#the mama has trauma
chibifox2002 · 22 days
Huddle Reunion
(Roleswap Au Edition)
I am once again writing a Dedede and Mama D reunion fic, this time within the context of @jojo-schmo's katfl roleswap au because I'm obsessed with it.
(warning: tagged for panic attack)
She felt like she was forgetting something.
That just had to be in her head right? Frozha was positive that she had grabbed every single waddle dee from that horrible place... a lab, she believes it was referred to? Whatever the place was called, the poor darlings were being used to power something. She didn't know what however...
But now, she was returning the large group of tired and overstimulated waddle dees back to Waddle Dee Town. Looking down at the ground as she walked, the feeling that she had forgotten something important still tingling the back of her mind.
That's when the sound of several excited waddle dees caught Frozha's attention. Looking up, she had not only noticed that they had made it to town, but she could see multiple dees run up to the group behind her and greet their friends and family.
The sight had put a smile on her face, it had reminded her of her old family and how her chick would greet each parent whenever one of them had returned home.
But now that once little chick is grown, standing in the same town she had just stepped foot in, and has a family of his own. One that didn't involve her... but she didn't mind. She had no right to be bothered by it after all. She couldn't expect him to remember her when he was so young that he was practically still learning to speak when he went missing.
He didn't remember her, and it was for the best that she accepted that and let him move on with his life, and Frozha was fine with that!
But then she started noticing that some of the waddle dees were looking at her... Strangely... It was a mixture of shock and confusion on their faces.
Which she guessed made sense, she was pretty banged up from having to fight some Beast Pack critters, but she was fine if you ignored the fact that a few areas of her old back scars opened up a bit.
But then she noticed that not only were there awoofies and other members of the Beast Pack here, but they were also looking at her with the same expression. But Dedede, as well as his family, also wore the same expression on their faces.
Okay, CLEARLY there was something wrong with her appearance that she wasn't aware of.
Was her head bleeding more than she thought it was? It was starting to hurt like a boulder was thrown at her. So maybe that was it?
She moved her hand towards her forehead where she had been hit and wiped, and looked down at her hand. Okay... not as much blood as you would expect, but she was still bleeding pretty bad. She could figure that much out due to the still fresh crimson blood covering her blue feathered hand...
Oh stars, she forgot to change her feathers back to white! They all see that she looks like him now! HE SEES THAT SHE LOOKS LIKE HIM NOW!!!
Frozha began to panic. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to just help the waddle dees and then be on her way back to the Frozen Lands. She wasn't supposed to be seen like this. Now he's gonna yell at her, maybe even scream. God knows that wouldn't be the first family member to do so.
But not him, PLEASE not from him! She won't be able to handle that! She can't hear him tell her what she's been telling herself all these years!
She can't hear him say that she's a bad- no-a horrible mother! Asking why she didn't look hard enough for him, why she didn't fight harder for him, WHY SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO HIM-
"H-hey!... You alright?"
Frozha looked up towards the voice (when did she drop to her knees?) and saw Dedede, her son, looking down at her. Not with anger like she was expecting, but with concern.
She released the breath she didn't realize she was holding as King Dedede stood in front of her.
The woman who had helped with saving all of his subjects, the woman who, for some reason, now looks exactly like him???
He wanted to ask her why she looked like him, but instead asked another question.
"Do you need help with your injuries? I can help you if you're alright with that." He says as he lowers his hand to her to help her to her feet.
Frozha stared at his hand for a moment before taking it and struggling to climb her feet, the adrenaline from the previous battle disappearing, hissing slightly as the pain starting to rise.
Dedede carefully supported the woman as they walked over to his designated bench to help her patch up her wounds.
*A few minutes later*
"Alright! That should do it for your head! Now for your back!" Dedede said as he set aside the bandages and admired his work.
It was... Okay... He might have wrapped her head a bit too much, as he mentally noted after seeing that it looked like the top of her head looked like the beginnings of a failed mummy cosplay.
But hey, to his credit he wasn't a medic. Sure he could've just gotten one to take care of her, but he figured he could kill two birds with one stone and help with her wounds and maybe get some answers with some small talk...
Which was strangely difficult to initiate.
