#the fairy queen and the warrior king
sorceress-queen · 9 months
^ This video is so gorgeous. It's for an OC couple, which has me quite intrigued now, but in my head, it works so well with a certain version of ArMor. And this song is just so perfect.
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Title: The Guardians
Author: William Joyce, Laura Geringer
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2011
Genres: fiction, fantasy, adventure
Blurb: Nicholas St. North is a daredevil swordsman whose prowess with double scimitars was legendary. Like any swashbuckling young warrior, North seeks treasure and adventure, leading him to the fiercely-guarded village of Santoff Claussen, said to be home to the greatest treasure in all the East, and to an even greater wizard: Ombric Shalazar...but when North arrives, legends of riches have given way to terrors of epic proportions. North must decide whether to seek his fortune, or save the village. When the rebellious hero gets literally sucked into the chaos, the fight becomes very personal. The Nightmare King and his evil Fearlings are ruling the night, owning the shadows, and sending waves of fear through all of Santoff Claussen. For North, this is a battle worth fighting...and he's not alone. There are five other Guardians out there. He only has to find them in time.
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destinylordoffreaks · 11 months
have y’all ever done something like really really stupid that you know you shouldn’t have done but you did it anyway and now have to live with the consequences of that Well I did that a few years ago part 2
so I started deciding to work on putting good things into my brain instead of you know, following my ADD rabbit hole brain into places I shouldn’t be so I started looking into artist and things that I really enjoyed and I initially started this by looking into Glenn Keene, a man whose art I have been a huge fan for a very long time like I would dare say his work on the little mermaid is probably the reason I’m an artist and I enjoyed that so much that I decided to continue looking into other artists and the next person that really struck out to me was a man named William Joyce, who had written my favorite children’s TV show roile poile olie
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like when my anxiety gets really bad that’s one of those go to shows that makes me feel better and helps me calm down. It is still a favorite of mine but when I was looking up, I discovered that he had also been the man behind another little known TV show I watched growing up, called George shrinks
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and a movie that I had always wanted to watch, but had never seen called rise of the guardians
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which I promptly googled, figured out where it was free to watch and watched it, and I loved it but then I discovered something else it had an entire book series and me being my neurodivergent ADD self absolutely info Dumped all over my mom about this
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now I’ve already mentioned before I’m dyslexic I don’t like reading but I had info dumped so hard about these books that my mom bought me the entire collection for Christmas/my birthday, which is the same week by the way and like I said I don’t like reading it takes me forever to read things and I actually had a whole lot of anxiety but the fact that my mom had bought me these books because because it was terrified, I was gonna read them and not like them and then my mom is gonna have wasted all that money on books that I didn’t want but I ended up loving them once I got past the anxiety anyway, I love them so much that I did something I’ve never done before I read the entire five book series plus the three illustrated books in 2 1/2 months that is a record for me. I’ve never read that fast ever it would take me like six months to read Harry Potter book guys and I read all of the guardians of childhood books in 2 1/2 months and you know what I did something else I’ve never done I reread the entire series. I have never reread an entire series before the only books I can ever recall having reread any of where the Disney fairy books so this is a huge step for me. They are still my favorite book series to the point that I currently have one sitting on my bedside table right now because I was rereading it. In case anyone’s interested I think my favorite book is probably booked 4. I just really like Sandy and the fact that all of the backstory flashback pages are black with white lettering, makes them so much easier to read like I got so excited the first time those pages showed up now for anybody who’s interested the books and the movie are too very different stories. They are both excellent stories that I love but very different. It’s kinda like two alternate universes, but still both absolutely phenomenal. At least in my opinion I would highly recommend them to anybody who wants to read something that isn’t too little kiddush, but doesn’t get too dark, but can deal with darker topics such as you know death without making it overwhelming or trivial, and it just has its overall whimsy to it that I really like and honestly if William Joyce wanted to write more adventures that the guardians have gone on, I would totally be down for that needless to say, William Joyce is pretty much made my childhood, and it still has a special place in my heart. if I knew how to get in touch with him and let him know that he has meant this much to me I would, but I wouldn’t even know where to start anyway, I just wanted to share this with you because this is actually around the time of year that I discovered the rise of the guardians books, so it seemed fitting 
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Anyways here’s ⬆️ an illustration Of Katherine and Nightlight by William Joyce
colored by me (DestinyLordOfFreaks)
He has so many beautiful illustrations in his books I couldn’t resist coloring at least one
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hs122005 · 1 year
Elves: Mythical Creatures and Real-Life Encounters
visit my blog to read in detail-
Origins of Elves in Mythology
The origins of elves can be traced back to ancient mythologies and folklore. One of the earliest references to elves can be found in Norse mythology, where they were known as "alfar." In Norse mythology, elves were seen as supernatural beings associated with nature and fertility. They were often depicted as beautiful and ethereal creatures, living in enchanted forests or hidden realms.
Elves in Literature and Pop Culture
Elves have been a popular subject in literature for centuries. From William Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" to J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy novels, elves have played significant roles in many stories. In Tolkien's works, elves are portrayed as wise and noble creatures, skilled in arts and warfare. Their depiction in popular culture has influenced the modern perception of elves as graceful and mystical beings.
The Connection Between Elves and Fairies
Elves, fairies, and other magical creatures are often closely related in folklore. In fact, the line between elves and fairies has sometimes been blurred, with the two terms being used interchangeably. However, there are some key differences between elves and fairies. While fairies are often associated with nature and magic, elves are more commonly linked to forests and enchanted realms
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leoltc26 · 5 months
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(via "elf warrior " Backpack for Sale by lindorf26)
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vivmaek · 10 months
STYLE AND AESTHETICS: Astrology Observations
Within this post, there are three different sections.
The Ascendant (physical appearance, character)
The Venus Sign (relationship to aesthetics)
The 5th House (self-expression)
Aries - Known for their distinct facial features and athletic builds. They look younger than they are and always have bright smiles. Risk takers and adrenaline junkies. Always prepared to jump into something new. Their energetic aura is hard to miss.
Archetype: The Warrior
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Taurus - It's all about symmetry. They have pretty faces and usually have round eyes. Something about them looks delicate despite their strong postures. Down to earth individuals and connected to nature.
Archetype: The Sensualist
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Gemini - You can read these people like a book, one of the most expressive rising signs. There's always a smirk on their face. They walk fast, talk fast, and think quickly. They lure people in with their charms and fun stories. They’re mischievous little fairies.
Archetype: The Jester
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Cancer - Something about their appearance makes them easy to trust. Their soft features are beautiful and they move gently. You never know what mood they’re in. Elusive individuals who flourish within the private sphere.
Archetype: The Healer
Tarot Card: The Chariot
Leo -Their high level of confidence is always noticed first. They have a domineering presence that looms over others, everyone knows when they’ve entered a room. Big smiles and loud laughs. They’re here for a good time and will go out of their way to make sure other people are having fun.
Archetype: The Hero
Tarot Card: Strength
Virgo - These types intimidate people through their subtle expressions. They have bright and clear eyes that are always observing their surroundings. They look clever and are always put together. Understated beauty when it comes to their physical appearance. I think of pixies with this placement because of their sharp, edgy features, and cutting remarks.
Archetype: The Sage
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Libra - They glow with beauty. Very charming. The most conventionally attractive. They’re sort of everybody's type. Girl next door vibes. The person giggling and flirting at the back of the classroom. 
Archetype: The Princess/Prince
Tarot Card: Justice
Scorpio - It's all in the eyes. That is the first feature everyone notices within a Scorpio rising. They make eye contact and want people to know that they see them for who they are. Did I mention intense? They have a heavy energy.
Archetype: The Alchemist
Tarot Card: Death
Sagittarius - So cheerful and ready to join in. They have bright and happy facial expressions. They carry themselves with confidence. Always moving, they use their whole body to express themselves. Wild stallions.
Archetype: The Explorer
Tarot Card: Temperance
Capricorn - Something about them looks resilient. Their strength as a person is immediately evident. This is the person you go to when life gets too chaotic. They look older than they actually are. People rely on them and they carry this weight with them everywhere they go.
Archetype: The Queen/King
Tarot Card: The Devil
Aquarius - Odd-balls. They look different compared to everyone else. Calm, cool, and collected. They look detached. Awkward in an endearing sort of way. They surprise people with their eccentric ways.
Archetype: The Rebel
Tarot Card: The Star
Pisces -  Sometimes they look half asleep. Wherever they are, they’re not here. Always staring off into the distance. Large, emotional eyes. Old souls who have already seen too much.
Archetype: The Mystic
Tarot Card: The Moon
Aries - These people know what they want. Very decisive about what sort of aesthetics they enjoy, and they tend to stick to it. They’re all about being authentic and they want their appearance to reflect this. They love bright colors and flashy prints, especially animal prints. They don’t care if other people don’t like what they like. They’re not highly influenced by fashion trends like other Venus signs. They’d rather try something new and completely original. Obviously, they like to present themselves with a lot of sex appeal.
