#the first version was better but tumblr ate it so
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writers-wrongs · 1 year ago
Could you please write yandere headcanons for Fear State Scarecrow x gn reader? (I love that scruffy little redhead and there's nearly not enough content for him, but if you can't, then maybe for Zero Year or BTAS??)
now, i unfortunately know jack about fear state, but i can certainly provide with some btas!
yandere!btas!scarecrow x gn!reader
-hes just doing his thing, spreading fear throughout gotham, when he hears some screams that are oddly... enticing
-after all this time as scarecrow, screams of terror have gotten a bit stale, but these ones are like a breath of fresh air
-he follows the noise to find you: shaking, curled in a ball on the ground, and making the most adorable face as you scream and cry
-seeing such a display, how can he not take you home as a test subject?
-you wake up in a cell, with scarecrow on the other side of the bars. he explains that youre going to be his little lab rat
-expect regular doses of fear toxin. he just loves the sounds of your screams, and your scared face is so cute!
-that said, he is a psychologist at heart, so he'll also have little chats with you after each dose wears off. what you saw, where those fears couldve come from, etc
-and as he gets to know you, he gets... curious. something about you intrigues him, but you always close off before he can see what it is
-so one night, he brings some nicer dinner than what you usually get, and he joins you in your cell for a meal. he says its to see how you react to him without the effects of fear toxin, but he really just wants to get to know all of you
-you get to know him too. he tells you his name (and he insists you start calling him jonathan), tells you about his life before becoming scarecrow, and he even takes off his mask
-a few days later, he stops dosing you altogether. hes started to feel guilty about experimenting on you, and your voice sounds so much nicer when its not hoarse from screaming
-soon, hes head over heels. your little dinner dates are almost every night (he says its to gauge how you act in a normal setting), he gives you more freedoms, he even lets you sleep with him in his bed some nights!
-i personally think hes really physically affectionate, although in the start hes trying to be subtle about it. holding your arm a little too long when he injects you, pressing his thigh to yours as he asks about your hallucinations, etc
-if you ever try to escape, back to lab rat status with you. he'll be absolutely crushed too. dont worry too much, he'll begin to trust you again after a while... but dont think for a second he wont make that while miserable
-when you finally start reciprocating, hes ecstatic. youve finally faced your fear and have even learned to love it! now youre his perfect little crow forever <3
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lovetei · 1 year ago
Hiii! I’m that person that request the “them finding out that MC is married to Solomon” and i wanna add one more thing if u don’t mind! And i can’t stop thinking about it
So after married to Solomon for too long MC is able to chow down his cooking with ease. His cooking doesn’t make them passed out anymore, doesn’t send them in the past anymore, and it actually tastes good…?
They would be the saviour whenever Solomon brought his cooking to the HoL
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Tumblr decided to fuck with me but I ain't no bitch so yeah, here's your long delayed request :')
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Their reaction to finding out MC is Solomon's spouse and they find his cooking edible
Warning: Shenanigans, grammar error, spelling error, no proofreading, Consists of three parts, readers gender is not mentioned
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
LUCIFER who knows about his spouse but doesn't know who it is and whose faces turn sour whenever he would flirt with you because he seems to forget he has a spouse.
MAMMON who rolls his eyes whenever Solomon proudly mentions his spouse while having an arm around you and continues to tell him off saying he should be loyal.
LEVIATHAN that doesn't want to get close to him and doesn't want you close to him because he cheats on his spouse when the two of them are not together.
SATAN that tried consoling Solomon about how he treats you and if he remembers he has a spouse. Oh how his anger boiled when he said, they won't mind. They're used to it.
ASMODEUS who knows he flirts with Solomon and knows about his spouse but he can't help but feel dirty now and then knowing his spouse might be crying.
BEELZEBUB who refused to talk with Solomon and kept on telling you to keep your distance with Solomon and stay close to him because Solomon is shady.
BELPHEGOR who would pull you away without any warning and tell you that he's a married man, telling you that it would be better to stay close to him or else you'll commit sins.
What the fuck do you mean you're actually his spouse?! Is all LUCIFER can think about after you declared to everyone that you two are actually, legally married.
MAMMON whose mouth hanged open as soon as he heard the news but immediately tried to assert dominance by saying he marked you up first and saying he's your first man.
A tear almost fucking dropped from the eyes of the LEVIATHAN as soon the news reached his ears. He would lock himself in his room for a few days out of pure shock.
SATAN swears to burn everything breathing if anything will even get close to him knowing how angry he is that his lover is actually married and he's the other man.
While everyone is furious, ASMODEUS couldn't get any happier knowing that two of his favorite humans are married, knowing that he can be the first demon in the relationship!
BEELZEBUB who lost his appetite through out the week because of pure sadness and shock. How come you couldn't tell them this important information MC?
BELPHEGOR who almost jumped out of his bed, a knife in his hand, ready to kill the sorcerer on sight as soon as he found out about the marriage papers with your and his signature in it.
Christ in a stick, that looks fucking horrendous is all LUCIFER could think as he looks at the food Solomon wants him to eat but luckily MC grabbed it out and ate it for him. He can't even think straight anymore after smelling that...
He fucked you up didn't he?! Is what MAMMON thought as soon as you ate his portion of Solomon's food, even saying how it can taste good as time passes by.
The way LEVIATHAN would sit beside you, whispering requests for you to eat it for him instead because you're the spouse! You're suppose to like his cooking right?
SATAN who said that the spouse should get more of the portion because the husband's hardworking should not be wasted to someone like him and proceeds to push his portion to you.
ASMODEUS who even spoon fed you his portion of Solomon's food saying that you'll need more energy to tend and care for two husband's now!
BEELZEBUB who got even more sad because how can you get used to eating this nuclear waste, another reason to add to his protest on why you should break up with him.
He doesn't care, BELPHEGOR will eat it for the sake of that hospital record he will soon add to the annulment protest with the reason of maltreatment and attempted murder.
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timbrewulfy · 2 months ago
first post, also just played In Stars and Time (SPOILERS)
can't believe I finally created my tumblr blog just to rant about my new obsession. please ignore any spelling/grammatical errors, i promise im smart. anyway, I just finished playing ISAT yesterday and it caused me emotional turmoil. it also made me spend a lot of time thinking about the connection between Loop and Siffrin. and I realized something. from Loop/Siffrin's POV, ISAT is basically a time travel fix-it story. lemme explain. on technicality, Loop is a FUTURE Siffrin. they experienced countless loops first and got to the king first. when they gave up, made a new wish, and ate the star, they became Loop, a celestial being formed by Wish Craft. and then they woke up under the favor tree to see their PAST SELF, BEFORE THE LOOPS EVEN HAPPENED. Loop time traveled to the past, but that also meant their timeline was erased. it's not that Loop's wish made a copy or clone of themselves, the Siffrin we know, that "replaces" them. it makes more sense that Loop, being a future Siffrin from their perspective, is helping their past self and in turn themselves because it'll affect their future, thus fulfilling their wish for someone to help them. they still become furious when their past self is actually able to win this time, likely because they still don't understand why the universe put them there in the past. they think it's just another cruel joke, that they're "supposed to shut up and take it." they didn't even know breaking the loops was actually possible. not to mention, Siffrin has a habit of becoming self-loathing when they're "useless" or incapable of something in comparison to others, and Loop is only a future version of Siffrin. so they see their past self achieve what they couldn't, they wonder why they didn't just hold on the first place, but then....Loop begins to fade. and wouldn't this be because.....if their past self never gave up this time, Loop would've never eaten the star? would've never even became Loop? this means Loop altered their own timeline. changed their fate by helping their past self. and they fade, because now they will get to be happy when their past self reaches the future. and they ONLY fade when it's certain that their task has been completed, that they have truly altered the course of Siffrin's life. sure, it may be paradoxical because then Loop wouldn't have gone back in time to help Siffrin, right? but the thing is, besides Loop being time traveled back to before Siffrin knew of loops, Siffrin is shown to remember anything over timelines from that point onward. so. if Loop, aka future Siffrin, was put in the past to help their past self gain a better future, so that Loop would've never had to eat the star (which wouldn't be finalized until the very end of act 5, into act 6, when Siffrin has enough hope to not give up, mind you), and Loop fades because their fate will now be whoever past Siffrin grows to be, then this ending will remain permanent and not be cancelled out by Loop "never existing", BECAUSE Siffrin still remembers any timeline anyway. they will always remember Loop. and perhaps Loop WILL be seeing Siffrin again, as they stated, but in their reflection in the future. perhaps they realize this as they fade, and that's why they're okay with it in the end. when they fight, it's like scott vs older scott in scott pilgrim takes off, basically. anyway i love siffrin he's the mentally ill protagonist ever.
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solastia · 10 months ago
Apocalyptic Confessions
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I was depressed Had a breakdown and wrote something sad and sweet Bone Apple Tea
Song: If the World Was Ending (JP Saxe ft. Julia Michaels)
Pairing: Namjoon x Yoongi
Warnings: Emotional infidelity (not between them), MCD, Basically bittersweet ending
(Posting this on tumblr because I read it again and my own work made me cry)
He’d spent weeks thinking about how he’d like to spend his final day on earth since he’d first heard the news. He’d already gotten all his big wishes out of the way - everything from spending lots of time with his family and friends to finally getting a huge tattoo. He’d taken in a cat and a dog since rescues were now just giving them away. He ate as many delicious meals as he wanted until his cheeks filled and his chest expanded - always the first to go when he gained weight. 
He’d even gone back to Daegu for a while and walked the streets of his old neighborhood, soaking up the memories until the sky turned crimson and the air became riddled with more pollution than their usual yellow dust. 
