Angel With Glasses - pt. 3
Warnings: SA, blood/injury, crying, alcohol, mention of drugs, comforting Steve, fighting, lots of angst, reader getting lost in the woods at one point, lmk if I missed anything!
“I will see you tomorrow night at the quarry, right?” Billy winked at you. You did find him sort of attractive but the stench of nicotine dimmed it down. The two of you sat on his car right after school. People bustled by in their cars and walking and laughing.
You wished you could be as happy as some of them. You wished your brother wasn’t an asshole. You wished your mom was still alive. You wished you found love— and not the fake kind. The real kind. The kind that you didn’t see coming, that breaks you but when you get to a good place, glues you back together. A kind of love that makes you twirl your hair around your finger and bite your lip. A kind that makes you wanna brag to anyone and everyone. The kind of love that you can barely breathe without them. That kind of love.
You heard your name and snapped out of your trance. Billy had an annoyed look on his face. “Sorry, what did you say?”
Billy huffed and then gave you a fake smile. “I said I love your pretty eyes.”
Your face heated and you looked down at your worn out jeans. “Th-thank you.”
“I uh, I have something for you.” He gave you a sultry smirk and hopped off of the back of his trunk. He opened the back door and pulled out a small bag.
He gave it to you and asked you to get off of the back of his car. You peeked inside the bag and gasped. You saw something satin and baby pink.
“I want you to wear that tomorrow night. For me.” He tilted his head to the side.
You bit your lip and pulled the material out of the bag. It was a tiny little dress that had small black hearts dotted across the neck line. “You got this… for me?”
“Isn’t it pretty? It will make you look all pretty, sweetheart.” He whispered. You inhaled sharply.
“O-okay. I Guess i Can wear it.”
“Yeah?” His voice was low. He leaned in, lips scraping against your cheek. “Maybe you can do your hair all pretty, put on a little bit of makeup…” you shivered but you couldn’t tell if it was good or not.
Standing in front of your full length mirror that sat against your bedroom wall, you stared at the tops of your thighs that were barely covered. You turned to the side and looked at your ass almost hanging out of the bottom of the dress.
“If you’re coming you better hurry up, four eyes!” Your brother called from outside your door.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your white sneakers and slid them on. You grabbed a big cot because it was sure to be cold with what little material you were wearing.
Your hair looked better than it usually did thanks to a curling iron and some hairspray. You had a very small amount of makeup on, lip gloss shined on your lips but it felt unusual and sticky.
Your brother pounded on your door. “Last time, loser!”
“I’m coming, gosh!” You yelled. Thank God your dad wasn’t home to see what you were wearing.
You opened your door and your brother was standing there. He looked down and up with a disgusted face. “What the hell are you doing?” He asked.
“Your glasses, idiot.” He reminded you.
You frowned at him. “I don’t need them.”
He stared at you for a second. “You got contacts didn’t you?” He tilted his head with a smirk. “Wait til I tell him, your ass is grass.”
“Oh, like you when I tell him you’ve been selling mom’s left over medication?” You tilted your head with a smirk the same way he did.
He rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“Yes.” You nodded. “I would.”
He huffed and turned. “Let’s go, stupid.”
You smiled a bit, not actually thinking that it would work but followed him out of the house. You said nothing but just looked out of the window the whole time.
When you and your brother arrived at the quarry, it was already dark. There were many people around and you could not spot Billy. The dress he bought for you was not the most comfortable. The breeze was definitely a bit much for the length of the dress.
People whizzed past you and your brother holding red solo cups. Your turned to ask your brother if he could help you find Billy but he was already gone talking up some blonde chick with frizzy hair and her cleavage busting out the top of her dress.
You saw Robin and Eddie sitting on the edge of the quarry, very unsafe might you add, passing a joint back and forth. You sniffed the air probably getting a little contact high from the amount of weed on the air.
You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for Billy to pop up out of nowhere. And sure enough, he did.
He appeared in front of you wearing a blue shirt that was not button so his oiled up abs were on full display. His jeans were as tight as ever and his hair looked the same but better. Maybe it was the moon or the smell of weed and Jack Daniels but you were liking this kind of Billy.
“Hey, sweetheart!” He yelled over the stero that bumped music. “You wore the dress, you look…” he licked his lips as his eyes trailed up and down your figure with no shame. “Sexy.”
Your face heated. “Sexy?” You didn’t mean to say it out loud it was just that no one had ever called you sexy before. You let your arms fall to your sides, his choice of words boosting your confidence.
He flashed his white teeth and pulled his lighter and a cigarette from his left pocket. “You need a drink, honey?” You shook your head and he groaned. “Oh, come on. Everyone gets a drink tonight including you.” He said with a cigarette hanging from his lips. He lit it and grabbed your wrist, dragging you over to the keg. He put the cigarette box back into his left pocket.
You watched as he poured you a drink. Some ruckus behind you made you turn your head to see what was happening.
Someone tripped over a rock and busted his knee. You but you lip and turned back to Billy. He shoved the drink in your hand. “Thanks…”
You took a small sip, beer barely getting your your throat before it fizzled down on your tongue. The flavor was unlike anything you’d ever had before but it wasn’t too bad.
Billy waited for a reaction from you and you nodded. “Good?”
“Yeah, it’s good.” You nodded. You took another sip just to make him happy. You saw Steve pass by behind Billy. You locked eyes with him for what seemed like an entire minute. You trailed back down to your unusual looking fizzy liquid in your cup and took another sip.
“Need a cig?” Billy pulled a box of cigarettes out of his right pocket and took one out for you.
You shook your head. “I’ve heard beer and nicotine don’t mix well.”
Billy shrugged. “That’s only if you’re a chain smoker. Come on, one won’t hurt ya, doll.”
You inhaled deeply, the smoke coming from him, already too much. “I’m not really into cigarettes any way.”
“How do you know if you’ve never tried.”
“Well, for one, they smell like death.” You blinked.
He chuckled. “These ones are cherry flavored.” You thought that was weird because while he was blowing smoke into your face, you never got a hint of cherry.
You rolled your eyes and smiled a little. “Um okay.”
He handed you a cigarette and held up his lighter. “I can light it for you.”
You shook your head and took it from him. You put the cigarette in between your lips. “I got it.” Your voice was muffled by your lips that were trapping the cigarette. You flipped open the lighter and immediately dropped it when the flame touched the tip of your middle finger.
The lighter broke.
“Oh, shit. Billy, I’m so sorry.” You hissed, also dropping the cigarette in the process. You bent down to pick it up and heard whistles from behind. You chose to ignore it and stood, holding the two pieces out in front of you.
He shook his head, looking like he was suppressing some anger. “It’s okay, doll. I have another one in the car.” He quickly walked away and you felt tears stir up as the stinging throb was the center of attention again.
You hissed and walked towards the keg again. “Shit.” You grabbed a few ice cubes from a big cooler next to it and closed your hand around them, the burn on the tip of your finger touching the ice as well.
“What the hell are you wearing?” You turned to see Steve with crossed arms.
You nervously bit your lips and shrugged. “Clothes?”
He scoffed. “Barley. And… my God, is that beer in your hand.”
You set it down quick and shook your head. “Nope, apple juice.” A playful smirk came from you and Steve actually chuckled at you.
Steve looked around. “Where’s Billy?” He asked. You scoffed and shook your head.
“Why would I know?” You asked, crossing your arms.
Steve pressed his lips together and gave you a nod. “Well, you’ve been attached to his hip for the past week.”
“I have not, Steve.”
A girl came up right next to you and tapped you on the shoulder. “Um Billy said to meet him by the fire pit down the trail.” She giggled. You furrowed your brows and she walked away.
Steve gave you a look. “Okay, comedic timing!” You defended. He shook his head.
“I wouldn’t, if I were you.” He said, his voice low.
You picked up your drink and took a swig, trying not to make a face. “Well, good thing you’re not me.”
You walked away from Steve and down the trail the girl pointed to.
Down the trail you could see orange light on the tree tops. You eventually made it to the fire pit where Billy was standing.
“Did you find your lighter?” Your called to him. You had gotten to enjoy the taste of the beer in your little adventure on the trail and had almost the entire cup. The one cup shouldn’t have made you feel the way it did.
You stumbled over to Billy. “I’m really sorry about your lighter Billy. I Can buy you a new one.”
Billy grabbed your hips and tightly squeezed. He moved one hand up to your face and caressed your cheek with his knuckles. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” He looked amused, almost proud.
You blinked slowly. “I don’t feel good.” You shook your head trying to get rid of the dizziness. Your stomach was in knots and your heart pounded.
His arms circled you and your felt ten times smaller. “Billy, can we go b… back now? I’m a little… not feeling good.” You shook your head.
You dropped your cup and all that was left in it spilled onto the ground. “Billy get… get off…” you mumbled. He laid you down gently on the gravel and you groaned.
You felt his hands traveling along your body, a few times slipping under your dress. “Get…” you shook your head, not knowing the rest of the words you were looking for.
You heard a zipper and your head immediately began to panic. This is not happening.
You felt his weight looming over you. “Please Billy…” you gasped as the wind cascaded over you.
“You want me?” You shook your head at his question. “Say it.”
“N…no.” You sniffled.
“I said, say it.”
A burst of adrenaline, even in the drugged state, kicked in. “I said, no.” You kneed him in the crotch as hard as you could and he shouted. He rolled off of you and you got on your hands and knees and started to crawl towards the tree line.
You heard him screaming your name.
The branches under your hands as you entered the woods cut your palms.
You got up and started to run as fast as you could, blood rushing and heart pounding. You turned and suddenly, Billy was there.
He grabbed you by the jaw and tugged you forward. “If you tell anyone about this, doll, I will make you regret your entire life. Understand?”
You struggled but nodded. He roughly pushed you away and you fell. You waited there until you couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore. Until all you heard were crickets. You pulled you knees to your chest and realized that they were bleeding. That was the least of your problems.
You stood, still dizzy and looked around in the pitch black. You walked and walked and walked but never found your way out.
You didn’t know how much time had passed but soon, you heard your name being shouted.
You wiped the mascara that dripped down your cheeks with the back of your hand and shouted back. “I’m here!”
The footsteps got closer and then you heard his voice. “Holy shit, are you okay?” He sounded out of breath.
“Steve?” You didn’t even need to ask. You knew it was him.
“What… what’s going on? I saw Billy walk back to the party without you.”
Luckily, Steve couldn’t see the mess you were in the darkness. “Can you just help me get out of here?”
He reached for your wrist. When his fingertips ghosted your skin you flinched away. “Just walk, Steve.”
And he did without argument.
Soon, you stumbled out of the brush after him. The moon still was enough to see your bloody knees and the leaves in your hair. There was a small rip in the bottom of your dress. You didn’t even notice that one of your straps had broken. Most people were gone. There were only a few stragglers left behind passed out near the beer stand.
He whispered your name hesitantly. “Did Billy do something to you?” He asked.
You shivered. “No.” You slowly shook your head. “Why would you care anyway?”
He didn’t get a chance to speak before you were asking where your brother was.
“He’s gone.”
“He left with a few other girls.” Steve told you. You sighed.
Your eyes shut for a moment trying to get the dizziness to go away yet again. “Great.” You mumbled.
“Let me take you home.”
You were shocked and opened your eyes to look up at him. “I— I can’t go home without him. My dad will be pissed.” You shook your head.
“Then I’ll take you to my house.”
You began to walk away from him. “Yeah, no thanks.”
