#the kitkat speaks
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mallowbees · 2 years ago
ai covers make me so uncomfortable dude. like i know hearing characters or creators sing songs is cool cause its like wow youve never heard them do that that sound cool but like man if that was my voice and people did that id be fucking ill. that would make me so anxious that people were using my voice to make whatever they wanted to hear even if it was nothing malicious. ‘wow that sounded so good, x has so much potential if they did this!’ well they didnt. because they didnt want to. and it wouldnt sound like that anyway cause its fucking ai. but you made them do it anyway i guess
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hearts-hunger · 6 months ago
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Under the soft glow of the purple Halloween lights, Danny is sweet to you like he always is. || Sequel to Kitkat and Honeyglow
Pairings: Danny x Reader | Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | Word Count: 2.4k | Warnings: drinking, smoking, mentions of wacky tobaccy, me not knowing anything actually about tarot cards (sorry)
A/N: Everyone say thank you to @spark-my-nature and go look lovingly upon this Kitkat 'verse Danny fanart she made that made me cry!!! Every Danny and Kitkat fic is dedicated especially to Miranda now :) I have at least one more fic for these two sweeties up my sleeve this spooky season, and I hope you like this short little fic! ♡
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“Damn, Jake, how much tequila did you put in this?”
Jake laughed when you winced after the first sip of your drink, clinking his solo cup against yours.
“Beats me, kitkat,” he said. “You know I measure liquor with my heart.”
“Should start measuring with your liver,” you said, taking another drink anyway. “Lordy. I'm gonna be slap-out drunk after one drink.”
He cackled. “Slap out? That's weird. You're funny, honey.”
You grinned at the sloppy kiss he bestowed on your cheek as he went to rejoin the party, knowing Jake was well on his way to being slap-out drunk already. Most of the partygoers were in various states of intoxication, whether from the counter littered with half-empty bottles of booze or the weed that was being “discreetly” smoked in the back yard. One of the boys' friends had planned this bash to celebrate the beginning of the season at the haunted house attraction they worked for; this was sort of their last hoorah before nights and weekends became dedicated to scaring the bejeezus out of people for the next two months. You knew your boys were looking forward to getting back to work, and even though you weren't the biggest fan of haunted houses, you were happy to come and celebrate this year's reign of terror on the folks of your small town. 
You fished a Corona out of the cooler and went in search of your boyfriend, weaving through rooms filled with people talking and laughing and singing along to the Ghostbusters theme song playing at a blinding volume. Some were dressed in their costumes for work, getting in the spirit of things, and you politely sidestepped a ghoul and an undead nurse making out in the hallway. You spotted Danny in the living room, sporting a black hoodie and a backwards ball cap that somehow managed to tame his thick head of curls. He was talking animatedly to Sam, who was giving him a vaguely drunk but comically serious look of attention and consideration.
You'd almost made it to them when somebody in a clown mask started razzing the crowd, hollering and getting up in their faces. They all seemed to like it — it was just another day at the office for them, after all — but you stumbled back a little when he turned to you and held his hands up as if to snatch you.
“Hey, Bri, easy on the fright night with my kitkat.”
Your boyfriend’s kind reminder from behind you had Brian backing off with an applogetic laugh.
“Sorry, kid,” he said, muffled through his mask. “Forgot you weren't into all this. My bad.”
“That’s okay,” you said with a smile, thankful for the quick response. The actors who worked at the haunted house were very good about keeping things light and fun for all thresholds of thrill-seeking, even those as low as yours. Still, Danny's hand on your waist was a welcome comfort as Brian went off to scare somebody else.
“Thanks,” you said, turning to Danny. “I guess I should be used to this sort of thing by now.”
He smiled. “No sweat, kitkat. Brian's just funning you, but it's okay if you don't like it.”
You handed him his beer, and he accepted it with a word of thanks.
“This is my last one tonight, though,” he said, looking at your cup with a wry smile. “Somebody’s gotta drive us home, and if you're drinking some shit Jake made, no way should you be behind the wheel.”
Sam held out his hand for a taste of his brother's concoction, and when you let him have some, he coughed and spluttered.
“God damn, kitkat,” he said as you and Danny laughed. “You’re gonna be on the floor after that.”
“That’s the plan, Sammy boy,” you said cheerfully. You knocked back another swig and shuddered with the acrid taste. “Goes down real smooth.”
Danny chuckled and hugged you close to his side. “Having fun, kitkat?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Are you?”
He hummed in agreement around a sip of his beer. “It’s fun to be back with everybody. It's gonna be a good season, I think.”
The music crescendoed, almost rattling the windows with the volume of the synth.
