#the judgment day agere
lilmysterios · 2 months
the best form of therapy: buying custom agere gear
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bluestarzi · 6 months
little!dominik headcanons to fed you’s with:
• he regresses between infant-4, maybe five depending on the circumstances
• he loves the cars movies, sometimes when he wants to watch one he just repeats “cars!” to one of his caregivers, but when they ask which one he just says “cars!” again
• man loves ducks, he’s got a collection of duck bath toys under the sink in the main bathroom, he’s got a blanket with ducks on it that he sleeps with every night, he’s got a soother with a duck and his favourite cup has duck stickers on it
• he also tries to chase geese and ducks, and one time he got bit trying to pet a goose
• he likes to take rhea’s makeup and draw on the wall by his and damian’s bedroom
• never take him to bulk barn or you’ll spend at least $100 on lego block candy alone (he loves to self-soothe by chewing on them since they’re kinda hard to bite)
• he loves to lay on the part of the rug that the sun shines on, he calls it sunbathing, it’s also his second favourite nap spot
• he calls blueberries “boo-berries”
• from how much he squirms in the car and the amount of times he’s taken off his seatbelt on the freeway, his caregivers caved in getting a specialized car seat for him, that acts like a toddler seat but is made for adult bodies
• finn spent so much money on cake pops in a month that he had to end up making them homemade because dominik loves them so much
• he tries to climb over the back deck railing to get off it, instead of using the stairs like a normal person (that came to a halt real quick when a fall ended up in an ER visit)
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natsuki-bakery · 12 days
⁎˚ ఎ ICP Agere ໒ ˚⁎
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Ah! Uh... um... uuu... V-Violent J (ICP) CG headcanons (and maybe one shot)!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
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•Despite his intense stage persona, Violent J has a deeply protective side. He would be fiercely loyal to his little, always making sure they feel safe and secure, much like how he’s protective of his Juggalo family
•Humor as Comfort : Violent J would use his dark, offbeat humor to cheer up his little one. He knows just how to lighten the mood with a joke or a funny story, making his little laugh even on tough days
•Given his creative nature, Violent J would encourage imaginative play. Whether it’s drawing crazy clowns together, telling wild stories, or coming up with funny characters, he’d make sure playtime is always fun and creative
•Music would be a big part of how Violent J takes care of his little star. He might play soft, comforting tunes or even sing funny, made-up songs to help them relax. His deep love for music would shine through in how he uses it to bond with you
•Violent J is no stranger to dark thoughts, so he’d be great at talking through fears or anxieties with his little. He’d stay up late, listening and offering reassurance, helping them feel understood and supported
•Big Heart, Big Hugs : Violent J is known for his larger-than-life personality, but he’s also got a big heart. He’d give the best, most comforting bear hugs, wrapping his little bunny up in his big arms and letting them know they’re cared for
•Understanding the struggles people go through, Violent J would create a judgment-free zone for his little. He’d accept them exactly as they are, encouraging them to express themselves without fear of being judged
•Violent J might incorporate some Juggalo-themed fun into their time together, like painting faces with playful clown makeup or having mini "gatherings" where they just chill, eat snacks, and enjoy each other’s company
•Just as he stands up against the mainstream for his Juggalos, Violent J would fiercely defend his little from any negativity or bullying. He’d make sure they know he’s got their back, no matter what !
•Violent J knows life can be tough, so he’d be all about teaching his little one resilience. Through gentle encouragement and real talk, he’d help them develop strength and confidence, always reminding them that they’re capable of facing anything life throws their way
•He is incredibly patient and intuitive when caring for a non-verbal age regressor. He uses lots of non-verbal communication, like high-fives, thumbs-ups, or funny faces, to connect
•He’ll carry around a little notepad or doodle board for them to express themselves, knowing how to read their moods without needing words. He’s all about creating a comfortable, safe space where they don’t feel pressured to speak
•If his little is sick, Violent J turns into a surprisingly doting caregiver. He’s quick to get them tucked in with blankets, fetches soup ( or whatever comfort food he thinks will cheer them up ), and cracks silly jokes to keep their spirits high
•He’ll binge-watch cartoons with them all day, never letting them feel alone. He’s all about giving extra TLC, even if it means calling off his own plans to make sure they’re okay !
•Handling a Tantrum : When his little throws a tantrum, J is surprisingly calm. He’s been through a lot of chaos, so a little yelling or crying doesn’t phase him. He lets them express their frustration without judgment, offering them a safe space to let it all out
•When they’re ready, he’ll step in with a distraction, maybe a favorite snack, a funny story, or turning up the music to dance it out. He always ends tantrums with a hug, reminding them that it’s okay to feel big emotions
•On rainy days, Violent J sees it as the perfect excuse to stay in and get cozy. He’s all about building a fort with blankets and pillows, turning the room into a little hideaway from the storm. He’ll put on their favorite movies, pop popcorn, and pretend the rain is applause from the outside world. If they’re up for it, he might even take them to splash in puddles, embracing the rain like an adventure rather than something to avoid !
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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fandom-nursery · 3 months
Lucifer agere headcanons
Regresses between ages 4-8
He’s alone a lot (or at least he was before reconnecting with Charlie)  so has the time and space to be little regularly without fear of others judgment 
he usually regresses voluntarily since it helps him feel better when he's not doing so well but he also slips into his headspace easily if he’s somewhere he feels safe 
It’s been very helpful for him and he doesn't feel particularly ashamed of it. It is a sensitive subject however when it comes to charlie. He feels like he’s let her down a lot and worries that being little when she needs him to be a father to her is somehow letting her down further (it’s not but he worries)
He is pretty clumsy and accident prone when small 
Pretty talkative little. He will chatter excitedly to anyone who will listen and if no one is around he will talk to his ducks, himself, furniture he accidentally ran into, a loud sound he heard etc.
It’s very difficult to put little lucifer to bed due to his energy level and his general aversion to sleeping (little and big he gets night terrors of the fall) 
Love’s the bath! When else are his duckies going to get a chance to swim?
Like’s to draw and build and play pretend. He also likes to go flying although unless vaggie is around (or husk is feeling particularly helpful) he’s not allowed to after an incident where he got stuck in the chandelier of the hotel 
Like’s apples naturally. He also loves peanut butter, goldfish, fruit snacks and popcorn. Has an easier time eating lots of little snacks throughout the day than he does remembering to eat a full three meals
Tends to bring snacks to wherever he’s currently p;aying and then gets distracted and forget about them and leave them there 
He has his ducks to play with and he also will make use of the hotel's shared toy box when the mood strikes him. He has one of  those big art kits too which he loved 
He has a lot of fidgets he likes to keep near him at all times. Hes especially fond of chewlery 
Lilith knew about his regression but wasn't very involved with it
He doesn't have a caregiver and doesn't necessarily feel like he needs one. Those at the hotel look after him if he’s small the same way they do with other regressors but he doesn't really have a caregiver that is his. Vaggie will sometimes return the favor of helping him with having aspects of heaven that he misses 
When he's little anytime he shape shifts he becomes the baby version of whatever creature he's shifting into 
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agerefandom · 10 months
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Twilight Agere Headcanons (#1: Carlisle Cullen)
Carlisle is a caregiver and a magnificent one at that
he’s experienced at taking care of a lot of regressors at the same time, so he’s very used to multitasking
very observant: he tends to know when people are slipping, and what they need
perfectly non-judgmental and acts as though nothing is out of the ordinary: the most understanding caregiver you will ever meet, he’s seen centuries of unusual coping mechanisms from vampires and humans alike
unexpectedly goofy at times: giving voices to animals or swinging a regressor upside down to make them laugh
assumes nothing: always waits for your sign when he’s trying something new, to make sure that you’re okay with it: moves slowly so that you have time to react
scolds his kids only when they’re being mean to each other, and he can definitely lay down the law: everyone in the house knows it’s just part of the role he’s playing, so it’s not really scary, but it’s still very effective when one of the family is acting out
also great at taking care of humans: knowing what’s most comfortable, getting milk to the right temperature, always the right amount of honey in your tea
good storyteller but in the way that puts you right to sleep: he talks very calmly about fantastic lands and marvellous buildings and you can’t help but drift off with thoughts of cathedrals spinning in your head
is just so thankful for every member of his family and every day that they spend together: there was a long time where he didn’t see a good life for himself, and now he’s so surrounded by love, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 8 months
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you make me feel like i am young again
A Harvey Dent-Centric agere fic! Regressor!Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne, Caregiver!Alfred Pennyworth, Hurt/Comfort, 1.9k Words! photos found on pinterest!
Warnings: Accidents/Bed-wetting, Diapers, Panic Attack/Anxiety/Fear if I need to add anymore, please let me know :]
Day 6, Comics Agere Week, Nightmares!
Harvey is so dear and precious to me, specifically from the Batman 89 book/comic. I cannot tell you how much this fic means to me, so I hope you all love it <3
Title from Lovesong - The Cure
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Harvey wakes up with tears in his eyes, gasping for a breath as he looks around the dark room. It’s not his room, which makes his heart and mind race faster, immediately scrambling and detangling himself from the sheets to get out of the soft, plush, and wet bed— Wet bed?
He falls to the floor with a thud, looking to the bed to see a wet spot where he laid, only to realize there’s a wetness on his pajama pants as well.
Pressure builds in his throat as he tries to hold back a sob, holding a shaky hand over his mouth in an attempt to muffle the sounds, hot tears streaming down his face.
