#the first my uncle asked me what i wanted 4 dinner while he was staying with us
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nomaishuttle · 1 year ago
on a semi related note there r like 2 specific times i remember expecting one of my safe foods and getting something entirely different and being SO insanely upset abt it even though the thing i got still tasted good
#the first my uncle asked me what i wanted 4 dinner while he was staying with us#and i said cheesy chicken and rice my fav food and he Made cheesy chicken and rice but it was like. a completely different dish than what i#refer to as cheesy chicken and rice and it was good food but i was rly rly rly upset. and i feel bad bc again it was good and my uncles a#great cook but i was expecting my comfort food and got something different#the other big one was i always get the wisconsin six cheese from dominos. and if i dont get the wisconsin six cheese i get the beautiful an#delicious pizza me and my mom named greg . rly funny story actually. but greg is basically. hes got ranch instead of tomato sauce and then#chicken bacon (always at least these 2) and mushrooms if possible for toppings. and hes great#and one time my mom was ordering dominos and asked me what i wanted and i said the wisconsin 6 cheese yk. and it came and it had ranch sauc#and my mom was like oph yeah i thought itd be fun to try the ranch sauce since we like it on greg so i thought id surprise you. and i#literally couldnt eat the pizza and i started crying over it bc i had been rly excited for the 6 cheese#but yes. greg is my goto pizza everywhere except dominos on occasion if they dont let u do rnch as a sauce we do alfredo instead#hes very trustworthy and i love him... we got him umm. the first time we ordered him was when we were doing my sleep study#so we were like waiting outside the hospital and we were like oh we should order something 2 eat since we havent had dinner yet#and we went to order and 4 somereason we couldnt get the 6cheese idk if like one of th cheeses was out of stock or something ???#but we were like ok lets just make a new pizza lol. and we made him and then dominos was like Ok what do you want to name the pizza#and idk why i think it was late but that question was like. HYSTERICAL to us KJADBJWABD bc we were like what is it a baby#of course now i realize its so you can like. have that pizza saved to easily order it again yk. but we were like idk.. greg??? so yes. and#im ngl to you guys idk if it was just bc it had been a good day and i was happy and like kind of silly since i was at a hospital#but that was literally theeee best pizza ive ever had in my literal entire life. istg they put crack in that pizza it was soo good#sooo yes anyways sry 4 rambling.
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jobean12-blog · 10 months ago
Fancy Restaurant
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 2,457
Summary: Nat works her magic and 'accidentally' double books you and Bucky for babysitting. The kids don't want either of you to leave so you end up babysitting together and thanks to some imaginative play the night progresses perfectly.
Author's Note: I definitely took inspiration for this from the Bluey episodes "Fancy Restaurant and Double Babysitter." It just seemed like such a fun idea! Steve and Nat's kids are about the same ages as Bingo and Bluey, 4-5ish and 6-7ish. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the sweet @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: super sweet fluff and fun, Bucky's a little shy at first but by the end he knows exactly what he's doing.
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“Almost ready?” Steve asks from the doorway of the bedroom.
Nat turns and smiles. “Just five minutes.”
The doorbell rings.
“We’ll get it!” their two daughters, Lily and Rose, yell simultaneously.
The sound of slapping feet and giggles disappears down the stairs before you hear them scream, “UNCLE BUCKY!”
“My two favorite girls!” Bucky coos as he kneels down to embrace them. “Ready for lots of junk food, scary movies and staying up late!?”
Lily and Rose nod their heads vigorously and don matching grins.
“There will be none of that,” Steve tsks as he walks into the foyer, hands on hips.
“AW DADDY!” Lily whines.
“You’re no fun!” Rose adds.
Steve just scoffs as Nat walks in with a confirming smile.
“I just love it when you all gang up on me,” Steve grumbles.
Nat pats him on the back sympathetically and Bucky chuckles.
“Alright you two. Off you go,” Bucky says. “We’ll be just fine. Have fun!”
Just as Steve is helping Nat into her coat the doorbell rings again. Everyone, but Nat, turns with confused expressions before Steve and Bucky exchange questioning glances.
“Nat?” Steve asks.
She shrugs nonchalantly and opens the door.
“Hey babe,” Nat says as she greets you and holds her arms open.
You smile brightly and rush in to hug her.
It takes you a moment to realize you have an audience and when your eyes lock on Steve’s puzzled face your brows furrow.
The girls momentarily distract you when they start squealing in happiness and tug at your pants in greeting. You kneel down to squeeze them both before asking Nat, “what’s going on? What did I miss?”
“I was about to ask the same thing,” Steve says with a warm smile as he hugs you.
Bucky just stands to the side, his eyes glued to you and his mouth hanging open.
“Nothing!” Nat exclaims excitedly. “Steve and I are leaving.”
“Ok! You two have fu…” you trail off when your eyes land on Bucky.
“Did you double book?” you whisper to Nat.
“Double book?” she repeats, feigning misunderstanding.
Bucky clears his throat and wipes his palm on his jeans before extending his hand.
“Hi, I’m Bucky,” he says.
You introduce yourself, noticing the way his cheeks turn pink when your skin touches his.
Steve drops his head with a shake then looks to his wife who’s standing there looking smug.
“I didn’t realize you already had a sitter,” you say. “I can go?”
“NO!” Steve, Nat, Bucky and the girls screech.
“You should definitely stay,” Nat says.
“Of course, the girls would be so disappointed if you left,” Steve adds.
“WE WOULD!” Rose says in her sweet voice. “Please stay!”
“YES you have to stay!” Lily pleads. “Now we can play fancy restaurant!”
The two girls squeak with excitement before rushing off with a yell. “We’re going to set it up!” 
Steve and Nat finally get out the door and leave you and Bucky standing there.
“So,” Bucky starts and rubs the back of his neck.
You smile and move toward the kitchen.
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” you ask him.
“No,” he sighs while he pats his stomach. “But I’m starving!”
Your gaze falls to his large hand spread across his abs, the soft fabric of his Henley pressing against his muscles and accentuating them.
When your eyes move upward you catch him wearing a smirk and quickly turn your focus to the cabinets for food.
“I’m sure I can find something quick and easy to make,” you assure him.
As you move around the kitchen and pull things from the fridge and cabinets Bucky follows you, offering help where he can and asking you about how you met Nat.
“Are you sure we haven’t met before?” you ask him.
His eyes wander over your features, lingering on your lips for a moment too long before he blinks and says, “no way. I would definitely have remembered.”
You capture your bottom lip between your teeth and continue mixing the mac and cheese and when you steal a look his way you can see the pink color on his cheeks just above the dark scruff of hair.
A loud crash from the girls playroom alerts you both and Bucky quickly stands.
“I’ll go check on them.”
You finish up the mac and cheese and serve it into two bowls then set them on the table.
He returns just in time.
“They were just trying to set up the table for their restaurant,” he explains.
“I love how imaginative they are,” you muse. “They always come up with fun ideas!”
Bucky agrees before pulling out your chair.
“Thanks for cooking,” he says. “I’ll do the dishes.”
“No problem and great!”
You sit and dig in, enjoying the easy conversation the flows between the two of you.
The girls rush back in the kitchen just after Bucky places the last dish on the drying rack.
“READY!?” Rose asks, her tiny hands clasped together and a chef hat sitting crooked on her head.
The apron she’s wearing is tied haphazardly at her waist and there are several toy utensils sticking out of the pockets.
You and Bucky exchange a smile.
“We’re ready!” you tell the girls.
Lily whispers something in Rose’s ear before Rose rushes off with a giggle.
“That was our chef,” Lily explains. “The restaurant is just this way.”
She holds out her hand and waits for you and Bucky to follow.
“You have to hold hands,” Lily says as she walks you two toward the play room.
Bucky’s eyes go wide and he turns to you.
“Mommy and daddy always hold hands on dates!” Lily exclaims.
You give Bucky a reassuring smile. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”
“I definitely don’t!” he says and holds out his hand.
You take it and walk the rest of the way hand in hand.
Lily runs ahead and stands behind a makeshift pile of books, turning over some papers. You and Bucky stop in front of her and she states, “welcome to our fancy restaurant. Do you have a reservation?”
“Ummm,” Bucky starts. “Yeah, two for Barnes,” and he looks at his watch. “Six pm.”
Lily runs her finger down the paper. “I don’t see a Barnes here,” she says.
Bucky looks nervously to you then back at Lily.
“Are you sure?” he asks.
Lily sighs. “Did you call to make a reservation?”
“Oh,” Bucky says. “No, I didn’t! Is that bad?”
“YES!” both Lily and Rose yell. “But don’t worry,” Lily continues in a whispered voice, “you can just call now.”
Bucky stands there, clearly unsure of how to handle this and you think quick, reaching with your free hand into the back pocket of his jeans to pull his phone free.
You poke him in the chest with it. “Quick call!” you whisper shout. “I’m hungry!”
The girls giggle and watch Bucky.
“Uh…RIGHT!” he says and pretends to dial his phone.
“Hello, fancy restaurant. How can I help you this evening,” Lily says as she picks up her Minnie Mouse phone.
“Hi,” Bucky answers. “I’d like to make a reservation please.”
“Certainly,” Lily responds. “How many?”
“Two for James Barnes.”
“James?” Rose chimes from behind the play kitchen. “Who’s James?”
Bucky laughs. “That’s my first name but your dad has been calling me Bucky since we’re kids so it kind of stuck.”
Rose shrugs and Lily pretends to scribble something on the paper. “Great,” she says.
She hangs up the phone and repeats her welcome from earlier.
“Barnes for two,” Bucky states.
“Ah yes!” Lily sings. “Right this way.
In all the commotion you and Bucky stopped holding hands and when Lily realizes she stops short and puts her hands on her hips, a mirror image of her father, and gives you both a stern look.
“HANDS!” she shouts.
Bucky reaches over and takes your hand, gently stroking his thumb across your knuckles.
“If I knew I had a date tonight I would have dressed the part,” you lean over and whisper to him.
His lips lift into a boyish smirk. “You look perfect doll.”
Lily pulls his attention away and he misses the way his words make you react.
The table that’s set up is kid size and after Bucky pulls out your chair he sits in his and it makes you nearly fall over with laughter.
“What?” he asks with a grin.
“Oh my god,” you giggle.
Lily and Rose join you tableside.
“Would you like to hear the specials?” Rose asks.
“Sure,” Bucky answers.
“You’re still supposed to be holding hands,” Lily says. “On the table.”
“Oh!” you say and reach your hand across for Bucky’s. “Like this?”
“Perfect!” Lily says with a satisfied smile. “Now Chef Rose. The specials please.”
Rose rattles off a list of random food pairings that have you and Bucky trying not to burst out laughing. You somehow hold it together and place your orders, watching as the girls run off toward their play kitchen.
“This is already the best date I’ve been on,” Bucky says.
“Me too!” you agree. “The service is amazing!”
You say the last part loud enough to make sure the girls can hear it and their excited squeals warm your heart.
“I mean it,” Bucky says. “I’m having a great time.”
After he admits that out loud you can tell he’s slightly embarrassed so you’re quick to assure him you are too.
Lily brings over play plates and utensils and periodically checks in as you wait for your ‘food’ to be prepared.
The ease of your conversation with Bucky makes you feel comfortable and safe and the more you talk to him the more you like him.
Rose joins Lily for the presentation of the food and both you and Bucky are impressed with the spread.
“Wow this looks delicious!” he says eagerly.
The girls look pleased and excuse themselves in a flurry of fancy bows and unintelligible mutterings.
You and Bucky pretend to eat the food, laughing and sharing stories. Lily sneaks over and whispers, “don’t forget to feed each other!”
She tip toes away and you can feel her staring.
“She’s watching and waiting isn’t she?” you ask Bucky.
He subtly nods and pretends to scoop his spaghetti. He holds up the small fork and you laugh again, the pink plastic tiny in his hand.
You lean forward and he meets you half way, pretending to feed you a bite. A cheer erupts from behind you and the girls yell, “again!”
After sharing more bites and a special ‘fancy’ dessert Lily and Rose present Bucky with the bill.
“Hope you enjoyed your meal doll,” he says to you. “I know I did!”
“It was delicious!” you exclaim. “We definitely have to come back!”
Lily escorts you toward the door of the play room, instructing you once again to hold hands and bids you farewell.
While you and Bucky are strolling down the hall you hear the girls whispering to each other and Bucky squeezes your hand.
“I don’t think the date’s over,” he mutters.
You cover your mouth to stifle your laughter.
Rose skips over and stops in front of you and Bucky so you have to stop walking.
“Time for a smoochy kiss!” she says happily.
“YES! YES! Smoochy kiss time!” Lily sings.
Bucky looks down at the two girls and kneels so he’s eye level.
“Aw girls,” he says, “I’m not sure we can do that.”
“But” Rose says, her eyes big and shining. “Daddy and Mommy always smoochy kiss!”
You tug on Bucky’s shoulder and he stands again. You smile at the girls and lean up to press your lips to his cheek.
“There,” you say. “How’s that?”
Two sets of pouty lips turn to you and their tiny voices say in unison, “that’s a cheeky kiss! Not a smoochy kiss!”
Bucky wraps his fingers around your biceps and studies your face.
“Maybe if I give you one?” he says, his tone questioning.
You nod and wait for the press of his lips to your skin, closing your eyes briefly and opening them to find him staring at your lips.
The girls stomp and whimper, clearly not satisfied.
“Might as well give them what they want,” you whisper, pressing yourself closer to him.
His right hand slides up your arm and grazes the curve of your neck before he cradles your cheek and brushes his thumb at the corner of your mouth.
He dips his head as his metal hand slides around your waist and splays across your lower back. His dark eyelashes lower and he moves closer. Your fingers grasp at his Henley and you give him a little tug.
“Bucky, you can kiss me now.”
He nods lightly and his nose bumps yours, his lips hovering so close you can feel his warm breath.
“I hope I can keep this PG,” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours.
Your hands glide up to his shoulders and then to the back of his neck, fingernails gently scraping along his hair when he pulls you so close there isn’t a breath of space left between you.
The sounds of the girls screeching and screaming finally pulls you out of the kiss and you bury your face in his neck.
“THAT…” Rose starts with sparkling eyes, “was the best smoochy kiss EVER!!!”
“Can you do it again?” Lily asks, dancing in place.
You giggle and peck Bucky on the lips.
“Girls it’s just about time for bath and bed,” you tell them.
“Aww but we want to keep playing fancy restaurant,” Rose whines.
“I know. But we can play in the bath and then I’ll read you a bedtime story! Any one you want!”
The two girls beam up at you and then look at Bucky.
“You’ll play too Uncle Bucky, right?” Rose asks.
“Of course!” he says. “But first you two have to clean up.”
They groan but agree with shuffling feet and head back to the play room.
You watch them go until you feel Bucky’s eyes on you. When you turn to face him he grabs your hand and pulls you around the hallway and presses you against the wall.
“One more smoochy kiss?” he asks.
“Yes,” you murmur and meet his lips in a soft kiss.
“They’re smoochy kissing again!” Rose squeals!
“They do it way better than mommy and daddy!” Lily giggles. “I can’t wait to tell them!”
“We’re never gonna hear the end of this doll,” Bucky winks.
“I think this is exactly what they wanted,” you whisper.
“You’re exactly what I want,” he says before kissing you again. “And I plan on getting as many kisses as possible after those two go to bed.”
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@randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @goldylions @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814 @littleseasiren @buckysdollforlife @lizette50
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coco-loco-nut · 11 months ago
Revelations - Part 3
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Summary: a fic focused on the readers career because YOU ARE A QUEEN
a/n: i wrote this before the Newey/RBR break up. i also can’t stop ending my fics with a social media post 😭
requests open masterlist
When Daniel retired from F1, you were ready to pull the plug on your career, but he wouldn’t let you. He saw the passion you still had and didn’t want to extinguish it just because he wasn’t going to have a seat in the race anymore. Instead, he decided to live his best life as a stay-at-home dad while also coaching Florence who was naturally drawn to her dad’s karts.
Your family eventually moved to England, it being the easier move with your job promotion and Florence’s karting. You took the Chief Engineering Officer position after Daniel retired, working closely with the man who taught you so much. Adrian and you were a dynamic duo, the cars you build together are rocket ships. Daniel is an ambassador for Red Bull when he isn’t with Florence at karting competitions. You’ve been teaching Sidney about the mechanics behind karts and the cars, letting him come to work with you to shadow once in a while.
You walk into Christian’s office to remind him about the family dinner tonight, Max already promised to be in attendance with P and Kelly.
“Y/n, mind taking a seat?” Christian asks, you think nothing of it, figuring he just wants an update on the car.
“What’s up? There isn’t much of a progress update yet,” you say, sipping your coffee.
“I’d like to sign Florence into our driver development program. Not just because she is a Ricciardo, but because she has the technical knowledge and the talent. I know someone with Rodin who has a seat open for her in Formula 4,” Christian says and you nod, having gotten a similar offer from Mercedes and Ferrari. You feel pride in your daughter, her hard work and drive being recognized by top programs. It’s extra special because Christian is using his connections to help get her a seat with Daniel’s old F3 team.
“The PR will be tricky to manage, but would you like to tell her at dinner tonight?” you smile, F1 fans already joke about Red Bull being Ricciardo central. Sidney is preparing for his semester finals for Mechanical Engineering and you can’t believe it’s been ten years since they made their first paddock appearance. You negotiate some terms with Christian, the most important being that if she wants to leave the program and go to another, she can.
“We will announce it once she’s signed with the team, I’ll give my person a call,” Christian lets you know before you go to your office. You admire the family photo you took when Florence won the CIK-FIA world championship last month. She’s been dominating British karting all year, Daniel has been working so hard to help her get where she wants to be.
Your day flies by, and before you know it you are all seated in your living room.
“How’s the driver program selection going?” Max asks Christian, genuinely curious.
“I actually made my selection today, Florence, how do you feel about the family legacy?” Christian beams as her face lights up.
“Really? Oh my god, thank you Uncle Christian!” she darts over to him to hug him. “Uncle Maxie, you better watch out,” she grins at Max, who is a Red Bull institution.
“I’ll be very lucky if I am still racing when you get to F1, but I will be happy to coach you,” Max chuckles, knowing he’s pushing the limit of his career.
“No way, that job is reserved for me,” Daniel tells Max who just frowns at his friend for taking away his plan.
A few years later, your whole family is essentially traveling race to race. Sidney is interning with Red Bull, Florence is racing with Rodin in F2, and Daniel is living his best life as a commentator.
“Y/n, let’s grab coffee,” you’ve noticed that Christian tends to say that when he has something important to say.
“What’s wrong?” you cut straight to the chase.
“Max is retiring after this season and I am going to retire as well,” Christian says and a silence falls between you.
“It’s a well deserved retirement for both of you,” you say after a couple seconds.
“I am recommending you for team principal. I also want you to be involved in choosing who is the next driver for the team,” Christian says and you pause.
“I would be honored, that would be huge shoes to fill,” you say after a second.
“You deserve it, you’ve worked your way up from the bottom,” Christian reassures you. In the next month, you signed your contract and got Oliver Bearman to replace Max’s seat.
“You should’ve let me take the seat, Mom,” Florence smiles, you shake your head.
“Not yet, you are a wonderful driver, but I can’t sign you my first year as team principal,” you tell her. Your promotion has been well received among staff and fans. You take the promotion seriously, learning what you don’t know while Christian is still there.
Five years later you walk into testing excitedly. It is a special day for your family.
“Daniel Ricciardo here reporting from the Paddock for testing, let’s see who we can grab,” your husband says, looking towards the entrance where you are walking in. “Y/n Ricciardo, have a second for an interview,” he smiles as you ate into the frame.
“I do, rare for a team principal,” you smile adoringly at your husband, still the young driver getting his shot in your eyes.
“How do you feel going into testing?”
“Great, my engineers and I have worked hard on the car, we are excited to see how it performs against the field,”
“And you have a new driver this year? How is that going?”
“Well so far, as a team we’ve been watching her for years. She’s worked hard with our junior team and we are always excited to bring young talent in. It’s always a tough decision when choosing someone for a seat, but we are confident in our choice,” you say, keeping things professional. The fans watching live are loving the interview, commenting about how your family is acting as if you aren’t a family.
“One last question, your new driver, Florence Ricciardo, is bringing in her own race engineer, Sidney Ricciardo, an engineer who worked for Red Bull Racing in the past. Are there any worries about an unproven race engineer?” Daniel says, the two of you somehow keeping a straight face.
“Obviously we want our drivers to be comfortable with their race engineer. Sidney has been with the team for a while before going to McLaren, so we are excited to welcome him back. Our team has worked with him to familiarize himself with the job, and he will be beside me on pit wall today for that reason,” you explain, a small smile holding back the laughter.
“Thank you for your time, Y/n. Good luck today,” Daniel tells you before you walk off. The video goes viral among F1 fans for the sheer humor of it. Fans also love that Florence and Sidney are following their parent footsteps and career paths.
“That interview was so funny,” Sidney sits beside you in hospitality.
“Thank you, Sid. I may be old but I can still be funny,” you smile at your son. “Are you nervous? I remember how nervous I was on pit wall the first time as your dad’s engineer,” you ask him.
“I am your son, I’ve got it in the bag, plus it’s only Flo,” Sidney says as Florence barges into the room, sitting beside you. Daniel follows behind her, quietly sitting beside her.
“Thanks for basically disowning me on live television, Mom. Oh, hi Dad,” Florence hugs her dad as you all try not to laugh.
“Come on, Flo, it was funny watching Mom and Dad act like we all weren’t related,” Sidney laughs. The social media team takes a picture and posts it on twitter.
@redbullracing: guys, a bunch of people with the last name Ricciardo are sitting in our hospitality, I guess all but one works for us. Apparently they know each our team principal? Are they related or is this just a weird coincidence?
@y/nricciardo not related to me, just a weird coincidence.
↪️@florencericciardo MOM! STOP DISOWNING ME
↪️@sidneyricciardo no, no, please continue disowning her
↪️@danielricciardo Do you know who these two are, Y/n? I don’t recognize them
↪️@y/nricciardo I’m sorry, do I know a Daniel?
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storm-angel989 · 7 months ago
I was wondering if you could do a Val x daughter teen reader.
- She’s super duper sleep deprived (yawning every other 5 minutes and it’s so obvious she’s fighting to stay awake), and relies on a crap ton of energy drinks to keep her up and going. How would Val, Vel, and Vox react to finding out about this?
Hi Friend,
Thank you so much for your patience <3
As all three of the Vee’s very well know, sleep is so important. They want to see Reader succeed, but not at the expense of her own health. So take a peek at what happens!
<3 Mandy
My official bedtime is eleven. I crawl into bed at two. 
My day started at 4:30.
Get up. Drag myself to the gym. Lately, I’ve been listening to my textbooks on audiobook while I run because I, for the life of me, can’t get my brain to retain any of the information. My first sip of an energy drink is paired with water as I frantically scramble to scrub my hair and get dressed in my uniform before I need to leave for school. 
Seven thirty. Skip breakfast in favor of the second energy drink of the day. Slide into my homeroom seat exactly six minutes before the bell rings. I can’t be late, or else I risk getting kicked off the water polo team. 
School ends at three. I lose track of how many energy drinks I buy, how many cups of coffee I consume. All I know is it’s easier to study and drink coffee than it is to study and eat. And midterms start tomorrow. 
Practice starts at three thirty and by the time I get in the water, my week and a half worth of cramming for midterms is starting to catch up to me. It’s all I can do to stay awake, and unlike the other girls, I’m grateful for the freezing cold water. 
This routine had been mine for the past two weeks, and I was exhausted. Cramming for exams always sucked, but this time around felt harder than most. 
“I just need to review one more chapter,” I promised myself as I climbed into the limo. The ache in my head matched the heaviness of my eyelids and I let out another yawn. “One more chapter, and then…”
Out of habit, I pulled out my exam schedule. I felt my heart drop and jolted awake as I read through the test list for the next day. Fuck. Science was tomorrow. Not history. I hadn’t even started to review science.  I opened up another energy drink as I stared into the eyes of what would be another all nighter. As the last drop of liquid entered my body, I could feel my heart beat- an uncomfortable buzz. I tried to ignore it as I exited the limo and trudged upstairs. My mind blurred as I went through the motions without remembering exactly what I was doing. 
