#the glasses era might be my fav
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coffee caramels. spencer reid
this is my submission for the cm meet cute (or not) challenge by @imagining-in-the-margins ! i did VERY loose research on the stuff spencer sprouts off on because i am not our boy genius so sorry if there are any inaccuracies ':( this is my first time writing for spencer but i literally love it so much and i'd love to write more so plz flood my inbox with requests for him plzzz 😭
pairing: fem!reader x spencer reid
prompt: character sits next to a stranger in the theater, but the two end up bonding when there's a technical glitch.
warnings: slightly grumpy!reader and sunshine!spencer my fav trope <333 confident reader, reader makes the first move, spencer being a bbg and blushing a lot ;)) all the good stuff
word count: 2.7k
you arrived at the theater ten minutes early, bee-lined to the popcorn section and asked for extra butter. you loaded your oily popcorn up with coffee caramels and chocolate-covered coffee beans and bought a large coke. you walked in the theater, confident and fully armed with enough caffeine to hopefully keep you awake during the entire thing. you have tape in your bag to peel your eyes open just in case things go south, but you're confident enough to believe that it won't.
because it can't.
"aelita," your professor had said on friday, "is a russian phenomenon, and it is one of my top favorite films. considering how you are all in a russian literature class, i can make the safe assumption that you are all interested in russian culture."
now, not only were you in a russian literature class as an elective like two-thirds of your class, you were also a russian literature and poetry major. how you ended with that major baffles you and there hasn't been a day where you wanted to choose another major, but there hasn't been a day where you weren't depressed about your poor decision-making either. it's a battle you fight every day.
"aelita was first screened in 1924, and this year, next week, there will be a worldwide re-screening of the film in its originality, no edits, completely authentic, except with added subtitles for those who need it, of course," this was when your professor got very stern. "i want all of you to go and watch it. if you don't want to, fine, but there will be an assessment grade on this movie. this is not optional. i believe that the content of this movie is very true to our..."
at that point you had stopped listening, because you knew what your professor wanted you to do, and you dreaded doing it.
two hours, silent, black and white, russian film with subtitles. and you have to hang onto the movie's every word.
not your ideal saturday night plans, but for your academic career, you were willing to take that leap; looking like a sore loser at the empty theater with black framed glasses on instead of getting fucked up in someone's bathtub. it's fine. the partying was all up to the business majors anyway.
when you walked into the theater, it was, understandably, vacant, save for a couple men and women with graying hair or bald scalps and bad backs. you were clearly not the target audience. none of them had snacks on them either, and you felt awkward being the one responsible for the strong aroma of butter and coffee that stuffed the place the moment you walked in. a gentleman coughed in his hanker-chief and flared his nostrils. you were intimidated already.
you tracked down your seat and decided to not let any of it distract you. you needed a good grade on this assessment. you had already bombed your previous test on the imperial era; you don't need another bad grade stacked on top of it. you're acing this test, no matter what, and you're going to absorb this movie so well that it might as well be your favorite.
as you waited for the film to start, you munched on several of the coffee caramels, the caffeine slow to kick in. you shrugged it off. there's a whole bucket of sugar to fuel you through the film.
in midst of biting into a shelf of a chocolate-covered-coffee-bean, you heard a light thud and a hiss, and the quiet muttering of "i'm good, ow." an old man by the stairs called out;
"you alright, son?"
"yes sir," the man said. despite being alright, he was limping to his seat, and you watched him attentively, for there wasn't much else for you to observe. he limped closer and closer to you by row, ticket in his hand and checking the letters on the rows. he stopped at your row, and then walked crookedly and settled down in the seat right next to you.
you chewed on your popcorn as you directed your attention somewhere else, your determination slightly deflated. the film was late into starting, but you were still going strong.
"oh wow," you heard the man mumbled next to you, and looked over to see what he was talking about, nosy. but he was looking at you.
"what?" you said indignantly, immediately dropping the oily popcorn in your hand and wiping at your mouth, feeling oddly self-conscious. but mostly irritated. you'd say you hid your whiplash pretty well when you saw how pretty the man was when you looked over at him. you were so smooth with it. "chocolate on my face?"
"what? oh, no," the man breathed out a small laugh. he's got a soft, shy voice that got your insides feeling like broken tomato bits.
"then what?" you demanded, but not too authoritatively because you didn't want to chase him away. you kept it cool and in control. totally. it was hard to find eye candy in quantico, and the last place you would expect to find someone so pretty is in the theater for a fucking silent film.
even though it was dark, you could still catch the bright blush that crept up the man's neck, but it might be because he felt hot under all those layers. seriously, he was dressed like your grandpa, sweater vest, tie, collared shirt and all, but it was tied together in some kind of way that made it work, and it was the way the man carried himself that made him look youthful in all those ancient clothing.
"nothing," he ducked his head away, "i was just talking out loud."
you didn't have to be sherlock holmes to know that he was lying. "you liar," you accused, wiping your hand even more aggressively over your face. "i do have something on my face, don't i? just tell me if i do!"
"you don't have anything on your face!" he said, an indecisive and uncracked smile playing on his lips. you grumbled and turned back to look at the screen, still waiting for the film to start, popping candy in your mouth. in was silent for a merciful while, until the man said, "did you know that dmitri shostakovich conducted the music for this film and during its first showings in leningrad since the film was silent he came personally and played the piano whenever the soundtrack would be playing?"
you hummed. no you did not.
"i was surprised when i saw you, you don't look over sixty at all," the man continued. you didn't know how to take this piece of information as a compliment or an insult. "whenever i come to these things, it's only me who doesn't have grey hair. well, some people dye it, which looks pretty obvious because you can't really hide age, y'know?"
usually you'd be annoyed. very annoyed, in fact, you'd switch seats to be away from the guy. but this one's got a nice voice, and the moment he sat down you caught a scent to him immediately, that old cashmere and cotton scent that comes from old, thrifted clothes that you'll find dug deep somewhere in your grandmother's basement or in vintage stores, and sugar cookies and mint and coffee. it's a good smell, is all. you weren't being creepy about it.
"i'm not over sixty," you assured him. "just scraping twenty-two."
"oh! i'm twenty-two too!" the man said excitedly. he had child's glee to him, which you found more endearing than annoying. you didn't know why. you didn't know why you were still sitting with the man instead of scurrying three rows away like you would have normally the moment any stranger tried to attempt small talk with you.
maybe you were a changed woman.
"how crazy," you mused. you didn't sound half as interested or excited as the man did, but he had most definitely got your undivided attention. you nature tells you to not show it.
"how did you hear about this movie? i tried to get some of my friends to watch it with me, but none of them were too interested...except emily, she's usually more interested because she can speak russian but she got plans this weekend," his face fell into a thoughtful frown at the end, and the clockwork in your brain started to turn at the mention of 'emily.' was that his girlfriend? special lady? you shouldn't be googling, then.
"my professor created an assessment for this movie," at the man's inquiring look, you explained further, "it's for my russian lit class."
his eyes shone like a fucking diamond at that, as if russian lit was the most exciting thing he had ever heard of in his life. you could tell that you were looking at the kind of guy who would decline a party full of seniors to go read a dictionary at home. "is that like an elective you take? 'cause it's a subject that fascinates me a lot, but the demand for it is so slim that--"
he was cut off by the movie finally starting and flickering to life. you turned away immediately, eyes focused and attention zeroed onto the introduction screen. screw the pretty boy for now, you thought, you might as well pack your things and go back to your hometown if you fuck up this movie's assessment. it needed your attention.
black and white and grimy, a pretty font wrote 'aelita, adapted by alexei tolstoy.' but as soon as the film started, the picture quickly collapsed, blurring and then fading into black. with the audience being so small, there wasn't much commotion but whispers of confusion began to arise as the lights began to bleed more yellow, lighting up the theater more. it was as if the movie was over.
"sorry folks," a voice came from the grainy megaphone above all of them. "some trouble with the tape. we are trying our best, but not sure of our luck. all tickets will be refunded if bought online or you bring your ticket to us for a mark so you can present your current ticket right now at the next showing. thanks for your patience."
you looked exaggeratedly around, and the man in the sweater vest next to you looked equally as disappointed.
"my professor is not going to believe me," you muttered under your breath, but the man caught it anyway and chuckled quietly. you looked down at your still full bucket of popcorn and your large coke. you glanced over to the man next to you, not too smart things lottering around in your head. you travel through the subway, and the ride to your street is not until two hours. you weren't going to spend it morosely eating popcorn in the waiting lobby.
"is emily your girlfriend?" you asked suddenly. there was no point in being shy. the man's mouth unhinged from his jaw immediately, and you stared at him. his cheeks quickly stained an innocent pink.
"what?" he squeaked, his voice a higher pitch, caught off-guard. "no! no, she-she's my coworker!" he sounded almost offended.
this took you by surprise. you didn't know people who were close to their coworkers existed. "so you don't have a girlfriend?"
the blush on the man's face kept getting brighter and brighter. you bit your lip to keep from smiling like a fool. with how endeared you were by him, it's strange to think that you don't even know his name yet. it was rare for you to really be so mindful and think such soft things about somebody, especially to a stranger.
you were a changed woman. but maybe it's because of the coffee caramels messing with your head. sugar and caffeine tend to do that.
"no," the man said, then cleared his throat. he was fiddling with his fingers, an obvious stim. "no, i don't have a girlfriend."
"sweet," you grinned, "then no one would mind if i take you on a date, would they?"
he choked and got engulfed in a coughing fit, bending over in his seat. the red of his sweater vest nearly blinded you but you patted his back supportively. when his coughing ceased and he sat back up again, his eyes avoided yours for a while as he fought to keep the redness in his face down before he looked at you again.
"so?" you raised your eyebrow. "the night doesn't wait, pretty boy."
the nickname just slipped out of your mouth, and you cringed at the weight of it. how out of pocket. you were going to go home and contemplate this conversation later. but right now, you were trying to take out probably the sweetest looking boy you've ever seen, and that was a more important matter as of.
"okay," he said, and that was that.
"okay," you repeated. "let's start with finishing this, yeah?" you looked down at your bothersomely big bucket of popcorn. "we can walk to the park and eat it and feed it to the ducks."
"actually, it's not safe for ducks to consume popcorn because it causes digestive issues especially if consumed in large quantities and disrupts their natural diet," the man recited matter-of-factly, blinking at you obliviously as if he just didn't acted like a fucking android. you huffed out a laugh. handsome and smart. pretty much a package deal.
