinkled as he laughed. "Did you?"
"If I did, you'd never know," Charlie teased.
Meeks tugged on her tie, grinning. "Are you sure about that?"
"I... Yes?" Charlie said, every bit of courageous flirtation drained out of her expression, leaving a completely blank expression.
Meeks smirked, poking her nose. "I'm sure I could figure out a way to weasel it out of you." He let go and headed out of the bathroom, leaving Charlie speechless. How one of Welton's biggest nerds could also be a Honors-level flirt was beyond her.
Charlie returned to her task, but something in her mind didn't want to move it from where Meeks had left it. It was by no definition on straight. She shrugged at herself, then left the bathroom.
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The Exchange Student~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
D- Steven Meeks falling for a “cold” looking exchange student and getting jealous of her male friends.
- Welton isn’t exactly known for its exchange students. It’s highly selective: only the best of the best; or the richest of the richest, are welcome and of those few, most have been going to the school since they were young. So it isn’t everyday that the academy suddenly has a bunch of new faces.
- And yet, here you were, along with a few of your friends and other students; though transferring wasn’t exactly your choice. Your old school was closing down so all of its students were forced to find a new academy to go to; which meant you landed in Welton along with all the other kids whose parents preferred it.
- Because you would be joining the school in a somewhat abnormal way, the headmaster held an assembly to explain the situation to the rest of the students. That’s where Meeks first saw you.
- The minute his eyes land on you, he finds himself unable to look away. He spends the rest of the introduction glancing over at and admiring you, unable to believe that someone like you is going to be attending a place like Hellton.
- Meeks has always been bad with girls but there’s something else about you that makes him terrified to talk to you. You have a ...how you say, resting bitch face?
- Oh yes, there’s no doubt about your good looks but the icy demeanor that you give off is what really makes him nervous. He doesn’t find it unattractive; not in the slightest, but it does make you seem far less approachable, and when you’re a nerd like him, the last thing you believe you can do is talk to an unapproachable girl.
- So, even though the whole Carpe Diem lesson is constantly running through his mind, he can’t bring himself to talk to you. You’re so cool and tough in this feminine sort of way and he’s, well, him. You wouldn’t be interested, he knows you wouldn’t be, so he admires you from afar.
- He watches you with your clique, wishing that he could know you like they do. But there’s one person in particular who he wishes he could be.
- It’s a boy, of course it’s a boy, one you’re very close to and never seem to be far away from for long. The two of you are always sitting next to each other, always talking, always touching, and the boy makes you smile, this small, radiant smile that he’s never seen you make for anyone else.
- He’s your boyfriend. Sure, Steven doesn’t know that for sure, but he has to be. He’d be surprised if he wasn’t, what with the way the two of you act around each other. And the thought of you being taken dampens his mood for the rest of the week.
- But then something amazing happens. You’re sitting with your group of friends and the boy leans over and kisses another girl. Steven watches as you look over and roll your eyes, miming playful disgust at your other friends, and it’s then that he realizes that there’s absolutely nothing but friendship between you and the boy.
- And sure, you could have a boy back in your home town that would probably kill him if he so much as looked at you but for right now, for right now you’re single and the thought brings him more joy than he could have ever imagined.
- He tries so hard to gather up the courage to talk to you but he just can’t do it, even as he sees you warming up to people and acting sweet. He can’t shake the irrational fear that he’ll humiliate himself and lose every chance that he has with you.
- He’s definitely thought of doing the whole secret admirer thing but he doesn’t think that his poetry; or anything that he could write, would be good enough to woo you.
- You start to take notice of the red head sort of at random. There’s still very few girls at Welton, and you are an exchange student, so you think nothing of it when you first catch him looking. You’re used to people staring at you and though you certainly aren’t a huge fan, you’ve learned to live with it. It could be worse, right?
- But there’s something different about the way that he looks at you. It’s the way that he reacts mainly. The way his ears turn red and his eyes widen before his face shoots down to look at his paper whenever you catch him. The way he sporadically glances up to see if you’re still watching.
- He’s shy, cute, ...and absolutely in love with you; or at least the idea of you. And you know what? You think that he’s cute too, so you certainly don’t mind whenever you see him staring.
