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gcldforged · 1 year ago
open starter ›› @francehqstarters where: the royal gardens.
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        only  spring  rivaled  her  love  for  summer. the weather each day was bright and warm, and the flora was full of color. katherine wandered through the gardens, a small bouquet of flowers in her hand and eyes searching for more blooms to add to it. the ones previously in the wright apartments had all wilted, and the maids had no eye for this sort of thing; the one bouquet she'd let them bring had been quickly discarded. nothing less than perfection accepted. apparently that meant she must do it herself. so be it. kat was admiring the carnations when footsteps neared.   ❝ beautiful, isn't it? ❞   she asked, gaze remaining on the flowers a moment longer before she turned.
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mikaels0n-elijah-writing · 5 months ago
continue from here @malka-lisitsa
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He heard every single word she uttered and every word was a new knife that left an invisible wound. He didn't know what to answer. She spoke to him more openly and honestly than she had for a long time. His brother was her kryptonite. He destroyed what Elijah liked. Especially when it was a doppelganger. Katherine had never been safe around him and he had let it happen every time. Each time he had stepped aside. And she was right about every word of it.
"I know," came from his lips in a whisper. "And it pains me that I let it all happen," he added. Quietly, you could hear the pain in his voice, which he didn't want to hide either. He wanted her to see that she wasn't the only one who had suffered all this time.
"And yet… here we are. Once again." He stepped towards her and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. He wanted to be close to her. Even if it was only in such a banal way.
"We can't get away from each other, no matter how much it hurts," he continued. She had to see it the same way. No matter how many times she ran, she came back. Somehow. Eventually. "Niklaus isn't here," he murmured quietly. "And won't be able to be if he wants to protect his daughter."
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foundationbuilt · 3 months ago
If Klaus knew how fun being married was , he might have done it a long time ago. The thought brought an amused smirk to his mouth as he tilted his head to the side on the pillow , surveying the sweat-coated mess of his wife , his precious doppelganger. She was always so exhausted afterwards , her fragile human body not able to withstand his hybrid stamina ( even he was amazed by that , how his strength and speed and abilities had increased , expanded , from what he would have been not that long ago ; and again , the knowledge of how much better he was these days had his blood pumping from exhilaration as well as anger , because it had been half a millennia he had been denied who he was ... )
In an effort to distract himself from such thoughts ( his mother , his father , that nightmare of a night and all those that followed ) Klaus instead settled on Katerina's rapid heartbeat. One of the things he found incredibly displeasing about their sexual activities was that he couldn't bite her , except sparingly in the heat of the moment when she could mistake it for pleasure , not realizing that he was drinking ; fortunately , the sensation could be extremely pleasurable when done correctly. Even so , Klaus was used to being able to drink till he was content , having his bed a little bit more ... messy in the aftermath. He comforted himself with the knowledge that he could snatch a maid on the way to breakfast , excusing himself for a bathroom break ; it would be delicious to sit across from his wonderfully devoted lover with the taste of blood still lingering on his tongue , accompanied by the flush in her cheeks every time she looked at him. It was an intoxicating thought , exciting in the promise of something to come , and in the meantime he allowed his ears to settle onto her heartbeat pounding like a drum ( thump-thump , thump-thump , thump-thump ) , slowly but steadily settling into a gentler rhythm. It was satisfying , comforting even in its familiarity , but then something else caught his attention ; in the quietness of their chambers , it should be only the two of them — so where was the other heartbeat coming from ...?
It took Klaus a long moment to realize the additional heartbeat was originating from Katerina, quieter ( softer , less steady ) than her own but undeniably there , now that he was listening for it. It took several more before the realization of how such a possibility existed sank in to Klaus' baffled mind: she was with child.
Quick as a flash , faster than he would have moved around her prior , he was sitting up straight and staring down at her , sprawled tiredly in their sheets , with a growing anger lost in bewilderment. How dare she —
❝ What have you done ? ❞ Klaus demanded , the words almost lost in a growl rumbling deep in his chest . The question was pointless , however ; it was clear what she had done. More importantly — ❝ Who ? Who have you dared to — ❞ He couldn't even get the words out , infuriated , a red cloud overcoming his mind. That she would even think of betraying him in such a manner ... ❝ To think of all the betrayals you could have made ... ❞ To think of how he could have possibly missed it ; to have become as foolish as Mikael , to have his wife lay with another , to sire a child out of wedlock ... ❝ Did you think me a fool ? Was this your plan all along ? ❞
Had she thought him stupid enough to believe it would be his own , to raise it like his own so that her child could have the nobility of a lord ? Her naivety could be contributed to her ignorance of his true nature , but for her to have even given it the thought ... Klaus heaved out a harsh breath , fist clenching in the bedsheet and ripping easily through the fabric. The next clench would be around her throat , stuffing out this lustrous whore as quick as he had his mother , if she did not confess to the sins she had committed ( and yes , even after that ).
