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greenleaf4stuff · 2 days ago
@valar-did-me-wrong @helenvader The pairing names I am aware of (*this is an incomplete list, pls add onto it, I just collected what I know from the top of my head):
Adar x Arondir - Silvanscars
Adar x Celebrimbor - Silverscars
Adar x Celebrimbor x Elrond - ScarredSilverStars
Adar x Celebrimbor x Narvi - ?
Adar x Círdan - Scarswright?
Adar x Elrond - Adarond
Adar x Estrid - ?
Adar x Galadriel - Adariel
Adar x Mairon/Sauron - Maidar; Saudar
Adar x Mirdania - ?
Celebrimbor x Annatar/Sauron - Silvergifting
Celebrimbor x Elrond - Brimbrond
Elendil x Miriel - Mirendil
Elrond x Galadriel - Elondriel
Galadriel x Halbrand/Sauron - Haladriel; Saudariel
Mairon x Melkor - Angbang
One of the things I miss from ye olden days is when ship names weren't just amalgamations of names.
Like Angbang and Silvergifting - it shows those are very old ships. That was the way back then.
I would love to see more of those.
Not that it's important, these are just an old lady's musings. :-)
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greenleaf4stuff · 4 months ago
If Adar had tried to flirt his way into defeating Sauron instead of besieging Eregion
Adar, looking at Celebrimbor: Your forge is grander and better equipped than any of Fëanor's have ever been. In see in you all of his greatness and talent but few of his flaws. And your smile is warmer than any fire and lights up any room-
Annatar, jaw twitching: Celebrimbor, he is clearly-
Celebrimbor, with literal anime heart eyes towards Adar, waving Annatar off: No no, please, let him speak...
(inspired by this post and reblog by @ivorybilledwoodpecker and @saraptor)
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gauntletgirlie · 2 months ago
Reparations: A Silverscars One Shot
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Picture provided by @greenleaf4stuff.
I’ve written my first completed fanfiction piece! It’s a silverscars one shot, inspired by a conversation I had with the wonderful @greenleaf4stuff (see this post).
Now on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/63361555
Pairings: Adar x Celebrimbor.
Other characters: Gil-galad, Elrond and Galadriel.
Setting: AU Rings of Power in which Sauron does not kill Celebrimbor.
Warnings: Mention of blood and injuries. Mildly spicy with allusions to smut, nothing explicit. Gauntlet kink (shocking, I know).
Premise: Adar has rescued Celebrimbor from Sauron and is in the process of negotiating a truce with the elves. However, Lord Celebrimbor is proving most distracting.
Word count: 2100
Snippet following, the full piece is under the cut. I hope you enjoy!
Adar growled in frustration. The armour was coming off he decided, figuratively and literally. 
He was stood too close. Adar could feel the air beside him move with even the slightest shift in Lord Celebrimbor’s stance. He refused to look at the elf beside him, staring resolutely at the High King instead as he addressed the room. 
Gil-galad had called this meeting to discuss the terms of truce between elf and uruk, and so it was that Adar found himself in the ruins of Eregion’s forges with the elven leaders: Gil-galad, Galadriel, Elrond, and Celebrimbor. It was hastily done, but terms needed to be set, at least until a more formal arrangement could be made. The siege had been called off the moment Nenya had cleared Adar’s mind of the influence of Sauron, and Sauron himself had fled once he had seen he was outnumbered and outmanoeuvred. 
Adar was trying his hardest to focus on what the High King was saying, but whilst his eyes remained fixed upon Gil-galad’s face, every other sense was drawn to Celebrimbor. He could hear the soft susurration of the elf’s gown as he repositioned slightly and could smell the blood that oozed from his bandaged hand. Adar could even feel the exhaustion that emanated from him. 
The elf lord should be resting, not forced to stand here and discuss politics. Then again, Adar mused, Elrond and Gil-galad were sporting their own wounds, weariness also yoking their shoulders. Perhaps they should all have sought respite before attempting to negotiate treaties. He himself felt energised, the power of Nenya had stripped away much to reveal more of his old self and he was impatient to get back to being the father his children deserved once more. 
