#the ice crew
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cerberus253 · 3 months ago
(Okay, you gave me ideas that made me do more. I swea to god-)
First scenario:
Drago:seriously- you're the most annoying and oboxionous creature i had ever met!
Jade:heh, that's not what your sister said to me when i was with her last night!
Drago:yeah ri-....what did you just say..
Jade:yeah..that's right.. i fucked your sister, bitch!
Second scenario:
Shark-sib:hey..dad.. and uncles and aunts.. i don't want to help drago anymore.
Shendu:and why's that?
Shark-sib:..remember you told me that.. the chans were our enemies right?
Hsi wu:just go to the point kid-
Shark sib:i slept with jackie's niece-
Shendu:*spits tea* YOU WHAT-
Also, small doodle
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I couldn't hold back from doing it XD
Shark-Sib: “Damn, no wonder humans do this so much! Maybe if Drago had some he’d be less pissed off all the time.”
Drago: “Never! You’ll never make me fall for a pathetic human!”
Me to Drago: “You don’t need to prove anything to your family, you’re better than them in your own unique way, I love you for who you are and not for what you are, what your title is, or what you become.” <3
Drago: *blushes and sweats nervously* “S-Stay away from me, you!”
The Ice Crew, yelling from a distance: “Yeah you go, girl! Just grab his dick!”
(Fun Fact, someone actually told me to do that to win over a guy XD)
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wei-smiler · 1 year ago
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It is still translated by a translator.
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tma-ifyoucantbeatem-ask · 3 months ago
What's everyone's favorite flavor of ice cream, if they like it?
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adventure-time-news · 10 months ago
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More new Fionna Campbell storyboard panels shared by Hanna K. on Instagram.
(I would normally embed the Instagram post but that doesn't seem to work properly at the moment)
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porters-fangs · 4 months ago
don’t get me wrong, i love lasko, but i zoned out so bad in the first five minutes of that murder mystery audio
baby boy why are you spinning out about ice.
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xierru · 1 year ago
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the astral express's limited edition crew mochis!!
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daftmooncretin · 1 year ago
if captain kirk irresponsible? why huge baby cow eyes???
if captain kirk bad captain? why-
you thought i was gonna talk about his voluptuous titties fat ass sparkling personality and unflinching moral character ? no.
if you say kirk is a bad captain i will kill you. I will shoot you into space like they did to bill shatty when he wouldn’t shut tf up about going to space
except unlike bill shatty ill send you up naked and defenceless into the vast chasm of space your lungs will explode and your eyes will fall out or some shit (i saw that in a doctor who episode)
kirk drift is getting out of hand and my response to this is ending all kirk drifters and repopulating the earth with kirklophiles such as myself and my dad paul.
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hyohaehyuk · 2 months ago
via earwolf (jacob anderson on TV, I Say w/ Ashley Ray. full podcast here) and Den of Geek SDCC interview
Jacob talked about him and Sam going to universal studios and spending 40 minutes in a sticker shop + the IWTV cast spilling the beans about Jam dates and Sam mentioning sticker play (whatever that means 🙃)
Sam: "It's a team effort" Rolin: "JACOB AND SAM GO BOWLING TOGETHER" Sam: "And ice cream and sticker play… Interviewer: Care to elaborate? 🤨 Sam: Make it up" 💀
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papenniesandbentoboxes · 7 months ago
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cerberus253 · 5 months ago
Okay, hear me out, what if.. the eight demon sorcerers, ever visited brazil nowardays in their human disguises, and would actually end up interested or shocked at the culture?
Also, i can imagine po kong and bai tza would be surprised by how many man (not all cause.. y'know.) are respectful towards woman and also by how they react when a guy try to hit one or be aggressive. (i honestly think they would love the fact that when a neirghbohood has a thief around, the thief just gets beaten up and tossed to the ground by the ones who live there XD)
And oh boy, po kong would possibly love brazilian food, especially the brazilian hotdogs, since brazilians put as much things as possible in it! (ya can search it up if ya want to see it) and maybe not only her but also xiao fung would love the desserts they make!
Probabbly something that would also possibly surprise they is the holidays called "festa junina" and carnaval, like, Carnaval may be fine but too crowded, so i think they would prefer festa junina, which hsi wu would definitely love cause he would be allowed to buy those small bombs to more bigger ones made for pranks to just light it up and startle people with it for his own amusement.
And i can aswell imagine how some of they would react to realizing that some kids would actually know how to curse cause of their older siblings or possibly know how to flirt or make ccompliment to girls they like (which i can see hsi wu laughing at the background by some of the corny flirts and etc)
Or probabbly be surprised that in small towns, some kids are allowed to drive in those small italians motocycles, since is actually normal iin some small towns, and maybe get shocked by how old people behave and etc, and maybe by how some girls appearance are more developed despite their young age. which is somewhat shocking for some people.
