#the first one that had a girlfriend was the 12 year old marry him first instead
sugaroto · 26 days
My pappous remembered that time we made that deal that I would get married by 25
You guys are all invited to my wedding on 2030
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writingwithciara · 1 month
is she really yours -quinn hughes-
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summary: quinn has loved y/n literally his whole life, but she's about to get married to someone else. will he have the nerve to tell her before it's too late?
word count: 3.9k
pairing: quinn hughes x reader
notes: i had an idea while listening to music, which is usually the case. i didn't like the way it ended but i honestly just wanted to finish it, plus i wrote most of the ending at 3am. i hope you enjoy it anyway.
when y/n was born, her mom made sure that ellen and jim were the first ones to meet her. she beamed with pride as she noticed the tears in her best friends eyes.
"would you like to hold her? she asked. ellen nodded and y/n's mom passed her the baby.
"welcome to the world, y/n." ellen smiled as she was handed the tiny baby. quinn, who wasn't even a year old, crawled his way over to his mother. "say hello, quinn."
the boy just babbled but when y/n reached her hand out and grasped his finger, he couldn't help but smile widely. ellen and y/n's mom exchanged a look, knowing that their children would be great friends
when luke was born, y/n had just turned 3 years old. she saw him for the first time and she was infatuated. she decided right then and there that she was going to protect him for the rest of her life.
quinn stood next to her and smiled down at his baby brother. he also decided that he would protect luke along with her. together they were going to be unstoppable.
when she was 9, y/n found herself with her first crush. she didn't know how to deal with it so she thought going to quinn for advice would help. it didn't.
when she found out the guy she liked was crushing on another girl, she experienced her first heartbreak. her immediate reaction was to run to quinn. he made sure she was safe and didn't leave her side until she was asleep. even though he was still young, he knew he loved her. and it pained him to see her so broken over a guy who wasn't even important.
at y/n's 13th birthday party, which only consisted of her family and the hughes family, y/n got a present from everybody. even jack got her something, despite labelling her as his 'rival' the year before. the only present she didn't receive during the party was one from quinn. she didn't know why it hurt her at the time, but she smiled anyway and moved onto the cake.
later that night, while sitting out by the pool in her backyard, y/n was alone & thinking about what her future was going to be like. she wasn't alone for long because quinn sat next to her and smiled.
"happy birthday, dumpling."
"yeah i suppose." she kicked the water and avoided eye contact.
"i'm sorry i didn't give you your present at the party." he handed her a small box wrapped in blue paper.
"it's alright. you didn't have to get me anything." she stared at the box in her hand.
"just open it. please?" quinn looked at her nervously as she slowly unwrapped the box.
"it's a charm bracelet." y/n picked it up and looked at the charms he picked out. "i love it, quinn. thank you." she threw her arms around his shoulders and he didn't hesitate to hug her back. y/n slipped the bracelet on her wrist and smiled.
"glad you like it." he smiled, kissed the top of her head and stood up. "happy birthday." he whispered to her before retreating back into the house to help with the cleanup.
it was decided right then that y/n loved quinn. she wasn't sure if it was platonically or something else, but she was sure there was love there.
when she finally turned 16, y/n was so happy. she had one thing on her wish list and that was to have her first kiss. the boys had each already had theirs. quinn's was last year, jack's was when he was 12 & luke's happened a month before jack's. y/n felt like she was far behind where she should be in life and that didn't sit right with her.
this was also the year that she determined that she loved quinn romantically & just as she was going to tell him, he announced to everyone that he had a girlfriend. it shattered y/n's heart and she couldn't run to him to pick up the pieces. so she turned to jack for help. he had gotten over his original 'hatred' for her when she ended up taking care of him during a particularly bad cold a few months prior to her birthday.
so when he saw the tears flowing down her face, he didn't hesitate to use the knowledge that quinn had passed on to him to make her feel better. he handed her one of his hockey hoodies and let her pick a movie to watch. as they settled into his bed for the night, jack felt a bit of anger towards his brother for announcing his relationship at y/n's party. he should've waited for another time, but instead he had to go and ruin y/n's special day.
when the movie was over, y/n looked at jack. "thank you for tonight. i thought for sure my birthday was ruined but this really helped me."
"it was my pleasure, truly." jack smiled down at her and suddenly realized he didn't get her a present this year. "oh my god. i am so sorry i didn't get you anything this year."
"it's fine. you did more than enough for me tonight." she bit her lip and began to pick at her nails. "besides, there was only one thing on my wish list this year."
"and what was that?"
"i wanted to have my first kiss at my party and i wanted it to be with quinn, but that was never going to happen. oh well. wishful thinking, right?" she chuckled nervously.
"i can do it, if you want."
"i mean, i'm not quinn, but if your only wish was to have your first kiss, then i'd be more than happy to do it. but only if that's okay with you."
"i guess there's really no difference in who i get it from. as long as i get the kiss, right?"
"yeah. right. so, what do you say?"
"let's do it." y/n smiled and leaned in. jack's lips were way softer than she figured they would be. when they both pulled away, jack looked at her.
"so how was that?" he asked nervously, afraid he might have messed up her dream.
"i have nothing to compare it to. but it felt really good. better than i expected, actually. so, um, thank you."
"you're welcome." jack smiled and pressed play on another movie.
when y/n was 18, quinn was about to leave michigan to become a professional hockey player. y/n and quinn were at the draft and they were both nervous.
"you're going to get picked by an amazing team and you're going to have a great rookie year. i'll be cheering for you no matter where you are."
"thanks. that's actually really comforting to hear." quinn smiled as y/n squeezed his hand. they watched as other players were called onto the stage. so far, 6 people had been drafted by the nhl and quinn was starting to doubt himself. but when y/n tightened her grip on his hand, he knew he'd be okay.
"the vancouver canucks are proud to select, from the michigan wolverines, quinn hughes."
"that's you." y/n stood up with quinn as he hugged her tightly and headed to the stage to get his jersey. as she watched him up on the stage, she couldn't help but feel sad that he wouldn't be around anymore. he was going to be playing his heart out on the west coast while she was stuck on the east coast.
by the time time quinn returned to her, she was crying but she tried to hide it as he approached her.
"hey, what's wrong?"
"you're going to be so far away. who am i gonna come to when i have a problem or when i just want to talk?"
"facetime exists, you know." he chuckled.
"but you're going to be too busy."
"too busy for you? never." he reached up and wiped her tears. "i'm always going to be here." he pointed to her heart and smiled. "it's going to be okay."
"okay." she smiled weakly as he pulled her into a hug.
he was being strong for her but he was breaking inside knowing he couldn't physically be there for her. he needed her in his life and he was determined to keep her in it, no matter what it took.
their plan worked for a while. they called each other and facetimed as much as their busy schedules would allow. and it was sufficient enough to keep their friendship alive, but eventually, it came to an end.
the 'before bed' facetimes turned into rushed phone calls and the calls on their birthdays were shorter than either of them wanted. just a quick happy birthday and they were over.
but y/n understood. quinn was a professional hockey player and she was busy at school in california.
it was there that she met a guy named hunter and fell in love with him almost immediately. he was everything she had wished for and although he wasn't quinn, she was fine with that. he treated her like she deserved.
they were together for 2 years before he asked her to marry him. she said yes and they began to plan for their big day. when they were planning who to invite, y/n wrote out quinn's invitation immediately. hunter didn't question it because he knew how much it would mean to her to have him there. sure they had drifted apart because of their schedules but he was still one of her best friends.
when quinn received the invitation, he felt his heart break. he wasn't sure if he wanted to attend the wedding of the girl he loved his whole life. so he thought hard about his decision. he knew how much it would mean to her if he was there and he didn't want to ruin her big day. so he accepted the invitation and even though he could've checked box to bring a plus one, he didn't. there was nobody he wanted to attend a wedding with because none of the girls were ever going to measure up to her.
it was finally the day y/n had dreamed of. all her friends and family were going to be there and she couldn't be happier.
she was in the room getting ready with her bridal party, which consisted of jack's girlfriend, lindays & hunter's sister, destiny. her mom and ellen were also in the room.
"oh, honey. you look absolutely gorgeous." ellen sipped her drink and admired her best friends daughter.
"thanks, ellen." y/n smiled and looked in the mirror.
"how do you feel about getting married?"
"and to my brother, of all people." destiny smiled.
"hunter's great. he really is." y/n ran her hands down the front of her dress nervously.
"but what?"
"the way you ended that sentence seemed like there was a 'but' coming."
"you guys know me so well." y/n sighed and turned to destiny. "hunter really is great. but it's just that he's-"
"he's not quinn?" she looked at her friend. "it's okay. i get it. quinn seems pretty awesome and i'm not mad that you love him more than you love my brother. but i think you should tell hunter before it's too late."
"ellen, are the boys here?" y/n ignored destiny and turned towards her best friends mom.
"i'm not sure. but i'll go check." she walked out of the room and in the hallway, she ran into quinn. "hey sweetie. so glad you could make it."
"i almost didn't come." he chuckled nervously.
"because the girl i've been in love with my entire life is getting married. it hurts, mom." he sighed. "but i can suck it up for a night because it'll make her happy that i'm here."
"oh, sweetie. i'm so sorry. i always thought it would be you two on this day. ever since the day she came home from the hospital and grabbed onto your finger with her hand. you smiled so wide that day. i'll never forget it. i could tell you loved her, even if you were only a few months old."
"that's sweet, mom." he chuckled and pointed to the room. "is she in there?"
