#the fairy's trial au
ayyy-imma-ninja · 9 months
How does a fairy trial even work? Like... you do ONE thing wrong that some other fairy don't like and you IMMEDIATELY get either imprisoned or get your wings torn off like an angel does when kicked out of heaven?
You’ll have to wait and see :3
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elanorpam · 1 month
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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doctorsiren · 9 months
Looking at the ace attorney monster Au and I’ve been wondering, how did Phoenix get turned into a werewolf?
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Typing it also just in case my handwriting is silly
So Naruhodo Ryunosuke was a werewolf, meaning that Phoenix naturally has werewolf blood in him. It’s dormant in him, and so he just appears as a normal human and thought he was a normal human for most of his life until he was in college.
Dahlia Hawthorne is not great at magic. Despite being a fairy, she’s never been skilled at it, but that didn’t stop her from trying to use it still. She created a potion which *did* end up killing Terry, but when it came to Diego, it put him into a coma and worked against his determination to live and ended up turning him into a dark elf (he was a wood elf before). When it came to Phoenix, he ate the glass necklace during the trial, which still had some of the potion left in it. Instead of killing Phoenix like it was intended to do, it merely activated the werewolf blood in him.
And so after he ate the necklace, Mia’s like “?!?!?!?! Are you GOOD?!?!?!”, fearing that it would kill him or put him in a coma. But Phoenix said he was fine. After the trial, he’s thanking Mia for her help and she notices that uh hey his teeth are different? And so she makes a note of that. After that trial, she becomes Phoenix’s mentor to help him study and become a lawyer, and so he goes to her a few days after the trial and is like “uh hey I actually DON’T think I’m good.” because now all the werewolf stuff is happening
But as he is studying to become a lawyer, he’s also coming to terms with his new self. He also learns about his werewolf lawyer ancestor and thinks that’s pretty epic
It’s funny because on the first page, Mia looks a lot taller than Phoenix and that’s because she uses magic to make herself taller when in court so that she’s taken more seriously by the men around her.
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
rotates your au in my head . tell me more
Okay so everybody is from the Enchanted Forest, because that’s where fairy tales live (except the guys from the Wizard of Oz and the guys from Peter Pan and the guys from the Disney Properties)
In the Enchanted Forest, everybody has a role, kinda. But you can have more than one, because Once Upon a Time was a very, very silly show
Let’s use Cellbit as an example:
In the Enchanted Forest, he was a shapeshifting cat faerie simply known as ‘Puss’, because he has always been an unfortunate man. He got stuck being owned by some old guy after a contract gone wrong who then died and passed him along to his silly son, Felps. Felps went out into the world, and Cellbit went with him. Felps eventually put a pair of boots on him, and so ‘Puss’ became ‘Puss-in-Boots’
Out of gratitude for the boots, Cellbit helped Felps pass all these trials and exams to try and adopt a mistreated young prince (read the fairy tale here for reference), and he eventually got his freedom once Felps was settled and happy with his new adopted son, Richarlyson, and his friends.
Cellbit, now free, was able to transform back into a human form for the first time in DECADES, and so he immediately took off into the Forest to go on a vacation, which is when he discovered a castle covered in briars and roses and filled with sleeping people. He’s never been an honest man, so he snuck in with full intentions of robbing the place blind and giving the money to the Favela, but then he saw him sleeping, and, well.
Cellbit sat by Sleeping Beauty’s bed for a day and a night before going to investigate the castle to try and find a way to wake him up. He couldn’t find anything, so he gave up and went upstairs to say goodbye.
Before he tried leaving, Cellbit planted an innocent little kiss on the Sleeping Beauty’s forehead, and then BAM! Curse lifted! True Love’s Kiss has saved the day once again!
And that’s how Puss-in-Boots became Sleeping Beauty’s Prince Charming.
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the-broken-truth · 6 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [1]: The Great Seven
Broken: Here are some critical points to remember - if there is anything I forgot o mention or you are confused, please ask me and I shall explain:
Yuu is the biological child of the Great Seven. Their creation involved the combination of the seven powerful magics into a single vessel made of flesh. To ensure a remotely normal life, Yuu was sent to live in a human realm. However, Yuu's parents would occasionally visit the mortal world, and as such, Yuu has knowledge of their true origin.
Yuu has magic, very powerful magic, however they refuse to use it in order to keep their identity hidden and protect the ones they value. In order to suppress their vast magic, Yuu wears a Sealing Stone in a ring they constantly wear; making it seem as if they are magicless. This is why Leona couldn't smell Yuu's Magic; the ring was blocking it.
Yuu has 4 Mothers (The Queen of Hearts, The Sea Witch, The Fairiest Queen, and The Thorn Fairy) & 3 Fathers (The King of Beasts, The Sorcerer of the Sands, and the King of the Underworld).
All of Yuu's Parents are loving & doting but they tend to be very overprotective of their one and only child; the King of Beasts & The Thorn Fairy are the most protective. They also have Human Forms to prevent tearing the fabric of reality by their mere presence.
Yuu shall be referred to by the [They/Them/Their] Pronouns; use your imagination to make the perfect Yuu for this situation.
In this AU - Malleus is related to the Thorn Fairy. The Thorn Fairy is Malleus' Grandmother, thus making Yuu - as the Thorn Fairy's [Son/Daughter] - Malleus' [Aunt/Uncle]. Yeah. I'm going there.
[Night Raven College - Lunchtime - Cafeteria]
[Dorm Wardens: Azul, Riddle, Leona, Malleus, Jamil (Hes a Vice -Dorm Warden & More Familiar with Yuu), and Vil]
[Everything seems to be going smoothly for the Dorm Wardens of Night Raven College, however, everyone seems to notice that the Prefect of The Ramshackle Dorm, Yuu, seems to be on edge and rather nervous about something. The Dorm Wardens decide to speak to Yuu during Lunch and try to get something out of them. While Yuu is looking at their phone while sitting at their favorite table after eating their lunch while Grim munches on Tuna when they find themselves surrounded by the Dorm Wardens.]
