#the more i sit here the more i realize how little we’ve spent on this room lol
oatmilkandvellichor · 2 years
we replaced our second hand walmart futon with a futon we got from my parents when my brother moved out (i think we’re it’s third owner now? they found it at an estate sale). its this slatted design made up of solid wooden boards, and the back of it lays back at a few different angles like a beach chair with a couple of notches it slots into.
my new favorite nap setup is to set it to the lowest slot so it’s leaned back, pop my feet up on the ottoman, turn on our fake fireplace heater, and curl up with this massive purple quilt i got at my local anarchist free store a few years back. poor man’s heaven.
0 notes
be4chywritez · 2 months
home | nico hischier
nico hischier x fem!reader
request: Hi can I request nico and reader (married) adopting or fostering a kid together, maybe the kid is like 7 or something around the age of an older kid?
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The soft hum of the dishwasher filled the kitchen as you and Nico finished dinner. The warm, cozy atmosphere of your home was a stark contrast to the rainy evening outside. As you leaned back on the couch, your eyes drifted to Nico.
He’s nuzzled into your tummy, and you run your hand through his hair. He meets your eyes, giving you his dazzling smile. He mutters into your stomach, and you giggle at the vibrations.
“What was that, Neeks?” you ask.
He looks back at you. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile, as he reaches up towards you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
As he settles back down, his voice is soft and dreamy. “You know, I was thinking… it would be nice to hear little feet running around here. Maybe a baby someday?”
You freeze, your hand stilling in his hair. The warmth of the moment is replaced by a sudden chill. You gently push him away and scoot slightly further away from him.
Nico sits up, concern etched across his face. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Sorry,” you mutter from the other side of the couch, avoiding his gaze. “It’s just… getting a bit hot over here.”
He studies you, knowing you well enough to sense something deeper. “Is it really just the heat?” he asks, his voice is shaky, you know you hurt him.
You face away, your fingers gently messing with your wedding band, You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. “Why do you always bring up having a baby? Can’t we just… can’t we just be enough as we are?”
Nico looks taken aback, but he keeps his voice gentle. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought…”
“You just thought what?” you interrupt, your tone sharper than intended. “That I’d suddenly change my mind about something I’ve felt strongly about for years?”
He takes a step back, giving you space. “I just want to understand, that’s all. I love you, and I want to know what’s going on in your heart.”
Taking a deep breath, you turn to meet his gaze, tears threatening to spill. “I know we’ve talked about having kids before, and I’ve always been hesitant. It’s not because I don’t want a family with you. I do, more than anything. I just feel more comfortable adopting or fostering.
Nico’s hand finds yours, offering silent support.
You swallow hard, gathering your thoughts. “When I was younger, I saw a close family friend go through a really tough pregnancy. She faced so many complications, and it’s just stuck with me. It made me realize that having a child isn’t the only way to build a family. I want to give a child who’s already here a chance at a better life.
“I’m sorry I can’t give you what you deserve.” you say softly. You were used to men walking out on you after talking about kids, you were waiting for him to do the same, sure you were married but what good would you be if you can’t have kids?
Nico blinks taking all of what you’re saying, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. “You don’t have to apologize for feeling this way. I love you, and I want us to be on the same page about our future.”
Tears spill over as you smile weakly at him. “I’m so grateful that you feel the same way.”
Nico leans in and kisses your forehead tenderly. “Thank you for sharing with me.”
You both sit there in the quiet of your home, the rain still gently falling outside, warmly conversing.
If there was something Nico prided himself for is that he is a man of his word.
So for the following weeks were a whirlwind of meetings, paperwork, and home visits. You and Nico spent countless hours researching, attending workshops, and preparing your home for a new arrival. The anticipation was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.
One evening, after a particularly long day, you found yourselves curled up on the couch, surrounded by brochures and informational packets. “I didn’t realize how much goes into this,” Nico said, running a hand through his hair.
“It’s worth it,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. “We’re going to give someone chance at a better life.
Nico kissed the top of your head. “I know. I just want everything to be perfect.”
“And it will be, because they’re going to have the best foster dad ever,” you murmured, taking his face in your hands and gently placing chaste kisses on his lips. He smiled, pulling you close, causing you to yelp and place a hand on his chest to stabilize yourself.
“They’re gonna have a great mom too.” he says squeezing you tightly.
Later that night, your sleep was interrupted by the ringing of your phone. Groggily checking the time, your eyes widened at the bold 5:00 on the clock. You answered and sat up, nudging Nico awake with a soft slap on the chest. He stirred, sitting up beside you as you put the phone on speaker.
The case worker confirmed they had reached the Hischiers. She explained that they were rehoming a child and asked if you were willing to take them in. Glancing at Nico, who nodded in affirmation, he slid out of bed and walked into the closet to get dressed.
The social worker informed you they would arrive in about an hour. When she hung up, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
You rubbed your face tiredly, letting Nico help you up as you wandered into the closet, shimmying into a pair of pants and a nice shirt. Both of you brushed your teeth together, sharing small smiles in the bathroom mirror.
After fixing up the bedroom that would now be the foster child’s, you made breakfast, anxiously waiting for the doorbell to ring. When it finally did, both of you exchanged a look of excitement and nervousness.
Nico opened the door, and there stood the social worker with, a tall lanky boy with wide eyes and a hesitant smile.
“This is Jesse,” the social worker said kindly. “He’s been through a lot, but I know he’ll be in good hands with you.”
You offer him a warm smile. “Hi, Jesse. I’m Y/N, and this is Nico. We’re so glad you’re here.”
Jesse glanced up at you, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. After a moment, he tentatively took your hand. “Hey,” he mumbled softly.
Nico stood beside you, his voice gentle. “Hey, Jesse. We’ve been waiting for you. Would you like to come in?”
Jesse nodded shyly, and together, you all stepped inside. The social worker handed Nico the trash bag, explaining that’s where all of Jesse’s clothing was.
As the case worker gave you contact information before leaving, you noticed Jesse glancing at the photos in the hallway. There were a few of Nico with his team, one of you and Nico after a game, and a handful of wedding pictures.
You watched him study the pictures, running his finger along the frame of you and Nico. “That was when Nico and I had just gotten engaged,” you said with a smile, leaning against the wall. Jesse startled but relaxed when he saw you.
“Do you wanna see your room?” you asked nervously. He nodded, and you led him to the room. He sat on his bed. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
You gave him a small smile. “Are you hungry?” you asked. He nodded again.
You led him to the kitchen where Nico had set the table with plates and glasses. The three of you sat down together, and you served pancakes and fruit. Jesse hesitated at first but soon started eating with a cautious smile.
As you ate, Nico engaged Jesse in small talk about school and sports. Jesse gradually began to relax, sharing a few shy smiles and nods in response.
After breakfast, you suggested showing Jesse around the neighborhood. He seemed hesitant at first, but with Nico’s encouragement, he agreed. The three of you walked down the street, pointing out the local park and the nearby ice cream shop.
Back at home, Jesse seemed more at ease. He explored the backyard while you and Nico cleaned up from breakfast. Later in the afternoon, you gathered in the living room, playing a board game together. Jesse’s smile grew more genuine as he started to open up, asking questions and sharing a few stories of his own.
As the day came to a close, you showed Jesse around his new room. He looked up at you and Nico with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.
“Goodnight, Jesse,” you said softly, handing him an extra pillow.
“Goodnight,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
He called out to you and Nico, you both turn around, “you guys are gonna be here when I wake up right?” he asks his eyes shifting around the room.
You smile somberly, “Yeah bud, don’t worry.” you say taking Nico’s hand. He switches off the light, and you both lingered in the hallway for a moment, watching over him.
Nico sits at the foot of the bed, you step out of the shower steam emitting from the bathroom, you change into some pj’s you sit behind Nico massaging his tense shoulders. “how do you feel honey.” you ask he takes you hand, “I’m happy your happy,” he says kissing your hand.
“You’re gonna be really good with him.” he whispers. you smile, “so are you.” both of you sit there in solace.
The first few weeks were an adjustment period for all of you. Jesse’s had moments of doubt and fear, but you and Nico were always there to comfort him. One night, you found him crying in his room, clutching a pillow to his chest.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked gently, sitting down beside him.
“I miss my old home,” Jesse’s whispered. “I’m scared.”
Nico joined you, wrapping an arm around Jesse’s. “It’s okay to feel that way. We’re here for you, and we’re not going anywhere.”
Jesse’s sniffled and leaned into Nico’s embrace. “Promise?”
“Promise,” you and Nico said in unison, holding him close.
As time went on, Jesse began to open up more. You took him to his first Devils game, where he proudly wore a jersey with Nico’s name on it. Seeing the joy on his face as he watched Nico play was a moment you’d never forget.
Another milestone was his first day at a new school. You and Nico sat with him in the parking lot of the middle school, offering words of encouragement. “You’re going to do great,” you said with a shoulder squeeze.
Jesse smiled, a mix of nerves and excitement in his eyes. “Thanks, Mom and Dad.” he says getting out of the car. You look at Nico who’s eye’s twinkled with excitement, “Be carful.” you shout out he gives you a thumbs up.
You look up at Nico, who’s smiling ear to ear, “He called us mom and dad.” he says backing out of the parking lot, you smile looking out the window, “yeah.”
One afternoon, as you helped Jesse with his homework at the kitchen table, he suddenly paused, staring pensively at his notebook. You noticed his hesitation and gently asked, “Something on your mind, Jesse?”
He bit his lip, a habit he often showed when unsure how to express himself. “Do… do you think I’ll ever see my old friends again?”
You set aside the pencil and leaned closer to him. “It’s okay to miss your old friends, Jesse. We can try to find a way for you to stay in touch with them if you’d like.”
Jesse nodded slowly, seeming reassured by your response. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
Nico, who had been listening quietly from the doorway, came over and ruffled Jesse’s hair affectionately. “You’ll make new friends too, Jesse. I promise.”
Jesse began to thrive. He joined a local soccer club, him and Nico would practice in the backyard together, and soon, you found yourself cheering alongside other parents at his games. Watching Jesse sprint across the field you and Nico both smiling proudly as you snapped photos of him in action.
Later that night, after the tournament, you, Nico, and Jesse went through the pictures on your laptop. You smiled at one of him celebrating a goal.
“Oh, I like that one,” you said, glancing at Nico and Jesse, who were both leaning in and smiling at the photo.
The next day, you printed it out and framed it, placing it in the hallway next to your and Nico’s engagement picture.
One evening after dinner, as you all gathered in the living room, Jesse brought out a worn photo album he had kept hidden in his room. “Can I show you something?” he asked tentatively, his fingers tracing the edges of the album.
You and Nico exchanged a glance, silently encouraging him to share. Jesse opened the album, revealing snapshots of his life before coming to live with you—birthday parties, outings to the park, and school events. There were pictures of his old friends, their smiles frozen in time.
“I miss them sometimes,” Jesse admitted softly, his gaze fixed on the photos. “But I’m glad I’m here with you and Nico.”
You reached over and squeezed his shoulder gently. “We’re glad you’re here too, Jesse. And we’re here for you, no matter what.”
Nico leaned forward, pointing at a photo of Jesse scoring a goal in a school soccer game he looks around eight years old in the photo. “Look at that grin, Jesse. You brought that with you. And you’ve brought so much joy to us too.”
As Jesse closed the album and set it aside, a sense of peace settled over the room. You realized then how far he had come—from a hesitant arrival to a beloved member of your family
The next day, while cleaning up after breakfast, Jesse approached you with a small, determined expression on his face. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Jesse,” you replied, drying your hands on a towel.
He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “Do you think… maybe one day, we could be a forever family?”
Your heart swelled with emotion, taking his hands in yours. “Jesse, we would be honored to be your forever family. Nico and I love you so much.”
Jesse’s face broke into a radiant smile, and he threw his arms around you, hugging you tightly. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice filled with happiness and relief.
Nico, who had been watching from the doorway, joined the embrace, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Welcome to the family, Jesse,” he said warmly.
From that moment on, the journey towards adoption took on a new meaning—a journey filled with hope, love, and the promise of a future together as a forever family.
As the weeks passed, you and Nico began the process of formalizing your commitment to Jesse through adoption. The paperwork and interviews were daunting at times, but with each step, your bond with Jesse grew stronger.
Finally, the day of the adoption hearing arrived. Jesse, dressed in his best clothes, sat nervously between you and Nico in the courtroom. The judge’s kind words and the final declaration that Jesse was officially your son brought tears to your eyes.
Afterwards, surrounded by friends and family who had become your support system, you celebrated at home. Jesse held his adoption certificate proudly, a symbol of the love and security he had found with you and Nico.
Later that evening, he looked up at you with a mixture of gratitude and joy. “I’m really your son now, right?”
You smiled, brushing a stray hair from his forehead. “Absolutely, Jesse. You’ve been our son from the moment you walked through our door.”
With a contented sigh, Jesse settled into bed, clutching a pillow close. “I love you, Mom and Dad,” he whispered sleepily.
“We love you too, Jesse,” Nico replied both of you stood outside his door, Nico kisses your forehead, “We did it honey.” he says embracing you.
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sukunas-wife · 2 months
sukuna who's over heels with y/n, but y/n is stupidly in love with yuuji who is falling in love with megumi?!
I tried, 🤍 I don’t where my brain went but it was everywhere 🙂‍↕️
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You loved Yuji, and it hurt him, he was infuriated
All those times you spent together, had you only ever saw him as friend and nothing more? Even when he bullied and teased you, he made sure to never dig into you as crudely as he would others.
He proved in many ways he was superior to counter part, he remembers your giggles and bashful smiles when he’d prove himself superior and you’d compliment him.
We’re your words lies??? He scoffed, and turned to you beside him, you had just confessed to him you had a crush on Yuji, and it as much as he tried to hide it, the sour taste on his mouth and the bitter expression on his face told you everything you needed to know. He was upset with you, you expected him to be, because it was his brother, it would ruin you’re entire friendship. But that wasn’t the true reason he had become so upset.
He wanted to snap you that Yuji wasn’t even straight, that he knew his brother was interested in that Fushiguro brat. He wanted to make you understand why you had chosen incorrectly, why you’re little idea was foolish. So he tried to explain in a way without outing his closeted brother.
Of course you became upset thinking he just didn’t want you and Yuji together. You yelled at him and watched how he clenched his jaw, his eye twitched before he sighed and physically deflated. He leaned forward, testing his forearms on his thighs and dropped his head. You almost felt bad seeing how he reacted, but he stood up, not giving you time to put your hand on his shoulder, he didn’t face you, he didn’t even glance in your direction when he told you, “Y/n, I’m not going to stop you from doing whatever the hell you want. But as Yuji’s brother, I know damn well this isn’t going to work the way you think it is. If you’re so fucking set on going and pouring your heart out to him, you do that. I’ll be right here when you realize it’s not what you thought it was.”
He left you on his bed in his room and he went out to smoke on the back patio. There he found Choso, their step brother. Sukuna wasn’t as close to Choso as Yuji was, but in that day the silence between the two as they sat there in the others presence was enough to sway their opinion on the other, “Maybe he’s not as big of an ass.” “Maybe that sleep deprived brat ain’t to bad.”
