#grumpy tsundere 1 and 2
isabeauwolf · 3 days
Part 2 of Zoro and Law fan art! 🥰😍🤭🔥
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My top 2 One Piece husbands, damn they are fine as f 🥵🔥💕
Pfff, now that I think about it. I've basically got grumpy tsundere swordsman 1 and 2 😘 🤣 No regrets whatsoever!
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Zou arc!
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They are such dorks, I love them so much! 🥰😍🤭
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thehusbandoden · 7 months
Can you do hcs about class 1-a with pregnant darling? It's fine if you can't!/Uncomfortable with it!
A/n: of course! I hope these were semi enjoyable lol <3
Pregnant Reader Headcannons Part 2 (Aizawa, Shoto, Shinso, and Tamaki)
General info:
Genre: fluff/slice of life \\ total wc: 1,876 \\ posted: 12/06/2023 \\ requested
Part 1 (Izuku, Bakugo, Kiri, Denki, and Sero)
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Aizawa Shota (707 words):
Aizawa always works hard, as we all know.
He not only teaches, but he also works as a pro hero during the night.
He's sleep deprived and very grumpy.. but not to you.
He's sweet and loving, though sometimes tsundere.
He spoils you with gifts and affection whenever he can, trying to slightly make up for the time away from one another.
When he finds out you're pregnant.. he's honestly scared.
He works so much.. how could he ever take care of a child? Not to mention the long and hard nine months you're going to have to face practically alone.
He doesn't show his worry however, he holds you close and kisses your face, reassuring you that everything is going to be okay and that he's happy.
He tries to get paternity leave about four months into your pregnancy, but he didn't actually get it until six months.
And that was from teaching.. he was still working in the middle of the night until you hit eight months.
He was exhausted.
He would wake up at seven, prepare his lesson, make you breakfast, clean up the house, and write you a love letter for you to find. (He secretly placed them in places easy to reach/find).
Afterwards, he goes back to bed and cuddles you until he has to get up again in a few minutes.
Whenever he has to leave you get really sad and it makes him feel so guilty.. especially if you cried or begged him to stay.
He gave you lots and lots of kisses, holding you tightly against him as he apologized, telling you that he would be home before you knew it.
He taught as best as he could even though he hardly got a few hours of sleep, and he graded papers and planned lessons whenever he was on break.
Sometimes he didn't even eat lunch, too busy focussing on his student's papers.
After school he picked you up a gift and wrote you yet another love letter.
He usually returned home with a bouquet of flowers, a treat you've been craving, something to do with one of your hobbies, and a letter full of love.
He'd wrap you in his arms, coddling you with kisses and praise.
The rest of his day was full of you, and only you.
He held you, kissed you, spoiling you in whatever way possible.
He couldn't really sleep well, unable to rest his eyes when you were laying next to him so.. vulnerable.
He usually watched you sleep as he waited for midnight.
When the clock hits midnight he starts to get ready for work, giving you a loving peck every time he passes your sleeping form.
He'll gently shake you awake when it's time for him to leave, telling you that he'll be back in a few hours and that he loved you.
He embraced you tightly, littering kisses up and down your face before giving you a long, proper kiss. Smiling at how you sleepily kissed back.
He left with one more 'I love you', and then he was off to go patrol the streets.
He actually gets off work an hour before he says he does, but he uses that time to get the rest of the papers for his students done.
He gets home about six am, showering before embracing you tightly.
He'll sleep with you for another hour before getting up about an hour later to get everything else done.
All in all he does his very best for you, and absolutely spoils you when he gets paternity leave.
You don't have to do anything but sit there, look pretty, and let your body make that baby.
I'd say he's fairly protective. He doesn't like anyone but 'his' people, and you are the one person who he would do anything for... and maybe Eri, but she comes later.
He intimidates anyone who dares make you uncomfortable.
Though if you're handling well than he'll watch behind you, smirking slightly.
All in all he's a selfless husband. He'd do anything for you, and he doesn't care if that means he gets even less sleep..
(He'll lie about the hours of sleep he's getting so you don't have to worry about him)
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Todoroki Shoto (537 words):
Shoto always wanted kids, but he was too afraid to turn out like his dad.
So he never mentioned them, and you didn't either.
Well until you found out you were pregnant.
You were kinda scared to tell him at first, afraid that it would trigger ptsd from his childhood or something.
WEll, luckily for you, he wasn't upset.. at all.
He was nervous, yes. Really nervous, but he was excited and happy.
After a few minutes of staring at the test, thinking about what it meant, he pulled you into a tight embrace, lovingly kissing the apple of your cheek.
He got paternity leave at about five months.
He followed you everywhere, too worried about the 'what ifs' to let you do anything by yourself.
He wouldn't let you carry anything if it was remotely heavy.
Very protective, but in a lot less obvious way.
IF he notices someone looking at you in a lustful way he'll pull you into his chest, placing a hand on your baby bump as if he was screaming at them 'she's taken'.
If it came down to it, he would physically defend you.
But unlike Bakugo, only if he really needed to.
He'll glare and he'll tell them that you're married, but he won't physically harm them unless they started it, or they touched you/got into your space.
He gets really clingy, but he only hovers over you because he's too scared to hurt you and baby.
He'll usually cuddle you if you reassure him that he won't hurt you -or baby-, but he does get really really insecure sometimes and starts to overthink.
Most of the time the only way to pull him out of that is to be upset about it.
If you get really sad/angry he'll hold you against him, apologizing softly.
He'll help you however he can.
But he can't cook..
He literally almost burned the house down... twice.
He tried and tried, but he just can't seem to make anything but cereal.
So instead he hires you a chef.
He massages your feet, shoulders, back, belly bump, anywhere you need it.
You get a daily dose of cuddles and kisses. That isn't negotiable.
One day you were feeling very uncomfortable and didn't want any touch.. you left bed before Shoto and rejected his kisses.
He literally thought that you hated him.
He let you have your space, but he was so freaking sad.
He was angry too, but only at himself.
He started overthinking, thinking that he wasn't good enough, that he worked too hard, and that you deserve someone better.
The thoughts went on and on until he couldn't take it anymore.
HE shyly went over to you, gripping the bottom of his shirt tightly like a child, his head downcast and tears shining in his eyes.
"D-do you.. hate me?" He asked quietly, a tear falling down his cheek.
Your heart broke and you burst into tears, pulling him onto the couch next to you, holding him close as you sobbed, apologizing and telling him how perfect he was and how much you loved him.
He didn't believe you until you repeated it like five times and gave him over three dozen kisses.
He's still partly broken from his past, so even little things like that can make his brain go into overdrive, and he starts to get insecure.
That aside, he's a very sweet, thoughtful, and loving husband.
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Shinso Hitoshi (165):
You both already stayed indoors most of the time, but this just cemented it.
He was a protective overthinker. He didn't want anything bad to happen to you.
He doesn't like many people, but when it comes to you he would literally kill for you.. even if that ruins his newly gained reputation.
He got paternity leave about four months into your pregnancy, spoiling you for the long five months afterwards.
He'd glare at anyone who stared at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him.
If it came down to it he would use his quirk to get any creep far away from you.
You usually cuddle all day. It's actually pretty calming.
He takes care of you entirely, cooking, cleaning, the works.
He's amazing at foot massages.
He gets more sleep now because all he does is cuddle you.