Yuu (Locks their phone and places it in their pocket while looking at the Dorm Wardens surrounding their table): Hmmm... Hello.
Malleus (Folding his arms): Child of Man, we have gathered together in order to question you as to why you appear to be so nervous these past few days.
Yuu (Swallows nervously): Nervous? I don't know what you are talking about...
Leona (Points at Yuu with one hand whole the other hand rests on his hip - like the sassy prince he is): Don't even try to spout that crap, Herbivore. You've been zoning out during coverstations, not focusing in class, while neglecting your sleep and eating; two of those things are things people expect from me, but from the Prefect of Ramshackle.
Riddle: As much as I hate to, I agree with Kingscholar. You have ben acting strange and this is very unbecoming of you. As Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul & your friend, I am calling upon the Card of Friendship to force you to spill your guts about what you are hiding or you shall be placed on trial.
Yuu (Exhales): You guys are not going to let this go, are you?
Dorm Wardens + Jamil (In Unison): No, now spill your guts!
Yuu (Inhales through their nose then exhales through their mouth): Alright, I'll tell the truth. The truth is... My Parents are coing to visit me today.
[The Dorm Wardens (+ Jami) look rather confused by Yuu's Words as the Prefect ran their hand through their shot black hair with a deep exhale.]
Malleus: Child of Man, you are aware that your human parents would not be able to travel to our world, correct? How would they come to visit you? Even if it were possible, why would you be so on edge about their visit?
Yuu: Well... I wasn't completely honest about my lineage and where I came from; I am from the Human World, that's where I grew up, however hat is not where I was bor. As for my parents, I' normally happy to see them, but I didn't want them to come here beacuse I didn't want you guys to look at me differenty by knowing who my parents really are.
Vil (Waving his hand dismissively): First Potato, you are worried about nothing. We do not judge people based on their lineage. Besides, you have done so much for Night raen College, what would make you think we would treat you any differently by learning who your parents are?
Yuu: You see, My Parents are really...
[Yuu is cut off by a lightning stike crashes into the ground outside the front of Night rane College and was soon followed by a Lion's Roar so loud that it shook the entire foundation of the college, making the students cower in fear while Yuu hung their head low.]
Malleus (Looks around with shock as the building stops shaking): What in the name of the Thorn Fairy was that?!
Leona: I don't know! Whatever that roar was, it shook the how fucking school; it's stronger than the Kings Roar!
Riddle: It came from in front of the school! We need to investigate! Yuu, remain here where it is safe!
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) run out of the cafeteria to investiagte teh sound of this noise while Yuu slowly gets out of their chair and follows after them at a much slower pace while Grim rides their shoulder.]
Yuu (Thinking): 'Damn it, Guys...'
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) arrived at the front of Night Raen College and their eyes widen at the sight of the strangers standing before them as they instanlty fall to htier hands and kneels, inflicted by the Magic Pressure of the Aura of the Stangers. Standing before them were the Great Seven in Human Form. The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) are too fearful to speak outright but they are all wondering the same thing: Why are the Great Seven here and what could they want?]
King of Beasts (Standing there with folded arms while glaring at the students before him with a displeased look on his face): They did not answer my call. Just who are these children before us?
Queen of Hearts: They would happen to be the Dorm Wardens of this college - The Leaders of their Respected Houses.
Socerer of the Sands (Points his staff at Jamil): He hails from the House of Scarabia but he doesn't hold the title of House Warden, he is mere a Vice Dorm Warden.
King of Beasts: I care not about them, I came here for one person and they are not here; I'm going to call them again.
Thorn Fairy: King of Beasts, your roar shook the very foundation of this school; what if your second roar were to distablize something and they were to get injured?
King of Beasts (Scoffs): You underestimate and coddle them too much, Thorn Fairy; mere rubble with not injure them. I am calling them again. (Inhales to roar again)
Yuu: No need. (Walking out of the building with on hand on their pocket and a shaking Grim on their shoulder) I heard you the first time and I was on my way here.
Leona (Pushing through his shaking fear): H... Herbivore , what are you doing here?! Get back in the school! It's not safe for you here!
King of Beasts (Looks at Yuu as a smirk appears across his face): There you are... Judgement has come for you! Challenge begins now!
[The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) watch in horror as the King of Beasts jumps over them and charges at Yuu with his fists reeled back; he was going to attack them!]
Malleus: CHILD OF MAN!
Riddle: YUU!!!
[The King of Beasts reach Yuu and throws his fist out towards there face, but everyone is shocked to see Yuu dodge his attack. The King of Beast and Yuu seem to dance around each other attacking and doging each others' attack but the Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) are utterly confused; how can a Magicless Student stand up and holding their own against One of the Great Seven?!]
[The bout comes to an end when Yuu manages to punch the King of Beasts in his stomach with great strength, knocking the wind out of his lungs before jumping in air to reach his head.]
Yuu: What did I say about subltety?! (Roundhouse kicks the King of Beasts in his head)
[Everyone watches as the King of Beasts goes flying across the field before crashing into the fountain, shattering it into pieces.]
Thorn Fairy (Walks over to Yuu as they look at the King of Beasts in the destroyed fountain): Well done, My Dear. It's good to see that you have not nelgected your training.
Yuu (Dusting off their clothes): Thank you, Mother.
Dorm Wardens (+Jamil): MOTHER?!
King of the Underworld (Smiles): Yuu, aren't you going to introduce us to your friends? It would seem that you haven't told them about us and they looked rather confused as to what just happened.
