fehdelivers · 8 months
Okay so I've had a hard time making sense of the different dorms of Twisted Wonderland and exactly how some characters meet the theme of their dorms.
The game itself doesn't give much detail. I've seen a few attempts at explaining the dorms but none of them feel like they totally fit to me so, I've put together how I define the dorms. Each explanation fits all the characters currently in their respective dorms.
So this is how I'm breaking it down:
A heart that strongly adheres to a personal code of conduct or a strong sense of justice or what's "right." It doesn't necessarily mean the law of the land but it can.
Riddle's adherence to the Queen's law and, before that his mother's "law." Chapter 1 is a perfect demonstration of this. (Ch.1) Lawful Evil -> (after Ch.1) Lawful Good
Trey's personal code of staying uninvolved and not sticking out unless something is worth said involvement. This is demonstrated in chapter one in that he was aware Riddle was going too far but didn't move to do anything until after Riddle had overblotted. True Neutral
Carter's social savviness as a form of personal code. He's the natural mediator of the dorm and is generally the one that tries to calm situations. Social interactions with him are nearly always positive. Basically, his sense of "right" is that people should get along and have fun. True Neutral
Ace's strong sense of justice. He was the first to speak up when Riddle was going too far. It's possible his sense of justice only applies when he's involved but, that doesn't negate the fact. Chaotic Neutral
Deuce also has a strong sense of justice. He tries to adhere to a general conduct of a good student but, lashes out in the presence of unjust and cruel behavior. Chaotic Neutral (arguably Chaotic Good)
The will to tenaciously fight for your goals regardless of the means or odds. This doesn't necessarily mean they have such goals but that willful determination is in their nature.
Leona obviously previously had the goal of being king and had planned as much it seems until his nephew was born and made that unlikely. While he's generally lazy, it's more out of despondency than true laziness. He still shows the ability to push through for his goals regardless in Ch 2 with the tournament. Chaotic Evil -> (after Ch 2) Chaotic Neutral
Ruggie's goal is clearly one of survival and advancement. His whole life has lived off that and he's willing to do whatever Leona asks of him because it serves that goal even if he doesn't like it. Neutral Evil
Jack carries a determination to see anything he does through. While he doesn't seem to have a specific goal, his nature is a tenacious one. Neutral Good (arguably Chaotic Good)
A mind that ensures they are prepared for both their obstacles and goals. An ability to make ample use of available resources to meet their needs.
Karim has been raised as a merchant's heir so he'd naturally have some ability for being prepared to meet his goals. Unlike most, his aspect is in his natural resourcefulness and ability to control public opinion. He has no specific goal to plan for but you do see how he's prepared for obstacles in that Jamil is the only person he really trusts who he keeps close and he has a sharp eye for things like poison that's demonstrated in later chapters. Chaotic Good (arguably Neutral Good)
Jamil pretty much embodies the dorm theme of "deliberation" from the get go so I don't think I need to explain this one. Neutral Evil ->Chaotic Evil in Ch.4 (I haven't done Ch.4 yet but I presume he changes to True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral after)
A heart that's moved to the purpose of doing what they believe is "truly good." One who is willing to consider the pleas of others, though not necessarily without payment.
Azul believes he is truly doing good by granting wishes to others. The fact that he stands to gain just as much or more doesn't negate this fact. Chaotic Evil (I haven't finished Ch.3 but I assume he changes to Chaotic Neutral or something to that effect)
Jade is the more reserved of the twins in his pursuits but he still dedicates himself just the same to his "good." Jade and Floyd are very similar in the sense that it seems they define "truly good" as their "entertainment." Both are moved only to that which interests them. Neutral Evil
Floyd is more obvious in his pursuit of "entertainment" with his moody personality and his ADHD-like fixation on his interests vs his disinterests. He's noted to have a great memory reserved only for things he likes. Chaotic Evil
All three give the impression that they would hear out the pleas of others which isn't an aspect shared with others in other dorms necessarily. There are characters that would disregard such pleas regardless of possible reward.
The will to be devoted wholly to the betterment of themselves with the resolve to see their efforts show progress no matter the effort or the means. (This differs from Savanaclaw in that Pomefiore is focused on self betterment where Savanaclaw focuses on specific goals otherwise)
Vil is a pretty obvious representation of the theme of "Enduring Efforts" for self betterment. For him, self betterment translates to physical beauty and talents for his career. He puts in constant effort for both of these on a daily basis. By Ch. 5, this has gone to extremes with his self betterment has changed to be better than others and not just better than himself. Neutral Evil (I haven't done Ch.5 but I assume he changes to True Neutral by the end)
Rook is canonically a student of the Savanaclaw dorm before he requested transfer to the Pomefiore dorm. Therefore, he is reflective of the Savanaclaw values of doing whatever it takes in pursuit of your goals. In this case, his goal is in learning more about the notion of beauty. You could argue his daily efforts in this also suit Pomefiore. Chaotic Good
Ephel is bound and determined to becoming a man among men despite his lovely appearance. His self betterment is not in beauty but masculinity. Lawful Good (arguably Neutral Good)
The will to see things through regardless of precieved reward or glory. One who takes on tasks because they are "necessary" whether they want to or not.
Idia at first doesn't seem diligent in the slightest. He developed his technological skills very early in childhood and already seems to hold rank in his family business despite his age and his studies. Despite his apparent crippling social anxiety, he still preforms his duties as house warden (though in his own way and with tools available). He also provides constant upkeep and updates to Ortho. Chaotic Evil (I haven't played his ch. yet but I assume he changes to Chaotic Neutral)
Ortho might or might not count as he isn't an official student nor is he a living being. He does appear to have a sense of self and seems capable of making decisions/having opinions himself so I'm counting him. Ortho is constantly carrying out tasks for his brother that he is presumably doing on his own will. Chaotic Good (arguably Chaotic Neutral)
An innately noble heart that brings with it a great sense of dignity and "fairness." One who truly knows who they are and what they deserve. One who takes and gives what is deserved and no less.