Celebrimbor kept sneaking surreptitious glances at him, Adar could see in his peripheral vision. The Lord of Eregion had been most gracious with him, not least because Adar had rescued him from the clutches of Sauron. He owed Adar his life, but Adar owed him reparations for a besieged and destroyed city. A fact Gil-galad was not letting him forget. 
In fact, Adar was pretty certain it was that very topic the High King was so emphatically enumerating right now, if only Adar could stop listening to Celebrimbor’s unsteady breaths next to him. No, it had become too much, he could take it no longer, the Lord of Eregion needed a break and he needed to not be stood so close.
“If I may be so bold, your majesty.” Adar interrupted Gil-galad and was rewarded by a look of surprised indignation. “Lord Celebrimbor clearly requires rest, his injuries are many and talk such as this requires minds unclouded by pain and fatigue. I think he may not be the only one who would benefit from a chance to heal somewhat.”
Adar looked at Elrond, then Galadriel, before settling back on the High King. Gil-galad gave him a calculating look, his deep brown eyes boring into his own pale blue ones, no doubt attempting to determine if there was an ulterior motive behind his words. He might suspect Adar of seeking to stall negotiations, which was entirely untrue. Adar wished to get back to Mordor with his children as soon as possible, he just needed a reason to lessen the proximity between Celebrimbor and himself and this was the politest way he could think of achieving it. 
It was Galadriel that broke the tense silence that had fallen after Adar’s words. 
“I agree with Adar.” His name did not fit comfortably in her mouth still, it haltingly dropped from her tongue. “Lord Celebrimbor has suffered greatly and both yourself and Elrond have also sustained injuries-“
“Thanks to this orc and his children.” Cut in Elrond, though Adar noticed that his voice was more tired than it was harsh. 
Adar nearly broke his rule of not looking at Celebrimbor, for he and the elf had spoken the word in unison. He felt a smile creep unbidden to his lips and bit down on the inside of his cheek to prevent it spreading. He could do nothing to prevent the warmth that was simultaneously spreading in his chest, however. 
“I have already apologised on behalf of myself and my children.” Adar addressed Elrond. “I wish for no more flames and no more darkness. I wish to heal the rift between elf and uruk. Sauron poisons my mind no longer, as he no longer poisons Lady Galadriel’s or Lord Celebrimbor’s.”
At the reminder that not one, but two of their own had succumbed to Sauron’s deceit, Elrond and Gil-galad both appeared uncomfortable and, dare he say it, abashed. Gil-galad exchanged a glance with his commander before sighing and straightening himself. 
“We shall break until the morrow then. But we meet back here an hour after first light.” The High King’s tone brooked no argument as he fixed Adar with a hard stare. 
Adar inclined his head in assenting acknowledgment. With one last look at those gathered, Galadriel took Elrond’s arm and the two made their way out of the huge oak doors of the forge without another word. Gil-galad looked at Celebrimbor expectantly, but the smith made no move to leave. The High King raised an eyebrow but chose not to comment, instead bestowing Adar with a final appraising contemplation before following his companions out. 
“Lord Celebrimbor.” Adar acknowledged the other in farewell but as he was about to leave, Celebrimbor spoke. 
“I wanted to thank you again, for saving my life.” Celebrimbor’s voice was brimming with sincerity. 
“You have already thanked me. There is no need to continue to do so.“ Adar spoke kindly, not wishing to insult the other, but in truth Celebrimbor’s indebtedness made him feel discomfited. He was a great elf lord of noble lineage, an artist of the highest degree, a mind of genius and compassion; to see him reduced to such vulnerability was grievous to witness.  
“Still, I mean it. You were my knight in rusting armour.” Celebrimbor laughed softly at his own joke then placed a hand on Adar’s own, which was resting on the edge of the table they had all been gathered around. Adar stared at the contact. 
“Can you not even look at me?” Exasperation laced with pleading in the smith’s voice. 
Adar found he could not reply, his mind was whirling, and just as words were beginning to form, he felt Celebrimbor remove his hand and Adar’s heart sank, even as his mind relaxed. He was already on shaky ground with the elves, especially their High King. He could not afford to get entangled with one such as the Lord of Eregion. Better to not even entertain such thoughts as a warm, gentle hand placed upon his own threatened to give. 