He jogged up next to you. “So, where are you gonna go?”
You didn’t answer him for a moment. “I don’t know.”
He stepped in front of you and you cursed under your breath. “Please. Just let me take you home.”
You sighed. “I hate your house.” You told him.
“I know.”
“And you still want me to go to your house?”
He made sure that you put on a sweater he found in the backseat of his car. It was big and comfy and smelled just like him.
The radio was on but it was soft. You kept thinking about what Billy could have done to you. Or what he would have done to you. It was hard to know that you once felt like you could possibly trust him.
“Are you hungry?”
This question broke you out of your demeaning thoughts. “If I say no will you actually except that?”
He shakes his head and turns into a 24 hour McDonald’s. “No.”
“No, you bonehead, the first Star Wars is better than The Empire Strikes Back!” You tossed a fry into your mouth and shrugged.
“No, no no. Listen, the sequels are always better. Always.” Steve took a sip of his coke and smiled.
You looked at the clock on the radio. “Oh, whatever. We’ve been arguing for 15 minutes. I’m finished.”
In the next thirty minutes you were at his huge house. When you walked in, he told you to wait in the foyer.
He ran up stairs and came back with pajama pants. “These are for you.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Really? I thought you were gonna strip right here and put those on.”
He rolled his eyes. “The guest room next to mine is yours for the night.”
You bit your lip and walked towards the stairs. “Thanks.”
He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. “What for?”
“For letting me stay here. And putting up with me.” You looked down at your feet. “And for worrying about me.”
He nodded and you swore you saw a smile. You turned and walked up the stairs. You took a peek into Steve’s bedroom, his navy blue sheets strewn about. He had a pair of plaid boxers laid neatly on the top of his dresser next to a brown towel.
His sneakers sat at the foot of his bed. He only wore those on days he played basketball. His green shorts were crumpled up right next to the shoes. He had to have just stripped one day after school and got into bed.
You hesitated to step inside his room. It felt wrong but you did it anyways. The warm light on his dark wooden desk shone on the textbooks that he definitely hadn’t been reading. You smiled and looked at all of the blank sheets of paper with titles of subjects at the top. You flipped through them and then froze.
At the top of one sheet of blank paper was your name. You ran your fingertips across the curves of the letters and then put the other pages on top of it. It was an invasion of privacy. But what could he want to write about you?
You walked out of Steve’s room and into the guest room.
Once you got changed into much more comfortable clothing, you shut your eyes and slid down the side of the bed, taking your seat on the floor.
You curled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. You rested your head in the space and inhaled deeply.
There was a knock at the door and you lifted your head. “Come in.”
Steve opened the door and looked around for you. Once he spotted you on the floor he tilted his head. He walked towards you and plopped down at your side.
“Can i ask you a question?”
You looked at him. You’d never been this close. “You just did.” He rolled his eyes at your dumb remark. “Okay, fineee.”
“What happened to your glasses?”
You exhaled and looked around the room. “They uh… broke.” You nodded, somehow still looking unsure.
You knew Steve didn’t believe you. Your eyes filled with tears when you looked at him. You couldn’t stop it from happening. You never cried in front of Steve Harrington. Never.
You put your head back in your arms as your shoulders shook. Steve was silent. He didn’t know what to do.
He whispered your name. “Are you okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked—“
You shook your head. “I…” you sniffled and looked up at him. “I got rid of them for Billy.” Your throat felt tight and you shook your head. “Everything— everything I did was for him.”
Steve titled his head and looked at the tears cascading down your cheeks, glistening in the warm desk lamp light. He whispered your name like it was a prayer. “It’s okay.” He scooted closer to you.
“I let him manipulate me and for what? Some lousy attention? What’s worse is that I don’t even need his attention because I have yo— other peoples. I just… I let myself get caught up in a guy who never cared for anything more than what i could give to him. He wanted sex and when I told him no, he—“ you stopped when you felt Steve’s thumb wiping your wet cheeks. Your face burned and you took a deep breath.
His eyes told you that he was sorry about what happened at the party. His eyes told you that he really wished he could’ve followed you to make sure what Billy did… didn’t happen.
You took it though, as pity.
Even when he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you down into his chest.
Hellooooooo i lvoe this series and i love you!
@buckyyyismahhlife (sick surprise only)
@oatmealisweird @steveharrigtonssidepiece @ameliaxcriminalminds
#steve harrington x fem!reader#steve harrington series#steve harrington x oc#steve harrington#steve harrington x you#steve harrington angst#steve harrington fluff#stranger things#eddie munson#robin buckley#billy hargrove
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hi !! i have a request for spencer reid as a professor. something where the reader & spencer are married and she is extremely insecure after realizing how her husband is viewed by his students but is kind of too oblivious to see he doesn't even entertain it at all ?? sorry if this is too long, i hope u get to this req 🤍
Crush on The Teacher
In which Spencer is married but has unknowingly stolen the hearts of all the girls in his class
Warnings: fluff, suggestiveness, talk of getting pregnant, kissing, lmk if I missed anything!!!
Professor!Spencer Reid x fem!reader
The morning routines were always the same.
Wake up, cuddle, eat, leave for work, repeat. You loved your mornings with your husband. He would never say bye without giving you a long kiss leaving you wanting more.
Spencer’s morning at work we’re the same. He come in, set his stuff away and stare at the picture of his beautiful wife before he was overwhelmed with dozens of college girls who thought they were being successful in attracting him.
He’d finish his lecture and have about four clueless girls ask him stupid questions about what they went over in class and he was bored by all of their so obvious dirty jokes and embarrassing gestures.
He couldn’t wait to get home to see his wife and let her tell him all about her day. He loved to listen to her. He could listen to her for hours. And she could talk for hours but he loved it.
“Hi, baby.” She was always right there when he walked in the door. She kissed him, getting him back for the one he gave her that morning. “I missed you.” He smiled against her lips.
She smiled too now. “Okay, if we get a shower in now and finish the laundry right after we can make it just a few minutes late to wine night at Rossi’s.” She kissed his cheek and then his neck, pulling his tie loose.
“Why late?” He tilted his head to the side.
She pulled back and looked up at him. “You don’t think we’ll be just showering, do you?”
He chuckled and tickled her sides. She let out a playful noise and ran away from him towards their room.
Wine night at Rossi’s was always a great one. She was whisked away by JJ, Emily and Garcia almost every time and had a bit of girl chat. And that’s what absolutely happened that night.
“So, any little mini Reid’s we should know about?” Garcia asked, sipping on her glass. The woman rolled her eyes with a smile and shook her head.
“No, not yet Penny.” She took a sip and sighed. “I just need to tell him that I want to have a baby and he’ll happily agree… right?”
Emily snorted. “You might wanna tell him soon before one of his college students jump him.”
JJ sent a smack to Emily’s shoulder. “Emily.”
The raven haired woman hissed. “Sorry, I just… thought she should know that her husband is a teenage heart throb in the college world! I mean i went to one of his classes and there was this girl practically drooling on her text book— ow!” JJ smacked her again.
She laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I totally get it.” She trailed off and swirled her wine in the glass, kissing her teeth. Just smallest hint of jealousy wrung through her stomach.
As the night went on, the jealousy gnawed at her harshly. Even when they got home, Spencer could tell there was something wrong. “Honey, are you alright?” He asked as he smoothed her hair away from her face.
They laid in bed just being in each other’s arms for a little while. “Yeah, I’m okay.” She gave a weak, fake smile, barely even looking at him.
He clicked his tongue. “What’s the matter?” He whispered, caressing her cheekbone.
She sighed and sat up slowly. “Um, it’s stupid.” She shook her head and looked down at the satin sheets. “E- one of the girls… she mentioned that you were… quite popular at the university…” she cleared her throat. “With the young women who attend your classes.”
He scoffed with a smile. “Baby,”
She shook her head. “And don’t tell me you don’t notice it!” He laughed. “Don’t laugh at me!” She began to laugh a bit too.
He shook his head. “Baby, listen. I would rather shake a sewer rat’s hand than entertain some college bimbo.” He grabbed both sides of her face and looked into her eyes so he knew she was listening. “I would rather spend a day in an elevator, I would rather eat food off of the floor, I’d rather watch High School Musical: The Musical The Series, do I need to go on?”
She grinned at him. “That’s a lot of things you’d rather do.” She whispered. “And I love you. I’m sorry.”
He leaned in and kissed her all soft and slow. “Don’t you worry about it, baby.” He kissed her again and again and again until they wrestled each other clothes off and spent the night in the sheets.
Yeah, Spencer would rather do anything than not be with her.
So sorry it took me long to get to this wonderful ask! Send in more and I’d love to write them!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
#spencer reid#spencer fluff#criminal minds imagine#spencer reid x original female character#spencer x oc#spencer x reader#crimimal minds#spencer x you#spencer reid headcanon#spencer reid x you
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babes are you okay??? i just finished that fic and it WRECKED me and then i read your note at the bottom and was WRECKED AGAIN. omg i hope everything is okay. sending hugs 🫂
I’m alrightttt! It hurts a little still but I’m happy that I can now realize that some things just don’t work out. It hard but it’s something I had to tell myself in order to get out of the hole I was in. But I’m okay now! I hope you’re okay as well and I hope all of you had a very happy holiday!
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Nooo please, why did you tag "Tolerate it" as fluff, I thought the ending would be happy 😭😭
Omg my bad 😭 I will chang that rn
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Tolerate It - Spencer Reid
In which Spencer has a hard time treating his girlfriend right after a hard case
Warning: cursing, sadness, angry arguments, suggestiveness, lmk if I missed anything!
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
It seemed to always be dark after that one case. During the daytime, it was cloudy, during the night not even the moon would illuminate the dark corners in their apartment. Spencer was dark.
She sat curled up in an arm chair with her head resting against her fist. She watched Spencer read with his head down low, slower than he had ever read in his life.
He’d barely looked at her all month. When he came back from a case a few weeks prior, he seemed off. He came in and gave her a kiss and a hug, like always but something was off. He did embrace her. He didn’t hold her and make sure she was there. He didn’t kiss her lips like he missed them. He made it seem like a chore.
She inhaled deeply, tearing her eyes away from him for a few moments. “Spence,” she called.
He said nothing but she knew that he’d heard her.
“Spencer.” She tried again. He looked up from his book slowly.
“What?” He asked. It wasn’t snappy but, he let out an exaggerated sigh behind it.
The woman bit her lip. “I just—“ She paused when he looked back down at his book. Her face fell and she swallowed. “What do you… want for dinner?” She asked, giving up on her original question.
“Whatever we have is fine.” He looked back down at his book.
She slid out of the chair, standing up and looking at him. “Okay.” She whispered. She turned and headed for the kitchen, her eyes stinging. Her heart banged against her rib cage and she tried not to make too much noise.
Her hands pressed against the edge of the sink as she tried to breathe steadily. Tears poured from her eyes and she could see a faint reflection of herself in the window in front of her. She looked at the reflection behind, Spencer was still looking down at his stupid book.
She ended up making some sort of pasta. She set the tiny table they had with two glistening plates and forks. She filled their glasses with wine and lit a candle in the middle. It was her attempt at some sort of romantic dinner.
“Spencer, dinner’s ready.” She turned her head to look at him.
He walked over, seemingly coming right for her. He leaned down, she thought he would kiss her without being asked. But no. Instead he blew out the candle in the middle of the table.
