#the izuku to my shouto etc
shibaraki · 2 years
monty my dear. i come to deliver kiss 💕✨ and to remind u that all ur faves know u love them so very deeply. if the roles were reversed they would have themed blogs just for u
my one (1) my only my favourite moda… thank u for the special delivery and the reminder I love you very much. omg so true but all their posts would be like YES KING !! GIVE US NOTHING!! lajskskd
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avituses · 2 months
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They all twisted fate together
Individual drawings under the cut!
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Tbh a huge amount of the issues MHA has could have been fixed had Bakugo just been expelled from UA in the first season or not gotten in at all
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plusultraetc · 1 year
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"You have good friends, Ingenium."
pt 1 | pt 2
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redphlox · 2 months
the fact is izuku managed to save tenkos soul his body was too far gone due to what afo done to him and the damage in his mind lets be real here if toga and tenko had lived they would have been put in prison for their tragic pasts don't change the people they killed and the fact their identities were well known
Look dude - come closer, come sit down next to me. Lets talk.
I'm not sure how to explain that this is a fantasy story. That means that it doesn't have to reflect our current world 1:1, which has flawed systems. Storied aren't biographies. You can tell the difference between reality and fantasy, yes? I hope so. If your mom let you borrow her phone so that you can get on Tumblr to talk to me, then maybe you can have her explain if you're still confused by the time I'm through with you.
If you're using this argument for why the villains who were humanized by the author had to die cruel deaths in a story that preached about giving people Second Chances, then I'm led to believe that you also believe that Bakugo surviving his exploded heart was realistic. And that's completely unrealistic, just in case you're not sure.
There were a lot of unrealistic aspects to this story, including the part about people having superhuman abilities like creating explosions from their palms and making things float. Those abilities aren't real either, just in case you are confused. You might have picked up this story and thought it was an autobiography or a history textbook, so I advise that you ask your mom to take you to the library and talk to a librarian about the differences between literary genres.
Now - hold on to your seat, this is why I had you sit down; this next part is going to be really perplexing to you if you believe quirks are real - stories are usually used with the purpose of conveying a message, of exploring our Humanity and to experience of some kind of catharsis or emotion using our imaginations. You know the story about The three little pigs? That are also unrealistic, but it serves a purpose - it teaches little kids about perseverance and working hard. The first two little pigs didn't want to put in the effort to make a solid house, so they paid for it in the end with their lives. Do we live in the world where wolves literally come knocking on our doors trying to eat us? No, but we do live in a world where it's important to persevere and work hard. Disney's The Little Mermaid also isn't real, because Mermaids Don't exist, but it dealt with very real human experiences that we all deal with such as feeling out of place in the world, our identity, etc.
So, you can see that authors use fantasy stories to explore very real human emotions, social issues, what have you. BNHA starts off like that too. The very first words are exactly, "people are not all born equal", and it goes on to tell the story of a teen who's basically considered disabled because he's different. He's bullied, discriminated against, and he deals with very real human experiences such as disregarding authority to go after a friend he really cares about because he felt it was the right heroic thing to do, experiencing death (Night eye, Midnight), dealing with abusive parents (Endeavor) and comforting abuse victims (Shouto, Eri.)
These characters are not real, but they go through very real human experiences. These are real world issues.
You're still following me, right? Characters and stories aren't real, but their issues usually reflect real life issues.
All right. Not that we've established that stories often and talk about real world problems that we experience in everyday life, let's talk about how authors can approach these topics. It's all about using different Tools in your writing to convey your message.
Let's go back to my example with the Three Little Pigs. The moral of the story, the message, the theme, is that hard work pays off. If you slack off, you're possibly putting yourself in danger. But what if the last little pig's house had fallen down anyway despite his hard work? What if the wolf had eaten him anyway? Then the moral of the story is no longer that hard work pays off. The moral of the story is that no matter how hard you work, sometimes things just don't work out the way you imagined or planned.
Okay - so, which one of these morals is more realistic? That your hard work always pays off, or that sometimes, no matter how hard you work, you fail? I'm not sure where you are in life, but it's the second one. It's true. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, life fucks you in the ass without prep. People go to college with the aspirations of becoming medical doctors and can't get into med school no matter how many straight As, perfect grades they get. They worked hard, yet they didn't achieve what they wanted. Many families have a two income household but still can't make ends meet because of unexpected expenses such as medical bills, car accidents, deaths etc. You could be the world's most safe driver and still die in a car accident because of someone else's negligent driving.
That's the harsh reality of life. Does that mean that the moral of the Three Little Pigs story is wrong? No. It's a story and it teaches a really important lesson about resilience and survival. In a perfect world in that story, hard work always pays off. That's comforting to adults and helps little kids understand the importance of persevering and working hard. Those are good qualities to have.
Sometimes a storys themes and messages don't align with the readers personal views of the world but that doesn't mean the writing is bad. You could even have a moral disagreement with the themes presented in a story but have the writing still be good writing. For example, I personally don't agree that hard work always pays off. But in reference to The Three Little Pig, when it's a story for little kids, I agree that the writing fits. If I were the author of The Three Little pigs, I would make the theme be, "it's always good to work hard, but if your dreams don't come true then that's okay." I would write a story about all the pains of working hard and meeting failure but then overcoming it and being happy anyway in the face of failure. The story's theme would be resilience, not about hard work always paying off.
But the Three Little Pigs isn't like I just decribed, so do I think it's bad writing? No, because the theme of the story matches the conclusion .
This is where My Hero Academia fails. The beginning of the story, all the messages about giving people Second Chances , fall flat. It presented a highly nuanced issue that's very real to the world we're living in about reforming criminals and getting to the core of understanding criminal behavior. The story presented itself like it would address this issue with societal change... and instead it gave us superficial change such as holding hands with victims who appear to be blameless and morally pure like Eri and that new mysterious crying boy who is literally nameless.
The issue with that is that it's really naive. A lot of times, people who break the law, people in need - mentally ill people, the sick, the poor aren't perfect victims. I work in a hospital and a lot of the people who seek treatment REFUSE to heed the doctor's medical opinion. Does that mean that they deserve to die? No. Does that mean I should give up on them? No, I'm going to educate.
Following the logic of BNHA though, you would give up on these people. The suicidal person who's about to jump off the bridge? Well, if they don't take your hand willingly, then why should you keep trying to save them? The crying boy at the end is only saved because he took the grandma's hand. What if he had pushed her away? If he had, the story's logic says that he deserves whatever is coming to him. And of course this is a more nuanced topic than I'm portraying it to be - victims and people in need also have a role in helping themselves, but this story makes it seem like they get only one chance and they're doomed if they don't take it. Which is literally a message that the story presents through Endeavor and Gentle and La Brava: people deserve second chances. But only specific people, according to the story. It teaches you that not all people are born equal. Which is literally what the story set out to disprove.
Do you see how the math isn't mathing?