He’d spent lots of precious time with his members and life-long friends once he returned. All the guys were older and established with their own families, so they would understandably be spending their last day with them, but they still spared time for their lifetime bachelor Suga hyung. 
He wasn’t ashamed to say every single one of them had cried in each other's arms. They’d all gone through so much together - grew up together, really - and they’d lived a good life until now. He’d reverted into his role of Bangtan Father Figure and comforted them as much as he could, holding their youngest members as they clung to him and cried into his seven million won jacket. The final goodbyes with his members had been even harder than the ones with his parents and brother. Poor Jungkook had cried so hard that Seokjin had to carry him to his car, and Hobah hadn’t been much better. 
That had been yesterday, though, and now all of his members were safely ensconced in their homes with their families to wait out their final day on Earth before the planet killed them all. 
He’d never looked into every detail of the circumstances. Didn’t feel like he needed to because he grasped the basics - global warming, planet combusts, everything dies. Today was the day the news had announced was the suspected D-day, and judging by the way the world was crumbling around them, it was accurate. 
As it was, breathing was getting harder and the temperatures were scorching. The sky had been a canvas of crimson, orange, and yellow for days. Debris fell from the sky as bits of the planet itself were obliterated. The scientists had predicted that the planet wouldn’t be completely destroyed, only just enough to kill everything and everyone off. Then in perhaps hundreds of years or more, life could begin again. He could only hope that if the afterlife were a thing, his spirit would survive and he’d be reborn with his members again. 
Ah , he sighed into his drink. He’s getting sappy. He didn’t even really believe in reincarnation or anything. But he’d want to be reborn and live next to him again. 
He closes his eyes and rolls the whiskey on his tongue as he settles into his recliner. He grabs the remote and hovers his thumb over the button, preparing himself mentally for what he’s about to watch. He exhales heavily and presses it, setting the controller down nearby in case it becomes too much and he needs to turn it off and finally turns his attention to the screen. 
The video comes to life slowly as an incredibly young version of himself peeks into view and grins at the camera while he adjusts the stand it sits on. The quality isn’t great because he’d purchased the old thing second-hand but it did the job. 
Yoongi shakes his head as he observes himself, noting the lack of his current wrinkles and the slim - nearly starving - physique. Not that he wasn’t still looking pretty damn good for someone that just turned forty-three. 
The boy in the video had just left home and joined BigHit. They still haven’t formed an actual group, he’s still at the bottom of every evaluation, and his knees are skinned and rubbed raw from trying to keep up with all the dancing. But his eyes are bright and he’s smiling at another kid that runs inside the dance studio. 
“Hyung, I’m back! Mom packed some dinner for you. Make sure you eat it all before the manager comes in.” 
The young Namjoon is a gangly thing with arms and legs that are too long for him to handle. He bends and smiles into the camera then shoves the fabric-wrapped bundle of food at Yoongi, watching him fondly as he shovels the food down his throat. Namjoon had always gone home to his parents at least once a week and always made sure to bring his starving roommate extra food. Their diets at the time had been brutal. 
Yoongi observes the two of them on the video, shaking his head as he watches them practice (very badly) some choreography to get them through the next evaluation. 
His idea for starting this video had been a little sad. He hadn’t been sure he would make it. He’d hoped and dreamed - worked his ass off - but you can never be completely sure of what the future holds. He’d always been more of a hope for the best but prepare for the worst kinda guy. So he’d bought the old camera and decided to film what he could so that when he someday was kicked out and had to go back to working some mundane retail job, he could look back at the memories. 
Only each clip that he added to the files of videos over the years showed them rising higher and higher. And he always made sure to get lots of close-ups of the man that held his heart. 
Not that he’d ever admitted that bit out loud, but it was no less true. He thought he could almost see himself falling as he watched the videos, observing the two of them go from teenage boys with alpha complexes to being best friends in chronological order. Not that they always got along - even they had their fiery battles where Namjoon could be the pettiest bitch alive and Yoongi had the magical ability to say exactly what could hurt the most. But they both had the same dream and both were stubborn as hell so they’d learned their way around each other. Eventually, Yoongi realized that the feelings of respect he’d developed for his friend and member kept growing until it was verging on dangerous. 
He’d always known he wasn’t quite…straight. Maybe not gay. Bi? Whatever. He’d never really liked labels. He’d had crushes on a few girls in high school and a few crushes on some male celebrities. He’d planned on marrying a woman and having kids to make his parents happy eventually, but he’d never felt for anyone else what he felt for Kim Namjoon. No matter how many blind dates he’d been set up on or escorts and models he’d fucked - not a single one of them was able to erase the way his heart skipped a beat when that big smile with his ridiculously deep dimples was aimed at Yoongi. 
However, his defining characteristics were that he’s a true Pisces and a workaholic, so he did what he did best - pined from afar and threw himself into his work. He’d done that successfully all these years, even as his members grew up, found their own loves, and created their own lives outside of their group. He found his version of happiness filling the world with his music. 
Still, he’d never stopped filming the videos. He’d never posted them publicly like JK had with his GC films. These weren’t for the world to see. These were memories that he kept for himself. For days like today, he supposed, when he was sitting all alone and facing the end of the world with just a drink and his precious memories. 
Surprisingly, he seemed to have kept them fairly balanced between the members. He had as many clips of the kids being silly as he did of Namjoon or himself. Lots of them hanging out in their old dorms, graduations, and silly teen antics. A bunch of videos of them drinking and acting stupid, usually having heated debates over absurd topics for fun, and Namjoon drunkenly discussing philosophical shit that put the younger ones to sleep. 
All their big moments he caught on film usually the second the Bighit cameras were gone, so he had lots of clips of them sobbing after winning their first awards. 
Actually, after that first award he’d had to pause the clip for a moment, staring at the way Namjoon was looking into the camera. At the time, he’d probably missed it or dismissed it - he didn’t remember. But now…the way that Namjoon stared into the camera…was because Yoongi was behind it. He was puffed up with pride and had that gorilla chin thing going on, but there was something else there. Something that made current Yoongi’s chest flutter dangerously. 
He fast-forwarded through other scenes for the next hour, noticing the trend. Namjoon would melt whenever Yoongi busted out his old camera and looked into the lens like the two of them were the only ones there. 
He’d never even noticed. He’d always been caught up in the moments as well, so maybe that was why. Or maybe the obliterated ozone was making him hallucinate. Whatever. He saw…something there. 
Or maybe he was just grasping for something to hold onto during his final moments. 
He sighed and slid from his seat, intending to top off his drink and maybe grab a pack of cookies. One benefit of being hours from death - no dieting. 
He put a few cookies on a plate, stared at it, then set the whole package on the tray as well. Then he grabbed his bottle of whiskey - a forty-five-year-old single malt scotch that he threw thousands down for that tasted just barely better than the stuff he bought at the grocery store for fifty won - and prepared himself another glass. 
He carried his tray of goods back to his seat and settled back in to watch more, pausing now and then to give the Maltese he’d adopted a cookie. 
After a few hours, the lights started to flicker and he stood up to peek outside. The sky was a violent crimson now, shot with orange and smatterings of black. There were small fires all over the city as things burned and crumbled. A cloud was in the far distance - crimson as everything else - but swirling and filled with debris. He figured that was probably going to be what took him out. He had no idea how he was staying as calm as he was. 
He took a shaky breath and reached down to pet the grey cat he’d adopted along with the Maltese. They were both anxious but dealing with it well. 
The cat meowed and twirled around his legs. 
“What do you need, Mellodi? Are you hungry?” 
He hums and leads the cat to the kitchen, the little white fluffball he’d named Gangaji (because he didn’t have the brain power left to think of anything better and it’s not like the pup would have to live with it forever) following them for a treat of his own. 
He fixes them the wet food he’d gotten from the shelter and watches them for a moment, wishing he’d gotten them sooner. It was nice having someone to take care of at home. 
He leaves them to their supper and goes back to the living room, realizing he’d forgotten to pause the video. It was playing the moment he’d busted out his old camera as Namjoon got ready for his wedding. He’d looked amazing - of fucking course he had. 
His hair had been dyed black and he’d gone with the usual black and white tux, but with little Namjoonesque accessories. 
And holy fuck, there was that look again. Namjoon stared into the lens right into Yoongi’s soul, smiling a little. 
“Hyung. I should do this, right?” 
He remembered how he’d practically heard alarm bells when Namjoon had said that. 
“You should only do what you want to do, Joon. You don’t have to marry someone to love them. Is this something you want?” He heard himself say and nodded at his sage wisdom. 
Namjoon sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, I care about her and I’m excited to have a family.” 
He turned to the camera again and grinned into the lens. 
“You ever wanna get married, hyung? Or are you strictly dickly these days?” 
Yoongi had scoffed playfully. “Maybe. I’m in no rush. Plus, you know, I’m hard to deal with.” 
Namjoon shook his head and frowned into the camera. 
“You’re perfect, hyung. Not traditionally perfect, perhaps, but the perfect Yoongi. You know? You don’t need to change or become someone that is “easy to deal with.” Someone will learn to fit themselves to your puzzle piece instead of jamming them together - like we did. You know?” 
Namjoon had veered so much into his metaphor land that he nearly sounded like Taehyung. 
“Yeah, I hear you. And you’ll be good too.” 
Namjoon nodded, then took a deep breath. His eyes flattened into slits as he stared at Yoongi. 
“I love you, hyung.” 
“Love ya too, babo.” 
Yoongi stared at the screen, breathing in shakily. Fuck, he loved that man so much. He rewound the video, staring at Namjoon’s face as he said the words again. 