“Ah, princessa, I’m glad you’re home,” my father’s voice floated across the room. “Your Uncle Vox just finished making dinner. Come sit.”
“I can’t, Daddy, midterms start tomorrow,” I replied through a yawn. “I have to study, I mixed up…”
“You can’t study on an empty tummy. Your body needs fuel,” my Aunt Velvette replied.
Her tone told me I wasn’t getting out of it. I dropped my backpack and hazily made my way across the living room. I stumbled but caught myself on the table. I could feel all three sets of eyes on me as I righted myself and slowly sank into my chair. 
“Babygirl, are you feeling okay?” Vox asked as he pressed his hand to my forehead. “You don’t look good.”
“No, no you don’t,” my father added. “Did you eat before practice?”
I tried to remember but the memories of the day wouldn’t come. I shrugged in response. 
“Have you been drinking?” Velvette demanded after a moment of silence. She crossed her arms. “You’re stumbling, you’re pale, you’re slurring your words, something is wrong.”
“No! I’m just, I’m really tired,” I protested as I tried to bite back a yawn. “Midterms, they're tomorrow and I..I need to study. I can have another energy drink, maybe that will help.”
I went to push myself up from the table and felt the heaviness of Vox’s hands on my shoulder hold me in place. His other hand reached over and clicked on my VoxTech watch. 
“When did you go to bed last night?” My father asked gently. 
“More importantly, how many energy drinks did you have today?” Vox asked. 
Unable to hold back, I yawned. “It's midterm week, I dunno. Guys, I have to study, I…” 
I watched all three of them exchange glances. Vox hit a button on my watch and they both looked at their phones. Alarm spread over each of their faces.
“No. You’re not going anywhere except to bed,” my father said firmly as he stood up. 
“Dad, no, I’m…I’m fine..” I started to protest as he lifted me into his arms. “Daddy, I’m sixteen, lemme go…” I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as I tried to push myself away from him. 
“Mhm, yeah, you’re right, you are sixteen,” he replied softly.
The next thing I knew, he laid me down in my bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt the weight of his body on the bed as he sat down next to me. 
“Close your eyes, ninita,” he said softly. “You need to rest.”
Under the warmth of the covers, snuggled in the comfort of my bed, exhaustion swept over me. Unable to fight, I sank into a deep, dreamless sleep. 
It could have been days, or hours later. As I slowly came to, the red digits of my alarm clock flashed. Eleven thirty am. Panic rushed through me. Late! I was so late! I sat straight up, but before I could swing myself out of bed, Vox’s hand pushed me down. 
“Hey, hey kid. Calm down. Relax, you’re fine,” he said soothingly.
“No, Uncle Vox I have my history midterm today, I have to go, I’m so late!” I babbled as I tried to push against him.
“You’ll make them up, deep breath,” he replied evenly. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m going to let your Dad and Vel know you’re awake. If I let you go, will you please stay down?”
Slowly, I nodded as the panic began to subside. He released me and sat down on the bed next to me. A few moments later, the door opened and they both walked into the room. 
“How are you feeling?” my father asked. 
“Better? Dad, my midterms, practice, I have homework,” I began.
He held up his hand. “Stop. Take a breath. Uncle Vox called the school. Your midterms are rescheduled for two weeks from now. Lots of time to study without you running yourself down to nothing.” 
“As for homework and practice, you don’t have to worry about that until Monday, which is when you’re allowed to go back to school,” Velvette added. 
“Allowed back to school? What the fuck does that mean?” I asked. 
“It means you’ve been asleep for almost a day and a half. It’s Thursday, sweetheart,” Vox said gently. 
Panic washed over me. A day and a half? I slept for a day and a half?
“See, the problem with sleep deprivation is that it catches up to you. No amount of energy drinks or coffee can fix the issue. The only way to feel better is to sleep,” he continued. “And it appears that you, little girl, pushed yourself to your max.”
“And could have done some serious damage to your body in the process,” my father added. “So this is how the rest of this weekend goes. You’re going to the doctors to get checked over…”
“Why? I was just overtired,” I protested. 
“No, you were exhausted. And you consumed so much caffeine your heart rate and your blood pressure were sky high,” Vox answered.
“Your Aunt Velvette, Uncle Vox and I have been taking turns sitting with you just to make sure you were okay,” my father added. “So no. A checkup is not negotiable. We’re also going to have a discussion with the doctor on the importance of sleep and the negative effects caffeine can have on the body. Anyway, after you get the all clear, you are going to spend the weekend resting. You can watch movies, study for a few hours, I don’t care. But when your body is tired, you need to sleep. Otherwise, you’re not going to recover from this.”
I felt myself deflate. “Am I grounded too?”
“Call it grounding if you want, but you’re staying home all weekend,” my father replied calmly. 
A thousand protests raced through my mind. I had an away game this week. I needed to keep in shape. I had projects to do and laps to swim. But as I studied the concerned expression on my fathers face, I realized that nothing I could say would make them change their minds. The creeping feeling of exhaustion swept over me and I yawned as I settled back against the pillows. 
I felt lips press to my forehead and I snuggled back under the covers. Maybe a bit more sleep wouldn't hurt.
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joelswritingmistress · 2 years ago
Oh Captain, My Captain: Chapter 4
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Chapter Summary: After reliving your unexpected first kiss, you agree to meet Joel again for another boat ride. While you're trying to remain level-headed, your hormones are in overdrive as you wonder where things are headed between you.
Joel x f!reader
The kiss was innocent enough. Closed mouth, a peck that lingered with eyes pressed shut. You could taste the Narragansett beer he'd be drinking down at the beach. But sparks went off like fireworks inside of you.
When you pulled back and opened your eyes, Joel's lips, his luscious lips, twisted into a smirk. His eyes, playful and kind, lingered on yours.
"Goodnight," you spoke with a smile of your own and glowing, hot cheeks.
"Will you be okay to get home?" The question felt silly but you couldn't help but ask. It made him chuckle.
"I'll be fine."
"Okay." You nodded and realized he was leaning back in.
"Okay," he echoed, closing his eyes again as he planted a second kiss on your lips.
You didn't want to part from him. Never in your life had you wanted to jump someone's bones so badly right after you met them. You'd never had a one night stand or slept with a guy right away, it just wasn't your style. But Joel. Joel would have been an exception to every silly little rule you'd penned in your imaginary rule book. You didn't want a one night stand. You wanted a one-hundred night stand - or more.
Calm the fuck down, you told yourself.
"Six o'clock tomorrow night?" He asked, still lingering close to your lips.
You swallowed hard. "Six o'clock."
"I gotta leave the dock then so don't be late." He smirked with another wink that made you swoon.
"I won't be late."
You hadn't realized your fingers were entwined with his until his hand parted from yours. You managed a deep breath, said your goodnights again and then headed upstairs.
"Taking the boat out to Block Island today," your Uncle Mark explained as he sipped on a fruity drink beside you on the beach. "Any interest?" He smoothed out his graying mustache.
You couldn't risk being late to meet Joel, but you pretended like you were thinking about it. "I might do a little shopping out here tonight."
"No problem. You kids are getting too old to hang out with the old dudes, anyway." He gave a laugh. "To be honest I miss being young and hitting the bars. Being able to do shots without feeling it for four days."
You gave a laugh. "My shot taking days are ending. Some beers and maybe a rum runner or two I can get behind, though."
Uncle Mark laughed and you gave him a fist bump. He was the funniest family member you had, and before you left the beach the two of you snuck in a shot of Fireball he kept in the cooler, just for good measure.
On the walk back from a day in the sun your brother caught up with you. "So, uh, who's the guy?" He teased.
"Who's the guy?" He repeated with a smirk. "Late night. You asked me to lie for you. I did. You're not joining us on Uncle Mark's boat."
You chuckled and shook your head.
"I knew it."
"I'm meeting a guy tonight for dinner."
When he started singing the Grease song, Summer Lovin' you laughed and hit him. Sometimes your brother could be okay, despite his cringy antics.
"Thanks for covering for me last night."
"Yeah, yeah. You've had my back before and you always bought me beer before I could buy it myself." He laughed. "Just don't get kidnapped."
"I'll be fine." You smiled.
The vibe of the week had shifted tremendously. You went from being bored and then feeling guilty for being bored to completely alive.
Everyone had gone to Block Island on the boat, and your mother was the most disappointed that you decided to stay. A part of you felt guilty again because you knew she was trying to hold onto the bond you'd always had with her. Your parents weren't bad people, not by a long shot. You were just feeling a need to spread your wings now that you were fully submerged into adulthood.
Speaking of adulthood, you finally felt like you were able to let yourself go - socially and romantically. It was time to explore all avenues of your love life and Joel Miller was in your crosshairs.
You tried to pull off a look that showed you were trying but not too much. You put on some makeup, lip gloss and straightened your hair. You sported a sundress for the boat ride again and some flip flops.
At five-thirty you began the short walk down to the docks and saw the now-familiar boat beginning to approach the dock with a short line of people waiting to take their cruise. The crew from the hour before began to exit the vessel and, as they piled off, the first people in line piled on.
You held your breath. Butterflies were in your stomach and your eyes scanned the boat frantically. The excitement and anxiety wouldn't get back to an even keel until you saw him.
The dock rocked beneath you as you paced toward the boat. You spotted one of Joel's friends from the bar securing a rope from the boat to the dock.
Where is he? Where is he? The phrase peppered in your mind as you neared The Mist of the Sea. Your heart rate climbed and then, as the first passenger went to climb aboard, the captain emerged with a hand extended to help them on.
You swallowed hard. He looked even better than you remembered, sporting the same hat over a T-shirt that hugged his rugged upper body. He smiled genuinely as he helped the passengers aboard.
And then it was your turn. When your eyes met Joel's you noticed his Adam's apple rise and fall in his throat. His lips tightened on the corners at first and then a smile formed, big and bright, on his face.
His warm palm secured your hand to his, and when his fingers wrapped around your hand you felt a hit of infatuation. It was already addicting.
"Welcome aboard," Joel greeted. He grinned, and you smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you, Captain." You allowed him to guide you aboard. Everything felt great in that moment. Perfect, even. You hadn't felt so naturally happy in a long time.
"The view from the top deck is stunning," he said as you headed for the ladder.
"Thanks for the tip." You glanced over your shoulder at him and felt your flirtation was successful as you took the ladder to the top deck.
Others had begun to get seated but you managed to make your way close to the front of the boat to be close to Joel.
He eventually made his way to the top, subtly letting his knee graze yours as he passed. A moment later he was on the boat radio, capturing the crew's attention as he promised a relaxing and informative forty-five minute ride around the island.
You enjoyed the ocean breeze, and of course the view of the captain. But you couldn't wait for whatever came next. Joel was so close, yet so far. After the hours of conversation and the pair of kisses the night before, you couldn't help but crave more. Selfishly, you wanted Captain Joel all to yourself.
He was really in his element. Joel was friendly and energetic. He had people laughing and asking a question here or there. He really was an islander, and you could hear the passion for the place he lived in every little detail he provided. It was dreamy.
I could do this over and over, you thought to yourself.
The forty-five minutes came and went. You tried to soak in as much of the history and little tidbits of the Island that you could. When Joel finally eased the big sea vessel back into its spot by the dock, he thanked everyone for joining and motioned for you to come to the front as the others piled out.
"So, what'd you think?" He asked. "Better the second time around?"
"I'd say you nailed it," you said with a nod, letting your hand drift across the steering wheel. "You got a standing ovation. They seemed to like you."
Joel gave a little grin and motioned to the wheel. "Think you could drive her?"
You huffed a laugh and positioned both hands on the wheel, looking out at the sea. "I'd probably take us to Ireland or something."
Joel laughed lightly and crept in behind you. He placed his hands over yours on the wheel.
You swallowed hard and your pulse quickened when you felt his body gently brush against yours from behind. You were struggling to fight the impulses you wanted so badly to act on. But to be fair, Joel knew exactly what he was doing.
"If I said starboard which side is it?" He asked.
"Um.." your brain was practically shut down and your body was working overtime. You went to move your hands on the wheel to the left but Joel caught you as you did and forced your hands in the other direction.
"Close," he teased. The laugh he let out ricocheted down the side of your neck. It caused you to turn partway to look at him.
For a second or two neither of you said anything, and then in a boyishly cute fashion, Joel simply said, "Hi."
"Hi." You breathed the word back and your gaze alternated, in rapid fashion, from looking into his eyes to down at his lips and back again.
That was when Joel recognized your hesitation and took the initiative. He grabbed you by the side of the face with one hand and kissed you. This time he *really* kissed you.
It was fierce and hot. Your tongue fought for dominance with his, but ultimately Joel took over with ease. You gasped when you took a breath and then dove back in for more.
Fuck, how would you stop? There wasn't a part of your body that had the will to stop.
And then came a whistle from below. It jolted both of you back to reality and you suddenly remembered where you were.
"Joel!" A voice called up. "You good?" It was one of the deckhands.
"I'm on my way down!" Joel called back. He turned back to you and sighed through his nose. His hand still rested on your cheek. "Come to dinner with me."
You nodded, knowing full well how crimson your face was and swollen your pupils must have been.
"Do you feel comfortable coming by my house first? I just have to take a quick shower. I'll be in and out in five minutes."
Joel's house? Him showering? Naked. With you there.
"If not," he went on, "That's fine. I could meet you at the restaurant-"
"No, it's fine," you blurted before he could suggest anything else. "I'll go with you."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." You couldn't hold back a smile.
Joel smiled back. "Alright, let me just get this boat secured and then we'll go."
"Okay." You took a breath as he exited your personal space. It felt empty without him there, especially in the throes of infatuation. Still, it gave you a second to process what the immediate future would hold as you tried to keep your cool about going to Joel's house.
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shuxiii · 2 years ago
Everyday pt.4
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Hanni Pham x reader pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt13
a/n I know some idols have no siblings but pretend they have in this one because I am lazy, still all credits to ''every day'' by David Levithan meow
Day 5999
My mind is thoroughly wrung out, but I can tell Haruto Watanabe has gotten a good night’s sleep.
Haruto is a good guy. Everything in his room is in order. Even though it’s only Saturday morning, he’s already done his homework for the weekend. He’s set his alarm for eight o’clock, not wanting the day to go to waste. He was probably in bed by ten.
I go on his computer and check my email, making sure to write myself some notes about the last few days, so I can remember them. Then I log in to Minji’s email and find out there’s a party tonight at Huh Yunjin’s house. Yunjin’s address is only a Google search away. When I map out the distance between Haruto’s house and Yunjin’s, I find it’s only a ninety-minute drive.
It looks like Haruto might be going to a party tonight.
First, I must convince his parents.
His mother interrupts me when I’m back on my own email, rereading what I wrote about the day with Hanni. I very quickly shut the window, and oblige when she tells me that today is not a computer day, and that I am to come down for breakfast.
I very quickly discover that Haruto’s parents are a very nice couple who make it very clear that their niceness shouldn’t be challenged or pressed.
“Can I borrow the car?” I ask. “The school musical is tonight, and I would like to go see it.”
“Have you done your homework?”
I nod.
“Your chores?”
“I will.”
“And you’ll be back by midnight?”
I nod. I decide not to mention to them that if I’m not back by midnight, I’ll be ripped from my current body. I don’t think they’d find that reassuring.
It’s clear to me that they won’t need the car tonight. They are the type of parents who don’t believe in having a social life. They have television instead.
I spend most of the day doing chores. After I’m done with them and have had a family dinner, I’m good to go.
The party’s supposed to start at seven, so I know I have to wait until nine to show up, so there will be enough people there to hide my presence. If I get there and it ends up being open to only a dozen kids, I’ll have to turn back around. But that doesn’t strike me as Minji’s kind of party.
Haruto’s kind of party, I’m guessing, involves board games and Dr Pepper. As I drive back to Hanni’s town, I access some of his memories. I am a firm believer that every person, young or old, has at least one good story to tell. Haruto’s, however, is pretty hard to find. The only tremor of emotion I can find in his life is when he was nine and his dog April died. Ever since then, nothing seems to have disturbed him too much. Most of his memories involve homework. He has friends, but they don’t do very much outside of school. When Little League was over, he gave up sports. He has never, from what I can tell, sipped anything stronger than a beer, and even that was during a Father’s Day barbecue, at his uncle’s prodding.
Normally, I would take these as parameters. Normally, I would stay within Haruto’s safe zone.
But not today. Not with a chance of seeing Hanni again.
I remember yesterday, and how the trail that got me through the darkness seemed to be attached in some way to her. It’s as if when you love someone, they become your reason. And maybe I’ve gotten it backward, maybe it’s just because I need a reason that I find myself falling in love with her. But I don’t think that’s it. I think I would have continued along, oblivious, if I hadn’t happened to meet her.
Now I’m letting my life hijack these other lives for a day. I am not staying within their parameters. Even if that’s dangerous.
I’m at Huh Yunjin’s house by eight, but Minji’s car is nowhere in sight. In fact, there aren’t that many cars out in front. So I wait and watch. After a while, people start arriving. Even though I’ve just spent a day and a half at their school, I don’t recognize any of them. They were all peripheral.
Finally, just after nine-thirty, Minji’s car pulls up. Hanni is with her, as I’d hoped she’d be. As they head in, she walks a little bit in front, with her a little behind. I get out of my car and follow them inside.
I’m worried there will be someone at the door, but the party’s already spiraled into its own form of chaos. The early guests are well past the point of drunkenness, and everyone else is quickly catching up. I know I look out of place—Haruto’s wardrobe is more suited to a debate tournament than a Saturday night house party. But nobody really cares; they’re too caught up in each other or themselves to notice a random geek in their midst.
The lights are dim, the music is loud, and Hanni is hard to find. But just the fact that I am in the same place as her has me nervously exhilarated.
Minji is in the kitchen, talking with some guys. She looks at ease, in her element. She finishes one beer and immediately goes for another.
I push past her, push through the living room and find myself in the den. The instant I step in the room, I know she’s here. Even though the music’s blaring from a laptop connected to some speakers, she’s over by the CD collection, thumbing through cases. Two girls are talking nearby, and I have a sense that at one point she was a part of their conversation, then decided to drop out.
I walk over and see that one of the CDs she’s looking at has a song we listened to on our car ride.
“I really like them,” I say, gesturing to the CD. “Do you?”
She startles, as if this is a quiet room and I am a sudden noise. I notice you, I want to say. Even when no one else does, I do. I will.
“Yeah,” she says. “I like them, too.”
I start to sing the song, the one from the car. Then I say, “I like that one in particular.”
“Do I know you?” she asks.
“I’m Haruto,” I say, which isn’t a no or a yes.
“I’m Hanni,” she says.
“That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thanks. I used to hate it, but I don’t so much anymore.”
“It’s just a pain to spell.” She looks at me closely. “Do you go to Octavian?”
“No. I’m just here for the weekend. Visiting my cousin.”
“Who’s your cousin?”
This is a dangerous lie, since I have no idea which of the person is Yunjin, and I have no way of accessing the information.
“Oh, that explains it.”
She is starting to drift away from me, just as I imagine she drifted away from the girls talking next to us.
“I hate my cousin,” I say.
This gets her attention.
“I hate the way she treats girls. I hate the way she thinks she can buy all her friends by throwing parties like this. I hate the way that she only talks to you when she needs something. I hate the way she doesn’t seem capable of love.”
I realize I’m now talking about Minji, not Yunjin.
“Then why are you here?” Hanni asks.
“Because I want to see it fall apart. Because when this party gets busted—and if it stays this loud, it will get busted—I want to be a witness. From a safe distance away, of course.”
“And you’re saying she’s incapable of loving Kazuha? They’ve been going out for over a year.”
With a silent apology to Kazuha and Yunjin, I say, “That doesn’t mean anything, does it? I mean, being with someone for over a year can mean that you love them… but it can also mean you’re trapped.”
At first, I think I’ve gone too far. I can feel Hanni taking in my words, but I don’t know what she’s doing with them. The sound of words as they’re said is always different from the sound they make when they’re heard because the speaker hears some of the sounds from the inside.
Finally, she says, “Speaking from experience?”
It’s laughable to think that Haruto—who, from what I can tell, hasn’t gone on a date since eighth grade—would be speaking from experience. But she doesn’t know him, which means I can be more like me. Not that I’m speaking from experience, either. Just the experience of observing.
“There are many things that can keep you in a relationship,” I say. “Fear of being alone. Fear of disrupting the arrangement of your life. A decision to settle for something that’s okay, because you don’t know if you can get any better. Or maybe there’s the irrational belief that it will get better, even if you know he won’t change.”
“I see.”
At first I don’t understand what she sees—clearly, I was talking about her. Then I get where the pronoun has led her.
“That cool?” I ask, figuring it will make Haruto even less threatening if he’s gay.
“How about you?” I ask. “Seeing anyone?”
“Yeah,” she says. Then, deadpan, “For over a year.”
“And why are you still together? Fear of being alone? A decision to settle? An irrational belief that he’ll change?”
“Yes. Yes. And yes.”
“But he can also be incredibly sweet. And I know that, deep down, I mean the world to him.”
“Deep down? That sounds like settling to me. You shouldn’t have to venture deep down in order to get to love.”
“Let’s switch the topic, okay? This isn’t a good party topic. I liked it more when you were singing to me.”
I’m about to make reference to another song we heard on our car ride—hoping that maybe it’ll bring her back in some way—when Minji’s voice comes from over my shoulder, asking, “So who’s this?” If she was relaxed when I saw her in the kitchen, now she’s annoyed.
“Don’t worry, Minji,” Hanni says. “He’s gay.”
“Yeah, I can tell from the way he’s dressed. What are you doing here?”
“Haruto, this is Minji, my girlfriend. Minji, this is Haruto.”
I say hi. She doesn’t respond.
“You seen Kazuha?” she asks Hanni. “Yunjin’s looking for her. I think they’re at it again.”
“Maybe she went to the basement.”
“Nah. They’re dancing in the basement.”
Hanni likes this news, I can tell.
“Want to go down there and dance?” she asks Minji.
“Hell no! I didn’t come here to dance. I came here to drink.”
“Charming,” Hanni says, more (I think) for my benefit than her. “Do you mind if I go dance with Haruto?”
“You sure he’s gay?”
“I’ll sing you show tunes if you want me to prove it,” I volunteer.
Minji slaps me on the back. “No, bro, don’t do that, okay? Go dance.”
So that’s how it comes to pass that Hanni is leading me to Huh Yunjin’s basement. As we hit the stairs, we can feel the bass under our feet. It’s a different soundtrack here—a tide of pulse and beat. Only a few red lights are on, so all we can see are the outlines of bodies as they meld together.
“Hey, Yunjin!” Hanni calls out. “I like your cousin!”
A girl who must be Yunjin looks at her and nods. Whether she can’t hear what she’s said or whether she’s trashed, I can’t tell.
“Have you seen Kazuha?” she yells.
“No!” Hanni yells back.
Then we’re in with the dancers. The sad truth is that I have about as much experience on a dance floor as Haruto does. I try to lose myself in the music, but that doesn’t work. Instead, I need to lose myself in Hanni. I have to give myself over entirely to her—I must be her shadow, her complement, the other half of this conversation of bodies. As she moves, I move with her. I touch her back, her waist. She comes in closer.
By losing myself to her, I gain her. The conversation is working. We have found our rhythm and we are riding it. I find myself singing along, singing to her, and she loves it. She transforms once again into someone carefree, and I transform into someone whose only care is her.
“You’re not bad!” she shouts over the music.
“You’re amazing!” I shout back.
I know that Minji is not coming down here. She is safe with Huh Yunjin’s gay cousin, and I am safe knowing that nobody else will interfere with this moment. The songs collide into one long song—as if one singer is taking over when the previous one stops, all of them taking turns to give us this. The sound waves push us into each other, wrap around us like colors. We are paying attention to each other and we are paying attention to the enormity. The room has no ceiling; the room has no walls. There is only the open field of our excitement, and we run across it in small movements, sometimes without our feet leaving the ground. We go for what feels like hours and also feels like no time at all. We go until the music stops, until someone turns on the lights and says the party is ending, that the neighbors have complained and the police are probably coming.