He's not very good with helping you with your hormones, but the affection make up for it.
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Amajiki Tamaki (430):
Tama is so freaking cute.
He's still shy ofc, but he musters up the courage to protect you.
He will get physical if it comes down to it.
But only if they start to try and touch you.
He's honestly so sweet.
He's so happy and yet so scared.
Out of everyone, he's most definitely the one that over tinks the most.
He worries about everything from him being a terrible parent to his kid getting his anxiety and hating him for the rest of their life because they're being bullied.
He starts to think about birthday parties and prom. What about his child's wedding?! They're father is going to be a mess!
Not to mention labor?!
What if he passes out?
What if you start to hate him?
What if you leave him? What if he fails you and your child?
His thoughts grow darker and darker as he falls into a pit of despair.
He'd probably grow into a depressive and if you don't snap him out of it.
Pull him into your arms, give him a long, proper kiss, and then just cuddle him.
Hold him to your chest, whispering sweet things in his ear.
He'll be better within 5-40 minutes.
Whenever you breakdown because of your hormones he'll break down with you.
He tries to be strong but seeing you cry breaks him.
He'll hold you, trying to reassure you as he's breaking down too.
He'll get your cravings whenever he can.
Even if it's two in the morning, or in broad daylight where he has to deal with a lot of people..
Like Shoto, he thinks you hate him if you get upset with him.
Though unlike Shoto, he won't come to you. He continues to take care of you, but he's obviously reserved.
He won't ask for cuddles, or even move to lay beside you.
He keeps to himself and when he's not taking care of you he's across the room, staring at the floor.
He could go on for weeks if you don't catch him.
He's a sensitive sweetheart, and he does need to be taken care of too.
Oh oh, he's also super good at cooking.
Due to his quirk, he's tried a lot of meals and cooks often.
If you want to try another recipe he'll secretly work on it for days, before shyly giving it to you to try.
He's very very insecure, so he trusts you a lot to let you try new recipes of his.
He loves you a lot, and the one thing he wants is your happiness and love.
Part 1
Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <3
Aizawa's masterlist | Shoto's masterlist | Shinso's masterlist | Tama's masterlist
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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fairyhaos · 11 months
how seventeen act with their black cat s/o
requested by anon : hi! can i request how seventeen would act with an s/o with a "black cat" personality? thank you! :>
notes: while writing this i realised i only Kind Of understand what a black cat personality is lmao. so, uh, just go w it u guys okay
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black labrador x black cat pairing all the way. when you're exhausted with no energy, he's being your protector. when he's upset and feeling terrible, you're his protector. mutual protecting, you know? but it also feels like the "i'm only my softest when i'm with you" feeling with seungcheol, like being in one another's presence allows you to truly and fully relax
he's still coddling and cooing over you no matter what. you could be the most tsundere, grumpy, annoyed person in the world at that moment but he's calling you adorable and asking you in a cute tone how your day was. it's a good thing that you're really really weak for him tbh, bc if anyone else was calling you a little kitten while pinching your cheeks then they are getting punched.
still as gentlemanly as ever. calls you extravagant nicknames like "my lord" or "my lady" bc he likes to tease that you having a grumpy nature is just bc you're a very picky person, like royalty. slides an arm around you and goes "is he bothering you queen/king?" whenever someone is talking to you who's obviously annoying you. when you're in a bad mood, he's attacking and tickling you until you fall into laughter again
tabby cat x black cat supremacy yeahhhh!! he's like the curious, innocent, playful cat to your black cat vibes. tsks when you emerge from your room wearing all black to go out somewhere, makes you go back inside and change one (1) piece of clothing into something with more colour. peppers your face with kisses and then demands kisses of his own too
head over heels for you, but needs you to initiate everything. grab his hand while walking down the pavement, give him a kiss on the cheek at random times throughout the day. you don't need to tell him "i love you", though, because he knows that already. knows that you tolerating and even enjoying his hyper nature is an "i love you" enough
so basically, you're just two cats that don't go outside and amuse yourselves at home. it's not that you don't like going out, but when both of you are both content with staying indoors, what's the point? silent communication galore, having the ability to read each other's minds and simply knowing, without having to say anything, just how much you mean to each other
lowkey, he enjoys it because it means he gets to be the one to talk the most in the relationship. bro has a lot to say, okay, with the funniest opinions and adlibs and really does love talking. he's still a great listener ofc, and sometimes there are days where the both of you just sit in silence. which he finds absolutely brilliant, because he's actually found someone to sit in silence with who's just like him
the sassy duo. lowkey also the fashion duo, bc i can just imagine you two in matching sunglasses and matching fashion styles, sitting cross-legged and peering, unimpressed, over the rims of the glasses at whoever is being weird this time. the best thing ever is how you just Get each other's sense of humour, and i can imagine endless weird inside jokes between the two of you that make you grin over at each other during big gatherings
golden retriever bf (1). bouncy and bumbling and excitable. thinks you're the brightest and loveliest angel in the world. sure, maybe you have your introverted moments and won't let him hug you but personal boundaries exist, right? he gets that. he's your Protector™ fr, even though he knows you're one badass mf that doesn't need protecting
golden retriever bf (2). loud asf. a ray of sunshine that would have blinded you if he wasn't also just adorably soft and sweet. the type to lean over and whisper "so, we don't like them?" when he catches sight of you glaring at someone while you're meeting up with friends. whines like a dejected puppy when you (jokingly) tell him to go away
is kinda sad that you're not all too keen on receiving his kisses and his hugs, but to make up for it he engages in all the other love languages instead until he finds the one that you adore the most. the most accommodating and attentive, bc you may not communicate your opinions that much, but don't worry because he's trained himself to be attentive to your every move
vernon is normally a listener, but like woozi, being with you allows him to talk more, and also allows you to laugh more. he has the craziest stories which make you smile after a hard day. he enjoys talking, when it's to you, who'll watch him attentively, humming and smiling and he enjoys that it's only him that you'll be so sweet and gentle with
your Biggest Supporter Ever. you don't even need to be doing anything, he's just gonna support you no matter what. would fully believe you if you said that you were taking part in a secret space project to go to Mars. backs you up whenever someone is making you uncomfortable/annoyed/angry no matter the situation. you don't need to say the words "i love you" to him, don't worry, because he says it enough for the both of you.
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reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt
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meowanian · 5 months
top 5 moments of scaramouche falling in love with y/n
scara is using his instagram only to post you
pottery date with your boyfriend scaramouche x reader
MEN WHO WOULD… various characters
growing up with scaramouche
the middle of an adventure is such a perfect place to start. scaramouche x reader
instagram stories of boyfriend! scaramouche pt. 1 & 2
stop the world cause i wanna get off with you, scara.
i wish this moment would last forever. various characters.
you remind me of black cats, scara.
ice skating with pro skater!scaramouche
little daily vlogs from boyfriend!scaramouche
everyone were looking at your overly handsome husband, various characters.
only if you apply it with your lips, scara.
he answered, still half asleep, scara.
it should’ve been a small relaxing session, scara.
aren’t you weirded out by a boy who crochets like a grandma, scara.
i know how you feel, scara.
tsundere scara.
no, we won’t have another child, scara.
i don’t even want nail polish! various characters.