"the popcorn will be just for us then," you promised, standing up. he followed suit, as a lone line of people started to exit the theater. "i hope you aren't a serial killer in disguise," you said jokingly, but not really, because that was a genuine threat. he laughed. it was a sweet, syrupy sound that you could soak up and not get sick of for a long time.
"that's ironic," he mumbled, and it flew past your head, you being too busy maneuvering out of the rows.
"what was that?"
"nothing," he smiled, bright and easy. the initial nervousness was already beginning to melt away. when you were side by side, his hand accidentally brushed yours and when you looked up at him, he was already looking another way, pretending to be distracted by the movie posters but the red in his ears and neck gave it away. you smiled to yourself and grabbed his hand, holding your bucket of popcorn in the other.
"i forgot," you said, suddenly. his head whipped around to face you, but not before lingering his gaze at your intertwined hands. "i didn't get your name."
it was a foolish thing to say, you were holding a man's hand and you were pressed up side-by-side against him and you don't even know his name. he smiled softly, though, like he didn't mind. "i'm spencer reid."
"i'm y/n y/l/n."
"hi y/n," spencer said. you exited the theater and he started slightly swinging your joined hands. you laughed, the popcorn and candy in the bucket rattling and threatening to spill but you didn't care. "i'm a little disappointed," he said, pouting a little bit, bottom lip jutting out. "i was excited for the movie."
you breathed out an incredulous laugh. what a guy.
"i wasn't," you said, honestly. yours and spencer's arms were still swinging, and you resisted the uncharacteristic giggle bubbling at your throat. "rather be doing this instead." unexpected date at the park with a pretty boy in a red sweater vest or a boring silent film? the answer sounded pretty obvious to you.
"hm," spencer hummed, amused. "i guess i can catch the movie some other time."
"you can catch it with me," you blurted, and it sounded too early to say. you haven't had a proper conversation with the guy yet, you didn't know what he does and how he is, you didn't know whether or not he has a cat or a dog or a parrot or a ferret or if his room is kept tidy or messy, and you didn't know how much you were going to like him once the night is over. asking for a second date when the first one hadn't even started felt like too much, but it also felt like the right thing to say.
and if it's right, it's good enough for you.
spencer smiled shyly. when you turned right on the street, he pulled you back by your hand and redirected you left. "let's go the scenic route," he said, casually, and you could tell by the magenta tinge in his cheeks and the way he was firmly looking forward, avoiding your eyes that he wasn't feeling as casual as he sounded.
"want some of my popcorn?" you offered, feeling the large bucket was burdening you.
"oh, no thanks," spencer said. "i'm sure the pigeons will appreciate it more than me."
"does popcorn ruin their digestive system and disrupt their natural diet, too?"
spencer popped a large grin. it sat beautiful on his pretty face. "you listened," he said happily, and it felt like a large airbag had just inflated in your lungs. "no, i think pigeons are too used to picking our food, especially those in the city," a long pause, and "in fact, pigeons have a stronger digestive system than most birds due to adaptation, but the strongest out of all of them are vultures, whose stomach acid are so strong it doesn't get sick e eating rotten and bacteria-infested meats."
you hummed. you wished you had paid closer attention to what he said, but instead you paid attention to the smooth sound of his voice and how nice it sounded. well. you'll get there one day.
#i didnt mean to finish this that quick but i just saw the prompt and got so inspired i went a lil crazy#mentioningmargins#spencer reid#criminal minds#cm#dr spencer reid#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid fic#spencer reid fluff#fluff#meet cute#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid drabble#spencer reid oneshot#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid x you#criminal minds fic#my works
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ohhh i have so many thoughs my brain is fully working (not really but !!! love these boys)
Alr will divide this between Central Room pt.2 and pt.3 so. yeah.
Central room pt.2
first off:
I've checked the past updates, i dont know exactly if they say it explicitly or i just missed where they do so, but i want to talk about how Wild and Four have different ideas about this:
Four is worried about Twilight, the man just came out of a lethal situation, and still keeps pushing himself up without letting his body rest more than necessary. Yes he might have regained most of his strength, but what if there was something still wrong?
Wild on the other hand is happy that his brother is back, that he is still able to come out of a dangerous situation and walk. Maybe Twilight had told him some stories of his adventure, telling him how he recovered from near-death situations. This is just another one of these that will become another story, and will not be the last. Wild trust him to keep going, to keep fighting, this divine beast will not fall so easily and he knows it
I also wanted to talk a little about this one, Four is still unhappy about Twi using dark magic, he hasn't directly adressed him about this, but maybe he's planning of doing so in the future. Also the small mention of the colors and how Wild is the only one who knows his ability, love his expression truly one of the toon links
BEFORE I FORGET! "I know how divided one can get—I've seen it" there's a high chance that he's talking about Vaati, a minish that ended up transforming into a dangerous monster, nothing left of who he was before and being seen as two completely different entities
Again, Wild trusts that Twilight will keep going, will grow old and somehow get to his era, and also has a big respect of his strength. He doesn't like seeing the others threating the rancher like a cracked glass, he is still fully able to contain the water and not fall in a million pieces
Wind in the past was the one who fell victim of the chain worrying about him, including Wild. He learned from their sailor, he recognizes when someone is being overprotective beacuse he himself has done it. Wind is fully capable of dealing with a fight, so is Twilight
I'm sorry i even translated this to spanish to see if i could understand it better but im still so confused. Time what. I love when he talks in a cryptic way but man i am doing an analysis you are not helping with my case. Love that Wild and Four look as confused as i am right now, glad to see that they didn't get it either
Four had already suggested the option of splitting into groups in the past, maybe Time decided to decline at the moment because he believed that it was best to stay all together. Warriors is a captain, he had commanded hundreds of soldiers into the battlefield, even if he had zero dungeon experience he knows how to dealt with groups, and he's going to the technical side here (also love these pannels so much glad to see how the fandom decided to make this its new fav meme format jksdfjsdk)
Warriors believes that it's better to put first the opportunity to search for the shadow in groups to cover more terrain than defense, also that he doubts that a group would be able to maneuver with the limited space, this being proved with the Skulltula from past updates. But Time believes otherwise, putting first the safety of the group and that while they're together they will protect each other more easily
He shares the worry that Time has for Twilight, he wants to make sure that his friend is safe too, but he also searches for the tactical and what is best for their mission
Now that we know the groups from the latest update, these pannels do even more sense
Time knows how strong Sky is, he's their best swordman, and on top of that he carries the only thing aside from Twilight that really terrifies the shadow: the Master Storm. While Twi is with him, he will be safe
Dink is still weakened, they have the opportunity to attack it while it doesn't have its full strength. Twilight recognizes that he had a really good recovering, for a normal hylian it would have been really hard to gain their full strength in the same time that Twi did, but he's not normal hylian, together with Hyrule's magic. In less words, he got to be luckier than Dink
if i had a nickel every time that Hyrule was as fast and did the exact thing as someone else i would have two nickels, which isn't much but its curious that it has happened already twice. hmm.
just wanted to point at these designs, beautiful i love items redesigns
the sillies i love them, im sorry leg and rulie but no more magic boomerang privileges for you two, also love how Four slaps his knee, hell yeah he definitely is a knee slapper while laughing
HIS BUDDY!!! still losing it over how Hyrule calls Wild his buddy, theyre buddies your honor
also love how they seem to ressort on Wild when it comes to climbing, he's like a gecko for them. Although he's not a gecko and can't go exactly for your magic boomerang, sorry rulie
Alr finally finished with this one now with the second part
Central room pt.3
Its really short and i really hope that i haven't hit the img limit yet lol
we start with: Legend and Hyrule still looking mad at them losing their magic boomerangs, no deep thoughs abt it i haven't seen anyone point this pannel out and i find it really funny kdfjsk
Wars seemed ready to go next to Twilight, really expecting Time to put them together. I remember someone pointing out how Warriors was starting to get hit with the stress and emotions from when Twilight was about to die (i think it was @/crazylittlejester who talked about this) so cmon captain accept that you care for your brother as much as everyone else
I love Sky's reaction, hell yeah man best reaction ever 👍
jokes aside Warriors was obviously going to be next to Twilight, that's why he looks a little surprised with this decision from Time, and maybe that's also why he's directly looking at the rancher
I love how Legend seems nervous, yes Time recognizes his experience and abilities but also reminds him that he needs to take this seriously. Also he's being hit with The Stare™, love it
We don't know what else these both talked, but before jumping into any conclusion i'll go with the technical explanation
Having two leaders in one same group will give some problems, mostly with letting one group in desadvantage. See it like this: Legend and Hyrule have really good experience and are capable of dealing with the dungeon by themselves, Sky and Twilight too, leaving Wind, Four, Wild, Time and Warriors. They can't go with Wind, Four and Wild being one of the teams, Wind and Four are experienced, they would teach Wild how to do things, but none of them has qualities to guide them, maybe a little Four, but lets remember how chaotic are his games in teamwork. With Time going with them they can organize themselves so much better, and even if Wars doesn't know anything about dungeons, he knows how to do things using teamwork. Also i want to remind you all that Wild does know a little about dungeons, sure not the traditional ones but all the shrine puzzles has to count for something right? So he at least has the basics, i see so much Wild slander and i cant let you all forget that my boy is also puzzle smart!... in his own way
Also i love the detail that in reality all the teams are designed to be with their game's/first game's release dates order, Jojo thats amazing attention to detail
Wind i love you so much yes he's older sibling energy but also youngest sibling energy at the same time and thats wonderful
Not much to comment here, all the things that i wanted to say i already said them sooo
Only thing: Wild and Wars still haven't talked about when he didn't listen to him while fighting Dink
also WWW trio yessss
love the toon links theyre an underated duo
Wind and Time are also a duo that i love seeing, he's really soft on the kid good thing that he doesn't play favorites /j
no fav pannels today cuz i am this close >< to hit img limit lol but yeah art as always very tasty the dungeon design is still something that im really impressed
as always credits towards @linkeduniverse, i really wanted to talk about this update!
first started like a whole essay and ended up more just commenting skjfdkj but yeah i enjoyed this very much
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu chain#lu analysis#lu update#lu update spoilers#its almost fucking 1 am but i dont regret anything sjsfdkj#wanted to finally write this i really have fun doing these analysis so you all have to tolerate me yapping#i talk
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RADIO SILENCE ,, chap 07 — do we hear a breakup song?

