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she/her , nicktoons unite sideblog , come check me out on ao3!
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amongsnot · 4 days ago
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the fairly wokeparents or whatever they say nowadays
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amongsnot · 5 days ago
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amongsnot · 5 days ago
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amongsnot · 5 days ago
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nicktoons unite shitpost.. god this is so stupid < 3
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amongsnot · 6 days ago
thank you for the tag nala!!!! C:
surprisingly enough i opened up my most oneshot to find a short sentence, which is shocking because i always write incomprehensibly long descriptions (the only reason it’s short is because its dialogue)
this is from my oneshot for the jimmytimmy enemies to lovers prompt!
”it’s an egg.”
tagging: @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @stujet9rainshine-blog and @empathicxo
Writing game: Post the last sentence you wrote then tag someone for every word in the sentence.
So I was tagged by @steepedfoxglovetea as I was in the middle of writing Meeting Up's 10th chapter. XD
“One of you get in the berth before I kick you both out and call this whole experiment off!”
Tagging @strangenewwords, @affixjoy, @kcscribbler, @starrylol, @illegalpaladin, @fruitsboots, @fernisworm, @muirmarie, @ussmcspirk, @spongynova, @twinkboimler, @nalascat, @margottrek, and @greeneyedwildthing. (There was no way I was tagging 19 people sorry. XD )
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amongsnot · 6 days ago
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mostly random stuff
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amongsnot · 6 days ago
A persons fanfic tells you a lot about them, i , a fanfic writer, realize in terror
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amongsnot · 7 days ago
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amongsnot · 8 days ago
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I think all the Icarus talk with Null is so interesting. TELL ME MORE ABOUT THIS FREAK
DONT tag as kin or me, please!
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amongsnot · 11 days ago
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Random thing I’ve been thinking about for months — Cosmo and Wanda’s default disguises actually tell you a lot about the respective series they’re in
So in the original series, Timmy’s problems were external. His parents were super neglectful, his babysitter was abusive, his teacher was intentionally harsh, he struggled in school, and while he had friends, they were all targets of bullying. A real world kid in this situation would, naturally, feel incredibly isolated, with no one to turn to, and, given how he was surrounded by adults who sucked, no reason to turn to any of them anyway. Since Timmy was basically meant to be someone the “average” kid watching could relate to— he was specifically identified as “average” in the theme song— then kids in his situation (backed into a corner with no adults to help) probably would react with some degree of :/ if suddenly a pair of reasonable adults popped up and fixed things for him, because that wasn’t something a kid like him would feel like they could have access to.
(Side note— feel like. C&W do take adult human disguises a few times in the OG series, and ANW states that if they had used that “adult authority” instead of getting up to hijinx, they probably would’ve helped Timmy’s situation change and improve, at least a little)
Plus, Cosmo and Wanda’s default disguises being not just pets, but pets that are famous for “not doing much” is actually pretty genius. Goldfish are famously seen as disposable, cheap, and are often mistreated because “they’ll die soon anyway.” They’re often neglected. They’re given away without a thought. And how many of us have ourselves or had a family member just their corpses down the toilet instead if burying them, without even considering that that’s actually probably not good for your pipes, as if they weren’t part of the family as pets?
