#the gb Lab crew
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differentsublimephantom · 11 days ago
@tylwer34567 @gayghostbuster21 @centracks @king-mera @rat-in-a-suit just tagging all my gb moots-
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire: Lab Crew Headcannons!!
under the cut because its long af:
First individual characters headcannons (most based on ghostbusters tubmlr rp lore and also my au), and then ill do the character dynamics and relationships!
Uses they/them and it/its pronouns (very very rarely he/him)
The most chaotic mf you’ll ever meet. If it was a human they’d have adhd times 1000.
Possesses things like dolls and stuff, sometimes cause its fun for them to have a ‘body’ so to speak, and sometimes because being a creepyass doll to scare Lars and Lucky is really fun for it. 
Loves tennis and tennis balls, but doesnt like badminton. Doesnt go fast enough for them.
Likes possessing and inserting themselves into videogames, like mario and platformers. Also minecraft.
A little bit of a gen z or gen alpha ipad kid. Likes meme songs because playing them drives the lab staff nuts. 
A little touch starved. On the rare occasion that its finally calmed down and staying still, its probably cuddling with one of the other ghosts in the lab, or Lars or Lucky (or Sparkplug).
Genderfluid he/him she/her they/them and any neos the crew can think up.
very calm despite how fricking creepy they look. 
Happy to cuddle with possessor and the others, they aren't the most comfortable pillow, but the ghosts dont care.
Isnt technically a ghost, he’s an old god who is no longer worshipped. The crew and living staff only figured that out when he started doing weird shit like changing the weather on command. 
Is kinda quiet. Likes hiding in the shadows and reading and stuff. Probably visits Eleanor (the library ghost) in the library often.
Her favorite living lab crew member is Podcast, even though he's technically not staff, because they were a god of chaos and Podcast is the most chaotic. 
Likes playing video games like animal crossing and stardew valley, but also indie horror games like Chilla’s Art stuff. 
Little ray of sunshine when he isnt vomiting ectoplasm on stuff.
Doesnt roll around everywhere because it hurts his head. Or i guess his body since he’s mostly head.
Peter surprisingly really gets along with him for some reason. When Peter visits the lab, Pukey is most likely next to him.
It doesnt hurt when he throws up, it just kinda happens to him as a defence mechanism. 
Has tried to eat the weirdest stuff because “i’d just throw up again anyways!”. List includes baking soda + vinegar, coke + mentos, oranges and mint things (like toothpaste), and any other stuff people tell him not to eat. Also cleaners/chemicals. Fabuloso and tide pods are his favorites.
Believes in santa. 
Likes salty stuff, has drank soy sauce.
Mini Pufts:
Just like Possessor- these guys need some ritalin or something. Or melatonin. Just get them to calm down please the lab staff are begging you-
They are pretty much smaller, cuter versions of the gremlins. Chaotic and potentially dangerous, but distract them enough or contain them and they’ll be fine.
They are also like middle school aged boys- one or two of them are fine on their own, but in large groups they are very obnoxious. (this is coming from a middle school aged child btw lmao)
In the rp universe the reason they deleted their blog is they simply got really bored with it- they all have fairly short attention spans, the staff were surprised they kept the blog up that long.  
Also kinda ipad kids, they will sit still if you show them cocomelon. (Lucky has taken to showing them better kids shows though, like Bluey and Octonauts, and Magic Schoolbus).
Are no longer controlled by/ connected to Gozer and no one knows how or why (Gozer is secretly terrified of these mfs btw)
Bonus: Slimer and Muncher:
Are the oldest, other than Bonesy, and don't ‘live’/stay at the lab, so they come to visit and the younger ghosts think of them as their fun uncles. They both accept that position immediatly.
Muncher has bitten equipment when Lars pissed him off once. 
Slimer and Muncher sometimes sneak the other ghosts out of the lab to go watch movies, like little field trips. They all think Lars doesn't know, but Slimer has secretly been telling him just so he’s aware and for safety reasons an’ stuff. 
Lucky almost stuck Muncher in a containment cell once when she first met him again after Oklahoma.
Relationships with each other and the ghostbusters headcannons!: 
Slimer and Muncher are dating because i said so. 
None of the lab crew are dating, they’re a found family
Trevor shows them his favorite indie horror and stupid “made in 24 hours and basd on a meme” games he plays. The favorites have been Chilla’s Art stuff, and KinitoPET, and hes getting them interested in Mouthwashing and Happys Humble Burger Farm.
Phoebe showed Bonesy ACNH and Stardew Valley
Podcast totally shows the ghosts his podcast episodes to make sure they’re accurate and good to listen to before he posts them.
The og ghostbusters get along with all of the lab crew to varying degrees, but the one they get along with best is Bonesy (and Slimer but thats for another headcannons post lol)
Bonesy is the mom/parent friend
Possessor is the annoying child friend
Pukey is the “juct chillin” friend (most of the time cough cough tidepods *cough cough*)
The mini pufts are the “annoying cousin at the family gathering” kinda friend (very “you have games on your phone??” coded. Iconic imo.)
Like i said, Slimer and Muncher are the Fun Uncles, but they are also the “straightmen” of the group. (even though they are not straight lmao)
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occasionallycoinpin · 7 months ago
i need to know what that storyline for oc 110 was
i’ll be honest, i started writing it down, got distracted by other things, and then completely forgot about it until now
so i guess i’ll dump what i have right now, and finish it up later
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occasionally coinpin 155
(collapsed for length)
(this is an m&l dream team riff so there’s a good amount of similarities bit whatev)
Many years after the competitions end, a miraculous discovery! Leafy, while going through old messages to delete to save memory, finds an odd, unopened email from January 1st, 2012. As it turns out, Dream Island wasn’t destroyed all those years ago! It was simply relocated to a new part of the ocean, the robotic staff waiting ever so patiently for their new owner to claim her island. Leafy, ever the kind soul, invites everyone to Dream Island for a wonderful vacation!
As the BFDI crew will soon come to find out, there is a very literal reason the island is named DREAM Island.
The Arrival:
The charter ship arrives at the island rather precariously, so much so that Pin, observing the docking with her friends, falls off the ship and has her point stuck in the ground. While the robotic servants assist her, Coiny and the others must head along for the introduction tour.
Rather predictably, Coiny and Firey start feuding about something or other, which begins the first boss fight: Metal Firey (they had him eat a yoyleberry earlier to not burn down the ship).
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- A tutorial fight for the basic mechanics, very simple as the only move Coiny has available is Jump.
- Done in a few hits + counterattacks.
The delay caused by the fight allows Pin to catch up with everyone else, and the welcoming festivities continue.
After a bit of exploring the Dreamscape Hotel, Coiny and Pin stumble upon a door which a robotic servant says simply leads to the basement. And indeed it does! Though the servant neglected to mention that there weren’t actually any stairs down, and the door simply led to an open chasm that the duo fall into. Time to find a way out.
The Discovery:
The basement is filled with crud you’d expect to see in a basement, as well as some basic enemies. The duo find the Hammers down here, an essential tool. As they descend further the basement starts looking less basement-like and starts looking more temple-like: the Dreamscape Hotel was built on top of the ruins of an ancient temple.
