#the expanse resources
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years ago
Sorted icons, Season 4. The Expanse. 200x100 slightly sharpened
Adolphus Murtry - Burn Gorman
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham
Arjun Avasarala - Michael Benyaer
Bobbie Draper - Frankie Adams
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee
Carol Chiwewe - Patti Kim
Chandra Wei - Jess Salgueiro
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo
Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole
David Draper - Kolton Stewart
Elise Holden - Frances Fisher
Elvi Okoye - Lydie Greenwood
Esai Martin - Paul Schulze
Felcia Mazur - Kyla Madeira
Filip Inaros - Jasai Chase Owens
Fred Johnson - Chad L. Coleman
Jakob Mazur - Steven McCarthy
James Holden - Steven Strait
Josephus Miller - Thomas Jayne
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn
Leelee - Dayle McLeod
Lucia Mazur - Rose Gilmore
Marco Inaros - Keon Alexander
Nancy Gao - Lily Gao
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper
Thomas - Michael Xavier
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
Previous Expanse resources can be found HERE HERE and HERE. There are also some Expanse gif icon & base icon sets on my blog w/ more to come.
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porrigens · 10 months ago
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did my first life drawing session with agent 8 :D
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vamprequiem · 11 months ago
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Octo Expansion - sanitized octoling themed graphics
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necrocrafter · 1 month ago
Scaleswind being an early steampunk era village that's full of academia and the pursuit of advancement. Scaleswind being tucked strategically and safely in the cradle of a mountain crater, allowing for innovative ways to get out and about the mountains. Scaleswind inspiring bright and brilliant minds.
I also just like Nicole's whole disguise. In s1, she says that her look isn't what she actually looks like and that she's hiding from her father. But sometimes the best disguises are the ones that aren't far from the truth.
Plenty of people know about Scaleswind and try and get into their academies. She just looks like your average rumpled "college" student trying to make it in the world.
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nomkiwi · 12 days ago
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🚈 UNDERWATER METRO - a pink / cyan octo expansion inspired psd
🦑 requested by @peaceandlover
Always credit (tag me if possible) if using! 🥽
🐟 don't copy layers or use as base
Do not use if you fit my dni or for nsfw things
💉  like / reblog to use ! // psd should work on most skintones, but it all gets a little pink.
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sister-lucifer · 4 months ago
Hey, hope I'm not intruding or anything.
Can you make a divider for the Deepsea Metro in Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion?
Thank you for being!
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🦑Deepsea Metro Dividers🦑
please like, reblog, & credit if you use!
DNI: TERFS, endo, proship, pro ana, nazi, MAPs, zoophiles
tag list: @ghostboneswrites2 @savanaclaw1996 @lordhavemercyyyyy @bloodythornsandskulls
@und3ad-mutt @ribbed-scythe @idkwhatto-namethis @nothers @yourlocaltrasheater
@ang3l-d1nn3r @puppy-monst3r @orisaspirin @bunnyb0yy @blindweb
@worstwolverinesbf @wardenofbanland @weirdest-worlds
[if you’d like to be on the tag list for dividers, please leave a message in my inbox]
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lucy-the-demon · 4 months ago
When other Sims esc life simulators come out and the Sims franchise dies and the community fades onto obscurity
The only thing I'm gonna miss is pasnerv..
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nesurii · 2 years ago
i’m so excited for the horse ranch pack!! the world looks amazing & the horse gameplay looks great.
i kind of get why there’s a lack of other gameplay now: i can tell a lot of resources already went into making horses work and designing this world and i think they actually did well on that. the pack is really JUST about having a horse ranch, so if you are not interested in that, it’s not worth the money for an expansion pack.
i love it though, the horses are cute and i literally get to live out my wild dream now having a ranch lmaooo
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antirepurp · 1 year ago
i don't think sonic translates particularly well into open world environments so it probably would be for the best if future games didn't go the same route as frontiers HOWEVER. they should return to the formula of huge hub worlds to give us a space to run around and goof off in like in frontiers. i want them to take sa1 06 and unleashed and expand on what they did. maybe make seamless transitions from hub world into stage environments who knows!!
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years ago
Sorted screencaps from The Expanse, S3.