Yuu (Sctaching the back of their head with a nervous blush on their face): I guess I have no choice in the matter now. (Looks at the Dorm Wardens while gesturing to the Great Seven): Friends, I would like for you to meet my parents: The Great Seven.
Dorm Wardens (+Jamil): WHAT?!
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skrunklydoo · 22 days
i couldnt get enough of the ninjago monster high au i and @lonleyzodiac made so we made an ever after high au as well
the characters are all the sons and daughters of fairy tales with their elemental powers being tied moreso towards their heritages rather than anything else
the parents are more loosely based on the fairytale characters they stand in for tbh anyways characters under the cut
in no particular order, here’s some characters + their alignments (royal (will/wants to follow in the footsteps (destinies) of their parents) or rebel (will not follow their destinies), they’re all standins but not direct remakes of the EAH characters:
lloyd garmadon (rebel) - son of garmadon (or the evil king i guess)
nya hearts (rebel) - daughter of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the knave of hearts (being put on trial and punished for a crime she didn’t commit))
kai hearts (rebel (former royal)) - son of the knave and queen of hearts (intended to follow the destiny of the queen of hearts (becoming king of wonderland))
cole brookstone (rebel (former royal)) - son of the big bad wolf
jay hatter (rebel (former royal)) - son of the mad hatter
zane julien (rebel) - son of dr julien, or the snow king
geo hood (rebel) - son of robin hood (ran away to ever after high because of the stuff that went down)
pixal (rebel) - adopted daughter of eros
harumi cheshire (royal (but doesn’t like to admit it)) - daughter of the cheshire cat
sora white (royal) - daughter of snow white
arin kingsley (royal) - son of alice (he has no idea if his mum is still alive or still in wonderland or anything)
euphrasia charming (royal) - daughter of prince charming (standin for darling charming)
percival charming (royal) - son of prince charming (standin for daring charming, he constantly went after sora who was just not into him until he met arin)
echo julien (rebel) - a pinocchio-like character cursed to become a villain in his destiny (he’s cursed to become mr. e)
scott thorne (rebel (former royal)) - son of the dark fairy (clarification: in this au scott acts nothing like faybelle, he’s an absolute sweetheart in this don’t worry)
jordana jester (royal) - daughter of the joker card
vania beauty (rebel (former royal)) - daughter of sleeping beauty
akita blanc (royal) - daughter of the white rabbit
morro huntsman (rebel) - son of the huntsman (snow white)
wyldfyre (rebel) - daughter of beauty (beauty and the beast)
jacob piper (pevsner) (rebel) - son of the pied piper
nadakhan (royal) - son of captain hook
sky pirates (all royals) - children of captain hook’s crew
tox breadhouse (rebel) - daughter of the candy witch (hansel and gretel)
chamille swan (royal) - daughter of the swan queen
gale goldilocks (gossip) (royal) - daughter of goldilocks
cinder redford (rebel) - son of the red queen (not to be confused with the queen of hearts) (people think he’s the son of cinderella) (he’s not)
first headmaster (nickname for the first spinjitzu master) - just the first spinjitzu master, headmaster of ever after high
wu - FSM’s son, resident man-trapped-in-the-library-and-forced-to-speak-riddlish of the AU
garmadon - lloyd’s father, the evil king, wu’s brother and FSM’s son
the ships in this au (i always have to include ships i’m sorry /hj) are: technoshipping (jay x zane), lostshipping (cole x geo), citrus/deadbolt(?)shipping (echo x morro) and windtech/typewriter (sora x euphrasia) + not really a ship but percival having a massive one-sided crush on arin (who is completely oblivious to his obvious crushing)
most character last names are carried over from ever after high btw
characters crushing on other characters in EAH will be removed in this AU due to age differences unless stated otherwise
if you want to ask questions about any of my AUs, please do!!
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foodsies4me · 5 months
If you're still taking asks...I'd love a glimpse of a Sapphire AU - Alec isn't safe from the Clave for whatever reason and so the Warlocks do end up abducting him. The Warlocks are quite worried when he runs back to the Institute and are trying to figure out strategies to keep him safe in whatever way they can, except then he pops back up with his siblings. Of course he isn't going to leave them there once he gets out.
Okay, I adored this prompt. So much. Child!Alec would run back to the institute to make sure his younger siblings are okay and well before dragging them along with him. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
The distress call comes in the middle of a trial Magnus and the other Elders were overseeing. The squabble - and Magnus is being generous using that term - between Warlock Bail and Warlock Mordu would generally be something warlocks would settle between themselves. At most, a High Warlock would be involved to help mediate. So, the fact that both warlocks managed to drag the situation out to such an extent that it's being presented here in the hall of laws is laughable. The reason for their dispute is even more so. Magnus is already planning his escape route, a sudden emergency that would save him from listening to both warlocks drone on about the other having stolen their spell. Stolen. Even Magnus doesn't have the arrogance to claim to own a spell. He's about to open his mouth and make his escape when a sudden wave of pain-panic-fear makes him clench his hand around his seat hard enough for the wood to crack. The first wave is followed by a stronger second one that wipes all rational thought out of Magnus' mind because he needs him Alec needs him his little heart needs him and needs him and needs him and Magnus is not there.
There are voices calling his name but Magnus barely registers them, barely registers anything through the terror that has him tearing a hole through the labyrinth's foundations to portal to Alec's side.
All it takes is one look at the scared, tear-filled eyes for Magnus to incinerate every last Nephilim holding his little heart captive.
The shadowhunters don't have the time to react to Magnus' sudden appearance before they drop dead to the floor, their bodies scorching beyond recognition.
Magnus has already made it back to his loft, his young soulmate cradled safely into his eyes before he realizes all shadowhunters in that room had a circle rune branded into their skin.