Hanni looks as disappointed as I feel.
“I have to find Minji,” she says. “Are you going to be okay?”
No, I want to tell her. I won’t be okay until you can come with me to wherever it is that I’m going next.
I ask her for her email address, and when she raises an eyebrow, I tell her again not to worry, that I’m still gay.
“That’s too bad,” she says. I want her to say more, but then she’s giving me her email address, and in response I’m giving her a fake email address that I’ll have to set up as soon as I get home.
People are starting to run from the house. Sirens can be heard in the distance, probably waking up as many people as the party has. Hanni leaves me to find Minji, promising me that she’ll be the one to drive. I don’t see them as I run to my car. I know it’s late, but I don’t know how late it is until I turn on the car and look at the clock.
There’s no way I’ll get there in time.
Seventy miles an hour.
Eighty miles an hour.
I drive as fast as I can, but it’s not fast enough.
At 11:50, I pull over to the side of the road. If I close my eyes, I should be able to fall asleep before midnight. That is the blessing of what I have to go through—I am able to fall asleep in minutes.
Poor Haruto Watanabe. He is going to wake up on the side of an interstate, an hour away from his home. I can only imagine how terrified he’ll be.
I am a monster for doing this to him.
But I have my reason.
Day 6000
It’s time for Yoon Kee Ho to go to church.
I quickly dress myself in his Sunday best, which either he or his mother conveniently left out the night before. Then I go downstairs and have breakfast with his mother and his three sisters. There’s no father in sight. It doesn’t take much accessing to know he left just after the youngest daughter was born, and it’s been a struggle for their mom ever since.
There’s only one computer in the house, and I have to wait until Keeho’s mother is getting the girls ready to go before I can quickly boot it up and create the email address I gave Hanni last night. I can only hope that she hasn’t tried to get in touch with me already.
Keeho's name is being called—it’s church time. I sign off, clear the history, and join my sisters in the car. It takes me a few minutes to get their names straight—Pam is eleven, Lacey is ten, and Jenny is eight. Only Jenny seems excited about going to church.
When we get there, the girls head off to Sunday school while I join Keeho’s mother in the main congregation. I prepare myself for a Baptist service and try to remember what makes it different from the other church services I’ve been to.
I have been to many religious services over the years. Each one I go to only reinforces my general impression that religions have much, much more in common than they like to admit. The beliefs are almost always the same; it’s just that the histories are different. Everybody wants to believe in a higher power. Everybody wants to belong to something bigger than themselves, and everybody wants company in doing that. They want there to be a force of good on earth, and they want an incentive to be a part of that force. They want to be able to prove their belief and their belonging, through rituals and devotion. They want to touch the enormity.
It’s only in the finer points that it gets complicated and contentious, the inability to realize that no matter what our religion or gender or race or geographic background, we all have about 98 percent in common with each other. Yes, the differences between male and female are biological, but if you look at the biology as a matter of percentage, there aren’t a whole lot of things that are different. Race is different purely as a social construction, not as an inherent difference. And religion—whether you believe in God or Yahweh or Allah or something else, odds are that at heart you want the same things. For whatever reason, we like to focus on the 2 percent that’s different, and most of the conflict in the world comes from that.
The only way I can navigate through my life is because of the 98 percent that every life has in common.
I think of this as I go through the rituals of a Sunday morning at church. I keep looking at Keeho’s mother, who is so tired, so taxed. I feel as much belief in her as I do in God—I find faith in human perseverance, even as the universe throws challenge after challenge our way. This might be one of the things I saw in Hanni, too—her desire to persevere.
After church, we head to Keeho’s grandmother’s house for Sunday dinner. There’s no computer, and even if it weren’t a three-hour drive away, there wouldn’t be any way for me to get to Hanni. So I take it as a day of rest. I play games with my sisters and make a ring of hands with the rest of my family when it’s time to say grace.
The only discord comes when we’re driving home and a fight breaks out in the backseat. As sisters, they probably have closer to 99 percent in common, but they’re not about to recognize that. They’d rather fight over what kind of pet they’re going to get … even though I’m not sensing any indication from their mother that a pet is in their near future. It’s an argument for its own sake.
When we get home, I bide my time before asking if I can use the computer. It’s in a very public place, and I will need everyone to be in another room in order to check my email. While the three girls run around, I retire to Keeho’s room and do his weekend homework the best that I can. I am banking on the fact that Keeho has a later bedtime than his sisters, and in this I am correct. After Sunday supper, the girls get an hour of television in the same room as the computer. Then Keeho’s mother tells them it’s time to get ready for bed. There’s much protest, but it falls on deaf ears. This is its own kind of ritual, and Mom always wins.
While Keeho’s mother is getting the girls into their pajamas and getting out their clothes for tomorrow, I have a few minutes on my own. I quickly check the email I set up in the morning, and there’s no message from Hanni yet. I decide it can’t hurt to be proactive here, so I type in her address and start an email before I can stop myself.
Hi Hanni,
I just wanted to say that it was lovely meeting you and dancing with you last night. I’m sorry the police came and separated us. Even though you’re not my type, gender-wise, you’re certainly my type, person-wise. Please keep in touch.
That seems safe enough to me. Clever, but not self-congratulatorially so. Sincere, but not overbearing. It’s only a few lines, but I reread it at least a dozen times before I hit send. I let go of the words and wonder what words will come back. If any.
Bedtime seems to be taking a while—it sounds like there’s some argument about which chapter their read-aloud left off on—so I load up my personal email.
Such an ordinary gesture. One click, and the instant appearance of the inbox, in all its familiar rows.
But this time it’s like walking into a room and finding a bomb right in the middle of it.
There, under a bookstore newsletter, is an incoming message from none other than Haruto Watanabe.
The subject line is WARNING.
I read:
I don’t know who you are or what you are or what you did to me yesterday, but I want you to know you won’t get away with it. I will not let you possess me or destroy my life. I will not remain quiet. I know what happened and I know you must be in some way responsible. Leave me alone. I am not your host.
“Are you okay?”
I turn and find Keeho’s mother in the doorway.
“I’m fine,” I say, positioning myself in front of the screen.
“Alright, then. You have ten minutes more, then I want you to help me unload the dishwasher and head to bed. We have a long week ahead of us.”
“Okay, Mom. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
I turn back to the email. I don’t know how to respond, or if I should respond. I have a vague recollection of Haruto’s mother interrupting me while I was on the computer—I must have closed the window without clearing the history. So when Haruto loaded up his email, it must have been my address that popped up. But he doesn’t know my password, so the account itself should be safe. Just in case, though, I know I need to change my password and move all my old emails, quick.
I will not remain quiet.
I wonder what this means.
I can’t forward all my old emails in the ten minutes that I have, but I start to make a dent in them.
Keeho’s mother calls me and I know I have to go. But clearing the history and turning off the computer can’t stop my thoughts. I think about Haruto waking up on the side of the road. I try to imagine what he must have felt. But the truth is, I don’t know. Did he feel like it was something he had gotten himself into? Or did he immediately know that something was wrong, that someone else had been in control? Was he sure of this when he went to his computer and saw my email address?
Who does he think I am?
What does he think I am?
I head into the kitchen and Keeho’s mother gives me another look of concern. She and Keeho are close, I can tell. She knows how to read her son. Over the years, they’ve been there for each other. He’s helped raise his sisters. And she’s raised him.
If I really were Keeho, I could tell her everything. If I really were Keeho, no matter how hard it was to understand, she would be on my side. Fiercely. Unconditionally.
But I am not really her son, or anyone’s son. I can’t disclose what’s bothering Keeho today, because it doesn’t have much bearing on who he’ll be tomorrow. So I brush off his mother’s concern, tell her it’s no big deal, then help her take the dishes out of the dishwasher. We work in quiet camaraderie until the task is done, and sleep calls.
For a while, though, I can’t go to sleep. I lie in bed, stare at the ceiling. This is the irony: Even though I wake up in a different body every morning, I’ve always felt in some way that I am in control.
But now I don’t feel in control at all.
Now there are other people involved.
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ladylooch · 1 year ago
Does Savannah ever babysit Stella and how does Stella feel about Sav? Like is she jealous of her bc she gets Lios attention
30 minutes. That is how long it takes for Stella Wood to look in Savannah Miller’s direction after she walks in with Lio. 30 minutes of ignoring up until Lio decided to sit next to Savannah on the couch across from where Stella was playing with her dolls. 
“You can’t sit there.” Stella tells her uncle. 
“Why not?” She slides her eyes to Savannah. The judgement is strong, then she looks back at Lio.
“Because I said.”
“Who’s the adult here?” Lio chuckles, trying to keep the mood light.
“Mommy isn’t here. Or daddy. So it is me and Savannah.” Stella gives a weird look when he says her name.
“I’m not listening to her.” Lio raises his eyebrows. 
“Mmm, yes you will. No one on this couch takes direction from 4 year olds.”
“I’m almost five.”
“You’re not even close to five!” Lio chuckles. “You just had a birthday.” 
“Hey Stell, Uncle Lio told me that you have a doll that looks just like you. Can I see it?” Savannah changes the subject. This doll is Stella’s most prized possession right now. It’s a great diversion from the building tension in the room. Stella nods, then sprints off to her room.
“She has a lot of clothes too but mommy said I have to keep them in the chest because I keep losing them and they’re expensive.” She brings forward the doll which does look exactly like Stella with curly brown hair and blue eyes. “I made her a bracelet at my friends house too.”
“Oh wow. Do you have a matching one?”
“No.” She gives Savannah a weird look, then goes back to smoothing her doll’s hair down. 
“Ooookay.” Savannah laughs, looking over at Lio. He gives her a reassuring peck. They talked about this before they came over. It might be a little rough at first, but Stella will come around.
“Stell, are you hungry?”
“Babe, do you want to put in the sushi order and I’ll get started on her dinner?”
“You’re going to make her dinner?” Savannah teases. 
“I make the best Mac and cheese.”
“Yeah!” Stella cheers. Savannah is still not buying it, but then she sees Lio take out the blue box, it all comes together. 
The girls stay in the living room while Lio works on bringing the water to a boil. The living room is hushed and quiet until sudden a violent shriek rips through the apartment. 
“You don’t get to tell me what to do. This is MY house.” Stella yells.
“Whoa.” Lio calls, turning around from where he is at the stove, working on Stella’s Kraft Mac and Cheese. “What’s going on?” 
“That lady touched Penny! Nobody touches her but me and mommy and daddy and you!”
“Stell, ‘that lady’ is my girlfriend. Please be nice.” Stella wrinkles her nose. 
“No! I want her to leave!”
“I’m gonna leave if you keep that up. Knock it off.” Lio points at her with the wooden spoon. Stella’s mouth drops open in surprise. Lio has never gotten stern with her like this before. She turns away, back to the coffee table. Lio goes back to the stove, not even acknowledging Savannah’s ‘pump the breaks’ look. Stella glares at Savannah, tossing her doll onto the couch and padding her way into the kitchen to Lio.
“Can you call my mommy?”
Lio hesitates, but Stella has tears in her blue eyes and he doesn’t want to make it worse by saying no. So he sighs, pulling out his phone while taking the boiling noodles off the stove. 
“Hi. Everything okay?” Lucie answers.
“Stell wants to talk to you.” Lio hands the phone down to the little girl, then walks to the sink to pour the noodles out into the strainer. 
“Can you come home?" Stella asks immediately.
Savannah watches Stella from the couch as she rubs at her eyes while holding the big phone in her tiny hand. Savannah is fully aware of how important Stella is to Lio. She thought Stella liked her. She had seemed to when they had met a handful of times before Savannah and Lio really became anything. But now, with Savannah here as Uncle Lio’s girlfriend, the outlook seems to have shifted. Despite Lio preparing her, it hurts her feelings. 
Stella mumbles into the phone a few times, then walks back to Lio, holding the still going call up to him. He pinches the phone between his cheek and shoulder so he can keep going on dinner.
"What's going on?" Lucie asks. He can hear the bustle of the restaurant behind her voice. 
"Not loving the guest." Lio mumbles discreetly. 
"Ahh.. I see. I'm going to have her go into her room for a break. Follow her in, alone, after ten minutes and see how it goes. She's very temperamental right now with change.” Lucie sighs. “And if that doesn’t work, I don’t know, figure it out. Because I’m not coming home until I get dicked down in the car.” 
“Kay.” Lio shakes his head.
“It’s been too long.” 
“Okay! I heard you the first time. Stelly, mama wants to talk to you again."
Lio continues preparing the boxed mac and cheese after handing the call back to his niece. Eventually, Stella takes in a big breath, then puts Lio’s phone on the table.
“I need a break.” She announces to the room, then walks out before Lio or Savannah can respond. 
“This is going so horribly.” Savannah sighs, running a hand through her hair. Lio chuckles.
“Thought you didn’t care what people think?” 
“Lee, please.” She whines. He smiles.
“Sav, change of any kind is hard for her right now. It’s not you.” 
“It feels like me.”
“It is not you.” He assures her more firmly, gripping her upper arms so he can lay a smooch on her. “Uncle Lee Lee has got this.” 
Lio waits ten minutes, standing outside of Stella’s room. Then he gently knocks on the door, popping it open. He finds Stella in her bed, surrounded by piles of stuffed animals on either side. Her thumb is tucked into her mouth, wet cheeks and little sniffles shaking her body. Lio wades through her stuffed animals to sit on the bed next to her
"You wanna talk to me about what's going on?”
"I don't wanna share you." She says immediately, little lips quivering.
"Sit up with me.” She grabs the closest stuffie, a panda, and sits up, letting Lio pull her into his lap. Stell closes her eyes, leaning her forehead in the center of his chest as she cries more. "Stelly." Lio coos, rubbing her back. "I know we have some big feelings right now. But I would love it if you could try to spend time with Savannah and me. I really like her. I think you two will be friends. Can you give her a chance for me, bug?”
“How you gonna love me and her!?” Stella exclaims. 
“Easy. I have lots of love for you both.” He keeps rubbing her back while tears from her face bleed into his grey shirt. “Daddy loves you and mommy, yeah?” Stella doesn’t respond. “Hm?” Lio taps her back. She sucks in a big breath.
“Yeah.” She whimpers. 
“I can do that too, Stell.” She looks so sad and distraught, it feels like Lio’s heart is being ripped out of his chest. Stay the course, he reminds himself, Sav needs you to get this right.
“How about you take a few more minutes, then come join us for dinner?”
Stella nods. Lio places her back in with her stuffs, leaving her door ajar as he returns to the kitchen. Savannah had finished the Mac and cheese. The sushi has arrived too. Both adults sit quietly at the table, waiting for the title girl to join them. She comes out wordlessly, climbing into her chair. She glances at Savannah, then at Lio, before sighing heavily. 
“Stell.” Is all Lio need to say for the little girl to know what she needs to do.
“ ‘M sorry. You can play with my doll too.” 
Lio and Sav share a suppressed grin.
It may take a few more days together, but they’re gonna be just fine. 
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pieflavorpie · 5 months ago
My unpopular opinion is that i dont enjoy bards Lament. At all. It is objectively good, well performed with appropriate buildup. However, I am a child with an absentee father, and i have had similar thoughts to him before, and i used to have a friend that went down his path. I have seen and experienced every point of view. And what that was isnt justice. Its not calling people out, or making them realise how they have hurt him.
Its a very broken, depressed man who finally snaps and burns down the bridges with his friends. No, VM never asked for Scanlan's mum's name because that's not something they do. If you can list me 5 times where the team ask questions about peoples backstory [before Bards Lament] BEFORE it became relevant, then you have successfully proved me wrong. Anything revealed is either probed out of them as part of recon, or willfully offered as a piece of friendship.
[E.g: Keyleth talking about her aramente, Pike's history with Grog vs Percy's backstory being revealed after they get invited to dinner with the Briarwoods and Grog talking about his pack when its revealed his uncle has the vestige.]
And he never offered any of this information. There have been several times where VM have shown concern and actively asked how hes doing just for him to lie and shrug them off. They prank him while he was asleep because they think hes a fairly centred person who will enjoy an attempt to bring things back to normal and they were drunk.
And yes, they are mean to him sometimes, because they are a group of assholes. They never disguise themselves as anything else. Vax and Percy's friendship post-briarwoods for a good while is based in distrust and self loathing, respectively. Everyone has moments where they say mean shit to Grog [except Pike] because he cant understand it.
And the "without his songs hes just a guy" comment or however it was phrased was a tactical comment. Because he would be. He doesn't have any sort of weapon beyond Mythcarver which he refuses to use, and he doesn't have anything else he can use to support or fight. The same applies to Keyleth without her nature magic, it applies to Percy without his guns, it applies to Grog when people are out of range.
And no, I don't blame him for snapping when he woke up. I doubt taking a -4 to any rolls made would translate to a Happy Peachy character in-story. And all of his internalised misery finally coalesces in his tiredness. But what happens isn't good. It isn't progress. It is showing everyone a wound that has been tearing open over months, and then promptly storming out.
And his whole "I didn't want my daughter to see me like this." Isn't some Grand Show of how much he cares, it shows him as fucking selfish. My dad being weak is what drove him away, his insecurity stopping him from getting help from my family. That line of thinking is what makes him a sad, lonely man rotting in a flat after abandoning many families like my own.
That man in real life was strong, a brilliant teacher of martial arts. A true marvel to see and train with. He had a certain charisma to him, but he had his shortcomings. And when his partner got too close to them, he'd hold them tight to his chest and scurry away, only coming back for the drunk sex and eventually leaving entirely. Having enough distrust in his heart to claim any unwanted children to be illegitimate.
Now, Scanlan is nowhere near as bad as him, but there are similarities. And enough that I feel my word has weight when I say, if I were Kaylie, I would not want to travel with him. If he truly wanted to be closer to her and do good for her, he'd get better first. And to get better, you need people. Plural. You cannot depend on one person. And that person can absolutely not be your own fucking child. I'm not saying he should've stayed with vox machina, but he should've stayed with a group. A group of adults that could support him. And honestly I feel like so far from my watching of CR, his epilogue with kaylie is the most unrealistic character development possible. I know she's supposed to be rough and hardy, but I refuse to believe that girl would not be breaking under her father's bleeding desperation for validation. And I definitely refuse to believe that she could actually help him to the point he'd gladly leave her on another continent while he talked to the people he'd snapped at.
Anyway, fuck dickhead dads who don't get actual help. Especially fuck them when they start depending on their children for them to be a good person.
For those who do not know. Scanlan's departure from the party in the stream wasn't as... friendly. It was kind of an ugly break-up. It came from Sam wanting to do some unexpected twist with Scanlan's character and it led to a very emotional moment. That he did not feel validated, that he did not feel appreciated and that he was considered a joke by the group.
And it came down to one phrase from Scanlan to the group: "What is my mother's name?" and when nobody was able to answer the question. Scanlan left.
However, interesting little tid-bit that might help understand this change. which comes from one of the Q&A. which is no longer up because... uhm... a whole other Drama I am not here to explain.
And what Sam said in that Q&A is that there WAS one way in which Scanlan would have stayed.
And it was Pike. who wasn't there at the time (technically was as an NPC, but since Ashley wasn't there, it's the same thing), but which Sam said was the only person who could change his decision.
And what has Pike done the entire season? BE that person who supported Scanlan in his darkest moment, and who deflated the situation probably without meaning to. And so he is able to leave the party in much better terms.
A shame because the emotional rollercoaster that it involved will be missed, but hey, it's cool to see what Sam meant by saying Pike was the one person who could stop Scanlan walking out of the party like he did
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bushtail03 · 5 months ago
I was tame (I was gentle 'till the circus life made me mean)
I've been playing with this fic idea for a while but idk if anyone would want to read it. it's Regulus Black's pov and a kind of 'what if Regulus became an animagus'
I'm not sure if this is any good, but here you go. this is basically an excuse to use my French skills lol... here's a snippet
Sirius always tried to defy their parents. Regulus never understood why. To him, it was better to do as they say and stay under the radar. 
This Christmas was like any other at 12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius would pull some kind of prank, Mother would punish him, he would retaliate in some way, and the cycle would continue. 
“Why can't you do as they say? Pourquoi tu peux pas en moins essayer de les pas faire fâchez?” [trans: why can't you at least try to not make them angry?] Regulus asked Sirius one night after Mother used Diffindo on Sirius’s calf after he put up Griffondor posters on his bedroom walls.
“Reggie you just don’t understand”
“Alors, me fait comprendre.” [trans: then make me understand]
Sirius didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes. They sat on Sirius’s bed in silence. 
Regulus had snuck into his room that night because he was worried about his brother, though he would never admit that. He truly cares for Sirius and would do anything for him. 
“C’est juste,” [trans: It's just] Sirius’s voice began to break as if he were on the brink of tears. “It physically pains me to even think about going along with their ideals and way of thinking. I know they would hate all of my friends if they ever met them, except maybe Peter. Peter Pettigrew, you’ve met him.”
Regulus grunts in affirmation.
On Christmas Eve, there was the Black family Christmas dinner. The whole Black family was there along with their respective spouses and children. The only exceptions were Andromeda and Uncle Alphard. The dinner was held at 12 Grimmauld Place this year. Last year, it was held at the Black Family Manor where Uncle Cygnus and Aunt Druella live along with Regulus’s cousin Narcissa. Bellatrix has moved out and lives with her husband, Rodolphus Lestrange. Andromeda was disowned 4 years ago after marrying a Muggle-born wizard. 
[after Sirius left and Regulus forced himself to stay behind to protect his big brother]
In the days between Christmas and returning to Hogwarts, Regulus spent most of his time in his big brother's room. He would never admit that he *missed* Sirius, but he still had to go in there to just keep himself sane. It was one of the only places he could go so that Mother and Father wouldn't find him.
One day, no different from the others, Regulus found a notebook under Sirius's bed. Inside, it had notes upon notes on how to turn into an *Animagus*. Regulus didn't know what to think of this.
Had Sirius turned into an Animagus? He couldn't have done so on his own, not that Sirius wasn't capable. But Potter and probably Pettigrew had to as well, those four has to do everything together.
Lupin is a werewolf. Regulus found that out in his first year at Hogwarts. It wasn't difficult. It was probably for him, the idiots.
this is very obviously incomplete but whatever
0 notes
thatgirlstrawberry · 2 years ago
How to Lie to a Behavior Analyst
Feb. Requests-4
In which Spencer and Y/N are dating and it’s great but the only problem is… she’s Rossi’s daughter
Warnings: semi-smutty scenes, dirty talkin… fluff, lying, horny!Spencer, spence being reckless and reader being scared 💀
Spencer Reid x fem!rossi!reader
All parts of this are up on my pinned masterlist!
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“Ohmygod, Spencer!” Y/N giggled as she inspected his face. She sat on his lap, touching his skin where she had noticed a bruise.
“I know…” He groaned.
Y/N eyes flickered up to his. “And you didn’t think to tell me that the guy beat your ass before you knocked him out?” She said, talking about the unsub from the last case Spencer was on.
Spencer rolled his eyes. “Okay baby, first of all, he did not beat my ass. He punched me once before I hit him with a crowbar. And second, can we stop talking about creepy psychopaths so I can fuck you?” He asked watching her face turn red.
Y/N kissed his lips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His hands found her hips naturally and he kissed her back, rubbing his thumbs over the hip bones. Now, this process would have moved a lot slower had she still had pants on but the moment Spencer got to her apartment he took them off of her. Now she was just left in a pair of her underwear and a loose t-shirt.
She moaned as one hand slid from her hip and between her legs, rubbing softly. She pulled away from his lips and hid her face in his shoulder, breathing heavily.
His lips found her neck as he kept rubbing, chuckling at how wet she was and he had just started touching her. “You miss me while I was gone, baby?” He asked into her skin.
She nodded, a whine leaving her lips. “I missed you and those hands of yours.”
