#the living zodiac
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Terence Higgins - The Living Zodiac - Black Watch - 1974
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astroa3h · 8 months
south node through the houses ⚡️
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South Node in the 1st House: Past life ego and self-reliance dominated. Picture a leader or a lone wolf, often arrogant and isolated. This life’s lesson is about embracing humility and the importance of partnerships.
South Node in the 2nd House: Materialism and greed might have been your focus. Imagine a life centered around wealth and possessions, often at the cost of deeper values. Now, it's about finding richness in experiences and relationships.
South Node in the 3rd House: Your past life involved manipulation through communication. You might have been a gossip or a smooth-talker. This life challenges you to seek deeper truths and use words for healing and upliftment.
South Node in the 4th House: Overbearing family roles defined you. Maybe an overly protective caregiver or someone lost in family identity. The current journey is about finding your own path and understanding true strength in independence.
South Node in the 5th House: Self-indulgence in creativity and romance was key. You were likely a hedonist or attention-seeker. Now, it’s about finding joy in ordinary life and channeling creativity into collective well-being.
South Node in the 6th House: Obsession with control and perfection might have ruled. Picture a micromanager or a rigid worker. This life teaches you to embrace flexibility and understand that life’s beauty often lies in its unpredictability.
South Node in the 7th House: Lost identity in relationships characterized your past. Possibly always conforming or manipulating in partnerships. This life is about discovering self-worth independently and learning the power of self-awareness.
South Node in the 8th House: Your past involved power plays and intense drama. You might have been familiar with life’s darker aspects. Now, it's about appreciating simplicity and understanding transformation in a positive light.
South Node in the 9th House: Dogmatism and imposing beliefs were your past. Think of a rigid philosopher or a preacher. The current life lesson is about embracing humility and finding wisdom in diverse perspectives and heart journeys.
South Node in the 10th House: A past driven by power and status obsession. Imagine a tyrant or an overambitious professional. Now, it's about understanding that true success lies in service and the value of quiet, simple moments.
South Node in the 11th House: Over-idealism and group conformity marked your past. You might have neglected your identity for collective causes. This life encourages finding your unique voice and realizing change starts with individual authenticity.
South Node in the 12th House: A past life of escapism or solitude. Maybe a recluse or someone dealing with unresolved trauma. The challenge now is to engage with the world, face reality, and learn that healing comes from connection and active participation.
xox astro ash
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TikTok - astroa3h
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theladyigraine · 1 year
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he attack but more importantly he dodge.
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000-pawz · 4 months
how jaehyun loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think jaehyun would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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when it comes to love, jaehyun is "passionate, all-in, and exciting".
with jaehyun's sagittarius sun and aries moon, he forms a lot of his opinions on pure feelings. therefore, he falls quickly. he's not afraid to chase exactly what he wants, and if he wants you, then he will do everything in his power to woo you. he might come across as a show-off or full of himself, but he's really just trying to impress you!!!
jaehyun has no qualms with taking the lead, so i definitely think he would be the type to confess first. like he'll walk straight up to you and be like "i like you. a lot." and that'll be that! he might even write you a long letter describing the first time you guys met, all the specific things he likes about you, and so on ^___^
jaehyun can be seen as a "floater". i see him as a little butterfly just flying around enjoying the sun lol like he's very enthusiastic about love in general and it can be hard to tie him down >< i think a partner who can provide that rationality and be his rock would fit him perfectly. not only that, though! jaehyun is very emotionally intense, and that may attract people who are equally as intense or those who complementarily contrast him with a more laid-back nature.
jaehyun likes someone who he can have a good time with, have easy conversations with, and who's able to be vulnerable with him. as someone who can jump from crush to crush very quickly, it's hard for him to get below surface level with many of his past relationships. he craves that deeper, depth-filled connection and those meaningful conversations. he's the least compatible with people who are too rational and avoidant.
i think his love languages are equal parts physical touch and words of affirmation. he just wants to be around you always!!!! ^___^ cuddle sessions where all of your attention is on him, hyping him up and giving him tons of compliments, hugging him unexpectedly... play with his hair, cup his face in your hands, give him a bunch of nose kisses... he'll be the happiest man ever. <3
he's definitely a pda type of guy. a hand in your back pocket, or his fingers laced with yours. he'll kiss you in line while waiting order ice cream and be glued to your side at parties. he's not possessive per say, but he does want everyone to know that he is yours!!!
