#the fault in our chromosomes
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Thoughts on African clawed frogs?
Xenopus laevis have frankly too many chromosomes (they're tetraploid).
Way bigger than you would expect if you're mostly familiar with Xenopus tropicalis and Hymenochirus.
Surprisingly good at backing out of tight spaces.
Those legs go so far forward when they need to.
Very dainty claws.
Constantly confused expression.
Weird way to get a pregnancy test done, but okay.
Possible drivers of the global spread of chytrid and thus loss of dozens of amphibian species but that's not their fault. We just really wanted to use them for pregnancy tests and other lab things. It's our fault.
2000–3000 eggs per clutch is a lot of eggs.
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Interesting stuff about XX chromosomes I found out today after speaking to a Geneticist
So for health reasons yesterday I had a long conversation with a geneticist from the NHS, regarding hereditary health conditions, that I found so interesting I thought I'd share some of it with you.
She explained that for example, when it comes to say, physical disabilities caused by genetic problems, we have two genes in one X that are related to that, and one, in plain language, has "misspelling", causing the issue. But you still have the other gene that sort of compensates, in some cases. So males, they only have XY chromosomes, the X inherited from the mother, and the Y from the father. Therefore in males, they would only have two of these genes. But not women!
Women's biology can be absolutely extraordinary. We have XX. Two X, one from our mother and one from our father, so whatever faults one X gets, very often the other X can act like a backup copy. So for example 1 X gets say Gene Ding (I made this name up) damaged, causing mobility problems. But then 2 X has a totally healthy Gene Ding, therefore it compensates, and the symptoms become much better, and even inexistent in some cases.
That's why in some cases, with some genetic issues, women experience less symptoms than men! Isn't that totally incredible? Here I was thinking women got the worst end of biology with the period, but turns out we're not doing that bad!
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Michael Moore's Substack:
Right now, if you know how to really read the polls, or if you have access to the various private and internal polling being conducted by and shared only amongst the elites, Wall Street, and Members of Congress, then you already know that this election was over weeks ago. Trump simply refused to believe that “Sleepy Joe” was no longer his opponent and that there was instead “some woman” claiming she was “Black” who was now going to pummel him on Election Day. He soon became unhinged, ranted for hours about Hannibal Lecter, Haitians cannibalizing your pets, and a nonstop drone of oral diarrhea spewing misogyny, racism and essentially claiming that if he loses “it will be the Jews’ fault.”
The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando. The swift and explosive momentum for Kamala Harris is unlike anything that’s been seen in decades. Which is why maybe at this point in my rant I just need to say out loud that which is being said to me in private by people I respect — and not just in whispers, but in excited tones of exuberance: That a new era is being born, one where caucasian is just one of the options but no longer the bossy pants of the world. Where it’s OK if you’re missing the lower right quadrant of the second X chromosome thus making it a “y” which means you’re never going to have your own fallopian tubes so just deal with it and keep your hands off the gender who has them. Simple. An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268. But I think we need more. We need to ensure that Trump loses in a landslide, with numbers so massive, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the entire country tuned in to watch Geraldo open up Al Capone’s vault. Because that’s the only way to guarantee his permanent removal from the public eye. We should settle for nothing less.
[...] Since losing the debate to Harris, Trump’s momentum has come to a screeching halt. Even with Vance “winning” the debate on Tuesday night with his “charm,” “civility,” “politeness” and “the“ “Satanic” “laser rays” “shooting” “out” “from” “his” “eyes” “into” “our” “brains,” it did not help change anyone’s mind. Harris continues on her rocket ship, never slowing down and only increasing her popularity each day. Trump’s voting base is now severely depressed and more and more they have that sinking feeling as they realize there is no way now for Trump or the Astros to win. BUT… You and I know that there are always ways for him to win. We just don’t know what they are because we don’t have “666” inscribed on our foreheads in invisible ink. We do know that Trump has a stellar streak of pulling off the impossible — and those who have written him off have more than once lived to see the day where they must eat humble pie. It is never wise to do a victory dance on the two-yard line when Trump is your opponent. So, each of us must still do our work to get out the vote and, most importantly, make sure Harris has a Democratic House and Senate elected next month to pass her/our legislation next year.
Michael Moore has some astute analysis on who is favored in the 2024 Presidential Elections. Moore is predicting a Kamala Harris victory.
He predicted Biden to win 2020 and Trump to win in 2016.
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i want to have more representation of people with congenital heart defects.
i have a congenital heart defect, and i've known about it for my whole life, and i've never felt represented.
it's not rare (rare conditions deserve representation, too!), it's kinda 2% of children are born with congenital heart defects, but like. where we are? oh i forgot. we either die in early childhood or get surgery and become perfectly healthy (tm). /sarcasm
when i look for media about characters with congenital heart defects, it's either tragedy (tm) or inspiration porn. when i look for experiences of people with congenital heart defects, it's either parents of children with chd (i don't mind of caregivers being in disabled spaces, but a) i wanna see actual people with chd too; b) their discussions are from parents to parents, so they don't center living experiences of people with chd and it's not all what i looking for; c) some of them are ableist), or medical articles, or tragedy stories (tm) centering struggles of caregivers of people with chd, or inspiration porn, and very rarely actual people with chd being people and talking about their experiences.
like. i wanna awareness and acceptance. i wanna stuff like for some others disabilities, i wanna "nothing about us without us," i wanna pride, fuck, i even agree on discourse (/half-jokingly), i wanna something besides radio silence!
there is tons of info! there is tons of shit to debunk, there are tons of questions to consider, there are tons of overlaps and comorbidities and intersections! (what am i doing i'm literally promoting talks about chds to online community. here lack of representations can get you. /jokingly)
do you know that chds aren't rare? do you know that surgery (tm) doesn't make you perfectly healthy? do you know that surgery isn't always performed on infants/younger children? do you know that surgery isn't always necessary? do you know that lots of us have to undergo several surgeries, sometimes lots of surgeries? do you know that lots of us have other disabilities, congenital or acquired? do you know that surgeries (tm) cause complications (tm)? do you know that lots of chromosomal conditions are associated with/directly causing chds? everyone knows that autism often co-occures, if not causes, the digestive issues, but do you know about high comorbidity of autism and chds? (maybe i overestimate awareness about autism & digestive issues overlap. i'm sorry if it's so. it wasn't intended to erase someone's experience. i just often see talks about autism & digestive issues in popular autism advocacy and never see any mentions of chds. i don't know how to word it better. i recognize we still need to raise awareness about autism & digestive issues comorbidity, especially awareness that doesn't center lsn perspective. i appreciate work of autism & digestive issues comorbidity advocates. i simply mean that we need autism & chd awareness and advocacy too). do you know that anesthesia may cause brain damage? do you know that connective tissue disorders have a huge comorbidity with chds because the cardiovascular system contains lots of connective tissue?
do you know that infectious diseases are dangerous for us because we can get heart complications? do you know that we are often immunocompromised because of our chds?
do you know about ableism towards us? do you know about the idea that heart problems are something for elder people and not for children/teenagers/young adults? do you know how anti-fatness stereotypes and narratives affect us and frame our experiences? do you know that heart problems are often framed as personal fault and failure, as a result of having a "bad lifestyle?" do you know how extremely healthist the society attitude towards heart conditions is? do you know that, while heart conditions are often framed as something "extremely serious," our struggles are often overlooked, denied, and erased because of assumptions around this idea (children can't be disabled, children can't have something serious (tm), chds are only for children so adults can't have them (if you have chd, when you get 18 yo, you explode, i assume /sarcasm), surgery (tm) completely fixes us (tm), so if we have some symptoms after surgery, no we don't, and more more more).
i can elaborate endlessly. i think i'll make other posts about some experiences with having a chd. so stay with me if you wanna read more.
#congenital heart defects#congenital heart defect#chd#chds#physical disability#physically disabled#invisible disability#visible disability#<- yes sometimes it's visible and i will elaborate later#disability#disabled#disabled children#disabled adults#congenital disability#disability representation#disability rights#disability liberation
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Mortal Kombat Bloodline Episode 6 : Corrupted Forest of the Dead
After a traumatic Event of Master Leo's Death in now the phantom Forest has Fallen, Shimmer is Very Devastated and Depressed. But not long before he realize that it's time to for him to move on and focus on Saving Earthrealm including LiuKang's Timeline. But the same time, Shimmer is taking one step out of time to Get over his Traumatic experience with Master Leo's Death.
