#the innkeeper’s heir
Gary Gygax Day & National Intern Day
Person A is an apprentice for the innkeeper in a tavern, but when the tavern gets taken over by a tavern chain, Person A’s status gets relegated to ‘intern’ and their pay gets cut. Frustrated and upset with the chain tavern company and it’s capitalist greed, they decide to join an adventuring party who make a living of conning nobles by creating problems and then demanding the nobles pay them to get rid of the problem, which leads to Person A working on a scheme to pull the same con on the chain tavern corporation. But apparently one of their adventuring party is the heir to the same corporation they have a vendetta against, Person B, who is just trying to live a life free of the expectations of their super rich family.
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Dragon Blood
Chapter 1: Jace is furious that a mere servant like you has Targaryen blood. It would benefit you to know your place.
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Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Dragonseed (f) reader
The grand halls of Dragonstone echoed with the sounds of dragons and the footsteps of staff. You walked among them, invisible. As a servant, you were accustomed to blending into the background, a silent observer to the lives of the Targaryens.
Today was no different. The sun cast long rays through the high windows as you carried a tray of goblets, preoccupied with tasks. You barely noticed the tall figure that stood watching you from a shadowed alcove.
"Come with me," a commanding voice cut through your thoughts. You looked up to see Jacaerys Velaryon.
You hesitated, but his tone left no room for disobedience. It wasn't as if you could deny a prince anyway. You followed him down a dimly lit corridor. You rushed to brush down your dress and try to make yourself presentable. He led you into a small, secluded room, closing the door behind you with a thud.
"Do you know why you're here?" Jacaerys asked, his eyes boring into yours. It seemed like he was studying your eyes, and you cast yours down, unable to handle his intensity.
You had been self-concious about your eyes. Their unusual purple hue had caused you to be the butt of many jokes and accusations.
"No, my prince," you stammered.
He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "Y/N, L/N" he said. “That's your full name, correct?”
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, before adding the customary, “My prince.”
"I've been researching our bloodlines, looking for potential dragon riders. Imagine my surprise when I found out about you," he said, his tone dripping with disdain. "A servant, hiding in plain sight."
You blinked, confusion mingling with fear. "Me?"
"Yes, you," he replied, his eyes narrowing. "You are a Targaryen bastard. Your lineage gives you a claim, a potential to bond with a dragon."
The revelation hit you like a tidal wave. Yet the intensity in Jacaerys' eyes told you he believed it.
"But... I'm just a servant," you whispered, struggling to process your shock.
"Aye, just a servant," he echoed, his gaze piercing. "With the blood of the dragon in her veins."
His tone was insinuating that you were unworthy of the privilege, which made you acutely aware of the power dynamic. He was a prince, the heir to the throne. He was pure and noble and chosen by the gods, while you were a nobody, a commoner, privileged to even be in his presence. It made you feel small and insignificant.
"My prince," you replied, bowing your head. "I have no wish to claim a dragon. I am content as I am."
Jacaerys' eyes flickered with something unreadable. "Forgive me if I don't believe you." he said, his voice low and challenging. "Power corrupts even those who do not wish for it."
The revelation that you were a Targaryen bastard haunted you. You had never known your parents, raised by an innkeeper who later sent you to work as a servant at the Dragonstone. Your life had been a series of harsh treatments, endless work, and neglect. But now, the knowledge that you had the blood of the dragon stirred something in you.
As you scrubbed the floors of the castle, you couldn't help but ponder what it would be like to be a dragon rider, to wield such awesome power. You imagine life as a princess, adored and respected, a major contrast to your current situation. But you kept these thoughts to yourself.
Today, your tasks took you to the castle study, carrying scrolls and parchments for the maesters. As you entered the study, you noticed the prince perched over maps and documents, his expression intense and focused.
Your curiosity got the better of you. Gathering your courage, you approached him hesitantly. "My prince, may I ask you something?" you bowed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jacaerys looked up. "What is it?" he asked, his tone measured but firm.
"I... I was wondering if you could tell me who my parents were" you said, your heart pounding in your chest.
"And why would you need that information?" he responded, his gaze challenging.
You flinched slightly but forced yourself to speak. "I grew up not knowing where I came from. It's a curiosity I can't ignore... even if its just their names. Please."
Jacaerys studied you for a long moment, his expression a contemplation. Finally, he sighed, his tone remaining hard. "Your mother was a distant niece of my great-grandsire," he began, watching your reaction closely, "and your father was a mere farm hand. As far as I could tell, she was a bastard herself, and they were both commoners like you.”
His words stung, but you were grateful to at least have some information. You fidgeted with your hands. “Do you know their names?”
“I couldn't find your fathers name, but your mother was recorded. Her name was Halaena.”
“Halaena,” you repeated, not understanding why your heart sped up as you spoke the name of your mother. It was beautiful. "Thank you, my prince," you said, bowing your head, hiding a smile.
He regarded you with a mix of disdain and curiosity. "You're welcome.” he said before turning back to his maps and documents, effectively dismissing you.
You turned to leave the study, your mind racing, but as you reached for the door handle, he called after you. “Remember your place.” Jace didn't bother lifting His eyes off the maps to see your response.
Your hands balled into fists. You've never interacted with Jace much. But your fellow servents had only nice things to say about him. Well, clearly, they had misread his character.
Nevertheless, your mother's name echoed in your thoughts, bringing a strange sense of satisfaction; finally, you've answered a question you've had your whole life. For the first time in your life, you felt a connection to your past. As you resumed your duties, a quiet resolve began to take root within you. A hope that this is a potential plan b.
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sherlokiness · 1 month
Jonsa as the last card
Not to sound delusional but I think jonsa is GRRM's trump card in the books. We were never meant to have them in the show. The author has got to have an ace up his sleeves, right? What convinces me of this is the changed dialogue between Arya and Ned during the 1st season. The book goes "You will marry a King..." to which Arya replies "No, that's Sansa" while the show's version was "You will marry a lord..." to which Arya says "No, that's not me."
Some say this was just a leftover hint from the og outline bc why would Ned say Arya will marry a King? There can only be one and Joffrey is already betrothed to Sansa. Well ofc I'd beg to differ. It'll be abandoned foreshadowing if one disregards Arya's response. Did you know that Abraham Daniel who adapted GRRM's graphic novel wanted to change what he deemed to be a throwaway line but GRRM refused bc it was a clue to suggest the endgame in ADoS?