The door to the bedroom opens, letting in a stream of light that makes him squint, a choked sob leaving his mouth when he sees a figure standing in the doorway.
“-od heavens, darling, are you hurt?” A gentle, British voice speaks soothingly above him, his ears deciding to tune in at the last few words. He blinks away the tears and squints up at the stranger and— Oh. It’s Alfred.
Wait, Alfred?
He lets out another hiccup, furrowing his brows as he tries to remember the question the man had asked, but Alfred’s gentle touch on his shoulder and cheek is so nice and comforting, he can’t help but lean into it as he sniffles.
“Oh, sweetheart. Take a deep breath for me and then we can go get cleaned up, alright?” The older says, and while he struggles for a few attempts, he manages to take a full inhale without stuttering with encouragement and praises from Alfred. A warmth blooms in his chest at his words. Why was he upset again?
“Alfie?” A smaller sounding voice calls from the doorway as Alfred helps Harvey to his feet. He looks over to see Bruce in his pajamas, a pacifier clipped to the shirt pocket, and a soft-looking brown teddy bear in his hand. “Is he okay?”
Bruce. Right. He’s at the manor.
“Yes, dear. I think he just had a bit of a fright during his sleep.” Alfred says, both of his hands now holding Harvey’s trembling hand. His eyes catch a glimpse of the accident he left on the bed and his bottom lip begins to wobble again, Alfred quickly yet gently turns Harvey’s face to his own, a sympathetic smile displayed.
“Don’t you worry about it, let’s get you tidied up and back in bed.” Alfred says, keeping one hand intertwined with Harvey’s, then taking Bruce’s hand once they approach the doorway.
The three walk down the hall, hand in hand with one another. Harvey still feels on edge, still shaken up by the nightmare he can’t remember, and without even looking he knows Bruce is staring at him. In the back of his head, he knows he’s looking out of concern and worry, but judgment is forefront in his mind.
Soon he finds himself being tugged into a room, a child’s room, he soon realizes. A crib with a mobile, a changing table and your typical nursery furnishings fill the area, a light blue color is consistent in the room as well. Though he probably wouldn’t admit it out loud, he’s more than thankful that a nightlight is plugged into a wall outlet, considering every room has been blocked from light with blackout curtains.
He only looks away from the soft and pastel decorations when Alfred’s hand is placed on his arm, Bruce now rummaging through a bin with his teddy in his arms and the pacifier in his mouth. “Do you feel like talking, dear?” Alfred asks.
And.. no. He really doesn’t, and for once he’s really glad that the Wayne family has a consistent track record of being overly concerned and essentially playing a game of 20 questions anytime someone shows the slightest bit of unwellness. He shakes his head no.
“Okay, that’s perfectly fine. Thank you for telling me.” The butler says, patting Harvey’s arm with a reassuring smile. “I’m going to ask you a few questions, I want you to tap my left hand for no, and my right for yes. Does that sound alright?” He says, holding out his hands in front of Harvey with his palms open and facing up. Harvey taps the right hand, which gives Alfred a smile.
“Perfect. Your first question is if you’d like to sleep in my bedroom. Bruce will most likely end up lying with me, and you are more than welcome to come in and join, but do what you’re comfortable with, dear.” He says, and it takes not even a second for Harvey to know he doesn’t want to be alone for the rest of the night, his hand raises to tap at Alfred’s right hand with speed.
Alfred chuckles at his quick response. “Now, you’ve had an accident,— which is perfectly normal and fine,— which means you need to be cleaned up to get the mess off of you. Would you want help getting cleaned and changed?” Alfred asks softly, his tone so gentle and comforting to Harvey’s ears, even at the mention of his accident he doesn’t tear up.
He ponders the question for a moment. Would the help be nice considering he still feels a bit wobbly on his feet? Definitely. He’s unsure that he wants help though. He trusts Alfred and Bruce, he’s regressed around them before, but it sounds overwhelming— too many new things and experiences today to handle it. He taps Alfred’s left hand.
“Okay, last question. I would like to prevent another accident from happening, we have padding that you can use. Would you like to put it on? And remember dear, only say yes to what you’re comfortable with. I’d rather clean up many messes than have you go out of your comfort level.”
The thought of wearing protection, to his own surprise, doesn’t sound terrible at the moment. He didn’t typically use them, but tonight’s not a very typical night. Plus, not causing another mess sounds even better, and it would make him less upset if he did have an accident. He taps Alfred’s right hand, making Alfred nod and moving his hands to take Harvey’s and run his thumbs over his knuckles.
“Good job, darling. You’re so brave and you did so well answering those questions for me.” Alfred praises, a warm tingly feeling spreading through Harvey’s body as a smile makes its way onto his face. “Now, I’m going to get the sheets in the wash. Everything you’ll need is on the changing table, and Bruce will just be right outside the door in case you change your mind about needing help. Okay?”
Harvey nods, glancing at Bruce who watches from afar, holding both his teddy bear and a new stuffed animal from the bin, a similarly sized lion, of which he places on the stack of clothes atop of the dresser next to the clothes that are messily folded. Alfred pats Harvey’s hand before letting go and taking Bruce’s as they leave the room, shutting the door behind them.
Harvey tries to make quick work of cleaning himself up and changing, and though it’s a bit of a struggle with his unsteadiness, he manages and succeeds in all steps, aside from putting an old and worn out shirt on backwards.
He begins to walk towards the door before his eyes catch on the lion sitting on the dresser. He stares at it for a moment, debating if he should take it or not, until he decides that he can go without it— the others have already done so much for him, he can’t take a plush to bed as well.
He opens the door slowly, peeking his head out to see Bruce sitting on the floor across the hall, his head shooting up when he hears the creak of the door. “You need help?” Bruce says, already getting up and making his way over to Harvey.
He shakes his head, opening the door and reaching to grab Bruce’s hand, who complies easily, but a frown settles on his face as he looks at Harvey’s hands. “Where’s tha- tha lion?” He says, looking at Harvey with confusion at the lack of the plush. Harvey points to the inside of the room, to which Bruce leads them back inside, grabbing the lion and stuffing it in Harvey’s hand.
“Yours.” Bruce states. It’s clearly not up for debate, not that Harvey was going to anyway.
Bruce holds onto Harvey’s hand tightly as they make their way back into the hallway the same time Alfred comes around the corner, a smile splayed on his face at the two as he walks towards them. “Oh! How precious you two are! Such wonderful cuties, good job to both of you for being so brave!” He says, standing on his tiptoes to place a kiss on Bruce’s forehead, who leans down so Alfred can reach, then turning to Harvey to do the same, leaving a bright smile on Harvey’s flushed face.
“Let us get settled for bed now, hm?” Alfred says, taking the two boy’s hands again, carefully making their way down the stairs and to Alfred’s room. It’s dimly lit like every other area of the manor, but it’s filled with warm lightning from floor and bedside lamps, there’s a comfort in it that’s similar to when Harvey went to his grandparents house for the weekend. Those were always his favorite.
Bruce immediately lets go of Alfred’s hand as they enter through the doorway, eagerly making his way over to the bed like this is a practiced routine and wriggles his way underneath the covers. Alfred chuckles and moves further into the room, only to turn around with a frown when Harvey doesn’t move with him. “Sweetheart? Is everything okay?”
Harvey shifts on his feet, fidgeting with the mane of the lion in his hands as he looks between Bruce and Alfred. He feels like he’s intruding on something special to them, maybe agreeing to this was a bad idea and he was just taking advantage of their kindness— “Harv! You- you should come cuddle with me. Alfie says I give the best hugs!” Bruce says, interrupting his stream of thoughts.
“If you feel like you want to have your own bed at any point in the night, wake me up and we’ll get you settled in a room nearby. Okay dear?” Alfred says. Harvey takes a moment to focus on Alfred and not Bruce’s eyes on him, but with the reminder that he can leave at any point during the night if it gets too much.. It's nice to have options, especially if it’d mean taking back his previous agreement.
Alfred nods and gets the two boys bundled and tucked in the bed, Bruce in the middle, hugging Harvey who wraps his arms around Bruce’s midsection and lays his head on his chest, listening to the thump of his heart.
“Goodnight, sweet boys.” Alfred says as he clicks off the lamp to his side and gets himself situated beside Bruce, making sure the boys are still tucked in to ensure warmth throughout the night before closing his eyes.
“Night alfie.” Bruce says, closing his eyes and holding his teddy bear tightly in his free arm. Harvey reaches across Bruce to tap Alfred’s hand— his own way of saying goodnight. He feels Alfred tap his hand back, causing a smile to appear on his face.
He closes his eyes, the smile still present as he holds the plush lion and Bruce closer. It’s a nice thought while going to bed that he has people who care about him enough to go through the events of tonight. It’s a nice thought that he’s not alone.
It’s a nice thought— feeling,— that he’s loved.
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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5 Fun Ideas for Your Agere/Littlespace Bag!
Ciao lovelies! Before I begin, I’d like to thank one of you lovelies, named Isobel, for the suggestion behind this post! I am slowly working my way through the requests currently in the blog post request form, but don’t let that discourage any of you from sharing your requests! ^-^ and thanks for the patience on that so far! In today’s post, to answer Isobel’s request for something related to an agere bag, I will be sharing 5 fun ideas for your agere/littlepace bag! Including decoration ideas, things to pack within, and some subtle/discreet regression ideas too! I hope you like this post, and let’s get into it!