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lovelyiida · 2 years
mha marriage headcanons<3
INCLUDES: bakugo, iida, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes.
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• the both of you always have hectic schedules...being pro heroes and all.
even when you guys are apart, you never shut up about each other. Especially bakugo whether that be interviews, events, etc. he's always about 'my wife my wife my wife.'
when both of you finally have time off, you need to be physically ripped off one another. hip to hip, chest to chest, lips to lips, you name it.
he loves it when he's finally able to relax from his hard days and come home and cuddle with his wife, he's not able to show his timid side all the time, he was so thankful for you.
you were the sun, moon, and stars for him. nothing you could do was bad in his eyes.
that's why if anyone ever talked shit about you, he'd lose his shit.
pull the "do you know who the fuck I am? Do you know who my wife is?"
he's just so happy to have you.
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want, you get.
hair? done. nails? did.
he feels bad that he's never really there due to him being the top pro hero. so he always makes sure you're taken care of.
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans.
loves to show you off when he can, usually at special events where he's able to bring a date.
"hey! have you met my wife? she's lovely isn't she?"
"yeah my wife and I have been married for three years now, she's the most perfect wife I could ever have!"
high school sweethearts, proposed at graduation.
had the biggest wedding out of everyone
values both of your privacy very deeply, one day he caught a peeping tom at your vacation villa. finding out that it was the paparazzi, he punched him square in the mouth.
wants kids, very, VERY, badly.
preferably 3 (2 boys and 1 girl).
if you ever were pregnant, he'd spoil you ROTTEN.
not one finger would be lifted.
sadly, Iida is the type to have favorites (he's a girl dad, no questions)
will do anything and everything for you, sometimes he does too much.
"I don't need your help, Iida"
"baby please."
he didn't love you at first...
forced into a quirk marriage, it was cold, quiet, and lonely.
things would be so awkward, laying in a bed with a stranger that you are miraculously married to.
he knew that you didn't want your marriage to turn out like this, not speaking to each other only when necessary, empty conversations, and no signs of love or adoration besides a hand held in public outings.
so he decided to get to know you.
sooner than later, your relationship began to blossom into a beautiful relationship. the both of you felt like teenagers falling in love, the bond you discovered was so deep and intimate, it was love at second sight.
he became absolutely smitten for you, so smitten, he decided he wanted to get re-married. and you gladly complied.
he cried seeing you walk down the aisle, he honestly cried the whole wedding. he was so thankful for a woman like you in his life.
beautiful marriage, a happy home , and way too many kids. six youngsters in total, 4 girls and 2 boys.
no one expected you to have so many kids, he just can't help to be all over your beautiful body.
from the loud tea partys with sharp plastic tiaras and itchy too-toos, to the late video game nights, he loves every moment with his children. and to top it off, he gets to kiss you goodnight.
even though you two have so many children, they have never been seen by the public. only photos of them when they were just born.
if he ever found out that his children were exposed to the media, he will go apeshit.
loves all of his kids, there are no favorites in this household.
but if he did have a favorite, it would be you.
also, high school sweethearts, split up before graduation but got back together two years later.
it took a couple of years before Denki popped the big question, he wanted to be sure about your relationship before he made such a big commitment.
the proposal was intimate and private, just like the wedding. only your and his closest friends and family could attend. he wanted to make sure things were absolutely perfect.
the both of you are the peoples' favorite couple, always seen on variety shows/competitions.
CANNOT keep his hands off of you, no matter where you are.
in private or in public, his hand would be on your lower back when standing, or when you'd be sitting next to him he would rest his head on top of yours whilst his hand caressing your thigh.
from someone who is known to be of higher energy, he loves that he's able to be his calmer self around you.
he just can't get enough of you.
the last to marry
he loves you SO MUCH
he also had a big wedding, but the honeymoon was amazing, so amazing, it became the reason why you had two beautiful children today.
while they may not be angels, they are yours.
sometimes sero and your little devils would play pranks on you, hearing their loud giggles and tiny footstep ran away from you, it was annoying but you loved it.
sometimes you would come home from a patrolling shift and see sero singing the kids to sleep as he softly strings at his guitar.
you think to yourself how you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hello guys!!! glad to be back for a little, I know I've been gone for a long time but I've been in school and it's currently beating my ass. hopefully I'll have more time to write soon.
also, like my new user and theme??
- lovleyiida<3
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acrylic-anxiety · 4 months
things I thought were canon in mha but are probably just things the fandom made up that are so deeply ingrained in fanmedia, coming from someone who only joined the fandom a few months ago (correct me if im wrong)
(also not caught up on s7)
- literally any ships (rip, i know, but guys, no student relationships are canon as of rn)
- eijirou and mina went to middle school together
- denki probably has (absence) seizures due to overusing his quirk/bc storms
- red shoe theory (the quirkless have an extra toe joint and bc of that they need different shoes. unfortunately there's only one type, so doesn't matter if you're 5 or 80, you're stuck wearing bright red sneakers ://)
- erasermic. just the entirety of them being together. also includes erasermic fam. still rioting from when i found out erasermic is not canon >:((
- denki has adhd + dyslexia + dyscalculia (and probably a seizure disorder)
- hitoshi is in the foster system (and was probablg ab*sed bc of his quirk. includes mentions of muzzles and quirk suppressants)
- present mic was born with his quirk, deafening everyone in the room when he was born (includes mentions of muzzles)
- the bakugous (mitsuki and masaru) are either the best parents in the world (super attentive and caring) or suck and are probably ab*sive (quirk suppressants on katsuki any time he comes home, neglectful masaru, aggressive mitsuki)
- izuku is autistic (while not canon, i wouldnt be surprised, this is coming from someone with auDHD)
- denki's parents are both pro heroes (theres two pro's with electricity quirks. maybe?? maybe not?? we'll never know)
- endeavor is homophobic (i mean... im not saying he's not-)
- present mic was adopted by two moms
- eijirou has two moms (this one tho, so cute oml im screaming)
- the bakugous run a fashion empire (katsuki modeled for them before UA
- rooftop trio's full friend group included nemuri (a year ahead of them) and tensei (iida's brother)
- iida is autistic (ngl, if this aint the case im rioting)
- tsu never had a childhood, too busy parenting her siblings while her parents were at work or traveling
- back to the bakugous, they were too busy traveling to do photoshoots (mitsuki was the model and masaru designed clothes) to watch over katsuki, so he taught himself how to do everything (chores, keeping tbe house, cooking, etc)
- eijirou has depression/was su*c*dal in middleschool, the only thing keeping him from toppling was mina
- some mutation quirks are there at birth, others come in later. ex: toru (hagakure) was not born invisible, she turned invisible when out shopping with her mom (just imagine thinking "oh shit i just lost my kid at the store" and feeling something grab your leg with the voice of your kid but nothjngs there. wild, absolutely wild) just imagine this shit with the rest of our resideng mutation kids (whom i adore) koji, fumikage, mina, mezo, mashirao (would you consider hanta, kyoka, rikido, and mineta mutation quirk kids? bc i do)
- some kids come from all over the world (i like the idea of it, just how do they all know japanese then??) one i can remember rn were like denki is a 2nd gen japanese american, yuga we know is from france, hanta is latino (i adore this)
- mineta is great!! or mineta is a r*p*st (now, hes gotten better, i'll give you that, but hes still not great and i choose to hate him so im moving on-)
- the sports festival ceremony triggered a flashback for katsuki, making him feel like he was back with the sludge villian again
- izuku and katsuki co-wrote all might fanfiction and individually at one point had all might stan pages.