"yeah. let me get everyone out so you can talk to her." ellen smiled and returned to the room. she walked over to where y/n was standing and whispered in her ear. "quinn's outside and he wants to talk to you."
y/n turned to face everyone and smiled. "okay you guys. the wedding is about to start. let's get in our places."
none of the girls hesitated as they walked out of the room. quinn made sure to stay out of sight until he saw his mom. she gave him a thumbs up and he slowly approached the door. he knocked twice and waited.
"come in." y/n called from where she was standing. quinn walked in and they made eye contact through the mirror.
"wow. you look amazing." quinn smiled.
"thanks. you do too." y/n turned around and walked towards him. "i'm so glad you're here. didn't think i could do this without you."
"are you kidding? i wouldn't miss your special day for anything."
"you know, when we were younger, i had dreams of marrying you. it always went south though, like some kind of sign that it would never happen in real life. and i guess that ended up being true. because here i am, set to marry the man i currently love in about 10 minutes," she glanced up at the clock. "with the man i used to love standing right in front of me. crazy how life works, huh?"
"yeah. that is pretty crazy." quinn looked at her. "you and hunter seem really happy, from what i've seen. you must really love him."
"yeah. i do. he's the best."
"that's good to know. glad someone's taking care of you and treating you like you deserve." quinn smiled and pulled a box from his pocket. "open this after the ceremony."
"okay." she smiled. "see you out there?"
"yeah. i promise." quinn walked out slowly, regretting that he didn't take that opportunity. he walked down the hallway of the venue until he got to the foyer, where he stopped. there were 2 doors. he could either take a left and go find his seat, or he could walk out the front door and never look back.
before his mind could decide, his feet were already taking him to the front door. he got in his car and turned out of the parking lot. part of him felt bad for not sticking around after he promised y/n he would, but the other part of him knew that if he had stayed, it would've hurt him. so he was thankful for his decision.
back at the venue, y/n linked her arm through jim's as they prepared to walk down the aisle. y/n was nervous and he could tell.
"it's okay to feel this way, you know. you don't have to pretend everything is perfect."
"i know. but i'm getting married. a girl normally only gets one of these days her whole life. what if hunter isn't the one i'm supposed to be with?"
"then if the marriage doesn't work out, there's always another chance. you're still young and beautiful. shouldn't be hard to find someone."
"what if the guy i really wanted to be with was the guy who has been by my side my entire life? and i somehow screwed that up but not going with him to vancouver when he offered?"
"honey, if you don't love hunter, you need to tell him. and if you really love quinn, then you need to tell him that."
"you're right, jim. thank you." y/n sighed. "could you go and get hunter for me?
"yeah. sure." he opened the door and walked in. y/n got a brief glimpse of the seats and noticed the one she reserved for quinn was empty. did he really not stay?
"hey, honey. what's wrong? jim said you wanted to talk to me." hunter walked out and it was then that he noticed the tears on her face. "are you getting cold feet? because that's understandable."
"i don't think i can marry you, hunter." y/n took a deep breath. "i love you, i really do. it's just that..."
"you're not in love with me?" he sighed and looked at her. "is it quinn?"
"i'm sorry." y/n wiped her tears from her cheeks. "i tried to get over him. i really did. but seeing him here a few minutes ago just brought back so much memories and i regret not taking the chance when i had it." she looked up at him. "you're not mad, are you?"
"no. i'm actually glad you came to this conclusion before we got married." he chuckled. "if he really makes you happy, then i suggest you tell him. i'm sure he'd be thrilled to know you're in love with him."
"how are you so calm and understanding about this?" y/n smiled.
"because i love you and i value your happiness over anything else. and since we're being honest, i don't think we were meant to be together. of course i'm always going to love you. but you deserve to be happy. and if it's not with me, then i respect that. thank you for telling me."
"you're probably the coolest guy ever. thank you." y/n hugged him and smiled. "um, can you tell everyone that even though there wasn't a wedding, they can still take part in the reception? i'm not gonna deprive all these poor people of food and a party because i mde the decision to not get married."
"you got it." hunter smiled. "now go be happy."
y/n kissed his cheek and ran out to her car. she was thankful she didn't choose an extremely long or puffy dress, as she was able to fit in her seat. she threw the veil in the backseat and looked at her phone. quinn's location was pinging at the lake house so that's where she drove. she spent the drive trying to figure out what she was going to tell him.
when she arrived and saw his car parked in the driveway, her heart started beating faster. for the first time in her life, she was nervous to tell him the truth. she didn't have any reason to be nervous but she was.
she got out of her car and entered the house quietly. she wanted to head up to her room and change out of the dress before she went to see quinn. luckily, most of her clothes were still in the dresser. she grabbed a pair of shorts and one of quinn's old umich sweatshirts.
when she was done changing, she went down to the dock and found quinn sitting on the back of the boat. she climbed on slowly, being careful not to make the boat rock, before she settled down next to him.
"what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at your wedding?" quinn asked, sounding rather annoyed to see her.
"i couldn't go through with it."
"that was your one chance at happiness and you just blew it, y/n. why would you throw it all away?"
"my one chance? quinn, i'm 23 years old. i'm still young and beautiful. i'll have more chances."
"why did you come here?" he sighed.
"i needed to see you. felt like we had some unfinished business."
"what do you mean?"
"after we talked, i realized that marrying hunter was not what i wanted."
"and what do you want?"
"isn't it obvious? i just called off my wedding because i know that i'll never love hunter as much as i love you."
"why would you love me? i haven't been that great recently."
"i've loved you my whole damn life, quinn hughes. i didn't realize it til i was 9, but that's when my mom told me the story of my first day home from the hospital. i reached out and-"
"you grabbed my finger with your hand and didn't want to let go." quinn smiled, remembering the story his mom told him. the memory was slowly coming back to him.
"your mom was always telling me that with the way you smiled at me that day, that she knew we were destined to be together. i never believed her because it never seemed like it. but now i-"
"i love you. and i have loved you since the first moment i saw you." quinn interrupted y/n and looked over at her. "there have been so many times over the past 23 years that i've wanted to tell you, but i could never do it. i couldn't risk the friendship we've had our whole lives."
"i loved you too, quinn. and i was going to tell you on my 16th birthday but you brought nicole to the party and told everyone she was your girlfriend. it really hurt me and it sucked."
"i know. and i'm sorry i ruined your special day. it was not my intention."
"it wasn't completely ruined. i had jack." she smiled.
"wait a second. you told me that you had your first kiss on your 16th birthday. was it with jack?"
"yes. it was. but it would've been you if you hadn't shown up with your girlfriend and broke my heart."
"again, i'm really sorry about that. i really thought nicole was going to last longer than she did." quinn chuckled nervously. "what can i do to make that night up to you?"
"maybe you can give me what i really wanted that night. and maybe all will be forgiven."
"what did you really want that night?"
"well i wanted my first kiss to be with you."
"i can't be your first kiss. but i can be your last." he looked at her expectantly & moved a piece of hair from her face that had come loose.
"okay." y/n took a deep breath and leaned closer. after 23 years, her lips finally met quinn's and it was just as she had imagined it. his lips were softer than jack's and he was a way better kisser than hunter. the only time she felt fireworks in a kiss was in that exact moment.
by the time they both pulled away, y/n's face felt like it was on fire.
"what do you think? did it live up to your expectations?"
"even better than i imagined. easily the best kiss of my life."
"even better than hunter?"
"oh. by far. jack's kiss was better too, not gonna lie." she smiled and looked at him. "but yours is by far the most incredible kiss i've ever had."
"glad you think so." quinn smiled. "so, was hunter mad?"
"no. he was actually very understanding. told me to go to you & tell you how i feel."
"so, you love me?"
"yes, quinn. i think calling off my wedding for you makes it pretty obvious."
"is it too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
"yeah. maybe a little too soon. let's go on a date first." she smiled and held his hand.
"can i still kiss you?"
"oh, absolutely." she smirked and pulled him in for another kiss.
she never belonged to hunter. she was always quinn's & they both knew that.
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Stepsister!Wanda x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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It all started the day your mom brought home her new boyfriend, Django, and with him came his daughter: Wanda Maximoff.
You could feel something stir within you the moment her eyes met yours and she gave you a shy smile. You could practically feel your heart beating out of your chest.
You and her were 12 at the time. You get like you weren’t old enough to like girls yet.
That was roughly seven years ago. Django and your mom married, making you and Wanda step siblings. You thought that being siblings now would’ve made your heart not look at her in that way anymore. And yet it persisted. No other girl in middle school or high school could compare to her.
Wanda, for the most part, didn’t date either. She was an introvert to the highest degree. She opened up to only two people in her life: you and her best friend Natasha.
Well she did start to date when you and her got to college. Her boyfriend was Vis, a foreign exchange student from England. He seemed proper enough but you hated him for taking Wanda away from you. The only times you ever saw Wanda was on weekends and in between college classes but he was always on her hip.
And so that brings you to New Years Eve. You promised your mom that you, Wanda, and Vis, who had never met your folks, would be home for the New Year. That didn’t mean that the three of you couldn’t stop off at a little college get together for the night first.
The party was loud, you couldn’t see or hear much over the mixture of music and voices. You tried to stay close to Wanda. This really wasn’t her forte.
“Come on Wanda,” Vis’ English accent tried to entice her. “It’s new years, what other way is there to celebrate?”
You turned and saw Vis trying to get Wanda up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. You gritted your teeth as one of your friends dragged you off for a split second.
The next thing you knew, you lost sight of both Wanda and Vis. Your heart broke to think that Wanda could’ve really been with someone else.