Colors: crimson, bronze, canary yellow, admiral, eggplant, hot pink
Taurus - The most likely to stick to fashion trends. People with this placement are probably going crazy over the “clean girl aesthetic,” because it's right up their alley. They want to enhance their own natural beauty. They enjoy the routine of self care, and you can tell just by looking at them that they take good care of themselves. They have an innate understanding of what's currently in, but they’re not experimental. They want to look pretty, not odd or strange. They’re also not trying to make any statements with their appearance, they’re only looking for admiration.
Colors: ruby, honey, dijon, basil, cerulean, mulberry, peach
Gemini - It's hard to define the aesthetic and style of a Gemini Venus because it’s always changing. I actually think this is quite exciting, and I wish more people were willing to try things they normally wouldn’t. They learn about themselves through the ways in which they dress. They want to explore their own identity. They’re not afraid to embrace the multi-faceted person that they are. They’re always changing up their look based on where they’re going, who they’re seeing, and what place in life they’re currently at.
Colors: blush, tangerine, buttermilk, chartreuse, sky blue, periwinkle, strawberry
Cancer -  Being comfortable is important for a Cancer Venus. They pay a lot of attention to the weight and textures of fabrics. They might feel more drawn to high quality pieces because of the way it feels against skin. They love oversized clothing, and might even try to hide themselves through clothing. You won’t catch them putting on skin tight clothing just to look sexy. They’ll probably opt for more sensual pieces that move and flow naturally with the body. They’re also the most fond of outdated clothing trends and often bring them back into style.
Colors: garnet, amber, sepia, crocodile, ocean blue, iris, cherry blossom
Leo - People with this placement are on a mission to always look their best. They dress for an audience. These are “it-girls,” who are always with the trends. They garner a lot of attention and praise through the ways in which they dress. London Tipton vibes. The types of people who never wear an outfit twice. They love expressing themselves through their sense of style, this is something that brings them a lot of joy.  They’re drawn to flashy pieces that make big statements.
Colors: carmine, merigold, sunflower, emerald, cobalt, magenta, punch
Virgo - Oof, these people get picky when it comes to the clothing they wear.  They have a keen eye for detail and notice when something has been poorly manufactured. They  have high standards and they put a lot of thought into the ways in which they want to portray themselves aesthetically. They’re all about accessories, which really elevates their look. They probably own lots of interesting trinkets that they use to adorn their appearance. They’re fond of handmade clothing, such as crocheted sweaters and upcycled fabrics. They can sniff out all the good clothing items within a thrift store. 
Colors: sangria, clay, hazel wood, sage, aegean, grape, crepe
Libra - People with this placement are prim and polished. They understand the power of beauty and glamor. They can think of things that other people wouldn’t when dressing themselves. Perfume and the way in which they smell is important, they understand this influences how people will visually perceive them. They balance makeup, jewelry, accessories, and fine clothing all within one look. Nothing appears to be out of place. Other people are incredibly attracted to the aesthetics that they craft. They make it seem so easy.
Colors: rose, deep saffron, macaroon, pistachio, sapphire, lilac, rouge
Scorpio - If anyones going to have an extensive collection of lingerie, it's going to be a Scorpio Venus. They think about what they’ll wear underneath their clothes before anything else. Underwear creates shapes and silhouettes, and they understand how this influences the appearance of outer wear. They love it when clothing has intimate details, and they want their pieces to present a seductive quality. Leather, lace, and mesh are right up their alley. They go for looks that are dark, moody, and dramatic. They get a kick out of making people uncomfortable through their appearance, they like having that sort of power over people.
Colors: mahogany, spice, sand dollar, seaweed, peacock, raisin, baby pink
Sagittarius - These types are going to feel more drawn to athleisure in comparison to other Venus signs. They like to move around, the clothing they wear needs to support this. Someone with this placement might dress like they’re going for a hike everyday, even if they’re not. They don’t stick to the same thing all the time though, they know how to dress up for an event. They’re probably all about the cargo pants trend, they love having lots of pockets for storage. They're the most likely to carry around a purse with them everyday. Mini skirts or anything showing off their legs looks especially good on people with this placement.
Colors: currant, ginger, tuscany, moss, indigo, plum, magenta
Capricorn -  The “old-money” aesthetic comes to mind when thinking about this placement. These types are incredibly chic. They’re trying to garner respect through their appearance and will opt for looks that highlight their elegance.  They’re also very picky about what they wear, they won’t buy something unless they absolutely love it. They don’t pay too  much attention to trends and are more drawn to timeless silhouettes. Much of their style is centered upon whatever career field they belong to.
Colors: wine, sandstone, beige, pine, navy, english violet, rosewood
Aquarius - They want to be the most unique person in the room and will use their aesthetic to achieve this. They’re not afraid to present bold looks and they want their sense of authenticity to be evident. They’re inventive with their style and are always willing to try something new. They don’t worry too much about the judgments of others, they don’t care if people think they look strange. They don’t participate in clothing trends because they’re the ones setting trends.
Colors: brick, cadmium orange, pale goldenrod, persian green, teal, heather, salmon
Pisces - People with this placement channel their inner fantasies into their appearance. They don’t set boundaries for themselves and will wear whatever inspires them the most that day. Their favorite tv shows and movies hold a major influence over their style. They can see themselves within fictional characters, and through this they develop their taste for aesthetics. Because of this, they appear otherworldly. Their inspirations are not based within reality. They treat their everyday outfits as if they were costumes.
Colors: berry, coral, pastel yellow, mint, arctic blue, lavender, ballet slipper
Within this section, I used fashion designers as examples. However, the amount of designers with accessible birth charts is incredibly limited. For Venus, Mars, and Neptune, I used different examples still related to fashion and self-expression. I also noticed that Uranus within the 5th house was the most common placement for fashion designers. If you don't have any planets placed within the 5th house, I'd recommend using its planetary ruler.
Sun in the 5th House: Alexander Mcqueen
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“I design clothes because I don’t want women to look all innocent and naïve… I want woman to look stronger… I don’t like women to be taken advantage of… I don’t like men whistling at women in the street. I think they deserve more respect. I like men to keep their distance from women, I like men to be stunned by an entrance. I’ve seen a woman get nearly beaten to death by her husband. I know what misogyny is… I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.”
provocative, romantic, regal, striking, theatrical, dignified
Alexander Mcqueen is a highly celebrated fashion designer who defined what fashion could look like for women within the 21st century. Mcqueen felt a need to protect women and did this through the clothing that he created. He knew that women were deserving of respect and wanted to present them in a dignified manner. Alexander Mcqueen's aesthetic demands attention, it is majestic and imposing.
Moon in the 5th House: Oscar de la Renta
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“There is always an emotional element to anything that you make.”
delicate, feminine, intimate, graceful, gentle
Oscar de la Renta cites his mother and sisters as his greatest source of inspiration. He grew up surrounded by women, and deeply admired them. In turn, the women within his life supported his artistic endeavors and pushed him to embrace his creativity.  La Renta felt that each and every women deserves to feel beautiful. He wanted women to embrace their personalities through clothing. He took the time to understand his clients on a personal level so that his designs would stay true to who they were as people.
Mercury in the 5th House: Betsey Johnson
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“Making clothes involves what I like...color, pattern, shape and movement...I like the everyday process...the people, the pressure, the surprise of seeing the work come alive walking and dancing around on strangers. Like red lipstick on the mouth, my products wake up and brighten and bring the wearer to life...drawing attention to her beauty and specialness...her moods and movements...her dreams and fantasies.”
playful, energetic, quirky, colorful, unique, tacky
Betsey Johnson took the high-femme ideal and made it comical. Johnson wanted to have fun with her designs, and she wanted women to have fun when wearing them. She was all about creating sexy silhouettes rooted within mischief. Johnson describes her aesthetic as “pretty and punk.” Girlish elements juxtaposed with edgy qualities. Betsey Johnson was especially popular amongst teen girls in the 80s. Johnson was the one who crafted the stereotypical puffy, pink, 80s prom dress. Betsey girls embrace their playfulness because being sophisticated is too boring.
Venus in the 5th House: Naomi Cambell
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“I don't think I was born beautiful. I just think I was born me.”
dramatic, glamorous, magnetic, exclusive, luxurious, sensual
Naomi Cambell has held major influence over the fashion industry. Campbell was one of the first black models to reach supermodel status, was the first black woman on the covers of British and French Vogue, and was the first black woman to appear on the cover of Time magazine. She challenged beauty ideals within society, and opened doors for other women of color. Campbell is the ultimate fashion icon and was a muse for many designers, especially Azzedine Alaïa. Campbell is now an editor at British Vogue, and her influence remains powerful.
Mars in the 5th House: Jonathan Jony Ive
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“If something is going to be better, it is new, and if it’s new you are confronting problems and challenges you don’t have references for.”
innovative, crucial, unobtrusive, thorough, minimalistic
Okay, who is this guy?? I didn’t know until I started doing research for this post, but after reading about him I think everyone should know his name. Ive served as senior vice president of industrial design and was the chief design officer for Apple Inc. This man crafted design motifs that have held major influence over the aesthetic of the 21st century. He brought focus to all white color pallets, translucency, dark aluminum, and slate. Ive played a vital role within the designing process of the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad, plus much more. Ive believes that function and aesthetic go hand and hand, they are not two separate entities.