“I love you, hyung.” 
He could almost pretend they were said the way he’d always wanted to hear them. 
He sighed wearily and scratched the cat’s head when she jumped on him for attention. No sense dwelling on this now. 
He shut off the TV and leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling while he continued to pet the cat. The clocks all over the house showed that it was almost ten in the evening now, which explained why he was starting to feel a little tired. Maybe he should just spend his last moments on earth doing what he loved best - napping. 
He nods to himself and groans as he heaves himself from the chair. He begins to shuffle towards the bedroom with his two new shadows following behind him when he hears his door rattle. 
Gangaji gives a single tiny bark and then he hears a knock. Not just any knock, but a series of four followed by a pause then two more. Namjoon’s knock. 
Yoongi’s eyebrows practically fly off his face in his surprise. He quickly jogs towards the door and messes with the locks, suddenly annoyed at his demand that there be at least four of them. Finally, he lifted the last latch and swung the door open, staring up in wonderment as Kim Namjoon stood there heaving heavy breaths as the world crumbled behind him. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Namjoon? Get the fuck inside!” 
He pulls the man into his apartment, his face turning bright pink from the small blast of heat and his worry. 
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be with your wife and kids. You could have gotten seriously hurt! You could have… there's like fire out there and probably lava and shit and…”
Yoongi’s rant is muffled when a big hand grabs him by the shirt and pulls him closer. Namjoon is looking down at him - beautiful, glorious Namjoon who is a little bit sweaty from running around out there and has a cut on his arm - and Yoongi’s protests die. 
Namjoon is giving him the look from the video. The one that made his heart race and his stomach feel like he ate stew that had been on his Halmoni’s stove for five days straight.
“I couldn’t do it.” 
Yoongi screws his nose in confusion. “Couldn’t do what?” 
“I couldn’t live my last night on earth in a lie. I couldn’t…I tried to lay down with Aera and the kids but I just kept thinking of you here alone and…”
Oh. It was a charity thing. 
He forces a smile and pats his friend’s chest. That bouncy and plump chest that he still had after all these years…
He cleared his throat to make his straying thoughts cease. 
“You don’t have to worry about hyung, Joon. I got a couple of kids myself and I’m good. You need to go home,” he waves a hand carelessly and shows Namjoon the animals he’d gotten. 
Namjoon stares at them for a second and it’s obvious that he has to fight the urge to reach down to the puppy. He shakes his head and stares at Yoongi again, his gaze tightening with some sort of resolve. 
“No, hyung. The lie is that my home isn’t you . I want to be here with you .  I love you and I always have. You don’t have to do anything just…let me stay with you.” 
Yoongi’s heart is hammering in his chest as he stares up at his friend. “Like…romantically?” 
Namjoon’s smile quirks and he raises his eyebrow. “Yeah, hyung. Like romantically.” 
“How long?” 
Yoongi wasn’t sure that the answer mattered anymore, but he was curious. 
“Long time. Years and years. All the reasons why I didn’t go for it seem stupid and irrelevant now. But I…I just wanted to be selfish. Can I just…be selfish for today? Our final day on earth and I want to…” his head drops and Yoongi can hear his voice begin to wobble. “I want to die with you in my arms. I want to hold you and tell you I love you and that…that even though I don’t believe in reincarnation I want to just so we can do better next time.” 
Yoongi leans forward and presses his forehead into Namjoon’s chest. He breathes in deeply - taking note that underneath the sulphuric odor from outdoors, he was still wearing that fancy body wash scent. 
“I want that too,” he whispered, deciding fuck yeah, they can be selfish. He’d been sharing Namjoon with the world for twenty-five years. He deserves one fucking night. 
“Yeah?” Namjoon tilts his head up by his chin. “I kinda suspected sometimes that maybe you too but…do you love me? Like romantically?” He grins. 
Yoongi sighs dramatically, an answering shy smile tilting his lips. “Yeah, like romantically.” 
Namjoon gives his real smile then, the one that shows both dimples and the shine from his teeth could power a small country. Yoongi always loved Namjoon’s smile. 
Silently, he lets Namjoon lead them to the bedroom. He nods at the other's feet and Namjoon clumsily kicks off his shoes and - after sneaking a peek at Yoongi - snakes out of his jeans too. Yoongi climbs into bed and watches as Namjoon lowers himself next to him. How many nights had he laid in this very spot wishing he’d look over and see this very sight? 
Namjoon sighs as he lays his head on the pillow and reaches for Yoongi. The smaller man allows himself to be pulled closer and molded into the cage of Namjoon’s larger frame. He takes a deep breath and laces their legs together, pointedly ignoring the sound of glass breaking from somewhere in the living room. The animals race to get under the bed and he ignores that too, focusing only on the fact that he’s finally where he belongs at last. 
“I love you,” Namjoon rumbles, smiling happily. “Love you. Feels so good to finally get to say it.” 
Yoongi knows exactly what he means. Feels the need to say it over and over again like it’s a ward to keep him safe. 
“Love you, Kim Namjoon,” he sighs, reaching an arm across the small waist to pull himself even closer to him. Fuck, if he could figure out how to meld themselves together he totally would. 
Namjoon reaches out a large hand to tilt Yoongi’s face up, kissing him softly. Petal soft kisses span his entire face as Namjoon kisses first his lips, then his nose, both of his closed eyelids and finally his forehead before placing his hand on top of Yoongi’s head and playing with the strands. 
The sound of wood splintering has Yoongi whimpering and trying to get closer still, even if it’s physically impossible. 
The end was here at their beginning. 
“Hyung. I’ll love you next time too, okay? Don’t forget.” 
It’s getting harder to breathe as toxic fumes reach them and Yoongi fights to keep his eyes open. He stares hard at the man holding him, the love of his life. Of all his lives, if he had his way. The one he grew up with, fought with, dreamed with, loved with all his heart. 
“I’ll remember, Joon. Go to sleep now. I love you.” 
He watches as Namjoon tries to take one last huge breath, then his eyes shut and his arms tighten around Yoongi. He stares for one more second and then closes his own, sleeping forever in the arms of his love. 
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cursivebloodlines · 2 years ago
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"Depends. Have you finished belittling me and mocking every single word that comes out of my mouth?" Lydia snapped back, flashing him a sour glare. Hard to keep up pretenses of happiness when he was winding her up, driving her insane - in more ways than one, clearly but at that moment she was on the brink of ripping his head off. She wasn't having a fucking tantrum; he was just being a dick. Maybe she had a touch of youngest child syndrome, forever being shielded away from the hardest parts of life, family feeling the need to protect her from life. A life where she felt the need to prove she could handle stuff. To prove she was capable. She may have been lucky in the sense to be the only one of her siblings to know their father - though considering her situation now, it probably would've been better for her if she hadn't. The last thing she wanted to do was to explode in front of everyone, not on their wedding day, not in front of all these people - though honestly, she couldn't care less what these people thought. They knew nothing. No matter how much they thought they did.
Blah, blah, blah, Lydia thought to herself, trying to stifle the urge to roll her eyes. Or a yawn. Either one floated her boat, she wasn’t fussy. Honestly, she could not give a flying monkey about the streets. Her threat had been a joke, a bad one at that probably. It was meant to be something to amuse herself but of course, he had to get all serious and manage to ruin her imagination, too. She had no real interest in them, would rather go running in the other direction rather than getting involved. It had been a joke. And so, she didn’t care for whatever he said, no matter how right he may have been – nor did she even want to admit that he had a point – because that would mean letting him win, and she couldn’t have that. Would do anything except from admitting defeat. “In that case, I suppose it’s a good job I don’t actually have any intention of following through with it,” Lydia said in a voice that was overly, sickeningly sweet. A smile plastered across her face to reinforce it.
When Ivan basically confirmed her suspicions, that if she were a man, she wouldn’t be standing there living and breathing now, she scoffed. She already knew that, of course she did – she wasn’t a complete idiot. And she couldn’t help the way she pulled a face which seemed to gradually become more and more unimpressed (as if she hadn’t reached that limit already) with every pet name he threw at her. A bit overkill, but she assumed it was because he knew he would get on her nerves. He already got on every single last one of them. Was she supposed to be grateful? Because she wasn’t and she never would enable him the satisfaction of such thing. “If you’re waiting a thank you, you’ll be waiting a long time. Also, you should know: your pet names are becoming increasingly worse, darling.”  A brief pause. “And there are things far worse than death.” Lydia was not frightened of death, per se.  In fact, she had grown desensitised to it in a sense. Working with death on a daily basis, she had no other choice but to find a way to cope. Compartmentalise and detach herself from the horrors she subjected herself to. Having saw what she did that landed her in her current situation was different though; seeing someone after they died was different than watching the brutal act that ended their lives, watching their final moments unfold. In the end, she kind of found comfort in the fact that in death, they all ended up the same way, no matter what you did in life. The after part of death was pretty much the same for nearly everyone.  That being said, she wasn’t trying to actively meet her demise any earlier than she was supposed to. So, if that meant being careful then she would do her best. As for Ivan valuing her intelligence more than she thought? Now that was a new one. Could he even be capable of valuing anything of her? Not that she wanted to prove herself to him, she couldn’t care less what he thought of her. And yet still… “If you value my intelligence, you should start acting like it. Just saying.”