Shimmer: MasterLeo is a great Man, he taught me how to create peace. But Now since he's Gone, I have nothing....
Alastor: Shimmer, I'm so sorry, Spectrum and I did everything we can to save him. But it's too late.
Shimmer: It's not Your Fault... Mantro is the one who is responsible for my Master's Death. I will never Forgive him. I never felt so betrayed by him. and I....I ....never felt so mad and upset.....it it hurts......
Spectrum: I know, and you have every right be upset. I would be too if anything bad happeneds to my friends.
Shimmer: I wish It wouldn't been like this because of Mantro..now I'm Scared and I don't know what to do.
Alastor comfort Shimmer and told him that everything will be okay.
Alastor: Shimmer, I know it's hard, believe me, I know, but don't let Mantro Bother you. It happens to us too with my family. Including my father Havik.
Spectrum: Wait, WHAT!!?? Havik??
Alastor: (Sigh Sadly) Not the Havik that you think of. He is not the Titan.
Spectrum: So if your father is not the Titan, then what he is exactly?
Alastor: He's a Chaos Realmer, His real name is Loki.
Spectrum: So, your Havik Dad is not a threat after all.
Alastor: When a Titan Havik was Ruler of Chaos Realm and taking over a timeline in 30 years ago. He is the one who Saved their people's lives and getting away from the Titan Havik in long time ago.
Alaster: But Titan Havik pushed Loki off the Cliff to the center of Chaos Realm. Luckily he's still alive, thanks to the other Chaos Realmer who lives in the center of the Chaos realm that who saved him from drowning. Ever since Titan Havik defeated, things are peaceful and then he's now the emperor and he has Dairou, he is the son of Havik. Me and Splinter was a orphan since we were toddlers, we were born with Auto immune, mutant illness and condition because our chromosome is Different. Thanks to ShangTsung experimenting us. Then luckily Loki save me and my little brother Splinter and defeat ShangTsung. So that's why Loki adopted us and become a family, and accept that who we are.
Alastor: No, he's not, Luckily Chaos Realmer is no longer a Threat because Titan Havik is no longer existed.
Spectrum: How long, You and Shimmer knows Each other.
Shimmer: Since, when we were little. MasterLeo and Jerrod helping Alastor and Splinter to cure the illness with Loki and Dairou. Loki also wants to Protect them In Chaos Realm to be safe so That way The Deadly Alliance won't find them.
Spectrum: Oh, I see, Damn I wouldn't Thought the multiverse in different timelines gets so confusing sometimes.
Shimmer: we All got confused. Spectrum. It happens.
Later they checked to see if there a Bloom Telesman but unfortunately it's gone. Shimmer Realized that Mantro is responsible for all this Mess.
Shimmer: No, The bloom Telesman is gone, Mantro must be took it. We have to find it.
Spectrum: Shit. Didn't seen that coming.
Shimmer: Come on, we need to go to the Empress Palace. Shit without the bloom Telesman, were Doomed.
Meanwhile, Mantro has a Bloom Telesman. Mantro went to the hourglass to see Sinister.
Mantro: Finally, for so long I've been waiting for the Madness of Agony. It is time to revive a Son of Kronika.
Sinister: Indeed, For so Long I want Shinnok to have a chance to have a Hourglass. Eventually Shinnok will now become a Titan.
Mantro: This will be exciting, it's been a pleasure to serve him.
Sinister using his Dark Magic and Mantro using a Bloom Telesman and Shinnok Amulet to combine their dark magic to Revive Shinnok back to Life. And finally Shinnok is now Alive back to life.
Shinnok: Where am I?
Mantro: Greetings, Shinnok, it's been a long time. Iv been waiting to wanting to revive you back to life so you'll become a Titan. Sinister banished Liu Kang and the other titans as well. So not to Worry it at least.
Shinnok: Excellent, Mantro, for so very Long since I want to touch the hourglass.
Sinister: Should you doom them all and start over?
Shinnok: No not necessarily, I want to turn the whole realm into Agony in the future including the shadow realm invasion and Netherealm invasion again so I can watch em burn them all and tearing it apart.
Mantro: Even Better, I like that. And Perhaps, The Agony Will Rise.
Shinnok: Sinister ,Mantro, Come join me so we can all turn the world into Agony together.
So Mantro and Sinister is Happily Obeying Shinnok and use the Hourglass with their Dark magic.
Meanwhile in the forest Shimmer and his allies walking through a Corrupted Forest to try to find the ways to go to get out of the forest.
Shimmer: No, this can't be, we're lost. And I don't even know how to use Master Leo's Magic Staff.
Spectrum: try to gently shake it a little bit.
Shimmer: no that's not how it works. Shit, I don't know what to do. Theres no why I.....
Suddenly the magic Staff Glows and show em which way. Shimmer Realized that the magic Staff chose Shimmer after Master Leo's Death. The magic Staff lights up And Surrounding Shimmer's body. Shimmer's light magic can finally Upgraded so that means his magic is getting stronger. Master Leo Soul came out of Shimmer's Chest and Shimmer saw a Soul of Master Leo so he can communicate.
Shimmer: MasterLeo?
Shimmer: I can't believe it that save your soul from Mantro. So I can protect your soul, Your were right all along.
MasterLeo(soul): I am glad you save my soul, Shimmer, my magic has finally chose you because you're the only one That You can Stop Mantro and all the Crisis , So you can Save Earth Realm and Outworld.
Shimmer: Why Me?
Master Leo (soul) : Because I know that I gave Faith. You're the only one Sorcerer who has magic that it has gifted.
MasterLeo(soul): Shimmer, there something I want to tell that it's important.
Shimmer: What is it?
MasterLeo(soul): I was a Demi God, and now Eventually youll become one too..
Shimmer: A Demi God?....
MasterLeo Soul flew back to Shimmer's Chest. And now shimmer realized that he did the right thing to do. But suddenly the dark steams Came by and Spawn the Undead monster. So they finally realized that Mantro has Already taking over the Hourglass.
Shimmer: Oh No, Guys we have to get out of here.
Spectrum: What is it?
The undead monster and Zombies is here to attack them.
Shimmer: RUN!!!!
So they ran as fast as they can to Find Some place to Hide. Spectrum using a Reaper spear to kill The Undead, Spectrum killed 5 undead Monster. Alastor use katana sword to kill more 10 Undeads and Shimmer use a Magic Staff to Kill 5 of them as well.
Spectrum: Holy Shit Guys....I Did it..Hahaha! yes!! Take that You Brain eating Basterds.
But unfortunately there's more coming.
Spectrum: Oh Shit.
Alastor: Now What?
Shimmer: We have to go, there's no way we can kill this many of em.
So they have no choice but continuing running until they have some place to hide. Luckily Three of them Found a building that they can hide. And they are finally safe.
Spectrum: Holy Fuck that was a Close one.
Shimmer: where are we?
Spectrum Turns on the light and their in now in ShangTsung's Laboratory. Alastor had a bad feeling that they are not safe here.
Alastor: Shit, Were in ShangTsung's Laboratory.
Shimmer: That's Impossible, there's no way.
Spectrum: Were Doomed.
But luckily ShangTsung is not here, instead Erron Black Showed and Decided wanted to Join Shimmer and the others.
Erron: Not for Long, Partner. ShangTsung is not here.
Spectrum is happily to see him again
Spectrum: Holy Shit!! I knew you finally come to join us. So I thought your on the side with Kano.
Erron: Nah I don't Join the bastards who wants to turn to World into Agony. Besides it gives me Bad Vibes. I was wrong about trusting Kano and Quan Chi.
Spectrum: so you feel like the same way too, huh.i I guess I'm not the only one.
Shimmer: I'm glad for you to join us, it's been a blessing since you finally realized what it's coming. Mantro, He killed my Master and stool the bloom telesman.