synopsis. hwang y/n and park sunghoon do not like each other. end of story. god knows why (well actually, niki is the only one who knows why). but when they’re put as co-hosts on a radio show, they’re bound to bond.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎙️ ꒱ main masterlist
you were rushing to your studio, a grin plastered on your face. today will be a hard day, but a good one. it’s the day. the album is already out so you decided to go live for a moment before rushing to the studio. oh and inkigayo! you were excited, more than ever. after the hiatus you were finally able to perform again! to go on music shows! and to think you were so close to losing it because of one–
your eyes snapped up, meeting riki’s. he was smiling softly, snacks in his hands.
“hi” you said, trying not to let a hint of bitterness show on your face. riki looked around nervously and stepped closer.
“hi. congrats on the comeback. we listened to your album and it’s really, really good. amazing job, truly” he said. and you knew he was being genuine “and i mean it. i’ll… uh… if you want to film a challenge…”
you smiled tenderly, nodding your head
“sure, nishimura. i… thank you. and…” you gulped, not really sure how to phrase words. ‘please stay like that?’ ‘don’t ignore me anymore?’ ‘what’s up with all this?’. you sighed, hoping he’ll know “thank you, really. it means a lot”
he nodded and walked away. you watched him for a brief moment and reassumed the walk to your studio, excitement buzzing through your body. what will your fans say? did they like it? did they like the mv? which track is their fav?
you asked all those questions once starting the live, viewer count growing. it was way more than in your pre-hiatus era and it made you proud, you couldn’t lie.
“what’s your… you mean mine? favourite track?” you read one of the questions and thought of an answer.
in the meantime, riki returned to their dorms. sunghoon had his earphones plugged, watching something on his laptop. one was hanging from his ear so he could hear if someone was talking to him. which, someone was.
“yo, i ran into y/n in the hallway. are you seeing her today?” riki asked, placing the ramyeons down. sunghoon perked up, frowning.
“why would i?” he asked, stopping the video. then he grabbed his phone, realising there’s an unread notification: “y/n went live: d-day! :D”
“her comeback? you have the radio show later? just… friendly stuff? i congratulated her, she seemed so happy” riki mumbled. the boys looked at each other, the younger one biting his bottom lip “i… i feel bad about how i treated her in the past. i hope she will forgive me one day”
sunghoon closed his laptop, a sinking feeling in his stomach. it was all his fault. and if riki feels bad, then what about him? he feels… guilty.
“she will” sunghoon smiled and stood up “now i’ll go bug her a little”
riki scoffed, watching his friend leave. he hoped so. (that she will forgive him, not that sunghoon will bug her - because it was inevitable when he was around)
in no time sunghoon barged into your room, the wall cutely decorated with balloons and deco that reassembled your concept. happy comeback! was what hung above your head while on your head there was a… birthday hat? and birthday glasses–
“what the absolute f– fudge are you doing here?” you deadpanned, moving your hands away from the cake. he stepped closer, a devilish grin on his face. ha, you can’t cuss him out in camera!
“i just popped in to congratulate my co-worker on comeback!” he hummed and sat next to you, immediately leaning closer to the phone “hi everyone!”
you let out a defeated sigh and handed him the birthday themed glasses. he took them and put them on.
“just don’t disturb and i might give you a slice” you grunted and leaned closer to the screen to look for some questions.
your arms brushed slightly, sunghoon freezing flustered. he adored your focused profile when suddenly…
“"what’s ‘radio silence’ about?"” you read one of the questions. you hummed and leaned back, smiling softly “well… while the title track, ‘back in vogue’ is more on the girlboss side… ‘radio silence’ is uhm…”
you felt sunghoon’s soft gaze lingering on you. you wondered if he listened to the album. to the song.
“it’s about silence after a break off with a person whom you loved. it’s emotional and edgy” you cracked a smile and ignored his eyes on you “and… it means a lot to me. anyways– "hand in marriage?" when and where, baby?”
“ew” sunghoon scoffed and you just sent him a small smile.

˗ˏˋ꒰ 🎧 ꒱ previous | current | next
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ocean-minho ,, @s-e-s-a-l-e-n-e ,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @yenqa ,, @eneiyri ,, @aaasia111 ,, @catecita ,, @jebetwo ,, @rubywonu ,, @jiawji ,, @jeongintwt ,, @seunnimg ,, @isawritesss ,, @splat00z ,, @ilovejeongin007 ,, @sasfransisco ,, @saythenameseventeen178 ,, @hyuzaa ,, @flmtunes
#RADIO SILENCE — ( smau )#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon au#sunghoon fluff#enha sunghoon#sunghoon x you#sunghoon x y/n#park sunghoon#sunghoon fanfic#sunghoon angst#sunghoon series#sunghoon enhypen#enha smau#enha series#enha fluff#enha x reader#enha soft hours#enhypen smau#enhypen series
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idk what I made but I made it for my fav writer who matched my freaky zone
@pearlescentparade/pp x Reader
warning: cringe like VERY CRINGE and also bad English and spelling
it's February 13...a day before Valentine day!
it was middle of the night and you decided to make sweets to give it to your crush! pp! (aka pearlescentparade!)
you grabbed the ingredients and decided to make cookie!
everything was going smoothly until you were going to taste test it and immediately spill it out and you realize you putted salt and WAY too much at the not to be noticed
you decide to make chocolate cupcakes...why not cookies anymore ? well you might accidentally ate it all the chocolate chips aha...
anyways when you were making the cupcakes you made sure to check everything before you put it into the bowl when you were mixing you got tired and decided to mix it with the electric one .... it would have been good idea if you only would have held the bowl before the bowl before the ingredients went to all wast... you couldn't even save it you were too stunned to do anything
you stopped a bit to mourn and clean the kitchen because of your cupcakes...
you look at one of the mix boxes and you found a chocolate cake mix!!
you mentally got revived and decided to re-do it!
check the ingredients before putting it in bowl, and using actual mixer by hand, when you were putting it in the bowl you realize there wasn't butter smeared in it.
you quickly grabbed a small bowl and putted butter and into the microwave!....you started to hear some electrical sound coming from microwave.. you realize you put a glass bowl.
you heard a explode and you immediately went and closed the charger holder.
you were close to crying when you got a face time to one of your closet friend which you answer
"hey bitch it's yo girlfriend three- oh my god you look like someone made fun of your stuff..."
" mewh everyone has a stupide moment in there life my darling tell you lil girler hare what happened "
*one year later after telling her your life mission*
"...no worriesss it's just your rush it girl so it's not you fault"
"...it's not my the first time it happ-"
she suddenly cut you off
" how about I make it for you sweetie."
you shoved your face into the camera looking into it
she micmiced you and shoved her face into her camera and now your seeing her face up close
" fr."
you spent all night in a face call with your friend while making the cookies for your Valentine and doing a Beyonce concert for you
"can't wait to back it UPPPP"
"...omg girl you beautiful voice my eras are bleeding oh my go-"
after finishing baking it she showed it to you before wrapping it up in very cute box
"girl get some sleep you look like the one hear me out cake monster blob before seeing your man"
last words spoken by her friends before she went missing..../j
before going to sleep you decide write him a love note you spent almost a whole hour on it before your happy with your work
my dear pp
the moment I saw you not breaking your mewing streak I just knowed you were an alpha..
I'm so in skibidi you I think your very sigma and I want you to be in your alpha pack
would be my very skibidi Valentine?
- y/n
after you were satisfied with it you got your beauty sleep (aka power nap)
before you drop kicked into your friends house and got your bakings you decided to doll up a bit
you texted him to meet you in hatred Realm under one of the tress I'm block tales
you were nervous as hell
after seeing a pretty Brown hair boy from the distance you knowed its him and when git closer you stared to blush slightly at him
when he wanted to greet you, you just shoved the letter and gift
you let out a small "baka" at him and looked away from him
after two moments two you looked back but... he was keeping how mewing streak and he didn't even moved
you though for moment that you were stupide for trying to get with a alpha like him
before he pinned you into the tree and pulling out a chocolate gift giving it to you
y/n didn't know how to react before they pulled him into a hug.
"t-t-that doesn't mean I like you or anything... baka"
pp was just mewing but he didn't mog his omega
happy end~
lol not really date ideas purrrr
after wtv tf happened you two went out to a shopping date going to a store to another and a another
trying new looks new fit together even buying a matching ones
then going to small coffee shop ordering drinks and eating the other chocolate
hm the cookie are really good wonder were your friend went off to ...
in a very distant was the bodiment of hatred looking at them "hmm these bitchs-"
before he got punch in the head by elio3somewu
you shiver slightly ... huh must have been the wind then
after you two end up being together and being the cutest and happy couple the could be, you felt like your past pain was worthy to be with the guy you fall in loved with
lol idk what I did but I did sm that is for sure.
also the whole Baking thing happened irl to my friend and decided to add it because that is the only thing that came my mind srry it's bad
#writer x reader#pearlescentparade gift#pearlescentparade x reader#erm idk#this is so sigma#also ty friend for letting me use your trauma w baking into this#is this also supposed to be a Roblox x reader???#idk#😭
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top 5 outfits for Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia respectively! (I was going to pick just one of them but I couldn't choose 😭)
oooohhhh !!!!! this is a hard (but very fun) one - let me see .. these are in no particular order:
(edit: this got very long. Answers under the cut my apologies 😭)

Dorothy first, naturally 🚶🏻♀️ oh my god let me tell you - I think about that first red dress so often. She’s my profile picture for a reason lol!!
The second I loved at first because, look at her, are you kidding. I’ll post that picture on here until someone physically restrains me from doing so. LOOK AT HER !!!!! I love anything pink on Dorothy sooo so much, that blue & pink pastel set is a very honourable mention. I’m sad I couldn’t squeeze it in here :’)
i um 🧎🏻♀️ i have no excuses here. The tie - the tie !!!!! when I rewatched tgg for the first time and saw Dorothy wearing a TIE I just about collapsed. YOURE KIDDING !!!! THE QUEER ENERGY IS OFF THE CHARTS !!!! started climbing the walls as soon as they cut to Dorothy & Michael sitting in the kitchen that first time 🤸♀️
fourth look is actually my fav … that black eyeshadow ??!!! dark makeup + dark clothing + white/gray hair??!!!! blink blink …
& honestly I can’t explain the last one - it just feels so quintessentially Dorothy somehow ??!! I’m not sure what it is about that outfit specifically that is so Dorothy to me but, if she was a cartoon character that would be her staple outfit imo (ALSO OH I just noticed that Dorothy’s got the same silly little pose going on in the first & last pictures 😭😭 AUGUAGH I’m ill)

okay, since I can’t separate Sophia & Dorothy I’m breaking the order here -
Peter Pan collars (?) were made for Sophia - I honestly think she has the cutest wardrobe out of all the girls (very close behind her is rose but I’ll get to her later), I take outfit & thrifting inspo from her very often. Like, look at her 🥹 are you kidding … you’d never guess in a million years that this sweet little lady was the feisty Italian she actually is lol
The second stands out to me because of where she’s placed that brooch - & it’s not the first time she has a very Edwardian (& sometimes Victorian) approach to the details in her wardrobe. This just happens to be a favourite of mine - of course she’s going to have this approach to the way she dresses, being raised by Victorian parents & all (and growing up in the Edwardian era, etc etc) but it’s still so neat to me !!! I love !!!