—- —- —- —- —- •*•*•*•*•*• —- —- —- —- —-
THEN YUJI REJECTED YOU in his oh so bashful manner saying he liked Megumi..
It was later that week after mulling over your thoughts, over Sukuna’s words, what did he mean when he said he’d still be there. Of course you didn’t put much thought into the finer details as you made your way to Itadori’s house hold. You found Yuji sitting on the front porch basking in the sun with a smile on his face. It was the fall season and you know how much he loved going on walks and stepping on the “Crunchy” leaves. He opened his eyes hearing your steps, if anything he knew everyone by their walk. He smiled waving a hand, “Hey! Didn’t think I’d see you this week, you haven’t called or messaged so I thought you were busy with your college classes.” You smiled at him shrugging “It’s just been a busy week I guess, a lot to think about but it feel like I can’t even think straight about what I need to focus on.”
He hummed “Yeah, me too…” you both fell into after he offered you the spot next to him. Sitting out under the afternoon sun, the soft breeze and sounds of leaves scraping over the street and side walk. Your face felt warm as you found the courage to finally say what had been on your chest. “Yuji, I need to tell you something.” He was staring off with a smile at the sky, he turned to you with that same smile, eye brows furrowed a bit in curiosity, “It’s gonna sound weird since we’ve known each other for so long but I think I really like you.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened and his face paled.
He was scared shitless, and fumbled over his words before he sighed looking down. He leaned back on his palms staring up at the sky with a neutral expression. “Y/n…” he couldn’t look at you, you felt sick at the tone of his voice. He knew Sukuna adored you, he wasn’t blind, weather Sukuna could admit it or not no one would know him better than Yuji, no one wouldn’t be able to notice the slightest change in his personality if not his brother, “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I don’t like…” he hesitated, “I don’t see us…” he sighed thinking it over, “I don’t see you in that light, and it’s not you exactly it just…” he huffed, he didn’t know how to tell you, he wasn’t interested in you without making it seem like it was because of you, he didn’t know how to tell you he had fallen in love with his best friend, and he went through his own breakdowns and trauma, he remembered how he cried and pulled at his hair, in frustration and confusion. How Sukuna had to forcefully hold him down in a strange embrace to keep him from pulling his hair, he remembers laying in bad crying into Sukuna until Choso came home and tried to offer consolation and a level head to help him think and process everything.
The three spent their night on Yuji’s bed in a comforting silence. It was interesting watching Yuji laid on his stomach watching tv at the foot of his bed, Sukuna who was scrolling aimlessly on his phone with his feet propped up on Yuji’s back, and Choso who was sat against the headboard occasionally watching the movie while being one of the three to actually go their college work ahead of time.
“I’m gay Y/n… and I well, I already have plans with someone else…” you felt sick and stupid. Your weren’t sick because of your best friend gay, you were sick from your embarrassment. Yuji didn’t catch on having not looked away form the setting son. But you felt nauseous, you felt the embarrassment in your bones. Rejection hurt you nonetheless even though it was based on pure honesty. You couldn’t hate him or his answer, but you could fight the sentiment building up inside as you felt heat on your face. With a shaky breath and voice you answered him, “Thank you for letting me know, Yuu.” He turned to look at you concerned, he saw the tears in your eyes, “…y/n.” You smiled through your tears, “Don’t worry about it, I just hope your happy.” He wanted to comfort you but you stood up quickly, “I’ll see you around, I’m gonna go for a walk.” You waved him off quickly making your way out of sight. Staring at the sun set you ducked your head and let yourself cry until you found yourself at a park bench where you sat down letting your head fall back. Tears still flooding your eyes, you closed them shutting the evening sky out of sight. You tried to repress every sound, your ears and nose stuffy, your phone ringing with messages, probably your parents or siblings asking when you’d get home. You couldn’t stand to answer, rubbing your balled fists aggressively over your eyes trying to force the tears away. It didn’t work because it felt like they were rushing out faster. No one was there to dry your tears, your heart screamed out for just someone to come and hold you, your heart held out for a fantasy for a dream of Mr.Perfect coming and sweeping you off that bench into a hug and comforting you while you cried into the stary sky. But Mr.Perfect was a dream, and the stary night was a illusion as your hands were pulled away so you could see the full moon rising and over casting the stars to disappear. Face hot and red puffy eyes, you hated it, you hated the moon, you hated that you knew who was holding your wrists hostage, “Shitty brat, you have people losing their shit wondering where the hell you are. Is it that hard to answer your phone.” You leaned your head further back, your teary eyes and distraught face didn’t faze Sukuna as he sighed walking around the bench and sitting next to you. In the same manner he had held Yuji down he did to you when you quickly started to wipe your tears away.
“Stop it dumbass you’re gonna make it worse with how hard your rubbing your skin.” It was a quick movement he pulled you at an angle so your back was to his left side side, his left arm thrown over the back of the bench and your shoulder, his single hand held both your wrists hostage. Hi sighed and you only sniffled quietly, at least he’d given you the decency to not be seen when you cried. “You’re family called ask if we knew where you were…” you sniffled not answering, “Yuji told Cho and I everything…” silence fell over both of you. Your little movements from sniffling kept Sukuna from losing his train of thought. He lets your hands fall from his grip as he moved his hand to hold a loose choke hold over your shoulders and pull you closer against his side. He was nonchalant when he sighed, “I said it wouldn’t work out y/n, now look at us, you’re crying and I’m here holding you hostage from your own hands, way to spend a Friday night huh?” You hands sound it in you to say anything yet, your hands coming up to hold onto the loose black sleeve that covered his arm, finally your let your head fall left against his shoulder, “Did you know Yuji was gay?” “Yeah, he’s my brother, kinda knew before he knew.” You let out a single laugh, “Guess that’s why you said all that stuff then.. huh?” The silence was inevitable, Sukuna wasn’t a man of words, but the way he squeezed your shoulders was enough to comfort you.
Sure enough, it took a month, before you found yourself foolishly falling for Sukuna and his rough edges, snide comments and crude behavior. But what you loved more were the nights he’d sneak into your room when he knew a thunderstorm would come at night. And you’d sleep with the curtain open tucked into his side to watch the storm pass. Staying at the Itadori house all day to be with him and his brothers. Meeting Megumi who seemed very out of place when he first arrived, he was so docile and reserved it was humoring to think he and Yuji would be a pair. Then again anyone would say the same about yourself and Sukuna. But what really shocked everyone was when Choso brought home a friend, and announced his friend as his girlfriend, Yuki was her name.
(Alternate ending: the way Yuji made you cry? of course it fueled Sukuna’s anger. Why? because Yuji had made you cry and broke your little heart, (he’s bi he just doesnt like you and is a bit blunt with it so it comes off rude) so Sukuna decided, he’d have to make sure if he wasn’t happy no one could be happy, he convinced Megumi that Yuji actually hated him and was just being nice to him because he felt bad “A gay little twink boy” like Megumi was always alone and had no one to talk to or hang out with. Which in retaliation make Megumi shut out and cut off Yuji with no hesitation and Yuji is confused and sad, because the day he was going to confess to Megumi, he was left alone waiting all day in a cafe thinking “Megumi would never not show up without texting me?”
SurpISE on his way home Yuji see’s Megumi crying and walking solemnly in the night misty rain, he was going to approach him until he see’s someone else approaching Megumi and pulling him into a hug. He watched as Megumi slumped against this person and just stood, his forehead pressed to the teller person chest. Yuji was wide eyed when he saw the teller person left their chin from megumi’s head and using their finger tips to angle Megumi’s face up. He felt sick, that wave of nausea, embarrassment, the ache in your body that makes you wanna puke and leaves you weak, it hit him hard when he saw the taller person lean down, he saw clearly how Megumi’s tear stained lashes fluttered slowly when the other person moved in closer and kissed him. Yuji did in fact puke, but he swallowed it down. It wasn’t til the two pulled apart and started to walk together under the street lights he realized who the other guy was. He was Noritoshi Kamo, a relative of Choso’s through choso’s father’s side. Someone of a respectable and well known family who would fit Megumi far better than Yuji would’ve… he stood there in the rain looking down at the side as he slowly made his way home.
By the time he got home he was soaked, he wasn’t hungry, he just wanted to sleep. He thought about you, it weighed on him if this was how you felt? He wanted to apologize to you and maybe even consider take you out on a date instead. But he didn’t get that chance, he walked into Sukuna’s room to try and get tonight off his chest, out of his head. Instead he found you curled up in his brother, you were wearing a tank top arms wrapped around Sukuna’s torso, using his shoulder as a pillow as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You were wearing Sukuna’s sweats pants and had your leg thrown over his waist snoring away. Sukuna’s eyes were closed, his free hand tucked behind his head. It was obvious he wasn’t asleep when he opened his eyes and saw his brother in his door. “What’s wrong brat?” Yuji simply shook his head, “I’ll talk to you in the morning.” He passed Choso in the hallway who immediately stoped him concerned. Yuji cried to Choso unable to get the words out, Choso held him tight comforting his brother all night letting him know everything would be alright in time.
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Tags: @mammons-wife @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille @lexiene @domainofmarie @sad-darksoul @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @venus-seeks @bofadeezs @shytastemakerthing
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luvtak · 7 months
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sandcastles, lfx x reader
✧ genre/ tw f2l <3!! sugary sweet fluff, angsty confessions, a couple pet names, a very sweet kiss, and felix and mc being unbearably down bad for each other, unedited <3
✧ w/c 2586
✧ a/n okay so i am writing this at 2 am after basically throwing this up, I've had this idea in my head for a couple days and finally had time to execute it, I am a sucker for f2l!felix and I hope you enjoy this very sweet confession, as well as the fun summery vibes I hoped to embrace the story in, happy reading! mwah <3!!
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The first time you saw him you thought he was a daydream, sun bright and shiny–a made up boy for a lazy sunday afternoon. He came with golden hour, everything orange and yellow and the floral july smell was creeping around you. At twelve, you’d never seen a boy so sure of himself or so kind. Usually, the boys at school were listlessly mean or energetically cruel–ever patient in their mission to bother you. But here was Felix, funny and sweet and asking to be your friend. 
The summer passed in oceanfront days and popsicle covered nights, pop songs on the radio as you talked from the backseat. Goofy and glamorous months spent together as you awaited Fall. You remember those days like the lines of your palm, linen sheets wrapped around your bodies as you told scary stories and held each other to ward off nightmares. Some days, going to bed with the sun still high in the sky–naps on the beach with his head on your tummy. 
Felix’s sister’s hands in yours while you played ring around the rosie, giggles loud when you let go. The little girl’s voices as they yelled they all fall down! And Felix's own little voice asking if you were all okay, always worried about skinned knees and chipped nail polish. Childhood flashed with bandaid kisses and sandy shoes, freckled skin and ocean covered giggles. 
You’d never forget when you realized he was beautiful–stepping out of the ocean like Aphrodite herself, a boy born from sunshine and seafoam. His wide eyes were crinkled with sun, surely adding more stars to his golden skin, and he was smiling. Smiling at you of all things, bright and incandescent Felix grinning at you like the happiest man on earth. 
You think of that boy now as he sits next to you, watching the movie with an almost exaggerated delight. Taking in the action and the humor like someone just shown technicolor after a life of black and white. He’s grown up so much, grown up and away from you as you’ve gotten older. Those summer nights are just an origin story for who he is now, a big bright star like you always knew him to be. 
As his very first fan, you always saw in him this man he could become, but sometimes under the cover of midnight you selfishly wished you could have kept him to yourself. He was always just yours; until he wasn’t… Always your north star, leading you on your journey since you were just a little thing, and now he’s that to thousands of people–none of them knowing he was yours first. 
If you told him this he’d giggle up a storm and tell you he was still yours, but he wasn’t, not really… not in the way you wanted him to be. How could you tell him you loved him when in an instant he became bigger than you or any childhood wish. 
“Silly, why aren’t you watching the movie? It’s the best part!” eyes gleaming and mouth pouty, Felix looks so pretty in the tv light, “I know we’ve seen this one like a billion times, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pay attention.” He huffs, undeniably pretending to be annoyed with you. He can’t really, couldn’t even if he wanted to. You’re just so dear to him, one half of his heart, and he could never attribute any negative feeling to you, even if you deserved it. 
When he came home and saw you, more grown up and more beautiful than his phone screen allowed, he couldn’t believe he ever left you. He was so excited to watch your movie together, and while Ponyo had lost the astonishment of childhood, it still held its charm. The film was the background of so many childhood memories–putting it on after midnight nightmares or days spent sick in bed; children versions of you wrapped up and watching every sleepover. 
It was silly, he had you there right next to him, but he still missed you until the movie was on, and here you were not watching it. 
“Sorry, Lix, I just can’t believe you’re actually here.” your voice trembles a little, hiding the true emotions and fear that he’ll find you out. He would never stop being your friend just because you had a little crush on him, could never abandon you for something so little as a flutter in your tummy. But this wasn’t just a crush or a flutter, this was a stampede. You’d been in love with him for so long now, kept it hidden away in teenage diaries and grown up journals. A secret between you and the moon. You could never be sure how he’d take it, that for years now you’d been cowardly and afraid of him, a boy so brave he conquered his dreams. 
“Well, believe it baby! And watch the movie… or else…” He said it in a funny voice, and even though you knew he meant well, the pet name pushed an ugly feeling in your gut. 
Quietly and painfully you looked back to the screen, avoiding the way you can feel his body breathe next to you. For so long you missed this, the knowledge that your best friend was next to you, but now you think he should go home. Back to Seoul where he doesn’t hurt you by being him, sunshiney and starlit him. “Hey, seriously, are you okay? Where’d you go?” Felix is genuinely worried now, a sinister feeling arising in his chest that you’re not okay, and that it’s because of him. 
Sure, he’s been gone a lot the last couple of years, but he never forgot the way your eyes got misty before you cried. He grew up alongside you, nursed bloody knuckles and broken hearts and he could feel when you were sad–knew like the back of his hand when you were devastated and hiding it, but was this just because you missed him? 
“I’m fine, star boy, I just always get a little sad when I watch Ponyo. You remember don’t you? The way I would cry and cry when Sasuke promises to love and take care of her?” you mutter, softly without any conviction, and while the boy knows this to be true, he can’t help but notice your fidgety hands and the way you won’t look at him. 
You’re so worried, crushed beyond belief that one night home and he’ll figure you out. You could never keep a secret from him, running to tell him as soon as someone told you a whisper of hidden truth. Since you were twelve you told him all your innerworkings and private feelings, all but this one. It was easy when he was gone, easy to train your voice to sound happy over the phone, but you couldn’t hide anything with his eyes so close to you. 
Shoulder to shoulder you sat on the sofa you grew up on, right in this position with this beautiful boy. Watching this movie at 12 and 15, holding hands to ward against scary movie monsters. You couldn’t keep this secret here. 