Erron: Yep, that too. So he can Revive Shinnok. And I guess that what he said.
Spectrum: Which he Already Did.
Alastor: and of Course, he brainwashed my father and turn into a puppet. (Sigh)
Spectrum: Did he, holy shit. I'm sorry to hear that.
Alastor: he's still Alive, but he's been Possessed by his dark magic so he can Serve The Emperor Shao Khan. "Sigh" without my father, my life would fall apart.
In Flashback in 5 years Ago in Chaos Realm, its a Chaos festival were Chaos Realmer can Celebrate. Jerrod Mileena Tanya Kitana and MasterLeo went to Havik's Palace for the first time.
Mileena: So, Are you nervous about seeing Loki?
Jerrod: A little, but at least he's not Dangerous. I just Never been to Chaos Realm in ages since Titan Havik defeated.
Mileena: I'm not gonna lie, Chaos Realm is not the same. It's more calm.
Kitana: it does, it's not as Bad then last time.
Jerrod: yes indeed.
Tanya: Im a bit nervous about it. It's been a long time. It's not the same as I thought it would be. I'm think it should be fine.
Suddenly Mantro arrived to see Jerrod. But Jerrod is not happy about it.
Mantro: Well, Well. I didn't expect you came to Chaos Realm.
Jerrod: what do you want, Sorcerer? Here to threaten me again?
Mantro: (chuckle) not only that, but I'm here for three of you to join me.
Jerrod: No! Never Again...You want QuanChi to revive me just to use me as Ermac...
Mantro: Too bad your Wife Died. And She won't Save you now.
Mileena: How dare you talk to my father like that about my mother?! You leave him Alone!
Kitana and Tanya try to calm Mileena down.
Kitana: Calm Down, Mileena.
Mantro chuckle and laughing at Mileena.
Mantro: Really, do you call yourself a empress?
Jerrod: Don't Talk to her like that, She's my daughter! You have no right to Harass Her.
MasterLeo: Do you think you have to right to disrespect the Empress?
Mantro: where is your little partner?
MasterLeo: he's in the wu shi academy in Earthrealm.
Mantro: Just remember, Leo. Shao should be the one who should rule. Not the Bratty Bitch who turns into a Terrifying beast.
MasterLeo: that's enough.
Mantro started laughing and giving a Smirk. A moment later Jerrod and his family went the Chaos Palace to see Havik and his Son.
Havik: Greetings Jerrod. It's good to see you again. I see your brought your daughters with you
Mileena: Your highness it's nice to meet you. I'm the empress Mileena.
Havik: it's been a blessing to meet you.
Kitana: I'm surprised that the Chaos Realm are not the same as Last time, which is Great.
Havik: Indeed Princess Kitana.
Havik introduced his Three sons. Dairou Alastor and Splinter.
Havik: This is my son Dairou, and my 2 Adopted Sons Alastor and Splinter.
Dairou: it's nice to See you all.
Havik: Come, I want to Show you something.
Havik brings Jerrod and his Daughter to go to the Garden of Chaos. To show Jerrod that there is a little pound that he can able to use a Soul to communicate with them.
Havik: do you have your Mother's Soul?
Jerrod: Yes
MasterLeo shows Jerrod how to use His wife Soul so Jerrod and his Daughter to communicate.
Kitana Mileena: mother?
Sindel (soul):My Daughters. It's been a Blessing to see you Again.
Jerrod: Sindel, My Love. I would of thought that I can communicate you as a Soul.
Sindel: Gladly MasterLeo taught you well.
Mileena: Mother, We Miss you so much. You've done everything for us including me.
Sindel: I am proud of you Mileena. You gone so far to become a great empress. And Kitana you done so well with protecting her as well. I love you all so much.
Mileena Jerrod and Kitana having tears of joy.
Then her soul went back to Jerrod's Chest.
Jerrod: Wow, Loki. That's Amazing how you do that.
Havik: Thanks to Master Leo. It was his Idea.
MasterLeo: Yes it is.
Later at The Festival the Chaos Realm having fun enjoying the celebration they are Dancing. The little kids enjoying the fun including Adult. There's Chaos Realmer enjoying making music and enjoying a Royal feast Buffet, Drinking Wine and playing Games. Playing sand bag games and more. Some of Havik playing Guitar and other things and tonight it's A Chaos festival. Mileena having a date with Tanya looking at the Stars.
Mileena: it's Beautiful, isn't it Tanya?
Tanya: it does. It's been so long since we have each other.
Splinter and his friend Wishbone and Gecko Enjoying a feast and eating Fish, Crab Lobster and other seafood so fast because they are hungry. Havik tries to slow Splinter down and telling him to use his manners.
Havik: Splinter, Use your Manners, please.
Splinter:(" gulp") Sorry Dad, I can't help it that I'm eating.
Alastor: you seriously gonna eat all that? Your gonna get sick.
Splinter: Dude, my Stomach fill with Acid and Venom combined. That's why I'm Hungry.(While eating)
Havik: please, don't talk when your mouthful.
Splinter: you chew with your mouth open too.
Havik: I'm a Chaos Realmer.
Splinter: So am I.
Alastor: "Chuckle" He do have a point.
Kitana: thank for inviting us. You mainly don't want to be Bothered.
Havik: I use to, because I was being overprotective with my Sons, I'm just insecure about my looks. But now, I just wanna to have this opportunity to have a party this year.
Kitana: of course.
Jerrod: you did a fantastic Job Raising them.
Havik:(sigh) honestly, We are not perfect. But we love each other just the way we are.
Kitana: I agree. It's Beautiful at night. I love the way that everything is Glowing in the dark.
Havik: Ever since Titan Havik defeated our place is now peaceful.
Suddenly Mantro here even he's not invited.
Alastor: Whos is that Guy?
Kitana: that is Mantro, we don't trust him. The way how he talks to my sister is Cruel. Not only that but he has Suspicious. My father told me That Mantro wants QuanChi to use his dark magic to turn my father into Ermac.
Alastor: I can tell his eyes is pure evil, Thats explains it.
Dairou Enjoy drinking Wine with Syzoth and Baraka.
Mantro arrived and started to threaten Dairou.
Dairou: I'm so proud of myself for pasting Test. One day if I succeed more test I'm gonna be the General of the Chaos Realm. I am going to protect the Throne and my Family. besides no one is gonna stop me.
Mantro: Don't let your Dreams Fool you.
Dairou: Excuse me?
Mantro: you heard me, you never know what's in the future. So You better be careful what you wish for.
Dairou: what are you talking about?
Mantro: Do you really think you can able to succeed your Dreams. I don't believe your fantasy. Your fantasies don't Exist. Become a General to protect your Family in the Palace... please...What if you'll become a biggest failure and what if you can't able to protect your Family? Guess what...that's not reality.
Splinter came to standing up for Dairou.
Splinter: Look, buddy. This conversation doesn't include you. So you might wanna stay out of it. Unless you want to say excuse me.
Mantro: is that anyway to treat a Stranger? (To Splinter)
Splinter: if it's necessary I would, the way how you you treat my brother.
Alastor tries to break it up.
Alastor: Splinter, please don't. Go play with your friends, okay?
Splinter: I just wanna to protect him.
Alastor: I know, but don't get yourself involved.
Dairou: Just go ill deal with him.
Splinter and Alastor walk away while Mantro is threatening Dairou.
Mantro: just letting you Dairou. You are nothing but a Fool. You may be a Great fighter in Kombat but you are not the Smartest and the Strongest. Too bad that eventually the Kombat will be your last fight.
Dairou: You don't know me, Sorcerer and you don't know what you talking about. I Won many Kombat in Chaos Realm, just to push myself so I can be a general and a Couch to teach my siblings how to defend ourselves.
Mantro: Siblings? Really? They are nothing but Spoiled rotten brats, just like you.
Dairou: Excuse me?.... Spoiled rotten Brats?....My Father and I rescue Them when they were toddlers. It wasn't their fault. They are born different, their Chromosome are Different. We rescued them from the Fucking Flesh Pits that ShangTsung and QuanChi Trying to experiment on Them.