And then you caught sight of Wanda, tears streaming down her cheeks as she bolted out the door and into the cold. You turned to see Vis already making out with some other random chick.
You ran out into the blistering cold. That Vis was a jerk, making out with some other gal that wasn’t his date. You wanted to sock him in the jaw but Wanda was your bigger concern.
“Wanda?” You nearly shouted into the cold December air. You found her a few feet in front of you, crying her eyes out.
“Hey Red” you gently approach your stepsister and wrap an arm around her. She immediately turns around and buries her face in the crook of your neck.
“Take me home” she mutters against your skin.
You nod and guide her to your car. The ride home was quiet and somber. Wanda tried to wipe away a few fresh tears.
“I wouldn’t give it to him” she muttered.
“He wanted to-and I wouldn’t.” She tries to say through her tears. “So he went off with another girl.”
“You did good” you reassured her. “Vis was a jerk”
“Papa would’ve hated him”
“I hated him from the moment I met the guy. Accent or not, Vis was no gentleman” you muttered. You even did a mocking accent earning a giggle from your step sister.
You guide her back into your family home. The clock on the mantle read ten minutes to midnight. Wanda settled onto the couch. You went and brewed some tea for her.
You brought in two mugs of piping hot tea. Wanda blew on hers a little. “Sorry I ruined your New Year’s party” she whispers.
“I’d rather be with you than let you suffer alone” you take a sip.
“Almost midnight” Wanda gives you a shy smile, “sorry you didn’t have someone to kiss”
“None of the gals there interest me” you shrug.
“What? You need to find yourself a girlfriend. You’ve never had one. Middle school. High school. Now college? Why?”
You take a deep breath, “because no girl can compare to the one who loves Florence and the Machine, Harry Potter, and old black and white sitcoms…”
Wanda gasps and then begins to tear up as you continue.
“The girl who gave my darkest days hope. The one whose smile lights up my world. The girl I’ve been in love with since I wasn’t supposed to like girls”
Wanda wipes away a few tears, “Vis wasn’t the one I loved. You are. I just thought it was too crazy…you and me…but we’re older now and…and…”
You gently wipe away a tear from her eye with your thumb and pull her into your arms. “Wanna be my New Years kiss?”
“We’ll” she giggles, “there’s no one else around so…five…”
You laugh, “four”
Her pupils dilate. Her eyes show only adoration for you. “Three”
“Two” you pull her closer.
“One” she whispers as you pull one another into a gentle kiss.
The sound of distant fireworks ring in the new year. But it didn’t matter for you and Wanda. You finally had the love of your life in your arms.
“My detka,” she sighs as she pulls back. She looks at you, you look at her. She giggles before immediately kissing you again. Her lips were like the sweetest thing you’ve ever tasted.
What would her father or your mother think? It didn’t matter right now. You’ll take it one day at a time.
But for now, it was a new year. Full of new possibilities and new adventures awaiting for you and Wanda Maximoff, the little witch who always had your heart.
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rodricksfilipinagf · 4 months
Imagine: Marrying Jamie (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
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Your wedding was very lavish as expected of a footballer and his wife
You had an expensive designer dress
For your wedding vow to him you did a poem that you wrote yourself 
His was more simple but heartfelt and meaningful 
His dad was NOT invited but his mom and Simon were
His whole team was there, and so were a bunch of kids from one of your jobs 
Jamie and his team surprised you with a dance number 
Not to be outdone, you sang a mashup. Maybe there was a rap
You and Jamie go to a tropical island that’s exclusive but so, so pretty
You have sex all the time, and everywhere 
You also spend a lot of time on the beach, and when you’re not in the water you’re reading 
By night you perform karaoke and then go clubbing with him
After your honeymoon you instantly quit your day job 
Jamie and your friend Keeley are SHOCKED because you are so good at it and seemed so happy 
But really you only did it because you didn’t want to starve and it was the best opinion for someone with no connections or wealth of your own
Keeley insists you could have been a CEO just like her, and though it’s tempting there are other things you would rather do now that money is not an issue
You decide to write full time. Anything and everything. Books. Movies. Plays. Stand up comedy. 
You visit Jamie’s talent agency with him and ask if you need a separate agent for each thing you can do
You utilize your newfound social media presence as a way to get speaking gigs about being autistic
You are more likely to get a literary agent because you are Jamie Tartt’s girlfriend with a shit ton of Instagram followers
You are able to make short films with the money you now have and enter then into film festivals and put them on YouTube
You miss kids. Like really miss them. 
But school curriculums are too general for what you want to cover, and repetitive, and you don’t want to chance a troublemaker in your class
You think it’s unfair that specialized stuff only starts in college 
And you love being around preteens 
So you start a nonprofit in which you teach 9-12 year olds creative writing
And they don’t have to pay bc tbh you don’t think their parents would pay for it
The kids love it, they’re not afraid to mess up and be goofy and laugh
Perfection isn’t the goal, just having a good time 
At first you feel a little guilty about spending Jamie’s money to buy a whole new designer wardrobe
But then he reminds you how marriage works and how what’s his is yours and you feel less bad 
But you try your best to use your speaking gig money or book advance money for stuff like that
You know he would happily fund your creative pursuits though
You’re very happy in your decision not to work a traditional job because now you can spend more time on what makes you happy
Now to the romantic stuff
Jamie is a great husband 
So thoughtful and caring
He offers to do chores when you’re too exhausted
Is very supportive of everything you want to accomplish
Plans very romantic dates for both of you
Doesn’t pressure you into having kids
You have sex all the time now that you live together
Loves having you at his games but understands if something else comes up
Keeps buying you expensive bags and jewelry
You two get a puppy together that likes to sleep in your bed with you
Always makes sure to give you detailed compliments every day
Is very understanding of you not wanting to physically carry and birth a child 
Posts about you all the time 
Brags to his teammates about how beautiful and sexy you are
Every time he comes across someone who might help you out with your dreams he brings you up
Leaves you alone for hours so you can read without being distracted by how hot he is 
You guys try out each others’ sex fantasies 
You two go on vacation together whenever there’s a long weekend or football season is over 
He hates whoever you do
He loves that you’re obsessed with him
You guys take care of each other whenever you’re sick
He watches all your favorite stuff with you but refuses to shut up while watching 
You have to bribe him not to talk while going to West End shows 
He likes it when you cook him dinner after a long day of football practice
He likes making you breakfast in bed 
He likes giving you scalp massages and playing with your hair 
Basically he treats you like a princess and married life with him is a dream come true 
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AITA for making my sister break up with her boyfriend?
My (20M) sister, “S” (28F) has been dating this man, “D” (40M) for about two years now. I didn’t like D at first, before I met him — I liked my sister’s ex-girlfriend a lot and hated her new partner on instinct. I especially didn’t like D when I found out he was 12 years older than my sister, who isn’t even 30 yet. (And yes, I know, there is nothing really wrong or creepy about a 28 and 40 year old dating, she is more than old enough to make her own choices. However, consider this fact: I am allowed to have biased opinions on my sister’s dating life. That’s basically my job as a little brother.)
I thought I would warm up to D eventually, but I never really did. He’s not awful, really… just didn’t have any personality I cared for. He’s very boring. Very obviously a 40 year old man, if you catch my drift. I don’t see what my sister sees in him, but, whatever, right? She’s happy, that’s all that matters. Except the longer I knew him, the less and less I liked him.
While at first he came off as a casual, polite guy, the more I saw of him, I realized how rude he is. He always comes to family gatherings late (and last Thanksgiving he literally fell asleep and wasn’t seen for the entire last half of the night. He didn’t even get to eat.), he never greets me when he sees me, and I realized he belittles my sister a lot, too. When she excitedly shared her birthday plans with him, he immediately laughed and tore her down, saying “who would even go to that?” in response, for one example of that.
Now, I definitely wouldn’t have gone to the lengths that I did if this was a casual boyfriend. However, my sister is dead set on this guy. She’s even talked about marrying him and starting a family, and she’s a total hippie. She’s NEVER talked about that kind of thing, not with any partner she’s EVER had. Never even crossed her mind before. I refuse to let this man be my brother-in-law, and I refuse to let my sister spend the rest of her life with this scumbag that nobody in the family likes. (And obviously, for the record, I and the rest of my family have tried to speak with S about her boyfriend before. But as you can probably guess, most people don’t really listen when their family says “we don’t like your boyfriendddd!!” or else nobody in the entire world would have a relationship.)
So, one day when D left his phone in a room alone with me on accident, I had a plan. When I returned it to him, I gave S a subtle concerned look, and whispered that I had to talk to her when he left. When he did leave, I told her I saw conspicuous messages from another woman on there. I knew, obviously, that there was no proof, but I knew she would believe me over him, with the simple excuse of “he probably deleted the messages from his phone” excusing the lack of evidence. She believed me just like I thought, and dumped him.
Maybe I overreacted here. It’s not like D was (to my knowledge) abusive, just an asshole. And I know that if S ever finds out what I did, it will destroy her trust in me forever. At best, I’m honestly expecting JAH. But I still don’t regret what I did. I just won’t let my sister spend the rest of her life with a man like him. She’s a kind, attractive, fun woman, and she plays for both teams, so I know she can do better. I felt like I had no other choice and they didn’t seem to be breaking up by their own choice anytime soon.
So, am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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noirgl0w · 6 months
Rafe x Scammer! Reader
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Your family is, without a doubt, the most problematic on the island: An alcoholic father, an abusive mother who abandoned you as a baby, a grandmother addicted to gambling, two uncles and two aunts who are not much luckier than the previous ones, The oldest of your uncles is a scammer, despite living in the Cut he is quite rich, he has a nice car and a mini-mansion, it was built small so the police wouldn't get suspicious, but honestly? It does, it's a pretty decent house in the middle of the Cut, you don't have to be very smart to know that something is strange.