But i think they would like to spend time on brazil, and aswell find it funny how some of the buildings brazilians do almost don't make sense or how they do their so called "gambiarras" !XD
(btw, how ya doing? also, take your time, drink water and rest. have a good day^^)
Alright so, I have to start with this: I have not been able to touch, think, nor research anything on this Ask for the past handful of weeks because of College work. In addition, my motivation for working on JCA stuff has dwindled a lot since that short period of time when I was bombarded with JCA asks. With that being said, do understand that my answers may not be up-to-snuff like my previous ones because I really do not want to spend all my little free time answering questions in a lengthy format (Ironic I say this at the beginning, before i even started typing. You will see why).
Now with that out of the way, to my Answer:
I tried to make them act In-Character without too much racial hostility and aggression towards humans, and the humans willingly including them. A very "What-If..." scenario.
Shendu did not want to go, but since everyone was being forced to go, he had to as well. Although terrified of him, the people cheered when he showed off his fire abilities during the Burning Ceremonies. Of course he needed a larger space than the normal fires the people do, but it was worth it for them. Large streams of fire straight into the air, the sparks of flame crackling like small explosions, the sparkles of magic sprinkling throughout, the people really enjoyed the show. Shendu hated that he was being used and gawked at, but deep down he enjoyed the attention and praise.
People really wanted to decorate Shendu in bright, warm feathers to mimic the legendary Boiuna. Yeah, Shendu isn't a serpent, nor a black one, but he breathes fire and the Boiuna is a snake on fire, so close enough. The only problem is, the feathers aren't fire-proof, so Shendu would have to restrain his flames. He also didn't like that he was being used like a giant doll, but witnessing the outfit people made for him, he conceded. Although it's not his style, he agreed it looked great on him. Shendu saw himself as a godly fire dragon with flames as his crown, cape, bracers, anklets, and other regalia. If he ever When he rules the world, he may spare these people of destruction (not slavery though because Demons>>>>>>>Humans)
Po Kong
She came to Brazil to eat as much of their unique food as possible, like Feijoada, Moqueca, Quindim, Bolinho de Bacalhau ("little cod ball," which means "large cod balls" have now been invented), and Acaraje. Po Kong was not allowed to eat people there (unless they were ruining the fun), so she went for the salty, savory, and sweet foods the most. No food was thrown away at the end of the festivities!
Let's talk about Floats. Po Kong is the size of one, and yes a few of her siblings joked that she should be decorated like one and partake. The only problem is that, unlike unlike Floats, she is suuuuuper heavy and nothing is strong enough to lift her. Maybe she could be a visual attraction? Now, before anyone says "This is inappropriate and rude!" Understand this: Po Kong does not care, as long as it's in a respectable manner (being dressed as clown VS being dressed as a Geisha). If people want to take the time to beautify her to get people to look in awe, she's on board with it. Maybe it's good that she stays away from Floats, just in case any of them look too much like food. Maybe she'll request a Float actually be made out of food so she can eat it. The consuming of art in a whole knew light!
Xiao Fung
The one who forced everyone to go to Brazil. Unlike his siblings, Xiao Fung seems to be the most intrigued by humans. He still thinks demons are superior, but finds the variety of human cultures developed over their absence to be interesting. He somewhat sees most of South America as the Ultimate Culmination of Human Cultures due to many traditions being a homogeneous mixture of different cultures.
The Festival Floats, those were his favorite form the visit(s). While not as impressive as complex building architecture, he did enjoy the immense creativity and effort involved. His favorites were the ones with monsters and beasts as the centerpieces, liking the menacing over the divine. One time he saw a frog based float, and before they tore it down at the end of the festival, he demanded he take it off their hands.
Tchang Zu
Although not entirely willing to go, Tchang Zu gave it a chance after seeing/reading about their grand festivals. Although he's more of Chinese Imperialist kind of guy, the eye-catching and ornate visuals piqued his curiosity. Hopefully it's all more than just looks, with performances being just as impressive.
His favorite performances involved those that required feats of strength and agility while being in a respectable warrior's costume. Anyone who could do the Best to Impress him got a round of applause by Tchang Zu himself. Although not his preferred apparel, he did indulge in the warrior costume and had one made for himself, uniquely with a pair of large wings to mimic the Chinese Opera General Flags. After everyone left to go home, he did keep the costume as a memento and does take care of it.
Tso Lan
He didn't have any particular reason to go to Brazil, since he has no interest in human's and their existence, nor Earth's Life in general. Tso Lan only went because Xiao Fung thought it would convince him to not completely devastate the Earth's surface if he finally had enough of his siblings' bullshit and wiped them out.
