#I’m having fun and don’t have to be up early so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m in too deep to quit now
eeblouissant · 3 months
top 5 outfits for Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia respectively! (I was going to pick just one of them but I couldn't choose 😭)
oooohhhh !!!!! this is a hard (but very fun) one - let me see .. these are in no particular order:
(edit: this got very long. Answers under the cut my apologies 😭)
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Dorothy first, naturally 🚶🏻‍♀️ oh my god let me tell you - I think about that first red dress so often. She’s my profile picture for a reason lol!!
The second I loved at first because, look at her, are you kidding. I’ll post that picture on here until someone physically restrains me from doing so. LOOK AT HER !!!!! I love anything pink on Dorothy sooo so much, that blue & pink pastel set is a very honourable mention. I’m sad I couldn’t squeeze it in here :’)
i um 🧎🏻‍♀️ i have no excuses here. The tie - the tie !!!!! when I rewatched tgg for the first time and saw Dorothy wearing a TIE I just about collapsed. YOURE KIDDING !!!! THE QUEER ENERGY IS OFF THE CHARTS !!!! started climbing the walls as soon as they cut to Dorothy & Michael sitting in the kitchen that first time 🤸‍♀️
fourth look is actually my fav … that black eyeshadow ??!!! dark makeup + dark clothing + white/gray hair??!!!! blink blink …
& honestly I can’t explain the last one - it just feels so quintessentially Dorothy somehow ??!! I’m not sure what it is about that outfit specifically that is so Dorothy to me but, if she was a cartoon character that would be her staple outfit imo (ALSO OH I just noticed that Dorothy’s got the same silly little pose going on in the first & last pictures 😭😭 AUGUAGH I’m ill)
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okay, since I can’t separate Sophia & Dorothy I’m breaking the order here -
Peter Pan collars (?) were made for Sophia - I honestly think she has the cutest wardrobe out of all the girls (very close behind her is rose but I’ll get to her later), I take outfit & thrifting inspo from her very often. Like, look at her 🥹 are you kidding … you’d never guess in a million years that this sweet little lady was the feisty Italian she actually is lol
The second stands out to me because of where she’s placed that brooch - & it’s not the first time she has a very Edwardian (& sometimes Victorian) approach to the details in her wardrobe. This just happens to be a favourite of mine - of course she’s going to have this approach to the way she dresses, being raised by Victorian parents & all (and growing up in the Edwardian era, etc etc) but it’s still so neat to me !!! I love !!!
I’ll be honest, the cowboy hat makes that outfit one of my favourites 😂 she’s already got an adorable outfit going on, + that string of pearls (red is her colour imo, but again something i’ll ramble on in just a sec). I cant, she’s just adorable 😭
This outfit is second only to the last here - whenever Sophia’s outfits involve extra details at the collar they instantly become favourites. That bow !!! The mix of red, orange & yellow also puts it high up on my list - I mentioned it two seconds ago but Sophia’s colour is red, it was just made for her. They’re kind of like her staple accessory, but I just have to comment on her glasses - you have no idea how badly I want her frames. Oh my god, they’re so pretty - I might just be obsessed with Sophia atp 😭
& that last one :’) okay I have a few thoughts (that may or may not be completely coherent) - firstly, muted colours look stunning on her, especially in those flashback moments. Secondly - her wardrobe in these flashback bits lead me to believe that Dorothy took some inspiration from how she dressed then, and incorporated a lot of that into her style at the age Sophia would have been then!!!! Having that thought immediately made it super hard not to put this one at the top of the list so, it’s my favourite purely for that reason 🚶🏻‍♀️(shoutout Dorothy there btw ??? that whole look was so cute I’ll faint). I also really like the way Sophia’s colour choices got bolder and brighter as she aged (as opposed to Dorothy, for example, who seemed to dull instead). There’s some cool symbolism there that I would feel the urge to ramble on if it wasn’t so obvious already lol
I really love Sophia 🚶🏻‍♀️ okay moving on (I have to continue this in a separate reblog because Tumblr only allows ten pictures within one post :’))) i’ll be back to finish this in the morning. For now, enjoy the first half of me being crazy & insane)
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Heya! I saw you did matchups and wondered if you could do one for me too! If not that’s ok!
(I prefer Males)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac: Scorpio
Appearance: I’m about 5’5 or 5’6. I have black wavy hair. Tanned skin but not too much. And brown eyes.
Mbti: ISFP
Personality: People say I’m very kind and caring, always putting the needs of those around me first before my own. People say I’m very smart but I think I’m average. I’m very much introverted and would rather keep to myself but around friends I tend to be loud and energetic. I’m usually very soft spoken but around friends it’s a different story. I get scared easily but when I’m with others who are scared I tend to just dive in first.
Likes: Food, Music, Playing games (especially FPS games and horror games despite being scared 😂), Watching videos or shows, Reading
Dislikes: When people make fun of the people I care about, Waking up early, Having to leave the comfort of my home
Love Language:
Giving: Quality time, Acts of service, and Words of affirmation.
Receiving: Words of affirmation, Quality time, Acts of service, and Physical touch.
Extra: Whenever I get anxious (which happens when I’m around people I don’t know cuz social anxiety 🤷🏻‍♀️😭) I tend to fidget with my hands and the strings of my hoodies. When I’m very focused I tend to hum or let out noises.
(That’s all! I’m sorry it’s so long!! Thanks for hearing me out! Have a good night or day!!)
i pair you with…
Hex Haywire!
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hear me out…
• Hex loves you. He finds everything about you adorable.
