#the gentleman’s club
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 7 months ago
Chuck Taylor. It still sucks that he had to retire (for now) from in-ring action, but he told Renee that he’s open to doing other things like commentary or managing.
Well, I say it’s time to make that shit happen. It’s time to revive “One of the Best” stables in wrestling history.
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Chuck doesn’t have to wrestle. He can be the loud, hilarious mouth piece. Think Stokely, but he was doing it well before Stokely was even thought of. And for the rest of the group? The Conglomeration is already right there! Hear me out :
Orange is self-explanatory.
Gulak was the “real” wrestler of the group. The technical grappler. You know who is also a fantastic technical wrestler? Kyle O’Reilly.
And who else fits the bill for a wild, unpredictable creature just like Swampy more than Mark Briscoe?
That’s not all. Being a Gentleman has nothing to do with gender. It’s 2024, baybee. So Willow’s in as well.
Chuck Taylor. Tony Khan. I need you to hear my prayer. Check your mentions. Let’s make 2025 the year of the Gentleman!
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earlgraytay · 2 months ago
So, you've probably all seen this post going around, about how The Chuds Want Gentleman's Clubs (but can't afford to go to the things called "gentlemen's clubs" today, so wouldn't have been able to in the past either). And I hate to say it, but that post isn't accurate.
The things we call "gentlemen's clubs" today and the things that were called "gentleman's clubs" in the past are not the same thing; the one is descended from the other, but they used to be a lot more common and served a purpose that they don't really serve anymore.
The modern equivalent of the historical gentleman's club isn't the thing currently called a gentleman's club; it's the premium airport lounge. And by losing the concept for all but the turbo-rich, I think we genuinely have lost something! Let me explain.
(NOTA BENE: This is mostly about England and from about 1880-1930, and most of my experience with this is from fiction written in that era. I know enough to know what I don't know, but I also know menswear guy is wrong about this.)
So- gentlemen's clubs started in *wiggles hands* the late 1700s, and mostly served a particular purpose: they were places you could stay in a city if you mostly lived in the country, instead of staying in lodgings or owning your own place. Finding a place to stay in London was kind of a misery at the best of times, and owning your own house in Town wasn't practical for a lot of people, even rich people. If you were, say, a young man, just starting out in life, and you hadn't inherited your father's wealth but also weren't set up to live on your own? Having a place you were guaranteed to be able to stay was a fucking godsend. And as time went on, even people who lived in London most of the time started joining clubs, because they served another important purpose- they were a place you could go if you didn't particularly want to be at home, for whatever reason.
The way that historical gentlemen's clubs worked is, you got recommended to the club by a friend who was a member, you paid dues to the club, and in exchange, you'd get to use the club's facilities. * Most gentlemen's clubs had, at minimum, a dining room (with waitstaff, natch), a library, a couple of nice places to sit and hang out, a game room, and a bar. Many of them also had rooms you could sleep in overnight, fitness equipment, or stuff related to the club members' interests. Most of them had a room or two where you could invite friends who weren't part of your club and spend time with them. In the era where phones were a thing, a lot of them had a phone. You could write letters there and get your mail sent there.
Here's the thing: in the period I know best, gentlemen's clubs weren't just for the turbo-rich. They were the province of rich guys, yes- you had to be a 'gentleman' and know the right people to get in. But men who were doctor/lawyer/software-developer rich were most likely members of a gentlemen's club. Anyone who was rich enough to travel regularly was part of at least one club, because having somewhere to crash when you were going between (say) London and Delhi and back again was worth the cost.
Most gentlemen's clubs were owned by their members- not an outside corporate body. The club leaders were elected, usually by a small committee.
And a lot of gentlemen's clubs founded around specific interests, as time went on. There were gentlemen's clubs specifically for Guys Who Were Really Into Radio. There were clubs specifically for men who spent a lot of time traveling. There were clubs specifically for dudes who wanted to talk your ear off and clubs for old dudes who mostly wanted to nod off in their chairs and talk about The War and clubs for dudes who did not want to be percieved at all.
There were clubs for men who were really into science, or the arts, or sports. And one perk of being in a club like this is that you had access to equipment that you might not have been able to buy on your own. You didn't have to shell out for an entire library of scientific and medical books; you could go to your club and read in the library there. If your club had, say, an art studio, you could go paint at your club and not have to keep a studio space of your own.