- fumikage, hitoshi, and kyoka rotate between the bakusquad and dekusquad
- the emosquad consists of fumikage, hitoshi, kyoka, mezo, katsuki, and shouto
- ochako has dad sneezes (loud asf and probably back to back) and katsuki has kitten sneezes (cute and singular) (no i will not explain further)
- while katsuki is loud and "angry" all of the time, you only really got to worry when he becomes deadly silent
- if you want tea on anyone, go to either mezo or kyoka. they know all
- shouto had many firsts after the dorms were implemented: first time trying ice cream, watching a movie, listening to music, trying certain foods, etc. bc endeavor either hated it, or didnt allow him access to it bc he thought it was a waste of time
- momo probably has an eating disorder, regardless of her quirk, due to her parents pressure as a high society family
- quirk related symptoms/damage. ex: katsuki's explosions causing low blood pressure and hearing loss. present mics causing hearing loss and chronic sore throats (maybe even repeat tonsilitis??). hitoshi getting migraines, insomnia, and nose bleeds from excessive quirk use.
- aizawa transfered to the hero course after winning the sports festival his first year at UA (i think it makes sense, what with him training hitoshi later)
(this is what i could think of rn, theres probably more, add on if you think of any)
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dira333 · 11 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part I
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 1: (1,9k)
Questioning his own sanity isn’t something he likes doing but standing in front of the tiny flower shop, Touya Todoroki can’t help but do so.
One year might have passed since the war, a year filled with intense therapy both on his body and mind, but still only a year and not a lifetime. 
“Do you want to skip it?” Shouto asks behind him, eyes trailing over the display of flowers outside the shop, the amount of it almost blocking the sidewalk. 
Had it been Fuyumi or Natsuo with him today, they’d already marched right inside, the two of them more annoyed with the lack of positive responses than he was.
But it’s Shouto who asked to accompany him today and Shouto like to ask for his opinion on every single thing first, whether it was which seat he preferred to sit in the car - the back seat - or how he liked his morning coffee - black, two pieces of sugar. 
The flower shop is tiny, crammed into the small space between a coffee shop and a drugstore, with wooden chairs and tables covered in plants right outside the too-small windows. 
He imagines the owner to be a little old lady, back arched under years of hard work. She’d throw him out the moment she realizes who he is. Or maybe it’s some uptight dick of a man, who thinks selling flowers is the hip thing to do. Which would end in a similar scenario, just maybe with more obscenities. 
He’d been cleared to start work in the rehabilitation program, given a list of employers who offered a part-time job for ex-criminals for a small amount of financial assistance. But even if they offer part-time jobs, he still has to apply for them and pass. So far he’s only collected rejections.
A bell chimes as Touya opens the door and he can’t help but snort at the interior. 
It feels like stepping into a tiny jungle, barely contained by the four walls of the building.
Cut flowers of all colors, sizes, and kinds are creatively dispersed between plants that grow up the walls or droop from the ceilings.
The smell is intoxicating and he can hear Shouto take a deep breath behind him.
“Hello?” He calls out when he can’t spot the owner. “I’m here for the interview?”
“Oh, of course.” A sweet, almost timid voice, calls out from the back, “Touya Todoroki, was it?” 
He can hear the clicking of heels, a plant is pulled back and a smiling face appears. 
That’s the first sign. This is his sixth interview this week and none of the others have been smiling at his sight.
The smile does not leave your lips when you step closer and he wonders for a second if you are visually impaired, until you offer him your hand to shake. Telling him your name, your eyes lock onto him and for only a heartbeat, he forgets to breathe.
That’s the second sign. 
There is no anger in your eyes, no thinly veiled hatred for what he has done. But there is a kind of recognition in them that he knows well. 
He shakes your hand as gently as he can, too aware of how small your hand feels in his. 
“I brought my brother with me.” He stumbles over the words, stepping to the side as well as he can in the cramped space.
That’s the third sign. Your eyes widen at the sight of Shouto, and he spots a little shiver that you try to hide as you offer Shouto your hand as well. 
Oh, well. You are cute, sure, but if you are into his brother, he won’t stand in the way.
Two hours later he steps out of the flower shop with a folder and a brand new job, starting tomorrow.
“Do you want to go for Soba?” Shouta asks next to him, seemingly unaffected by the news but phone already in hand, typing away.
Touya’s sure the family group chat is getting all the important information right now.
He looks down at the folder, his name on the official document.
He’s got a job. 
Is this how it feels to be normal? To lead a normal life?
It feels a little weird.
“Sure.” He says instead. “Soba sounds good.”
You’re humming a tune when he arrives, smiling when the bell signals his arrival.
“I hope you don’t mind that it’s second-hand.” You tell him, holding out a bundle of green fabric. “But good aprons aren’t cheap and this one’s your size. If you feel uncomfortable with it, I will order a new one.”
“It’s fine.” He slips it on, fighting with the strings in the back. 
“Can I help?” You ask and he nods, teeth clamped together against the uncomfortable feeling of being useless. 
“I’ll go over everything again. If you remember something, feel free to chip in. I know it’s a lot of stuff to remember, especially when you’ve never worked in this field before, so we’ll go over it every morning until you feel comfortable with it.”
The days pass like this. 
You’re here before him, helping him tie that stupid little knot at the back so his apron stays on, leading him through the shop to go over the flowers. 
On Friday he can name almost all of them, only mixing up the gerbera and Coneflower Daisy. He helps you carry out the flowers you choose for the display that day and mans the till the rest of the day where you teach him how to tie ribbons and how to cut stems so that they last longer.
The shop doesn’t get many customers, a few old ladies that are too blind or too polite to recognize him, always choosing the cheapest flowers for the bouquets, cooing when you add a surprise flower without charging for it. 
A few students pass by who buy single-cut flowers or look at the prizes of the bigger plants and skiddle out awkwardly. 
And of course, there are some guys who come in, obviously in the quest of flirting with you, but you’re either too oblivious to get the hints or too polite to act on it. Whatever the case, he throws them menacing looks until they leave.
So far, no one has made a fuss about him being there and he wonders if his new skin grafts are really that good or if people have gotten more polite since he went into therapy.
Right now you’re walking up and down the shop, looking over the cut flowers and mumbling to yourself. 