“You’re a shitty liar, Y/n, is it some boy? Do I have to defend your honor?” it was so silly to him, you were so silly. How could he think any other boy mattered to you but him? Him with his golden hair and bright eyes, star studded cheeks smiling at you in the sunshine. 
You would never forgive yourself for that day on the beach. The day he became more than Felix, your best friend. You used to gag when your parents teased you about him, winced when one of your girls would say you looked cute together, and then all it took was the sun hitting him just right. 
You would never forgive yourself for this night either, you had to tell him. Had to make sure he knew it didn’t matter if he couldn’t feel the same. Who were you other than his friend? He was an angel and you were just someone he knew before he ascended. 
“Yeah, I guess. Some boy who I just can’t get out of my head.” 
“Oh, my silly sweetheart, is he devastatingly handsome.” he was giggling, the way he always did when you brought up boys to him, like it was ridiculous you would think a boy was cute. 
“I think so, he’s handsome and sweet, and I’ve never known anyone like him.” 
“This sounds intense, Y/nie, you must really like him…” 
“Yeah, you could say that.” 
You can’t help but notice his body language shifting, turning inward and hesitant. His voice got quieter too, shifting back into his normal voice. You wonder if you transferred some of your fear to him, then dismiss the thought–your Felix has always been brave. 
The movie still plays, little kid voices filling the otherwise silent room. The picture can be seen in his eyes, lighting the dark with bright oranges and blues. They're looking at you, and some tiny part of you can tell he seems sad. That piece of you that always knows how he’s feeling; attuned even when he’s in South Korea and you feel with all parts of you that you need to send a message to cheer him up. 
You feel that now, and reach out to take his hand, calloused and warm in yours. 
You stay like that for a while, finishing the film hand in hand like you did when you were both still small. Until finally, he asks so quietly you can barely hear him, 
“Do you like him more than me?” 
Shocked, you can’t help but let out a surprised laugh, which stuns Felix enough to pull his hand from yours–rubbing with his other hand where yours touched. He’s hurting, and you’re laughing at him, and this is enough to pull all of his bravery into you. Deep breathe in and out until you are sure every ounce of courage he’s ever had is running through your veins. You need to tell him, and even if he never speaks to you again, it's better than if he never knew he spins your whole world around. 
“Oh my god, Felix, it is you.” it comes out in a breath, faster than you’ve ever said anything and more relieving than any sentence you’ve rattled out before. The tears you’ve been fighting off all night come tumbling down, cascading over your cheeks with reckless abandon into your shaky hands. He’s silent for so long, barely even moving from his place next to you. The only indication he’s still hear the shaky breaths he’s releasing, and still you don’t look at him.
You’re waiting for him to leave, to walk out the door and go home, waiting for him to walk out of your life and back into his place in the sky, when finally you feel his hand on your wrist. His hold is so delicate, nervous as he moves your hands from your face and can finally see your eyes. Eyes sad and exhausted and so familiar to him, even through the tears their lovely–a reminder of home and unconditional love, and growing up. He can’t believe you would like him, Him with all his idiosyncrasies and softheartedness, you were so beautiful and so strong and you liked him. Thought he was handsome and sweet, you’d never known anyone like him… 
How long could this have been going on, how could he have been living never knowing you felt this way? Never knowing he felt it too, not just butterflies in his belly, but falcons, wings so strong and so big they started hurricanes. 
He looked at you like he always did, like you were the most important thing in the room. Eyes on yours and a smile of disbelief rising on his face. Slowly, without any reservations he brought his forehead to yours, looking down at you in all your snotty glory and lifting a hand to swipe at the falling tears. His voice is a whisper, deep and familiar, the same voice he used to tell stories and secrets, 
“It’s me? You promise?” 
“It’s always been you, Felix, how could it be anyone else?” 
He shudders, the hand sitting atop your cheek bone falling to your neck before he moves closer, settling his lips next to yours. Eyes lifting in a silent question, is this okay? With a nod and a close of your eyes he’s leaning in, moving to kiss you with all the desperation the moment requires. His tongue wiping up all the fallen tears as his lips moved with yours–when you were children he always kissed your wounds better, sweet pecks over bandaids and foreheads, and here he was now fixing up a broken heart–putting it back together. 
When he comes back up for air his eyes settle over your frame, flushed and hair messy from his hands, and he smiles. He’s loved you since he was a boy, since you asked to build that sand castle, 12 years old and braver than anyone he’s ever known. He’s loved you through teenage tantrums and silly crushes, it’s always been you. 
“We’ve been so silly, sweetheart.” he finally gets out, laughing at the impossibility of it all. The one secret you kept from each other being the same. Like always, exactly on the same page–telling the same story over and over again until you met in the middle. “When did you know? When did you know you loved me?” 
He’s so happy, you can feel it in the way he’s holding you, in the way his hands haven’t left your skin since they arrived. You can’t believe it, this beautiful boy is holding you. 
“That day you told me you were gonna audition… you came from the sea smiling and covered in sunshine, and I saw you for the first time–larger than life, my dream.” 
His eyes closed, and then he laughed. A great big wonderful laugh that took him away from you, falling onto his back with happy tears streaming. It was such a lovely sound you couldn’t help but join in, giggling with him even if you didn’t know why. 
When he finally speaks again his voice is still twinged with laughter, breathless and happy when he says, “You were so late” pausing to laugh, “I loved you since we were 12, you were covered in sand and I was in love.” 
You move to him quickly, settling your body on top of his as gently as you could manage, and you take in his happy face. This is what he looks like in love, not any different than he’s ever looked, but the shock of it–the fact that it’s you who he loves and is loved in return makes you want to cry again. 
This is where home is, here in his arms with your movie playing, smiling at each other in awe. There's so many moments you can share with him now, moments you shared with the moon and shooting stars, things you never thought you could tell him. Days and weeks holding a secret that he carried too. How silly you’ve both been, to deny what everyone has told you since you were children–two humans made for each other, sculpted out of the same sand. Lives entwined since that day on the beach when you asked him to build a sandcastle, how funny looking back, that you never did.
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© LUVTAK 2024
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jo-speaks · 4 months
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talk too much
in which…
Trevor realizes fem! reader is just like him.
Trevor and Quinn were in the living room of the infamous Michigan lake house. Quinn had unfortunately gotten there the same day Trevor did, and was now victim to one of Trevor’s rants.
“So when is Jack getting here with his girl?” Trevor asked, finally ending his hour-long rant about the flight to the lake house. 
Quinn rubbed his eyes, “They should be here any minute now. And also, she’s not his girlfriend.” Trevor gave Quinn a confused look, “Really?” “Trevor. We’ve all known her for ten years. If they were gonna date, they would’ve done so by now.” “I guess you’re right.” “Also, if she were to date any one of us, it would probably be you.” The boy raised his eyebrows, “Why do you say that?” “Because you both talk too damn much.” Quinn said, taking a sip of his water. 
The timing of his words couldn’t have been more perfect. The boys heard footsteps and the familiar sound of your voice was getting closer and closer to the door. Quinn let out a sigh of relief, getting up to open the door for you and Jack. 
As soon as Jack stepped foot in the house, he dropped his bags and ran straight for the living room. He planted face down onto the couch and let out a long groan, causing Trevor to laugh. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked. 
Jack turned his head to look at Trevor, “She’s just like you, bro. I love her, but holy shit.”
The boys knew you loved to talk, it was one of the things they loved about you and what drew them to become friends with you all those years ago. But sometimes, you didn’t know when to stop. 
They were never really annoyed with it, always ready to listen to whatever was on your mind at that moment, but sometimes their brains needed a little rest before they were able to process anything you said. 
Trevor was the only one who hadn’t realized this about you, probably because he was the exact same way. He thought you talked just the right amount and was surprised when you were able to sit down through his long hour talks without complaining. 
Quinn had walked into the living room dragging Jack’s bags with him while you followed behind with yours. You had both decided that getting the bags in your rooms was a task you’d deal with later. So for now, you set your bags down and pulled Quinn into a hug. 
“Hey Trevor!” You greeted, pulling away from Quinn to hug the taller boy.
He gladly returned it, “Hi Y/N. Any clue why Jack’s pouting right now?” You laughed at his comment, “I was telling him about my flight. Craziest thing-”
Jack and Quinn both groaned for the same, yet different reasons. Jack had already heard this story, the four hour long drive from the airport giving you plenty of time to talk his ear off, and Quinn had just got done listening to Trevor talk about the exact same thing. 
“How about we go to the boat? Luke said it’s ready to go.” Jack stated, trying to avoid hearing about your flight again. 
A warm feeling rose to your face, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. You smiled and nodded, following the boys out towards the boat. 
Trevor pulled you back gently, separating you from the other two. “I’d love to hear about your flight.” “Really?”
He nodded, “Yeah. As long as you let me talk about mine.”
The four of you spent the rest of the day out on the boat, tired out from all the wakesurfing you did.
Deciding to call it a night, you all headed back inside the house. Since everyone was dry by this point, the boys laid down on the couch, while you headed upstairs to shower. 
Stepping into the bathroom, you already felt relaxed before even stepping under the water. You pulled your hair out of its up-do then pulled your shirt over your head. Not realizing you hadn’t locked the door, the sound of it opening made you jump. 
“Oh! I’m so…” Trevor began, losing his train of thought when he saw you in nothing but a bra. 
Neither one of you moved, too stunned with what was happening. After a few seconds, he blinked rapidly, before apologizing and backing out of the bathroom. 
“Wait!” You called out. 
Trevor stopped in his tracks, focusing his attention on you yet again.
“Thanks for listening to me today. I know I’m a bit… much sometimes.” He let out a soft laugh, “I don’t think you’re too much. I think you’re perfect.” He took a few steps closer to you, “In many ways.”
You cupped his face with your hand, rubbing your thumb gently against his cheek. His eyes fell to your lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss you at that moment. So he did. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, which you instantly returned. 
It became heated quickly, his hands wandering the rest of your body. His hands found the back of your thighs, lifting you up onto the sink counter, finding a home between your legs as they wrapped around his waist. 
You pulled away breathlessly, “Join me?”
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epigstolary · 1 year
Deaf Ears
The half-eaten burger is still sitting on top of its wrapper, right where you left it on your nightstand. Three patties, six slices of cheese, smothered in grilled onions and special sauce. Each one easily over 1,000 calories. This was the third one you’d had today.
I tried to warn you about what would happen if you kept gaining at the rate you were going. I’d hoped that one of the many red flags about what you were doing to yourself would get your attention. That you might stop and take stock of what was happening when you got too fat to fit in the driver’s seat of your car. Or the passenger seat. Or when you started needing the cane to walk because your legs couldn’t handle the weight. Or when you moved on to the bariatric walker. Or when you needed the hoists and handles just to get out of bed.
But no, none of that made any impression. If anything, as your body grew and swelled and ballooned with new fat, you relished it. You spent more and more of your time just fondling the widening sweep of your belly, the plumper and fuller curve of your chest, the multiplying peaks and valleys of your side rolls. I could tell you enjoyed the bounce and wobble of your increasingly full, heavy, pendulous ass and hips on the increasingly brief occasions when you got up to walk anywhere. Having to lumber around, lugging the weight of your burgeoning thighs and blobby calves, both increasingly shapeless and unidentifiable, was a constant reminder of just how much your fat was taking over your body.
It shouldn’t have been any surprise, then, that you let the gains accelerate — wanted them to. For every time I suggested you try to at least gain clean, you insisted on getting whatever the most fattening, sugary, greasy, caloric option might be ten times over. You kept me busy making sure you were never without something you could be guzzling down, never in any danger of not being completely full, let alone hungry. The truly embarrassing amount of food in our kitchen, all of which would get dumped down your throat in a matter of days and replaced by the next batch, never fazed you. If anything, on the rare occasions you stopped and realized how much garbage you were putting away, your pudgy face would beam with obscene pride, any hint of shame at your condition — if you even felt it — buried by lust for the next family-size serving or tray of junk food coming your way.
But today was the day you stopped being able to ignore the consequences of indulging your worst habits. Nobody but you was surprised that an 800 (900? 1,000? We’ve been flying blind since you crushed the scale) pound hog is unsteady on their feet. You were making your usual stumbling shuffle from the bed to the couch and, too eager to have your morning box of coffee cakes, sent all your fat wobbling the wrong direction. At your size the walker wasn’t any help as you twisted, heard a snap, and went down in a blubbery heap. There was no way I could get you up from there, even if your fall hadn’t broken something.
Maybe the trip with the paramedics — having to let your enormously bloated body be manhandled onto a bariatric stretcher and bundled into an ambulance — will humble you a little from here on out. Maybe you’ll ease up on the gaining, and the constant eating. Or, probably more likely, being stuck in bed while you recover and the stress of trying to rehab a broken bone at your size will just drive you to gorge yourself to oblivion.
I’m not sure you could even stop if you tried, at this point. You and your body are too used to the constant flood of calories, sugar, endorphins to give that up, or even reduce it by much. You’re probably looking at some pretty steep gains, at a time when you’re least able to compensate for them, unless you do something drastic. And like usual, you’re probably going to insist that I keep a steady flow of garbage coming to you while you’re at the hospital — which definitely won’t make it any easier for you to maintain your weight. We’ll be lucky if you’re still small enough to get you back home once your treatment is done. More likely, you’ll end up ballooning too big for any ambulance to be able to cram all your lard inside. Too big to measure in pounds anymore, but instead how much of your hospital bed you take up — or overflow. Someone the staff talk about in hushed whispers as they watch you eat yourself out of the last few things your shapeless blob body is still barely able to do.
I tried to warn you, and you didn’t listen. This is your last chance to turn things around and save yourself from spending the rest of your life like this. But the text you just sent me asking to bring another slew of burgers to the hospital tells me you’re probably not going to take it. That you’re probably ending up inhumanly fat, immobile, and helplessly buried in your own bulk, no matter how much you may eventually come to regret it.
Guess that means I get to see just how much bulk we can make in the time you have left.
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obsessedelusional · 2 years
Your Own Little Secret
parings ✦ eddie x reader
summary ✦ Chrissy asks a favor of you which somehow leads to you forming a secret relationship with Eddie Munson. When you two make it official, you decide it’s time to make it public.
authors note ✦ first time writing smut so hopefully it’s not terrible lol appreciate any feedback or reblogs
The last three weeks of your life were spent entangled in Eddie’s web. It all started when Chrissy asked if you could meet him the woods to pick up her weekly pickup from none other than Eddie Munson. It came to a surprise to you when she confided in you that she smoked, even more of a surprise that it happened so often. She never gave off that type of vibe but you felt honored she trusted you enough to let you in on her little secret. So you reluctantly agreed which lead you to having your own little secret; Eddie.
Chrissy’s mother picked her up early from school when she had plans to meet Eddie out in the woods after cheer practice. A quick phone call lead to you meeting him in the woods. You had just left the gymnasium where cheer practice was held still in your practice cheer shorts and school branded t-shirt. Walking through the forest on a small dirt path. You had never been back here before, this area which had a reputation where students would disappear to hookup with each other. Or exchange cash for weed, apparently.
