#the mother of wrath
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tipzycat · 1 year ago
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A queen ❤️
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kiwi-the-servamp-addict · 9 months ago
Drew Freya I'm really proud of this one!
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Live, laugh, Freya <3
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faith-gigliorosa · 2 years ago
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Your beauty never, ever scared me, I never let you go, let you go...
Mary on a cross, Charlotte Wessels & Zora Cock
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alizacoleenselibio-blog · 1 year ago
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i made my own next gen servamp au
Servamp: Sleepy Ash of Sloth
New Name: Kuro-chan (is the same name mahiru name him)
Eve: sonoku hana
Eve’s Weapon: guitar to ax
Servamp: Old Child of Pride
New Name: Hugh The Dark Algernon iii (same name)
Eve: haru sendgaya
Eve’s Weapon: soccer
Servamp: Doubt Doubt of Envy
New Name: Daku
Eve: yuri alicein
Eve’s Weapon: My Fair Lady name yuu (same lead mikuni)
Servamp: The Mother of Wrath
New Name: Makoto
Eve: Takashi Roki
Eve’s Weapon: motorbike
Servamp: The One and Only Lawless of Greed
New Name: Tokusa
Eve: azami jeklland todoroki
Eve’s Weapon: violin
Servamp: World End of Gluttony
New Name: Michinaga
Eve: Kezeno Kage
Eve’s Weapon: hacking
Servamp: All of Love of Lust
New Name: Yuki
Eve: shinobu alicein
Eve’s Weapon: fan
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 months ago
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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rat-detector · 2 months ago
The Volcano Erupted
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Cool as fuck
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telugu-girl-13 · 27 days ago
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sally and percy ~ for twelve years. mother and son. the greatest friendship. the prettiest lady and the bravest boy. the best days had together. his caretaker, protector, and guide. her hero, love, and pride. the only one he needs. just the two of them in the whole wide world <3
― the only job harder than being a demigod is being a demigod's mom.
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months ago
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Been thinking about my FSA sequel au and I’m changing it a lot. Some things I’m wanting to explore is Tetra, since she is technically in the fsa game, and was teased a bit in the manga.
Not many people (mostly children) know about this story since it’s not something people would bring up, but when Zelda was born, her younger twin sister was born as well. The king and queen had twin girls that they loved dearly, with the oldest being given the name Zelda and the Triforce of wisdom. A group, however, wanted to overthrow the kingdom, and hoped to take Zelda to groom her into their weapon against her own kingdom. On the twin’s first birthday, they went to kidnap the crown princess, but they grabbed the wrong one.
The king and queen sent out searches parties in desperation to find their daughter, but she was never found, leaving Zelda without her twin. Though many in the group found the twin they stole to be useless, many found her power to be useful. Her power was not as strong as Zelda’s, but she still had divine power and the goddess’s blood in her veins. So many believe that if raised right and nurtured, her powers may grow.
Zelda knows about her missing twin and is sometimes saddened to know that she has a sister she’ll supposedly never meet, but Tetra doesn’t know that she is the lost second princess. All she knows is that she’s destined to destroy Hyrule when her power gets strong enough. Or at least that’s what she’s told.
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mactiir · 4 months ago
Me, teaching my mom how to play bg3: yeah so you can hold down left alt to highlight interactables...
Her: the chick in the pod is super pretty
Me, not looking up: yeah, shadowheart is my wife
Mom: 👀😏
Me: i just mean i really struggle not to romance her but like all the romance plots are totally optional
Mom: you really like dark haired women huh?
90% of romance options I've ever picked:
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My real life actual girlfriend: 🧑🏻
Me: yeah I mean well shadowheart isn't... I mean she's... and anyway sometimes i romance Karlach...
Karlach's hair:
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cinewhore · 2 years ago
The Wrath of a Mother
Pairing: Thomas "Tommy" Shelby x fem!reader word count: 3k warnings: violence, heavy angst, kidnappings, blood, gore, guns, fighting. summary: Thomas Shelby discovers his wife's past. A/N: more peaky blinders brain rot for you all. not much else to say. no beta cause I say so! Enjoy. Credits to the gif artist.