He guesses that whatever you’re coming up with at the end of your mumbling session will involve more learning for him so he leaves you to it and enjoys the chance of getting to look at you.
You don’t dress overly cutesy, not like Toga who loved making herself look younger than she was. The white shirt you’re wearing under your own green apron accentuates your curves even more than the outfit you’d worn on Monday. If only Shouto would come by like he had asked him to, even offering to buy him lunch, but his younger brother’s swamped with work. 
You turn to look at him, catching him in the act of wondering how you managed to make your ponytail look so fluffy. 
“Are you with your family this weekend, Toya-kun?” 
“Uh… yes.” Where’s this going?
“That’s great. How many members does your family have? Including you?”
“Uh, five. My parents, my three siblings, and me.”
“Five? That’s perfect.”
“How so?”
“Oh. There’s something about uneven numbers that feels more comfortable to the human eye. There’s something about unevenness and imperfection that’s comforting.”
Something heavy settles in his gut, but not like the negative feelings he knows. This one feels new and yet familiar, like when you’ve finished a bowl of your favorite food.
“What would you have done if we’d been six people?”
“That’s a lecture for another day.” You tell him, beckoning him over to the cut flowers.
“I allow all my employees to make one free bouquet per week. This will be your first. Pick one flower for each of your family members. Don’t think too much about if they’ll match or not, just go with your gut.”
He huffs and looks at the buckets of flowers. 
There are white lilies and flowers as red as his father’s hair. There are roses and tulips that are a wild mix of red and white. But wouldn’t that be too easy?
He looks again and his eye catches on a deep purple China Aster. Purple used to be the color of royalty, he remembers, and his mother had always felt regal to him.
“This one for my mother.” He says quietly and you take the flower from him.
Next is a bright yellow Gerbera for his father, just because of the dichotomy of it. The flower had always felt passive-aggressive to him, but also cheerful, like someone trying to overcome past aggression by being extra positive. 
A blue silk flower for Fuyumi because blue is her favorite color no matter how much she likes to deny that and lavender for Natsuo because it’s the only medicinal plant he recognizes. Finally, he hands a light pink tulip over, the flower always reminding him of innocence and naivety, something he still connects to his youngest brother.
“You’re missing one flower.” You remind him softly. 
“Oh.” He looks down at them in your hands and laughs awkwardly. “I guess I forgot myself.”
But when he takes in all the flowers, none of them speak to him and he feels himself becoming increasingly frustrated.
“Alright. I’ll allow it this time.” You say softly next to him and he turns, a little confused by your words. 
“Hold out your hand, Toya-kun.” He does and you hold your own hand above it, not touching him but the space between is so small he can feel your presence.
Something heavy drops into his hand and he pulls it down to reveal a thick green bulb with a stem rapidly growing from its end.
“What’s that?”
“A peony. Sadly they’re not in season right now and this little one doesn’t want to show its face yet. You might have better luck in a day or two.” You hand him the other flowers and point at the greenery to the side.
“Now we need all the side characters to complete the picture.” You pull out different things, like Aspidistra and Bear Grass and some Israeli Ruscus Green, calling them the house they lived in, the rooms that housed them, the beds that carried them.
He’s still a little stunned by you showing your quirk like that when you hand him the greenery and point to the table next to the till. 
“Now, make your first Bouquet. You know how to do it but I’ll be there to help if you need me.”
“Oh, what a lovely bouquet.” His mother claps a hand to her mouth at the sight of the flowers. “Did you make that yourself?”
“I did, actually.” He feels immensely proud of it and just a little bit awkward about the words that follow, repeating them after you.
“Every flower resembles one of you but you have to guess who’s who.”
Rei studies the bouquet that so obviously lacks white or red and blinks in confusion.
Toya can feel a satisfied smirk growing. You were right. This is kinda fun.
taglist: @misfit-megumi
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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irontragedyreview · 4 months
People who are saying "you can't criticize Horikoshi, it's his story and he can do whatever he wants", etc. Yeah, it's his story but he's made it public so I can do whatever I want and if I want to be a bitch and I call hi, mediocre I’ll do it. Like I love Naruto with all my heart and I have defended Kishimoto over certain criticisms in relation to female characters, etc. I have also criticized him for the absolute shit that Boruto is, even considering that as a manga Boruto isn’t 100% his work considering that at the beginning he was involved in the movie but on the manga he was only a supervisor. What I'm trying to get It’s that if you believe that just because a mangaka creates a story it should be free from criticism then you aren’t ready to get involved with any type of media or sincerely the public believes that consuming a movie, book, etc. means being a passive subject without critical thinking.  
That being said, Horikoshi largely deserves as much criticism as he can get because these chapters were truly a shit show since this last arc began. Let's just start listing first, AFO vs Endeavor and every hero in existence was too long and repeated for a large number of chapters the formula "villain takes the advantage, heroes take the advantage, the villain takes the advantage again and finally wins and move on to something else", all of this perhaps understandable to give some prominence to characters who were forgotten for entire arcs.
Shouto and his arc plus his relationship with Dabi, Shouto had a very interesting arc and incredibly much material to exploit but his arc and his relationship with Dabi never managed to take off because he was so tied to Endeavor that the interactions between them felt empty. 
Ochako and Toga were honestly the only thing that was worth it, you could see the commitment to giving them both a great moment and the way she wanted to approach Toga and truly have a conversation. The only thing I can criticize about their ending is that obviously there is no completely satisfactory closure in giving Toga an answer to what happens next, apart from Ochako's offer of understanding, there is no easy way out of what the other heroes will do, therefore which I can’t criticize her for not giving an answer to a complicated situation in this way. 
Also Horikoshi added things to his story that in the end he didn’t finish closing or that surely even if he touched them again it would no longer make sense, what happened to Spinner? What happened to everything about heteromorphic discrimination? I have to believe that everything is fixed by the good heart of Shoji telling Spinner that his way of doing things only makes the "achievements" of equality go backwards by giving them a bad image. In other words, we know that quirk society is discriminatory, especially in less urbanized towns, that those heteromorphs who reach places of power are the least and no real change has been achieved, but of course the victims of discrimination have to keep quiet and be good. So, maybe in the future they will no longer be discriminated. I'm going to be fair here, touching on issues like discrimination is complex, but putting an idea like this in the manga and then going for a simplistic or rather completely ignored resolution, because while a person may not share Spinner's actions, it’s understandable why he does it and simply saying that you have to be better because then people will see that you are good and not discriminate against you is stupid, Horikoshi covered a topic that he honestly didn’t know how to deal with or wasn’t interested in doing so. 
Kurogiri/Shirakumo being just a plot device for Aizawa and being resolved in 5 panels, I'm going to be understanding and say that this arc had the least to explore, but in the end it was meh. Tbh I'm not going to criticize this because it is so empty of content that it is no longer worth criticizing it. 