Your other uncle is a failed rock star, and your two aunts are just as miserable, a single mother of a 12-year-old boy when she's 28, and the other is a 17-year-old teenager, a year older than you, and she is pregnant. That last daughter is not your grandmother's with your grandfather, but hers with one of her last boyfriends, Your grandfather had been dead for years by the time she was born.
You have never wanted to be as unhappy as your father or his brothers, but for you your uncle has always been a winner, And you may be stupid but who can blame you? All he does is sleep with married women and steal from them, that's winning if anyone asks you.
So when he proposed entering this world, the world of scams, you immediately accepted. The first scam was simple, convincing some kooks at a gas station that some trinkets your uncle was selling them were real pearl necklaces, which he had supposedly stolen and now he was selling them for half price.
You arrived, all pretty, with a light blue dress and your hair up, posing as a kook, the scam was a success and he gave you a third of the money you two won.
You soon found yourself caught up in a loop of scams, partying and total waste of money, but who can blame you? Buying a hot tub for the pogues was necessary, as was JJ's new motorcycle.
Barry had his eye on you for a while, and he mentioned that the day when your uncle came to take you to your house after a new scam, Rafe just happened to be there. Barry told him everything he needed to know about you, what you and your uncle did.
One day he saw you at the island club, he convinced you that he was a single millionaire and you started planning your new scam.
How did you end up being Rafe Cameron's girlfriend? Well, the rest is history.
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esmedelacroix · 9 months
12 days til' Christmas
christmas day at the military base tending to könig's wounds ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Most people in the world didn’t have to spend all of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning fighting on the front lines and interrogating captured enemies but once the job was all done most of your fellow troops were gathered in the cafeteria drinking their hearts away.
At KorTac there were no such things as Christmas vacation or going back to your family for the Holidays.
In a world ridden with war, pain, and suffering, conflicts didn’t stop themselves from happening for the Holidays. You arrived at base a few hours ago, you had taken two hours interrogating enemies and one hour showering.
No one ever got to shower for that long but what the hell? It was Christmas. No one was going to stop you from getting a decent shower. The water was hot today and you were content.
You told yourself that you wouldn’t go and drink tonight because you didn’t want your sleazy and very much married colleagues to try and grope and/or flirt with you as always.
For the sake of their spouses, girlfriends, and your sanity you never entertained their advances. That was why most of the men in KorTac didn’t like you. That was the intention anyway. You didn't need any of them to like you. You just needed your best friend to like you.
More than ten troops from each group died every day you were in battle. When you all went out for battle it felt more like a death sentence because you didn’t know if you were going to make it out.
After spending your whole life in this brutal system you made it a habit to not make any friends. You couldn’t beat the pain of losing another.
König was an operator alongside you and a few others. You met him when you were very young. An older general had saved you from what troops assumed to be a ghost town. You were found in a building almost crumbling apart. Hiding from anyone who might come in and hurt you while war was happening less than two miles away.
They found you when you were six years old. They planned to take you to an orphanage and put you up for adoption. But there was something strange about you they thought to be intriguing. At six-years-old you picked up your first gun and shot a target almost perfectly.
Ever since then, you have been used as a war weapon. You were eager to make yourself useful to the people who saved you because truthfully, you had no family to go to. You had watched them die from the crack of the little closet you were hiding in. When you turned fifteen, you met König. He was 17 at the time and he was an outstanding troop. Almost better than you.
Naturally, you and König became the bestest of friends. You were the only young ones in KorTac for a while so no one really talked to you other than the general that saved you years before. He was like a father to you.
Your friendship with König started with competition but with time the two of you became an unstoppable team. König was still out on his battlefield today, you couldn’t help but wonder if everything was okay, his team usually didn’t take this much time.
You tried your hardest to convince yourself not to go to get a drink but you found yourself walking down the hall to the dining room while braiding your wet hair to the side.
As you made your way to the dining room you heard a sudden commotion. Your nosey ass decided to go outside and see what it was.
Just then you saw König’s crew arrive in their rucks as they came out each and every one of them had a major injury. They were all being rushed to the med bay. Most of them couldn’t even walk.
Just then you saw König step out of his truck. He had a huge gash on his leg. They had attempted to stop the bleeding but the cloth on his leg was a violent red and soaked with blood.
Even with his critical condition, he was still running around to help his colleagues get to the med bay. You found yourself helping out as well naturally.
As the last of the troops were being treated there were no nurses available to help König and he had nowhere to rest either.
“Let me help you take care of these wounds,” you said to him. It was more of a command though and König knew that it was in his best interest to comply. He didn’t want to though. If there was one thing that König didn’t like about you, it was that you didn’t mind seeing him in a vulnerable position.
In silence, he followed you to your room where he already had his onset of clothing for when you tended to his wounds. He took a seat on your bed that he barely fit on as you took all your supplies out. You took your balaclava off and took a seat in front of him.
Masks and balaclavas when used to conceal identities. It wasn’t common for troops to show their faces to each other no matter how close they were. You and König didn’t mind the unspoken rule at all and were maskless around each other all the time.
When König took his mask off he thankfully only had one small cut. He was a very handsome man. He didn't exactly think so, but you thought he was one of the most handsome faces you had ever seen. "What did they do to this beautiful face of yours?" you asked as you began to dab the cut with rubbing alcohol.
König didn't respond flustered by the sudden compliment. You chuckled to yourself at his reaction. You placed your hand on his cheek feeling his prickly 5 o'clock shadow. Looking deep into his eyes you brought your face closer to his and kissed his scars.
"You know you don't have to do that every time. I mean, why kiss the ugliest part of me?" he asked.
"I'll kiss them until you call these scars beautiful and not ugly," you said as you helped him take his gear and his shirt off.
The two of you regularly tended to each other's wounds. So you had naturally seen each other half-naked before. He thankfully had no deep cuts on his torso. You gave him ice to use on a bruise that formed after his vest was shot.
König was a bit nervous about being indecent around you even after all these years. He sat there in just his boxers after you left the room to "use the bathroom" when you were really just giving him privacy to take his pants off.
You unwrapped the shirt that was barely helping with the huge gash on his leg. You brought him to the bathroom where you cleaned his wound with clean tap water. You used an antibiotic ointment. König occasionally groaned in pain.
The pain increased even more when you started ding his stitches. You occasionally blew on the injury and apologized continuously. You finally finished and covered the injury with a sterile bandage.
"There, all done," you said letting out a long sigh relieved that you hadn't made a mistake.
"Thank you for always taking care of me," König said.
"Of course, anything for you," you said, giving him a sweet smile.
"Let me get something really quickly," König said, getting up and rushing out of your room with a light limp.
You took this as the perfect moment to take out the Christmas gift that you made for König. The two of you often picked up random hobbies together. This month's hobby was knitting. You knitted him a light pink scarf. No one would see it under the shirt he draped over his head anyway.
König came back hiding something behind his back and you hid his gift behind your back as well. At the same time you both revealed your gifts to each other. You both exchanged gifts.
You opened your gift and in the box lay a pair of black knitted mittens, König opened his to see a pink knitted scarf.
The two of you laughed at how similar your gifts were. “Thank you König, really. I love these,” you said, hugging him.
“Oh course, meine taube[my dove], Merry Christmas,” he said, patting your head.
“What do you see we join those verlierern[losers] for a drink?” he asks as he puts his scarf on and puts his mask back on.
“Sure why not?” you said putting your mask on as well.
The two of you drank until you were completely wasted and König was feeling a bit tipsy. Which was impressive on his part because you lost count of how many runs on the rocks he drank. Meanwhile, you were spent after four gin and tonics.
König carried you to your room and played you down on the bed. Just as he was about to walk away you grabbed onto his pants. König’s drunken habit was to be quieter but yours was clinginess. “Please don’t go, Teddy, you’re so warm,” you whined pulling him closer to you.
He smiled at the nickname you gave him that stemmed from when he let you drink when you turned 21 and you ended up clinging to him calling him a teddy bear.
“Cmon not tonight, prinzessin[princess],” he cooed.
“Please don’t leave me, Teddy,” you begged, pulling him right next to you in your bed.
“Wie kann ich Nein zu dir sagen?[How can I say no to you?]” he asks himself as he cautiously gets in bed next to you.
You wrapped your arms around his big torso and snuggled into his chest. Your breath naturally keeps time with your heartbeat.
“I love you, Teddy,” you say as you hurl almost vomiting all the contents of your stomach again.
You give his cheek and neck a few kisses. König felt the heat rise on his face as your sudden affection.
“I love you more, goodnight, meine süße[my sweet one],” König murmured as he planted a kiss on your temple and took in your sweet scent.
He held you in his arms for the rest of the chilly Christmas night. He was sure to help you when your huge hangover hit you in the morning.
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taringill · 4 months
Is Casey and Andrea planning to have kids in the future???? Does Andrea even know that Casey is from an alternative future or about his family, the Hamato family???? Also, has Casey ever been in a relationship with a boy before since he's bisexual? Love your art on rottmnt btw
Hi. Thank you, I am very pleased that you like my work on rottmnt🫶
Wow, I didn't expect questions about this couple. Well, since you've asked the questions, I'll answer them.
Yes, they are planning to. Spoiler: they will have a son named Cody Jones (who understood the reference, well done🤝).