While I doubt anyone watching the show as a kid, or even writing for it, thought about this, there’s something poetic about giving the neglected, mistreated kid a famously neglected, mistreated pet, especially when you see how much that kid comes to love and feel loved by said “pets”
Hazel, comparatively, has almost exclusively internal problems — yes she was briefly bullied in her new school, yes she had to face a lot of stressful changes in rapid succession, but she has everything Timmy didn’t: teachers that care, parents that put in effort, friends that stand up for her as much as she stands up for them. She even enters a friend-situationship with the school bully
And yet she still needs Cosmo and Wanda — she gets stuck in her head, she spirals, she’s impulsive. Having loving parents who put an effort into supporting you doesn’t do much when your brain tells you to sneak past them and run away in a city you’ve never been to without a proper plan, especially if they try to give you space to process things and don’t realize you’re gone until hours later
Her problems aren’t actively made worse by the adults/authority figures around her. In fact, she trusts adults, she likes being around them
So… Cosmo and Wanda present themselves as adults when out and about with her. Specifically, while there is basically always a degree of power imbalance between adults and kids, they’re adults that technically have no inherent authority over her. They aren’t her parents or teachers, and they aren’t necessarily acting as her babysitters (they certainly aren’t ever shown being paid to look after her by her parents). They’re the neighbors, an older retired couple with at least one son old enough to live on his own. If, say, Hazel ever got in trouble, she wouldn’t ever be in trouble with them, and they have no legal control over her. If, say, a kid where like Hazel and needed help from an adult, but didn’t feel comfortable going to a guardian or teacher for whatever reason, people like Cosmo and Wanda — trustworthy, experienced adults who live nearby, who she isn’t actually forced to deal with, and who can’t technically legally loophole their way into having a route to continuously abuse their authority like a teacher/guardian/official caretaker could — would be a godsend
(Note — before anyone Um Actuallys, yes, adults that fit this description could still cause harm to a kid. But again, they’re specifically adults she doesn’t have to automatically grant authority to, and therefore can’t necessarily get away with abuse the same way legal guardians or teachers can)
Cosmo and Wanda are basically a backup set of Trustworthy Adults for Hazel to turn to when she doesn’t feel like she can go to her parents or teachers
(Note — this could also be why Peri doesn’t have a Human Disguise: Dev doesn’t have the same trust or faith in adults that Hazel does, and therefore a kid who relates to Dev probably also doesn’t have that trust or faith either. Peri’s default disguise seems to be a pair of headphones— an object that Dev could easily replace if he breaks or loses it and that most people wouldn’t be emotionally attached to. Shoot, Irep’s seems to be a pin — a decoration that’s easily replaced or swapped out, something I know is easy to lose, and like. Raise your hand if you’ve ever accidentally stabbed yourself with one)
There’s been a major cultural shift in stranger danger and attitudes around unattended children over the last 30 years.
When the OG show was coming out, I’m pretty sure Stranger Danger was a rising concern, but a lot of children’s media from around/before that time just had kids wandering around without any adult supervision. Shoot, I remember picking up old copies of Judy Moody or watching old episodes of Arthur, and the main character just walk to the store alone. They buy candy or get ice cream or get haircuts and none of their parents are anywhere to be seen. I know there was still a degree of comfort with kids walking to their friends houses or just being left home alone for a while
Timmy walking around in public, maybe being followed by a pair of pink and green squirrels or carrying colorful pencils but otherwise adultless, probably wouldn’t raise as many eyebrows back then
Nowadays, I can’t think of many parents who’d be comfortable even letting their kid hangout in the front yard unsupervised
When Hazel is out in public without her parents or teachers around, that’s when we see Cosmo and Wanda in their human disguises. The show basically goes out of its way to almost entirely avoid having a scene where a ten year old has no adult supervision while out in regular public spaces. Pretty sure off the top of my head the only times Cosmo and Wanda aren’t in disguise are
A) when Hazel and Dev were doing their homework hunt (note- the buddy system could apply here as Hazel and Dev stayed by each others sides for the most part)
B) when Crocker were chancing them all (note-they were in an enclosed building and her parents were also in the building, even if they were separated) and
C) when they were all pretending to be teenagers (pretty sure most of the parents I’ve interacted with are fine with a teenager being out in public alone, even if only for a short period of time, plus a) all three of them were being teenagers together, so buddy system again and b) Cosmo and Wand were visibly shown to be concerned and distressed when separated from Hazel)
Also, ANW has Cosmo and Wanda specifically introduce themselves to Hazel’s parents, specifically inform them of the fact that they’re also parents, and specifically shows Marcus and Angela getting along with them. If you think about it, ANW is presenting Cosmo and Wanda as trustworthy adults specifically to the parents — they’re meant to come off as the type of adults you’d be relatively comfortable-to-outright trusting around your kids. Angela and Marcus aren’t neglectful or oblivious like Timmy’s parents could be, so it makes sense that they’d probably not be okay with their young kid running around town unsupervised and would want the people supervising their daughter to be adults they felt they could trust
Timmy lives in a house that his parents presumably own, while Hazel lives in an apartment that his parents presumably rent. Apartments/rented homes usually have some sort of rule around pets, while if you own your own home who’s stopping you from getting pets? There’s a possibility that Hazel might live in a pet free apartment or her parents would have to pay pet rent (which you know she’d feel guilty about) or something
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amongsnot · 12 days ago
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redrew that house md scene
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amongsnot · 13 days ago
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amongsnot · 15 days ago
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amongsnot · 18 days ago
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another dead guy?? (sorta :])
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amongsnot · 18 days ago
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Still one of my favorite things I've created
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amongsnot · 19 days ago
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amongsnot · 24 days ago
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