Deep in the temple, they find a wall mural of an ancient civilization seeking salvation in a figure that bears an awfully unsettling resemblance to Pin. But before the duo can dwell on this any longer, two Stone Pin statues come to life and attack!
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- An exam fight for both using two characters at once as well as using the Hammers.
- The Stone Pins can only be Hammered at first, but if properly countered they will fall on their backs, allowing Jumps that deal critical hits.
After the fight, who else shows up but Golf Ball, immediately berating the duo for destroying such priceless archeological artifacts. She’s down here as she’s set up a Lab in the basement (because of course she did) and wanted to see what all the noise was about. The duo follow her back to the Lab.
The Dream World:
A small crowd has gathered in the Lab, curious as to what the ruckus was about. GB takes this opportunity to go into a lecture about a new phenomenon she’s discovered on the island: certain spots emanate a strange energy, one that she is currently researching located right in the middle of the Lab. Pin, not really paying attention, investigates the spot and nearly immediately passes out. GB, taking this as an insult to her lecture, goes on another rant, completely distracting her from the fact a portal has opened over the sleeping Pin.
Everyone in the crowd is surprised by this development, except for Pillow, who was seemingly expecting it. She hurriedly grabs Needle and jumps into the portal. Coiny, not one to stand by while his friend gets kidnapped, hurries in after them.
Coiny finds himself in Dreamy Dreamscape Hotel and soon meets up with Dreamy Pin, the embodiment of Pin’s mental self image. In battle, Dreamy Pin will augment Coiny, boosting his stats and enhancing his Jump and Hammer. After some exploration, the duo find Pillow and the now unconscious Needle, and a boss fight against Pillow begins.
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- Pillow starts the fight by summoning a legion of False Dreamy Pins to surround her, which can both attack independently and assist Pillow with her own attacks.
- Partway through the fight, Pillow steals Coiny’s Hammer and disguises herself and the False Dreamy Pins as False Dreamy Coinys. She then proceeds to shuffle herself into the crowd, and the player must keep track of which one is Pillow. Jumping on the right one removes the disguises and returns the Hammer, while Jumping on a wrong one reveals it as a False Dreamy Pin and deals damage.
- After taking enough damage, Pillow flees the fight.
The Disaster:
Despite the fight, Pillow has enough energy left to enact her plan: she stabs Needle into the ground, creating a crack that spews a strange energy. Outside, in the Real World, the portal begins emitting this energy. Strange, dark crystals begin growing on some of the robotic servants, as well as a good amount of the BFDI crew, all throughout the island.
After the energy clears, Pillow takes Needle down into the hole she created, which closes up after them. Coiny and Dreamy Pin are dumbfounded, and, after breaking some of the dark crystal blocking the way, have no choice but to return to the Real World to reassess.
When Coiny returns out of the portal, and Pin awakens, GB can’t help but start asking a million questions about what had just happened. After one of the strange crystals formed in the Lab, GB attempted to harvest it to no avail before it mysteriously evaporated. After the duo fill her in, she deduces that the crystals must exist in the Real and Dream Worlds simultaneously, and while it is indestructible in the Real World, it is possible to break while in the Dream World. GB dubs this material Crystalized Somnolescent Energy, whereas Coiny purports the much more popular name Nightmarium.
Various objects start rushing into the Hotel, saying that more crystals are around and that anyone afflicted by them has fallen into a coma. By now, the duo’s mission is two-fold: find out where Pillow disappeared to, and destroy all of the Nightmarium that has grown across the island. While GB needs to stay in her Lab to perform more research, she produces the GB-Drone: a miniature drone that allows GB to communicate with the duo while they’re out and about. The duo set out to the closest location to the Hotel: the Fantasy Fairgrounds.
and that’s all i’ve got for now. if people seem to like this i’ll present more of the story in this fashion, and if not i’ll just dump the rest when it’s completely finished
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tylwer34567 · 11 days ago
here with a humble writing request for my beloved gb mutual!!! I've got nothing for prompts or anything, but headcannons or a short story for who I call the Lab Crew? the Lab Crew is all the ghosts who are in the lab in Frozen Empire, Bonesy (the creepy one in the shadows who almost escaped), Possessor, Pukey, the Mini Pufts, and you can add a few more like Slimer and/or Muncher if you want (I know Muncher is your fave) because I hc that they hang out with the Lab Crew, but because Slimer is friends with the Ghostbusters he gets to not be stuck in the lab. I'm probably gonna write something with these characters too, and feel free to dm me to talk ab prompts if you want, but the Found Family potential for these guys is OFF THE CHARTS so yeah have fun with this!! (also no pressure to do it if you're overwhelmed or too tired! <3<3)
Hey! Forget to answer this ask, but yeah I can do it :D
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that-gt-and-vore-stuffs · 9 months ago
fire the thoughts at us. We hunger for gb.
Yeaaaaahhhhhh baby, that’s what I’m talking about. Love to see fellow nerds interested in the bullshit lmao
Anyway here’s what I’ve got since last time
Peter will and has eaten the others before just because he’s bored. Bored or too lazy to go and get an actual snack
Insists the others can’t get mad at him cause they were right there and they would’ve done the same thing (he’s pretty much right, a fact which at least Egon playfully hates but that probably extends to all three others at one point or another)
Winston tries to keep the whole Pred lean thing under wraps his first few weeks with the guys due to past experiences with prey coworkers getting nervous and whatnot. Then, between watching Peter be randomly snatched up as a snack and having the same happen to himself on two separate occasions, that went out the window
He still didn’t outwardly speak about it, but he did relax a good deal
Then Ray spotted his teeth and in a matter of minutes the entire firehouse knew. Janine, who had known from the start, told him he had a good run
The guys (mostly Peter) ask her why the hell she never told them she knew. Her reasoning? Because they’d react like this. Plus, not her info to share
Egon can, will, and has kept someone in his mouth while working in the lab. It’s mostly Peter or Ray, but Winston is by no means safe. All three have ended up as a lab snack at some point
Come his later career with the boys, Winston has been found with someone in his mouth while working on the Ecto-1.
Winston and Egon get teased about the shared habit, especially when they accidentally swallow said team member out of shock when they get caught/distracted/dragged away mid concentration
Ray and Winston tie for the nicest of the crew to be eaten by, with Egon in third, and Peter in last
This ranking, mutually decided on by them, is purely because Peter is the most likely to grab you without warning if you’re clearly doing nothing. Egon remembers to ask at least half the time so he gets a step above his old friend. Ray and Winston aren’t perfect but they are the best out of all four and they all admit that
Janine says she’ll let the boys eat her one day, but said boys are not convinced of this fact.