Malleus is a faerie prince who is a great deal older than other students so his sense of dignity comes from many areas. Despite often being ignored or feared, he treats others with patience as he is aware of his great presence. He formed a club alone for his interest in gargoyles without any need for other validation. Much like any faerie of lore, he gives what he gets. Chaotic Neutral
Lillia is like Malleus in that he is a great deal older than others. He is happy to educate others on matters that he has learned in his years and graciously pays little mind to how they may take this as a joke. He is a bit more active in stepping into situations when they exceed what is necessary. He is shameless in his quirky behavior because he is comfortable and confident in his identity. True Neutral
Silver is an ernest student who treats others seriously and sincerely. He is confident in his role as Malleus's guard and Lillia's son despite being human. He is unlikely to treat others dishonestly but won't stand for unwarrented unfairness. Lawful Good
Sebek, like Silver, is confident in his role as Malleus's guard despite not having the closeness he'd like. While brash, he still carries himself with the same knightly sense of honesty and fairness. He is resolute in his actions and presentation despite public reaction. Lawful Evil (arguably Lawful Neutral)
As you can see, I also tried to assign alignments to each character to further demonstrate how it takes all sorts. Since this school is canonically home to students who are largely self-interested, it stands that most of the student body would be neutral or evil.
I decided who was what by trying to see which statements fit the best.
Lawful: I value the status quo and actively try to follow the rules as I know them.
(In the case of Silver and Sebek, Malleus technically counts as their default "status quo" so them deferring to him but otherwise following the rules counts as lawful to me)
Neutral: I don't particularly care about the status quo but I will follow it as it suits me. I have my own code of conduct but it's not worth disruption/attention.
Chaotic: My personal code of conduct is more important than the status quo and it's worth disruption and/or attention. I am not mindful of the status quo at all.
Questions to ask:
If the status quo is in the way of something that I want, am I willing to be disruptive about it or at least work around it? If yes: neutral or evil, if no: lawful
Does the status quo matter enough to me for it to affect my course of action, regardless of if said action is lawful or not? If yes: neutral or lawful, if no: chaotic
(Note: if you're debating on methods of lawbreaking that aren't necessarily disruptive, your character is probably neutral)
Good: I care about others outside my circle and I am willing to act on this despite possible harm or inconvenience to myself.
Neutral: I care about myself (optional: and my circle) more than others around me but I'm not willing to cause harm or inconvenience to others. I care about others but I am not willing to risk my harm or inconvenience for them.
Evil: I care about myself (optional: and my circle) more than others and, I don't care if others are harmed or inconvenienced in my pursuits.
Questions to ask:
Would I being willing to be harmed or inconvenienced for the sake of another person I don't know without personal benefit? If yes: good, if no: neutral or evil
Do I care if someone else gets hurt or inconvenienced in the pursuit of my goals? If yes: good or neutral, if no: evil
(Note: if you're debating on how much harm or inconvenience is acceptable, your character is probably neutral)
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fehdelivers · 4 years
Take your time! It’s good to know you’re okay and everything is going fine for you. Life can get busy (I think we’ve all had that) and sometimes a break from tumblr is the best. I look forward to when you do come back! 😊
God, I’m sorry it took me so long to see this in my messages! Also, you’re really sweet for saying so! I :) thought that things would settle down with a new job and a better environment, but there’s been a number of roadblocks... I’m not abandoning this blog and I do very much want to get back to writing! It just might take a bit and I might have to start small. I really appreciate you for dropping in and I hope you and everyone else kind enough to follow this blog are doing well, especially with all the scary business happening in the word lately.
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fehdelivers · 4 years
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okay but this
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fehdelivers · 5 years
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Source: This
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Hello there pyremblem!! I hope you're doing fantastic! :) In regards to the question about what I remember most from your writing, I definitely will always remember your strong characterization of Surtr from that amazing fanfic you wrote. Not just the characterization, but also how amazingly you set up the setting. Everything flowed and worked together so well; I honestly still can't get over how spectacular everything was. Definitely a classic in my fanfic library!
Wow! Thank you for answering that : D I wasn’t sure if anyone would pay much mind to it tbhI actually really enjoyed working on that one. I’ve always been a fan of describing things in a way that isn’t as straightforward. Like how the the conflict between the two armies is described like a struggle between two beasts. To me, it feels more vivid and interesting. I feel like I got to play with that a lot in that story. : )I really wanted to set things up in a way that felt like it would happen within the confines of the story so I felt a serendipitous meeting away from others and stuck with each other was the best way to build on that. So for that story, it was intended to feel like this brief but deeply meaningful meeting that was otherwise never supposed to happen. But it does and two very different people connect in this private space that becomes very warm in contrast to the outside cold. I wanted there to be a sense that the cave and that night they spent there was their own private bubble even if it was temporary.I say that but I’ve had some requests for a part two so there’s a sequel in the works, slowly but surely. 
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fehdelivers · 5 years
I wish you good luck on your come back! Just pace yourself, take your time, and don’t be afraid of your first attempts! I believe in you! UwU
You’re the best and I appreciate you endlessly.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Hope your doing okay! Don’t worry about writing if you don’t feel like it. R&R and come back healthy and strong 💪🏼
Aw thank you for checkin in. I’m still alive. Life has just been extra hard these last few weeks. Work has been miserable and I’ve been scrambling to find a different job. The job search in and of itself is really depressing, and my mental health has never been the best either so it’s just be...really tiring. I’m not gunna unload on you but I’ve been doing what I can at least. 