Despite Tso Lan's attempts to avoid interacting with people, they did not let him. Every so often while he's floating around, minding his own business, he would catch large groups of kids and teens following him. Once he turns around to look at them, they'd dart into hiding. Annoyed and confused, he was informed why this was happening: They thought he vaguely looked like the Capelobo, a long faced, bipedal monster that sucked people's brains out. Apparently they were seeing who could go up and tap him before being caught. While not entirely on-board with the game, he did enjoy scaring the players, sometimes going up to those hiding to spook them, causing them to playfully scream and run away.
Dai Gui
Forced to go by his brother, he's really not having a good time because of all the colors. Dai Gui is more into Earthen tones, so all the other colors of the Rainbow he cringes at. All the colorful feathers and clothing reminded him too much of flowers, which he hates, so his grumpiness is quite unwelcoming to the locals.
However, some people, mostly brave younglings, would try to put body paint on him. Of course he'd be pissed by this, but once he saw the colors to his liking, he calmed down a bit and let them paint on him. He found it amusing that some kids would team up and try to paint certain colors more than their opposing group. He didn't understand why, until...
Dai Gui enjoyed watching the Bumba Meu Boi event, despite it not being as violent as he wanted it to be. The Black ox Caprichoso with the Blue Star VS the White ox Garantido with the Red Heart, he did not want to admit he grew a liking to their existence after the actors tested their bravery and went up to interact with him. They snorted, he snorted back. They waved their heads around, he would do the same. They're his pets now.
Hsi Wu
One of the few that willingly came along and is actually enjoying himself, Hsi Wu especially enjoyed the festivities, like the Rio Carnival, Boi-Bumba, and Oktoberfest.
I can't seem to find the bombs that you mention, but yeah, he would most definitely use those to scare the shit out of people and his siblings. The grumpy ones would try to get back at him (Tchang Zu would lightning strike him, Shendu would flame him, Bai Tza would soak him), but the uniquely stoic Tso Lan, he is determined to scare the life out of him. I think only Xiao Fung would find it entertaining.
Hsi Wu really like the costumes, especially those that are extravagant, colorful, and bird-like. The feathers, sequins, masks, and crowns catch his eyes, trying to get his hands on some lying around to take home and add to his collection of Stuff. I wouldn't be surprised that he'd wear some at the festival, body paint and all, just to capitalized on the fun.
Bai Tza
Bai Tza missed the days where her people would throw magnificent displays and performances all for her sake whenever she requested. Although Brazil doesn't throw these for her, she can at least be in the atmosphere of one, surrounded by her family. The only thing that ruins it is that Drago and his "friends" are around here somewhere.
Face paints of blues and whites were her favorites to put on, and seashells, sea stones, and crystal beads her favorite jewelry here. When hearing about Yemọja, the Queen of the Ocean, she wanted to pose as her, but the people wouldn't let her unless she acted like it. Obviously mad about it, the choice was being treated like a guest and be herself, or be treated like a goddess and be kind. She picked the latter, struggled to keep the benevolent mask, and her siblings never let her forget it. Never again.
Xiao Fung wanted to include his nephew, but nobody else, not even Drago himself, wanted to. To find the "Happy Medium," Xiao Fung let The Ice Crew come along to keep Drago company and out of his relatives' sight. Fun Fact: Xiao Fung did not have to threaten nor "convince" The Crew. They simply gave out a "Fuck YEAH" when told they were going to Brazil. Party Hard, ya crazy kids.
Hsi Wu would definitely pick on Drago with his mischief, pulling The Crew along with him to scare the shit out of him. Of course, Drago would get psychical with the three, but they would convince him to tag along to mess with the locals.
Although Drago has similar unpleasantness like his relatives', he isn't as intimidating, especially with The Ice Crew around. He would probably be convinced to show off martial arts, Chinese dances that require acrobatics, feats of strength, and fiery performances. Drago hated that he was being seen like a gawking toy, but deep down he enjoyed the attention, appreciation, and praise. While that's going on, the Crew are trying to get ladies (or dudes, depending on how you view them).
The Crew would willingly put on face-paint and such, Drago would be forced by them to wear it.
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3liza · 1 year ago
god made people like me to stay bright and energized all night so the summer people can cry in the yurt for three months while there's no farming to do
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artichao · 2 months ago
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i love pikmin a lot 🥕
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fannyyann · 9 months ago
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beggars-opera · 12 days ago
My job is so fucking weird
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adventure-time-news · 9 months ago
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Some more (old) Adventure Time fan art from Heyo BMO artist Crisppyboat.
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call-1-555-mystico · 8 months ago
nancy almost definitely did *not* have a food safety / handlers card in any of these locations
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