for dates and stuff, he'd definitely like adventurous things or exploring! camping, checking out flea markets, and other things outside. maybe not stuff like rock climbing and ziplines though... unless you want a clingy jaehyun who cries on the way there and back ><
when jaehyun loves, he loves hard. with his sun sextile neptune, he's very sentimental and generally has little trouble forming strong bonds with people. he loves his partner in their entirety and he's going to show it. because of his mars opposition jupiter, he can be a little reckless when it comes to love. literally the chorus of serenade, "you're driving me crazy, but i like you". he might have been in a few toxic/messy relationships in the past because of how emotionally driven he is. (he kind of has a thing for emotionally unavailable people because he thinks he can love them enough for the both of them :C)
the downside of being so passionate is that jaehyun has a tendency to look at people through rose-tinted glasses with his sun square jupiter. he can rush into relationships and make decisions very quickly without considering the consequences of such haste. he can really feed into his own delusions sometimes. thankfully, his capricorn venus balances out his impulsive and emotional nature! he has the ability to commit and love deeply, but remain grounded in reality without floating off too far into his happy, lovey-dovey dreamland.
with these placements, jaehyun is able to understand that it's okay to live life guided by his big feelings, but he must also be patient and practical with himself and others <3
in the face of conflict, jaehyun may want to resolve problems and miscommunications as swiftly as possible. this may mean that he might come across as overly asserting his opinions and point of views, but he really means well! because his mars is in pisces, he really hates conflict and he doesn't like when too much is thrown at him at once. he's pretty lenient and likes to brush things under the rug to keep the peace, so he'll want to move on from conflict fast.
of course, he may run into trouble when an argument or disagreement with his partner grows bigger than it started. he tries to choose his words carefully, and he may beat around the bush to avoid hurting your feelings, but he can get frustrated when his partner doesn't "get" what he's trying to say or convey. in arguments, he may shake his head a lot and roll his eyes, or have overall passive-aggressive body language with his mercury in capricorn. he's not trying to dismiss or hurt your feelings, so he mostly keeps his words at bay.
how to make him feel loved? love him back! literally that's it. show as much enthusiasm for him as he does with you. he doesn't like to feel pushed to the side, or seen as a second choice. tell him you love him as much as possible, post him on your story with cute captions, hug and kiss him whenever you get the chance to. he's a simple guy with not so simple feelings. be there for him and accept him as he is. <3
jaehyun has a tendency to give too much of himself. he's loved by many, but not many people can handle how intensely he loves. he needs a partner that will accept him, all of him, let themselves be fawned over and shown off, and allow jaehyun to express his feelings without undermining them. if he cries, remind him that it's okay! his heart is so so so big :C <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
series masterlist
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doodlingwren · 7 months
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✨What if they kissed under the missile-toad?✨
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nefarrilou · 7 months
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Zodiac: 🐰 (兔) • Years: ⫸ 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 • Traits: ⫸ Gentle, quiet, elegant, compassionate, alert
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Genetics Hair + Hair Acc Clothes Dress Accessories Necklace 
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the-sage-libriomancer · 11 months
Shigure's relationship with Kyo drives me crazy. he doesn't hate Kyo in the slightest - in fact, he pities Kyo, and not in the condescending "oh you poor little boy, cursed to be a horrible, disgusting monster" sort of way that everyone else does. Shigure pities Kyo for the reason he should be pitied: he's just a kid caught up in a system so inhumane it can't possibly be survived without some seriously unhealthy coping mechanisms.
and it drives me crazy because - listen, Shigure is the only zodiac member who's emotionally aware enough to see the other zodiac members as exactly what they are. he knows Yuki is a severely traumatized kid who projects all of his self-hatred on a single convenient target. he knows Akito is really a scared little girl with a raging god complex (literally) and no concept of a healthy relationship. and he knows Kyo is a regular-ass human being who doesn't deserve to be locked up for the rest of his life just because some arbitrary system says so. he KNOWS it's stupid. he KNOWS it's ridiculous and unfair. and he has to share a house with Kyo knowing that Kyo is living with a sword over his head, hating himself and hating others in perfect tandem because he has no other way of coping with the insane amounts of negativity he's had to deal with his entire life.
but the thing about Shigure is that he KNOWS all of this, and the same time he doesn't really CARE. he feels sorry for Kyo, but an apathetic sort of pity, a disinterested "this is how it is. such a shame." sort of pity. in some ways he's worse than the other zodiacs because he DOES see Kyo as a person, someone he likes being around even, but he still considers Kyo below his attention because all his focus is on Akito and breaking the curse. and sure, once the curse is broken Kyo will theoretically be set free with the rest of them, but that's more of a coincidental side effect than anything. despite being in a much more dangerous and precarious mental space AND comfortably in Shigure's reach, Kyo is about as much a priority for Shigure as Ritsu or Momiji.
