#the les mis was an inside joke
seerstella · 2 years
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Takumi-kun Series + Texts from Last Night (3/?)
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awholelotofsad · 1 year
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that one post about the history brain vs aesthetic brain when it comes to long haired javert
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hyperfixationstation1 · 11 months
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I made this on the train home.
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skyberia · 2 years
you said “ngl i miss jv” in the tags and my brain really filled in jean valjean…
i mean, the first part of that is right
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
One thing I feel people almost always overlook about Javert is that:
The book’s narrator is usually harsh/sarcastic towards Javert, and that harshness is why his character has pathos. Javert is able to be sympathetic because Victor Hugo has basically no respect for his beliefs. Javert is so pitiable because Hugo mocks and drags him on basically every page he appears.
I’ve mentioned before that the message of Les Mis is (paraphrasing) that ACAB— Javert is the best police officer it is possible to be, and he is terrible, because the laws he enforces are terrible. His law & order ideology is terrible. Everything he believes is fundamentally wrong, and so deeply wrong that it deserves no respect.
Yes, Hugo acknowledges that Javert occasionally has a misguided kind of nobility— the nobility of holding yourself honestly to a set of bad rules, the nobility of following a terrible moral code even when it hurts you. But Hugo has no respect for Javert’s bigotry, or his bootlicking, or his deranged obsessive worship of law and order. Hugo portrays the way that Javert martyrs himself for his ideology as strangely honorable— but the ideology itself is mocked and condemned. Hugo thinks martyrdom is cool, but that Javert is martyring himself for a terrible cause.
In his most sympathetic moments, Javert’s worldview is portrayed as pitiable…. not a worldview that’s worthy of true total genuine respect, but a worldview that’s deeply pathetic in its wrongness.
Without himself suspecting the fact, Javert in his formidable happiness was to be pitied, as is every ignorant man who triumphs.
This is part of why those old 2012-era les mis fanfics always threw me off, if anyone remembers the fandom trends at the time. XD People used to write Valjean and pre-barricades Javert having political debates, as if the two of them could make arguments about law that were equally valid and worthy of respect, and pre-barricades Javert had a worthwhile set of beliefs that Valjean could learn from. But to me it’s personally kinda like, no XD. Nah. The whole thing about pre-barricades Javert is that he does not have any valid points to make. He has nothing resembling a point. He is “ignorant” and determined to stay that way because he literally believes that thinking is evil. He is a violent authoritarian whose worldview is just “mindless self-destructive bootlicking and bigotry.” I joked about it in a previous post but if we want a character who offers a genuinely meaningful counterpoint to Valjean’s philosophy, who could debate him on politics, and who could represent justice while Valjean represents mercy— that character is Enjolras, not Javert.
Valjean has a fascinating complicated relationship with law and politics and violence, but Javert is just a deeply pitiable brainwashed creature who martyrs himself for Wrong things.
Hugo pities Javert, but he does not treat Javert’s worldview --‘authority is always right, rigid social hierarchies must always be enforced, human life has no intrinsic value, the police must violently suppress any kind of crime or rebellion’— as something that deserves to be genuinely respected. It is not something that’s even worthy of debate. It is wrong, it is nonsense, it is an incoherent cruel self-contradicting ideology, and Javert only believes it because (to quote Hugo’s sarcastic narration) “thought was something to which he was unused.” (Or to be more charitable, Javert believes these terrible things because he was born inside a prison and has been brainwashed from birth into internalizing a cruel carceral view of the world.)
And I think Hugo generally does a good job of walking that tightrope — having pity for Javert without portraying Javert’s ideology as something worthy of genuine admiration. He sympathizes with how rigidly Javert holds himself to his own moral code, while condemning the moral code itself for being idiotic. He has empathy with Javert’s sincere self-destructive dedication to what he believes in, while pointing out the things he believes in are all stupid. He pities Javert’s martyrdom, while condemning the nonsense that Javert martyrs himself for.
One of my Top Ten Favorite Pathetic Javert Moments is this one, when Javert recognizes Marius’s body after the barricades:
A spy of the first quality, who had observed everything, listened to everything, and taken in everything, even when he thought that he was to die; who had played the spy even in his agony, and who, with his elbows leaning on the first step of the sepulchre, had taken notes.
Because Javert martyrs himself so earnestly for this terrible cause! He “takes notes” even when he believes he’s going to die and the notes cannot possibly be of any use to anyone, simply because taking notes is the thing he has been ordered to do. He’s so self-destructively dedicated to performing these useless pointless tasks because he believes there is real ~dignity~ to his mindless bootlicking— when there isn’t.
That’s why Javert’s emotional breakdown and suicide hit so hard for me, in a way that it wouldn’t if the narration was forgiving towards his stupid belief system. The contrast between Javert’s sheer pathetic terror and the often harsh/sarcastic narration is just….wild. It makes Javert sympathetic without making his awful ideology seem good, reasonable, or valuable. (And while this is only adjacent to the point I’m making- the harsh narration in Derailed also emphasizes the way Javert has been trained to view his own thoughts/emotions with contempt.) Javert is deeply pitiable/sympathetic without his ideology being framed as correct. And the whole tragedy of his character comes from the fact that he is utterly entirely wrong.