“y/n i swear to god-“ scaramouche.
until they see him. various characters
even satan used to be an angel. various characters
voicemails from him. scaramouche.
attractive things that crush!scara does. scaramouche.
a little tour in scara and y/n’s camera roll.
your boyfriend thinks you are just insecure. various characters.
rockstar!ajax and rockstar!scara.
anti romantic bff!scara
idol!scara x fem!idol!reader
grumpy classmate!scaramouche
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hamsterclaw · 9 months
Fic Library: Yoongi (Pt 2)
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My ult bias, it makes sense that there were too many to fit into one list. All of these authors capture the essence of my favourite tsundere king, check these stories out and show them some love. Part 1 here.
A Steamy Conversation by @madbutgloriouspond. Yoongi x f! reader. You walk in on a half-naked, dripping wet, tangerine haired Yoongi, he's mean and cocky and the inevitable happens. Smutty perfection from Memes.
Clockwork Heart by @vyduan. Yoongi x reader. The chaebol tsundere Yoongi that I'll never stop screaming about. A brilliant, capable reader, a hot Yoongi who does secret acts of kindness, and beautifully rendered side characters including wise and witty BFF Seokjin.
Knee-high by @jjungkookislife. Yoongi x reader in an established relationship. A sexy, skirt wearing, orange haired, watermelon chapstick using Yoongi with a lip piercing in a smutty, enjoyable read.
I'm not even gonna say it by @taetaespeaches. Yoongi x reader. An incredibly cute, fluffy read, where Yoongi stops for lemonade on a swelteringly hot day.
Fireworks by @starlostjimin. Yoongi x f! reader in an established relationship. A soft, fluffy, spicy story with the domestic Yoongi of my dreams.
Too hot to sleep by @gamerguk. Fiance Yoongi x reader - a short, smutty read with a hilarious cameo from Hobi at the end.
The Sweetest Thing by @illneverrecover. A super cute sweet treat featuring a grumpy florist Yoongi and a baker reader.
Kinkmas Day Four drabble by @monimonimoon. A deliciously hot, petty co-worker Yoongi at the office Christmas party.
On the nature of living by @sugalaritae. Griddle's an incredible writer, and this very beautiful story starts off with Yoongi x a ghost reader and resonates so much with me emotionally.
Home by @junghelioseok. Secret agent AU with Yoongi x reader. Short, sweet and comforting.
Set me free by @hesperantha. A time-travel tale with tragedy of epic proportions. You won't have read anything else quite like it.
The one with Yoongi, Netflix and zero chill by @eoieopda. A hilarious reader, a fluffy and cuddly Yoongi and softness and feelings all round.
Yoongi is a rock by @yoongsisbae. A beautifully written story that made me think about mortality and constancy and has the singularly beautiful line ‘And when Yoongi cracked he thought of you’. It gives me chills remembering it. Stunning.
The one with Yoongi and the fucking hydrangeas by @eoieopda. I knew I was in for angst when I started reading but I didn't bank on the beautifully realised longing and characters I wanted to cry for. I adore this.
Best served cold by @anotherbtswriter. Yoongi and afab reader in a mafia AU with drama, tsundere Yoongi energy and a duplicitous family. Riveting.
Bao by @whatifyoulivelikethat. Delivery boy Yoongi x chef reader. One of the first Yoongi stories I read, and have re-read so many times since then. This Yoongi's so perfectly characterised, and there's a cameo from a sexy model Taehyung too.
Dominance and Domesticity by @theharrowing. A Yoongi who doms you in the bedroom and also does ironing? Where do I sign up? Sexy perfection.
Cybersex by @gimmethatagustd. Yoongi x f! reader. Reader is a phone sex hotline operator in this brother's best friend AU. Featuring a hot, confident, capable Yoongi who nearly set my screen on fire.
Shameless by @vyduan. Idolverse AU with Yoongi and reader. A stunning story, part of the Her multiverse series, with complex, layered characters that are so beautifully human. One of the first stories I read when I started reading BTS fanfic, and one I won't forget.
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 2 months
What do you think abt Cat! TF141 ? In my not-so-trusted envision the loudest one would be cat! Johnny, he also has night zoomies. Cat! Price needs to scold him for being loud and disturbing your precious night rest. Absolutely loves to be near with you. He often head butting into your palm or legs just to gain your attention. Cat! Gaz might be the chillest but no doubt he can be the pioneer in wrecking havoc in your house along with cat! Johnny. Oh, cat! Gaz also loves to screw the cat tower. You have to avoid him from scratching your couch or rug.
Cat! Simon is the grumpiest and savage cat, often avoiding your initial touch but actually he craves for it. Chin scratch, head pats and belly rubs are his favourite. He has the girliest meow despite his rugged appearance, something he's not so proud for and major reason why he choose to be silent most of time. Cat! Price is like their leader. One day you heard him meowing very loud just to shut them up (mostly it's for cat! Johnny since he's too much energy) when you have fever and couldn't sleep. His pupils shrank and bared his teeth like he's about to attack. You thanked him later with snack and some kisses. Cat! Price can been seen chilling near window when the sun ray appears. He's not that affectionate but he doesn't decline your head pats or nose bop.
Lol imagine the chaos you'll have when you own these cats
Hello anon! This is such a good question since I’m 100% cat person lmfao tho dogs’ cute too
months ago I wrote some hcs about Cat!TF141 (&König)
1 2
but yes I agree Cat!Johnny will be the loudest, like REALLY LOUD and keeps meowing
Cat!Price are leader of them (of course) and deal with his boys’ chaos and troubles
Cat!Gaz I imagined he will be a well-behaved cat except some occasions, but damn I love your hc about his possibility of destroying couches hahaha it’s cute af (well until he scratches it)
Cat!Simon def is grumpy but tsundere 😈 might will just need to destroy his feign and hoist him in your arms
and the hc Price chilling near window!!! 10000% agree!! and damn I love u mentioning his occasional loud meow to control his boys
ty for the ask anon I’m crazy for this au againnnnnn
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Characters Voice Our Frustrations
March 2023 Wk 2
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Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 4 of 8 - I love these two so much. King is so utterly in love with this boy. I like that this is one of the first BLs I’ve ever seen where sex is depicted as a coping mechanism. Is it healthy? No..ooo..? But it is different. It is phenomenal to see King depicted as sensitive enough to realize that something is wrong with Uea, despite his desire. (FYI all the triggers on this show forever, I’m gonna stop naming them now) 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - The flirting is cute. The stalking is not. There’s a Kdrama tone to this pair’s dynamic. I don’t know why I feel that way, I just do. I mind it less this week than I did last week. Cher is a funny, kindly chatterbox and a FIERCE flirt. But not a tease, as it turns out. His poor boss does not stand a chance. Interesting pacing, this is awfully early for a kiss in a Thai BL. I like GMMTV doing these generational discussions around gayness and society, even if this version is more on the nose than Moonlight Chicken.  
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The Promise (Thai WeTV & YT) ep 2 of 10 - I’m still enjoying it but I want there to be a good reason for parting with no contact for 10 YEARS, but I do not trust Thai narratives to satisfy in this regard. A drunk kiss is NOT a good enough reason. Oh HI BOSS! (What’s Zabb Man) you so pretty, I like the earrings. 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - Oo. There’s only one bed trope. Also queer over achiever expectations. I’ve only seen DBK address this one. Well done little pulp. The tsundere seme admitting that baby boi was his security blanket was so flipping cute. But this show is leaning into taboo stepbrother stuff. So if that wigs you out, avoid. I, however, am enjoying it. Queer fam and local neighborhood kid dynamic is cute. This is more slice of life than drama, not much is happening, but I’m okay with it. 