Casey told Andrea that he was from an alternate future after a time when they were already dating. Imagine the look on her face as she listened to all this. Naturally, Andrea is aware of the Hamato family. Why was she not particularly surprised that these were mutants? I'm explaining. At the end of the film, we are clearly given to understand that people (New Yorkers at least) have become a little aware of the existence of turtles. And according to the plot, they are teenagers (minors), like Casey Jr. It is clear that he is still a child (he is about ±15 years old, Idk). Casey is the same age as the past/present turtles. And he met Andrea when they were both 21 years old. Accordingly, ± 6 years have passed since the end of the film (that's about it, this is my headcanon). At this point, all people are already aware of turtles, mutants and yokai. They begin to communicate, make friends, and so on. But this is my vision.
The fact that Casey Jr. is bisexual is my headcanon!
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All the characters drawn here are the same age as Casey. I drew them at the age they were when they met Casey. Andrea is also bisexual. Before Casey, she had a relationship with a girl when they were both 16. The relationship lasted about a year.
Casey didn't have relationships with guys (I mean romantic ones). But he had a crush named Max. Violetta initiated the breakup because she no longer loved Casey as a boyfriend. They broke up when they were both 16 years old. Casey was having a hard time breaking up because he loved Violetta. Even at the moment of separation. The guy's brain exploded. Imagine, he lived all his childhood in the apocalypse, when he had to survive every day, he lost all his loved ones and he did not want to part with the girl who gave him a feeling of euphoria. After all, she is not only his first friend in the new time, but also his first girlfriend (was). It was his first relationship in a new (for him) and peaceful time. But they remained friends, everything is fine with them.
As for Max, he and Casey study together and play on the same team (hockey). They became friends almost immediately after meeting. But over time, Casey realized that he had fallen in love with his friend. He liked Max very much, but they had nothing. And it could never be, because Max is heterosexual. That's how it happens... Casey, of course, was very upset. But he and Max remained friends. Of course, at first Casey was a little jealous of Max's girlfriend, who by that time had appeared at Max's🙃 But everything ended well. They didn't quarrel and Casey didn't interfere with the lovers in any way.
Eventually, 2 years later, he met Andrea (both were 21 years old at the time of their acquaintance), whom he started dating and with whom he would marry in the future, and they would have a son:3 With Violetta, he would not have been able to have at least one child, since she is a childfree (and also, she is aromantic). He found out about this after parting with her.
Andrea is a more family girl. But she does not want to be a mother with many children, because she herself comes from a large family. She had enough to sit with her younger twin brothers (they are 12 years old) and younger sister (4 years old). So she immediately told Casey: "Let's stop at one child and that's enough for us"😁
Thanks for the unexpected questions. I was glad to answer these questions for you:)
Please read the above before update!
In short, the ages of the characters. I thought Casey Jr. was 15 years old in the movie, but it's officially known that he's about 20. Well, I gave him 20 years old.
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In fact, everything that I described above remains unchanged, except for the ages of the characters, since Violetta, Max and Andrea are the same age as Casey Jr. Casey and Violetta met after the events of the movie, at the age of 20 and dated for less than a year. The reasons for the breakup are in this post. When Casey Jr. was 21 (closer to 22), he began to have romantic feelings for his friend Max, but they remained friends. You know why if you read above. And it was only at 24 that Casey met his future wife. If I draw Casey and Andrea, then they are at least 24 years old. The age difference between Andrea and her siblings does not change. So the younger twin brothers are not 12, but 15. So the younger sister is not 4, but 7. If I wrote that 6 years have passed from the moment when Casey started living in the past/present to the moment when he met Andrea. It's been 4 years now. That's all.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Epilogue
Here it is, the final part. I’m sad that’s it over. It has been such a lovely story and such lovely people that have supported me through. Those that were there from the start. Those that joined at anytime during the ride. Even the ones joined in with the last chapter. Thank you. All of you. You are all amazing.
The wedding.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
The Munson-Harrington wedding was the must have invite of the year. It didn’t even matter that their marriage would only be recognized in a handful of states. All that mattered was that they were getting the chance to tie the knot and throw a huge party for all their friends.
Dateline had done an hour long piece of the Hawkins Witch Hunt as they were calling what happened to Eddie. It opened a whole can of worms regarding the Hawkins Police Department and other things that they may have sanctioned.
That lovely little news piece also bagged Kenny a girlfriend. He took one look at Lily Byers when she arrived for school that autumn and fell head over heels in love with her.
She even joined the band as rhythm guitar to newly named Children of the Knights of Hell’s Fire. They had found their style at last. It was little bit metal and whole lot of rock.
While their kids were in their senior year, Jeff, Gareth, Eddie, and Steve were all in Eddie’s studio working on an album. Apparently not only could Steve play, but the man had the pipes of a god damned angel.
Eddie had been tempted to put him as lead vocalist, but Gareth wisely pointed out that fans are going to at least expect to hear Eddie at some point.
So Steve was harmonies and backup vocals as well as bassist. Eddie was writing away and coming up with new stuff, remixing old stuff and he was finally able to properly grieve Jay by writing the song “Two Loves: Not Better, Just Different”.
The original Corroded Coffin boys loved it, Children of the Knights of Hell’s Fire loved it, and of course Steve loved it. It was unanimously decided that it should be the first single.
Everyone came to the wedding. The other Byers/Wheeler clan arrived with twin baby girls that they recently adopted. Beautifully named Elinor and Jeanette.
Dustin and Suzie’s baby boy was named Percival or Percy after his other favorite literary hero when Suzie wouldn’t let him name their child D’Artangan. He was also spoiled rotten.
Max and Lucas were the next to arrive with three very tall red-headed, dark skinned boys. The eldest Anthony was sixteen, the middle boy, Reggie was twelve, and their youngest Sean was eight.
Erica and her husband, David brought their two boys, Nico and Nemo aged ten. When their firsts were twins that was enough for them.
The parents started arriving as well. Joyce and Jim came. Claudia, too. The Sinclairs were there of course. Wayne had showed up weeks ago to help with all the planning.
Jane came last. She never married, she became a children’s advocate for neglected and abused orphans. She was the one they brought in when things got bad because she always had a ‘knack’ for knowing what the child was thinking. She had thrown herself into the work and found it rewarding.
Steve’s house was teaming with children of all ages and he loved it. Eddie came up to him at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding.
“It’s not quite the six nuggets you were hoping for,” he murmured into Steve’s ear, his arm gently wrapping around his waist. “But I think you’ve got your wish about lots of kids, sweetheart.”
Steve blushed. “I didn’t know anyone had heard that.”
Eddie nibbled on his ear. “My only regret is pushing you toward Nancy. That wasn’t fair to any of the parties involved.”
Steve nodded. “I was so desperate to be loved by someone, I would have fallen for anyone. It’s not your fault.”
Eddie’s chuckle rumbled through Steve, they were that close. “Ah, but you see that’s my regret. Had I known that I would have pushed my case so fucking hard, babe.”
Steve burst out laughing. “I’ll bet you would have! Throwing that vest in my face so hard I had to take a step back just because Nancy and I had an in-joke.”
“Guilty as charged.”
Max came up to them and hit Steve with her crutches. “About time you two got your heads out of your collective asses.”
Eddie gave her a hug. “I missed you too, Red.”
“Just make one of the stops on your tour Boston and we’ll call it even,” she said.
“Deal,” Steve and Eddie said together.
She laughed. “God, how does Harri and Edie put up with you two? You’re such saps!”
“Auntie Max!” Edie called. “Come meet Mandy Lawrence, she skates, too!”
Max laughed. “I’m coming. Hold your horses.”
The backyard was beautifully decorated in blue and yellow flowers. Eddie’s groomsmen were in blue and Steve’s bridesmaids were in bright, sunny yellow. Dustin was Eddie’s best man and Robin was Steve’s maid of honor. On Steve’s side of the aisle was Nancy, Edie, Lily, and Max. On Eddie’s was Wayne, Harri, Jeff, and Gareth.
It was a quiet affair despite everyone who knew anyone wanted to be invited.
There was no procession. Steve and Eddie were already at the alter waiting for their guests to file in. They stood together, both hands clasped in the other’s.
Hopper was officiating, having become a justice of the peace after leaving the police force. They had already done the marriage part in a quiet courthouse in a small Massachusetts town. This was for their friends and family to witness.
“Today we bring together two people,” Hopper began, “who despite all appearances of being complete opposites couldn’t be more perfect for each other than if God himself had planned it.”
Steve and Eddie both blushed.
“Eddie,” Steve murmured, “You are the best part of me. I wandered lost and though I was never quite alone, having friends and beautiful daughter by my side, I looked for love in all the wrong places, because that place was always home, with you. I started us on the path by saying things I didn’t mean because I frightened of the change you have always brought to my life.” Steve released Eddie’s hand for a moment to wipe away a tear.
“But I should have realized that you brought me joy in those changes and not run away from you. So I promise to come to you when I’m feeling down or bad about myself. I promise to love you even if loving myself is hard. I promise to care for you always and cherish each moment of every day that I get with you. I never thought I’d get a single day, and getting a chance of a life time with you is a dream come true.”
He brought Eddie’s hands to lips to kiss his knuckles.
Eddie smiled. “Steve, I believed I used up my second chance when you rescued me all those years ago. Bleeding and broken, I thought my second chance at a new life was when me and my boys got our record deal, but now I see that my real second chance was here, with you. Jay made me happy for the time we had together, and I truly believe he prepared my heart to be receptive to yours.”
Steve mouthed, ‘I love you.’