Spencer smirked and helped her sit back up so he could look at her face. “What about my di-“
His words were cut off by the sound of one of their phones ringing. He groaned and held onto her ass, not wanting to stop trying to make her feel good. Y/N kissed his lips and crawled off of him, smiling at the fact that his hand stayed on her ass as long as it could before she was out of reach.
She looked on her bedside table and groaned when she realized that her father was calling her. “It’s mine.”
Y/N cleared her throat and picked it up. “Hey, dad!” She smiled, glancing back at Spencer who pressed his lips together and widened his eyes.
“Good morning, Y/N/N my beautiful.” He spoke. He sounded extra cheery this morning.
Spencer climbed up next to her and placed his hand on her thigh. She glared at him with her eyes but smiled with her lips. “What’s up, dad?”
Somehow, Spencer ended up laying between her legs pressing soft kisses on the insides of her thighs. Y/N dropped her mouth open wanting to moan so badly.
“I’m having a dinner on Saturday night and I want you to be there.” Rossi said. “Uncle Hotch wants to see you. So does the rest of the team.”
Spencer looked up at her, smirking and nodding as he continued to tease her. She grabbed his hair and pulled it harshly trying to get him to stop with a smile on her face.
He did not stop. In fact, his lips turned into his tongue, licking and biting the insides of her thighs. His hands grabbed the outsides, squeezing roughly.
“Y-yeah! I would love to come.” She replied, her mouth falling open when his lips got closer.
Closer… closer… closer—
Y/N snapped out of her thoughts. “Sorry, dad. Got a little uh… distracted. What did you say?”
Rossi chuckled on the other end. “Uh I know you’ve got this… crush on Reid but…”
“Sorry— what? You’re breaking up.” Y/N furrowed her brows.
“I said I don’t want you to have a crush on—“
“Whoa— sorry dad. I can’t hear you. I have something in the oven that’s gonna burn— gotta go. Bye, love you!”
She hung up the phone, tossed it somewhere and shut her eyes. Spencer propped himself up on his elbows and smiled at her. “You have a crush on me?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you.”
Spencer chuckled and swiftly flipped them over so she was hovering over his face. “By sitting on my face?” He quirked an eyebrow. “I’m okay with that.”
It was Thursday morning and Y/N though she would stop by her dad’s office and bring everyone donuts.
She walked through with the box and smiled at the people who greeted her. She walked into the bullpen, Derek spotting her first.
“Hey, Rossi Junior!” He called out. “Good to see you, girl.” He smiled as he hugged her. “Even better to see you with food.” He kissed her cheek as the other started walking over to them. Derek took the box from her and set it down on one of the desks.
Rossi and Hotch walked up side by side and Spencer behind them with JJ and Garcia. “Hi, sweetie.”
“Hi, daddy.” She smiled as he kissed both of her cheeks.
Hotch gave her a hug and greeted her swiftly. Garcia squealed as she hugged Y/N and rocked her back and forth. “Ugh! I haven’t seen this beautiful baby face in so long!” She said squeezing the woman.
“Pen— can’t… breathe.” Penelope apologized and let her go, pinching her cheek and going to see what kind of donuts she brought.
JJ and Emily hugged her next and then it got to Spencer. She glanced at his sexy face before nodding at him, knowing that he doesn’t really like physical contact.
It was crazy because she was sitting on his face not too long ago.
“So what brings you by, Y/N/N?” Derek asked, chewing on a glazed donut.
Y/N walked over leaning against a desk next to her dad who wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Oh, I was just on my way to work and I realized how much I missed you all so I brought you donuts and myself.” She smiled, motioning to both things.
She could swear she felt Spencer’s eyes on her. They usually were.
“Aw that’s sweet.” Emily smiled.
Y/N nodded. “I should really get going now.” She kicked off of the desk. “But I’m gonna go use the bathroom first.” She added.
Rossi rubbed her arm. “We’ll be in the round table room briefing so we’ll see you Saturday.”
Y/N smiled, kissing her father’s cheek. “See you all Saturday.”
They all said their goodbyes and she walked towards the bathroom.
When she got in there she smiled and waited by the door. A few moments later there were three knocks and she opened the door, quickly pulling her boyfriend in.
Desperate lips met hers and she reached behind him to lock the door as she kissed him. “I missed you.” She said in between kisses.
Spencer chuckled. “You saw me yesterday.” He smiled as her kisses grew deeper.
She hummed. “I wanna see you all day, every day.” She spoke, pulling away from him with a small pout on her lips. “How’d you get away from them?” She asked.
“I told them my mom called.” He whispered, pecking her lips. He gasped in shock when she hit his shoulder.
“Don’t use your mom to lie, Spencer that’s not nice!” She shook her head.
Spencer tilted his head to the side. “Would you rather me have told them that I was coming to make out with you or…” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Whatever, get back out there. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She giggled, pushing him away gently.
Spencer shook his head. “No, you’ll see me tonight.”
She gave him a sweet smile. “Yours or mine?”
The man caressed her cheek gently. “Mine. I’m gonna cook you dinner with all of the fun kitchen gadgets you made me buy.”
Y/N scoffed. “Spence, you didn’t even have a can opener!” She patted his chest and laughed.
He chuckled and kissed her once, twice, three times before she pushed him away. “Go before they get suspicious.” She whispered.
Spencer reluctantly pulled away and unlocked the bathroom door, slipping out discreetly and leaving Y/N to stand there with a warm smile on her face.
It was Saturday night and Spencer watched Y/N try on four different dresses from his spot in his bed.
They would leave from the same place but take different cars so it wasn’t suspicious. Spencer would take the longer way there and Y/N wold take the short cut.
“I don’t know, I think I like the blue one.” She said, turning so she could see the back in the mirror. She had on a blue satin dress that had a little bow on the back.
Spencer bit his lip. “Yeah… I definitely like the blue one too.” He said, looking at where the neckline swooped down.
“Stop looking at my boobs and come zip me up, please.” He rolled his eye with a smile and slid off the bed, walking up behind her and slowly lifting the zipper, stopping right before it was at the end.
“Are you sure I can’t unzip you?” He asked. “We’ve got thirty minutes and with the way you look, I only need five.” He dipped his head down, kissing her neck.
Y/N’s shoulders raised and she hummed. “You can take the dress off me when we get back here after dinner.” She said, planting her hand in his hair. “I can’t get all messed up. The they’ll know we’re together.”
Spencer groaned and wrapped an arm around the front of her, swiping his thumb across her red lips. “I can’t wait to see this pretty little makeup all smudged.” He said lowly into her ear. Her mouth dropped open and her chest heaved.
She wrapped her lips around his thumb and shut her eyes, her tongue swirling around it. He groaned. “I honestly don’t think I could ever get it up for anyone else.”
Y/N smirked and popped his thumb out of her mouth. “Change your tie. It’s the same color as my dress. We’re gonna look like we’re going to freakin’ prom together.”
Spencer rolled his eyes and stalked over to his closet.
Spencer arrived at Rossi’s 20 minutes after Y/N. She was chatting with Garcia and JJ over a glass of wine. She looked so pretty laughing and smiling.
“Hey, kid!” Rossi greeted, snapping him out of his trance. He smiled at the man. “There’s wine in the dining room, dinner will be done soon.”
“Great.” He smiled.
He was about to make his way to the dining room but Garcia called his name. “Boy Wonder! Over here!”
He stopped and sighed before turning to them with a smile. Y/N smiled at him, crossing her arms and sipping her wine.
“Soooooo, what are you doing for your birthday this year?” The blonde asked, grinning.
Hopefully getting my dick sucked. “Uh…” He shrugged. “I think I’m just gonna take my mom out to dinner and go buy some more books.” He nodded.
Derek came up behind him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Uh, no.” He shook his head. “You can do the mom thing just no books, you nerd.” He spoke. “I’m taking you to a strip club.”
Y/N’s breath hitched and she slid her tongue across her teeth. Spencer glanced at Garcia before looking at his girlfriend. Hotch and Rossi joined their circle.
“Uh… I’m okay, actually. I’d rather just stay home.” He nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
Derek scoffed. “Why? You got a girl or something?” Spencer tired and successfully avoided glancing at Y/N and shook his head shrugging.
“No, I just… don’t really wanna go see a bunch of naked girls.” I only wanna see one naked girl.
Emily snorted. “What planet are you from? What man doesn’t want to see a bunch of naked girls dancing around, swinging their hoo-has in your face?”
“Swinging?” Y/N grimaced. “What strip clubs have you been to?” She laughed.
Emily scoffed. “The good kind.”
Garcia shook her head. “Okay— anyway, I think Reid has a girlfriend, who’s with me?” She raised her hand.
Everyone including Y/N raised their hands. She pressed her tongue to the bottom of her mouth to keep from laughing.
Spencer rolled his eyes. “Guys I don’t have a girlfriend.” He said, pulling his hand out of his pocket.
“Why is your thumb red?” JJ asked, nodding at his hand.
Y/N pressed her lips together and looked at the ground.
Spencer opened his mouth but shut it again. “I was making Kool-Aid earlier and that stuff stains like a bitch.”
Y/N sighed and shook her head slightly. Literally everyone on this room knows I live off of Kool-Aid. Literally had a Kool-Aid man themed birthday part, I am so obsessed.
She looked back up to meet her father’s stare. Y/N/N, Can you help me with the Carbonara?” He asked, nodding his head to the kitchen.
She swallowed and nodded, putting a smile on her face. She glanced at Spencer before following her father into the kitchen.
“Ooh, It smells good, dad.” She hummed, hoping that he wouldn’t try and talk to her about what all the awkwardness with Spencer was about.
“I remember when you were a little girl and you first learned how to make it with me.” He smiled, leaning against the counter on his palms.
Her phone buzzed in her bag and she took it out quickly.
Dick Dealer💘
How to lie to a behavior analyst: Don’t maintain excessive eye contact, keep your voice even, say my name if you refer to me, don’t fidget— I love you
She inhaled deeply and slid her phone back in her bag, setting it on the counter. “I love cooking with you, dad.” She smiled.
Rossi nodded towards his spice organizer and she walked over grabbing the black pepper and garlic powder.
“Can you be honest with me for a moment, sweetie?” He asked as she sprinkled the seasonings in. She glanced at him.
“Yeah, always.” She shrugged, smiling.
He walked around the kitchen island and sighed. “Are you… involved with Spencer Reid?”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him, her lips quirking up. “What? No, of course not.”
Rossi nodded. “I just… I just noticed some weird stuff back in there. The way you got… jealous when Derek mentioned taking Spencer to a— his birthday plans.” He grimaced.
Y/N laughed a little, trying to keep her voice even. She looked at her dad, making eye contact with him. “Well, like you said you did figure out that I have a crush on Spencer. I was just jealous about that.” She shrugged.
Rossi nodded. “A-and I’ve noticed how weird it is that you seemingly ignore him when we’re all together. What’s up with that?”
Y/N scoffed. “God, dad. Do I need a lawyer or something? Why are you grilling me?”
The father sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I’m just a little protective.”
His daughter smiled and looked back down at the pot she was stirring. “No, it’s okay. I get it but there’s nothing going on between Spencer and I.”
He smiled and kissed her head. “I’ve got it from here if you wanna go back out with your friends.”
Y/N bit her lip. “I think I’ll stay here with you. We need to catch up. How’s Crystal?”
At dinner, Spencer sat across the way from his girlfriend. He was sitting beside Rossi so there was no way he could see the looks that he was giving Y/N.
He was mostly giving her worried looks because she wasn’t making eye contact with him at all.
Once dinner was done, she stuck around to help clean up. Spencer bit his lip as he left the Rossi household, glancing at Y/N through the window before getting in his car and driving home where he would meet Y/N.
“Fuck!” Y/N panted and rolled off of him. Spencer gripped her hips even as she collapsed on the bed beside him, squeezing his eyes shut.
She shut her eyes and bit her lip, scooting forward to wrap her legs around his waist and laying her head on his chest. “M’sleepy, Spence.” She mumbled.
“So what did you and your dad talk about?” He asked, rubbing her skin.
Y/N popped her eyes back open. “Are you really asking me about my dad not even thirty seconds after I rode your dick?” She grimaced.
Spencer chuckled. “M’sorry, baby.” He kissed her head. “I just— you got all weird during dinner. You weren’t even looking at me.”
Y/N sighed. “He just asked me if I was ‘involved’ with you. I denied it, of course but I’m still not sure that he fully believes me.” She shrugged. “Did he say something to you?”
Spencer shook her head. “Nope.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Good.” She pressed her forehead into Spencer’s chest again and kissed it. “I’m going to sleep unless you wanna go again?” She smirked.
“You horn dog. Go to sleep.” He chuckled. “I love you.”
Y/N hummed and giggled sleepily. “I love you.”
An hour later Spencer was still awake, running his fingertips across the bare skin of Y/N’s back gently as she slept. His phone buzzed on the bedside table and he sighed, pausing his movements and reached over to grab it.
I know she thinks you two are hiding it well. I’ll let you get away with it for now. You hurt my daughter, I shoot you in the face.
Spencer’s eyes widened and he almost groaned loudly had Y/N not been asleep on his chest.
He gulped and put his phone down deciding that he wouldn’t tell Y/N that her dad knew about them until it was a problem.
Which even when it was, he would still do everything to make sure she never got hurt.
AND I LOVE YOU READER (WHO ASKED NOT TO BE TAGGED) If it’s not how you’d hoped, I will happily rewrite it:)
Spence and Y/N really we’re just horny this entire time💀 also Derek is an asshole 😭
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coffee-latte-sprite · 3 years ago
Batboys w/ a Girl Scout daughter
(all in the ages of their twenties)
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Dick Grayson
Selling Cookies
Okay, he is a detective, meaning he knows EVERY place that will sell good
Him and his daughter will go to these places when the inventory is hot
"if we hit 5th at 3, we get rush hour"
Not always at the "cookie booths" (that's what cookie sale pop-ups are called)
He will trust another mom/dad to watch his child while he works
Gives a pep-talk to his daughter before selling, everytime
"look them in the eye D/N and you got this! I believe in you!"
Also, when Nightwing, you better believe that he will ask the cops if they would like to buy cookies
"would you like to buy some thin mints?"
"ummm, don't you think we should put handcuffs on the Penguin first?"
Or when patrolling
"hello ma'am would you like some cookies?"
"oh of course!"
Also, will call you everytime he makes a sale
"okay, mark down 2 mints, 4 s'mores, and 1 do-si-do"
"Dick, it's 3 am."
"........okay get D/N on the phone then."
Will drop off and pick up D/N
Asks how it went everytime
"how'd it go sweetheart?"
"boring, I was tempted to call uncle Jason just for him to break into a window and show us his guns"
*car swerves*
He doesn't really have time to host one
Will be happy to bring snacks and donate money
Gets to know the other parents
All the moms love him, leading to you glaring at all of them
He will 100% host an event at his work
Will show all of the girls what a detective does
Shows them the jail (their favorite part), criminals (parents were freaked out), how to tackle someone
Also, that was a demonstration done by you and him
"okay girls, so when chasing a criminal -my lovely partner Y/N- you will want to go for the legs"
*does stunt*
*you end of flipping him over your head*
Girl scouts: "COOL!"
"what, you have to show them that it doesn't always work"
Jason Todd
Selling Cookies
Two words
He will be so aggressive about everythingggggggg
He will win them
He will get his pumpkin all of them
Bragging right?
Got em'. Four years in a row
"Daddy! Bethany is gaining on us!"
*cue going house to house*
You tried to tell them to take it easy, but since D/N took after her father, you're just kinda screwed
They won't stop for anything
They will stay out in ANY weather and sell
Jason will be at every cookie booth, which works in favor of them
Hot guy with wonderful fathering skills? All the women come flocking
Also meaning, you are at every cookie booth making sure that they know he's taken
"hey, handsome"
"um hello? Would you like to have some Samoas?"
"I'd like something else-"
"yeah, how about a trip to the hospital?" *You glare*
Also, as Red Hood, when patrolling, will basically fear criminals into buying cookies
"please don't hurt me!"
He will be at everyone single one
He will make sure that the girls are never bored
"this is boring"
"want me to call Starfire here?"
He will also make dinner/lunch for all the girls
He knows not all of the parents are doing very well financially, so he will make dinner for everyone there
Plus, he knows some parents are stressed and so he makes meals for the parents that can't come
He will host events on self defense
He does 4 lessons a year showing basic skills
He also has you come to help
(totally not because he loves seeing you in yoga pants)
"okay, so girls -Sam, don't do that- you need to hold your hands up like this"
Super patient will all of them
Won't leave them until they got it down
"D/N was the best out of all of them" - Jason Todd, every year
Also, when demonstrating moves, he has you being the one who does it
Meaning, you're the one who throws him over
He wants to show the girls that at any size, you can take out someone who's bigger than them
(Also, because he finds it incredibly hot when you can just take him out)
When they are older, he will host an event on gun safety and how to shoot
Tim Drake
Selling Cookies
He will honestly just buy what your daughter needs to win a prize
But you said that you can't just buy you're way out
Leading to D/N walking around Wayne Enterprises and asking people if they would buy
You would be there with her because she would be more quiet and shy
Tim would be working, but texting encouraging words
"hey baby, your dad said that you're doing a wonderful job"
"how can he tell?"
"the security cameras"
As Red Robin he would ask people if they would like to buy
He would honestly ask everyone
"hello, would you like to buy?"
"....I'm 10"
Also, would do the same as Dick and ask the cops if they would like to buy
"Hello, would you like to buy?"
"My daughters are selling to"
Your daughter would be at every other booth
Both you and Tim are super busy, but try to bring her to the booths
"thank you for dropping her off"
"what? I thought you did!"
*cue to D/N sitting in her Girl Scout uniform on the couch*
He doesn't go to them
He's tried, but he starts acting like it's a meeting at WE and ends up getting booed by the girls
"we don't want a handout"
"how do you pay attention?"
"daddy, we don't."
He does ask how they went when she gets home
"how did it go?"
*walks up to her father and hugs him*
"I missed you"
*you and Tim crying*
Will show the girls around WE
Show them how the business world works
Brings them to a meeting on shareholders
(most of them were just playing with the sticky notes)
Some thought it was super interesting
Your daughter knew everything already so she was pretty bored
Although, once Tim noticed how the excitement wore off, he had them play games
A couple being-
who can drink the most coffee (a mistake all on its own) (your daughter won btw, and was barely bothered by the 15 cups she drank) (Tim is now very concerned if that was his genetics)
Chair races (it escalated very quickly)
Who can steal from Tim's office and not have him notice (no one won)
Who can scare Bruce Wayne (he got scared by all of them when they screamed at him) (9 y/o girls screams were terrifying to him apparently) (Tim's eardrums are now shot)
Overall, the girls had a lot of fun
"you're a great dad."
Damian Wayne
Selling Cookies
This can go two ways
We win it all
Or, we buy it all
There is absolutely NO in-between
He's super competitive, and your daughter inherited that
Both will be so aggressive about sales campaign
"buy girl scout cookies today, or the League of Assassin's will know."
*mutes TV*
"Damian what is that!!!"
"What? The other five are better."
*face palm*
Will set up his own booths and not include the other girls
"Damian, you can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because the cookies sales are to help empower little girls"
He will then include the other girls
He actually won't ask if people want cookies on patrol as Batman
He doesn't want anyone to know that he has a daughter
He's really afraid of your daughter or you getting into the hands of the enemy because of a slip-up he made
So, he'll say he sold, but actually he will be using fake names and use his own money to buy the cookies
Won't go to them
He'll donate money, but won't go
He feels like they are a bad use of time
Unless his daughter wants him to go
"Father, will you accompany me to my meeting? I feel like we need more order."
"Of course"
He will host an event on how to take care of animals
He will cover all types of animals
Turkeys, cats, dogs, cats, cow, bats, all of them
All of the girls really like the event
They like petting the pets to
"he's so soft!"
"yes, because of the platinum conditioner"
He teaches them on how to take care of the animals
How to feed them
How to make them happy
How to brush them
How to tell if they are sick
He gets really into it
You come, but just end up watching
You love watching how happy he is
"any questions?"
"yes, how do you know so much?"
"because I'm Batman"
*everyone laughs*
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megsforpresident · 2 years ago
Tom Holland - Dinner. (smut)
Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
A/N: wrote this a while ago, didn't think I would post it. not my best work but could be worse.
TW: 18+, p in v, foreplay, fingering, i dont know more tbh but this is supposed to be very vanilla.
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You worked at a small diner around London. It was a small job at night so you could pay for college and your apartment. It was a bit away from the city centre but you didn't mind. It helped you to clear your head from all the business from the big city. 
Usually you had the night shift, meaning you would start at 6pm and finish around 1am, because you stayed late to help the others clean everything, but today was a Friday, your classes finished at noon and your friend who worked there got sick and asked you to cover up for her. 
So today you were supposed to work from 1pm to 2am. It was tiring but you liked what you did and the people were always so nice to you. Most of them you already knew, they were usually there everyday. 
"More coffee Carl?" You asked one of your usual customers and he nodded. 
While you were making coffee, the door opened. Usually you would show people to their table and give them the menu but you were busy.
"I'll be right there." You said loudly, finishing the process of the coffee maker. You walked fast to the entrance of the dinner, cleaning your hands and going to the cashier, who was on his break, to get a couple of menus. "Hi, welcome to Luke's. Please follow me." You asked, going to a table. The young man with a hood sat at the table and you handed him a menu."I'm Y/n and I'm going to be your waitress tonight." 
You told the young man, and he looked at you for the first time. You recognised him immediately, either for him being Tom Holland, spider-man, or for him being Tom Holland, your first friend, your first crush and your first boyfriend. 
You and Tom hadn't seen each other for about 4 years. You spoke to each other a lot on the phone for the first year he was away but eventually you both stopped. College was keeping you really busy and he was doing so great with his career. 
He was living his dream and usually you kept track of his work feeling proud of him. When you were children, Tom decided he wanted to be an actor and you decided that you wanted to be a writer, a screenwriter and that's what you were majoring in, a English major with a specific focus for screenwriting. 
"Oh my God. Y/n!" Tom said excited, getting up hugging you. You obviously hugged him back, missing one of the most important people in your life. "I haven't seen you in years!" 
"I missed you Tom!" You said in his ear, breathing him in. 
"I missed you too." He said septing back to look at you. Before you could say anything else Carl called you. 
"I'll be right back. Choose what you want." You left Tom to see the menu and went to the coffee maker to serve Carl his coffee. 
"Who's the guy?" The man, in his 20-ish something asked as you took his coffee. 
"An old friend." You smiled. "Hey isn't Elijah coming tonight?" Elijah was Carl's old uncle, you loved the man, he was always so nice to you and their relationship made your night. 
"He didn't want to come tonight. I start to think you like him more than you like me." He joked, and you kissed his cheek passing by. 
"Don't think like that Carl!" You laughed back, moving to one of the tables, getting the dishes out and collecting the tips. 
"Hey Luke." you called your boss putting the dishes on the window. "Can I take that break now?" He nodded and you moved to Tom, sitting with him. You had a burger in hand, already knowing that would be Tom's order. 
"Hey how did you know?" He asked, smiling. 
"You haven't changed Holland." You smiled while taking one of his fries. "Anyway, what should we expect for the next avenger movie? Because I have an interesting theory." 
Tom laughed, not surprised that you had seen his movies. You ended up catching up a bit, before you had to go back. 
The diner started to get a bit busy and you had no hands to keep track of all the orders, so Luke had to leave the kitchen leaving Mark there alone for a bit. 
It was almost closing time and Tom was still there. 
"Go on y/n, you worked harder than we did today. Go home. Take the sad puppy with you." Luke said, pointing to Tom, who has a tired expression on his face. 
"No, I can stay and help." You offered, but Luke wasn't going to take no for an answer. He always thought you worked too hard. "Fine, fine. Thank you. I'll see you guys tomorrow." You kissed both on the cheek, in a friendly way and left to see Tom. "What are you still doing here Hollywood?" 
"Oh c'mon we still have a lot of catching up to do!" He said excitedly, getting up. "Let me walk you home." 
"Fine, let's go." You smiled and he walked you home. 
You did keep talking all the way to your apartment, and you invited Tom in. At the moment it was 3 in the morning and you were eating the rest of the Chinese you had ordered for lunch. 