• im not romanticizing social anxiety at all i want to preface that!! but, i do think he will definitely be the type to hold your hand in public and do the little thumb stroke thing <33
• will also order food for u if u dont feel comfortable doing it yourself due to ur anxiety <33
• if he notices you fidgeting, he will offer you his hand so you can play with his fingers and his rings
• he knows you’ve been struggling a lot and growing up his mom would reassure him in tagalog, so i think he would do the same for you although you dont understand most of it (unless you do - in which case, nice)
• physical touch is his love language!!! you cant change my mind!!!
• imagine being in the backseat of his car while hes driving (idk why you would be but pretend) and he has his right arm stretched out behind him to hold your hand…💜
• he knows you have a habit of putting others before yourself and he will scold you!!!
• “Y/N, you need to put yourself first. Not them. Please, do this for me, alright?”
• Random messages you receive:
• “paul blart? kinda sexy.”
• “Y/N L/N of NIJISANJI EN’s _th wave ____!”
RUNNERS UP: Pomu Rainpuff, Mysta Rias
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euphorial-docx · 6 months
👀 I would love to hear about your thoughts regarding an age gap Jegulus and how their dynamic would work. No pressure though, you definitely don’t have to share if you don’t want to
ooh i haven’t thought about it too heavily but i’ll brainstorm here. i’m about to ramble a lot, so be prepared!
i just generally think the morality of age gaps makes really compelling stories, and the way the characters go about it and react to reactions is very interesting to me.
anyways, i consider a big age gap to be around 7+ years. like a 5 year age gap is where i start to think potential generational differences start to take place, but 7+ years is more than half of a decade and that seems like a pretty big disparity to me (but if others feel differently, lmk!)
so for age gap jegulus i would think it needs to be a 7 year gap or larger to really be an age different, but i don’t think it should be more than 15 years. even a 15 year gap is really pushing it for me in terms of like how well those people would get along, understand each other, and what stages of life they respectively are in. (Again, i would love to hear more opinions about this. these conversations fascinate me.)
and great stories can be told about age gap relationships happening in inappropriate manners with inappropriate ages (the biggest example is lolita, which is a very misconstrued story. lolita starts a good conversation about those kind of completely inappropriate and predatory relationships), but i personally wouldn’t write jegulus in an age gap relationship where regulus is any younger than mid twenties. early twenties is also pushing it for me, especially if the age gap is even larger than 7 years.
like. i feel for an age gap relationship to work, the younger of the two should have separate life experiences. like a freshly 18 regulus dating a 30 y/o james would really not be healthy. a 30 y/o is at a completely different stage of life and is ready for different things than a teenager or someone in their early 20s. i’m sure there are real life cases where it works, but that’s just how i feel as someone in my early 20s 🤷🏻‍♀️
so we’ve established: in my age gap jegulus thought, regulus would be at least 23-25 and james 7+ years older.
i feel like the idea of james already having harry could be fun and add a bit more Drama to james dating a younger person. like questioning if regulus would be ready for such a big commitment, maybe james doubting the relationship… sounds very intriguing to me.
BUT. i also love regulus as a single dad as well, so if james and regulus were both single dads and then date… maybe the age difference would go a bit smoother considering regulus is already taking on a big responsibility and is used to the Parenthood Lifestyle. could be cute.
and the question of sirius is one of my favorite parts about this. because i feel like sirius would 100% leave for college (he and reg would have at least an 8 year gap between them) and only come back sparsely for holidays, until he’s actually forced out or eventually leaves the family on his own volition.
i feel regulus and sirius wouldn’t be too close growing up because sirius is so much older and then also leaves. in my mind palace, the brothers would be in the process of reconnecting when james comes into the picture and adds more Drama.
what i’m learning here is that i really just love the drama of age gap jegulus. as much as drama and arguments stress me out, i sure love reading and writing it.
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cosyrosemary · 1 year
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The drawing is mine, and I’ll explain why I’m sharing it under another name instead of my actual usernames I’m known for.
I’ve known for about 9 years now that I’m demisexual.
I discovered it by accident. Not even joking… I was actually looking up information on asexuality, because some of my friends were half joking about another friend being asexual (due to the lack of partners, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️) and I didn’t think he was asexual. I don’t know why, but I just didn’t believe he was. So I got curious and looked it up. I barely knew anything at all. But I did not expect to find my own sexuality in the process.
Growing up I never understood what people meant when they were talking about “that hot guy” or whatever. Sure I could see someone was aesthetically pleasing to look at. But that didn’t make me want to hook up with them. I didn’t understand attraction. Not as a child, not as a teen and even in my (young) adulthood it was a weird concept to me.
I know that because I appeared “straight” to the outside world, that I didn’t suffer like many of my fellow queer people. But I guess you could say I was hiding it. And to be fair, to an extent, I still am.
I’ve been in long relationship (mid teens to early twenties) before, with someone to whom I was not sexually attracted in the slightest. I also did not have a deep connection to them, despite being in a relationship and living together. Whenever we were intimate, it was because he made me. I did not enjoy it, I never really have. I had no desire in that sense. I hated being intimate. And I thought this was normal for women!
It wasn’t until my husband that I realised I could in fact be attracted (both sexually and mentally) to someone after all. I always thought something was wrong with me. Since -despite various partners- I never found anyone particularly hot (and besides my husband, I still don’t). I did not understand what that felt like. And people who knew made fun of me or they didn’t believe me. Especially during my childhood and teenage years. It made me feel like a weirdo.
I’m now a married woman in my late thirties. I have a husband and we have kids. My husband knows I’m demisexual. It doesn’t change a thing for him.
But reading about demisexuality really helped me find some missing pieces of the puzzle.