Once again, thank you Isobel for this suggestion! 
I know many of my fellow age regressors / littles out there can’t openly be themselves for fear of judgment or bullying, so a lot of you have to be discreet or subtle about your littlespace. I wish we could live in a world that’s more open and accepting to everyone, but for now, this list has some discreet regression suggestions for you ! Let me know if you’d like to see more ideas like that in the future!
5 Fun Ideas for Your Agere/Littlespace Bag!
IDEA #1: Personalize / Decorate a Plain Backpack!
there are many other ways to make your agere bag unique! You could use patches, buttons, keychains, fabric paint….there’s a lot you can do with a plain backpack! For those worried about being discreet, you can always explain a cute bag as kawaii or alternative fashion inspired, and doubly so if you use fandom decorations from shows you like when small! :)
Your bag would be super personal to you, and also shows your secret little side~!
Now let’s move to some ideas of items that can be packed in your bag for discreet regression! 
IDEA #2: Subtle Babey Snacks!
It’s super easy to bring along snacks like fruit snacks, goldfish, bite size muffins, etc, and these can double as regression snacks! 
I personally like goldfish, fruit snacks, and scooby snacks! (Scooby snacks are also good for those of you who pet regress!)
You can take this a step further with cute or kawaii food storage containers, or just tupperware that you can cover with stickers!
IDEA #3: Personalize your Devices!
So you could get a cute phonecase , which is an easy and cute way to feel little, but you could also personalize your phone or mp3 player with things like cute stickers on the outside! AND, now with the iphone updates, you could customize the icons in your phone, lockscreen images, etc! :) You could even make your passcode a secret reference to a small time show you like !!
Another thing you can do is DIY a cute case for your phone out of felt! Check out THIS DIY from OFT’s past where I made a cute cat pouch for your device!
IDEA #4: Tiny Toys! 
Okay, this is a little less subtle, but you can bring small toys or minifigures in your small bag! It may feel a little uncomfortable to do so at first, but you can give a lot of reasons for this!
Possible explanations for toys in your bag:
“I have a job as a babysitter after school and these are for the kids there.”
“I am an ameteur photographer and I like using these for practice.”
“I thought these looked cute and possibly would make nice fidget toys”
“I like to have something in my hands when I focus”
Etc, but you can also just give a simple:
“I think they’re cool.” 
You don’t owe anyone an explanation for the things you like, and you don’t need to be ashamed. What you share with others is your business, and your business only!
IDEA #5: Cute Memo Pads!
This is a fun one, because it can be so easily explained and can add this awesome moment of cuteness and secret smallness to your day! A lot of people carry memo pads or to-do lists, and it’s not unusual to have cute ones! You can even pair this up with a kawaii pen or pencil, and it’s totally normal, and flies easily under everyone’s radar. Kawaii stationery has been a common interest for a while, so it won’t make anyone suspicious.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this, Isobel, and everyone else as well!
And now the most important part: please remember to stay AWESOME and LOVE yourself!! You are epic, awesome, and amazing, and you deserve to know this each and every day! Be sure to give yourself positive affirmation each and every day! 
I’ll see you in the next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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babymafuyu · 10 months
Cidjdisjis your headcanons made my brain all fuzzy (it means I loved them) and OMG the unparalleled angst of Toralei calling Clawdeen mom names when she’s really regressed or scared cause her irl mom is a peice of trash 🥺. Absolutely going feral. Ooo and I think I didn’t see but would love to note is that she just has so many little habits that are ‘considered’ childish, but she still has them cause she’s been so regulated whenever her moms around. So they slip out when she’s not. Aka she totally plays with the yarn charms on her boots. Rocks on her heels, definitely has a fear of thunder. DEFINITELY sucks her thumb in her sleep/when no one is looking. Wrings her hands a lot. Does a lot of stuff involving her hands cause of restless energy.
Oh? Do you think you could shed a few HCs on how you think Clawdeen found out about Toralei regressing? + any thoughts you have on the weretwins being CGs to little Toralei?
thanks bestie! This gave me a such a thrill, I don’t really specifically talk about little HCs to many people so it’s nice to find someone to do it with!
aaaaa i love ur thoughts about regressor toralei!!! youre so right!! she totally stims more and just lets herself go when she's regressed! also, thank you!! i love talking about agere hcs + regressor toralei is really growing on me! if you'd like to dm me, you 100% can any time! (/gen)
now.. onto the hcs!
clawdeen finding out about toralei's regression -
it was definitely accidental
i think clawdeen + toralei were searching for something in toralei's room and found her baby blanket
immediately toralei got super defensive and was trying to act like it was nothing
clawdeen was skeptical but put it back and continued as usual
a few days later clawdeen has to visit toralei again for something, but when toralei opens the door she seems.. different
she's in pajamas, she's shuffling more, her eyes seem bigger, her fur seems spikier– she just seems younger in general
clawdeen asks her about this in the most gentle and non-judgmental way she can
toralei tries to look all angry, but then her ears go back and she asks clawdeen not to tell anyone
of course, clawdeen agrees! she says she's friends with other regressors and it isn't a big deal to her. she just wants to make toralei comfortable
toralei lights up at this and, just like magic, she has found a cg!
the werecat twins being toralei's cgs -
they definitely take on more sibling roles to toralei
i think toralei told them when they were visiting so if they found some regression things clawdeen gave her or she was acting differently they knew why
the twins were very accepting and understood perfectly!
meowlody loves playing with toralei! she especially loves playing pretend and will get super into her role
purrsephone, meanwhile, prefers to take a back seat and do less hands on, active things with toralei
one thing they all love to do, though, is play dress up
...playing dress up usually just results in a little toralei doing a fashion show and the twins enthusiastically cheering her on from the audience (as well as helping her into her costumes)
their love for music doesn't go away when toraleis small! they like performing kid songs, playing on toy instruments, and having sing-alongs and dance parties!
purrsephone is a bit more strict and good at reeling toralei in when she's being a bit too bratty and demanding
meowlody, like clawdeen, however is much more willing to go along with what toralei wants
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lovingcreature · 2 years
☆《《Everything you give, you get back ten times stronger, let that be love》》☆
• Little to middle agere
•unsure on specific years, maybe 1st grade for little and 3rd-5th grade for middle?
•regressor (usually on accident) and dreamer (on purpose; amazing coping skills/s lol)
•Neurodivergent, no formal diagnosis for what it is yet (did have the gifted kid thing tho >-0" )
•super artsy
•really tired, all the time
•No judgment zone! Anything that doesn't hurt anyone is usually ok with me! I'm pretty cringe myself, but ain't we all?
•I like scarier or more mature stuff, and i might have some of that content or stuff related to it here, but i will be sure to tag it! (For ur filtering convenience <333)
Possibly frightening content: #too spooky!
Mature themed media: #grown up media!
Horror related media: #spooky media!
•love old stuff. Whether it's a show from 1990 or music from 1940, I dig ALL the vibes 😎
• personal nostalgia would be 2000's and even 2010s stuff
•Really like aesthetics, but can never stick to just one! (Big favs are weirdcore, dreamcore, crypidcore, cottagecore, pastel kawaii, etc etc)
♤☆!!!Have a really nice day!!!☆♤
⚠️⛔️DNI LIST⛔️⚠️
NSFW, KINK, proship, Anti-lgbt, racist, MAP, ddlg, and the like
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theawakenedstate · 2 years
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When it comes to manifestation there are honestly so many misconceptions and myths out there that can completely block your flow to receiving in more of what you want.
In this week’s episode, I’m breaking down some of the most common ones I’ve repeatedly seen in the spiritual online space that can unconsciously block you from receiving.
This Video was inspired after I heard someone in the spiritual community completely “Hating on” The Law of Attraction without even properly understanding what manifestation actually is. They were under an impression that The Law of Attraction is about Thinking excessively positively all the time and creating an “I want” list is too ego for their spiritual enlightenment to handle.
While I do believe everyone has their own path, philosophies, and opinions about how they view spirituality. To each their own, It was still a very narrow perspective on the Law of Attraction. However, This is VERY common for people who are either new to the law of attraction or simply have not practiced manifestation consistently. Many circles teach manifestation with a half-truth lens, toxic positivity, often shaming emotions & some don’t even include magnetism!
Which quite frankly drives me a little crazy because isn’t that the whole point? LOL
The main thing I was concerned with when i first heard this was, thinking to myself: This person will never change their old past programming, they won’t be as willing to have an open mind towards their intuitive magnetism (attraction power), and most importantly – It’s possible they aren’t even focusing on the world they desire to see!
They may be blocking how they are receiving in their life.
Which to me personally is devastating because Manifestation has completely transformed my entire life!
I think we can often miss the magic of manifestation or perhaps we don’t even see the magic! Let me shed the light for you. Ever since i first learned about how to manifest, I’ve been practicing the principles since roughly 2011 and haven’t stopped. Why would I want to?! I’ve used manifesting principles for all sorts of things from my health, my body, my relationships, money, house, cars, peace of mind, self-care, even potty training! Especially potty training – that was a life-saver. haha.
The thing is many people are only seeing Manifestation from one single lens of focus. If you’re new to manifestation, I highly recommend you spend some time in my Magnetic Manifestation 5 Day Challenge or Pick up a copy of my new Book Awaken Your Power to Manifest: A 30 Day Manifestation Challenge to learn to manifest in 30 days. Both are great Introductions to the power behind Manifestation and how to get started immediately to practice it in your own life.