I haven’t fallen off the edge of the world and I still intend on finishing the requests and whatnot that I have. I’ve just been fighting to keep myself stable in a number of senses lately.
It was very kind of you to send me this, btw. I really genuinely appreciate it and I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, nonnie.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Shelterless - a pre-FE9 fic Chapter 1: Hidden    Rating: General    Character(s): Elincia, Tibarn    Tag(s): culture differences, politics, kid fic
Moments of meeting between Princess Crimea and the Hawk King. Chapter 1: Young Elincia wants to see her father’s special guests.
Decided to casually start a series ficlet set in FE9 canon, featuring what-ifs for Elincia and Tibarn interacting.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
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tfw you wanna save orbs but FEH decides to throw in a new banner
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fehdelivers · 5 years
I just saw your letter prompts reblogged on another tumblr and I'm so glad I found you because they're lovely!! TBH they're my favorite kind of thing to see on writing blogs, and you've been awesome at keeping them in-character. Your sidebar says requests open but your rules say a limit of 15 letter requests, so I totally get it if you don't want to take this since I don't know the current state of your inbox! But just in case, may I ask for "Left after a night you can’t remember" with Soren? ♥
Aw well thank you : ) I saw the text prompts at some point so I thought a letter version would be fun especially given the fact that I can describe the way they write like this. You don’t have to worry about the limit too much. It’s rare that I have more than like 8 total in my inbox lol that limit is more for my reference than anything. I just wanted that in the rules just in case. Anyway, here you go! I hope you enjoy : )
There’s a note on the desk in Kiran’s bedroom. It took awhile for her to notice it with her head still throbbing from the festivities the night before. She may have had too much as most of the evening was a blur, and she had no recollection of how she got in her bedroom nor how she dressed down.
The writing on the paper was scrawled quick and sharp. There were no frills to it but the penmanship was clear and easy to read. The sharp edges of each downward sweep and upward strike gave the impression of an irritable or flustered writer. Interestingly, the angry scribbles wabbled into embarrassment by the end. The tone changed from one of annoyance to one of bashfulness. Despite that, there was a care in how the letter was folded and placed. If it had been left on the end table, it would have likely ended up on the floor with her shuffling about this morning.
It’s just like you to behave so carelessly. You’re hardly built for battle, let alone the amount of liquor you drank tonight. Did it occur to you at all to say “no” to any of the drinks that had been offered? Of course not. Any job requested, you say yes. Any trouble that comes your way, you say yes. It’s nauseating the amount of trouble you could get yourself into by blindly agreeing to whatever comes your way. You’re lucky I was keeping a careful eye out. A festival may be enough for you to forget the dangerous persons we have in the order, but certainly not me. Just the memory is enough to irritate me greatly. You’re the leader of this order! What makes you think you can be so defenseless when people like that are about?
I doubt you’ll remember much of this in the morning, the fool you are, so I’m leaving this note for you. It’s a bothersome courtesy but it’ll be even more annoying to have you asking about when you wake. You had drunken yourself stupid and I returned you to your room before something dangerous could befall you. I removed your shoes and cloak when I got you to bed. Knowing you, you’d get hot and the thought annoyed me. Nothing else happened! I’ve no doubt you’d hear all sorts of rumors asking about so I am making this clear here. I laid no hand on you whatsoever in the state you were. As if I would do such a thing without your consent. I left you some water by the bed. I’ve no doubt you will regret your decisions in the morning, but know that you got to bed safely.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Inbox Update
Current Pending Requests:
Surtr nsfw oneshot (combined requests)
Soren letter prompt; "after a night you can't remember"
Valter drabble; "summoner has nightmare and wakes to find Valter sitting in her room"
F!RobinxChrom nsfw drabble; wedding night
Chrom love prompt; "loud enough for everyone to hear"
Alfonse love prompt; "over and over again"
Current Pending Projects:
Skimir nsfw oneshot
Ask Kiran: art and intro
Pending response from contest winners for drabble requests.
Inbox is still open btw : )
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Here's the winner's pick from the raffle! : )
The way you said “I love you.“
Some fluffy, some angsty prompts
As a hello
With a hoarse voice, under the blankets
A scream
Over a cup of tea
Over a beer bottle
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
As a thank you
As an apology
When baking chocolate chip cookies
Not said to me
With a shuddering gasp
When we lay together on the fresh spring grass
In a letter
A whisper in the ear
Loud, so everyone can hear
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble
When the broken glass litters the floor
From very far away
With no space left between us
As we huddle together, the storm raging outside
Over your shoulder
Muffled, from the other side of the door
Through a song
Without really meaning it
In a blissful sigh as you fall asleep
Broken, as you clutch the sleeve of my jacket and beg me not to leave
A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips
When I am dead
Slowly, the words dripping from your tongue like honey
Too quick, mumbled into your scarf
In awe, the first time you realised it
In a way I can’t return
On a post-it note
Before we jump
As a goodbye
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Uh hi....Here is a resend request: Can you make a Walking through the woods and then Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion prompt of Male Corrin and Azura its like they the former proposed her to be his mate in the ruined dragon's temple and here he mated her for life before marrying her..
Sorry for the wait but here it is! I tried adding a bit more length to it since you asked for it around your birthday I believe
I hope you enjoy! : )
(NSFW content below)
The ruins showed a different face now.