For the past 17 years I’ve been in a monogamous relationship to my now husband. So I doubt I’ll ever get to figure it out for real, and I don’t have the desire to either because I don’t feel I’m missing anything (thought I can’t deny I’m curious what it would be like with someone from the same gender!). And I have never said it out loud… But I think I’m a panromantic demisexual. How I know? Just something I feel I guess. I always assumed I was straight because I was supposed to be according to the media and those around me.
And yet, I feel like a fraud for even saying I’m demi or grey ace.
When I just discovered my own sexuality, my gay friends did not understand and were upset!? I never felt the need to say I’m also part of lgbtqia+ or queer or that I was deserving to take part in pride. But why the hell wouldn’t I be? I have been oppressed too, albeit less than someone who is actually out.
I don’t feel comfortable yet coming out and I don’t know if I ever will.
But I have been dropping hints -jokingly- that I’m the A+ at the very end of LGBTQIA+
It’s a start.
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leafemoji · 1 year
Tag Game to Better Know You
@jmobiwanspadawan helloooo my friend thank you for the tag! Hope you’re doing well!!
(don’t mind everything being pink. My tumblr is being wonky and this is the only way I can see the text lol)
What book are you currently reading?
The Accidental Salesperson by Chris Lytle. Book about the philosophy of marketing, essentially, and how to not be a sleazy salesman lol.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year? 
MARIO. Ahhh it was fucking great. Absolutely adored it. I’ve also just seen Dungeons & Dragons which was very fun as well, and a documentary film called Addicted to Life which was fucking heart wrenching.
What do you usually wear?
At home, 95% it’s black joggers and probably one of my many baggy black shirts. Outside, usually some 70s style variation of dress pants, sweater, or some other shirt. I’ve been very into 70s style (less patterns though) lately, although I have to admit I only half know what that even is lol. I’m learning
How tall are you?
5’7”, which I believe is 171cm?
What’s your star sign?
Libra :)
4/5 of my immediate family members are libras
Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? 
I think Carrie Fisher and Kim Kardashian?
Do you go by your name or a nickname? Nickname, usually. My name is somewhat long and formal-ish, and I’ve never met anyone with the same name who doesn’t shorten it.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I’m on my way!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I was absolutely fucking SMITTEN with a guy in one of my classes a couple months ago. I mean, ‘making silly love song playlists, giggling at the thought of him, waking up early to do my hair, walking around with heart eyes and sighing wistfully’ kind of smitten, which was a first lmao
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I’m pretty damn good at baking and cooking EXCEPT FUCKING PANCAKES. I could not make you a pancake to save my life.
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Ahh I’ve written a lot but I can’t think of any particular lines. This one is from a song I’m working on and I like it enough 🤷🏻‍♀️
Use me as your ashtray. I’ll catch all your withering pieces.
What’s something you’d like to create content for?
Girl don’t even get me started. Star Wars would be SICK, Marvel too. I’d also just really love to work on an ARG? Which like, I guess I could just DO, lol.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Well, if you hadn’t already guessed from the previous answer- Welcome Home. Fantastic ARG. Also The Mandalorian, she my side lover.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Ahaaa wellll I produced a commercial and I showed it to someone who means a lot to me and they had a really disappointing reaction. Turns out they actually loved it, but their first reaction was asking about something that I hadn’t included and it was pretty crushing at the time.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can unicycle 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s always my go to answer lol.
Are you religious?
I am! Im a non denominational Christian who is also left leaning and gay sooo currently I do not have a church 😂
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
I REALLY could use a high quality super thin paintbrush. Like, for doing tiny details. And money lmao
Uhhh I’m never on here anymore so idk who’s active 😅 So please please feel free to do this if you want to! I’m tagging The World
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bisluthq · 1 month
I just want to clear up that Jack said he doesn’t really enjoy music festivals and that he was very busy at the time and had to stay back learning lines for a lot of it. He didn’t say that he went so Saoirse had a good time, I added that. Reading it back the way I worded it could be confusing
but I think it’d be okay to go mostly because she wanted to. It’s like the BoPo stuff that’s gotten into it being awkward to say that you don’t like an outfit because it doesn’t suit the person’s body like it’s now awkward for people to say they do things for their partners and/or don’t want to do it by themselves as much and it’s silly imo? Like I have gone to things I haven’t been super excited to go to because a partner has been excited about it and like it wouldn’t be as fun for them if they went alone and I know that’s been reciprocal. The only thing that makes it weird is if you guilt trip them about it (like “you know I don’t like X but I did it for you”) or if it’s super early on (because I think then you’re setting up false expectations lmao like my bf is big into tech and big into cars and likes to go to tech and car events and when we were friends and when we first started dating he invited me to some and I said no because I didn’t wanna lol but now like if it’s far away - car shows usually are - I do go with him because it’s more fun for him if I do and it’s not that deeply unpleasant for me I just wouldn’t set out to do that like if I were making my own plans solo) or if everything is a compromise in which case maybe y’all legit don’t like each other that much lol (like if you only do stuff that’s a compromise or you hate all of each other’s friends - it’s okay to dislike one or two - then maybe y’all just don’t like each other).
I think he did mostly go because she wanted to and obviously a festival is more fun with your partner than solo and that’s okay. I’m sure she’s gone to stuff for him too 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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celiastjamesoscar · 10 months
I can't wait to be your roomie in Milf Heaven! We will have so much fun. Oh right! You told me about that dog before, wasn't he also the one that doesn't like you? If so, then he is a bad doggy with even worse taste. (Though he gets a point for judging people. Love that) I read up on the pain for the back of the thigh and omg Grace I will be crying. I will either divide the session into 2 if the artist stays long enough or imma take a morphine pill from my mom... Don't do drugs kids!