Jupiter in the 5th House: Vivienne Westwood
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“I’m not terribly interested in beauty. What touches me is someone who understands herself.”
rebellious, independent, bold, irreverent, maximinimalism
Vivienne Westwood wanted her clothing to be life-enhancing, she put a lot of effort into developing the philosophy of her brand. She was also adamant that the only way a person could develop personal identity is through intellectual pursuits. Westwood claimed that carrying The Catcher in the Rye under an arm is one of the most fashionable things a person can do. Westwood believed that you develop style through the process of truly knowing yourself.
Saturn in the 5th House: Isabel Marant
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“You can’t put together a formula for how to look gorgeous – it's a question of personality.”
nonchalant, classy, understated, parisian, timeless 
Marant is focused on crafting clothing that will last for a long time, she wants people to wear her pieces for years on end. Marant doesn’t follow trends and sticks to classic silhouettes that will always hold relevancy. Her clothing has integrity, and she wants people to feel independent and strong when wearing her pieces. I also think it's interesting that Isabel Marant has a code of ethics displayed on her website, she is committed to holding her company to a high standard. This isn’t something I saw when exploring other fashion houses.
Uranus in the 5th House: Pierre Cardin
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"The clothes I prefer are those I have created for a life that does not yet exist, the world of tomorrow."  
futuristic, unconventional, sculptural, clean, revolutionary
Pierre Cardin is an absolute legend. Cardin developed the aesthetic of the space age during the 50s and 60s. He embraces the avant-garde and holds a love for geometric shapes and patterns. Cardin completely disregarded the female form and was one of the firsts to craft gender non-comforming clothing. Many of his pieces are unisex. His clothing is not practical, but it is thought provoking. However, Cardin did pave the way for our modern day athleisure aesthetic. Cardin crafted the foundations for athletic clothing, which was something not seen before his time.
Neptune in the 5th House: Sandy Powell
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"Costume design isn’t about fashion. Fashion is fashion. Costume design is characters and costumes, so nothing to do with whether you’re fashionable or not, or understanding fashion.”
imaginative, whimsical, dream-like, eccentric, sensitive
Powell is not a clothing designer, she's a costume designer. She has won 43 oscars for her contributions within the film industry. You’d know her from The Wolf of Wall Street, Shakespear in Love, and Interview with a Vampire, plus much more. What makes Powell such a legend is her understanding of how character and story come into play when developing designs. She is not trying to make statements through her costumes, she is trying to enhance the personality of the characters. The costumes she's crafted are influential upon fashion trends outside of film. We all need a little fantasy within our daily lives.
Pluto in the 5th House: Donatella Versace
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“I know fashion is not something that can change the world, but it can change the woman. It can empower the woman. It can make her strong, in herself, and to believe in herself more.”
seductive, dynamic, subversive, spectacular, powerful, daring
It is no coincidence that Donatella Versace became an important figure within the fashion industry after the death of her dear brother, Gianni. Donatella has faced many tragedies within her life. Within her own fashion philosophy, Donatalla tries to combat insecurity through clothing. There is no way a woman will ever appear timid when wearing Versace, and that's exactly what Donatella wants. Being a shy woman herself, Donatella is able to transform herself through the clothing that she wears. She understands the power of fashion, and wants to remind every woman that something truly fabulous resides within them.
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mariasparrow · 27 days
Warriors is Hyrule's successor and Artemis is Hyrule's granddaughter!
So I've been doing some thinking, and I've come to believe that after all the blood, sweat, and tears Hyrule shed for his country, the end result is the prosperous kingdom we see in Hyrule Warriors! And that Artemis is his granddaughter!
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I think we have strong evidence for it as well! During Hyrule's second adventure, he reads from a scroll that only a "Great King" could. Zelda II legendary difficulty could be seen, in-universe, as a trial of Hyrule's worthiness to receive Kingship. Which the Downfall Era desperately needs after its Prince was corrupted and his sister cursed.
Through his skill and refusal to give up, Hyrule triumphs over both the monsters and the dark side of his own soul. And he retrieves the Triforce of Courage needed to awaken Aurora (the Sleeping Princess of AoL).
Judging from the kiss she gave him at the end, I'd say she's rather smittened!
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(Art by Kikker-Oma for me from Fan Joy July, used with her permission- isn't she great!)
With the Triforce in one hand, his Fae-blood in the other, and Aurora at his side, Hyrule brings his kingdom out of the Downfall and into a new golden age with his power and street smarts. He is called the Fae-King and the Traveling King because he rarely stays in one castle to long -he loves traveling to much, and uses it to help expand Hyrule while Aurora minds court and their kids. She's called the Gentle Queen for bring back the old culture. Hyrule's Fae blood is why faeries are such allies in Warriors Era, in remembrance of their brother.
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But of course, evil is lingering. Remember Ganon floating spirit fragments, and how they were locked under heavy duty chains all through out Hyrule Warriors? I'll bet that was Hyrule's attempt to beat his blood curse (TM), and that upon his death, he ordered his body to be split apart and lain to rest in separate locations.
Needless to say, Aurora didn't help with this, she couldn't take it. But she managed the seal to buy time...
Until their granddaughter came of age.
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Art belongs to @linkeduniverse
I can't be the only one who thinks Artemis seems a little more...Fae-like than Goddess in Hyrule Warriors. She's wild, bold, hands-on and leads from the front, and has STRONG magic. I like to think a great deal of that comes from her grandfather. Maybe her parents died young, so Artemis was raised by Hyrule and Aurora, who adored her and taught her everything they knew. Aurora taught her music magic, ancient history and legends (and fashion, cause that didn't come from Hyrule). Hyrule taught her battle magic, fencing, and survival skills that come in handy when she's disguised as Sheik (he also taught her his thunder spell). That's how she can do Hyrule's sword beams with her kunai in the game. His pet name for her was "Little Fairy." She adored them right back.
It would be rather poetic, if the granddaughter of the most passive Zelda (but still interesting and one of my favorite!) ends up the most active.
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When Artemis saw that Ganon's forces had defiled her grandfather's resting places to retrieve his spirit fragments she was inconsolable...and FURIOUS. She loved her grandparents and vows that evil will not destroy all they suffered and bled to build. She will defend their legacy will all the magic and will power she has. Fortunately, she has her own Hero to help her seal evil right back where it belongs.
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🍃Tolkien Masterlist🍃
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Smut: 🔥🔥
Fluff: 🌸🌸
Heated Fluff: ⭐️⭐️
Friendly: 🌈🌈
Angst: 🌨️🌨️
💙 Collage
💚 Oneshot
💖 Preference/Headcanon
💜 Quote
💞 Blurb
- Just A Girl 💚🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Warrior Girlfriend 💙🌸
- Baker 💙🌸
- Break Stuff 💚⭐️
- Mermaid 💚🌸
- Tease 💞⭐️
- Sleepy Reader 💜🌸
- Princess 💖🌸
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Heart-Shaped Box 💞⭐️
- Queen of Pain 💞⭐️🔥
- Size 💚🔥
- Loved You Before 💚🌸
- Undressed 💙⭐️
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- Chanel 💚🌸
- S&M 💚🔥
- So Tight 💞🔥
- Sunglasses and Flower Crowns 💚🌸🌈
- We Didn’t Start The Fire 💚🌸🌈
- Elf Princess 💙🌸
- She Knows It 💚🌈
- Big Girl 💚🌸
- Edge Play 💚🔥
- Tongue Piercing 💚🔥
- Waited So Long 💚🔥
- Sweet Prince 💚🔥
- Training 💚⭐️🌸
- Lyrics 💙🌸
- Toys 💚🔥
- Rebellious 💙⭐️
- Birthday Present 💞🔥
- Mermaid 💙🌸
- 9 to 5 💚🌸
- Accidental Confession 💚🌸
- Courting Gifts 💚🌸
- Queen Under The Mountain 💜🌸
- Relaxing Day 💙🌸
- NSFW Alphabet 💖🔥
- Old Lady Reader 💖🌸
- Leaving A Party 💙🌸
- A Kingly Tour Guide 💙🌸
- Sleeping Loves 💜🌸
- Jewellery and Paintings 💙🌸
- Breath 💚🔥
- The Kiss 💚🌸
- Never Tried 💚🔥
- King To The Rescue 💚🌸
- Secret Conversation 💚⭐️
- Meeting 1 💖⭐️
- Meeting 2 💖⭐️
- Meeting 3 💖⭐️
- Meeting 4 💖⭐️
- NSFW 1 💖🔥
- NSFW 2 💖🔥
- NSFW 3 💖🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 💞🔥
- Lindir x Reader x Glorfindel 2 💞🔥
- Favourite Position 💖🔥
- Fairy x Mermaid 💚⭐️
- Elves x Hobbit Women 💞🌸
- Elves Kissing 💖🌸
- Human and Elves 💞🔥
- Love Triangle 💙⭐️
- Kink Alphabet 💖🔥
- Two Lords and a King 💞🔥
- Poems 💞🌈
- Mediating The Kings 💞🌸
- Forehead Kisses 💞🌸
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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The Mórrigan
The Mórrigan (also Morrighan, Môr-Riogain or Morrigu), usually referred to with the definite article, was a great warrior-queen goddess in Irish-Celtic mythology. She was most associated with inciting war, then stirring up the fury and frenzy of battle, and finally, as the bringer of death. The goddess was able to take any form of living creature she wished and she helped bring about the demise of the hero-warrior Cú Chulainn after he spurned her many attempts to seduce him as different animals. Her coupling with the Dagda, another major warrior-god, was an important part of the Samhain festival which the Celts celebrated to mark the beginning of a new year.