If I were to summarize the pathos of Javert, I wouldn’t say “he’s sympathetic because he’s a noble anti-hero with good strong morals who makes some valuable points about the importance of law” or w/e. I’d say that you can feel sorry for him because he’s a wretched brainwashed creature who’s never done anything right even though he wants to, and is deeply ridiculously pathetic without ever realizing it.
As Hugo puts it: “without himself suspecting the fact, Javert (…) was to be pitied.”
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co6kiesvr · 2 years
do you write for neymar? if so can you please do one where he’s jealous and they fight and sleep in separate rooms and he comes back and it’s fluffy after
maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.hi love! sure!!
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genre: angst to fluff
quick a/n: this was written in spanish, i didn't know he mainly speaks portuguese! im so so sorry!!
┍━━━━━━━━━━ ⚽ ━━━━━━━━━━┑
you and neymar’s friends were actually quite close, at first they didn’t really like you. but now, you were all great friends
in neymar’s view, you might have been a little too great. don’t get him wrong, he likes that his friends like you and there aren’t any problems between you two. but, sometimes he wished you weren’t that close
today was the day he finally snapped, you were with his friends, laughing and joking around. it was all okay at first, until they began touching you. one touching your shoulder, the other your arm, one of them touched your hair too
who the hell told them they were allowed to touch what’s his?
“mi amor, tenemos que irnos, ahora.” neymar said as he held your hand tightly (my love, we have to go, now.)
“what—but, por qué? Paso algo?” you said, furrowing your eyebrows as he began pulling you away even harder (why? did something happen?)
“we’re leaving.” was all he said as his friends stared at you two, confused, while you were feeling the embarrassment taking over
he pulled you away outside to the car, putting you inside, himself, then driving away.
the drive was completely silent, not one of you uttered a single word.
once you got home, you were quick to leave the car before him, and go to your room where you sat there quietly
he followed you into the room, staring at you for a second before speaking up
“what, you’re not gonna talk to me now?” he said, “i had no choice! you were certainly having fun with all of them touching you”
“you cannot be fucking serious right now!” you yelled, “me estabas mirando todo el tiempo, and now you’re jealous? you never trust me! you act like i'll cheat on you opr something!” you snapped (you were glaring at me the entire time)
“i wasn’t glaring at you, i was glaring at them! it’s like you were their girlfriend, not mine. y no les estabas diciendo exactamente que se detuvieran ahora verdad” he yelled back (and you weren't exactly telling them to stop now were you)
“what are you trying to say. hm? that i like your friends touching me even if i don’t want them to?! you know what? tal vez me gusta que me toquen. al menos en realidad me prestan atención.” you said, (maybe i do like them touching me. at least they actually pay attention to me.
“oh, now i don’t pay attention to you? okay, have fun getting the attention from them. buenas noches” he said as he walked out and went into the guest bedroom (goodnight)
“good, i will” you yelled as he walked away
and now here you were, lying awake in bed, trying to stop the tears from flowing. he had a right to be jealous, but he didn't have a right to act like you were enjoying it. he was always like this and you were sick of it, you're sick of him not trusting you. it hurts you when you feel like he doubts you.
you were so caught up with your thoughts you didn't realize the door was open now, you felt the bed sink, and stayed quiet.
"mi amor? are you still awake?" he said, "lo siento, Sé que no harías algo así. i was just stressed and barely seeing you was making it worse, especially if i see you with them more than i see you with me." (im sorry, i know you wouldn't do anything like that)
"i don't like it when they touch me, i only like it when you do it" you spoke up
"why didn't you tell me, cariño?" (sweetheart)
"you like your friends, i didn't want to ruin anything between you"
"you're better than all of them, querida" he smiled and hugged you tight, you turned and faced him, and he was quick to pull you close
"te amo, mi vida" he said as he leaned his forehead on yours (i love you, my life)
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I love that les mis has been nicknamed "illegally blonde" as an inside joke in my family specifically because of Enjolras
• blonde
•both fought with the law
•both names start with "e"
•both have blue eyes
• some guy with brown hair who looks sad all the time has a crush on them
•both wear shades of red alot
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sleepy-sirin · 3 months
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
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Chapter 8
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Third POV:
Back in Era:ZERO
"E mi et escontina♪
O plenitas o colindia♪
Mi mortis sicle ha juus costro♪
Mawe Poco entalius♪
Gledis clant o pledistiant♪
Enti lai viginse lescayan♪
Mawe poco es vienticlo♪
Taan ma tai la la la♪
La la loo♪"
Y/n sing a song that she discovered and took liking to it. She was at the seashore singing while observing the "God of War" a stronger weapon against the Houkai proposed that Dr. MEI build, and a giant red sting ray (Y/n's real body) is attacking the "God of War".
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"Are you still going?" Y/n asked Kiana who was beside her.
"Yeah, MEI is waiting for me." Kiana said to Y/n.
"Will you be coming back?" Y/n asked her.
"Don't worry, I will defeat the Houkai and come back to everyone." Kiana said.
"...... Is that so, it seems that you are still so stubborn......" Y/n watched Kiana walk away from her.
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"Goodbye, my beloved Kiana...."
Years later
[Huge Houkai outbreak]
[Human civilization has been confirmed destroyed]
"Begin to implement civilization amendment program..."
"First stage, begin calculations."