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham: 7,000
Anna Volovodova - Elizabeth Mitchell: 9,800
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee: 7,500
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo: 5,725
Cotyar Ghaze - Nick E. Tarabay: 2,590
Diogo Harari - Andrew Rotilio: 380
Elio Casti - Brandon McGibbon: 900
Esteban Sorrento - Gillis - Jonathan Whittaker: 2,300
Fredrick "Fred" Johnson - Chad L. Coleman: 680
James "Jim" Holden - Steven Strait: 13,700
Josephus Miller - Thomas Payne: 2,300
Jules Pierre Mao - Francois Chau: 2,400
Julie Mao - Florence Faivre: 340
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn: 9,000
Lawrence Strickland - Ted Atherton: 1,800
Maneo Jung-Espinoza - Zach Villa: 1,700
Mei Meng - Leah Jung: 1,000
Melba ie Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole: 7,000
Monica Stuart - Anna Hopkins: 1,900
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper: 9,950
Praxideke "Prax" Ming - Terry Chen: 2,600
Roberta "Bobbie" Draper - Frankie Adams: 5,200
Sadavir Errinwright - Shawn Doyle: 2,500
Tilly Fagan - Genelle Williams: 1,300
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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babylove007 · 2 months ago
50 Shades Of The Worst Shelter Expansion Pack I Have EVER Played
First of all, I'm here
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Then there is drugs, like the deadly kind not the pot and a cigarette kind,
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Then there is wondering if my meal is going to taste like wray n nephew infused rice, lemon wood shine infused pasta, spoiled stew, butter chicken and naan break -- excellent, some of the salmon ones --- excellent, fried chicken --- excellent, jerk chicken --- excellent, "its pasta with chicken" No son, thats pasta with TOFU. and then I'm here like, ok
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Then it's fish with christmas rice crispies breading with some sour nerds in it, so I'm like "I'll just take a bag of crackers"
Then we have someone playing some crazy rap screamo at 7:30am in the morning, thinking were all gonna go
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SOMEONE FIRE THE DJ. (Jack you always play a good set. Also, there is another young guy there that has good tunes and fine times)
Then sometimes there is cake, and we remember I need mine in a cup because my hands literally just start to drop and throw shit, but again c a k e and they all get a face like this
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Then some guy asks if I have meth and puts his hands on my mittens
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Then it's not even 9am on a Sunday and I haven't even got Tim Hortons yet, having to tell the bus driver the bus needs an exposure wipe -- (ear shit is coming out white on my black coat)
My dogs are barking, the cops are waiting, cars driving by are wondering because I go straight to cussing in patois
Naturally I assume Scarberia Paintball Party position and wait
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"Did YOU expose my baby to bad drugs today?"
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"The dog keeps blaring on the horn and I don't even have a dog on me"
Yeah, bet.
------------------------------------ Then I bus up to 401 and Divison St to sit outside of McDonalds, somewhere between 401 on one side, the train tracks on the other, the megatron building to remind me how fucked transformers one went,
Also praying it doesn't rain dump water on me --- usually that only happens when I have money to shop at no frills so naturally I'm like this at all times.....
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Pick a fucking side, it nah matter because its a sure thing either way
And then I get back and see another human being I love and I wonder how I'm supposed to balance funeral expenses for my family, notification for my family, the absolute garbage people that have showed up in the past, the people in their paths here in Kingston with the same malice and I just....
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And sometimes I just look at the cameras like this because it gets so lonely as a noot noot penguin x mumble penguin mash up woman.
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Then I see a problem as I going through a number of phases and directions,
Both these faces in disbelief,
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And "wow you look and sound like chaotic, gotta go"
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And essentially I just wrap it up like "fuck it, if I die I die"
Waiting for the transport and my honking dog or the paint ball party crew to pull up and rescue me from this hell
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There's more. There's always more. I'll leave it at the paintball party pon me for now. (Cheat codes uploaded to facebook a few weeks back. Re: Search and Rescue Paintball Party with ass plate receipts & diagrams)
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dndsettingsinfo · 2 years ago
Rolling with Emphasis by RAINING_DAYS
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unironically perfectly incapsulates the rise and fall of the decepticon cause and cyclical nature of cybertronian history in general
and because I'm biased I would cast Starscream as the song's pov
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themonsterp · 10 months ago
The Universe, in some sense, must have known we were coming—Roger Penrose
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capricornrph · 2 years ago
[[CLICK HERE]] and you will find 125 gifs of Wes Chatham in Season 6 of The Expanse. All of these gifs were made by me from scratch. Don’t repost, redistribute, or claim them as your own. You are, though, more than welcome to edit them for your own personal use as long as you give proper credit. Likes and reblogs are appreciated if you find yourself liking or using these gifs. :) If you like what you see or would like to support the page, consider commissioning me to make you something. :)
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thorgans-guide-to-thedas · 1 year ago
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DA: TTRPG Character Background Expansion Part 1
Based on the re-imaginings of Thedas, here's a collection of character backgrounds to add to your library.
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