As you walk down the unfamiliar path all you can think about is how your on your way to buy weed. Your mind races, slightly terrified but Chrissy reassured you she’d done this 100 times and there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Expecting to see Eddie when the path opens up to a clear area of the forest. Only a few metal tables sat in the center. Unsure of what to do you sat down at one, looking around for any sign of him. The sound of leaves being stepped on startles you.
“Not the cheerleader I was expecting to see out here.” Eddie says from behind you, your nerves growing. He quickly walks up behind you and sits right next to you, an unsure smile on his face.
Uncomfortably laughing your hands resting in front you, “Chrissy sent me in replacement. Her mom picked her up early so she couldn’t make it. Said I could drop it off at hers on my way home. I have cash, she said twenty would be enough, is it enough?” You notice Eddie staring all while you physically can’t shut up. He must of noticed how anxious you are because his hands rest with yours. “Sorry I don’t know why I’m rambling.”
“Are you okay? You seem nervous.” He smiles causing you to smile back. Pulling away to start rummaging through the small metal tin he brought with him.
“Just slightly terrified.”
“Of?” He asks curiously, trying to read you.
“You and this whole situation.”
“Me?” He gasps grabbing his heart, pretending to be upset. Immediately you start to profusely apologizing thinking you actually hurt his feelings. Once he realizes how worked up you got he bursts out into laughter. “I’m just givin’ ya shit.”
You roll your eyes in response, slapping his shoulder. He winches like he’s so much pain, pain spreads across his face. “I’m not falling for your theatrics again.”
“Fine,” he sighs giving up on his little show. A few moments of silence fall between you two. “So she want her regular?”
“Yes, Eddie.”
“And she knows my name?” He sounds genuinely surprised.
“Of course I do.”
“That’s crazy.”
“My first day at Hawkins, my freshman year. I approached you and asked you where the office was and you so kindly escorted me. Of course I remember you.”
“Then you said you’d see me around. I never saw you around.” He sighs dramatically.
“Thats the same day I met Chrissy. We’ve been inseparable since. Sorry.” You genuinely feel bad it’s been two years since you last spoke to Eddie. It’s not like you didn’t think of him from time to time. He was constantly making a scene where ever he went, couldn’t help but notice him. Couldn’t help but admire how he was so authentically himself, never cared who was around. Also didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes. So when he was flaunting around the cafeteria you’d always take that opportunity to stare. Plus on several occasions you’d get Jason to back off.
“It’s fine. You can make it up to me now.” He smiles softly pulling you out of your own thoughts.
“How so?”
“Let me take you out.” He tries so hard to read you reaction.
“I mean unless you don’t want too.” When you didn’t instantly say yes he wanted nothing more than to disappear.
“I do.”
“You do?” Eddie can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“Yeah.” You smile. Eddie jumps up from his seat and starts cheering.
“Sorry that was lame.”
“No it wasn’t.” You laugh.
After a few dates around town and you two were attached. Everyday after cheer practice he’d be waiting for you, stood outside his van. You’d run up and engulf him in a hug. His hands never failing to find their way to your ass. Seeing you in those cheer shorts drove him crazy. When Friday rolled around and you’d show up to school wearing that cheer uniform, it would drive Eddie absolutely nuts. He’d watch from afar so turned on counting down the minutes till he could have you all to himself.
Today was no different when he picked you up after the football game claiming that they weren’t his scene hence why he wasn’t there to watch you cheering. It was late and knowing that you didn’t have long before your parents would be calling asking where you were. You two wasted no time. As soon as you climbed into his passenger seat, his hands were all over you. Roaming every inch of your body. You pull away momentarily only to move to the back.
Eddie laid down to which you quickly straddle him. His hand slipped under your skirt, through your underwear and between your folds. “So fucking wet for me.”
“For you.” You purr, letting your self grind down on his hand. “But I want to please you.” He didn’t argue, watching closely as you slowly lowered your self. You unzip his pants, he dick already hard trapped in his jeans. Palming it through the thin layer of his boxers. Eddie’s whole body tenses under your touch. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to this. Having you to himself in the most intimate way possible.
You pull his boxers down revealing his large member. Using your hand to pump him, precum slipping out of his tip. Eddie groans under your touch, giving you the confidence you need to give a sweet kiss to his tip before devouring it. Sucking up and down, Eddie’s hands finding their way to the back of your head pushing down. You gag and push up, spitting the salvia building up at the back of your throat on his member before going back at it.
He doesn’t want it to stop but he needs it to stop other wise he’ll be coming in your mouth. Which he wouldn’t mind but he wanted desperately to be inside you. He lifts your face and pulls you closer to kiss you, making out for several moments. Your tongues fighting for dominance. “I need you now.” You murmur, pulling down your panties. Aligning his cock with you cunt, sliding down slowly taking him all in.
“Fuck.” Eddie moans, his voice raspy. You start riding him, up and down. Grinding on him, his hands slip under your shirt caressing your tits. You take the hint and remove your cheer shirt exposing your chest. Pulling you closer he takes your nipple into his mouth, the other one being fondled. You become a moaning mess under his touch. The sound of your nipple leaving his mouth makes a popping sound.
Eddie comes to realization he’s not gonna last much longer but he’s a gentleman so obviously you need to come first. He helps you switch positions, pulling his pants all the way off and now he’s on top. You can’t help but whine when his cock leaves your hole. Doesn’t take long before he slams his cock back between your folds, you cry out in pleasure. His fingers start rubbing your clit as he picks up the pace. “How does that feel princess?”
Your lack of response tells him everything he needs to know. He circles your clit over and over again, the feeling of your pussy tightening on his dick let’s him know it’s near. Doesn’t take long before your climaxing. Shortly after that he’s pulling out and cumming on your stomach. He kisses you softly before reaching for a rag and cleaning you off. You get dress back in your uniform as you watch Eddie get back into his clothing.
Eddie lays next to you and you rest your head on his chest wrapping your arm around him waist and attempt to regain your composure. “You’re so fucking amazing. How’d I get so damn lucky?”
“Just being you.” You smile.
“Is that enough though?” He questions a change his tone is noted. Eddie decides in this moment to talk to you about what he’s been wondering for some time now.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I feel like your ashamed of me.” Eddie sighs.
“Why do you think that?” You ask saddened by his tone. You sit up so you can see his face.
“Because I only see you after school and never in front of your friends.”
“I just figured you wouldn’t want to be around them. I tried to invite you to games and stuff but you never seemed interested. I didn’t realize you wanted more than whatever this is. Part of me thought you were ashamed of me.” You explain.
“What is this?” Eddie asks the question he’s been dreading.
“What do you want us to be?” You ask pushing it back onto him.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He admits.
“Are you gonna ask me?” You smile because you’ve been waiting for this moment.
“Are you going to say yes?” He’s ask.
“I dunno guess you’re gonna have to ask to find out.” You shrug your shoulders, trying your best not to be giddy with excitement.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, shyly.
“Yes of course,” you beam, “I thought you’d never ask me.”
“If I known how you felt I would’ve asked sooner. Plus I’d never be ashamed of you.” You push your self up and kiss him. Your phone starts to ring bringing you out of your moment with Eddie. You pull away groaning annoyed.
“Who is it?” Eddie ask.
“My mom.” You quickly answer and let her know you’ll be home soon. As soon as you hang up, “Can you take me home, Eds?”
“Of course, princess.”
The next day rolls around, you arrive early to school eager to speak with Chrissy. You find her and ask, “Can I talk to you?”
“Yeah of course, what’s up?” She smiles.
“Like alone. I need your help.” You mutter. Her face fills with concern as she follows you down the hallway. As soon as you two were alone she looks to you waiting for you to speak.
“What’s up?” She asks again, her curiosity killing her.
“Ya know how that one time I went to pick up weed for you from Eddie?”
“Yeah.” She nods.
“We’ll we’ve been kind of hanging out since and last night he asked me out like officially and I said yes.” The biggest smile grows on her face causing you to be confused.
“Finally.” She smiles, grinning ear to ear. Pulling you into a hug.
“What do you mean finally?” I ask still being consumed by her hug.
“It was a set up.” She laughs.
“I caught you constantly checking him out and I know him from buying. So I brought you up in front of him to see his reaction and he got all flustered. Told me some story about you asking for help on your first day, been smitten with you since.” You’re shocked at all this new information but not upset in the slightest since it lead to you dating Eddie.
“Eddie knew?”
“No. It was all me,” She giggles, “What did you need help with then?”
“I thought originally he didn’t want to be public with because of me being friends with all the popular people. So I never bothered him about being public with him which made him think I was ashamed of him which obviously I’m not. I could never be. I just don’t know what to do. I want him to know I’m not ashamed. I feel like I need to make some public display of affection.” Chrissy cuts you off.
“Ask him to the dance in front of everyone.”
“But shouldn’t boys ask girls?” You ask, some what nervous at the thought of doing that.
“It’ll be prefect. It’s Sadie’s, girls ask boys. We can make you a sign and everything. Do it at lunch! Kiss him in front of everyone. Let everyone know he’s yours.” She squeezes you shoulders, getting more excited as she thinks of everything you need to do and how she can help you.
“That sounds like a great idea.” You smile nervously. She grabs your hand and drags you to the art class room.
You nervously shake waiting for Eddie to show up into the lunch room. Chrissy stands near by cheering you on giving you reassuring thumbs up. You glance her way and she points to the entrance where Eddie is entering.
Chrissy presses play on the speaker she brought, the Lord of The Rings music she found online and had absolutely no idea it was accurate it starts to play. Eddie looks over to where the music came from seeing Chrissy who nods in your direction, he gaze follows and sees you standing there holding the sign you made with Chrissy’s help.
It reads ‘You shall not pass… Unless you go to Sadie’s with me.’ Another thing you found online that meant nothing to you but knew it meant something to Eddie. He talked about this book several times, you we’re confident he’d love it.
Eddie’s confusion quickly turns into happiness when he realizes what is happening. A small crowd starts to form as you ask, “Do you want to go to Sadie’s with me?” You say loud and proud when you see the smile on his lips, he approaches only a few inches away from you.
“Yes,” He grins. You drop the sign and grab his face pulling him down to your level give him the biggest kiss. It takes him a moment, because he’s probably in shock, to kiss you back but once he does he melts into your touch.
You’re the one to pull away when you realize people are cheering for you two. You look to Chrissy whose cheering the hardest, like her plan came to fruition. You grab Eddie’s hand and people start to disperse. Chrissy approaches you two, “Thank you.” You say giving her a quick hug.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“I’ll explain later. I’m gonna sit with Eddie today and his friends.” You let Chrissy know before leading Eddie to where he usually sat at lunch. His friends watch in awe as you sit down next to Eddie.
“What?” You laugh.
“We didn’t believe him.” Dustin says, shock still evident. You look over to Eddie who looks as happy as he can be, you squeeze his hand tightly before speaking.
“Better believe it. You’re gonna see so much more of me.”
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livlaughloveluke · 10 months
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭- 𝐞.𝐥
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ever since that night on the rooftop, you’ve known
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: a little cursing, brief mention of past toxic relationship, ethan being an absolute sweetheart
𝐚/𝐧- clearing out my drafts rn so im kinda posting a lot! this ones kinda short and sweet, but i think its cute 💗 also, you might want to listen to margaret by lana del rey, it will help this make sense 😭
margaret (feat. bleachers) by lana del rey
02:45 ━━━━●───── 05:40 ⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
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ethan’s heart sunk at the sight of someone on the roof, where he normally he spent his sleepless nights, thinking alone. he cautiously approached the mysterious figure, only to find out that it was a women who looked to be around his age, dressed in a lengthy white dress, with gorgeous shimmery pearls hanging loosely around your neck. 
there was something enchanting about this moonlight. you looked incredible, despite your glossy eyes and runny mascara, which had given away the fact that you had been crying. 
“you okay?” ethan muttered, unsure of what to do or say to the dazzling young girl. you jump, startled by the presence of another person. you wipe away what was left of your mascara, trying to clean up a little.
“yeah..? yeah.” you said, the first word sounding like you were trying to convince yourself, while the second ‘yeah’ sounding more persuasive and firm.
 “wanna talk about it?” the brown eyed boy suggested, unsure where he got his confidence from. something about the stranger on the rooftop made him want to learn more. 
“well, my boyfriend just broke up with me on our 6 month anniversary. he said he was taking me out to celebrate, but ended up dumping me while we were eating, elle woods style.” you shared. 
“he sounds like a real asshole. maybe it was for the best.” ethan stated. 
“i think you’re right. he was kind of an asshole.” the girl giggled in response. 
ethan grinned, taking in her beauty as they stared at each other. 
“well, i shared my story, now what about you? why are you here tonight? your girlfriend dump you?” you jokes, although you remained curious to what he reply was.
“uhm- no, no girlfriend. i like to come out here when i cant sleep. it helps me think.” he answers, taking a deep breath of the crisp, chilly air. he approached the ledge, and sat down, legs hanging off the building. it was scary the first few times, but recently he came to enjoy it. there was something so freeing about the risks of being this high up.
you mirror his actions and sit next to him. you look at the breathtaking view, before realizing there was a much better view right beside you.
you face him to ask a question. 
“how do you know?” 
ethan tilted his head in confusion, your question was to vague for him to answer. you continue talking, giving more context.
“what if he was the love of my life? how do i know?” this time, ethan can answer your question easily.
“that’s your answer, the answer is no. if you have to ask, then he wasn’t your true love. when you know, you’ll know.” 
you just hummed in response. 
“we never properly introduced ourselves. I don’t even know your name.” you inform him.
“we don’t even know each others names, and yet i still feel closer to you than anyone else in my life.” he added, letting out a dry chuckle, trying to hide how pathetic that was.
“i feel the same. you probably know more about my feelings than any of my friends, and we’ve known each other for what, five minutes?” you added. he was relieved that you shared the same emotions as him. 
you stuck out your hand. “my name is y/n.”
ethan got the memo and reached to shake your hand. the contact made butterflies fill his stomach. “my name is ethan.” he replied.
“ethan? i would have never guessed that was your name. don’t get me wrong, i think its lovely, but you look more like a conner to me.” 
ethan laughed at your comment, and swiftly formed a response. “conner? really? i think i look more like an axel.” 
“i could see that i guess, but all i can think about when i hear the name axel is this kid who bullied me in second grade.” you giggle.
“you were bullied by a kid named axel?” he teases. 
“yes!! and every day he would tell the teacher on me for something I didn’t even do!! and worse, the teacher believed him!” you were now full blown laughing, along with ethan who was starting to really enjoy talking to you.
you and him continued chatting a little longer, asking basic questions, but you wanted more. you wanted to know the real ethan.
“im tired of all these simple questions. lets go more in depth. for starters, if you only had one day left to live, would you tell anyone? why or why not?” you ask him. 
“woah. to be honest, i don’t think i would tell anyone until the end of the day, you know? why ruin your last day alive by being constantly pitied, if you could spend it happily with the people you love most?” he announced, and you nodded your head in agreement.
“now i ask you something. if were getting murdered, and got to choose the way you were killed, what would you pick?”