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stefanoasalvatore · 5 months ago
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🩸 → "not dead - sorry to disappoint."
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demongemz · 6 days ago
even now we are fated. / phineas & kat ; @fcdcdmcmories
Katherine had taken the time to speak with Parker about her feelings and in truth talking helped her come to terms more with how she felt about the man before her. Once upon a time, she had a silly idea of them running away and being able to live as husband and wife with their children away from the madness of it all. Then she’d been trapped by both of the men she had come to love and murdered when all she wanted was for her kids to be okay. She had done a bit of light shopping nothing crazy but a couple of different outfits so she didn’t have to wear the same thing repeatedly. The dress she’d picked for tonight wasn’t anything special but something about the blue made her smile and it made her feel pretty something she hadn’t thought of since arriving here. “I’ve not even had a sip of wine yet and you’ve already started with your waxing” she teased moving to grab her glass of wine to bring to her lips. “Hello Phineas, I take it the rest of your day went your way?”
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intimaecys · 21 days ago
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something  about  the  itch  she  feels  is  unnatural  ,   it  constricts  her  every  time  the  two  of  them  are  in  the  same  room  together  ,   more  so  when  they're  alone.  they've  drifted  apart  and  crashed  together  so  many  times  that  she's  lost  count  ,   and  each  time  they  say  they'll  never  do  it  again.   and  each  time  ,   they  slink  back  together.   as  much  as  they  both  say  they  detest  it  ,   this  isn't  one  person's  failing.   they  both  allow  it  ,   encourage  it  and  keep  it  burning.   sitting  in  her  apartment  ,   cecilia's  eyes  turned  to  familiar  footsteps  coming  down  the  short  hallway  ,   where  she  stood.   they  both  had  one  another's  keys.   sometimes  they  just  show  up.   "   looks  like  you've  caught  me  unawares  ,   "   she  began  ,   eyes  up  and  down  again.   "   i'm  going  to  take  a  bath.   " // @blvckswcn
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heamoral · 4 months ago
send me 🔆 if you like to see me on your dash!
. hannah ! this is so sweet thank you so much darling ! the same goes right back at you ! xx
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touchedbydestiny · 1 year ago
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cont. from here || @malka-lisitsa
         it was really a surprise for amara to see katherine smile, she was always absolutely grim, grumpy, or even malicious. an expression of the inner emptiness that amara had already noticed at the beginning (which is probably a bold assumption but it's what amara concluded when she first met her doppelgänger).
         amara was even more surprised when katherine offered her one of the red fruits that looked noticeably bigger than what she remembered.
         "thanks for the offer." amara even smiled shyly at katherine. she believed it to be a kind gesture, again something that amara hadn't witnessed before. truth be told, she was curious about what these fruits tasted like but it would be wrong to take one.
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         "they make you happy, you don't have to share your happiness. i'm glad for you that they bring you joy." of course amara didn't conclude that the strawberries alone didn't cause this positive change in katherine.
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lcstinfantasy · 2 years ago
closed starter for @blumhouses
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muse: katherine bell
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"i need you to really listen to me when i say this. the mikaelsons are not a family that you want on your bad side. i suggest trying to keep your distance from them." she really is warning him for his own protection. wolves never really had a great chance when it came to the originals. not becomes of strength or species, but because of the complete vicious behavior of that family. she should know, she once ran with them. "just promise me to stay safe."
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perzysprumia · 9 months ago
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@insanislupus sent: “Here. Klaus said it’d be a shame to let you desiccate before the fun,” she takes a seat on the counter of Alaric apartment after tossing a bag of blood to doppelgänger. (Blood that is mostly cow blood from the local butcher.) “I gotta know. What was your favorite century? I don’t wear dresses much, but I always thought it’d be fun to wear those pretty ones from histories past. I don’t meet many vampires, especially other women that have been around so long.”