“I promise to love on the days that are hard. To cherish on the days that are easy. And worship you all of my days. You had a life time of believing yourself to be unlovable, and I promise to spend the next forty years–”
“At least!” Dustin called out.
Eddie laughed. “At the very least. I promise to spend the rest of ours lives proving how wrong you are. That you are loved, adored, worshiped, and admired by me. I love you, sweetheart.”
Hopper cleared his throat and blinked back tears. “And now the rings.”
Eddie took the black box from Dustin. He pulled out a gold band that had a sun and a moon with a diamond in the sun setting and a grey garnet in the moon setting. “With this ring, I thee wed.” He slipped it on Steve’s ring finger.
Steve looked at it in wonder, eyes filling with joyous tears. He took the white box from Robin and pulled out a black wrought iron ring with the same setting, only in the sun spot was a red garnet and in the moon’s was the diamond. “With this ring, I thee wed.” He slid it onto Eddie’s finger.
“By the authority vested in me,” Hopper concluded, “I pronounce you both husbands in the eyes of this congregation and God, husbands as long as you both shall live. You may now kiss the groom.”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s face in his hands and kissed him fiercely as Steve held on.
They broke off to laughter and tears. They walked back down the aisle to everyone throwing white rose petals over them as they past. Eddie and Steve laughed, skipping and giggling like children as their bridesmaids and groomsmen followed close behind.
The reception was the grand affair. All of Steve’s friends were there and all of Eddie’s connections in the music industry was there. Harri was almost one hundred percent sure he saw James Hetfield talking to famed baseball player Derek Jetter, but then someone past in front of him and they were both gone by the time Harri could see around the person again.
Harri walked up to Edie and bumped their shoulders together. “Who would have thought that over a year ago when you told me that you needed a new guitarist for your band, that it would lead to the wedding of the decade, between our two dads.”
She looked over at her dad who was trying to catch marshmallows with his mouth thrown by Dustin, Jane, and Eddie. He had come so far now that he was with the right therapist. Edie had started listening to her own more now too and was forced to admit she didn’t need to look after her dad because he could look after himself just fine.
“Best decision ever,” she agreed.
“Just two small town boys from each from different worlds clawing their way to make their own place in the world,” a warm voice said behind them.
Edie and Harri turned to see Wayne Munson standing there in a nice grey suit having changed for the reception, hands in his pockets.
“Grandpa Wayne!” Harri cried and threw his arms around him. “It’s been so great having you around these last couple of weeks.”
Wayne reached out with one arm for Edie who promptly snuggled up too.
“Does this mean you’re my grandpa now, too?” she whispered.
Wayne kissed the top of her head. “Of course it does. Steve was always mine married to Eddie or not. Even if we hadn’t spoken in decades, Stevie was always mine.”
“You’re going to make me cry for the tenth time,” Steve said coming up to them, hand in hand with Eddie, “if you keep saying things like that.”
Wayne waved his hands. “Come on, I still arms enough for you two.”
Steve and Eddie joined the Wayne hug and sighed happily.
“Hey!” Jonathan said, “Picture?”
They all lined up, Wayne in the middle flanked by Eddie and Steve his side while Edie and Harri stood next to their dads.
Jonathan snapped the photo.
Steve came up and gave him a hug. “Thanks for agreeing to do the photos for us.”
Jonathan hugged back fiercely. “Not a problem, man. Saves me from having to buy you a toaster.”
Steve laughed. “Where’s your beautiful wife?”
Jonathan looked around and pointed to the punch bowl. “There she is. Bitching out Barbara Walters.”
Eddie laughed. “Sounds about right.”
Harri looked over at her and cocked his head. “Hey, Dad. She looks a lot like you.”
Jonathan and Eddie shared a panicked expression.
“Well, you see...” Eddie said as Steve threw his head back and laughed.
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 10 months
oh my God healthy mother alert
Cw: hateful speech (homophobic, classism, cheating parents, ableist rhetoric ie learning in a classroom setting) it's not healthy but for once I wrote about a good mother son relationship. Don't worry I'll make it up next time😌
Steve and Eddie come back late from a date and unfortunately Steve's parents' car is there in the driveway. Steve feels so fucking cold and Eddie takes a deep breath and looks to him. "Wait here." Steve says, holding up a hand. He already knew Eddie was willing to come with him. At Eddie's face, Steve smiles, warm but terrified. "I'd rather deal with them alone. Don't worry sweetheart, keep the car warm." He winks and slides out the car, keeping it running just in case.
Eddie is sitting in the dark, minutes drag by and his legs are getting tired from bouncing around. Eventually Eddie sucks his teeth. "Fuck it." He climbs out of the car, careful to leave the door open in case they need to run. Or worse, walk slowly and hold themselves together. Steve was always talking about how exhausting his parents are. A nice way of saying they sucked, as far as Eddie's emotional translator was concerned.
He walked up to the house, carefully and quietly. Not that it would have done any good, he could hear Steve's father from outside. "....enough that it's a man but does it have to be that man? He's a fuck up in school Steve. He can't even graduate, it's just memorizing answers at this point he can't even do that right!" Well fuck. Ow. Eddie pantomimed pulling a dagger from his heart, trying not to giggle. Weak sauce insults were a dime a dozen. He's heard worse from 12 year old girls. Steve made a disgusted sound. "Dad you only got your first job because your father blew the old boss. We all know it." Eddie's knees almost gave out. Fuck his baby knew how to take it AND give it. "Besides, whenever I asked you for help you always told me to ask mom. Looks like you need a refresher, huh? And anyways it doesn't take a genius to make coffee you said? You broke the first two coffee makers I bought you for Christmas!"
Eddie was going to rawdog Steve the second he got his hands on him. Maybe he could convince him to do it on the driveway. Steve's dad interrupted Eddie's frankly fantastic imagination. "All we ask is for you to do well enough to get in the business and take over. Get a wife. Hell we'll find you one! But you have to go after that sick murderer! We're doing this for your own good. For the family's good." Steve scoffed. "If you have a shit about my well-being you should have been here instead of banging your secretary. Family good, my ass." Eddie grinned and made a face. Fuck Steve was so hot when he was being mean.
From this angle he could see both Steve and his dad look over at a woman that frankly, was far to gorgeous to be married to that guy. She held up a hand and Eddie swallowed another laugh, Steve looked just like her. "I've heard enough. I've just had a 12 hour flight. I've been wearing shoes that would make Madonna cry in sympathy. I'm tired and I don't want to hear anymore. Steve." And his baby looked seconds from crying. "Steve did I ever tell you I had a girlfriend in high school?" WHAT? WHAT? HUH? EXCUSE ME? Eddie's jaw broke off and bounced somewhere over where Steve's must've. "Mom. What? Like a girl space friend or a." At this Steve made a wiggle with some finger scissor. Eddie took it back, he was going to teach Steve some decorum on the driveway.
His mother just smiled. "Sweetheart I would never get mad at you for dating who you wanted. Besides I know about the secretary. Who do you think told me?" At this she made a sly wink and Eddie was going to eat out two Harringtons in his life or his name isn't Edward Munson. Joking. Mostly. Steve's father was fit to burst. "But dear, our boy is shacking up with the Munson boy! It's just not right!" His mother snapped her finger and both men stood up straight. Interesting, good to know Steve can be obedient, Eddie thought. He had to learn how to snap though.
"I've heard your complaints, dear." The word dear coming out more like a mocking thing rather than endearing. "I'm refusing to hear them. I won't have our boy, our son, trapped in some worthless, emotionless well like ours. Steve as far as I'm concerned, you're fine. All is well." She pointed at her husband. "Don't make me disgrace you with a formal divorce." She snapped when it looked like he was going to protest. "The fact that I still have your last name is vile enough, I have enough stakes in the company to keep me well fed, I will do it. And I'll take your pretty little secretary with me."
Steve looked proud, intrigued, and a little grossed out. "Mom I really. Really don't want to hear about your sex lives." At this, she looked a little considerate. "You're right. It's inappropriate. Anyway, go bring your boyfriend in, that concrete can't be good for his knees." They all looked up and Steve smiled. Eddie had hid his upper body well behind some plants but the entire lower half of his body was out to see. He waved his fingers and walked in. "Uh. Hi. Hi, Steve's mom. Steve's dad." His mother looked amused and Steve was smiling, clear adoration in his eyes. His father looked. Embarrassed. Good.
"I'll skip the small talk. If my son comes to me upset in any way, and I find out you had anything to do with it, nothing, no one, and nowhere would keep you safe from me. Understand?" Steve's mom leaned back, looking relaxed and regal all at once. "Yes ma'am." Eddie promised. "You better graduate." Steve's dad interjected. "Can it." Steve threw back. And he took Eddie's hand. "Come on." He dragged Eddie back out to the car. "You can't have a boner in front of my parents dude." Steve hissed when they sat in. "Oh shit." Eddie murmured and Steve's head hit the steering wheel.
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lime1991 · 9 months
My dsmp Tubbo and Tommy canons (I can do whatever I want and these are canon facts to me)
-smoked cigarettes a lot during the Schlatt administration to get away from all of the… everything. Fundy was the one who started this for him.
-hates alcohol because of Schlatt and Wilbur. Before being part of Schlatt’s cabinet he had to deal with Wilbur being drunk and mentally ill too.
-is Wilbur’s adopted brother, calls Phil by his name instead of “dad” even though he was literally raised by him. Also doesn’t call Wilbur his brother unless it’s brought up in some way.
-Tommy is his best friend. He is Tommy’s favorite person. Their conversations are very monotone.