"Sooo...Uuhhh..." Welp. It's either now or never.
He awkwardly asked the question. "How come you look like me all of the sudden? If you don't mind me asking."
Frozha stiffened. "W-Well... Um..." Her voice cracked a little as she stuttered out her words. Should she tell him? She really didn't want to deal with the impending denial of it all. But at the same time, he did deserve to know.
..... Welp... It's either now or never...
She sighed before speaking, releasing the tightness from her chest.
"Okay, before I tell you, I just want to say that I 100% do not blame you if you don't believe me." Dedede raised a brow.
"I....am your mother... I lost you many years ago... back when you were still a little chick, because I failed to protect you... I didn't say anything because I've seen that you now have a wonderful family of your own and I didn't want to interfere with that..."
Frozha paused, not looking up from the ground. She was terrified of the possible expression her son would have on his face.
She continued. "If, you want me to leave and never bother you or your family again, I'd completely understand and respect-"
She's suddenly wrapped in the tightest hug she's ever felt in her life.
Dedede had unexpectedly hugged her. Holding Frozha so tightly as if he was holding onto her for dear life. Not only that but it's sounded like... He was starting cry?
"I can't believe it... I have a mom... An absolutely amazing mom..." He wiped his face and hugged her tighter.
Frozha hissed. "Ouuuch... Agh..."
Oh. Right. Her back wounds. Woops...
"Sorry about that, I completely forgot about your back for a second. Can you move your shirt?" Dedede apologized and went back to cleaning and bandaging the wounds.
As he did that, Frozha told him how he and his father were ambushed and how his father fought to protect him, but in the end sadly lost his life. And how the ambushers lured Frozha to them just so they could attack her, and force her to watch as one of them dropped him down a ravine.
She told him how she searched for him in that ravine for almost one and a half years.
Frozha talked and Dedede listened as he finished caring for his mother.
When he was done double checking the bandages, all he wanted to do was to hug his mom.
And he did. She hugged him back, and asked him if he'd like to tell her more about his family.
And he did.
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space-bowl · 30 days
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Sorry Cyn...
(major spoilers under the cut)
Whoop de doo! Uzi's a hologram of her former self :D
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qprpbj · 11 days
can someone please write religious guilt curtis bros pleek…..
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theemployees · 7 months
Here you are dears, for all your hard work
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sylvia stares at the offer, knowing full well what this is. She stares at her friends as she continues to sweat, no one noticing her fear, they all are excitedly discussing about this, ofc not knowing a damn thing about this place—
everyone continues to be excited around her, discussing what they’ll do at the hotel. Sylvia closes her eyes in frustration and stares dead pan at the question “no”
at that moment everyone stares at Sylvia, usagi giving a worried but very very confused brow “sorry what-?”
sylvia gives them a cold stare “no, it’s a kind offer, but no…. We will not be going….”
everyone starts refuting her, but they become just noise as she walks away, still holding her cold stare. Usagi was the only one who watched, and she knows he has questions, but she can’t deal with them rn. Not with any of them.
she refuses to put them in any danger, and no where near that place.
even if it seems harmless
even if it’s a diff universe
she can’t go through that again
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Thanks for the offer but uh…. She’s got other things to deal with (writing and art by @disgracedghostprincess)
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martyrbat · 2 years
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the man who falls – secret origins (1989)
[ID: Two cropped comic pages of Bruce Wayne as a child after falling into a cave and being ambushed by a swarm of bats. There's multiple narration boxes over the pages:
Page One: a three panel sequence of Bruce being rescued by his father. In the first panel, Bruce is screaming with his eyes squeezed shut in fear. He has his fists clenched in front of him and is wearing a reddish pink turtleneck sweater. The narration says, ‘Again, he shrieked — not in terror, but in despair...’ In the second panel, Thomas Wayne is shown from behind in a low angle. He's wearing a red sweater similar to Bruce and is holding a flashlight as he jerks Bruce into him. Above them is bats surrounding them and the broken wood floors that Bruce fell through. The narration continues, ‘The arm curled around him, muffling his voice, and his cheek rubbed against the rough wool of his father's jacket... He squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself to be away from here—’. In the third panel, they're standing outside. The narration reads, ‘When he opened them, he was in the area behind the mansion, in the pale light of the autumn afternoon, and his father's words pounded at him—’. Thomas is kneeling down in front of Bruce in front of the hole he fell in. He's gripping the child's shoulders as he scolds him, “Idiot! I told you never, never to go off alone. Didn't I? Didn't I?” Martha Wayne is behind them with her hand on the side of her face as she looks at them with relief that Bruce is okay.
