Bourbcn & Poor choices
261 posts
• indie rp | mun & muses 21+ | 18+ only • please read rules before interacting
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
we met via a dating app just to hook up and it’s been super casual and i don’t even know your name and i’m usually not one to meet up with the same person twice but i somehow end up a second time on your sofa and you even let me take naps after the sex and make me tea when i wake up and i still don’t know your name but you’re actually really sweet and we make the most comfortable small talk i’ve ever had with a near stranger and wow maybe i’m done with the casual stuff…
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
favourite colour(s): turquoise and purple bby
favourite flavour(s): french vanilla coffee creamer, ginger/molasses cookies & chicken curry 
favourite genre(s): medieval action (robin hood looking at you), action & comedy, rom coms, supernatural, thrillers, mysteries, specific horror (ya girl’s working on it ok)
favourite music: honestly everything, my playlist ranges from disney remixes to sabaton 
favourite movie(s): so many but...constantine, hairspray, footloose, star wars, and probably tg:m (sue me)
favourite series: the librarians, bbc’s robin hood, sherlock, various others no longer on air
last song: i’m gonna getcha good - live (shania twain)
last series: prodigal son
last movie: jurassic world: dominion (tonight actually)
currently reading: the prince by niccolò machiavelli 
currently watching: stargate: atlantis (watched the og series so, need to see this one)
currently working on: my mf degree lmao, taking the life outta me ngl
tagged by: the fabulous @wynterlanding
tagging: @felteverywhere , @edgecfeden , @esoerotica , @beefcakeds , @honeyedz , @confusionism , @lovepctions , @mvlkxhcney , @caeruleums , (as always, no need to do this!! but thought it’d be fun to tag y’all !! ) 
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
ugh i’m sorry loves , i promise i’m not mia i’ve just been feeling like crap and attempting to study with whatever cold/flu i have rn has been taking priority . but i’m still here , and will be replying to things when i can !! love you all .
hi my loves !! i have a raging headache rn so replies will be coming tomorrow , sorry for the delay <3 trust me when i say i look forward to getting through my drafts cuz the muse is high !!
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
hi my loves !! i have a raging headache rn so replies will be coming tomorrow , sorry for the delay <3 trust me when i say i look forward to getting through my drafts cuz the muse is high !!
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
Send 👌 if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses!
Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!
Send ❤️ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses!
Send 💋 if you would like to explore a SEXUAL relationship between our muses!
Send 💥 if you would like to explore a ANTAGONISTIC relationship between our muses!
Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it!
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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Alba Baptista | GQ Entrevista
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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katherine loved what she did. she really did, regardless of the fact that some days—like the current one—she had to repeat that mantra to keep her going. stereotypical karen’s loved to try and trip her up, thinking that the doctor in front of her name didn’t apply to her. so after a stressful day at the vet office, katherine had all but begged javier for a last minute get together. if anyone could cheer her up, since they’d reconnected, it was him. “javi!” she beamed, running up to the bar when the blonde saw her friend. “you are a sight for sore eyes, thank you for agreeing to this.” she hummed, arms opening a bit to give him a hug. “hopefully i’m not keeping you from any hot dates.” @felteverywhere
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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NATHALIE EMMANUEL Army of Thieves (2021)
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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“listen, i don’t claim to be any sort of expert, but when you grow up with a mother like mine… you learn that the way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach, not just men.” brooks was relishing this, the rewards of just being completely honest with jada. now it all seemed spread out ahead of him, the possibility of something a lot deeper with her, something he’d wanted without knowing if it would ever be reciprocated. “glad to hear it.” he said softly, holding onto her compliment internally as they waited for the kid to bring his car around. “got it, got it… i could go for the same. anything that’ll make me full. i have a few favourites, you mind if i surprise you?” he asked, brows shooting up. since she had several different ideas of what she could go for, he figured she might not mind if he selected a place he loved and just went for it. there was a diner that stayed open extra late that he thought would be perfect. “promise it won’t be the mcdonald’s drive thru. i try to go a lot classier for the first not yet a date.” brooks joked, showing off his pearly whites once more as he heard his car coming in the distance. 
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“well your mother is obviously a very wise woman, maybe her son didn’t fall too far from the tree.” she hummed teasingly. having grown up in new orleans, food and music were easily the way to her heart in jada’s brooks was on the right path. to say nothing for his honesty, a stark contrast from his former demeanor when he’d asked her to the event. she liked seeing this side of him, it made her feel like there was actually the possibility for something with him. a feeling she hadn’t felt prior to his openness. jada gently leaned against him as she looked up at his far too handsome face, mouth quirking to the side. “since us working together has given me the sense that you won’t take me somewhere i’ll get sick or killed...” she laughed, before nodding. “i’d love that. surprise away, it’ll give me another little peak into who brooks carson is under that oh-so-charming exterior.” jada snorted in laughter at his joke, her hand squeezing his as the valet pulled up with his car. “you strike me as the type to not pull that on a girl on their first...what’d you call it? not-yet-date.” she smiled. she liked that, it meant there was one to come...if she said yes. but jada had a sneaking suspicion he knew she’d agree, if her eagerness was any indication. 
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
*.      /      𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍  𝐓𝐎  :      anyone  !
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  “  how  much  did  they give  you  ?  for  my  head  ,  of  course.  ”  she  finds  it  amusing.
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“three million u.s, believe it or not.” santi smirked, one brow quirking just slightly. “though they did say i’d get a bonus if i brought back all of you alive.”
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
fake dating plot but it’s been a long running thing, it started as a one time thing to convince one of their parents that they’re in a relationship…but it worked so well they kept it going. their parents are convinced they’re married, they show up to parties and flirt like they’ve been together forever. only problem? what started as two friends having fun has become lines being crossed…and feelings developing.
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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“Alright so according to this—” A.k.a the map she’d just swiped from the teetering stand in the abandoned gas station. “There’s an apartment complex 4 blocks south, and a motel 3 blocks east. Either could be risky, especially since there could still be Walkers around. But assuming there’ll be furniture we can use to barre the doors, we should be able to hole up at one for the night?” Thea suggested, glancing over at Landon as she pointed to the various locations on the map. “Do you think we need anything before we make camp?“ She asked, moving to fold up the map before shoving it into her backpack. “We can check our supplies when we’re safe but…” Safe, ironic in these times but in the tense she said it she meant it. She shifted, grabbing an unopened bottle of Gatorade out of a busted fridge. “I want to see if there’s anything more here before we head out.” @wynterlanding
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
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bourbcnchoices · 2 years ago
that moment when tumblr doesn’t show an entire thread of one pairing on your dash, but for some reason it shows up on your blog itself?
day 23475639849328732 of this site testing my patience smh
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