#the great revolt
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months ago
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Credit to Edward J. Cabral, who says: Seasons greetings from my family to yours
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thatsbelievable · 1 year ago
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bunabi · 10 months ago
I wanna believe things will get better in our lifetime but this shit is a mess with literally no end in sight 🧍🏾‍♀️
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naffeclipse · 1 year ago
Thank you so much for all the kind birthday wishes! I'll try and respond to them soon! You guys are so sweet and I love all of you <3
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mostlyghostlyy · 7 months ago
I can't stop thinking about Dale Kobble desperately dry humping my leg while I stare down at him with a repulsed sneer on my face.
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cid5 · 7 months ago
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World War I. Arab Revolt of 1916-1918. Dhari ibn Tawala of the Aslam Shammar and his Tribesmen on Horseback.
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clandestinegardenias · 4 months ago
Look, I understand the desire for a revolution. I do. And it’s possible I might be convinced that we need one, at some point. I am open to the idea that I might be wrong!
But…literal Marxist theory posits that the way you get to a communist society is by working your way through a democracy. That’s the first STEP. Then you move to democratic socialism, then socialism, then communism. Anything that moves us away from a democracy (as I’m concerned another Trump presidency would, that man wants to be a dictator so bad) is a step AWAY from a leftist agenda. Because sure, maybe you get your ‘glorious revolution’ if Trump is president because he literally makes living conditions so unbearable that it triggers widespread revolt but from a critical Marxist standpoint you’d be revolting to get back to a democracy so you can start at that step all over again! This is a big reason theorists posit socialism/communism in the Soviet Union fell apart; too big a change too quickly and skipping steps in between.
We also have to consider that getting to the point of full blown revolution would mean catastrophic levels of suffering for people with lower socioeconomic power—POC, the queer community, folks in poverty, people with disabilities, etc.
AND any US dictatorship or similar government has an entire industrial military complex to back it up. A successful revolution would necessitate either getting that military complex on board, in which case you often end up with a military dictatorship (you can imagine how well THAT goes) or beating it which…I’m sorry, even the entire civilian population of the US cannot do. The military is light years more advanced than it was in Marx’s time, rebellion is so so so so much more complicated. It also sets a precedent for violent exchanges of power that tend to set countries up for a decades/centuries long tailspin of military coups in which the people with the most gun power (again…usually not vulnerable groups) win control.
I’m not trying to be a fatalist, here. I actually think fatalism is a tool of the oppressor and we have to fight against it tooth and nail. I’m just trying to logic out what will happen if Kamala/Walz lose and Trump/Vance win. What does that really look like? What is the next step, the next outcome that will lead us to a better place? And I just cannot, for those reasons above, see a Trump presidency leading us anywhere good. That IS what we will get if people hold out on voting for Harris as a form of protest. I’m all for protest!!!!! But it needs to be in a different avenue, because you have to consider the real life repercussions not voting will have.
I mean, what are the options? What happens if people protest by not voting? (...this assumes you don't start from the position that Harris and Trump will be literally NO different in office, which, well, that's another post)
1. Harris wins regardless, but a signal is sent that people to the left aren’t appeased and democrats need to do more. How effective this would be in moving actual policy is debateable, and it also puts the moral onus/responsibility conveniently on others just so you can feel like your hands are clean while simultaneously risking a worse outcome. Not cool.
2. Trump wins. Far more likely because, as we saw in 2020, the country was nearly evenly split on Trump vs. Biden. Current polling shows more or less the same with Trump vs. Harris. If the left stays home, the likelihood Trump wins skyrockets. So, what happens next?
2.A. Trump wins, but the world doesn’t end. He doesn’t do anything too terribly awful. The left has ideally signaled they will only vote for a Dem if they are liberal enough. I seriously doubt Trump won’t do anything too terribly awful though—look at what his first presidency did!!! Look at Project 2025!!!!! So. Other option.
2.B. Trump wins and the world is on fire. He strips away womens’ rights, queer rights, he tanks the working class and worker protections, starts a war, starts a dictatorship, whatever. He already started a lot of this during his first presidency. In this case, either…
2.B.1. This is still not enough to trigger a revolution. Vulnerable people are hurt and die at a far greater pace than under a Democratic presidency. We go on as before, fighting to regain key protections. Perhaps the Dems put forward a more liberal candidate to try and beat him next time, if democracy still exists, but likely? We end up with a conservative centrist anyway.
2.B.2. Trump does trigger a revolution. All I can see is how many vulnerable people would suffer and die. The military HAS to be involved and either takes control of government (terrible start to socialism!!!!!) or kills revolutionaries en masse and the rebellion fails. If civilians somehow defeated the US military, which is an astronomically low possibility, then we set up a more liberal democracy...how, exactly? With all the conservatives and moderates still in our country? Honestly, HOW. Kill them? Try and make them ‘see the light’? That happens via education, not a civil war. We could try and go straight to communism but theory and history show us that doesn’t work—you have to work your way towards it through democracy.
It is SO much more efficient and would put so many fewer vulnerable people in grave danger to start by keeping the democracy we already have by voting in Harris and THEN working on our protests to shift the needle towards democratic socialism. We’ve seen that these protests CAN WORK!!!!! They got us Biden dropping out!!!!! Harris picked a VP far more appealing to a liberal mindset than many of her other top options! WE ARE ALREADY SHIFTING THE NEEDLE. Keep it shifting, don’t give in to fatalism, and remember that you have to go through the steps to have an actual, stable, reliable socialist or communist republic. Vote.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month ago
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(All the other memes I’ve made..)