"We can't let him go back," Elder Ndlovu says. Her voice is strained, worry visible in every line on her face and Magnus doubts he looks any better.
A warlock.
Magnus had barely believed his eyes when he'd caught sight of the small silvery-white scales - some of which had been ripped off - that decorated the young boy's skin. The warlock mark had looked out of place next to Alec's black runes and yet-
"No, we can't," Magnus agrees, his fingers clench around Alec's small, ice-cold hand. "How is he? What did they drug him with?"
Catarina grimaces. "I can't say for sure," she says apologetically. "It almost looks like they tried to drug him with everything under the sun. That or the Circle has taken a newfound interest in alchemy and potion-making - either is possible. But, I've managed to neutralize the Yin Fen, the fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen at least."
"I'm sorry - Yin Fen, fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen?" Elder Ndlovy asks incredulously, her face a mixture of horror and rage. "What the fuck were they planning to do with the child?"
"A shadowhunter-warlock hybrid capable of bearing runes - I don't think we need to guess what they were planning to do."
The lightbulbs in the bedroom explode. Again.
Catarina and Elder Ndlovu don't even react this time around. Catarina continues her monitoring of Alec's health, keeping an eye on his vitals now that his wounds have been healed and he only needs to work through the drugs they poisoned him with. Meanwhile, Elder Ndlovu banishes the glass shards with a wave of her hand, replacing the shattered lightbulbs with new ones for the fifth time.
Alec doesn't wake up until the next morning.
In that time, Ragnor and Catarina both have offered to take him in, as have Elder Ndlovu and Conan. Yet, as much as Magnus wants to accept each of the offers, he can't. Not without Alec's input.
Magnus just hopes it won't be too hard to convince the young boy that returning to his Nephilim life would be too dangerous.
Valentine might be dead - and even then, Magnus has his doubts - but the Circle was clearly still operating. And that is without taking into account the danger that the Clave would present if they were to ever find out their pure, angelic blood had been tainted in such a way.
They tell Alec as much.
While Magnus technically shouldn't be present for the conversation, the other Elders don't dare to stop him. Whether that's because he managed to inadvertently remind them how powerful he is by managing to do the impossible yet again, or because of the severity of the situation, Magnus doesn't know.
Whichever the reason though, Magnus is thankful for it because he would have promptly lost his mind if the last image he saw of Alec was of him still and lifeless in a too-large bed.
The discussion goes better than expected. And worse.
Alec is calm. Almost worryingly so. He carefully listens to Conan and Catarina's explanations, nods, and shakes his head when asked questions, the occasional mono-syllabic word escaping his lips when they ask him for more information. But he doesn't ask after his parents. He doesn't cry or scream when recounting what had happened for him to end up in the situation he was in.
The revelation about Alec's warlock status doesn't come as a surprise either, which considering the warlock mark on his back was to be expected. But, even then, Magnus had expected more. More anger. More sadness. More betrayal and grief and regret at the thought of losing the life he had lived until now. Not this-
This quiet subdued acceptance.
The Elders agree to let Alec stay another few days in Magnus' loft under Catarina's and Elder Ndlovu surveillance. The mixture of substances the Circle members drugged Alec with is still making its way through his system and placing him in an entirely new environment when he's still healing is the last thing the young child needs in his current situation unless they want to make sure he tries to run away.
Or so they thought.
Magnus is sleeping in bed, Chairman Meow lying curled up in his arms when a tingle warning him that someone passed through his wards wakes him up. The disturbance is nothing more than a minute tremble, a tingle that barely registers in his sleep-addled mind.
Magnus is halfway back to sleep when his mind registers that the disturbance carried a distinctive Nephilim signature.
Within seconds, Magnus is wide awake and racing to the guest bedroom where Catarina and Alec had been staying only to find one bed - Alec's bed - empty.
The noise of the door swinging open and smacking against the wall startles Catarina awake who looks at him strangely until her eyes follow his gaze to the empty, abandoned bed in which Alec should be sleeping.
"You don't think he-"
Magnus clenches his fists painfully. He knew Alec had been too docile. Too calm. He might not have seen the boy in years, but there was no way that the child who had sworn with so much conviction that he would make all the other shadowhunters like him, would just nod and bear it when his life got upended in the span of a few hours.
By the time they manage to track him, Alec has made his way back inside the dangerous walls of the New York Institute.
Magnus is forced to call the other Elders back ahead of schedule to alert them of the new situation as well as hopefully help him come up with a plan that would keep the young child safe without starting an outright war with the local institute or the Clave.
He is on the verge of throwing caution to the wind and stepping foot inside the New York Institute without a prior invitation when his wards tingle again, a request for entry made by one familiar angelic signature and three unfamiliar ones.
Magnus is halfway to his entrance door by the time the others notice the angelic signatures waiting for them outside. His heart is pounding in his throat as he needs to make sure the small, precious child is still safe and unharmed. Or as safe and unharmed as possible with what was very nearly a lethal amount of Yin Fen and fairy dust in his blood.
His hands are shaking when he pulls the door open, unsure what sight is going to greet him on the other side, only to stop short when he notices the two smaller, even younger children standing behind Alec, as well as the baby in the young boy's arms. A baby that is being handed to him."
"Max needs a new diaper."
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
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I want people to know that Ash is NOT the only Magical Girl, he's just the only one that often gets confused as a girl despite being a boy, Ash's Magical Girl name is Amekaguri, Rain Ninja, but Ameka for short!