We would honestly come up with some amazing tattoo ideas together. They would look so hot! Game of thrones BOOO, South Park YAYY, Peaky Blinders BOOO. But I still like you, despite your mediocre TV taste 😜 Not that I'm any better. I also rewatch the same stuff over and over again...
BEFORE AUGUST?? Omg I would die. The withdrawal would take me out. Especially when my head is filled with ideas. You're a strong one for putting up with that. All the strength to you ✊🏻 Is there no way to convince your mom??
The paper is a report for the presentation I have to do next year as my last oral exam. I basically have to write in there what the presentation is about. I had the bullet points and let GPT formulate a full text. Now I only need to get started on the presentation... I hate doing that. I will probably procrastinate it and read fics at work instead 🤷🏻‍♀️
The only positive thing about being at work so early is getting to see this:
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We will definitely have the time of our lives together!! yes, that is also the dog that doesn’t like me 😭 my boss ‘fired’ him because he growls at people, which is understandable. I would probably divide them up into 2 sessions, just to not take the morphine pill 😭 drugs are bad, m’kay? (I love Mr. Mackey)
Our tattoo ideas would be amazing, and I honestly thought about getting one today during my big gap for finals. Game of Thrones is soooo good!!! I love rewatching stuff because that means I don’t attached to fictional characters who might die, cough * lexa * cough
I’m seeing Hozier in August and I want to get a tattoo from one of his songs before I go, but the withdrawal might just kill me. I could probably convince my mom, she just won’t be too happy. Unless, of course, I get an eye balled tattooed on the back of my idea 🙄 that’s a tattoo she’s been wanting me to get for years
Good luck with your paper!!! Is this for the oral exam that’s in January/February? I absolutely hate giving presentations, but you got this!!! And no procrastination either miss ma’am!
THAT SKY IS SO BREATHTAKING!!! And the unicorn just adds so much touch to it. The sunset in parking lots is amazing
THANK YOU LOVE!!! I think it went okay, I don’t think I did too good, but i also definitely didn’t fail it. Now I have a 4 hour and a half gap before my next exam…
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jenyifer · 11 months
Omphies how did I stay up until 1 am avidly watching Shadow. I finished ep 4 and I guess to avoid saying spoilers I’ll put a cut in here. I think everyone should watch it though. It’s beautiful and very interesting. I’m gonna talk about my predictions and impressions at this point.
I have found the mix of supernatural vs reality very interesting in the show. I know that’s the point but it feels like we the viewers are in between like Dan. The lucid dreaming is fascinating. I keep thinking well has dan been possessed by a piece of the Brother’s soul? Maybe the mom wanted them to be bond some way. So he’s worrying about Trin and Dan’s dad because that’s what the Brother is actually stressed about. They have police at the school and the brother has responsibility for Dan a teen with severe trauma.
The bullying of Nai really takes me back to highschool middle school when looking at someone too long would get you called Gay. It was just common bullying in the early 00s. It’s especially bad at Catholic school because 1 your body is evil 2 your thoughts are out to get you 3 don’t be tempted by your gay thoughts just don’t give in. Complete bullshit. But those scars get internalized and make homophobic adults and kids afraid that they might be the ultimate sinner and experience that shame. So been having fun thinking about how fucked that is.
Oh another Catholic detail I like is Dan not supposed to ask questions. I have gotten the well you just need to believe line when I would ask questions about certain things. Also I’m hoping for possession btw my grandma claimed I was probably possessed as a teen so you know it happens Dan shouldn’t feel too bad hahah. I was possessed because I was depressed and therapy wasn’t working. 🤷🏻‍♀️ luckily my parents don’t believe in that kind of stuff so there was no exorcism. But my grandma said mental illness is caused by satan so I find it interesting brother Dan is a psychologist or is he? Idk? I wonder if that will come into play.
I still love Fiat btw every time he’s on screen I know he’s supposed to be scary but it’s like I’m the dog in up when he sees a squirrel.