Only days ago, the air exuded a wicked beast’s malice with claws aching to tear flesh from bone. Now, the old ruins held only an echo of the past. As if all that bloodshed was lifetimes away. The ominous aura had faded like the last shadows of night to the dawn.
The war was over.
Corrin marveled at this thought. The sun of a new era, a new peace, had risen just as all the fighting had come to an end. How soon the darkness crawled away with it. And yet, Azura still remained a spot of light by his side.
When the chaos had plunged the world into the night, she had appeared just as suddenly. A beautiful and serene figure cutting through the darkness like the moon herself.
He fretted about this often now. With the worst of it over, would she disappear just as suddenly? All this time, was she only a sliver of moonlight to be known after dusk?
Corrin snuck a glance. Azura was peering out at the ruins, much like he had been. He wondered what she saw of this place. Most would view the breaking of a new morning with hope, but he could only worry where the moon was going and if he could go with her.
“You seem lost, Corrin.”
The soft voice broke him from his thoughts. Azura peered at him with a tilted head. She only offered a smile when he hesitated. “If there’s something on your mind, perhaps you might share it with me?”
His heart ached furiously at the kindness. He didn’t want to tell her how dream-like her existence was to him. How he worried she might be gone in the next blink. But Corrin also didn’t have the heart to deny her anything.
The smile he gave her as a painful one. “Ah, you’ll probably think it’s silly.” He chewed his lip and looked back at the ruins, giving himself time to gather his courage. “You just appeared out of nowhere when all of this started, and I don’t think I ever told you how much your presence at my side has meant through all this darkness.” He swallowed and turned his gaze back to her. “But… I can’t help wondering if you’ll disappear just as suddenly now that it’s all gone.”
His words were heavy on his tongue. The silence that followed was heavier still. Corrin averted his eyes and cleared his throat. “I’m sor–”
He was cut off when a pair of soft hands grasped his face and warm lips pressed to his. Corrin nearly tripped over himself to return the affection. After a moment, Azura pulled away and met his gaze with eyes full of warmth. “I promise you, I’m right here. If you want me by your side, then that is where I will stay.”
Corrin dragged her closer and crushed his mouth to hers. Gone was the featherlight assurance and what replaced it was the full force of a love too big for one man to keep contained any longer. Azura threw her arms around him and gasped against his mouth.
They kissed with a desperate fervor as if they were both trying to convince themselves that none of this was a dream. Her back pressed against one of the delipidated walls. As cool as it was, the heat of Corrin’s body pressed tight against hers made it seem like nothing at all.
Her fingers wove into his hand and gripped him closer. Corrin was in a fever of need as his hands explored what he could. Azura’s legs buckled and the suddenness left them both sliding to the ground.
Something pressed hard between her thighs. Azura pulled back with a throaty moan. Corrin went rigid in her grip. She panted softly as she peered up at him. His eyes blazed ruby. Did he know his pupils were slit like that? He looked like a man that was nearly a beast.
Perhaps that should have alarmed her but instead, Azura felt a shiver of desire jolt down her spine. Corrin flexed his jaw and struggled against his instincts. “I–I’m sorry.” His face flushed with shame. “You mean so much to me. I can’t do this to you.”
Azura blinked. “But…”
“It should be more special than this.”
Her heart warmed at the thought as she coaxed him to look at her. She chewed her lip and tentatively pressed her thighs on either side of his hip. Corrin jolted and growled deep in his throat.
Azura smiled. “It’s already special because it’s you.”
Corrin gazed at her, pinned against a wall and yet still smiling at him with so much love. She shined so brightly in his eyes, he could very nearly taste the moon on his lips. His whole body was coiled tight with an overwhelming instinct he could hardly understand.
All he did know was how Azura had to be a fallen star. A shard of moonlight. Something ethereal and celestial and so far above him that it was deeply special to have her in his grasp at all.
He didn’t need any other star from the sky. He didn’t need any wishes they might grant. She was his wish. And if he could have her forever, then that is all he’d ever need. That urge filled him and her acceptance was all it took for him to kiss her again.
Azura took to him gladly, gripping his shirt as his mouth delved into hers. He didn’t shy from her body. His hands explored with the boldness that came with his need. The top of her dress was slid down and Azura gasped when the cool air kissed her bare chest.
Corrin kissed and nipped down her throat, a soft purr in his chest as he marred her soft skin with bruises of his passion. Azura tilted her head back with a mewl of pleasure on her lips. Her hip rolled against his cock. Corrin growled and pressed it harder against her. He was rewarded with a whimper from his beautiful lover.
She had deftly worked his shirt open. Delicate hands traced over muscles that had become defined over their years on the battlefield. She planted soft kisses along his collarbone and sighed contently. Corrin couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
Her dress was hiked up to her hip. His claws made short work of her underwear. The scent of her arousal hit his nose and Corrin groaned at the sweetness of it. He rubbed his length between her folds. She was already so wet for him. The thought stuttered down his spine.
Azura whimpered and dragged him closer as she rocked her hip in kind. Her moans came louder and with a throb of desire, he wondered if she was already close. Corrin teased the entrance with the tip of his head. Azura gripped his shoulders so tight her fingers dug into the skin.
With a snarl of need, Corrin thrust deep. Her head fell back with a cry that echoed through the decrepit ruins. He grabbed her by her ass and pressed her so close she was sitting on his lap. Her back rubbed against the stone wall behind her as he started in to a bestial pace.
He panted and groaned against her neck. He squeezed her ass and ground his hip roughly into her dripping pussy. The broken halls of the temple echoed with the wet slap of their lovemaking and Azura’s cries of pleasure.