I’ll be honest, the cowboy hat makes that outfit one of my favourites 😂 she’s already got an adorable outfit going on, + that string of pearls (red is her colour imo, but again something i’ll ramble on in just a sec). I cant, she’s just adorable 😭
This outfit is second only to the last here - whenever Sophia’s outfits involve extra details at the collar they instantly become favourites. That bow !!! The mix of red, orange & yellow also puts it high up on my list - I mentioned it two seconds ago but Sophia’s colour is red, it was just made for her. They’re kind of like her staple accessory, but I just have to comment on her glasses - you have no idea how badly I want her frames. Oh my god, they’re so pretty - I might just be obsessed with Sophia atp 😭
& that last one :’) okay I have a few thoughts (that may or may not be completely coherent) - firstly, muted colours look stunning on her, especially in those flashback moments. Secondly - her wardrobe in these flashback bits lead me to believe that Dorothy took some inspiration from how she dressed then, and incorporated a lot of that into her style at the age Sophia would have been then!!!! Having that thought immediately made it super hard not to put this one at the top of the list so, it’s my favourite purely for that reason 🚶🏻♀️(shoutout Dorothy there btw ??? that whole look was so cute I’ll faint). I also really like the way Sophia’s colour choices got bolder and brighter as she aged (as opposed to Dorothy, for example, who seemed to dull instead). There’s some cool symbolism there that I would feel the urge to ramble on if it wasn’t so obvious already lol
I really love Sophia 🚶🏻♀️ okay moving on (I have to continue this in a separate reblog because Tumblr only allows ten pictures within one post :’))) i’ll be back to finish this in the morning. For now, enjoy the first half of me being crazy & insane)
#should I have started this at 2:30 in the morning knowing I’d be up all night rambling?#probs not. because it’s now Very Late#I’m having fun and don’t have to be up early so 🤷🏻♀️ I’m in too deep to quit now#the golden girls#asks#I know most of you enjoy my rambles so here’s me adding more fuel to the fire#excuse any typos it’s late & I can’t be bothered 🧎🏻♀️
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What is your fav singer?
Oh gosh that's hard to answer! I really like Will Wood, and the infinite tuning possibilities of many vocaloids have such a place in my heart. I love Doris Day. Robin Williams was a wonderful singer. I really enjoy glass animals and their singers. Though part of it is how the vocals mix into the Zabba era of that insane instrumental. Those songs surround you and dive into your brain. I love other eras too. Chonny Jash is a fantastic lyricist, and his editing of his voice and instrumental? Mwah! Amazing. FAKE TYPE/tophamhatco are awesome! I can't find translations for some of their songs sadly. But I Love them. Rihanna is cool. Mother mother has a sharp sense of self to it that permeates into how it feels to listen to it. The many singers of that are wonderful. Shirley Bassey is great.
I think it might be Rafscrap? She is, beautiful in the voice. She is an angel singer. She and Lacy, they are both angel voices in different forms. She's got the range! Ohhhhh it's so beautiful.
0 notes
Episode 4: Fun and Games
Well, clearly we've got to go with a sherry cocktail right? But maybe slightly less poison (unless that's your thing with your Special Someone. I'm not here to judge). Sherry isn't my fav. fortified wine (I'm much more likely to reach for a nice port that's not TOO raisin-y) but that might partially be down to the shitty selection available at the grocery store (where my choices are 'cream', 'dry', and 'cooking'). Still, I doubt Anne and Mary are drinking the good stuff. I tried a few (fairly lackluster) recipes, but when I saw the name of this Prohibition-era cocktail, I knew in my heart it was going to be The One. Fortunately it was also the tastiest one I tried. So without further ado, I give you: Bizzy Izzy
1 1/4 oz dry sherry (sub in white grape juice for a mocktail)
1 oz bourbon (sub in caramel syrup for a mocktail. like the stuff you add to coffee - not the stuff you put on ice cream sundaes)
1/2 oz Demerara Syrup (2 parts raw demerara sugar to 1 part hot water, dissolved. Regular simple syrup is fine if you don't have demerara)
1/2 oz fresh pineapple juice
1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
3 oz soda water
Maraschino cherry and pineapple frond (optional), for garnish
Combine first 5 ingredients in a shaker. Shake vigorously until combined, then strain into an ice-filled collins glass. Top with soda water and garnish.
Episode 5: The Curse of the Seafaring Life
Even Iz has given up the bottle for this episode, so I guess we're gonna have to raid the sacramental wine (did you know there are v. strict rules about what qualifies to be used as sacramental wine? It has to be pure grape -so no additional fruits- naturally fermented, with no addititives or preservatives. And if the priest accidentally uses a bottle that doesn't meet these criteria? Whoopsie. That means the congregants didn't get their weekly dose of transubstantiated Christ blood). Devil's Sunset
1 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 oz simple syrup
1/2 oz blue curacao (orange juice for a mocktail)
1 1/2 oz silver tequila (lychee juice for a mocktail, with a drop of smoke flavored bitters if you can get them)
1/2 oz medium-bodied red wine (red grape juice for a mocktail)
Lime wedge for garnish Fill a shaker up with ice. Add the lime juice, simple syrup, blue curacao, and tequila and shake well to combine and chill. Strain into a cocktail glass. Slowly pour the wine over the back of a spoon to gently pool it on top of the drink’s surface, creating the red wine float. Garnish with the lime wedge, and enjoy!
Happy Olu-Wednesday my v. dears! Who's ready to celebrate our favorite bartender with a little OFMD-themed adult beverages (options for mocktails provided. I know some of you have a whole day ahead of you still)? Episode 1: Impossible Birds Lime Ricky 1 ½ ounces (3 tablespoons) fresh lime juice
For a cocktail: 3 ounces gin or bourbon For a mocktail: ¼ teaspoon caper juice or pickle juice, ½ ounce simple syrup, or omit entirely
4 ounces (½ cup) soda water Ice, for serving Garnish: lime wedges
Combine lime juice, cocktail or mocktail ingredients, and bitters in an ice-filled highball glass and stir. Top with soda water and garnish with lime wedges.
Ricky was really overselling it in my opinion, but I'm an inveterate girly drink drinker, and the alcoholic version isn't even sweetened at all. It's refreshing, sure, but not something I would go out of my way for. So if you're a pantywaist like me, do yourself a favor and get some sweetened lime juice or throw some simple syrup at this bitch. I like the gin version better than the bourbon version, but it's a close call; I just think the lime goes better with the mother's ruin, but maybe drinking Christmas trees isn't your thing (I am referring to gin, in case anyone is wondering what the hell I'm talking about). I will say the bourbon version is more complex (but that I would also go easy on the simple syrup if you're adding it to that one) Episode 2: Red Flags Dark and Stormy 2 ounces rum (Iced tea for a mocktail) 1/2 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed Ginger beer, to top (about 5 ounces) (can't find ginger beer? ginger ale is fine, darling)
Ice, for serving Garnish: lime wheel Stir rum and lime juice in a tall glass filled with ice. Top with the ginger beer. Garnish with a lime wheel. Easy peasy lime-y squeezy.
The recipe doesn't call for spiced rum, but the Kraken is my favorite, quite aside from thematic relevance, so that's what I used, and my v. dears, it is BEAUTIFUL.
Episode 3: The Innkeeper
I was tempted to go with the Corpse Reviver, but I have to admit I don't actually care for absinthe that much. So instead, champers is the drink of the hour, but why just have champagne when you can have a champagne cocktail? So I will share with all you, my v. dears, my v. favorite champagne cocktail; a little beauty we made up for our Addams Family themed Halloween party:
The Morticia 1/2 oz Créme de pêche 1/2 oz Passionfruit juice 1/2 oz Rose water 1 oz Pomegranate juice Champers of your choice (I prefer an Asti, but live your best life if you're more of a Brut girlie. For mocktails, add some Tonic Water instead for the bubbles)
Really just add all ingredients to a champagne flute. I am not a fancy bitch.
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I posted 5,696 times in 2022
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I tagged 5,696 of my posts in 2022
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#t: fanart - 389 posts
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#words - 361 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#garfield’s words really make me think of my last read with ‘fool of death’ and how the author explored not just feyi’s grief but alim’s too
My Top Posts in 2022:
thank you @birthdaysentiment for tagging me 🤍
plants or gardens / cloud-watching or star-gazing / water or fire / paperback or hardcover / running or hiking / sleeping with socks or without socks / fruits or vegetables / hanging plants or succulents / dark wood or light wood / handwritten or typed / instagram or pinterest / dc or marvel / books or movies / oceans or meadows / forests or fields / sweet or salty / ice cream or chocolate / hoodies or sweaters / piercings or tattoos / summer or winter / spring or fall / boots or sneakers / house or apartment / cars or motorcycles / curls or straight hair / castles or cottages / sunny days or storms / reptiles or birds / strawberries or watermelon / essays or posters / phone or laptop or desktop / glass or stone / photos or paintings / circus or theater / reading or writing / dogs or cats / poetry or novels / monsters or ghosts or vampires / thrift shops or libraries / fiction or nonfiction / dark or light
i tag: @dreamingoftinystars @kritiquer and @mirroroferisedx (if you’d like)
11 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
i don’t think i can ever emphasize enough how much kevin day means to me, like i’ve read over 200 books in the last two years and of all of them, kevin’s the character that has stuck with me the most and he wasn’t even the main character so it just gets to me even more
13 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
thank you @birthdaysentiment for tagging me 🤍
rules: so shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks and list 10 songs you really like, each by different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same thing
from my “on repeat” playlist”:
summertime sadness - lana del rey
freaks - surf curse (ethan winters 🫶🏽)
despechá - rosalía (thanks, mom)
secret love song, pt. II - little mix
about damn time - lizzo
mary on a cross - ghost
falling apart - michael schulte
beat it - michael jackson (obsessed)
kiss goodnight - tyler shaw (my tal bauer era)
pirate - everglow (the only kpop song??)
songs i really like:
angel by the wings - sia
haide - helena paparizou
medusa - dirty heads
pporappippam - sunmi
dreams - the cranberries (this is a recent fav)
mi corazoncito - aventura
starlight - taylor swift
je me casse - destiny
perfume - lovejoy (an aro anthem)
for the first time in forever - frozen cast
i tag: @tawmlinsun @butternaan @dreamingoftinystars @kritiquer @milfmas @flying-elliska + four more people who might possibly want to do this?? who? i have no idea :’)
20 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
hi @kritiquer , remember that music tag you tagged me in where you post your top five on repeat songs at the moment? that was back in june and here i am doing it…three months later. i’m really sorry about that but thank you for the tag 💜

listed: brave by twice, alien superstar by beyonc��, spillways by ghost, babydoll (speed) by ari abdul, and summertime sadness by lana del ray
i tag: @butternaan @dreamingoftinystars and @andrewjosephminyard
and again…very sorry.