By the way, tumblr started to shadow-ban this type of posts and hide it from visitors. If you happens to see it, please re-blog it.
#2800 billionaires
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havaniero · 11 months ago
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"Бег созвездий. Мороз. Светящимся мелом Обведенные выси. Мерзлой грязи кайма. Пар над тощей верблюдицей, галоп оголтелый, Иа-Оренс. Аравия. Полночь. Зима.
Узкий шорох полыни. Холмов вереницы. Сон в седле. Почернелых сугробов разбег. �� с разлета верблюдица мордой ложится, Зарывая наездника по уши в снег.
Он встает и верблюдицу тянет. Над ними Одиночество ночи. Стальная луна. Шесть мешков до отказа полны золотыми В кровь изранены ноги. Пустыня. Война.
Одиночество! Что перед ним непогоды? В неизвестной стране, в неизвестном году Как во сне видит крепость, бойницы и своды, Босиком он идет по звенящему льду."
Н.Тихонов "Лоуренс Аравийский" 1935-1936
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flopsy-art · 2 years ago
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bedlamsbard · 5 months ago
the 2010 film Centurion is deeply frustrating to me because it desperately wants to be about the Varian Disaster, every single beat in this movie would fit near-perfectly for the Varian Disaster, you could relocate this film temporally and geographically to Germania and not change literally anything except some of the names, and yet because Hollywood considers Britannia way sexier and more exotic than Germania it is set in Britain. this movie should be about the Varian Disaster! in every way but geographically including the drawback of the frontiers this movie is about the Varian Disaster! and yet. it is not about the Varian Disaster.
(the movie itself is fine. like, it's Agricola slander and Tacitus is rolling over in his grave, but my tolerance for historical inaccuracy is pretty high these days. don't go out of your way to watch it, but like, it's fine. if I had a nickel for every time Olga Kurylenko has played a Roman-hating British woman warrior I'd have two nickels, which is not a lot but it's weird it's happened twice etc.)
#hollywood desperately wants to do the varian disaster and they desperately want to do spartacus#but they don't ACTUALLY want to do the varian disaster and the true story of spartacus is depressing#which is why we keep getting stuff like this and gladiator (which wants to be spartacus)#not remakes of film spartacus but actual historical spartacus#minus the mass crucifixions#hollywood likes the whole 'rise up against roman imperialism!' thing but the problem is that historically none of that actually worked out#except the varian disaster. which they don't want to do because germania isn't sexy#bedlam watches movies#(I am going to watch boudica: queen of war but tomorrow because I can't do another one of these tonight)#I'd like to see hollywood tackle the fact that the roman army was the most powerful military technology that the world had ever seen#for a good few centuries. the problem is that that does not actually make a good story from a modern point of view due to. you know.#imperialism being bad.#(look I am a roman historian and MY WHOLE DEAL is roman imperialism. it wasn't great! I'm under no illusions here!)#I think that LITERALLY the only point you can actually pull that off for a modern 21st century audience#is the second punic war. which by the way would make an incredible television show.#(partially because rome's on her back foot through the whole war)#I think you could maybe do it for the year of the four emperors#but that has more complications due to like. the three other revolts rome had going on besides the civil war.#but the year of the four emperors would also make an incredible television series.#(I am BEGGING HBO to bring back rome as an anthology series. they won't do it but I'm begging.)#(I want to see jared harris play vespasian)
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vessels-for-good-intent · 7 months ago
stop making nick carraway some innocent little twink he’s clearly NOT
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techramonic · 7 months ago
marxism is a neat theory and all since even after more than 167 years, it is still influential because the social realities that were portrayed are still prevalent, making it a critical voice against forms of oppression relating to economics and power and a philosophy that influenced many—but when the practical implementation of it in politics emerges into communism, yea. that's where everything gets complicated.
how can you ensure equality if you lead under an authoritarian rule and trample on human rights? i thought you were fighting to achieve the opposite.
how can your bridge the divide by making everyone more divided? trying to convince the people to snap out of their false conciousness of being controlled, then you follow the footsteps of becoming the controller? it's like saying that the ruling class oppresses laborers, and those laborers will eventually and inevitably turn themselves into the same opressors they despise. that's insane
plus, marx’s idea of historical materialism is pretty limiting. some critics argue that societal development takes place not only through material changes but also through ideas, culture, and other aspects of society. the main proponent of change is not strictly confined to economic progress but through the entirety of human experience
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fruitcage · 1 year ago
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cid5 · 8 months ago
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World War I. Middle East. The operations of the Arab army: an observation post of rifle-machine gunners; at the bottom, the Hejaz mountains. 1917
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thestressedsimmer · 2 months ago
In the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning on September 10th, 1316 there was a revolt in the lands of Granite Falls.
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Llewelyn Bren and two of his sons launched a raid on the Windenbergish keep in Granite Falls. Their goal was to take their native lands back from the Windenbergish and free their countrymen.
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While none of the Bren clan perished, Llewelyn did end up surrendering and is currently being held by Humphrey de Bohn in the very keep he tried to take.
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His second son, Ythel, is also being dishonored by the other Granite Fallians for being a poor soldier.
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While his physique is perfect for it, apparently he doesn’t have the stomach.
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