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"E mi et le escontina♪
O plenitas o colindia♪
Mi mortis sicle ha juus costro♪
Mawe poco entalius♪"
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".... Sigh. What a boring world..... Always in a hopeless cycle of reincarnation." Y/n said, as she stands up from the sand and went to dive into the deep sea.
"..... to see, an old friend ~" She said. as she made her way to the Stigmata Project.
"Long time no see, is the child ok?" Y/n asked the A.I hologram Infront of her.
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"Terminal calculation is in progress, Do not approach." The A.I said.
"What an indifferent machine, it's merly a parasitic remant of human civilization that lives inside me... How ungrateful." Y/n said.
"We are symbiotic, that agreement is still in effect, you have no room for rebuttal." The A.I said.
"Ah... that's right, if it wasn't for that agreement with that child, there wouldn't have been so much trouble." Y/n said.
4???? Years ago on the moon
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"Sure enough it still didn't work.... You couldn't change anything." Y/n said to Kiana.
"Weather it's humanity, or Houkai...." She said.
"Y/n.... Can I ask you for something...." Kiana said.
"Of course, I'll make all your wishes come true for you. Because that's what I was made for..... To become your lover." Y/n said.
"This time.... Stop joking...." Kiana said.
Y/n chuckles. "Haha, I'm being serious. To become a lover of humanity, to become a lover of Houkai, to become.... Deeply in love with your lovers. I will wait for you, Kiana."
"Whether you remember me or not, no matter what you become. I will keep it for you, the possibility of a future that you want...."
Y/n's POV:
Back in the present
"Y/n, will you help us?" Bronya asked me.
"Don't get me wrong. I'm only abandoning the side that will always lose. Lack of tact, that's one of  your human tricks of the trade, isn't it?" I said.
"You will always lose... You can't be the first-" Yssring said.
"I don't know, right?" I said.
"Not as the doomed dead, but as friends." Kiana said. She reaches out hand.
"Let's fight together, Y/n!"
I hold Kiana's hand. "Okay. That's not too bad."
"Phemie Iris and Y/n attack the Will's outer body from the outside. You all need to hurry up and destroy the Will's core!" Phemie Iris said.
"The Supervisor of Will has already assimilated the moon and sucked out the power of the Ruler of the End. Plus, there's still a "passageway" that connects the two universes. That allows us to take in an unlimited amount of collapsed energy from the collapsed universe. That Will's power is at its peak, so don't underestimate them." I said to the group.
"Thanks for the heads up, Y/n!" Kiana said.
"But in this realm of the human soul-" Mei said.
"There's no way we can lose!" All of us said.
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"Y/n, Why betray us?" The Supervisor of the Will asked me.
"That's a really silly question. You've already calculated and derived the answer, haven't you? You are just like that kid Otto. You have been "rulers" too long. Your wills have been set long ago, you are doomed to defeat." I said.
"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."
"Obey." The Supervisor of the Will tried to control Y/n but it didn't work.
"It's useless. In this realm, Y/n is not under your control. Now she is not a servant of collapse, she is my friend!" Kiana said.
"Lock on."
"All bullets fired!"
The Supervisor of the Will's tentacles attack at the group. All tentacles were easily obliterated by the attack of mechanical wings and heavily armed rabbits. The power of the attack was far beyond the power of the soldier gods. Ninti became a galloping golden lightning bolt, breaking one by one through the defenses built by the Supervisor of the Will.
"We are nothing but stupid creatures repeating the same mistakes." The Supervisor of the Will said.
"Seele and Sin, their actions actually proved it. People can grow! We will not allow them to be slandered!" Bronya said.
"Humans have been fighting creatures since ancient times, but human history is a history of progress. It's you who don't see it. They really are stupid creatures!" Yssring said.
"The future of our world is full of endless possibilities, but your world is already rigid. Even with the Sacrament- We kept going with our burdens and arrived at this moment of triumph!" Ninti said.
The "black flame" gathered in Kyuushou's hand and became a huge sphere that slammed into the Supervisor of Will. Compared to it, the controller of will looked obviously small.
"Don't screw with humans, overseer of wills!" Kyuushou said.
"Don't make me laugh!" The Supervisor of the Will said.
The destroyed body of the Supervisor of Will was re-built. At the same time, a golden light, similar to that of the law of the end, was emitted from its body, the same golden light as that of the law of the end.
"This guy is till going strong!" Kyuushou said.
"It's just a bluff." Kiana said.
"It's a pseudo-created emotion, but it sounds like the real thing." Mei said.
"Behind me, the energy life forms of the entire collapsed universe are waiting! There is no way we can compete with a mere earth civilization! I will make you regret it from the bottom of my heart!" The Supervisor of the Will said.
All of us attack the Supervisor of the Will with all of our strengths but the Supervisor was too strong to be taken down. The firepower of  Phemie Iris and Y/n is not strong enough.
"Let's just block the "passageway" between the two universes so that guy can't use the disintegrating energy. Because then that guy will be nothing more than a lump of meat the size of the moon." Y/n said.
"How can we do that?" Mei asked.
"It's the opposite of the way the Supervisor of the Will opened the "passage" and sent the first disintegrating energy, me and the first Kiana into this universe. Besides, the distance between two universes is closer now than it used to be so we don't need to start a big war like before to block the "passage"." I said.