Names & Associations
The name Mórrigan, which may have several variations of spelling, means 'great queen', 'phantom queen', 'queen of nightmares' or, more literally, 'mare-queen'. She may have evolved from the ancient territorial goddess Mór Muman who was associated with the sun and kingship in southern Ireland. She is a war-goddess, and she is particularly associated with the fury of war, hence her 'demonic' nature and another name by which she is sometimes known, the 'queen of demons'.
Mórrigan is closely associated with two other war-goddesses: Badb and Macha (or alternatively Nemain). This trio is collectively known as the Mórrigna. Some scholars suggest that the trio of goddesses are simply different aspects of the Mórrigan as the triple aspect of gods is a common theme in Celtic religion which emphasises the potency of deities. Appropriately, then, all three goddesses are the daughters of Ernmas, the great mother deity, and their father is, in some tales, the sorcerer god Cailitin. The Mórrigan has one son, the evil figure Mechi, who has three hearts, each of which contains a serpent. Mechi's father is not named.
The Mórrigan has a terrible appearance, and it is this and her aggression which have a strong psychological effect on whoever she chooses during a battle. At the same time, the goddess can be sexually attractive. Consequently, the Mórrigan is both a symbol of destruction and fertility. The goddess has certain powers such as being able to predict the future and to cast spells. Even more impressive, she can change her form at will and become a beautiful young girl, the wind, or any animal, fish or bird. The creature she is most connected with is the crow or raven, which the Celts associated with war, death, and inciting conflict. This aspect of the Mórrigan may well be the origin of the banshee, a female fairy that figures in later Irish and Scottish mythology. The banshee foretells death in a household by letting out a loud plaintive wail and, though she is rarely seen in physical form, when she is, she is an old woman with long white hair.
Another figure from Celtic folklore (in Ireland, Scotland, and Brittany) associated with the Mórrigan is the 'washer at the ford'. This figure, sometimes envisaged as a young and weeping female, at others, an old and ugly woman, was considered an omen of death as she would make certain clothes being washed in a river ford the colour of blood. Whoever's clothes were thus marked was thought to be in imminent danger.
When dwelling in this world, the Mórrigan's home was thought to be a cave in County Roscommon in northwest Ireland. This cave was known as the cave of Cruachan and the 'Hell's Gate of Ireland' since it was believed to be a passage to the Otherworld. In one myth, the Mórrigan lures the woman Odras to her cave by having one of her cows stray inside. The goddess then changes the hapless mortal into a pool of water. Cruachan was regarded as the seat of ancient kings of Connacht and has been identified as part of the group of archaeological sites at Rathcroghan in County Roscommon.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Cinder's Masterlist
*Reminder that this blog is in fact a Yandere blog!*
˚ ✦ My Rules -> Here!
˚ ✦My navigation -> Here!
˚ ✦The Links -> Here!
Hurt/comfort: ❤️‍🩹
Smut/NSFW: ❤️‍🔥 (All NSFW is tagged as 'Cindersins'!)
Dark(er) content: 🖤
My personal favorites:💚
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˚ ✦Just how far is the Hero of Time willing to go for you?
Fairy Boy❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Time rewards you for always being there. What better reward is there then his children? (Breeding Kink, Sub! Time)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
NSFW Alphabet❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦What it says on the tin <3
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Good Doggy❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Twilight shows just how good he can be (Sub! Twilight)
Muddled Thoughts❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦With some altered affects form the Muddle Bids, Twilight shows you exactly what he wants (Breeding kink, Dom! Twilight)
A Rainy Day❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦After being caught in a rainstorm, you're left with limited options to keep warm. Twilight has a few. (Cockwarming)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
Big Bad Wolf and His Teeth❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Twilight finally understands what about danger excites you so (Knife play)
Lion's Heart💖
˚ ✦How does this Hero react to a Lynel hybrid?
NSFW Alphabet❤️‍🔥💖 💚
˚ ✦What it says on the tin <3
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Divine Temptation❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Hylia's chosen hero is tempted from Skyloft~ (Sub! Sky)
Welcome Home❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦Sky shows you just how glad he his that he's home. Even if it's just for the night.
Crimson Feathers ❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦What if Sky's Loftwing could shape shift into a Hylian?
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
Butterfly Kisses 💖💝
˚ ✦This Hero finds the child of King Rauru and Queen Sonia...Who are no longer around. Well, you know what they say. Finder's keepers. (Platonic! Dad! Heroes!)
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Tell Me I'm Pretty ❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦How far can some pretty words get you with the Captain? (Praise kink)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
Butterfly Kisses 💖💝
˚ ✦This Hero finds the child of King Rauru and Queen Sonia...Who are no longer around. Well, you know what they say. Finder's keepers. (Platonic! Dad! Heroes!)
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The Cheaper Things in Life💖 💚
˚ ✦Legend would lay down his life, and the lives of others, for you. He soon finds out that you would do the same.
Chicken ❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦You and Legend play your own version of Chicken (Cockwarming)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
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Thinking of You❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦The Traveler gets a peak into Reader's thoughts. (Sub! Hyrule)
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Lost and Found❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Wild figures out just how to keep you tied to him (Breeding kink)
His Home❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Wild learns just how little you actually have to do to turn him to putty (Premature ejaculation, Sub! Wild)
The Champion of Masks 💖 
˚ ✦BotW! Link, and champions, with a Reader who has the Masks from Majora's Mask
Do You Hover on a Chair? ❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦Wild offers you a seat. (Face sitting)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
A Tick ❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦He had to prove he was better. Needed to. Even if he needed to use some unconventional methods to do so. (Threesome, Ft. Sage!)
NSFW Alphabet❤️‍🔥💖💚
˚ ✦What it says on the tin <3
Fours a party❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦ He's going to continue using those unconventional methods to prove he's the best. Even if now there's more than one opponent. (Foursome, Ft. Cal and Sage!)
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Handling the Heat❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦Four sees just how much heat he can handle (Slight sub! Four)
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
˚ ✦four figures out just how quiet you can make the voices in his head (Hypno kink)
Butterfly Kisses 💖💝
˚ ✦This Hero finds the child of King Rauru and Queen Sonia...Who are no longer around. Well, you know what they say. Finder's keepers. (Platonic! Dad! Heroes!)
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Wind (Platonic):
˚ ✦Nothing yet!
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Sage (TotK Link):
TotK Link💖 
˚ ✦The first introductions of Sage
The Switch💚
˚ ✦Reader gets separated from the Chain with nothing but their switch and just so happens upon a certain someone.
A Rusted Link💖 
˚ ✦Sage's place in the chain isn't as smooth as the other's.
'Tis the Season❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦After being reunited with his dragon lover, Sage proves that he can handle Mating season (Breeding Kink)
The Dragon's Daughter❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦When faced with the once lost Daughter of King Rauru and Queen Sonia, he realizes that maybe there is a reason to save Hyrule. (Breeding Kink, Baby trapping)
Rattled Chains💖 
˚ ✦Sage finally interacts with the rest of the chain. He's not happy.
˚ ✦Sage laments about how easily you can get under his skin...While you show how easily you can get under his skin. (Sub! Sage, but he's a butt about it, bondage, and slight nipple play)
A Tick ❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦He had to prove he was better. Needed to. Even if he needed to use some unconventional methods to do so. (Threesome, Ft. Wild!)
Love Me ❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦After being used to nothing but harsh actions and hissed words, Sage is quite affected by someone showing him nothing but love.
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
Butterfly Kisses 💖💝
˚ ✦This Hero finds the child of King Rauru and Queen Sonia...Who are no longer around. Well, you know what they say. Finder's keepers. (Platonic! Dad! Heroes!)
Fours a party❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦ He's going to continue using those unconventional methods to prove he's the best. Even if now there's more than one opponent. (Foursome, Ft. Cal and Wild!)
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Calamity (AoC Link):
Fours a party❤️‍🔥💚
˚ ✦ He's going to continue using those unconventional methods to prove he's the best. Even if now there's more than one opponent. (Foursome, Ft. Sage and Wild!)
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The Chain:
Sit on my Face❤️‍🔥💖
˚ ✦Reader wants to repay the chain. They discuss how. (W/Sage!)
 (Pt. 2! Ft. Time)❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦ Reader pays their dues~
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Courage (Animated Link):
A Bird's Eye View❤️‍🔥💖 
˚ ✦This hero proves how well he can breed his Harpy lover~ (Breeding Kink)
Bro, It's not gay if you say no homo, bro.❤️‍🔥💖💚
˚ ✦They even kept their socks on. (Ft. Dalton and Dante, and Ko*idai IG.)
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Ko*idai (CDI Link):
Golly ❤️‍🔥
˚ ✦Ko*idai has a breeding kink. That's it. That's the post.