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My thoughts / opinions on the DWTS cast
Super excited for:
-Charli D’Amelo (But really Mark Ballas) - The creative master is back and it is the greatest surprise ever and I can’t remember the last time DWTS has gotten me this excited. And also, I have no problem admitting that I am a complete hypocrite. I was ready to roll my eyes at this tik tok girl every week. But now that Charli is with Mark? I’m her biggest fan. She has all my votes, every week, no matter what 😂 I want Mark to have a successful season so he’ll come back and I’m not even sorry about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
-Selma Blair - The second biggest shock of the cast reveal. I am so excited to watch her and support her through what I know is going to be an amazingly emotional and inspirational journey. Hopefully Sasha doesn’t Sasha too hard 😭
-Wayne Brady - Probably one of the most perfect casting decisions this show has ever made. He seems like he was born to be on this show and it’s actually quite surprising he hasn’t done it yet. Very much looking forward to what Witney comes up with for him, I know she’s going to kill it 😊
-Jordin Sparks - Soooo excited for her and Brandon. I think she’s going to be great and I have all the faith in Brandon to give her great choreography and make sure she reaches her full potential 🥰
-Teresa Giudice - My favorite Real Housewife of all time. The Queen of New Jersey, the Tom Brady of Real Housewives, I will ride with her until the wheels fall off. That being said, I have seen her move throughout the years and she’s definitely going to be the first eliminated but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts 😂
Intrigued by:
-Shangela - I am actually super excited for this and I love that DWTS casting is going in this direction, but I have zero faith in Gleb, so I am trying to not get my hopes up or too invested at first just because Gleb sucks so much 😫
-Daniel Durant - Know of him in passing. I think this is going to be another great journey to watch and I think Britt is really going to have a standout season as a pro with him 😌
-Jospeh Baena - I’m looking forward to seeing Daniella because she proved last season she can do anything 🤣
-Sam Champion - IDK, I get good vibes from him. I think he’ll be fun and I think him and Cheryl will be a good team 🙂
-Vinny Guadagnino- He’s going to be the comic relief this show needs and I’m interested to see Koko as a pro and what she can do 😃
-Jason Lewis - Samantha and Smith’s breakup was more devastating than Big’s death for me, so I’m happy to see him 😝 Also, Peta’s been through a lot recently and I hope being on the show again brings a few more smiles to her life 🙏🏻
Don’t really know / care about:
-Heidi D’Amelio - Literally know nothing about her, I hate when DWTS pulls these kind of casting gimmicks, and I think they’ll try to keep her around a couple weeks, but I think vote splitting with Charli will make her an early exit. Sorry Artem, but congrats on the wedding ❤️
-Trevor Donovan - I don’t know who this is (Twilight?) and I’m sure Emma will work her magic to pull a somewhat decent dancer out of him, but I’m not really feeling it 😕
-Gabby Windey - Everything I know about the Bachelor / Bachelorette is by force via DWTS. I’m sure she’s nice, but I am so over Bachelor Nation and ABC pushing these contestants far. And Val’s her partner so…enough said 🙄
-Cheryl Ladd - Nice lady but doesn’t really peak my interest. Plus, I’ve never really been a fan of Louis so…😐
-Jessie James Decker - Saw a thread about her on twitter and all I can say is YIKES 😬
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chittapornswife · 3 years
•fanfic writers tag game!
tagged by @dhoya 😙
tagging: @127-mile , @skrtbabe , @treasuretaeil , @ anyone who wants to do this!
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
haven’t written for anyone other than nct! maybe tried writing for others like i have this ancient hanbin fic and changmin (tvxq) fic i have buried.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
nct! :D
3. how long have you been writing?
fanfics ever since 2016? maybe?? and writing ever since i was a kid, i loved making up stories :))
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
tumblr! i posted a random story and poem collection on wattpad many years ago like early high school LOL fun but cringe times
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
the good old classic fluff🙏🏼🙏🏼 i can write teeth rotting, cavity inducing fluff for days bc angst only comes to me when i’m sad or pensive and smut is hard too
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
pantser baby!! i try to plan and then i go off track but it feels more natural so 🤷🏻‍♀️
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
one shots are my go to but ever since dnyl club, chapters feel so nice like i don’t have to condense or have a bunch of separate scenes in one fic!
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hmmm... i don’t think there is a perfect length. whatever feels right and whatever makes sense for the flow!
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
dnyl club i think? it’s ongoing! the longest one shot would be my recent “midnight moon café” at 14.8K, still short compared to other ppl’s works!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
i’d say dnyl club is the most fun to work on atm! all of the stories were very fun to write tho and have specific memories attached! like vampire!ten makes me think of my old college, merry missed flight is based off that i missed a flight irl, peter pan flight with jungwoo was for my dear friend and reminiscent of disneyland!, strawberry sweet makes me think of early high school🥺
11. favourite request you've have written and why (if any?)
don’t do requests!
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
kind of maybe? one of the character’s has a problem of some sort, a personality flaw even maybe but they work it out; they attempt to mend it! also now i’m realizing but a lot of hidden feelings and not being upfront. a certain theme that’s prominent is college au’s tho! i guess it’s because i’m in uni/college so i find it easier to write content about things i’m doing myself or situations i’m in.
13. current number of wips?
under 20 i think??
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
after writing this, i notice i should expand and write for different subjects. i don’t like being in one box and love creativity so i’ll be thinking abt that for the future! one thing also is that i’m hard on myself but after a couple month when i read a certain fic of mine i’m like wait... this isn’t so bad LOL
15. a quote you like from a published story
it may not seem like much but dnyl club has a lot of my own personal thoughts and stories in it so proofreading chapters helps me to understand what i’m feeling and how to get out of it! dnyl club has always been a story from my own life so it’s kind of relieving to let it out through a written fictional story?
Damn you Julie.
Damn you for being so beautiful, so kind, so great and damn you for being such a good friend. A good friend that had no clue that her own friend was crushing on the guy that was about to ask her out. Hell, she couldn’t even do anything because she didn’t even know that Mark was your crush, no one knew.
Maybe it was your fault, you thought to yourself as you ran out of breath. Maybe if you had told your friends, especially Julie, that you had a crush on Mark, maybe they could’ve spread some good words about you to him and he would’ve fallen for you. But you knew that was bullshit. No matter how much you tried to make yourself better and more attractive, Mark would still most likely choose anyone else over you.
dnyl club: chapter 1
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ah this is so fun and based off the lyrics of one of my fav old hindi songs.
Alcohol was the only thing that was a constant in his life. People would come and go, but his beautiful filled glass of pleasure would always be there.
And really, who wasn’t intoxicated? So many got high off their own beauty and youth, high off their passion and love, high from the frantic breaths when they see their love. You could still feel high without drinking. Even the world was intoxicated. The morning was intoxicated by the refreshing dew drops on the grass and leaves. The air was intoxicated by the fragrance of the rain and the clouds. In every intoxication, there was a joy and a sorrow to be found. So, who wasn’t intoxicated?