To his astonishment, Adar felt that same warm hand cup his scarred cheek and gently but firmly turn his head so he was forced to look sideways at the elf beside him. Celebrimbor was already facing him and the space between them was so diminutive it would only take one of them to lean forwards to eradicate it entirely. 
Adar kept his face impassive, but he knew his eyes would betray him. He was not one to break eye contact, but he feared that Celebrimbor would see the hopeful longing he had no right to possess harboured in his gaze. He was about to look away when he saw a change in the other’s eyes; where there had been uncertainty now there was resolve. 
“Oh for goodness’s sake.” Celebrimbor whispered before sliding his hand down to the top of Adar’s breastplate and tugging him so that his mouth was brought to press firmly against the elf’s before he could even think to react. 
Celebrimbor’s lips were surprisingly soft and moved tentatively, despite his sudden determination. Adar was frozen in place, his hands involuntarily rising up in shock with his shoulders tensed up. Celebrimbor broke away to meet Adar with questioning expectancy. His fingers still gripped the top of his breastplate, refusing to relinquish their grip. 
Adar was now faced with a choice. Risk incurring the disdainful wrath of Gil-galad, Elrond, and probably Galadriel by giving in to his desires or risk offending and losing forever the elf before him whom he could no longer deny he respected, admired, and wanted so very badly. 
Adar smiled. There was no choice. He slid round so they faced one another properly, tilting his head forward so their noses almost touched. He heard Celebrimbor’s breath catch at the sudden movement. 
“Are you certain this is what you want?” He asked in a low voice, his eyes never leaving the other’s.
“Yes.” Celebrimbor spoke without hesitation. 
Adar moved immediately, that one word releasing the fire within him he had been so desperately trying to keep from consuming him. He grasped Celebrimbor round the waist with his gauntlet and drew him in, sealing the gap between them as he kissed the elf with an urgency that earned him a gasp of delighted surprise. His other hand brushed up the velvety fabric of the elf lord’s tunic to rest in the hollow of his back. 
Celebrimbor matched him in pace, their lips moving together in a dance of fervidity, but Adar was leaning in hard so that the smith was forced to wrap his arms about the uruk’s neck, uninjured hand entangling in his hair. In one swift motion, Adar grabbed the elf’s hips in both hands and hoisted him up to place him on the edge of the table next to them. He could kiss Celebrimbor more vigorously now and press their bodies closer without fear of either of them losing their footing. He cursed his breastplate, for what had been instrumental in bringing them together moments ago was now preventing him from feeling the other’s well-muscled form against his own. 
Adar growled in frustration. The armour was coming off he decided, figuratively and literally. Celebrimbor attempted to help him undo the buckles but he only had the one hand to work with, the other being too maimed to use so intricately. Adar’s desperation for closeness saw he was freed quickly, however, and the two embraced in a zealous collision. 
Celebrimbor was drawing him down so that Adar had to brace his gauntlet-clad hand against the table. The elf brought his legs up to wrap around Adar’s waist, ankles crossed at his back, his robe slipping up his calves to tease a glimpse of his thighs. The sight incensed Adar, he wanted to trail kisses up those thighs from knee to pelvis, meeting with what was housed in the middle. 
Celebrimbor had brushed Adar’s hair aside and was trailing light nips and sucks along his neck to end behind his ear. Adar’s gauntlet scraped against the wood of the table, gouging deep lines into the surface and his legs threatened to buckle when Celebrimbor began softly biting his ear, teasing his way from lobe to tip, but the smith merely tightened those supple legs against him to keep him steady. Adar slid his bare hand to grip the top of Celebrimbor’s thigh, feeling the smooth muscle tighten under his touch. The elf moaned in response causing the uruk to stop and pull back.
“Am I hurting you?” Concern flooded him, he had gotten lost in his lust, forgetting the elf lord was already battle-worn and fatigued. “We can stop here, we need not go any further. You do need to rest.”
Celebrimbor looked deep into his eyes with a longing that scorched Adar’s soul. By Eru, if he did not possess the most handsome face Adar had ever had pleasure to witness.