27 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sometimes you just know right away what your rating for a book would be. like if not by reading the first chapter alone, it’s the next chapter after, there’s just this immediate feeling in your gut that you know how the story might end up holding up for you
42 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
#tumblr2022#year in review#my 2022 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#lol at my most used tags
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You asked for modern atla headcanons. I am usually not that into modern AUs for ATLA, unless they’re set within the world of ATLA - unlike in other fandoms, I find it really weird when I can see a person’s highly regional lived experience stamped all over these characters. But I die for modern AUs where, for instance, Ba Sing Se has outgrown its original walls into a full-on megacity, or the Sato-style mecha - now piloted remotely - are being used by both the benders and non-benders of Republic City (non-benders trying to level the playing field, benders using all tools at their disposal to keep that from happening).
I was really disappointed by the weird political messaging of LoK and in many ways I feel like my desire to see the Gaang translated to that era or an era more similar to our own is a wish for a fixit where Toph’s not a cop and Sokka is around to push back at the assumption of bender supremacy in their society. If I wrote fic I’d write one set in a world similar to our own, with a similar anti-colonial plot as the first ATLA but with some of the conflicts of LoK season 2 added to the mix. I like the idea that the Gaang would at first be fighting an imperialist fire nation, but that Sokka (and Suki) would suck them into a more complex conflict with the world’s current power structure. They’re all in their early 20s instead of their teens - like maybe Sokka’s an engineer who ends up being scouted and initiated by a group of non-bender freedom fighters, and he has to manage his conflicting relationships with them and the Gaang. And maybe Aang and Katara don’t actually get it at first - like Aang’s like, how can you talk about supremacy when I’m literally the last of my people, and Katara’s like, all the Southern Water Tribe benders are dead or (more hopefully) imprisoned stfu, and Sokka’s like - what does it say about our world that benders are so powerful that the fire nation didn’t even consider us when they attacked the SWT - nonbenders still had to pick up the pieces though, and your life is still considered more valuable and important than mine. And Toph’s basically an shameless bender-supremacist that has to have this shit explained to her repeatedly despite the fact that she has experience being condescended to as a result of her disability. Like I want the Gaang to have a serious conflict around this but then actually come around to the idea that defeating the fire nation isn’t the only thing they need to accomplish.
Zuko would actually get it way more quickly, because he knows first hand the intimate damage bending can do, and I love to imagine Ty Lee surprising everyone by leaving Azula for this non-bender army, rather than for Mai or (tangentially) Zuko. She’d be like, yes, I will teach everyone chi blocking, and then they’ll never be as afraid of their “loved ones” as I have been. But Zuko would still be a shitty imperialist at first - just with differently shitty hair. He’d be doing more more intelligence-style stuff (basically Ozai would be like, you’re not even worthy of being called a bender, or being in charge of benders. Go sit in submarines and offices and geotag possible locations for the avatar and spy on the earth kingdom, and maybe if you find the avatar you can come home).
And at 22 Zuko would be mostly going through the motions, totally emotionally stunted, having spent all his time alone or with people he’s been taught to think were really beneath him, but he’d be slowly getting the idea that Ozai’s absolutely full of shit. “Spying” (he’s not very good at it) and spending all this time with non-benders has a)allowed him time to move in circles Azula never would (nobody but the royal family and a fire nation few nobles know about Zuko’s scar, so he’s not clocked as anything but a victim of the fire nation) and b) allowed him time to appreciate his non-bending skills (he’s still really into swords because Zuko’s always going to be a nerd) and the non-bending skills of his underlings. He starts wondering why these people are even working toward the fire nation’s goals, and then slowly realizing some of them actually aren’t - there’s a whiff of low-grade sabotage around a lot of fire nation missions, and Zuko begins to realize specific non-benders are responsible. He doesn’t immediately expose them - instead he (inexpertly) tails them to a meeting, and is promptly kidnapped by chi-blocking non-benders. Ty Lee obviously knows who he is, and while most of the leaders of the non-benders want to use him as some kind of bargaining chip with the fire nation, she nixes that idea on account of Ozai not giving a shit, and instead says, “shit, we’ll just have to imprison him.” Meanwhile Zuko’s like… this sucks but also I think you guys are onto something. Sokka (in glasses, because I love Sokka in glasses) keeps visiting him to gather intel (which he could just get from the more advantageously placed Ty Lee) and stare at him. And bring him food and films, and complain to him about the fire nation’s drone technology. And accidentally little bits of the non-bender’s plans. Eventually Zuko’s like you shouldn’t be telling me any of this, but since you are I’m going to help you with this stupid thing I think you might be planning that I know won’t work for reasons and tell you what to do instead. And Zuko saves a bunch of non-bender lives that day, so they begin to trust him more and more.
Of course this turns into yet another conflict with Katara once she and Aang are brought in on the fact that Sokka and his movement are working with the literal heir of the Fire Nation’s dictatorship. Aang is totally fine with it, and Toph (still a bender-supremacist, though humoring her friends in this new cause of theirs) is like, no, this is great, we need as many benders as we can get (Toph would be a sardonic goth if she could see colors well enough to avoid them - instead she’s just a very loyal asshole with dirty feet and a lot of brutal/abstract blackwork tattoos. She’s likes how much they scare people).
Anyway eventually they do all work together to no only unseat Ozai from his imperialist dictatorship but also begin an equalist uprising out in the open. Aang toys with taking everyone’s (and I mean everyone in the whole world’s) bending away but realizes the whole problem is benders having the power to make decisions for other people, so instead he throws himself behind the equalist cause (literally behind the leaders of the equalist cause) and says he’ll support their mechanization and their right to protect themselves (and agitate for laws wherever they live that support justice and protection for non-benders) with all the powers at his disposal. In the end they build republic city, which is envisioned as a multi-national city with non-bender representation build into its governing structure. Toph doesn’t become a cop. She goes around building literal bridges and tearing pavement out of places that shouldn’t be paved, and has three kids by different unnamed fathers and one of them is a non-bender that gets really into metallurgy but also talks a lot of loving shit to her mom.
Blah blah bah. I have overstayed my welcome in your ask box, but you got me thinking. If only I actually knew how to write!
my dude, you straight up sat down and wrote a whole ass one shot and sent it to me on anon???? you have to be an actual godsend???
nobody ever overstays their welcome in my ask box (if they're nice!), but this is above and beyond, I am blown away by how cool this is????????
I don't even know what to say tbh, and if you ever write this, or want to talk more about it, please feel free to hit me up, in any way, and I'd be stoked to hear more about it!!!
share your fav modern au head canons with me ~
#atla#atla au#Modern ATLA au#avatar the last airbender#anon#my dude#i am blown away#zuko#sokka#toph#katara#aang#just#woah
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Listed: Wes Buckley

Wes Buckley is a cosmic folk songwriter from Western Massachusetts, whose homespun, all-natural music spins off into unexpected revelations, epiphanies and absurdities. He recorded a split with Michael Hurley in 2014 and has released some home-made CDs, but The Towering Ground on Belltower Records is his first official full-length. Jennifer Kelly reviewed it for Dusted last month, observing that “The mystic and the mundane jostle elbows, line to line, verse to verse.” Here he lists some of his favorite drumless music.
If they ever outlaw drums — revolt! But while you’re getting organized you could still listen to most of these…
Mike Cooper — “Knew Strings”
This tune and record continue my endless quest to hear something I can’t quite put my finger on. It started I think with this deliberate exploration of drumless jazz trios while I was painting an entire inn. Led me to ’80s Chet Baker with Phillip Catherine and Jean-Louise Rassinfosse. This sorta led to drumless duos which I will get into more of, both drumless duos, trios, and then solo artists. I like drums but I was questing.
Jimmy Giuffre, Paul Bley, Steve Swallow — “Sensing”
I don’t think I should go much further into the drumless schtick without mentioning Jimmy Giuffre. His Saturday and Sunday records with Steve Swallow and Paul Bley are magical. Yes, I love Free Fall. But another endless quest is the music of older people. Not necessarily ones that came back and reformed the band but ones that have been polishing the glass for many decades without a care in the world as to who is paying attention. Single minded types. There’s real magic in those records. This is some late era JG. So, Jimmy was part of the Music Inn lore here in the Berkshires in the ’60s. All the legends came up from New York and played but Jimmy went a step further and moved here. Passed away right here in Pittsfield and that’s why I have it mind to bring more light to his work locally. We need a Jimmy Giuffre Day and music festival at least. Disgraceful it doesn’t yet exist if you ask me.
Cecil Taylor — “Indent: First Layer”
Indent by Cecil Taylor. I keep returning to this record with big headphones lying in bed going places. It feels so important to me but I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it to anyone before.
Bill Orcutt — “Odds Against Tomorrow”
Someone else who I would imagine feels the same… Bill’s latest is gorgeous. Bought it in LP form at my local shop so it’s a part of my LP listening which is sort of a different station in the house. Right in the dining/living room zone which usually means being aware of other people when I put on music and I’ve noticed this is a Sunday record. This falls under the list of drumless solo recordings.