Alain is Magically attuned to his Charizard and is nicknamed the Dragon Slayer
Korrina is also a Magical girl but is more similar to Shiek/Zelda from LoZ with her Partner Lucario (name pending). She Knew the prior Ameka
Blaziken Mask is just a normal vigilante but had also known the prior Ameka before Ash joined the scene
Froakie whose sole purpose was to find a caretaker to take on the Magical Girl attribute has been an old companion for Millenium and had many partners that grew into the realm of the world
Every time the prior girl died- whether it was due to Age or a fight went wrong, he regressed to his smaller form to rebuild power and strength. And maybe he switches from the trio of starters, but he primarily stays as a water type So when he meets Ash, it's not really a big deal to him. Froakie was actually looking at Bonnie. But then something about Ash made him choose Ash instead. Later on, when
Ash finally unlocks the magical girl Form, He just sheepishly shrugs.
"You had the vibe of all the previous girls, I just had to choose you." I like to think that Froakie messes with the Pokemon Ash has as well, but only when transformed
Hawlucha's colors change into brighter tones, and maybe change from Fighting/Flying to Fighting Fairy? (or maybe just a move usually unavailable to him) Noibat, I imagine gets HUGE like a big ole baby! Goodra, I imagine is more like Vaporean or Froslass, in which if it rains, they can just disappear from sight because of how fast they move. Fletchinder gets a golden coat and throws the plumage of their feathers like razor leaf
For Pikachu, I actually want to think it's like a branched evo (sorta like Ash-Greninja) but instead of Raichu, its Gorochu. So big and bitey and goes from Pure Electric to Electric/Fighting
And Froakie keeps his own Magical girl transformation to Ash-Greninja
Even as a lil baby Froakie
And all I can think of is the sass between Ash, Froakie, and Pikachu maybe Froakie never evolves, maybe he evolves all the way through, I do not know but I just want him to always perch on Ash's shoulder like Pikachu does
I think in this case, Ash DOESN'T have natural Aura, and it's only when transformed does it really come into effect
So the whole time, Ash understood his pokemon by practice and trial and error and then he transforms, and it's literally like a translator in his brain.
Ash: I spent so much time learning to understand my partners and I come to find out there's a cheat code >:(
Froakie: I understood all that separately
I have SOOO much more for this AU including Alain's form and so many interactions that I've only so far fed to my Discord peeps on a Pokemon Server XD
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
Dabihawks fairy tale fusion where they get transported into a series of random disney movies by a quirk. Instead of being the main couple in the story, they are the side characters who needs to get the main couple together in order to get out. Cue various shenanigans of our resident dumbasses trying to wingman for their lives.
Natshig in a rapunzel world where Dabi is mother gothel and Hawks is the captain of the royal guard lol.
"Oh fuck you let Shiggy get out of the tower."
"You said Natsuo was already on his way!"
"That didn't mean you should let them loose, you fucking dumbass!"
dabihawks during the lantern scene almost burning the boat they are on trying to spy on the two lovebirds and is the reason why the kiss didn't happen.
Next on the list is a fuyurumi aladdin au, with Dabi as jafar and Hawks as the genie. Dabi is very offended because how dare the quirk assume that he'd like to overthrow his father's country, the old bastard can have his crusty ass kingdom. Dabi doing the trials instead of Rumi - bc the girl was too busy thieving and simping for princess Fuyumi - and having a shouting match with genie!Hawks when he finally got to the lamp because why the fuck is this cave so complicated??? Do you want me to die??? Hawks looking at Dabi with a flat stare and saying "That's exactly the point of the traps, Dabi.". I just want them in the "A whole new world" sequence stalking the two on their own carpet and realizing that they aren't paying attention to fuyurumi anymore. They're having their own date up in the clouds, surrounded by sweet music.
The next fairy tale they went to is a Cinderella au todobaku, with Hawks as the fairy god mother and Dabi as the cat that chases the rats in the movie. The moment Hawks realizes who Dabi turned into, the hero laughs for so long that they almost missed the ball bc fairy god dumbass was too busy heckling Catbi. Dabi is very upset in that one because why is his baby brother in a shimmering blue gown while he's stuck as a furball in the very muscular and very warm arms of Hawks, getting carried around their whole time there. They didn't really need to intervene that much on that one except for stopping Bakugou from exploding Deku when he realizes the glass slipper can fit on the green haired boy. Shouto is very upset when he saw the two together and kissed Bakugou right there and then. (Izuku is terrified for his life in the background, the poor boy doesn't know what's happening.)
When they thought they were about to go home, imagine their surprise when they get transported into another world but with themselves as the main character. Cue The Little Mermaid au but with dabihawks. Haha imagine if Prince Eric was a completely different person, probably Chisaki, and Dabi turning back around when he saw the dude drowning. He doesn't care if he gets stuck in this world forever, he's not about to save the creep (hell would freeze over before he kisses the man.). So what if he was expecting to perform cpr on Hawks, no one would know how disappointed he is that he didn't get to save the hero. Pirate captain!Hawks seeing Dabi sulking on one of the stones and immediately recognizing him just from the eyes alone. They spend the rest of the day on the seas together and had a kiss by nightfall with Rumi and the crew singing "kiss the boy" in the background.
They wake up back in canonverse, now with new realizations and information on one another, yet not giving a fuck and continuing making out because they already had a taste of it once, the both of them can never let go of the other now.
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rarepears · 1 year
svsss X journey to the west au: what if the group go to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect and had to stay for a short time and it's one of the trials they had to face and particuliary in Shen Jiu's case? Just imagine the angst potential when Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan reunite!