Page Two: Martha is defending Bruce as Bruce has his head down. Thomas is still squeezing Bruce's shoulders as Martha tells him, “Thomas, he's frightened.” Thomas replies, “He damn well ought to be. He could have been killed.” Martha replaces Thomas's spot in front of Bruce, kneeling to gently place a hand on his upper arm and using a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Bruce is standing with his fist still clenched and grimacing as Thomas angrily says, “He's got to learn.” Bruce is shown in a low angle, looking up at his mother with wide eyes. The narration continues, ‘He listened to his father's boots crushing the dead grass, and when he could no longer hear them, he dared to ask:’ “Mommy, was I in hell?” Martha soothes, “No, baby, that was just some old cave. You're safe now,” as she hugs him. His cheek is pressed against hers and she has her eyes closed as Bruce still looks uncertain. END ID]
#once again pushing my 'thomas wayne was a piece of shit' propaganda#tied in with the panel of him hitting bruce#and then the alt timeline where they live and martha expresses concern that her eight year old has an obsession with criminology now#and stopped being talkative or wanting to see some train (his special interest) and thomas says good and that it was worth the scare#and ! being autistic. for me when im emotional all sound is so much louder and more overwhelming#the fact that he waited until he couldnt hear his father walking away before asking his mother if he was in hell....#and being no older than 8 and still waiting. just tensed and taking the verbal lashing and them fighting before speaking up?? yeah.#also think it'll be interesting in the 'bruce is constantly seeing the best in people even shitty people that dont 'deserve' a second#chance or for someone to fully believe they can change. that you do bad things but aren't a bad person. that you can do good and not#be a good person. that its making a choice and that anyone can choose and decide to do better than they were yesterday'#sorta deal yknow?#just the conditioning of forgiveness for something theyre not sorry for and wanting to believe everyone is capable of being good#that traumatized 'mommy was i in hell' like god sorry brucie for the trauma but itll have a payoff in a decade or so trust me kid#also martha?? love her. hes the biggest mama's boy you cant change my mind.#bruce wayne#thomas wayne#martha wayne#baby brucie#crypt's panels#c: secret origins | the man who falls#bruce & martha#bruce's childhood
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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This thread from the CPTSD subreddit about the overabdunance of cheap junk food, but little healthy food (and the weird poverty mindset leading to parents guarding food until it spoils and screaming at anyone who eats [too much] of it or acting like they were planning to eat it, but if you don't eat from it, it gets thrown out) is so illuminating.
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microfeelings · 1 year
I just had a rant (with myself) about the character of Mama Jones in 2003 and how she was reduced to "haha, she babies her son and is basically looking for a babysitter for him lol" and how much I HATED that! She lost her husband to a very violent attack (implied), Casey was involved in this (also implied but for the life of me I cant get the timeline straight), the store her husband had got burned. This woman should have heeps of trauma that she most likely buried deep because SHE HAD TO RAISE CASEY ON HER OWN (I guess its implied theres an uncle or auntie bc of cousin sid, but theres no mention of them so I can only imagined they fucked right off), and she got reduced to that?? Come on 2003 you can do better. I KNOW you can do better
(Extra info on the notes bc its mostly ranting and it wouldnt make sense on the main post)
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passionfruitmango · 5 months
Honestly I think I'd be just fucking fine if my mom at least liked me
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Trying to balance Ava's canon unwillingness to talk about her trauma while also addressing the moments in s1 where she doesn't correct people's unfair assumptions about her is... a little difficult.