Bro, It's not gay if you say no homo, bro.❤️‍🔥💖💚
˚ ✦They even kept their socks on. (Ft. Dalton and Dante, and Courage IG.)
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Fierce Diety:
NSFW Alphabet❤️‍🔥💖💚
˚ ✦What it says on the tin <3
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His Forbidden Fruit
˚ ✦ A non-Link specific little tid-bit.
Rauru Headcanons
˚ ✦Link's sister proves her worth to the first King of Hyrule...Maybe a little too well. (Breeding Kink)
Worshipper Ravio
˚ ✦Ravio as your devoted follower.
Sage and the Chain rambles
˚ ✦Some interesting thoughts with Sage and the Chain, and the chaos behind it.
Cottagecore home
˚ ✦My thoughts regarding Sage, his old Hateno home, and his thoughts towards that and Zelda.
Double Standard
˚ ✦Some thoughts with Wild having a dirty dream and the Chain's reaction.
Stuffy Recovery
˚ ✦How would the Chain help you fix your plush? (This was so soft and I love how it came out. It's not Yandere, and not long enough to count as a drabble, so here it goes!)
Talk about the Triplets (Wild, Sage and Calamity)
˚ ✦Just some thoughts about the triplets and why they would be Yandere. (WARNING: Talk of unsubscribing from life, so please proceed with caution)
Wild and Sage sleeping habits
˚ ✦And why they have to sleep with Reader (Get your mind out of the gutter >:()
A Submitted Sage Tid-bit
˚ ✦Go read this. Right now >:(
The Triplets (Ft. Plus sized Reader!)
˚ ✦This too.
Let's get Loud
˚ ✦Who's having the most fun making the Reader break their quiet streak?
Spitballing Cal Hc
˚ ✦Cal headcanons that aren't enough to be their own post.
Spitballing Wind Hc
˚ ✦Wind headcanons that aren't enough to be their own post
Twilight Comic
An absolutely ADORABLE Comic submitted to me. <333
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Aaliyah's Corner:
Aaliyah Ref. Sheet~
˚ ✦Yall seem to love Aaliyah so I'm linking her art here.
She's barbie.
˚ ✦And Sage is just Ken.
Eye of the Storm
˚ ✦Where does her story begin? Right here :)(Head the CW warnings).
Art Piece Take one!
˚ ✦I can art. who knew?
Ceres and Aaliyah meet (Which can only end well, of course.)
˚ ✦Please note, this is mostly pure smut between my own Oc and Ceres (Who belongs to @angry-trashcan) Totally self-indulgent but I love it sm.
Part 1: Bound (Bailey's Piece)
Part 2: Two on One Special (My Piece)
Part 3: Girl(S) Interrupted (Bailey's Piece)
Part 4:
Mae and Aaliyah Meet
Another OC x OC storyline with Mae (Who belongs to @jcs-radiostation) Also self-indulgent but i also love them sm <333
My part 1: Here!
298 notes · View notes
anekogia · 1 year
Timeline of the war till when Lilia finds Silver (Spoliers from chapter 7)
This is based on most of the game's dialogue and scenes that played out. Might not be 100% accurate.
There was conflict/war between Briar Country (Land of Faes) and the Land of Sword (Human kingdom) because the Land of Swords were illegally gathering resources from Briar Country and destroying their lands.
While out scouting, Lilia and his men recieved news that King Henrich, King of the Land of Sword, is laying seige on Nobara Castle, where Princess Maleanor is currently living in and is taking care of her unhatched egg.
They quickly made their way there to warn the princess, where they King Henrich challenges Maleanor to a duel against his best warrior, the Knight of Dawn.
Lilia, Baul and their troops manage to make their way and warn Maleanor about the seige, but the princess tasks Lilia to look after her egg and escape Nobara Castle.
Maleanor makes her way out of her castle, where she battles against the Knight of Dawn and his men. The princess gains the upper hand, and buries the Knight into the ground.
The Knight of Dawn falls into a secret passage that Lilia and his men are using. It was then revealed that the Knight of Dawn is against fighting the fae and gave Lilia and his troops safe passage so that they can escape with Maleanor's egg.
Ultimately, Lilia manages to escape safely with the egg. However, Maleanor overblots and is slain by the Knight of Dawn..Nobara Castle is then taken over by the royals of the Land of Sword.
Some time after, King Henrich dies (good), and his younger sister, Princess Leah, becomes queen. She and the Knight of Dawn also marry and had a child.
However, the conflict between their kingdom and the fae is still happening, and the Knight of Dawn is killed during one of their battles.
Knowing that there is no hope for her kingdom, Queen Leah left her son to be protected by the three fairies in Nobara Castle.
Queen Leah dies soon afterwards. In an effort to save the young prince, the fairies cast a spell on him so that he would be placed under an eternal slumber until the war is over, and until somebody who could love him finds him.
About 200 to 300 years after the war, Prince Malleus is born, much to the delight of the fae kingdom now known as Briar Valley/Valley of Thorns.
More than 100 years after that, Lilia is visiting the ruins of Nobara Castle, where he hears something coming out from the castle. He finds a baby in the throne room and quickly realizes he is the child of the Knight of Dawn (from his hair colour and his necklace).
Having not forgotten what the Knight of Dawn did for him, Lilia adopts the child and gives him the "blessing of the night", resulting in the baby's hair colour changing from gold to silver.
Lilia names the child Silver and started raising him in a cottage in the woods. Malleus drops by time after time, thinking that Silver was just some orphan Lilia found in the woods.
Notes: I wouldn't be surprised if the Knight of Dawn's name is "Stefan/Stephan" since Silver's mom's name is Leah, which is also the name of Aurora's mother in Sleeping Beauty.
Also, knowing that Malleus is probably watching over everyone's dreams, I am 100% sure that this is how he is going to find out about Silver's true heritage. And he is not going to be happy.
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sorceress-queen · 1 year
I have waited for so long for another scene between Cesare and Lucrezia in Sarah Dunant's Borgia family historical fiction book duology. I am reading the second book now, about halfway in and adjskk... . The family dynamics and all the drama + political intrigue has been 👌.
And starting from p. 213-216/7. There is a scene of him coming to visit a sick Lucrezia and parts of it is just so s1/s3 (or whenever Morgana is sick) ArMor coded to me. 😅 + dark ArMor au vibes too, for sure.
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Bonus quote from Cesare's letter to her in the book + her reaction to it, p. 198-199:
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Also, the line from the letter made me think of a scene from Showtime Borgias in which he knocks on her door and she asks who it is or if it is her brother? I think the line was 'Is it the brother who loves me?' And he says 'The very same' or something like that 😅. I have to rewatch the series to be sure.
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sundove88 · 2 months
Introducing Anime Ever After!!
Ever wanted to experience classic fairytales but through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime?
Well, Anime Ever After is for you!!
Synopsis: An anthropology of famous stories from around the world retold through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime, with modern twists, turns, and lessons about. From the depths of the sea in DBZ: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid) to the realm beyond the clouds in One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk), this ever expanding treasury of tales has something for everyone.
Framing Device: An anime loving teenager is telling classic fairytales to the kids they babysit as bedtime stories- with a twist!
Side Note: Nursery Rhymes being adapted is more for Shrek. So they won’t be here- sorry about that. But they do a good job at it. This anthology is meant for readers 12 and up, due to some of the themes in some of the stories.