Also I could totally see Liu Qingque being all "Fight me!" with Shen Jiu 'cause he want to see what the Great Sage Equal to Heaven's protegee is capable of and when Shen Jiu kicked his butt, Liu Qingque would find hundred of excuses to challenge Shen Jiu into fighting him which would put Sun Wukong, Baijie, Wujin and Bai Long Ma into "protective big brothers mode" 'cause to them this wierdly look like flirt attempts! x)
Watch Sun Wukong glamor himself into looking like Shen Jiu - he pretends to be Shen Jiu's twin and names himself Shen Yuan ha! - and messes around with Yue Qingyuan and the whole sect, playing a million pranks and stealing all the tasty fruit! He steals Liu Qingge's sword and hides it in random places like it's a treasure hunt, drinks all the wine on the wine peak, and helps Zhu Bajie into the Fairy peak.
In all this chaos, very few people really take note of Shen Jiu besides noting that this is the "good" twin.
[More in #SVSSS x Journey To the West AU]
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 9 months
I can only imagine that the fairy gov has like- a fairy court
and they all sat in a circle and decided he was guilty
Fairy Rings in the Realm are where the trials are held :3c
All decisions and sentences, once the trial is complete, are made by The Overseer of the forest.
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maglor-my-beloved · 10 months
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In the Land of Fairies
Artist: @violecov
Author: @maglor-my-beloved (Ao3: maglor_my_beloved)
Of old a wondrous sword was forged A mighty king’s to be Wrought by the king of fairies all In lands beyond the sea
There, on a throne of living wood and flanked by two apple trees, sat the fairy king. Tall he was and regal, with hair as dark and gleaming as ink and a face sharp and fair and youthful, in robes of rich purple, his cloak of silk spilling before him as woven syrup. On his brow sat a circlet of gold, in which were set three bright gems that illuminated the room with their blazing radiance.
Rating: Art: G | Fic: T
Warnings: None
Relationships: Elrond & Gil-galad, Elrond & Erestor, Erestor & Gil-galad, Elrond & Elros & Maedhros & Maglor, Celebrimbor & Maeglin
Characters: Gil-galad, Elrond, Erestor, Fëanor, Sons of Fëanor, Celebrimbor, Maeglin, Fingolfin (mentioned), Círdan (mentioned)
Additional tags: Fairy Tale AU, Fae & Fairies, Changelings, Arthurian Elements, Poetry, nonbinary Elrond, aromantic Gil-galad
Word Count: 10,549
Inspired by @violecov's beautiful art
Fingolfin, the prophesied King, is gone, and his realm fallen to darkness. All hope seems lost, until Gil-galad, a young knight of mysterious origin, recieves the shards of the kingsword. With Elrond at his side, he must visit the land of fairies, and fulfill the trials of the fairy king to claim the throne and save his homeland.
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coincasual · 11 months
part 1
just a thought… so like Briar.. as a botanist?
she takes/records classes so she can learn about plants
(briar in my au is cursed to make a plant monster, like the one in the show inside the big book, from whatever plant she pricks her finger on)
so she can be aware of what plants to avoid being too near, avoiding creating a monster and passing out
and also so she can have ways to defeat them scientifically written down and in her purse, if someone should find her and be able to complete the “herbicide” and defeat the monster, thus waking her
and during the class they are assigned the task of creating a new fruit? naturally briar chose an apple, in respect to her bffa, apple!
she set to work all semester on creating the perfect Apple apple. and after much trial and some err, she makes a new kind of apple for apple!
it’s gold speckled and yellowish white, it tastes like sparkling apple soda, the leaves of the little shrubby trees they grew on were edged with gold. the apples also only grew one at a time, and only one seed from each apple could be germinated. the apple also turned a slight blush pink if kept in the sun too long, and when that happened it has more of a sparkling strawberry rhubarb flavor.
Briar grew a perfect Apple apple, and set it in glass to keep it safe until she could give it to apple at an orchard party!
Faybelle happened to stop by and Briar had fallen asleep, they hadn’t been able to hang out as much in the past few weeks due to Briars extended botany labs. which was fine, Faybelle thought to herself. she knew she couldn’t… or rather shouldn’t be jealous of plants. Besides! they were going to hang out at Briar’s orchard party in just a few hours and- Faybelles stomach rumbled.
she looked around for a snack, a sparkle of gold caught her eye. in a glass dome in front of sleeping briar, sat a delicious looking white apple. she eyed the glimmering apple with hunger… just a bite wouldn’t hurt, would it? after all, she’s her favorite person! Briar had never let Faybelle try one of her special fruit experiments- she had been keeping her fruit experiments a bit of a secret, and secrets between girlfriends was one thing Faybelle could not stand.
Faybelles stomach rumbled again. maybe just one bite… then i can just enchant it while again! Faybelle did a happy little dance, confident in her self convincing. she carefully lifted the glass and carefully grabbed the apple. it was cool to the touch, and shimmered in the soft fairy candle light. her eyes gleamed, and she took a big juicy greedy bite. the juice was sweet and carbonated, a slight strawberry aftertaste mixed with the apple juice and created an explosion of sweet flavors!
suddenly, Briar shifted in her sleep- it was then Faybelle saw what she was sleeping on, a special card, hand drawn, with Apple’s name on it in big stupid golden letters. “Apple’s shining apple, a gift for my favorite person! A special apple for my special Apple! i hope you enjoy the orchard party! love ever after, Briar.” suddenly the flavors did not taste so sweet. Faybelle felt… Faybelle wasn’t sure how she felt. but it wasn’t good. Apple. “tch, always apple with you” she glared at Briars soft pink and brown waves. Faybelle put the apple back into its glass dome, she then began to chant:
“apple shining golden white
glitter glimmer with dancing light
sleepless dreaming, slowing breath
heartbeat sounding close to death
til adoration, true and pure
heart full given to endure
and lastly, not to miss
seal their fate with true loves kiss”
the cheerhex compete- the apple went through a sort or transformation during the cheer, shimmering and glowing with a bright red, as if hot and lit by flame, and then it cooled, settling back to looking plump, white, and golden glittering- just in time for Briar to stir and wake, but Faybelle was already gone, closing the door ever so softly behind herself.