There was one scene I had to rework because there's a particular line of dialog -- and you wouldn't know it to look at -- that's important in the last scene of "A Dream of Spring."
I have a meta about this but the link has been lost to time. 💀 So it's part of a dialog, inconspicuous, and should be before ACoK since only AGoT adaptation has been confirmed by that time.
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The show had to rewrite it to make sense bc even so many readers found it perplexing but the comics had it exactly right.Look, it even has Arya winking perhaps as a nod to the audience.
"Not all," said Jaime. "Lord Eddard's daughters live. One has just been wed. The other …" Brienne, where are you? Have you found her? "… if the gods are good, she'll forget she was a Stark. She'll wed some burly blacksmith or fat-faced innkeep, fill his house with children, and never need to fear that some knight might come along to smash their heads against a wall."
I believe this is a nod by the author to make us think of the "No, that's Sansa" line bc here it's Arya who knows Gendry and Hotpie. If we take Jamie's line to be the opposite, can we infer that Sansa will never forget she's a Stark? Moreover,she will not marry a nobody and always need to fear her children will end up like Aegon- Rhaegar's heir.
If Arya's line comes true then the last scene will be of Sansa and Jon with their children. My ideal would be Sansa singing a lullaby to her baby with Jon by her side. It's a callback to the end of the first book's "music of dragons" where music refers to cries of newly hatched dragons. It also makes us think of Jon's memory of Sansa before his death.
I'm not saying the baby's lullaby is the song of ice and fire but...🫣🫣🫣 Baby+Song+Couple of a Stark and Targ
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graysonnightwing · 1 year
i sent this to @daughter-heir last night but while im waiting for her reply (no rush) i wanted to put it out there:
i love what they're doing with egwene's hair this seaaon. there's so much symbolism there.
beginning of the season: egwene's hair is down, out of the braid we saw her in all last season. she's moving on from the two rivers. she's destined for More than being an innkeeper's daughter and the future wisdom. she's embracing life at the white tower, even if its not exactly what she hoped for
2.06: she has braids again but there's five and they're pulled tight across her scalp - nothing like the easy, loose braid we associate her with. its a perversion of what egwene holds dear to her (just like so much of that episode). just as the seanchan try to strip her of her womanhood, so too do they strip her of this symbol of her homeland. she's no longer wearing a two rivers braid, she's wearing seanchan braids. she's no longer a woman, she's a damane.
2.07: after being forced to put on a show for the seanchan, her slaver comes to egwene's cage and finds her braiding her hair in a loose two rivers style. egwene is rejecting the slavers' attempts to take away her womanhood. she's reconnecting to her past and her homeland, drawing strength and comfort from all the women she grew up. "to be a woman is to always alone and never alone." she's physically alone right now but through her braid she's standing with her fellow two rivers women. it's an act of confort and a reminder of her past. its such a tiny act of rebellion that renna doesn't even recognize it as rebellion. she's egwene and she's a woman from the two rivers and she will not be broken.
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80linesofvirgil · 2 years
Do all your characters have names/backstories yet? I'd loooove to hear them!!
Ok let's fuckin do dis.
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This is Warwick the ranger. He/him. Raised in the countryside by a miller who found him as a baby floating in a boat. Possibly an heir to the throne. Drinks too much. Wants to be a slut but a bit too insecure to follow through.
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This is Mersilde the Sorceress. She/her. Raised as a herb witch in the wilderness by her grandfather. Discovered and trained by the previous magical advisor to the throne, the position to which she has recently ascended.
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This is Dami the Paladin. She/her/they/them. Born of a noble house. Likes to punch above her weight class. Renowned draugr slayer. Enjoys tournaments a little too much, reigning champion in the sword and shield bouts for three years running.
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This is Frett the Bard. Half-orc. He/him. Abandoned as a baby at a tavern in a busy town and raised by its halfling innkeeper. Learned his bardic and bedroom skills from the many wandering bards who frequented said tavern. Absolute himborc. Wants you to enjoy his baking. Frequently forgets how big he is.
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This is Reuben the rogue. He/him. Trans. Raised in a thieves guild. Sardonic, deadly, guarded, big cat energy but secretly just wants you to hold him in your big strong green arms.
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Shabbir the mage. They/them. Naturally magically gifted, fled their home city where they grew up as a street orphan. Learned the ways of the nobility and is now a magical advisor to the throne.
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David the knight. He/him. Working class hero. Worked his way from squire to knighthood. Second place in the tournament circuit for the last three years. Would like to slay a dragon.
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Prince Kirian. He/him. Heir to the throne. Complete slut, tamed by the charms and backtalk of Shabbir. Loves his horses and his armour. Rumours of a lost twin.
Aaaaaaaand more to come 🤠
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jkj-digital · 8 months
Saw your reblog and mate if you got queer visual novel recs I got spare time that needs eating.
If you´ve come for gay furry visual novels, this is certainly a place with recommendations
Assume NSFW, Unfinished, and free unless otherwise specified
Adastra – get kidnapped by handsome space wolf and become involved in political shenanigans. The one that least needs an introduction – COMPLETE!
Astatos – A pair of mages (kind of) lose their home, summon a god and a devil, and help solve various political issues using card game mechanics. The queerness of this one is pretty heavily constrained to subtext, but there’s no doubt that all major characters are hot men in various states of undress – PAID, SFW
Chardonnay Romancia – Innkeeper who hates heroes discovers an amnesiac hero who quickly becomes obsessed with him, among many other subplots. The characters find themselves in many explicit scenarios, often enough against their will – PAID
Deers and Deckards – As a college student, get into a relationship with either your best friend, his dad, or both. Also, at some point the game decides it becomes tired of its light-hearted tone and takes a dip into a more supernatural setting. Currently, only the polygamy route is complete.
Demons Within – You play a demon of lust influencing the emotions of a soldier and those around him, attempting to assist your host while also growing your own power and keeping them ignorant of your existence.
Devil’s Gambit – A doctor reunites with an old friend, uncovering a supernatural mystery and kicking off a strange romance.
Glory Hounds – A young man finds himself with an unexpected employment opportunity: becoming a sidekick to a superhero.