Her eyes immediately filled with tears as she watched him go to the other side and sit down. “The scent was giving me a headache.” He shrugged.
She lowered her head and inhaled. They ate in silence. Her leg bounced up and down rapidly underneath the table. He didn’t look at her once.
Later that night, Spencer was in the shower and she was getting ready for bed. She sat staring at the wall until she heard the water stop.
She bit her lip and blinked. She got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom door. She opened it and saw Spencer standing there with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
He went to step in front of the sink but she stepped in front of him before he could get to it. His hands instinctively grabbed her arms. “What are you doing?” He asked, his hands were warm against her cold arms.
“Please kiss me.” She looked up at him in desperation. He leaned down and kissed her with no emotion, a single peck. He pulled away. “Really?” She shook her head. “You haven’t touched me in weeks. Really kiss me, Spencer.”
He leaned down, lips ghosting over her own. “I can’t.” He frowned.
She stared into his eyes searching for a way she could understand why he was acting like this. She shut her mouth and glared at him after a moment. She moved from between the him and the sink and left the bathroom, slamming the door.
She crawled underneath the heavy duvet and squeezed her eyes shut to prevent any tears from coming out.
But they poured anyway.
She was standing in the kitchen the next morning doing the dishes she didn’t have the energy to do the night before. She stood in her own pajama pants and a tank top when she’d usually be wearing something of Spencer’s.
Spencer walked out of the bedroom in distress. “Why didn’t you wake me up, I’m going to be late.” He asked, walking into the kitchen looking for his watch.
She didn’t respond to him. She finished cleaning the dishes and took a sip of her coffee. “Your watch is on the end table.” She spoke softly.
He walked into the kitchen after putting his watch on and grabbed the cup of lukewarm coffee that his girlfriend had made for him.
“I can’t keep doing this, Spencer.” She said loudly. She wanted to catch his attention.
“I’m going to be late for work—“
“No. We need to talk about this.”
He sighed and looked at his watch. “I think—“
“Listen, Spencer.” She snapped. “Whatever happened, I’m sorry. I am. I know that your job is hard and you see messed up things but you can’t just— stop being you!” She shook her head and set down her coffee cup. “Where are you Spencer? You have to help me so I can help you.”
“I really can’t talk about this right now.”
“So you’re just gonna throw away four years, Spencer?” She scoffed. He shook his head, crossing his arms.
“I’m not throwing away anything! You’re the one trying to break up what we have!” He yelled.
“You already did!”
A silence was loud between them. Her breaths were ragged, her lips parted like something was trying to escape. “I’ve had this— this dagger in me ever since you came back from that case. You won’t talk about it and it feels like you’re just pushing it in deeper! I’ve been afraid to break free and leave us in ruins because you’re the first person I’ve ever loved, Spencer.”
He looked like he didn’t know what to say. He never did.
“You come home day after day and I’m waiting there, wishing you snapped out of it. I look like a kid standing there with my hands behind my back, begging you to feel something for me! Every time I speak about you to my mom on the phone I use the best words to describe you but you don’t even think about me, do you?”
He took a step forward and she pushed herself back in to the kitchen counter. Tears fell down her cheeks. “I got out the fact fucking plates, Spencer!”
He tilted his head, the first sign of emotion that she’d seen in a while. “I tried to give you space! I’ve been walking on eggshells , waiting for you to come to me but you’ve treated me like barbed wire.”
The desperation in her voice made Spencer sick to his stomach. Why couldn’t he just snap out of it? Why couldn’t he give her the love she deserved?
“Just tell me why, Spencer. Tell me what I can do and I’ll do it.” She walked towards him and placed her hands on the side of his face. A last ditch effort, hoping that he’d come to his senses.
A single tear cascaded down his cheek and he backed out of her hands. He walked away from her and left the apartment.
He shut the door and leaned up against it, listening to her gut wrenching sobs. He heard her knees hit the floor and squeezed his eyes shut before walking away.
When he came home that night, she wasn’t there.
He walked into the bedroom expecting her to be cuddled up in the sheets but the bed was made. He found the dresser drawers opened. Her side was cleaned out.
He panicked and walked into the kitchen and saw that dinner was made and sitting on the stove.
A sticky note was stuck to the range hood above the stove.
I took the dagger in me and removed it, I’m sorry.
With a sigh, he bit his lip and shuffled back to the room that he used to share with the love of his life.
But now, she was gone all because he couldn’t do anything but tolerate her.
Hello! I’m so sorry that I’ve been gone for so long.
I took a break because I’ve been so busy and my boyfriend and I had broken up so I was pretty sad for a while but I’m heeled now sand better than ever!
I hope you enjoyed this this is my favorite Taylor Swift song atm and I relate soooo much!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
#spencer reid#criminal minds imagine#spencer reid x original female character#spencer x oc#spencer x reader#crimimal minds#spencer x you#spencer reid x you#spencer reid angst#sadness#heartbreak
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💛Sunshine💛 pt. 13 - The Search pt. 1
In which you all read about Spencer and his family life
Warnings: cursing, angst, sadness, angry/rogue Reid, lmk if I missed anything!
Spencer Reid x fem!oc
Spencer watched his children sleep when they got back to their home. He knew it would probably be creepy if it were anyone else but he just wanted to watch them breathe. After not thinking they were alive for 24 hours he thought it was fitting to watch them be alive.
It took a while to get Sadie to sleep but eventually, the exhaustion set in and she fell asleep across Joey's lap. He fell asleep soon after and Spencer stayed awake, his phone in hand in case the team found something that could help with finding Audrey and Charlie.
He hated the feeling of his house without Audrey or Charlie. He hated the coldness and how his heart skipped a few beats every time his phone screen lit up. It was never an update about his wife and child, it was always just the latest headlines and news reports that repeated old information.
Spencer sighed and tossed his phone to the side, getting up from his chair and giving Sadie and Joey one last look before exiting the room. He walked towards his own bedroom. It was strange to not smell his wife's perfume as soon as he stepped in.
It was like she had never been there in the first place. The air felt thick, it felt hard to breathe. Little reminders of Audrey were everywhere.
Her stack of hair ties sat on the dresser. Her t-shirts that she had yet to fold from the last load of laundry. Her little notebook on the bedside table on her side and papers from her last case she took on sat neatly underneath. He imagined her sitting there on the bed with her legs pulled up under her, reading glasses perched perfectly on her nose and her bottom lip between her teeth. He imagined that she looked up from her little notebook like she had many times before and smiled at him. Then she'd set it down and scurry off the bed. She approach him and stand on her tippy toes, wrap her arms around his neck and kiss all over his face. She'd ask how his day was, barley giving him a chance to answer before playfully kissing his lips, knowing it drove him crazy.
A ghost of a smile disappeared from his face when he snapped back to reality. He was standing there alone. A shiver ran up and down his spine.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he went and sat on the edge of the bed. He sighed and took his phone out. There was a message from and unknown number and an image.
He furrowed his brows, heart skipping a beat.
He tapped on the message reading it in less than half a second.
Unknown Number
shus run u ine 2/19
open image...
Spencer was confused and opened the image. It was just a tan colored screen. He looked closer, tiny little reflective specs dotted the screen. It looked almost like sand.
He closed the image and looked at the meaningless letters. But the numbers. He would recognize what that meant any time, any place.
February 19, Charlie's birthday.
He sat up straight and looked up at the ceiling, the letters un scrambling and doing it all over again.
It took him forty-three seconds to understand.
u r my sunshine. 2/19
It was a code and it was from Audrey. Only she would send that as a code.
He thought about calling Hotch. But the one thing that popped into his brain when he began to type in his number was the fact that Hotch threw him off the case. It angered him.
He will only slow me down.
Spencer had to stop and think for a second; something he didn't do well when he was panicked.
So, he quietly woke Joey and Sadie up. He got them in the car. It was dark out by this time. It was raining. Where was he going? He didn't know. Did the sand mean she wasn't in Virginia anymore? He didn't know. Was the code a trap? He hoped it wasn't.
"Daddy, where are we going?" Sadie asked with sleepiness in her voice.
Spencer glanced at her through the rear view mirror. "I'm taking you to your aunt JJ's for a little bit. She misses you."
Charlie scoffed. "What about mom and Charlie?" He sounded angry. "We're just gonna leave them with uncle Marcus?"
The father sighed, knuckles turning white against the steering wheel. "No, Joey. We're still working on it, okay. Just... stay calm."
"I thought Mr. Hotch said you can't help anymore." He fired back.
Spencer shook his head. "Mr. Hotch changed his mind, Joey." He lied, glancing back at him.
“I know you're lying, dad." He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Spencer chose to stay quiet and pay attention to the road.
When they pulled into the driveway, he only saw Will's car. He was hoping that was the case. A few minutes later, Sadie was running up the pathway. She loved Will and JJ's house because she got to play with the boys.
The door opened and Will stepped out. "Spencer?" He furrowed his brows. "What are you doing here?" He asked, smiling down at Sadie. He bent to pick her up and tickled her side.
"Oh, JJ didn't tell you?" He tilted his head to the side and moved so Joey could walk past him.
"I need to focus on finding Audrey and Charlie. So, JJ offered your house up for my kids tonight." He lied. He didn't care if this plan fell apart as long as he got away before Will figured it out.
Will sighed. "Oh... right. Uh, they can come in but the boys are already asleep. Hey— are you sure JJ said this was okay?"
Just need enough time to get away.
“Yep. Did you want me to show you the messages? I mean, come on, Will. I can't— I need my wife back. I need my child back. I'm working on this case and I need—"
"Okay, okay. Spencer, go on. I have to get to work by 3 tomorrow so..."
"Yeah." He smiled. "I'll be back before then." He nodded. He didn't know when or if he'd be back.
"Bye daddy." Sadie yawned. "I love you."
"I love you, Sadie."
Joey sent him a nod and crossed his arms. "Love you, dad."
He watched as they disappeared behind the front door and waited a few seconds before turning and hurrying to his car.
He used one hand to call the number he'd received the message from and using the other to buckle himself and start the car. The phone connected to the car and the line clicked.
"Marcus, I know you have my family." He didn't even give the person on the other line the chance to say hello.
A short gasp followed. It was a familiar noise and his heart plummeted.
“D-. —ease, h-hel—" The voice was muffled and staticy. If he wasn't Spencer Reid, he wouldn't be able to tell who's voice it was.
He furrowed his brows. "Wait— Charlie?"
"Dad— m... needs h—"
"Charlie can you tell me where you are!?" He shouted. As he entered the main road, his foot mashed down on the gas pedal. Did he know where exactly he was going? No. But, he was gonna get far away from Will before he figured out his lie.
"... house. I think— big ware—"
"A warehouse? Charlie, are you in a warehouse?" He asked, already beginning to think of a new plan.
"Yes— mom needs—" There was a moment of deafening silence. "...bleeding! I th— something wrong—"
Spencer felt the pressure in his chest increase as he fled down the street, going the only place he knew to go.
"Char— he's... coming! We have to—"
That wasn't Audrey. But before he could ask who it was, the line disconnected. "Shit!" He cried, pulling into the parking garage of the BAU.
He dialed Garcia's number. She picked up on the second ring. "Reid, oh sweetie. I've been meaning to get away to call you but—"
"Garcia, I'm coming to you so you can listen to this call I just got. I need you to trace it."
The woman was silent for a moment. "Reid, you know that's a difficult thing to do. I have to go through your entire chip to reach old calls. I'm gonna need time."