The boys made s’mores after G/B 1 from the marshmallow fluff they were covered in. You know, for science and stuff. See if paranormal marshmallow tastes different or has any weird effects
It is not uncommon for all four to leave on a bust and see only three or two step out of the Ecto-1 when they get back. Given the remaining members of the team are calm, the missing ones are always “nearby.” Janine has learned not to worry and just to pretend nothing is strange (although her bosses eating each other is far from the strangest thing she’s encountered at this job)
Still working on finding a way to successfully eat a ghost. Egon and Ray insist it’s because it’d be convenient but Peter and Winston are starting to wonder if their determination has to do with the jokes they all make about haunting each other if they die first
(And yes, I’ve seen Afterlife and am FINALLY getting around to seeing Frozen Empire tomorrow. But for now I’m sticking to the classic two films, TR/G cartoon, and such time periods)
On a similar note, the guys are all silently curious about if you can be eaten by a ghost. They’re not about to try it out, but the idea of one of them haunting the others makes them wonder if that’s still something they’d have to watch out for
Overall, it’s very common for at least one of the core four to be “missing” from the firehouse on slow days.
Janine has started keeping track of how often each of them “vanishes” and last a list hidden in her desk. Occasionally she wonders if she could start a betting ring on who was next, only to remember that the whole eating your coworkers thing is a lot less common in pretty much every other aspect of society.
Too bad, really. She finds it hilarious when one of the guys runs past her telling her that she never saw them and to not tell the others where he went
And that’s what I’ve got so far. Seriously, if yall have any ideas you’d ever wanna run by me please send that stuff in the ask box. I love hearing y’all’s thoughts just as much as you seem to like hearing mine. Until next time! Enjoy!
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matt0044 · 4 years ago
Blaze was the imposter! :O
Spoilers, I know but come on! It was right there!
Blaze arrives at the Rip-Tide Gym after discovering a piece of Robo-Roxy that Grid Battleforce’s clean-up crew had missed, a sort of memory drive that might clue them into what Evox’s endgame entails. Ravi and Zoey head out to seek any other bits that might be useful while Nate heads to the lab for an analysis.
Discovering the construction of a new Omega Gigadrone, Devon goes out to help Ravi and Zoey out on the field when they discover a Railtron 2.0. Blaze makes it in time to help his would’ve-been team out, even getting a good group pose in. I feel like Colby Strong’s getting a lot of millage out of Robo-Blaze pretending to be the real one he hadn’t, pretending to be a honorary Ranger...
Devon arrives at last after Cruise had gotten turned around on the way and helps his team set a trap for Railtron 2.0, leading it outside for Zoey to get the drop on their foe. Literally. Blaze’s keen to chastise Cruise for his lack of good direction and pulls Devon over for a talk. He warns the Red Ranger that he needs to be tough on his team if he wants to match Evox with a new endgame.
Devon takes this advice to heart and shares what Nate learned from Roxy’s memory drive, telling Cruise harshly that this is no time to make mistakes. I feel like this sort of “getting tough” story works when it’s this late in the game and the pressure is palpable. Blaze being the would’ve-been Red Ranger also help since Devon would want expert advice on how to face the inevitable final battle.
Scrozzle frets Railtron 2.0′s early defeat but Evox doesn’t let it rattle him. He relishes the idea of revealing his dark past at long last. I would’ve teased it a touch more by having him claim that there was reason he created his Avatars out of two Ranger to-be and their technology. One must learn from their failure.
At Grid Battleforce, Devon has a one-on-one with Blaze to sharpen his combat skills with his predecessor urging him to really get angry. Yeesh, starting to get some major Fight Club vibes here. Though it would be interesting if Blaze had reminded Devon of how Evox had nearly took his dad away to really rile him up.
Nate calls a meeting to discuss how they can trap the new Gigadrone only for Blaze to call it into question with something more simple yet effective. If they can lead Evox into a hanger with their Megazords, they’ll be able to defeat his robot in close quarters and transport him to a force-field cell. Despite Cruise’s objection, Devon decides they can’t afford to play it safe this late in the game.
Ben and Betty inspect the cell only to become trapped inside due to a careless cleaner. I will say that I love that the Bumbling Burkes can transport any of the weapons, something I think could come in handy with the final battle. Though here, it would have been a good brick joke to have them try climbing force-field.
The Gigadrone is inbound while the Rangers dock their Zords and roll out to face Evox in his Omegadrone. There’s a weird edit with them leading their foe to a remote hanger out around the forest just a second after they’re shown in the city. Was there a scene transition the editor forgot to put in or something?
The Omegadrone drops into the hanger where the Beast X and Striker Megazord try to wear it down in close quarters combat. I honestly wish Ben and Betty came in with the Beast X King Zord rather than it coming all on its own. Cruise tries to warn Devon of his system overload as Evox refuses to yield but their leader dams the torpedoes and presses on to put the Omegadrone down.
There’s an excellent shot of the Megazord completely trashed in the background while the Rangers search for Evox’s body. All the while, Devon apologizes to a burnt out Cruise for pushing him so hard before GB personal come along with a stretcher and take him off. Just in time for Evox to burst out.
Two Mega Transporters are put in place in order to send Evox directly to their holding cell where he seems... eerily dormant. Devon calls out Blaze on his bad advice just before getting a video call from... Blaze in Japan. Yep, Robo-Blaze had played them for fools. I have to admit that I didn’t expect him this kind of cunning from him but I guess he’d have to step up with Roxy out of the game...
Next time... an old foe returns...
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ohnoiyo-yoyle · 6 years ago
So as usual when a new episode comes out I make a long post of me rambling and sharing my thoughts. This time with pictures! So if you’re into that stuff then great. And once again it’s going to be split into two parts since it’s so long. 
Ooh an inverted planet thats such a cool concept. It looks so pretty too!!
Buried Forest, Deciduously Insulated
Seriously this is such a cool concept with the glowing yellow ball in the center acting as like a sun
Yay she’s saying her nail puns again!!
Oh so the rule from II where a contestant who has a substance in them needs some amount of it in them or they’ll feel dizzy applied to BFB too
Remember kids! Killing is ok as long as it’s not your friends! (jk please don’t kill anyone)
She actually remembered the coordinates?
I haven’t said this yet but the animation is SO GOOD THIS EPISODE!!!! LIKE! The lip-synching, the movements, all so fluid!!! And that’s not even where it ends cause there’s even better animation later in the episode! They never cease to amaze me
Sometimes Nickel is the only sensible one considering no one thought to grab onto Cloudy but him
Honestly the style shift caught me off guard at first but then I realized that Cary animated this scene and it made things like 10x better
So Marker brings up an interesting claim. Which was “over a year ago” in reference to bfb 4. So it’s quite possible that the year long hiatus happened in universe. Or maybe they’ve just been competing for a year now. Who knows
Also uncapped Marker
Glitchy Four
Oh ok I guess FreeFood’s safe
I find it funny that they can just tell when Golf Ball’s near. They dislike her THAT much
Bozo brain?
Technically she only has 3 nicknames. GB for short, Bossy Bot, and a new one Bozo brain
The video game references are strong in this one
GB she did nothing wrong
Wow smooth-ish animation for happy Four!
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This alone
uh. Uh. UH. U H. U H???!!? UUUMMMM?!??!??
Appropriate reaction Basketball
Since I only saw 10 arms that means that they haven’t found Pillow yet
Technically if Golf ball didn’t want anyone else using their emerald she should have just let four keep it
Ooh a hot spring! Good find Gelatin!
“Oh my bakery!”