The Worst Thing About Limiting Your Perspective on Law of Attraction
Here’s the worst thing about some of these Manifestation misconceptions. When we say: “manifesting is too ego’ “desire is bad” or “law of attraction” is just for new agers who don’t commit to the real spiritual path” – we’re also completely blocking our Attraction Power with unconscious Judgment and Deflection of receiving.
We are literally deflecting our ability to manifest! What if Manifesting was as easy as using your arms and legs? Bet it wouldn’t be so abnormal to you then.
There is also some people who say that the Law of Attraction goes against numerous religions, that may be true however Manifestation is 100% in the Bible. These Misconceptions are nothing more than belief systems we latched onto and some of them, may be completely blocking your flow of receiving.
It’s time you decide how YOU see Manifestation & Receiving.
So Let’s Start Debunking and demystifying some common manifesting mistakes so you can begin amping up your Attraction power!
In this video, I wanted to address some of the most common misconceptions about Manifestation and How you can immediately begin to Open your Perspective to new ways of seeing the law of attraction.
Some people think that law of attraction has a lot of rules attached to it or the Law of Attraction can sometimes get a bad rap for its reputation as being more materialistic and Ego-driven. However don’t let that persuade you away from the fact that Manifesting is also highly spiritual, Soul-driven, Your desires are safe guidance from your heart/soul and often part of your Soul’s personal Evolution. Let’s talk about it so you can Unleash the floodgates on your Receiving. If you stay to the end I share some Soul Work to help you immediately create a shift.
Happy Holiday Season! ❄️🎄
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Manifestation Myths Blocking Your Receiving
When it comes to manifestation there are honestly so many misconceptions and myths out there that can completely block your flow to receiving in more of what you want. In this week’s episode, I’m breaking down some of the most common ones I’ve repeatedly seen in the spiritual online space that can unconsciously block you from receiving. This Video was […]
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indigo-rants · 1 month
Mom: with step brother moving out you're going to have your toys/collections in his old room. No discussions.
Me: I'd prefer having all my stuff in one room adn that be like the study or somthing, but I agree for the forseeable future sure, I guess...
I am a maximalist, a collector of things, a lover of physical items. Her attempts at me losing/getting rid of things have either failed in the long term or caused me to hold onto certain items for far longer than intended. She is a minimalist in her older age (not old age, she's barely almost 50) and her sentimental attachments have either been broken, lost, or become non-existent emotion wise. A lot of things she's held dear in the past 4 years especially have been destroyed by people who were her friends, people we onced considered family (including step brother), and herself due to her bipolar issues (she wasn't medicated til about 2023/2024)
I've done everything possible to ensure the stuff we both owned could be kept safe and away from those wanting to destroy her stuff. My room has always been a no go zone for anyone but me and her (and she barely enters herself past the doorway). Our garage sale has come and gone leading to me getting rid of stuff I didn't want, she didn't want, and airing my room out of certain items that weren't mine. I still have some stuff, but it isn;t over taking my room or limited safe spaces (ie breakables aren't all over my shelves and food cans are finally in one place). This time last year my room was almost falling over in places due to the amount of items everywhere.
Mom doesn't really understand me when it comes to this stuff, I've never had a real chat about it with her past "this is my stuff and I like it", but when I told her about my age regression and she started to see it first hand... it seems like that gave her a sort of answer on this subject... Due to my agere being near purely involuntary she's somehow interpreted my actions as being some kinda mental issue (like a side effect of autism being issues with textures, not an illness or anything in itself).
How do you tell someone that due to the years of having to put your favorite things into boxes adn bags, and go to your other parent's house for so many years just to get the stuff you bring over stolen/broken by the other kids, and have instances where you suddenly need to leave and choose to leave your fav items cause you ahve a younger sister to take care of instead of yourself, that all of that effects you today that all of that... makes you super incapable of letting go of certain things now... I cry just typing this out, I can't physically say any of this...
She judges me every time we pass the toy aisles in stores, every time I look at a plushie, every time I mention one of those things... but also is happy to go shopping with me for that stuff... She enjoys the look on my face when I see something I enjoy, that I can afford it in that moment, she enjoys coming to see me during/after the unboxing process adn seeing whatever little trinket or item I got. When I told her about the new gen of LPS right before my b-day she and my step dad went to roughly 3 walmarts before going to a target and seeing a wall of the stuff. She made sure to look up the codes on the blindboxes that tell you which you got, she snuck me one fo those cats from the blindbox display box, adn when we found the decora girls she helped me with the codes on that one and get a different one when I nearly got a double...
I know she cares, I know she just wants me to be happy, but when she's in a judgmental mood it hurts because previous moments don't matter anymore... it's the here and now adn according to her that often means "getting rid of what's not needed" and making room for what we want for the future. Our christmas/halloween/etc village stuff aren't happening anymore, most if not all are gone, all cause "we don;t need it" and "it takes too much space". I'm glad they didn't go into my sister's closet or their closet with my plushies.... god knows how many I would've seen get sold, given away, or on the final day packed up to be sent to the landfill....
I got 2 plushies ordered from Makeship last month with my step dad's help, she wasn't pleased with my choices, but didn't step in our way... All I can do is hope she doesn't cause a fuss in October/November when I get 3 plushie packages (my sis ordered me a plushie with her money adn I paid her back immediately, it's a long story) and my step dad get's carded fro another one he technically bought me today (makeship petition plush, won't be live til then)...
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natsuki-bakery · 19 days
⁎˚ ఎ Resident Evil Agere ໒ ˚⁎
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Ohh could I get CG Jack Krauser headcanons of any kind!! :0 (if you need me to be more specific or anything I can!!)
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•Krauser’s military background means he has a strong sense of duty and protection, especially toward those who are vulnerable. If he found himself responsible for an age regressor, his first priority would be to ensure their safety at all costs, often going into full-bodyguard mode without hesitation
•Tough Love with a Soft Spot : Krauser may not be the most openly affectionate person, but his care would manifest through actions rather than words. He’d set up secure environments, create safe routines, and make sure you had everything you needed. He might gruffly insist on things like wearing a jacket or eating properly, masking his concern under a facade of practicality
•With his military background, Krauser would emphasize routines, which can be comforting to an age regressor. He would establish clear schedules for meals, playtime, and rest, believing that structure would help them feel safe. He’s strict but flexible enough to adjust when needed, especially if he notices the regressor is overwhelmed
•Krauser’s idea of comfort isn’t overly soft or overly emotional; it’s practical and reliable. He’d provide simple, unflashy items that serve a purpose : sturdy blankets, snacks that are easy to eat, or a safe place to sleep. He’d probably get more traditional toys like puzzles or simple blocks, favoring things that also help you develop skills, seeing play as another form of training
•Jack isn’t one to show a lot of affection, but small moments happen, like a pat on the head or a firm yet gentle hand on the shoulder when he senses you need reassurance. These gestures are subtle but significant, showing that he’s there without making a big fuss
•Despite his tough exterior, Krauser is observant. He quickly picks up on cues from you, understanding when you're anxious, scared, or simply need a break. He’s not great with comforting words but knows when to give space, when to distract, or when to offer quiet companionship !