and it drives me CRAZY because i think Shigure does start actively caring about Kyo as the series goes on, but it's hard to tell when that happens and to what extent. when Kazuma told Shigure he planned to reveal Kyo's true form and Shigure said he was going too far - whose sake was it for? was Shigure trying to protect Kyo, who would be hideously traumatized/emotionally scarred by such a cruel betrayal? was he trying to protect Kyo and Tohru's relationship, which was still formulating and might, under such severe testing, ultimately end up damaged beyond repair? was he only trying to protect Tohru, who wasn't ready to be burdened by such a horrible aspect of the curse so soon, or perhaps simply didn't deserve it? or was it all for the sake of himself, trying to protect his still-forming plans of using Tohru's positive effect on the Sohmas to break the curse?
Shigure cares about Kyo, but they're not close and Kyo clearly isn't a priority. he treats Kyo like a person - offering him genuine advice, teasing him like he teases anyone else, even speaking up on his behalf once or twice - and yet he's too entrenched in the long game to spare much active interest in Kyo. for a very long time, he doesn't care about Kyo the way he cares about Yuki or Tohru, and it's never made clear when exactly that changed. and the thing that gets me about this whole situation is that right from the start, Shigure is in a position where he can meet Kyo at his level - as equals, just one human being to another - but he doesn't, because Shigure is a chessmaster, Shigure is someone who observes and calculates, Shigure never steps in unless one of his chess pieces makes a wrong move and he absolutely has to.
it drives me crazy. Shigure drives me crazy. this series drives me so so crazy.
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Rewatching Gravity Falls for the who-knows-what thousandth time and I. I have. A thought.
The website that alluded to (not confirmed, as far as I know) of a season three. And this is a big deal.
Since it's pretty much a given that if this does end up happening, Bill WILL be a part of it and they'll need some way to stop him. So I figured, since Mabel destroyed the memory eraser and Bill would probably not have fallen for the same thing twice anyway, the obvious choice is the zodiac wheel again.
What if instead of it all being the same person in the same spot as they were in the finale, why not have their positions switched around a bit. The obvious examples being Wendy as pine tree since she and Dipper swapped hats and Soos since he took over as owner of the Mystery Shack and also Stan's iconic hat. I *may* try to plot out who would go where and share the rest of that stuff on here, but I think this idea would work really well when you contextualize it with the concept that even though time has passed and people have grown and changed and are no longer the same as they once were, they're still just as strong and still care for each other and their bond will never be broken.
Much like the people who loved this show.
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atchamcrepin · 1 month
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A still frame from the animatic I'm working on. The japanese text is just a lyric from the song~ 😺
#krosmoz#wakfu#dofus#joris jurgen#''how much layers of symbolism can i cram into an image that appears for 3 seconds'' challenge accomplished successfully#myart#1. the tarot used are self-explanatory. the tower tarot's design is lifted directly from aux tresors de kerubim (im insane)#the reversed empress has hearts and spades (kerubum and atcham) as well as planet symbols. (mercury fits joris as a character;#saturn is the capricorn planet and Joris's canonical zodiac sign is capricorn. also saturn fits him too.)#the reversed star tarot also has the capricorn constellation on it. because i am insane.#the red roadmap/line on the background leads from stars to the moon.#and stars are a common thing to see in aux tresors.#the moon has been used as symbolism for immortality and loneliness both in my works; krosmoz; and real life.#so stars -> moon (and the tarot in between) are kinda a summary of his life. but with the way that it both starts and ends in space there i#a feeling that his life is marked by loneliness/immortality from the start#so yeah this is me being insane about aux tresors again. my most favorite show for 7yo children and Wakfu's better more well written cousin#anyway the animatic is 49-51% done.#ok i will also elaborate onthe tarot: the reversed star is his loss of faith in humanity. the tower is every bad thing that has happened#to him and made him both grow survive and Get More Jaded and Doom-pilled.#and the reversed empress is about his insecurities and living with his dad and uncle in a weird and unhealthy codeoendency for 600 years#also his mania of contr (but also need to be controlled and comforted by his dad and uncle. because he never really grew up.)#joris in waven era is VERY reversed empress with his warcrimes as the ruler of bonta. but even before then he's very reversed empress.#*control. man lotsa typos...