Btw, look for the posts that have anime ever after on them as one of their tags. Here’s the list of tales (So Far):
Dragon Ball Z: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid)
My Hero Academia: Heart of Glass (Cinderella)
Attack on Titan: Red Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk)
Naruto: Sleeping Shadow (Sleeping Beauty)
Sword Art Online: The Match Player (The Little Match Girl)
FullMetal Alchemist: Iron Wolves (The 3 Little Pigs)
Fairy Tail: Mirrors of Deceit (Snow White)
Inuyasha: Soul of The Beast (Beauty and The Beast)
Bleach: Brushes of Fate (The Magic Paintbrush)
Fruits Basket: The 12 Dancing Zodiacs (12 Dancing Princesses)
Black Clover: The Frog Knight (The Frog Prince)
Hunter X Hunter: Spreading Your Wings (The Ugly Duckling)
Demon Slayer: Demon of The Northern Wind (The Snow Queen)
Black Butler: Beyond The Tower (Rapunzel)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Sweet Temptation (Hansel and Gretel)
Doraemon; Fearless Feline (Puss in Boots)
Gintama: Peachy Keen (Momotaro)
Sailor Moon: Lady of The Waxing Moon (Princess Kaguya)
Haikyuu: Bear-ly Faltering (Snow White and Rose Red)
Railgun: Little Warriors, Big Impacts (Thumbelina)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All That Glitters (Rumplestiltskin)
Yu Gi Oh: Diamond in The Rough (Aladdin)
Konosuba: The Royal Test (The Princess and The Pea)
Tokyo Ghoul: The Crimson Amulet (The Red Shoes)
Akame Ga Kill: Fashion Gambit (The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Ouran High School Host Club: Wings of Perseverance (The Wild Swans)
Rurouni Kenshin: The Ronin’s Trials (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan: Cage of Steel, Heart of Platinum (The Nightingale)
Cowboy Bebop: Written in The Stars (The Weaver Girl and The Cowherd)
Death Note: The Golden Pen (King Midas)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: No Strings Attached (Pinocchio)
Fate: The Chosen Sword (King Arthur)
BanG Dream!: Melody of Deceit (The Pied Piper)
Code Geass: The Princess and The Pig Man (The Swineherd)
Jujitsu Kaisen: The Light Within (The Buried Moon)
Blue Exorcist: Blazing Bonds (The Firebird)
Spy X Family: Secret of The Statue (The Happy Prince)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: The Enchanted Key (Alibaba and The 40 Thieves)
Re:Zero: Gilded Feathers (The Golden Goose)
Saint Seiya: Divine Trials and Godly Tribulations (The 12 Labors of Hercules)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Claws of Gold, Hearts of Gold (Goldilocks and The 3 Bears)
One Punch Man: A Hero’s Humility (King Thrushbeard)
Future Diary: Wishful Obsession (The Fisherman and His Wife)
Sket Dance: A Tale of Three Tricksters (The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
Precure (All seasons): The Sweetest Holiday Ever (The Nutcracker)
Food Wars: A Recipe For Courage (The Brave Little Tailor)
Spice and Wolf: Against All Odds (The Princess on The Glass Hill)
Noragami: Stolen Sun (Amaterasu and The Cave)
Monogatari: Secret Confidants (The Elves and The Shoemaker)
Steins;Gate: Azure Secrets (Bluebeard)
Tokyo Revengers: Neverlanding, Never Faltering (Peter Pan)
The Promised Neverland: Emerald Truths (The Wizard of Oz)
Toriko: Sweet Pursuit (The Gingerbread Man)
Kill La Kill: A Royal Mix Up (The Prince and The Pauper)
World Trigger: The Silent Springtime (The Selfish Giant)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Curse of Shade and Malice (The Shadow)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Salt and Sugar (The Salt Princess/Cap O Rushes)
Assassination Classroom: Honeyed Words (Diamonds and Toads)
Way of The House Husband: Out of The Cage (Jorinda and Joringel)
Danganronpa The Animation (It covers all the games): Makoto in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
D Gray Man: Song of The Sparkling Swan (Swan Lake)
Persona 5 The Animation: Way Down We Go (Hades and Persephone)
Soul Eater: United We Stand (The Six Who Went Far)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The 5 Magical Musketeers (The 3 Musketeers)
Aggretsuko: Four Man Band (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Tokyo Godfathers: A Holiday Journey (A Christmas Carol)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Emotions Set Free (The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Sonic X: True, Blue, and Noble (Hans The Hedgehog)
Magiknight Rayearth: Noble Flame, Changing Tide, and Guiding Wind (The 3 Princesses of Whiteland)
A Silent Voice: Beyond All Boundaries (East of The Sun, West of The Moon)
A Whisker Away: A Feline Fairytale (The White Cat)
Your Name: A Little Bird Told Me (The Singing, Springing, Lark)
Love Live: A Fateful Adventure (Journey to The West)
Captain Tsubasa: Winging It (The Seven Ravens)
The Ancient Magus Bride: Entrapped Beauty (The Lindworm)
Overlord: Seeds of Trust (The Juniper Tree)
Delicious in Dungeon: Cooking Up Trouble (The Magic Porridge Pot)
Medaka Box: The Truth Above All (The Goose Girl)
Chainsaw Man: Demonic Assistance (The Golden Bird)
Taikobo: Legend of The Lost Kingdom (Urashima Taro)
Revue Starlight: Masked Secrets (Phantom of The Opera)
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin: Path of The Canine (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
Dr. Stone: Into The Wilderness (The Jungle Book)
Fire Force: The Flames of Charity (Robin Hood)
Shaman King: Mystery of The Marsh (The Marsh King’s Daughter)
Rave Master: Cloak of Secrets (Donkeyskin/Many Furs)
Ranma 1/2: Loyal, Brave, and True (Mulan)
Karakuri Circus: The House Within The Woods (Vasilisa The Brave and Beautiful)
Devilman Crybaby: Three Hairs of Gold (The Devil With 3 Golden Hairs)
The Irregular at Magic High School: Ring of Enchantments (The Bronze Ring)
Bobobo: One Hairy Tale (Prince Hyacinth)
Shakugan No Shana: Three Dogs, Three Heroes (The Tinderbox)
Nisekoi: Yellow With Affection (The Yellow Dwarf)
Kaiju No. 8: Don’t Get Salty (Why The Sea is Salty)
Kinnikuman: A Mission in Patience (The Tortoise and The Hare)
Oshi No Ko: The Price of Stardom (Little Brother and Little Sister)
Case Closed: Stolen Hearts and Stolen Fortunes (The Master Thief)
Pokemon The Series: An Electrifying Rescue (The Lion and The Mouse)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation: A Tale of a Thousand and One Nights (1,001 Arabian Nights)
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Ribbiting Adventure (The Frog Princess)
Dr. Slump: A Quacktastic Journey (Drakestail)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Windows to The Soul (One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes)
Kochikame: From Faux to Genuine (Don Quixote)
Yo-Kai Watch: Cat Artist Unknown (The Boy Who Drew Cats)
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War: To Love and To Be Loved (Turandot)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Feathers of Joy (The Blue Bird)
DanMachi: Forgotten Evil Unleashed (Pandora’s Box)
Hellsing Ultimate: Blood Ties (Dracula)
Claymore: The Monster Unleashed (Frankenstein)
Thanks to @sam-rexian and @crystallinedreamsfinelypowdered for helping with some of these!
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fairy-verse · 7 months
Hello! Firstly, I love Fairverse and secondly, how they are like companions, Killer and Nightmare. and finally Would you tell me more about the nightmare? she is my favorite just like nightlight
Killer & Nightmare
Local fool somehow caught the interest of the ethereal queen. Make it make sense.
Jokes aside Killer is quite the impressive fairy when it comes to strength and agility for being someone who’s not – by birth – a warrior build. He’s ruthless and quick-thinking when it calls for it and he’s loyal to the point of unquestioning; all for his queen.
Nightmare felt a pit in his soul being filled when he fully took the time to appreciate Killer’s devotion. At first, he thought Killer only admired him for his beauty, but as he listened to the hybrid proclaim poetry with the sweetness of honey and the softness of a summer’s wind, he found it harder and harder to fully imagine that beauty was all that Killer cared about.
Killer did get caught by Nightmare’s beauty at first, but as he watched him dance the autumn in, bring the starlight down towards his domain, and listened as he told the most creative of insults, for he was but “a rude spring fairy that dares to fester my morning by his presence!” Killer knew that he would rather die than let someone as tremendous and heavenly as Nightmare be left in the open for someone else to impress.
They banter, so, so much, and no matter how annoyed Nightmare might act he’ll never be able to hide the smile at the end of it all. Killer, of course, never fails at pointing it out.
Stars, Nightmare never knew he could fall so in love with another fairy. The look on Killer’s face as Nightmare cradles his cheeks never fails to make his soul swell with warmth, and the hybrid’s hands upon his flesh make him shudder delightfully in anticipation.
Killer’s fondness and joy for Lumin only succeeded in making him a fairy Nightmare would willingly face the Big Folk to protect.
During the winter months Killer shares Nightmare and Nightlight’s nest.
Once Nightmare and Killer became inseparable it was unofficially decided that said hybrid would become Nightmare and Nightlight’s guard. It eases Nightmare’s worries to know that whenever he needs to leave the underground nest, Killer is at least there to watch over Nightlight.
Nightmare has found himself imagining scenarios where he has a faerling with Killer, and though he might at first be surprised, he’ll find himself… giddy at the thought.
On the night of a Crescent moon another royal faerling will be conceived. (Edit: Obviously I'm hinting at Crescent here, but I would like to mention that he is not canon to the Fairyverse universe.)
Nightmare would be considered one of the laziest of the Firstborn only for the sole reason that he cannot be bothered to leave his underground nest during other seasons.
He oh so loves to create tapestries picturing important times of his life. There are many depicting him and his fellow firstborn, the rebirth of Nightlight, the night Lumin was born, and many other fond memories of his beloved faerling, and of course, in recent times he’s begun to create tapestries depicting a beautiful but annoyingly silver-tongued red fairy.
Nightmare has low energy levels, but he’ll become near restless during autumn and will be hard-pressed to not go outside during his season.
He loves to moon bathe.
Bitter tastes are what he prefers concerning food and drink, though he has a slight sweet tooth for nuts glazed in cold honey.
Nightmare is not ashamed to be prideful regarding his dancing skills. Being the best out of all the season fairies, he has every right to be proud.
Being more often referred to as Queen rather than King, he’s quite the nurturing leader, always having his season fairies' wellbeing in mind and wanting them to be happy and safe; hence the underground nest made to keep them protected.
He has a guilty pleasure for glittering things and will hoard them in a specially made room where they’d all be displayed in a messy but pretty manner. Killer likes to tease him by calling him a dragon with fairy wings. Nightmare always pulls a face at that comment.