The Human Heart – Wake up as the only human in a familiar world and find yourself adopted by a colorful group of friends – SFW
In Case of Emergency – Find yourself as the last of the chosen ones in gay furry Narnia and awkwardly ingratiate yourself into the longstanding group of heroes – COMPLETE!
Kingsguard – When things go to hell at your royal birthday how will you reclaim your throne from the magical forces trying to take it from you and, more importantly, which of your kingsguard will you fall in love with
Minotaur Hotel – Discover the true story of (and also fall in love with) the Minotaur of legends and turn his crumbling home into a home for the lost. Even among visual novels, this one is a slow burn, but it’s absolutely worth it
My Pirate Husbandos – Get rescued from drowning at sea by a crew of rowdy, and very gay, pirates, and help them until you earn yourself a place among their ranks
Nekojishi – Become forced to face an uncertain future when you suddenly awaken the ability to see spirits and find yourself fought over by three handsome cat men who each want you to become the priest of their shrine (or equivalent) – SFW, COMPLETE!
Orveia – Awaken in an unfamiliar and horny world along with your best friend (who somehow arrived about a decade before you did) and several handsome men to become an adventurer. This game contain heavy RPG mechanics
Pervader – Discover your kindly DILF of an employer is a wizard and get infected with “becomes a wizard” disease along with the heir to an order of knights whose primary goal is to stamp out all magic
Shelter – Become enraptured in a strange world of medieval fantasy dogs, and protect your home in a world that wants to take that away from you
The Smoke Room – Learn to trust again in the wild west in 1915 after a man you though loved you tried to kill you, while the world itself seems to want to drown you in your guilt
Temptation´s Ballad – A young rogue trying to live up to his father, a commoner with an obsession with adventuring, and a sheltered chosen one looking to broaden their horizons form an adventuring party by happenstance and find themselves with a quest far larger than any of them believed
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thegreymoon · 5 days
Eternal Brotherhood
Of course he found her just like that, as if she was in another room and not god knows where in a strange province filled with 'orcs' 🙄
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I've mostly enjoyed this drama so far, but this has been beyond stupid. It is more than just a plot hole. It is not even a crater, but a major geological event.
Am I supposed to believe that a princess (an heir to a throne, no less) could just fuck off with just one person and a handful of maids knowing and leave not just the city but wander off into a completely different province that is way, way, waaaaaay to the north and fraught with dangers of all kinds and barely get into any trouble along the way? And that the Lord Chieftain would fall for all that nonsense and not uncover the whole thing in five minutes? And that Zichuan Xiu would find her within five minutes of looking for her in said enemy province? And she did all this with no provisions, no experience, no clue what she was doing? Come on, now.
And do not get me started on the orcs!! I am pissed and furious.
Look, I'm not going to pretend that this show didn't lose a lot of its salience for me when they killed the older actors off. The younger cast has just not been measuring up and I honestly have no clue what direction they are headed in now, but I'm patiently waiting for them to refocus. However, if this is how they are planning to continue? I will be so disappointed. Anyway, this drama is short, so I will be finishing it no matter what, but hopefully this whole Ning escapade has been just a two-episode glitch rather than the new standard I need to get used to.
LMAO, the so-called 'orcs' know A-Xiu.
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Watch them not be orcs at all. Or about to eat her.
Complete nonsense sequence.
More of the 'orcs'.
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I just googled an overview of this world and apparently, Ka Dan is a demon. Oh my god.
Toddler behaviour.
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Actually, none.
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She met a very helpful innkeeper, a bunch of really desperate, starving people and 'orcs' who are not really orcs and who were not out to eat her, but wanted to treat her injuries.
I am rooting for them but, yikes.
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I can't believe they are threatening these poor people.
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They should kill and eat them both.
Honestly, fuck Ning and her horse.
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This damn country is so mismanaged.
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Dystopian hell.
OMG, they filmed Si Yilin taking a piss, all complete with the audio effects 🤣🤣
And he didn't wash his hands!
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Are you okay and confortable with writing for Baelor Breakspear? I read the Hedge Knight comic yesterday and OMG Baelor is so 😩😩😩😩😩 and he is sitting like he knows he is fine 😭
Sun dragon prince of goodness and duty
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Baelor Targaryen (son of Daeron the II) x fem!reader
warning : kissing, injury/comfort, mention of brutality during a tournament, alcohol
Summary : The heir to the throne of the realm finds himself at a tournament at Ashford Meadow not only to set things right and fulfill his duty, but also to reunite with a certain innkeeper and puppeteer whose paths had crossed on a few occasions for reasons of devotion and duty.
info : Ahhh i am so happy about the request dear anon ( not only more for the Targaryen Tuesday) also so happy and yes Baelor is one of the few really sincerely good ,,sexy" knights and men in asoiaf. So have fun here and all the others as well ;)
The year two hundred and nine after Aeon's conquest, a year in which the empire once seemed peaceful. Peaceful for King Daeron the Second and his heir to the throne, his first son Baelor, named after his great grandfather's cousin.
Even if he had nothing in common with him, except perhaps the name and his goodness, they were all the more different in appearance. The blood of the dragon mingled with the sun and the strong spear of Dorne. A sun dragon.
A prince with the blood of two strong houses, former enemies and yet there were always whispers of enemies. A Targaryen without Targaryen appearances could ever be an heir to the throne.
There were always whispers but the realm loved its heir a man of middle age handsome to the ladies of the realm, a man of honor to the lords, kind to those who needed help and the common people and with duties and honors he took seriously.
Like the dragon himself, he was dangerous to those who threatened his family but gentle to his friends and his people. But in this year after the conquest a tournament of the house Ashford took place a tournament to celebrate not only the birthday the thirteenth name day of the daughter of Lord Ashford and also to crown the queen of love and beauty.
The tournament was attended by candidates from other high and lesser houses as well as the princes of the realm. In black armor, dragons resembled mementos of their house symbol and the creatures they had once mounted to make the skies theirs. But the highborn princes Targaryen came riding into the tournament on horseback.
The dark eyes of the Targaryen, only a few years older, lay with joy on the people as they arrived, raising his hand to wave to his friends, the Houses and the people. ,,Everyone seems to be looking forward to the games," he said to his companions.
His lord and house heir friends who rode behind him agreed, friends from childhood and tournament participants with whom he had shared wine and bread.
,,Wretched only here for the bread," he heard the murmur of his nephew, his brother's son, and unfortunately also the bad one of this Targaryen whose coin seemed to choose madness.