I honestly love how every character has a different way of saying “Oh my god”
The bubbles are so cool they’re so well animated. It’s a nice little detailI
I also just noticed that Gelatin is just sitting on the side watching the others cause if he gets in the water he’ll get soggy
She’s onto something hmm
Firey recovery center!!!
oh no
Spongy NO!!
oh no
Pfft Yeah of course!
No of course not
I still can’t believe Bomby’s voice is that high pitched and fast and it’s honestly just great
At least they weren’t going to leave him there
oh gosh
“Heh. I always liked deep fried donuts!” “Gelatin that’s a little insensitive of you!”
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Another amazing piece of animation! The rocket is in CG and is very well animated
The rocket also looks like the Spongy fueled one from BFDI
Lots of self sacrifice with this one
Well he’s already done it so might as well..
“Uh guys? There isn’t enough room up here!” Bfdia callback
The bfb crew are seriously experts at color like look at this
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He just ate Nickel. Not the weirdest thing this episode
OH are we gonna get GB’s underground lab!!!
It makes sense that they don’t know what it is since none of them have ever seen it. Besides Rocky I guess
Friendship ended with Spongy. Now Gelatin is my new best friend
Yeah that’s concerning
Lightning right tho y’know
Of course they find one right and yet she said it
Ruby reunited with one of her sisters!
“Oh my cloud”
The sudden realization that death has literally been following them was funny
Didn’t work as well this time huh
“Crisp autumn air” is that what she said? I don’t know
They really do dislike her that much huh?
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faqblog89 · 4 years ago
Airships: Conquer The Skies For Mac
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Airships Conquer The Skies Manual
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Dragons are large fire-breathing reptiles that use Suspendium to help them fly.1 Dragons can be encountered in the game. It is possible to tame dragons that have appeared and use them in one's army, or to fight the dragons and loot their nest. Dragons attack by shooting streams of flame, similar to a flamethrower, at enemy constructions. The juvenile form of a dragon is called a wurm, and has.
Heart&Slash is a 3D brawler that is set in a world where machines are all that remains from the Human civilization. You play as Heart, an innocent robot fighting to escape the grip of the evil and all seeing machine QuAsSy (Quality Assurance Systems). But make no mistake Heart&Slash is a hard game. HEART&SLASH; is a fast paced brawler with roguelike elements, inspired in equal parts by Bayonetta, Megaman and ADOM. It is also a throwback to our earlier years as gamers, when playing games was all joy. Started as a personal part-time project (you can follow the development process here), Heart&Slash; has grown into something bigger than initially intended. Heart&slash download for mac.
Airships: Conquer the Skies - In Airships: Conquer the Skies you'll need to use all of your creativity and skill to design and build fearsome airships and land vehicles to give you the edge in massive aerial battles.Construct your vehicles by piecing together a vast array of modules, choosing weapons, armour types, structures, equipment and resources in near endless configurations to allow you.
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Here are the Airships: Conquer the Skies System Requirements (Minimum)
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Airships: Conquer the Skies Recommended Requirements
CPU: Info
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OS: Windows 7 or later
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Aug 22, 2018
This guide is intended to be used as an additional tutorial/refrence manual for a vanilla, non-modded, Airships: Conquer the Skies. It will include some of the less obvious features of ship design within it as well.
What Is Required to Make a Valid Airship?
Almost nothing is absolutely required to make a functional airship in this game. Ships without weapons can actually sometimes be viable, but we won't be covering specifics yet. All you need to make an airship is a form of lift, and a way to move about. You don't need to go high or particurlarly fast, but being able to do both is very helpful. This for example, is an incredibly cheap, and supprisingly decent medium level bomber, and it's only got two berths, for 6 sailors, a small propeller, and a tiny suspendium chamber. I could reduce the crew requirement even further by removing ths suspendium chamber and sticking a suspendium tank on instead, but the AI seems to be drawn towards shooting those, and suspendium explodes, so I didn't in this particular case. Of course going bigger leads to a tougher, and more durable ship, but cheap spammable ships are a very valid tactic to go with, until your enemy start to counter your designs. The example above, for example will pretty much die immediately if shot at with a few rifles, or explosives. Larger designs with redundancies are less vulnerable to being knocked out immediately.
Overlays are a key tool to be using when designing an airship, landship, or building. They will show you where key weaknesses in your design are, and give hints on where you can improve on the designs. By default, the U key will bring them up as a shortcut key. Alternatively you can also click the button at the top of the screen to bring it up.
Overlay #1 - Pathing
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Most modules have different components that take up a large area of the ship, wether it be suspendium chambers, engines, or just a whole bunch of bunks, your ship needs to be moved around in. All guns start with one clip of ammo loaded at the start of the fight for example, but poor pathing choices means that you aren't going to be able to reload those guns in a reasonable period of time. This ship for example is divided by the suspendium chamber. If that's inaccessable for any reason, the rest of the ship would be cut off crom the coal store. Fortunately the design only requires coal at the rear section however to power the engine, and said blocking suspendium chamber.
Overlay #2 - HP
This is a rather important overlay to look at occasionally. All components in a ship have a HP value that starts getting eaten away if the armor is broken through. This overlay is showing the HP pool of the modules behind the armor itself. Adding armor won't actually increase this HP pool of the component, but surrounding the component with other pieces will make them tougher to finally kill. Certain decorations can also add additional HP to any adjacent modules they touch as well as evenly distribute extra HP to the rest of the ship, so even decorative figureheads can become integral in making a survivable ship design, as you can see with the dragon figureheads over the cannons.
Overlay #3 - Water
All weapons carry a chance to set something it hits on fire, though explosives cary a higher chance, and flamethrowers have a significant ignition chance. Modules themselves can also catch fire if hit while their HP is low. Should you decide to add water to your ship, this overlay will show how long it takes your crew to get the water from the fire point to the fire itself. Generally sticking to under 4 seconds is safe for particularly flammable components, notably coal. Ammo, and other explodey weapons should have shorter times if possible.
Overlay #4 - Repair Tools
Tools are optional, but good to have around if you want your ship to keep fighting. This overlay will show how long it takes to bring tools from the repair bay or machine shop to it's needed location. You can't repair armor with tools, but you can repair internal structure.
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Airships Conquer The Skies
I'm unable to confirm this for sure, but a damaged weapon can potentially explode if it was previously damaged, while firing, leading to an explosion. Repair tools help to reduce that chance.
Overlay #5 - Ammo
A fairly simple overlay. This shows how much time, in seconds it takes for ammo to reach its destination. If you can keep this metric under a second, you will have uninterrupted fire of the weapon meeting the time criteria.
Overlay #6 - Coal
Same as the above, but for coal and things which need to eat it to run. How much time it takes for coal to get to, commonly, suspendium chambers or engines of a variety of description, as well as a few specialty components. You want this as low as possible. You can get away with half the required time for the component to be reloaded, though that's incredibly dangerous in an actual combat situation. Not having coal usually means the ship will fall from the sky, or lose control of the engines.