His mind swirled with random aggressive thoughts towards people who shamed his lifestyle. At least he was attempting to find joy in his misery.
sharaabi (h.rj)
17. space for you to say something to your readers
thank u to anyone who read this long thing but also for all the feedback :)) it rlly means a lot to me!! 💞💞💞
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legendofcora · 4 years
Cool so I’m losing a fifth of my income this year and I don’t qualify for rent assistance and I’ve been begging my boss to cross train me so I can move up and start making real dollars but every time I ask she’s like 🤷🏻‍♀️
I had to put down my dog last month.
I had surgery last month too which I’m now in $1.5k worth of debt for.
I’m too depressed to work on hobbies and not doing hobbies is making me more depressed
I’ve burned through all of my savings on financial crises that happened last month
I’m surrounded by covid exposures who are all awaiting tests
Today is my five year anniversary with my partner and literally all we’re doing is ordering take out. I feel so disappointed with this day, I really wanted to go big but I feel like he doesn’t care as much as I do about it.
My best friend hasn’t had time for me at all for the last two months, I feel so alone and lonely and isolated.
I hate my body. I’ve probably gained 10-15 pounds since the start of the pandemic (I didn’t own a scale until a few months ago, when I was already gaining weight, so idk for sure). I got down about 6 pounds early fall and gained it all right back. I’m super fucking depressed about it because it’s not safe to go out and exercise and THE ONLY THING TO DO FOR FUCKING FUN OR DATES IS EAT. I AM SO SICK OF ORDERING FOOD BEING THE ONLY OPTION FOR MIXING UP THE ROUTINE OF QUARANTINE. I AM SO SICK OF FEELING THIS GUILT BECAUSE MY ONLY OUTLET IS MAKING ME GET FUCKING FAT. I HATE MY BODY ALL THE TIME AND IT JUST MAKES ME STRESS EAT MORE. I HATE HAVING SEX NOW BECAUSE I HATE HOW I LOOK AND I DONT WANT MY PARTNER TO REALIZE HOW MUCH WEIGHT IVE GAINED. I HATE THAT I CANT EVEN HAVE THIS BARE MINIMUM.
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It’s a short work week for me! I’m off Friday since my friend’s wedding is this weekend (who I went to Vegas with) and the rehearsal/dinner is Friday evening. I didn’t want to be rushing around plus I need to get my nails done. And I think I’ll go ahead and get all my shopping done for hubs’ birthday which is at the end of next week.
The wedding is on Saturday. I’m so excited. The last wedding I went to I was pregnant and not that you can’t have fun without alcohol, but it’s so annoying being stone cold sober when everyone else is trashed. Judge me if you want but it’s just the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️ Baby man is having his first sleepover at grandma’s house while we are at the wedding. It will be the first time he’s been away from both me and hubs at the same time overnight, though he has been away from us both separately. I’m not worried at all. My MIL is great with him and he just adores her so much.
Next week is hubs’ birthday and another short work week for me. I took Friday off because we are all going to the farm for the weekend. Hubs usually gets off early on Fridays so that way I’ll be home and have everything ready to go and we can leave when he gets there. I’m excited for two Fridays in a row with my boy! And for the trip to the farm. Knox looooves being up there and I really do too. It’s just a different atmosphere than down here in the city.
I’m still loving our new house but there are so many freaking bugs. Yesterday a cricket jumped out of my pump bag when I started taking everything out and I almost shit myself lmao. I hate crickets. I hate bugs in general but anything that flies or hops. NOPE. 10/10 do not trust. I want hubs to call a pest company or something but he keeps dragging his feet. The mosquitoes are also terrible and our dog has approximately 4 million bites. She’s so itchy and it can’t be comfortable and even though she’s in the dog house with me right now, I still feel bad. Need to get that sitch under control.
We don’t talk about sleep club but.... making progress. Slow, but making some none the less.
That’s my update. Happy Tuesday, my pals!
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blvckwidow · 6 years
Winterhawk first kiss?
Oh man there’s so much I can do with this. Okay so keep in mind that CW and IW didn’t happen because fuck sadness. I don’t write from Bucky’s pov often so I’m trying something new. Also idk how to put a read more 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bucky has been at the tower for about a year before it happened. He’s taken his time to find himself, figure who he was without Hydra in his head. He wasn’t the Bucky Barnes from before, but the name still worked for him. He’d changed in many ways, but in a lot of ways he was the same. One of those ways was flirting.
Flirting was fun and he didn’t have to be as subtle as he used to. It was fine to date guys, even marry them, so he didn’t have to worry about showing interest in one. He did have to worry about how oblivious the guy he was interested in was. No matter how much he flirted with Clint, the man didn’t seem to take the hint.
Bucky wasn’t subtle about any of the flirting. He made it a point to check Clint out while he was looking at him. He made comments about how good he looked. Called him pet names like ‘doll’ and ‘babe.’ He’s even suggested dates. Clint played it all off with a laugh and assumed it was a joke. Bucky would have backed off if he thought that Clint wasn’t interested, but he knew for a fact that he was.
He caught Clint looking at him. Caught his body movements. Natasha had gotten fed up and told Bucky outright that Clint had talked to her about him. Short of telling Clint that he was interested too, Bucky wasn’t sure what to do.
It all came to head early one morning. Bucky has woken up too early, chased from his dreams by the ice Hydra had put him in in between missions. He could still remember how it felt to be frozen. The chill followed him from the dream and he went to the communal kitchen for coffee. He hoped that the warmth would help him shake the last of it and he would be awake enough to catch Steve for his morning run. They didn’t do it often, but Bucky felt like it might help.
