#J ain’t afraid of no Gho/sts
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that-gt-and-vore-stuffs · 10 months ago
I believe I'm that someone which I apologize for not responding I get distracted easily 🤣
But I'm absolutely interested in hearing about your GB vore thoughts sorry for the initials don't know how the slashes work for this
Actually, I didn’t mean you lol. I have another friend who took all of three minutes after my initial post to pop up in my discord feed abt “hey so I saw ur post” lol. Although I’m always open to ramble. Also don’t worry about the slashes, I just do that so my posts don’t end up on the main tags
Now for the thoughts-
All four of the main idiots are switches. Why do I feel this way? Because you cannot tell me that eating each other is not one of the many many ways they show affection right along side being assholes to each other
As I discussed with the above mentioned friend (@thefanciestborrower in case you were interested and just to make sure they see this post) It’s one of the ways Winston is informed that he’s truly been accepted as a Gho/stbus/ter.
He got ate one day, completely out of the blue, and went to Janine about it later. She just laughed and told him he’s officially be adopted into the idiot squad.
Speaking of Janine, she’s the only one spared from the constant random noms in the firehouse. Not because shes a full Pred or anything but because they’re afraid of her.
The Gho/stbus/ters might not fear ghosts, but they do fear their dear friend and secretary Janine.
She’s got a shot glass of cocktail swords and toothpicks she wields and wields well when small
Has stabbed Peter on multiple occasions for almost setting his hand on her while she was small
Egon is a Pred lean for science, although not against being ate so long as he’s warned and willing
Ray falls to the prey side but is pretty center. Can and has eaten the others
Peter is a pure switch, like the ass he is
Winston leans Pred, HOWEVER poor dude was stuck getting ate for the first few months after joining the crew
They’re all silly little guys tbh. Thats all.
Dana and Janine talk about how stupid they are all the time after work. They think it’s the funniest thing in the world. The boys? Not so much.
Can you eat ghosts? Test results have been…inconclusive so far
And those are the main ones for now! I’m sure my mind will think of some more soon but if you have more thoughts I’d always be open to hear them! Glad my rambles entertain yall still and it’s good to be back :)
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that-gt-and-vore-stuffs · 9 months ago
fire the thoughts at us. We hunger for gb.
Yeaaaaahhhhhh baby, that’s what I’m talking about. Love to see fellow nerds interested in the bullshit lmao
Anyway here’s what I’ve got since last time
Peter will and has eaten the others before just because he’s bored. Bored or too lazy to go and get an actual snack
Insists the others can’t get mad at him cause they were right there and they would’ve done the same thing (he’s pretty much right, a fact which at least Egon playfully hates but that probably extends to all three others at one point or another)
Winston tries to keep the whole Pred lean thing under wraps his first few weeks with the guys due to past experiences with prey coworkers getting nervous and whatnot. Then, between watching Peter be randomly snatched up as a snack and having the same happen to himself on two separate occasions, that went out the window
He still didn’t outwardly speak about it, but he did relax a good deal
Then Ray spotted his teeth and in a matter of minutes the entire firehouse knew. Janine, who had known from the start, told him he had a good run
The guys (mostly Peter) ask her why the hell she never told them she knew. Her reasoning? Because they’d react like this. Plus, not her info to share
Egon can, will, and has kept someone in his mouth while working in the lab. It’s mostly Peter or Ray, but Winston is by no means safe. All three have ended up as a lab snack at some point
Come his later career with the boys, Winston has been found with someone in his mouth while working on the Ecto-1.
Winston and Egon get teased about the shared habit, especially when they accidentally swallow said team member out of shock when they get caught/distracted/dragged away mid concentration
Ray and Winston tie for the nicest of the crew to be eaten by, with Egon in third, and Peter in last
This ranking, mutually decided on by them, is purely because Peter is the most likely to grab you without warning if you’re clearly doing nothing. Egon remembers to ask at least half the time so he gets a step above his old friend. Ray and Winston aren’t perfect but they are the best out of all four and they all admit that
Janine says she’ll let the boys eat her one day, but said boys are not convinced of this fact.
The boys made s’mores after G/B 1 from the marshmallow fluff they were covered in. You know, for science and stuff. See if paranormal marshmallow tastes different or has any weird effects
It is not uncommon for all four to leave on a bust and see only three or two step out of the Ecto-1 when they get back. Given the remaining members of the team are calm, the missing ones are always “nearby.” Janine has learned not to worry and just to pretend nothing is strange (although her bosses eating each other is far from the strangest thing she’s encountered at this job)
Still working on finding a way to successfully eat a ghost. Egon and Ray insist it’s because it’d be convenient but Peter and Winston are starting to wonder if their determination has to do with the jokes they all make about haunting each other if they die first
(And yes, I’ve seen Afterlife and am FINALLY getting around to seeing Frozen Empire tomorrow. But for now I’m sticking to the classic two films, TR/G cartoon, and such time periods)
On a similar note, the guys are all silently curious about if you can be eaten by a ghost. They’re not about to try it out, but the idea of one of them haunting the others makes them wonder if that’s still something they’d have to watch out for
Overall, it’s very common for at least one of the core four to be “missing” from the firehouse on slow days.
Janine has started keeping track of how often each of them “vanishes” and last a list hidden in her desk. Occasionally she wonders if she could start a betting ring on who was next, only to remember that the whole eating your coworkers thing is a lot less common in pretty much every other aspect of society.
Too bad, really. She finds it hilarious when one of the guys runs past her telling her that she never saw them and to not tell the others where he went
And that’s what I’ve got so far. Seriously, if yall have any ideas you’d ever wanna run by me please send that stuff in the ask box. I love hearing y’all’s thoughts just as much as you seem to like hearing mine. Until next time! Enjoy!
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that-gt-and-vore-stuffs · 9 months ago
As if the thoughts weren’t bad enough, I’ve realized that at least one (1) panel in the ID/W Gho/stbus/ters Comics gave Eg/on little fangs and my brain is FIRING
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