Anthony Braxton and Eugene Chadbourne — Duo (Improv) 2017
Duo (Improv) 2017 by Anthony Braxton Eugene Chadbourne
I must say the pinnacle of the drumless duos so far on my path is the 8 hour box from 2017 by Anthony Braxton and Eugene Chadbourne. In the booklet there is an hourglass between them in the studio. Consequently, I noticed that each piece (8 of ’em) are an hour long. I don’t know. Something about that seems so intense to me. We’re going to improvise together for eight hours using an hourglass to guide the pieces and when the last grain falls…
Okkyung Lee — “The Crow Flew After Yi Sang”
I make some of my own instruments with piezo pickups I’ve soldered and they are, barring the cigar box guitars, basically electric percussion sculptures. The series started with circular wooden platters and the first one was called The Pizza. The second one was all painted red and called The Borscht. I use lots of pedals and compose with them via cut up. I could imagine a Okkyung Lee collab with that stuff going pretty well. This cello sounds like someone sawing their own throat with a piano string, it’s truly gorgeous.
Doc and Merle Watson — “Summertime”
Yeah, I listen to music with vocals too. Here’s one of my old fav’s. I recall learning all of the songs on Elementary (poorly) through the years and am still looking for my partner in crime to start a duo that does this kind of stuff at apple picking days at the orchard and such.
Mississippi Fred McDowell — “Jesus Is On The Mainline”
This is a whole live record of Fred on electric guitar with bass and it’s a source of great power in my opinion. It journeys without fear, is fully aware of itself, and as a recording captures the exacting and indivisible nature of earth and wind. And technically speaking, if you're like me and need a slide guru look no further.
Jonathan Richman — “Wait! Wait!”
I wouldn’t want to finish the list without breaking the rule a couple times! One of my favorite duos — Tommy and Jonathan! Ishkode Ishkode and Jonathan’s other latest records on Blue Arrow is a joyful place that I return to without fail. His new one, SA, we have at the vinyl station too though it’s more a making dinner and singing along record. Two things I must do daily.
Billie Holiday — “The Same Old Story (Take 1)”
You might have heard of Billie Holiday. She shouldn’t be left out of any list. This is the one for me. The band, the intro, the piano solo, the swing, the session, the lyric, the delivery. I listen to this over and over and over. When the horns come back in on story and the whole groove locks in I’m in ecstasy, but it’s new to me.
#dusted magazine#listed#wes buckley#mike cooper#jimmy giuffre#paul bley#steve swallow#cecil taylor#bill orcutt#anthony braxton#eugene chadbourne#okkyung lee#doc and merle watson#mississippi fred mcdowell#jonathan richman#billie holiday
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Is there any headcanon/au you’ve got
OHOHOHO YES INDEED ANON i just posted a long ass high school au yesterday that is really weirdly specific and self indulgent but i had to combine two of my most fav things in the world so
i also got a hunger games au, a tangled au, a the witcher au, a les misérables au, a wip of a harry potter au, holy shit i posted a lot of aus on this blog you see this is what happens when canon sucks
let’s spit out some new aus and headcanons shall we
some headcanons for canon era
- i feel like some nights during these 4 years of timeskip levi and hanji actually slept together and i mean in the literal sense as in sleeping in the same bed, not in the bumping uglies sense, like when the nightmares got too bad for hanji they would get up in the middle of the night and knock on levi’s door and they wouldn’t need to say anything bc levi knows and he makes way for them in the room and they both lay down in the bed back to back and fall asleep like that just comforted by the fact that they can hear the other’s heartbeat and breathing, they won’t hold each other or touch each other, just them feeling each other’s presence; ofc in the morning hanji is sprawled like a starfish half on the bed and half on levi and he pretends he’s annoyed by it but he really isn’t lmao
- during their monthly/weekly meetings with the press i feel like at some point roy and peaure would actually start to think they’re married?? i mean you have hanji accidentally burning their hand with the hot tea and levi’s immediately dragging them to a sink to run their hand under cold water, or levi smoothing out a wrinkle on hanji’s jacket or fixing their tie, or straight up fixing their hair, cleaning their glasses, or casually hanji leaning on levi during a conversation, them having literal telepathy?? all that domestic shit so one day after seeing levi wiping a pastry crumb from hanji’s cheek roy’s like “ahhh young love! it’s a rare sight nowadays to see a couple being so nurturing towards each other... if i may ask, how long have you been married?” and im pretty sure levi has a stroke while hanji blushes furiously and tries to explain that “NOOOO NONO NO WAIT WE UH WE’RE NOT MARRIED! WE’RE REALLY GOOD FRIENDS! BEST FRIENDS! RIGHT LEVI” but levi doesnt answer his brain is too busy processing the words “married” and “hanji” and “hanji married” “hanji and i married” “marriage” “marriage with hanji”. they like to pretend this “accident” never happened but after that day i think they’d be more aware of their actions around each other? and they’d start to slowly, over the span of four years, connect the dots
- the flashback in chapter 126 doesn’t stop at that “you’re right, i can’t” part, they definitely kept talking more and i feel like at some point during that night levi asked hanji to lay down under the blanket next to him as a way to confess “i wish we could stay here as well” but hanji doesn’t get it, at this point they still believe their feelings are one-sided and their mind is too occupied by other thoughts to really understand what levi means. somehow levi understands that this time hanji didn’t get what he meant and thinks “maybe this isn’t the right moment after all”. when chapter 132 comes, he tries again to confess, playing it off as a subtle joke with the “unrequited love for titans” thing, and hanji starts to ponder on that, but still doesn’t allow themself to insinuate that levi’s words might have a double meaning. then, the thing happens and levi doesn’t want to waste his last chance. he says “dedicate the heart” putting his own left hand on hanji’s chest, he means that he too is dedicating his heart because he and hanji share the same heart. this time, hanji finally understands. just before flying away, they think “i wish i had realized it sooner”.
- okay assuming that the “hanji is alive” theory becomes real, assuming that the war ends and assuming that a cure for the 13 year curse is found, i see levi and hanji living together in a lil house in the woods and having a family but somehow never bothering to define their relationship staus? like the funniest thing to me is them growing old together and being like 80 years old surrounded by their grandchildren when hanji suddenly says “levi,,,,,,,,, what are we” “do u like me by any chance” and levi just thinks “i am way too old for this shit”
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@trespassers-will ok here we go
i also watched the various videos hidden inside each photo and the videos that were posted today as well and took notes too hjfhk
1. hobi’s room
okay so i thought i would rank jin’s room first but then i saw hobi’s room and i saw that couch nd went OMG okay thats no.1!! i love this interior so so much, like i normally hate orange and blue as a combination but this seems almost more like red and blue and it really reminds me of hopeworld. there’s many pop art-like graphic design posters adorning the walls, showing lines like ‘hope‘, ‘sweet’ and ‘my way‘. the shoes on the closet(?) behind him were disaplayed bc those are the colours we wears the most in his fashion. and then there’s this iconic inflatable clear pink couch and him wearing a pink robe and just GOD what a mood, i want a room like this!! the chair reminds me a lot of the type of fun quirky furniture i fantasized about and incorporated into my drawings as a kid when i was around 8-11, probably because i got inspired by stuff like totally spies and polly pocket, which had all these designs clearly inspired by 60s and 70s space age design but more in pink and purple i guess.
also i hate the search for such stills bc even w safe search on, you still have godawful f3tish drawings depicting those kids from totally spies ending up in search results and it’s disgusting. but yeah it reminded me of that
when i say polly pocket, i particularly mean this quik-clik (magnetic clothes and hair) era in 2005 which was what i had some stuff from. i had that couch / movie night! set and the pool and that
also i just really like hobi’s room because with all the posters and cabinets and clothing items laid out and a carpet and fun colours and whatnot, it really feels like an actual room you could live in, unlike any of the other rooms which feel very empty or too minimalist to me. but YEAH hobi’s room is my fav, i love the way a fuller room feels more cozy and habitable and floaties and inflatable floaties are AMAZING
2. jin’s room
jin’s room is so prettyyyy!! jins explanation of the room was very uhm confident and funny but i love that. the couch looks like a lilac shell, which makes sense as everything else looks very pearlescent. i really love cool-toned pastels like lilac, powder / baby blue, periwinkle and everything just looks like it’s part of a waiting hall for mermaids or something. there’s also gems in it which took me a while to realize bc i only noticed the glass chandelier and lamp but then i saw them in his hand nd on the table. i dont rly care abt gems / jewels but overall i just love how this whole room speaks ‘pretty‘ to me. robes are always a plus. as i was writing this, i was also reminded of hair extension mullet jin with iridescent clothing and all and that is actually my all time fav photoshoot / look of him. him saying he’s the gem of the room makes sense too as he’s sitting in the shell like a pearl. jin pretty pretty mermaid
ok from here on its getting harder bc place 3-8 is not so much abt which is nicer but which one actually makes me feel any emotion bc i just feel too exhausted for excitement over comebacks or anything really. also minimalism doesnt make me feel anything either. but ill try
3. jungkook’s room
ok ive been staring at a screen w few sleep for too long so ill try to go through my ranking faster bc ive been working on this post for too long, also partially bc i cant focus nd partially bc theres some i just rly dont feel much for but i feel bad for ranking one lower than the other or ranking smth higher when ive talked to someone who dislikes a room i like dghkfdf
but yeah i like jungkooks room! its a very intense blue tht might make you depressed if youre in it too long but again i love how theres multiple items stacked in the bg and intense blue lights, and the ceiling looks like it has soundproof padding. its like youre in a recording studio or at some vaguely nostalgic party of a friend of my mom, who had plants in her home nd rock music nd the tv on and was smoking nd it was a bit dark and mysterious. i like it, it intrigues me a bit nd makes me miss going to concerts. also this pic rly just reminds me of 2008-2010 pop music videos where theres always a party and dj and people are wearing sunglasses or something and theres a dance break at the end
4. yoongi’s room
also blue!! the first time i saw this pic it was bc someone sent it to me to say how ugly they thought the decoration / editing looked w the metallic dripping stuff from the couch and whatnot but i kinda like it :( i like his velvety clothing and the light blue in the rest of the room is really pretty. i like mirror themes when done well nd i like how the reflectiveness shows also in the metallic dripping nd metallic spheres and the mirror hes standing on nd the way light reflects on his clothes and from the lamp. only the lamp feels a bit too much like a contemporary art installation for me nd his room already is a bit too empty for my liking nd i had the feeling when i watched the vid of him walking through the room that there was not much to interact w in the room like it was a bit dull. his voice in the explanation videos made it feel more like a place of peace / solitude rather than boredom or loneliness though.