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Eyes immediately go to the bag offered, but Katherine knows better; it's probably laced with vervain. Just by seeing the way Klaus has interacted with this girl, she knows she has to be just as conniving and manipulative as he is. She doesn't trust her, just as much as she doesn't trust Klaus. No amount of offered blood or female comradery is gonna change that.
Normally, Katherine can play along. But the anxiousness and paranoia of when Klaus is planning on murdering her is starting to get to her, and Katherine doesn't want to entertain whatever game Jackie wants to play today. "What do you want?" She questions, eyes narrowed and voice full of the disdain she's sure Jackie knows she feels toward her.
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"Cut the crap, blondie. I'm not stupid, and neither are you. You don't wanna know what my favorite century was, and you don't wanna talk about dresses." She's stepping toward Jackie and slides the bag of blood off the counter, holding it out for the wolf to take back. "And you can tell Klaus that I prefer it fresh. If he's so adamant about me not desiccating."
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aletheialed · 8 months ago
THINKING ABOUT KATE-SIMON-EDGEWORTH TRIO.... not as a ship just like. a general dynamic. what if i made a fic with them. etc etc
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mikaels0n-elijah-writing · 5 months ago
closed starter for @safestkittykatintown
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He had heard rumours. Which he urgently needed to investigate. He had to see it with his own eyes and believe it, otherwise it was impossible. The cure. Katherine was supposed to have taken it? Voluntarily? Involuntarily? He wasn't sure. He rather fancied the latter.
Elijah picked up more rumours about where she was living now. He looked for her. He knew others would be looking for her too, to get the antidote out of her bloodstream. Hadn't he once offered it to his sister himself? When he arrived at the place where she was supposed to live, he hesitated for a moment. What awaited him?
But then he opened the door. He tried to take a step inside, but she obviously owned the flat. So he knocked on the frame, even though she had certainly heard that he was here.
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gvldntrbl · 1 year ago
Kat + River @ocean-eyeslnrp
Location: Lunch at the Beach, Shimmering Shore Beach, Day 3
Much time had passed since River crossed paths with Kat. Hell, the most time the pair had spent together recently had been in forced joint captivity towards the end of Sebastian's coronation weekend celebration when they were kidnapped. And while during said hostage situation, the two spoke, River had not reconnected with Kat since then. Still, the stubborn vampire who'd been rescued by Olivier simultaneously while Jackson freed her, reoccurred in her mind. As if on a subconscious loop. And while River didn't know if Kat wanted to speak to her, for fear of remembering a time when she was unable to save herself - the Princess felt the urge to at least talk to her. Check in on the entrepreneur.
At the sight of Kat at the beach during lunch on the final day of the heir naming celebration in the Divine Forest, River felt as though it were a sign. She'd given her mate a brief goodbye kiss and after tapping into their telepathic portion of their bond to soothe Jackson's worries, she made her way to Kat. "Hey," She began, unsure of how to exactly start. River wasn't an expert on how to communicate on mutually experiences and traumas with others. "Are you free to talk? Privately." She glanced around. "We can step away to a secluded space." River paused, actually looking somewhat nervous. "I wanted to see how you are. Check in on you. Since the last time we spoke. Are you okay with that? If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to. Just so we're clear."
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stefanoasalvatore · 6 months ago
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🩸 → stefan salvatore had been truly desperate only a few times in his life, and as he stepped out to make this call was certainly one of them. when the ringing stopped, he spoke before anything else could cross the line "katherine... feeling in the charitable mood this evening?"
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demongemz · 7 days ago
❛ It’s okay. You were just dreaming, you were dreaming. ❜ ( elaine & kat ); @fcrafcrtnight
Katherine could still feel Phineas' hands around her name as she screamed for anyone to help her to stop him from hurting her. She’d broken down and felt herself shaking and crying when she felt Elaine touch her softly causing a choked son to escape her lips as she tearfully looked at the other. “I’m sorry that was…horrible you are trying to heal and here I am losing my mind” She tried to laugh but it came out more like a sob.”I’m so sorry did I wake you up, my dear?”
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jolaughlin · 5 months ago
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🩺 → it was inevitable that the doctor would run into the last remaining gilbert child in town. there was something different about the familiar face - not that she could blame her for making a drastic change in her life in the wake of tragedy. first her parents, then her brother, anyone would be shaken by such loss. if anyone knew about it better... she'd be surprised. "hey elena... how are you holding up?"
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