“Do you know who you are yet?” you asked.
Danny leaned closer to hear you over the noise. “Do I know what?”
You stood on tiptoe and leaned on his arm. “Do you know what part you're playing yet? At work?”
He nodded. “Ah. Yeah. Werewolf again. It was such a big hit last year that they want to keep it around.”
You gave him a cheeky smile and a kiss. “It was a big hit for me too.”
He pinked a little, liking the compliment and the reminder of how you'd met. 
“Glad you're happy, sweetheart,” he said, a little bashful. 
Some of his friend wanted him to play a game of darts with them, and you stole one last kiss before you sent him on his way. You knew enough of his coworkers to hang out on your own, and the Kiszkas were milling around somewhere; you went to mingle and talk to some of the friends you'd made over the last year as you'd frequented the haunted house in the off season of repairs and updates.
Cindy, one of the girls who’d worked the zombie maze last year, took you by the arm and let you to where she and a couple other girls were messing around with tarot cards in the dining room.
“Your turn, kitkat,” she said, ushering you into the chair at the table laid with cards and fairy lights. “Time to seek your fortune.”
The girl telling fortunes shuffled the cards and fumbled a few with tipsy hands, and you laughed.
“Off to a good start, I see,” you teased.
“Just you wait,” she said with a grin. She laid three cards in front of you, and you watched curiously as she presented the lovers upside down, the tower, and the moon.
Your draw earned a low chorus of “oohs” from the girls around you. You didn't have the slightest idea what the cards meant and looked around at their faces to see what you could glean from their expressions.
“Bad news?” you asked.
Cindy gave you an uncertain gesture with her cup. “Dunno, kitkat. Looks like your love life is gonna get fucked up, your carefully laid plans are gonna get blown to shit, and you're in for some fear and confusion.”
“Aw, what the fuck?” you protested with a laugh. “Gimme some new ones. I don't like those.”
She waggled her fingers at you. “The cards tell all, babe. Better get with it.”
You let someone else have a turn, and though you enjoyed spending time with your friends, you couldn't help thinking about the cards you'd been given. You didn't want your love life to implode; you liked it just the way it was. 
When the girls pulled out a Ouija board, you declined being haunted and excused yourself to find Danny again. He was out on the porch, smoking a cigarette and finishing off his beer; you snuggled close to him in the chilly night air, thankful for his warmth.
“Saw you in there with Cindy,” he said. His handsome features were sharp in the purple lights strung overhead. “What were y’all getting into?”
“The future,” you said mysteriously.
He smiled. “Oh yeah? What'd you find out?”
You downed the last of your drink. “Well, we're about to break up, and then I'm gonna explode and die, probably.”
He laughed. “Well damn, honey. Is that all?”
“That’s all she wrote,” you agreed. 
He leaned his elbows on the railing, looking out at the spooky decorations in the yard, and you hugged his arm.
“I don't wanna break up and explode and die.”
He turned his face to yours, nudging the bridge of his nose against your cheek. “We’re not gonna break up, kitkat.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, half-serious. Maybe — certainly — it was the alcohol making your head fuzzy and your emotions wobbly, and you knew you were worried way too much about some drunken tarot reading that none of you had done correctly anyway. But you still wanted reassurance, and as he always did, Danny gave of his kindness and patience very generously.
“Kitkat,” he said gently. He brushed his thumb over your cheek. “I’m sure, sweetheart. I'd have to tear my heart out to ever live without you. You hear me?”
You blossomed under his touch, leaning close. “I hear you. I love you, Danny.”
He kissed you, and you felt his smile. “I love you, my sweet kitkat.”
You shared a cigarette under the soft violet lights, talking about the upcoming season and your plans for your anniversary that was only a few weeks away. 
“I think we should make it official and start a family,” he said.
You blushed, partly out of surprise and partly out of some insane pleasure at the idea. Of course you weren't ready for kids and he was only messing with you, but you didn't mind the thought of starting a family with him one day.
“Little Danny junior, huh?” you teased gently.
He grinned. “Later, kitkat. Let me marry you first. But maybe we could get a puppy and start practicing.”
You laughed. “Okay, honey. I like that idea. And the one about you marrying me.”
He pulled you snug against him. “I’m working on it. But, you know, rings that a haunted house actor and part time drummer can afford are kinda scarce.”
You slipped your hand under the purple lights on the railing and showed him a light resting on your ring finger.
“There,” you said. “Found a free one.”
He chuckled and kissed you. “You sure are silly, kitkat. I love you. And your free ring. It's very generous of you to find one.”
“Just doing my part,” you said, smiling up at him. You untangled your hand from the lights to brush your fingers over the curls that peeked out from his ball cap. “I love you too.”
