#the husband hunters
misstycloud · 5 months
Imagine yandere vampire hunter finding out he married one of the creatures he vowed to destroy. The very monster he dedicated his entire life to kill.
“…no..i-it can’t be..” his voice was barely a whisper, but you heard it loud and clear as if he was right next to you.
You stood still in the darkness, your face was a mask of indifference. If you hadn’t been blinking he would have mistook you for a statue. It appeared you’d been careless and let yourself be seen- by him no less. You could still feel the warmth of the blood dripping down you chin; a curtain of red fell down the front of your dress and stained it.
“Please tell me this isn’t real..” your husband let his eyes wander to the soon-lifeless body laying not far away. Small puffs of air was seen coming for the person, indicating they were not yet dead. The disgusting sound of gurgling in one’s own blood sent a shiver down his spine. His eyes met yours, searching for any sort of confirmation that everything was indeed a figment of his imagination.
“It is, I’m afraid.” You said.
He let out a devestatd choke, muttering ‘no’ over and over while shaking his head, clearly in denial.
You reminded yourself not to show any emotion and stepped forward. “I will not lie to you and therefor I will utter the clear truth in front of you. I am a vampire.”
“No, no you’re not.” He refused to believe it. If it had been his friend; he would prioritise duty before friendship. If it was his brother; he would do the same. Even if it was his own parents; he would die before letting insensible things such as emotions to come in the way of doing what is right. But this was different. It was you. It can’t be you. It could never be you.
But it was. Clearly. The evidence- the body- was right in front of him; unblinking and unmoving.
“You cannot look away from what is in front of you-“
“Stop saying that!” He suddenly shouted, surprising you with the sudden change in tone. “You can’t be one of….them.” He expressed in great repulsion.
Despite knowing how evil your kind is, you still though of yourself as quite good- well, as good as you can be when you’re a blood sucking, murderous creature of the night. So your husbands disdain awoke some sort of defensiveness in you.
“Well I am. And I have been for a while now.”
He seemed to think for a moment. Then he asked, “how long? How long have you been a…a vampire?” He furrowed his brow at the end, not believing he’d connect ‘you’ and the word ‘vampire’ in his life.
“36 years. Not as long as some others, but it should still count as something.”
“Oh god..”
It meant that you were one since the start- no before- your marriage. Was he truly that blind? Had love taken such hold of him that he could no longer do his job properly?
How many vampires had he killed during you union? All that while simultaneously being wed to one himself. While loving one, caring for one and even making passionate love to one. It was like some fucked-up punishment tailor-made for him.
He knew what he had to do.
The first tear fell down his cheek, betraying his stern expression and showcasing his endless sorrow. “You are evil,” he raised his crossbow, “and now you have to be judged for your crimes.” How ironic of him to talk about committing crimes of slaughter as if he wasn’t doing exactly the same. He wasn’t stupid; not all immortals were pure darkness, it wasn’t that simple. They do what they have to in order to survive. Only some killed more than they had to. Still, it didn’t change the fact that they all need to be destroyed.
Your eyes widened when he pointed the weapon straight at you. You expected this. Of course he would kill you. However, a part of you could not stop from hoping he wouldn’t think of you as a monster. That perhaps you’d finally find somewhere you can call home and be accepted for what you are. It was a naive dream. Weren’t you his wife before you were a monster? Apparently not, because an arrow shot at you at incredible speed. It hit you in the arm and you cried out in pain.
While you had physical advantages, it doesn’t mean you are immune to pain.
Ripping it out, you studied the black liquid staining it. Your husband swore and immediately prepared to launch another. You felt your fangs grow in length and you hissed at him. Throwing yourself at him the two of you rolled around on the floor, each trying to restrain the other. You managed to get ahold of his crossbow and threw it away form his reach.
Your husband quickly dug into his pockets to grab a dagger, and tried to stab you. Luckily you stopped him in time, fighting him with your vampiric strength. You had to give it to him, he was surprisingly strong for a human. Despite you having supernatural gifts, he was definitely a match and you had a hard time holding you down. If it was any other situation you would have been impressed and rather seduced by his sheer strength, unfortunately this was not a good situation for you.
You leaned down, planning to bite him, but his fast reflexes let him use his free arm to keep you at a distance. He was now on the floor with you straddling him and trying with all your might to end his life.
Your husband knocked your heads together which was the distraction he needed to kick you off of him. You clenched you forehead in pain and backed away. But there was no more time to dwell on that pain, because it was minor compared to what you felt next. Agony was in your side, accompanied by the dagger you had previously defended yourself against.