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) 1 of 12 eps- Stars Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) and Cooper (My Engineer) in a time travel paranormal that smacks of HIStory 5. Sunshine 90s kid travels to 2022, goes to university, encounters grumpy nerd. I cannot STAND the music. Pratfall... into intentional kiss? That’s new. Of course it’s a dream. I like the 90s mentality and language rep, but I’m not sold on the show. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - I guess we got the backstory? Did it explain stuff? Sort of. This is still a pretty incomprehensible show. And then a random cute (+ ALL the BL tropes) date, and then “but actually I am still in love with my dead lover.” I’m so confused by characters, plot, pacing... everything. 
Our Winter (Thai & Korea YT & TikTok under ThaiMiniSeries) eps 10-11 of 14 - they remain as TutorYimmy in the snow as they are out of it. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dating Sim (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 1-2 of 8 - THIS SHOW IS GOING TO RUIN MY LIFE IT’S SO GOOD. Reunion romance featuring popular smart boy + shy art queer. It’s ridiculously adorable. What do I do? It’s SO CUTE. 
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) eps 3-4 of 8 - I like the shy chef with the crush, but I wish we knew why he doesn’t want to sell booze. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan Fri GaGa) ep 4 of 6 - Jealousy + manic pixie dream boy + pregnant pauses + great acting = Japan doing its thing. 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) ep 2 of 10 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except fucking Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) saving to binge if the ending is okay. 
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - Kei Ichikawa's manga is getting a JBL adaptation. Weird distribution though, it started Feb 27 sequentially on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR video distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed:
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Heesu In Class 2 (Korea Thurs unknown, I check Viki Gaga iQIYI & WeTV nada) - A gay(er) version of Sex Education. I’m still not sure this one is actually happening.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Tomorrow: Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga?) 5 eps - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love - yeah I didn’t know that was based on a novel, either). About, you guessed it, an engineering student and a dentist. Maybe this will be the FOTS we were all hoping for? Fuse (the engineering student) is played by Boom from the En of Love and is kinda the same character (Field). I think we can expect this one to be soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. (maybe March 19 international)
3/14 A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea Tues Viki & Gaga) 7 eps (?) - Adaptation of Dongmul's manwha, high school set, features a teasing confident gay, and a rich/poor pairing, about homophobia/gossip putting a scholarship in jeopardy. Star idols Jaehan & Yechan BOTH from OMEGA X, a first for the industry.
3/17 Unintentional Love Story (Korea Fri iQIYI) 8 eps? - Ji Won Young is intent on winning over the heart of Yoon Tae Joon as he's the boss's favorite artist. Stars idol Gongchan (maknae of B1A4).
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
The Department of You Said It For Us:
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You speak for ALL OF US honey. (Am I the only who keeps seeing KarnNut in these roles?) The Promise 
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I’d put in the gif but the giffmaking children of tumblr are sadly lacking in the unfettered genius that is Grosse Pointe Blank. 
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Chains of Heart reviewing itself. 
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GMMTV continues its 2023 Apology Tour. (Boss & Babe) 
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King (Bed Friend) might be stealing Consent King title from Win. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Hidden Side from HWANG MIN HYUN (aka Minhyun of Nu’est & Wanna One RIP) - with few exceptions I’m not usually into the visual, but this is a terribly catchy song. And the poor thing has been awfully unlucky with his groups, maybe his solo and acting career will take off? 
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st0r-fruit · 9 months
I have another Gakuen babysitters crossover guys, bare (bear 🐻) with me.
Spy x Family x Gakuen Babysitters crossover!
General Changes
So Instead of Youko Morinomiya (Oba-Saan) being the Chairwoman of Morinomiya Academy, she will be the Chairwoman of Eden Academy, working alongside Henry Henderson (Mr. Henderson). I'm still considering and figuring which one of them should be the higher authority.
Ryuuichi and Kotaro are still 16 and 2 years old in this crossover
Now, the manga & anime never mentioned how old is the average Emperial Scholar students, sooo I'm putting my thumb around 16-19 years old.
So that makes Ryuuichi an Imperial Scholar, of course he got that title with his own hard work (Oba-Saan is strict as heck).
There is a daycare center for staff children. Founded by Oba-Saan and led by Ryuuichi.
Teachers and Staff of Oba-Saan also works there and left their children in the daycare center.
Context in School
So, of course, Ryuuichi and Kotaro got adopted by Oba-Saan (canon)
Which automatically puts him in the academy.
Ryuuichi has only become an Imperial Scholar for 3 months, last 6 months spent studying and getting Stella Stars.
He has 8 Stella Stars from good grades and contributing to society and providing special services supported by the school and 1 Tonitrus Bolt from punching a same-grade student as a defense for himself and the toddlers.
The Stella Stars comes from him leading the daycare center, raising fundraisers for the less fortunate, doing bake-sales and doing general services (Although he was confused on why doing general services are a big deal, like? It's normal?)
Ryuuichi is busier than usual, so he left Kotaro most of the time with Saikawa-san, but as soon as he gets free time, he will bring carry Kotaro everywhere. (he loves and misses his baby brother okay? 🥺🥹)
Plot aligning with Spy x Family
A normal day in class, with Mr. Henderson being the teacher.
It's homeroom class (not sure if that existed in spy x family), and Mr. Henderson announced a program that they will all attend. Right now.
Said program is a group sessions q & a with 10 Imperial Scholars on how to get Stella Stars and avoid Tonitrus Bolts (because he thinks the students these days are lazy and lack of Eden spirit-y).
He has invited 10 Imperial Scholars to the program.
Said Imperial Scholars get in the room. The class has 50 students (according to some people, I'm just using this as a reference.), so they split 5 students to each Imperial Scholars.
Anya, Becky, Damian, Emile & Ewen gets into one group, with the usual arguments and Damien being a tsundere and grumpy.
Then, Mr. Henderson paired them with the scholar none other than **drum roll please** Ryuuichi Kashima!
To put it short, Ryuuichi tells his experience about being an Imperial Scholar, ways to earn Stella Stars and more.
Then, they started to hangout more often if they see each other in-between breaks.
Spoiler alert‼️ Ryuuichi has now 5 gremlins to look out for and he loves them very much :))) (The Eden five also loves him back ofc)
I have many more ideas and headcanons, do tell in the comments or reblog if you wanna hear more! :DDD
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wario-speedwagon · 2 months
top 5 ai the somnium files characters??