Overlay #7 - Explosion Damage
Basically everything on an airship can explode. This overlay shows the intensity of any potential explosions, wether they be ammo explosions, suspendium explosions or potentially even rifle explosions. Try to keep key components out of the radius of the red tiles if you value them surviving a major explosion. This is especially true of ammo though, which likes to go off harmoniously if placed directly next to each other. This ship for example will almost end up being bisected if the ammunition cooks off.A good ship design, unless the vessel is designed to be disposable will try to ensure that an ammo explosion can still enable crew to move about the ship, as well as ensuring the ship can still move after the fact.
Armor Types: When to Use Which, and How to Unlock Special Armors
Wood Wall
Why use it? It's FREE, it's light, and that's about it. There's not much going for it, except the fact that it's the second lightest armor in the game. Why not use it? Unless you have a very specific idea which requires the lightest possible mass and lowest cost, it's a terrible idea to use this armor. Everything can go through it, even rifles. That tends to mean lots of ammo explosions. It's also completely useless against explosives, which will shred off almost all of this plate.
Wood Armor
Why use it? A decent HP pool to add on top of your modules, as well as a fairly decent pierce absorption make this quite an acceptable armor against lower caliber weapons, such as rifles. It can withstand a singular shot from a deck gun as well, which is quite good for the price. Why not use it? It's got some pretty poor blast damage absorption compared to steel wall armor, and as a result tends to be weak to explosive weaponry.
Reinforced Wooden Armor
Why use it? 'Barrel armor' has rather high HP at 65 per block of armor, and has some decent damage resistances against piercing and blast, triple that of regular wooden armor. It's also cheaper than actual steel armor. Why not use it? It is HEAVY, and costs a fair amount. It will slow down a ship mounting it exclusively, and it will significantly drop the service ceiling, almost as bad as using brick armor.
Steel Wall
Why use it? It's the same price of wooden armor, and it has a higher resistance against explosions, while also keeping the pierce resistance. It's also lighter than wooden armor. It's also almost capable of ignoring flak guns. Why not use it? Wooden armor can resist a deck gun shot, this armor can't. As a result, wood holds out slightly longer against larger guns.
Steel Armor
Why use it? It's got noticeable blast and piercing resistance, capable of ignoring rifle fire, as well as flak. It's got higher HP, and is overall very good armor. Why not use it? Weight, mostly. Cost may also be a factor.
Heavy Steel Armor
Why use it? It's twice as good as regular steel armor in every metric, and can ignore a large majority of weapons, including some powerful explosive weapons like grenades, but not bombs. Why not use it? It's very heavy, and very expensive to field.
Brick Wall
Why use it? It's cheap, and it's got a lot of HP, at 45. Why not use it? It's extremely heavy, as it's intended for buildings, and it has no damage absorption features. Enough rifle fire can easily get through it if they all hit the same spot.
Stone Wall
Why use it? It's rather cheap for armor, a lot of HP, great for buildings. Some resistances, but not much. Why not use it? There's no reason to not use it on a building. Using it on a ship will basically prevent it from moving however due to the sheer mass.
Massive Stone Wall
Why use it? Take regular stone wall and add half of all the stats, and double the blast resistance.
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Why not use it? It's MASSIVE. I don't think it's possible to make a ship armored completely in this type of armor.
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This requires clearing an Elder Dragon nest in order to be used by your Empire in Conquest. Why use it? It has NO weight, it's got a HP pool comparable to barrel armor, and it's nearly got the blast and pierce resist of steel armor. Why not use it? Killing an Elder Dragon nest is very hard to do without specialized ships. It's also very expensive to field.
Shell Armor
This armor requires clearing a Turtledove nest to be used by your Empire in Conquest. Why use it? HP of steel armor, a bit of pierce and blast resistance, and the kicker here is, the armor generates it's own lift. Enough to get most small ships off the ground on their own without added suspendium. Why not use it? It's a bit expensive, on par with steel armor, but doesn't net you the damage resistances that steel provides.
Boarding, Your Crew, and Other Thoughts on the Matter
Boarding ships is a thing in this game, and without proper planning, chances are that you're going to lose your ship unless you plan ahead to deal with boarders.
Airships: Conquer The Skies For Mac Os
What is the goal of a boarding team? Their primary goal is to reach the bridge and take it out, if they successfully manage to do that, they will offically capture the ship (note that this does not apply to mech spiders, or any monsters, who just want to kill the crew). Unfortunately, there is no hard counter against being boarded, but there are plenty of soft counters you can add onto your ship to make boarding a nightmare.
Countering Boarding
Guards are almost overpowered, a single guard barrack can usually withstand an assault from most types of humanoid boarder.
Speed counters most boarders, except Air Dragoons (though that depends on the command cooldown). If you dodge your ship out of the way of boarders, they can, and often will plumet to the ground after missing their jump. This does require a bit of micro however.
Small arms are very potent counters to boarders, most weapons can directly target troops approaching the ship, as well as any additional small aircraft being deployed. Rifles, gatling guns, flamers, and even grapeshot guns are good counters to boarding.
Excess crew can defend the ship. Sailors aren't very good at defending a ship as they only have pistols instead of rifles, and presumably less training, but they can defend a ship on their own in a pinch if they aren't already busy with another task.
The sickbay works for your etire crew, sailors and guards. If you lose a guard, chances are that you might be able to get them back if they can get to the sickbay.
Buildings are crewed by soilders, not sailors, as a result they are slightly more resistant to being boarded than ships.
Place supply doors in akward positions for your crew and any possible boarders. Ideally, if you have guards, you want to force the enemy to run into them. If not, you want them kept as far as possible away from the bridge to buy as much time as possible for the crew to possibly defend the ship.
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Boarding the Enemy
There is a small variety of boarding troops, each of which best on certian ship designs.
Marines need to actually directly jump aboard a targeted ship to get on board it. They are also extremely susceptable to dying due to missing their jump against a moving vessel. You do get 8 per barrack however, and they are decent boarders and ship defenders.
Grenadiers are fewer per barrack, but it appears they are a bit more effective at taking out defenders than marines. They also have the benefit of having grapples, so they usually won't die if they miss their jump. They can, and often will try to swing ship to ship to reach their target.
Air Dragoons are somewhat special, as they can be deployed anywhere and board almost anything since they use jetpacks. They are about as effective as the grenadiers, but they are also extremely squishy outside of an airship as they are extremely slow. They are great counters to bombers not mounting rifles or other forms of small arms.
Mech spiders are mean. Their sole purpose to board the target ship and shred any crew within them. You can't capture with them, but they are extremely tanky boarders, and they have the same, if not more mobility with grapples as dragoons.
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that1nkyone · 7 years ago
In Happier Times and Circumstances, if the Lab Assistants survived would they help and Assist Sans and Papy with their GB forms? How would they do that?
It’d be interesting, because it could go either two ways: If Sans hadn’t accepted the mutagen (and if Gaster had been erased all those years ago) then it could have possibly been extracted from him. He wouldn’t have had to resort to accepting the mutagen as part of his magic in order to take the control away from Gaster. And knowing the scientists, they would have had the means to maybe expel the mutagen, or separate it from his SOUL.
With that said, there’s a chance the rest of the Science Crew would not remember Gaster at all. : 0 They’d just be trying to help this poor kid who had somehow been transformed into a beast, and slowly unlock the mystery behind it. I think i remember thinking about that concept before, a long time ago...
