#the guy with the visual disability.
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cupidsbeaux · 4 months
it's my personal belief that Gillion needs glasses while on land but doesn't realize his vision is even different from everyone else's.
in the water he sees great! it's what tritons are made to do! but above water things are blurry and he's nearsighted. tritons can survive on land, but it's not an ideal situation (as shown by the fact that Gillion sleeps in barrels and bathtubs). he assumes that's just how land creatures are because how would he know any better? this is just another challenge that he's willing to face.
so yeah, he's totally visually impaired. lots of fish and amphibians can't see well outside of water, and i'm choosing to believe that Gillion is the same way.
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valtsv · 2 years
wasn't aware that tumblr had an option to add image descriptions so thanks to the person who sent me an ask about it. i'll try to add them to as many of my posts as possible from now on; if i forget feel free to remind me they're missing.
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funky-lil-ghost · 1 year
i’m not exactly the person to complain about this but man it would be nice if accessibility standards were totally normalized. like yeah i can see and hear just fine but what if i prefer to read a video transcript because of adhd or not wanting to turn up the volume on my phone for whatever reason. i scroll past videos i would’ve liked to watch sooooo often cause there’s no transcript.
also IDs r so nice when u have low signal and the images won’t load
obviously it’s more important to normalize accessibility standards because they’re absolutely necessary for making things accessible to the people they’re designed for. they’re just also rad as hell & i wish everyone appreciated them as much as I do cause maybe then people would start noticing how inaccessible a lot of stuff currently is
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Celebration art for the Switch release of Higyaku no Noel/ Noel the Mortal Fate by 4koma artist Y. Tsukushiro
Switch Listing (50% off until 5/30/2024)
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tauforged · 1 year
ok i’m putting my hater hat on for a second. no shade to whoever reblogged the post like it’s whatever but this tiktok is kind of annoying to me and i can’t quite put my finger on exactly the wording i’m looking for but like
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like. are you actually TALKING to the guy and attempting to make a connection? or are you just assuming that by virtue of him being blind that he’s gonna be lonely/available and just you existing in his presence consistently enough is gonna be enough to make him fall in love with you. like are you just posting this to pat yourself on the back for treating a blind person like another human being and even (gasp) being attracted to one? what is with this assumption that when interacting with a visually impaired person that you should do anything BUT use your damn words and talk to them. ‘i wear the same perfume so he recognizes me!’ or you could just like. talk to him? idk like say ‘hey x, it’s y! how’s it going?’ or something. a little “good morning/good afternoon/how’s your day going”? if someone did that shit to me i’d be mad as fuck it’s like… it’s condescending and weird. either outright ask someone what accommodations work for them or just interact with them however you’d interact with anyone else. he’s blind he’s not a wild animal you don’t need to get him accustomed to your fucking scent just fucking talk to the guy… “awaaaa you’re making your flirting accessible!! this is so romantic where’s the movie omg” take off your fanfic goggles for like 5 seconds and use ur brain…
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gristlegrinder · 4 months
a fun(?) fact about siya is that their burn scars on their face and forearms are from scarlet! they were living in lion’s arch when she first attacked and were pulled out of the wreckage of their apartment by the lionguard. they’re incredibly lucky to have survived, all things considered, because it was not looking good for them.
they also have scarlet’s rattle from the miasma damage to their respiratory system, which is one of my favorite little details of worldbuilding.
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i would like a refund on my eyes and occipital lobe because my dudes, if youre gonna be fucked up and sometimes make me see shit thats not there, can you not do something more creative than a towel rack????
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theclockworkkid · 1 year
Forgot how inaccessible Neopets is
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capableism · 2 years
Disney Channel’s stereotypical blind guy who desires to be stereotypical jock
Going to the Mat establishes Jace Newfield as a blind musical savant. But the film focuses on Jace desperately not wanting to be seen as a stereotype. His resistance is a sign of ableism because he doesn't want to be the one-dimensional character he sees in the media; he assumes everyone thinks of him that way.  
"The problem is that fiction has the capacity to initiate this very fear, meaning that when left unaddressed literary representation itself functions as an Unseen  Starer, potentially making Unseeing Victims of not only blind characters but people with impaired vision." (Bolt, 26) The impact of such media representations can be expressed or even develop into personality traits. In my personal experience, the more I was called "courageous" and "brave" about my disability, the more stubbornness became part of my personality. 
Beginning in childhood, I felt I had much to prove for people to ignore my disability.
Due to my disability, I was often singled out. To avoid that, I became very stubborn in insisting on doing things the way able-bodied people do. Fortunately, that belief has lessened with age.
Jace's assumption that people automatically can't understand his struggles is challenged when he attends music class taught by a visually impaired teacher,  which Jace was unaware of. Jace acts out by playing a drum solo in the middle of classical music. He then defended himself by saying the teacher wouldn't understand what he's going through. Then Jace is told, "he's just like  you." and jokingly, "talk about the blind leading the blind." Mr. Wyatt immediately recognizes Jace's problems stemming from the "chip on his shoulder" related to his being blind.