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ohoho, well lemme tell ya with great pleasure! :D
(disclaimer, I've only played through the first game, so I will only be including characters from that game and not the sequel)
5. Boss
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It's in her name, she gaslights, gatekeeps, girlbosses and looks good doing it! Jokes aside though, I love how she is simultaneously secretly and subtly caring while also just. blunt and unapologetic about overworking her subordinates or unashamed to crack dirty innuendos. She has all sorts of random trinkets and junk all over her office, from boy band posters to christmas trees to party decorations. Shady but with a heart of gold. She's not quite as deep a spoiler angst rabbit hole character as some others, but she's a joy every time she's on screen, ya love to see her <3
4. Hitomi
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This is my one underrated underdog pick, but ourgh, loving and supportive single mothers doing their best while keeping their dark tragic backstories private from their kids, my beloved <3 I could delve into detail just how magnificent her backstory is, from the circumstances of her being a mother to her tragic past love life, and how being a stereotypical normal boring sweet schoolteacher mother figure, she's been unfortunately involved in the most dangerous secrets but just trying to live her best life with her daughter despite it. Hitomi my beloved, seemingly simple characters with hidden depth, my beloved
3. Aiba
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She is soooo silly and also maybe the only sane person here, or at least sane in the way an AI personality would be. She is Date's AI assistant and also his prosthetic eye, and the right gif is the form she takes when she's outside of his eyesocket. The left gif is her digital avatar form. She's constantly judging Date's thoughts and actions, she gets excited about bugs, she helps Date be a better parent (more on that later), she does Hacker Skillz on a whim, she might be capable of actual love even as an AI! Truly a worthy pfp :3
2. Date
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You've heard of Love to Hate, but this guy will force you to learn what Hate to Love means. Cringy horny porn-addict failure of a person, how dare you be an amazing character with a super sad spoiler backstory and amazing angst going on. I need to push him down some stairs right now. He has a fantastic coworker good cop/bad cop dynamic going on with Aiba his eyball assistant (he's mysteriously missing an eye and Aiba is his replacement), and he's a grumpy but genuinely trying temporary guardian for a bratty middle schooler who holds him in contempt and pretends to hate him (i.e. we're talking wet cat & wet cat found family dynamics >:)
1. Mizuki
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I love this child. I would do anything for this child. I would do anything to be this child. Snarky ass middle schooler. Human weapon of mass destruction because why not. Had a hard home life with her abusive or neglectful parents and is now a tsundere wet cat found family roommate with Date whom she bullies like a sibling but is still in denial about who her real family are. She carries grenades and such in her backpack even to school and she carries her favorite lead pipe with her everywhere. (spoilers) she has seen both of her parents' dead bodies and in some timelines her best friends' and favorite teacher's as well...
Ough the character depth and growth and angst and silliness of this character, the sheer badassery, her iconic-ness--oh yeah, she canonically says in game says that she respects and is inspired the LGBT community (based). You just can't get more S-tier than Mizuki. Might be favorite character of all time. I'm so excited when I eventually play the sequel because she's the protagonist in it! :D
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
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➳ request: can i please ask for akira, soma, ryo, takumi and eishi with a male s/o who dresses in really cute and "feminine" clothes and likes cute things (plushies, cozy videogames, pastel colors etc.)? thx in advance ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
➳ character/s: yukihira soma, hayama akira, kurokiba ryo, aldini takumi, tsukasa eishi
➳ warnings: swearing
➳ notes: that’s really cute ;v; femboys ftw
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he’s pretty stupid, he probably didn’t even notice for ages
i think he acknowledged your clothes for all but 2 seconds
before needing to know what you cook like
he talks to your plushies ALL THE TIME
he’ll bring one along with him when he thinks it’s being neglected
it’s not, it’s just his favourite plushie
and he’s like
“sir snuggles. be honest. does this look good or nah?”
proceeds to show sir snuggles his next dish
waits a moment and then goes
“yeah, i thought so.”
and continues cooking
he bought animal crossing, stardew valley and shit all for you baby
he wanted to spend more time with you in any way at all
and he will 100% take playing cozy games and maybe trampling your flowers as a date
at first pretty weirded out by it because it’s way foreign to him
but he got used to it after a while
he’s not gonna shit on you for it, no way
but he’ll just look curiously from afar
a respectful stare
you have left a very significant imprint on him
he will never see pastel colours without thinking of you
and he’s like
“that’s horrible, why would someone buy that?”
and then buys it for you
because who knows when you need this pack of 40 pastel sticky notes
but you might need them eventually
if you have longer hair
hayama can do it for you???
he’s willing to learn new hairstyles to make it easier for you
he hates you at first because you’re RUINING his intimidating aura
grumpy x sunshine dynamic for sure
he has a soft spot for you and he won’t admit it but you can tell
tsundere no. 1
will gift you new plushies but act like he hates that you have them
what a loser.
he already names these plushies before giving them to you
one of them is literally called kiba
i wonder where he got that name from-
and it’s a plushie of a doberman because he is your scary dog privileges
he’d fight bullies for you any day
he’d bash someone for tryna pick on you for wearing clothes you wanna wear
and he secretly went through your closet to check your sizes
alice drags him clothes shopping and like
he might as well buy you something as well I GUESS
also a bit taken aback by your different attire 
out of everyone, he’s probably the most willing to join you-
he’s probably the most doting as well
talks to you in baby voice and squishes your cheeks
isami hates y’all
you guys are disgustingly cute
takumi moves your plushies and pretends to be a ventriloquist
pretends the plushie is giving you advice
this especially happens if you’re upset
and you got him addicted to your cozy video games
he’s been playing stardew valley with you for HOURS
you have a farm together called ‘fettuccine farm’
once, takumi wanted to try your clothes
and uhhh he found that skirts weren’t exactly his thing
but he can suck it up to have a tea party with you n your plushies
he gives me conservative a little bit, so your clothes probably gave him a heart attack
but it’s mostly cause he doesn’t see that often enough
so the more you hang out, the easier it gets to look past it
he has more heart attacks though
of cuteness
he constantly looks at you without you knowing and just gets heart palpitations
you gave him a plushie to have when he feels lonely without you
and he keeps it on his desk in his fancy elite 10 office
hugs it when he’s feeling anxious
gives it kisses when you’re not around and you SHOULD BE
also he kinda likes to come along with you clothes shopping
because he wants to get to know you better and he feels bad for judging you at the start
unsurprisingly, the soft cozy games calm him down a lot
he chronically plays unpacking
and talks to the plushie you gave him while he organises-
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6leafypot9 · 1 year
Hero & Villain Pair Ideas 3
*I'm back with part 3!!! I haven't been able to write or finish my wips as much as I want to because I'm about to graduate, so I'm posting this for now.*
Grumpy!Villain x Retired!Hero x Civilian
Hero and Civilian are finally able to move in together! They have a new house, a new dog, and a new neighbor! They bump into Villain in the middle of screaming at his henchmen over the phone. They have no idea who Villain is and fall in love, nobody knows if Villain has the same feelings though.
Sidekick x Right Hand
Just two bros sharing a smoothie, holding hands, and watching their boss fight each other. Definitely no homo.
Supervillain x Chef!Henchman
Henchman only exists for one reason, and that's to serve Supervillain all the sweets they could ever want. Supervillain also exists for one reason, and that's to marry Hennchman. What? What do you mean he skipped a few stages?
Vigilante x Retired!Vigilante
Vigilante is a hardcore fan of Retired, and ever since they stopped their hero work, Vigilante wanted to live up to Retired's name. Vigilante is unaware that he's roommates with the said ex-vigilante. Retired is just trying to make sure his dumbass friend doesn't get himself killed.
Retired!Villain x Retired!Hero
Basically, the two of them got tired of their game and decided to live a cottagecore life with each other. Bonus points if their old sidekicks (who are now the new Hero and Villain) find them in the middle of a romantic picnic.
Corrupt!Hero x Anti-Hero x Villain
They heores are partners, Corrupt does suspicious things like using money from donations and lying about how fights happen. They think Anti has no clue, but in reality, Anti-Hero is on Villain's lap and they're both gushing about Corrupt.