About Tomura and Izuku, the truth is what can I say the most that I haven't said in previous posts? from all the fights or confrontations it’s the most ignored, neglected and rushed of all, we don't know anything about them other than loose panels for a whole year, they barely interact and now Tomura dies, Izuku is "well, I honestly don't give a damn and I want you dead", if no one who has followed these two characters realizes the damage that this chapter has done to their conclusions then I'm not going to explain it. If Horikoshi felt incapable or was tired of his story he could have ended it with something else, however perhaps this was always the plan, we are talking about a guy who said that the second movie was the end of his manga,that is Midoriya without quirk giving it to his childhood bully. It's obvious that he doesn't care about Izuku as a character and I think he did care about Tomura but he didn't know what to do with him, which is why we have this ending.
Final note for any comments I may surely receive for calling bk a childhood bully. Don't waste your time replying, commenting or trying to argue, Horikoshi took it upon himself to make bk a gary stu who never faces real consequences for his actions (dying is not a sign of karma) and his abuse is never treated seriously by the author, because his victim never reflects on himself, which is ironic considering how many BK fans recognize that Midoriya has self-esteem problems, contempt, and poor self-care but do not recognize BK's role in this or minimize it.
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dulcerba · 2 years
Why isn't Izuku dead? A Discussion on OFA + Secondary Quirk Characteristics
This is something I've wondered ever since the reveal that Hikage Shinomori died from old age at 40, because of the strain from having 2 quirks. The obvious explanation is that a human being cannot possess more than one quirk (unless you're All for One), because they will experience "quirk overload", where the mind (think like in the Nomus) and body (think like in Nine) cannot handle the quirk. This is the reason why only a formerly quirkless person can safely wield One for All.
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But there's something missing here.
Izuku is shown to be the only user of One for All to be able to use past user's quirks. All past vestiges had only been able to use their original quirks and the power-stockholding aspect of One for All, even All Might. One For All has also been confirmed to have reached quirk singularity, which only makes the situation more confusing.
There are other people who have been in possession of multiple quirks without becoming Nomus, such as:
All for One
Number 6 (antagonist from My Hero Academia: Vigilantes)
Tomura Shigaraki
Izuku Midoriya
However, Nine, Number 6, and Shigaraki all underwent severe body modification to be able to handle the quirks. Healing quirks, such as Gigantomachia's Endurance, Tomura's Super Regeneration, and Nine's attempt to claim Cell Activation, are also able to undermine the effects of quirk overload. This leaves us with only two "natural" multiple quirks holders:
All for One
Number 6
Tomura Shigaraki
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku's capability to hold multiple quirks can't be attributed to his prior quirklessness, since he now has no less than seven quirks. Born without a quirk or not, that's still being in possession of more than one. By all accounts, Izuku should be braindead, or at the least, aging extremely fast/being in bad health, but he isn't.
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Now, let's have a quick talk about Secondary Quirk Characteristics:
What are they? These are quirk characteristics that are inherited by a person even though they may be unrelated to their own quirk.
Fumikage Tokoyami - bird head that is unrelated to Dark Shadow
Koji Koda - rock-like head that has nothing to do with Anivoice
Mina Ashido - horns, eyes, and skin that are not part of Acid
These are usually traits that belonged to a person's ancestors as part of that ancestor's quirk. Sometimes, these traits will compile with others to form a combined quirk (such as Tsuyu Asui's Frog quirk or Shouto Todoroki's tolerance to fire and ice with his Half-Cold Half-Hot).
Secondary Quirk Characteristics can actually be compared to Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. If the trait aids/does not hinder the body's ability to safely use their quirk (and by extension, to survive), then it will be passed on. There is even speculation that the designs of the cast are due to these secondary traits (like the Midoriya's green hair), making them much more colourful than their Pre-Quirk counterparts. This would mean that secondary traits can be inherited by someone regardless of if they are quirkless or not.
How does this relate to Izuku's strange ability to use multiple quirks?
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Because of the theory that he is related to All for One (more specifically, the Dad for One Theory).
His ability for holding many quirks can be logically explained by two things:
He could possess a secret quirk that is a fusion between the All for One quirk and Inko's Attraction of Small Objects quirk. If so, the quirk might not express the same holes as in the palms of All for One and Shigaraki, since Izuku could theoretically "pull" quirks towards himself, or it could be another type of AFO-esque power (can gain quirks though DNA-consumption, can pass on quirks like Yoichi, etc). Whatever it could be, it would have to be something that can provide him with the protection from quirk overload. Even AFO might not know about his quirk, since he wasn't able to detect Yoichi's original Transference quirk. This suggests that All for One can't detect quirks that can actually manipulate the DNA of other quirks (unlike Aizawa's Erasure or Monoma's Copy, which just block/copy their effects), or that he cannot detect quirks that are in held by a family member. I don't really which of those it could be, since canon never really explained why Yoichi's original quirk was noticed.
If he is truly quirkless like the series says, he could have inherited a Secondary Quirk Characteristic that allowed him the capacity to possess multiple quirks, even if he was quirkless on his own, making him the perfect vessel for OFA. Plus, it completes the family trio.
All for One - Takes/Gives Quirks
Yoichi - Passes On Quirks
Izuku - Keeps Quirks
Edited last on March 10
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
Hisashi Midoriya Does Not Exist
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I’m officially calling it.
We’ve seen no photos or flashbacks of the man.
Inko is the only character to mention him and only does so once during a flashback from when Izuku was a toddler. Deku does not talk about his father, so either he doesn't remember him all that well or...seriously, not even a happy birthday, Happy New Year, congrats on getting into UA, etc call?
He hasn’t had any input about this hero career his son is taking on even though it's proven to be increasingly more dangerous as the situation unfolds.
He has not visited once during one of Deku’s many hospital stays, including the one where he was comatose and people weren’t sure if he was coming out of it or not.
Izuku straight up went missing for a time and Hisashi didn't return to be there for his wife, who was definitely freaking out over their missing son.
And now with Japan in total chaos, he did not returned home to be there for his family pre-Final War nor was there ever a point where he attempted to get them out of Japan for their own safety. This seems like it would have been a good time to mention a panicked father phone call. Japan closed its borders to contain said chaos. Was that not a concern for expatriates who have family back home?
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So either he is the worst dad/husband in the series, a series that already has a pretty high bar as far as worst dads go, or he doesn't exist. I think Horikoshi forgot he said he was going to reveal him, and is it even worth revealing him at this point? We're coming up on the end of this ride unless there's a whole other lengthy post-finale arc we're getting in which we see the full step-by-step recovery process of society and what to do about the remaining LoV members, provided they even survive this. (Bit anti-climatic, but there's still a lot to wrap up, I guess.)
I understand if the guy just wasn't all that necessary to the story, but why not just have him be a character who passed away before the plot began? Widowed Inko and be done with it.
Still, if he doesn't exist, who's Deku's dad? Inko didn't do this herself.