He could feel her tight against his cock and knew she was close to her limit. He could feel the sharpness of his teeth and a need that had no human words. He fervently kissed at the crook of her neck. He sucked at the skin and groaned low as his cock throbbed with his own limit growing close.
He pushed deeper, rougher. Mindlessly chasing a pleasure and sense of completion he instinctively knew could only come from Azura. She ground her him in equal desperation as she responded to his touch with her own wild need of him. Corrin all but roared when he spilled inside her.
Her head fell back as she screamed out in pleasure. His teeth pierced her shoulder in an animalistic display of possession. Azura trembled in pleasure, moaning dizzily as her hip rolled against his cock to milk him of every bit of his essence as he laid his claim on her.
They clung to each other tightly as Corrin licked the small wound clean as if they were trying to imprint deeply their intertwined futures. Azura planted lazy butterfly kisses along his shoulder as they slowly came back down to Earth.
Slowly, Corrin returned to his human senses. Azura had patiently and lovingly curled with him on the ground. She gave little thought to the dirt as she brushed his hair back warmly. Corrin closed his eyes for a moment to commit to memory the sight of Azura as she came.
He recalled something Leo once said about stars in one of his books. How stars were at their most beautiful when collapsing. Corrin knew better than most that Azura was a woman built upon all that had broken her. That had once been his interpretation, but he liked this one better. Azura, as she went to pieces under his touch.
Azura sighed against his shoulder. Thoughtful eyes peered with a lethargy that came with lovemaking. “Valla will need to be rebuilt.”
Corrin kissed the top of her head. “Then, why don’t we rebuild it together?”
The smile she gave him left stars in his eyes with its brightness. Azura touched the mark he left on her neck with deep affection. “I would love nothing more.”
There was a knowing to her words, one he understood. Corrin’s fears of the future were gone. They both knew without a doubt that they would meet it side by side for the rest of their lives together.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Imma be greedy and send a second ask cause I loved that first one uwu: the sensory prompt "Thigh-high stockings and garter belts" with Reina please 💖
Sorry it took a while but here you go! : ) I thought using battle and bloody imagery here and there would fit with Reina since she’s described as a fairly bloodthirsty person. I hope you enjoy!
(NSFW content below)
Reina could barely recognize the woman peering back at her from the mirror. The lace clung to her body like a lovers touch. Somehow, she felt more bare than nakedness like this. The featherlight touch left her skin more sensitive to the air.
Would Kiran like this?
It had been nearly six months since the little summoner had caught her eyes and dug the heart right from her chest. Reina smiled at the memory. It was a bloody take for something so precious but she still warmed at the romance of it.
A battlefield was a strange place to find love. That was to be certain. Somehow Reina felt this narrative suited her, suited them. Kiran’s hands had been shaking with the weight of a world’s fate placed in her inexperienced hands. There were few thoughts more satisfying than shouldering that burden with her.
In this way, the weight of war had only served to push them together.
She wanted to show Kiran how much she meant to her. Protecting her on the battlefield and making sure she took her meals, all of these things felt like something natural from a comrade at arms. But weren’t they more? Didn’t she owe her darling summoner more?
Reina knew herself well. She was either guarded as armor or open as a wound. There was little in between for her. Kiran had only had a taste of the metal of her shield. She deserved the taste of blood instead, from the beating heart she still held in her hands. Her eyes flickered to the mirror again. Reina couldn’t recall a time that something so small had made her feel so vulnerable. This was fine.
She wanted to be vulnerable for her.
With a click, the bedroom door opened. Kiran froze at the sight of her, clad in delicate lace. She sucked in a breath, eyes darting to drink in the vision before her. Her tongue wet her bottom lip. “Ah, R-Reina?” She breathed out, confused and unable to tear her eyes away.
Reina smiled and stepped over. She pressed a hand to the door and let her weight shut it behind her dear summoner. The darling woman was so cute like this, nearly starstruck with a look. Reina felt deeply pleased. “My darling, it feels so long since the day you took my heart. The days have been longer still with each battle.” She brushed her fingers along Kiran’s jaw. She swallowed at the way her love shivered under the soft touch.
“I feel I haven’t given you enough of my time and of myself.”Kiran stammered. “Y-You don’t have to give me anything, Reina.” Her face was stained a delicious red.
Reina’s mouth curled. “Oh?” Her knee slid between Kiran’s thighs, and she was rewarded with a sharp gasp. “But what if I want to?”
Kiran swallowed. “You know, if this is my present, couldn’t I at least unwrap it?” The words were rather bold for the little summoner, but Reina merely laughed and pulled away. “I’m sorry, darling. You’re just so cute. It’s difficult not to tease you if only a little.” A smirk flickered across her features before she stepped away to sit at the edge of the bed.
Kiran collected herself and removed her boots quickly. Most of her clothes followed quickly. Reina only watched in amusement. The eagerness was charming but it would have been nice to get a bit of a show for her efforts. Mm, a thought for another time.
The bed sank a bit as Kiran crawled closer. She settled behind Reina with her arms wrapped around her warrior love and her lips trailing warm kisses along her neck. Reina closed her eyes a moment and sighed at the affection. Kiran’s warm breath left pleasant tingles on her skin.
Kiran had skillful hands. A fact that Reina was delighted to keep as her own secret. Her darling maneuvered the ties and lace with an expert grace that she could only compare to the elegance of a twirling spear between fingers.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what brought all this on?” Kiran punctuated her question with a heated kiss at the crook of her neck. Reina moaned softly and struggled to grasp her reasoning. “I–wanted to be vulnerable with you. For you.”