When he stepped into the room, Clint was already there, drinking from the pot. “Doll, if you’re gonna drink directly from the pot, atleast drink from the one in your own kitchen,” he said, shuffling over and stealing the coffee from the blonde’s hands. He poured himself a cup before handing it back.
“Better coffee down here,” Clint grumbled. He looked like he had gotten about as much sleep as Bucky had. They all had nightmares, so it wasn’t unusual to see one or more of them a little sleep deprived, but Bucky hated when Clint looked like that.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute, or I’d steal all the coffee and only give you decaf as punishment,” Bucky teases, hoping to get a smile.
Clint looked at him, lifting an eyebrow and smiled. “You do that and I’ll replace your shampoo with honey.”
“You saying I’m not sweet enough?” Bucky shot back, smirking.
“You seem like you could use some more sugar.” Clint had a full grin on his face now.
Thinking, to hell with it, Bucky brought their faces close together. “Lay some on me then.” He challenged, tilting his head and looking Clint in the eye and licking his lips.
Clint’s eyes widened and before he could pull away, Bucky closed the distance between their lips. It wasn’t the best kiss, but it was perfect.
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islandpcosjourney · 2 years
Day 27 – May ’22 challenge
4th June 2022
Gosh I almost forgot to write today’s blog post! I’ve been so busy doing not-very-much that I got wrapped up in all of that instead 😂
I woke up early with the dog pacing in the room, so had to let her out, but came back to bed as it was still sleepy time (within the 6hrs required to get an average temp reading from the OvuCore). I was super stiff from all the work I did with my muscles yesterday – clearly so good for me! It’s a great feeling to know I’d been using all of those muscles while having so much fun! Definitely want to go paddle-boarding again! Got invited out to do some more water activities this afternoon but I had to decline because essentially I don’t want to increase the pain I have already AND increase my time in the sun, further making me look like I’m turning into the beetroot juice I was drinking yesterday!
Today has been quiet time for me. Time to have space with my thoughts and deal with the aftermath of a busy, overwhelming day yesterday. While I didn’t feel overwhelmed at the time, it’s only when my mind replays everything that I realise how much I tackled, handled, AND enjoyed, while I reported a very positive day last night, handling my anxieties, letting go and getting swept up in the momentum of it all, it then hits me afterwards that I actually managed it! I don’t do proud, but I was pleased with myself that I’d been outgoing enough to try new things, go back to old things I used to enjoy and even taking compliments is something I find hard too. Processing all of that is then exhausting 😂 Living life is about knowing your limits isn’t it? Well I usually underestimate mine.
I can’t take compliments, even from Kevin so I find it very hard to accept them from others. Of course it’s nice to hear that I’m looking slim, that my skin is radiant, that I look healthy; somebody I haven’t seen an awful lot of lately barely recognised me – of course that’s nice to see because when the changes are happening slowly to ourselves, we don’t recognise the dramatic changes that losing 5 stone can look like. However, I never respond in the way I would like to. I just do a nervous smile, get all embarrassed and agree with an “aww thank you”. I mean, really it’s like somebody commenting “oh you’ve got your hair cut” – which is essentially only stating a fact but is a way for someone to start a conversation involving a nice compliment. Most people don’t comment on my physical changes and that just normalises it but when it is pointed out to me, it always surprises me 🥴 I’m not saying this to discourage anyone from mentioning it to me in future, I’m just trying to make sense of why I can’t seem to react properly to it when it is 🤦🏻‍♀️
Since this afternoon I’ve been suffering from occasional abdominal cramping on my right side. Quite bad sometimes it made me double over, so it was noticeable – enough to warrant lying down in bed. It could be a welcome sign of ovulation and being on CD16, it should be, but I am still getting to know my own body in each cycle, and it will take time to recognise the patterns and appreciate what they are so that I can recognise any changes.
I’ve been so up and down over the last 20yrs with it, no such thing as a pattern, so I really find it hard to know who I am CURRENTLY when I haven’t stayed consistent in my health, weight or even work routines. Being self-employed, that part will never be consistent, except that it involves music of some sort, but I’m so looking forward to being consistent with my health & weight ONE day – that’s the goal! Maybe then I could invest in a wet suit 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was never even a consideration before as I was always fluctuating weight-wise and was bad enough having to buy entire new sets of clothes when I changed sizing “yet again”. Now I’m overwhelmed with clothing options, and I love it! Having only ever had 5 days’ worth of outfits, for years and years, I’ve now gone 3 weeks without wearing a single item twice. I challenged myself to always go for something new each day. Being different, challenging myself to find new combinations. There’s something very invigorating in that.
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My cat Priscilla, displaying how I’ve felt all day 😂😂😂😂
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moonlight-yuyu · 3 years
Hi! Could I get a written ship with an explanation for enhypen and stray kids, please? Thanks so much :)
I am 5’5” (ish), with brown hair & eyes.
Things I love: Rainy days, early morning light, natural light, gentle sunshine-y (golden hour) days, stars, long road trips, hugs, cuddlllleeeessss, smiles, jokes, coffee, forests, big open fields with trees, music, and the feeling of coming home.
My aesthetic is: Light/dark academia, is there one for txts lo$er=lover & 0x1 love song lol??, beige, cream, brown, and earthy grays for colors.
My ideal date: It doesn’t matter 🤷🏻‍♀️ as long as I’m with some I love and what we’re doing is not outrageously illegal — but if I had to choose, it would be going to a cafe, talking about ourselves, listening to music, then going outside and dahncing in an empty parking lot to some random music we put on, and going home for cuddles, or maybe a library date.
My hobbies: fangirling (obv), reading, writing, singing, imagining things, drawing, dancing, spending time with friends, and laughing.