•Krauser’s military mindset values strength, so he subtly encourages you to try things on your own, offering support without being overbearing. He’d watch closely, ready to step in if needed, but always with an eye toward helping you build confidence
•When you're feeling anxious, Krauser might tell stories from his military days, leaving out the harsher details but focusing on adventures and challenges he’s faced. It’s his way of connecting without diving too deeply into emotions, and you might find comfort in the steady, familiar sound of his voice
•Living in a dangerous world, Krauser uses his resourcefulness to improvise when necessary. If he can’t get something traditional for you, he’ll make do, turning a tarp into a tent or using field supplies to create makeshift toys. It’s not fancy, but it’s effective, and he’s proud of finding ways to keep you safe and entertained
•Krauser is a man of few words himself, so he understands the value of non-verbal communication. When dealing with a non-verbal regressor, he becomes highly attuned to their body language, facial expressions, and gestures
•He’s patient, never forcing you to speak, and instead uses simple yes/no questions, gestures, or visual aids like flashcards to communicate. Krauser would make sure you feel heard and understood, even without words, by responding to your needs quickly and without judgment
•He’d also take pride in learning what each gesture means, almost like it’s a tactical skill, further deepening his silent bond with you
•Krauser’s instinct when dealing with a sad age regressor is to fix the situation. He doesn’t always have the right words, but he’ll sit beside them quietly, offering his presence as a form of comfort
•If you're crying or upset, he’ll hand you a tissue or a small item to hold, not making a big deal of it but ensuring you have something tangible to ground you. If the sadness persists, he might offer a change of scenery, suggesting a walk or a small distraction like a game. His approach is gentle but straightforward : no forced cheerfulness, just steady support and quiet understanding
•If you wake up from a nightmare, Krauser responds immediately, alert and ready to reassure you! He knows that fear needs to be faced head-on, so he calmly checks the room, ensuring everything is safe, showing you there’s nothing to fear
•He might sit on the edge of the bed, offering a hand to hold or rubbing your back in quiet reassurance. His voice would be low and calm as he reassures you that you're safe with him. If you need further comfort, he’d stay with you until you fall asleep again, keeping watch and making sure no more nightmares disturb you
•Tantrums don’t faze Krauser; he’s dealt with far worse in the field. When an age regressor throws a tantrum, he remains calm and unflappable, letting the storm pass without feeding into it. He stands by, ready to intervene only if it gets out of control, but otherwise gives them space to express their feelings
•He sets clear boundaries, no hitting or breaking things, and sticks to them firmly but without anger. Once the tantrum subsides, he doesn’t scold or criticize. Instead, he offers a practical solution, like a quiet time or a favorite activity to help you reset, teaching you that feelings are okay, but they must be managed responsibly
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If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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agerefandom · 9 months
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Twilight Agere Headcanons (#2: Edward Cullen)
Edward was not a regressor in his life, but his transformation was so difficult that he woke up deeply regressed
Carlisle was there and took care of him for the first days, as Edward came back to himself
the two of them had an intensely complicated relationship: Edward resented him, as an adult, for damning him to this existence, but as a child in the night, he wanted nothing more than Carlisle’s company and comfort
and of course, everyone’s thoughts were so loud in those days: Edward and Carlisle had to go and live in the middle of nowhere for a while for Edward to adjust
once Edward was steadier on his feet, he started to draw back from regression: treating Carlisle as a friend instead of a father, despite Carlisle’s clear interest in the latter dynamic
especially once Esme came into the picture, Edward absconded for his vigilante days, only coming back later, once he felt that he’d made his point about being a fully independent vampire
then the siblings came: seeing Rosalie and Emmett’s regression, Edward found himself wanting that dynamic in a way he never had before: he’d only ever needed it, not wanted it
so he awkwardly re-introduced himself, now with both Carlisle and Esme as caregivers, and as an older brother to his other siblings
it takes him a long time to admit to himself that he is still a regressor at a range of ages, including much younger, and to let his adoptive parents take care of him in that state
Edward is a quiet regressor: taking the chance to sit and observe, rather than run and play
that said, Emmett can pull him into chase games and other silly wrestling matches
Esme likes to have him close, she's particularly protective of him
Carlisle sometimes pays too much attention to Edward and makes the others jealous, it’s an ongoing balancing game in the family
Edward likes listening to music while regressing: first Carlisle playing piano, then records, then tapes and CDs: he especially likes big headphones that help to drown out the thoughts and voices around him
he also regresses alone, heading out into the forest to find a spot where there are no thoughts that he can hear, where he can just roam and pick flowers and climb trees
he often brings a book and reads out loud to himself and it makes him feel a bit lonely
Edward picks out a stuffed animal when he decides that he wants to be a younger regressor: it’s a very careful decision and he loves his stuffie very much: most of the others share toys, but he prefers to have one or two of his own
absolutely abhors finger paints and doesn’t like getting messy in general: a bit judgmental of the others for doing so
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cottoncandyabc · 2 years
If I can ask for it, could I get all the rest of the ones for sunset shimmer please? :D
Agere Character Ask Game
Heck yes!! >:D I love doing these
Sorry this took a while, between doing the other ones and writing for my RP blogs I kinda burned myself out haha. Plus I find them easier to do when I'm regressed which has been a while at this point lol
Part 1
💛- How did they discover age regression?
Probably through online communities, Sunset would meet other regressors online and finally understand what it is. She was doing it completely involuntarily before without fully understanding why
📈- Age range?
Between 6 - 12
🐾- If they also pet regress what to? (If they don’t pet regress what’s the favorite animal?)
I would say its less common than her age regression, but sometimes she regresses to a puppy, dog, or wolf! She also loves pretending to be a werewolf
(More under the cut)
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💕- Do they have a caregiver?
Her other friends would act as her caregiver most of the time! Sometimes Flash Sentry would as well
🧸- What’s their favorite toy/plushie/ect?
Sunset has a plushie of a phoenix, it reminds her of Princess Celestia and her old home. Sometimes it makes her sad, but more often it gives her comfort.
👒- What do they like to wear when they’re regressed?
Usually just her normal outfits, or sometimes things with more neon colors. When she's at home she almost always prefers her pajamas.
🎮- What’s their favorite thing to do when they’re small?
Sunset still loves art and video games, but when she's regressed she usually prefers coloring pages, finger paint, and games aimed at younger players.
🍼- What’s their favourite age regression accessory/gear?
A sippy cup with her cutie mark on it 💖
✨- How are they different to their big selves when they regress?
She tends to be a bit more bratty and a lot more stubborn, but nothing like how she used to be when she was actually that young.
🎨- What does their ideal playroom look like?
Something with a LOT of video games for her to play, with all kinds of consoles! There would also be a canvas/paint area where she could be as messy as she likes. The whole room would have themes of orange, red, yellow, pink, and black.
🥳- A holiday that they love celebrating while regressed
Halloween! It gives her the perfect chance to dress up as whatever she wants, without having to fear judgment at all
🐬- What is their ideal play date/regression day like?
🤸- Do they have another regressor they play with?
Yep - Pinkie Pie! They act as each others caregivers when the other is regressed, and they love playing together when they're both regressed!
Start out with messy art related things, then maybe baking and playing games with Pinkie Pie. Definitely she would get to play pretend for all or at least most of the day while doing other things, and it would end with some of her favorite video games!
🔮- Do they like to play pretend?
Of course! It is one of her favorite things to do. She would definitely be the type to enjoy acting out Warrior Cats or some kind of wolf pack related game with her friends.
👾- Favorite game to play while regressed
She and Pinkie have this game they made up where they dress up like werewolves and scare their friends, and sometimes other people too. They don't play it very often but it is definitely one of her favorites, although sometimes she does feel mildly guilty for scaring people when she isn't regressed anymore.
🦇- What about their regression is unusual, or unexpected?
You might think Sunset would act just as mean when regressed as she actually was when she was a kid, but she doesn't. She's a bit more bratty and stubborn sure, but she isn't outright mean to anyone, and is still very kind and caring to those around her.
🏳️‍🌈- Are they LGBTQ+ or neurodiverse (or any other pride you can think of!)?
Definitely - Sunset is canonically bisexual, and I also headcanon her to have both autism and PTSD
🃏- Random headcanon about their regression!
Due to her past, playing pretend as a princess is something she absolutely hates, and she tends to hate most royal/princess themed things entirely because it reminds her of her old self and her old goals far too much to ever be enjoyable.
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papirouge · 2 years
Please explain the "The Earth is hollow and Hell is physically at it's centre". I always believed hell to be a spiritual place, just like heaven, not tangible and something only the Soul and Spirits can interact with. I believe the stories of people interacting with Hell (trust me, I'm African, I've heard A LOT), but it always seemed to me the same way people have had encounters with Angels and Heaven
Earth being hollow and Hell being inside aren't mutually exclusive concepts. I think Hell is a realm in another dimension. Kinda like ghosts can be in the same room as someone yet not be visible - they're technically located into the room. The same applies to angels.
One have to die and leave the realm humans do live in to access to either of these realms (hell or the Kingdom of God). That may explain why Lazare, despite being in Heaven himself, could see the rich man in hell. BUT it's impossible to go from one place to another. Heaven or Hell, once you're there, it's forever...
That's why I brought up the CERN and how they were trying to summon demons by breaking the barriers between dimensions realms. It is all linked.
During judgment day, with the Lord pouring His wrath through the earth, it is said that the leviathan, who do lie on the insides of the deep sea will be defeated (Isaiah 27:1). This passage may be an indicator that the punishment of the world may come in hand with the abyss cracking open and all those demonic creatures making their way into the human realm? (and be defeated by Jesus, obvi 🌟✝️)
I've watched plentiful of testimonies of former satanists/new agers and they all said that demons were maneuvring from another realm BUT through initiation and opening your 3rd eyes (a big concept of new age) you could see them. And they're are awful as you can imagine...
Many people who went to hell (either as NDE and later became Christian or Christians that God has chosen to show hell to them) say that God by His mercy partially erased from their memory what Hell looks like otherwise they would have become crazy/unable to find sleep ever again. Humans....are not supposed to see demons (in their true form) or go to hell. Seeing one would make you want to die so much they're horrendous.
For more info on this subject, I really recommend you the testimony of this woman who went to hell after a drug overdose
This one is quite short but there's another one much longer on her channel who's extremely interesting and informative
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littleboy-logan · 4 years
Little No More
Here, have a gigantic one shot lol, it’s my longest agere fic so far, and I hope you enjoy!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Logan decides to tell Roman, Patton, and Virgil about his age regression. It doesn’t go as planned and the consequences are unexpected
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Roman, Patton, Janus, Remus, C!Thomas
Pairing(s): intruloceit (platonic or romantic, you decide)
Warnings: Patton, Roman, and Virgil being judgmental about age regression (not exactly unsympathetic sides but read with caution i think), crying, hurt/comfort-ish, Logan angst, and i think that’s it but lemme know if I missed anything!!!
Word count: 5,857
Logan had to tell the others about his age regression.
They would find out on their own somehow eventually, he knew this. He would much rather be the one to tell them upfront. At least Remus and Janus knew already, so he only had Virgil, Roman, and Patton to tell.
Not an intimidating task at all.
He stood in his room staring at the door. He could do this. He glanced to his bed where his unicorn stuffie, Rainbow, sat. He picked her up and gave her a quick hug and set her back down.
For good luck.
He went out to find the others. Virgil and Roman were in the living room, Roman watching a movie while Virgil listened to something in his big headphones and scrolled through his phone. Where might Patton be?
"Oh, hey, Specs," Roman greeted. "Come to watch The Little Mermaid?"