He’s terrified of letting Nightlight roam the world outside of his underground nest. The mere thought of it triggers traumatic memories of the day of his corruption, and the first and only time Nightlight asked about the world up above he broke down into hysteria. He was weeping and crying and unable to reel himself back in and it was horrible. And what's worse he made Nightlight cry because he could feel his fear and his grief, and he never wanted this to happen.
Nightmare is relieved that Nightlight hasn’t asked about the world up above again, though he feels guilt for keeping him caged up like this, but he just can’t risk it. He just can’t bear the thought of any of the Big Folk laying their hands on him like they did—
Even as the living fairy of his past before the corruption, Nightlight remains the only one who can soothe Nightmare when it comes to his trauma and panic attacks. Nightmare finds it oddly ironic that his past self was so… soft and level-headed, but it brings him comfort to have him close and safe.
Quiet, reserved, and soft-spoken.
Nightlight knows little of the land above as it is now, having only memories of the time on the meadow before Nightmare’s corruption. A small part of him wishes to see what the island looks like now, but the obvious distress on Nightmare’s face when he attempted to mention this has made him pull back on that. It’s not that important anyway.
He deeply cares for Nightmare’s well-being and would never want to make him scared in any way. He knows that he’s being overprotected but if that makes Nightmare feel calm, then he’ll endure it.
Nightlight deeply cares for Lumin and sees him as his faerling, too.
Nightmare’s massive library and extensive private quarters give him more than enough room to lounge and enjoy himself, though he’ll mostly spend his time in the library to read, and read, and read.
Nuts and berries are his favourites to eat, and nothing beats a crystal glass full of ice water, though he has a guilty pleasure for honeyed milk.
He has the flower he was reborn from to sleep in, but he prefers to share Nightmare’s nest. It’s much more comfortable and cozier.
Killer is the first fairy beside the other firstborn that’s been allowed close to Nightlight, and Nightlight himself grows deeply flustered whenever the hybrid is around due to his endless flirting. He doesn’t know what to do with himself, and Nightmare is not helping because he finds it endearing!
His wings have only been used to make him jump a little higher or to make a sudden fall be a little softer upon impact, but he’s never used them to fly and therefore they’ve grown weak and nearly useless for flight. They also lack a lot of pigmentation from not being exposed to pollen and sunlight/moonlight. Nightlight doesn’t find too much of an issue with this as he’s never needed to fly.
He knows and feels the regret within Nightmare when it comes to him being partly held sheltered in the nest, but he tries to reassure his darker counterpart that it’s okay. It’s okay.
The underground nest is beautiful, and Nightlight loves it; dearly. He doesn’t need the world up above. That is the world that hurt him, that hurt Nightmare, and here he’s safe. He’s protected, and he’s loved. He doesn’t need anything more than Nightmare, Lumin, Killer, and his books. He’s content here.
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divanthesimmer · 2 years
The Sims 4: Medieval Save
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Hear ye! Hear ye! The Medieval Save is finally here!
This has been an ongoing project which many Simmers from all across the world were apart of and we turned nearly 19 worlds from the game into medieval kingdoms. I've always been a fan of medieval fantasy as well as The Sims Medieval and so this save was born.
A few things to take note of:
* Due to the previous placements of some lots in destination worlds, a bug caused them to became unplayable. It is now fixed (as well as a few other things) and I kindly ask you to re-download the save and delete all previous versions (uploaded before 13 March 2023).
* This is not meant to be a historically accurate save and not all worlds can be considered "medieval". For example Oasis Springs was turned into Ancient Egypt and StrangerVille was turned into a Native-American world and there are many fantasy creatures in the save. Also, The Sims is a very modern game and we had to work with what we have. I guess it would've been more accurate to name it Historical Fantasy Save or something along those lines, but the main theme has always been medieval.
* It requires nearly all the packs and is quite a big file. I didn't want to restrict people's creativity and we don't have many medieval looking items in the game. I recommend lowering your graphics if you have a lower end PC and note that you might have many bald, nude Sims and missing build objects if you're missing packs.
* It doesn't add any new gameplay, though it could change how you play the game. Almost all modern appliances are removed and most lots are off-the-grid. This is not a mod and thus I couldn't add things like swordfighting or things that would make the save more immersive. Luckily there are many mods out there that could help with that.
* Some Sims with royal titles have longer names and editing them in CAS will force you to shorten their name. If you wish to edit them, you can shorten their name in CAS and just re-add their titles with MCCC in live mode.
* NPC Sims/townies will continuously spawn with modern clothing by the game's design. You can either delete them as they spawn, give them medieval makeovers or edit them in CAS and replace them with medieval Sims from the Gallery. There are some tutorials on YouTube which could help with this, like this video by KatsCorner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPsxmGk92M4
Worlds included in this save:
Fairdells, previously Willow Creek:
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A magical kingdom home to elves, gnomes, fairies and several magic-wielding races.  Ruled by the tyrannical King Taranath, the future of this once-peaceful kingdom looms in the air. Architecture includes elven palaces, treehouses, dwarf villages and more.
Egypt, previously Oasis Springs:
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The ancient kingdom of Egypt ruled by Queen Cleopatra of the Ptolemaic dynasty. It includes pyramids, palaces, temples and more.
Wood Grove, previously Newcrest:
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An extension of Fairdells home to dryads, elves, gnomes, ogres and other races. It's a more "foresty" area than Fairdells and includes swampy ogre homes, mushroom homes and lots more.
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A kingdom ruled by the royal Von Haunt family. After the King's death, his young son took his place on the throne, but has much to learn and is ruled by his mother, the Queen. Includes typical medieval architecture like castles, inns, peasant homes and more
Pirate's Cove, previously Brindleton Bay:
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A hideaway for thieving pirates and cutthroat buccaneers. Includes pirate nests, ships, inns and more.
Mermaid Isles, previously Sulani:
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This kingdom has always been home to both men and merfolk. Recently pirates have invaded and everyone is at war. Includes pirate ships, a mermaid castle, an inn and more.
Chihuahuan, previously StrangerVille:
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A desert home to indigenous Native-American tribes. Includes an adobe village, tipis and the infamous Pit of Judgement!
Mt. Komorebi:
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An ancient Japanese kingdom home to Japanese farmers and Samurai warriors. Includes onsens, Samurai training grounds, villages and more.
The Swamp of Terror, previously Evergreen Harbor:
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A ruined region home to those shunned by society - beggars, thieves, ogres and more. Includes an orphanage, ruined buildings, ogre swamps and more.
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A magical kingdom home to all spellcasters and is ruled by Lady Ravendancer Goth. Includes a castle, library, inn and more.
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Built and ruled by the royal Landegraab family, this kingdom is home to scholars and those who wish to learn about history and dragons among other subjects. Includes a castle, student housing, libraries and more.
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A lost kingdom which includes several inns, temple ruins and more. Many travelers go here to search for hidden treasures and discover ancient secrets.
Nordhalla, previously Granite Falls:
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A Viking settlement home to Vikings as well as werebears. Includes Viking homes, a stave church, werebear hideouts and more.
Forgotten Hollow:
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A kingdom home to creatures that dwell in the night. Ruled by Count Vladislaus Straud, it's a haven for all vampires, but vampire hunters have recently arrived and things are about to get messy. Includes vampire castles and temples, vampire hunters headquarters and more.
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A rural kingdom home to many farmers and their animals. Ruled by House Llamaryen and a place where fairytales come to life. Includes a castle, farm homes, a village shoppe and more.
Guild Centre, previously Magnolia Promenade:
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A small shopping centre which includes an inn, tavern, market and apothecary. Travelers from all kingdoms go here for their shopping needs.
King's Valley, previously Del Sol Valley:
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Home to some of the most prominent Sims accross all kingdoms, such as the Emperor, his most trusted advisors and high ranking priests. Includes castles and a sept.
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A kingdom surrounded by the Mediterranean sea. Home to the legendary Princess Cordelia and the royal Thebe family. Includes castles, pirate ship, a peasant village and more.
Moonwood Mill:
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A village home to lumberjacks, mooncasters and MOOcasters. Includes a lumber mill, peasant village, cowplant farm and mooncaster hideout.
Thank you to josh_se_oh for the amazing cover render and KawaiiFoxita for the beautiful build screenshots. Also thank you to everyone for your support as well as everyone who contributed to the save! All builds and Sims created specifically for the save can be found under #divanmedievalsave on the Gallery.
Please tag me with screenshots and videos if you intend to play the save!
Download on Patreon (100% Free)
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patchwork-crow-writes · 5 months
The RalsAlmanac, Volume I
Okay, here it is! A series of essays that will attempt to definitively explain just who or what Ralsei is, referring to scenes from the game as evidence, as well as external sources where appropriate.
There will be some conjecture, as there's just so much we don't know about him, and what little we are given isn't exactly the most revealing. However, I've done my best to cleave as closely to the source material as I can, and I believe there's a strong case to be had here.
Hopefully you'll be able to see where my points come from, or at the very least you'll learn something you didn't know before. Either way, thanks for your consideration!
Volume I - Ralsei Is A Character In A Role-Playing Game.
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Self-indulgent reference out of the way, lemme ask you a question.
Who is Ralsei?