His knuckles turned white against the steering wheel as he parked. "I'll get you time."
It was not Intentional, school is kicking my ass. I'm having a very hard time being a college student and I just never found the time to get back to writing with all the things I'm doing other than being a student as well. I'm so truly sorry again. I'm also sorry this chapter is short but I felt bad and didn't want to keep tal waiting anymore.
Love y'all so much ❤️❤️❤️
#spencer x you#spencer fluff#spencer reid x original female character#spencer x reader#spencer x oc#spencer reid x fem!readr#spencer reid x you#spencer reid criminal minds#spencer reid headcanon#spencer reid angst#spencer reid#criminal minds imagine#crimimal minds
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OMG THANK YOU. I didn’t know you would do it I rlly rlly appreciate u adding the Rossi tag u just made my week can’t wait to binge read them all 😭😭😭😭
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Let me start with I love your writing 😭 This may be too much but is there any way you can give the Rossi!fem!reader series a specific tag so I can find it in the app? I randomly found part one but can’t read any of the parts linked on your master list in the app. But maybe if you tag it Rossi!fem!reader I can search that on your blog? Sorry if it’s too much I figured I’d ask 🙂 thanks!
All parts have been tagged “Rossi!fem!reader” thank you so much for reading, love 💕 💕💕
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Hey friend, May I be tagged for your Steve Harrington and fem!glasses!reader fic? I can't wait for the next chapter! It's so good ❤️
You’re added! And thank you for the compliment love! I can’t wait to write more ❤️
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This will be my new favorite Steve fic— thanks 😊
Hello lovely I was hoping you could do a Steve with a kid fic! Reader is Steve’s kid’s teacher and they have a parent/teacher meeting and Steve falls for her!
Love you and your writing 💋
✎ when i kissed the teacher | part one
firstly, thank you so much for the compliment darling!! secondly, you are one lucky person as i've decided to make this into a multi-part series! i've always been a massive fan of dad!___ x reader, so i've taken it upon myself to create a series out of it! i'm aiming for four or five parts, but we will see where it takes us <33
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. mentions of bad mother. deep talks about life. swearing. slow burn. mutual pining. pet names. fluff. comfort. steve's daughter is the cutest. more warnings as the chapters commence! [4.9k].

“All right my loves!” you yell calmly to the children, them waving at their parents from the glass window, the group excited to head home after a tough day of school. “Come and sit on the rug for me, I have one more thing for you all before you get to go home!”
A bunch of chatter and pattering feet can be heard as the six-year-olds bounce over to the colourful, spotted rug, each plopping themselves down and crossing their legs as they look up at you with eager eyes.
You cross your arms and put your finger up to your lips, the children copying you and nudging their friends to look up at you and replicate your action. The final kid finally turned his eyes towards you and copied you, you shaking your head and smiling, “What took you so long Harry?”
He frowns slightly, “I’m sorry Miss, I wasn’t paying attention.”
If there’s one thing you could call a success in your teaching, it would be the ability for your kids to reflect on where they went wrong. It was one of the most important things they could learn as they grow.
“It’s okay honey, just remember to use those listening ears to hear your friends quieten down next time, okay?”
He nods as all of the kids sit with their hands tucked between their crossed legs, you now knowing that everyone was completely focused. “Firstly,” you smile softly, “You have all made amazing progress today, I’m very proud of each and every one of you.”
You can see each of them smile brightly, bouncing in their sitting position, especially the less-able kids, they deserved some extra love with all the hard work they put in to improve.
“Secondly,” you say, leaning over and grabbing a neat stack of papers, “Next week is your parent-teacher meetings! So, I’m each going to give you a letter and I want you to give it to your mommy or daddy, okay?”
The children nod, you smiling and standing up, giving each of them a letter. Once you put the spare sheets on the side, you say to them, “Okay, as always, stay seated and I’ll call you up if I see your mommies or daddies, okay?”
You walk over to the window, peering out to see two different parents stood next to each other: Mr. Byers and Mr. Harrington. Mr. Harrington, who from day one insisted you call by his first name Steve, waved at you, you giving a small smile back as you turn towards both dad’s daughters, “Okay, Ashley! Alena! Your daddies are here!”
The two girls stand up, toddling over to their tables to grab their backpacks, you giggling to yourself as you see how huge they look on their small figures. Ashley is the first to stand in front of you, smiling as you open the door, “Go and see daddy. See you tomorrow!” you say, the girl rushing over as Mr. Byers picks his daughter up, grabbing the sheet she was holding in her hand and heading out of the gate.
As you turn your back, Alena is standing there, grinning at her dad through the open door. Alena was a spunky character. She was super friendly, always willing to help out the other kids and almost always had her hair styled in two un-even pigtails. But, she wasn’t fussed, her hair usually a mess by the end of the day after tumbling around on the grass in the playground. The amount of times you had to bring in the poor girl when she had scraped her knees or elbows was insane, but she always put a brave face on. She was a very cute kid and you were lucky you got to teach her.
“Hello!” you say, pretending to jump at her sudden presence, making the young girl giggle, “Oh, come here my love, your backpack strap is twisted.” You lean down and un-twist the purple backpack strap, swiping the few bread crumbs off of it as you signal to her dad. “There’s your dad, honey. Have a great rest of your day!”
She bounces over to her dad, smiling as she passes him the letter, him taking a quick glance over it as he realises what it was.
He had to spend time talking with you. Just you, him and Alena. Alone.
It was no doubt that Steve knew of his little crush on you. He tried his best to push it to the back of his mind, but with seeing your gorgeous face five times a week, how could he ever forget about your beauty?
Now, he had to practically spend time alone with you. Sure, it was still under professional circumstances, but how was he supposed to concentrate? It was a meeting to talk about his daughter’s school progress, yet his mind treated it like a first date.
Steve looks up from the sheet to see your back turned attending to the other students, Alena tugging at his leg, “Daddy, come on! I wanna go home!”
“Yeah, okay, okay,” he replies, waiting for the moment for you to turn to face the window again, which you do. He can’t stop staring at you as you give him a small wave, Alena waving back at you as you giggle, the girl not knowing that you were in fact waving at her dad, who weirdly couldn’t stop looking at you. Strange.
You divert your eyes to attend to the next kid, Steve snapping out of his trance as Alena continues tugging at his jeans. “Okay pumpkin, I’m going, I’m going.”
He grabs his daughter’s hand as he heads out to the gate, him trying to compose himself at the inevitability of you two talking in private. Hopefully his daughter being there would be enough of a distraction.
Until she wasn’t…

You were setting up your classroom for the day. It was the start of a brand new week, so you knew it was going to be a little bit more tough on your end to get the kids to be quiet. They had curious minds, so they would definitely want to go into excruciating detail about their weekends to their friends.
A knock on the door can be heard as you lay out a worksheet full of math problems on the children’s desks. You turn around, smiling as you see Alena standing there with her dad, sheet of paper held between her small hands. “Good morning Mr. Harrington, and good morning to you too Alena!” you brightly say, her dad replying, “Please, just call me Steve.”
“Well,” you chuckle, “Good morning Steve and Alena. How was your guys’ weekend?” you ask, turning your back as you put out the final worksheets.
“Daddy and I went to the aquarium!” she beams.
“Ooh, that sounds like fun!” you smile widely, “Did you see lots of fish and sea creatures?”
“Uh huh!” she chirps, “I saw clownfish and seahorses and turtles and octopuses!”
“That sounds like you had a great time! But, remember, what do some plural nouns end in?” you ask her, trying to correct her on her simple mistake. Even you didn’t have the answer to why some end in ‘I’ instead of ‘Us,’ it was just another weird variation of the English language.
“Um…” she thinks, “They end in ‘I?’”
“Good job! So, it wouldn’t be octopuses, it would be…”
“Octopi!” she smiles brightly.
You put your last worksheet down as you walk over and ruffle her hair, “Well done!” You look down to the sheet of paper in her hand, “And what is this?” you ask, taking it from her delicate hands.
“Parent-teacher meeting letter,” Steve tells you, “Is it alright if I bring her along? I chose some of the earliest slots as it’s just easier for me to come straight from work to here instead of hiring a babysitter. But, if you just want parents alone, I’ll get a friend to pick her up.”
“No, it’s totally fine Mr. Har— Excuse me, Steve,” you reply, “I’m sure a lot of parents are in the same position as you. You can totally bring her along! It’s also an opportunity for her to hear how she can improve first hand, which is great. So…” you mumble, walking over to your computer and opening up Excel, “Alena… 3:45PM. Is it just you coming or is your wife coming also?”
He freezes up at the mention of his ex. His ex-girlfriend’s name wasn’t on the school system at all as he frankly has nothing to do with her. But, you’re Alena’s teacher, how were you supposed to know his life history? Steve stutters as he thinks of a reply, “I, um… I don’t have a wife…” Shit. Not the answer.
“Oh my Gosh,” you frantically say, looking up at him where he had now entered the classroom and was stood in front of your desk, “I am so sorry. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had the chance to go through the student’s personal files yet. I apologise for assuming, I really am.”
God, you were too kind. It just made you all the more attractive.
“It’s okay,” Steve sighs, “It’s not even on the record. Well, her mother isn’t mentioned on there for… reasons, so it’s fine really.”
You sympathetically smile, “I may teach children Steve, but I know when an adult is hiding a pain too. Whatever happened, I truly am sorry, and you shouldn’t have to pretend that everything is okay to make others feel comfortable.”
He knew you were right. But, you were the first person to ever say it out loud. To be completely honest with him. No beating around the bush and just accepting his passiveness, you understood how he felt about Alena’s mother, even without the backstory. You’re exactly the kind of person he needs in his life.
You turn your head, sighing with a smile, your head leaning against your intertwined hands. Alena was sat at her desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a couple of crayons from the centre and doodling away. It was a rule in your classroom that no kid was to start their early morning worksheet before the bell rang. That way, no kid felt left behind.
“She’s such a good kid,” you smile, “She’s kind and brave and always completes her work. I’ll obviously tell you more of that on Wednesday, but you’ve done an amazing job raising her, especially as a single dad. I hope you know that.”
Steve looks into your gorgeous eyes, fumbling over his words, stunned at the comments that easily flow out of your mouth. You weren’t afraid to be kind, and that was a beautiful quality. “I try my best,” he awkwardly says, not used to the compliments, “I have a hard time accepting that, but, thank you anyway.”
“Of course,” you softly reply, “You deserve to hear it.”
The two of you stay in silence, the quiet sound of Alena’s crayons scraping across her paper being the only noise in the brightly decorated classroom. Steve rubs the back of his neck and coughs, “Well, I should get going. Head to work and all…” he says, pointing his thumb behind him towards the door.
“Uh, yeah…” you awkwardly reply, “Don’t want you to be late,” you quietly laugh.
“I’ll see you later,” he finalises, referring to when he would pick up his daughter at the end of the day. You nod, Steve heading over to Alena and asking for a kiss which she gives him, before he turns around and heads towards the door, exiting the classroom.
You sit there in contemplation, how did you compliment him so easily? You didn’t do that to other parents, and you knew that a few of them were single moms. Why just him? Why did you feel different towards him?
Steve was feeling a similar way as he pushed the door open out to the main entrance. He swore he wasn’t going crazy, he felt something between the two of you. It couldn’t have just been his crush on his daughter’s school teacher convincing him that. He’s dated women in the past and even they haven’t complimented him to that extent. Even the women he tried to date as Alena was growing up hadn’t dared say anything complimentary about his parenting skills. You were different. You showed him the kind of praise he always wanted.