The madness was slowly spreading and he had already tried several times to show him the right way but his nephew well he was a different dragon he was a Targaryen with light hair and deep violet eyes a being not of this world.
He rode a little closer to his relative and said in a calm voice, ,,Surely the high-born ladies are looking at you in awe of your stately armor, nephew," and looked a little surprised at first before seeing the satisfied grin and the prince rode ahead a little faster with his hand raised in greeting.
Another simple problem solved, however much the coin fell Baelor could make it spin a little further. But even though he enjoyed taking part in tournaments, enjoying the festivities and drinking and eating with his new and old friends, there was one thing in particular that he would visit during the tournament.
Of course after he had taken care of Lord Ashford and presented his daughter with a jewel of the crown, ,,Such bright eyes need a stone to match them my lady" said the heir to the throne and knelt down around the smaller girl who had red cheeks and a grin on her lips.
Everyone wished to be her, each of the women and maybe even a few other noble men. Baelor gently took the girl's hand and slowly put the necklace on her before he gave a consolation to the king in the name of his father and everyone joined in, even the two pairs of eyes standing far behind…the prince would come to them sooner or later.
,,Forgive me my lord and lady, I would like to take care of the people, they also have plans that I am happy to follow" the prince apologized and left the table of the elder, his dark eyes already fixed on the two stands on his way across the large grassy and sandy earthy square.
He watched the tall woman with the black hair as she skillfully made the little wooden knight move with her fingers while her partner steered the flying red kite above the doll. Still so talented he thought and a smirk came to his lips as he saw her brief reciprocating look of love and then her nod towards the tent next to the puppet theater.
Thanking her with a coin that landed lightly in the bowl, he went into the larger tent next to it, an open tavern with fresh bread, roast meat, soup and some fish from the river.
As he sat down at one of the tables, the greetings from those around him were not yet too warm, most of them were already waiting in the stands, but some wanted something to eat. ,,Have a wonderful day, my Prince Baelor… I hope the roast tasted good?" he heard a voice and from behind a flap she emerged, the traveling companion and friend of Tanselle, a woman as young as the puppeteer, her eyes captivating him, a body he had often loved and her lovely fingers playing with the light strands in his hair.
,,You too my hostess I will pay you again and again for such a good piece of meat you must make more…you could come to the royal kitchen?" he suggested with a grin when he saw her feigned excitement and joy, ,,Oh indeed my lord!" she exclaimed happily before she came closer to him and sat down at the table and they exchanged glances.
She could lose herself in his handsome eyes over and over again. Even if he didn't look like a Targaryen, he was the best dragon there ever was. Before they got closer there was a brief hesitation to see if anyone was there but the rest was gone, his rough big hands on her neck pulling her closer to him and her delicate hands holding onto him before they lost themselves in a kiss.
The smell of leather, sword and fire always surrounded the prince while he found the exotic spices and various ingredients on her, a sign of their travels.
Journeys on which she had sailed and ridden across Westeros and Essos with her partner. She always came back with new recipes and little things to share and Baelor loved to listen, finding it engaging and completely enchanting how devoted she was to her cause.
The little emotions in her eyes always watching her hands telling the stories and her sweet voice trying to echo the sounds and voices was absolutely incredible to him. ,,My heart belongs to you for this," he murmured as he detached himself and stroked the small book on her belt in which she recorded new ideas and thoughts - thoughts that had already made the prince blush like a virgin several times.
Words of the heir to the throne that made her blush and let her fingers wander absently through his dark hair with the overlooked white strands here and there. ,,For your good heart I am yours Baelor…besides, Tanselle senses when someone is as good as you and she stands up for that too," she replied and continued to play with the prince's crisp dark hair while his deep eyes lay on her, his heart beating calmly in tune with her breathing.
Despite the world out there beyond the tent, the tournament, the brutality, fighting and death, whenever they were together he seemed to be not only dutiful but also completely devoted to someone other than the throne and his father.
But as much as she loved him, she had always loved him after he had saved her from Aerion, who had disagreed with the food and the dolls' entertainment, his blow had knocked her to the ground, the armor had made her cheek bleed, and Tanselle had found one of her dolls broken.
Baelor had slapped his nephew back and stood up for her, replacing the doll for Tanselle and paying for it. But his kindness was for the woman in front of him, his fingers running over the small scar on her cheek, her head in his hand and the contented sound.
He was always gentle with her, even when he had brought her to his tent, cleaned her cheek with a damp cloth and personally applied the healing tincture. Her stammering words had ended with a kiss and it was no different now. It was a bittersweet reunion of a sun dragon and a traveling lady who always found each other with their hearts in their hands.
,,If only it could always be tournaments like this and you here without injury," she murmured as the noise outside increased and Lord Ashford's speech of thanks was probably delivered.
A sentence that made him laugh sadly and yet he slowly rose with a sigh, his arms wrapped around her soft body and he held her close in an intimate embrace as he kissed the top of her head, ,,Don't worry my love I haven't lost a tournament I won't lose anything today I'll be back with you soon" he said his hand caressing her cheek one last time and the look of uselessness disappeared from her eyes with a slow nod.
,,And I will wait as always my Prince Baelor" she curtsied and waved to him as he walked out of the tent not knowing that in this year two hundred and nine after Aegon's conquest their love would be put to a test greater and harder than any tournament they had ever been to.
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nicky-if · 2 years
Path of Martial Arts
TW: extreme violence, harsh language, slavery
Path of Martial Arts is an interactive fiction game set in a dark, eastern setting.
You play as an heir of an old and noble, but decadent clan of Martial Artists.
Experience a life similar to your favorite wuxia/xianxia novels, as you fight in brutal battles against both monsters and humans, take part in tourneys and enjoy the reactions of shocked crowds as you face-slap Young Masters (or Mistresses) and save jade beauties (or handsome heroes)!
Current demo is 453k words.
It features an almost complete prologue (with 3 tourney fights and an option to bully a random innkeeper), an extensive stat/trait/inventory system, a bunch of colorful characters introduced, and, of course, the customary "You're courting death!" dialogue choice.
PREMIUM VERSION (need password from Boosty)
Boosty (Early Access, Side-Stories and other stuff)
CoG forum thread
The game is very much an active WIP and if you find any bugs/suggestions, I'll appreciate it if you point them out to me.