Lydia genuinely thought that Ivan would leave her to it when her dad approached. It would have been a good reason to be free of her for a bit for the first time all day. But he… he surprised her. Her husband stayed, even had the guts to tell her father no – though she was quite capable of doing that herself, to say the least. His hand on her waist again had her once again simultaneously wanting to shove him off and needing him closer and wanting them to have a moment alone so she could explore what else he could do with those hands. Preferably under her dress, this time. Okay, Lydia. Back up a bit. Watching the exchange take place between her husband and her father, a casual smirk threatened to twitch at her lips when her dad was told no, and the filthy look he gave Ivan as they moved away. She bit the inner corner of her cheek in an attempt to restrain that smirk from flourishing though, not until they were away from him. Clearly, he didn’t like to be told no, wasn’t used to it even, which she found more than entertaining. “Now, you should consider not telling me what to do,” Lydia murmured back in response. “I’m not hungry, though I wasn’t completely lying about my feet, as much as I like annoying and avoiding my father. These shoes are starting to hurt me. I think I’m going to go and put something more comfortable. Especially if we’ve still got a few hours of this left,” she admitted with a soft sigh. “It’s up to you if you want to come with me or not.” She supposed she could try and make a clean getaway if he didn’t… though what would be the point now? It was a bit too late to make a beeline for an exit now. “I’ll behave.”
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"Poor little thing, are you done with this tantrum, princess?" It was hard for him to feel any kind of compassion or empathy for her considering that Lydia seemed to have had everything growing up. At least money, which made things incredibly easier. Ivan doubted that she knew what it was like to work hard for anything. It's not that he underestimated Lydia's abilities but she didn't know the need, she could never do it. Ivan had had to fight tooth and nail for everything he had achieved while Lydia had had her life served on a silver platter. He doubted that she could ever fully understand the path Ivan had traveled to be where she was. Full of blood, sweat and tears. Full of decisions, some terrible, some good, some questionable, but decisions nonetheless.
"People still runs by a code, everyone does them but the streets usually have their own, angel" It didn't matter how much they could bribe someone. There was something Ivan had earned: reputation and respect. Most of the people willing to do that kind of work had more respect for Ivan or owed him some favor for which they would either reject the job or let him know so he could be aware. Everyone had their price, Lydia was right about that, but even so, and although he was aware of that, Ivan knew that he had the majority in favor. A reputation was more important most of the times and Ivan had a big one.
"First of all, if you were a man and you had been there that night, you wouldn't be here talking to me today, honey" He hoped she understood between the lines. If she had been a man, she would be dead without a doubt and no matter who her father was. In fact, Ivan was increasingly skeptical that she knew that her father had been more willing to offer her in marriage than he was to marry her. Yes, the benefit that she couldn't talk about anything if they were married but her father had almost wanted to get rid of Lydia. "Second, if you were a man and you were threatening me, you wouldn't be here talking to me either, angel" Neither would he be as amused by her threat or sympathetic to her. Ivan would probably have threatened her back if she was a guy and maybe he would have broken some of her bones for having the audacity to threaten him like that "Third, you being a girl is working in your favor anyway, chickpea" And against him because if she moved her cute little ass like that again he was going to fuck her regardless of all that party around them "And fourth, I value your intelligence more than you think, sweet baby" He had no problem openly admitting that she had brain and one definitely bigger than his For starters, there was no way she wouldn't have it because of the way she quickly knew what to reply to his taunts and second, he'd done the research on her before her and she was fucking smart even in her classes in college.
Ivan noticed as soon as her father approached them because she automatically tensed up and stopped dancing. He noticed that clearly Lydia didn't want to go with her father. He could respect that and also now that they were officially married, her father couldn't force her to do anything she didn't want "I'm sorry Mr. Collins but Lydia was just telling me how her feet and head hurt, I think who needs to eat something, after all, we don't want the bride to faint, right?" He retorted before sliding a hand around Lydia's waist tightening his grip on her. His thumb stroked her waist over her dress in a reassuring gesture "We don't want that, definitely not but we must dance" Her father didn't seem happy there but Ivan didn't give a damn, if Lydia didn't want to go then He wasn't going to force her to leave "Maybe later, Mr.Collins, I'm going to take Lydia to sit down for a while," he added before slowly leading her away from the dance floor and her father "Now you should consider eating something and maybe pretend that your feet hurt, I prefer not to have your father as an enemy on the same day of our wedding" He leaned down to whisper into her ear with the sweetest smile he could muster.
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kosmonauttihai · 1 month ago
@wacktroid Hi! tumblr ate my reply to your ask, so posting it like this instead. Thank you for the Metroid questions! They took me a while, but here we go:
(a long rambly post and a bunch of spoilers ahead)
● 17. Favorite Ridley design?
The prequel manga / Super Metroid one (they're basically the same). I really like the more obvious mechanical-looking elements inherited from Alien, which some later designs downplay or leave out, maybe to contrast with when he actually does get a bunch of mechanical spare parts. But I like that it makes him look a bit weird as he is indeed an alien.
The SSBU design is such a good blend of the SM design and the best parts of the OM one. I'm not fond of the OM look as a whole, but the patterned wings and the ridges rather than bumps on the top of the head are excellent additions that I also keep when I draw him myself. I think how I draw his face has also started to resemble the SSBU design in how spiky it is, but I prefer the brow spikes looking like horns like in the older designs.
I also love all the cybernetic designs, and I think out of those the Corruption Meta Ridley design is severely underrated. I know that at least allegedly that and the Omega design were initially going to be the other way around, and I can definitely see how it would be suited for the extra-Phazoned version, but it does make sense to me for them to be in the order they ended up in (other than being different sizes within the same game, lol). I like to think the Corruption Meta design is a result of Ridley taking the time to repair the damage from Prime1 while Samus is busy with the events of Echoes, and updating the gear while he's at it, having the replaced parts mesh better with his anatomy than the initial ones that were based on a robot and not optimized for a cyborg. I think these prosthetics are something he designed himself specifically for himself, with more of a chance to put thought into looks and comfort as well as functionality. Then Samus kicks his ass again, and Omega is cobbled together from scraps as a hasty patch-up to get him back in the battle, feeling and looking like death warmed over. Proteus looks more industrial again like the first Meta, but he's getting closer to being able to get rid of the cybernetics so he doesn't care if he doesn't look his most elegant. They all fit their circumstances.
Zero Mission has my favorite 2D sprite, not only because of the animation quality but also because his smirk is so damn punchable.
● 27. Which game has your favorite characterization/portrayal of Samus?
There are so many cool and interesting characterization details all over the series, but I think Echoes.
I love her seeing Dark Samus for the first time and running after her into a dimensional portal without hesitation. I love her taking the time to close the eyes of the dead soldier. I love her holding her cannon up for a while when she first meets U-Mos but listening to what he has to say, and deciding that yes, winning an almost lost war of many years with the odds being her vs an entire army is something she can do, and then doing it. I love the parallel between the Luminoth and Chozo and how she must see it, too, and want to help them not just because it's right but because they remind her of her people that she couldn't save. I love how subtly tired her body language is at the save stations, but she presses on. I love the moment of fear in her eyes in the last confrontation with Dark Samus. I love the ridiculous superhero pose she makes when she gets through the collapsing portal. I love the little remark in the scan notes about how pirates apparently take offense to stealing. And of course the ending where she accepts but doesn't stay to bask in the gratitude of those she saved.
Fusion's portrayal is also very neat. I like how philosophical and kind of weird her elevator monologues get, and how the gameplay mirrors her frustration with her lack of agency before regaining it, and that this is a particularly low point for her in terms of mental health for a while and how she deals with it, or rather how for a lot of it she tries her best not to. She has an image to maintain, to herself, too, and this game is one that really breaks and reorganizes it for her.
Dread's characterization of her through body language is such a joy to watch. Certainly there's the fact that she must know she's likely being watched, so some of her seeming confidence could be an act to not show weakness to a powerful enemy, but I think moments where she lets her guard down a little without meaning to show that, if any of it is an act, it's not so much that she's afraid to show weakness, but that she's too angry to give him the satisfaction of seeing her falter.
Oh, and speaking of weird monologues, one thing I do actually like in Other M is her oft-criticized "monotone" way of speaking. I think it just makes sense for her to talk like that! Apart from that she's spent most of her adult life on dangerous missions that leave her isolated with no one but herself to talk to, and that I don't think she's very social outside missions, either, well, she was raised by birds. The spoken Chozo language in Dread actually sounds pretty monotone, and specifically in a way that reminds me of how real life birds sound when mimicking human speech. The Chozo have beaks and no lips, and even though Samus's adoptive parents raised her to speak human languages, too, she would have mostly heard those spoken by someone with bird vocal anatomy. As a Finnish-speaker it doesn't sound all that weird to me in the first place since Finnish is kind of monotone compared to English, but I like Samus sounding weird and I like the idea that she speaks English with a Chozo accent. The contents of the monologues do still have plenty of problems, but this I at least never had issue with.
I also like her portrayal in Samus Returns being kind of a duality of contrasting extremes. On one hand she's very "I fucking got this, I'm Samus" like in Dread; especially with the melee counter, she kind of feels more aggressive than in previous games. On the other hand, Baby Metroid. And SR's rendition of the hatching scene is absolutely perfect, with Samus not only ready to fire but almost doing so, before reconsidering… and taking her time to consider, then powering down and lowering her cannon, and gently holding out a hand instead. Because no wonder Samus seems more aggressive in this game - she's the attacker here, and this is her stopping when it's almost too late to show the mercy she's been pushing back to get her mission done.
Something I also noticed because I'm currently playing through AM2R, which gives the Federation teams quite a bit more attention, is the difference in SR's and Echoes' approaches to the kind of similar situations of Samus finding their corpses, because here they're not really acknowledged much unless the player chooses to stop to look at them before running to the next room. Maybe it's accidental storytelling and a little meta with the AM2R comparison, but I find interesting the idea that Samus would be more callous about human deaths this time, if what seems like casual confidence in her mission is hiding her steeling herself for doing something her conscience doesn't quite agree with. She just quickly notes they're dead, as she expected they would be, and takes it as one more sign of how dangerous the Metroids are, and doesn't let herself feel bad for them because we don't do that emotion today. I don't know if her visor being shaped like Dark Samus's in this particular game and only this game is on purpose, but I love it.