- Although, you’re starting to get a little tired of it. You’ve been waiting to see if he’d approach you, in fact, you’d been hoping that he would, but it seems like if anything is going to happen between you, you’re going to have to take the initiative.
- So, you just go up to him. You give him your friendliest little smile and say hello, asking about the little doohickey that you saw him tinkering with along with his friend; just to show him that you’d been watching him too and to get him talking about something that he’d undoubtedly love to discuss/explain.
- It works. Of course it works, Meeks is at his best while talking about academics so the two of you spend the next half an hour talking about his radio. Your conversation only ends because you’ve got to get to your next class.
- So, the two of you say goodbye and you give him a smile, telling him that it was nice talking to him and to not hesitate to come up to you. He smiles and nods shyly, giving you a wave as you walk away.
- And there he is, sitting in a sort of disbelief, wondering if he really just spoke with you for that long and realizing that he is completely in love.
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cozydoe · 3 years ago
inspired by this iconic post by @inahallucination, i would like to present: the dead poets at build a bear workshop
the boys decided to take advantage of a day off from welton and go to the mall
todd and neil convince the boys to go to the bookstore
they end up scattered about
meeks and pitts end up in the science and technology section
cameron in the history section
neil and todd in the classics section comparing pretty editions of shakespeare plays
knox in the romance section (before he gets dragged out for being a weirdo)
charlie tells the other poets he’s not a nerd (affectionate) so he decides to roam around the mall and wait for the other poets
when todd and neil emerge from the bookstore, they notice charlie staring at the build a bear workshop across from them
“well if i didn’t know any better, i’d say mr. dalton has a childish side to him” neil says, nudging his friend jokingly to get his attention
“what can i say? i have a refined taste” he smirks and swings an arm around todd as he inspects the contents of his shopping bag with a nod of approval
once the rest of the poets are done at the bookstore, charlie informs them of the plan
by which i mean he shouts “gentlemen, let’s build some bears!”
(this totally scares the employee at the front of build a bear but the boys are so excited they hardly notice- except for todd who shyly says hello and apologizes as they walk in)
knox thinks about making a bear for chris and they all shout “NO!”
don’t worry, they buy him a pug plushie and dress it in pyjamas
cameron jokes that they’re not kids anymore but he ends up making a black bear plushie and dresses it in a tuxedo
meeks and pitts get a bunny and they dress it in a lab coat
charlie builds a brown bear and buys it several outfits because “god damn it, this is a serious responsibility”
(he names the bear nuwanda and takes it to every meeting)
todd is reluctant to build a bear at first until he sees a bear that reminds him of the colour of neil’s eyes
he dresses it in a flannel and pair of black pants
neil finds a blond-ish coloured bear and dresses it in a dark blue sweater and khakis
it’s not until weeks later that todd makes the connection and he’s not able to look at the bear on neil’s bed without blushing afterwards)
they attempt to record messages for their bears: the thoreau passage read aloud at each meeting, their version of welton’s four pillars
neil sheepishly asks todd if he can record a message for todd and todd agrees but “only if you let me record one for you too”
neil recites lines from midsummer nights dream: “so i, admiring of his qualities// things base and vile, holding no quantity. //love can transpose to form and dignity. //love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, // and therefore is winged cupid painted blind.”
todd, being ever the oblivious fool, thinks “aw how sweet!! neil must really enjoy running lines with me!!” when he hears the message for the first time
todd’s message to neil would be something along the lines of “hi neil!! just wanted to say you’re a great friend and i really l-like spending time with you. i hope you always chase after your dreams and we stay friends for a really long time. o-okay, bye.”
neil sobs the first time he hears the message
they all get in to ridiculous antics when it’s time to stuff the bears and make wishes
reciting poems, stomping their feet, squaredancing in the middle of the store, you name it
they all print out birth certificates for their bears and hang them up in the cave (and hold birthday parties for their stuffed animals every year afterwards)
once they’re done they all head out, carrying their new stuffed companions in boxes
they all agreed this was a fun day!!
also they probably take the plushies to keating’s class and he’s super confused but happy to have some new scholars in his class
anyways i’m gonna go build a bear now!! thanks for reading 🥰
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