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Harry Potter FanFic Rec List 1:
Here are 4 of my recently reads HP fanfics that I really enjoyed! So enjoy it with me♥️
Manacled by senlinyu
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Harry Potter is dead.
In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort.
Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.
Warning: This work is dark. Rape and non-consensual sex are a significant and ongoing aspect of the plot. There are also character deaths, psychological trauma, descriptions of battlefield violence, and references to torture. Reader discretion is advised.
Words: 370,515
Chapters: 77
The Innkeeper by Lerya
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Harry Potter/Voldemort
Dimitriv had been the Innkeeper for a number of years, never finding an heir to take over,leaving him - with his immortal life - to watch over the Inn and the creatures that came by for sanctuary, food or just a talk.
That all changes when he finds a baby on a doorstep in a subburb, on a cold winter night, taking the child with him and quickly realising he has found his heir.
Disrupting quite a few plans in the process, while endearing him with Death for taking his Chosen to grow up where he could make a difference.
Join Harry's journey as he becomes the next Innkeeper, part of a secret society, that still follow the Olde Ways of Magic, and don't let anything as a non-human appearance fool him into thinking the person sitting in front of him was some kind of monster.
Words: 71,472
Chapters: 35
Mourning Dove by MusicalSurge
Parent Snape
No one thinks to check on Harry Potter after being placed at the Dursley house.
No one cares enough to make sure that Harry Potter is safe, loved, and cared for.
Now Hogwarts has a new ghost and Severus has taken on the responsibility to guide and care for the broken child since he failed in his duties and promises to Lily Potter to keep her son safe.
Translation into Polski available:
Mourning Dove (tłumaczenie) by Zikonest
Eng ver:
Words: 14,257
Chapters: 9
Polski ver:
Words: 12,033
Chapters: 1
Blowing Smoke by DawnOfTomorrow
Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Harry doesn't care about Snape beyond having to sit detentions with the man despite being of age.
He doesn't.
He asks him out for a drink just to get out of detention. So what if it's... nice?
So what if they become friends? So what if Snape *is* lonely?
It's not Harry's problem - at least not until he realises he's accidentally befriended the man, and just how much he cares for Snape.
Well, shit.
Words: 231,967
Chapters: 142
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reignof-fyre · 2 years
"Ser Otto Hightower believed that Prince Daemon Targaryen would be a second Maegor the Cruel if he would ever ascend to the throne, and at the start of the civil war his daughter Alicent claimed that Daemon would be "as cruel and unforgiving as Maegor ever was" as king consort. Daemon's wife, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, came to be considered a grasping, cruel, vindictive woman, and was dubbed "King Maegor with teats" by a wit in King's Landing."
Lmao daemon and rhaenyra never came even close to the depravity Maegor comitted.
Maegor Usurped and killed his nephew. Forced several women to marry him, including his niece, killed 2 of his wives, tortured one, slaughtered all the builders of his castle, purged house Harroway, had his nephew Viserys tortured, demanded princess Rhaella's death, raped an innkeep's daughter, and much more.
The worst thing daemon ever did was Blood & Cheese. That was deplorable and gross and I won't justify or excuse it. Other than that what did daemon ever do to make people think he'd be the 2nd Maegor? Hate the wife he was forced to marry at 16? Whore? Drink? Explore Kings Landing and live amongst the smallfolk? Viciously punish criminals as Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks to protect his brothers subjects? Make insensitive comments like "heir for a day"? Allegedly took rhaenyra's virginity?
Rhaenyra? Well, idk if she's done anything even close to as bad as Blood & Cheese or anything maegor did. Choose not to rape her gay husband for children? Had children with someone actually interested in women to have heirs? Marry her uncle? What?
And please don't come onto this post whining about what they did during the war. These comments were made before war even broke out. Many of these rumours were spread prior to the Dance; most of them were made during the Green Council and before.
It's the height of irony that Daemon and Rhaenyra are compared to Maegor, considering its the Greens (specifically Otto, Alicent, and Aegon), who are more like Maegor with the simple fact that they're Usurpers (taking Rhaenyra, the previous monarchs lawful heir's throne) and started the Dance in the first place.
If we really compare:
Maegor - Aegon II (Usurped the lawful and chosen heir, Rhaenyra)
Visenya - Alicent (organised for her son to usurp the rightful ruler and installed him as king)
Aegon the Uncrowned - Rhaenyra (rightful heir usurped by family memeber and subsequently murdered by said family member)
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love-bokumono-fics · 19 days
Fresh Crops! August 26 - September 1, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
NOTE Fics for the Bokumono Summer Exchange will not be included in the weekly post. They will have their own post when all stories are completed. 💜
Runaway - by almakazam; WIP, 10/?, 92k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Gen, Other Fandoms: Back To Nature, Friends of Mineral Town, DS Cute Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Kai, Claire the Farmer & Kai; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Kai, Pete | Jack, Pete the Farmer, Marlin | Matthew, Pony | Aya | Jill, Popuri, Gray, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Karen, Rick, Elli | Elly, Doctor | Trent Additional Tags: Runaway, Drama & Romance, Romance, Family Drama, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Double Life, Heir & Heiress, Childhood Trauma, Past Character Death, Based On Original Harvest Moon Games, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Near Death Experiences, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Character Development, Slice of Life, 1990s, Light Angst, Friendship, Developing Friendships, Character Study, Smoking, Cruise Ships, Shipwrecks, tags will be added as I go, im sorry i cant decide on the proper tags, harvest moon for girls Summary: Claire has always played the part of the perfect daughter, but behind the façade lies years of control and frustration. It all finally comes to a head when her father ends her engagement and arranges a new marriage to a man she doesn't know, ultimately pushing her to run away. Little did she know that her new groom-to-be is also planning his own escape.
Burning Gold - by AppleBeryll; WIP, 7/?, 16k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Gray/Mary the Librarian | Marie, Claire the Farmer/Rick, Karen/Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff, Kai/Popuri; Characters: Kai, Claire, Cliff, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Doug | Dudley, Rick, Popuri, Saibara, Karen, Mineral Town Residents, Gray Additional Tags: Slow Burn Summary: Claire seeks a new life, will mineral town be what she's hoping for?