Mantro: They are nothing, but a Disgusting Rats filled with Disease. Half Human, Half Tarkatans and the other is a half Vaternion? They are Monstrosities, that they should've been Executed. Look at them. What you and your father don't realize that you raising a mutants.
Dairou: You son of a Bitch!!!
Dairou gets so angry and upset that he push Mantro through the table. Dairou also confront Mantro.
Dairou: Who the Fuck do you think you are? Trying to threaten my family? You can run your mouth at me all you want, but don't you ever run your mouth about my Brothers Ever Again you hear me??!!!
Mantro: you have no idea who you been Dealing with.
Dairou: Oh yes I do now!
Havik shows up and seeing what's going on with all this Mess. He saw Dairou trying to confront Mantro more but Havik Stopped Dairou.
Havik: That's Enough, Dairou!
Dairou turn around and look at Havik. Dairou started to feel embarrassed. There's people watching including the empress and the others watching them but luckily Mileena Kitana Tanya and Jerrod understood how Dairou feels and Dairou trying to explain him.
Dairou: Dad, I can.....
Havik: In the hallway, Now!
Mantro Smirks at Dairou and Havik is now embarrassed.
Dairou: (sigh)
Havik: Alastor, Shut it Down.
Alastor: Were sorry, about the fight. that is not what we have in mind and that is Embarrassing. We were truly sorry but the Festival is off. But don't worry. It will be next time and I promise you it won't happen again. Hopefully have a nice evening. (To all the people)
Havik: I am really truly Sorry, empress. I...
Mileena: Don't be....we can Always come back, besides not all festivals have to be perfect. I'm sure we had fun.
Kitana: Don't be to hard on yourself, no need to worry about it.
Jerrod: it's not your fault. The Sorcerer Mantro is the one who made Dairou angry.
Havik: Mantro, Why is he here? I don't trust him.
Jerrod: Neither do we, that's why your son is upset. So it wasn't Dairou's Fault. Mantro think that he can get away with everything.
Havik: He had a Audacity to make my son look bad. I see.....Ill go talk to him.
Jerrod: I Appreciate.
I moment Later Havik went to the Hallway to talk to Dairou.
Havik: What is your problem? Your embarrassing me in front of the the empress and the others. What drives you mad?
Dairou: I'm Sorry, Dad. It's just there's a Sorcerer is trying to threaten me to kill my brothers and he had a Audacity to running his mouth on me About them. It hurts it really does so that's why.
Havik: (sigh) I see......Jerrod was not wrong about it.
Dairou: But to be fair I know there's no excuse about ruining a festival. I guess my anger is really gets a best of me.(Starting Crying) (Ugh) I hate my life. (Dairou Punch a wall.)
Havik comfort Dairou to Calm him down.
Havik: Hey, Dairou, Relax, just calm down....I'm here...it's okay...
Dairou: I ruined everything.
Havik: Dairou, I don't care about the festival. I just wanna make sure your okay. The question is why didn't you come tell me?
Dairou: I thought I can strong enough to stand up for myself.
Havik: Dairou, you don't need to feel pressure about pushing your limits to be strong to protect the palace. We have each other. We protect each other. And you have every right to be upset about it, because your trying to protect your siblings. Next time just come tell me. Okay? I will always be there for you.
Dairou smiled
Dairou: thanks Dad.
Dairou and Havik hive each other a hug to setting down. Later everyone left accept for Mantro. Dairou and Havik return outside.
Alastor: hey, everything okay?
Splinter: Is he mad at you?
Dairou: Nope. I'm surprised he's not mad at me. I told him about what's going on but luckily, I guess Jerrod Told him about what happened.
Alastor: I'm glad that settles it. At least Dad understands about how you feel.
Dairou: Say the Least.
Splinter: Ugh I think ate too much,.I think I'm going to bed, I might having a food coma. "Burp" the food sure is hit the spot.(Yawn)
The next day Havik sits in the throne with Three servants. One pour a whine in the cup. One Who who gives a Chocolate Covered Bacon and chocolate Covered Strawberries and one fans on the emperor.
Havik: A chocolate Covered Bacon is quite Lovely.
Servant: thank you you highness.
Suddenly, Mantro came here and interrupted the Emperor's moment. Havik is not pleased about Mantro. Mantro is trying to threaten Havik. So Dairou peak to the door cracked open a bit. Alastor and Splinter joins Dairou as well.
Mantro: My Apologies, your highness. But I will not be tolerated by your Son Disrespect me. But other then That. I just wanna to say I appreciate our hospitality. As you will know..
Havik: "SILENCE!"
Mantro: Pardon me?
Havik: The Way how you insulted my Son like that is down right Unacceptable!
Mantro: excuse me?
Havik: You can Drop the Act, Mantro!I know what you were planning to do. I will not be fooled by you.
Mantro: (chuckle) Well how Clever you are You Highness. I would of thought that you knew. Yes, of course I am, ever since the Titan Havik defeated. Why not be the same as him. Why not Obeying him in the first place.
Havik: I am nothing like him, and I am serve to no one. And I have every right to not to serve Evil like you. Not Even QuanChi, Shang Tsung, or Anyone Else.
Mantro: Titan Havik Told me that you betrayed him, because you refused to Obey him. You also sent your people Free. Titan Havik wants freedom too, you know.
Havik: he doesn't want freedom, he wants to burn all of us down. People want no part of it, so that's why I didn't want to join the Evil Titan in the first place.
Mantro: Really, Why is that.
Havik: Because I don't trust him. He's lying to all of us, so he can destroy us all and My people is been brainwashed by him. That's why I saved my people's lives before He can kill us all.
Mantro: Really, is that so?
Havik: you know Damn Well. Why do I Bother to deal with you. That you know that I'm about to lose my Patience?
Mantro: Because you're The emperor of Chaos. Why can't your world to be Anarchy?
Havik: because, I'm not interested, just because The Chaos Blesses Me, Doesn't mean it will be the same. I only use Chaos Magic just to protect my Realm.
Mantro: unfortunately, that's not How Chaos Work.
Havik: it doesn't have to be.......
Mantro: Ha! It will be and...
Havik: You're Just Using me to Serve you And I'm not your slave, Mantro! And you cannot make me. Will you excuse me I have my Children to take care of...
Mantro: Then Perhaps, I can negotiate.
Havik: I am not in the mood to negotiate.
Mantro: then you have no choice.
Havik: What more do you want for me. Mantro?
Mantro: you know exactly what I want.
Havik: Out of the Question, I don't make deals with you. I told you I want no part of it. So leave us alone.
Mantro: if you don't join me. Then I'll bring my allies to destroy your realm. And I will kill Your Mutant Brats if you don't Obey me.
Havik: Are you threatened me?
Mantro: To get my way...Yes....Your two Orphans that you rescued them. They are nothing but Spoiled Rotten Monstrosity Mutant Brats.
Havik: How Dare You!! You better not be planning to Assault my children, or I'll gonna bite your face off!! Now Get out of my Sight! Get Out!!!
Mantro: you don't scare me.
Havik: "HISS!!!! Get the fuck out of my Palace!!!! Guards, get him out of here!!!
The Royal Guards grabs Mantro and when out.
Mantro: just remember, the peace won't be last long.
Havik is so stressed out about Mantro putting too much pressure on him so Alastor Dairou And Splinter making sure he's okay. Havik's blood pressure is way to high.
Alastor: Dad, Are you Okay?
Havik: I'm fine....
Dairou: We need to tell Jerrod about this because that's was messed up.
Havik: yes it is, I need to calm down. before I'm gonna loose my mind.
Alastor: Just Calm Down. Your way too stressed out.......Just Don't let him bother you.
Splinter: Yeah. He's an asshole.....
Dairou: the way he threatening you.....it's Scares me...
In Now Alastor, Shimmer, Spectrum and Erron Wait until the sun's comes up.
Spectrum: How long did it take?
Shimmer: Until Day time.
Erron: Better safe and Sorry.
Alastor Discover ShangTsungs Lab looking at books and other personal things.
Alastor: So ShangTsung is been using us to experiment to turn us into his creation. Guys I found Something?
Shimmer: What is it?
Alastor: theres a security camera Video tape I wonder what's behind it.