"No, I actually needed to talk with all of you about something. Where's Patton?"
"Uh oh! My ears are burning!" Patton said cheerily as he entered the living room.
"Do you need some type of ointment for that?" Logan asked, Patton chuckling.
"Oh, no, I'm fine. What's up, kiddo?"
Logan opened his mouth to speak, but then turned to look at Virgil. He was still listening to music, seemingly unaware of Logan's presence. Logan sighed and gently tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped slightly before removing his headphones.
"What?" he asked.
"I needed to speak with the three of you about something important. Something that's... been on my mind."
"Oh, what is it?" Patton asked, and Logan noticed the hint of concern in his voice.
"Nothing's wrong, it's just... I wanted to... open up a bit."
"Oh, okay!" Patton sounded relieved. "Whatever it is, we'll be open minded! Right, you two?" He directed the last addition to Roman and Virgil.
"Absolutely!" Roman declared. "We're not here to judge, only to listen!"
"Yeah, how bad could it be, anyway?" Virgil agreed.
Logan swallowed. Their words of encouragement were helpful, though he was still wrought with anxiety. He noted humorously that it was ironic that it was him instead of Virgil facing anxiety.
Logan cleared his throat. "I'm sure it will be a shock to you, but I... I age regress."
There. It was out in the open. Logan couldn't stop glancing amongst everyone's faces, gauging their reactions. It seemed to be mostly confusion, which was valid and understandable.
"Uh... you mind explaining what that means?" Patton asked shyly, possibly nervous about upsetting him.
"Of course. Age regression is when someone mentally shifts to a younger headspace. It's a common reaction to stress or trauma, and helps the person cope with it. There is also voluntary regression, which I sometimes do. It's... basically a good way for me to unwind after a difficult day. Does that make sense?"
There was a pause until Roman spoke. "So... you act like... a kid?"
"It would be more accurate to say I am a kid, I suppose. Not physically, but mentally."
"How, though?" Virgil asked. "I don't... exactly get it."
Logan took a pause to gather his words. "It's a reaction that the mind has to certain stimuli, be it positive or negative. For instance, I... often find myself in a regressed state while watching certain movies or wearing certain clothes. Other times... it's due to... certain stressors. Sometimes it's easier to deal with the stress in a more childlike state, where everything is a bit simpler."
Roman chuckled. "So Mr I-Have-No-Feelings has stress?"
Logan took a deep breath. "Occasionally. My work can be... tiresome at times."
"It is a little weird that the embodiment of logic goes through enough stress to turn into a child," Virgil noted.
An ice cold spear went through Logan's heart. He had to convince himself that Virgil didn't mean it like that, but the phrasing was not particularly kind.
"And you do this... intentionally?" Patton asked.
"Y-yes. More often than not, it's voluntary. Although I have had a few moments of involuntary regression."
"I just don't get it," Roman murmured.
Logan was nervous, but continued on. "What don't you get, exactly?" he asked patiently.
"Any of it. I've never even heard of this before now. Are you sure you don't just... act childish sometimes?"
Logan's heart hurt. He looked down at the ground away from Roman. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but this wasn't it.
"I'm sure Roman doesn't mean to offend," Patton said with a nervous chuckle. "I mean, we all know I act childish sometimes! How do we know it's not the same thing?"
"There's a difference between acting like a child and actually being one," Logan stated firmly.
"But you're not one!" Virgil exclaimed. "You're Logic, you're the one who, like, knows what to do! You're probably the most mature one here! Maybe you like... kid stuff or whatever, but that doesn't mean you turn into a kid!"
Logan was on the verge of tears. He didn't want to be invalidated like this, but what if Virgil was right? What if he was wrong about his regression?
"Logan, I think Virgil's right," Patton spoke up. "While I don't know if age regression is a real thing, I doubt that's what you do. I mean, if you did that, Thomas probably would too! And the rest of us! It wouldn't make sense for it to just be you."
Logan's heart dropped when he realised they were right. He couldn't possibly age regress. This was something else entirely.
"You're right, I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"Don't be sorry," Patton cooed. "I'm glad you told us so we could sort this whole thing out."
Logan nodded rather numbly. "I... I should go." With that, he sank out to his room.
He couldn't believe he'd been so foolish this whole time. He actually believed he was turning into a child when there was no evidence to support it.
Logic, an age regressor. What a silly idea.
He spent the next several days avoiding Remus and Janus. They would want to know how things went. They would want to care for their little regressed Logan.
Logan didn't have the heart to tell them it was all a lie.
He was surprised that Janus hadn't caught onto the deception. He could detect lies, everyone knew that. Even still, Logan knew the truth. He couldn't possibly be an age regressor.
He also repressed any possible feelings of childishness. Whenever he was tempted to snuggle a stuffie, he pushed the thought away. He occasionally wanted to suck on his pacifier, but refused. He knew repression was unhealthy and wouldn't do him any good, but what else could he do?
Though, of course, he couldn't avoid his former caregivers forever.
Janus and Remus had both been knocking on his door all week, but he never answered. This time, however, instead of knocking, they barged right in.
"Alright, what's going on?" Janus asked.
"Yeah, what gives, dude?" Remus exclaimed. "If you've been regressing alone—"
"I'm not regressing," Logan said firmly.
Janus's face twitched. "Half truth. What's going on?" he repeated more sternly.
"I'm not a regressor, it was never that. I simply... have more childish needs sometimes. And I'm putting a stop to it."
"You dumbhead, of course you regress!" Remus argued. "I've seen you regressed and you're adorable!"
"No! If I was a regressor, why isn't Thomas one as well? Or any of you?"
There was a pause before Janus spoke. "They didn't take it well, did they?"
Logan's stomach twisted into knots. "They helped me realise the truth. And the truth is I'm not a regressor."
"Janny, tell him he's lying," Remus said with a smirk. Janus said nothing and Remus looked over at him. "Jan?"
"He believes his words too much for me to say. They really broke him."
"No one broke me," Logan said. "If anything, they fixed me."
"Oh, Logan, there was nothing to fix," Janus said gently.
"I think maybe you should leave."
Remus whined. "But Logan—"
Janus sighed. "Come on, Remus. It seems we're unwelcome here."
Remus pouted and crossed his arms. "Fine. I missed you, you dumb nerd."
They left, and Logan let his tears slip away.
Their presence made him feel like a child, and he had to push that away. So he pushed them away.
It was late, so he got ready for bed, silently crying all the while. He wiped away his tears and climbed into bed. He turned off his lamp and wept into his pillow.
He cried himself to sleep, and no one could have predicted what happened when he woke up.
Janus was rather upset with how things went. He decided to have a talk with Patton the next morning. He didn't tell Remus what he was doing, since he knew he would want to tag along.
He knocked on Patton's door, hearing Patton's ever cheery voice tell him to hold on. After a moment or two, the door opened, and there Patton was, though his smile faltered slightly upon seeing Janus there.
"Oh! Hi! This is unexpected! What's up?"
"Logan told you, didn't he?"
Patton seemed confused for a moment before realisation struck. "Oh, about... the kid thing."
Janus took a breath and restrained himself. "Yeah. That. The age regression. Did you tell him it wasn't real?"
"Oh, no! We helped him realise he doesn't do that! I never said it wasn't real!"
Janus wanted to punch a wall. "I see. I'm one of his caregivers, and I can assure you, he very much does. You hurt him. Quite a lot, actually. To the point where he seems to believe whatever lies you fed him. I've been with him when he's regressed. He's very different from the Logan you're familiar with."
Patton seemed rather uncomfortable, and if Janus was being honest, he considered that a win. "I just don't understand why Logan would do that when the rest of us don't, including Thomas."
"You don't have to understand. You just have to be respectful. Because he's not hurting anyone by being open and honest about who he is. But you hurt him when you invalidated a part of his identity."
Patton let out a breath and looked down at the ground. "Did I... did I really do that?"
"You did. And I'd like for you to make it right."
Patton nodded. "I will. Right now."
Janus went with Patton to Logan's room. He had to make sure things went well this time. Patton knocked on the door.
"Logan? You awake? I wanna talk about last week." There was no response, which Janus was expecting. "Please, Logan? I wanna make things right. What I said wasn't fair, I should've respected you and... understood that you... have your own experiences. Just because the rest of us don't do the age regression thing, that doesn't mean it's impossible for you to."
Janus forced back a smile. He was glad he was able to convince Patton that his words had hurt. He hoped Logan was willing to listen.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Patton apologised, and Janus knew he meant it. "Please... say something?" A pause, and Logan didn't respond. "If you don't say anything, I'm coming in."
Logan said nothing, and as promised, Patton opened the door. Logan was sitting on his bed with his covers pulled over his head. It looked almost as if he was hiding, and Janus hated that.
"Logan?" Patton murmured. No response.
He approached the sheeted figure and removed the blanket. He gasped at what was revealed underneath.
A very small child was on Logan's bed. Wearing his clothes?
Janus stared in awe at the child, who cowered away in fear. Patton's paternal instincts seemed to kick in at that moment.
"Oh, hey, it's okay," he soothed. "We're not gonna hurt you, kiddo, okay? What's your name?"
The child didn't respond immediately, but Janus had his suspicions. The curly brown hair, the crystal blue eyes, Logan's pyjamas, it was fairly obvious.
A chill ran down Janus's spine while Patton softly gasped. They exchanged a look, both of shock, before looking at the child once more. Logan was staring at Janus's scales it seemed, which only served to make him self conscious.