Your lover was close. Enough for you to feel his breath, and enough for you to see tears running down his regretful face.
“Why was it you?”
Whether he referred to you being a vampire or you being the one he married, you did not know. It hardly mattered anyway.
In a way, you did love your husband. It was probably not in the normal spousal way but it was there. Maybe if you weren’t a blood-sucker you two would have been truly happy together. Too bad fate had other plans. Even though it was true that you were probably evil, you wanted to live. And despite the one threatening your existence was none other than the man who’d show a you devotion and love you though t you’d never find again, this was not where you wanted it to end.
With a shriek, you used all your power to push him as hard as you could. He flew backwards into the wall. You supposed he’d fainted from the force since he wasn’t making any move to get up. You clutched your side and groaned. You had to get out of there; somewhere safe.
You stumbled to the window and put your foot on the ledge. The dagger he’d stabbed you with must be silver, otherwise it wouldn’t have made as much damage. The wound in your side burned and sizzled with pain. You had no idea if your body would be able to fully heal you in time for when you need blood again- or even at all.
You heard a cough from behind you. It was your dearest. He must be sturdier than he looks to have woken up so quickly. He had rolled over to lay on his stomach and had his arms pathetically stretched in your direction.
“D-don’t go.”
You scoffed at his audacity. “What, so you can finally finish me off?”
He whimpered, “ N-no, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that- why did I do that?” The last part appeared to be a criticism on himself. Nevertheless he continued, “please, I won’t do it again. I was wrong, you’re not evil I know that, I don’t know why I said that. I’m so sorry, please..”
A frown adorned your face. “It’s okay. I’m not evil, but I know I’m far from good- I’m not that delusional.” Then you turned back to the view of the outside world.
“Wait, no-“
“I have to go. I really mean it when I say this, ‘thank you for all these years together, they have been the happiest days I am now able to remember’.
“My love, don’t-“
You ignored his pleas as you jumped from the window. You landed in the dirt outside. You looked back at the house which you’d just escaped from and as you prepared to run off to another town and build up a new life (until you’d eventually have to run again) you listened to the scream of the man who’d been your husband for six years.
What was he screaming? What else if not your name.
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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hunter husbands // boot buddies 💚 💙
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yicketydah · 5 months
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just a man and his ‘cat’ (spoiler: he’s not a cat at all
@mrghostrat vampire au has a CHOKEHOLD on me already, i swear.
(thank you bilvy for letting me post this skhdhdh)
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lizleeships · 1 year
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C a s u a l  I n t i m a c y  is my jam, I have no excuse
(Don’t repost)
--> Buy me a kofi? | Become a Patron to see the Mipple version 
Teeny contextual ficlet below the cut: 
“Cas, lay off already,” Dean huffs from the motel bed. 
He crosses his bruised arms behind his head and tries to force back a wince of pain as he slings a casual grin. 
“We’re in one piece, aren’t we?” 
The angel seems dangerously ruffled, and Dean really wants to focus on that like the awesome boyfriend he’s learned to be. The thing is though, Cas is stripped down to his boxers and an old black undershirt in preparation for his shower and it’s more distracting than a train crash. A sexy, sexy train crash. 
Okay yeah, he’s probably a bit concussed; maybe Cas is right for chewing him out. 
“You have to be more careful,” Cas insists, his voice doing that deliciously growly thing it does (which, again: not the time, Winchester), “I’m not what I used to be, and neither are you.”
“Wow, okay-”
“Whether you like it or not, you’re not getting any younger, and I’m not getting any more useful. On most days I barely have enough Grace to heal your razor nicks.”
A pang of irritation surges at that - because Dean is excellent at grooming, thank you- but instead of clapping back, Dean opts for a far more entertaining option. He reels the angel in by the towel ends draped around his shoulders, and plants a kiss right between his severely pinched eyebrows. 
“I’ll be more careful, okay?” is his murmured promise, “I swear on my Old Guy honour.”
“That’s not fair,” Cas complains, though he doesn’t move an inch. 
“You can’t just distract me when I’m trying to make a point. It’s extremely patronizing.” 
Dean chuckles and kisses the wrinkles which pleasantly frame Cas’ eyes, then the speckles of grey at his temples. 
“Yeah? Does that mean it’s working?” 
“Dean, this is serious.” 
The consternation on Cas’ face has only mildly ebbed through the affection, so Dean frames his features with his hands, bumps their foreheads together. 
“I know, sweetheart. I hear you.” 