Chaotic!Villain x Scientist x Monster!Villain
Somebody help the poor scientist, they just wanted to experiment on people, not get bothered by two terrifying beings! Tell Chaotic to get off their lap and tell Monster, that no, leaving a decapitated head on their doorstep is not romantic.
SuperVillain x Stoner!Civilian
SuperVillain lands in an alley badly wounded, sees Civilian and threatens them. Civilian, who is high as kite, gives 0 shits and offers SuperVillain some weed.
Superhero x Flirty!Secretary
Somebody tell these two to lock the door, nobody wants to see them doing the dirty on the meeting room's table.
Barista!Civilian x Monster!Villain
Lord have mercy on the poor soul that decides to try and rob the cafe, or kidnap the barista, because heaven knows Monster is gonna have their entrails hanging as decoration.
Scientist x Stoner!Civilian
Scientist uses Civilian to test their drugs. Civilian is A-OK with this because the scientist is cute and the trip is good.
Monster!Hero x Vigilante
The hero society is corrupt and treats Hero like they're an animal. Experimentation, bad living conditions and hardly any pay. Vigilante notices and decides to basically bribe Hero with food into living with them instead. They reveal the hero society's wrongdoings too.
Retired!Hero x SuperHero
Retired quits (gets fired) being a hero and is struggling with money. SuperHero who has been pining for them since they first joined the hero society, is happy to be sugar daddy. Retired is too tsundere though, so a lot of bonding has to be done.
Himbo!Civilian x Hero
Hero finds Civilian facedown in their dumpster, Civilian who is awake and very much out of it, calls Hero pretty and passes out. Hero gets blushy and decides that they will be responsible for this idiot from now on.
Himbo!Villain x Henchman x RightHand
Villain is stupid as rocks and RightHand is the one usually making the plans (they still add what Villain wants though cause they're whipped.) Henchman has no idea and idolizes Villain. It's a comical relationship where RightHand might need some more headache medicine.
*There you go, I am working as fast as I can on my ao3 fics I swear-*
Parts: 1 , 2 , [here]
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
1. Riku is in denial of being gay in COM
2. Riku is a slight Tsundere
3. Repliku is bi and knows about Riku
4. Mickey is Riku's therapist (mostly silly idea)
5. Xion is genderfluid
6. AkuSaï:
• Nobody really knows if they're together but assumes they are
• Act like grumpy elderly couple, fighting over stupid things
• Constantly getting divorced/breakups and then getting back together soon afterwards
7. Sora is bi and thought he was supposed to or had to like Kairi when he ends up liking Riku COM/KH2+
8. Repliku is also bi as he sometimes teases Sora
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ultyso · 9 months
Been seeing some say “I don’t get the appeal of Lawtsuda” around various places, so I thought I’d share why I personally enjoy it and how I explore it beyond what the canon displays. This’ll be a bit lengthy as I try to express my thoughts on this. This isn’t me trying to push a “why you should like it” but an explanation for why I personally find enjoyment in it and how I connect it with the canon content that makes it appealing for myself.
Firstly bare bones things is I just like the dynamic of what people consider the “grumpy x sunshine” trope. I enjoy the opposites attract with most of my pairings. I find them fairly complimentary as one character’s flaws are usually the other character’s strengths. So in Lawtsuda then: L definitely has a lot of strengths but Matsuda is more intuitive with the more emotional stuff, the thinking with heart more kinda vibe. Matsu is definitely not more on the logical side and is extremely spontaneous. I think bringing spontaneity and a completely different perspective on the world to L’s life would bring intrigue cause you never know what’ll come from Matsu, while for L bringing a more level headed place for Matsuda to learn to think before acting could help him. I just like pairings that have a give and take. (It’s also why I like Lawlight too) While yes in canon, L shows his disdain for Matsuda it has always been directly because of work. Take out work from the equation, and I feel like they would have gotten along earlier.
While in canon, yes L could gives zero shits about Matsuda since he annoys him, a lot of what he says also lines up a lot with the tsundere character type so it plays a heavy factor in why I just like it as him as to me he’s just being a silent admirer. He’s got this intense case he’s not gonna show intrigue cause that could put his own ass at risk too. Other things, at the start he did not pick on Matsuda. When did he start berating him? When Light came into focus. Just feels like self-preservation to me. Before that all the berating was coming from the other team members. I also think of when L had secret funds for the task force and their families should anything happen to them. Yes this is more a general thing but I think it shows further his care at least for everyone but he’s not gonna be vocal about it. It was because of Watari voicing out about it did everyone reconsider L before leaving him. So when I think of Lawtsuda, I see L having the same approach. Would he ever tell him? Probably not. Would he secretly do small gestures for Matsuda unbeknownst to him? More likely. Then there’s the whole Yotsuba stuff. Yes he helped probably due to 1. Mr. Yagami would not let it slide to just let him croak 2. It would give more info on the case to get the upper hand and 3. They already lost Ukita and didn’t want to lose another member as they’re already a small team. I feel like the case is the main factor though. Either way, he did help assist him. Though it is still perplexing to let him live as he would have gotten undeniable proof of Kira being amongst them if Matsuda ended up dead. Though he didn’t let it reach that. So I can’t help but feel there’s at least an ounce of care there. Then when it came to faking Matsuda’s death I just can’t stop thinking of how much he was trying to figure out a solution to get Yotsuba off him. Like he could have just cut his losses on Matsuda, but he still tried to figure out a way to save him. Coming up with that whole plan did lead to still being able to find a new route to finding the Yotsuba Kira so it was still beneficial to him in the end. I just like that he seemed to express an ounce of concern for Matsuda during this whole thing. The guy is also a notorious liar so take what he says with a grain of salt too. I notice how when he calls Matsuda an idiot he’s often touched his lips when saying that. Hmmmm. Also the fact that L will allow Matsu (other than Watari) get him coffee/tea? The trust is there at least knowing Matsuda would never poison him at all fhdhdjdjdj.
While in canon, the approval seeking that Matsuda displays is just wanting to be seen as valuable to the team, it’s the most centered around on wanting to be good enough in L’s eyes. Which is why I like it on his end. He strives so much to be good enough for him, wanting his praise. While other team members have acknowledged his work at certain points, his response to other members like for instance the one with Mr. Yagami’s praise to him seemed to hold less interest as he brushed it off. (This coming from the man who also heavily looks up to Mr. Yagami and wants his approval too.) Take the games with how little or much canon level as you want, but his reaction to having any validation from L brought him so much excitement and happiness I just can’t help but get all mushy at it 🥺 He does clearly admire L in some regards, rather you take it as platonic or romantic. I mentioned in a different post, but just how much he keeps himself around L too. If at the Task Force, Matsuda is almost always standing or sitting right by him. Guy is attachedddd. At this point it is beyond just people pleasing to me. Also the grief him and Aizawa have when the news is broke about L being confirmed dead. When it comes to Near, I personally see his frustrations with him (aside from Kira case stuff) as a reminder that L is gone and he’s still not fully coping with it. He got used to Light, he seems fond of him too, but he isn’t L so he doesn’t cause him distress. Near is so reminiscent I can’t help but feel it just causes a bunch more complications to him.