"Logan?" Patton asked. "You're... so young."
"Who are you?" Logan asked frightfully. "And who's Logan?"
There was a pause until Janus spoke up. "That will take some explaining, I would imagine. If you truly don't remember us."
"I don't. Should I?"
Patton put a hand over his mouth, likely to keep from crying. Janus had to admit, he was rather emotional as well. He wanted Logan to remember him.
"We're Thomas's Sides... all grown up," Janus explained.
Logan's eyes widened. "But that's impossible! Thomas is six!"
"I'm afraid not. He's currently thirty years old. You have... as it would seem, age regressed to the point of both physical transformation and amnesia."
Logan blinked. "I... shapeshifted? But... only the king can do that."
"Oh my gosh," Patton murmured, another chill going down Janus's spine.
"Yes... about that... we'll have to update you on everything that has happened since Thomas's youth. Uh... let's see, six years old. Thomas was... I believe seven or eight when the divide occurred. The king is... no longer the king. He became two separate Sides known as the prince and the duke. After that, we stopped going by our... functional names, and adopted human names. You chose the name Logan."
Janus gave him some time to process all of that before continuing. He seemed quite surprised, which was understandable. This must have been rather shocking information.
"The king is gone?" he asked.
"I'm afraid so."
"And my name is... Logan?"
"Yes. And this is Morality— no, wait, at six you were called Emotions. He now goes by Patton. Mine is Janus, but you know me as—"
Janus paused for a moment. "The scales made that one obvious, didn't they?"
Logan grinned. "You're funny."
Janus smiled, his heart fluttering in his chest. He cleared his throat and decided to continue.
"Do you remember Fear?" he asked. Logan nodded, though he frowned. "Thomas knows him now. But he knows him as Anxiety, also known as Virgil."
Logan raised his brows. "Really? Does he know you too?"
"He does. He even knows my human name, which I was reluctant to give for some time. Though I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that."
"Why did the king change?"
Janus's heart hurt quite a bit hearing that question. As much as he enjoyed the company of Remus, and appreciated Roman when he wasn't attacking him, he truly missed the king.
"Uh... Thomas repressed the... darker creativity that... the king sometimes indulged in. When they separated, the prince took the... butterflies and rainbows, while the duke... he took the, uh... monsters and... scary storms."
"Oh. Interesting. So... why did I lose my memory and get so young?"
"That I'm afraid I don't know. This is... a new development. I know that last night you were upset, and you've been repressing your age regression, but I—"
"What's that?" Logan interrupted.
"Oh, it's when someone mentally becomes younger. It's a coping method."
"Then maybe I did that so hard that I shapeshifted. If I repressed it, it must've gone wrong."
Janus knew he made a good point. He just wished he knew how to undo it.
"If you repressed your regression so much that you mentally and physically regressed back to your six year old self, then how on earth do we rectify that?"
"We need the others," Patton spoke up, his voice thick and his eyes glossy. "They can help us fix this."
Janus gave a quick nod. He held out his hand towards Logan. "Come on, follow us. We'll introduce you to Virgil and the twins."
Logan blinked. He slowly got out of his bed and struggled to keep his now oversized pyjamas on. Janus realised he would need new clothes.
"Um, Patton, can you—"
"Of course," Patton waved a hand and Logan was in a short sleeve navy button up, a red bow tie, and blue jeans.
Janus smiled. "Better?"
Logan returned the expression. He looked up at Patton. "Thank you."
Patton smiled but Janus knew it was forced. "Of course, kiddo."
Logan took Janus's hand and they all walked to the living room. Janus had Logan sit on the couch next to Patton and he summoned the other three. Which, of course, meant that only the twins rose up. Typical.
"Who's the kid?" Remus asked in a delighted voice.
"Why is there a child here, exactly?" Roman asked, sounding more along the lines of confused.
"I'm Logic," Logan introduced. "Or, I guess Logan. Hm, I like that name. No wonder I chose it."
"What?" The twins both exclaimed, an equal amount of concern in their voices.
"Long story, but first, where's Virgil?" Janus asked rather impatiently.
Roman rolled his eyes. "Virgil, listen to the snake!" he said as he raised an arm, Virgil rising up and stumbling slightly.
"God, I hate doing that," he grumbled, freezing upon seeing Logan. "Who's the kid?"
"That's what I asked!" Remus said. "It's Logan!"
"No seriously, who's the kid?" Virgil asked.
"I really am Logan," Logan said. "I seem to be... smaller."
Virgil's eyebrows shot up. "What? That- what? How? Why? What?"
"When and who!" Remus added gleefully.
"Logan has been repressing his age regression to the point where it has caused him to not only shapeshift but to also lose his memory," Janus explained. "As far as he's concerned, Thomas is a six year old boy."
Remus approached Logan and knelt in front of him. "Hey, little guy! I'm Remus! You want a lollipop?"
Logan smiled and nodded. Remus summoned two identical lollipops, one in each hand.
"One of these tastes like butterscotch, and the other tastes like frog's breath!"
Janus sighed sharply. "Remus—"
"Choose carefully! Hope you like butterscotch!"
Logan giggled and looked between each lollipop. He put a finger to his chin in thought before picking the one in Remus's left hand. He put it in his mouth and smiled.
"I love butterscotch!" he spoke around the candy.
Remus ruffled Logan's hair and got to his feet. He glanced over at Janus. "Frog's breath lollipop?"
Janus rolled his eyes. "We need to focus. We have to find a way to reverse this."
"Wait, you said he's been repressing his age regression?" Virgil asked.
"He doesn't age regress! We talked about that like a week ago."
"Makes you wonder why he might have been repressing it," Janus snapped.
Patton stepped in before Virgil could fire back. He got to his feet and held up his hands between the two of them.
"Hey, now, let's not argue. It's true, Virgil, we were wrong. Let's not debate on whether or not Logan regresses, now is not the time."
Virgil sighed and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. He said nothing, and neither did Janus.
"Didn't he say he does that when he's stressed?" Roman asked.
"He does, yes," Janus said softly.
"Maybe if he's relaxed enough, he'll go back to normal."
"It may not be that simple, Roman," Janus said. "This is more than just Logan being shapeshifted, this is also an amnesiac episode."
"Do you have any better suggestions?"
Janus sighed shortly. "Well, no."
"Then we might as well try, right?"
Janus paused before conceding. "Fine. What do you propose we do to relax?"
Roman snapped his fingers and the living room had suddenly changed. There was a blanket fort on the couch, there was a table with bags of popcorn, and with a flourish, Roman had changed into his Beauty and the Beast onesie.
Janus raised a brow. "A little extra, wouldn't you say?"
Logan giggled from inside the blanket fort. He poked his head out. "You gotta teach me how to do that!"
Roman smiled. "How does a Disney marathon sound?"
Logan clapped his hands. "Yay! Can we start with The Lion King? I haven't seen it since we saw it at the theatre!"
"Oh, but of course!" Roman snapped his fingers again, and Disney+ was on the screen ready to play The Lion King. "Everyone get changed into a onesie!"
"I don't have one," Logan said.
Roman waved his hand. "Of course you do."
Logan looked down at his fluffy Stitch onesie and gasped. "I don't know what this is, but I love it!"
"Oh, that's right, you wouldn't remember Lilo & Stitch. We shall watch that one next!"
Everyone changed into their onesies, though Janus was rather reluctant. He wasn't sure that this would help, but at least Logan was having fun.
"C'mon, snake eyes!" Remus said, wearing the rat onesie he wore when Logan was regressed. "Get into the spirit!"
"For once, I agree with my brother!" Roman teased. "What, don't you have a onesie?"
Janus waved his hand and changed into his snake onesie, the hands shaped like extra snake heads. "I still don't think this will work."
"Let's hope you're wrong."
They all got settled in to watch the movie. Janus sat with Logan in the blanket fort, holding him in his lap as he ate from one of the popcorn bags. He didn't like to admit how protective he was over little Logan, but he very much was. Now that he was this... size, that protective nature only doubled.
He kept an eye on Logan more than watched the movie. He seemed plenty relaxed, and yet still no change. Janus couldn't wait around much longer, he wanted to find a solution as soon as possible.
"I still don't understand why Scar sent the hyenas after him after sending him off," Roman complained. "They couldn't finish the job the first time, so why didn't he just buckle down and get his claws dirty?"
"You know, I'm beginning to suspect that watching a children's movie is no way to get Logan back to being in his adult form," Janus pointed out.
Roman paused. "Maybe so. But what do you suggest?"
Janus gave it some thought. He looked down at Logan, who was still watching the movie. He thought about everything he knew about Logan, and then it hit him.
"What does Logan do to unwind other than age regression? Puzzles. What if we all start putting together a puzzle? That might work."
"Ooh, good idea!" Patton exclaimed. "He's got plenty of puzzles in his room, let's get a big one!"
"I do?" Logan asked.
"Yeah, you wanna pick the one we do?" Janus asked, subconsciously putting on his caregiver voice. It seemed to delight Logan as he excitedly climbed out of the blanket fort.
Janus went with Logan to his room to pick out a puzzle. They were all kept on his bookshelf, and Logan immediately went with the one with a fox in a forest. They went back to the living room with it and Logan was quick to begin setting it up.
The Sides all gathered around to sort out the different pieces by colour, keeping the edge pieces in their own pile. It wasn't long before Roman began complaining.
"This will take far too long!" he whined.