“Stop now and you will truly hurt me. As for resting, we have all night.” His brow quirked up suggestively. 
“As my Lord wishes.” Adar smirked. “But I will ensure you get the rest you require. Your High King will have my head if not.”
Celebrimbor laughed at that before pulling Adar to him again so their bodies were flush once more. The elf lord’s toned chest crushed into his own and the arms made strong through years of smithing now enclosing him in tight embrace were a reward Adar did not deserve. Celebrimbor was truly a master of his craft, for Adar was certain he would forge him anew before the night was done. 
“Promise me… promise me I may rest in your arms and I feel as though my wounds will all be healed.” Celebrimbor murmured breathlessly in his ear. 
In answer, Adar caught his mouth in a tender kiss and the two let their eager bodies carry on the conversation for the rest of the night. 
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lodessa · 2 months ago
So after reading this lovely Celebrimbor/Adar arranged political marriage AU post, I have not been able to stop thinking about the potential of this ship.
In my initial reblog I added the tags:
#imagining adar being like: celebrimbor loves and makes things of beauty#clearly me and my children must be an affort to his eyes#and celebrimbor being eternally curious and so instead he's sort of fascinated#because they were forged really#just as much as any ring
And then I went to go capslock at @hunter-gatherer-stuff (who is the best and encourages all my brain's wild rabbit holes) about how Celebrimbor (being the huge nerd that he is) would be driven to understand how the Uruks were designed and function. He not be able to help the urge to study Adar.
And they, insightful as always, really struck on the idea that Celebrimbor finds beauty everywhere, that he can't help finding something to love in everyone he encounters. He is almost doomed to fall hard and fast over and over again and used to being valued as a tool to a certain extent but not really cherished the same way he cherishes. (We see Sauron exploit the hell out of that. )
But what is truly making me UNWELL was the next idea that I had:
What if Celebrimbor used Kintsugi on Adar? What if, instead of like Nenya seeking to undo what Morgoth did and return the person he was before he was Adar, which Adar rejected . . . Celebrimbor bound back together Adar's fractured form and face with precious metal : accentuating the places where he's been shattered in a way that honors those cracks instead of erasing them, making him whole without trying to undo what was done but instead of building. Making and finding beauty, art, and strength out of of where and how he was broken, building something more rather than seeing it as an obstacle to ignore or overcome.
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cestpasfaux24601 · 2 months ago
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"Hearts may fail yet still, light endures"
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thephoenixandthecrocodile · 12 days ago
I just had this vision of Celebrimbor working in his forge in Mordor surrounded by little Uruklings who scream FIRE every time he puts something into the flames or pulls something out.
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plotdesigner · 2 months ago
in my scar colored heart, color will always exist ch 6
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: canon-typical aftermath of battle, aftermath of torture, discussion of Silmarillion-era violence
Adar finds an unlikely ally in Eragion after his children turn on him in a bout of unexpected battle madness. Surely this time, the elf he’s brought home really will help him defeat Sauron instead of using his mercy as an opportunity to kill dozens of orcs AGAIN. Surely this time he can truly defeat Sauron and keep the Uruk safe, right?
Celebrimbor manages to survive being tortured by Sauron. Now he just has to survive teaming up with the army that invaded his city, the heartbreak of his lover and his smiths turning on him, and the psychic damage that comes from being the son of an infamous kingdom-killer working with someone called Lord Father. (Or: Sauron’s exes unionize, rebound together, and try and get custody of the kids. Canon divergence after ROP s2e6. Let’s get out of Ost-in-Edhil with a lower body count!)
Chapter 6: While Adar makes preparations for the Uruk army's retreat, Celebrimbor gets a proper welcome to being in an orc war camp. It turns out it's easy to make friends when the last elf to be hosted was Galadriel 'double digit body count' Sun-haired.
Featuring: elf generational trauma, the realization young adults are dumbasses everywhere, learning Uruk nudity taboos about two chapters two late for it to matter, funerary practices, and where do orcs go when they die? (and so, so much wiki diving. mr jolkein rolkein rolkein tolkein make your battles easier to spell challenge)
read on ao3
(cover art by greenleaf4stuff!!! )
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 month ago
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SilverScars Kintsugi
So This post by @lodessa made something in my brain go brr and now there's art.