I also like that the ending leaves open the possibility that her mercy extends not only to the Baby Metroid, with how the art style having fewer limitations than 2D sprites makes kind of conspicuous that Samus could probably have done more to make sure Ridley is actually dead. So, maybe this one time she chose to spare him. She must know it's probably a bad decision (one she'll be kicking herself for all through Super Metroid's events), and he doesn't deserve mercy. I don't think she would normally grant him any. She knows he wouldn't do the same for her. But, after what's happened, maybe for her own sake she needs to do something he wouldn't.
I don't know if that's how I prefer to interpret it, but I like that the potential to do so is there.
● 37. Favorite bounty hunter aside from Samus?
I like Ghor. He's such an enormous ham, but I like that his kindness still comes across in his limited and largely violent screentime even if you don't read the scan about him. He gets out of the mech suit in the middle of a battle just to talk to Samus, because he doesn't want to speak to her aggressively like the mech makes him. All of the three hunters in Corruption retain some of their real self while possessed; Rundas makes a dramatic hero's entrance killing Samus's enemies before he turns on her, Gandrayda teases her and remembers her nickname for her. After gloating how Samus can't defeat him, Ghor adds with a more subdued voice an "unless" about how she can still succeed, and I like to think that was him breaking through Dark Samus's influence just for a moment, using that chance not to ask for help but to provide it.
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ryuichirou · 1 month ago
Shorter replies related to recently posted artworks!  And some other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
The anon who sent the ask about twst boys’ reactions to a partner who doesn’t masturbate is still here, it’s me. I actually forgot I sent this. Also, I just found out that tumblr will do that with a / included. Looks so weird.
Anon, you are an angel. Thank you once again for the question, it’s good to see you here.
Also yeah, apparently it does! I didn’t even notice that at first. If you’re talking about it changing it to the %, that is… But it happened after posting, so the initial ask looked the way you intended.
I know we had one post that tumblr “ate” a chunk of because of some of the symbols I used... I wish there was a way to make sure it doesn’t happen.
Anonymous asked:
I love your art the only thing that bothers me is that it sometimes clashes with my darker than night no blue light setting and I have to decide if I'm desperate enough to blind myself with light after finding a corner away from public eye or can I wait to blind myself with light when I get home? (Dont know why I'm always in public when you're more risker things go up)
I am sorry Anon, I hope your eyes are okay lol I love using darker colours and contrasting lights recently, it probably doesn’t help the situation either.
I don’t know if it’s ever safe to open our stuff in public… I’m sorry you have to go through this inner conflict every time ✊😔
Anonymous asked:
You are so right that Trein is babygirl material. Being a tired old widowed man with children is PEAK babygirl
Exactly, Anon! It’s all about the energy.
Plus, we just watched Ruggie’s Dorm Uniform Vignette, and oh god… this man is insanely babygirl. He is so cute when he is all worried about his precious cat… :”3 <3
Alright, about yesterday’s fem!Floyd:
Anonymous asked:
a fedora and calling someone "m'lady", yet somehow it makes her more appealing
this just proves that what the nice guy incels really need is bigger boobs and sharp teeth
Yeah, it’s almost not fair lol Floyd has such an advantage! One would say, two of them…
Although even imagining just a regular boy Floyd doing this exact thing doesn’t feel too cringe somehow. Is it because he is a fuckboy?
Anonymous asked:
Hot damn
I hope she's in Mostro Lounge violating health codes, Azul could make a real business out of that one
Yeeeeah with the twins being such nice-looking ladies, you know it’s incredibly tempting for Azul to start using it to her advantage lol
Anonymous asked:
Twisted Wonderland if it was better goddamn those are some TITS
Superior version!! lol I can’t stop thinking about mermaids being big-boobied…
Anonymous asked:
If the person is beautiful, regarles gender, that person still ɓeəutfuI
Exactly, but also I am a weak person who is biased towards women..!!
Anonymous asked:
Holy melon
🙏 🍈
Now about Malleus the birthday boy!
Anonymous asked:
That it? Only a side of his butt?
This is already more than most are lucky to witness when it comes to Malleus’ gorgeous butt <3
(I say as if I haven’t drawn his butthole spread open 1000 times)
Anonymous asked:
That face! I like the detail on the robe. Also
Thank you so much!! I can’t with his outfit, it’s so incredibly pretty…
I DON’T KNOOOOW this is his Prince magic… what a gorgeous creature
And about another birthday boy!! <3 Gilbert!
Anonymous asked:
AHHH I didn't know you know about heteila !!! You're officially the best my favorite characters are both Italy and Spain!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Of course we know Hetalia, Anon! It was such a huge part of our lives growing up lol It’s still is, to be honest, we come back to it at least once a year... to draw Prussia for his birthday of course! There are Hetalia drawings on this blog from like 2011-2012… and those aren’t even my oldest ones of them, yikes.
Spain and the Italy brothers are wonderful, we love them a lot too! 🍅
Thank you for your kind words <3
Anonymous asked:
Holly shit its gilbert/prussia! Didn't expect to see him but ita a pleasant surprise. Know my bff will enjoy seeing him as well mostly since I normally spam her with a lot of your twisted stuff
Ahhh I hope your bff enjoyed seeing him lol I’m glad we could surprise you with him though!
Anonymous asked:
HETALIAAAAAAA IN 2025! My day is made!
Dein Zeichnung ist sehr gut! Ich mag deine Art!
No one who knows better German judge me. I only have a year and a half under my belt.
It’s a lot more German that I know so damn Anon you’re cool!
Also, Danke schön! <3
Anonymous asked:
You’re welcome, Anon! Enjoy your boy. And thank you <3
Now about the Trey/Deuce comic…
Anonymous asked:
Trey: you will die if you don't have sex with me
Deuce: okay
Ahh, Deuce!! This is way too easy..!!
Anonymous asked:
Trey has forgotten that one can't tell jokes like that to duece, since he's a few eggs short of a full basket. And I say this as loving as possible
Trey always underestimates just how naïve Deuce can be around a senpai that he trusts, just as much as he underestimates how little people doubt shit that he says…
Anonymous asked:
Japan people like to eat raw egg right? Why Deuce blush!?
Yeah, people around the world do sometimes. Not by licking it from the table though! Deuce doesn’t even fully realise why, but it feels embarrassing somehow… I wonder why indeed…
Anonymous asked:
Don't waste food.
He’s on it! Like a good boy!
Anonymous asked:
Now Trey is wanting Deuce's tongue to be used other than getting the egg.
Should drop an egg on his own crotch next time then…
Anonymous asked:
Naive boy. That not the egg you should lick. There are 2 more with a sausage waiting for you.
Be careful, Anon, what if he bites the sausage… we can’t risk Trey’s well-being like that..!
Anonymous asked:
I love how you draw Trey 😩 he's so hot
Thank you so much, Anon!!
I don’t draw him often, but whenever I do, I try to keep in mind that people apparently find this man hot, so there should be some sexy air about him…
Anonymous asked:
I see you with those blush marks Trey.... Seeing Deuce lick off the table like a dog turned you on didn't it Trey......... It's okay Trey this is a safe place please tell us all about it 🥰
It certainly awakened something in Trey’s wicked mind…. He has much to think about after that…
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banavalope · 2 years ago
Hello, I'm a Homestuck and Good Omens fan and just saw your post about coffee. I came to the Homestuck fandom way late, though, and don't know what the coffee theory was. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share that story from the trenches if it's not too traumatic :)
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I'll preface by saying, this all happened near about the time I began to step away from Homestuck, as this was late 2011 to early 2012. My recollection could very well be missing some juicier deets, because I always managed to avoid the worst of it. In all I had a pretty benign time floating about the Homestuck fandom, I'll say that. My knowledge is as a fly's.
If you want the short version: once upon a time, the Homestuck fandom was so stupid it had discourse over the way coffee was drawn in a single panel, because the stylistic choice used to show the way cheap potted coffee has that oil slick sheen on the top Really got the gamerz thinking Gamzee was putting troll blood in the coffee.
The long version is this: this Act was annoying. All the Acts had been annoying, there'd been rather more than six of them so far. The fandom's toxicity was at its most potent, and the main fandom exodus hadn't happened yet. But the stylistic choice brewing on page 4702 of A6I2 suggested a discourse was on the horizon, and it was the size of planet fucking Jupiter.
To understand the affairs of 2011/12 Homestucks, a few things are important to mention: first, nobody enjoyed Act 6. Ask anyone from the tumblr era First Wave, we all agreed that Cascade would have been a better place to start wrapping up the comic as a whole. When Act 6 opened introducing the alpha kids, a whole new plot derivative, and we all realized we'd have to go through the same slog again, that the story wasn't over, the collective exhaustion was palpable. SWATHS left unhappy; worse yet (for some), the alpha kids brought us away from the game of SBURB and the over-aching plot, to instead place our focus on their interpersonal relationships. It was a bad time to take your audience away from a well crafted climax.
Reading it now as a completed work makes this not so bad, because the book is wrote. You can consume it as a finished piece and clearly interpret a through line for yourself, start to finish. Skip it even, if you want. When you've no idea at what time the next update will come, while all the pieces remain necessary to tell the story, any pacing is bad pacing.