The other way things could go, is if the Crew were around after the skelebros had accepted the mutagen as part of their magic. There would be no means of extracting it, but they would perhaps find ways of analysing how the mutagen affects them and what can be done to manage it better.
Seeing the bros like that makes them sad, though.
They couldn’t protect either of them.
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nuadox · 4 years ago
A successful 100 Gb/s fiber broadband trial for Nokia and Vodafone
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- By Nuadox Crew -
Nokia and Vodafone have announced today the successful trial of a new passive optical network (PON) technology capable of delivering speeds up to 100 gigabits per second (Gb/s) on a single wavelength (about 10 times faster than advanced networks available presently).
This marks the latest industry-first in fiber access for Nokia, following breakthroughs in 10G PON, TWDM-PON, universal PON and 25G PON.                                                               The trial, which took place in Vodafone’s Eschborn lab in Germany last week, is the latest milestone in a long-standing collaboration between Vodafone and Nokia to accelerate the potential of fiber broadband. The demand for broadband connectivity continues to grow exponentially in terms of the service types, number of connected devices and the bandwidth consumed. It is essential that future fixed access networks have the capacity to absorb this growth.
To deliver 100 Gb/s on a single wavelength, Nokia Bell Labs leveraged cost-effective 25G optics in combination with state-of-the-art digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. 25G class optics are based on mature eco-system and available today. Going beyond 25G requires advanced DSP capabilities demonstrated in this trial. Once this DSP is adopted, the steps to 50G and 100G are straightforward and could be commercially available in the second half of the decade.
The Nokia Bell Labs 100G PON prototype is the world’s first application of flexible rate transmission in a PON network. Flexible rate transmission works by grouping fiber modems (ONUs) that exhibit similar physical network characteristics (e.g. loss or dispersion) and makes data transmission more efficient. Using flexible rate transmission results in lower latency on a PON and cuts power consumption in half — two essential characteristics for fiber networks that have a rapidly growing role in the massive delivery of fixed and mobile broadband services.
Source: Nokia
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yuican48 · 7 years ago
Cyborg 009: Birth
Going to be alternating looks at the first act of Cyborg 009 with looks at Devilman.
I said recently that from my research that there are things to the various orders given in collected volumes that don't make sense, but placing the prologue chapters with Birth isn't part of that. We open in Switzerland, as various merchants of death attend a meeting organised by Skull to discuss their evil plans, the creation of, and profit from, eternal war.
In Russia, Dr. Gamo Whiskey completed his experiment to give his infant son, Ivan, a superpowerful mind. When his wife arrives having suspected he might do something, and attempts to take Ivan, Gamo murders her. Then a couple of Black Ghost thugs arrive and easily convince him to come with them. I understand the Cyborg Soldier anime made Gamo more sympathetic. Taken to a secret lab, development of the Cyborgs is ready to begin, and Skull orders various races be taken.
In West Side Story, Jet leader Jet Link gets into a knife fight and kills the Shark's leader, some Black Ghost men taking him as he's desperate.
In the Southwest, Geronimo Jr pointedly refuses to take work in a caricature of his culture, despite his inability to find work, and accepts an offer from Black Ghost.
In China, poor farmer Chang Changku, with his farm failing and no ability to sustain himself, prepares to kill himself, but is kidnapped instead.
In East Berlin, Albert Heinrich and his fiancée Hilda attempt to escape to the west, but at the last second are caught, Hilda dying. A crowd prepares to call Albert an ambulance, but Black Ghost says they'll get him to a hospital, or not, all he has to do is live.
In France, soldier Jean Arnoul is using his weeks leave to visit his sister, Francoise. She is kidnapped while heading to the station to meet him, and he sees and pursues in many vehicles, eventually losing them. I think I read Jean was only used in one other chapter much later.
In Britain, washed-up actor 'Great Britain' is kicked out a bar as he has no money, and lured away by Back Ghost.
In Africa Kenya, Pyunma escapes slavery capture by slavers enemy forces, and is saved by Black Ghost, only to be taken by them instead.
At Black Ghost headquarters, Pyunma is undergoing reconstruction as the scientists brief Skull on the current Cyborgs. Ivan, 001 is now a Cyborg, possibly further altered from his father's work, Jet, 002, can fly, Francoise, 003, has enhanced senses, Albert, 004, now has his entire body as a weapon, Geronimo, 005, has amoured skin and enhanced strength, Chang, 006, can shoot flames from his mouth and burrow through rock, and GB, 007, can alter his cellular structure to take in any form. Pyunma, as 008, will have aquatic abilities, including what are effectively gills, and strengthened organs to resist the crushing depths. The search for a final Cyborg is underway in Japan. Also, Gamo never appeared in the manga after this, something both the 79 and 03 anime used.
At Kurihama Juvenile Hall, a bunch of inmates break out, with ultimately only about 5 or 6 making it very far. Black Ghost use the situation to find the location of two of the runaways, Shimamura Joe and a guy I will dub Muramatsu. They make plans to go to Tokyo together, Joe mentioning his time in the orphanage before Black Ghost arrive and gas them, both boys being injured, they choose Joe seemingly at random. After taking their car underwater to a submarine to base, Joe wakes briefly on the operating table, before being knocked out, the first adjustment being a new heart. A couple of grunts discuss the upcoming test phase of the Cyborgs, before mass production begins.
Joe is awoken in a dark room by a voice of 001 in his head, being called 009. Moments later, he is attacked by a robot, and manages to jump to the ceiling in a dodge, to his confusion, then survived being shot, and defeats the robot. Confused, he climbs up a ladder, where he is attacked first by a tank, and then a fighter jet. Landing in the ocean, he finds he can see and breathe somehow, and comes to shore.
At the shore he is met by 6 scientists, and the previous Cyborgs behind them. The Cyborgs immediately turn their guns on the scientists, saying they're rebelling now. They decide to take Dr. Gilmore as a hostage, and after the scientists try to convince 009 to destroy them, 001 encourages 009 to come with them instead. 004 apparently non-fatally shoots them, and we learn Gilmore actually planned this mutiny. Some quick introductions happen and they begin their escape, but one of the scientists recovers soon after and can raise the alarm, just as the escapees have reached a hangar of small planes, and take off. 001 had to give 009 a crash course on flying mid dogfight, before they rendezvous on X Island.
Landing in a small cave, unaware a dolphin has watched them, we get some powers demonstrated as their next move is planned,008 showing his diving ability to look for fish, 002 using his speed to hunt poultry, and 004 showing his left hand knife and right hand machine gun. 006 digs out a mole, then cooks a lizard, and 002 finds a goat in order to feed 001. Sitting down to eat, Gilmore tells 009 he can do anything the other can, and he learns he's been out for a week. 001 reveals Joe's mixed heritage and past to the others via sensing it in his thoughts. Gilmore claims to have been tricked by Black Ghost, and explains that since nukes will cause too much death, they are the next step in the arms race Black Ghost will propagate.