In a moment, you were laughing and Tom just stayed looking at you. You had taken your hair out of it's braid and your make up was all over your face but, you smiling was the most beautiful thing he had seen. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, putting the empty box on the coffee table and so did Tom. "Lad if I have something on my face you should've told me." You smiled nervously and Tom smiled a bit. 
He reached to your face, looking deep into your eyes and man did you want to kiss him. Your eyes fell from his to his lips and you reached your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him to you. 
Your lips moved in a perfect sink, like nothing had changed. You always loved Tom, even with the boyfriends you had after him, it was always him. And the same happened to Tom, he always loved you. 
It was quick until the innocent kiss turned into a hot make out session. You were on his lap, your skirt pulled up so his hands could run through your ass and thighs freely. You rocked your hips, by accident, when Tom squeezed one of your ass cheeks and he groaned into the kiss.
You kept the action going, feeling him harder and harder under you making you wetter and wetter. 
"If you don't stop that, I won't be able to stop." He said in your ear as a groan, as you kissed his neck. 
"I don't want you to stop Tom." You said in his, in the most innocent way, driving him crazy. 
He picked you up, making you scream a bit from surprise, taking you to your bedroom. He put you in bed carefully, getting on top of you after taking his shirt off. Then you saw that his muscles were very well defined and he looked so hot with his hair a bit messy, lips red from the kissing and the look of lust in his eyes. 
Tom kissed your neck, biting and sucking everywhere he wanted to, leaving his mark, slowly opening your uniform with the front zipper. You helped him take it off, leaving you only in your matching black lace underwear. 
He looked you up and down, feeling his cock harden against his jeans. His lips were quick to pass to your chest, taking the opportunity of you arching your back to take your bra off. All of his attention went to your nipples, making them hard, leaving his mark around them and you couldn't help but moan. 
Your moans were his favourite sound from now on, and there was no way he would get tired of hearing them. He moved again, kissing your stomach, making his way down. 
The anticipation was the worst, the teasing, and he was really trying to push you to the limit. You lift your hips and your legs to help him take the last piece of clothing in your body. 
Tom started to kiss your inner thighs, gently, in an intimate way, making you even more turned on. Eventually he reached your center, passing his tongue through the folds, smirking at how wet you were. 
He nibbled at your clit, making you moan as one of his long fingers pumped inside you. Your hands went to Tom's hair, pulling a bit, loving the feeling of him groaning against you. 
"Uhn… Tom… that feels so good." You said as a moan when he had 3 of his fingers inside of you. 
As soon as you started to move more, he pulled away from you, licking his fingers and you groaned from the lack of contact. 
"I'm not done with you yet baby." He said, eye to eyes with you, and you felt attracted to this 'bossy' side of him. 
You helped him undo his belt and pull his pants down, along with his boxers. He was way bigger than you had seen last time or had imagined the past few years, he laughed a bit at your reaction but quickly recovered when you closed your fist around his penis. 
Attaching your mouth to the tip, Tom groaned and you smiled to yourself. It wasn't long before you were gagging on him, feeling his cock ready to come, but he moved your head away, climbing on top of you again. 
"I want to cum inside you baby, not in that pretty mouth of yours."  He groaned in your ear, before you felt his tip at your entrance. He looked at you to be sure you wanted the same. 
"Please Tom, I can't take it anymore." You whined, feeling too turned on to be waiting, and he respected your request, getting all inside of you in one go. 
You moan feeling a bit of pain but the good kind of pain. Tom stayed still, waiting for you to let him move. You nod and he pulls his hips back, only leaving the head in you before slimming back in. 
Your room was filled with moans, groans and swears coming from the both of you. Tom was in and out, all the way in, all the way to the tip fast and rhythmic, making you feel like you were in heaven. 
"You want to cum baby?" He asked in your ear. "Cum for me, be a good girl will you?" you nodded immediately, and his hand attached to your clit making you moan loudly. 
You were over the edge, you could feel your walls clenching around him and he moaned loudly. One or two more trusts and you were cuming with a loud moan and pulling at Tom's back. He came inside of you while you were in your high, making it so much more intense. 
Tom pulled out, kissing you sweetly before picking you up again. He found the bathroom, sitting you on the counter and started a shower. 
He took care of you, washing every inch of your body, along with his before going to get you some clothes, a pair of your underwear and his t-shirt, as he appeared in jeans. 
"Tom.." You called as he was about to leave your room, thinking you were asleep. "Stay with me?" He could never say no to your puppy eyes. 
He took his jeans and shoes off, laying in bed next to you and your head found its way to his chest as you cuddled to him. You were fast asleep, feeling satisfied and safe, happy that Tom was here. 
"I love you y/n." Was the last thing you heard, with a kiss on the head before feeling Tom get into a comfortable position to sleep in. 
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sirsell · 3 years ago
Bonding with Maria
Quick Authors Note: This is part 4 of New Home. It can be read as a oneshot.
I'm a lot more active on wattpad so if you want check my wattpad out.
Also English is not my first language if you find mistakes please let me know and I'll try to correct them as soon as possible.
Natasha Romanoff × Maria Hill
Y/N Your Name
You were walking out of the school, looking over the parked cars to see if your mom was there to pick you up. 
Since the whole alien invasion last year she was quite busy and didn't always have time to pick you up, so sometimes Maria came or you took the bus home. She had gotten you a cellphone to use in case of emergency when you were home alone. 
Looking around you didn't see your mom or her car, so you started walking towards the bus. Taking the bus was something you really disliked. The other kids were always loud and none of your friends rode the same bus you did, so you always ended up sitting next to kids you didn't know. 
When the bus started driving you checked your phone for a message from your mom, only to see that she hadn't texted you, but Maria had. 
'Hey sweetie. Your mom had to leave for a quick mission, she should be home soon, but she asked me if I could stay with you till she's back. So I'll be over as soon as I'm finished.' 
Then another message. 'Do you know what you want for dinner?' You felt a little sad that your mom left again and this time without telling you, but you knew that she wouldn't do that if she wasn't really stressed and busy. Also you were kinda excited for Maria to stay with you, since the two of you got along really well and she was over every other day to hang out with you and your mom. Nobody else in your life was as present as Maria, apart from your mom of course. 
So you quickly texted back. 'Hey ria, we could order pizza and watch a movie. Do you know when mom is back?' You pressed send and waited for her answer, while you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. The kid next to you was looking at your screen as well. "Is that the black Widow? How did you meet her?" You looked up in surprise. You knew that your mom was an avenger, but people rarely recognized her on the street with you. But this kid had recognized from a picture of the two of you, you on her lap she had wrapped her arms around you and you were both beaming at the camera. "Uhm now that's not her." You quickly answered and turned off your phone. Only two more stops. "Are you sure she looked like her?" The boy asked and once again. "That was my mom. She looks a lot like her, she gets asked for pictures all the time, even though she is not Black Widow." You felt bad about lying to him, but you didn't want anybody to know who your mom was. "Ohh okay." The bus stopped again and a few kids got off. "My names Will. What's your name?" "Y/N." You replied shortly. The bus started driving again and you readied yourself to get out of the bus and away from that noisy boy. "I'm in fourth grade. I think you are too. I saw you in one of my classes." He explained as if he wasn't bothered by your clear disinterest in the conversation. "Yeah I am." The bus took the turn onto your street and you got up grabbing your bag. "Oh this is my stop too." The boy said happily to get to talk more. 
"Great." You mumbled as the bus stopped and the two of you got off. Your home was just a bit up the street and apparently Will's home was as well, since he just walked next to you as you walked on the sidewalk. He was talking the entire time. "My favorite Avenger is Thor. He's so cool. He can fly and with his hammer he can make lightning come down and crash onto his enemy's. Who's your favorite avenger?" You thought for a second, you couldn't say your mom or her code name,because then he would be suspicious again, so you named the next best thing. "Hawkeye. He is really skilled." You answered, smiling as you remembered your Uncle Clint teaching you how to shoot an arrow, while Auntie Laura and your mom played with little cooper. You adored your baby cousin and Auntie Laura was pregnant again, so very soon you'd have another cousin. 
"But he's boring. He just shoots arrows. He doesn't have any powers." "But that means he relies on skills rather than fancy powers or suits that could just stop working." You held against it, as you stopped in front of your house and pulled out your keys. 
"Bye Will." The boy looked sad to see you go, but he waved and continued his way down the street. You made your way upstairs and into your apartment. As suspected your mom wasn't here, neither was Maria or anyone else. You sighed and decided just to do the homework you had. 
When your phone started ringing you picked it up, in your mind still focusing on math. "Hello?" "Hey Sweetie. I'm on my now. I'll pick up some pizzas on my back. Do you want Y/F/P?" "Yes please. Oh and can you get ice cream too?"  You heard the woman on the other hand chuckle. "Yeah I'll get you some ice cream, but don't tell your mom. She'll not be happy." You giggled, but agreed with her. "I'll be there as soon as possible." She answered and you smiled. "See you soon sweetie." You finished up with your maths homework and just before you finished the door unlocked, looking up you saw your favorite brunette. 
"Hey sweetie." "Hey Ria." She came over and set the food down, before pressing a kiss on your forehead. "I'm so happy to see you." You smiled at her and gave her a hug. "I missed you too." She smiled and looked over your homework. "How is your homework going? Everything finished?" You shook your head. "Uhm I'm almost finished with maths and I kinda need to finish my history text." She nodded. "Okay you finish up with your work and then we can have dinner, watch a movie and cuddle okay?" You nodded and finished up your maths homework, luckily there were only a few equations left. "I'm done with math. Can you check it please?" The brunette, who had been working on her laptop, looked up and nodded. "Yeah of course. How about you get started on your history work while I check this."  "Okay." You pulled out your history workbook and finished up the work. Once you were finished with history, Maria explained that you had made a mistake on one of the math exercises. "See you 6/12 is the same as 1/2 so you can just do it 4/2 multiply that way."  She explained. "That makes it a lot easier and then you don't have to multiply 4/2 by 6 and get confused by that." You nodded and redid that one exercise. "I got it." You smiled as you showed it to Maria, who gave you a soft smile. "Now how about dinner?" "Yes please. Can we watch a movie while eating?" She nodded and ten minutes later the two of you were cuddled up on  the couch watching a movie Maria chose and eating your favorite pizza. "Ria? Do you know when mom is coming home?" She sighed. "Now I don't know sorry. There was a really big and important mission, all the Avengers had to go and I'm not sure when they'll be back." You suddenly felt very worried. "Will she be okay?" "I'm sure she will. Everything will be okay." She mumbled and pressed a kiss on your hair. 
For the next few days you and Maria hang out. You went to the park and played soccer together, you baked cookies and right now you were drawing portraits of each other. But then her phone rang. "Hill." 
She looked at you and quickly left the room, talking to the person on the other end. But then she came back in. "Hey sweetie. I need to talk to you okay?" She kneeled down in front of you. "Something happened and Natasha got taken. But everything's okay. Clint is already trying to find her and it's gonna be okay." You felt your breathing get quick and your eyes tearing up. "Everything's gonna be okay. Clint is gonna find her okay?" You nodded but you still cried into Maria's shoulder. She just held you, while you cried, before she decided to pick you up and place you in your mom's bed, where she laid down next to you. You don't really remember what happened after that, but some time later you woke up. "Hey honey. Clint called some time ago.They found your mommy and they are already on their way to get her." You nodded, feeling a bit relieved. 
Maria didn't tell you about what was going on in Sokovia, her only goal right now was to make sure you were safe, till Natasha came back to the two of you. 
She thought about the secret she and Nat were keeping from you and how they had just decided on how to tell you that they were in love. 
"Everything's gonna be okay." And for the rest of the idea you felt like it was. It felt almost normal, like every other day you had spent with Maria. She was keeping you calm by doing arts and crafts, taking a walk through the nearby park and having ice cream. 
Then around five pm she got a call while we were preparing dinner. "Okay. Do you want us to come there?" She asked when she came back into the room. "Okay we'll be there." She hung up and turned to you. "Let's go, your mom's almost back in the town. So we're gonna meet her." The two of you put our shoes on and quickly got into the car, driving towards the stark tower. 
Maria showed the security guard her ID and he let us in. "Okay sweetie. I know you never met the other avengers, but don't be worried it's okay." We took the elevator up to the landing place. You held onto her neck and watched as the small jet got bigger and bigger until it landed on the platform. A group of people got out. You recognized most of them as the Avengers, but two of them you didn't recognize. A woman with reddish hair and a weird man with red skin. Then you saw your mommy. You wriggled yourself out of Maria's arms and ran towards your mom. "Mommy." She turned her head to you and kneeled down to pick you up. "Y/N." She whispered into your hair.
"I missed you mommy." You said into her hair as you held onto her neck. "I missed you too, baby." You felt her gently petting your hair, holding onto you as if you could disappear. What you didn't know was that this was a major part of the vision Wanda had shown her, but you didn't really mind. Just happy that she was back home. "Hey Nat." You felt your mom look up at Maria. "Hey Ria. Thanks for taking care of this one." "Always Nat. You know that." Your mom adjusted you to sit on her hip, while she pulled Maria into a hug as well. You heard her whisper an 'I love you' tomorrow, looking up at them you see Ria learn forward and pressing a kiss on your Mom's hair. 
"Ria, why did you kiss mom's hair?" You asked her and the two adults looked at each other. "Y/N you know how most adults have someone they love a lot. Like when Y/B/Fs mommy and daddy?" You nodded again. "Maria and I love each other like that." She explained and Maria nodded a little. "Really?" You asked. Maria nodded. "Yes we love each other a lot and we both love you very, very much." You smiled at the two grown ups, leaning back into your mom as Maria pulled the two of you closer. 
"So Romanoff. Wanna tell us who this one is?" Iron Man asked, looking at you
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years ago
Give her the life I never had; Harry Potter x child reader
*Author’s note*
So this came from my Wattpad requests and this is my first Harry potter (character not fandom) fic that I have written so I hope I didn’t mess this up for any hardcore Potterheads out there.  So this takes place during the Battle at Hogwarts so expect some death and violence involved, other than that not really much anything really. I know it’s been awhile since my last update but I hope to pick up the pace and post up some more stuff and then HOPEFULLY open up requests here since I know you all have been waiting patiently for that.
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It was finally over. All of it.  Voldemort was now dead, the Death eaters defeated, and now the Elder wand was destroyed and lost to the sea.  I looked towards the ruins of Hogwarts knowing that the stone and walls can be rebuilt, some of our friends would be able to heal their physical wounds, however some mental wounds won’t.
The Weasleys they’ll always have to live with Fred’s death for the rest of their life and grieve over the fact he’ll never come back, especially George.  I had seen just how close their brotherly bond was, even when they had nothing they had each other, now George was gonna have to make do on his own, if he could.
And Hermione, while she doesn’t want us to know I had a feeling at what she had done to protect her muggle parents, thankfully with her and Ron seeming to repair their growing relationship, I know the Weasley’s will welcomingly be the family she needs now more than ever.
As I walked along the school grounds that’s when I came across (Y/n) getting looked over by one of the healers.  When she looked towards me, she gently smiled and I smiled softly back at her thinking back on how I found her in all this chaos.
The battle was pure hell.  Spells and curses being blasted, bodies dropping like flies, and rubble from the school walls crumbling down as repercussions from the spells firing out.
I had pushed back a Death Eater with an Stupefy spell which sent him flying all the way across the Great Hall.  Another death eater soon came right at me but I quickly disposed of his wand first before giving him the paralyzing spell.
That’s when I heard it.  The sound of a young girl crying.  I quickly ran around the corridor and saw just down the stairs where I once found the Mirror of Erised, a young girl around maybe her 1-2nd year hovering over an older girl who looked almost like her but had longer hair.  The young girl with shorter hair was weeping hysterically as she kept crying.
“Liz? Lizzie. Get up sis. Oh please get up.” From the pale skin and the soulless eyes that Lizzie had, I knew immediately she had been hit with the Killing curse. Cautiously I walked over to her and said.
“Are you alright?” the young girl looked up at me and she sniffled.
“Yes. But my sister she—she won’t wake up yet her eyes are open.” Knowing how I hadn’t learned of the 3 unforgiving curses until my 4th year at Hogwarts, she must’ve not known what exactly happened to her sister.
“What’s your name?”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).”
“Well (Y/n), I…….I’m afraid to tell you this but……..your sister’s—she’s dead.”
“What? No but….if she were dead her eyes would be shut, the spell that hit her just made her collapse. Like the paralysis spell.”
“But it wasn’t a blue light that hit her, was it?” she looked back down at her sister and touched her cheek.  “I’m afraid it was the most dangerous of all unforgiving curses. The Killing Curse.” She sniffled and hugged her sister’s corpse and choked out.
“But—she was…..she’s all I have left!” I looked around and two more Death eaters spotted us.
“Get behind me.” I urged (Y/n).  Without question she got behind me and I held out my wand and as they charged toward us I called out, “Stupefy!” which sent one Death eater flying backwards but then I felt a shock to my hand which sent my wand flying towards the second Death eater’s hand.  She sneered at me but then a voice exclaimed.
“Petrificus Totalus!” the female Death eater soon went stiff and fell to the ground.  I turned and saw that it was (Y/n) who had casted the curse.  I ran over and took my wand back from the witch and told her.
“Come on. We can’t stay here.” She took one last look at her sister.  I knew she was hesitant to leave her but if she remained here, she’d be a sitting duck.  “Your sister would want you safe (Y/n).” she turned to me and nodded before taking my hand and we raced out of the hallway.
Together the two of us worked together to fend off the oncoming Death Eaters, but one Death eater used an Inferno spell which burnt (Y/n)’s arm pretty bad.  I shielded her from the next oncoming Inferno attack but the heat of the flames was almost too strong for me to hold back.  That’s when a wave of water came and extinguished the flames and the Death Eater was flown backwards till his back hit a column and he collapsed dead.
We turned and there stood Professor McGonagall.
“Harry, Ms. (L/n) are you both alright?”
“I am, (Y/n) however got burnt on her arm.” She walked up to us and she examined (Y/n)’s arm. She let out a painful hiss and the Professor said.
“I’ll take care of her from here Potter.”
“Thank you Professor.” Just as I was about to leave, I felt a hand grab the sleeve of my shirt and I saw that it was (Y/n).
“Thank you, Harry Potter.” I smiled down at her and nodded to her.  She released my sleeve and I ran off to finally end this once and for all.
I walked over to her just as the healer cleared her off and moved onto the next student that needed medical treatment.  I sat down beside her and asked her.
“How are you doing (Y/n)?”
“Shaky but—alive.” She softly scoffed.  “But at what cost? My sister’s dead. She was the only family I had left. Now the ministry will probably put me in the Magic for Orphans facility, and with me almost being a teenager, no one will want me.”
I was probably the only one who knew what she must be going through.  Even though we were orphaned in different circumstances, we still lost our loved ones to Voldemort.  Now I must be crazy because I had no clear idea of what to do next but what I did know was that I couldn’t leave (Y/n) alone anymore.
“What if—” I started off by saying.  “What if you…had someone to look after you?”
“But, but Harry I—I have no other living relatives. It’s always just been me and my sister since our parents died three years ago at the Quidditch world cup.”
“I know, but what if there was someone who wanted to help you out. Give you a home so that you wouldn’t have to suffer any potential abuse or neglect.”
“And just who would that person be?” I sighed softly before telling her.
“You’re looking at him.” Her eyes softly widened before she let out a soft gasp.
“But-but why? I mean no offense Harry but…..why would you want to help me out?”
“Let’s just say, from one orphan to another I know how lonely it can be. I had no clue about the magic world till I was just your age, and though I may not know how the Ministry of Magic deals with orphaned wizards, I do know a thing or two about living in terrible conditions. I lived practically my whole childhood in a tiny hall closet in my aunt and uncle’s place. And I wouldn’t want you to potentially go through that type of abuse in a stranger’s home.”
(Y/n) was silent for a moment, taking in what I just said.  Weighing out her options before thinking about what answer she would give me.
“If not I’ll understand, I’ll check in whenever I can. But just know you won’t go through the rest of your life alone.” She looked up at me.  Her eyes that were once filled with tears, but now filled with courage and strength as she said.
“If it won’t be too much trouble with you, I’ll go with you.” I softly smiled at her and told her taking notice of her robes.
“Spoken like a true Gryffindor.”
After that, the Weasley family, Hermione, myself and (Y/n) returned to the Weasley’s old home the Burrow and decided to rebuild it, a symbol as a fresh start to all our lives after this whole war.
We also had a memorial service for both Fred and (Y/n)’s older sister, each of us speaking for both Fred and (Y/n)’s sister before finally burying them and summoning a beautiful garden around them of their favorite flowers and plants.
As the sun was starting to set I saw (Y/n) still standing over her sister’s grave.  I walked out to her and said.
“Mrs. Weasley’s prepared supper for all of us. She says you best come in before it’s all gone.” (Y/n) remained silent.  I softly sighed and without another word I just stood there beside her.  She may not want to talk, but she should at least know that someone was there when she was ready.
“I—never thought I’d have to face this world without her. Even through our fights, especially after mom and dad died, she was always there for me. She especially liked to tease me about my crush on Joey Matarazzo, saying we’d get married one day and have kids of our own. Now she won’t ever see me grow up, or achieve any dreams I’ll have for the future.”
“Let me tell you something my Godfather once told me. He told me that the ones that love us never really leave us. And we can always find them, in here.” I pointed to her heart.
She looked up at me and finally for the first time I saw a true, genuine smile.  She came closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist and rested her head against my ribs.  I wrapped an arm around her and we stood there for a few more minutes before walking back inside the Burrow to join the Weasley’s for dinner.
*FF 19 years later.*
It was like any other year, but this time it was my second son’s first time doing this.  I could already see from the look on his face that he looked anxious about his first year going as we came up to platform 9¾.
“Together.” I assured him as we took hold of his cart and we both ran straight through the brick wall and found ourselves right by the Hogwarts Express.  As we walked closer to the train, we soon found Ron and Hermione with their kids, I spotted Draco and his wife and son bidding their goodbyes.  He and I looked at each other, neither of us speaking a word but he gave me a point nod, and I nodded back to him.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to write my own brothers up for detention already.” A female voice soon spoke up and coming right towards us was (Y/n), all grown up and in her Professor robes.
Since the battle she continued on her Hogwarts education and excelled in both Magical creature knowledge and potions making.  By the time she was in her 4th year at Hogwarts, Ginny and I had agreed to legally adopt her as our own child and she was beyond thrilled at the news.  After graduating, she worked with me at the Ministry of Magic to focus on potion brewery before enrolling to be the next Potions Professor and this would be her second year teaching that class.
I’m told she’s kind but firm when it comes to students goofing off in that class, but she is always there to make sure no student messes up a potion and causes injuries either to themselves or others.
“Not in the slight.” I assured her.
“Good. I would hate to have to write them up to Headmaster McGonagall.” She told me.  She looked down at her brothers and asked them, “So boys, you ready?”
“Oh yeah!” exclaimed James while Albus was more reserved and didn’t really say anything. Instead he walked away and sat down with his arms hugging his legs close to him.  (Y/n) and I looked at each other and I told her to get James onto the train as well as herself while I talked to James.  She nodded and guided James as well as his things over to the train while I walked over to Albus and knelt down beside him.
“Dad,” he spoke. “What if I am put in Slytherin?”
“Albus Severus Potter. You were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. And one of them was a Slytherin. And he was the bravest man I had ever known. But if it means to you, you can choose Gryffindor. The sorting hat does take that into consideration.”
“Really?” I nodded. “But how would you feel? If I was sorted into Slytherin?”
“Then Slytherin will have gained the best wizard they could ask for.” He smiled and embraced me and I hugged him back.  “Now come on, off you go.” We then walked towards the train and Albus got himself situated inside with his brother and Ron and Hermione’s kids, and riding alongside them to keep an eye on them to Hogwarts was (Y/n).
As I stood by my friends and we watched the train leave the station, waving goodbye to our kids I couldn’t help but feel like we had done it.  The war ended almost 2 decades ago and now our children can learn magic in a better world, a world without Death Eaters, a world without darkness and death, a world without a Dark Lord.