"But this knowledge exists only in my main body and in the consciousness structure of the "first you". The "first you" is already gone, and the power of the law giver of the end has been absorbed. So-"
"No, you can't!" Mei said, already know what I was planning to.
"If you do that, Y/n-" Kiana was about to convince me, but she was stopped by me.
"It's okay." I assured Kiana and Mei.
"I've known for a long time... That "Kiana" I am looking for is long gone. I was looking for a version of "her". I also know that I wasn't "special and unique" to you from the beginning." I said. I approache to Kiana.
"But I couldn't ignore my feelings." I put my hand on Kiana's cheek.
"The only one who knows this knowledge, all the power involved in it. Take all of me Kiana." I kissed Kiana gently on her forehead.
Both Kiana and Mei looked shocked at what they saw, seeing me and my main body scattered, glowing with light.
"And this is not a "fusion" mission given by the collapse. It's not due to some meaningless sinecure, either. Just of Y/n as a human being. A final, selfish "love" for you." I said.
"Y/n... You are so selfish, Y/n..." Kiana smiles at Y/n.
Mei chuckles. "Hah... Kiana, you are really loved by everyone. But she saved the day." Mei hugs Kiana tighter, feeling jealous.
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Taglist: @starxao
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luceracastro · 5 months
𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨̀𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and Simon never got along, but you’ve both been stuck in one another’s life since even though he was a nuisance to you he was basically your brothers brother, so when you come home from college from the summer and head over to the beach house your parents had owned ever since you were young for a family vacation, it was a shame to see he was also invited, but soon certain feeling come to light
Warnings: warning will be added to every chapter, none in this one except Simon and reader don’t really get along yet
Hice este fic pensando en mi hermosa Sof❤️ @espinasrubi @castawaycherry
Your parents insisted you come to the beach house for the summer, you were exhausted from school and the stuffy dorm you were forced to live in but you also thought time on the beach would be calming and fun
So here you were going to meet up with them a day late, you had walked up the porch steps hoping your brother would be willing to drag your suitcases to your room for you, you knocked on the door and waited until you heard the lock click
“Mi niña!” Your moms voice was filled with excitement to see you and you giggled as she engulfed you in her arms “Hola mami” your dad walked over and wrapped his arms around you and your mother
“Cómo estás mi niña” your parents pulled away “bien, un poco cansada” you sighed with a smile on your lips “y los estudios?” Your dad asked “todo bien papi” you nodded and he chuckled “Y Joel?” You asked for your older brother
“En la sala jugando en el vídeo juego” your dad said “ven vamos para que los saludas” your mom pulled your hand, “los?” Was there someone besides your brother, you had walked into the living area and your eyes widened and you were screaming in the inside
Simon. You and him had a rocky relationship and history, your brother met him in the 5th grade and as he grew up beside you he always was very annoying towards you, teasing and bothering you
He would make unnecessary jokes and embarrass you in front of others, your parents and brothers found it quite harmless but if you could have you would’ve choked him, “Hola mi boluda” your brother hugged you with a teasing smile, he knew well how you felt about Simon, you lazily hugged him back
“Aye mi pelotuda favorita” Simón hugged you but your arms hung at your side, “y que no me quieres ver?” He asked with a shit eating grin “la verdad no” you answered “T/n!” Your mother gave you a look
“Perdon” you mumbled “ah no pasa nada nena” he winked at you, you rolled your eyes “porque no le bajan las maletas a T/n muchachos” your mom pitched in and the two nodded walking out the living area, “Mami!” You whined and she looked at you
“Porque?!” She chuckled “amor anda no es nada malo que Simón nos acompaña” she said and you gave her a look, “ven vamos a tu cuarto” she led you up the steps and into your room, it looked the same nothing ever changing
You smiled at the frame of 5 year old you with your bucket full of shells at the beach, “voy acabar de preparar la cena mi amor” your mom kissed your cheek and left the room, you looked around your room and heard thumping near your door
“Ten” your brother brought your suitcase in while Simon held a bag and suitcase putting it down carefully “voy por la ultima” your brother left your room and you sighed as Simon stood there “No me extrañaste?” He asked amused leaning against the door frame and you looked at him with furrowed brows “no” you moved to open your empty drawer and brought one of your suitcases on top of the bed, “necesitas algo?” You asked looking over at him
He shook his head “No para nada pelotuda” you looked at him annoyed “No me digas así” you sternly said as you folded your clothes “perdon, pelotuda” you sighed agitatedly and tried to keep your composure
“Ahora por que tan calladita pelotuda?” He asked and you sighed “Simon ya” you gave him a look and before he could think of bothering you any more your brother walked in, “ya es la última” he left it on your bed “gracias” he nodded before leaving the room Simon following after him
You went to close and lock your door before going back to unpacking, you wanted a chill and fun summer but it seemed that it was a crime to do that, as long as Simon was there you’d be in the worst mood.
A knock on your door alerted you “quien?” You called out “Yo, ya esta la cena” it was your dads voice and you got out of bed and opened the door, you sat down across from Simon and your brother
Your mom had passed the food around and all of your served yourselves “me pasa’s el pan” Simon didn’t insult you that you believed he was speaking to someone else, you looked at him and he held a innocent look, you grabbed the plate full of fresh bread and handed it to him as he took it
Your mom gave you a look of “see he isn’t so bad” you wanted to roll your eyes but suppressed the urge to do so, you continued eating and felt a shoe slightly kick your shin and you looked at Simon who was in front of you, you gave him a look,
He smiled and kept on eating his food, just seeing him made you lose your appetite, “estas bien?” Your dad asked and you turned to look at him nodding “Si”.