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The chaotic melody of jazz was cut off by the sound of screams.
Tommy didn’t like jazz which is why you waited for him to leave before putting the record on. It had been a tiresome day, dealing with the children, being the lady of the house. You sent the majority of the staff away, with the exception of a few maids to help with your children. The girls were young and foolish, always giggling behind their hands. 
You pay the shouts no mind, until they grow louder, the high pitched squeals of the girls being intertwined with the yelling of men. 
Suddenly, a shot rings out. You instantly cut the record, dashing into the children’s room. Oliver wakes up with ease while Alice fusses. You hated disrupting them but had no choice, telling them they were going to have a special sleepover in the guest room. 
“Now, mommy is going to go and grab some snacks. I’m going to lock the door, to keep the pesky monsters away! Mommy or daddy will come back to get you, ok?” 
Your oldest nods, the best big brother to his sister. You press a quick kiss to both their heads, not daring to look back at them before shutting the door. 
The world seemed to slow down after that. You weren’t aware of how much time had passed, couldn’t ignore the ringing in your ears, the exhilaration of shock and adrenaline coursing through your bloodstream. 
It was enough to blind a man. 
Someone was hollering your name but you couldn’t make out whose voice it belonged to. 
Hands abruptly clasp your shoulders and you shriek, twisting your body in a way to fend off whoever dared to attack you next. You try to ram the knife into the arm of your assailant but another pair of hands snatch your weapon away, leaving you defenseless. 
Tommy crawls on his knees in front of you, grasping the side of your face tightly. You squirm and squirm but stop as he shakes you. 
“It’s alright! It’s me! It’s just me!” He could tell that you were trying to comprehend what was happening and that your body was moving on its own accord, still engaged in fight or flight mode. 
“Arthur, let her go.” 
The oldest brother shoots Tommy a look. “Are you sure?” 
Arthur drops his hold on you and you sag forward, arms wobbling against the wooden floors, hands drenched with blood. 
“It’s alright, love. You’re ok, it's finished now.” 
It was over. You had won, however, the thin veil between this life and the old one had been hastily torn down. 
“Where are the children, hm?”
You shake your head, his words unclear to you. 
“Our children, where are they?! Alice and Oliver, where are they?” 
You raise a weakened arm and point towards the end of the corridor. “Guest room closet…I locked it-” 
“Michael, go check!” Thomas shouts. His cousin takes off without another word.
It was all too much. The noise, the lights, the commotion. Pushing yourself up on your knees, you combat Tommy and the grip he held on you, dead set on getting into a place where you could shut it all out. 
You stumble down the hallway and the flight of stairs, only tripping a few times before making it out the front door. You make it just past the hedges and collapse, stomach churning while you vomit.  
Arthur was close by, tentative of his approach. He didn’t want to scare you off further. He advances steadily, arms outstretched to show that he meant no harm. 
“It's ok, love. It’s just, Arthur. I’m not gonna hurt ya.” 
You nod, wiping at your mouth. “There were so many-" 
“Yeah. Yeah, there were. You fought them all.” 
“I didn’t- didn’t mean to kill anyone-” 
You let Arthur close enough so that he could hold your hands, uncaring of the blood smeared across yours. 
“Listen to me, eh? You’re gonna have the shakes. Your hands are gonna feel like they’re made of fucking lead. S’all normal. I just need you to breathe cause it looks like you’re gonna faint.” 
You mimic Arthur as he breathes in and out, slowing down your beating heart. You surge forward and hug your brother in law, catching him by surprise. He panics for a moment before hugging you back, rocking the two of you. 
“You did good, sister. You did good.” 
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You didn’t speak about it for two weeks. 
You knew that he wanted an explanation, you felt it every time the two of you were in the same room. There was a lingering stare he would give you that he gave to each of his enemies. It was menacing, calculating and ominous. You knew the longer it took for you to offer up clarification for your actions, the more he began to suspect that you were placed in his house, in his bed, based off of an ulterior motive. If that were the case, you would’ve killed him by now but Tommy was no fool nor was he new to this type of life. He knew when people played with their food before eating and he refused to be swallowed by you. 