So Alastor Spectrum Erron and Shimmer watch a Video Tape of ShangTsung, QuanChi and Mantro. There's a Video of the human turns in into a mutant. It was Mantro's Idea to turn a Human into a Monster.
Alastor: I knew It, and not only that, him and the deadly alliance using me and Splinter to turn us into a mutant but the experiment that what they did is fail, after we were born with different Chromosomes because we are different. Yes were born with Conditions, that's why their using us, to turn us into mutant, but because he have immune we both didn't turn into one.
Shimmer seeing ShangTsung's Drawing.
Shimmer: And he is drawing of his Creation to turn human into. It's not ShangTsung Idea. It's Mantro idea. He's the one who sent them up. Even the deadly alliance wants to join him.
Spectrum: It's pretty disgusting and disturbing if you ask me.
Shimmer walking through the trap door and he realized there is a secret Room.
Shimmer: Guys I think I found a Secret Room.
The rest of em saw it too. So they went down to the bottom. They went to most disturbing place. It's a Flesh Pit as a short cut. So they explore in the Flesh Pit underground and this place is terrifying.
Spectrum: What the hell is that Smell..
Erron: I could it been at a barbecue. Talk about reference am I right. Johnny Cage should be the one saying it as a Reference. I wish he was Here though.
Spectrum: I know Right.
Shimmer turns on the light of his magic Stuff.
Shimmer: okay, it's light en up. Just stay close it might a Trap Somewhere. You never know.
Spectrum: Alot more dangerous with no light one.
Suddenly there is a lonely old man in the dungeon his name is Shinujko and warns them not to be here.
Shinujko: your not supposed to be here...
Shimmer: what do you mean?
Shinujko: ShangTsung, he's Coming
Shimmer: What?
There is ShangTsung and he is here.
ShangTsung: You dare sneak to my lab?
Shimmer: You!!
To be Continue..
Next Episode: Poor Unfortunate Soul
#mortalkombat#mk#mortal kombat#mortalkombat1#mk1#mortal kombat 1#havik#havik mk#havik mk1#dairou#havik mortal kombat#mk havik#mortal kombat havik#havik fanart#havikmk#havikmk1#havik.#mk1 havik#ShangTsung#kitana#mileena mk1#mileena#kitana mk#mortal kombat fanart#mortal Kombat Bloodlines#mortalKombatBloodlines
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A realization I need to record for my own...healing?
My one long term "romantic" relationship (and I use quotes because the romance died long before the relationship ended) continued to hurt me for years, in a quiet & forever unspoken (to the person involved) way that I only just realized (literally this weekend) has happened again. Right here on tumblr.
The small, quiet pain...the sudden prick of a sharp needle...the unexpected sting that arises from time to time, even though I have put both parties in the past - is the hurt of seeing that other person share with others what they simply never did with me. In my 'real world', it came upon seeing my Ex's interactions with the theatre people he took on as his new family, even when we were still together. I'd see him with them and think to myself, 'if he'd only shared this part of himself with me, we might've made it'.
Here on tumblr, it's seeing someone I used to write with, who never went to the emotional depth I had hoped our characters would achieve, write exactly so with others now.
Having it happen once, I hadn't thought it was my fault. But experiencing it again--this someone withholding what they now give freely to others--makes me sadly wonder just what's wrong with me to be so obviously kept at arm's length this way.
Twice bitten--though in different contexts--leaves me feeling somehow...defective. Like I'm missing some vital chromosome that would allow me to fit in better with others.
But saying it out loud right now, for my own ears--maybe that will be enough for me to believe that it's their loss, not mine.
#doubts & ramblings in the wee hours of the night#that small pain that lingers despite having moved on
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I wanna hear more about nuclear energy 👀
- The reason atoms let off radiation is because the atom probably has too many protons. The neutrons are what keep the protons in the atom, like a glue of sorts. If there are more protons than neutrons, then the protons repel each other and fall off, resulting in radiation.
- there are (of course) three kinds of radiation, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
- alpha generally is your weakest kind of radiation, skin or even paper is able to protect you from it
- beta is stronger, beta radiation can go through skin or paper but can be stopped with things like aluminum,
- gamma rays are your strongest, they can go through basically anything except lead, concrete, or things such as those two.
- gamma rays have the shortest wavelength but are the most dangerous.
- in high amounts, radiation can mutate and destroy every cell in the human body, it can literally destroy your chromosomes.
- x-rays let off radiation which is why say at the dentist, when they take an x-ray, they put that big heavy coat thing on you. So that you don’t get radiation you don’t need.
- the most radioactive man in the world intook 17 sieverts of radiation, he died a 83 day long death where his body essentially decomposed while he was possibly still conscious and alive.
- Fukushima was a situation of “the perfect storm”, nobody was truly at fault for what happened, it just so happened that the correct circumstances happened to create a disaster
- Chernobyl happened because of the company cutting corners with the nuclear reactor and using cheap materials for it, essentially turning its graphic tipped control rods into an excelerator to cause a massive reaction in the reactor.
- Three Mile Island happened for a similar reason.
- nuclear energy is surprisingly safe actually as long as the proper safety measures are taken.
- nuclear fission is splitting atoms apart, while it’s more effective alternative, nuclear fusion, fuses atoms and creates more energy.
- nuclear fusion lacks the risk of a nuclear meltdown, the reason we haven’t done it or implemented it into our nuclear facilities is because it requires ultra specific heat and pressure in order to happen which takes a LOT of money to fund.
- nuclear fusion is by far the superior method however
- nuclear fusion doesn’t create nuclear waste either!
- fission just happens to be more accessible at the moment, but recently they’ve made good progress on trying to make fusion happen :)
- anyways that’s all I’ll ramble about for now, have fun learning about this stuff lol. It’s as great as it can be dangerous.
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Best sexologist in delhi - Male Infertility: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Understanding Male Infertility
Male infertility refers to the inability of a couple to conceive or maintain a pregnancy for a period of at least one year - if the female partner is below 35 - and six months - if above 35, due to problems with the male partner. It is estimated that up to 50% of infertility cases are caused by male factors. Male infertility can be categorised into three broad buckets: poor sperm quality, low sperm count, and physiological blockages. With regard to sperm quantity, men with a sperm count lower than 15 million per millilitre of semen, or lower than 39 million per ejaculation, are considered subfertile. Infertility can be triggered by injuries, chronic health conditions, prior illnesses, poor lifestyle, among other factors.

Causes of Male Infertility / Subfertility
The causes behind male infertility could be rooted in various factors. Some of these are highlighted below:
Medical disorders: Health problems and medical treatments could play a role in affecting the male reproductive mechanism. Varicocele, inflammation of the epididymis or testicles, sexually transmitted diseases, tumours, autoimmune diseases, testicular blockages, hormonal imbalances and chromosomal defects in the male partner, are just some of the medical factors that could lead to male infertility
External factors: The environment holds many influences like toxins, heavy metals, radiation, pollutants and chemicals, that can be harmful to sperm
Lifestyle factors: Stress, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and obesity can wreak havoc on sperm function
Symptoms of Male Infertility / Subfertility
Male infertility doesn't come with a disclaimer, and in most cases, there's no real way of tracing it from any outward symptoms. A small proportion of men do exhibit symptoms from an underlying condition, which could be a trigger for infertility. These include:
Difficulty with ejaculation
Reduced libido
Erectile dysfunction
Inflammation around the testicles
Respiratory problems
Enlargement of breasts
Diminished facial or body hair
Treatment of Male Infertility
Male infertility is usually diagnosed through a quality semen analysis. There is no blanket treatment course for the condition; rather, treatment plans are tailored in tune with a man's medical profile and history, age and other important factors. Treatment measures could be used in isolation, or in conjunction.
Medical Management
In most cases, infections, hormonal disorders and erectile dysfunction can be addressed through medication. Antibiotics are preferred in treating infections, whereas hormonal disorders typically require hormone replacement therapy.