Second, while Homestucks are known for many things - all of them cringe - the one that goes overlooked most, in spite of the ripple effect we still feel from it today in every corner, is the sheer amount of over analyzing done to the story itself. Every panel, every inch of every pixel, was a part of a puzzle we all collectively made up. Theorizing was an integral part to the Update Culture era of Homestuck's fandom, that we Figure Out the Story, you had to be the one who predicted what came next. Impressive how none of us came up with some kind of fandom Nobel Peace Prize, for how much we lauded it as a lifetime achievement.
I'll give you, Homestuck does have a very rich narrative. Much of it, I'll favor, is even intentional. It made worldbuilding choices captivating enough to get people painting themselves grey, for fun, so surely it had a few right ideas in some places. And there's nothing wrong about analyzing your media, picking apart its references to tie together a background story, even if it's just one you make up based on how you experienced reading it. That's kind of the whole point of consuming art. It's to be discussed, share your personal conclusions on. Theory is the breath of creativity.
It's the whole part about wanting to be right, where Homestucks as a collective force wanted to start eating each other alive on the spot. We were fucking OBNOXIOUS with theory posting. I'll be honest with you, I really ate that kind of thing up, and even I was getting annoyed. People were beginning to stretch, likely to cope with becoming bored.
Finally, the sober Gamzee controversy. This came about a while before coffeegate, but the effect the inciting update had on Homestucks is comparable to a haunting. It was fucking chernobyl, and a bad day to be a nuclear scientist because now it was your problem. Vriska fans - equally insufferable, as we all were by some respect[1] - and Gamzee fans fought with each other VEHEMENTLY, just to see whos gang was better. Keep that in the background of your mind as the theme music to what's playing. Everyone was anxiously wondering what had happened to Gamzee, because for the last several some-odd panels, we'd lost the boy. He was full of murderous intent, we were down to precious few characters on the meteor left, and we'd lost the boy.
So here we are. It's 2011. We're standing now at the end of the world, we've lost the boy for several panels, and finally the plot is trying to move along. We're all tired, and irritated, and divorced, doing this song and dance one more time but god willing the LAST TIME, when a joke about the look of shitty potted coffee gets made.
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And some harbinger of the fucking apocalypse takes to tumblr dot com, drafting up a post about how Gamzee - living in the meteor walls - is putting troll blood into the coffee. Because, otherwise, how is Kanaya as a rainbow drinker doing so fine? Dave called the taste metallic, like blood. Something something long forgotten theories about trolls blood here something something. People would chime in to say "that's just how coffee looks", somehow it dissolved into actual discourse of people violently discussing back and forth how it could ONLY BE BLOOD, because coffee drawn in a prior panel UPDATES AGO didn't have the film on top, only now AFTER SOBER GAMZEE. Etcetera. It was just the worst case of reading too hard into something that you done ever did see.
Shortly following this, many people who were already growing exhausted with Homestuck's narrative direction at this point decided to take this coffee theory as their sign the flood was coming and to board the ark or learn how to swim. Anyone who learned to swim subsequently left during the exodus of 2015.
Again, my memory is pretty hazy. Thanks to Requiem Cafe, surprisingly difficult to google these days. Certainly another old still following me will have something more to add that I'm forgetting, as your handy dandy unreliable narrator.
[1] Said the Eridan fan.
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the-mirage-forest · 6 months ago
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Wielder lineup part 1! I apparently never posted this so woops, sorted by age order (Not physical age, literal age)
Clip art & basic lore below the cut because I know this is far too wide and not tumblr friendly, more detailed lore is linked in my intro post
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The first Mirage Wielder and the Wielder of Darkness, Scuro is the only wielder to be directly blood related to Saturn, as Saturn became lonely after the Starborn moved out and created a child (clone) of himself so as to not be so lonely. You wouldn't really guess this, as many millennia ago, Scuro struck a deal with the Blue Xiilune and traded their position as the Wielder of Magic, damaging the zotura (An artifact that turns normal people into Wielders) for magic but also turning them into a strange gooey mass with no memories of their former self. They're very childish and cheerful otherwise.
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The 2nd eldest Wielder and the only one to hail from Earth, Shi is unique because his Zotura can actually think and speak in mortal terms, but is kind of a sassy, very-literal tool. As the Wielder of Death, him and his Zotura bicker very often on how to treat the subject, having never quite reached an agreement.
Shi himself is very older-brother-esque, placing a high priority on his family, responsible, mature, if a bit stuck-up, stubborn, judgemental, and "I'm too old to be engaging in KIDDY stuff, that's cringe." (He is very cringe)
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You can expect the Wielder of The Undead to be a bit strange, and you would be vastly underestimating Jini. She was originally a poor child working on a factory, where she stumbled upon the Undead Zotura via it getting stuck in a machine, and its power causing it to explode the entire factory. The Zotura would haphazardly put Jini back together, but she was never quite the same after her wielder-ification, being a bit quiet, creepy, kooky, and "no thoughts, head empty." Rest assured though, Jini can still be a good sibling, if a bit morbid at times.
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A bit concerning that this is the 3rd wielder in a row who's undead, but Amanzi serves as a grim reminder of how cruel the ocean can be. He was once part of a sea-monster hunting ship, but his entire crew was attacked and eaten by said sea monsters. Bitter, he became a poltergeist, one that lost itself to the violence and didn't come back until the Water Zotura found its way into the sea. After becoming a Wielder, Amanzi chilled out, becoming calmer, lazier, and friendly. If he's near the species of monster that ate him however, he becomes skittish, violent, and flighty. If it gets worse, there's a good chance he might revert to his poltergeist form.
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Flacara was obsessed with the Fire Zotura the moment she heard about it, researching and pouring over it for hours, convinced that it was just for her and that its power was far better than what her family could offer. One night, her obsession grew so great and her isolation so bad that she blew up on her family, running off to find the Zotura. She did find it, and it chose her, but she soon began to regret how she treated her family, especially after finding out being a Mirage Wielder was more familial than told.
She's extremely lonely, bitter about her own isolation and takes it out on her siblings, making them stay away from her more. Flacara deeply wants friends and to mend her relationships with her siblings, but finds herself too anxious & ashamed to try communicating. Recently, she's become very taken to the internet, making online friends who are equally as socially inept as her, and Flacara's personally trying to convince herself that the internet is all she needs for friends.
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Before Shimber became the Wielder of Wind, he was bullied immensely for his like of a certain fantasy boardgame (But The Mirage's version of it), and no one at school was willing to play with the Childish Annoying Kid. One day, a group of older classmates decide to trick Shimber into jumping down a hole, with the promise that they would play with him if he did it. They, of course, abandoned him the moment Shimber got stuck, leaving a poor child lost, injured, stuck, and alone. But as fate would have it, a strange, four-legged figure would happen upon Shimber all alone, and tossed a strange object down the pit.
Shimber is the embodiment of a middle child, he's constantly forgotten about, people find him annoying, a bit too loud and high-energy, and he still can't get many of his siblings to play with him. He seems attached to Flacara though, and she seems to tolerate him, oddly enough.
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3xen · 2 years ago
I need more gusion fanfics.... Specifically enemies to lovers please...... Please....there no more gusion fanfics I've scearched a03 Tumblr Wattpad pls....
forbidden desires; gusion it was your mission to kill gusion paxley—an enemy to your kingdom, a hidden lover.
n. had this msg in my inbox for quite some time. im so srry for taking so long to write it. if i ever feel like it, ill make a better version <3 for gusion's mask, i imagined his night owl skin!
c. enemies to lovers, forbidden relationship, unrequited love, angst, ooc(?)
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the night of the masquerade party.
you pulled him aside from the crowd—a fiery glare being his greeting. he wore a silver mask, two purple ombre feathers sprouting out lavishly from the top-sides. you lightly caressed his shoulders, your lips curving into a charming smile.
“you reek of hostility.” he scoffs at your attempts to lighten the mood. you can only respond in a laugh at his reaction—fully amused. slowly, you start to sway your hips as his hands find its place at your waist.
“i was forced to be here.” he confesses, warily following your movements. “what’s your name?”
“my brother invited you?”
“a hand-written letter.” you confirm, the two of you starting to spin in place—matching the rhythm of the ballroom music. his orbs lock onto yours, the intensity of the moment is overbearing—your instincts telling you to look away. but you don’t, growing more invested as it continues.
your mission was to merely stall gusion.
“the castle is under attack!” a voice belares amidst the crowd.
he was a formidable foe.
“get to safety!”
and for a moment, it felt safe–in his arms.
“_____!” a look of panic flashes across his eyes.
at first, it’s denial.
his eyes frantically search the room—for any sign of you. but, you're gone. all that's left behind is that mask you wore.
it’s been a while since that night.
you wished you acted on logic, moreover, your own desires. through that short time, you managed to attach yourself to him. it was nothing sweet, it ate like maggots at your brain.
the mere thought had you bound and helpless.
“the backway gate is your only form of entrance. the safest,” the voice pauses, intent on getting this plan through your head.
“_____? are you listening?” you jolt awake, eyes blinking to soothe the strain.
“yes? yes. i-im listening.”
“this is crucial, not just as the heir to the throne but our kingdom as a whole. don’t mess this up.” you nod repeatedly, making it appear to seem as if you're interested.
castle aberleen.
you wander quietly through the main hall, pushing a rolling cart filled with cups and platters. you were dressed as a servant with formal attire.
‘it should be marked with a name..’
you skimmed through the letters of each door as you passed. finally, you stumbled upon a certain door, marked with ‘gusion paxley’.
as you stood in front of his door, ready to enter, you took a few deep breaths while your legs and hands began to feel like jello. the tips of your fingers suddenly becoming cold as you start to zone off.
the crickets from outside seemingly stopped chirping as the room began to feel more and more isolated. you pull yourself out of the endless trance by pinching your thigh, causing a deep shiver to run through your spine.