Bonus under the cut: sketches.
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wowstrawberrycow · 2 months ago
Subby Buddy Meal
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But who's the Kitten Nugget dipping sauce?
And fries???? 🍟
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valar-did-me-wrong · 23 days ago
Adar & Celebrimbor
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[ID: Photos of a painted clay sculpture of two horses with simplified features resting their heads on each others backs in an embrace. The way they are painted is inspired by the Pech Merle cave paintings, with white bodies covered in black spots and a black dorsal stripe, with black heads and neck. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID.]
New design combining my older Embrace piece with my palaeolithic horse figures. Third pair. This piece will be available on my shop on Thursday 6th February 8PM GMT. Shop link
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greenleaf4stuff · 5 days ago
WIP game! Post the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words! Thank you for the double tag, @verecunda and @themalhambird! <3 I already did this one two times, but since I am currently doing quite a bit of writing, I can do it again, hehe! :D
"What a lovely sight you make," Celebrimbor couldn’t help but say.
Zero Pressure tags: @plotdesigner @gauntletgirlie @wowstrawberrycow @thephoenixandthecrocodile @saffronstories @gingeragenda @varda-star-queen @ailendolin @radiant-sunlight-blueberry @eowyn7023 @baddybaddyadardaddy and anyone else who wants to play <3
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gauntletgirlie · 1 month ago
Get to know your Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @perlen-gold, even though I’m just an unhinged follower obsessed with your writing 🙈 I started my own chain so your original post wouldn’t get too long.
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What's the origin of your blog's title? My thirst for Adar and the gauntlet kink he inspired.
Favorite Fandoms: I have a lot, but The Silmarillion/The Lord of the Rings/The Rings of Power are my main ones I always fall back on.
OTP(s) + shipname: I’m a self shipper so me + whomever I’m obsessed with (currently Melkor, Adar, and Gil-galad) but also more recently:
Melkor x Mairon (Angbang)
Adar x Celebrimbor (Silverscars)
Favorite color: Orange (also partial to purple and dark green).
Favorite game: Hero Quest (I’m not a console gamer. Though I did enjoy watching my husband play Horizon Zero Dawn).
Song stuck in your head: Dog Days (Are Over) by Florence and The Machine.
Weirdest habit/trait? Oh boy, where to begin… I make random noises, I meep like Beaker to songs, laugh at my own jokes… I’m just a weird person altogether folks.
Hobbies: Writing, visiting places of historical interest, I also used to be an avid reader but then motherhood robbed me of my energy and concentration. I listen to audiobooks more now.
If you work, what's your profession? I write scientific reports and run data tables for an Early Drug Development CRO, which is as fun as it sounds. I’m also a mother. Everything you’ve heard about motherhood is true and also a lie.
If you could have any job you wish what would it be? I would be rich enough not to need to work 🤷🏻‍♀️ or working on a petting farm would be cute.
Something you're good at: Berating myself. Encouraging others/being a cheerleader. Also writing, I hope 🙈
Something you're bad at: Most things, but especially anything requiring mathematics or physical exercise.
Something you excel at: Being a silly goose 😏thirsting over fictional characters 🙈 and raging at injustices. Erm, I think that’s about it. How tragic for me 😂
Something you love: The community I’ve found here on Tumblr 🫶🏼 period dramas, Dracula, and tattoos (I have none of my own… yet).
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Mormonism, The Wars of the Roses, the people I love.
Something you hate: Injustice, mayonnaise, and corsets improperly portrayed in period drama.
Something you collect: Cuddly toy bats, and more characters to thirst over (I need help).
Something you forget: That motherhood is difficult so to give myself more grace.
What's your love language? I don’t adhere to love languages, but I guess genuine connection over similar interests, banter/in-jokes.
Favorite movie/show: Aaahhh don’t make me choose! It’s always changing.
Favorite food: Galaxy Cookie Crumble, Mini Eggs, Yorkshire puddings, and pizza.
Favorite animal: Bats 🦇
Are you musical? I can hold a tune and I played flute as a kid, otherwise sadly no.
What were you like as a child? Intelligent, saw everything in black and white, more artistic, more outgoing.