He was falling in love with his daughter’s teacher.

Your day had gone pretty well. As predicted, the students were extra chatty because of their busy weekends, but you didn’t mind. All of them getting along with minimum bullying in your class is what made you most proud. If they were kind to each other, a little extra talking was good for the mind. They were developing, which means their brains were super busy. It was a sign of healthiness.
All of the parents had shown up on time to collect their kids, which was the biggest accomplishment for you. Usually, at least one parent was running late, so you had to take on the task of guiding them to the front desk to wait for their mom or dad. But, today you were free, meaning you got to go home a little earlier, or so you thought.
As you led the last kid out to their parent, you shut the door, beginning to tidy up the classroom before you drive home. However, a faint knock can be heard against the glass, you turning to see Steve and Alena patiently waiting outside, his larger hand holding her smaller one.
You open the door, you smiling and saying, “Hi guys!” Steve speaking up, “Hi, um… I know you’ve probably filled up a lot of your slots by now, but is it okay if I could change the time for our parent-teacher meeting? Work asked me to stay an extra two hours.”
“Of course!” you reply, walking over to your desk, “I’ve shut down the computer for now, but I’ll make a note in my planner, okay? I keep everything stored twice in case this thing decides to play up.”
“Sounds great.”
You flip through the pages, finding Wednesday’s date and opening the cap to your pen, “Okay. How late are we talking?”
“You have anything after 6PM?” Steve asks, “I can do slightly earlier if it’s a problem for you, but I don’t want to accidentally run late and mess everything up.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, “I’m pretty sure I have after six,” you look down through the list, finding some empty slots after 6PM, “Yes, I do. I have 6:15 and 6:25. Any preference?”
“6:15 would be great, thank you,” he says with a sigh, thankful that his change of work schedule hasn’t messed up yours. You cross out Steve’s 3:45 appointment and re-write him in for 6:15, making sure to update that in the school system tomorrow.
“Also,” he starts, “Is it alright if I get my friend Robin to pick up Alena on Wednesday?”
“Um…” you think, “If you could give me a description of them, that would be helpful. You know, keeping the kids safe and all. Don’t want to give your daughter to any stranger who claims they are your friend, you know?”
“No, I totally get it,” he replies, “She has a dirty blonde coloured hair that, I guess is shoulder length? She has a fringe too, slight wave to her hair. A little shorter than me, so I guess like 5’9-ish. Blue eyes, freckles on her face, she had black painted nails the last time I saw her which was like three days ago. Is that good enough?”
“Yes, let me just write it down so I don’t forget. I’ll confirm with Alena on the day anyway, she’ll probably be excited to see her,” you say, making a note underneath your column of parent-teacher meeting times.
“Oh yeah,” Steve chuckles, “She calls her Auntie Robin, so if she yells that, you have the right person.”
“Great,” you smile, mumbling out, “Okay… Alena picked up by ‘Auntie’ Robin — short, dark blonde hair with fringe, blue eyes, freckles, black nails. Okay, all written down.”
“Thank you,” Steve breathes out, “I’m still on for dropping her off tomorrow and Wednesday, it’s just picking her up Wednesday afternoon that’s the change. Hope it’s not too much of a fuss.”
You wave your hand, “You’re fine, trust me. It’s only one day, you pick her up every single other day on time. Plus, you told me in advance, which many parents have failed to do in the past,” you softly laugh, reminding yourself of the endless days of random people claiming they’ve come to pick up a certain child, you having to go through the endless hassle of contacting the parent to confirm the stranger is who they claim they are.
“Yeah, well, I thought it was best you should know. Hawkins is a scary place, I’m sure you’re well aware,” he awkwardly smiles, trying not to focus of the events that happened just under ten years ago.
“Yeah, not got the best reputation around here,” you laugh, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Well, I guess I will see you in the morning.”
Steve smiles, lifting Alena up onto his hip, “You will. And again, thank you for letting me change the time.”
“No problem at all,” you smile, “Bye Steve. Bye Alena!” you shout, her giving you a big smile and a wave from over Steve’s shoulder. God, she was a cute kid. And her father… Well, he wasn’t bad-looking either.

The parent-teacher meetings had been going well so far. You had conversations with parents that were brave, their kids little mini-me’s of them, to kids you just wanted to save from the inevitable attitude they would someday inherit from their parents. As a teacher, it sometimes felt that you were becoming the mother that the children wish they had.
No parent had actually booked after 6:15, so Steve was your final parent to speak with, and you couldn’t wait to gush about how beautiful of a girl Alena was.
As you bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell, you sigh in your seat, leaning far back and placing your hands on your face. A voice interrupts you, “Not the nicest, huh?”
You move your hands away, leaning forward once again and softly laughing, “Yeah, bit of a silver spoon shoved up there.”
Steve enters the classroom and takes a seat in front of your desk, “I hate parents like that. I heard them from outside saying that you were lying about Rhys. Like, come on man, just accept that your child has flaws. You didn’t even say anything bad!” he exclaims, arms flailing up in the air.
“Right?” you smile widely, “All I said is he needs to improve on his spelling and suddenly I’m the worst person in the world. I never even said it was a bad thing, they came to that conclusion. I don’t expect every child to be perfect at everything, I wouldn’t even say that about Alena, it’s normal for children to have a few tough spots in their education.”
Steve softly smiles, “Well, you’re lucky I won’t complain even if Alena was bad at everything.”
You laugh, “I certainly won’t be doing that. Speaking of, shall we start?”
“Of course.”
“Okay,” you say, flipping through your grade sheets and coming across Alena’s name, “Firstly, grades. I don’t really do a typical grade system, your A-F kind of thing, I actually do it in stars. A bit weird, I know, but it actually helps the kids understand their current learning levels, so I just adopt it as well,” you smile.
Steve grinned at your explanation, actually preferring your way of grading. So what if it was weird? It was different, and he liked that.
“Her spelling is spectacular, 10/10 on her spelling bee last week, 9/10 the week before. Pretty consistent in the top levels there. That would land her in adult talk around an A, so that’s five stars in child’s talk,” you say, turning the page over to the reading section, “Are you aware of our reading levels?”
He furrows his eyebrows, “I can’t remember what the highest level is again.”
“Not to worry,” you reply, looking him in the eye, “So we do levels 1-6. One obviously being the lowest, six being the highest. Six is very rare in this class, just for warning. I think I only have two students on level six, so don’t panic that Alena’s not there yet. She’s on level four, which is just above average, a B grade if you will. Plenty of room for improvement, so I’m not overwhelmingly worried.”
Steve laughs, “Definitely a change from me. I can’t spell for shit,” he freezes, “Sorry, I shouldn’t curse, should I?”
You chuckle, “We’re technically out of school hours, curse all you want honey.”
Honey. That was new.
“Now,” you say, flipping over to the next page, “She is struggling a little with math. I’ve noticed that she gets her numbers confused around a little. When counting on her fingers, sometimes she skips a number or goes ‘3, 2, 3.’ And that has sadly affected her in other subjects. We sometimes do timelines in history, and her switching up of numbers means she’ll put a date from the 1500’s in front of the 1600’s. So, she’s currently on two stars, which is sadly a D in normal grades. But, it is only simple mistakes. If she doesn’t get those numbers mixed up, she’ll naturally bump herself up to a B, possibly even an A. I was wondering if you could help me out with this next part.”
“Of course,” Steve replies, “Anything to help my pumpkin.”
You smiled to yourself. What a cute nickname.
You pass him over a couple sheets of paper, “Since I have fifteen kids to teach, sometimes it’s a little hard to notice the mistakes Alena is making before I mark her work, and the markings do equate to the grades. So, I have some math problems here, and I was wondering if you could maybe help her at home? Try and get her out of the habit of skipping numbers or mixing them up. That way, if you know they’re right, you can bring them in, I’ll mark them, and they’ll bump up her grade. Also, the affect of you getting her out of the habit will probably help her in class too.”
He takes the sheets off of you, “Totally, I’m on it. She’s still doing better than I ever did at school, so that’s always a bonus,” he slightly chuckles.
You smile, shaking your head, “To be honest, as humans, we’re not supposed to be good at everything. I shouldn’t really tell you my thoughts on this, but the education system is designed for competition. The idea is that kids are supposed to be good at everything, which is utter bullshit to me. Alena is probably just not gifted at math, and that’s okay.” You sigh, “But, because of the system design, if she wants to graduate first grade, she’ll need to get at least a C in math.”
Steve smirks, “Ain’t that the truth. But, I understand. Math homework will be on the agenda for this weekend,” he smiles.
You close your book, “That’s the main grades done. Writing is also very on point, she can trace the letters almost perfectly. It’s just removing that guide now and seeing how she does without it,” you smile.
“Great,” Steve agrees.
“Now, I’ve done this with every parent tonight, so I’m just going to talk about how Alena is as a growing human, because no amount of grades will ever outweigh personality, and it definitely won’t for Alena. She’s is such a sweet girl. She’s always willing to help others, easily makes friends due to her kind persona and has really respectable manners,” you explain, “I mean, you saw what she was like on Monday morning. Instantly came in, followed my rules about not starting any tasks until the bell rings, and just sat there drawing. She’s amazing at being honest and respectful, but also has just enough spunkiness to set her apart in a crowd. What I’m saying is, you’ve done an amazing job raising her Steve, and I’m sure she gets her beautiful personality from you.”
Steve can’t help but let a small blush rise to his cheeks at your compliments. Again, it was just something about you. You take notice, but don’t point it out, smiling widely at his reaction.
Steve sighs happily, “Well, I’m glad she’s like that. I wasn’t the most… nicest person at school. I let the popularity get to my head, all that shit. Treated everyone lower than me like they were a second-class citizen. Even did that to Jonathan, Mr. Byers, for a while. His wife is actually my ex,” he chuckles, “She pretty much got me out of that shitty popularity ordeal. So, I think I just want my daughter to be the opposite of me. Be the me I could’ve been when I was younger, you know?”
You nod, “I get that. I’ve learnt that parenting can either be one of two things: you don’t want your kids to end up like you, or you want them to be exactly like you. Based on how you described yourself, I’m glad you chose the first option. Although,” you shrug your shoulders, “I would give yourself some credit. It seems like you’ve done the inner healing and reflection to give your daughter a chance to become a kind human being. A shit person can’t create a nice one.”
“Yeah,” he thinks, “Maybe you’re right. I do still say mean stuff every now and again. Judge people before knowing them, all that kind of shit. I’m not proud of it, but it’s just engrained into me by now.”
You look into his eyes, “I think that’s more a generational thing. I mean, I try my best to see why people act the way they do, but even I judge people. What I said for Alena also applies for you too, Steve. Humans aren’t meant to be this definition of perfect. We’re always gonna have a flaw. You can try and work on it as much as you want, but there’s only so far you can go. Sometimes, it’s just easier to accept that’s who you are and it’s actually doing you more harm than good the more you critique yourself for it.”
You were so goddamn smart. You couldn’t have been more than twenty five years old, and yet, you had a better understanding of life than he ever did. Maybe it was seeing life through a kid’s lens, but he feels that can’t be all to the intellect. Life experiences make you understand the world. It sure helped him understand it. He was intrigued. He wanted to understand your mind, get to know you better than just his daughter’s teacher. You were such a beautiful soul and had such a fascinating mind.