His lovely, little wife. 
It was a pleasant Sunday morning. You figured after breakfast you’d take the children into the gardens, perhaps have them splash around in the pond to tire them out before lunch. Tommy’s side of the bed was empty and cold by the time you woke up, which didn’t surprise you. 
The lack of boisterous noise coming from the children is what tipped you off. 
You remain calm as your lady’s maid helps you dress for the day, swapping out your gowns for a nice riding outfit. 
“Lily, where are the children?” you query the young girl. 
“Mr. Shelby arranged for them to spend the day with Ada, madam. She collected them this morning.” 
You rock your jaw, vexation settling into your features. He secluded you, tapered off the one distraction you wouldn’t be able to use against him. 
“Thank you, Lily. Where is Mr. Shelby?”
“He’s awaiting you in the dining hall for breakfast.” 
Nodding, you finish your last little bit of preparations before seeking out your husband. 
Thomas was a sight to behold. He sat in the chair facing away from the window, the morning glow casting a hazy aura around him. He held the newspaper in front of him with rigidness, eyes covered with his spectacles, long eyelashes gracing his cheeks whenever he looked down or blinked. 
You don’t bother clearing your throat, knowing your husband was programmed with an innate capability of being able to detect when he was no longer alone. He huffs out an exhale, flipping the pages of the paper. 
Frances pulls your seat out for you and you thank her, watching as she pours you a cup of coffee. 
“Shall I crack your egg for you?” 
You shake your head. “No, thank you. I actually find that I don’t have much of an appetite this morning.” 
“Shall I ask the cook to prepare something different for you? Perhaps you’d like some fresh fruit? We just received some apples.” Frances tries again. 
You give a sympathetic smile to the older woman, always grateful for her thoughtfulness and warmth. “I’ll just have some water.” 
Frances pours you a hefty glass, bowing slightly as she exits the room. 
You take a quaint sip from the glass as Tommy folds the paper, tucking it underneath his plate. 
“Are you sure you’re not hungry? The toast was quite delicious.” 
“You sent the children away without telling me.” You place the glass carefully on the table, using the condensation to wet your neck. 
“I am their father, I can make decisions about where they go.” Tommy hums, rolling his neck to finally get a look at you. Even on low hours of sleep and no makeup, you were a natural beauty. You fixed your hair up in a way that he especially liked, the pins keeping it held firmly in an ornate fashion. 
“You don’t send my children anywhere without me knowing about it.” You bite back coolly. 
“Well,” He claps his hands together. “I figured we could use a day to ourselves. Frances has made us a nice picnic near the edge of the garden, our horses have been saddled and for the ultimate surprise, we’ll be shooting pheasants for dinner.” 
You force out a grin, swallowing down the lump that was squirming its way up your throat. “What a perfect day.” 
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The picnic was gorgeous and you hated the way you tore into your food after skipping breakfast. Tommy made little conversation and you obliged him for the time being, willing yourself not to disassociate. 
He was setting you up. While you remained neutral about the usage of guns and their place in the house, you always refused to shoot one if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Tommy had given you one for protection and you kept it locked in a box, stored in the back of your wardrobe. The last thing you wanted was for the kids to find it. 
Maurice, a stablehand, was already stationed near the edge of the forestline, a trap full of pheasants at his disposal. Tommy hands you a shotgun and the both of you prepare them for the task. He’s the first one to shoot and achieves a few hits, your duo of foxhounds sprinting to capture them. 
You check over your gun once more, ensuring that it wouldn’t backfire and injure your shoulder. 
“I’ll take four.” You tell Maruice and he gawks at you before straightening his posture. 
“Are you sure, ma’am?” 
Raising a single eyebrow was enough to get the young man to hush, nodding his head that he understood. “Be quick when handing me the other gun.” 
“On your signal.” 
You raise your weapon upwards, relaxing in your stance and emitting a low release of breath. 
The flapping of wings alerts your senses. Watching them disperse into the sky, you aim your gun a few paces ahead, striking two birds instantly. Rapidly swapping out guns, you anchor yourself a bit before plucking off the remaining two. The dogs are happy as they trot to gather the rest of the birds. 