“wow, that took a turn. i would probably choose to get poisoned. its not painful really, and its pretty quick. just don’t poison me with bleach. i hate the smell of it.” you declared. 
this caused you both to start laughing again, to the point where your stomach hurt. after your giggle fest, your exhaustion got the best of you, and you yawned, sleepily. your actions did not go unnoticed by ethan, and he decided to call it a night. he helped walk you home, making sure to keep you safe. 
you talked the whole way home, mainly about your music taste. he was into the alternative indie kinda music, and you bonded over a few artists. then, you reached your dorm. you exchanged numbers, none of you wanting this relationship to end.
for the next week, you texted each other constantly, giving song recommendations, and just learning about one another in general. you figured out you both went to blackmore university, and took a few of the same classes. you were surprised you hadn’t seen him before, but then again, two weeks ago you weren’t looking. 
you were supposed to meet him on the rooftop again tonight. this time however, you wouldn’t be caught sulking in a dress. you changed into a more comfortable, yet gorgeous look.
eleven pm rolled around, and you headed up to the roof. ethan was already waiting for you, a bouquet of tulips in his hands. he handed them to you, and you couldn’t hold your smile back. 
“how’d you know these were my favorite?!” you  questioned him. 
“you’re mentioned it a couple times. i researched the meaning, and it turns out they symbolize growth and new beginnings, which i thought was perfect, because of your recent relationship ending and uh i-“ 
you cut him off with a hug, holding the flowers off to the side, not wanting to crush them. you pull apart so you could face him when talking. 
“they’re beautiful, eth. I can’t believe you put so much effort into them.” you informed him.
your ex boyfriend was a total dickhead, who never really cared. you weren’t sure if he even got you flowers once in your relationship. it was new having someone that cared, and the feeling of being truly loved was definitely not unwelcome. 
you both sat on the edge and started babbling like last time. 
“you know who i’d think you’d like? faye webster. she’s really good, and while she’s well known, she’s definitely underrated.” you blurt out. 
“I’ll listen to her tonight. whats your spotify?” he asks. you share your account and both follow eachother. he starts scrolling through your playlists and reviewing them. 
“taylor swift? really, y/n? i thought you were better than this.” he sarcastically says. you act offended, before retorting back. 
“taylor swift is so good! she’s popular for a reason. maybe you just haven’t heard the right album. i feel like you would like evermore or folklore.” he shakes his head, disapprovingly. he claimed he would never listen to one of her songs. (he spent 2 hours that night listening to the albums you suggested)
eventually, it got late and he started walking you home. out of the blue, he asked you an important question. 
“would you maybe want to go out with me one night? officially?” he managed to stutter out. 
“i’d love to, eth.” you respond. 
you had never really been completely sure of something, but that night you knew one thing. you were in love with ethan landry.
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lovesodakid · 6 months
sworn to secrecy 2
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chris x fem!reader
1 3 4 5 6
summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate sees..in which. he does not approve of whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: mentions of toxic household (fighting). but that should be it.
by the time lunch arrives, im exhausted. i walk down the hall, clutching my lunch bag to my chest through the flood of kids.
once i finally get to the cafeteria, i see nick, matt, nate, and chris sitting at the same table we’ve been sitting at since my freshman year. it’s comforting to know that some things never change.
“hey guys.” i say to them as i take my normal seat in between nate and nick. matt and chris being across from us.
“hey! how’s your first day going?” nick asks me.
“it’s..going.” i say hesitantly.
“i mean what i said in the car earlier, junior year isn’t anything to stress too much over. let loose and have fun, you’re always keeping your nose in books.” he tells me. “maybe you should go to the back to school party this weekend.”
“the what?” i ask. a party? already?
“yeah some senior is throwing it. christian davis i think.” matt says with a mouth full fries.
“yeah kid, you need to listen up. get out some more and have some fun.” chris reaches over the table to jokingly shove my shoulder.
i shake my head with a small laugh and smile.
“no way, a party isn’t y/n’s scene.” nate says as he shakes his head ‘no’.
“oh come on nate. i’ll watch over her, she’ll be fine.” nick says happily as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, giving me a one sided hug.
“guys i don’t need a babysitter. im not a child.” i roll my eyes.
“whatever.” nate mumbles under his breath.
the thought of going to a house full of sweaty, drunk teenagers party, genuinely terrifies me. but nick is right. i have spent almost every day of my school life, focused on school. i’ve never dated anyone or done anything that didn’t involve school. of course i’ve had some fun in my life, but nothing too crazy. maybe this could be the year i experience a little more?
it’s now been a couple hours since i left school. i stand in my shower, the warm water hitting my back, as the steam fogs up my bathroom. once i begin rubbing my shampoo in my hair, my mind retraces to the conversation at lunch. would going to this party be such a bad idea?
my thoughts are interrupted when i hear a door slamming from downstairs, freezing my body in fear for a second before i turn the water off and step out of the shower.
once im out and wrapped in a towel, i hear muffled voices yelling back and forth. i suck in a breath as i begin drying my body off and getting dressed.
when im done, i step out of the bathroom, to my surprise, nate is standing right in front of the bathroom door, giving me a sympathetic look.
“they’re arguing again. arent they?” i whisper to him.
he doesn’t say anything as he just hesitates to nod his head.
i bite my lip as i look to the side. “so what do you want me to do?” i ask him.
“i was thinking we could just go to the triplets and hang out for a bit, then i’ll come back later and see if things have cooled down and if it has, we can come back here tonight.” he explains to me as he crosses his arms.
“and what if it doesn’t cool down?” i question, mirroring his stance.
“just pack an overnight bag just incase.” he says as he walks away to his bedroom.
i let out a breath as i make my way to my bedroom. once im in there, i grab a separate bag to put things i’ll need in. clothes to sleep in, clothes for tomorrow, brush, makeup, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and other things.
almost as soon as im done, i grab both my school bag and overnight bag, i hear nate approaching my bedroom.
“hey you ready?” he says, almost sounding impatient.
i nod as i walk out of my room, closing my door.
“okay let’s go.” he says.
my favorite thing about the triplets, is that every time mine and nate’s parents get into arguments, which usually results in us having to stay at their house. they don’t treat us any different. they don’t give us any ‘are you okay?’ or ‘do you wanna talk about?’ looks. they just treat as as if it’s any normal day or sleepover. which im extremely thankful for.
“so what are we watching?” matt asks as he sits on the couch next to me.
all of us sitting in the living room nate and chris on the floor in front of the couch. then im sitting in the middle of the couch, matt on my left, and nick on my right.
“what about something scary?” i suggest.
“no way.” nick says in almost a sarcastic laugh.
“oh come on! we never watch scary movies!” i whine as i lean further into the couch.
“and we don’t plan on it either.” matt says from beside me.
after 20 minutes of arguing back and forth, trying to pick a movie. we finally settle on watching ‘grown ups’.
a couple minutes into the movie, i feel a weight on my lower legs, so i look down. when i do, i see chris leaning his back fully onto my legs for support, which makes me a little nervous, causing my heart to race a little faster than anticipated. once i begin to realize that he probably just needed something to lean back on and didn’t think anything of it like i did, that feeling goes away pretty quickly.
a/n: pretty boring chapter again, and sorry i suck ass at dialogue. but it’ll get better, trust 🤞.
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xdacted · 1 year
The wind chimes we hear
Paring: Charles Leclerc x Sister! Reader
Warnings: fluff, family fluff, family angst, family feels
Word Count: 2,760
Status: Completed (part of a mini-series)
* A Request*
There was the green field, littered with dandelions and daisies swaying in the wind. Sunlight drenched the stems, rolling over the grass, kissing my skin. The twinkle of our grandmother’s windchimes, clinking together. The scent of the sea, the taste of salt dancing high above the air. 
I could hear my brothers laughing, pushing each other, shoving the other into the dirt. The sound of our mother scolding them, my father’s bellowing laughter. They called my name, pulling at my hands. They didn’t understand why I was so small, why I couldn't run like them. 
I didn’t get it either. 
They call my name again. 
It sounds fainter. 
The sun goes cold, and the grass stops dancing. My father’s face distorts, fading into nothingness. 
There’s a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me. My eyes blink open. 
There’s a woman smiling down at me, her red lips showing a dazzling set of pearly white teeth, “We’ll be landing soon.”
I nod, trying to suppress the yawn that grows in my chest. My headphones have slipped to my temple, and with a groan, I push them back. The cabin light is far too bright, I pull my hood further over my head. 
What a strange dream. 
We spent the entire summer with my grandmother. We ran around her spacious backyard, and we loved it. Sitting around her stained glass table, staring up at the colors as they shimmered in the light of morning. We were kids then. 
The city is nothing more than a spec outside the window. Surrounded by the glimmering sea, clouds making it seem impossibly far. Home. 
Catching a car was more difficult than I expected. Normally, my mother was more than happy to pick me up - or she would’ve sent one of my brothers - but we were all coming in at different times. I didn’t want to burden her. 
Summer break was a glorious time. I always managed to snag a few days free of practice, I would always dread going back, but I would never sacrifice it for anything. My brothers were always happy to be home, hiding out at our mother’s house before telling anyone they were home. 
Our lives pulled us in different directions, but we always found our way home when Monaco came calling. I looked out onto the streets, cars buzzing past, and people bustling on the streets. This country bore us, we loved it. We would always come back. 
The car ride is short and before I know it, I’m standing at the steps of our home. The door swings open before I can knock, my brothers staring back down at me, pulling me into the waiting house. 
They wrap me in a hug, their arms tight around me. I breathe them in. The house around us seems to breathe with me. With all four of us between its walls, I feel the anxiety in my stomach uncoil. I hadn’t realized how much I missed them. Emotion is tight in my throat but I force it down. 
I would never hear the end of it if I cried. 
“Little Miss Champion,” Lorenzo brings a hand down on my hair, ruffling it. 
I whine, pushing his hand away, “Lo! My hair…”
He chuckles, “I’m so sorry.”
He doesn’t sound sorry at all. I smile. This easy batter has been missing, we’ve been missing. Being here with them feels like coming back to myself. I can hear the windchimes again. 
“Good flight?” I nod, sliding my backpack from my shoulders, but Arthur is already taking it from me.
I don’t bother protesting, following them into the house. Charles pulls my suitcase behind him, parking it at the threshold of the kitchen. They let me walk in first, and when I do, my mother is standing there. 
I nearly crushed her in a hug, burying my face into her blonde hair. She presses a kiss to the side of my face, brushing my hair back, “What is this love, hm?”
I can’t help the laughter that leaves me. She smells like honey and lavender, her hair soft against my temples. I don’t ever want to break away. Her hands soothe down my back, tucking themselves under my hoodie. 
“I missed you,” I whisper. 
It’s faint enough to die in the air, but she lets out a little giggle. 
“I missed you too, my beautiful girl.”
I curl tighter around her. 
Being away hurts. It hurt to know that she was here alone, in this empty house. It hurt to hear the excitement in her voice when I called. It hurt to have her hold me knowing I’ll leave in a few days. 
“Mum -”
“I love you so much,” She beats me to it. She pulls away from me, her warm smile making my heart full. 
“That’s not fair,” I nearly whine.
She just shrugs, but the smile never leaves her.
“Alright! Enough already,” Arthur claps his hands on my back, “We’re hungry!”
“Yeah,” Charles says, sliding his arm around Mum’s shoulders, “You took forever.”
I roll my eyes and pinch at Arthur’s sides, “Shut your face.”
Dinner is an easy affair. 
I don’t bother asking where Carla, Charlotte, or Alex are. The first day is always just for us. 
“So what regiment have they got you on now?”
Lorenzo gestures to my plate, it’s mostly green. I promised my trainer I’d take it easy, but with my mother’s cooking, a promise meant nothing. I shrug. 
“Nothing,” He snorts, “I mean it!”
“So why no pasta?” Arthur stuffs another forkful into his mouth, our mother scolding him under her breath. 
“Planes always mess with my appetite,” I reach for the pitcher of water, “Tomorrow I’ll eat more.”
The conversation is plain, but it’s wonderful. To just be here with them, talking about nothing. We laugh and joke, the house seems to burn with energy. Soon, the food is gone and we race from the table. 
Mum captures Lorenzo as he tries to sneak past her, she pulls him to do the dishes with her. 
“What a loser,” Arthur mutters, plopping down on the couch. He goes to reach for the remote, but I snatch it first. 
I wave him away, “You’ve been here all day. I just got here.”
“Exactly,” He doesn’t make another move to it, leaning his face into the palm of his hand, elbow propped on the arm of the couch, “It’s only respectable.”
“I know you’re not talking about ‘respectable’.”
I lose myself in surfing the channels, clicking through news broadcasts and show reruns. There’s never anything good at this time, but I always look anyway. A cartoon’s theme song rings through the house and I let out a small laugh. 
As children, we would all pile into the kitchen and watch it before school. It would run right when our mother would coral us to the door, tugging on Arthur because he always wanted to see it end. 
I’m lost in my thoughts when Charles’ voice rings out. 
“Who’s that?”
Charles and Arthur leaned over my phone, tapping at the screen. I hadn’t even noticed Arthur moving. It lights up to the picture of me and my boyfriend. My arm slung around his shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss. 
“No one -”
Before I can snatch it back, they’re pulling it away from me. There’s a look on Aruthur's face, eyebrows pulled into a tight furrow. I can feel the anxiety coil in my stomach. I wasn’t ashamed, I just wasn’t ready. 
“No one?” Charles frowns at me, eyes darting to the phone in his hand, “This? This is no one?”
My face grew hot. Why did it always have to be this way?
Arthur scratched the side of his face, “Really? Who is this guy?”
“No one,” I sigh. 
I reach for my phone again, but Charles jumps back. He tucks the phone into his pocket, holding a hand up to my chest. I let out a groan. 
“Charles, please -”
“If he is ‘no one’,” I can already hear the question, I roll my eyes, “Why not tell us who he is?”
“Because I am a grown woman with my own business,” I thank the heavens I decided to leave him in France, “Now, give me my phone.”
“Tell us who he is.”
I almost screamed. My face is red, and I can feel the tears prick in my eyes. It was always like this. 
I can see Lorenzo enter the room out of the corner of my eye. He takes in my state - arms crossed over my chest, cheeks red, pinched expression - and lets out a bark of laughter. 
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” I say quickly, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, holding his hands out in defense. 
“Hey! I haven’t done anything.”
The apology is on my lips, but Charles and Arthur beat me to it. 
“She has some secret boyfriend,” They flash my phone at him. I am mortified. 
“A secret boyfriend?” He steps closer to the phone, and he moves closer to the screen, eyes squinting as he inspects my boyfriend's face. He makes a look of disgust. 
This wasn’t fair. They were judging someone they hadn't even met. I have never, ever, judged one of their girlfriends. The many that passed by, I have never once held any hatred towards them. But they hated my boyfriend simply because he loved me. 
It was so stupid. 
“Why this guy?” Lorenzo turns to me, Charles and Arthur voicing their agreement, “Really? You shouldn’t be -”
“I am not a baby!” I can feel the tears, my voice going thick with emotion, “I am a grown woman. I can live my own life. I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not five years old anymore!”
