#[ klaus mikaelson / threads ]
ofmoonlitmagic · 6 months
( @fragmcntedsouls | uncle dad. )
Briggs searched the compound for his uncle because despite what Billie had said about not needing one, he was still determined to find her a proper ring for her finger. Yet, he didn't want just any one. He wanted it to have meaning.
"Uncle Klaus?" He called as he entered the room to find the closest thing to a father he'd ever had. If there was a chance he had some sort of heirloom he'd be willing to part with, that's exactly what the hybrid wanted to give his bride-to-be. "I was wonderin', do you have any rings you would have, I dunno, passed down if you hadn't been like the only generation for millennia?" Subtle.
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
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Caroline had been struggling since Stefans death, she knew it was coming, but it still hurt her anyway. Elena and Damon were there living their life together, bonnie had Enzo and she was just.. Alone. Sure she had Alaric but that was a parenting situation. Now Josie and Lizzie were safe she could focus a lot better.
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She’d been looking through old memories, photographs, letters. Things she’d kept over the years and this was a thing she’d done often. One particular letter, and drawing always stuck out to her. It’d been like Klaus was calling to her recently, but she’d never been brave enough to pick up the phone. Until tonight.
Alaric had the kids, Caroline was staying in her mothers house, her finger had been hovering over the “call” button for an extended amount of time.
Just do it Caroline.
What was the worst thing ? he wouldn’t pick up and she’d still be alone? sure she could deal with that, and so she hit the call button and waited.
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foundationbuilt · 8 months
@lycanslain / cont.
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Murder, that was what was spiralling through Klaus' heart. Murder and betrayal and the horrible smug certainty of being proven correct once again. Once again, his family had disappointed him. They had turned their backs, repelled by their bastard brother in spite of his attempts to reconcile the wrongs of the past.
 ❝ Do not test me, Henrik, ❞ he snarled, levelling a finger at his youngest brother. Chest tight, throat aching to feast — to distract him from the miseries that were his life, the impossibilities of ever making something of this disgrace of a family.  ❝ Did you know? Did — you — know? ❞ Each word was snarled as he slowly advanced on him.  ❝ For if so ... yes ...❞ he breathed in a dangerous voice, ❝ ... worry. ❞
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anoddbunch · 1 month
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He didn't know why this moment felt bittersweet, with something overhanging over them that he couldn't place. Was it breaking? Was there a severing? He drew a breath and looked into her eyes. There were far too many memories between them for him to center on just one. "I suppose I like our separations the best." He stated with a small grin. "I like knowing that you'll still want to come back, no matter what I do."
cont'd from here - @choserage
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legendaryl0stpieces · 3 months
@little-miss-buffy continued from here. [x]
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"Oh really? Well do tell how do you intend to do that here?" Klaus was quite interested in how she was going to do that. The blonde was very interesting to him. Klaus had came against hunters but slayers. Not so much. Maybe that was why he was so keen on her.
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aceofhevrts · 7 months
𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈   :   caroline  forbes   (  @augus1  ) 𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚   :   dirty joe ' s
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muito   embora   o   bar   local   esteja   longe   do   padrão   habitual   de   niklaus   ,   a   vontade   fala   mais   alto   do   que   qualquer   coisa      ——      e   não   fala   só   de   um   bom   uísqe   .         ❛   hello   ,   love   .   ❜         o   cumprimento   rola   com   facilidade   de   sua   língua   quando   nota   ela   se   aproximar   ,   incapaz   de   disfarçar   aquela   nota   de   adoração   que   sempre   aparece   quando   se   trata   de   caroline   .   seja   lá   o   que   o   trouxe   ali   ,   o   fato   de   tê - la   trazido   é   tanto   um   alívio   como   uma   fonte   de   preocupação   para   o   mikaelson   .         ❛   care   to   join   me   for   a   drink   ?   ❜
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
klaus mikaelson ✦ zeraphine mondragón // (@burningmyths)
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"Zerpahine!" Klaus bellowed as he merrily let himself into his former flame's home. "What is this I hear of you gifting Briggs and Billie gold coins? A little over the top, don't you think, love?" Scoffing, he shook his head as he sauntered through into the kitchen and began searching for glasses. "I believed that that we were in agreement to wait and see what they decided, before we would divide it out equally." Equally meaning Klaus was always intending to outmatch Zeraphine's gift. "Bloody hell, where are your glasses?"
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luminescenc1e · 3 months
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“ You are doing wonderful sweetheart. ” There was a trail of blood sliding from the corner of his lips, but Klaus could not bother to care about anything at the moment. Propped up on an avalanche of pillows, her skirts ripped in the middle, one knee hanging over his shoulder. She looked good enough to paint, tasting like the first warm sunlight after a harrowing winter.