A peaceful time in our world.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years ago
If I Fell For You (Part 4) - Safety Nets
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Summary: The reader has her first date with Jensen, a simple dinner at home with him and the kids, but when they get a moment alone, he shares some information about the accident hardly anyone knows. Just as things start to get moving with the pair, Jensen has to head to Canada for filming ahead of schedule but he’s not so sure he can go back to whole weeks away from his family right now...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,200ish
Warnings: language, death of a spouse, mention of injury, depression, anxiety, self-worth problems
A/N: Shopping buddies are the best ;) Please enjoy!
“Can I help set the table?” you asked the next evening, Jensen shaking his head at you.
“JJ, can you set the table for me?” asked Jensen. She jumped up from the couch and got out silverware, setting an extra spot for you.
“Y/N, are you and dad on a date?” she asked when she finished up. You looked down from where you leaned back against the counter, Jensen chuckling.
“Yes we are sweetie. If this goes well I’d like to take Y/N out on Friday, maybe you guys can go to Uncle Jared and Aunt Gen’s,” he said.
“You should go out with dad,” said JJ. 
“Oh I should?” you said, crossing your arms. “Why’s that?”
“Cause he’s strong and handsome and smart and funny and…” she said, holding up her hand and counting on her hand. 
“The hair,” he whispered, a smirk crossing your face.
“Oh and he’s only got a few gray hairs!” she said.
“Oh. Well that is interesting,” you laughed, Jensen smacking himself in the face.
“Great hair, JJ. Not gray. Great,” he said.
“You do have gray whiskers,” she said.
“Like...barely,” he said. “See what I put up with? A few teensy tiny little patches in my beard if it grows out.”
“I don’t know if I can date a man of such frail age,” you said. He cocked his head and you laughed, JJ giggling as she went to get the plates.
“Keep it up you two,” he said. You walked over to him, JJ going past with the plates. “Come to tease some more?”
“I was told you’re quite handsome, thought I’d get a closer look,” you said. 
“You can have as close a look as you want,” he said, flashing you a wink.
“Calm yourself, Casanova,” you said, reaching up to the cupboard to get another plate for JJ. “Here sweetie.”
“Thanks,” she said. She set it ran back over, hugging you. “Don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said.
“Good,” she said. You bent down and picked her up, resting her on your hip. 
“Where’d you think I was going?” you asked. She shrugged and Jensen stopped stirring the pot.
“I don’t know. Wherever you were before. Dad’s a lot happier since you live with us now,” she said.
“Well taking care of you three is hard all by yourself,” you said. You set her down and patted her head. “Go get your brother and sister for dinner.”
“You’re good with them,” he said, stirring the pot again.
“They’re people. Small people that don’t know half of what adults do but still people. Sometimes you gotta treat ‘em like it. Most of the time actually,” you said. 
“I talked to her earlier about this whole situation,” he said.
“Besides listing off all your selling points what’d she think?”
“Well apparently she’s in favor of me asking if you’d marry me tonight,” he said.
“Oh. Shotgun wedding. Simple. I like it,” you laughed. He turned his head and smiled, glancing down for a long moment, slowly returning.
“Why doesn’t this situation scare you? The kids, me who has been all over the place lately, not to mention my job, long distance, the shit you get just for-” he said, your hand covering his mouth.
“I didn’t say it’s not a lot, Jensen. It’s scary. Of course it is. Every single one of my relationships has ended badly for one reason or another. Friendships. Family ones. Romantic ones. You’re handsome and you’re so successful and I’m literally a nanny but you said you wouldn’t hurt me. So I’ll trust that you won’t and you trust I won’t hurt you and it’ll work itself out.”
“That simple huh.”
“I’m easy going. Let’s keep it simple,” you said.
“Simple works,” he said as you pulled the pot off the burner before it bubbled over. “Simple definitely works.”
“This is not a good idea,” you said two hours later, the kids in bed, you and Jensen jumping up and down on the trampoline in the yard.
“Oh most certainly not,” he said, landing near you and sending you up. You yelped and landed back down on your bottom, Jensen bouncing again, sending you up again and laughing this time. “Well that’s a cute sound.”
“Boys. Is it taught somewhere that you gotta tease a girl when you like her?” you asked, Jensen pulling you to your feet and bouncing around lightly.
“Right after manly man class, duh,” he said. 
“You would have failed, I can tell you right now,” you said. He scoffed and you shrugged. “That’s kinda a really good thing.”
“That your ex? Tough guy all the time?” he asked.
“Not like, to that extent or anything. I had a bad day and I really needed someone and he let me down. He got mad at me for it actually. He called depression a phase I needed to get over with,” you said. He stopped bouncing and you did the same, glancing down. Next thing you knew he playfully tackled you onto the trampoline, rolling to his side and smiling at you. 
“Some of my friends have it. One of my best friends does. Jared. If he ever knocks on the door late at night or whatever, let him in.”
“You take care of everyone in your life it seems,” you said.
“You take care of the people you care about, not insult them. Hopefully the ex figures that out someday.”
“How’d you figure it out?” 
“I don’t do anything anyone else shouldn’t,” he said.
“Maybe that’s it,” you said. “You’re unapologetically good and you don’t even know how rare that is.”
“It takes up too much energy to be angry or mean or cruel. I’d just rather be happy,” he said.
“You got a lot of friends, don’t you.”
“My fair share,” he said.
“How many would you call close?”
“Maybe ten or so.”
“How many real close?”
“Two or three.”
“How many know what really happened that day? Your wife…” you said. He stared at you and swallowed.
“How do you know?” he asked quietly.
“Because when we met you said she died in an accident but then you said it was her head. You’re holding onto something, something you don’t talk about.”
“She was driving when the aneurysm happened. I was in the car with her. I almost died. It’s seemed easier to lie about that.”
“Who knows?”
“My parents and Jared. They’re the only ones.”
“You ever talk to anyone about it?” 
“I went to talk to someone a few times. I’m better now,” he said with a smile. “I don’t share a lot if you may have guessed already. Not to too many people. But you it feels so easy to.”
“Must be special,” you said. He smiled and reached a hand over, twirling a piece of your hair in his fingers. “That why you like me?”
“There’s a lot of stereotypical reasons to like someone and part of that is true in why you choose someone I suppose. But there’s this other part that when you meet someone that you can’t really explain.”
“I get that. I get all of it. My brain always seems to want to go to the bad scenario first I suppose,” you said. You looked up at the black sky, Jensen toying with another strand between two fingers. “I wish it didn’t do that so much.”
“You’re just trying to protect yourself is all,” he said.
“But I come off as pushy and distant,” you said, turning your head. “Like I’m that person that’s cool with everything being casual.”
“Well think of it like this trampoline. It’s the only thing holding us up right now right?” he asked and you hummed. “Well my life, I’ve had thousands of safety nets below me to catch me when I fall so even if I tore through one, there was more to hold me up while the others got fixed. You never had as many to start and I think more of yours broke and there was no way to fix them in time so you kept tumbling through until you got to the ground.”
“Your point?”
“Maybe some people hit the ground and others never do. But the people who hit the ground, as they go back up they can make the best most solid nets in the world to hold them up. One good net beats a thousand flimsy ones.”
“So at what age do I get the wisdom?” you asked, turning your head and smiling over at him.
“You don’t. My job has made me fall through more nets than I wanted to and this year made me realize I might not have a thousand strong nets at the bottom but I just needed one to get by and now I’m working back up. You’re not even close to being down low either. You’ve already had the hardest part of your life. It’s all up from here.”
You leaned over and he lay back on the trampoline, gazing up at you. You lowered your head as he cupped your cheek, pulling you in close until your lips were touching. Part of your mind was reeling from that in itself but the other half knew that was his first kiss since his wife. You inched back but stayed close, Jensen peeling open his eyes. 
“You okay?” you asked.
“Very,” he said. You lay back beside him, Jensen letting you go. His hand reached out for yours though and laced your fingers together. “Why’d you kiss me?”
“Wanted to,” you said.
“Cool. I wanted to kiss you too,” he said. 
“Alright then.” You stared upwards, the trampoline shifting again. He popped into view propped up on one arm, your head turning slightly. He was flush, even in the dim light. He moved slowly but you let him come to you, a barely there gentle kiss that lingered, a thousand gears going in your head, likely a thousand more going off in his. 
“I’m okay,” he said quietly as he pulled back a few inches. Your fingers carded through his hair and he smiled. “I’ll get the hang of this again. I promise.”
“That was more than enough for one night,” you said. “We said slow and we’ll go slow, okay?”
“Sounds good with me.”
Two Days Later
“Y/N, can I have a word with you in my office?” asked Jensen as you were picking up after dinner. You hummed and put the last fork in the dishwasher before following him down to a quieter part of the house. He shut the door behind you and he ran his hand over his face. “This is about work, my work, but it’s going to involve you. Heavily.”
“What’s up?” you asked, taking a seat in a chair. He sat in his by his desk, scrunching up his face.
“My job with that TV show, The Boys, it films in Canada. I’m gonna need to be up there four, maybe five months. The way things used to work with my wife was I would fly back home every weekend or every other weekend. I never went more than 2 weeks seeing the kids. I don’t have to film every day but it’s easier to stay there for the week. But it’s...it’s difficult for me. It’s difficult for them and...they lost one parent this year. I can’t stay away that long for months. I just can’t do it anymore.”
“That’s perfectly understandable,” you said.
“I’d like to temporarily move to Canada while I film. No flying back and forth. The kids can see me everyday and I can see them. JJ’s school still offers remote learning and I’m homeschool certified in a pinch. Twins can do daycare easy. The only issue I have is the same one I originally did. I still need a nanny. Only now in a different country...and it’s gonna be more late nights on the regular.”
“I see,” you said.
“This isn’t what you signed up for so if you don’t want it, that’s okay. I can find a nanny up there and we can try long distance and-” he said before you stood and walked in front of him.
“I’m in.”
“Really? I mean it’s gonna be awhile before we’re back in the states,” he said.
“It sounds like fun.”
“Awesome. I was really hoping you’d say that,” he said.
“So where are we going?” you asked.
“Toronto. Well, near there. I gotta start filming start of February but there’s promo stuff to do in late January,” he said.
“It’s already late January,” you laughed. “When do we have to move?”
“Uh, tomorrow,” he said. “Just got the call a few hours ago. I got a house to rent lined up already.”
“Oh wow. Alright. Uh, what do I need to do exactly?” you asked.
“Keep stuff normal. Don’t worry about cleaning or anything. Maybe box up anything you want to bring and some of the kids stuff. Toys, books, that stuff. I’ll handle their bags. We���ll ship it all up tomorrow and take a flight up at night,” he said.
“Okay, cool,” you said. “Wait I need like, a snow jacket right?”
“We’ll get you set up there with coat and boots and all that,” he said. 
“Gotcha,” you said, starting to leave before you spun around and walked smack into his chest. “Wait. I have a lot more questions actually. Like...I don’t have a passport?”
“I know which is why tomorrow morning first thing you’re gonna go down to the post office, get your passport done up and when it comes in, we’ll get it shipped up to Canada,” he said.
“How do I get into Canada though?”
“We share a border with them so we bring your license and birth certificate, you can go right on in no problem,” he said.
“Oh. Okay,” you said. “Wait. I’ve never been on an airplane before. What-”
“Okay,” he laughed. “Take a hot second and breathe and we’ll go from there. I know it’s last minute but it’ll work out. I promise.”
“Y/N,” said Jensen, tapping your shoulder two days later. You hummed and reluctantly turned your head away from staring out the back sliding doors to the snow covered yard and trees around you. “Have you ever seen snow before?”
“No. Not like this,” you said, head going back to staring outside. “It’s something out of a movie.”
“You had that same look on your face when we took off last night in the plane.”
“What’s that?”
“Those little moments where the years fall off and you get that childish joy, like nothing bad has ever happened,” he said. 
“I suppose there’s hope for me yet,” you said with a smile.
“Oh there was always that,” he chuckled. He threw an arm over your shoulders and you leaned into him. “Can I still take you out Friday?”
“Who’s gonna watch the kids?” you asked.
“My buddy.”
“Does he exist?” you said, grinning at him. 
“Cute,” he said, ruffling your bedhead. “Yes he does exist. How’s Friday night sound?”
“Do I need a dress?” you asked.
“Probably. It’s a nice place,” he said. “My favorite place in Toronto actually. Jeans are perfectly acceptable there though.”
“I’ll pick out a dress today too,” you said. You kissed his cheek and watched them turn an ever so light pink. “You’re cute.”
“Shut up,” he chuckled. “Put your boots and coat on the card I gave you alright? That’s a business expense.”
“Whatever you say boss,” you said. “I’m gonna duck out before the little ones get up. I’ll try not to be gone too long.”
“Take your time. Drive slow in the snow until you get the hang of it, okay?”
“I will. I promise.”
“What the fuck’s the difference between therma heat and therma wear…” you mumbled to yourself, gawking at the glove rack at the store an hour later.
“I think it’s just marketing,” said the guy on the other side. You jumped and managed to knock about five pairs off the hangers. He laughed quietly and peeked his head around. “Didn’t mean to spoke ya.”
“It’s alright. I’m…” you said, the man smiling as you shook your head out. “Um...I…”
“You okay?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded and he smiled. “You sure cause you were just having a life crisis over gloves a second ago and now you can’t seem to form a sentence.”
“You’re Home…” you said, shutting your eyes. “You’re the actor that plays...I’m having a fucking day.”
“Looks like it,” he said, bending down and picking up some of the gloves. He laughed again and you got the ones closest to you, putting them back. “You know it’s like ten degrees outside right? Not exactly sneaker weather.”
“I know. This place looks pretty but it’s worse than a Texas summer almost with how cold it is.”
“I thought you sounded not from here,” he said with a smile. “I’m not from around here either. I do better with the heat myself.”
“Okay um, listen...uh, what’s your name, not Homelander?” you asked.
“Antony,” he chuckled again.
“I’m Y/N. I’m just gonna get the weird stuff out of the way cause…” you said as he smiled but stepped back a foot. “Yeah. Um I’m a fan but like...do you know Jensen Ackles?”
“Why?” he asked.
“He’s my boss...and my boyfriend but that’s another story. We might run into each other at some point, probably very likely. Just wanted to throw that out there.”
“Your boss?” he asked.
“I nanny his kids. I wouldn’t believe me if I were you either. I should go,” you said. You groaned when you were past him, hearing a pair of feet jog to catch up with you. 
“I know you. You were on his instagram last week right? Yeah okay, that makes sense why a clueless Texas girl is stressing over gloves.”
“Excuse me?” He shook his head and smiled. 
“Get a pair of thick gloves, thinner ones but not too thin, a warm hat, good boots for traction along with some boot spray and go with a longer hooded parka. It’ll be warmer. Throw in a few pairs of wool socks to be sure,” he said.
“Oh. Thank you,” you said. You looked back at the store and then to him. “There’s like five hundred coats in here.”
“How about you buy me a cup of coffee and I’ll help you out. Deal?”
“Why would you help me?” you asked.
“Well I’m gonna be working with Jensen quite a bit and he’s your boyfriend too apparently plus it’s just nice,” he said.
“You’re so not like your character.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. We’ll be out of here in an hour tops.”
Antony turned out to be very helpful since apparently you had an uncanny ability to be attracted to the least warmth rated items in the whole store. But you had your parka and boots on now, other items tucked away in the bags as you browsed through a rack of black dresses at a different store.
“We dress shopping now?” said Antony, sipping on his coffee cup.
“Dude,” you said, jumping again. “You gotta learn to make noise.”
“It’s my natural stealth,” he said. “That one.”
“That one,” he said, nodding to a dress on the wall.
“I can’t pull that one off,” you said.
“Try it. I’ll watch your stuff,” he said.
“You’re oddly nice,” you said. “To a stranger.”
“Well this beats my plans of walking around the mall buying crap I don’t need. Besides, I like you.”
“I have a boyfriend.”
“I’m taken,” he laughed. “Come on. Everybody needs a shopping buddy.”
“Okay but if you’re a weirdo Jensen will kick your ass,” you said, finding your size and taking it off the rack. “Just sayin’.”
“I like the guy more already,” he said. “It’s not like it’s your first date or anything.”
“...Second date.” He stared and looked away. “It’s…complicated.”
“I heard about...you know…the accident,” he said. 
“Let him bring that up,” you said and he nodded. You took the dress into the changing room and smirked at the mirror. “Alright, maybe we give this one a shot.”
You changed back and found Antony on a bench outside. 
“I should take you shopping more often,” you said. “You have good taste.”
“Sounds like a winner,” he said, handing you back your bags. “I gotta head out for work but it was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’m sure I’ll see you around very soon.”
“Me too. Thanks for the help today, really.”
“Not a problem at all. See ya later,” he said as he headed out. You gave him a wave and picked out a pair of black heels to go with the dress before you were heading home.
“Hey Jensen,” you said late that night. He’d had to go in for some photos in the afternoon and had taken quite a bit longer than he’d anticipated. “Leftovers are in the container on the top shelf.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said. He rubbed his eyes and padded into the kitchen before tossing the container in the microwave.
“Um, Jensen? Can I talk to you about work?” you asked. His ears perked up and he nodded while he looked around for a spoon. “Second drawer to the left.”
“Thanks,” he said. “So what’s up? Something wrong?”
“Not exactly. I was thinking earlier though about a backup plan,” you said. He took out the container and grabbed his spoon sitting across from you at the table.
“What’s a backup plan?” he asked, shoveling a spoonful of too hot pasta into his mouth.
“Well down in Austin, say I was suddenly unable to perform my job duties cause I’m sick or hurt or I’m off on vacation or whatever. Down there I have a network of other nannies that could step in temporarily, they can do a pick up or drop off in a bind, that sort of thing. It’s kind of a support group in way. It’s good for me and for you.”
“They must have one of those things up here?” he asked, taking a slower bite this time. You spun your computer around and he nodded. “Tornanny. That’s cute. You gotta sign up or something?”
“I need to take a four hour class. They have one on Saturday morning. Is it okay if I sign up?” you asked. He chuckled and took another bite of food.
“Weekends are still yours to do as you please. I need a bit more help during weeknights or mornings but weekends are still yours. I’m also compensating your pay for the additional time and no you’re not winning that argument so don’t even try.”
“Okay. I’m gonna sign up,” you said, turning the computer back.
“What was that thing on the side?” he asked.
“Hm?” you said as you started filling in the form.
“Some happy hour thing on the side,” he said. You flicked your eyes over to the side of the page and saw the group posting. “That could be fun.”
“Do I look like the kind of person that goes to happy hours?” you said.
“Well maybe you could meet a nanny friend in this group, one you could maybe get to cover for you if you ever needed it. I did steal you away from everything you know to a different country with a days notice after all. I’d go with you if you want,” he said. 
“What about the kids?”
“Jensen. I’m starting to see a fatal flaw in me being the nanny and us dating. I’m the person that should be watching the kids when you go out,” you said.
“Hm,” he said, eating for a few moments. “You do have a point. I think we need to renegotiate your contract.”
“Wait you’re firing me?” you said, Jensen shaking his head and laughing. “Okay cause you were about to lose a girlfriend for a second there.”
He smiled to himself and looked down, playing with his dinner. 
“So what are you talking about?” you asked.
“Well, girlfriend,” he chuckled. “How about this? Weekends you don’t work, at all, for any reason. If you watch the kids for an hour while I duck to the store, it’s cause you’re doing it cause of us, not as part of your job. If we want to go out or on a date on the weekend, we’ll get a sitter. I had a go to in Vancouver when I lived there. I’ll give her a call, see if she knows anyone out here that would work. That sound good?”
“I guess that’s alright,” you said. He raised and eyebrow and you shrugged. “I enjoy our alone time, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to take away from them though.”
“I appreciate the sentiment but I’m not saying…” he said before he trailed off and ate the last bites of his food. “I moved us so they could see me everyday which is far more than they ever did when I filmed my show. I will still make them breakfast. I will still put them to bed. I will still have lunch with them and play with them and all of it. They’ll always by my first priority. But a relationship with kids doesn’t always mean the kids are around. Sometimes they come with, sometimes they stay home. I’m not talking about ditching them for days on end. A few hours on a Saturday night, most of which they’ll be in bed asleep is all I’m talking about. We have a right to a little bit of time for ourselves. It’s not as easy with them than it was the first time around but we just have to try harder is all.”
“Okay,” you said. “I’m good with that. How was your first day?”
“Good. We did a lot of promotional stuff. I won’t start acting until next week. I heard you met Antony shopping today.”
“Yeah. I didn’t get a chance to tell you when I got home earlier. He seems like a nice guy.”
“He does. He invited us to dinner once we settle into a routine,” he said. “Apparently you two are shopping buddies now.”
“The man does know how to choose a dress.”
“Good thing I packed my lucky suit up here,” he said. 
“Speaking of suits...you wouldn’t happen to have any of you in your Soldier Boy suit from today?” 
“No spoilers,” he said with a smirk. You jutted out your lip and he rolled his eyes, taking out his phone. He tapped and slid it over to you, your eyes wide. You must have stared for a solid minute before you looked over at him, Jensen leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and a huge grin on his face. “You think I’m hot, don’t you.”
“Pft, no,” you said, biting your bottom lip before you licked it. He was still grinning out of the corner of your eye and you gave him the phone back. “Maybe...you’re kinda hot. But it’s totally the suit. Like right now, ugh, horrendous.”
“Nah, I’m hot,” he said, sticking out his stomach and rubbing it.
“I’m impressed you can actually do that,” you said. 
“Everybody’s got a tummy,” he said. “Seriously though, you think the suit is cool?”
“It looks awesome. I’d love to see it in person,” you said.
“Oh you guys will be on set at some point,” he said. “I’m kinda nervous about next week.”
“Really? Why? You’re a great actor.”
“Have you ever seen a single thing I’ve done,” he chuckled.
“I did in fact see that horror movie on a date years ago. Something with like mining?” you asked. 
“That’s what you saw? Like that movie? I hope the date worked out at least,” he said with a big smirk.
“Actually it was the crappy ex,” you said.
“Oh. You guys must have dated for a long time then.”
“Since we were seventeen,” you said. He stared and you shrugged. “I kept waiting for him to grow up and change. Eventually I realized he never would.”
“Did you love him?”
“I loved the idea of him. I liked him. I was with him for close to 12 years so I obviously liked him. But it wasn’t love. I could never be myself all the way around him and that’s not a way to live. There was none of that feeling when you first meet someone, you know?”
“Would I be pushing to ask if you ever thought about marrying the guy?”
“He did propose actually. A few times,” you said. “I turned him down. Things really went downhill from there though.”
“Why’d you say no?”
“I didn’t want to marry someone that made me feel bad about being me. Got tired of him telling me to get over everything that happened as a kid, dress a certain way, should I really have dessert, that kind of crap.”
“It’s part of who you are. I wouldn’t exactly call your past something to get over,” said Jensen. “Why would he even make you feel bad about it? You’re so normal.”
“I don’t think his daddy hugged him enough,” you said.
“No need to be a dick to other people for it,” he said. You smiled as you finished filling out the rest of the form for the class before sending it off. “Hey on the plus side I did get a good recommendation for daycare today. I was gonna check it out tomorrow morning, maybe get the twins in next week. Apparently they’re also hooked up with a school so JJ can go to school with some other American kids too instead of being stuck behind a screen here all day.”
“That’s great news. She can make some new friends that way. You know I was thinking maybe she could get signed up for indoor soccer. When I played the new season normally started right at the beginning of February.”
“Is it safe?” he asked. “I thought that could get pretty dangerous.”
“Adult leagues can be but kids her age it’s just running back and forth mostly. She could make some new friends, give her something fun to look forward to.”
“It’s not a bad idea. I would like her to be involved in something since she’s out of dance and soccer back home right now. I’ll talk it over with her in the morning,” he said. “She say something to you about it?”
“No. I just know what it’s like to be the new kid,” you said. “Soccer helped me make friends at school.”