They stare at me, mouths agape. As soon as my words leave me I want to take them back. I can see the regret crawl across Charles’ face, but I can’t take it. I snatch my phone from his hand and run out of the room. 
I hear them call my name, and even feel as Lorenzo tries to grab my arm, but I push him away. 
I stomp upstairs, slamming the door behind me. 
When I stop, my lungs burn. I’m wheezing out into the air. My heart is thundering within my chest. I can feel the embarrassment pool in my gut. 
It didn’t matter how many trophies or world titles I won. It would never matter. They only saw me as their little sister. I had been in their shadows for years, watching as they stepped into the light. The world loved them, the world adored them. 
Couldn’t I have this one thing?
Couldn’t I have someone to love me?
I pick at the hem of my shirt. I’m being selfish. They didn’t mean anything by it, it was just careless teasing. But to me - I dared to look at my phone, my boyfriend's beautiful smile staring back at me - it wasn’t careless. I bite on my lip, pulling at the skin. 
My room is just as it always was. The walls are littered with pictures, posters lining the sides of my bed. I filled it to the brim, you could hardly see the wallpaper beneath. On my dresser, there are the trinkets I left behind. Seashells and paddock passes. I can feel the emotion welling in my throat again. 
This was more than just the teasing. 
I push my back into the door. On the other side, I can hear my brother’s voice. They’re arguing, scolding one another, blaming the other for my outburst. But it wasn’t their fault. 
So much was changing, we were growing and it frightened me. I side down the frame, pulling my knees into my chest. The tears come before I can stop them. I really was a baby. 
I moved out two years ago. I wasn't far, but I wasn’t home. Charles moved out ages ago, and Lorenzo before him. Our leaving wasn’t new, but that didn’t change how strange it was. At first, it felt wrong. I threw myself into training, hours with my coach, and hours distracting myself. There was a reason I only came home a few times a year. It was always hard to leave. 
Summer break was always my only exception. I stayed and it hurt.
I always wondered if they felt like this, but I never had the nerve to ask. I was afraid they’d laugh in my face, afraid they would call me a kid. Being away seemed so easy for them, racing across the world. Different cities, different countries, different time zones.  
It didn’t look difficult for them at all. 
Meanwhile, I cried at my first international competition. It was only for three days, but I called home every night. 
I rest my chin on my knees, blowing out a sigh. 
My tears have subsided into sniffles. The ridiculousness makes my face burn again. I can almost laugh, but before I can push myself off the floor I hear their footsteps come up the stairs. They try to speak in hushed whispers, but I can hear everything anyway. 
“Move, this is your fault!”
“Mine?! You made her upset!”
“Shut up, both of you!”
I almost laugh, covering my mouth just in time to stifle it. I can hear them stop at my door. There’s a long moment of silence, I can feel their hesitation. I look up at the doorknob, the dying sunlight spilling in through my blinds. 
There’s a tentative knock. I say nothing. 
Charles calls my name. 
I say nothing. 
It’s evil, but it makes me crack a smile. 
Another knock rings through the room, louder this time, “Stop being mad at us…”
I can hear Charles and Lorenzo smack Arthur on the head. 
“You’re so stupid.”
Lorenzo tries this time, but his voice is soft, “We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to make you upset, will you open the door?”
I rise to my feet but just stare at the door. 
With a roll of my eyes, I turn it open. It reveals the apologetic look on their faces. 
“We’re sorry,” They say, nearly in unison. I can’t help but laugh. 
When we were kids and got into fights our father made us apologize together, we’d have to redo it if we weren’t. 
“I’m sorry,” Arthur starts, looking up at me, fiddling with his hands, “We shouldn’t have looked at your phone.”
To his right, Charles nods, “It was wrong, and I’m sorry.”
I look at Lorenzo. 
“What?” He holds his hands up, “I didn’t really do anything wrong -”
Charles jabs him in the ribs. 
“Ah! I’m - I’m sorry,” He muttered, brown hair falling into his eyes as he doubled over, “I’m sorry.”
“I meant it,” My arms are tight, gripping onto my sweater, “I’m not a kid anymore.”
“We know,” Lorenzo pulled himself upright, “We know. It’s just…you’re our baby sister.”
“No one is ever going to be good enough for you.”
“Ok,” I mutter, “But he doesn't have to be good enough in your eyes. He’s my boyfriend. He’s good enough for me.”
They seem to think. The silence that passes over us is heavy, I can almost see the wheels turning. 
Arthur is the first to speak, “Does he make you happy?”
I can’t help the shock that makes its way onto my face, “Yeah…he does.”
He shrugs, “Then that’s all I care about.”
I crack a smile, reaching over to grab his hand. He interlaces our fingers, giving me a quick squeeze. I can feel the unsaid, ‘I love you.’
Charles doesn’t say anything, he just moves forward, wrapping his arms around me, “I want you to be happy. That’s it.”
I let go of Arthur to hold his middle, “I know. I am.”
He lets me go with a sigh, pulling away with a smile. It’s bright and the one thing that hasn’t changed since our childhood. I hear the windchimes again. 
Twinkling in the daylight.
Lorenzo hooks his arm around my neck with a sigh, “If it’s what you want, I guess it’s alright.”
I smack his arm. 
He smiles too, pressing a kiss to my forehead, “I mean it.”
“I know.” 
The anxiety clears. There’s still something unsaid between us, but it isn’t enough to ruin this moment. Our mother calls us from down the stairs. 
“Have you made up yet?”
We dissolve into laughter. 
“Yes, mum.”
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
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lotusconstellation · 11 months
“Shy Confessions” Pt. 1
Reborn Sun Wukong x Gn Reader
Story by: @queenofroses22
Written by: Lotus_Constallation
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When hearing about the great tales of Journey to the West, you’ll often hear the stories of the great and all-mighty Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong. The great sage equal to heaven, the celestial monkey that was born from a stone and set off to cause mayhem amongst anyone that crossed his path without any concern or hesitation.
You would also hear about the laughingstock of heaven and, honestly, of hell as well. The tales of Zhu Bajie, also known as Pigsy, a man who used to be a heaven official but made the mistake of refusing to believe he’s lightweight when it comes to alcohol, leading to his banishment and being cursed to be a pig demon for all eternity.
It’s also no doubt that you would hear about Tang Sanzang, formally known as Tripitaka, the powerful yet peaceful monk who had set off to fulfill his destiny!
There is also Sha Wujing, also known as Sandy, there’s not much about him but everyone knows he’s a water demon who fought courageously.
And finally, Ao Lie, the white dragon horse, who was also disguised as a white horse for Tripitaka to ride on while they make the hellish adventure to get those scriptures.
All of the people I have listed so far are very obviously well known. Some more than others. All have backstories worth mentioning even if there isn’t much. However, what if I told you there was one other person who, too, followed the demons and the monk on their journey, but you won’t find them in any stories. Not even a brief mention of their name. And that’s because this person was no one special. I apologize profusely, but those are the words I’ve heard from time and time again when I would ask why this person isn’t written down in history like the rest.
Surely, if they were a part of The Journey and were brave enough to follow the rest down the path of chaos and destruction, with a high risk of death, and trusting your life with 3 demons, that in itself is special, no? Unfortunately, people don’t see it that way. If you do not have some sort of spectacular fact about yourself that would capture the eyes of a dozen citizens, then you are nothing but a worthless little pebble under someone’s shoe. It’s a harsh reality.
However, that is why I am here! I am here to tell the tales of {Full Name}, Whether people like it or not, Because I firmly believe that they too deserve to be written down in history, just like the rest! And who knows, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, but enough chit-chat, Let us begin!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
This story starts with a small village that sits just at the bottom of a mountain. And on this mountain, lived a vicious demon.
The demon had been around for what felt like centuries, and often loved to cause havoc amongst the town’s people. The demon would poison the soil so nothing would grow, destroy stalls, steal from said stalls, smear mud and dirt on any clean laundry, and would run people over with a mysterious carriage. People of the village constantly prayed and prayed to any god to take care of this demon, but upstairs always remained silent. Eventually, after realizing that no one was going to save them, they decided to take matters into their own hands.
Chaos could be heard from a mile away as the townspeople shouted over each other.
“We must slay this demon!” Someone from the crowd shouted.
“With what?! Pitchforks and dainty knives? We’ve all seen what this demon is capable of, what we have won’t do shit!” Another one rebutted.
Throughout all this chaos, a rather average looking person stood off to the side, trying to share what they had to say, but their hushed voice was drowned out by all the other booming voices in the room. It’s quite funny, really. This person, {Name}, spent– heaven knows how many hours practicing what they were going to say, was also the first few to show up, only to be pushed into a corner. And no matter how much they tried to step through the crowd or raise their voice, all their attempts were futile. Eventually, {Name} let out a heavy sigh, before making their way through the crowd to leave through the front door.
Upon stepping outside, {Name} felt the spring breeze gently caress their skin, they inhaled deeply, letting the faint smell of blossoms ease their mind. It was a rather peaceful evening, despite all the ruckus going on in the house behind them. The air wasn’t too hot or too cold, flowers were starting to blossom from all around, the petals and their scent being carried by the wind, and the sun was just starting to set over the horizon, with the skies becoming a mixture of blue, orange, and a dash of red. Honesty, all of it was a sight to see, but sadly, everyone was too frightened to pay it any mind. Who could blame them though, really. With this demon who’s caused nothing but constant dilemmas and chaos for heaven knows how long, it’s no wonder everyone here would be in distress all the time.
{Name} sighed heavily once more before rubbing their temples, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. All the commotion, and the sudden sound of glass breaking was truly starting to get on their nerves. Unfortunately, however, it had always been like this, whenever the town’s people would try to talk about getting rid of this demon, it always ended up getting physical, and In the end, getting nowhere. Honestly, all of it was ridiculous and {Name} was starting to get irritated by it. I mean, that’s why they attempted to be a part of this meeting in the first place. They thought maybe, just maybe, they could take some initiative and try to have everyone think rationally for once, and not be so hostile and rowdy.
Though, I guess looking back on it now, it was stupid to think someone so bashful and run-of-the-mill as them, could make a difference. If they can’t even fake the confidence to take matters into their own hands. Then hell, what good are they? The thought alone made them feel…useless. {Name} tilts their head back, in a poor attempt to keep the tears from falling. However, the tears trickled down their face regardless. Embarrassed by their current state, {Name} took off towards the direction of a nearby forest. They didn’t know where they were going, they didn’t think of how close it was to nightfall. All they could think about was getting to a safe place to let out their woes without any judgment.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
The labored villager continued to run throughout the unfamiliar territory, making impetuous twists and turns for heaven knows how long, trying their best to jump over fallen logs and moss covered rocks, and unaware of their ankles getting little cuts from open thorns and sticks.
{Name} continued on until they found a spot behind a tree, sinking down to the floor as they finally let go of all their sorrows. They didn’t want to continue living like this; Living in constant distress, with nothing ever being solved because everyone was already so stressed out and exhausted from this blasted demon. I mean, what did the people in the village ever do to him? Why must he keep coming back to attack everyone — even children? Is there some sort of unknown history we were all unaware of? Does the demon know something we don’t?
Whatever the case may be, {Name} just wanted it all to end. They couldn’t take another second of living in that village; where the people do nothing but scream and yell at each other and don’t take a second to just think rationally. There needs to be a change before this demon eventually gets bored of terrorizing everyone and does something worse. {Name} wanted to be that change. But they were foolish enough to think that would ever happen. “Why?” {Name} spoke. Their voice low and raspy from crying so much. They looked up at the starry night sky, unable to realize just how long they’ve been crying for. “Why must this happen to us? What did we ever do?” {Name} honestly didn’t know who they were talking to, or if they were even talking to someone at all. Hell, it would be a blessing in itself if their voice was even loud enough to reach anyone. “We have done everything. Prayed, made offerings, dedicated ourselves to you,” {Name’s} voiced a little louder, their face contorted with anger. “So why do you choose to ignore our pleas? Are we simply not worth your time?” A gentle breeze passed by, but {Name} paid it no mind as they waited for a response, a voice. A comforting breeze will do no good, it will not just magically make up for the constant neglect from the Heaven’s. {Name} knows they shouldn’t dare think this way, they know such thoughts would poison their soul, but they felt like they deserve some sort of proper response from someone. Their childhood had been damaged because of this vile creature, they watched as their parents went from kind and caring folks to aggressive and hostile ones. They used to welcome {Name} with loving arms, often trying to encourage them to be more confident in themselves, to not be afraid to stand up for what was right. But slowly, over the years, they started getting more…aggressive and uncaring towards {Name}.
Out of respect, I will not mention the things they have done. Though, I will say that it unfortunately got to the point where {Name} had become very skilled in tending to wounds.
The lonesome village felt another tear prick at the corner of their eyes, their head dropped as the fresh set of tears left little stains on their clothes. Please, just send someone, anyone, to take care of this demon. I would do anything in return, I promise.
The rapid crackling of leaves suddenly reverberated around the forest, {Name} nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard it. The lonesome villagers quickly wiped the remaining tears from their face before attempting to see the source of the noise.
From where they were, they managed to see a tall, humanoid figure running as fast as they could, the figure was wearing all black colored clothing so they could’ve easily blended in with the night. The only reason {Name} could see them was because of another figure dressed in all white colored clothing that was lazily thrown over the other one’s shoulder.
“WUKONG!! SAVE ME!!” The person in white yelled.
Without thinking, {Name} got up from their spot and started chasing after the strangers to the best of their ability. Their name wasn’t Wukong, but regardless the stranger was in trouble.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
The figure dressed in black was fast, {Name} will tell you that. The figure was jumping around while also making unexpected turns—which threw {Name} off a bit—all while the person in white continued to cry out to someone named Sun Wukong. Which, {Name} had no idea who that was, but they’re assuming Sun Wukong is this guy’s friend. Though, what’s a bit strange is that this guy, despite crying out for help, made little to no effort to fight against the person who was holding him captive.
After what felt like hours, {Name} managed to follow the figure to a cave that was located at the top of the mountain. {Name} heaved while trying to force themselves to walk further up the steep hill. Once at the top, they leaned up against the entrance of the cave, trying to catch their breath. “I wasn’t built for this shit,” they thought.
A moment or two had passed before {Name} looked further into the cave, borrowing the faint moonlight, {Name) couldn’t help but sigh in awe.
The cave was covered in foliage, with a few small waterfalls that flowed down from a few openings in the walls, and the moonlight only gave the place an ethereal glow.
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(Artist: Unknown. Source: Pinterest).
{Name} was astonished, never in their life have they ever seen something as elegant as this. It all made {Name} ponder about their own life choices. From their younger years, there were always these rowdy kids who always dismissed the adults' concerns and went as far as they wanted into the woods. The kids offered for {Name} to join them one time, but they timidly refused. Now looking back on it, Perhaps it wouldn’t have hurt to accept their offer.