After you all finished eating your mom gave you the task of picking up which you had done and now you were washing the dishes, “hola” Simon’s annoying voice made you sigh “hola” your voice was stern as you kept washing the dish in your hands
He walked over hands squeezing your hips making you jolt and drop the sponge and dish “Eres un molestia!” You were fed up and you’d only been there for 5 hours, 5, he snickered and sighed
“No, no soy una molestia nenita, tu nomas eres muy dramática” he said with a smug smile on his lips and you groaned “Simon, por favor, déjame en paz” you tried to clarify that you wanted to be left alone and he shrugged “y si no quiero?” He said making you roll your eyes
“Déjame en paz” you said once again before getting the rag near the sink drying the soapy water from your hands and leaving the kitchen, you had walked into your room and locked yourself in your room and plopped down on your bed
You did slightly feel bad for yelling in his face especially for calling him a bother, but it was true he was doing too much and for no reason
You had changed and laid down, this was better that your whole day for sure.
A/n: guess who started a new fic! I hope all my Simon lovers like this fic! It’s basically a mix of enemies to lovers/ brothers best friend!
Also likes, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated but not required just as long as you all enjoy reading my loves!!!!!!
Taglist: @castawaycherry @espinasrubi @madame-fear @creative-heart
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nattinatalia · 1 year
¿Puedes escribir sobre Jack cogiendo un resfriado? tal vez Mia lo cuide? Estoy enfermo y lo encontraría reconfortante.
Jack Harlow x Reader : NURSE MIA
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“Daddy, you hot.”
“Mia, you need to stop repeating what your mama says.” Jack whispers out, chuckling.
Mia furrows her eyebrows and looks at you. “Mama, touch, mira.”
She places her little hand on Jack’s forehead. “Caliente.”
You quickly rush towards the bed and touch Jack’s cheeks and forehead, and he indeed was hot. “Mi amor, tienes calentura.”
“But I don’t even feel sick?”
“I take care of yous daddy.” She hops off the bed. “Be back.” And runs inside your bathroom.
“We were sick last week, so you probably got it from us.”
He groans, “I can’t get sick, not now. I have meetings I can’t miss. It’s also Derby week.”
“Relax with your dramatics bubs.” You are able to see what your daughter was doing from your spot on the bed. “You think Mia will let you miss Derby? To see all the horses? Sick or not, she’ll make sure she’s there.”
Jack smiles, “You’re not kidding.”
“Okaay.” Mia announces as she walks out from the bathroom. “I puts this on you.”
“Oh you’re definitely your mothers.” He jokes, seeing what she went to get from the cabinet.
“¿Te ayudo mi niña?”
Mia nods. “Quita su camisa.” She hands you the container. “You puts this on his body?”
“Alright.” You open the container and start rubbing vaporub on his chest. “Voltéate, lay on your stomach please.”
He follows your instructions. “Why is it so hot?”
“You sick daddy, that’s why.”
You smile, and continue rubbing it all over his back. “Let me go cook a caldo de pollo for you.”
“Yummy, yo quiero.”
“I’ll make enough for all of us.”
Mia nods eagerly, “Thank yous. I take care of daddy and you cook.”
“Deal, I’ll be back.”
You leave the bedroom and head to the kitchen to start getting ready on the caldo. Your lucky stars were on your side today, since you were already defrosting chicken for tonight’s dinner, so all you had to do was cut up some veggies.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“Daddy, you need waters or juice?”
“Not thirsty right now baby.”
“Okay. I go see mommy, wait here.”
“Where else would I go bug?” Jack tried to joke with her.
“Dram-tico” She mumbles.
“I am not dramatic missy.” He yells out and Mia just laughs.
“Que necesitas?” You ask your daughter, seeing her walk into the kitchen and looking around.
“Medicine for daddy.”
“Alright, I’ll go give him some in a bit.”
“No, I do it please.”
You hand her the medicine and a spoon, “Nomas dale una cucharada.”
You go open your cabinet. “Llévale agua porque no le va gustar el sabor.”
“Thank you for helping sweetie.”
As soon as Mia walks back into your shared bedroom, she notices Jack is on his phone sitting up against the headboard.
“No phones, tell auntie Nee you sicky.”
“It’s me princess.”
Jack hands her his phone and she smiles “Hi tío Clay Clay.”
“Hello nurse Mia.”
She gasps, “Nurse Mia? I love it.”
“You have to take care of your dad, nurse Mia, or else he won’t get to see all the horses.”
Mia glares, “Daddy important, no horses.”
“Wow, did you hear that mom?” Clay yells out. “Mia is choosing Jack over seeing horses.”
“I hanging up.” She pouts.
Clay and Jack laugh at that, “Okay bye.”
“Love ya, bye.” Mia giggles, places her dads cellphone on the side table.
“Momma said one.” She hands Jack the medicine. “Open please.”
Jack stares at the bottle, he definitely doesn’t like the honey flavored medicine.
Mia smiles, “Agua?” She hands him the water bottle and waits for Jack to finally take the spoonful of medicine.