He was quite comfortable between her legs, milky thighs on each side of his face, and now two small puncture wounds to his right. With her hair framing her face, and a light blush smattering her cheeks, Klaus thought she resembled a painting he had seen in a gallery in Paris, it was from a young painter named Renoir.
It had taken him some time to win her trust, to make sure that she felt comfortable around him, that she enjoyed his company as much as he did.
Lips hungrily going back to the soft skin, but he does not bite again, even though he had made sure that it was pleasurable for her, that the pain was quickly masked with rapture and satisfaction. Lips pressed against the wound, tongue moving to lick the blood that had been dripping and making sure that it healed quicker. “ How do you feel? What do you want? Let me give it to you. ”
Moving one knee off his shoulder, slowly he moves up the bed, his arms framing her, before he settles over her, making sure not to put all of his weight on her. Klaus leans down, a soft kiss to her neck, and then continues to her jaw, finishing when he reaches her lips. “ Where do you want me? Command me! ”
for4bes asked: 11)  for sender to bite the inside of receiver’s thigh and then lick the mark left behind (reverse, klaus) / MEME - accepting!
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realityquestioned · 2 years
@artificialvoyage​ ( caroline forbes & klaus mikaelson ) meme ;  ❛❛  your hair smells like cinnamon apples ;;❃❜
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“you know-” she started, desperately trying to fend off the smile that threatened to break out over her features, and failing. “most people would find the whole hair-smelling thing kind of creepy.” yet her tone and expression gave her away, evidence that she wasn’t bothered in the least by the sentiment. there was reason for that, having long since grown used to klaus’ compliments and observations of her - one of the few people in her life that she felt actually saw her. and truthfully, she’d missed it when he was gone. “lucky for you, i always appreciate it when someone notices my effort to be festive.”
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ac1nums-moved · 7 months
@shadowbrn, niklaus mikaelson required a starter from phoebe halliwell.
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" so, you're like a supernatural smoothie? interesting. "
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devilsanddarlings · 1 year
"We'll bring you some candy!" (Josie @ Klaus)
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“Who said I was staying here whilst you all went trick or treating?” Klaus teased the little girl with an indulgent smile, leaning down to playfully poke Josie on the tip of her painted nose. “Hope needs a Big Bad Wolf if she’s to be a proper Little Red Riding Hood, does she not?”
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ofmoonlitmagic · 9 months
( continued from x | @fragmcntedsouls )
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His only view of family had once been something dark, secret-filled, fear-based. It had been a small world, a helpless one. So he set it ablaze (in more ways than the literal), and from the ashes, he rose as something not helpless. First, as someone entirely self-reliant, and then...almost miraculously, as part of a family. When Freya and Keelin took him in, they taught him more than skills. They taught him how to love, how to trust someone other than himself.
And for this family, he would do whatever it took to keep them safe.
He had heard the stories, but now he was witness to all that made a legend who would leave a wake of fear and awe. "Only one? Pretty sure Uncle Elijah's doing at least three." He had no idea what the gift situation actually looked like, but he could only benefit from a little competition. He was mostly kidding anyway.
Hearing he was his mothers' son never did fail to bring a smile to grace his youthful features. To make them proud, to be someone worthy of the care and effort they'd put into him? Now that was the best thing he could be. He fell short, an inner rage he hadn't quite bested, but he tried. Oh, he tried.
Every instruction Klaus gave to him was brought to the forefront of the mind, as if starred and highlighted as law and lesson both. Everything that made a Mikaelson seemed to stem most from this uncle, and Briggs would take each word to heart. "Sewers seems a bit dramatic," he argued, though it wasn't exactly far off, "but noted." There wasn't much time for further discussion as he shut his mouth obediently.
Speaking too soon on the victory lap, he could see his uncle's instincts had not suffered in the least, and he listened for what he had missed. He didn't have to wait long, but he barely had the moment to process before the threat was eliminated. The splatter caused to shut his eyes as quickly as he could to protect them, but he'd still return to his mothers in the blood of the enemies who wished him and Uncle Klaus ill. "Impressive."
His grin grew all the wider despite the crimson stains on his skin and clothes, the markings of war. "So teach me, then. What did I miss?"
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fightforbetter · 1 year
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It was a peaceful evening, for their standards anyway, with the pair of them sharing a drink while the sky darkened outside. Hayley didn't even know why she was confiding in Klaus about her imposter syndrome, but she thought maybe he would some idea what she meant. And he did, it seemed. At least in part.