There were gentlemen's clubs specifically oriented around specific political or social views. There were socialist clubs. (And a lot of them admitted women, which was !!!SCANDALOUS!!!) Like, they were still the province of goddamn rich people, there were a lot of trust fund baby socialists and not many working people, but there were socialist social clubs.
...I don't want to pretend that gentlemen's clubs were some kind of idyllic haven. 99% of these clubs were For Men, and For The Right Sort Of Men at that; if you didn't have a friend who was a member, or you weren't "respectable" enough, you didn't get to join. There's a reason that most of these clubs are gone now. Part of the point was excluding the Wrong Sort of People, and that became gauche over time. After a certain point, being part of a club became a thing for stodgy, out-of-touch rich men- not just "men who happened to have enough money to be part of a club"- and so most of the men who could join one didn't, and people stopped forming new ones. Only Old Money assholes (who will continue to do what they've always done, current trends be damned) keep the concept alive.
But like... the thing that replaced gentlemen's clubs for 99% of the people who would have had one a hundred years ago... is the premium airport lounge, and the premium gym membership, and the ~coworking hub~.** Anyone can join, yeah, as long as they're able to pay. You pay a corporation a chunk of money for similar amenities, and the amenities are ... fine? But because the entity is driven by profit, most of the money you're paying them goes into running their other business concerns and paying their CEOs a fat paycheck.
I think... as exclusionary as gentlemen's clubs were back in the day, there's the seed of a good idea there. I think the guys who wish they were still an attainable thing for a middle-class person have a point, and I wish we could inject some fucking nuance into this conversation.
A community-owned space that gives you a place to crash when you need one, has community-owned resources for its members, and isn't beholden to a corporation is a good thing. Third spaces that don't have to turn a profit are a damn good thing.
At the end of the day, my politics are 'everyone should get to have the kind of luxuries that were historically reserved for the rich'. Everyone should get to have the best life has to offer- leisure, beauty, good craftsmanship, and community. And so, you know, if this kind of community space sounds like a thing you'd like to have, maybe it's something you could work towards creating, too.
*TBF, this is still how they work today! But the networks are much smaller.
**I do find it very funny that apparently one of the biggest problems facing the few remaining Actual Gentlemen's Clubs (TM) is that people are trying to use their space to telework-- a lot of them are trying to ban laptops and business talk to "keep the club's character" (read: "we're too rich to have to work here").
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sonofshermy · 7 months ago
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From 'Gentleman's Club' by Francois Prost (2019)
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littlemagicalstardust · 3 months ago
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I stumbled across Chuckie T wrestling in cut off jean shorts and I- you're welcome Tumblr for the content. <3
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dancingmyselfaway · 7 months ago
Anne With An E, cancelled
The OA, cancelled
Gentleman Jack, cancelled
Julie and the Phantoms, canceleld
First Kill, cancelled
Shadow and Bone, cancelled
The Midnight Club, cancelled
Our Flag Means Death, cancelled
And now Dead Boy Detectives?????
I swear we cannot have anything good at all. This is becoming unbearable and if you didn't have a reason to stop supporting companies and streaming services I hope you do now.
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mon-ster-chen · 5 months ago
💫❣️❣️❣️ Rock 🎸 the city 🏙
Source: Rhys/insta
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thunderneves · 2 years ago
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salisburyliam · 10 months ago
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minayuri · 9 months ago
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Box 3, Seat 2 - Edgar Hull, only son of the manufacturer Paul Hull - 90 million - member of the club "17 + 4"
Paul Richter in DR. MABUSE, DER SPIELER (1922) | dir. Fritz Lang
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heaartshaped · 2 years ago
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This is so funny like is this how they refer to gay people now. A friend of lord golden
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quietbatperson · 2 years ago
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littlemagicalstardust · 4 months ago
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Orange was so hype after he kissed Chuck's hand :p
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wedgeantill · 1 year ago
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LCDP Berlin s1e02
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rose-does-valve-games · 4 months ago
Valveverse (HL, Portal, L4D, and TF2) Modern Au anyone? I'll drop facts soon
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crownedstoat · 6 months ago
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Frank Street's A Gentlemans Club, 1917
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