Kiran hummed against her shoulder. “For me?” Her hands slid under the waistband and curled against Reina’s hip. Another throaty moan filled the room. “More–” She gasped and stuttered.
“I-I wanted to give you more of me.” She couldn’t help but roll her hip to Kiran’s fingers. Her darling didn’t stop with her attentions and Reina struggled to get her words back. “I know I haven’t been as open with you as I should be as your lover a-and I wanted to change that.”
Her confession was cut short with a whimper as Kiran flicked her thumb over the clit. Her other hand cupped over Reina’s breast, fingers tugging and rolling the sensitive nerve.
“T-This position seems a-ah strange choice does it not?”Kiran merely hummed against her skin. “Does it? I get such a nice view like this. Why don’t you look?” Reina blinked and lifted her head a bit. Her own flushed face peered back from the mirror across the room. The lingerie was disheveled on her body. Her parted legs gave her a clear view of Kiran’s fingers working her aching cunt.
What face was she making? That dazed, messy thing. Kiran kissed the crook of her neck and looked at the mirror too. “Do you see what I see? I’ve gotten to see you like this each time we’ve gone to bed together.” Her fingers scissored and flicked inside. Reina arched and moaned Kiran’s name.
“I get to see your face in the morning and the warmth in your eyes each time I see you.”
Reina couldn’t comprehend why such sweet words only left her hotter and more needy for her lover’s touch. Kiran turned her head and kissed her deeply. Reina desperately returned the affection, moaning against her mouth.
Kiran relished having Reina like this, willing under her hand. She was a warrior of a woman, Kiran knew this all too well. She carried herself with strength and took to the carnage of the battlefield as naturally as a bird to the skies. But–
She wondered. Did Reina not know the softness she always carried by her side? Kiran didn’t fear the war the same way she once did. The taste of blood once left her all the sicker and more frightened. Now it tasted like a blessing. Like Reina’s hand in hers. Like her name on her lips.
It was best to show her then right? What better way than to hold of a mirror so she could see the way her face flushed and her eyes warmed. Kiran was a soft touch, but a tactician needed to be cunning in both love and war.
Reina panted against her mouth. “I love you.” The words trembled like a prayer, and Kiran kissed her harder for it. Reina’s body twisted in her grip, hip rolling desperately to her fingers. She arched as she cried out. She quivered with the weight of the pleasure. Kiran planted affectionate kisses along her shoulder as her body relaxed.
Reina peered back at her with a smile that left Kiran just as breathless. Reina didn’t know what it meant to find love in such a strange time and place. But Gods, she loved Kiran with all her still beating heart.
If this was what it was like to be open as a wound, then Kiran was by far her favorite way to bleed.
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fehdelivers · 5 years
I know it was posted a few days ago but the Corrin Nohr HC slap 👏🏼🥰
Why thank you =w=
Lol what blew my mind is I cracked that out in like 20 minutes and in the course of like 2 days that became one of my most popular posts
Whereas posts that I took days to figure out managed to get like 10 notes over the course of months
Like what even is this?? 😂😂😂
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Just appreciated how well executed your feh header was for like 2 minutes. I can't stop staring.
Why thank you! I try to be consistent when I put a theme together =w= The pictures I used are by flamingopuuuunch. The “art credit” button is linked to their page if you wanna take a look at more of their work!
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fehdelivers · 5 years
Valter--[Secret Spring; Devour]
Word Count: 2800
Genre: Smut
Summary: Devour, to eat food or prey hungrily, to destroy completely.
Valter was tried of the stale hunt and the Renais brat hanging about. Kiran felt she was running more from herself. They both had desires that needed sating, and Valter was intent on feeding.
Note: This is my piece for the Secret Spring exchange : ) @idothisforfunx I hope you enjoy! It’s May 1st so I’m right on time!
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The shadow didn’t follow her the same way it used to. Days used jumping at the slightest movement out of the corner of her eye, were now used to ignore a stare burning into her back. Ephraim had made good on his word, and ironically, Valter had as well. With the prince constantly at her side, Valter had fallen back.
Kiran wasn’t brave enough to meet his eyes even when she felt them fixed on her.
She was technically keeping to her word. She hadn’t promised him anything besides allowing him to pester her instead of the Renais royalty. There was a dread in her stomach that told her it was a matter of time before he grew tired of keeping his distance. There was a greater dread in her heart that insisted she didn’t dislike the idea as much as she wanted to.
Was this part of the hunt too?
She had once thought the jackrabbit thumping of her heart was due to the chase. But that was all over now with Ephraim at her side. So why did it feel like she was still running? Why was there a hunt in her dreams most nights, one that always ended with her caught? Curled hair and wild eyes would fill her vision as he pressed her to the ground, pinned at his mercy. He’d have that wolf’s smile as he descended upon her. His hands were so hot on her skin. So hot she’d wake panting and deeply conflicted.
When did he get into her head like this?
It was a small blessing that it was so cold outside when they stepped out into the tempest. She needed something to keep her head clear. The objective was the same as it ever was, victory and what resources they could find. With the steep cliffs and ruthless enemies, Valter was a necessity for the team.
Kiran had stayed back to survey the field and call orders if necessary. With her calculations, she should have been fine but she had planned far more with her heroes in mind than her position’s safety. The enemy had flanked her units and even while many thrived under the pressure, all her attention was on helping where she could. One of their soldiers had fallen back without her notice.
She stumbled back and raised Breidablik just as the unit charged full force with his sword poised. She was too slow. She wasn’t a warrior and the others were too far away.
The ice crumpled under her feet as gravity claimed her before the blade even got close.