-has breathing problems due to smoking. Has tried to quit, but can’t. Instead smokes weed every so often because it’s better than nicotine.
-has bipolar disorder, when he’s manic he wakes up at 5 am and does yard work. When he’s depressed, he can’t get out of bed for days. He knows he’s bipolar, many people do, but it still was a reason his marriage fell apart (not his fault)
-he did not get custody of Michael when he and Ranboo divorced, because he didn’t fight for it because doesn’t think he can really raise a child with all his personal issues (in a “I would never have kids because I’m too mentally ill and traumatized” way)
-bonded with Quackity during the Schlatt administration, is maybe the only one who knows to what extent Quackity was fucked up by Schlatt. They have a weird relationship that’s similar to a mother and son. Don’t question it.
-I’m a fan of dadschlatt so in my brain Tubbo is Schlatt’s biological son, and they only find this out when they’re working together and Schlatt grills him on his family history and it strangely matches up with that one time Schlatt decided to leave the girl he accidentally impregnated and fully skip town. So when Schlatt and Quackity get married Quackity is basically Tubbo’s stepmom.
-he and Wilbur are like 12 years apart, when Fundy is born, Wilbur is 20. When Fundy and Tubbo meet for the first time, Fundy is 8 and Tubbo is 16. And, yes, Tubbo went to live with Wilbur when he turned 16 for reasons and was like “Wil who the fuck is this child” and Wilbur is like “oh that’s my daughter” ???
-trans girl.
-met Wilbur before she met Tubbo. They lived in the same place. When Tubbo went to live with Wilbur he was immediately bombarded by a strange hyperactive fifteen year old.
-Tommy’s parents left her. She didn’t believe that they did at first, but they did. (By the way I’ve decided L’Manburg was a commune) Because her parents have left her alone on the commune, she’s sort of raised by all of the adults and herself. This is how she knows Wilbur.
-has bpd and severe abandonment issues. Originally attached herself to Wilbur before meeting Tubbo and becoming close with him. During the Pogtopia era, Tommy goes insane and completely attaches herself to Wilbur again.
-When Wilbur dies during war, Tommy’s whole personality switches and instead of being majorly depressed she pretends that it didn’t happen and stays completely delusional for like a month.
-during Exile, she had time to think about herself and her identity and it’s when she comes out to herself as trans. Dream is also the first person she actually comes out to. And I can’t decide if Ghostbur is a hallucination or not, but Tommy doesn’t know either it’s ok.
-very delusional. Like, schizophrenic. Genuinely believed during Exile that Dream was her best friend and wasn’t like beating her and destroying her stuff every single day. Dream doesn’t understand if she’s being serious when she’s like “hi bestie” so he keeps doing worse and worse wondering how much it’ll take to break her.
-gets therapy and takes antipsychotics now. Always brings up the stories of the wildest delusional episodes she’s ever experienced. During exile she was certain she had like 5 girlfriends at once.
-when she ends up trapped in jail with Dream she almost kills herself before Dream does it for her. The pain of being trapped with him again was worse than emotional. Worse than ptsd.
-has complicated feelings towards Quackity, will never forget the time she watched him and Schlatt argue. She’d never heard a “loving couple” sound that angry before. Though she doesn’t know every little detail about the relationship.
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jjs-girl-12 · 11 months
Love Me
Warning:angst and smut(soon;)
This is chapter 1 link
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Y/N had always dreamt of marrying the same man. She knew his name, his face, his laugh, but she had never met him. She stumbled upon his Instagram one day accidentally and that was it. The dreams had started everyday.It was a recurring dream that left her longing for a love she had yet to experience. It was a man who wasn’t her type. It was a man named Jeon Jungkook.
Jeon Jungkook had become their local celebrity through his funny tiktoks and reels. That was how she stumbled upon him. It was funny for Y/N, how they lived in the same city of Seoul but never met.
She didn’t even think about him like that way until the first dream appeared. It was a very vivid dream for her. She saw them getting married,and the minute she woke up she thought oh well this is ridiculous. Y/N was far from anything superstitious but the continuous dreams in a way spoke to her. So as the eighteen year old she was,kept on stalking his Instagram and tiktoks for fun till she never saw him and he left for the US for higher studies and add the cherry on top he got himself a girlfriend back in Seoul.
Y/N felt like a crazy fan for even thinking about him like that. But soon the wet dreams started. Deep in sleep,she had dreams about Jungkook touching her in between her legs. Telling her he belonged to her. And the moment she woke up she knew she was fucked.
Y/N tried to move on. Hangout with other guys and the moment she thought of another guy,that was the night Jungkook appeared in her dream. Her parents had become worried that she was isolating herself from boys but no she was waiting for him even though he didn’t belong with her or at least that’s what she thought.
Two years had gone by. Y/N was studying at Seoul National University and was happy. She almost hadn’t dream about him in a year. She believed that it was her teenage phase crush that had passed. She didn’t stalk Jungkook or his girlfriend anymore. She was happy in her own bubble till her parents had set her up for a blind date for an arrange marriage with none other than Jeon Jungkook.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
I saw that you have read most of the flash comics and ive been dying to understand what is going on in flash fam because im so confused
I have! I'm not sure what you're asking about, though - are you confused by what's happening in the comics right now, or just generally who is who in the Flash Family?
If it's the latter, here is a very, very bare bones overview, in chronological-ish order:
Jay Garrick: The first Flash, debuted in 1940. He got super speed from accidentally inhaling hard water vapor. He is a member of the Justice Society of America and has been married to his wife Joan for many decades.
Barry Allen: The second Flash, debuted in 1956. A police scientist who got super speed from being doused with chemicals that had been struck by lightning. He eventually married his girlfriend Iris West and briefly moved to the 30th century with her before dying in 1985's Crisis on Infinite Earths. He came back to life in 2008.
Wally West: The first Kid Flash, debuted in 1959. He became the third (best) Flash after Barry died. He and his wife Linda have twins, Iris (Irey) and Jai, who also have superpowers, and they just had a new baby, Wade. He was sort of erased by the New 52 reboot in 2011 (more on that later) and brought back into continuity by the Rebirth soft reboot in 2016.
Bart Allen: MY LOVE. Debuted in 1994. Barry's grandson who was born in the 30th century and came back to the 20th century to become first Impulse, then Kid Flash, then the Flash when he was briefly aged up. He died, came back as a teenage Kid Flash, was totally rebooted by the New 52 (ignore this), and is now back to his original Impulse self these days. Has an evil clone named Thaddeus Thawne, Inertia.
Max Mercury: A very obscure 1940s character. He is the oldest of the speedsters, having been born in the early 1800s, but the Speed Force jumps him forward in time every so often which is why he looks like he's 65 and not 200. When Bart came back to the 20th century, Max became his guardian, and they have a very close father-son relationship.
Johnny Quick: Another 1940s speedster, less well-known than Jay but less obscure than Max. He used a mathematical formula to access his super speed. He married (and divorced) fellow superhero Liberty Belle and had a daughter, Jesse, before dying in the 90s.
Jesse Quick: Johnny's daughter. She has both her parents' powers and is married to Rick Tyler, the second Hourman.
Wallace West: So when the New 52 launched, there was no Wally West, which fans were very mad about because he's a popular character. Eventually DC reintroduced him, but instead of a white guy in his early 20s, he was a Black 12-year-old. Who they decided to portray as a juvenile delinquent for some baffling reason. So racists weren't happy that Wally was Black now, fans who wanted diversity in comics weren't happy that being Black apparently made Wally a criminal, and no one was happy that he was only 12 and thus couldn't be friends with Dick and Roy (who were in their 20s), married to his wife, etc. With Rebirth in 2016, DC decided to fix this by reintroducing the older, white Wally and establishing that the younger, Black Wallace is actually Wally's cousin and this family just has two first cousins named Wallace West for some reason. Wallace (or Ace) is the current Kid Flash and is now about 16 years old. He and Wally have an adorable relationship.
Avery Ho: Debuted in 2016. Avery is Chinese American and splits her time between Central City and being a member of the Justice League of China.
Judy Garrick: A brand-new character. Judy is the daughter of Jay and Joan who was kidnapped as a child and then her parents were made to forget her existence, but even though her story has her dating back to the 1950s, she really only debuted this year.
I hope that answers your questions! Happy to explain anything that's not clear.
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flastar13 · 1 year
In an au where Coriolanus is president and looking for his ex-girlfriend:
Coriolanus running to hug Lucy Gray: Lucy Gray❤️ my love, where were you?
Lucy Gray tied to a chair after being taken from her idyllic home in the woods by violent peacekeepers: What do you want now, you narcissistic, murderous asshole🤬?
Coriolanus😭: Why do you treat me like this my singing bird, I just want you to love me?
Lucy Gray😡: You tried to hunt me in that forest as if I were an animal, you betrayed your best friend causing his execution and let's not forget the countless atrocities your government commits.
Coriolanus😧😃: That was because you dared to end me through snake mail🐍, Sejanus was for the welfare of the nation😇, the same as the other sacrifices I had to make, so as your president 😎 I demand your gratitude and affection.
Lucy Gray 🤬: Fuck you Coriolanus, I would never share a zoo cage with you again.
Coriolanus 🥺: You're rejecting me, well I'll have to send multicolored adult snakes the size of a person to the next tributes of district 12 again. Do you remember them are the same ones that I threw your handkerchief to so that they would become familiar with your sweet scent? That's why I had to be a peacemaker in that horrible district.
Lucy Gray😰: Coryo... They're just kids... You can't do that...