Or maybe she did and all hail the real Freckled Jesus.
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Sorry Marco. (<--That meme is so old, I'd half-forgotten about it.)
Anyway, the only information we really have on 'Hisashi Midoriya' is that he has a fire-type Quirk and he's allegedly working overseas.
So on to the insane theory that occasionally haunts my brain. It doesn't just live rent free here, it is a registered ghost that hangs out.
Due to the fire-based Quirk (yes, I know Hisashi is listed as having a 'fire-breathing' Quirk, but then we're just splitting hairs,) I personally think Horikoshi is lining up a shot that will nuke the Shouto/Deku ship by revealing Endeavor was Deku’s father all along for no other reason than to troll both the fandom and his own characters.
I also kinda just picture the rest of the Todoroki family, including satanic charcoal Dabi, with this reaction:
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So much for that redemption arc.
The only thing I don't like about this is knowingly sleeping with a married man is not a good look for Inko's character.
Okay, that's not the only thing I don't like about it. I would be disturbed if this was the plot twist. Please don't.
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Quirklesness is not meant to be a metaphor for disability. The Japanese word for Quirkless means having no individuality, that’s what it represents: sense of self, individuality, talent, etc. MHA has so many actually disabled characters (Aizawa, Mirko, All Might, etc) judge the series by how it treats its intentionally disabled characters, whether you think it’s good or bad
uhhhhh i wasnt gonna respond to think but like highkey you know theres more than one type of disability right??
just because quirkless people can function in daily life does not mean they are not considered disabled by the society of mha.
izuku is treated negatively because he is not able to do something the majority of people can. people with quirks are considered to be superior to the quirkless and having that they have value to society. izuku is treated flat out that is incapable of success because the fact that he has an extra toe joint and is unable to float pencils or breathe fire like his parents do. im not sure how that cant be seen as flat put ableism
and in regards to amputees- i didnt mention them because they are treated with respect in mha and therefore did not need to be addressed . im not sure if you just lack media literacy skills or just dont understand that there are more disabled people out there than people who loose parts of themselves and are become disabled through going through a traumatic experience. yes they are disabled. yes thats cool that hori includes that. that is not the point.
people can be born with disabilities too. and thats what im talking about. im talking about the fact that never was it wholly adressed that izuku was a victim too.
having bakugou realize that discrimination based on what someone is able to do (ableism) is bad is great. but in my opinion its not enough. not enough for the way the story was staged at the beginning. not enough for me to feel at peace with izuku being able to love himself and actually feel like he belongs and is wanted in society. something to help him understand that he is useful and him being born is not just a flopped mistake.
i am autistic (medically diagnosed dont @ me) and i know what its like to feel like no one cares and no one likes you or sees you just because you are yourself. obviously this is not the same intensity of what izuku went thru but that doesnt mean it doesn't affect you for the rest of your life. it doesnt mean it doesnt make you hate yourself for even being born.
almost every other character whose trauma was focused on had some sort of healing. in some form. izuku had none. at least none shown or even referenced which is truly what matters in a piece of media. he is the main character. if shouto can get resolution from being abused by his father for 15 years and isolated from the world why does izuku get nothing?
im not trying to say that hori is ableist. im not accusing anyone of anything. i am simply stating my frustrations at the lack of resolution. i do love hori and his work but just because i love a work does not mean i cannot comment on it or make critiques.
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delawaredetroit · 3 days
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From the beginning, BNHA made the argument to still go for the save even if the person didn't ask for it (Bakugou and the sludge villain, Shouto during the Sports Festival, Iida during the Hero Killer Arc, etc.). But arguably this time with Eri was the first one where this concept was applied generally. Unlike Bakugou, Shouto, or Iida, Izuku's only connection to Eri in this arc was as a hero. Also, this was the first time Izuku outright declared he didn't care if the victim wanted to be saved and he would continue to try anyway.
Contrary to some of my prior posts, it looks like Izuku did not achieve all of his goals in this fight. He stated outright what his goals were in this fight: (1) everyone surviving and (2) saving Eri. Everyone didn't survive, so it's a half victory, and from the heroes' perspective, everything other than complete victory is a defeat... In retrospect, this fight very closely parallels Izuku's final fight with Shigaraki (derogatory)
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aromanticannibal · 6 days
mha characters that are aro for CANON reasons (read: in which I reach increasingly further for canon evidence):
(Disclaimer: some of these can be evidence of characters being something else than aro (or ace) but this is my post and I can do whatever I want + /hj to /j to everything on there, when I say I start reaching I start REACHING. These are headcanons!)
Aizawa Shouta doesn't ever show romantic (or sexual) interest in anyone and is actively put off by Ms Joke hitting on him and the idea of getting married to her
All Might has NO experience with women according to Horikoshi (could also mean he has experience with men but y'know)
Ashido Mina really wants to be in a relationship but never fell in love (cupioromantic moment)
Both Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto hide from girls crushing on them near the end, don't ever show romantic interest in anyone or get anxious or flustered near girls, Katsuki especially apparently never cared about girls (and vice versa) before and and Shouto specifically doesn't notice when he's hit on.
Iida Tenya is never interested in girls or men and is significantly more focused on both his studies and his friendships
My favorite headcanon: Uraraka Ochako's love for Izuku seems founded more on her admiration and people telling her she must like him (because boy and girl etc) than in actual romantic love, and she connects a lot with Toga (who also loves people in a non-conventional way)
Midnight doesn't have a romantic partner or anyone she regularly flirts with despite being a very beautiful and desired woman, and doesn't seem to have had any kind of romantic relationship with the three boys more or less her age she hung out with a lot (the rooftop trio) (she can also be seen as a cliché of aroallo person who only cares about sex so I'm claiming her).
Pixie Bob's obsession with finding a partner is giving "I've been told all my life that I HAVE to get married and I don't want to so I keep looking for the perfect match and not finding it because the man I'm looking for doesn't exist because I won't ever fall in love". Because by god you can't tell me the cute blonde catgirl isn't finding a boyfriend.
All For One only cares about his brother, I'd even argue he's aromantic asexual aplatonic etc. a-everything except familial and idk. quirkic. attracted to quirks.
Mount Lady is aro for the same reason as Midnight but because I think it's implied or canon that she's dating Kamui Woods, she's lower.
Midoriya Izuku is green so he's obviously aromantic and most of his flustered reactions to girls seem based more on shyness (and an obvious reaction to getting boobs shoved in his face) and sexual or aesthetic attraction than romantic attraction (he also has a very romcom view of what being boyfriend girlfriend is, ie. his reaction to Toga's confession)
Aoyama Yuuga's definition of love (according to his comment on Ochako being in love with Izuku because she was thinking "what would Deku-kun do?") is very weird and seems based more in things he was told or saw in fiction than feelings he would have felt himself.