The dynamic between Mr. Wyatt and Jace is mentoring and falls into the same category as the magic black guy trope. "In order to show the world that minority characters are not bad people, one will step forward to help  a "normal" person, with their pure heart and folksy wisdom. They are usually  black and/or poor… and the wisdom in some way enriches that central character's life." (Tvtropes.com) Mr. Wyatt gives him the wisdom that 
"People  will always treat you differently because you are different." 
This is hard to hear because of Jace's natural desire to fit in, especially as a teenager.
Bolt, D. (2005). Looking Back at Literature: A Critical Reading of the Unseen Stare in Depictions of People with Impaired Vision. Disability & Society, 20(7), 735-747. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687590500335741
Tv Tropes. (n.d.). Magical Negro. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
stupid ASS ad, it doesn't even have SUBTITLES
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mottski · 11 months
did any of yall playing bg3 on pc run into a brick wall of game crashing in act 2 and did you find something that fixed it?
it's becoming essentially unplayable, specifically when im inside moonrise towers. almost every cutscene freezes the game until it crashes. it usually takes at least two attempts to get through any of them. it doesn't matter whether i let the game load in around me or not, either. not to mention how long it takes *to* load in...
for example, ive been trying to step forward into kethric's throne room for 50 minutes. the game has frozen until i had to force quit twice. i moved my camera forward once and it closed out on its own. i opened settings to make sure i was in fullscreen, the game closed on its own. i feel like i am going to detonate in frustration.
game files are verified on steam, settings are as low as possible, no background apps running, overlay off. i just don't know what to do besides brute force it at this point and it sucks ass
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courtchip · 1 year
just realized ross and i have the same disability lol
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prince-geo · 11 months
literally pleased with almost all of the new atla trailer except as per usual, Zuko's scar, idk why studios are so scared to commit to the intensity of the thing, its supposed to be shocking and obvious and textured and the first thing you see... that's the point, Zuko is supposed to struggle with feeling like it defines and brands him before finally coming to the point in his journey where he defines it.
Hollywood/big studios are known to hesitate or straight up avoid properly and honestly and unapologetically showing people with disfigurements/disabilities/facial differences etc. with the realism they deserve. Which is a shame in general for representation and humanization but ESPECIALLY in this case as its minimization actively harms it's narrative purpose as well
I promise making the scar more intense (shrivel up the ear a bit, make it intrude in his hairline, make his eye in a permanent squint due to nerve damage, for god sake REMOVE THE EYEBROW IT WAS BURNED OFF) will not make Zuko "ugly", (the actor is incapable of looking ugly and also the implication that scars make people too unappealing? yikes) but will actually do the character and his journey justice, not to mention really show Ozai's brutality, another essential narrative tool. Especially when he's bald like hello??? It should be even more stark and intense when he doesn't have hair to distract from it and cover his ear!!!
When transitioning from 2D to live action, of course some visuals are up for interpretation but that usually involved ADDING detail because the constraints of having to stay on modeling frame to frame is gone, not minimizing, removing or airbrushing. Doing Zuko's scar right to me is absolutely essential and I'm disappointed they seem just as as scared to go there as I thought they might. It doesn't have to be gory, if you've ever seen burn victims in real life or in pictures or even cosplayers/artists who are skilled in realistic burn makeup you'd know its possible to balance realism with humanity. It's possible especially with their resources to avoid the "scary Halloween makeup" route while not holding back on the brutality of the original injury.
Budget is definitely not an issue, or "scaring the kids" considering this remake is likely aiming to go a lil darker in tone than the cartoon (which was already super dark with its target audience of nickelodeon 7 year olds so no excuses) Audiences SHOULD be unsettled and upset when they see him but not because he's hard/disturbing to look at but because we are human and do not want to imagine someone doing that to a child.
It's a deliberate choice out of the all too common fear/hesitation to allow someone who is destined to eventually become a protagonist and is meant to be sympathized with to be "too ugly" while this hesitation is very rarely applied to straight up villains (again we come back to media's historic villainization of facial deformity). It's a trend that's always ticked me off in fanart too. The boy's face was melted, for gods sake. Zuko was always portrayed as an attractive boy in the cartoon (fire nation girls fawn over him) even with the intensity of his scar which is something I've always admired! People exist with scars similar to Zuko's in real life, and should not only be permitted to be represented as good guys and/or as attractive when their scars are toned down to be "palatable"
Like I said there's more that I loved than didn't love about the trailer, that can be a whole essay on it's own but I needed to get this very specific vent off my chest because it missed the mark so hard and stands out like a sore thumb in comparison to all the other visuals that hit the nail on the head to me
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wormboytrav · 4 months
pov: you're on tumblr in the death note universe
💟kira-kira4652 Follow May 24, 2007
friendly reminder that if you support L you're not welcome on this blog <3 i hope you know you're gonna get what's coming for you eventually
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow May 30, 2007
kira supporters continue to make no sense lmao, you do know he kills people that think like this right
🏩xxgod-of-furyxx Follow June 3, 2007
Lord Kira will judge you. Real name is Joel Derm, link to face here.