Briar, after waking from her nap and not knowing her apple was now cursed/enchanted, placed her special apple into its glass gift box and wrapped it in some de-thorned vines and flowers. now that the gift was ready, it was time for briar to get ready!
she chose some white pumps with pink bottoms, pale green lace socks over sheer sparkling tights and a denim half pleated skirt. She wore her long thorn belt and put on one of her moms vintage ivory colored silk sleeping tops with a dark green mesh top underneath. She went for a dusky pink eye with heavy lashes and lots of shimmer, hi lighting her inner eye with a bright green. Her cheek and lip colors echoed each other and she added her usual gloss. Her hair was in her usual style, and she wore her favorite tiara shades. She looked at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her styling. her mirror phone chimed- just in time.
it was time to start the orchard party.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Library of Illusion: Introduction
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📚Part One for the Library Of Illusion Event
📚Pairing: N/A
📚Genre: Fantasy au, Adventure au
📚Warnings: mentions of death, loss of a loved one, dangerous traveling
📚Word Count: 1,168
📚Rating: 18+ MDNI, just plot here
📚Summary: You begin the adventure that is reviving your love by retrieving the fabled treasure from the Library of Illusions
📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have
↭MasterList ↭The Horror Section↬ Better Run
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The modern world was broken. Science and technology had made it so space and time had fractured and the most dangerous quality to possess was an imagination. Reality was skewed. Say goodbye to cell phones, the internet, everything in your current world.  Back were the myths, the stories of old and the monsters that came with it. But also there were new stories of the modern world that mixed in with the old. You were just as likely to walk into Tony Stark as you were Odin. If you believed in it, if you could imagine it, then it became reality.
You lived in a safe bubble, a place where thoughts were not manifested. When the world had shifted, you had been assigned to the library. Your mind was already filled with all of the fiction of the world so assigning you to the now most dangerous place in the world seemed about right. You used to share it with someone you loved. But he is gone now. 
Except you didn’t accept your fate. 
You dug through every book within your library, scanning documents, fairy tales, looking for anything that would help you with bringing your love back. There were plenty of stories; trials and tribulations but none that struck you as a way to bring back your love. 
Then you came across a book that made your fingertips tingle upon running them down the spine. It was both old and new at the same time. You could tell by the style of the gilded edges of the paper and smell of the book that it was old but it looked as if not a speck of time had ever touched it. Library of Illusion was the title. Interesting for a library to have a book about another library but you were desperate for answers.
In the book, it described a treasure. It’s vague about its abilities but it is underlined that it is very, very powerful. Your heart tugged painfully at the thought of bringing back your lover. His smile and laugh haunt your very dreams, and it is not enough to replay the memories in your mind. You must have him back in your arms.
The journey to the library was described as extremely taxing and you had to agree with that statement. It took several days and nights, in which you had to hide and dodge many monsters. You cursed your vivid imagination for making the shadows alive and the mountains full of trolls. You simply had to look at an inspiring scene and the world would come alive. You tried your best to visualize giggling fairies and serene pegasus but the night time was the hardest.
When you approached the doors of the Library of Illusion, you honestly couldn't help but let your mouth drop. You couldn't believe you made it but also the aura of power that exuded off the place was beyond anything you had ever felt. You thought the library you worked in, housing all the keys to the imagination in your safety bubble of a city, was very powerful. Your library was a pinprick of the power coming off of the Library of Illusions.
The doors gave way, and your vision was met with chaos. The many shelves and bookcases seem to merge and split in ways that defy gravity. Which shouldn't have surprised you, given the world you lived in, but it was almost incomprehensible the way some of the shapes that were made and--you had to shake your head. Staring at the library itself was clearly a trap, made to steal other humans of their sanity before they could even begin to look for the treasure. But you were more resolute than that!
You kept to the hallway that seemed to lead to the heart of the library. In the center there was one desk and another large gate behind it. That must be the restricted section. 
A man had his feet up on the desk at the front and you thought that was rude, especially if it had been your library. You cleared your voice and the man stretched his arms above his head and yawned. “Oh, a visitor,” He said with zero tone in his voice.
“The Keeper of the Keys, I presume?” You drawled. 
The man stiffened. “You know who I am?”
“Just your title and the fact that you're a demon,” You admitted, “The book I read doesn’t tell much of what’s beyond you. Simply of the creature in the restricted section that guards a treasure that I’m going to make mine.”
The man stood up and moved in front of the desk. He leaned back, butt resting on the edge and crossed his arms. He raised an eyebrow at you. “And what do you intend to use the treasure for?”
You smiled sadly. “Is my true intentions key to acquiring it?”
His lips made an unimpressed line on his face. “Not necessarily.”
“Then I think I’ll keep those reasons to myself.”
The demon grumbled. “Fine. I will explain the rules to you then, secretive human.”
Seonghwa explained, in order for you to get into the restricted section, you had to acquire six different keys. They were scattered amongst the sections of the library. You needed to explore said sections to find the guardian of that section, and you needed to convince them to give the key to you. Sounded easy enough, without any specific details, which made you wonder just how easy this actually was going to be.
“Careful,” The demon said with a smirk, “If you break the reality of their world, the demon in charge of that section might take too kindly. So it’s best if you play along with their story, or game, so that you can receive their respective keys.”
You squared your shoulders, determined to do whatever it took to get these keys to get into the restricted section. “Understood.”
Seonghwa shook his head. “You’re a funny human. I wish you luck, for what it’s worth.”
“Probably not a lot, coming from a demon,” You responded, already wandering down the halls with a wave goodbye.
Seonghwa laughed under his breath. He wasn’t sure if he wanted you to succeed so that he could get to play with you or fail so you weren’t another victim of the library. 