When you ventured back to the party, you found that most everybody had settled out in the back yard for a showing of some horror movie on the projector. You and Danny found a spot on the grass to watch, and the Kiszkas joined you. You hoped it would turn out to be a slasher, since you were getting braver with that kind of scary flick, but you quickly found out it was something about ghosts or demons; you didn't watch it closely enough to find out. You hadn't quite gotten over your innate scaredy-cat nature to handle that kind of movie yet. Danny was absorbed in the movie and talking to the boys about it as they all enjoyed it, so he didn't notice that you were hiding behind your hands for a large portion of it.
Halfway through, when the movie was paused to let people refill drinks and snacks, Danny did lean over to check on you.
“How’s it going?” he asked. “This one’s not so bad, is it?”
“Um...” You didn't want to spoil something he was obviously enjoying, but you’d just about reached your limit for terror, even on a movie he thought was tame.
His expression softened with chagrin and worry. “Aw, honey. You don't like it, do you?”
His understanding made you brave enough to tell him the truth. “Not... not really,” you said apologetically. “I’m sorry, Danny.”
He shook his head. “You don't have to apologize, kitkat. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. We can go home if you want.”
You looked up as he stood. “Are you sure? I don't mind staying if you want to finish the movie.”
He offered you a hand up. “I don't want to stay if it's scaring you, honey. I'm happy to go home if you're ready.”
You took his hand, grateful for his kindness to you, and you said your goodbyes to the Kiszkas and the rest of your friends. The boys gave you some ribbing about still being a scaredy-cat, but you knew it was in good fun.
On the way home, you and Danny stopped to get something to eat and ended up camped out in the living room at the house he shared with the Kiszkas. You divvied up your Taco Bell orders as Danny queued something up on the tv.
“I think this one's a little more your speed, kitkat,” he said. “But you let me know if it’s too scary.”
The opening to Halloweentown started to play, and you nudged your elbow against his ribs and earned a sweet little giggle.
“Sorry, kitkat. I’m only teasing.”
He consoled you with a kiss, and as you sat together and enjoyed the movie that was indeed much more your taste, you found yourself watching him more than your were watching the movie. 
He chewed on his straw. “What?” He offered you his Baja Blast. “You want some?”
You smiled. “No, but thank you. I’m just admiring my lovely boyfriend.”
He grinned. “Yeah, I'm a real hunk eatin’ my weight in tacos and nacho fries.”
You patted his shoulder. “I like a man with a healthy appetite.”
He laughed and gave you a goofy smooch. “Good to know, baby.”
You broke out the candy after a while, grabbing a bag of the fun-sized Skittles and Hershey bars you’d been planning to save for trick or treaters in your more proactive moments. But you could buy more, and the boyish smile on Danny’s face when you tossed the bag in his lap was priceless.
“See, this is why I keep you around,” he said. He fished out a candy for you. “Your special candy, my sweetheart.”
You smiled when you took the Kit-Kat that looked impossibly small in his big hand. “Thanks, honey. I guess it is my special candy, isn't it?”
You broke off half of it and gave it back to him. 
“I didn't mean for you to share it with me,” he said, amused and kind. “But thank you.”
You gave him a quick kiss, candy-sweet and full of the easy love you shared, and he smiled as he pulled you close and deepened it.
“I love you, kitkat,” he said. “You know that, don't you?”
There was no way for you not to know. In his kindness and patience, his selflessness and sweet nature, Danny showed you he loved you until you thought your heart would burst with it.
“Yeah,” you said softly. You smiled. “I know it. I love you too.”
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taglist: @viagvf @allieisacrybaby @itsafullmoon @spark-my-nature @anthemheatwave @xserenax-13 @musicspeaks @mountain-in-springtime @stardustsecret @alwaysonthemend @madneedshelp @josh-iamyour-mama @dannythedog @thecoldwind @woyayaofdreams @joshkiszkapunchmeintheface @lostoverseer @jakesguitarpick @heartcannotsow @kissingkiszka @gold-mines-melting @lizzys-sunflower @iluvjoshkiszka @musicislove3389
join my taglist here!
(tumblr is awful at making tags work so i’m sorry if you’re not getting notifications!)
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robobee · 2 months ago
do u ever think about how plural/system henessy comes across in cdth. because it haunts me
hmm for sure I always felt like the multiple henesseys were a narrative representation of DID if it makes sense? the lace as a vessel for trauma and the hennesseys branching off as a result of it - with the dreaming kind of intervening and changing how it might have manifested otherwise. but I really am not thee person for Hennessey deepdiving💔the td3 characters really didn't stick the same to me as trc did .. that said @crimeronan would probably offer better input !