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edorazzi · 11 months
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Happy Halloween!!! 🎃
Little Tracys all dressed up and examining their haul. Featuring uniforms from Captain Scarlet, Fireball XL5, UFO, Stingray, and of course classic Thunderbirds! 💖
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yugiohz · 3 months
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me once I hit 27 tbh
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astroa3h · 1 month
Composite Mars in Libra
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Blake and Ryan are the epitome of what we imagine as the “ideal” couple—good looks, great banter, and a picture-perfect family. But with their Composite Mars sitting in Libra, you better believe that all those smooth, Instagram-worthy moments might be covering up a whole lot of tension bubbling beneath the surface. Composite Mars in Libra is frustrating because it’s like trying to drive a car with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. You both have desires, needs, and ambitions, but instead of going after them directly, you’re caught up in this endless loop of overthinking and second-guessing. It’s like, “Should I say something? Should I not? What if they get upset? What if it’s not the right time?” Honey, by the time you’ve decided whether or not to make a move, the moment has passed, and you’re both left feeling like, “Why didn’t we just do something?”
Now, let’s talk about conflict—or rather, the lack thereof. Mars is all about action, right? It’s the planet that drives you to fight for what you want, to assert yourself, to claim territory. But in Libra, Mars is like, “Ugh, do we have to fight? Can’t we just talk it out?” And while talking is great, sometimes it just turns into endless debates where nothing actually gets resolved. You both might end up tiptoeing around real issues because neither of you wants to rock the boat. The result? Resentment. Deep, simmering, passive-aggressive resentment.
You might find yourselves in situations where instead of confronting issues head-on, you both play this subtle game of one-upmanship. It’s all about who can stay the most composed while silently stewing inside. The problem is, this doesn’t just create tension; it creates distance. You might start to feel like you’re walking on eggshells around each other, never quite sure when something small will blow up because it’s been left to fester for too long.
In relationships, this can be downright toxic. You’re supposed to be a team, but with Mars in Libra, you might feel like you’re constantly in this unspoken competition—who’s more agreeable? Who’s more accommodating? It’s exhausting! And when it comes to decision-making, don’t even get me started. You could spend forever weighing pros and cons, trying to find a solution that makes both of you happy, but end up doing nothing at all because you’re too afraid to make the wrong choice. It’s paralyzing.
And then there’s the bedroom. Mars in Libra wants everything to be balanced and beautiful, which sounds nice, right? But sometimes it feels more like performance art than passion. You’re both so concerned with making sure the other person is comfortable and satisfied that you forget to actually let loose and enjoy the moment. The result? A love life that can feel a bit…meh. All the ingredients are there, but the heat is turned way down because you’re both too polite to really go for what you want. Composite Mars in Libra can make it hard to trust each other. Not because you’re dishonest, but because there’s always this underlying question of, “Are they just saying that to keep the peace? Do they really mean it, or are they just trying to be nice?” That doubt can erode the foundation of your relationship over time, making it hard to feel truly secure with each other.
So, what’s the bottom line? Composite Mars in Libra will create a relationship that looks perfect on the surface—like one of those glossy Instagram couples—but underneath, it’s all about unspoken frustrations, missed opportunities, and a lot of unfulfilled potential. If you don’t address it head-on, this placement can slowly drain the passion and vitality out of your relationship, leaving you both feeling like you’re stuck in a beautiful but lifeless partnership. My advice? Don’t be afraid to get messy. Stop worrying so much about keeping the peace and start focusing on keeping it real. Otherwise, you risk ending up in a relationship that’s more about appearances than true connection, and darling, that’s no way to live.
Ash ✨
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Knights of the Zodiac (2023)
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prismstonearchives · 3 months
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かにざコーラル - Cancer Coral
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wifiwuxians · 8 months
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happy new year! my plan was to draw dragonyang from the start, but now i've decided to add my little dog Lucky as well 💖 may he bless us all with good fortune this year!
[ID: a lineless illustration of a dragon humanoid peacefully and happily curled around a small sleeping dog. the dog is light brown, with a gray muzzle and white paws, which he is resting on. he also has a little red marking on his forehead. the dragon's body, horns and mane are black, but his skin is a light tan. they are asleep on a somewhat abstract golden pile. the background consists of solid red and a golden circle with the words 新年快樂 (happy new year in traditional Chinese) above it. the image also has a gold border. /end ID]
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nefarrilou · 7 months
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Zodiac: 🐔 (鸡) • Years: ⫸ 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 • Traits: ⫸ Observant, hardworking, courageous, honest, confident
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Genetics Hair | Wings | Tongue* | Claw Clothes Dress Accessories Jewelry 
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