Coriolanus🤔: What would sweet Maude Ivory be if she were harvested? Or Del Covey if a mysterious bomb went off in her house?
Lucy Gray😡: Don't mess around like my family, BITCH.
Coriolanus😌: What if all the mines in the 12th district are closed along with the black market? After all we count on District 5 for power.
Lucy Gray😭: Coriolanus please stop, they are innocent people and the 12th district was never my home, I was just trapped there by the war.
Coriolanus😈: And do not think that I will allow you to abandon me again, I will throw you in a cell in the prison of the presidential mansion in front of a huge television screen where you will see how people suffer because of you, until you are begging to be my girlfriend again.
Lucy Gray: You're married!
Coriolanus😒: Yes with Livia but I haven't seen her since our arranged wedding. So if you come back with me I'll give you all the first lady rooms and let you sing in the Pluribus culb, but if you need more time to think about it I respect that and I'll cut the food budget for District 12.
Lucy Gray 😭: It's okay Coriolanus I'll do what you want but don't hurt anyone.
Coriolanus👿: Is that all you have to tell me after so many years? After I send my best men away from the cover of civilization? After poisoning the entire cabinet to find you? After putting aside my busy schedule to see you? Officer execute order 66 in the district...!
Lucy Gray 😭🥺: Wait Coryo my love, I love you, you are a sweet cake with cream and as pure as freshly fallen snow Do you want to be my boyfriend again?
Coriolanus 😢: That was so sweet but it's not enough 👿 officer execute...
Lucy Gray 😫: I'm yours, only yours!
Coriolanus 😳: Really? I own you?
Lucy Gray 😭😫: If Coryo you are my owner, I belong to you just as you belong to me, it is written in the stars. Do you remember?
Coriolanus😍: Yes! 😏 Prove it.
Lucy Gray gives him the most passionate kiss of her life.
Coriolanus😍: Perfect my love (He proceeds to untie her but places a golden slave collar around her neck that will warn her if she leaves the presidential mansion without permission) now let's take a bath together like in the old days and then we go to my room to get catch up on my bed, then you have to prepare for your interview with Lucky Flickerman for your return and your duties as a mentor to the District 12 tributes.
Lucy Gray proceeds to cry uncontrollably as Coriolanus hugs her, comforts her, and inadvertently injects her with some kind of aphrodisiac.
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josephine-carter · 1 month
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Full Name: Josephine Aiden Carter
Faceclaim: Katherine Barrell
Pronouns/Gender: She & Her / Cisfemale
Age & Birthday: 32 & February 12
Birth Place: Santa Monica, California
How long have they been in town?: Couple of months
Living Situation: Downtown & Brick + Mortar - 2 Bedroom, lives with her sister.
Occupation: Firefighter
Family: Half Sister
Biography: (TW: Abuse, Torture)
Josephine Carter aka Joey or Jo was born and raised in Santa Monica, her father, Daniel was a firefighter and her mother, Molly was a teacher. At the age of seven she lost her father in a fire while saving a family, her mother slowly slipped into a deep depression and started drinking more and lost her job due to the drinking and she was never really there.
One night she lost her temper really bad while she was drunk and ended up slapping Josephine right across the face when she was just ten years old. Instead of staying home, Josephine ran away first going to the graveyard to visit her father, and then she went down to the pier. Finally returning later that night, her mother had noticed that she was gone and had gotten worried and sober for once. That was also the night that she realized that she had a problem and needed to fix it. So, her mother got help, and turned her life around again and they became a family unit again. 
Joey's mother met someone, and a year later they married, and Josephine liked the guy, she really did and he was a good step dad. But he could never replace her actual father. After a few months of them being married, her mother told her that she was pregnant and that Joey was going to be big sister and Josephine was thrilled.
In middle school, Josephine decided to go out for the basketball team. She was really good at it, and her mother told her that she reminded her of her father. Josephine ended up getting in his number and she wore it with pride, hoping that she would never let him down. Besides basketball, Joey made her own friends and did very well in school and her mother enrolled her in dance classes as well. Sure, it wasn’t Josephine’s passion, but she did love it. The redhead ended up becoming popular due to the basketball, but she didn’t let it get to her head and she wasn’t that mean at all. Before high school started up, Josephine went away to basketball camp.
During high school her Freshmen year, she tried out for the varsity team and got on it and by Sophomore year, she ended up becoming captain. She came out as a lesbian at the age of sixteen turns out she was attracted to guys at all. Even though she tried it once but turned out she was more interested in the ladies. Samantha got a summer job before her Junior year of high school, working on a construction crew. Of course, she still did basketball and dance. Around this time, she also got her first girlfriend, her first love.
The two girls were inseparable, and Josephine thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with this girl. But during Senior year everything changed. She ended up getting offered a scholarship. Besides always wanting to be a firefighter like her father, she also wanted to go into the Army. Much like he did. So that was what she did, after she graduated. She broke up with her girlfriend not wanting to do the long-term thing and enlisted into the Army.
After she survived Boot Camp, her unit was deployed. At first, she didn't see much action until they were doing a run. Their unit was ambushed, some of the members died and others were taken and tortured. She was one of the few that were taken, Josephine did her best to stay strong throughout the torture. A year later they were finally rescued by another unit on complete accident. The Army had declared the remaining members of her unit missing in action, and dead and Josephine had no idea until she came to finally. They discharged her, giving her an honorable discharge along with the rest of her unit. Coming back home, things didn't feel the same, yes she had her family back but she just didn't feel like the same Josephine as before. 
Josephine made a decision to go to New York City for college, she of course returned home for visits as much as she could. Granted she didn’t need a degree to become a firefighter which was still her dream. But she also wanted to be able to be a paramedic just in case. After she graduated, she decided to go home instead of staying in New York, but everything still felt different to her. So instead, she decided to travel, and her sister decided to join her this way it would keep her out of trouble. They ended up in New Bellevoux, making a decision to stay there put up roots. Joey ended up getting a job as a firefighter, while dealing with her PTSD. 
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queen--kenobi · 5 months
Can you explain more about this Tymon and Elayna dynamic? I'm curious how this all gets going. Like I've picked up on bits and pieces and Elayna's deep hatred of the Lannisters, SO I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE
Ehehehehe yeeesssss time to reintroduce my terrible awful evil son
So. Tymon is Jason and Tyland's younger brother. He's a year older than Elayna. Tymon is... well. The best way I can describe Tymon is That Annoying Rich White Guy? Like in a modern AU he's the lacrosse player who got into an Ivy league because his family is a legacy family. He is actually smart and charming on the surface but underneath all that, he's absolutely awful. The type of guy who's never heard no in his life and has a meltdown because of it
Elayna gets warded to the Lannisters when she's about 8 or 9. Alon has his first major sickness so Elayna’s older brother sends her to the Lannisters. Since Tymon is about the same age as her, they do gravitate towards each other. When they hit 12/13, Tymon realizes he's attracted to Elayna. And being an entitled 13 year old decides yeah, he's going to marry Elayna
It gets complicated because they're still basically kids. Elayna doesn't necessarily know what she really wants or likes. Also she thinks she knows him, and this is the first guy who's shown interest in her in a not overtly creepy way. So she's receptive at first and she ignores some red flags that crop up
I haven't exactly figured out what the specific thing that makes her go "wait. Hold up" is yet? At least, not for canon. Based on what I'm thinking for other AUs, like him branding someone in the Western AU bc lbr that's some shit the Lannisters would do, it has to be Bad. I have some ideas floating around. But yeah. Tymon does something that is a very "oh fuck he's dangerous, and he will hurt me" thing. Elayna had been having doubts anyway, but this just freaks her out. She starts spending less time with him and in general trying to avoid him
Elayna also notices he doesn't care about her in a love way but a possession way? There's some discussion of her marrying a Tarbeck, and Tymon flips the fuck out over it. It's very much in an abusive partner type of way even though he and Elayna were never technically together
Elayna tries avoiding him but a) Tymon has made it clear he's the only one allowed to marry Elayna and will get violent over it and b) Elayna is literally living with his family so there's no one she can turn to. Since Elayna is saying no, Tymon bounces between love bombing Elayna and trying to make Elayna’s live a living hell
Mind you. She's 12? 13? When this starts. And she endures 3-4 years of psychological abuse. And unfortunately she does have to learn to be like the Lannisters to survive during this time period. The only person on her side seems to be her dad. Seban, her older brother, is even kinda like "what's the big deal? It'd be a great opportunity" blah blah blah
Eventually Alon gets Elayna under the guise of taking her back to Castamere, probably so as "not to tempt Tymon" or w/e. But as soon as they're on the road Alon tells Elayna he's set everything up so Elayna can live in KL as either Helaena or Jaenna's lady-in-waiting. Obviously once Tymon finds out he's on his way to KL but like. Tripling down on everything because how dare she run away
(Bonus fun fact: in the modern AU they go to high school together, they have this weird relationship of like... they're not actually dating but also they kind of are? They keep on saying no they're just friends but they make out at parties. But then the next day in class they'll be at each other's throats for who has the best grade and being super competitive in a nasty way. They end up deciding to go to prom together but... They end up sleeping together and being each other's firsts. Which then less than a week later Tymon tells Elayna no he's not taking her to prom, someone like him doesn't take girls like her to prom, and anyway he's had a girlfriend this whole time. And he does this several days before the SAT/ACT. Which Elayna realizes later he timed it in an attempt to make her so upset she'd completely bomb the test
Bonus bonus: unfortunately. Tymon is Hot.
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This is his FC, Brandon Sklenar. Imagine him but blond)
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