“That’s nasty.” He gags.
“Jack-man, be real.” Mia rolls her eyes.
“Wha-? Jackman? I’m your father” He closes the medicine and quickly takes a sip of his water. “And I am real.”
“Lays down now.” Mia stands on the bed and goes to tuck him in.
She sits down next to him, and brushes his curls back. “Momma bring food soon.”
“Thank you for taking care of me baby bug, you’re the best.”
“Welcome.” She kisses his forehead. “Mimis now.”
“But I’m hungry.” He whines.
“It be ready when you wakes up.”
“Okay well I’m not tired.”
“Close eyes, and sleep.”
Jack chuckles, “Bug, I’m not tired.”
Mia stares at her dad for a bit, then decides to make it easier, she places both her hands on Jack’s eyes, covering them. “Just mimis. I close eyes for you.”
“Hushh, mimis you sick you need sleep off.” She taps her index finger against his forehead, but still covering his eyes.
“Yeah, you’re definitely your mothers daughter.” Jack mumbles out after finally listening to Mia and falling asleep.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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madlittlecriminal · 4 months
Hello! I hope you’re having a great week! I saw your requests were open and it’s the perfect time cause my best friend has just started pointing fingers at me and telling me that I’ve been only talking about myself.
I’ve tried to explain to her that I have a habit of gushing about things I like - as I have ADHD and I am an extrovert - I tend to over share sometimes and she isn’t listening to me. I’ve listened to her before and I’ve tried to listen to her more but she hasn’t reached out to me as much and now it’s making me worry if I did something wrong :( So I may be losing my best friend, I don’t know yet.
Sorry that I put that all on you but I promise it ties with my request.
I was thinking of the reader dating Jaime Reyes and he knows how insecure she is of herself being an extrovert and wanting to share her feelings and excitement with others. And her best friend has started blaming her for not looking out for her best friend and it’s taking a toll on the reader - making her feel like she’s a horrible person.
Khaji Da senses that the reader is feeling down and Jaime confronts her. The reader starts asking Jaime if she’s too much for him to handle and if she’s annoying him. Jaime reminds her everything he loves about her and maybe even shows her through some love making? 😳😳 (only if you’re okay with that).
Also I am 20 by the way in case you want to write smut! Also the emoji I was gonna put down for this request is this little ducky 🦆
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry that this is so long, I didn’t know how to shorten it at all without it now making sense. 💜😊
The Listener ➜ Jaime Reyes × Extroverted!Female!Reader
im sorry for taking so long to release this! this is obviously through Jaime's eyes (mostly), but as someone who is in Jaime's shoes for this fic (my bf has ADHD), Jaime is kind of self inserted & i apologize. i promise, he still very much Jaime
Warnings: might not be 100% accurate, insecurities, like one joke about him being blue beetle, love bombing because i said so, light smut, praise (?), short
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He loved hearing you talk. Not only because he loved the sound of your voice, but because of the light in your eyes when you spoke.
The happiness in your voice was enough to make him feel all warm in fuzzy inside because he he loved seeing you happy. He thought he would catch on when something was wrong, but God, did he feel like crap when he didn't notice it.
You came to see him and your silence was loud...at least to Khaji Da as they were the one who noticed it.
"Jaime, something's wrong with her."
Jaime stopped mid-sentence when he heard the AI's words. He looked over at you and tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked towards you before sitting on the couch next to you.
"Nothing." You gave him a soft smile when your eyes met his, but you can tell he wasn't buying it.
"Tell me, love. What's wrong?"
You exhaled sharply and tugged on the bracelet he gifted you. "Am I annoying?"
He furrowed his brows. "What? Why would you think that?"
"My best friend kind of said I was..."
He clenched his fist on his lap. "Kind of or did she?"
"She did. She said I talk too much and that I was too much for you to handle because I'm extroverted and move around too much."
Jaime snorted and took your hand into his. "Do you have any idea how special you are to me? Listening to you speak is the highlight of my day. Trust me, I look forward to it if it's in person or if it's through the phone. Switch from topics all you want, be as introverted as you please, move around as often as you need. I don't care. It's what makes you you and I love you for it."
You squeezed his hand. "Do you really mean that?"
"Eres mi tesoro. Don't ever forget that, you hear me?" (You're my treasure.)
You gave him a small smile. "She's just been saying it for a while, so I felt bad, y'know?"
"Don't feel bad. I love listening to you. I'm your listener, okay?" He poked your nose, causing you to let out a soft laugh. "There it is. That smile that I love so much."
You felt your cheeks warm up before looking away.
He grabbed your chin softly and shook his head. "No. Don't look away." He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on your lips.
You kissed him back, your arms snaking around his neck as you leaned in closer before sitting on his lap.
His hands rested on your hips before pulling apart from the kiss, peppering small kisses along your jawline, and trailing to your neck.
You tilt your head back to give him more access as your fingers tangle into his hair.
"You're perfect. You'll never be annoying to me. I love every part of you," he whispers against your neck, his hands trailing from your hips to your thighs, and squeezing them gently.
"I love you too, pretty boy."
His eyes met yours, desire written on his face as he gave you a nod. "Your pretty boy."
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awholelotofsad · 2 years
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when you climb a ladder to get an old man his book from his shelf while he’s sleeping but you fall off
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
II - Lips and Tongue
Only Parts of you Mr. Morales
Frankie Morales x Belinda (plus size OFC)
This fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 609
Summary: When Francisco and Belinda’s relationship changed last year.