Cas nods against him as he stands down, shoulders sinking on a deep exhalation. 
“Really. I didn’t mean to worry you.” 
“But next time, maybe try making your point when you’re not half-naked, speaking of distractions. That’s playing dirty and you know it.”
Finally, Cas’ grave  expression breaks into a grin while Dean pulls him all the way down onto the bed.
“You’re ridiculous; I’m wearing clothes,” Cas objects. 
He makes himself at home in Dean’s lap, his fingers trailing absently over warm freckled skin. Dean looks up at him with a smirk.
“Yeah well, we’ll see about that.”
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robotsandramblings · 1 month
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i will never stfu about Hunter in the finale 🗣️‼️💖
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binkusdinkus · 5 months
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He's the mood rn
I need inspiration for more bounty hunter shit like I can't stop thinking about it but art blocks going crazy
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Noodlemoon if you even care
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perrchreference · 1 year
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It is. This is Illumi in a box.
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xeshtrangh · 2 months
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murder husbands!! <3 <3 <3
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
Part 2 of Zoro and Law fan art! 🥰😍🤭🔥
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My top 2 One Piece husbands, damn they are fine as f 🥵🔥💕
Pfff, now that I think about it. I've basically got grumpy tsundere swordsman 1 and 2 😘 🤣 No regrets whatsoever!
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Zou arc!
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They are such dorks, I love them so much! 🥰😍🤭
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hopesangelsprite · 10 months
Your Touch
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Summary: A thought that turned into me writing at nearly 1:00 am 💀
Warnings: language, fingering, biting (sexually and not sexually at the same time-), groping, grinding if you squint, manipulation (this is Illumi we're talking about... bffr)
There are many, many things we don't know about Illumi Zoldyck. For example his birthday, the full extent of his power, his total body count, etc. But we can safely say that Illumi Zoldyck is one touch starved mf 💀.
We know that he didn't have the best upbringing or most affectionate parents, so we can safely assume that the only reason he doesn't have to Google what a hug is is because of his expensive ass education and the things he's seen on television. So, imagine his shock when his wife is one of the most affectionate people on the planet.
At first he's appalled and thoroughly considers getting an immediate divorce. Then, ever so slowly, that insanely thick layer of ice on his heart begins to thaw. Those hugs he used to blatantly reject? He welcomes them albeit stiffly. If you ask him how he's feeling now, he's less likely to release bloodlust with the intent to kill you. He even finds himself seeking situations that naturally warrant your love and affection being directed solely toward him.
And just like he usually does, Illumi becomes obsessed. Forget about sleeping on your own ever again. Night after night, his cold body is either completely on top of yours or pressed firmly against your backside. When he's on top of you, settle in for the night and kiss bathroom trips goodbye because he's not moving until sunrise. When he's spooning you, both his hands station themselves in two spots: one on your chest, the other between your thighs on your crotch.
The amount of times you've fallen asleep breathless because his hands have a mind of their own is insane. The amount of times you've tried to fall asleep but couldn't because Illumi wanted to see you cum on his fingers is even crazier. And he swears he wasn't even thinking about it. You could be overstimulated and crying before he pauses in the middle of you coming. "My bad, kinda spaced out a little there.", he whispers in a voice so even it's almost believable, "I suppose I should reward you for being so patient with me, right?". Then he's back to abusing your holes. Even though you might be missing sleep, Illumi's never slept better.
When he's not terrorizing you're sensitive spots in the night, he makes sure that no matter where you are that he's got his hands somewhere on you. In a car heading somewhere? His hand's on your thigh, kneading it "absentmindedly". At a party for reconnaissance or a hit? His hands only leave your hips when absolutely necessary. Relaxing while he's in the room? Be prepared to be moved from your spot onto his lap with a quickness. If you're already in comfy spot, he won't hesitate to climb into your lap instead.
Either way his teeth will find your skin shortly afterward. This is another thing he discovered that brought him comfort. There's nothing like coming home from a long day of murder and espionage to mark you're pretty little wife up out of pure, twisted love. Bonus points if you squirm a bit while he's marking a path across your throat. Bonus bonus points if you bite him back, now you've got him started. Say you don't encourage his not so innocent behavior, he'll relax and tell you all that's been on his mind recently. It's a perfect time to bond in more ways than one.
All of those things are good and all, but his absolute favorite way of showing his affection is practically glueing his hips to your ass whenever your bent over. Say you drop a utensil while you're in the kitchen or need to grab something from under a cabinet. No matter how far away in the house he is, within seconds his big hand is on the small of your back and his crotch is nestled perfectly against your ass.