There’s a lot of similarities I see between Misa and Matsu that I’m not going to go into great lengths for. But I can see how it seems similar to Misa/Light for instance. One seeming devoted, while the other doesn’t give any shits. For me personally how I think it differs, is mentioned in my prev paragraphs that I personally just see as L as secretly admiring. That’s really all it is to it there.
Other minor things:
I just personally find it cute. Most content I see out there is fluff. I love fluff so I like it.
If ever in a relationship, I just think it would be playful, as in lots of teasing. Just being silly.
In doujins a lot of them tend to focus on sleeping, that L feels safe enough to sleep next to Matsuda. It just feels like a cute trend I see with them. Matsuda is pretty open book about everything, so I feel it’s easier to trust him. He’s spontaneous so he has his issues there but emotionally he’s pretty easy reading. L doesn’t sleep often as is, he tries his best not to but he can’t help it sometimes if he’s too exhausted. If he does find himself in that position, it has to be somewhere safe where he knows nothing bad will happen to him. With Lawtsuda stuff focusing on that often, it just feels so sweet. Like L is always protecting them with the case, and then here while he rests, Matsuda can keep him safe 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Why do I like it more than Lawlight then even tho I ship both? It really just comes down to I like L and Matsuda as characters alone. I’m not personally a fan of Light as much. So Lawtsuda just naturally feels better for me. That’s all there really is to it.
Also gives me similar vibes to InuKag (Inuyasha) and SoMa (Soul Eater) to which are pairings I also enjoy.
Thanks for reading my long nonsense! Feel free to disagree and still be like “Ulty, these reasons are dumb and Lawtsuda still sucks ass” cause at end of day, this is just my personal preference and everyone is free to have their own. We don’t have to all like the same pairings. ^^!
Feel free to ask anything if you want more info or other explanations for stuff or whatever chdjdjdkk
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 6 months
@thatndginger This ask you sent me back in November (mea culpa) was sitting in my drafts. But since it no longer seems possible to edit a reply to an ask (?), I had to start fresh.
Original Ask: Happy STS! I might be bearing my own secrets a little here, but oh well! Your characters are playing a dating game, which archetype are they going for? (ie: the arrogant one, the cold one, the childhood friend, the older man, the shy one, the flirt, etc)
Fortunately for us, Dorian is as much an expert on dating games as they are vampires and dinosaurs. They graciously compiled the data for us in their observation notes while traveling with their companions
Test Subject #1: Isaac Soto
Little to no prior experience with material in question
Self-reported type: Claims he doesn't have one
Game Selected: Love, Me
Subject initially very grumpy and reluctant to play. Finally agreed after I batted my eyes teehee 💜
Took nearly 20 minutes deciding which character to spend personal time with when first prompted
Went with the Shy, Quiet Type who only opens up after earning her trust (recognition of the self? working out personal issues through fiction? just trying to throw me off bc I'm watching?)
Played through that storyline and got happy, romantic ending. Subject expressed general satisfaction and was amenable to a second try
Went with the Playboy who's secretly deeper than he appears and craves love (going to the other extreme? unconscious desires?)
Subject sarcastically expresses doubt and scorn about Playboy's every action. Not unlike with a Certain Someone irl 😏
Subject grew increasingly more flustered and annoyed as Playboy showed more facets and genuine feelings
Subject very quiet and went to bed after getting happy and romantic ending. Has been still and silent but not actually sleeping for the past half hour
Test Subject #2: Kinslayer
Claims extensive knowledge of material in question
Self-reported type: "Gothic novel protagonist" or "anyone with a heart that continues to beat despite how easily it bleeds"
Game selected: Monster Wife
Judging from the amount of tentacles involved in the game design, I may have made a grave miscalculation here
Subject has kindly offered to let me know when to avert my eyes. However, I will remain vigilant. For science 🫣
Went with Tsundere Type werewolf (identity crisis? repressed emotion? just likes brawny women? <- relatable)
Surprising amount of story layered between the heaving bosoms and horny cutscenes
Subject makes game and gift choices which net high approval every time
Image feed flickered several times during more emotional scenes. Subject apologized off-handedly. Said they'd been "tasting the story", which can interfere with electronics (???)
Subject achieved happy and rather explicit ending. Asked whether I had learned anything
I deflected by suggesting we go out for pancakes, which was accepted
Subject #3: Renato Faria Dimas
Has heard of subject matter but has no experience with it
Self-reported type: Self-destructive and/or tragic heroes
Game selected: Wine x Blood x Roses
Subject very amused by the vampire theme
Despite stated preferences, subject is romancing Unassuming Girl with Glasses. Claims it's bc she stood out from the rest of the brooding/seductive characters (protective streak? desire to corrupt? being honest about his feelings for once?)
Unassuming type is indeed quite interesting. Not shy per se, but with a disarming cheer, and keeps avoiding talking about her history
Subject obviously intrigued despite his jokes about how she must secretly be evil. Gives no sign if he's noticed he uses the same cheery tone as her while doing this
Turns out Unassuming is much older than the other vampires, and she killed a lot of people in the past. She's slowly turned around, though, making a quiet life for herself among books and studying nature
Subject did not have any quips for these revelations
Same during the points where Unassuming questions whether she even deserves peace after all she's done
Subject repeatedly chose responses that reassured Unassuming that she's not a monster deep down and that people can change and learn from mistakes
Happy, platonic ending achieved
Subject thanked me for showing him the game despite his haunted stare. Quietly slunk off to brood somewhere for awhile before I could figure out how to get him and Subject 1 to just talk already
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Silvio Ricci. Chapter 11 + Letter
Church. Silvio and Gilbert.
Gilbert: Jade has a more complicated family situation than Belle, so I don't blame him.
Silvio: I hope you didn't make up this family situation yourself.
Gilbert: Haha, that's a terrible misunderstanding. I didn't have to make it up, but royalty always have their own messy family affairs, don't they?
Gilbert: I've only been using it for a while.
Gilbert: But you disturbed Grumpy Boy*, didn't you?
*根暗くん - nekura kun. Nekura - dark-natured; introverted; grumpy; gloomy; pessimistic
Silvio: I'm sick of your disgusting actions.
Silvio: If the woman chooses to be an Obsidian spies in order to hide her identity as Belle...
Gilbert: As expected of Grumpy Boy. No, I wonder if the "beast inside Grumpy Boy" has quieted down?
The second time I read Silvio's route. There was a mistranslation.
Gilbert is just talking about how the existence of a secret agreement between Rhodolite and Obsidian would have been a problem for Jade. Perhaps that's why Keith wasn't affectionate with MC.
Basically, Gil makes it clear that he knows everything and that he pushed Keith to do what he did.
Silvio doesn't like Gilbert's actions. Gilbert wants to find out what Silvio thinks of him.
Gilbert: You only have two choices, join hands or be forced to join hands, right?
Silvio: Huh?
Gilbert jumps off the podium and puts his cane to Silvio's throat. There was no chance to resist, it was an instantaneous event.
And then this image appears and I forget what I'm translating... Who is Silvio? Let me read about this guy 🚬🤤
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Silvio is trapped.
Gilbert: Depending on what you do, I may have to turn my heart into a beast!
Silvio: Нa, I see.
Silvio realized that the case of Keith and MC and it was "a threat to him".
Gilbert gave it more time to think. But not for long.
The trail left by Silvio has not disappeared. The heroine is back in the collar.