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❛ That's ... part of the problem, ❜ she found herself confessing, a long pause between his words and hers. ❛ I want people to know me, the real me, without having to craft some kind of persona to fool them. I don't want to be wearing a mask. ❜
Could he understand that? After all, he had just admitted to his own games of deception. Or maybe it wasn't deception, maybe it was just life and the growth that came with it. But beyond how she had changed, Hayley felt like she had been pretending to be someone else her whole life, and maybe —  just maybe —  she thought she was beginning to find out who she really was. She wanted people to see that. She wanted people to see that and love her in spite of all the ugly involved.
Tipping her drink at him in a mock salute before downing the last of it, Hayley added, forcefully teasing ( lighten the situation ), ❛ Maybe I'm just flattering myself.❜
Honestly, no one had really cared enough about her before for her to give it that much thought. She had went out of her way to manipulate them.
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foundationbuilt · 7 months
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❝ I heard from a little birdie — ❞ he remarked lightly from the armchair he resided in, keeping his eyes on the book in his lap but seeing none of the words ( not that he couldn't recite it from memory, if asked; he had Shakespeare engraved into the corners of his brain, classic literature that most of modern society missed out on ) ❝ — that my elder brother was back in town. But I said to the little thing — oh no, no, no. ❞ He leaned back, all casual nonchalance, as he licked the tip of his finger and flicked the page. ❝ My brother made it clear long ago that he was done with this place, washed his hands of his family. @deceptivemorals couldn't possibly have returned without at least informing me that he was stepping back on the cobblestones of my city. ❞
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courtofmuses · 2 years
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from here with @taleswritten
                  ❝   OF   COURSE,   ❞   HE   GRINNED   DOWN   AT   HER.   It   would   hardly   be   difficult   to   find   someone   for   Katerina   to   feed   from.   There   was   a   long   standing   system   within   New   Orleands,   rules   that   once   upon   a   time   Klaus   would   have   dismissed   entirely.   Now   being   a   parent   and   understanding   the   need   to   protect   his   daughter,   he'd   learned   to   abide   by   those   rules.   For   the   most   part,   the   city   was   peaceful   among   its   supernatural   community.   Feeding   was   something   that   had   become   meticulous   for   all   the   vampires   who   chose   to   dwell   within   the   city.   ❝   I'd   hardly   say   they're   compelled.   More   like   willing   donors.   There   are   all   types   in   this   city,   love.   Their   blood   is   sweeter.   ❞
A   low   groan   left   him   as   she   kissed   him,   tugged   his   bottom   lip   with   her   teeth.   Klaus'   fingertips   traced   random   patterns   on   the   flat   surface   of   Katerina's   stomach.   It   was   hard   to   resist   her,   especially   when   he   knew   in   a   few   days   she   would   be   in   the   wind.   It   could   be   another   several   decades   before   he'd   see   her   again.   Never   before   had   he   wanted   to   ask   her   to   stay,   but   his   desire   for   companionship   had   begun   to   weigh   on   him   as   of   late.   ❝   Trust   we   can   make   sure   you're   hunger   is   sated   and   we   never   have   to   leave   this   room,   ❞   he   murmured   against   the   side   of   her   neck.   
Klaus   trailed   kisses   along   her   soft   skin   and   he   breathed   in   the   scent   of   her.   It   was   familiar   and   nearly   comforting.   They   had   so   much   history   together,   five   hundred   years   in   fact,   and   it   had   always   been   something   of   a   rollercoaster.   Klaus   had   spent   so   many   centuries   both   hating   and   desiring   Katerina.   Now   he   just   desired   her.   
The   hybrid   rolled   onto   his   back   then,   an   arm   looping   around   the   woman   next   to   him   and   tugging   her   on   top   of   him.   His   arms   wrapped   about   her   waist   to   keep   her   close,   his   lips   catching   hers.   ❝   You   drive   me   insane,   ❞   he   said,   voice   husky   as   his   hands   wandered   up   and   down   the   expanse   of   her   back.   
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artificialvoyage · 2 years
( @lcstinthestars​ ) 🩸 KLAUS MIKAELSON & TOMMY MILLER
🩸 ( meme ) “This is the weirdest looking squash I’ve ever seen.”
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🩸 - klaus studied the gourd for a few moments, his brow arched as he picked it up to turn it over. “most squashes have odd shapes but... you’re right.” he mused, setting it down and stepping back to look at the other. “perhaps its not native to the lands we’re from? i’m not sure, i haven’t eaten human food in quite some time - so i’ve not really paid much attention to it.” he shrugged, curious about the squash more than he cared to admit. “are you going to eat it?”
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