Surgical Management
Surgery may be advisable for conditions like varicocele and obstructed vas deferens, and cases of prior vasectomies.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
For men who need fertility intervention, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) can be golden by in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Coping With Male Infertility
Male infertility can be hard on a couple, especially on the man, who may feel burdened by a sense of guilt. During this time, it is important to remind yourself that infertility is nobody's fault, and with effective treatment, it is more than likely that you will overcome the condition. Open your heart to your partner if you feel daunted or discouraged, and possibly speak to a professional counsellor. You may find it heartening to join an online support group, to hear success stories of other men who have beaten infertility.
On Cloudnine, our world-renowned fertility specialists and innovative technologies have earned plaudits for their significant success rates. If you've been struggling to conceive, explore a tailored treatment plan with us. Experience heartfelt care and result-oriented outcomes with fertility solutions on Cloudnine.
To See More Information : https://sidriinternational.com/best-doctor-for-male-infertility-treatment-in-delhi/
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Yo, let me state the obvious here...just because there is a much-needeed backlash against woke policies such as a virtually open southern border, the forced learning of controversial "race theory by public school students, allowing trans women possessing xy chromosomes to compete (and, of course, totally fucking dominate) sporting events previously reserved for "women of the xx variety" (women of the xxx variety are on only fans), etc means, of course, that a small percentage of loudmouth idiot bullies will make the leap from this backlash to targeting, harassing, bullying, etc the groups involved
We must not only refrain from this behavior ourselves, but pledge to be hyper-vigilant in preventing it. There are many reasons for this. The most obvious, of course, being that these are human beings and deserve to be treated as such. Beyond that, though (because, I know the first reason means nothing to cowards who thrive on the harming of others) the argument used by the left, so frequently over the years that it's often implicit now, is that they are the party of kindness and humanity. American voters, particularly women, are strong believers of this. It is vital, therefore, that we not only refuse to tolerate the vilification of illegal immigrants, the trans community, etc, but acknowledge them and their struggles, explain to them that we have nothing but empathy and compassion and that they, unfortunately, were used as pawns by the left in many ways. Do not allow trans people to think that just because we don't especially desire to see people who have gone through puberty with xy chronosomes nearly beating a bioligical into a coma during an olympic boxing match that we think any less of them. Realize that we should not fault immigrants who want to leave their poor, oppressive, and dangerous country for our's, but that the path they used to arrive here, though tolerated for a time, is unacceptable. The manner in which this is handled (and Donald Trump is NOT a good example here) will impact many votes and many foreign minds (why create a bunch of enemies and people who view you as hostile? Never a good idea) Plus, the jerkoffs who felt restrained by cancel culture during the past few years will try to re-emerge. As a large, loosely connected, movement, the "Common Sensors" should make it clear that they ain't fuckin' around, either.
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gender is a construct and society tells women that most women are feminine and that femininity = women. any woman who finds it difficult to identify with other women b/c she's gay and/or autistic or otherwise 'different' or struggling in our sexist world will then disidentify with her sex. women do differ on a biological level from men and not relating to other women and feeling 'dysphoric' b/c you diverge quite a bit from the norm isn't unusual, esp considering the insane power dynamics between the sexes and the way women/girls are constrained and policed (often by eachother, it's incessant and annoying, cant fault someone for wanting nothing to do with it).
Differences found in social cognition in school-aged children are consistent with other studies that have shown significant differences in social behavior emerging as early as 1 year of age. For example, girls tend to be more fearful and exhibit more empathy and emotional support helping behavior than boys, whereas boys demonstrate more impulsivity and physical play (Sanchez-Martin et al. 2000; Geary 2002; Cote et al. 2003; Fabes et al. 2003). Some gender differences in social behavior emerge early in infancy. Female infants at 3 months of age show more interest expressions, such as wider eyes and higher brow placement (Malatesta and Haviland 1982). As young as a few days old, female infants make more eye contact than male infants (Geary 2002), implying inherent biological differences in social behavior and cognition. This idea is supported by the observation that the majority of patients with Turner syndrome (45, X) have problems with social interactions and interpreta- tion of social cues. Furthermore, impaired social cognition is associated with inheritance of the maternal X chromosome, suggesting that imprinting of the paternal chromosome may play a role in development of higher order executive functions necessary for social perception (Skuse et al. 1997).

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Women are Women

by Hannah Faith Parungao
Woman, also known as female, is defined as someone who is an adult female who has been born with female genitals. Notable women such as Melchora Aquino, Miriam Defensor Santiago, Risa Hontiveros, Leni Robredo, and many more have been an image of a strong and independent woman.
However, besides genitals, what makes a woman a woman? Regardless of sex, they are powerful, fierce, brave, compassionate, and strong-willed. A woman is someone who stands for themselves and fights for their rights. But what happens when a transgender woman experiences discrimination because she was not born with the female genitals or two X chromosomes. Women are women but why are transwomen experiencing discrimination?
Transwomen in our society
Transwomen can be defined as someone who was born with one X and Y chromosome and is biologically born and identified as male.
However, transwomen can also be defined as a woman because womanhood simply describes a female’s journey to become a full-grown woman at heart.
The discrimination against transwomen means discrimination to their rights as human beings. They also have feelings, and they experienced many things to become who they are right now. The hardships they had to go through to experience true happiness when they did not deserve to be discriminated against in such ways possible.
Modernity means accepting them all
In the past, transgendered women and the LGBTQIA+ were not accepted in our society as it is seen as immoral and unethical. A lot of people think that the only genders out there are the female and male, and any more than that is considered wrong.
However, in today’s time, things have changed. Transgenders and the LGTBQIA+ are now accepted in some parts of our country while some still experience discrimination, but a lot are now open to the topic of being trans.
Transwomen are not born with two X chromosomes, but they are now considered as women as they are a woman at heart, and they experience genuine happiness. They continuously fought to where they are right now and that proves that they are who they want themselves to be.
At the end of the day, there is no one at fault when transwomen show their real color. They deserve the admiration as they travel the bumpy roads to find and reach their true identity and happiness. They deserve a life filled with prosperity, love, and kindness.
Even with individuals not accepting this concept, no one is given the right to discriminate against transwomen. This is where they learn and experience how to love themselves and others.
It is a constant reminder for society to never forget that women are women regardless of their biological identity, women are women at heart. Women are women.
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My Flag
I am purple
“No, you are pink”
Maybe you didn’t hear me right: I am purple
“But I see you right now and I can tell that you are pink”
Well your eyes deceive you with the shades that society has placed over them
Because I know I’m not wrong when I say: I am purple
“What do you have against pink?”