Steve has no words as he stares at you in awe, unaware that he hadn’t even said anything as you clear your throat, “Um… anyway…” you begin, grounding Steve back to reality, “Do you have any questions for me?”
His mind did go to asking you out on a date. But, you were his daughter’s teacher, was that even allowed? Was that breaching any rules or codes?
And little did he know you were asking yourself the same questions. Your brain was itching to research into the questions. Why did he have to be one of your student’s dads?
“Uh, no, no I don’t,” he stutters out, taking this as a queue for him to leave as he raises from his chair. You hold out your hand, him taking it as you shake it, each basking in the warmness of the other’s palm.
“Well, thank you Steve for being here. I usually do another one of these around March time, so I hope to see you here for one of these again then!” you smile.
“Of course,” he replies, “But, really I should be thanking you. Supporting me and all when I basically rambled about my life.”
“Just because it’s a parent-teacher meeting doesn’t mean I have to lose all my kindness to be professional,” you sympathetically say.
Steve hums in agreement, you weren’t completely wrong. He’d take you any day to compliment and uplift him. If only he could somehow have that…
“Yeah… Well, see you tomorrow morning,” he smiles, turning his back and heading out the classroom door.
You stand up and start to pack away your folders and planners into your bag, thinking about Steve. You could tell that he wanted to change, wanted to shape his daughter into the man he never was. Give her the opportunity he only wished he had. But, there was something about him. Sure, he had a gorgeous mop of hair and the prettiest hazel eyes, but there was something inside too. A sense of kindness, warmth, comfort. Something you’d never felt so intensely with a man before.
Shit. You were falling for your student’s father.

thank you for reading!! i can't wait to write for the rest of it! i'll try and get a chapter out every few days amongst other smaller fics, so please be patient <33
→ next chapter.
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Angel with Glasses pt. 2
In which Steve unexpectedly falls for the girl with glasses
Warnings: Billy, bullying, mentions of sex, soft Steve, your asshole brother, your asshole father, self esteem issues, manipulation and not realizing it, lmk if I missed anything!
Steve Harrington x fem!glasses!reader
He wasn’t sure why or how you had disappeared with Billy but, you did. After practice, he wasted no time going out the side door to the gym that lead to the parking lot. He was out of breath and cold because he didn’t have his shirt on yet. And there he saw you sitting on the back of his blue sports car.
“What the hell?” He whispered. Billy was smoking a cigarette and you were sitting there nervously adjusting your glasses with your legs crossed, following him with your eyes everywhere he moved. But when he’d look at you, you suddenly found your jeans more interesting.
He probably looked like a creep watching the two of you but he couldn’t help but notice how completely uninterested you looked in whatever Billy was talking about.
“Yeah, I moved here a couple of weeks ago. This fuckin’ town is not where I want to be, I’ll tell you that much.”
You nodded along to what Billy was saying. It was weird the way you ended up in this situation. He called you sweetheart and then asked if you wanted to go outside and talk. It felt like a set up. It was strange when he ushered you onto the trunk of his probably really expensive car.
“Anyway,” He huffed, placing his hands on the trunk of the car on either side of your legs, caging you in. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in there all alone?”
You almost choked. “Pretty?” You were entranced now. No one had ever called you pretty but your mother.
You were so shocked that you didn’t even realize Billy took your glasses off of your face. “Yeah, I mean, without these big things covering half of your face. You sure are.” You swallowed nervously as he got closer to you.
“I- Uh… I can’t really see without them so—“ You stopped yourself, heart racing as his eyes bored into yours only turning out to be blue blobs.
Billy shrugged and moved away from you. “I think you’re prettier without them.”
You hated the way his words made you feel. You hated that you actually thought that was a compliment. “I-I could ask about contacts.” You gulped, trying to grab your glasses back from him. He smirked and moved them farther away.
“Good idea, sweetheart.” He winked even though you could barely see it. “There’s a party at the quarry on Saturday I’m throwing. Maybe I’ll see you there?” He tilted his head, sliding your glasses back onto your face and pushing hair behind your ear.
From behind the corner, Steve saw you hesitantly nod and give a small smile. He rolled his eyes and scoffed when Billy helped you off the back of his car. When he heard the door to the gym open suddenly, he jumped up from his creeper position and pretended to be trying to light a cigarette.
Your brother walked past him and hit his shoulder. “Good job today, Harrington. Seen four eyes?”
“Jeez, man.” Steve scoffed with a fake smile. “You call your own sister that?”
He shrugged. “You knew who I was talking about, right?”
Steve gave a low chuckle and pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “She’s over there with Hargrove.”
Your brother paused and furrowed his brows for a moment before laughing and bending at the waist. “Oh shit, man. Good one.” He stood up straight, wiping tears out of his eyes.
Steve furrowed his brows as your brother walked away in your direction. He looked around the corner too and you were standing in Billy’s former parking spot with your arms crossed, kicking around the gravel. “Let’s go, loser.” He heard your brother call.
You looked up and scrambled after him.
The family dinners never stopped. Your father refused to let them die along with your mother. It was the only time you all were ever together and civil.
It was usually awkward conversation or silence. You were the one to cook because your brother didn’t want to learn and your father was hopeless. Tonight was takeout night though so on your way home from school, your brother stopped at the local Chinese food place and picked up your usuals.
The sound of chewing and silence made you want to rip your brothers teeth out but you refrained and sat there picking at your rice. Every so often, you glance at the empty chair at the head of the table and chew at your lip. Your father sat across from the empty chair. You and your brother sat across from each other on the sides. There had been no conversation so far and you weren’t really looking forward to the one you were about to spark up.
He grunted in response and you inhaled deeply. “Can I get contacts?”
It was quiet for a moment after that. No talking, no forks clinking against the metal in the cardboard cartons. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “What the hell you want those for?”
Your brother snorted. “Yeah, four eyes. What the hell you want those for?”
You swallowed and sniffed. “Uh… I just almost forgot them at school today and I thought… y’know, contacts would be easier.”
Your father kissed his teeth. “Easier for you. More expensive for me. Answer’s no.” He grumbled and stuffed a forkful of noodles in his mouth.
The boy across from you kicked your shins and you winced. You knew better to argue with your dad at the table so, you huffed and went back to eating. You couldn’t hear your brother’s loud chewing anymore. All you did hear were Billy’s words. It was like you could still feel the heat radiating off of his body and feel his wrists that ghosted the sided of your thighs.
And that’s how you found yourself at the pharmacy at three AM. It was raining and the bottom of your pant legs were drenched from the puddles.
The bell above the door dinged when you stepped in and the old guy at the counter looked at you. You smiled kindly and walked up to him slowly. “Hello.” Your voice was quiet, shy.
“It’s three in the morning.” He sniffled. “What do you need at three in the morning?” The door bell rang again and you heard shuffling footsteps but didn’t pay attention.
“Uh sorry. I was wondering if I could get a contact subscription?”
He stared at you for a solid thirty seconds. You almost choked under his stare and he finally rolled his eyes and started typing on his computer.
“Far sighted or near?” He asked.
You awkwardly hummed. “Both.”
He furrowed his brows. “Damn, you’re blind as a bat aren’t you?” You nodded and pushed up your glasses. He sighed and took some more medical information from you and walked to the back of the pharmacy. He came back and cleared his throat. “Your first box is free. After this month, there will be a bill mailed to your address with your next box. If you don’t pay the bill, you won’t get more after that. Understand?” He looked over your shoulder. “Just a minute, son.”
You glanced behind you and jumped at the sight of Steve Harrington. He wore a pair of basketball shorts and a comfy looking sweater. He held in his right hand a candy bar and in his left a box of condoms labeled “XL”. You grimaced and turned back around.
The man held the box of contacts out and gave you a very fake smile. You took them and spun around, not even bothering to look up at Steve as you passed him.
When you made it outside, the rain was pouring harder now. You really didn’t want to walk home but you had to if you wanted to get back before your dad woke up.
So you sighed and started walking, putting the contact box into the pocket of your jeans.
The rain weighed down your sweater and only made you colder than you already were.
Minutes later, a car rolled up next to you. You would have freaked out and tan if you didn’t know that it was Steve’s car. Still, you figured he was just stopping to pester you.
You continued to walk, ignoring that the car was matching your pace. “Contacts at three AM?”
At his words you crossed your arms and glanced at his open window. “Condoms at three AM?” Your head tilted and you frowned. He shrugged.
“Got a lady waiting for me back at my place.” You rolled you eyes at his tone. “Get in, it’s 40 degrees out here, you’re gonna get sick.”
You furrowed your brows. “Are you crazy?” You shouted over the sound of the pouring rain smacking against the ground.
“No, get in.” He shouted back.
You shook your head and stopped. “Why would I get in a car with you?”
The boy scoffed. “Because you don’t want to walk home in the rain.”
“I’m going to get your car all wet.” Your argued.
Steve shrugged. “Seats are leather and water dries. Get in.” You realized that there was no point in arguing anymore because Steve was not the type to give up.
You wiped the water from your glasses and huffed, walking around the front of the car and getting in the passenger seat. It was uncomfortable the way your sweats stuck to your skin but the heat blowing out of the vents made it bearable.
“Thanks… I guess.” You mumbled, the tone in your voice letting Steve know that you were more than happy that he offered a ride.
He smiled in response, pressing on the gas. “Where’s your house?” He asked, glancing at her.
“Court Avenue.” You answered shortly. He switched lanes, barely following any traffic rules and cleared his throat.
He chuckled to himself and you looked over at him. “You know, it’s kinda funny.” You didn’t say anything and he continued. “You know where I live but I’ve never even seen your house.”
You rolled your eyes. “I wish I didn’t know where you live. I hate your house.” A soft sigh left your lips and you looked out the window with a harsh glare.
“Me too.”
Your glare faltered for a moment but you didn’t let him see that. “Why?” You asked, tone deceiving.
Steve shrugged again. “I guess… my parents are never home. They don’t really see me too much.” He shook his head. “I bet other people’s parents actually like them. My mom doesn’t even say hi to me anymore when she’s home.”
You gaze fell into your lap. He glanced at you and bit his bottom lip. “Your mom home a lot?” He asked.
You wanted to tell the truth. You wanted to look at him and tell him she was dead but you just couldn’t. Why? You had not fucking clue. “Yeah. She’s a librarian.” A small smile ghosted your lips as you remembered all the days you sit atop the cart as your mother pushed it through the book shelf isles.
“Oh cool. I would probably see her more if I ever actually went to a library.” You made the mistake of letting out a small giggle. “Did you just laugh at me?” He asked with an amused smile.
Your face dropped and you shook your head. “No. Nothing you ever say to me will be funny.” You huffed as he turned into your street.
When he pulled in front of your house as you instructed him to, you got out quickly. Muttering a quick thank you, you shut his door.
“Hey, contacts!” He called through the open window. You turned back and surprisingly caught whatever he had chucked at you. It was the candy bar he’d bought at the pharmacy.
You gave him a short, fake smile and turned back to your house, sprinting up the driveway and going around to your bedroom window.
You stood in the bathroom at school staring at yourself. It was rare that you would look at yourself in the mirror but now that you didn’t have your glasses glued to the bridge of your nose.
There were tears in your eyes. You couldn’t quite figure out how to put the contacts in without poking your eyes out so half of the tears were from pain and half were from frustration.
Why did I think I could do this? You idiot.
You thought about giving up but then Billy’s words popped into your head. He called you pretty. No one has ever call you that. He told you that if you didn’t have glasses you’d be prettier.