Don't Eat Flowers - by Maymist; Complete, 28/28, 66k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Nami/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Nami, Pony | Aya | Jill, Rock, Reader Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Inspired by Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Blue Feather, Romance, LGBTQ Character, POV Lesbian Character, Canon Lesbian Relationship Summary: The new farmer girl in Forgotten Valley attempts to give Nami some flowers to, er… totally give the hint that she's romantically interested in the very much reserved tomboyish red-head. Nami completely jumps to conclusions and misunderstands though, and that's where this silly romance begins. What kind of other madness will ensue?
Doctor's Letter - by Feudal_Faerie_Tales, Rune_Tales (Feudal_Faerie_Tales); WIP, 3/?, <100
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Doctor/Ran, Doctor/Ann, Gray/Popuri, Kai/Karen, Cliff/Marie, Cliff/Mary, Elli | Elly/Rick; Characters: Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Doctor | Trent, Cliff, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Popuri, Karen, Kai, Gray, Rick, Elli | Elly Additional Tags: Fanfiction, YouTube, Embedded Video, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, Romance, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Friendship, Love Confessions, Love, Falling In Love, Misunderstandings Summary: Due to a misunderstanding, Ran finds herself officially dating the doctor!
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clouseplayssims · 9 months
As we're getting closer to completed the orange gen, I'm starting to think about the rules for Gen 5 for the Medieval Color Legacy Challenge. So far I have:
Generation 5 Light Green Middleclass Merchant (livestock - cattle) Allowed crafts: winemaking, pottery, sewing, blacksmithing, cooking/innkeeping Only 1 legitimate child Heir is Popularity Sim Own 3 Fully Functional Community Lot Businesses Run By Managers Arranged Marriage - Enemies to Lovers! Unlock All Aspiration Benefits Support Mistress
Keep in mind this gen's heir is a romance/fortune sim. I feel like I could add one or two more things, but I'm not sure what. Ideas?
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randomgathering · 1 month
Tumblr media
Bloomburrow³ - Cube
360 Cards for Draft
Mythic 13, Rare 60, Uncommon 110, Common 177
Creature 214, Artifact 16, Instant 52, Sorcery 33, Enchantment 26, Land 19
White 55, Blue 56, Black 56, Red 56, Green 57, Multi 45, Colorless 16, Land 19
Full list below the cut. I'm not fully decided on this list yet, and I would love feedback. My primary construction rule on this was to solely be Bloomburrow. My only stretch on this was to include one of the Calamity Beasts from the Commander set. But I'm already thinking I might replace it with Cruelclaw. It will be readily apparent that I doubled up (and tripled) heavily, that was primarily to support typal builds. My next step will be to read up on the story to see if there's any flavor elements that I want to also include that I missed.
I'm also going to start tracking my acquisition of the needed cards.
[Creatures] 8 - (2)
1 Beza, the Bounding Spring ✅
1 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest
1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea
1 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods
1 Maha, Its Feathers Night
1 Rottenmouth Viper ✅
1 Wildsear, Scouring Maw (BLC)
1 Ygra, Eater of All
[Sorcery] 5
1 Season of Gathering
1 Season of Loss
1 Season of Weaving
1 Season of the Bold
1 Season of the Burrow
[RARES] 60
[Creature] 42
1 Alania, Divergent Storm
1 Azure Beastbinder
1 Baylen, the Haymaker ✅
1 Byway Barterer ✅
1 Camellia, the Seedmiser
1 Clement, the Worrywort
1 Darkstar Augur
1 Dour Port-Mage
1 Dreamdew Entrancer
1 Emberheart Challenger
1 Essence Channeler
1 Fecund Greenshell
1 Finneas, Ace Archer
1 Gev, Scaled Scorch
1 Hearthborn Battler
1 Hired Claw
1 Iridescent Vinelasher
1 Jackdaw Savior
1 Kastral, the Windcrested
1 Keen-Eyed Curator
1 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame
1 Manifold Mouse
1 Mistbreath Elder
1 Mockingbird
1 Muerra, Trash Tactician
1 Osteomancer Adept
1 Pawpatch Recruit
1 Salvation Swan
1 Scrapshooter
1 Sunspine Lynx
1 Tender Wildguide
1 Thornvault Forager
1 Thundertrap Trainer
1 Valley Flamecaller
1 Valley Floodcaller
1 Valley Mightcaller
1 Valley Questcaller
1 Valley Rotcaller
1 Vren, the Relentless
1 Whiskervale Forerunner
1 Wick, the Whorled Mind
1 Zoraline, Cosmos Caller
[Artifact] 1
1 Wishing Well
[Instant] 1
1 Dawn's Truce
[Sorcery] 5
1 Coiling Rebirth
1 Cruelclaw's Heist
1 For the Common Good
1 Portent of Calamity
1 Starfall Invocation
[Enchantment] 8
1 Artist's Talent
1 Caretaker's Talent
1 Festival of Embers
1 Innkeeper's Talent
1 Kitnap
1 Lunar Convocation
1 Scavenger's Talent
1 Stormchaser's Talent
[Land] 3
1 Fabled Passage
1 Fountainport
1 Three Tree City
[Creature] 54
1 Bark-Knuckle Boxer
1 Bonecache Overseer
1 Brambleguard Captain
1 Brambleguard Veteran
1 Brazen Collector
1 Brightblade Stoat
1 Burrowguard Mentor
1 Bushy Bodyguard
1 Clifftop Lookout
1 Coruscation Mage
1 Curious Forager
1 Daring Waverider
1 Downwind Ambusher
1 Driftgloom Coyote
1 Eddymurk Crab
1 Fireglass Mentor
1 Flamecache Gecko
1 Flowerfoot Swordmaster
1 Galewind Moose
1 Harnesser of Storms
1 Harvestrite Host
1 Hazardroot Herbalist
1 Heartfire Hero
1 Hivespine Wolverine
1 Honored Dreyleader
1 Huskburster Swarm
1 Jolly Gerbils
1 Knightfisher