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
I finally began watching voltron
OKAY SO at the recommendation of a super cool person (@imperfection-you-will-find (sorry if you don’t want to be tagged) ) I got into watching Voltron: Legendary Defenders and I just finished the first season AND IT IS A REALLY COOL SHOW. I know I’m like 5 years late to the party but the animation! Characters! World building! All very interesting!! Love how smoothly they blend those 3D models into the show, it’s barely noticeable
Here’s a few thoughts (before I go binge the next season)
- first off it is BOLD that the first episode is an hour+ long. like damn they didn’t have to do that but they did and the pacing is surprisingly good for what they had to do, though I lowkey wish there was more adventuring-to-find-the-rest-of-the-lions because that part was pretty interesting, especially when they talked about having to form a bond with the lions first
- Hunk is a cool guy and I really like how he develops and ends up being one of the more serious characters (when, unfortunately, he isn’t the but of the joke. He’s neat but they make fun of his weight a fair bit and that’s not fun). Love how he has a good sus-detector, also he was SLAYING when he saved people during the season 1 finale
- Pidge is REALLY COOL and I personally (so far at least) headcanon them as enby. they also give off transman vibes and honestly that’s what I thought they were going to do with the character until the reveal. It’s cool how they handled it, and I love that the show didn’t go for an all-boy cast because that’d be disappointing.
- Lance is kinda annoying but he’s growing on me. I’m not the biggest fan but I like how he’s developing. Blue colour scheme is cool, but damn he really put everyone and an entire planet in danger just because he crushed briefly on a girl. Shame.
- Shiro is COOL. We don’t know much about him and the portrayal of his trauma is a really good thing to add. I do find it mildly funny (in a dark way? funny might not be the right word) that like. Lance and Hunk are there because vibes, Pidge is there for vibes but also they were on a mission of their own, Keith right now is very mysterious and gives off many vibes, but Shiro’s backstory is that he was tortured for a year, forced to fight, there’s the implication that his body was forcefully modified as he was trained to be a weapon, and also he’s probably killed quite a few people and he’s trying to deal with that and everything while like, they’re vibing
- Keith is COOL. Red lion swag. Love his somewhat morally ambiguous vibes, also I feel like he’s going to be a big projection character. They haven’t really covered his background other than he dropped out, but I bet there’s a lot more going on. I can DEFINITELY see he is liked. ALSO I feel like the whole “you fight like a Galra soldier” is more than just a one off line. I sense it. Plus the whole “you have to earn the trust of the red lion, you can’t just befriend it right away” gives off big flags of “HEY PAY ATTENTION”. I could write so much about this but I wanna go binge the second season xD
- THE CLIFFHANGER OF A FINAL EPISODE. There is so much I could talk about (the character development, the battle scenes, everything is so cool. It’s like seeing all the things I wish we could’ve seen in steven universe and also I think belos would be proud of the general genocide even if it isn’t religion based). I’ll keep it short and just say that DAMN SO MUCH HAPPENS AND IT IS VERY COOL
I’m going in spoiler free and it’s quite fun! Thanks for the recommendation @imperfection-you-will-find, can’t wait to watch more so I can fully appreciate your super cool edits and posts xD
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Genie: you have three wishes
Me: I wish for brown mamas that favor their daughters the way they favor their sons the whole time, without the years of trauma and growth
Genie: ....
Genie: you have three wishes-
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cilantrospirit · 8 months
it's not that I didn't feel loved by mama as a kid OR that I don't feel loved by her now. it's that if I knew, as a kid, what I know now, I would not have felt loved then. which. dunno what to do with that feeling
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omegalomania · 2 years
you know in the 0.5 seconds per day in which i get to have feelings it really does genuinely bug me that fall out boy is far and away the most overly, straightforwardly "political" of the Big Three Emo Bands but get none of the street cred for it since that all goes to my chem because they formed after 9/11 or something
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countercharmda · 10 months
Sitting up. Thinking about people lightning coding Gale and Ren’s fear of lightning and thunderstorms in general
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crypticalwitch · 1 year
Hey, people with ocs and charatcer like em, I've got a world request;
Tell me a weird fact about them, in the same way you'd give a headcanon about a popular character
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boxb0ysroom · 2 months
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Maybe one day, just ONE DAY I'll color this. Anyway, get a cute little Benetti confused in da corner with a completely screwed over moonscorched Benetti questioning his life like the cool boy he is.
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