My mental state: I’m generally a pretty happy person, until I retreat into my mind — then I get depressed/reclusive very easily.
Things I’m afraid of: Heights (tho I’m slowly getting over this lol), losing people, GHOST LIKE WHO?? GAVE THEM PERMISSION?? they should stay dead. and I have some social anxiety.
Social: If I don’t know people; I tend to come across as very reserved and studious — until someone says something I know about/enjoy, then I enthusiastically say a few words 😂. Around people I know; I’m very clingy, and hyper, as well as laugh-y/smiling. I actually love cuddling them, and stealing their clothes (mostly sweatshirts). I will occasionally have days where I literally say nothing expect the bare minimum — usually ends in a cry lol.
Good things about me: umm... I love taking care of people, and I’ll do my best to always be there for you (even if I’m sleepy), and I enjoy baking so I’ll give ya lots of sweets lol
Bad traits: I can become very distant, and I’m known for my short temper, if I don’t have mental space for you then I’ll ghost you for a few hours, I have days where I’m just sarcastic and moody to the max, lol I could go on but I’ll stop here
Personality overall: I’m an ambivert, who loves people and solitude at the same time, a spontaneous, but calculated person, a loving, extroverted bean, but also a lonely lil thing.
(My love language is physical touch/loving words)
(Ps I’m a Libra, a ENFJ/ENFP...if ya wanna know)
Thanks so much!! I’ve read a lot of your ships, and they’re amazing:))
Thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ and thank you so much for liking my ships I really appreciate it! <3
In Enhypen I'll ship you with:
Sunoo 🤍 I had a hard time choosing between Sunoo and Jungwon but after thinking about it I stay choosing Sunoo ✨ You two would be soo unbelievable cute together while clinging onto each other and just being your shiny selfs (I'm getting such a warm feeling while thinking about you two I'm soft🥺). It would be so much fun to be around you two and let me say one think ✨karaoke dates✨ that would be such a thing for you two!! And we all know Sunoo is a sucker for sweets (me too lol) and he would appreciated it sooo much when you bake for him! I also think that Sunoo would know when to give you space to be by yourself (cancer sense emotions 🤪) and he would be really understanding towards your situation in general! All in all you two would be so cute together!!!😍
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In Stray Kids I'll ship you with:
Felix🤍 AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME FOR THAT!!! If Felix wouldn't be the PERFECT match for you then who is?? Baking dates, long walk dates, road trip dates I could go on for days for real😩 I immediately fall in love with the imagine if you two together! His smile and your smile would light up the whole room while also making sure that everyone is feeling good and don't need anything 🥺 I also think that he would be soo understanding and would never ever get mad at you for not texting back or when you need time and space for yourself! But let me tell you when you're in the mood for cuddles and he's in the mood for cuddles nothing and no one could tear you apart from each other! I'm getting really emotional here you two would be so unbelievable cute together!!🥺😍
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(Look at him he is soooo cute!!)
I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 💙🦋
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bisluthq · 9 months
I don’t really intend to fuck my friend again and technically it’s not an option because of his whole celibacy thing, but then I kind of see that as a challenge RIP It most likely won’t happen though and I legit really like him as a friend even if we can never have sex again like wouldn’t wanna lose that, but also our friendship is inherently rly flirtatious and we’re both undeniably attracted to each other
idk man then just chill. I think those flirtatious friendships do tend to go away when you find someone (I’m not telling you to actively look in this case).
I find my flirty friendships go on the back burner when I’m serious about someone (tbf it took that one girl moving to another country and I guess it wasn’t a friendship it was yk a FWB affair thing but I didn’t talk to her for ages when I did get serious about someone and then I did for a lil bit again online in the pandemic when I was v sad and now I wouldn’t either lol). I’m even less close to my male bestie rn because we’re both in mf relationships with other people. Neither his gf nor my bf have a problem with anything or anyone, because we lived together lol and saw each other naked and whatnot and aside from that one threesome time we didn’t get intimate and obvi don’t want to but like we’re not that keen on couple dating because that’s not our dynamic - him and my ex gf was fine but the dynamic was different gender wise like idk it just was - and we’re both busy with our respective lives rn so we’ll talk every two weeks or so and see each other rarer but it’s fine we still love each other.
My bf is the same like I was one of a number of close platonic female friends he had before we hooked up and the only ones we’re still actively close to are the lesbian couple and tbf I’m a bit flirty with the one girl in that couple but it’s her and I taking the piss because she’s married and I like her wife a lot too and she’s a close friend of my bf and I’m very partnered so when we make fun of stuff or get a bit crude (because we have the same sense of humor and it embarrasses our partners a bit sometimes and we both like that about them) or get a bit like 🙃🙃🌝 it’s yk not real and so liiiiterally no harm no foul. We also would never do anything just us two tho fwiw now I think about it like he can hang out with her and we do couple things but I’d never ring her up and ask her to go have a beer with me lol because it’s v platonic and safe but it’s a bit flirtatious and I don’t think it’d be fun or cool for us to like sit in a bar discussing hot women’s tits unless like our partners are looking at each other absolutely horrified by it lol.
Like idk - yours is not a “go on the apps” situation. This is a maybe invite your friend to an Ayahausca retreat and see how many other weirdo cute dudes u meet there. You’ll meet someone eventually and it won’t matter that much. And the friendship probably will peter out a bit (not entirely) but that’s okay. That’s life.
you’re not in that bad of a pickle compared to most of my agony aunats or even stuff I’ve done lol idk. You’re just being early 20s and crushing on a guy who looks good and says smart sounding things and has good drugs like fair enough queen 🤷🏻‍♀️
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