1 Lilysplash Mentor
1 Long River Lurker
1 Mindwhisker
1 Moonstone Harbinger
1 Mouse Trapper
1 Persistent Marshstalker
1 Plumecreed Escort
1 Plumecreed Mentor
1 Quaketusk Boar
1 Reptilian Recruiter
1 Seasoned Warrenguard
1 Seedglaive Mentor
1 Shoreline Looter
1 Shrike Force
1 Splash Lasher
1 Star Charter
1 Starscape Cleric
1 Starseer Mentor
1 Stormcatch Mentor
1 Teapot Slinger
1 Thought-Stalker Warlock
1 Three Tree Scribe
1 Tidecaller Mentor
1 Vinereap Mentor
1 Wandertale Mentor
1 Wick's Patrol
[Artifact] 6
1 Heirloom Epic
1 Patchwork Banner
1 Short Bow
1 Sinister Monolith
1 Starforged Sword
1 Tangle Tumbler
[Instant] 15
1 Blooming Blast
1 Consumed by Greed
1 Feed the Cycle
1 Hazel's Nocturne
1 Into the Flood Maw
1 Long River's Pull
1 Mabel's Mettle
1 Overprotect
1 Parting Gust
1 Pawpatch Formation
1 Peerless Recycling
1 Rabid Gnaw
1 Repel Calamity
1 Spellgyre
1 Valley Rally
[Sorcery] 11
1 Calamitous Tide
1 Dewdrop Cure
1 Fell
1 Hop to It
1 Otterball Antics
1 Playful Shove
1 Ruthless Negotiation
1 Splash Portal
1 Stargaze
1 Wear Down
1 Wildfire Howl
[Enchantment] 14
2 Bandit's Talent
2 Blacksmith's Talent
2 Builder's Talent
1 Feather of Flight
2 Gossip's Talent
1 Hoarder's Overflow
2 Hunter's Talent
1 Stocking the Pantry
1 Sugar Coat
[Land] 10
2 Lilypad Village
2 Lupinflower Village
2 Mudflat Village
2 Oakhollow Village
2 Rockface Village
[COMMON] 177
[Creature] 108
2 Agate-Blade Assassin
2 Alania's Pathmaker
3 Bakersbane Duo
3 Barkform Harvester
2 Bellowing Crier
2 Bonebind Orator
3 Brave-Kin Duo
2 Cindering Cutthroat
2 Corpseberry Cultivator
3 Daggerfang Duo
2 Druid of the Spade
2 Finch Formation
2 Frilled Sparkshooter
3 Glidedive Duo
2 Head of the Homestead
2 Intrepid Rabbit
2 Junkblade Bruiser
3 Kindlespark Duo
3 Lifecreed Duo
3 Lightshell Duo
2 Mind Drill Assailant
2 Moonrise Cleric
2 Nettle Guard
2 Nightwhorl Hermit
2 Pileated Provisioner
2 Pond Prophet
2 Raccoon Rallier
2 Ravine Raider
3 Roughshod Duo
2 Rust-Shield Rampager
2 Seedpod Squire
3 Skyskipper Duo
2 Starlit Soothsayer
2 Steampath Charger
2 Stickytongue Sentinel
2 Sunshower Druid
2 Tempest Angler
2 Thistledown Players
2 Thornplate Intimidator
2 Thought Shucker
3 Three Tree Mascot
2 Three Tree Rootweaver
3 Treeguard Duo
2 Treetop Sentries
2 Veteran Guardmouse
2 Warren Elder
2 Waterspout Warden
2 Wax-Wane Witness
2 Whiskerquill Scribe
[Artifact] 9
2 Bumbleflower's Sharepot
2 Carrot Cake
3 Fountainport Bell
2 Heaped Harvest
[Instant] 36
2 Cache Grab
2 Conduct Electricity
2 Crumb and Get It
2 Dazzling Denial
2 Dire Downdraft
2 Early Winter
2 High Stride
2 Might of the Meek
2 Nocturnal Hunger
2 Polliwallop
2 Rabbit Response
2 Run Away Together
2 Savor
2 Sazacap's Brew
2 Scales of Shale
2 Shore Up
2 Sonar Strike
2 Take Out the Trash
[Sorcery] 12
2 Agate Assault
2 Diresight
2 Longstalk Brawl
2 Mind Spiral
2 Pearl of Wisdom
2 Psychic Whorl
[Enchantment] 4
2 Banishing Light
2 War Squeak
[Land] 6
3 Hidden Grotto
3 Uncharted Haven
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flatsuke · 2 years
cyanspade's FE3H Dimileth Fics Masterpost
I think I ought to make a masterpost for the Dimileth fics I've written. Please let me know right away if there are broken links!
Last updated: July 22, 2024
Sundays with the Devil (E || 8,639 w. || Fantasy AU, Dragon!Byleth, Hunter!Dimitri, Dragon Fucking, Interspecies Sex, Voyeurism, Oviposition, Eggpreg, Strangers to Lovers, Bottom Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — As the last living heir born to a line of legendary hunters, it was Dimitri’s duty to drink The Fell Star’s blood as part of his initiation ritual, the same way his father did before him. But when he sees what the ritual really is, he doubts himself, his family, and his faith. Not to mention The Fell Star herself.
when your silver is my gold (E || 5,296 w. || Pre-Timeskip, Pining, Sex Work, Masks, Lactation, Multiple Orgasms, Come Eating, Fantasizing) — Following Manuela’s sage advice, Byleth visits The Silver Wing, one of Fódlan’s best pleasure houses, to de-stress. Oddly enough, the escort assigned to her reminds her of someone familiar—someone painfully untouchable… but if just for a night, she could at least play make-believe until the sun rises.
show, never tell (but i know you too well) (E || 7,192 w. || Post-Timeskip, Advice Box, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Semi-Public Sex, Oblivious My Unit | Byleth) — Byleth receives an odd question in the advice box one day. Someone in the army was madly in love to the point of pain, and they needed her advice. Matters of the heart—and the flesh—were far from her realm of expertise, but she tries her best to answer them, as any good former professor should. Meanwhile, Dimitri has been acting strange around her as of late. She wonders why.
Satiate (E || 1,408 w. || Modern AU, Food Play, Nipple Licking, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Ribbons) — Dimitri learns Byleth usually spends St. Cichol’s Day by herself. Determined to make her happy during the holidays, he gives her a present he knows she’ll love. Or, Dimitri wraps himself in a pretty little bow and lets Byleth eat him up.
you made me hate this city (E || 2,614 w. || Post-Azure Moon, Maids, Roleplay, Sex Toys, Anal Sex, Face-Sitting, Bottom Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — Byleth finally comes to terms with her greed for the one person she is obligated to share with everyone. Thankfully, Dimitri is always more than willing to give himself to her.