Warnings: Agnst, longing, implied and actual sexual activity, Frankie Morales’ MOUTH, mention of infidelity
Notes: I’m pretty sure I know where this series is gonna go, but it could change as it often does when I write. 😊 The ideas are fast and furious.
Main Masterlist/ Frankie “Catfish” Morales Masterlist/ Only Parts of You Mr. Morales Series
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Last year after Francisco returned from his month-long trip with his brothers in arms, he banged on Belinda’s door. The wee hours of the morning seem to be when poor decisions are made.
This is where things began.
When Belinda opened her door, she was greeted by a thin line where Frankie’s plush lips normally were. He parted them but said nothing. She stepped aside so he could enter. When he faced away from her, he spoke:
“Still no shoes in the house, right? Lo siento cariño (I’m sorry sweetheart).” He bends to removes his boots and looks up at her, bottom lip quivering. She’s unsure if he’s saying sorry to her or talking about something else entirely. He’s here but appears to be miles away.
Belinda invites him to shower in her bedroom, wash off a layer of whatever he might be burdened with. She says he can stay in her bed too; she doesn’t want him to be alone. Normally he’d talk more and be making jokes at Benny or Pope’s expense. He keeps biting his lips.
“If you don’t want to talk Fish, that’s fine. What else can I do? You want some food?” Her questions have him staring at her from her bathroom. She’s sitting on the bed in a plain gray shirt and red sleep shorts he’s seen the last few years he’s known her. Been inside her house and slept on her couch for various reasons. He’s thought about it often, but she’s always had someone better than him, but still not good enough for her.
Francisco knows he’s going to ask a taboo question between friends. One he shouldn’t be allowed to ask, not to someone who doesn’t have blood on their hands and who can sleep at night. “I don’t need any food. I need to eat. Can I eat you mi bizcochito (my little cake)?”
Belinda heard his question. She should have asked more questions or any questions. But Fish has made his way across the room and is kneeling down before her, soft lips pressing against the back of her hand, then on her thigh. Her hands lift his head and trace his lips, he flicks his tongue out with a smile. A man’s mouth should not be this devastatingly beautiful.
“Vente aqui (come here) Francisco. We’ll use each other.” Capturing his lips with hers was the beginning. The night ended after she soaked his tongue twice and Frankie held Belinda in his lap before falling asleep with her on top him. His tongue licked her neck making her groan while she slept.
In the morning, they agreed not to talk about it. It would be the one time only. Frankie thanked her for it.
Belinda had allowed him in, to love her as he knew how. He doesn’t know the words to say what he really wants. He’s convinced himself he has no right to her love or devotion.
Later that week his tongue would explore her folds again; he would show her this way. Maybe she would understand this way.
Belinda comprehends what Frankie makes her feel, that they still go out for drinks with everyone after he’s left marks from his sucking of her skin, covered by her clothes. She yearns more but has no idea what Fish wants from her other than to drink from her. She left her fiance shortly after Morales came back from his trip, citing that they just weren’t compatible. She’d never tell that nice man about the trembling lips that had her betray him.
She’s not any better than Frankie with thoughts muddled from those cushioned lips and supple tongue.
Hands Back
Catfish Bowl: @yorksgirl @megamindsecretlair @guelyury @magpiepillsjunior @legendary-pink-dot @bitchwitch1981 @katw474 @rosecentury @rhoorl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty @maggiemayhemnj @schnarfer @rav3n-pascal22 @bishtrouille @alltheotps @pedroshotwifey
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the "who am I?!" line in les mis is super funny bc at least half a dozen inside jokes finish it and none of them are "24601"
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blorb-el · 9 months
14 and 24
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write (fanfic end of year asks)
answered over here! the tl;dr is it's sure on this shining night, which is gen superfam fic focused on kara and martha recreating kryptonian recipes for the winter solstice <3
24. favorite fic you read this year
I can never pick just one... particular favorites this year were...
hoebiwan's onward, lonesome hero (carry on, carry on), a clark gets captured by lex early on au which gave me so much brainrot my wip fic of this fic is currently sitting at about 50k
nichepastiche and wisteria_lodge's Relationship Status, a very loving and intimate superbat getting together with low drama fic, with a lot of tenderness and a calm, unique and lovely flowing dialogue style even throughout the E rated scenes (so hard to pull off!!)
ionia/@supermanshield's Devotion, a lovely (very explicit) intimate superbat first time where every sentence just feels like canon, down to bruce forgetting his toothbrush
shipyrds/@burins' from the inside of the wound, a pain swap fic between bruce and clark that is somewhat like taffy in that it is rich and layered and sticks with you and i've been chewing on it for weeks/gently rotating it in my head
believe it or not i do actually occasionally read fics about non-superheroes... my favorite of which this year was ellen_fremedon's ongoing epic Les Mis fic In Which Is To Be Learned The Name of Enjolras's Fake Fiancée. I'm not convinced this author isn't a time traveler direct from 1832 the way the detail in this is so extraordinary, and the slow unfurling of characterization is unreal. It's probably readable canon-blind, if any followers of this blog happen to be into Hugolian style narration.
and my favorite superman fic of all time which I first came across in 2022 but no joke reread every three months or so, which easily makes my top 10 superman stories ever, the unreally good Shatterfall by tandrelmairon. read it and then agonize with me about how it's unfinished and hasn't been updated since 2007. then go read their OTHER stellar clois fic Getting Eaten Alive which IS complete
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targaryenluvs · 2 years
Congrats on 200 followers. Can you write something about the celebratory dinner with Charles and his family after Charles won the world title?