003 senses they've been found and surrounded, meaning they have to fight. 007 becomes a dolphin to deal with the spy that reported them, and 003 reports on where the enemy is. 001 advises splitting into pairs, leading to 009 working with 003, and getting into conflict with more attackers. Confronted by robots, 009 works out how to use his accelerator.
He is then sent back to 001 and Gilmore, where 002 has been knocked out by drone things. The anaesthetic doesn't affect 009 die to his artificial skin, something that hadn't been developed when they made 002. As they regroup we see 005 demolish tanks.
And ultimatum is delivered, followed by robotic monster attack, causing a rockfall. 009 and 002 get 001, 003 and Gilmore out, the others are buried, escaping together. They destroy the attackers, 004 using his knee rockets and 002 flying. With their planes destroyed, they send 007, 008 and 009 to commandeer a submarine. As 008 gets one to the others, 009 commandeers a second. The crew of both subs are left in one, while the Cyborgs take the other, and fall in line with the others returning to base.
Black Ghost will pursue sub 555, while they are in sub 101, and can attempt to destroy the Black Ghost base.
They sneak into the island and into the base before the alarm is raised, and they have to tear through the place to look for their target.
004 sets a nuke to blow, while 009 runs into Skull, who uses an accelerator of his own to escape a battle, the delay causing Joe to almost be caught in the blast. Reuniting, he tells them what happened.
Back on submarine 101, they set course for Japan to meet Gilmore's colleague, Dr. Koizumi. And in a large ship, Skull and Black Ghost live, and the Cyborgs are not safe yet.
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getgamez · 5 years ago
Black Mesa
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.ugb-5d82752 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper{max-width:1774px;border-radius:25px;background-color:#1b2838;background-image:url(https://getgamez.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Black-Mesa-free.jpg)}.ugb-5d82752 .ugb-video-popup__play-button svg{fill:#ffffff !important}.ugb-5d82752 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper:before{background-color:#1b2838;opacity:0.3}.ugb-5d82752 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper:hover:before{opacity:0.6}.ugb-5d82752.ugb-video-popup{margin-top:-7px !important}@media screen and (max-width:768px){.ugb-5d82752 .ugb-video-popup__wrapper{max-width:242px;height:180px !important}} Game Overview You are Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility. When a routine experiment goes horribly wrong, you must fight your way through an interdimensional alien invasion, and a bloodthirsty military clean-up crew in order to save the science team… and the world! Nineteen chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments Frag your friends across ten iconic maps from the Half-Life universe, including: Bounce Gasworks Stalkyard Undertow Crossfire Screenshots for System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista or GreaterProcessor: 2.6 Dual Core Processor or GreaterMemory: 6 GB RAMGraphics: 2 GB Dedicated Video Card or GreaterDirectX: Version 9.0cNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 20 GB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit) or GreaterProcessor: 3.2 Quad Core Processor or GreaterMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: 4 GB Dedicated Video Card or GreaterDirectX: Version 9.0cNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 20 GB available space Read the full article
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Sanlorenzo Appoints Simpson Marine as Distributor for Bluegame Yachts in Asia
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Sanlorenzo has appointed Simpson Marine as the distributor for Bluegame yachts in Asia. The Bluegame brand was launched in 2018 with the BG42 and BG62 models, followed by the reveal of the BGX70 at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2019. The Bluegame brand is a member of the Blue Marine Foundation, a charity dedicated to establishing sustainable fishing models and creating marine reserves. Demonstrating its commitment to a sustainable policy, Bluegame has, with the support of Sanlorenzo’s R&D department, introduced the first ever direct mould constructed from 80% recycled material.
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In this process, resin glass that is recovered at the end of its life is mixed with resins and glass fibres, creating a highly functional milling block with a significantly reduced environmental impact. This material can even be re-recycled in the future, creating a circular economy. In addition, numerous sustainable products are used on board the Bluegame vessels, such as FSC certified woods and bio chrome accessories, to further reduce environmental impact and emissions. “Bluegame operates with the awareness of its responsibility in the global ecosystem. On this ground Bluegame HTS Lab (High Technology & Sustainability Laboratory) was created for the implementation of our innovation and sustainability strategy as inseparable principles of every new project,” said Carla Demaria, CEO of Bluegame. Three new Bluegame models will be available in Asia in 2020. Key features of all three yachts are large, multi-use spaces, highly functional yet safe decks, and superb hull design. The first model is the BG62, part of the Bluegame Sport Utility range. With an LOA of 18.8m (61’6”) and a large beam to further enhance space on board, the BG62 offers generous living spaces. The length of the vessel allows keen sailors to take to the water without the need for a crew, effortlessly controlling the vessel via an IPS joystick. Another attractive feature is the central part of the stern platform, which can be lowered to allow easy boarding of a 12’ tender, or to create a spacious swim platform. The second vessel is part of the same series, the BG42. Smaller than its sister vessel, it is a perfect entry gate into the Bluegame yachting family. The 12.98m (42’55”) BG42 boasts multiple outdoor living spaces, a highly functional interior, and a swim platform / tender dock. The 21.86m (71’7”) BGX70, introduced to the world at Cannes Yachting Festival in 2019, is aimed at experienced yachtsmen looking for something ‘stand out’ in this size bracket. The design is the result of a partnership between Luca Santella, head of the Design & Style of the Group and Head of the Bluegame product Strategy together with the world famous Zuccon International Project design house, who are behind a number of Sanlorenzo’s award-winning yachts. The interior design uses neutral tones and natural materials, allowing the stunning ocean landscape to do all the talking. Ocean vistas are maximised, with a 360° view from the stunning deckhouse. “All three offerings from Bluegame are sure to be popular in the Asian market, particularly amongst experienced yachtsmen who are keen to captain their own vessel without compromising on luxury. Bluegame’s environmentally conscious construction process and avant-garde design offers something special that Simpson Marine is proud to be a part of,” said Nick Stratton, Sanlorenzo Asia Sales Manager. Bluegame is currently at the 2020 Thailand Yacht Show in Phuket from 9-12 January, and will be at the Singapore Yacht Show 2020 from 19-22 March 2020. PODCAST Your browser does not support this audio element. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Simpson Marine, Yachts, Sailing. 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rafi1228 · 5 years ago
Use XD to get a job in UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design, UX design & Web Design
What you’ll learn
Become a UX designer.
You will be able to start earning money from your XD Skills.
You will be able to add UX designer to your CV
Build a UX project from beginning to end.
Become a UI designer.
Build & test a full mobile app.
Build & test a full website design.
You will have a project of your own to add to your portfolio.
93 lectures of well-structured, step by step content.
Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.
Work with fonts & colors.
Prototype your designs with interactions.
Test on mobile phones.
You’ll create realistic prototype complete with micro interactions.
Send your designs for feedback & commenting.
Export production ready assets.
Create your first UX brief & persona.
Create quick wireframes.
How to use premade UI kits.
Learn professional workflow tricks & shortcuts.
You will get the finished files so you never fall behind
Downloadable exercise files
Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew
All the techniques used by UX professionals
Build a mobile app prototype that responses to voice commands.
You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design professionals.
You’ll learn how to choose colors.
You’ll learn how to pick the correct fonts.