It’s not that I hate other people who are pink, though I do hate what pink has come to stand for
But it’s not a matter of whether or not I hate pink, it’s a matter that I am purple
“You have brown eyes, but you’d never dare say they are blue”
Of course not, that would be ridiculous
“Then you are pink”
No, I am purple
And now on the statement of “you are pink,” is the accompanied “you are crazy” and “you don’t know what you’re talking about”
As if I am not the one living my life, feeling what I am feeling, and seeing the parts of myself that only I can see
According to them, the one living in my body, apparently isn’t at all me
As if I can’t hear myself and hear how ridiculous it might sound that I, one thought to be pink, would say without a doubt that I am purple
An assumption made about me on the assumptions of what is between my legs, what my hormones are or were, and what my chromosomes may or may not be
Two such things that with our own eyes you’ll never actually see
Yet people have the gull to tell me and insist despite their own lack of knowledge, that I am pink, whether or not I say I am purple or I am blue
And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why it matters so damn much to you
In the past, I felt alright with being pink, whether or not it fully sat perfectly with me
But often at times, I’d want to be seen as blue
And I tried so very hard as that colour to be accepted by society, accepted by you
Cuz purple has no place here, and if people wouldn’t see me as purple, I might as well be blue
But I’ve come to realise, and honestly it’s probably something I always knew
That I’m not just purple
It’s way more complex
And now when they say to me “you are pink”
Yes, maybe sometimes I am pink
I am pink, I am white, I am purple, I am black, I am blue
And I don’t owe a goddamn thing to you
I am pink, but it’s not the long hair, or need for bras, or the dresses, or the desire to feel pretty
I am pink with my sisters beside me, the women before me
Who fought for the right so I can speak here now today
I am pink not when I choose to be feminine, but because I feel proud of my roots, proud of what it means to be a woman
I am pink because I grew up scared thinking that if I dress one way, I was a distraction to others or a danger to myself
Worried that should I put on what I want and something terrible should happen, they’d ask “well what were you wearing”
To tell my sisters, “it’s ok, baby girl, it’s not your fault that the world was made to be cruel
It was never your fault despite how hard they try to tell you”
I am pink not because of what’s between my legs from birth and that I once was able to give birth, but because I know what it’s like to be a woman and I’m damn proud of that fact
I am white, the absence of pink, blue, or purple even when I show myself to be in the most gendered clothing you may think of
Me being white does not mean I have to refuse to wear skirts or avoid all ties
White does not mean I owe it to you to wear bland jeans and t-shirts so you will see me as an absence of colour
There is no right or wrong way of being white
Society has not made a place for us of the white colour since it so often pushes that you be either pink or blue
So how dare it tries to tell me how I can properly be white when it never made a space for me as white
Not until us white started to make a push, there wasn’t even a bathroom for white, the closest you got was family, and family is not on this colour spectrum
So to my white siblings who are confused as to which stall you get to be in, which shelter to find safety in, what locker room you need to change in
I hear you, I see you, I feel you
You’re brave, this world scary, and I beg you don’t give up
There’s plenty of room on earth, you’re not taking up space that didn’t already belong to you
I am purple, whether or not I show neither pink nor blue or whether or not I show both of them at the same time
I don’t stop being purple because I am no longer presenting androgynous or choosing to not conform to gender roles
I can be purple when I put on an apron and cook and clean
And I can be purple when I don’t shave and put on my suit and bow tie and go out for another work day
I am purple because pink and blue occasionally disagrees with me and I need something that just sounds and feels right even if this is not a colour most would feel comfortable giving out
The colour that has no place in our society and the roles that were pre-made and expected for all of us to fill
I am purple because I know what it feels like to be that outsider and to not only have a lack of relation of one side or the other, but at the same time be everyone’s insider and have that relation to both
I am purple and I am free to define what purple means to me
Because purple, like with every other colour, has its goddamn shades
From lavender, to lilac, to plum, to iris, to shades more pink, to shades more blue
Purple means what it means to you
But purple means so much more to me
Purple is, for my body, what it means to be free
I am black, the mixing of all colours, even when I hide away my breasts and shave off my facial hair
Just because I feel black does not mean I owe it to anyone to wear half pink and half blue and dress up like a circus performer and the genderless clown I feel I am
Black is mine to shape and present as I damn well please
Just like white and purple, how the hell do you act as something that has not been defined or made a place for in our society
Despite what the horror or sci-fi movie monsters might tell you that being sexless or straying away from a binary sex is this scary thing
That the presentation of both characteristics is something to be jeered at and feared
If I’m a freak for being black, than I embrace it and say I am a freak and nothing you can do or say can shake me from my black
I am a freak and I am proud, no matter how media will try to portray me
And to all my black siblings, there’s nothing wrong with you
You’re beautiful and handsome all at the same time, all the time
Let no one take that from you
I am blue not because I like the steaks or the boxers or to show off my physical strength or even the fact that I stand when I pee
I am blue because I know what it’s like to be strong and say “I have a problem and I need help” in a world telling you that is something to be ashamed of
I am blue because I felt like should someone ever see me cry, I would lose my validity in their eyes
I am blue because I felt the weight of my sex life be compared to the weight of my worth
Being cheekily called “player” when I mentioned I had three lovers, but when in this context I had said I wanted to marry them and it was others who assumed it was all about the sex
I am blue and I wanna tell you, my brothers, that you are not weak when you have emotions outside of rage, it takes strength to bleed and cry, to know your limits and know when you need to give up
And I am so proud of you when you can open up, when you be a human being, when you can hug our fellow brothers, despite how much society has told you that’s not ok
And gaslit you to believe you have to be a certain way
I am pink when I say I am pink
I am blue when I say I am blue
I am purple when I say I am purple
And you’ve got to trust me when I say that I know this better than any of you
And I know it sounds odd, coming from me
The one who so passionately demanded you say I am purple
But my brothers, my sisters, my siblings, please believe me when I say you are so much more than what colour you are, the colour you like, the colour you present, or the colour others see you as
Your colour is an important part of who you are, made you experience the things you have, shaped the world around you and how it treated you in turn
But you are not just your colour and your colour is not solely you
You have every right to claim what your colour is and what shade you are and define it for yourself
Every right to ignore what someone else had the gull to define and pick what is you for you
And if ever comes the day you realise that wasn’t the right colour, it is in your rights to pick a new one or redefine what your current one means to you
Right now: I am purple
“You are pink”
I am so much more
#poetic#poem#poetry#spoken word#genderfluid#gender nonconforming#gender#gender identity#gender expression#lgbt#I am purple#nonbinary#non binary#trans problems#transgender#trans identity#trans masc#trans masculine#trans man#trans boy#trans is not a choice#trans is not a crime#trans is valid#trans pride#feminist#feminism#bigender#polygender#I used green for white cuz agender flag and orange for black cuz of the multigender flag
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I love the mania in the replies.
"I would like to point out. One. " You, see, that, is, how, crazy, people, type. "Chromosomes are incredibly complex" Irrelevant. You can describe them down to the quantum level and they still won't act like you want them to. "You can not make a 100 percent accurate sex determination from bones" You aren't required to. All that a model has to do is be better than the competion. Leftists have presented no alternative model beyond "accept what we say or we will be violent". There's no better prediction possible from the belief that a human's sex is some arcane mystery that can only be found out by asking. " I've studied this stuff." Great. We'll give you the bones, and you have to guess the gender using advancing Leftismology, and we'll give the bones to actual scientists who will use standard forensic methods to guess the sex, and we will see which one is more accurate. "Take you're transphobic anti actual science opinion the fuck out of here" And you can tell the crazy rant has caused them to forget what punctuation is at this point.
[The members of "The People's Front of Judea" are sitting in the amphitheatre; Stan has just announced that he wants to be a woman and wants to be called "Loretta," and is explaining why] Stan: I want to have babies. Reg: You want to have babies?!?! Stan: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. Reg: But you can't HAVE babies! Stan: Don't you oppress me! Reg: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus gonna gestate? You gonna keep it in a box? [Stan starts to cry as Reg rolls his eyes] Judith: Look, I have an idea. Let's just say that Stan can't have have babies, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans, but that he can have the right to have babies. Francis: Agreed. We shall fight for your right to have babies, brother! Sister, sorry. Reg: What's the point?! Francis: What? Reg: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?! Francis: [thinking] It is symbolic of our struggle against repression! Reg: [quietly] Symbolic of his struggle against reality.

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Rant-ish, from a Transneutral/Agender/Librafem Intersex "woman" with Hyperandrogenic PCOS because Ori Devuda-
Just heard from someone that people with PCOS can't be considered intersex/hermaphrodite, and... I digress- we're gonna have to agree to disagree, buddy- respectfully, I mean.
"YOu nEEd tO hAvE amBIguOUS gEniTaLia tO bE iNTeRseX" well tell you what buddy I'm not telling you what's in my pants but I still do fit said requirement. And even then, what gives to you trying to tell me I'm "still a woman"? Who gave you the right to tell me MY identity?
PCOS does fall under the intersex umbrella, in fact, because it involves chronic high testosterone levels and other male characteristics that aren't present in regular perisex females/AFAB individuals. People with PCOS, including myself, deal everyday with symptoms such as not ovulating, high levels of androgens, cysts on the ovaries, near-episodic anemia from FUCKING RARE but RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY periods, EXTREMELY irregular and rare periods, terrible acne breakouts, oily skin, excess hair growth, random weight gain and loss no matter how hard I try to maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle, and the list goes on.
Imagine my face dropping and my eyes tearing up when my doctor says, with a disappointed face, that I'm at a higher risk for diseases like cancer and diabetes. As if this shit is MY fault entirely.