Of course!
and completely missed the mark 😭
contains bad french translations ❤🤩
Stand By Me
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"And Charles Leclerc is the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and subsequently the 2023 Champion of the World!"
Cheers rung through out the Ferrari Garage, more so all around you. As you gripped your headphones tighter than before as you watched your boyfriend cross the line, swerving left and right.
Following in his lead, fellow team-mate Carlos and Max. The first Ferrari 1-2 since 22' Bahrain.
In that moment it was all worth it.
The frustrations, struggles and pain of the last few years, the DNFs, the engine problems, miscommunication, everything.
It didn't matter.
You, nor any Ferrari employee had managed to wipe the ginormous grin on all of your faces, these smiles would've, (according to Lando) put the Cheshire Cat to shame.
Charles stood proudly on top of his championship winning vehicle as he celebrated by drawing a bow and arrow and shooting off into the distance before covering his eyes as if looking into the sun to see it off.
He jumped down and rushed to the rowdy red team as shouts and compliments surrounded him.
Now don't get him wrong.
He loved the support and congratulations he was receiving but they weren't exactly coming from the person he wanted to hear it from.
The second you came into his field of vision, Charles swallowed you entirely with his bear hug. "For you. Mi amor for us!"
"I know Charles, I'm so proud, you have no idea. I love you so much mon chou." You rambled as you pressed your lips to his.
You and Charles were driving to Pascales home.
It had been three days since your very own boyfriend, Charles Leclerc himself, stood proudly on the top of the podium. Clutching his trophe so tightly as if he feared it would run away.
That night was not something any Ferarri member would have remembered in the slightest inkling.
That night was a blur of love, cheers, champagne, skinny dipping off a boat and fireworks as well as noise complaints.
Right afterwards you organized the dinner with Charles and his family knowing they wanted to see him even though Charles had already told you, that the pair off you guys would go together to visit anyway.
You were zoned out as you felt Charles's hand resting comfortably on the inside of your thigh as it drew you back in.
"Tu vas bien?" - Are you okay?
"Yeah, just thinking about this week."
"Oh yeah? Any specific parts? Perhaps our bedroom last sunday?" Charles joked as your smacked his arm.
"No you idiot, I'm just proud of you."
"Merci chérie, je n'aurais pas pu le faire sans toi."
Thank you honey, I couldn't have done it without you.
The door opened and revealed a beaming Prema Driver in an ugly christmas sweater.
"Maman me l'a fait porter. Don't even."
Mom made me wear it.
Speaking of the woman, "Charles!" she squealed as she hugged her son before turning her attention to you. "Y/n, it's been too long mon amour."
"Hi Mrs Leclerc! How are you?"
"Good, I'm having fun, watching my boys, being healthy and doing my job. Its a peaceful life and I love it."
"That sounds amazing, I know who I'm going to for my next haircut then huh?" You joked.
"Yes you do. I'm happy and eating well."
"I told you not to lie with family Maman. I saw you eating the oreos!" Enzo joked as he also welcomed you and Charles "Oh shush Lorenzo, come this way dinner's outside, but close your eyes Y/n."
You were promptly blindfolded and lead outside where you suddenly stopped, all you could hear was bickering in a language incomprehensible to you. Italian maybe? Definitely not French was all you could tell.
Was all you heard before the blindfold was taken off and you swore then and there you fell in love, forever, permanently.
Charles was standing in front of you, on one knee, with a ring box in hand.
"Ma fille, je ne te remercierais jamais assez de m'avoir aidé à traverser ces années difficiles. Tu es restée à mes côtés pendant toutes ces années. Tu m'as toléré, aidé, nourri, soigné quand j'étais trop brisé pour le faire moi-même. L'année dernière a été ma pire, et tu m'as aidé à traverser ça avec facilité. Tu m'as soutenu quand j'avais l'impression de n'avoir personne. Quand c'était le monde contre moi, tu me rappelais toujours que je n'étais jamais seul. Alors s'il te plaît bébé, épouse-moi.
Tiens toi a mes côtès pour toujours."
My girl, I could never thank you enough for helping me through these tough years. You've stuck by my side for all these years. You tolerated me, helped me, fed me, cared for me when I was to broken to do so myself. Last year was my worst, and you helped me through it with ease. You stood by me when I felt like I had no one. When it was the world against me you always reminded me I was never alone. So please baby, marry me.
Stand by me, forever.
"You have no clue how long I've been waiting for this Charles. I've known you since we were kids and I've loved you longer than I've known.
Yes! A million times, Yes!"
He promptly slipped the gorgeous and obviously expensive ring on your finger before scooping you up in his arms and spinning the two of you around. As his brothers and mother shouted in excitement and happiness.
As it all settled down you looked up at your boyfriend of 5 years and bestfriend of 19.
"Je t'aime tellement mon ange." Charles whispered into your ear before kissing your neck.
"Je t'aime Charlie."
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