It's a question that seems like it should be easy to answer. He's the Prince From The Dark, the third of the three Delta Warriors, he exists to serve the lightners, and is the most precious little cinnamon roll that ever lived. He enjoys baking and crochet, can hold a tune, is a decent interior-decorator, and holds his friends Kris and Susie in very high regard.
Thing is, that's about all you can really say about him without veering into speculation and headcanons, and they're more surface-level observations than anything else. What exactly does "Prince From The Dark" mean, for instance? Prince in what sense, exactly? Ceremonial, or with the actual power that royalty conveys? Where does he rank in comparison to, say, King or Queen, both actual rulers of actual kingdoms? The title of "prince" would suggest that he answers to them, but while they rule their own municipalities, Ralsei's title implies he rules over ALL dark worlds. You could go on asking these questions forever, but I think you see what I'm getting at.
A more productive avenue of questioning might be: What role does Ralsei play in the story of Deltarune? Perhaps more of his underlying character and motivation could be gleaned by looking at what he does for the story and the game. And this would be correct... sort of.
We tend to think of him as the squishy healer of the party, the Heart and moral centre of the Fun Gang. And he absolutely is that, but he's also quite a bit more. He plays all sorts of different roles and character archetypes in the first two chapters of the game, including but not limited to:
the old man whose purpose is to wax poetic about the ancient prophecy...
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the know-it-all tutorial fairy who walks you through the basic game mechanics...
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the straight-man DM trying to keep everything on the rails...
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the young sheltered noble experiencing the outside world for the first time...
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the demure love-interest to the main protagonist...
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the Polyanna determined to see the good in everybody...
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the mysterious waif who knows things he shouldn't...
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...eye candy…?
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...and so on and so forth.
And so what, I hear you cry. Characters in video games can have more than one personality trait, after all. And yes, this is true! But usually, the different aspects of a character's roles, how they interact with, reinforce or contradict each other, can tell us more about their inner world - what motivates them, what they actively like and dislike... in short, it grants them depth and allows us to engage with them as actual people, rather than just a series of game functions and character traits dressed up in a pretty bow.
But that's not what we see with Ralsei. In fact, far from showing us any real, deep aspect of his character, each new guise he dons and part he plays in the narrative further obfuscates him from us. We learn no new meaningful information from any of these exchanges... except for one thing, but we'll come to that in a moment.
This vexes us, because we WANT to know more about him, but all we end up getting is stock JRPG tropes dressed up in a warm, fluffy coat. There HAS to be something deeper, we reason - he's hiding things from us, so he must be a secret villain. Or his backstory is so tragic, so traumatising, that he cannot properly articulate it to us right now. Or maybe what we see really IS what we get - a simpering, airheaded fool whose only desires in life are to be cute, please his betters and do what he's told. Yet even this explanation seems... unsatisfying, especially since we KNOW he harbours some angst about himself and his sense of identity.
And speaking of which, that one thing we learn? Right at the end of Chapter 2's Acid Tunnel sequence, he utters a single sentence:
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This is arguably one of the most significant lines of dialogue in the entire game up to this point. But what does it mean, exactly? I believe most people assume it means he doesn't have a clear sense of who he is outside of his ordained purpose, which is certainly valid, and definitely something I believed for a long time. And yet, this explanation does not deepen our understanding of his character in any meaningful way; looking back over all his interactions with the cast, it does not allow us to glean any further information about him.
And you can say that's because he himself doesn't know what he's like... but again, this doesn't actually change anything, and we just end up with a circular logic trap. We don't know anything because he doesn't tell us anything, and he doesn't tell us anything because he doesn't know anything, so how can we be expected to know anything, except that no-one seems to know anything about him… which is very frustrating to us Ralsei scholars, and gets us no closer to truly understanding him.
But look at what he says again. Really look at it. It’s a very strange way of saying “I don’t really know who I am”, isn’t it? After all, if that’s what he means, then why doesn’t he just say that? I’m certain you’ve realised by now, but it’s because that’s NOT what he’s saying at all. He literally has no clue what being “himself” is supposed to be, because he wasn’t even created with a sense of “Ralsei-ness” in the first place. Little wonder, then, that we can’t discern anything about his internal world, when there is nothing there to be discerned.
But before I elaborate any further, I want to talk about a couple of scenes in Deltarune that are just... puzzling. This is relevant, I promise. The first is during the dialogue with Rouxls Kaard before the rematch with K.Round. Ralsei says something interesting in the lead-up to the fight:
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Note Susie’s baffled reaction to this. Then not long afterwards, he continues with:
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Throwaway joke, right? We laugh because Susie's right - K. Round and its crown do look exactly the same to us, and so Ralsei's dramatic utterances are deflated and lose their impact. We laugh, beat the boss with Susie's help and forget all about it. But here's the thing - if K.Round looks the same to us, and it looks the same to Susie, and presumably by extension the rest of the in-game characters... when why exactly does Ralsei take the time to insist otherwise?
Is he... lying? Our most precious little boy, guilty of perjury? Say it ain't so! :O
The second scene is in chapter 2 - Queen has challenged us to a game of Punch-Out on her absurdly tall arcade machine, and we can talk to the characters before trying to interact with it. Talk to Ralsei, and if you answer "Gaming is my life" to his prompt, he says this:
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Most people don't even come across this in their playthrough, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's new to you reading this. But again, note this strange discrepancy between what Ralsei reports is happening and what Susie says is actually happening. It becomes apparent to most people that Kris can affect the tone of their voice when saying what we tell them to, which affects how the response is taken by other characters and gives us a subtle clue about how they actually feel about certain characters or situations.
Are we to assume, then, that Ralsei isn't actually listening to how Kris says things, but only what they're saying? And if that's correct, then... what does that say about him?
Taken at face-value, within the context of the game, neither of these events really make much sense. It just looks like Ralsei is being overly-dramatic, or lying, or perhaps even insensitive to what their friend is trying to tell him, which doesn't quite track with his per-established shallow traits of kind, all-loving and moralistic. It's perplexing and seemingly out-of-character for him. So it might help to consider, in each of these scenarios, who exactly Ralsei is talking to.
Is it Kris and/or Susie? This would make the most sense, but it's actually not that likely, considering the aforementioned discrepencies between his descriptions and Susie's observations. So is it himself? Again, if he can see things the same as everyone else in-game, that wouldn't make much sense, because then he's just saying stuff that... isn't true? Or in the latter example's case, just completely ignoring what Kris is saying, which doesn't seem to entirely gel with what we know about him.
So, who does that leave? Well, the only other person - or should I say entity - who is present for both of those scenes is... us. The player of Deltarune. And that might seem even stranger than the previous options, until you realise what it is he's actually doing - providing flavour text, additional exposition informing us of details that we wouldn't - or shouldn't - be able to make out on a pixelated display with no voice-acting, attempting to give us a richer sense of these events in order to increase our sense of immersion in the game and world of Deltarune. In effect, he's playing the part of a character in a role playing game, doling out “flavour text” that contradicts another character’s experience of the same scenes, and he's doing it entirely for OUR benefit. Not Kris’s, not Susie's – ours.
He tells us that K.Round's crown is different, and that it is in pain from its forced control, to try and increase the stakes of the fight, and to give us a motivation that's not "here's the exact same boss again lul". He responds to Kris's words the way he does, not because he doesn't understand the nuances of their tone, but to try and amp us up for the upcoming challenge, and to validate our choice when we select the dialogue option "Gaming is my life". Because we cannot hear Kris's tone of voice - and Ralsei knows that. To him, Kris's tone literally doesn't matter, because he doesn't believe it matters to us in that exact moment.
And here’s the thing: if not for Susie’s asides immediately contradicting him, we’d likely take what he says here as what’s actually going on. To Ralsei, the reality he and his friends experience is not important – it’s the image of that reality that he’s trying to convey to the player. It’s like he knows he’s part of a game, meant just for us to experience and enjoy, as opposed to a real world filled with real people having real experiences.
And the reason I brought this up is to illustrate what I believe Ralsei to actually be - namely, that he a walking, talking, singing and dancing amalgam of stock JRPG characters and tropes that's trying very hard to present as an actual person, to the point of knowing absolutely nothing about who he even is outside of that. Put in even blunter terms, he's literally a fluffy goat-shaped vehicle to set the player on their journey through the game, to keep them playing and to keep them invested. People looking for deeper aspects of his character come up short and are disappointed because they're looking for something that does not currently exist.
And just so that I'm clear, I do not mean that Ralsei is "acting", or that he's "wearing a mask", because that would imply that there was actually something underneath his "facade" to begin with. No, this is who the Prince of the Dark is - a very convincing fascimile of a person, following his directive to ensure that the story of Deltarune is resolved, and that the game of Deltarune is played to completion. And once you realise that, a lot of things that Ralsei says and does that seemed strange before suddenly make a lot more sense.
As for the why... well, that'll have to wait for another time. But hopefully you can begin to see how my future essays in this series all tie in to this one, because I think you can only really understand those with the framework that this text provides. I hope that my reasoning made sense and wasn't too difficult to follow, but I'll be happy to provide additional information, clarification, or even just discussion on any aspect of this essay... even if we just wind up (respectfully) agreeing to disagree. Would love to hear what people thought about this!
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Thanks for reading!
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