Instead of searching out your favorite sections like you might have done as a reader, you let your heart guide you. You walked the halls, waiting for something to pull you. There was a particular section that gave you goosebumps as you walked by it. Its aura was that of hushed whispers and tension climbing up your spine. When you peered up at the sign, it was bitch black and said in a gothic font “Horror”. You swallowed but found there was no moisture in your mouth. If this was your first test and it was meant to send the weak hearted home, you understood the mission. If you could overcome Horror, surely you were worthy of the treasure.
↭MasterList ↭The Horror Section↬ Better Run
taglist: @hijirikaww @flowerboykun @kitten4sannie @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @a-soft-hornytiny @yoonguurt
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princess-glassred · 2 months
Dude a Reddie Hook au would be so fucking good. I know a Peter Pan au already exists but picture this: Many years ago a baby so terrified of his smothering anxious mother it rolls away to never land and becomes Peter pan.
Years later, thst baby is now a worried, constantly terrified 40 year old Eddie Kaspbrak.
He's just doing his normal risk analyst job, freaking out over statistics, and being absolutely stressed over his marriage with Myra.
On the night of his 40th birthday he gets a special visitor and discovers he's actually THE peter pan from the famous stories, having grown up to be constantly worried about everythung and terrified for the future due to living in the real world and finally growing older.
Richie is his Tink, a spitfire little fairy who's always had a thing for Eddie and is the one to finally bring him back. He's charming, reckless, silly, incredibly jealous when it comes to Eddie, and most curious of all, has also aged, but never really matured.
When Eddie left Neverland and grew older, Richie loved him so much he wanted to grow along side him, so he began to age himself as opposed to other fairies who are immortal and young forver, however Richie never understood all that "growing up" entails. His mind is still that silly child in a big kids body.
When they first meet again after 30 something odd years, Richie gets quite a kick out of scaring the shit out of Eddie, he cracks jokes about him being a delusion brought on by alcohol or prescription meds, He tells him he's the ghost of a person he killed in a drunk driving accident, and when Eddie naturally says "i don't believe in fairies" Richie tells him everytime some one says they don't believe in fairies a fairy dies... immediately followed by him doing an elaborate death scene.
Once over the intial terror of it all, they start to do the usual hook shit like fight the famed Bowers pirates, go on an adventure to conquer the great evil Pennywise, hang out in their underground club house with the rest of their old friends, and just act like silly kids, but underneath all of that is the horrible knowledge that Eddie has grown up and Richie hasn't, and neither one will ever truly understand each other now.
Myra's basically his Wendy, while she's not perfect, heck, Eddie's not even attracted to her, they still care about each other and have stuck together through the trials and tribulations of adulthood. Just as Richie and Eddie were a team once, Myra and Eddie are now, just a different kind of team. A realistic team. He cares for her like the mother he never had, and Myra cares for him like a protective brother.
Even bringing Eddie back to never land will never change the fact that at the end of the day... he's too old for fairytales now.
Eddie has a choice though, abandon the cushy life he's built for himself to live in a diluted fantasy world with his soul mate, or accept all the pain that comes with reality, like marrying some one for convenience instead of true love, if it means he can feel real and truly alive.
I think possibly the best outcome here would be for Eddie to decide he wants to still grow up and live with reality, but he realizes being with Myra will never truly make either of them happy, so they decide to have a very supportive mutual divorce.
Richie, having being changed by Eddie coming back , decides to FINALLY mature and decides to leave never land too.
Eddie has no clue about this though until a really reckless and really familiar client comes into his work, claming he has some "risks that need analyzing".
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Personal sketchbook blog for me to post mainly stuff for Rise of the Guardians and The Big Four. Tumblr exclusive do not repost on other sites. I don’t own the characters, this is just for fun and to log my ideas and doodles, I hope it brings joy. 🌻 🌻 💌
Quick links to my AUs, tags, comics and more.
Common AU Tags 🏷️
Pitch’s Baby Teeth - An AU were a pair of Tooth’s little fairies decided that Pitch is a better caretaker and choose to stay with him.
Comics: Origins , Spoiled Rotten , Custody Battle
The Big Four - Jack, Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel as friends, mostly in a modern setting.
Series: Fashion Passion, Modern AU, Ghost and Seer, MHA
Devious Overland - Jack couldn’t save Mary, now they are both trouble making spirits
Comics: Awakening , How , Mama , New look
Punk Siblings AU - Hiccup, Dagur, and Heather are adoptive siblings who are in a punk rock band. (They are bad with directions.)
Series: Guitars, Karaoke, Battle of the Bands (coming soon)
Overland Witch - Mary Overland becomes a witch and desperately tries to find her dead brother’s soul.
Comics: Origins , Search , Variable , Trial (august) , part 5 (tba)
Moon Scythe - Katherine with a scythe! What could go wrong?
Series: Chosen to Wield Gold , Animated Spin
Common Character Tags 🏷️
Rise of the Guardians/ Guardians of Childhood: Jack Frost, Toothiana, North, Bunnymund, Sandy, Pitch Black , Jamie, Sophie, Baby Tooth, Mary Overland, Katherine, Lady Pitchiner, Mother Nature, Nightlight, Ombric
How to Train Your Dragon: Astrid, Hiccup, Heather, Dagur, Thorston Twins, Viggo, Toothless
Other: Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida, Mavis, Anna/Elsa, Hiro Hamada
Miscellaneous Tags 🏷️
Fandom Events: rotghalloween , rotghopeweek, Mermay, rotgbingo, bigfourfest, rotgsecretsanta
Fun Things: Activities, Memes, Mixtapes, Speedpaints, Videos
Platform related to this sketchbook: Spotify , YouTube
Last Edited: June 9, 2024
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