You didn’t know why he affected you so much. You didn’t even know if you liked him. It was the end of the school day and you had walked around with glasses all day with the box of contacts in your back pocket. You had almost forgotten that they were there until you saw Billy look at you while he was talking to some other girl.
Your heart sunk when he tapped the side of his eye and winked. You bit your lips and turned to the nearest bathroom and decided to try.
Robin and Eddie were walking around the empty halls after school. Robin shoved Eddie into the lockers, letting out a laugh but paused when she heard sniffling in the bathroom next to her friend.
She pushed her finger to Eddie’s mouth and furrowed her brows, pressing her ear against the wooden door.
“Stupid. You’re so fucking stupid. Why did you think— ah fuck! Why did you think you could do this?”
Robin turned to Eddie. “Stay here.” She nodded and pushed the door open.
You jumped when she walked in and turned around, wiping your tears.
“Um… hi?” You didn’t answer her but she continued. “I don’t mean to impose on your alone uh time but it seems like you’re in distress and I was wondering if I could— if you needed help?”
You sniffled again and shook your head. “N-no. I’m fine.” You didn’t hear her feet shuffle away so you knew she was still standing there.
Robin eyes the box of contacts on the sink and tilted her head. She said your name. “You’re her, right?”
You nodded and turned around. Her tone seemed inviting, kind. “I have someone who can help you with those if you want.” Your cheeks heated up. “He’s just right outside.”
You swallowed, glancing at the ground. “Yeah, sure.” You shrugged, folding your hands in front.
Robin gave a small smile and opened the door to the bathroom. It seemed she was having a hard time getting whoever was out there to come in.
When he walked in, he waved shortly giving her a tight smile. “What can i assist you with, Milady?”You knew who he was. You’d seen him a few times before, being made fun of, taking up the theater to play DND with his friends.
You cleared your throat shyly and glanced at the box on the counter. “I uh… I can’t… uh put those in.” You bit you lip and avoided eye contact completely.
“Oh.” He smiled a bit. “I Can help you with those.”
So he did. He got uncomfortably close and helped you out your new contacts in. He explained that he wears contacts too while he was helping.
“Now that we’re well past comfort seeing as I’m in a women’s restroom and just got all up in your personal space, I’m Eddie.” He held his hand out after he stepped away.
You gave him a kind smile and told him your name while shaking his hand, not bothering to tell him that you’d already known his.
“And I’m Robin.” She nodded, shaking your hand.
Why were they being so nice to you? Did they want to pick on you too?
Pushing away your thoughts, you smiled wider. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Hey we were just getting ready to leave and get something to eat.” Robin glanced at Eddie over her shoulder. “Wanna come?”
You wanted to. So badly. So much that you’d almost forgotten how you were in this situation. You looked into the mirror again, the color of your eyes somehow popping more now that they weren’t covered by glass. You looked at the pair of glasses in your hand and sighed. “I… I would love to but I’ve got something…”
Robin nodded. “Oh, okay. Some other time then?”
They still want to hang out with me?
The corners of your lips turned up and a bubbling filled your chest. “Yeah, sounds good.” You tried to act cool but the expression on your face gave your excitement away.
You didn’t have friends. People saw you, pointed and laughed. They didn’t want to have a conversation with you or share a meal with you. What was this feeling?
They left and you stood there in shock for a couple minutes. You turned to the mirror once again and fixed your hair the way you wanted it. You barely recognized yourself without your glasses perched on your nose.
You didn’t even know if you were comfortable with the way you looked. But, Billy’s stupid blue eyes flashed in your mind again
Steve and Billy were on opposing teams for practice today. Billy stared him down intimidatingly. He had figured out who Steve was the second day he was at Hawkins High.
King Steve was how he was referred to and Billy took that as a challenge. Billy was the king wherever he went and he would take the crown with ease.
So as their practice started, Billy wouldn’t let Steve get away from him. They did drills and Billy offered to be Steve’s partner oh so kindly.
Steve dribbled and Billy didn’t let him get past. But they were gonna be there for a while so Steve thought it to be a good idea to strike up a conversation. “So uh… California? That’s a big— big move.” He panted as the coach blew the whistle for a five minute break.
Billy let out a heavy breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Yeah.” He answered, not fancying to speak to him about anything personal. Steve picked up on that pretty quick and clicked his tongue.
He decided that he would ask the real question that he wanted to ask. “So uh… what were you and four eyes talking about the other day?” He asked quickly, sipping his water.
Billy furrowed his brows. “Four eyes?” He asked. “Oh, you mean the girl with the great rack?” He asked, smirking.
“Uh… I guess…” Steve trailed off and said your name. “What were you guys talking about?” He asked, feigning cluelessness.
Billy sniffed. “I uh… I told her that she should come to the quarry on Saturday for the party I’m throwing.”
Steve furrowed his brows. “Oh… you invited her too?” He asked, glancing at him.
The curly haired boy cracked his knuckles. “Oh y’know. She’s probably desperate for a little… action. She’s definitely never been touched under those baggy jeans. Hell, she’d probably be begin’ me for somethin’.” He leaned over to Steve with a smirk. “I even got her to believe she’s pretty.”
The other boy faked a laugh and shook his head, looking away from him. “Damn, man.” He rubbed his neck and squinted.
The door to the gym opened and Steve glanced up before looking back down. He looked back up and recognized your hair and the sweater you wore. But you were missing something.
Steve looked around at all of the guys who were staring at you.
“Holy shit.” Billy chuckled behind Steve. “She did it.”
Steve turned to him. “What do you mean.”
“I told her to get rid of her glasses.” He smirked. Steve frowned. “I got that girl wrapped around my finger.”
Steve turned back to look at you. You stood there fidgeting with your hands under everyone’s stare. You looked at him and bit your lip. You seemed to be waving at him but he glanced back at Billy who nodded at you with a smirk.
Omggggg i hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really enjoy a slow burn but I don’t know if I want to do that for this story!
Anyway I also wanted to say that the next chapter will deal with some heavy themes: SA, blood/injury, and death! So, if you are not comfortable with any of those topics, I don’t suggest you read the next chapter!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @tuesday-yellowxx
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Angel With Glasses pt. 1
In which Steve unexpectedly falls for the girl with glasses
Warnings: sort of bully!steve, Billy, cursing, mentions of sex, Tommy and Carol, alcohol, you have an older brother, lmk if I missed anything!
Steve Harrington x fem!glasses!reader
There was never a moment in your life you’d thought of Steve Harrington as anything more than a dumb jock.
He’d proven time and time again that he was a guy with an ego who only wanted girls for how they looked instead of the way they were in the inside. Every Interaction you had with him, you ended up with the same thought you had in the beginning:
Egotistical-dirtbag-party boy-jock.
While you weren’t much for the party scene, you had an older brother in Steve’s grade who was on the basketball team as well. So, your dad made him drag you along to every party to ensure that he always had a sober ride home. He knew that you weren’t a party-er like your brother.
So, you sit in the corner watching him make a fool of himself trying to get a girl to go out with him. You’d bring homework to do, looking up every now and then to make sure her brother wasn’t drowning in the bucket of beer in the middle of the kitchen. Then you’d see Steve with his arm around some girl, smirking and no doubt telling her how special she was even though that was probably the third time he’s said it that night.
You’d roll your eyes when he came and talked to you like you were 12 years old. “Yeah, uh, there’s apple juice in the fridge. If you need little break from the adult party, there’s a few TVs upstairs. I’m sure the kid’s network is on this time of night.”
You’d glare at him, the lights reflecting off of your glasses making the look less scary.
To Steve you were nothing but his friend’s nerdy little sister. He thought your glasses were too big for your face and you always had it stuck in a book or a notebook. He wished you wouldn’t give him a dirty look every time he touched a beer or a cigarette. It’s not like he cared what you thought. Nope, Steve Harrington didn’t care what anything thought. He just was tired of you thinking you were better than everyone because you didn’t partake in normal teenage activities.
There was something about your face though. Every time his friends messed with you when your brother wasn’t around, the small quiver of your lips and the furrow of your brows was enough to get them to stop. He ignored the way your chest rose and fell as if you were trying not to calm yourself down, shaking his head as he turned and walked away from your teary eyes.
No, Steve Harrington didn’t care about anyone but himself.
Steve’s senior year was off to a start. He had made the basketball team again and was ready to get the year over with. He’d submitted college applications but hadn’t heard back from any of them. Oh well. They must take a long time, right? Big decisions always do.
He leaned up against his locker watching Tommy and Carol argue about something stupid. He saw Eddie Munson walk by with Robin Buckley. The two freaks of Hawkins High.
A couple of guys from the team walked by. He saw your brother in the group. As they pushed each other around, he noticed you trailing behind them like you had nowhere else to be with your hands folded in front of you. He took a look at your outfit. A beat of pair of sneakers, jeans and a large sweatshirt that couldn’t have been yours. And of course, your glasses that you had to push up every few minutes or they’d fall off your your face.
The guys had moved away too fast so you were left behind. You looked at Steve and Steve looked at you but then you frowned at him and walked away quickly, bumping into a few people on the way.
“Hey, what’s its problem?” Carol asked, twirling a piece of her red hair around her finger, watching you go.
Tommy smirked, the anger from their argument washing away immediately. “Probably still mad about the party on Friday.”
The girl beside him cackled. “Yeah, I would be too. You guys dumped a whole jug of beer on her head and her precious little books.” She obnoxiously chewed her gum as you were now out of sight. “Dude, she cried like a little fuckin’ baby. It was hilarious.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, my carpet is still stained by the way. My parents are gonna be pissed when they get back.” He nodded.
“Why would they ever come back when they have you as a son?” Tommy chuckled, hitting his shoulder. Steve didn’t think it was funny. “Oh, hey, come on man. It’s a joke, okay?”
He rolled his eyes and nodded. He saw Nancy and Jonathan walking down the hall, hand in hand and internally groaned. He didn’t like that she dumped him. Steve Harrington didn’t get dumped.
“Anyway, see you in third period?” Carol asked, wrapping her arm around Tommy’s waist.
Steve stuck his hands on his hips as they turned away. “Yeah, see you.”
He shut his locker and thought about what Tommy said. His parents were always gone, that part was true. But when they came back, they didn’t dread having to spend time with him, right? He rolled his eyes, pulling himself out of his head and walked to his first period class.
You sat in the back of the room during first period. You didn’t like the way that the jocks would be able to sit behind you and try to put stuff in your hair or whisper mean things to their friends that they knew you could hear. So, you asked to be moved to the back.
The only downside of sitting in the back was that you had to sit next to the one and only Steve Harrington.
Most days, he wouldn’t talk which you were thankful for. But he did kick your pencil farther away when you dropped it rather than pick it up and then smirk at you like he won something. He’d always get it back to you eventually though.
Most of the student body had heard about the party on Friday and what happened. Some of them told you that you still smelled like beer but after four showers that night mixed with soap and salty tears, you were sure they were just teasing.
It sucked having an older brother who didn’t stand up for you. He’d ignore you in any public setting and sometimes even lie about being your older brother. You wished you had a brother like Jonathan Byers who stuck up for Will all the time. God, to have a family like him— it just seemed way better than whatever shitty family you were dealt.
At home, it was just you, your brother, and your dad. Your dad was just like your brother in a way. He didn’t want anything to do with you guys but he had to take care of you because your mother died.
You missed her.