5. namjoon’s room
ehh i think place 5, 6 and 7 are interchangable at this point. namjoon woulve ranked lowest but i listened to his explanation videos and saw him goof around in today’s video and appreciated it a bit more. the room still looks quite minimalist and not super comfortable, like youre not allowed to touch anything there (which is the same for jin i guess but i dont view that as smth meant to look like a living room). i do like how the wood theme is present throughout each wall nd in various items and w the windows nd use of space it feels a bit inspired by japanese interior design and that that is inspired by his bonsai tree nd love for woodwork, but im not sure. i was actually quite shocked some of his explanations were so short. so yeah i place this 5th bc i like how coherent the theme is but it doesnt feel cozy or inviting nd still very cold to me, maybe bc it looks too expensive or minimalistic in terms of colours.
6. jimin’s room
i like the flowers but also i dont like tiny flowers nd they tend to be the stinkier ones. i kind of like how jimins room feels the most like a grandma one w all the flowers nd offwhite and the lamp and beige i think? but the colours are so muted and if anything it feels like a place for a bridal photoshoot nd im just so bored. i love jimin nd feel bad for ranking a room he curated so low but it rly creates no serotonine in my brain, just melatonine bc im sleepy. i like how the room i obviously quite packed w stuff, but then the washed out colours make everything still look very bleak. hmm. i do like how the flowers reach outside the borders unlike w any of the others’ photos. im about to fall asleep so let me quickly finish this post
7. tae’s room
the picture in the middle behind him is interesting nd i dont know how he made that, nd i do like how he described his room as a place where there would always be enough food for visitors. i know it’s meant to communicate some highbrow, artsy vibe but w the weird editing and lightning nothing looks real in the room he’s in (including himself, like it doesnt even look like hes in the room) and it just looks kitschy instead of artsy. yeah i dont gravitate towards this one, it’s like deep-fried and desaturated at the same time nd i tend to avoid looking at it subconsciously
8. the first room photo
i first posted a long description here why but it disappeared but in short. this photo evokes no emotional response to me other than think of kind of crappy hotel rooms i was in w my parents while on vacation nd we slept in the same room or something nd the beds were awful nd made my moms chronic pain worse. the clothing is very boring and so r the colours of the room. i know bangtan curated stuff but its still the least interesting photo to me, maybe im too depressed to feel anything idk
im sorry this was prob very boring TT_TT i tried my best to make a ranking but i rly dont know nor care as much as i would want to
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Doctor Who Tag Game
Tagged by: @thirteenstardisfam thank youu and i am so sorry it is so super long lmao i did not mean too, but somehow ended up with it, and also i think i will make fandom hate me for some stuff about 11, but i love him! don’t you dare to think otherwise :’D
im tagging: @tennant @luke-skywalker @panlyra @stupidape @buffyrosenbergs @expelliarmus idk who of you whovians wanna do it out there feel free to say i tagged you and go on ;)
Favourite Doctor: still Ten, i love 12 and 13 almost as much, even if not harder atm, but if it comes to choosing 1 fav doctor then it’s always Ten, so far no one stepped higher for me :’D I loved his era, i loved so many episodes with him, his season arcs, his companions, his relationships with everyone, and this is the only Doctor whose regeneration was smooth for me, he was continuation of Ninth Doctor and it felt like that. I was not like ‘but he is so different in so many ways’ nope, never. Maybe it’s because companions were the same, everyone was still around which was great btw, and I fell in love with the show with Tenth Doctor, dare I say that I stopped watching back then when Matt Smitt became doctor? lmao, must be shock for some but yes, I dropped this show because of THAT lmao??now i laugh at my own self but yeah, i did. where’s everyone, why it feels so different? that was huge nope. Only years later I got back into it, thanks to amazing Michelle Gomez. Actually I was not even going to watch other doctors at that moment, but I watched episodes only with Missy, then i said well it’s not bad I like it and Missy and Twelve were?? OOOF LOVES OF MY LIFE FOR SURE because their relationship were so cool and of course i loved it, so i started a huge rewatch, the first since i dropped the show. Fell in love with Doctor/Master all over again, Ten was as amazing as I remembered, Nine was perfect and I love him too!!! and then... i got to s5... oh god, i was like, let’s give him a chance, what do i lose? but it still felt so weird, and the show was so different, and suddenly everyone else is so important but where are old characters? but i got into it because i have already seen some of 12′s episodes and i got used to the style?? i guess. and then River appeared, not because of her but around episode 5 or 6 i was into it already, not as much as i was before but anyway, maybe weeping angels helped because i loved them and it reminded me of Ten, i felt some kind of a connection to old doctor. I liked River with 10, i thought i will like her with 11 too... but alas, still felt like you know those boys who have never had sex but try to act like they know everything about it and hit on every moving thing and think they do it cool? :D i am sorry if i hurt someone’s feelings with it, but that’s how 11 was for me back then, and while I do understand river/11 it’s the least of all river ships for me, 11 is still the least fav doctor because of those feelings i had back then when i stopped watching, they are not rational i know that now but still feel them, but i love him now, and will protect that kid at all costs! i love ponds, i will kill if anyone says anything bad about Rory Williams! and Amy and Rory? quoting my favorite star trek couple? DUDE WE GO TOGETHER OR NOT AT ALL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! and even if i was not into all river/11 relationship i loved the story, and of course i liked 12, but s8 still feels like what the hell for me, not because of the doctor but because they tried so hard to show clara as bossy, i mean, i liked her with 11 and then suddenly they turn her into some control freak, it was not so MUCH with 11... but i know now why they did it, so Missy’s words have an effect and all. but still, i love clara before and after s8 :’D s9 clara? i will kill for her too. it’s too long but idk :’D and actually, this shows that if you give it a chance even if you don’t like actor/actress at first - you might love the show ;) so stop acting like jodie is miscast honestly, i am ready to fight anyone for saying that :D say whatever you want about plot choices, but do not fucking act like it’s Jodie’s fault! actors are not responsible for show runner choices. She acts amazing with the material she has. anyway, 10 is my fav idiot!
Favourite Master: Missy, always was and always shall be. My favorite character in general in the show, no one tops my girl!
Favourite Sonic: honestly? i don’t really remember any sonic but 12′s glasses :D so... glasses. I mean, i don’t really care how it looks like, it does its job... most of the time lmao, but i liked those glasses and the thing with browser history was my fav :D
Favourite Companion: oh it’s soooo hard!!! either Donna or Bill. I can’t choose. but yeah, those are both with whom there were no ‘romantic’ relationship implied, i love friends more than couples. and I just loved 10 and Donna as a team and Bill and 12, i still wish they had more time. also Martha, the smartest companion lol she was amazing.
Favourite Story: anything involving The Master :D all episodes with them are my favs, but i can’t just pick one story, i still remember the first episode i watched back when it was airing and are you my mummy stuck in my head for the rest of my life giving me brrrr feeling, like it was not scary but somehow made me super uncomfortable? also vashta nerada?? duuuuude, you can’t just look at the shadow the same way. and ten/river together were really great, i mean, he did not know who is she, the mystery, i love shit like that?? yeesss!!!!! there are so many great ones. I don’t want to choose.
Favourite Soundtrack: that unreleased tiny melody when the master dies in the last of the time lords T--T and this is gallifrey and clara’s theme! those are my favs. and I also really like 11′s theme, kinda ready for adventures and doing some weird but funny shit :D
Dream Actor for next Doctor: ooooof OOOOF dude! you know what, usually it is one actor for 3 seasons, that’s how it was for the last 3 doctors, i want Jodie to break that rule and stay with us for 4th season as well, i just want to see how pissed off those haters will be lmao i really really think the entire timeless child thing will not feel the same with someone else yet, and i don’t think they will reveal much in 13th season, that’s HUGE thing, or they should make it so good and the next doctor... aaah i don’t want to feel that change again, like i did with 10 to 11, and felt with the every next doctor, but i overcome that shit and just give them a chance, it’s the doctor after all and im sure loving all of them now. not sure it can disappoint me even if most of plot choices in the season are ... weak. idk who, there are so many great actors but whoever i choose will not be as great as someone they choose, because they always somehow cast amazing people, but i agree with emily it’s time for a doctor of color! tho, they can’t go back to white male actor right now, i just can imagine how it will look like, with all the hate Jodie received and how people still whine about female doctor, it will look like they tried and decided to go back to white male doctors, one half will be happy but the other one will eat them alive! so yeah, i am pretty sure it’s not gonna be white man again yet lol
Dream Composer: idk
Dream Story: well, considering 13 is in jail now, i would love to see someone “we know” rescuing her, because honestly if they just showed me jack and left it like that, i will not accept it!!! but also since yaz will be the only one left with the doctor, since bradley and tosin leave the show, i hope we will have some yaz and doctor relationship development without anyone else, maybe jack could stay because i love him, but jack’s presence did not hurt doctor and rose relationship development back then, so it should not hurt now also. but if they bring someone new, at least don’t make it right away, let yaz and 13 have an adventure at least 1 episode, some talk and stuff. so when yaz leaves also... (and i kind of had that stupid feeling that yaz will die in the end, because somehow everything hints on that for me? idk maybe it’s because i rewatched and giffed orphan 55 today and vilma (?) telling yaz to run and stay alive kinda felt like something that hints on yaz’s future... and yaz is always going somewhere without thinking, to random alien ship, to save the doctor, she steps into trouble like a doctor hoping everything will somehow be ok, but im not even sure she hopes, it’s more like i am as good as her so i can do it, not in clara’s way when everything hinted she is like the doctor, because let’s be honest she was and even got her own tardis, but she thinks she is, but she is not, i think some day that might end bad for her... so when she also leaves i don’t want it be like well yeah, what’s next? i mean, i still miss Bill, that was like NOOOOOO with tears and screams for me, i loved Bill! and we had 2 seasons with yaz and i still don’t feel the same connection to any of the current companions atm, so i would like the show to make me love them more, i do love them, just not as much as those i still miss, but im sure defending any of them lmao i love them anyway. you know what i mean...
A Companion You’d like to see back: oh OH. we cant bring them back for entire season right? but doctor can meet Donna at some point, which will have no point lmao cos she doesn’t remember and it will only hurt doctor and i don’t see how her appearance will help any plot, it will be just fanservice cameo. But Bill is out there with Heather, they are powerful creatures now, i think it could somehow fit into the story, I want Bill back. But also, Clara is still one heartbeat away from death, she can be out there, and she has tardis. tiny cameos will be fine for me :D and Martha, but also Madam Vastra and Jenny, Kate and Osgood, where they are??? bring them back and it can make sense, their appearances. I mean, imagine someone from UNIT in s11, not unit itself but osgood??? it would feel so much different.