“sir, your tea is ready.” you coo as your mind wanders elsewhere; wondering if this was the right thing to do.
your kingdoms haven’t always been on bad terms, you were once honorable allies. somewhere in you, believed the two kingdoms were capable enough to form a treaty. it would surely declare peace between the lands.
you didn’t think you would have enough courage to kill gusion paxley but you weren’t going to disobey your kingdom’s orders, you couldn’t. you were too afraid of rejection.
“leave it at the door.” you can clearly see the shadows of his feet through the bottom of the door. you sigh, sadly even.
you slowly crack the door open, placing a hand on your leg holster. something in you hoped he’d flee, that’d he’d completely leave the lands. it would avoid more issues, no more killing, no more pain.
before you fully enter his room, you’re tackled to the ground by strong hands. he flips you on your back, dead intent on catching this assailant. his eyes lock on your figure, his expression consisting of shock and hurt.
“_____..” his soft voice trails off, you manage to maintain eye-contact through your teary lashes. your body melts in his arms, a feeling of warmth and fondness.
“im sorry.” you murmur while he places his hand on the back of your head, pulling you firmly into his chest. you can feel his breath hitch, he strokes your hair gingerly, almost like a silent apology.
“i’ll protect you.”
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© 3xen
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thenationaltreasuregazette · 5 months ago
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I'm In: Abigail's Arc, pt 2
Previously, we were talking about Abigail's Arc in the first National Treasure, and comparing her journey to one Elizabeth Swann, another leading lady in an early 2000s Bruckheimer-produced Disney action-adventure flick that turned an absurd premise into a fantastic film greater than the sum of its parts.
Two nickles, you know?
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We had just reached the point where our leading ladies were diving headfirst into their respective adventures, pulling no punches and leaving no precious documents un-lemon juiced.
Abigail is answering riddles and matching Ben on every test of historical trivia; Elizabeth is outsmarting ruthless pirates and matching will on every test of 'will they do piracy.'
Which brings us to:
First of all, a moment of silence for the completed version of this post that tumblr ate despite repeated used of the 'save as draft' button. Alas.
But on the plus side since then I've
had covid
actually rewatched Curse of the Black Pearl instead of scrubbing through it and hoping for the best
Part 7: Colluding with the Enemy
It's one thing for Abigail to be working with Ben and Riley. After all, they are the 'good guys' who are just as committed to getting the Declaration back as she is.
Well, maybe not quite as much, since she didn't, you know, steal it, but hey.
But things get a lot more interesting when Abigail partners with Ian.
Ben and Riley are, like, weird nerds on a quest that just happens to necessitate several crimes. Ian and his crew are career criminals. Just look at how the movie frames their preparations for the heist. Ian and his allies will not hesitate to use violence to get what they want, and anything in their way—including the Declaration of Independence—is in danger because of it.
And yet, Ian is Abigail's first call when Ben is arrested.
It doesn't even take her a long time to reach the conclusion that this is her best option to get the Declaration back (and maybe find some treasure on the way).
Before this moment, Abigail is invested in the treasure hunt, but maintains a certain sense of plausible deniability—she was kidnapped into this after all, and while she's been tagging along on her own agency since the Jefferson Memorial, there's still a sense that she's only doing the things she's doing because she got caught up in the middle of a larger situation, and is doing what she can to ensure the Declaration remains unharmed.
Whether this would work out as a defense for her legally is one thing, but at least emotionally, Abigail can tell herself that she's not like these guys. She's not actually a treasure hunter, or a criminal, or somebody who would trespass on and damage historic buildings if not under duress. She's Just Trying to Protect the Declaration Godddamnit™.
But when she calls Ian, all that evaporates.
Sure, maybe she believes that Ben has a better chance of getting the Declaration back before Ian harms it than the FBI does, but Abigail has never expressed a mistrust in authority or a belief that the FBI can't or won't save the document. She could let them handle it.
Instead, she collaborates with the same criminals who were holding her at gunpoint the night before. It doesn't even take her long to make the decision to do so.
The sequence goes:
Ben gets arrested
Abigail and Riley slip away before they're spotted
In the park, Abigail asks Riley how to contact Ian
At the FBI field office, we join Ben and Sadusky at the end of Ben's interrogation
Ian calls proposing Abigial's plan
Abigail puts this plan into motion very quickly: between the time Ben is arrested and his arrival at the FBI office, presumably. She has to, because the plan is already in place by the time Ben is finished telling the story to Sadusky.
That's a pretty quick turn for someone who couldn't even fathom treasure hunting 24 hours earlier.
Over in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Elizabeth started out working with the bad guys of her story, coercing and being coerced by Barbossa's crew, but now she finds herself in similar circumstances to Abigail. She's been separated from group and stuck with the team clown/genius while her beau is caught and captured. And Will's fate is going to be much worse than prison for a very long time if she can't get to him.
When Elizabeth is marooned with Jack, she sets a signal fire to summon the British Navy. Well, first she gets drunk on rum, sings sea shanties, aaaaalmost kisses Jack and thinks, yeah, no, I'm done with this. Then, she signals the navy.
And when they refuse to mount a rescue operation for Will, Elizabeth uses the only leverage she has left and agrees to marry Commodore Norrington.
Both women are sacrificing the futures they want for themselves in order to make these rescues. Elizabeth wants a future that includes Will and does not include Norrington. Abigail wants a future that includes her job protecting historical artifacts, and does not include losing any historically significant artifacts to a criminal.
Yet those are exactly the futures they are giving up by making these deals.
They are also, to some degree, lying.
Elizabeth, I think, truly does intend to marry Norrington although she obviously doesn't want to. Abigail says
ABIGAIL We made lan believe he could have the treasure. It was the only way we could get this far.
"Made Ian believe" implies to me that she is more actively lying and hopes they can find a way out of it. But that way is not guaranteed.
In both movies they are partnering with/manipulating a third party they don't want to be aligned with in order to get what they want (and risking their preferred futures in the process)
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss and all that.
Yikes this has gone on long enough. Part 3?
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purplesurveys · 11 days ago
1 - Surveys aside, do you use Tumblr for any other reason? Not anymore. I haven't had a 'main' blog here since 2015, when I used to have a Tumblr account for wrestling. Since then I've only had a blog for surveys, save for a very brief phrase 3/4 years ago when I also lurked on Tumblr for fanfic...heh. It didn't last long only because I learned that AO3 has more much better-written stories.
2 - Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Do you update them all regularly? I dunno...what would one count as a lot? I have a Facebook, two IGs, a Reddit (if it counts), and a Twitter (that I never use anymore, and only keep so I can track orders I buy from online shops).
I hardly update my socials anymore, and am only active over at my finsta where I keep all the IRLs I actually like. Ever since work started to suck for me, I've kept a distance from my main socials - and everyone on there - and only keep an extremely curated version of myself and my feed.
3 - Does it bother you when your socks don’t match? What about your underwear? Outside of work, I'm fine with my socks not matching! I think it adds an eccentric touch to an outfit, and I don't mind looking playful. I don't care much for matching underwear, too.
4 - How many times a year do you go on vacation? Do you tend to go to the same places each time? Anywhere between 2-4 for the whole year. For the most part, we don't do repeats so that we can always go to new places and see new sights every time we travel.
5 - How many times did it take you to pass your driving test? Just once. I nearly failed since I wasn't used to the car they had me use, and do feel like the instructor just felt for me and gave me a barely-passing mark to get it over with – and also because I had already been in line for 7 hours lol.
6 - When you’re in trouble, do your parents ever “middle name” you? No, but my mom would use a variation of my name.
7 - Which family member do you look like the most? Which one do you resemble the most in terms of personality? I look like my mom the most, but I feel my personality is a mix of both parents.
8 - Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
9 - Do you prefer Apple or Android? Apple.
10 - Does getting sweaty or dirty bother you at all? If so, has it ever put you off doing exercise? It's not so much the sweat that bothers me, but the stickiness that comes with the sweat/humidity/climate. Then as for exercise, I really just dislike putting my body through physical stress. I was Not Built to be active, lol.
11 - Have you ever broken a bone? What were the circumstances that led to this happening? Never broken a bone. I've sprained my left ankle twice, though - the first time was in college while walking to my car and literally the lamest way possible I could injure myself + next time was during my 24th birthday and had a nasty fall after missing a step. I was very lucky to have gotten away with just a sprain because the way I fell I could've very much hit my head straight on those concrete stairs.
12 - If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be? I'd dye my hair either purple or green. But I don't ever want to go through bleaching anymore, so it's back to black I go.
13 - When was the last time your computer crashed or froze? is this something that happens often? My work laptop shut down on me for the very first time, without notice and without prompt, sometime in the last week. Poor thing must have been exhausted, lol.
14 - Do you ever have problems with your sleep? Not at all, I can fall asleep easily.
15 - What was the last thing you ate for breakfast? Is this a normal breakfast meal for you? I can't even remember the last time I had breakfast; I always skip it. The last proper breakfast I had may have been the one in Japan, well over a month ago? I had rice, raw egg, and natto.
16 - Have you ever thought about how you want to spend your retirement? I don't need to travel. I just need a comfy home and the assurance that I'll never go hungry and will always have access to food.
17 - When was the last time you got a new tattoo or piercing? Do you have any plans to get either in the future? I don't have a tattoo, and my first and only set of piercings is the one on my ears which my parents had done for me when I was a baby.