Favorite subject at school? History and art.
Least favorite subject? Maths and PE.
What's your best character trait? I like to think I’m kind and understanding.
What's your worst character trait? I can be so incredibly lazy.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? More sleep. Always more sleep.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? Bram Stoker. I’d also love to meet my mum as a young woman, I think we would have had fun.
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
Come by @perlen-gold (Angbang)
Of Convenience by @greenleaf4stuff (Silverscars)
Last but not least, show your favorite fanart of your favorite character(s) (please remember to credit/add links!):
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Gil-Galad (TROP)
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No pressure tags for @greenleaf4stuff, @valar-did-me-wrong, @strifes13, @wowstrawberrycow, @iwanderbecauseimlost, @withallthatisleftofmyheart, @calmlyy-chaotiic, @margauxmara, @varda-starqueen, @saffronstories, @gingeragenda, @gracefallingart, @dwarveslikeshinythings, @whenimaunicorn, @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 and anyone else who would like to play! Sorry if I missed anyone.
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thephoenixandthecrocodile · 3 months ago
How the latest chapter of my Celebrimbor x Adar fanfic is going:
Adar: Celebrimbor, I’d love to fuck you senseless but we have some big problems we need to solve first.
Celebrimbor: ok, hear me out: maybe all of our problems will be solved by us sleeping together.
*Adar seriously considers that suggestion*
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greenleaf4stuff · 26 days ago
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#YEAH THEY WOULD HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT #also adar would probably say something ridiculously flirtatious like "your hammer strikes are as mighty as those of aule himself" #and brimby would just like...fall over #swoon like a damsel #ANYWAY OKAY I'M DONE NOW
(couldn't leave those awesome additions via @baddybaddyadardaddy in the tags)
adar and celebrimbor. tell me your thinks👀
hooooo boy. (this got a bit wooby, i apologize in advance)
i think Adar would have UNFATHOMABLY deep levels of pity for Celebrimbor. I think if they had met while Brimby was alive, Adar would recognize Sauron's influence right away and I think he would try his best to help him untangle himself from it.
I think they could really bond over the trauma of getting pulled into conflicts against their will. I headcanon that Brimby participated in the kinslaying but he didn't WANT TO and was incredibly traumatized by it.
He didn't swear an oath, but his father put a sword in his hand and told him he had to prove his loyalty to his family, so he did. I don't think Celebrimbor ever wanted to make weapons for killing. He wanted to make beautiful things: sceptres and crowns and pretty jewelry. But his uncles kept coming to him in need of swords, so he made them.
(Meanwhile, Adar's like "that's rough buddy, but remember that time Morgoth tapped be to be the progenitor of an entire race that was intended to be canon fodder?")
Brimby would take one look at Adar and say "take that armor off now and let me mend it... don't be silly, it won't take me long and it will fit you so much better, just sit down there and have a cup of tea!"
And before you know it, Adar is down to his jammies, with a cup of Eregion's finest chai, listening to Brimby ramble on about smithcraft and how "yes, there are mice in the forge, and you might see them scurrying about but don't mind them, they're quite nice and perhaps if you're so inclined you might slip them a piece of your biscuit."
And there's a weird feeling in his chest and it takes awhile for him to figure out what it is and then he realizes that this is what it feels like to be completely charmed by someone.
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greenleaf4stuff · 2 months ago
Of Convenience 3
(all previous parts of "Of Convenience")
Adar x Celebrimbor (silverscars) political marriage AU, 3rd snippet. Officiator found, Adar and Celebrimbor get right down to business and get wed in the uruk camp. However, there is an unforseen hurdle. Celebrimbor ends up being the voice of reason this time around – with unexpectedly nice consequences. (aka, a kiss)
I feel like my muse has lured me in with candy (the political marriage AU idea) and is now holding me captive (making me write more snippets). Not like I have like. 20 ideas in my ideas folder and two other WIPs open or anything like that. Nuh-uh. I feel like I have gotten completely blindsided but – I am having an absolute blast so far?! Let’s see how far this wave will carry me, shall we?