A scream ripped from her throat as she plunged down over the edge. The world blurred together into streaks of white and black. The air whipped past her ears screaming with equal volume as the very nature of the sky shoved her down, down, down--
The fall came to a harsh stop that left her ears ringing and her vision blurred as she struggled to gasp what air had escaped her. An arm wrapped tightly around her middle and crushed her back into hard armor. The hand was hot through her shirt.
“How fortunate that my prey falls right into my lap.”
Valter purred low against her shoulder, breath hot against her neck. Kiran’s mouth felt impossibly dry as she struggled to orient herself. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing deep as she instinctively clung to his arm.
She swallowed and opened her eyes. “Let’s just get this over with. There’s a sword unit at the cliff. I saw another not far behind before I fell.”
Valter only answered her with a low hum as he directed his wyvern higher. Kiran tightened her grip as the vertigo pounded into her head after everything. He kept her right where she was despite plunging back into battle. She watched first-hand as he ruthlessly deposed the last of their enemies.
In the same span of time it took for her to land in Valter’s grip, the battle was over.
She slid unsteadily from the wyvern’s back as he landed to meet with the others. Valter had seemed reluctant to relinquish his hold but said nothing. Kiran was quick to reestablish her careful distance from the man as she answered concerns and called orders for them to return to Askr.
She offered all of them a smile and praise for their bravery once they were on safe ground. She felt daggers digging into her back and didn’t need to look who wished such vicious regard on her.
With work done for the day, Kiran was quick to duck down the hall towards her bedroom. She breathed slow as she walked. The echo of her steps were the only sound to break the silence. She slowed to a stop and closed her eyes tight. Willing her heart to slow down with her. It still ran as if the hunt was still on, as if she was still falling.
She didn’t hear him coming until he was already there.
Kiran was pinned to the wall before she had time to think or scream. Wild eyes filled her vision, blazing with and intensity she couldn’t name. His jaw flexed and it was enough to tell her that he was far from happy with her.
“So rare to catch you alone, little summoner.” His mouth curled as if the words were sour on his tongue. Kiran pressed back against the wall nervously. She once had claws of her own against him but her little rabbit heart knew a predator’s teeth when they were bared. The dreams she had of him, the thoughts he had planted, were more than enough to declaw her into helplessness.
“I recall warning you to keep me entertained.”
“Look, I’ve just been--” His gaze pressed a dagger to her throat with the weight of it. The words died on her lips.
“Hiding. I’ve grown bored.” His hand cupped her cheek and she didn’t dare move away. Her breath caught as his thumb traced along her cheek bone. It was a delicate and soft gesture. From anyone else, it might have been romantic. He peered down at her in a way that made her desperately want to pull away. But her body had been aching for this touch and that ache left her tethered. Ephraim wasn’t here to protect her this time. From Valter. From herself. His grip tightened and his words were ground out in the closest to fury she had ever heard from him. “He won’t take you. You’re my prey.”
“It’s time I feed.”
His mouth crashed over hers. A soft yelp escaped her throat as he all but devoured her. He was all heat and teeth. Overwhelming in how he seemed to engulf her in his presence alone. Her fingers gripped his shoulders as if that was the only thing that could keep her grounded to the spot.
He pressed his knee between her legs. Kiran gasped at the buzz that shot up her spine, and Valter didn’t hesitate to curl his tongue with hers. Despite herself, despite everything, Kiran moaned and kissed him back with equal fervor.
She swore she hated him. She swore he was a horrible and deeply irritating man. But Goddammit, she needed this. Kiran had been dreaming of his touch, his kiss, his cock for weeks! She didn’t know why and didn’t want to consider about it. Even if she could think clearly, she didn’t think she could stop. She hated herself so much for this but--
She wanted this.
He caged her against he wall and ground his hip roughly against her. Kiran tilted her head back with a pant, the hard friction causing liquid heat to pool low into her abdomen. She gripped his face and leaned back in, kissing him fiercely as Valter purred in response.
That was when they heard it. Footsteps just down around the corner. All the heat Kiran had felt went cold as she pulled back quickly with wide eyes. They couldn’t be seen like this! Valter let out a beastial snarl as he shoved her into the bedroom and locked the door behind.
He tossed away his cape and made quick work of his armor before he pinned her to the bed. Kiran hardly had a chance to breathe before his mouth was on her skin. His hands roamed her body as if it were his to explore. His hands were even hotter against her skin without his gloves. She couldn’t help noticing.
He nipped down her throat roughly, sucking the skin to leave a trail of bruises. Kiran whimpered submissively and tugged at his shirt, desperate to touch him in kind. Valter glanced up at her then, already flushed and breathless from as little as he had done. He yanked her shirt up and fixed it around her wrists.
Kiran sputtered and squirmed. “W-What are you doing?”
“Hm? You desire to touch me?” The smirk on his face was cut just as ruthlessly as his blade. Kiran had no way to explain or deny her desire. Valter tied the shirt to the bed frame.
“It is I who has a hunger to sate, little rabbit. Take this as your punishment for boring me before.” With a sharp tug, her bra was torn. His eyes ate her with all the savagery of his predator mouth. When he lifted his gaze, there was something deeply intense and dark there.
His hand brushed along her jaw in a mockery of a lover’s touch. Kiran swallowed, unable to look away. It slid further down to her throat and stilled. Whether he was inspecting the marks he had left on her or whether he was considering choking her for her cowardance, she couldn’t say. Her heart slammed in her chest and again she hated herself for how her body responded so naturally to him.