18 - How would you describe your personality? People will probably describe me as aloof, which is true. I keep to myself in scenarios where I should be minding my own business - like at work... but tbf I can be a bit of an extrovert if I am in more familiar environments. Other than that idk, 'personality' is such a wide concept that it's impossible to answer this in just a few sentences.
19 - Have you ever heard of “hygge”? is this something you enjoy or participate in at all? I've never heard of it.
20 - What colour was the last vehicle you travelled in? Does this vehicle belong to you or someone else? White. It's generally understood in my family as my car, but my dad bought it and technically owns it.
21 - Would you describe yourself as healthy? Why or why not? In the conscious sense, no - I have a handful of terrible habits. I just happen to be quite lucky with my genes because despite the shitty practices I can't stop doing, I never get sick or have never had any serious consequences.
22 - Would you describe yourself as messy or organised? Is this something you would like to change? I can be a bit messy, and yes of course it would always be nice to be a bit organized.
23 - Do you miss anything about being a teenager? If you are a teenager, what’s your favourite thing about it? The whole thing about feeling indestructible and free. You felt like the whole world was yours, you can keep dreaming, you can make mistakes and have the option to simply restart when it happens, you feel the magic and lightness of young love...it was a really exciting and freeing time. I feel like I'm running out of time all the time now as an adult.
24 - Are you patriotic at all? Why/why not? It's very hard to find things to like about this country, because there is close to none. Just this afternoon it literally took people 5 hours to get tickets for Hobi because the ticket provider's website crashed and clearly did not prepare during the last few weeks it spent hyping people up. Bangkok sold out like 2 PM and we were stuck waiting til 5 PM LMAOOOOO. Public transport is severely behind, traffic tests your patience, people scam each other all the time, drivers drive like they're out to kill one another...it's exhausting being here. I stay home most of the time now because the outside can get very draining.
25 - Have you ever had to wear a white lab coat before? Was this in school or for a job? I don't think I've done that.
26 - Would you ever want to do the same career(s) as your parents? I've looked into getting into the same industry precisely because I've been around it so much, but I wouldn't take up the same careers per se since I don't know anything about hospitality/customer service.
27 - Do you believe in aliens? Is there a reason why (or why not)? Sure.
28 - Which animated film would you most like to live in? I dunno - Big Hero 6? So we can have real-life Baymaxes.
29 - When was the last time you got into an argument? Have you made up with that person yet? I don't get into arguments.
30 - What are you going to do now this survey is over? Look for another one, and take as much of it as I can.
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milksnake-tea · 4 months ago
omg tumblr ate the first paragraph of this LOL WHY
I basically just apologized because I was the og anon who mentioned the full leak the SH Sunday info came from was sus/heavily stated not confirmed from what I gathered online, but many people saw it, took it, ran with it outside of the full context and made it look more confirmed. It seems a lot has happened to your inbox since then so I hope it wasn't too much of a bother! I overthink these things...
honestly I have personally seen great reasonings both for and against the SH and AE for Sunday. I have faith that whatever they write for him will be great regardless, but I do hope it will be AE just to see him more x) I heard (I don't recall this being said in a stream but I may be wrong) that Shaoji's fave character from the cast IS Sunday, so I definitely think extra care will be given and regardless of where he ends up, the story will be satisfying.
And who knows... maybe he will be given the Firefly treatment where he gets a bunch of ads and additional screen time 👀 personally I'm anxiously awaiting his merch series. hyv never fails in that department (well, maybe they miss out on small seemingly better merch ideas but still lol). Like I bought some Aven and Robin merch and I am SO excited for future versions of those that will be Sunday themed (like light cone sand block). Plus his cute little nendo with Robin and oh boy I'm getting sidetracked lol
Personally I wasn't fully sold on the SH Sunday side until I saw a video on YouTube about it. All people talking about it really glossed over details and made it sound very circumstantial vs tailored to Sunday. I also do think that though Sunday has done some morally ambiguous things, I lowkey feel like he would still ?? can't think of the word but I imagine a version of Sunday almost clutching pearls because of the intensity of what the SH do sometimes. He viewed his ideals/methods as worth it, but idk if he'd feel that way about others' methods for similar ideals, if that makes sense. Either way, I'm excited for him to be a permanently relevant cast member. WE ARE IN THE FINAL STRETCH I CAN'T WAIT
dude i completely forgot to reply to this BUT YOURE FINEEE DWDW I WASNT THAT BOTHERED BY IT honestly i was just being dramatic GOODBYE 😭😭😭 bc imma be so fr. i dont care where sunday ends up and honestly ae works out bc we see him more !!! i just want sunday to do some crimes. personally
and yeah you're right he would clutch some of his pearls but at the same time i personally don't think he'd be too opposed to it depending on who it's being done to - how i see sunday is that he is completely fine with doing fucked up things if the people he's doing them to are also just as fucked up/are a threat, if that makes sense? but yeah he'd probably be like wtf... when he sees silver wolf unleash idk a bunch of data demons and watch them wreak havoc... IDK !! i still think sh sunday would be a fun idea BECAUSE of how he clutches his pearls but he's still there regardless bc elios plan to save the universe is pretty appealing... also adds the whole paradise thing in there too if that makes sense.... but again ae is also amazing for him so good for lil baby
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drews-amazing-journey · 5 months ago
Hello peoples,
This is my first tumblr post how exciting! Today I slept for 6 hours and woke up at eleven am. Started the morning off strong falling off a bird at four in the morning but it’s ok! I went to my morning discussion at twelve and ended my last class around five pm. Today I came home late due to having lots and lots of assignments and was very tired. I was so tired that I didn’t have anything to eat till around six pm. I ate tofu soup which was refreshing for the throat because of my sepsis infection. I’m hoping to do more and more everyday working harder to achieve my goal of becoming a better version of myself everyday. Goodnite everyone.
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khrysostomos · 11 months ago
Idk if tumblr ate the first ask but: in an outsiders xmen au, who would you make a mutant as opposed to keeping human? also what powers would you give them?
omg anon. big brain time, ty for this.
if i had to do an x-men au in the 60s, i'd make pony a mutant for damn sure. he's our protag, he is Special by Nature, so i would for him on initial instinct. i think dallas is a wild card for me; he'd either be a really destructive mutant or a very vehement human mutant supporter.
power wise... hm. i am fond of pony's ties to the sun so maybe a sun based power or maybe a power with empathy/emotions. or an interesting take would be lifeguard's powers where he mutates to survive situations. dallas if he were a mutant and particularly destructive, i'd either make him psychic which would be a Problem for Everyone or i'd give him something close to wolverine's powers. or perhaps, depending on the narrative, more destructive powers like boom boom or a more weaponized version of gambit's powers.
darry is a human all the way, as is soda. i think while soda would be interesting, narrative wise, ponyboy is usually Othered in his family and thus it's better that he's the only mutant. (if i had to give soda a power, probably a pheromone power that fucks with his perception of self). there's a temptation to make johnny a mutant, just one that's stronger than expected. he'd be interesting with a telepathy power that i think would shred him mentally.
steve is a human and i think he'd be one who really struggles with the realities of mutants when they start appearing in his own circle. two bit is similarly just a human while also much more immediately accepting of what's going on. (though it would be funny if he actually has a slow acting healing factor which he uses to drink more lmao)
i think a soc or two would be mutant, hiding it and eventually go onto bigger positions in life while hiding what they have to be "normal."
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gffa · 2 years ago
I sent this ask before and maybe Tumblr ate it, or you missed it, or you did see it and just didn’t want to answer it (in which case sorry for sending it again) or lots of other things, but just in case it was one of the first few I am sending it again haha
I (fledgling Dick Grayson fan, indoctrinated by your posts) think that you (veteran Dick Grayson fan) would enjoy the fic “birdsong” by ScarlettSwordMoon on AO3. The summary is as follows:
After getting a face full of Scarecrow’s newest toxin, Dick isn’t haunted by his typical nightmares. No. This one has little green pixie boots. AKA Batman: Ego but make it Robin.
It’s a very good fic looking into Dick’s relationship with Robin as a concept as well as his siblings’ versions of the hero. I’m not super familiar with the comics, but it felt like a good homage to Robin through the ages. Plus it has a nice Dick & Bruce moment at the end!
Hi! It's entirely possible that it's somewhere in my rat's nest of an inbox (half my fault, half not my fault, that it's such a mess 😂) but I'm always up for fic recs! Sometimes it does take me a bit to respond, because I have literally almost a thousand fics on my reader that I'm making my way through and I like to try to read the fic before responding, but it's never because I'm not interested! But also *rubs hands gleefully* there is no better way to brighten my day than to tell me I've been helping to indoctrinate you into becoming interested in being a Dick Grayson fan, look, I recognize that I am super biased, that he's my Blorbo to the max, I am not at all objective about my fave, and possibly even super annoying about him, but I will also help showcase fun comics and great fic and great art, so I think the trade-off is worth it. ;) Listen, I just really love these characters and I know comics can be kind of intimidating to get into because there's so many of them and they're not the softer versions you'll often find in fic and some of the case parts of the stories can get kind of boring, but I do genuinely think they're worth it! You're allowed to pick and choose what you want to read, you don't have to read everything, you can skim something that's boring you, you can drop in and out of wherever you want, you will learn how to navigate them pretty quickly once you've started reading them, and there are always tons of fans who are happy to suggest recs for good starting places! And, yeah, you can totally read fic without having read much of the source material, many of us have fandoms where we do that! But there have been so many times where, having read the issues something is based off of has enhanced my experience in the fic, so I want to encourage you guys to read more with me, it makes the fic that hits you just right all the more satisfying. Thank you for the rec and I have put it on my reader! <3
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