“You and your mom move after your dad passed?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah. I was little so I don’t remember so much,” you said, an email coming in that your spot in the class was reserved. “Alright. Looks like I’m all set for eight on Saturday.”
“I’ll try not to keep you out too late on Friday night then,” he said.
“I never said that.”
“I like flirty you,” he said, both of you looking up at the ceiling when you heard a loud pair of giggles. “Duty calls. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Jensen.”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years ago
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part Four (Harry Styles)
a/n: happy TLABL day!! can’t believe we are already on part 4! im not sure if part 5 will be the last part, im still very much writing the rest so we’ll see! thank you so much for all the love you’ve been showing the series, i love reading your reactions! feedback is very much appreciated this time as well!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce
word count: 11k
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You wake up feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck or at least consumed a whole bottle of tequila. Your head is pounding and it’s probably with all the crying and stress, so you are quick to take some pills to ease the pain. Sitting on the edge of your bed you stare ahead of you blankly, trying to gain power to start the day.
Though today is Sunday, so you are not working, you’re still worried to face Harry after whatever it was that happened last night. What were you thinking, kissing your boss out of the blue? And what was he thinking kissing you for the second time? It kind of feels like a dream, but you know it really did happen.
You try to stay in your room as long as possible, avoiding to face Harry, but soon enough you can’t postpone it any longer, because you are starving. Peeking out of your room you hear voices coming from downstairs and as you reach the stairs you recognize not just Harry’s and Izzy’s voice, but Niall’s as well.
Arriving downstairs you see Niall and Izzy sitting on the stools at the kitchen island while Harry is cleaning the dishes after their breakfast probably. He is wearing a pair of light-washed jeans and a black hoodie, the sleeves bunched around his elbows. He looks so casual and yet just looking at him makes your heart skip a beat. You are in some big trouble.
Niall spots you first and he perks up waving in your way happily.
“Good morning, Y/N!” he beams, his accent sounds so comforting in such a stressful moment, for some reason.
“Hi, good morning,” you breathe out. Harry turns around, his eyes fall on you and a shiver runs down your spine. He just looked at you and you already want to run away and hide in your room a little longer.
“Morning,” he greets you with a nod before turning back to the sink to finish the dishes.
“Daddy and Uncle Niall are taking me to the park! We are picking Yara up too!” Izzy shares the news with you excitedly.
“Oh, that sounds great!” you smile at her, giving her cheek a gentle pinch before moving to the fridge.
“Do you want to come?” she invites you and your eyes immediately flicker over to Harry who looks at you the exact same time, making your stomach drop right away.
“Um, I have some work to do, maybe some other time,” you smile at Izzy, grabbing yourself a yoghurt and a banana before shutting the fridge closed.
“So how was yesterday?” Niall asks and you freeze. Does he know what happened? Did Harry tell him about last night?
Niall sees your frightened look to which he shoots you a confused one.
“The wedding, Harry told me earlier you had a wedding yesterday.”
“Oh, it went… fine,” you nod shortly, peeking at Harry who is now staring down at his feet awkwardly. This was starting to get painfully ridiculous, the two of you dancing around each other, pretending like you weren’t down each other’s throats just a few hours prior.
“Alright, let’s leave, we need to pick Yara up in twenty,” Harry claps his hands. Izzy jumps off the stool and takes Niall’s hand as they all head out of the house. “We’ll probably have lunch somewhere and then go grocery shopping, so we’ll be away for a while,” he informs you without looking your way before leaving without even waiting for any reaction from you.
Yeah, this was straight up the most awkward conversation you’ve had in a long time.
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“Here, Izzy. Play some games on my phone!” Niall passes his phone to her with a sweet smile, but Harry smacks his bicep.
“What are you doing? She has enough screen time already!”
“Yeah, but I needed her to be busy so I can ask you what the fuck was that in the house.”
Harry curls his lips into his mouth, his eyes glued to the road ahead of him as he tries to come up with a good answer, but he knows he could never fool his best friend.
“Don’t stop, even if she is busy with the phone,” Harry scolds him, glancing at Izzy through the mirror, but she doesn’t seem to be listening to them. Niall rolls his eyes, but lets his words uncommented. “Besides, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Oh, you exactly know it. You and Y/N were like scared little bunnies around each other. She looked like she was about to faint any moment when you looked at her.”
“Maybe she was just tired,” he shrugs, but Niall laughs at his weak attempt to fool him.
“Now tell me the real reason, I know something happened.”
Harry chews on his bottom lip, debating whether he should come clean or not, but he knows Niall won’t leave him until he finally tells him so he is not left with many choices.
“We kissed.”
“What?!” Niall snaps, a little louder than Harry expected, his voice makes him flinch. “Sorry, that was a little too dramatic, but what the fuck? Why were you keeping this from me?!”
“Because I knew this is how you’d react,” Harry mumbles under his breath. “And… I don’t think it will ever happen again.”
“What do you mean?”
“The whole thing was a mess,” Harry sighs. “She came home late, pretty upset because she met with her ex at the wedding.”
“The one that cheated on her?”
“Mhm. The dude was an asshole and… she was crying in the kitchen when I came down. We sat on the couch, talked, I tried to calm her down and all that and then… she kissed me.”
“Wait, she kissed you? Wow, she’s got balls!” Niall laughs.
“Yeah, but it was, like, really short and she pulled back, shocked at herself for doing it. I think it was just all the emotions that got her a little confused. But then she tried to apologize and… and I kissed her.”
“What?! Oh my God!” Niall’s mind is blown and he doesn’t even tries to hide his excitement hearing the news about last night. “Was there tongue?”
“Jesus, Niall!” Harry scowls. “I’m not sharing the details with you.”
“Okay, but was it like a solid, short kiss or you guys went right at it?”
Harry doesn’t answer, but it tells enough about the situation and Niall can’t help but whistle as he claps his hands.
“Stop acting like a horny teenager, Niall,” Harry growls rolling his eyes at his friend.
“So you guys snogged, what’s the matter with that?”
“It got awkward. We just pulled back and I think we both were pretty shocked about it and… she just stood up and said that she is going to bed. End of story. And then you were there in the morning, so… yeah.”
“Tell me why the hell we are heading to a playdate then when you should be talking to her?” Niall asks, arching an eyebrow at Harry.
“There’s not much to talk about. It just happened in the heat of the moment, that’s all,” Harry shrugs, but deep down he knows it’s a blatant lie. At least on his side.
Unlike you, who fell asleep right away, Harry spent about an hour lying in his bed wide awake, not able to think about anything else but your lips on his. He replayed the whole thing in his head about a million times, he was starting to feel ashamed of it, but he just couldn’t stop.
Your abrupt leaving left him puzzled and he thought long and hard about why you felt the need to run away. The only thing that made sense to him is that you regretted it the moment it happened, that it really did just happen in the heat of the moment so Harry thought it’s best to act like it didn’t even happen.
“Please don’t be an ass and just… talk to her. We both know we can never know for sure what a woman thinks about. You can’t just assume and think that your assumption is one hundred percent right.”
“I find it funny that you’re such an expert in this stuff, but you haven’t had a stable relationship since like, we finished college,” Harry scoffs as he takes the corner and starts driving down the street to Yara’s moms’ house.
“Me not having a relationship doesn’t mean that I’m not good at them. It’s a choice,” Niall smirks.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“But back to the topic, you wanted to kiss her, right?”
“I mean, yeah? It kinda threw me off as well, but it was… nice.”
“Please don’t refer to a kiss as nice again,” Niall gags, but Harry just chuckles at him. “A kiss is hot, passionate, pant tighteni—“
“Okay, that’s enough!” Harry cuts him, earning a cackle from him.
“Just talk to her, don’t be a pussy.”
“I really do need better friends,” Harry mumbles under his breath as he pulls up to the driveway.
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You really didn’t feel like staying home alone in that big ass house so you invited yourself over for an early dinner to your mom’s. You haven’t been over since the little fiasco with Trevor so you thought it might be a good idea to spend some time with them. Trevor said they’ve been trying to keep the fighting down to the minimum and not let it turn into a screaming match, so your speech worked after all.
It’s past three o’clock when you leave, no sign of Harry or Izzy and you feel like they won’t be back for a while either, so you lock everything up and head out.
You have a genuinely good time. It’s obvious that your mom feels guilty about her past behavior and is trying to lure you into forgiving her, though you already did that. But you’re happy your little speech worked. At least Trevor can have his peace now.
After dinner your mom disappears in her room and then returns with a nicely wrapped box and you sigh, rolling your eyes.
“Mom, I told you I don’t need gifts.” You give her a look. Your birthday is coming up next week, but you were never the kind to celebrate. You never felt comfortable with all the attention and fuss birthdays come with, so you’ve always liked to keep it down. These past years you didn’t even ask for anything, though your parents never listened and this year doesn’t seem like an exception either.
“Oh hush. You can’t expect me not to celebrate my baby!” she shakes her head, sitting back to the dining table. “And besides, I didn’t pay a dollar for it,” she then adds and now you’re curious what she got you.
Removing the lid of the box you peek inside and your lips immediately part as you see the stack of polaroids inside.
“I know how much you like old photos and when we sold Grandma’s house back in August, I found these in my old room. I got a polaroid camera for graduation, just in time to take tons of pictures of you,” she explains with a soft chuckle as you start going through the pictures from when you were born and the next few years. Whenever you are done looking at a photo you hand it to Trevor so he can take a look at them too.
“Are you sure you don’t want to keep these, mom?” you ask glancing up at her over the stack.
“I took out a few for myself,” she admits with a sneaky smile. “You can have the rest, I know how much you love these stuff.”
“Thank you, mom,” you smile at her, hugging her from the side, feeling touched by this gift.
It’s nearing eight when you arrive back home, the lights are still up and if you had to guess you’d say that Harry is trying to tire Izzy out enough to put to bed, as usual. Walking in, your guess is proven right, the TV is on in the living room while Harry is sitting on the couch, Izzy all over him in her pink pajamas, playing around with his hair like she always does.
“Hi Y/N!” she calls out happily when she spots you.
“Hi Sunshine, did you have a good time today?” you ask with a soft smile.
“I did! And guess what!”
“Yara invited me over for a sleepover!” she beams, clearly ecstatic about the invitation.
“That’s amazing!”
“What’s that?” she curiously asks pointing at the gift box in your hands. Harry turns to see you, his eyes falling on the box as well.
“Oh, it��s a gift I got from my mom,” you explain, stepping closer.
“Is it your birthday?” she questions, knitting her eyebrows together.
“No, not yet. But it will be next week,” you admit with a soft chuckle.
“Really? Are you having a birthday party?” she gasps, getting way too excited already. Harry eyes you without a word, holding Izzy by her hips so she is not losing her balance standing on the cushion of the couch.
“I’m not, sorry. I don’t like having birthday parties,” you pout at her apologetically.
“Oh, okay. Can I see what you got from your mom?”
“Izzy, don’t be nosy,” Harry warns her, but you just smile at the curious girl.
“Sure,” you nod, joining them on the couch. You sit on the opposite end than where Harry is, Izzy in the middle as she watches the box in awe. You set it down to the cushion and take the lid off, revealing the stack of photos.
“What are these?”
“They are called polaroids. They are old pictures, taken with a special camera that kind of prints the picture out right away,” you explain to her as she takes the first photo from the top, a picture of your mom holding you as a newborn. She was so young, practically a child herself, yet her pride was undeniable, it shone all over her face.  You spot Harry looking at the picture as well over Izzy’s shoulder, still keeping his silence.
“Who are these people?”
“That’s my mom and that’s me as a baby. And… this is my dad,” you hold up another photo that features your dad.
“They really were young when they had you,” Harry speaks up for the first time, surprised by the photos.
“Yeah, they were.”
“What are you going to do with them?” Izzy questions, dropping the photo back into the box as she leans back to lie on Harry’s chest.
“Not sure yet. I might make an album from them,” you shrug. “I really like polaroids, I love that they are one of a kind.”
Izzy nods, though you’re not sure she understood what you meant by that. Fidgeting with her fingers she pushes down a yawn and Harry takes that as a good sign.
“Alright, time for bed, Love. Say good night to Y/N.” He picks her up as he stands from the couch. Izzy waves at you smiling with tired eyes.
“Night-night, Y/N,” she singsongs as Harry carries her towards the stairs.
Putting the pictures back into the box you head into your bedroom too, feeling like the time when you and Harry talk about what happened yesterday will never come. It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t want to acknowledge it, so you’ll just let it slip. It happened just in the heat of the moment, didn’t mean a thing, you better forget about it.
After a speedy shower you are getting ready to just go to bed, read some and have a relaxing evening, something you didn’t have the luck to have the day before. But right as you’re about to make yourself comfortable in bed, there’s a knock on your door.
“Hey,” you breathe out as you open it and find Harry standing in the hallway.
“I hope you weren’t sleeping already.”
“No. Come on in,” you invite him inside and he walks in. As he awkwardly stops in the middle of the room you realize he hasn’t even been in here since you’ve moved in. He takes a look around, examining what you’ve done with the room and you feel thankful you decided to put your laundry away just yesterday, so no dirty underwear is littering the floor anywhere.
“How can I help you?” you ask with a soft smile.
“I, erm… I just wanted to clear some things,” he starts, clearly feeling nervous about the conversation and that makes the two of you for sure. Nodding you let him know that you’re waiting for him to carry on. “What happened yesterday…” he starts and your breath gets caught in your throat. “You were very emotional, a lot happened and it was a very confusing moment probably for the both of us. I really like working with you, I’m very happy with the way you’ve been taking care of Izzy and I would hate to ruin it with anything.”
You can feel your stomach dropping even though you were bracing yourself for this version of the situation. It was very likely that Harry would want to keep things professional, like before, but it still makes you feel like shit.
“I’m sorry for stepping over some boundaries, but I really hope that… we can put it behind us and that we can move on.”
He is using his business tone. It’s the same tone he used with Sarah and his assistants and now he is using it to talk about the kiss that happened between the two of you.
“Sure,” you answer quietly nodding. “Moving on sounds… great,” you nod, forcing a smile to your face, but it couldn’t be more fake.
Harry nods as he runs his tongue over his lips, looking around a little awkwardly now that it’s been discussed.
“Alright, then… good night, Y/N,” he nods in your way before heading towards the door.
“Good night, Harry,” you mumble after him as he walks out and closes the door behind him.
As soon as you are on your own, you let out a shaky breath, falling to your bed, lips trembling as you try to even make out what you’re feeling. Because part of you is glad he didn’t make a fuss about it and you didn’t lose your job, that’s great news. But another part, which is vehemently bigger than the first one is upset and sad and… disappointed?
You were hoping it meant something for him, you wanted him to want it, to feel the same craving for you as you feel towards him, because you haven’t really stopped thinking about what his lips felt like against yours, what it was like when his fingers dug into your thigh, how it sent a shiver down your spine when his tongue met yours.
But this conversation just made it awfully clear that he wants nothing to do with you. And it hurts probably more than it should.
 Harry doesn’t get too far from your door when he feels the all too familiar pain in his chest he has been forced to live with these past over three years. It’s like something is gripping his heart and lungs in his chest so tight, even breathing is a hard task.
Rushing into his bedroom he closes the door behind him and slides down to the floor as the tears flood from his eyes. The past twenty-four hours have been rough on him, the guilt has been growing immensely since he let himself slip and give in for his desires and eventually kiss you.
It’s not that he didn’t want it. Because he’d be lying if he said it meant nothing to him and that he hasn’t been craving it these past weeks.
But his guilt, this evil little voice in the back of his head wouldn’t let him enjoy it even the slightest.
How dare you kiss another woman after your wife? Are you insane? You don’t deserve to feel this way with anyone else. Not when you were the reason your wife ended up dead!
Heartbreaking sobs escape from his chest as he pushes himself up from the floor and heads into the bathroom. He strips out of his clothes leaving them all in a pile on the marble tiled floor before he steps into the shower and lets the hot water pour down on him, almost burning his skin, but he doesn’t change the temperature, as if he was trying to punish himself. His salty tears mix with the water as he stands still, chest heaving as his vivid memories from that night come crashing down on him all at once.
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“Are you giving me the silent treatment now? Really?” Harry sighed at his wife when she failed to answer his question about the whereabouts of his sweatpants. Maggie sat on the bed with the recent maternity book she’d been reading these past days, not even paying her husband a look at his question.
“Mags, for fuck’s sake, I’m not in the mood to play this game right now,” Harry sighed in defeat. Maggie looked up at him, closed the book slowly and put it aside to the bedside table.
“So the question of expanding our family is just a game to you?” she asked calmly, but her anger and disappointment in her husband was soaking through her tone.
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“No, you are not talking about anything, because you refuse to have a fucking conversation with me!” she retorted, letting all her bottled up anger out that’d been boiling inside her.
“I already told you that I can’t think about having another baby right now. Izzy is only six, I’m in the middle of a huge project, I don’t have the capacity to think about having another baby, Maggie. I thought I made it clear, why are you still onto me then?”
“Because it’s not something we can put aside for too long! I don’t want to have another baby when I’m in my mid-thirties, but if we go with your plan, we won’t even have another one!” Maggie jumped to her feet, pacing the floor back and forth next to their bed as Harry stood with his hands on his hips, getting irritated that they were fighting over the same thing again.
“I never said we can’t have another baby, but why can’t we wait a little? When Izzy is older and more independent? Do you have any idea how hard it is to take care of a baby and a toddler? It’s a fucking nightmare!” Harry growled rolling his eyes.
“So our family is just a pain in the ass for you?” Maggie questioned, folding her arms on her chest and she was really getting on Harry’s nerves, twisting his words completely.
“That’s not what I said!” he snapped. “All I’m asking for is you to be a little patient and give me some time!”
“I don’t have time, Harry! I want it as soon as possible!”
“Why are you so fucking difficult?” Harry groaned, running his hands through his hair. “Why can’t you wait just… one year at least? Is that too much to ask?”
“And is it too much to ask to focus on your family? We are supposed to come first!” she turned it back around and Harry was not having the dirty games she was playing, putting all the blame on him when she could have been a little more understanding as well. He was feeling like his opinion was put aside and didn’t matter at all.
“You do come first, you don’t have the right to question that.” Harry pointed at Maggie, his blood practically boiling at this point.
“Then why do I feel like work is always more important to you?”
“What are you talking about? You know I’m home as much as I can, but we still need the fucking money, Maggie! Or how do you plan on paying the bills of this fucking mansion?!”
“I don’t need a mansion! I just need my family and that’s all!” she argued, but Harry rolled his eyes at her.
“Well you seem to enjoy this mansion a lot when you sit by the pool and watch movies in the fucking movie theater in your own home!” he snapped back feistily. “Stop acting like I don’t do shit for our family when I work my ass off to provide the best possible life. And all I’m asking for in return is some fucking time before we bring another baby into the picture!”
“You are so fucking unbelievable,” Maggie shook her head as she marched past him, walking away from the fight that just grinded his gears even more.
Just as Harry was about to go after her, he heard the faint crying through the baby monitor. Groaning he headed into Izzy’s room and as he took her out of her crib, he heard the front door open and shut.
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry, did we wake you up?” he cooed, hugging the crying little girl to his chest who clung onto him immediately. Even at such a young age, Izzy was already a daddy’s little girl.
Soon her cries died down to just little hiccups as Harry soothed her, patting her bum and back gently as he moved around the room. Holding Izzy in one arm he grabbed his phone with his free hand and typed a message to his wife.
Harry: Where did you go?!
Maggie: I’m going over to my sister’s. Don’t wait up, might get home late.
Harry couldn’t help but roll his eyes. She called him out for running away from the conversation, but when they were finally talking about it she just decided to disappear when it didn’t head in the direction she wanted, seeking comfort at her sister, as always.
He managed to lull Izzy back to sleep, putting her back to her crib before going back to the bedroom. As time passed by and he calmed down more and more he wished Maggie was home so they could talk about it without jumping at each other’s throat. There had to be a compromising way to solve the situation that would be fine for the both of them.
Harry: Please come home and let’s talk about it.
Maggie: So you can bite my head off again?!
Harry: Mags, please. You have to understand my point of view too!
Maggie: I understand it, but I don’t agree with it. And you don’t seem to understand mine…
Harry: I do, but there are more things to consider. Please come home, I don’t want to have this conversation over the phone!
Maggie: Okay, I’m heading home now.
Harry put his phone down to the nightstand with a long sigh, already tired from everything that happened that day and he knew this conversation would be a hard one too, but they needed to be on the same page when it came to their family.
It was late getting late and Harry grew a little more restless with each passing moment. Paisley, Maggie’s sister lived about thirty minutes away from them and it’d been forty minutes since she sent her last text. At first he figured she maybe stayed and talked for a little longer with Paisley, or stopped for some fast food which he knew she liked so much whenever she was upset, but when an entire hour passed by he was getting worried.
He kept sending her texts that didn’t even get delivered and when he tried to call it went straight to her voicemail. Harry was losing his shit so he decided to call Paisley to see if she knew anything about her.
“She hasn’t arrived home yet?” she asked, clearly surprised.
“No, and she is not answering my calls and texts. When did she leave from yours?”
“A long time ago. Almost right away when you texted her to go home.”
“Fuck,” Harry breathed out, anxiously pacing the floor as he held the phone to his ear. “Okay, can you please call your parents in case she went there for whatever reason? I’ll try her friends.”
“Yeah, sure. Let me know if you got a hold of her,” Paisley told him before they ended the call.
Harry was scrolling through his contacts, trying to decide who Maggie would go to first in this situation and just as he was about to call the first person, his phone started ringing with an unknown number.
“Hello?” he answered the call unsurely, his heart beating fast in his chest as he stood in the middle of the room.
“Mr. Harry Styles?” a male voice asked on the other end.
“Yes, it’s me. Who am I speaking to?”
“I’m Officer Field speaking. You were listed as the emergency contact for your wife, Margaret Linn Styles.”
Blood rushed out of Harry’s face faster than he could even process what was happening. He stood completely frozen, his hands were getting clammy as he started sweating as if he just ran the marathon.
“What happened?” he asked weakly, barely even finding his own voice.
“Mr. Styles, I have bad news…”
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Harry makes his way down to the entertainment room, walking like a zombie, only thinking about the bottle of vodka that sits in the minibar down there. Following his skin burning shower he tried to go to bed, but his head was starting to spin from everything that’s been swirling in his mind and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it if he didn’t numb himself somehow. Unfortunately, his only way of doing it has been drinking, nothing seemed to help him the way alcohol did and though he knew he should never solve any of his problems with drinking, he still couldn’t help himself sometimes. When the pain was growing immensely, taking over his whole body, he chose the easiest way to get rid of the guilt or at least stop himself from… feeling.
Grabbing the bottle from the mini fridge he snatches himself a glass as well, not drinking straight from the bottle at least, and plopping himself down to the couch he pours a generous glass, drinking it without any chaser.
He winces as the alcohol burns down his throat, but at least it’s a different kind of pain, that takes the focus away from the one he is feeling in his chest.
One glass chases the other and since he is not particularly used to the heavy drinking, he is more like the ‘let’s nurse this pint for an hour’ type of guy, the raw vodka kicks in pretty quickly.
 But he is not the only one who can’t fall asleep tonight.
You tried everything in your power to end your misery and finally fall asleep, but your mind and body was plotting against you and made you toss and turn until you couldn’t take it any longer. Making a good cup of tea seemed like a good idea, so you headed down the kitchen.
As you round the corner after the stairs and you’re about to walk into the kitchen, you notice how the lights are on down in the entertainment room. You stop in your tracks and try to think back if anyone was there before you went upstairs, but you don’t think it was the case.
You figure since there are only two adults living in the house, it must be Harry down there and right now, facing him doesn’t sound like a good idea, so you decide to leave him be, but that’s when you hear the voice of some kind of glass breaking, followed by a heavy accented cursing and it changes your mind right away.
“Harry?” you softly call out as you walk down the stairs, not sure what to expect down there. He is crouching down, his back in your direction as he is trying to get the pieces of the broken glass up from the floor, but he is too disoriented to succeed in the task and it’s obvious that an injury is deemed to happen sooner or later.