Here's the cold, hard truth: the medical industry doesn't give a shit about women, or AFAB individuals, and doesn't even LISTEN to intersex people with female genitalia, they just give arbitrary treatments like birth control. Oh, just eat 0 FUCKING carbs a day and workout even if you feel like shit and physically are stuck in such deep dysfunction you can't do anything! Get some laser treatment for your facial hair while you're at it. Oh, you're in severe physical and emotional pain and are chronically tired? Doesn't seem serious, everyone is, get a grip and cheer up! After all, your disorder is a fucking joke. A sick joke for everyone to laugh at while you suffer and nobody gives a shit or cares.
Yeah- let that sink in. Doctors only care about us losing weight and shaving our beards.
I can't even go a day without the dull but terrible ache of pelvic cramps that sometimes becomes sharp and causes me to nearly double over, holy shit.
I can't even eat a fucking Reese's cup without someone in my family yelling at me that I'll get fat and I need to swear off of everything even remotely the TINIEST bit unhealthy. I can't even indulge myself on the foods I love.
And the fact that Roe vs Wade has been overturned, and for many women and AFAB intersex or otherwise individuals with PCOS or other infertility/vaginal syndromes/disorders, this will mean they could potentially get arrested for something OUTSIDE of their control. Think about that.
And the less commonly-heard-about shit I and many others with PCOS have to deal with is random bouts of feeling angry, hungry, thirsty and high-libido all at the same time, not to mention the chronic PAIN and FATIGUE and sheer amount of HEAT that stems from the pelvis all throughout the fucking body. I'm PARALYZED with pain sometimes in that area that I literally cannot move due to joint inflammation, my skin can be literally BURNING and I could be CRYING because I'm in so much pain and so hot and BURNING ALL THE FUCK OVER EVERY PORE OF MY BEING, and my Mum scolds me for 'not being characteristic of a woman' because of a disorder I can't control. Sometimes I eat less than I need and STILL FUCKING GAIN THE SAME AMOUNT OF WEIGHT.
I know polycystic ovaries themselves don't cause pain, but still- the disorder itself is terrible shit to deal with. It even spreads to places like my neck, back, legs and joints? And I have to hobble and crawl around like some old fossil sometimes in the midst of executive dysfunction and disabling pain and fatigue?
What the ever-loving shit??
This intersex umbrella covers an incredibly vast and wide range of “individuals born with a hormonal, chromosomal, gonadal or genital variation which is considered outside of the male and female norms,” and PCOS CERTAINLY meets that definition.
Stop pretending intersex people with PCOS don't exist. Women and AFAB/intersex people with traditionally AFAB genitalia with PCOS may or may not consider themselves intersex/hermaphrodite, but I am. And nobody gets to say otherwise, lest they want this post shoved down their throat. /hj but STILL MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK GUYS CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT-
#PCOS#pcossucks#actually pcos#I'm sick of this shit#stop pretending this disorder doesn't fucking exist#I'm tired of it#transneutral#agender#intersex#hermaphrodite#can anyone believe this shit omfg-#ori devuda#pcos awareness
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Heart disease | USA Care | USA Clinic
Heart disease and blood pressure (excess) are two sides of the same river. The heart and the brain are two organs that never get rest. On the contrary, if they take a rest, we think that life will come to an end. Ramdas Swami's statement that what stopped is over is 100% true in this sense. There is a slight difference in the work of both of them. The work of the brain appears to be static from the outside, but the work of the heart is always seen in the ongoing form. He doesn't stand firm at all. (DYNAMIC) – heart disease
What is the condition of blood vessels? | What is the good condition of blood vessels?
They are very quick.
There should be no obstruction in it. But due to continuous use over the years, there are some defects in them. Let's see what the fault is and what its consequences are. A substance called "cholesterol" is produced in the blood of a very strong person. He is closely related to fat and growth. Due to this, the cysts of these substances sit on the inner part of the blood vessel, as a result, the inner holes of the blood vessel become fine. Due to the narrowing of the pores, the blood pump which is the heart has to increase its pressure to keep the blood flow running. It costs more power and requires more blood supply. In this way, it is an increasing cycle. One of the abilities to withstand such increasing blood pressure is in our heart and blood vessel. If this pressure goes beyond that, the blood vessels or the heart will be shocked. This is the first step of heart disease, due to this cholesterol, blood vessels do not have quickness and become bitter.
Notice of danger | Warning notice | USA Care | USA Clinic
As a result of all this, weight loss is said. But it is for those who are overweight. There are many advertisements in newspapers to reduce such weight. They affect many people and even if they do not, many people break their food by giving strength to advertising beauty, growth, longevity, etc.
If the body is injured, blood starts flowing from it. All such blood can lead to death. But there are two systems in the body so it does not come like this. USA Care | USA Clinic
The blood of the wound is sexually related and so a type of substance (thrombin) comes out of the blood and it closes the wound by breaking the net.
The bleeding slows down the blood flow in the body due to which the blood stock is reduced. This reduces bleeding and the body gets such information and this increases the process of blood clotting. Now due to some reason, the speed of the blood flow slows down and even if the injured are not injured, the blood clots are formed by getting the above instructions. Such a situation can arise due to the hardening of blood vessels or due to the narrowing of their surroundings. Now let's see what these clots or blood clots do.
Notice of danger | Warning notice | USA Care | USA Clinic
There is a danger in the above drug scheme and that is, we are reducing the protective part of the body. But in such a situation, if there is an injury occasionally, a medicine called 'K' or 'Menadine' has to be given to stop the bleeding from the wound. Suppose the wound was bleeding in the inner part of the body (this is called hemorrhage)
Why do men suffer from prostate problems? | Why do men suffer from prostate problems? |USA Care | USA Clinic
Humans are both sex glands at birth (at the time of conception). However, the sex of the person is determined according to his chromosome. The glands of that person's penis begin to grow in the body and the remains of the opposite sex are in the dormant position in the body (type of work comes their way. Such undeveloped penises have only the primary form. In the case of women, the masculine is special, it is called the clitoris. Similarly, in the case of men, prostate glands It is feminine.
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On the terminology used to talk about the trans experience.
A mild rant targeted at the lgbt community, our allies, and anyone trying to be trans inclusive. We absolutely fucked up the terminology we use to talk about trans folks. It’s nobody’s fault, like all terminology it came about organically and nobody could have predicted how it was going to work in practice twenty years later. Here’s my thesis.
Talking about the trans experience and what it means to be trans by drawing a distinction between sex and gender was a mistake, is more confusing then helpful, and makes it too easy for people who want to misgender trans folks.
In real life outside of the discourse about trans people there is no distinction between sex and gender with how the words are used. Trans men who have undergone legal transition have the sex listed on their birth certificate, drivers license, and passport as male. When people talk about female only or single sex spaces it’s not trans excluding. And we already understand this because people reach for words like “biological sex”, “chromosomal sex”, or "sex (at birth)" — if there really was a distinction we wouldn’t need these phrases. And this terminology is already used within the community as well with “mtf”, “ftm”, and the outdated but still used “transsexual.”
It also gives transphobes an easy escape hatch whenever they want to misgender trans people by calling trans women “biologically male” or trans men “biologically female.” This isn’t theoretical either, terminology like tim/tif is based around this idea.
It’s also isn’t even accurate to how trans people think of themselves. I’ve never met a trans women who thinks of herself as “male.”
The essential experience of a trans woman is being female with XY chromosomes. The essential experience of a trans man is being a male with XX chromosomes. The essential enby experience is being neither male nor female regardless of their chromosomes.
And that should be the basis of our terminology. A trans woman is an XY female, a cis woman is an XX female, a trans man is an XX male, and so on.
This terminology makes it immediately obvious what we’re talking about. You don’t have to explain to anyone about the wishy washy differences of sex and gender.
It matches one for one how the words are used outside of the community. Nothing has to be updated to be inclusive.
Chromosomes are decoupled from both sex and gender and gets to the heart of what it means to be trans.
The gross words transphobic communities use get their meaning flipped. Trans men are biologically male, trans women are tifs, etc. There is no situation ever where a trans man and female make sense in the same breath.
It extends naturally to people who are intersex.
We can even reuse the homo/hetero prefixes if we want although it's probably a bit much outside of memery. A trans woman is a heterochromosomal female, a trans man is a homochromosomal male.
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