#its almost fucking 1 am but i dont regret anything sjsfdkj
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layraket · 4 months ago
ohhh i have so many thoughs my brain is fully working (not really but !!! love these boys)
Alr will divide this between Central Room pt.2 and pt.3 so. yeah.
Central room pt.2
first off:
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I've checked the past updates, i dont know exactly if they say it explicitly or i just missed where they do so, but i want to talk about how Wild and Four have different ideas about this:
Four is worried about Twilight, the man just came out of a lethal situation, and still keeps pushing himself up without letting his body rest more than necessary. Yes he might have regained most of his strength, but what if there was something still wrong?
Wild on the other hand is happy that his brother is back, that he is still able to come out of a dangerous situation and walk. Maybe Twilight had told him some stories of his adventure, telling him how he recovered from near-death situations. This is just another one of these that will become another story, and will not be the last. Wild trust him to keep going, to keep fighting, this divine beast will not fall so easily and he knows it
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I also wanted to talk a little about this one, Four is still unhappy about Twi using dark magic, he hasn't directly adressed him about this, but maybe he's planning of doing so in the future. Also the small mention of the colors and how Wild is the only one who knows his ability, love his expression truly one of the toon links
BEFORE I FORGET! "I know how divided one can get—I've seen it" there's a high chance that he's talking about Vaati, a minish that ended up transforming into a dangerous monster, nothing left of who he was before and being seen as two completely different entities
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Again, Wild trusts that Twilight will keep going, will grow old and somehow get to his era, and also has a big respect of his strength. He doesn't like seeing the others threating the rancher like a cracked glass, he is still fully able to contain the water and not fall in a million pieces
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Wind in the past was the one who fell victim of the chain worrying about him, including Wild. He learned from their sailor, he recognizes when someone is being overprotective beacuse he himself has done it. Wind is fully capable of dealing with a fight, so is Twilight
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I'm sorry i even translated this to spanish to see if i could understand it better but im still so confused. Time what. I love when he talks in a cryptic way but man i am doing an analysis you are not helping with my case. Love that Wild and Four look as confused as i am right now, glad to see that they didn't get it either
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Four had already suggested the option of splitting into groups in the past, maybe Time decided to decline at the moment because he believed that it was best to stay all together. Warriors is a captain, he had commanded hundreds of soldiers into the battlefield, even if he had zero dungeon experience he knows how to dealt with groups, and he's going to the technical side here (also love these pannels so much glad to see how the fandom decided to make this its new fav meme format jksdfjsdk)
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Warriors believes that it's better to put first the opportunity to search for the shadow in groups to cover more terrain than defense, also that he doubts that a group would be able to maneuver with the limited space, this being proved with the Skulltula from past updates. But Time believes otherwise, putting first the safety of the group and that while they're together they will protect each other more easily
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He shares the worry that Time has for Twilight, he wants to make sure that his friend is safe too, but he also searches for the tactical and what is best for their mission
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Now that we know the groups from the latest update, these pannels do even more sense
Time knows how strong Sky is, he's their best swordman, and on top of that he carries the only thing aside from Twilight that really terrifies the shadow: the Master Storm. While Twi is with him, he will be safe
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Dink is still weakened, they have the opportunity to attack it while it doesn't have its full strength. Twilight recognizes that he had a really good recovering, for a normal hylian it would have been really hard to gain their full strength in the same time that Twi did, but he's not normal hylian, together with Hyrule's magic. In less words, he got to be luckier than Dink
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if i had a nickel every time that Hyrule was as fast and did the exact thing as someone else i would have two nickels, which isn't much but its curious that it has happened already twice. hmm.
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just wanted to point at these designs, beautiful i love items redesigns
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the sillies i love them, im sorry leg and rulie but no more magic boomerang privileges for you two, also love how Four slaps his knee, hell yeah he definitely is a knee slapper while laughing
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HIS BUDDY!!! still losing it over how Hyrule calls Wild his buddy, theyre buddies your honor
also love how they seem to ressort on Wild when it comes to climbing, he's like a gecko for them. Although he's not a gecko and can't go exactly for your magic boomerang, sorry rulie
Alr finally finished with this one now with the second part
Central room pt.3
Its really short and i really hope that i haven't hit the img limit yet lol
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we start with: Legend and Hyrule still looking mad at them losing their magic boomerangs, no deep thoughs abt it i haven't seen anyone point this pannel out and i find it really funny kdfjsk
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Wars seemed ready to go next to Twilight, really expecting Time to put them together. I remember someone pointing out how Warriors was starting to get hit with the stress and emotions from when Twilight was about to die (i think it was @/crazylittlejester who talked about this) so cmon captain accept that you care for your brother as much as everyone else
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I love Sky's reaction, hell yeah man best reaction ever 👍
jokes aside Warriors was obviously going to be next to Twilight, that's why he looks a little surprised with this decision from Time, and maybe that's also why he's directly looking at the rancher
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I love how Legend seems nervous, yes Time recognizes his experience and abilities but also reminds him that he needs to take this seriously. Also he's being hit with The Stare™, love it
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We don't know what else these both talked, but before jumping into any conclusion i'll go with the technical explanation
Having two leaders in one same group will give some problems, mostly with letting one group in desadvantage. See it like this: Legend and Hyrule have really good experience and are capable of dealing with the dungeon by themselves, Sky and Twilight too, leaving Wind, Four, Wild, Time and Warriors. They can't go with Wind, Four and Wild being one of the teams, Wind and Four are experienced, they would teach Wild how to do things, but none of them has qualities to guide them, maybe a little Four, but lets remember how chaotic are his games in teamwork. With Time going with them they can organize themselves so much better, and even if Wars doesn't know anything about dungeons, he knows how to do things using teamwork. Also i want to remind you all that Wild does know a little about dungeons, sure not the traditional ones but all the shrine puzzles has to count for something right? So he at least has the basics, i see so much Wild slander and i cant let you all forget that my boy is also puzzle smart!... in his own way
Also i love the detail that in reality all the teams are designed to be with their game's/first game's release dates order, Jojo thats amazing attention to detail
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Wind i love you so much yes he's older sibling energy but also youngest sibling energy at the same time and thats wonderful
Not much to comment here, all the things that i wanted to say i already said them sooo
Only thing: Wild and Wars still haven't talked about when he didn't listen to him while fighting Dink
also WWW trio yessss
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love the toon links theyre an underated duo
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Wind and Time are also a duo that i love seeing, he's really soft on the kid good thing that he doesn't play favorites /j
no fav pannels today cuz i am this close >< to hit img limit lol but yeah art as always very tasty the dungeon design is still something that im really impressed
as always credits towards @linkeduniverse, i really wanted to talk about this update!
first started like a whole essay and ended up more just commenting skjfdkj but yeah i enjoyed this very much
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