Then, to make things even eerier, he'll say shit like "My my, that was a hard fall... you should be more careful next time." or "What have I told you about putting your ass in the air without me around, someone could take advantage of you. Now bend a little lower for me.". He's such a loving husband that he makes sure to punctuate each sentence with a warning thrust or a hearty slap.
Illumi Zoldyck may be touch starved, but he's slowly making up for lost time every step of the way.
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mimisempai · 10 months
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I had to do my own version 😌
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drulalovescas · 2 years
I don't know exactly when they sealed the deal but by the time the show ended they were married
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so very married
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marksmarkers93 · 2 months
Guys... ive been touched by an angel of the lord!!!
Cue inconsistant size difference,,
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PLUS a stupid little comic my wife inspired me to make. She said cas totally walks around on his hind legs like a freak (shes never seen spn) and I SAID YES!
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sweetmiri-thoughts · 5 months
hxh husband!kurapika— signs that he loves you
. warnings: writing practice, fluff
. wc: 308
. navi || masterlist
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Kurapika helps you out of your wet clothes when you huddle into the warmth of your shared home, finally escaping the storm from outside. You see the concern etched on his face as he berates you for being too slow. "Don't just stand there (Name), you're bound to get sick if you don't take that off..."
Drawing you a warm bath with as many bubbles you like, he can finally catch his breath now that you're really safe from the cold. "Hey 'Pika, do you wanna join me?" you look up at your husband as you ask him, though for some reason he shakes his head no with a small smile hanging on his lips. "No, but I can wash your hair for you? After your bath we should have dinner, so I want to make us something. Is that alright with you?" With a nod of your head he starts. After grabbing a brand-new shampoo bottle from the cabinet under the sink, he lathers your hair with just the right amount. His fingers almost move like he's giving you a head massage— he seemingly moves his fingers without a thought, used to cascading them through your hair oh so lovingly. The only sounds that echo in the bathroom are the bathwater splashing only just a little, your and Kurapika's soft breathing, and the sound of him washing your hair.
After having washed your hair, your caring husband plants a few kisses on your face. One on your forehead, one on each cheek, one on the tip of your nose, and a soothing kiss right on your pretty and soft lips. Kurapika grins, "Tomorrow it's your turn to make us dinner!" And before you know it, you're left alone with a flushed face.
What the hell? How can he be so cute?!
How can she be so cute...♡
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misstycloud · 5 months
These are just some short thoughts abt the background story of the characters ;)
mc moving to the town that she formerly(since she escaped) lived in was a result of trying to avoid hunters. She’d been noticing that someone’s hot on her heel. Also, the few times she met other vampires, they’d told her to look out for the special hunter that’s been lurking around that area.
So she moves again, to a smaller but comfortable town. She comes up with a false identity and charms her way into society. About a month or two after she arrived, another person moves there. yes, it’s the vampire hunter that’s been investigating murders and suspects it’s another vampiric monster. He doesn’t know it’s mc and mc doesn’t know he’s the hunter yet. (They need to be stupid for the plot ok)
Their first meeting was rather indifferent but polite. Not much happened there. However, one of the older ladies mc has helped out before, believes its fate that mc and hunter moved to the village around the same time, they’re also around the same marital age plus they would look so good together!
Thank to some help👵🏻 hunter and vampire mc keep having encounters, which become longer and longer because they find out the other’s company is actually enjoyable.
And POOF they’re getting married✨. Honestly, one should question yan hunter since he somehow had no idea his own wife is a freaking vampire, even though they’ve been together for years🤨 but I guess he’s too blinded by his pookie’s beauty.
Although he’s not stupid enough to not see that the deaths are decreasing, and he doesn’t understand why. Turns out that mc is more careful now that she’s married and has someone that would actually care if she’s going out in the middle of the night. The reason she doesn’t just kill him to make thing easier for herself is because she genuinely likes him and it feels nice to have that kind of devoted love again. One that’s not filled with….dark desires. Her new husband’s love is pure.
Or is it?
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ayyyy-le-simp · 6 months
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I’m in love with Hunter but WRECKER IS MY BOY
I want him to win me a prize at one of those carnival games. I wanna go on a carnival date with him. I want to be held by him. I want to feel that big boy marshmallow on a cold night. I wanna kiss his cheek and watch him smile. I just want him, dude. Like he makes me happy sm right now, hes literally my wallpaper
Okay sorry I had to get that off my chest
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