Maurice seeks to hide his amusement but fails. “Great fucking shot, Mrs. Shelby!” 
“Thank you, Maurice. Hang two of them for dinner, please.” 
You don’t say another word as you set off for the stream nearby, Tommy close behind. 
You strip off your shoes and socks, placing your slightly blistered feet into the running waters. Tommy takes a seat beside you, lighting a cigarette. 
“Are we going to talk or keep playing the silent game?” 
“You’re the one who makes speeches.” 
Tommy chuckles. “You’re a great shot.” 
“I know.” 
“I just want to understand how a woman such as yourself swore of guns but managed to take on six armed men with the precision and execution of someone who enlisted.” 
You snap your head over. “What, so you think I’m a spy now, huh? Is that it? A Soviet spy sent to crush Thomas Shelby and his empire from within? Give me a fucking break.”
“I’m not picking a fight with you-” 
“But you are! That’s what this is, isn’t it? A fight that has gone on for far too long.” 
Tommy goes silent, like he always does. At this point the both of you realize that you were no longer referring to the conversation at hand but what was left unsaid in between the lines. You let yourself wallow in the anger for just a few more moments before exhaling deeply.  
Absent-mindedly, you pick at the tiny blades of grass, ripping and ripping until they scatter out of your hands like confetti. 
“I was framed,” you start. Tommy perks up at the sound, lighting a cigarette. He attempts to pass it to you but you refuse it. “I was young, barely a teen. An orphan.” 
“The New Prospects Orphanage in the Netherlands.” Tommy comments and you nod your head. 
“On Wednesdays, we would take walks around the city so we could be shown what proper ladies were like. There was a girl, Claire, who would sometimes sneak in our group and walk with us. We were friends. The older girls were vile and teased her. Pushed her down a flight of stairs. She cracked her skull.” 
You stop at the mention of your old friend, rushed memories of that fateful day speeding through your mind at the speed of light. You remember the blood slowly leaking out from behind her head, staining the white hair bow she wore. 
“I reached out to try and grab her, if anything we would’ve fallen together but she slipped right through my grasp. I was blamed and whilst they were discussing what to do with the police, I took off.” 
You look at Tommy, who was already eyeing you with precision. “I apparently made some very bad fucking enemies that day.” 
He began putting pieces together mentally, filling in the gaps of his research. From what he had gathered, you were at an orphanage until you were twelve, moved to the States until you were eighteen before making your way back to London. You remained lowkey, worked jobs mostly as a secretary and lived a bland existence until he met you a few years after being back from France. 
You steal his cigarette, sucking on the stick like it was the last one on earth. 
“Claire came from a notable family within the Netherlands. Her brother wouldn’t stop until he saw my head on a stick. They sent people after me.” 
Tommy sticks his tongue out to wet his lips briefly. “Eli Delbeke.” 
“Eli Delbeke.” you repeat. 
He was one of the six bodies Tommy discovered after the carnage. He knew who you were, the woman you tried to hide behind. He hunted you until he cornered you in your own house, threatened to feed your children to his dogs. Eli had sent nearly every thug, gangsta, and man for hire after you. You managed to defeat them all.
You didn't like how easy it was for you to snap someones neck, hated the way blood circled the drain during a shower.
“He knew you were going to be alone.” Tommy concludes. “He knew about the rally.” 
“As far as I’m concerned, there shouldn’t be any more of them alive. I survived the onslaught. And you want to know what lesson he could’ve learned?” 
You put out the cigarette beside you, coughing. “Grief isn’t good for business.” 
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It happened so fast that you didn’t have time to blink. The foundation was in full swing at its grand opening, members of high society swarming all around you. You wouldn’t lie and say you were thrilled to be there but this was Tommy’s moment and as his wife, you had to play your part. 
Photographs were taken and you smiled politely, Alice in your arms and Oliver hiding behind your leg. The boy was utterly shy and you hated placing him in situations like this. Balancing Alice on your hip, you shoot an apologetic look at Tommy and the others, awaiting a photo op. 