"Nuh uh," Logan argued. "If we do this together, it'll be easy."
Roman groaned dramatically, but conceded. They all continued sorting through pieces and putting them together. It was a fairly large puzzle, so they had their work cut out for them, but they could easily have it done before the end of the day.
"Any memories coming back?" Virgil asked, connecting a couple edge pieces.
"No," Logan responded. "But I am enjoying the puzzle."
"You would," Roman teased, Logan giggling.
"Just so everyone is aware," Janus began. "Once we get Logan back to normal, we will be having a discussion about his age regression. All of us."
There was a pause before Virgil spoke up. "I still think it's weird."
Janus clenched his fists. "I will sucker punch you."
"Let's not get violent," Patton said calmly. "We all do weird things, let's not be judgmental."
"I don't think it's that weird," Logan stated matter of factly. "I can see why someone would want to be six. There's not as much stress as grown ups deal with. You can do pretty much whatever you want. Who wouldn't want to be six?"
There was silence amongst the group. They all exchanged a glance and continued working on the puzzle. It wasn't too much longer before it was completed.
"Still nothing?" Janus asked.
"No. Maybe we should get another puzzle."
"I don't think puzzles will help," Janus murmured. "There must be something else to try."
They spent all day exploring different solutions, all of which ultimately failing. Logan found it particularly exhausting. By the end of the day, he was dead tired.
Everyone went to bed, Janus helping Logan get ready. He got Logan changed into his Stitch onesie and summoned him a simple nightlight. Janus left, and Logan could finally sleep. Though just as he thought he was about to drift off, he felt the ever familiar internal tug from Thomas.
He was being summoned.
He rose up and saw who could only be the grown up Thomas sitting in bed. He thought seeing the Sides as grown ups could prepare him for what Thomas would look like, but he was quite wrong.
Though, of course, he did look just as shocked as he had imagined.
"Uh... okay, I know I summoned Logan," Thomas said.
"You did. I'm him."
Thomas raised his eyebrows. "Okay. Why do you look like that?"
"It's a long story."
"I've got time."
Logan sat down next to Thomas on the bed, realising he was still holding the unicorn stuffie he'd been snuggling in bed. He held it close and began explaining.
"Well, I'm not s'posed to be six. I do something called age regression. From what Janus said, it means I turn into a kid in my head. But for some reason, I turned into a kid physically too. I also lost my memory, so I don't know why this happened, but it did. Questions?"
Thomas blinked. "Uh, yeah. So... you age regress?"
"I guess. I don't know much about it, since I'm six, but it's a way to cope with stress. I think it makes the others uncomfortable."
"Why do you say that?" Thomas asked, sounding somewhat concerned.
"Virgil said it was weird. Remus and Janus are nice about it, though. Maybe it is weird. Maybe I'm weird."
"Logan, no," Thomas said firmly yet calmly. "You're not weird for coping with your stress however you need to. If that means... reverting back to being a kid, that's absolutely fine."
Logan smiled at the warm feeling in his chest. "So... you don't think it's weird?"
"No way, kid. It makes you special. I accept you for everything you are, including regressing." 
"So Mr I-Have-No-Feelings has stress?"
"It is a little weird that the embodiment of logic goes through enough stress to turn into a child."
"I mean, we all know I act childish sometimes! How do we know it's not the same thing?"
Everything flooded into Logan's mind all at once. It was almost too much to bear. 
"Oh, shut up nerdy Wolverine!"
"I'm gonna prohibit your breathing if you keep this up!"
"Logan, can you stop? Please?" 
Tears filled Logan's eyes as he remembered it all. His head felt as though it was about to crack from the strain. 
At least when he finally collapsed onto the floor, the last memory to flash through his mind was of Janus and Remus caring for him. 
Logan awoke rather slowly. His head still hurt, but not as badly. He opened his eyes. He was back in his room. 
His memory had returned, but at what cost? His precious innocence, his joyful youth. Every reason he regressed, the intangible things that he wanted to remember. 
He looked to the side of his bed and saw Janus in a chair with his head in his hands. He seemed distraught. 
"Janus?" Logan asked roughly. 
Janus's head snapped up, eyes wide as they landed on him. "Logan. I was worried, we all were. How do you feel?"
"Headache. Were you really worried about me?"
"Of course. When Thomas called us in after you passed out, I... I didn't know what to do. I'm just glad you're okay."
Logan didn't know how to feel. He sighed and stared up at the ceiling. After everything that happened, he didn't like admitting how close to regression he was, but he knew he couldn't push the feelings away anymore. 
"Papa Jay?" he asked in a small voice, Janus immediately taking his hand. 
"Yes, my little starlight?" 
"What if the others treat me different?" 
"Well... I can't promise that they won't. But if they hurt you, you can always come to me, and I will never judge you."
Tears rose to Logan's eyes. He glanced around for Rainbow, and when he spotted her he immediately grabbed her and held her to his chest. 
"I should talk to 'em. But... what do I say?"
"Explain that their words hurt you. I'm sure that, given recent events, they'll listen. Do you want me there with you when you talk to them?"
"Yes, p'ease."
Logan figured there was no time like the present, so even in his mostly regressed headspace, he decided to talk with them. He held Janus's hand and they walked through the mindscape in search of them. Patton and Virgil were in the kitchen, Patton doing dishes while Virgil sat on the counter scrolling through his phone. 
"Hi," Logan murmured, getting both Sides' attention. 
Patton dropped the cup in his hand and went over to give Logan a hug. He slowly reciprocated, fiddling with the fabric of Patton's shirt. He saw Virgil get down from the counter and put his phone away. 
"Good to see you, L," he greeted. 
Patton pulled away, holding Logan's face in his hands. "I'm so sorry that I made you feel bad, Logan! I didn't mean to! You - you can regress all you want! I support you, okay?" 
Logan's tears returned, and this time they fell. Patton wiped them away with his thumbs. 
Janus placed a hand on Logan's shoulder, which reminded him of what he came out here to say in the first place. 
"Where's Roman?" he asked with a sniffle. 
Patton raised a hand and summoned Roman. He seemed mildly annoyed until he saw Logan and a small smile graced his lips. 
"Oh, thank god!" Roman suddenly lifted Logan in the air with ease, spinning the two of them around. Logan broke out into a fit of giggles, squealing with delight. He finally set Logan down, but continued to hug him. "You scared me a little."
Logan's heart jumped in his chest. "I did?"
"Yeah. I wasn't sure when you were gonna wake up."
"I thought princes weren't scared of anything."
Roman was about to speak until he pulled away and carefully scanned Logan's face. "Are you... regressed right now?"
Logan blushed and looked away. His stomach tied itself up in knots. He was suddenly very shy about speaking until Janus took his hand. 
"Hey, it's okay," he whispered. "Tell them what's on your mind."
Logan took a deep breath. "When I said I regress... you said I was weird. You made me think I made it all up. It hurt. 'Cause I trusted you, and... I... I'm really mad at you! All of you!" 
There was a long silence as they all took that in. Logan was on the verge of tears again but he didn't want to cry. He was done crying. 
"You have every right to be mad at us," Patton said forlornly. "The way we reacted was... shameful. And I'm so sorry if we broke your trust in us."
"Yeah, I never should've said it was weird," Virgil spoke up. "I... I never meant that you were weird, I just meant the age regression itself... which I guess isn't much better. Still, I... I'm really sorry. We hurt you — I hurt you. If age regressing makes you feel good, then... I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."
"Oh, Logan," Roman murmured. "I'm so very sorry for invalidating you. I just... didn't understand. But that's no excuse. I... I did research last night, about age regression, and I understand now that it's a healthy way to cope, and... I never should have judged you." 
Logan was overwhelmed by everything that was said. He hadn't expected such a warm response. Of course, it would still be difficult to trust them, but this was a good first step towards that. 
Over time, Logan felt more and more comfortable regressing around Roman, Virgil, and Patton. It took some patience, but they managed. 
Logan was mid-regression with Virgil in the living room, but he felt too awkward to say anything. Although Virgil must have picked up on it because he started showing Logan cat videos on his phone. It wasn't too long before he was fully regressed with Virgil there to watch him. 
Not long after that, he was working with Roman on the next Sanders Sides script and became stressed, which led to an involuntary regression. He tried to hide it and get back to work, but Roman casually said they both needed a break to watch some Disney in onesies. 
A week later, Logan was making dinner when he felt he was about to regress. He didn't want to, but it was inevitable. How would he be able to cook if he was regressed?
Patton walked in. "Hey, Lo! Ooh, smells good!"
Logan didn't respond, frozen on the spot. He couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do next, why couldn't he remember? 
"You good, kiddo?"
The kiddo was what sent him spiralling. 
Logan whined, on the verge of tears. He didn't know how to tell Patton he was too little to be cooking. Dinner was going to be ruined, all because he couldn't keep it together for ten minutes. 
"Hey." Patton gently placed a hand on Logan's back, approaching his side. "You feeling little?"
Logan nodded. Patton led him to the kitchen table and sat him down. He went back to the stove and fiddled with a few things. Logan felt awful. He couldn't even do this one simple task. 
Patton came back over. "You still wanna help?" he asked. Logan hesitantly nodded. "Okay, you get to be in charge of spices! I tell you what to sprinkle in, and you put it in. Think you can do it?"
Logan grinned and nodded again. He could do that, no problem. 
He was so worried about being treated differently. Little did he know, being treated differently was just what he needed.
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