“It’s come time for me to tame you. You seem to have forgotten that you are all mine alone.” His knee slid between her thighs but he didn’t once look away. “I’ll make you crave me like I do you. When I’ve finished you, I’ll be the only one you can stand to have you like this.”
Kiran’s mouth went dry. Her pulse throbbed in her ear. She had never wanted a man more than in that moment, and she had never hated herself more for it.
He ducked his head, mouth consuming her breast with a swirl of his tongue and nip of his teeth. His hand slid from her throat to grasp the other. Kiran nearly choked on the moan he roughly coaxed from her. Her body arched needily to his touch. She tugged against her bondage with a sound of frustration, aching to touch him in kind.
Valter peered up from his meal and merely flashed a wicked smirk before returning to his attentions. His skin was hot against hers. His grip on her flesh might as well have been hot irons for the way he coaxed whimpers and soft screams in his feriousity. Branding her with each bruise left on her skin.
He ground his hip roughly between her legs. The hard bulge against her aching cunt left her moaning and bucking for more friction. He teased her then, eyes lit with malicious amusement as he pulled away. Kiran all but growled in frustration and wrapped her legs around his hip.
It was his turn to groan in pleasure as she rocked to him. Kiran panted and again yanked against the shirt that left her helpless under him. “Fuck! Please~!”
His gaze fixed on her face, flushed with arousal and desperation. The sharp edges of his expression softened. Dazedly, she couldn’t help thinking how oddly that look fit on his face. Maybe this was the closest to love the man could express at all.
In all the fires of war, some simply learn to devour, to become the greater beast. Gentleness becomes little more than mockery. Love is subsumed for an intensity that would have left them quaking had they still been the person they were before the battle.
After all of that, Kiran was left craving his touch, his teeth. Every bruise left by the heavy press of his fingers or the viciousness of his mouth gave her a spark of relief that she couldn’t compare to anything. She liked the roughness. She liked the intensity. Hell, maybe this was the way she loved too.
In that way, maybe they weren’t that different.
Kiran squirmed as she lost what patience she had with being tied down. She just wanted to touch him! She needed it! Valter watched her struggle under him, deeply amused as he pressed his cock hard against her. “Hm, is this what you want?”
Kiran moaned and shook her head. “Ah-no, I--”
“No?” He pulled away again and she nearly wept for the loss. “Wait--Yes! Yes, please!” She blurted in a rush of need. Valter chuckled low and tilted her chin to make her look at him. The way his eyes pinned her stole what air was in her lungs.
He smirked. “Look only at me, little rabbit.” His thumb trailed lightly along her bottom lip. “Tell your master what you need.” The purr in his voice left tingles down her spine. Kiran stuttered as she struggled to get her thoughts together. He rolled his hip against her in a languid predator’s pace.
The constant buzz of pleasure scattered her thoughts. She whined and bucked her hip to try urging him to speed up. Valter pressed her hip down with a firm grip, forcing her to stay put. Kiran tried twisting from his hand but he again stopped her with a glance.
“Tell me.”
“Fuck me!”
She couldn’t take it anymore. Her body was engulfed in his heat and her need. Each small motion caused sparks up her spine. Let him have her! Let him consume her so long as she finally had him where she wanted.
Valter grinned wide as he tore her underwear and tossed it away. He rubbed his head at her entrance and shivered at how wet she already was for him. With one thrust, he pressed his cock as deep inside her as it could go.
Her head felt back. A moan ripped from her throat. She felt so full of him that it left her panting. Kiran didn’t waste time, bucking her hip roughly to get what friction she could. Valter groaned and gripped her thighs tight as he started into a rough and savage pace.
Kiran gripped the shirt that held her captive, desperate to hold onto something as her body gave over to his touch. Her legs wrapped tight around his waist. It was the best bondage she could offer in her position. She had no interest in him pulling away.
His cock drove deep and hard inside her. Kiran all but screamed with each thrust. Valter leaned back in and latched his mouth to her flesh painfully. He nipped and marked what skin he could get to as Kiran struggled to keep pace.
She couldn’t think at all. His teeth against her skin. The iron grip he captured her in. His cock pounding his claim into her willing body. Kiran could only feel and respond to whatever he wanted of her.
Gods she was so fucking close.
Kiran thrashed, jerking against his hip to coax him harder. To just let her fall this time. Valter stopped suddenly. She screamed in frustration. His grasp on her hip was bruising. Valter merely leered with his intense, wild eyes. “Beg for it.”
Kiran didn’t bother with hesitation. “Please! I want you!”
Her voice trembled with her own hunger. She didn’t dare look away from him. His mouth split slowly into a wide smile of approval. The stillness snapped with the sharp thrust of his hip. Kiran could barely suck in a breath as Valter started on a different pace. Bestial and dominating. His cock slammed inside her at a brutal pace that left her struggling to breathe.
Kiran arched sharply and screamed as he brought her kicking and clawing to her climax. Valter grunted as his fingers dug into her hip. She was left whimpering as he spilled his hot cum inside her. His hip jerked in a few final thrusts as he joined her.
Kiran fell back on the pillow, panting as he pulled away. She bit her lip at the way his claim dripped from her aching cunt. Valter gazed at her with a predator’s hungry stare and she wonder in a daze if he meant to eat her all over again.
He brushed her hair back and purred in satisfaction at the state he had left her in. “Don’t rest yet, little rabbit. I’m far from sated.” Valter was a man who stood by his word after all. He was going to imprint deeply into her how she was his alone.
Kiran panted softly as he untied her wrists. She was struck with a thought about this and about the many dreams she had leading to this place. There was a truth she’d keep to herself.
He didn’t catch her at all. She let herself be caught.
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