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mallowbees · 2 years ago
Last song: chariot burn the ballroom!
Last show: i dont, really watch shows often? i partially watch whatever my mom has on on the tv sometimes. does catching up on xbs pov of hermitcraft count-
Last movie: puss in boots last wish streamed in the group chat
Currently reading: not really anything at the minute! i have hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and an entomology book i want to get around to reading at some point on my desk though
Current obsession: minedcraft youtubers. general minecraft!
What hobby/craft are you working on now: my OC’s!! ive been hit by blast of desire to draw them and i am riding it man
No tagging just feel free to do if you want :)
Ask game
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better (do i look like i know 9 people? 😭)
Was tagged by @idkanameatall
Bites you bites you bites you (friendly)
Last song: meet the king from razia's shadow. Im listening to the musical again cause its brainwormed me (had to stop to get lunch)
Last show: Game changer :3 (escape the greenroom episode)
Last movie: hell if i know?? I do not watch movies. Im gonna take a stab in the dark and say the bad guys
Currently reading: fanfiction I GUESS. Book wise uhh . nothing right now, im going to read a wtnv book soon once I get to the right episode. I did just finish reading Im glad my mom died recently though
Current obsession: uhhhh mine.craft? Fnaf sb sorta?? Pokemon sorta maybe?? I dunno
What hobby/craft are you working on now: minecraft..... :)
But if that doesnt count uhhhmmm ill be basic and say some art HEHE , i have a commission im working on and also have been drawing for a group im in for funsies
Tags: @heyhelloitsk @esmeblaise @shepscapades @food--exe @cyber-himbo @clowncryptids @tristallyn @detaryuu
No pressure to do this HEHE feel free to ignore
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kitkatisvibing · 5 months ago
i think we mightve genuinely gotten more hermie content in the amsterdam live show than the entirety of s2 dndads
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littlestsheriff · 4 months ago
i don't know if you've seen, but here in my country they've launched a partnership between arcane and kit kat, i've already secured mine a while ago, but here's a photo i took on my birthday :)) (they have ambessa too but idc for her)
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arminsumi · 3 months ago
i giggle
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“Oh, Christ on a cracker!” -🐑
“hm?” -🌑
“This essay is due tomorrow!” -🐑
“And?” -🌑
“We haven’t even started it!!!” -🐑
“…” -🌑
*Turns to the others like he’s proposing a business deal.*
“Killing ourselves?” -🌑
“Absolutely the fuck not!” -🌌
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queerlycarter · 30 days ago
a bit ago i pretty suddenly got really hot and tired so i went to lay down, and when i was feeling better like 45 mins later i got up to pee. and i looked in the mirror bc my cheeks were still feeling quite hot
and there was a faint flush on my cheeks and nose, faint enough that my phone camera could barely pick it up but it was close enough to the shape of the malar rash/flush that comes with lupus that it's on my mind again. i have at least one family member who has lupus and while my symptoms aren't super typical of autoimmune issues, they're also not not early symptoms of lupus.
obviously i will bring this up with my doctors, but i just moved states and it'll be a bit before i can get in with a rheumatologist
i definitely dont look like i feel well but idk i am not opposed to second opinions so. pics under the cut
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like i said my phone can barely pick up the red and i wish i had seen what it looked like 45 mins before this. but my nose is very much still red
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mallowbees · 2 years ago
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same as di, dont know if you need them but holding up my s2 skins if you do^
desperately looking for the aos season 2 propoganda for skin reference does anyone got that thang on em
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mallowbees · 7 months ago
[stares off into distance] what do you mean hermitcraft season 7 was on 1.15 and also 4 years ago
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c0nn0rb0t · 2 months ago
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Jumps thru the window playing "Guess whose back" on blast
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atrociouscreations · 3 months ago
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I love this cat.
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ali-kitkat · 9 months ago
Do you hate Adrien?
depends on the day tbh
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kitkatisvibing · 4 months ago
stex headcanons except they probably make no sense to anyone except me
Electra's favourite shape is a triangle
Greaseball's least favourite milkshake flavour is cherry
Rusty can make a realistic meowing sound but refuses to do it
Wrench is the designated spider remover out of all the components. Not because the others are scared of spiders, but because she just keeps spotting them first.
Dinah thinks hotel scrambled eggs are the best form of egg
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thelooniemoonie · 1 year ago
Tis the season of Halloween, so allow me to share with you my favorite form of psychological torture. Do with this as you wish
Eat a Kitkat in front of someone like this.
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They will have at least 3 new mental illnesses after witnessing it. Have fun!
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