At the End of the World (M || Complete || 10,361 w. || Post-CF AU, Angst, Family Drama, Obsession, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Tempest King Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — After defecting from the Empire, Byleth finds her way to Dimitri’s war council, and later on, his bed. She discovers she’s pregnant with Dimitri’s baby and takes a page from the Jeralt Eisner playbook—she fakes her death and runs away to protect the baby from the threats posed by every side in the war. Years later, Dimitri finds them.
Visitor (E || Complete || 19,544 w. || Modern AU, Eldritch Horror, Psychological Horror, Obsession, Dubious Consent, Monsterfucking, Tentacle Sex, Oviposition, Stockholm Syndrome, Eggpreg, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — After Jeralt’s untimely death, Byleth goes on an impromptu road trip to get away from it all. She arrives in quaint little Fhirdiad and meets Dimitri, the friendly innkeeper at the Blue Lions Bed and Breakfast. Everything is nice and pleasant, but she can’t shake the feeling that there’s something not quite right about Fhirdiad. Or its innkeeper.
we should never have played god (E || Complete || 22,244 w. || Modern AU, Android AU, Android!Dimitri, Sex Robots, Science Fiction, Robot/Human Relationships, Psychological Horror, Obsession, Stalking, Voyeurism, Dubious Consent, Noncon, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Minor Character Death, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — Robotics grad student Byleth finds an abandoned sex android in a junkyard. After repairing him and letting him go free, he opts to stay with her and help her with her research. Though it’s nice having someone around, she wonders if he’s more human than he ought to be. Or, Dimitri discovers what being human means. The secret, he learns, is love—in all its cruel, hungry splendor.
(UPDATED!) Rotten Seeds (E || Ongoing || 72,020 w. || Pre-Canon AU, Time Travel, Royal Tutor!Byleth, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Unhealthy Relationships, Codependency, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — Consumed by grief over Dimitri’s miserable end at Gronder Field, Byleth musters the last of her power to go back in time to his childhood and prevent the tragedies that befall him all throughout his life. Unbeknownst to her, Dimitri still has a darkness innate to him—only this time, he’s hell-bent on making his beloved tutor Byleth his and his alone.
The Unsung Perks of Stranger Danger (E || Complete || 9,872 w. || Modern AU, Rape/Non-Con, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Mental Instability, Stalking, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Unbirth Kink, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) — In Byleth’s approximately ten years of experience as a handywoman, none of her clients were like Dimitri Blaiddyd. He was polite, he never caused any trouble, and he tipped really well. There was just something a little off about him, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Oh, well. At least he was easy on the eyes.
Nativity (E || Ongoing || 16,365 w. || Modern AU, Ranch AU, Psychological Horror, Eldritch Horror, Childhood Trauma, Eventual Cannibalism, Unreliable Narrator, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) Downtrodden college dropout Byleth inherits Garreg Mach Pastures from her estranged grandmother, Rhea. Byleth hasn’t set foot on the ranch after moving away with her parents fifteen years ago, but Dimitri, the ranch caretaker, is eager to show her the ropes and help her settle in.Life on the ranch is idyllic. Byleth feels a sense of peace she hasn’t felt in so long.Until cracks begin to show in disturbing ways.
thou shalt not covet (E || Complete || 15,000 w. || Post-Azure Moon, Hanahaki Disease, Rape/Non-Con, Pining, Manipulation, Suicide Attempt, Yandere Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd) Byleth falls victim to a disease of the worst kind—of heartbreak over a man unable to love her back. As she vomits blood and roses, all Dimitri can do is helplessly watch as she willingly dies a slow death to let her love endure. But one day, he realizes a few things: One, that Byleth need not die for a dead man. Two, that just like anyone else, Dimitri deserved to be selfish, too.
The Quintessential Guide to Equine Care (E || Complete || 7,454 w. || Pre-Timeskip, Pining, Non-Human Genitalia, Size Difference, Sounding, Come Eating, Come Inflation) A mishap with potions gives Dimitri a cock fit for a horse. Byleth, ever the dutiful professor, helps him out with his problem.
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
[Fic] Iron Bound [6/25]
Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Fenris/Hawke, Sebastian Word Count: 3.8k this chapter, ~96k total Summary: Fenris, captain of Starkhaven’s White Guard and the dearest friend of that country’s prince, has arrived in the kingdom of Kirkwall with a retinue of noble-born guards and a carriage brimming with lavish gifts. How else to win over the hearts of a suspicious mountain people who would rather break teeth on stone than accept the prince of Starkhaven stealing away their heir princess?
But stone is all they have in their kitchens lately, and gravel in their quarries and ice in their bitter rivers, and Starkhaven sits abreast the richest lea and moorland south of the Minanter.
And Sebastian Vael, the young prince of that country, needs a wife.
Summer came, and with it long, hot days. For two weeks they traveled through the Planasene Forest without detection. With the maps’ aid they moved most at dawn and dusk, when the sun was not so hot; at night they slept in caves and by rivers, alternating watches to listen for errant footsteps. Some evenings they set snares, when Hawke could coax them to set properly, but they rarely risked a fire and depended more on the dried, salted meat and fruit from the innkeeper’s larders. They filled their skins at waterfalls and clear rivers; they readied quickly in the mornings and bedded quickly at night.
On the whole they traveled well together, which surprised Fenris. He had known nobility who fainted at the sight of mice, who blanched at certain textures in a dancing glove; he had not known what to expect from a princess brought down from her mountain and betrayed. But Hawke kept pace with him without complaint, if not without effort, and did not ask him to slow even when the meals grew thin, even when she pulled her boots off at night to reveal blisters that bled when she touched them. Even when the heat became terrible—when even he, Tevinter-raised, grew hot—she could only be coaxed to stop when her red-cheeked face went suddenly white, and she had to wait with her feet in streamwater until she had recovered.
Instead she told him stories of Kirkwall’s foundries, of the ancient miners who had charted the tunnels and bored holes into the mountain itself. She hummed working songs as they walked, rhythmic and strong as axes striking stone. She showed him her tunic and her satchel, pointing out the difference between wool from a lowland sheep and that of mountain goats, and laughed when he could not remember and guessed wrong at her asking. The days went, all things considered, as well as he could have wished.
The bad nights, therefore, were made all the worse by contrast. He had slept so long alone in his private rooms in Starkhaven he had not realized the nightmares had not stopped. 
Links: FF.net, AO3
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