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow June 4, 2007
the hypocrisy of doxxing someone to kira while keeping their own face off their blog will never not be funny to me
#tw kira
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🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 14, 2007
gonna be liveblogging the new wara ningyo murder doc on netflix guys, keep an eye out! i'm so excited, they got the aesthetic spot on!!! ^-^
🚍muffinstory Follow Apr 14, 2007
gross. anyway you can donate to the family of the victims here, here, and here
🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 15, 2007
okay wow, god forbid i have comfort media. if you're going to stalk the tag to spam that shit you might as well block it. i'm literally neurodivergent and a minor too imagine being a grown adult arguing with a child on the internet.
#true crime discourse #wara ningyo murders #straw doll documentary
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🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
why generation 1 had the best bionicles, an analysis
Read More
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
you can leave if you're not having fun, mello
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
fuck you i hope you get run over by a bus
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🎰tsukigod Follow May 2, 2007
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Desk Setup Inspo
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#clean aesthetic #stationary #follow for organizing tips
9,257 notes
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👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
oh my god i'm just trying to go to my sister's college entrance ceremony in peace and these two dudes in the front row will not shut the fuck up i hate it here
👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
update: one of them is barefoot (?????)
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🎩official-l Follow Sep 26, 2007
Due to an overwhelming amount of spam, asks have been temporarily disabled. Updates to follow.
🎹 gaming-matto Follow Sep 27, 2007
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visual representation of your ask box once i'm done with it
🎩official-l Follow Sep 28, 2007
What does this mean
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🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 8, 2007
okay but does anyone else think L and kira are the same guy
🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 9, 2007
no hear me out on this, they appeared at the same time, which is pretty convenient. and despite L supposedly being a great detective i can find no evidence of cases he's solved in the past and he obviously hasn't solved this one yet. so he's either kira or he's stupid
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 9, 2007
bad take op
#you guys just dont understand him like i do #he's smarter than youll ever be
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🧇thebazoinka-deactivated28479912 Follow Oct 24, 2008
✨KIRA SAFETY SPELL: like to charge reblog to cast✨
🎍taro-matsui-here Follow Dec 2, 2008
Claimed! 🙌
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txttletale · 23 days
Ok so, let's assume there are 2 steps on how to deal with AI, which are:
give up on luddite dead end pursuits of turning back the clock to more indivualized production
put energy into productive working class organizing
Could you please elaborate who is even trying to do that thing you mention in step 1? Those in denial? I have yet to see anyone, all I see is people being upset and thus hating it, which is a natural reaction to having your art be stolen. Give it time, people need time to process this change.
And regarding your step 2, that's gonna happen either way? I mean, what choice do artists have? Same as all tech that those in power want to push, ai is gonna persist, it's inevitable, as is artists trying to adapt.
I genuinely see no sense in posts advocating for ai, like, it doesn't need that, it's doing good without you guys, it has a pr team working tirelessly trying to integrate it daily. What are tumblr users who advocate for it trying to accomplish here? Make artists hate it less? As an artist whose art got stolen, even if I do manage to successfully adapt, I will not stop hating ai and those behind it? Like, what's the purpose here 😭 Sorry this got kind of long
i mean i don't consider myself an 'advocate' for 'ai art'. generative visual art is an artform i personally have little interest in making. i think if openai went bankrupt tomorrow it would be awesome and very funny. you are making a classic mistake, which is to assume that every issue is like a splatoon splatfest with two clearly defined teams. i point out that the things that people frothed up into anti-AI hysteria say are at best untrue and at worst deeply reactionary, pushing right-wing social views about art or right-wing economic views about copyright because i think those things are bad.
i don't bother making posts pointing out that, like, @ApeHODL69Doge on twitter who thinks every movie will be ai generated by 2026 is moron because, very simply, i don't exist in a social environment where i run into that kind of guy or anyone who doesn't think that kind of guy is a moron, and also because liberals can and have done a pretty great job comprehensively debunking that type of guy's nonsense arguments and empty tech hype.
this does not apply to me but many users on tumblr who "advocate for AI art" are literally just defending themselves against vicious ableist harassment mobs who think it's okay to tell a disabled person their disablity isn't real or they should draw with their mouth or they're just whiny because they used the funny picture machine, so i think what those people might be trying to accomplish is to stop getting harassed, and i think that's a pretty admirable goal
my personal goal is to encourage people to think more critically about new technologies and understand that where these new technologies immiserate them it is because of the social structures and economic system under which that technology is deployed, not because of an evil devil curse lurking in the technology itself. hopefully this answers some of your confusion.
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