After what felt like an incense time, {Name} carefully moved towards the cave, the light from the moon slowly warning the further they went, relying on the tiny luminous blue flowers that scattered throughout the cave. As time passed, {Name} couldn’t help but grow more nervous. I mean, what were they going to do? How were they going to save this stranger from someone who could be armed and is undoubtedly stronger then {Name} was, when just prior they were sitting in the dark crying because they can’t even get their voice to go up an octave or two.
Honestly, the smartest thing to do would’ve been to go search for this “Wukong” guy but nOoOo, they just had to prove themselves.
Sighing heavily, {Name} continued on, trying to ease their mind by taking in the scenery. Whoever that black-clad man was, and as horrible as it sounds, {Name} was glad this was the place the man led them to. While they walked, they suddenly came to an opening with a bunch of stone staircases leading in all different directions, leading to multiple different rooms. {Name} was about to walk past it before a rather rejoiceful voice echoed throughout the room. “How lucky, How lucky I am today!!” {Name’s} blood ran cold, they recognized that voice. It was the demon. {Name} had followed the demon back to where he lived!
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End of part 1!
I really hope you and Queen enjoyed it. I can’t guarantee when the next part will be out, but keep an eye out 👁️
Love you all!!
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sstormyskyess · 8 months
thinking about single dad!soap.
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“Thank you for helping me today, by the way.” Your friend says with a tired smile on her face. You smile back, swinging the tiny hand in yours back and forth. The hand belonged to your friend’s son, who you had basically claimed as your nephew with how close you and his mom were. “Of course, Sara! Any time,” you peek down at Sara's son, Beau. “It just means I get to spend time with your little man.”
It was ‘bring your parents to school’ day at Beau’s primary school and unfortunately, Sara couldn’t stay and her husband was out of town. So, she employed you to be her son’s chaperone, just to make sure that he didn’t feel left out. You were perfectly happy to take up the role. You loved Beau just as much as Sara did, so being there for the two of them when they needed was the least you could do.
Sara gave both you and Beau a hug before bidding you both farewell and letting you walk into the classroom. Your senses were immediately overtaken by the exact kind of childlike chaos you would expect from a room full of five to six year olds. There was an array of parents mingling, some catching up and some introducing themselves for the first time, all while their kids played and snacked on the chips and candy that were laid out on a long table at the back of the room.
You opted to simply let Beau take you around wherever he liked, so you spent some time trailing behind him with a soft smile on your face and watched him get along with his friends. You scanned the crowd while you followed your nephew, and one man kept catching your eye.
He seemed a tad out of place in the room of toddlers, what with his broad stature and the scar cutting through the stubble across his chin. He seemed like he’d fit better on the movie set for some stereotypical action movie as the leading man. He certainly had the ruggedly handsome look down to a tee. Of course, all of this was offset by the comparatively tiny baby strapped to his body, sleeping soundly despite all the commotion. He watched a little girl, presumably his daughter, across the room from where he leaned against the wall, his hand large over the back of the baby cuddled into his chest.
He must’ve noticed you staring because he waves and gives you a charming smile. You awkwardly wave back before turning away, your cheeks warming at the fact you got caught. Beau, thankfully, saved you any extra embarrassment that might ensue with you still standing in his line of sight by pulling you to a different part of the room.
You realized quickly that he was leading you over to the girl that man was supervising. He sat next to her on the floor where she was doodling something with a pack of markers in a bag decorated with cutesy little cats and pawprints. They started to talk about kid things while you sat in a nearby chair and started to tune it out as you had for all the other conversations he had been having for the past thirty minutes or so.
It’s a few minutes after you pull out your phone to occupy yourself when you get tapped on the shoulder. You quickly turn to see who it was and you’re met with pretty blue eyes peering down at you. “I don’t think we’ve met before, have we?” He asks, bouncing the baby in his arms a bit now that she’s woken up.
You blink, somewhat stunned by how much more handsome he was close-up, before you shake yourself out of it and nod. You give him your name and he gives you his, ‘John.’ You give him a smile, hoping it masked your nerves when he takes a seat in a chair, which is comically small compared to him. “It’s a pleasure. You’re here with Beau, aye?” He hums in understanding when you nod again to affirm his question. “What are you to him? A friend of Sara’s? Or Joseph’s?”
“I’m Sara’s friend, have been since high school. How do you know Beau?” You tilt your head to pair with your question. “He’s Abigail’s friend, they’ve had playdates and all that,” He looks past you at the girl Beau was sitting with and you assume that the little brunette was the Abigail he was referring to. He opens his mouth to start talking again, but before he can get more than a couple words out, the baby on his chest has reached a hand up to grab his face, squishing his cheeks and babbling quietly up at him.
He gently tugs the baby’s hand away, putting it back down. “And this,” he moves his face away from the next assault, “is Ashley.” You can’t help but laugh at him struggling to make his younger daughter stop pinching his face.
For the rest of the school day, you sit with John and talk with him about various things. He gushes about his two daughters, you tell him stories about your past with Sara, and eventually you land on the topic of occupations. You’re left feeling a little starstruck when he tells you that he’s serving in the British SAS; compared to your standard office job, you seemed pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. “That’s… pretty impressive, actually.” You muse, trying not to display how in awe you were. He waves you off, shaking his head. “It’s nothing, really.” He wasn’t nearly as good at hiding the thinly veiled pride he carries, though.
The conversation continued to flow smoothly and before you knew it, it was time for everyone to head home. Most of the parents had left with their children by the time you realize you and John are some of the only people still lingering.
Abigail dashes up to John and tugs on his pant leg. “Papa, can I go to Beau’s house? Pretty please!” She looks up at him with a pair of bright hazel puppy-dog eyes. Even you wouldn’t be able to say no to that sweet face. He looks over at you and raises a brow. “D’you think Sara will be alright with it?”
You think for a moment before nodding and giving him and Abigail a smile. “I’m sure she would. As long as you trust me to take care of your little girl.” It was John’s turn to think, and eventually he nodded as well.
“Sounds good by me. Let me get your number.” He pulls out his phone with a bright grin that matched Abigail’s perfectly. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, it seems. Once you’ve exchanged information, you both head your separate ways. You give him a wave before heading to your car, a warmth in your chest while you walk behind Beau and Abigail walking in front of you hand in hand.
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wrote this in a frenzy in the middle of the night. uhh is this anything (more single dad!soap over on the masterlist)
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Thank You, Doctor (Miguel O’Hara - Part 2/4)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: language, miguel being a bit of a jealous prick
“I told you it was a good idea.”
Miguel woke up to the sight of a tiny golden figure hovering above him, hands clasped behind her back, lips pursed in victory. He turned his face into the pillow.
“You’re an AI, not an alarm,” he said.
“I’m both,” replied Lyla. “And right now, I’m right.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said.
“About Doctor Y/l/n,” she said, her smile sharpening.
“Leave me in peace,” he said, groaning into his pillow. “Just once.”
“I thought perhaps we could discuss expanding the operation,” she said. “Letting more anomalies integrate into spider society. So long as they wear their wristbands like Y/n, they’d pose no threat.”
“Except that Y/n is an exception,” he said, finally sitting up, biting back a groan at the stabbing pain in his gut. “Most of the other anomalies here are criminals, Lyla.”
Lyla kicked her feet together, shrugging. “Just something to consider.” And then she winked out, leaving Miguel in his supposedly cheerless room. He glanced around; maybe he did need to get a hobby.
The rest of his day was spent in his control room, standing—and then after insistence from Lyla—sitting in the midst of his endless yellow screens. The rest of his week went as such, and by the end, he realized Lyla had been going back and forth between him and Y/n, reporting on his progress. It had been Y/n demanding that he sit and take a break to eat and drink water and change his dressings; her demands had simply come from Lyla’s mouth.
At the end of the week, as planned, he returned to the med bay to have his stitches removed. A part of him realized that in any other circumstance, he would’ve just ripped them out himself and blown off whatever overbearing doctor insisted to do it for him. But he squashed that part of himself deep, deep down inside, plopping himself down on a bed in front of your station. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked, lining up your tools on a tray beside the bed. “I know you’re too tough to feel pain, but has it subsided at all?”
“Yes,” he said. “I’m just a bit sore.”
You nodded, and then you just stared at each other—you sitting on a stool beside the bed, him propped up on the mattress. You cleared your throat after a minute.
“Usually, I need access to the wounds in order to pull out the stitches,” you said, eyebrows raising as your eyes dropped to his suit.
He didn’t respond, but his face went a little red as he worked himself out of the top of his suit, leaving it pushed down to his waist. And then, very suddenly, he wasn’t the only one blushing. You were a doctor in training, you’d seen plenty of bodies. Bodies meant nothing to you. But they meant—something, when he was unquestionably ripped and blushing like a schoolboy. 
You smiled as you began to pull back the bandaging, nodding to yourself as you began to cut off the stitches.
“Think I’ll live?” he asked, and your smile widened.
“He’s a proper comedian now,” you said, pulling out the last stitch on his abdomen, standing up and coming around to his back to begin pulling out those. 
“General cheer and joy,” he said. “Doctor’s orders.”
You were glad you were tucked out of his line of vision, your cheeks growing warmer. “We’ve been over this,” you said. “I’m not a doctor.”
You had to climb halfway onto the bed to reach his wound, and it didn’t escape your notice the way his shoulders tensed at the slight dip of the mattress under your knee. “What did you do?” you asked. “Before all this?”
He went silent, the only sound between you the occasional snip of your medical scissors. “I had a family,” he said, the weight of the words hunching his back as you worked. “A daughter.”
“What’s her name?”
More silence.
Eventually, he said, “Lyla’s convinced me to start allowing more anomalies into spider society.”
“That’s long,” you replied. “Did she have a nickname?”
You couldn’t see the soft smile that curled his lips, but you could physically feel the tightness ease from his muscles. “Gabi,” he said.
“Cute,” you replied. “And do you mean that? About the anomalies?”
He nodded.
“Good,” you said.
“There’s a man from Earth-55403 who was a doctor in his own universe. We picked him up after he’d jumped unknowingly,” he said. “He starts next week.”
“It’ll be nice to have an actual doctor around here,” you said, and he didn’t reply.
After you’d finished, you climbed off the bed and came around to face him once more, peeling off your gloves. “You know your body and its limits. I have a feeling if I told you to wait another week, you’d just ignore me.”
“Probably,” he said. 
“I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you here again soon after you’ve reopened your wounds on a mission.”
“And I have a feeling that if I gave you ointment to prevent any scarring, you’d just say, scars make me look cool, and not use it.”
“That’s not what I sound like,” he said. “And probably.”
You laughed, and turned towards the sink to wash your hands. “Alright. Well, I’ll see you the next time you’re on the brink of death, Miguel.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” he said as he stood, and by the time you turned around to face him again, he was gone.
You hated him. You hated him and his stupid face that refused to ever flee your mind. You hated the hitch in your breath every time someone stepped into the med bay, and the sinking of your shoulders every time it wasn’t him. Which was every time. You weren’t some blushing schoolgirl. You were an adult. An almost doctor. You shouldn’t have been fawning over a man you’d had a handful of conversations with, but there was some sort of easy charm, the kind you lulled yourself into, whenever his stone facade gave way.
You’d made other friends—several accident prone spiders who came in often. One such spider was Peter Parker from a universe that sounded stranger and stranger every time he described it to you. But he was funny and awkwardly pleasant—like nearly every spider person that came through. Save for one.
“You know, when Miguel told me we’d be catching multiversal anomalies, I expected giant goo monsters and half-human nutcases,” he said, watching me with his mask off as I bandaged a cut on his arm. “Not smart, pretty girls with extensive medical knowledge.”
“How do you know I’m not secretly a half-human goo monster nutcase?” I asked, taping off the bandage and sitting up straight to look at him.
“That would make you even more mysterious and alluring,” he said.
“You’ve got a concerning taste in women, Peter.”
It was then that a person—just a person, seemingly not a spider—you hadn’t seen before stepped into the med bay, looking about with Lyla perched on his shoulder. 
“Who’s that guy?” asked Peter.
“Another secret half-human goo monster,” you said, before patting his shoulder and standing to greet the newcomer.
“Dr. Eddard,” said Lyla, floating between you two. “This is Dr. Y/l/n.”
“Just Y/n Y/l/n,” you said, reaching out to shake his hand. “Not quite a doctor.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/n,” said Dr. Eddard. “You can call me Sam.”
Sam was nice. Quiet, diligent worker. Lyla had him shadow you that first day just to get acclimated to the space, but after that, you only saw each other when your shift was over and his had begun. After a little while, he started bringing you dinner when he came to relieve you, and a little while after that, you greeted him each morning with breakfast in hand. After a week of your new routine with Sam, and over a week since you’d seen Miguel, the spider reappeared. 
He stepped into the med bay while you were patching up another spider, standing awkwardly by the door as he waited for you to finish. You noticed he wasn’t in his suit as usual, but in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He looked—domestic, almost.
“Rip open your wounds?” you asked as soon as the other spider had left, and he crossed the room, standing stiffly before your station.
“No,” he said. “I came by to check that everything with the new doctor is going well.”
You nodded. “No complaints from me. How are you healing?”
His response was to lift up his shirt and put his new, gnarly-looking scars on display. You smiled.
“They do look kinda cool,” you said.
He dropped his shirt back down, clasping his hands behind his back. “That’s not all,” he said. “It’s been explained to you that your father is a multiversal criminal.”
“Um, yes,” you said, sitting down on your stool as he continued.
“We’d lost his trail for a long time, but I believe we’ve found it again.”
You just blinked. “Okay.”
“He’s put countless universes at risk. Collapsed some, nearly collapsed your own.”
“Are you asking my permission to catch him?” you asked.
“No,” he said. “I just—wanted to let you know.”
You shrugged. “I’ve never met the guy, I’ve got no objections.”
He watched you as you turned towards your station, reorganizing lines of already perfectly organized medical supplies. You knew he didn’t quite believe you—you didn’t quite believe you—but you didn’t want his pity. 
“I’m jumping to his last known universe tomorrow,” he said. “I can keep you updated if you like.”
You shook your head. “No need.”
At that moment, Sam arrived with a take-out box, and you lifted your eyes to the clock. Your shift was already over. Sam sidestepped Miguel with a nervous smile at the man before offering the food to you. “I got you that turkey sandwich you like,” he said, and you thanked him, feeling Miguel’s eyes on you the entire time.
“Uh, Dr. Eddard, this is Miguel,” you said. You left out the fact that he was in charge, not sure exactly how Sam was feeling about the whole multiversal anomaly thing.
“I’m Sam,” he said, extending a hand out to Miguel. Miguel simply glanced down at it before lifting his eyes back to Sam’s face with an unimpressed twitch of his brow. Sam cleared his throat and dropped his hand.
“Thanks for checking in, Miguel,” you said, offering him one more smile before turning towards Sam, laughing at something as you opened up your takeout box, jokes already being exchanged between the two of you.
Miguel stood there for a beat longer than acceptable before slipping out, oblivious to your eyes following him out the door.
“Are they—close?”
Lyla simply blinked at Miguel, once again going against her programming by not giving him an immediate answer. Well, she was giving him an answer in her wide, judgy eyes, but not the one he wanted.
“They’ve known each other for a week,” she eventually said.