You brush back Oliver’s hair, trying to coax him forward. “Come on, Oli. It’s ok! We’ll smile very quickly for a photo and then we can go wait outside for daddy.” 
Tommy grows impatient and grabs Oliver, taking him by surprise. He begins to sob and thrashes around in Tommy’s hold. 
“Shelby family, look this way!” The photographer instructs and you all oblige. The flash goes off and the crowd around begins to disperse.  A woman in a maid outfit reaches for Oliver and Tommy hands him off willingly, eager to get away from the clamoring of chatty women. You were busy adjusting Alice’s dress, setting her back down on the ground.
You look around for Oliver, noticing you couldn’t hear his cries anymore. 
“Oliver?” you call out to no avail. “Oli?” 
Clutching Alice’s hand, you ask around the room if anyone has seen a little boy. All people shake their heads, your panic grows more by the minute. 
Polly senses your agitation. “What’s wrong, dear?” 
“It’s Oliver. We just took a photo, I sat Alice down but when I looked up, he was gone.”
Polly gives you a look you know too well and your face drops. “Oh, Poll-” 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” 
Polly alerts other members of the family, sending them in different directions. She then escorts you out into a more secluded area of the building. 
Ada and John join you, all with forlorn expressions. 
“Nobody has seen ‘em.” John reports, Ada backing his claim. She places a protective hand on your back, guiding you to sit on a bench. 
“Let me hold her.” she says calmly and you reluctantly let go of Alice. 
Arthur and Tommy march up to the family, fists balled and faces set like stones. 
“He was seen being taken in a car by some woman.” Arthur shares, eyes downcast. You stand up abruptly, stepping a few paces away from everyone else. Breathing becomes a difficult task and you clutch at your chest. 
The familiar sensation of rage and anguish sneaks upon you, digging its sharp claws deep into the fiber of your being. 
Tommy folds himself over you in an endeavor to console you. “This is all my fault. I will fix it. Don’t you fucking worry, I will fix this. Those fucking Italian bastards will not get away with this. It’s going to be ok, I promise.” 
You cock your head to look at your husband, the only thing visible from beneath your hat was your red brimmed eyes. A lone tear escapes and you refuse to let any others do the same. 
It was if you were possessed by the devil himself.  
You straighten yourself up, sniffling quietly. “Ada, give me my child.” 
Ada does as she is told and if you were being more observant, you might say that Ada feared you in that moment. 
You were going to see to it that whoever took your child would die by your hands. 
They weren’t going to fear you as Tommy’s wife nor as a Shelby but as a fucking mother. 
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kitsunenomegami · 7 months ago
Painted at last 🤭💕
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And with this I opened my eyes to future improvements in my drawings and paintings 🥲
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To the person who recommended the pattern for Freya's yukata, thank you for the recommendation ❤️.
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thepurplewombat · 9 months ago
Look I just feel like Meng Shi should become a Calamity. As a treat.
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kabutoden · 11 months ago
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i look at you and my eyes are so so so wet like with tears tears of pure emotion and extend out my closed fist and then I open up my hand and you see her. my troll oc. the greatest oc. from 2013. I brought her back and redesigned her and im insane about her again. i begin sobbing on the ground. she’s so small. itty bitty……….
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queendomcosplay · 5 months ago
I think it’s hilarious that the two things we’ve seen canonically scare Nick Fury are
1. Cat aliens
2. The Khan Family
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thebigqueer · 5 months ago
also idk im not really a fan of the way rick's writing annabeth man. its like why is the only girl in this trio the 'most responsible' and always ahead of everything adn why are the boys seen as 'not knowing anything' and 'knuckleheads' and always depending on annabeth for some plan like everything about the dynamic feels so off to me the way he wrote them in this book. its so difficult not to look at it from a gendered perspective cuz like why is there a section where were talking about how great a mother annabeth would be. like i get percy is all sentimental & family oriented & knows he wants to marry her and have kids w her and whatever but theres a difference btwn percys pov of her & ricks depiction of her.
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akerensumi-is-canon · 2 months ago
jrpgs where a fully grown ass man adventures with an early teenage boy and girl for some reason:
mother 1
ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch
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