Yoarashi Inasa is just so fucking weird with friendships and social cues he looks like he's trying to navigate the world while making absolutely sure NO ONE misinterprets him, which makes him both very aro and very autistic in my book
Kurogiri is literally a bunch of mist with little free will whose purpose in life is protecting this one boy, he's all the As.
Endeavor married for insane reasons and never even cheated on Rei after he sent her to the hospital (which a lot of men his caliber would do)
Ms Joke makes the idea of dating Shouta a joke and I think that's great. She's also green.
Miruko's chill and doesn't give a fuck, she's a fighting person, very Katsuki-coded in that regard I fear. She also works alone without an agency, which is giving aromantic for no reason other than I Said So.
Toga Himiko is a queer allegory that is generally interpreted as bisexual and biromantic but I think she can be interpreted as aroallo as well (way to love that’s seen as impure and unholy etc etc, notions of consent – taking people’s blood and hurting them without their consent which is for her a way to show her love, most of her attraction seeming physical or aesthetic rather than romantic, her parents telling her to repress repress repress instead of satisfying her desires in a safe way, the scene where she’s biting her wrist in her sleep???? etc etc) 
Twice never had a lot of friends and never had a lot of female friends and when he feels gratefulness and care for Toga it outwardly seems romantic because he doesn’t know what’s romantic and what’s not and hasn’t had a lot of female friends 
Dabi is giving aromantic aplatonic who only really loves his family but due to circumstances can’t love them healthily and ends up just hating them (the most intense feelings of love he shows are always towards Enji or Natsuo, and his apology to Shouto makes me think Shouto is also included in this – no evidence for Fuyumi and Rei but I can do what I want. He clearly cares for Twice and Toga too but it presents very differently, even after he’s revealed himself and doesn’t need to be as secretive). 
Shigaraki Tomura probably just doesn’t give a shit I’d say. He’s pretty apathetic when he isn’t fighting or angry or like doing his hatred thing, but he clearly cares about his teammates. 
Fatgum is foodpilled and studentpilled. He really loves food and he really loves his students he doesn't need no romantic relationship.
Jirou Kyoka takes a bit to warm up to Denki so I think she's demiromantic actually
Bruce (the third user of One For All). He just has such third wheel vibes.
Intelli Saiko because why would she bother with romance, it's so unpractical and illogical
Despite asking for boys' numbers all the time and being very aware of romance, Utsushimi Camie looks like she could NOT CARE LESS. aro
The fact that Hawks plays up the flirting with his fans is giving aromantic to me – obviously heartbreaker aroallo stereotype but I think he could also be ace, the aroallo part isn’t that important, it’s just that he’s always pretending. It’s giving still in the closet. Also I know he’s young and busy and Horikoshi doesn’t really put that much casual romance in MHA but it’s so funny that there isn’t even a sliver of a girlfriend implied in his timeskip. Hawks is Married To His Job. 
Star and Stripe is also absolutely married to her job. Also, lots of guys around her, lots of important and admired male figures in her life, and yet not a single crush from her. Points. Aromantic lesbian 
Nezu is a fuckass mouse I highly doubt he's attracted to humans in any way
Gran Torino is a single old man which is enough for me (though because I hate that fucker I think it'd be funny if women just hated him)
Where Is Shimura Nana’s Husband. 
Muscular only likes to kill, he doesn’t need romance nor sex, his only desire is Killing People and fighting. Same thing for Moonfish, he only wants to eat people (mood my guy) 
Geten is very hyper focused on making his quirk stronger, he doesn’t seem to really have any relationships.
Overhaul just fucking hates people
Again, Kendo Rappa only cares about fighting.
So so sad because I like his girlfriend but Natsuo is giving marrying to get away from his father
Koda Koji just had the vibes. He's so aroace to me. (aro Koda brain vs kodajirou brain fight)
Monoma Neito is such a fucking hater he just has to be aromantic
Wash is a washing machine
Honorable mentions:
List of characters whose only argument is they never show romantic attraction and don't talk much about romance or get flustered: Shouji Mezo, Sato Rikido, Tokoyami Fumikage, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yaoyorozu Momo, Sero Hanta, Hado Nejire, Togata Mirio, Shirakumo Oboro, Present Mic, Seiji Shishikura, Ryukyu, Gang Orca, Shishido, Centipeder, Ectoplasm, Hound Dog, Thirteen, Vlad King, Mandalay, Tiger, Lady Nagant, Mr. Compress, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Todoroki Rei and Fuyumi, Melissa Shield.
List of characters whose only argument is "they're green so they're obviously aromantic": Asui Tsuyu, Ibara Shiozaki, Tokage Setsuna, Kamakiri Togaru, Midoriya Inko, Ragdoll, Burnin, the Sludge Villain (I’m taking all I can get), Mustard, Ordinary Woman.
Bonus: characters that I can't make aromantic no matter how hard I try under the cut:
Gentle and La Brava, for obvious reasons. I feel like making them not love each other is like illegal.
Kudo and Yoichi. By god my brain will not accept it they're in love.
Amajiki Tamaki. I'm sure he could be aromantic but I can't let go of the Mirio and Nejire crushes (which are so real and true to me)
Yuyu (Nejire's friend), she also looks way too much like she has a giant crush on Nejire. Lesbian moment.
Best Jeanist and Edgeshot, they're giving high school sweethearts.
I put them in honorable mentions but I just have to mention Gang Orca and Shishido somewhere because the one baseball OVA made me think they're like the pseudo-enemies/rivals who argue all the time but somehow fight extremely synchronized when needed and ONLY fight each other because they're the only ones Worth It etc which is. Y'know. eye emoji etc etc
Sir Nighteye is literally in love with All Might
David Shield is literally in love with All Might
No really did you see David's wife? This man went and found a blonde blue eyed wife when he couldn't marry his blonde blue eyed best friend. His daughter looks like an All Might secret love child. I know whenever Dave hears Melissa call All Might uncle he dies a little inside because he wishes she could call him Dad too and he could call Toshinori his darling husband and
Rock Lock is happily married and I could never take that away from him
Spinner is green so I can kind of see him as aro but he’s giving madly in love with Shigaraki so much
Magne has a crush on Dabi in one of the Smash strips which is too funny to ignore I think she’s madly in love with him. And she’s right
I like kirimina so fucking much I genuinely struggle to come up with aro Kirishima headcanons. I think he could be quoiromantic but I also think he’s madly in love with Mina so I don’t know. 
Stain is literally in love with All Might
Ending (guy who attacked Natsuo) is literally in love with Endeavor
Garaki Kyudai is literally in love with All For One (“I miss your eyes” guy is so fucking devoted. The true doomed yaoi of MHA)
I know Rody is in love with Izuku he just has to be. 