An Enemy/Alien/Creature you’d like to see again: weeping angels!!!! OOOF they were creepy, and i love them, like, DON’T BLINK!!! how can you not blink for so long? that is cool, i want them back. and also the most beautiful shots are always with angels so... :’D
If you could travel with one of the Doctors, which Doctor and why?: oooh, while 10 is my fav, and I totally would hit on 13 :D i will choose 12, 12 from season 10, because he was such a grandpa, no lovey dovey stuff, he would lecture me on thing i do, give me new info about something, we would explore shit together and he would be like a grandpa i never had. We would definitely have long discussions about stuff and have good laugh together and i would make references to movies and then we would watch those movies :D i would act like Bill lmao yess i want to travel with 12!!!
#text#doctor who#tag game#ooh for dream story i want doctors together#how could i forgot i always want doctors together :D
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Major Villains part 2!! The Wizards of the Black Circle, Valtor(baltor?), and Darkar/The Shadow Pheonix.
again, I changed a lot. I changed the Wizards’ signature color to green because i got SO TIRED of red and black villain color schemes. Also Valtor’s original outfit and hair was like. so bad. dont @ me you know im right.
The Wizards of the Black Circle are earthen born, and really really old, like crypt keeper old, older than Morgana, maybe as old as Faragonda. The reason they still look young is that they’ve retained use of their magic when the rest of the earth hasn’t, and they eat fairy wings. Wings are the outward manifestation of a fairy’s magic and form a sort of battery loop with the fairy’s natural magic production, sustaining and boosting for as long as the transformation is held. When ripped off, the loop is broken unnaturally and severely damages the fairy physically and mentally, usually they can’t transform again for a week to a month. The wings retain a large portion of magic, and by consuming them, the wizards supercharge their abilities and prolong their lives, if they had kept doing this eventually they would become faded like the ancestral witches in my other post, but it would take a while.
Ogron is from early Scotland, he was the one who forged the black circle out of iron. Iron is a notoriously difficult metal to enchant (the specialists ships and weapon bases are made of enchanted iron and are hard to destroy with magic). He practiced for years before successfully storing his magic in the black circle. He was always power hungry and calculated, he knew he wouldn’t be able to conquer the world without help, and began to seek out fellow wizards while spreading anti-fairy sentiments. It took him awhile to find people who were able to use the Circle with him, and went through a couple other Wizards before setting on the three others. He first found Gantlos in the Americas, the Anagan in Africa, and finally Duman in Southeast Asia. They all use the Black Circle as a magic vessel, and begin to actively hunt down fairies and other magic users or creatures. Morgana had only just taken the throne when they started, and as a young ruler, mistakenly believed these four posed no great threat and wouldn’t dare question her rule. However, the Wizards attacked Tir Nan Og and it’s sister island Neverland. They purposefully didn’t fully destroy everything, wanting to keep any magical artifacts intact for their own use, but did strike a serious blow to the benevolent magic users. Fear mongering lead to fewer people pursuing magic in hopes of not becoming a target. One of the Wizards’ only large scale attack was on Tir Nan Og, usually they prefered to lay traps and pick off solitary fairies. Eventually people began to shun magic users in common society, and many fled to the injured Tir Nan Og to avoid being attacked or killed. Morgana and all the fairies on Tir Nan Og placed a barrier around the island, and created the white circles out of glass and moonlight as keys. When the Wizards attacked the island again, they couldn’t break through the barrier with out completely draining the black circle, so instead they returned to their guerilla tactics, and attacked all the fairies bringing other people onto the island for safety. After they believed all the keys to be destroyed, they began to hunt down any fairies that might have escaped, using spells to track and locate sources of fairy magic all over earth. They eventually raised their power levels enough that they were able to surround Tir Nan Og’s barrier with one of their own, trapping the fairies in their own haven. They then spent the rest their time keeping an eye on the any potential magic users, placing more black circles around other sources of magic so it would be directly funneled into their reserves, and manipulating governments and societies to their own will. They started several wars and were the cause of some natural disasters for the fun of it. Sometimes they take a break from ruling dull stupid humanity and will spend several decades sequestered away on an island or something. They also need break from each other and will go off on their own occasionally. They each have iron gall ink tattoos that keep them connected to the Black Circle.
Fun facts about the wizards because they’re like almost my fav villains. Ogron refuses to say whether his obnoxiously bright hair is dyed or not. Orgon usually prefers kilts, but tbh its hard to get a hold of one now-a-days unless you know how to use the internet. Orgons skirt is a shitty faux leather one from forever 21. Anagan is actually the most popular with the ladies~~ Gantlos is actually the oldest, and is potentially from before the Mayan civilization’s era. Duman is from Thailand and his skirt is technically a Sarung(which i think were used in Thailand but correct me if im wrong). Duman likes to change his hair color every couple years or so. Duman actually convinced Gantlos to dye his hair once but messed up the bleaching spell and oops now Gantlos is permanently blonde(and duman has one less rib) Anagan shaves his head every 20 years. The last time they were all involved in society was the 60s and they’re clothing reflects the mod/punk fashion at that time. Anagan and Duman barely tolerate each other in day to day situation, but their fighting styles actually complement each other pretty well. Ogron is a total narcissist and considers Gantlos the closest thing to an equal in the group. Gantlos spend the most time with duman so long as he’s not being too annoying(duman is basically the obnoxious little brother of all of them lmao)
Valtor isn’t “human” even in a loose sense of the word. He’s more like a homunculi created by the Ancestrals. As such he doesn’t need to eat or drink, tho he can enjoy both. He doesn’t necessarily have a “true form” as he can use his magic to mold and change his body as needed. His heart is a spark of the dragon flame and the shadow flame encased in the ancestrals magic. He was originally intended to be a servant, going out and physically searching for the dragon flame while the witches researched where the dragon could be hiding. He briefly took a young starstruck Ms Griffin on as an apprentice, but it didn’t last very long. After the witches were defeated he was still able to use remnants of their magic leaving him still very powerful, and connecting him to their spirits. He was defeated by Faragonda and the Company of Light, but being a homunculi powered by the dragon and shadow flame he couldn’t really be killed, so was banished to the frozen planet Omega as punishment. Valtor stores and channels his magic through his body, making him a sorcerer instead of a wizard. He resembles Dominians but this is thought to be because of his connection to the dragon flame.
Lord Darkar isn’t an ancient entity, but he does possess one. The Shadow Fire is the ying to the Dragon Fire’s Yang, and originally both were considered neutral, keeping the light and dark in balance. Domino’s royal bloodline passed both the Dragon and the Shadow from one generation to another, but a young prince sought to possess both of the flames and summon the ultimate power. He killed and stole the Shadow Flame from it’s bearer, tainting it with blood and violence. His murder was found out and defeated by the holder of the Dragon Flame, and thrown into the then newly formed Obsidian as an execution. While it was hoped he would die in Obsidian and the Shadow flame would pass to a more worthy bearer, Obsidian turned out to be a pocket dimension instead of a death sentence, and he emerged again, was defeated again, emerged yet again, decided to be a little smarter, and found the Ancestral Witches to do his bidding. However, the witches eventually betrayed him, and sought to possess the Dragon flame for themselves, they created Valtor with sparks of both so he would, hopefully, be protected to both powers. Darkar’s time in Obsidian tied him to the pocket dimension, so every time he’s defeated he gets sent back there lmao. Due to the “equal-opposite” rule, When Obsidian was formed was also when the Relix was created, it holds the only power strong enough(theoretically) to destroy Obsidian in the power crystal, but using it is more than likely to destroy you in the process so it was sealed away with the codex. After the Winx defeat him he’s not destroyed, just sent back to Obsidian. The only way to kill him would be to separate the Shadow Flame from his body, or use the water stars on him.
#Winx club#winx club villains#winx club fan art#winx club valtor#winx club darkar#winx club wizards#winx club ogron#winx club anagan#winx club duman#winx club gantlos#fan art#digital#winx club headcannons#winx club hc#winxems
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15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 🖤
15. A good song to blow your car speakers out to
if I had a car, rn that would be “Nobody” by Mitski. Otherwise it might be “Hard To Explain” by The Strokes.
16. A song from your childhood
“Boing!” by Nik & Jay
17. Artist with the most angelic voice
Julian Casablancas ofc.
18. Fav 70s era song
Stairway To Heaven”, “You Take My Breath Away”, “Sultans Of Swing”, “Roundabout”, “Heart Of Glass” and “Hotel California”.
19. A song that reminds you of your best friend
“Machu Picchu” by The Strokes. its the only song she likes by them. its a good song, but like, there are better??
20. Songs you use to fall asleep
when I can’t sleep I either just put my strokes playlist on a loop or listen to podcasts:)
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omg minghaonation growing strong recently ndbshs i was half expecting u to say healing mv bc of the looks wonu served ... the glasses ALSO NOT A MV BUT WONWOO IN CRAZY IN LOVE... ANYWAYS wow omg thanks era that feels like yesterday.. i became a carat in august 2017!! so nearly 2 years wow!! the first mv i actually saw was dwc!! omg i remember all the theories from the trailers they really were quality.. my fave mv has to be holiday because it’s so cute or highlight . when highlight came out 1/2
(ndbshs not when it came out but when i first saw it i guess) i watched it like 300 times in a row i am not going to lie to u. and holiday bc it’s so so so cute . love them. ALSO DONT WORRY ABT LONG RESPONSE.. mine is at least two asks long ndbdhsh anyways i also L💓VE day6, pentagon, and loona those along with svt are my top 4! wbu? also!! how’s your summer been?? - 💎C 2/2
How did I forget Holiday??? And hIghLIghT!!! But after the Ode to One video dropped I might just say that one ahahhha. ALSO WONS CRAZY IN LOVE IS KEHWNDKEOKWN HE SAID ITS HUS FAV CONCEPT AND IM IBSNALIW
Other groups I like are the rose, day6, red velvet, izone, bp, crush, and nct!!! I love the girls in loona!! I watched their little mini web drama and I thought they were so cute 🥺 and my summer has been great!!! Idk if you know but...I got tickets to KCON LA!!!!! So I might see svt perform their new song live!!! And I’m !!!!!! AHHH also my summer got 92763829x better because of the teaser they just released...they didn’t say what the trailer was for...mv?? Or for the tour so?? Detectives pls solve 🔎🔎🔎
#ask#anon#svtanon#like i woke up and i felt like the wind was taken away from my lunGS#KDHWNDKW#HOW WAS UR SUMMER BB
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