“Harry, you’re gonna cut yourself!” you warn him, and walking over to him you pull him up from his squatting position and when he looks at you is when you realize that he is drunk out of his mind.
“Y/N, oh shit, did I—Did I wake you up?” he slurs, knitting his eyebrows together as he tries to focus his vision on you.
“You didn’t, but let me just—Why don’t you sit down for a moment while I clean this up, huh?” you suggest, pulling him towards the couch, making him sit. He falls to the cushion like dead weight, letting out a tired sigh while you rush to get a broom and a dustpan to get rid of the broken glass on the floor as fast as possible before someone cuts themselves.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he breathes out closing his eyes.
“It’s okay. I’ll just clean it up quickly,” you assure him, getting down to business.
“Not about the g-glass. Well, about that as well…”
“Then why are you sorry?” you ask, as you sweep the shards onto the dustpan and throw them into the closest trashcan.
“About being… a pain in the ass,” he hiccups.
“You are not a pain in the ass,” you chuckle softly as you sit beside him.
“I am. I fucked things up,” he nods with a painful expression all over his handsome face.
“What do you mean?” You know you shouldn’t make him talk in this state, but you can’t help your curiosity. It seems like drunkenness makes his tongue run wild and you are desperate for the tiniest crumble of information about what’s going on in his head.
“I just… I kissed you,” he breathes out, his eyes popping open, but he is staring at the ceiling, not you.
“And?” you ask, trying to act cool, though your pulse is rapidly increasing.
“And I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Oh.” You lick your lips and try not to show how much that hurt. But even drunk, Harry notices the disappointment in your tone. His glassy eyes snap over to you and his face falls right away.
“That’s not how I mean it!” he gasps, reaching for your hand and you’re surprised by the sudden physical touch, but it feels kind of nice, so you let him hold your hand between his arm palms. “It’s not like I didn’t enjoy it, because fucking hell, it was amazing!” he bluntly tells you and you can already feel the heat crawling up your neck.
“Then why did you tell me all of that in my room just earlier now?”
Harry pulls his hands back and moves his arms across his face, covering his eyes as he slides down the couch, his legs spreading out in front of him. He lets out a shaky whimper and seeing him like this worries you a lot. Harry is always in control, he has never let him fall apart like this before.
“Because… I don’t deserve to feel this way,” he confesses, confusing you even more. What is he talking about?
“Why wouldn’t you?”
He shakes his head under his arms, biting into his bottom lip as he inhales deeply, like he is trying to keep something inside, something you shouldn’t know about, but now you are desperate to find it out.
“I’m a fucking mess,” he breathes out, letting his arms fall to his sides, but he keeps his eyes closed, shutting you out in a way. “I don’t deserve to have these feelings,” he repeats again and it appears he is more likely talking to himself, rather than to you.
“Harry, what are you talking about?”
“I can’t tell you. I can’t tell you, because if I did, you’d never be able to look at me again.”
Now he is crying. Tears are rolling down his cheeks and his lips are trembling and you’ve never seen him in such a vulnerable state and quite frankly, it scares you. You knew him to be a strong and stable man, but now he resembles a frightened little boy, so lost in this big world.
“I’m pretty sure it’s not that bad, Harry.”
“It is,” he winces, as if it’s causing him physical pain to even talk about it.
“Harry…” You breathe out and moving closer you place a hand on his knee, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. He turns to face you, his eyes all watered and glistening, he looks so heartbroken, it almost pains you as well.
“Promise me you won’t see me as a monster,” he whispers.
“I-I promise,” you nod, already bearing yourself for the worst, judging from the look on his face.
Taking a deep breath he looks around, as if he is making sure no one else is listening. Then his eyes fall down to his hands in his lap, he fidgets with his fingers, his tongue running along his pink lips before he takes a deep breath and speaks up again.
“Maggie’s death… It was all my fault. I fucking… killed my own wife.”
His voice dies down at the end of the sentence, staring into the void, completely zoned out as you sit beside him, shocked at his words. This was not exactly what you were expecting him to say. Harry starts sobbing again, the hot tears running down his cheeks as he starts crying and panic sets in you. He is so out of his own world, you have no idea what’s happening to him. Rushing over to the mini fridge, you grab a water for him, thinking it might help him at least after all the alcohol he has consumed.
“Here, drink some water,” you softly tell him, taking the cap off as you hand him the bottle. He takes it with a shaky hand and raising it to his trembling lips he takes a few small sips. “Harry, what do you mean it was your fault?” you ask, knowing well you probably shouldn’t push it, but you can’t just ignore what he said.
“Exactly what I said,” he sobs shaking his head vigorously. “It was all my fault, I was a fucking coward and that’s why she died! I could have stopped her! I should have gone after her!”
He is not answering you, not entirely. He is speaking thoughts that have been planted in his head a long time ago and they seem to be on repeat whenever he is feeling down. As much as you want to get more details out of him, he needs to rest, especially because he is working in the morning.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed, H,” you tell him as you stand up and reach out for him to help him to his unsteady feet. It turns out to be a little harder than you expected, but you manage to get him up from his sitting position, and throwing one of his arms over your shoulders you start to walk him up towards his bedroom.
“You fucking hate me now, don’t you?” he slurs, his other hand reaching out towards the wall to steady himself a little more.
“I don’t hate you, Harry.”
“But you think I’m a monster, right?”
“I’m not sure I know enough to think anything about you. This is a conversation we should have when you’re sober,” you suggest and he huffs.
“M’sorry for getting drunk in the middle of the night.”
“It’s alright. But I think you’ll have a mean headache in the morning,” you tease him as you finally reach the upstairs and head down the hallway towards his room.
“You’re a fucking angel, Y/N. You know that?” He just keeps talking and talking and you find it funny how different he is from his reserved and quiet self in this state.
“Am I?”
“Yeah. You are. You are so good to my daughter and to me as well… I really don’t get why your fucker ex cheated on you,” he huffs and you can’t help the smile that tugs on your lips. “What was his name? Kyle?”
“Keith,” you correct him.
“That fucker, Keith!” he spats making you laugh as you push his bedroom’s door open and walk him inside finally. “I bet he had a small dick.”
“Why does that matter,” you chuckle, making him sit on the edge of the bed.
“Because guys with small dicks are always out of touch with themselves. They think they are just better than everyone for some reason.”
“Do you have any scientific research to prove that?” you tease him as you push him down, tugging him under the covers, like a little kid.
“No, I just… know shit,” he sighs, his eyes falling closed the moment his head rests on the pillow.
“Alright. You can tell me more about what else you know when you’re sober. Now get some sleep, because you have work in the morning.”
You make sure he lies on his side as he hums his response. Reaching down you brush his messy curls out of his forehead as he breathes out harshly through his nose, probably about to fall asleep any moment.
Tapping on the screen of his phone on the nightstand you make sure that he has set up his alarm and you see the little alarm clock icon at the top bar so you are just about to walk out when you turn back around.
Seeing how he pushed so many things down inside of him, you’re not convinced he’ll be willing to give you the answers you are looking for. You’re afraid he might talk himself out and give you some kind of bullshit answer, so reaching for his phone you sneakily take his thumb and open the device, all whilst he doesn’t even move an inch.
Scrolling through his contacts you find Niall’s number and send it over to yourself before deleting the message so you leave no trail behind. You set the phone back to his nightstand and head out finally, going to bed as well, right after sending Niall a quick message.
Y/N: Hi! It’s Y/N, I got your number from Harry’s phone. Can you come by sometime tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something.
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When you come down in the morning it’s pretty obvious that even though Harry had his alarm on, he snoozed one too many times and now he is in a rush, trying to get everything done and leave on time.
“Good morning,” you greet him and Izzy upon walking into the kitchen. Harry’s head snaps up from the half-made breakfast in front of him and judging by his expression, he more or less remembers what happened last night. “Rough morning?” you ask teasing him to ease the tension.
“Uh, yeah. Woke up a little late,” he nods, finishing up Izzy’s sandwich just the way she likes, without the crust on before handing it over to her. Izzy grabs the plate and marches over to the dining table, quietly munching on her food while Harry quickly tries to make himself a coffee, but he is a hot mess, still in his night clothes when he is supposed to leave in about ten minutes.
“I’ll make you the coffee, go and get changed,” you offer, taking over the machine.
“Oh, thank you,” he nods and for a change, he doesn’t try to argue with you, he just disappears upstairs.
You make his coffee just as he likes and leave it on the counter for him before joining Izzy at the table with your own breakfast. She is babbling about how excited she is for her piano lesson today, because she’s been practicing a lot lately. When Harry appears again he is dressed for work, but still looks a little disoriented.
“Hey,” you softly say as you join him in the kitchen.
“Hey, thank you for the coffee,” he nods, moving around the kitchen.
“No problem. How are you feeling?” you ask, hoping you’re not crossing any boundaries. Harry opens his mouth to answer, but then closes, probably not sure how much he should share, though he didn’t have too much problem with that last night.
“I’m… A little hangover, but I’m… fine,” he nods shortly. “Y/N, about last night, I—“
“We can talk about it later, okay? Don’t stress about it.” You give him a reassuring smile and you can tell he is sort of relieved he doesn’t have to have this conversation right in this moment.
“Thank you.”
“No worries. And I’ll clean up in the kitchen, don’t be late,” you smile at him warmly. You can tell he wants to protest, but he also knows he is running late so he doesn’t have much choice.
“Thank you, I’ll… see you later.”
Storming over to Izzy he presses a kiss to her forehead before grabbing all his stuff and leaving.
Niall texts you back not long after breakfast that he is free to drop by when Izzy is having her piano lesson. You carry on with the morning as usual, trying your best not to dwell on everything that happened last night.
Just as Rosaline and Izzy get settled for the lesson you hear a car pulling up outside and a few moments later the doorbell rings through the house.
“Let’s get one thing straight, is it a booty call?” Niall questions right away as you let him inside.
“It’s good to see you again,” you chuckle, shaking your head at him.
“So no sex is gonna be involved?” he smirks and you know he is just teasing you.
“No, sorry to disappoint.”
“Oh, you can never disappoint me, darling,” he winks at you before walking into the kitchen to serve himself a drink. “So why did you need to see me so desperately?”
“Well, I know I shouldn’t be discussing this with you first, but I feel like I need to know some basic information that Harry might not give me so I thought you could help me out.” Niall nods as he pours himself some soda and joins you at the kitchen island, sitting on the stool next to you. “I uhh—I need to ask how much Harry shared with you about… about me—and, um what—“
“Save the stuttering, I know you two kissed,” Niall cuts you off and you breathe out in relief that you don’t have to be the one breaking him the news.
“Oh, okay,” you nod with an awkward smile. “Yeah, so that happened. And last night he and I had this conversation how we should just keep our relationship professional and all that. We both went our own way but then later I found Harry down in the entertainment room, drunk and basically having a meltdown of some sort.”
“How drunk was he?” Niall asks, knitting his eyebrows together.
“Pretty drunk. He broke a glass and he was… crying and talking about a lot of stuff.” Niall takes your words in as he inhales deeply, just nodding for you to continue. “He started telling me how sorry he was for fucking things up and he was a mess, like a huge fucking mess. Then he told me about how he shouldn’t be feeling the way he does, because he doesn’t deserve it…”
“Jesus…” Niall shakes his head, probably already knowing where this is heading.
“And then he told me that his wife’s death was his fault. That was… pretty intense.”
“I can imagine.”
“I know I have to talk to him about it, but I’m really afraid he might shake it off, but it seems like he is having some serious issues and I wouldn’t want things to get out of hands. That’s why I thought I would talk to you, maybe you know what to do or how to approach him with such a sensitive subject.”
“Yeah, I get it. It’s nice of you for being so considerate,” Niall nods, scratching his chin. “Alright, I’ll tell you what I know, but please also let him tell you if he decides to share it with you.” You nod and turn all your attention to him. “I didn’t find this out until about two months after Maggie’s death, but apparently, the night she died they had a fight. Maggie had been nagging Harry to have another baby, but he wanted to wait a little longer, until Izzy is older so they don’t have two babies at the same time. Harry said they had another big fight about it, said some pretty nasty things to each other before Maggie just stormed out to go over to her sister’s. She made it there, but… never made it back home.”
A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of how devastating it must have been, losing your partner after an intense fight without ever making up.
“Understandably, Harry completely lost his shit. For weeks he was barely functioning and we all knew he was grieving, but we didn’t know that he was blaming himself for what happened. When he wasn’t getting any better we somehow convinced him to go to therapy which luckily helped him immensely, but he stopped going a while ago. I thought he got things straight in his head about this whole Maggie situation, but I guess he is still hung up on that.”
“What about the drinking, did that happen a lot?”
“Not that I know of. I mean, yeah, he got wasted quite a few times, but only at the beginning. I don’t think you should be afraid that he might turn into an alcoholic. I think he is just really struggling right now because of the conflict he is having because of you.”
“Because of me?”
“Yeah, he is clearly very confused about his feelings for you and he has convinced himself he shouldn’t feel this way towards anyone ever, but then you came,” he chuckles softly giving you a knowing look.
“Niall, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” you breathe out, worry and fear slowly taking over your judgment.
“First and foremost just… be patient with him, okay? This is genuinely the first time he has taken an interest in anyone since Maggie and I think he has already taken some big steps, which is a good sign. Try to talk to him and be open, but don’t push him. I know it can be really annoying when he keeps things, but let him tell you everything at his own pace.”
You nod, understanding the importance of not rushing Harry into anything. Just because you want to get over the awkwardness of the current situation, you can’t push him over his own boundaries.
“Okay, I’ll try to do that,” you nod taking a deep breath. “Thank you, Niall.”
“Oh, and don’t let him give you the ‘you work for me, we shouldn’t be doing this’ bullshit alright? He’ll try to make it out to be some kind of business, but it’s not. He needs to get himself out there and I genuinely think you’re the right person to help him with that.”
His words touch you and you’re not even sure how to react. Niall is clearly someone who stands close to Harry and if he thinks that you and him should give it a try, that must mean something. You can only hope that Harry will come around and think the same at one point.
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Izzy gets a little fussy by the end of the day and it takes a lot of persuading to get her to bed in the evening. Harry arrived back home on his usual time and because it’s been such a hot day outside, he took her out to the pool. The problem with that is that Izzy never wants to get out of the water, so when Harry said it’s time for dinner she threw a bit of a tantrum as Harry brought her inside and her mood didn’t get any better later either.
You spent most of your night in the living room just watching TV and working on your laptop, updating your schedule for the upcoming weeks and doing some editing. Harry stays upstairs with Izzy for a long time when her bedtime comes and you figure she is still a little moody, but then you eventually hear his footsteps approaching. Harry pads his way into the living room and joins you on the couch. When you glance over at him you know he is trying to find a way to start the conversation you both know you need to have, so you put your laptop aside and turn your attention towards him.
“Y/N, I’m really sorry about last night. I’m honestly so terribly ashamed you had to… see me like that,” he starts, clearly nervous to bring it all up.
“It’s fine, happens to everyone,” you assure him and it’s the genuine truth.
“It’s not a regular occurrence, really. I usually know my limits and try to stay within them. I’m really sorry for making you uncomfortable.”
“Harry, don’t worry about it,” you tell him again with a warm smile. “We can get past it. I think what we really should talk about is… what you said. Do you remember what we talked about?” you carefully ask.
“I do…” he nods, awkward diverting his eyes away from you. “I’m sorry I told you all that in that state, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to just pour it all on you so suddenly.”
“It’s alright.” “No, it’s not,” he protests shaking his head. “I dropped a bomb on you because I couldn’t deal with my own problems the right way, and it’s not okay. So please, just… accept my apology.”
“Okay, I accept it,” you nod.
“And about the whole thing with… What I told you about Maggie…”
“Just know that you don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to. I’m happy to listen whenever you are ready to, but I’m not trying to push you.”
“I know and thank you for that, but I feel like… I owe you an explanation,” he admits and you nod, happy that he is willing to talk instead of closing himself off entirely. “The day Maggie died, we got into this huge fight and she ran off to her sister. It was… a whole mess, we both said things we clearly didn’t mean and I texted her, tried to get her to come home so we could talk things out. That’s when… she was on her way home when it happened and… I still feel like it was my fault.” His voice dies down at the end, just like it did last night when he was talking about her. It clearly left a deep scar on him that’s still not entirely healed and you can’t blame him.
“Everyone keeps telling me that it wasn’t, that it was just all one big coincidence, but all I can think about is that she would still be here if we didn’t get into the fight and I didn’t piss her off so much she felt the need to leave.”
“There was no way for you to see what would happen, Harry. It’s not like you did it on purpose, you had no power over the drunk driver or where Maggie chose to drive home. It really was a coincidence.”
“I know, I mean… I understand, but somehow, my mind keeps telling me that it was my fault.”
“Have you thought about… getting professional help?” you ask, trying to be polite and cautious on the topic.
“Actually, I just called my therapist today to see if… she can fit me in for some sessions,” he admits and you’re surprised at how great he is dealing with the matter. “I feel like I might need some guidance again, before things get out of my hands.”
“That’s great! It really is good to go a bit ahead of problems.”
“Yeah. About us…” he exhales nervously, his eyes meeting yours and you can tell this is the part that’s got him the most anxious. You take this as your queue to take over the conversation.
“Harry, I’m going to be honest with you,” you start and he nods, chewing on his bottom lip. “I… I have feelings for you. You haven’t been the only one making realizations,” you add with a soft chuckle, that brings a smile to his lips as well. “I know that the situation is not quite ideal, but it’s not impossible. But I just want you to be honest with me, do you have feelings for me?”
The conflict is clearer than daylight in his eyes as he is trying to figure out what to say and you really hope he isn’t gonna try to mask his feelings.
“I do,” he then admits and it’s like a giant rock has been lifted off your chest and shoulders. “It’s just… I’m not sure how to deal with it.”
“That’s alright,” you tell him. “Let’s just… take it slow. We’re not in a rush, we obviously have a lot to figure out and that’s completely fine. The pace is completely up to you, I know that you need to get a lot of things straight in your head and I can wait, okay? I’m not going anywhere, I really like where we are now and… I just hope that we can move this forward whenever you feel comfortable with it.”
Harry stares back at you for a moment like you’re some alien creature. Like what you just said wasn’t normal or even human and that’s quite heartbreaking, because somewhere along the way he managed to convince himself that he is not worthy of the most basic decency.
“I-I can’t ask you to wait around while I figure my shit out, that’s not—“
“You’re not asking me, Harry,” you smile at him softly. “This is my decision.”
His eyes are shifting between yours and he is most likely looking for any sign of doubt or qualm, but there’s none, you genuinely meant everything you said.
“So, where does this leave us?” he then asks and you shrug your shoulders.
“Everything goes on like it used to and… whenever you are ready to take a step, just… let me know.”
You can tell he is filled with questions, but he just nods with a weak smile and leaves it at that. This will be a bumpy ride, but at least you are more or less on the same page now.
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You haven’t been a big fan of birthday celebrations. You just never understood the big fuss about it, throwing a party for surviving another year? Seems a little weird. This is why you never treated this day any different.
The morning starts off as usual, only that you wake up to a few texts from friends and family, wishing you a happy birthday. Your mom has sent you a whole damn paragraph about how you made her life complete and it wouldn’t be the same without you in it. She does that every time, gets a little too sentimental about it, but you guess it’s because it reminds her of getting old herself as well, which is a sensitive topic in her book these days.
It’s a Sunday, so a day off for you. Coming downstairs you find Izzy and Harry sitting at the dining table, already having their breakfast as usual, but when she sees you, she jumps in her seat in excitement.
“Good morning, Y/N!” she beams with a wide smile, buzzing more than she usually does.
“Morning, Sunshine. Slept well?” you ask as you pour yourself some cereal and join them at the table. Izzy nods and then peeks at her father as if she is trying to hide something with him from you.
“Daddy, can we do it now?” she asks in a whisper, but it’s not quiet enough for you to not hear it.
Your eyes lock with Harry’s over the table and the butterflies in your stomach start dancing around right away when you see the tiny smirk tugging on his lips.
It’s been almost an entire week since your conversation with him and things finally seem to get in place for now. Harry had his first session with his therapist on Wednesday and though you can tell he is still trying to find his own boundaries, he doesn’t worry as much about the situation as he probably did before. He isn’t walking on eggshells around you, unsure how to act. More or less it’s the same as it was before the kiss, but there are tiny little things that still make it different. Stolen glances, lingering touches and sweet smiles are making your days more colorful now and it’s gotten you all giddy and… happy.
“What are you two plotting, huh?” you ask, pointing at them with your spoon before digging into the cereal. Izzy glances at Harry one last time and when he nods shortly, she turns to you and throws her arms in the air.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” she cheers as Harry reaches over to the chair next to him and pulls up a box from under the table, handing it over to Izzy so she could give it to you. “This is for you!”
“You shouldn’t have gotten me anything!” you gasp, truly surprised by the gift. You were not expecting it at all.
“It’s not a birthday without gifts!” she giggles excitedly as she hands the box over. You push your cereal bowl to the side and set the gift to the table in front of you. “Open it!” she urges you, her little hands curled into fists as she watches your every move, as if it was her who just got a present.
Your eyes meet Harry’s green ones over the table once more and he is watching you with a small smile, probably enjoying that he could surprise you.
You pull on the bow on the top and then carefully take the wrapping paper off until the box is revealed underneath and you gas as soon as you realize what this is.
“Oh my God!” you breathe out in disbelief as you take a better look at the gift. Harry didn’t just get you something, he actually listened to what you were saying and remembered that you’re a big fan of oldschool cameras and you have a special love for polaroids. And now, in front of you in the box is your very own polaroid camera, something you’ve been really wanting to buy for yourself for a long time, but you just never got around to actually do it.
“Do you like it? Daddy said you’d really like it!” Izzy asks with big eyes, watching your reaction.
“Oh, I love it!” you breathe out, feeling all mushy and melted from the gesture. Izzy climbs over to your lap, hugging your neck. You wrap your arms around her in a bone crushing hug and you’re so thankful for having them both in your life.
Izzy sits on your lap as you get the camera out of the box and figure out how to work it. She then hops off your lap and poses for the first ever picture taken with your new favorite camera.
“But it’s blank!” she furrows her eyebrows when the photo comes out.
“Because you have to wait for it to develop. It’ll show up in a few minutes,” you smile, setting the photo down on the table.
Izzy sits in her seat, excitedly waiting for the photo to develop and in the meanwhile you join Harry in the kitchen where he is washing the dishes. He spots you and turns the tap off, turning to face you as he dries his hands off.
“You shouldn’t have gotten me anything,” you tell him softly, but really feel touched by the gesture.
“No, but I wanted to. Do you really like it?”
“I love it!” you chuckle in disbelief. How could he think you wouldn’t like it?!
You move forward, aiming for a hug out of instinct but then stop yourself, not wanting to cross any boundaries, but Harry notices the motion and for your surprise, he wraps you in a warm hug on his own. You melt against his hard chest, your nose buried into his shoulder as your arms circle around his waist.
When you lean back, you both keep your arms around each other, eyes meeting and you realize just how close you are to each other. Without even knowing, your gaze flickers down to his lips and you’re dying to kiss him, to feel them again, but you don’t move, wanting to keep your word about letting him set the pace.
But what you didn’t expect is Harry leaning down and capturing your lips in a sweet, innocent kiss. It’s so different from the last time, that was a hot mess, but this one… this is light as a feather but still makes your stomach somersault as you taste his lips, cupping his face in your hands.
“Daddy! I’m thirsty!” Izzy calls out from outside and it kind of ends the moment. Harry pulls back and when you look at him you see that his eyes are still closed. They flutter open a moment later, finding your gaze and you look for any kind of regret or fear in them, but they are nothing but shiny.
“Just a moment, baby!” he answers her, a small smile tugging on his lips as he leans down and pecks the corner of your mouth again before his hands fall from your waist. “Happy birthday, Y/N,” he breathes out before grabbing a bottled water and heading back to Izzy.
You bring your fingertips to your tingling lips as you take a moment to really process what just happened and you can’t push down the smile that spreads across your face. Harry finally took the first step and now you can’t wait to see what’s coming next.
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