She was the only nice person you’d ever lived with. She was sweet and nothing like your brother or father. You missed the way she would play with you after school, braid your hair when you wanted it out of your face, bake for your school’s bake sales— you just missed her.
But she was never coming back. She got sick when you were twelve and died really soon after. That’s when life really fell apart for your family. Your dad stopped caring and your brother became the asshole that he is today.
First period math was always the same. Lesson, practice, quiz, repeat.
The bell rang and to no surprise, Steve walked in five minutes later. He had a different look on his face today. He looked… sad.
He sat down next to you in his usual seat. You listened to the teacher drone on about what you learned last class.
You heard Steve whisper so quiet that if you weren’t so far away from the front, it would be inaudible. You decided to ignore him because what else could he want other than to tease you about Friday night?
It was the regular Steve Harrington Friday night where his parents were gone and he had a hundred people at his home to break shit, stain shit, and eat all his food.
You walked in behind your brother sporting your regular attire: Baggy jeans and a jumper you’d borrowed from your dad. He suddenly stopped and turned around. “Stay out of my sight, four eyes. And don’t talk to any of my friends, they’re not yours.”
You nodded, not desiring to anyway and made your way to the kitchen, pushing up your glasses. You pretty much knew the layout of Steve’s house and where all the best hiding spots were because of how many parties you’d been dragged to. There was a linen closet through the kitchen and you hid there a multitude of times thinking that night wouldn’t be any different.
So, you sat underneath the higher shelves and turned on the light in there so you could do your homework and read until the party died down.
So, for an hour you sat there with your knees pulled to your chest and your lip between your teeth reading the third Lord Of the Rings book. You had your geometry textbooks in your cross body bag that still hung around your neck.
Suddenly it had gotten quiet.
All the screaming, laughing, talking, and the music was silent. Your looked up from your book with furrowed brows. Your heart rate picked up as you heard sets of footsteps coming closer. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping you would disappear right there but you didn’t.
The door swung open and you clutched your book so tight as two pairs of hands reached for you. “No, no, no!” You shouted.
You were dragged out of the closet and through the house, trying to pry yourself out of Tommy and Jarred’s hands. “Get off me!”
They pulled you into the living room where people pointed and laughed. Your glasses had fallen of at this point from all the thrashing and pulling you’d been doing. You were held there for a moment, looking around at all the blurry people. But then, you were let go. If your glasses had been on, you would’ve seen the guy with a big bucket of beer coming straight at you.
In a second, you were drenched from head to toe. The liquid stung your eyes when you tried to open them. You felt it seeping through your thick sweater, dripping off of your hair.
It had gone silent and someone kicked your glasses to your feet. You slowly bent down with shaking hands and picked them up.
You set them on the bridge of your nose and looked around at all go the teenager trying to decide if they wanted to laugh out loud or whisper. It didn’t matter though. Nothing mattered anymore.
Steve saw you, made eye contact with you. Your lips quivering, shoulders shaking and body shivering. His shocked smile faltered. He could see even through your glared glasses that tears were brimming up in your eyes. You dropped your book on the ground and walked out of the house.
You heard the people inside resume laughing and cackling and let the tears flow. You couldn’t wipe them otherwise the beer that soaked your skin and sleeves would get In your eyes even more. So you walked home, not caring about your brother who pointed and laughed with all the others.
You flinched out of your traumatic flashback when Steve tapped your shoulder. You turned to him with a lethal glare. “What do you want?”
He slid something onto your desk and you looked down. Your lips parted at the sight of your destroyed copy of the third Lord of the Rings book. You looked back at him. “Wha—“
“You kinda left it at my house last week.” He shrugged.
You scoffed. “Yeah because you and your friends dumped beer all over me.”
He pressed his hand to his chest. “Hey, I had no idea that was happening.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, and that makes it any better? You could’ve done something to stop it but no, you just laughed along with the others.” You turned away from him and looked down at your mom’s book. “You gotta fit in to win, right?” Your tone was poison and Steve felt it in his veins.
Steve sighed and looked down at his blank homework sheet. A few moments went by and he cleared his throat. “Any chance I could get the homework answers?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You hated basketball.
Well, more like you just hated the players. Steve and your brother on the same team? Barf.
But, it was the first practice of the season and you had to wait for your brother to get done so he could drive you home. You would walk but it was too cold and you’d forgotten your coat at your house. You would ask Eddie for a ride but he left as soon as the bell rang and saw his van speeding out of the parking lot.
You sat on the bleachers not paying attention to the squeaks of the players sneakers on the linoleum and tried to salvage the pages of the book Steve so graciously returned to you. It was no use. It was sad because it was a part of your mom’s book collection that she gave to you before she died.
You ignored the whispers from girls who were watching their boyfriends practice. But the one thing you couldn’t ignore was the guy who walked out of the locker room and into the gym. He had curly hair and a smirk on his lips. He was shirtless and literally glistening.
You didn’t pay attention to many guys but this was one you’d never seen before. He looked mean so that means that he would for sure be like the others and completely ignore you. But he walked past a tall skinny blonde and made a beeline for you.
Oh here we go. You thought. My first time getting hit by a man and he looks like a Greek god.
You squeezed your eyes shut and waited to be drenched in something, hit, or spit at but… nothing ever happened.
“Hey, sweetheart,”
Steve watch the two of you for the next five minutes in conversation about whatever. Steve couldn’t believe a guy like Billy was talking to a girl like you. Steve saw a hint of a smile that he hadn’t seen since Freshman year tug at the corner of your lips.
“Harrington, get your head in the game, man!” Jason Carver, a sophomore shouted from across the gym.
He looked away for just a split second to dribble the ball and shoot it. When he looked back, you and Billy were gone.
Omg hello! This is part one of my Steve series! Do not worry, he won’t be an asshole for much longer!
I hope you enjoyed this and let me know your predictions for the rest of the series! What do you think Billy’s up to?
Taglist: @tuesday-yellowxx
#steve harrington x fem!reader#steve harrington x reader#stranger things x y/n#stranger things#steve harrington fluff#steve harrington x oc#steve harrington
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Rev’s Masterlist
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Criminal Minds
Stranger Things
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Stranger Things Masterlist
Fluff=💘 Angst=💥 Smut= 💋
Steve Harrington
Summer Sunkisses - fem!reader
Short Series
Angel with Glasses - fem!glasses!reader💥, pt. 2 💥, pt. 3,
In which Steve unexpectedly falls for the girl with glasses
Longer Series
Coming soon!
Eddie Munson
Maybe Coming Soon???
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Summer Sunkisses - Steve Harrington
In which Steve’s girlfriend meets the kids for the first time
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
not part of the upcoming Steve series
Y/N was beyond anxious. It would be her first time meeting Steve’s “children” that he claimed to be his own.
The school year had just ended for the high schoolers and he was throwing a pool party at his house. Pretty much everyone was invited. The kids, his friends who came home from college, he invited a few of Y/N’s friends too just in case she became too overwhelmed with all of the new people.
Now, she was standing in his room, a pink and orange floral bikini paired with her skin. She held one of Steve’s white buttons ups to use as a cover up between her fingers. The material was soft under her fingers but that feeling was ignored because of the stinging on her bottom lip. She’d torn off a piece of skin with her teeth. She was looking down at the pool where people sat along the edge with drinks and food. The younger kids all sat around two lawn chairs with their own food and drinks goofing off.
“Hey beautiful, you ready to go down?” Steve asked when he walked into the room.
She turned around and inhaled deeply. “Uh…” She bit her lip again.
Steve’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh, baby you’re just prettier than a rainbow.” She smiled and walked closer as he did. His arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her hips into him. “What’s the matter?” He asked after studying her face.
Y/N studied his right back, the freckles of summer dotting his cheeks. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
He gave her a bored look. “I know you, honey. C’mon spill it.”
She let out a breath and closed her eyes. “I’m nervous to meet them.” Steve tilted his head and kissed her cheek.
“My friends? Baby, there’s nothin’ to be worried about.” He sweeped a piece of hair behind her ear.
She nodded. “No, Steve. The kids! You said that a few of them are really hard to get on their good side and I don’t know if you noticed but I’m a very awkward person when it comes to new people and they’re not gonna like me too much and”Steve’s smile made her stop rambling. “What?”
“You’re cute when you’re nervous.” He nodded. She rolled her eyes. “Listen, you’re perfect to me. And no doubt will the others think the same.”
The corners of her lips turned up as he softly grabbed her face and kissed her. He tasted like cherry popsicles and lemonade. “Now, come on. You’re awfully dry.” He chuckled. She smiled and let him take her hand to lead her out of the house.
When they got to the pool, the music was loud, the people were loud too. She smiled at the people who greeted Steve, they nodded at her, some introduced themselves.
Then they made there way over to where the kids were sitting. Her grip on Steve’s hand tightened and they all stopped what they were doing and looked up at the two. “Whoa.” The one who she assumed was Dustin breathed out.
Steve glared. “Henderson, I swear to God.” He shook his head. “Everyone this is my girlfriend, you’ve all heard—“
“Yeah, because you talk about her 25/8, Steve.” A girl with red hair, Max, spoke with a smile. She stood up and introduced herself. “I’m Max.” She held her hand out and Y/N shook it. She introduced herself properly.
The other girl smiled with her hand in Mike’s. “Hello, I’m El.” She looked at the boy next to her. “This is Mike, my boyfriend.”
She smiled and waved awkwardly. Will introduced himself with a soft smile. Lucas did too.
Dustin stood up, hands on his hips and a what he thought was charming smile. “I’m Dustin. I must say, I have no idea how Steve managed to woo you because you are gorgeous and look at him—“
“Yeah, you’re on paper thin ice, buddy.” Steve kissed his teeth. The girl next to him giggled and shook her head. “Anyway, you little shits have a good last day of school?” It was yesterday when they all became Sophomores.
They all nodded and they fell into a conversation and Steve mischievously looked around with a smirk on his face. His girlfriend was still talking to the kids. He noticed that she still had on his button up. He slowly took it off of her somehow without her noticing.
She then felt the burning heat of the sun on her shoulders and suddenly Steve’s arms wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off the ground. She squealed, a smile on her face as he neared the pool. “Oh, you’re gonna get it, Steve—“ She scream when he jumped into the pool with her held against him.
When she was submerged into the water, his grip never loosened. Once they stopped going down, she opened her eyes. The chlorine stung at first but she saw his blurry smile. In slow motion he leaned forward and kissed her. She didn’t care that her lungs were screaming for air.
Her legs wrapped around him as he swam up and broke the surface. The sound of the laughter and music started up again and she smoothed her wet hair back out of her face as she giggled. “You’re in trouble, mister.”
“What? I told you that you were awfully dry.” He shrugged with a sultry smirk. She rolled her eyes and gave him another kiss.
People all around whooped and hollered. Her face burned as she pulled away. “How hard was meeting the kids?” He asked.
She reluctantly shrugged. “It wasn’t.”
Steve nodded. “See, I told you. You’re perfect. They love you.”
She giggled. “Especially Dustin.”
“That little shit is gonna try to steal you from me before summer’s out I swear.”
Ahh okay something different! This is kinda nerve racking bc I haven’t ever written for Steve! I hope you liked this and let me know if you want more like this!
Also, the next chapter of Sick Surprise is in the works so don’t worry!
Taglist: @tuesday-yellowxx
#steve harrington fic#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington fluff#steve harrington#steve harrington x female reader smut#steve harrington x oc#steve harrington x fem!reader
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