To me Shindo Yo also has a crush on Izuku but also he's canonically dating Nakagame Tatami which is also cute.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 months
Did you saw my hero ending
Bnha Ending;
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I was gonna answer this ask, after the story end but i dont think it matters. My answer would probably still be same. I think the story always had issues with writing but it 'especially' went down after the war arc. But i thought it couldnt be worse than what we already get with last arc. And then author ruined both Izuku and Shigaraki's character by killing Shiggy. Its almost like author didnt even bother with them. They didnt even get cool interaction moments Shouto had with Touya and Ochaco had with Toga. It wasnt surprise because he ruined Izuku's character to make Bakugou look better. Author even admitted he forgot Deku's father. Its like he didnt even bother his own main character, even though it supposed to be most important character. Because it is HIS story.
Its even worse since we know Deku was all about saving people and saving Tenko, saving Shigaraki is the main mission of his character arc. Thats how he can be the greatest hero. Deku was never about power...at least at the beginning of his character. Story is all about how messed up society is but author didnt want to make heroes look bad. He killed most dangerous villains (Afo, Shiggy, Toga etc). Dabi only stayed 'alive' so that Todoroki family, heroes can have good ending. I think author didnt want to risk his story, he didnt want to loose interests of his fans and thats the reason Bnha is ruined. I think he really shouldve get rest, instead of forcin himself to write something he doesnt seem to interested in too much anymore. It would be better, if he never continued this story. I would prefer that, instead of what we got in the end. Its a shame really.
Although Bnha end up becoming disappointing for me, i am glad that i experienced the story because it is the main reason i opened my account in Tumblr and Twitter. First time i read character analysis and started to write in here. Even though, characters are ruined, i still love them. And it was fun to analyze them. I also met a lot of people in here. Of course, i had many bad experiences too, it was awfull but i also met a lot of friends. I am so happy to meet them and that I am here. So i am not regret that i read this story at all.
I think canon ending will be this ending for me, because I think it fits story better and what author originally (similarly) planned to do. I put one of my favorite scenes as gif too. So yeah, thanks for the ask and thank you for everyone for reading my Bnha posts. I am still gonna be around here. Not for Bnha but for other series, games or whatever i am interested in ^^.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 6 months
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 4 Translations
This is Day 4 of Shonen Jump’s special commemoration of My Hero Academia reaching one hundred million copies worldwide, which is being rolled out daily across one-week in each prefecture’s newspaper.
The schedule:
April 4th, Day 1: Hokkaidō & Tōhōku regions
April 5th, Day 2: Kantō region
April 6th, Day 3: Chūbu region
April 7th, Day 4: Kansai region
April 8th, Day 5: Chūgoku & Shikoku regions
April 9th, Day 6: Kyūshū & Okinawa regions
April 10th, Day 7: Nationwide release
You can see the illustrations on their website here, where they are released digitally the day after the newspaper release.
Here we go!
Kansai Region
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Photo credit: twitter user Hrkn1500
Aoyama: "Sur-pri-se~!" Sero: "Amazing, Aoyama!" Satou: "Should we go look for the toilet?"
Nabana no Sato is a flower park situated within the absolutely massive Nagashima Resort. It has lovely blooms all year, and from October to May it claims to host Japan's biggest illumination event, including a 200-meter long light tunnel.
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Photo credit: twitter user smile_wk_26
Tokoyami: "Art of the Flying Squirrel Black Shadow!!!" Mineta: "Imitation Caltrop!!" Edgeshot: "Abscondance" Hagakure: "Nin-nin! Hidden Hagakure!!"
They are at the Kōga-ryū Ninjutsu Ninja Village in Kōka city, the birthplace of this school of ninja-arts. I visited the Tōgakure Ninjutsu House in Nagano -- Tōgakure, Iga, and Kōga are considered the three main families of ninjutsu. These kinds of attractions usually have museums dedicated to the style's history and showing off tons of unique historical artifacts, but the main draw is all the activities for visitors to try their hand at being a ninja, shuriken-throwing, wall-climbing, rope-walking, etc.. Hagakure is making a pun, because her surname means "hidden leaves" or "hidden by the leaves" so she is "hidden hidden-leaves." Tokoyami is doing his Black Fallen Angel move, but it's much funnier to make it a giant flying squirrel attack.
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Photo credit: twitter user sitatyan_dayo
Ashido: "You can't even see the sky through all the bamboo~!!" Yaoyorozu: "They say that the growing speed of bamboo is the fastest in the world. I've heard it can grow up to one meter in a single day." Mineta: "My whole height in a single day... I can't do this!!! Jirou: "Cheer up." Label on Mineta: "Mineta Minoru, Height: 1.08 Meters."
Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is a hugely popular tourist spot for its dense, soothing beauty. One meter is equivalent to 3 feet 3 inches; Mineta is just over 3 and a half feet tall.
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Photo credit: twitter user tomikomha
Shouji: "Hyah hyah hyah hyah!!!" Fat Gum: "He's... he's moving too fast, I can't even see his arms!" Kirishima: "No, actually, he's got lots of 'em!"
They are making takoyaki, a famous soul food created in Osaka in 1935. It requires a large griddle with rounded molds, and chefs use two metal rods to rotate the batter rapidly. It's really fun to watch them make it, and most stalls put the griddle up against a full-length window to show it off.
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Photo credit: twitter user NZM_101
Izuku: "Even cutting an onion... a hero... doesn't cry! WWUAAAH" Ochako: "What a shame! Challenge failed." Shouto: "No, even heroes cry when they have to."
Awaji Island is famous for its onions and produces some of the sweetest onions in the world. They have a spring crop of sweet but slightly spicy onion, and a fall-time harvest that they store and dry to further develop their sweetness. Shouto's line is from chapter 137 when Izuku insists heroes don't cry while crying into his food. What's funny is that sweet onions supposedly produce less of the chemical that produces tears in humans, so maybe Izuku is just being a lil' crybaby, hehe, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's working with a particularly spicy spring harvest.
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Photo credit: twitter user yukanicoyomo
Iida: "Observance of traffic laws! OUTSTANDING, DEER-KUN!!" Kouda (thinking): "Iida-kun, you're making the deer suspicious..." Bakugou: "Don't talk to the deer!! Deer don't give a shit about rules!! Dammit!!"" Kouda (thinking): "Bakugou-kun, you're scaring the deer..."
They are in Nara Park, where you can buy special crackers to feed the very friendly and booming deer population. Deer in Nara have been protected and seen as important to local Shinto beliefs for at least a thousand years; in 2023, studies from three universities revealed that they actually make up a unique genetic group not found anywhere else. Apparently, the deer in Nara will exchange bows with people, especially if it means they get a snack~
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Photo credit: twitter user __sen_115
Ojiro: "A two-tone popular character... We have one of those." Hagakure: "We do, don't we. Just by being there, he creates a splendid atmosphere...!" Todoroki: "Huh? There's somebody like that?" Ojiro: "IT'S YOU!!!"
Visiting Adventure World in Shirahama which is home to a giant panda conservation area. A branch of Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base has bred 17 giant pandas there, which is the most success in breeding outside of mainland China.
That's all for Day 4. Next up is Day 5!
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