(Also a big huge Thank You to everyone who has commented and liked and reblogged and sent me messages about these snippets, it’s been an absolute delight and I partly credit your lovely encouragement with why I have gotten so invested in this.)
They got through the 'ceremony' much better than Celebrimbor had expected. Between Galadriel's lingering reluctance and their shared lack of in-depth knowledge on how elven marriages were to be officiated, it had taken them a while to work out all the details (Adar had helped out in that regard, to both Celebrimbor’s and Galadriel’s surprise) – and then one of the uruk had demanded the two husbands-to-be add some words that included Adar's children and the marriage's legitimacy among them into the vows.
Safe to say, trying to get Galadriel and the uruk - Glug, if Celebrimbor was not mistaken - to settle down after this had been a bit of a hassle.
But still, they got through it - without cussing, without bloodshed, without attempts on one of the grooms' lives (Celebrimbor was considering Galadriel with newfound respect as he acknowledged that particular feat), and so the smith would count the proceedings as a victory. He'd had very few of those in the last few weeks, and would take it for what it was.
However, when it came to the end of the wedding ceremony, another problem arose:
"No," Adar flatly stated. It caused Celebrimbor to blink in surprise, and Galadriel to glare at the uruk from where she stood next to the two future husbands. Adar's face had hardened into a grimace of disapproval. "There must be a way to circumvent this."
What he was talking about was, of course, the part during which he and Celebrimbor were meant to kiss to seal the marriage. It was a common practice, not just among elves but men and dwarves as well. That Adar either hadn't anticipated it, or would now make such a fuss about it after having championed a political marriage as their primary option of cooperation, was baffling, to say the least.
Celebrimbor knit his eyebrows in confusion, even as Galadriel spoke. "Orc- Uruk. You pushed for this to take place, you cannot possibly think to stop now when we have almost reached an accord and bound the two of you-"
"I will not kiss him," Adar replied. This time, there was steel in his voice. "He accepted a political marriage, not one of passion. He clearly does not want to kiss me. I will not force him into it."
Judging by Galadriel's resulting look, she was taken just as off-guard by Adar's words and the smith was.
Coupled with Adar's strained expression, Celebrimbor couldn't help but feel warm at the other's objections.
The uruk had told him he wouldn't touch Celebrimbor without permission, that he would not force him. This had clearly been important to him, even before he'd fetched Galadriel. That it went so far as to include a kiss to seal their arrangement was doing something to Celebrimbor's stomach, and made him feel unexpectedly safe. Confident, even.
He could see that Galadriel and Adar were ready to get into yet another spat, so the smith stepped forward and slowly – very slowly – raised his hands to Adar's face.
The uruk briefly startled, surprised at the elf's brazen gesture, and it took him some obvious effort to untense again. Still, when Celebrimbor brought his hands up to the his cheeks, the uruk did not withdraw.
The feel of Adar's rough, scarred skin under Celebrimbor's fingertips sent a shock through the smith. The other was warmer than he had expected.
Up this close, Adar had green-blue eyes. And they were so completely focused on the smith that it almost stole his the air from his lungs.
"Adar," he tried, and could have sworn that the other had sucked in a breath as he spoke the uruk's name. "You were right, this arrangement is our best chance to avoid a bloody, gruesome war that would claim the lives of countless people – those of my fellow elves, and your children," he spoke back the uruk's words at him, as if reminding him.
"I trust you not to betray this alliance, and I trust you not to hurt me. You haven't so far. I allow you to-," it wouldn't help his case if his words failed him now. "To kiss me. It is part of the ceremony. It will take but a moment. I am allowing you to do this. Maybe neither of us has a desire for it, but, it is no hardship if done for a lasting peace."
Adar looked torn, mouth pinched and eyebrows furrowed, as he stared at Celebrimbor.
The smith tried again. "If you are holding back only for my sake, you do not have to. Truly. Though if it is because you are having second thoughts-"
"That is not it," the uruk spoke, voice brash, and he needed a moment reign himself in again. Celebrimbor waited with bated breath – his fingers still rested on Adar's cheeks, and the uruk hadn't even made an attempt to grab them or shake them away from his body. "I said I would not force you."