“I know that, but they seem well-acquainted,” said Miguel.
Lyla’s mouth slowly curved into a smile. “You’re jealous.”
“No,” he said, a little too quickly. “I am simply in charge of the anomalies here, and I want to be sure I haven’t put Dr. Y/l/n in danger. Dr. Eddard was a minor criminal, but a criminal nonetheless.”
“Well then sure,” said Lyla. “They’re close.”
“How do you know?”
“They are each the person the other has seen most since they left their own universes,” she said. “I believe they call it trauma-bonding.”
Miguel stared at her for a moment, before grunting and turning away. “¿Porqué me importa?³” he mumbled to himself, to which Lyla rolled her eyes.
“You care because you haven’t gotten your dick wet in years,” she said.
Miguel crossed his arms. “I’m sorry? I don’t remember programming you to give hookup advice.”
“It’s not advice,” she countered. “Just an observation. Everyone else here is essentially you in another form, but Dr. Y/l/n is a fresh, pretty face, who also happens to be smart and funny and kind, and it’s got your dick in a knot.”
“Can we stop talking about my dick?” he said, head whipping in the direction of the doors as they burst open, and the last person he wanted to see in that moment stepped through.
“I really don’t want to know what sort of conversation I was interrupting,” you said, breathless. “But something has happened.”
Miguel followed you as you started speed walking out of the room, and you explained that Sam had accidentally cut off his wristband while helping someone, and he’d started glitching nonstop. 
“No one else knew where the wristbands were kept—” you started, but he simply placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright,” he said. “I’ve got it.”
You watched him wrap a new band around Sam’s wrist as soon as you got to the med bay, placing a steadying hand on the doctor’s back as he settled back into his body.
“God, I’m so sorry,” Sam said, half to Miguel, half to you, as he leaned back against the nearest bed. “I don’t know how I could have been so careless.”
“How did it happen?” asked Miguel, eyeing the only spider in the med bay—the one Sam must have been helping. The man had an ice pack on his knee. No wounds. No stitches. Nothing that required anything sharp.
“I don’t know,” said Sam. “My scalpel must’ve slipped.”
“I was just coming in for my shift, and I found him like this,” you said, and Miguel stalked over to the bed where the only spider was siting, watching the scene before him with wide eyes. Miguel picked up the severed wristband from the floor, turning it over between his fingers.
“You understand that you will continue glitching and eventually disintegrate without this?” he said, eyeing the man.
“Yes, yes, I was just careless. My apologies.”
He stared at the man for a moment longer, before glancing back at Y/n.
“Perhaps he should stay under your observation for the day,” said Miguel, and you nodded.
“Right, of course,” you said, and he lingered until your breath had evened out and the panicked look in your eyes had eased.
Part 3
(3) “Why do I care?”
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I’m a strong defender of SB actually caring about his daughter and here are my reasons:
If she has a bully we’ve stated that he’d take care of it regardless if the bully was a boy or girl, and also not caring if he’s drunk or sober; especially this last detail shows how he cares for her because that’s his babygirl and even though she’s more than capable of fighting her bullies herself no one will talk bad to her or harm her, not if he has a say in it
If he’s awake late at night watching tv and having a drink or two, if she would walk into the living room and jump on the couch to sit with him because she couldn’t sleep, he’d let her sit there as long as she didn’t make a sound, but he also would ansker her if she asked what the movie he was watching was about or who was who on screen; and if she fell asleep at his side with her head on his arm or legs, he wouldn’t move her
He’d even caress her hair, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t as she sleeps peacefully at his side
How could he make something so… delicate? Not in a bad way. I think he’d be scared of having a daughter because he can’t be soft. He’s never been soft for most of his life. Girls need softness, that he can’t give.
But he can!! He doesn’t realize but he likes it when she cuddles up to him on the couch when he’s trying to have a nap, laying against his chest, and he likes it when she brings him random drawings she makes, folding them and hiding them in his pockets only to take them out again when he undresses and leaving them in a drawer of his dresser with the rest of her drawings
Maybe he doesn’t take her to her first day of school or teaches her to ride a bike, but he’s for sure proud to see her on that bike riding down the street. That’s his babygirl
When she’s older he even shares late night drinks with her. He knows kids shouldn’t drink but his kids are teenagers and they aren’t pussies and if they’re gonna do it anyway better do it at home; he even enjoys the small silent moments sitting with her having a beer when she comes home from a friend’s party in one of those rare days where HM was off somewhere himself, and it’s only SB and his daughter at home; she sneaks in a bit later than usual, and as many times Ben is awake having a drink. He doesn’t yell at her for being out late, at least she got home safe, and when she sits down with him after grabbing a bottle for herself, he nods acknowledging her presence, and they enjoy the moment in silence
Now I need headcanons for how their relationship would be once SB comes back years later
okay this killed me like
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pure tender moments between soldier boy and his little girl
i like the hc of mc and sb having these quiet moments where sb feels secure enough to be soft with his daughter.
them sharing mc's first drink together while hl is out on an assignment for vought.
sb probably thought about those times alot in russia :( and now he has a chance to capture them again. You're just a liiitttllle bit older than last time. and more jaded.
having nowhere else to go (like hell he was staying in that shitty motel), you'd grudgingly offered up your small office room in your apartment. butcher had also suggested it would be good for you to keep an eye on your dad to make sure he doesn't act out. you kinda felt like the parent now.
for the most part, he'd behave himself in the beginning. this was a great chance for him to get to know the person you've become.
but you still don't really know how to act around him, ya know what i mean? you've never dealt with the obvious childhood trauma you had. vought had onsight psychiatrists and therapists, but you wouldn't dare. that would be a sign of weakness.
so when you come home one night you find sb has actually set the table with microwave meal trays on your ceramic plates. they're those incredibly unhealthy meals he used to warm up for you and hl years ago. looked like he spent most of his allowance (you learned he would drink your own alcohol stash if he couldn't go out to buy his own) on a nice bottle of whiskey.
"i hope you're hungry babygirl." he smiles though it doesn't go past him the tenseness on your face as well as the bloodied knuckles you attempted to hide with your sleeve. "why don't you go wash up for dinner."
It was freaking you out. "okay. . ." and when you come back you awkwardly sit across the table from him. "whats the occasion?" you watch him fill your cup with the honey colored liquid.
"no occasion. we just haven't had time to talk, you and i. remember this brand? the same one i gave you for your first drink." he chuckles to himself. "even for your first time you tossed it back like a champ."
communicating with soldier boy had always been a struggle. "talk. . . about what exactly?"
"your life! all i know is that you're fucking that butcher guy and trying to kill your brother."
"it's more complicated than that." like you wanted to kill your brother. someone you had loved so much with all your heart, trusted like no one else. it ripped at you to be on an opposing side to him. you'd tried reasoning with him.
"then tell me."
and you do
and to everyone's surprise, sb IS trying his hardest to be a better father to you now though it's far too late.
oh, oh and think of the bar nights with you, sb and butcher cuz he insists on attempting to get along with him.
sb: "still have no idea what you see in him."
you: "well, nothing you can see with his clothes on at least 😏 😏"
sb: "😡"
butcher: *laughing*
best believe he's still unfortunately a misogynist no matter how hard you try to correct him 😓 and he still lacks a filter too so that's why you give him a taste of his own medicine by mentioning your sex life.
sb: oh my god stop talking about dick sucking!!! >:(((
you: you're the one who called him a cock sucker! if you call anyone that it should be me 🧐😆
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honeybee-bard · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Chapter 7 of this fic this WIP is from just got posted, check it out here! This WIP is from what will likely be chapter 12.
“Ugh, you’re such a romantic,” she scoffs, but her eyes are soft. “It’s nothing romantic,” you insist. “It’s just some blood, and…benefits.” She pauses for a moment, just staring at you. “Wynlana…what do you mean, it’s not romantic?” “I- it’s not! We’re just friends!” You sputter, and you feel your cheeks and the tips of your ears grow hot. “Oh, Wyn…gods, really? The two of you are the only ones who don’t realize you’re dating,” she says as if in awe. You nearly drop your tea. “We are not. It’s nothing like - I don’t think he even does that? He doesn’t strike me as the ‘committed relationship’ type. And we’ve got tadpoles in our brains! I can’t be dating with a tadpole in my brain!” You realize, as you hear yourself saying it, that your argument is tenuous at best. With how jealous he’d been of Gale, it probably would make sense that Astarion wouldn’t appreciate sharing. He hasn’t mentioned any past relationships, but it’s not as if he’d have the chance for them as a slave to Cazador, and he’s stated before how little he remembers of before he was turned. And as for the tadpole part, well… “Oh, you found a handbook for those carrying illithid tadpoles? You’ll have to let me borrow it sometime,” she hums, taking a long sip of her tea. “Look, Wyn, I know I don’t know Astarion as well as you do, but I don’t have to in order to tell you mean something to him. I don’t know what other things you know about him, so perhaps there’s something I’m missing. Perhaps you’re right, it's just - what did you call it, ‘blood and benefits’? But I think there’s something more to it, even if neither of you properly realize it. He doesn’t seek the rest of us out the way he does with you, and he’s certainly never spent evenings watching the sunset with any of us. Those are special things reserved for you.” The two of you sit in silence for a while, eating the porridge Gale made - still not great, but impressive considering how little he has to work with. You’re surprised to find it’s not an uncomfortable silence, though, and you suppose that might just be another pleasant part of friendship. Amicable silence. Shadowheart only speaks once more before you go. “I know I tease, but I really am happy for you, you know. Whatever it is between you and Astarion, I think it’s good for both of you. Just…try not to get your heart broken, alright?” You wish that you could tell her not to worry about it, that there’s no reason for your heart to break because there isn’t anything between you in the first place, but you’re starting to think that’s not the truth.
A heart-to-heart between two friends just before entering the shadow curse. Also, I've settled on the ship name "Starsong" for Wyn and Astarion, so any work involving the two of them will have that tag! I plan to go back and add it to previous posts as well so everything should be easy to find if you love these fools as much as I do.
I tag @bardic-inspo, @barbwillbrb, @netherese0rb, @drizztdohurtin, and @marlowethebard! No pressure of course, and as always anyone else is free to do it and tag me so I can see!
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bookishgalaxies · 3 months
A Little Company
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summary: you just want Kaeya to feel happy on this day.
pairing: kaeya x gn!reader
type: oneshot, not proofread
warnings: mentions of death, grieving (??)
a/n: anytime I play with Kaeya I keep the volume off because his voice low-key annoys me 😭
Everyone knew that Dawn Winery was closed on this particular day, and no one minded. The citizens of Mondstadt knew that today was a time when Diluc went off to an unknown place and let his staff have the day off. The regular day to day person didn’t know the reason for this but those closer to the family did.
It was the day of death for Diluc and Kaeya’s father. One that Diluc always spent mourning at his father’s grave. Kaeya, however, had a different plan each year. Sometimes he would do as many commissions as his body could handle for a much grateful Katheryne. Other times he would help Jean with taxing paperwork to distract his mind. A gesture that often did not go past her head as simply a way to help out.
This time, he was told by Jean to take the day off. Insisting the Traveler and Paimon would take care of anything they needed.
“Jean, you know there’s always work to be done around here.” Kaeya commented, leaning against the wall in her office.
“And we’ve got it handled. Go take a nice stroll, maybe get a meal at Good Hunter. You could use a day off Kaeya.” Jean responded, standing up from her chair and crossing her arms.
“You’re always commenting on how lazy I am. Complaining about how I’m constantly trying to get out of work. Yet now, you want to give me the day off?” Kaeya questioned, an eyebrow raising.
“I’ve got to go help Lisa with tracking down some misplaced library books, I better not come back to you still standing in this office.” Jean answered, walking past him and trusting him to shut the door after he sees himself out.
As much as he wanted to stay there just to spite Jean, he didn’t. Deciding it would be nice to take a stroll around Starfell Valley. Possibly take care of a few Hillichurl camps if need be. Maybe even catch the sunset stop Starsnatch cliff. It was a nice idea; Kaeya decided to try it.
Evening came quicker than he anticipated. He hadn’t realized how far he had hiked until he payed attention to the more orange glow the sun started to have and the pain in his legs. His mind had been elsewhere and he wouldn’t admit it. He knew he shouldn’t have spent this day alone. Being alone only gave him time to think.
His brother always paid proper tribute to his father but Kaeya couldn’t bring himself to visit the man’s grave. It was too….it made it too real. Kaeya knew his dad was long gone, though there days he liked to pretend otherwise.
He was surprised to see you sitting atop the cliff when he arrived. A basket sat next to you which piqued his curiosity.
“A picnic hmm?” He asked, sitting down beside you and motioning to the basket. You could tell his voice lacked the buoyance that it normally possessed.
You knew what today was and you knew how Kaeya avoided it. You’d seen him for years ignore the significance of the date and hide the pain that came to his eyes.
Pulling out a parcel from the basket, you handed it to him.
“I had Sara make it for you. She told me it was your favorite and I figured you’d be hungry after climbing all this way.” You offered it to him with a small smile.
“It smells delicious…but how’d you know I was going to be here?” He responded with a bit of surprise, taking the parcel in his hands and unwrapping it.
“Because I took care of Jean’s paperwork, made sure the Traveler and Paimon would be here, and bought out all the wine in the other taverns around Mondstadt.” You confessed, watching him eat the meal you had gotten him.
You watched him raise an eyebrow in question.
“I knew you’d try to hide from it Kaeya, the significance of this day. I wasn’t going to let you. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be alone and reflect. I knew you wouldn’t chase after the opportunity to do so yourself. So, I found a way to gently push you in the right direction.”
He was a bit stunned by how you had gone out of your way to do all this for him. You forced him to take the time he knew he needed but would never give himself. For once, he was completely silent after your statement. No quick-witted remark or flirty compliment, just thoughtful silence.
“Thank you, you clearly care about me if you were willing to do all of this.” He stared, looking at you in the orange light of the setting sun.
“I do care for you and I want you to be happy. Not just temporary happiness though. You deserve the kind of happiness that comes after reflection and thought.” You replied
He desperately wanted to lighten the mood. He couldn’t possibly respond in an equally meaningful manner to you. So, he reached an arm around you to slowly open the picnic basket.
“You wouldn’t have happened to bring any of that wine you bought, would you?” A small mischievous smile danced on his lips.
You laughed lightly and gently swatted his hand away from the basket.
“Easy, easy, I was getting to that.”
Pulling out a bottle of wine from The Cat’s Tail, you handed it to him with a glass to pour it in. Getting up, you dusted your clothing off. You gave him a small wave, then turned and took a few steps in the opposite direction.
“Now wait just a moment, where are you going? Leaving me all alone with a nice meal and a bottle of wine is quite rude you know.” Kaeya stated in a gentle tone, a small chuckle coming out afterwards.
“I figured you could use a bit more time to yourself.” You turned to face him as you replied.
Looking up at you with a smirk he motioned to the spot you had been previously sitting in.
“Well since it’s you, I wouldn’t mind a little company.”
Hope you had a happy time reading :)
Wishing you a delightful morning / night <3
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