You’ll be able to send your finished work to other professionals in the correct formats.
You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
No previous design experience is needed.
No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.
Are you excited to get into the world of UI/UX but you don’t know where to start? This course will allow you to add UX designer to your CV & start getting paid for your new skills.
Hi there! My name is Dan & I’m an Adobe Certified Instructor. I’m here to help you learn Adobe XD efficiently and comprehensively. XD is a fantastic design tool used by industry professionals to product high quality & functional mockups. By the end of this course, you will be able to produce practical and effective User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) designs.
Throughout the course I’ll invite you to participate in a real-life freelance project which I’m working on. It’s a project that requires a fresh website and mobile app interface. This will prepare you for dealing with real world projects if you choose to move towards a UX/UI career path.
Aria: “This course is definitely above expectations so far. I didn’t expect to get so much insight into the briefing and the communication between UX Designer and a client. It helps to see the brief and to learn that there are different tiers of income based on projects and experience. Love It!”
This course is aimed at people interested in UI/UX Design. We’ll start from the very beginning and work all the way through, step by step. If you already have some UI/UX Design experience but want to get up to speed using Adobe XD then this course is perfect for you too!
First, we will go over the differences between UX and UI Design. We will look at what our brief for this real-world project is, then we will learn about low-fidelity wireframes and how to make use of existing UI design kits.
I’ll go over all of the essential tools necessary for creating excellent wireframes, including: type, colours, icons, Lorem ipsum, artboards, prototyping, models and popups, symbols and repeat grids. We will even make use of the new prototyping app so that you can experience your prototype on your mobile device.
Kate: Excellent course – Dan is an excellent teacher and I thoroughly enjoyed following along with his videos. Highly recommend! July 2018: I have updated this review with an extra star because of how useful this course has been in the months following it’s completion. I am using Adobe XD daily and Dan’s instruction was instrumental to adding this feather to my front-end web development hat.
An important part of maximising your UX Design workflow is being able to utilise other software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This is why I’ll be teaching you how to make use of both to help boost your XD productivity.
One of the awesome new features of XD is micro-interactions. I’ll be teaching you all about those and how to use them to grow icons and scenes. This is one of the parts of web design that’s growing and being adopted rapidly so you won’t want to miss out on learning it early.
Leigh: “I really enjoyed this course. I was a UX designer before the course and was looking for more information on XD and getting to know the program itself better, and this course really nailed it! It has great UX references and a few refreshing perspectives. As well as it really helps you learn XD in the process. The instructor is engaging and fun to listen to. Really really great course. I highly recommend to any new UX designers, as well as veterans looking for a refresh, or just to learn how to use XD.”
There are two class projects for you to complete during this class, these will help develop your skills and will give you something for your own portfolio.
It is now time to upgrade yourself & learn Adobe XD.
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to start using Adobe XD in their career & get paid for their user experience design skills.
This course is for beginners, newbies & amateurs in the field of UX design.
Aimed at people new to the world of design & user experience.
For anyone that needs to add ‘UX Design’ to their portfolio.
Created by Daniel Walter Scott, Instructor HQ Last updated 2/2019 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 7.12 GB
   Download Now
The post User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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gamesdownload-blog · 7 years ago
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
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“You were lucky to stay alive, but will you survive?”
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macgamesblog-blog · 7 years ago
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
New Post has been published on http://www.macgamesdownload.club/far-out-mac-os-x-full-download/
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
– Release name (Cracked by) : Far Out Mac OS X Full Download
– Compression : .rar
– Platform : Mac OS X
– Language : English (multi-languages)
– Files size : 1 x 858 MB
– Total Size : 0.85 GB
  – System Requirements : MINIMUM:
OS: OS X 10.9 Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: GeForce GT 750M / Intel Iris Pro 5200 / Radeon HD 3xxx
“You were lucky to stay alive, but will you survive?”
Far Out Mac OS X Full Download is a hardcore first-person adventure game, made with old-school quests such as Space Quest, The Dig, Full Throttle etc. in mind. Follow the lone survivor of the Selene’s crew, regular lab technician Zack Paterson. Find out what happened to the ship, the crew, and how to survive
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dunnwiese01-blog · 8 years ago
NVIDIA's Suggested GPU For Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Woops! A thing went incorrect. Please test the web page has not been up to date, and then consider once again or get in contact with us. Your gadgetry consists of a choice of Assassin's Creed favourites (smoke bombs, crazy-person darts, throwing knives), and adds an electrical stun-bomb to the assortment. These only temporarily incapacitate guards, having said that. Real ‘non-lethal' solutions are surprisingly limited in Syndicate you very significantly have to creep behind a person and do a slow ‘knock out' restraint (or just prevent everyone entirely) if you want to hold persons alive. Stephen: But, yeah, this was the to start with game to have it as a technique. The driving was much better than I considered it would be. Fighting on the best of moving carriages and leaping from one particular to the upcoming were all rather good. In a world without Pursuit Force three, I'll get it. Goal consist Gamers just conserve MS. Ataway's bus and never destroy a Cop or Policeman, Peddler and Hijack the Pharmacist's Lab. It's fair to say that Assassin's Creed requirements a break. In truth, it could be argued that it needed a break about three or 4 years ago, ahead of the series reached breaking level with Assassin's Creed Unity. Set inside London in 1868 through the Industrial Revolution, the story follows twins Jacob and Evie Frye as they navigate the corridors of organized crime for the duration of the Victorian era and fight against the established buy, managed by the Templars. The game is created by Ubisoft Quebec Syndicate releasing in October 2015. Assassin's Creed Syndicate is the 9th version of the principal series of the game. A whole lot has been created of the two twins acquiring distinct playing types. This is accurate, to a stage. Only Jacob has entry to the most effective fighting techniques and gear, while only Evie has accessibility to the most effective stealth expertise and gear. Later in the game, the impact is much more pronounced. Nevertheless, this does not imply that Jacob is a clumsy elephant stomping all-around and although Evie faints at the sight of blood. You can use either twin to perform nevertheless you like. I imagine Ubisoft nailed the balance. They really feel diverse ample without having becoming so distinct as to limit how you perform when you're forced to use your much less favourite twin for a story mission. Wha......? Omg this game is Brilliant! I was a tiny weary at first due to a couple of critiques I read prior to I put in it, but the moment I started taking part in it and acquiring into the game it really is truly freaking great! My boyfriend and I geek out all the time taking part in Assassin's Creed. We basically have just about every Assassin's Creed game, minus 1, so this game is loads of entertaining. And I discover myself playing for hours! Fantastic career Crew, You Guys RoCk!!!!!!! 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Yes, it appears big on a map, apparently crammed with factors to do - forts to conquer, animals to hunt, territory to check out - but I cannot anxiety how extraneous all of these actions are. For instance, I only lightly upgraded my ship, and managed to simply finish the campaign with out ever tending to Shay's products. Consequently, there's just no explanation to spend time hunting there is no benefit. I have just not too long ago watched the current trailer of the new assassins creed, and as soon as yet again, the outfits disappoint. Overly made, and pretty much unquestionably breaking the second tenet. No spam, we guarantee. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll in no way share your information with out your permission.
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