"You are not forcing me," Celebrimbor disputed, and leant closer. He could see Adar's eyes widen as he almost touched their foreheads together. The way the uruk’s mouth unconsciously opened made Celebrimbor feel even warmer, and he pressed forward with his words. "I could imagine far worse choices for a marriage, or even a kiss. You needn't fear for my comfort."
Granted, not exactly the most elegant thing to say to a man who would soon be bound to his side and commandeer a huge, deadly army straight towards Ost-In-Edhil, but it was the best Celebrimbor could come up with – without obviously lying, or giving away how the the thought of kissing Adar did in fact at least stirr something within him. A little.
He'd never just been interested in elves as potential partners, but he'd never thought he'd find himself in the position of kissing an orc- er, uruk.
Nor that he'd be even remotely interested in wanting to.
It was, indeed, a very strange day.
Maybe some of his thoughts had shown on his face, or perhaps his shoddy attempt of making Adar feel at peace had done some good after all, but the uruk eventually dropped his strained expression and exchanged it for a slightly guarded, but more relieved one. He nodded. "If you are sure."
"Surest I will be, considering the circumstances," Celebrimbor said with a tiny laugh, before he sobered again. "Apologies. But yes, I am sure. You may kiss me. Let us do this."
Somehow, his words did the trick, because when the smith leant forward, Adar did the same.
At the edge of his awareness, Celebrimbor could hear Galadriel gasp and the uruk guards make noises of disgust as they – very loudly – turned away from the proceedings.
But all that seemed to fall away when compared to the feeling of touching his lips to Adar's. It was a chaste kiss, just a press of lips really, but it was...surprisingly nice. Adar's lips were softer than Celebrimbor had expected, slightly parted and as warm as his cheeks.
Their noses brushed as the two moved closer together, and after a moment, there was a gauntleted hand on Celebrimbor's shoulder as Adar tried to balance himself. And soon after that, a second hand – slow and cautious – grasped his elbow.
Physical contact, yes, but it was done in such a considerate and respectful way that Celebrimbor hadn't seen it coming. He felt his belly quiver once more, this time more strongly than when he'd first considered what touching Adar might be like. It was hard, not to lean fully into the kiss – into the uruk – and just sink into the touch like he would into a hot bath.
When Adar drew away from the kiss, Celebrimbor realized with a start that he'd closed his eyes some time during it. Judging by how Adar had to reorient himself, he'd likely had the same happen as well.
'Huh,' the smith thought, and followed Adar's example as they untangled their hands from each other. Adar even brushed down the smith's robe before he retracted his hand from Celebrimbor’s elbow, while the elf couldn't help letting his hand touch Adar's hair as he dropped his arms.
It, too, was unexpectedly soft.
Flustered, he turned to Galadriel, ready to have her announce the marriage as officiated.
And felt the need to avert his gaze at the near scandalized, wide-eyed way Galadriel was looking at him, mouth open and all.
'Why isn't Elrond here to witness this? I thought there was absolutely no way to turn Galadriel of the Golden House of Finarfin speechless. He surely won't believe me when I tell him,' Celebrimbor thought, just a touch hysterical.
"That should be it, right? The wedding has been performed," Adar stated. He was once again standing next to the large table in the center of the tent, ready to down another glass of wine. Celebrimbor couldn't help thinking that so much wine before a battle could not be a good idea, but who knew what kind of a tolerance the uruk had.
Truth be told, Celebrimbor could probably use a glass himself, all things considered.
When Adar offered him one unexpectedly a moment later, the smith took it with a surprised but pleased expression, and thanked the other for it. Adar dismissed it, though not unkindly.
Finally, Galadriel found her voice again. Not without a sputter at first, however.
"You are right. You are now bound together. It...it is done."
"Well then. Cheers," was Celebrimbor’s reply to that, stated drily, before he downed his glass. Not the kind of wedding he'd imagined for himself, but well. At least he didn't have to invite Thranduil. That had to count for something, right?
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gauntletgirlie · 2 days ago
Fanfic writing list
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Silverscars/Adar x Celebrimbor
Delicate Light in a Weary Dark; Veins of Ice in an Iron Heart
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Melkor x OC/Adar x OC
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One shot - completed
Gil-galad x female reader
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