She drinks tea with Rio. She confesses that she has grown to hate him less, so she decides to entertain the prince. And Rio has to help her do it.
Rio:.... How can I say no to MС when she asks me to do something for her? I am your loyal (dog) butler.
Rio gets jealous...
Day 1.
Leon and Jin recommended a liquor store.
Silvio liked the wine.
MC was pleased.
Then the prince added that it was possible to open a production facility in his country.
MC became sad.
Day 2.
Love this scene.
The hill, overlooking the city.
Rio's and MC's favorite spot.
Rio tries to get Silvio drunk on a spicy juice that makes "fatigue and consciousness magically deflate." Clavis' recommendation.
Silvio: 😐😑 You don't want to entertain me at all, do you?
Rio happily drinks the juice.
The result is known. Eyes on his forehead and cries of "It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"
MC immediately begins to take care of Rio.
Silvio: Woman, give me a drink.
He drank....He liked it.
Rio: ....🤨🙄
Day 3.
Rose Garden. After all, Rhodolite is associated with roses.
Silvio: Damn, I'm not interested.......
Yves and Licht tell the trio about the secret gazebo.
The girl leads them there.
Rio: MC's smiling face is picture-worthy.
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Boy in Love 🤗
Silvio: ......
Rio: Lord Silvio?
Day 4.
MC cooked fricassee. Silvio didn't want to try it at first.
Tsundere mood: on.
Silvio admitted that it wasn't bad.
But he ate it with pleasure.
MC: Practice saying "good" next time.
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Silvio: ....You're cheeky.
MC: Huh... Please stop mussing my hair.
Rio's not happy.
And Day 5.
Keith comes to apologize.
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Keith: You can beat me up all you want!
(This is a different person, not like the last time.)
MC forgives him, but Rio adds that it's only one time.
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I praise you, read on.
Your recent entertainment isn't bad.
The only thing I don't get is the damn dog that comes with you every time.
But even with that, the content is much better.
I especially liked the rose fricassee.
You should definitely make it again.
And give me some more of your homemade food.
YOUR homemade food, of course.
If it's homemade, that means only you can make it.
I want that taste, so don't let anyone else cook it.
... And don't let the fucking dog help you cook.
Call me instead of cooking with him alone.
I'll help you out a little bit.
Silvio Ricci.
Silvio's Masterlist
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL
Feb 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most. 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) ep 9 of 12 - WinSound totally won me over in this ep. They were great. Their competitive style of romance, made me really happy. Double tsundere it’s so rare to get and not be annoying or depressing. Of course the mains were adorable too. 
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) ep 8 of 12 - Solid little episode. Perth in the pool, thank U BL gods. Peeling the shrimp to rope, always a favorite of mine. Some awesome couple flirting and a nice romantic sex scene. What’s not to like about this episode?
Hit Bite Love (Sat YouTube) ep 2 of 6 - King is fucking adorable. Burger is clueless and (apparently) entirely straight. Shogun is one of the gayest characters ever put in high school BL. Heda is kinda awesome, basically a chaos wingman. Matteo is interesting. I genuinely like the central friendship between King & Shogun a lot. Queer baby besties! It’s Ming & Wayo-esk but better. Holy KINK FEST outta nowhere, BLman! I’m getting total whiplash with this show. Very Make It Right. What does it want to be? Who tf knows but I’m into it, that’s for sure. It’s accomplishing something, which most pulps don’t.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) ep 11fin - my backup computer is down so I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet. Hopefully but next week’s report.   
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) ep 6 of 10 (or 11&12 of 20) - Jonny’s hair is driving me nuts. Hai Yi’s behavior is confusing me too. Office boys remain totally adorable. Very doomy mid run ep 6. Ah Taiwan, how unpredictable you are. 
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - these weirdos make for very strange boyfriends. Frankly? K seems like a useless bit of business, if you ask me. 
Individual Circumstances (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 5-6 of 8 - I’m just annoyed with Mr. Tsundere at this point, he’s gone from grumpy to mean. I just want him to have a really good reason for having disappeared without saying anything, and good does not mean “sensitive pathetic authorial feels.” You don’t abandon your best friend just because you fell in love with them, that’s an unforgivably shitty thing to do. 
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan Sun Gaga ep 1 of 8 - Stars Toshiki Seto (Senpai, This Can't Be Love). The world is about to be destroyed by a meteor, so Masumi visits his old uni library to read as much as he wants until the end. There he meets Ritsu, his player ex. It’s a bit awkward, and I’m not sure about the premise (it scares me that it might be sad). It’s racier, gayer, and has better kissing than i was expecting (again a sign it might go dark). Also Is Ritsu a big time bi-slut player or is that Masumi’s perspective? Regardless I’m intrigued if wary. 
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Finished this week
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) ep 7fin - They are so cute it’s unbelievable. I thought it was a good office romance ending, if not a great Bl ending. All in all this is a darn near perfect nugget of an office romance BL, sweet and much gayer than we have any right to expect from Korea. Rainbow rice cakes forever! 9/10
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) ep 12fin - It’s a serviceable series about hot swimmers flirting and dealing with family drama in a sweetly earnest manner, but ultimately it squanders the talent in play. I would’ve preferred a cleaner narrative arc, less angst and more plot, fewer couples, and a shorter series. That said, there’s nothing objectively wrong, sub-standard, or off-putting about this show. And it has lots of consent and other good qualities. It’s fine. Watch along here. 8/10
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) ep 12fin - I did think a lot over why I disliked this one. Because on the surface it’s just your standard slightly terrible Thai pulp, and I’m usually not that mean about them. I think in the end it comes down to the uke who just seemed to never warm to the boy pursuing him, and never really actually wanted to be his boyfriend. Also terrible dead fish kiss. 5/10 
Apparently we have new scions (waves goodbye to BrightWin) - GeminiFourth: The Crown Princes of BL. If you’re wondering how their chemistry is so good (My School President), this article may explain it. 
In Case You Missed It
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Caught up on 2020′s The Reason Why He Fell In Love With Me. (Gaga picked it up and I’ve been wanting to see it since it got announced in 2019.) 
TRWHFILWM Series 1 - 2 teachers who work together at the same high school, one outgoing and the other reserved, start an affair. Gave me Ossan’s Love vibes and that is my least favorite kind of JBL. It’s just far too cartoonish and slapstick and I don’t like it. That said, it has several kisses, a happy ending, and they are cute together. So if you can this style BL, it you might like it. 
TRWHFILWM Special - Completely ignores the first couple and the teacher premise, carrying over just one main character, and should have been a new BL (Boys Love flashbacks). I understand 2021′s season 2 continues this tactic. But I’ll watch it eventually. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Not a lot actually, which is cool, I still got some 2022 catching up still to do. Why You Y Me, may be? 
Moonlight Chicken (Weds? YouTube) 1 of 8 -   
My Beautiful Man S2 - ??? sorry I’m scared of this one and not really paying attention, it being Japan and a desirable property, I’m assuming it will either be impossible to find or just show up on my dash in 2 places at once. 
Feb releases list is here. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments some are inaccurate, NOT UPDATED)
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Hit Bite Love it’s classic terrible Thai pulp and I’m kinda loving it. 
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Thank you very much GMMTV. 
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More FINALLY (My School President). 
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I love the acknowledged combative nature of this relationship. It’s great. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Under the Skin by &team, eh, it’s catchy I guess
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