#jules pierre mao
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rocicrew · 6 months ago
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From my family line
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years ago
Sorted screencaps from The Expanse, S3.
Amos Burton - Wes Chatham: 7,000
Anna Volovodova - Elizabeth Mitchell: 9,800
Camina Drummer - Cara Gee: 7,500
Chrisjen Avasarala - Shohreh Aghdashloo: 5,725
Cotyar Ghaze - Nick E. Tarabay: 2,590
Diogo Harari - Andrew Rotilio: 380
Elio Casti - Brandon McGibbon: 900
Esteban Sorrento - Gillis - Jonathan Whittaker: 2,300
Fredrick "Fred" Johnson - Chad L. Coleman: 680
James "Jim" Holden - Steven Strait: 13,700
Josephus Miller - Thomas Payne: 2,300
Jules Pierre Mao - Francois Chau: 2,400
Julie Mao - Florence Faivre: 340
Klaes Ashford - David Strathairn: 9,000
Lawrence Strickland - Ted Atherton: 1,800
Maneo Jung-Espinoza - Zach Villa: 1,700
Mei Meng - Leah Jung: 1,000
Melba ie Clarissa Mao - Nadine Nicole: 7,000
Monica Stuart - Anna Hopkins: 1,900
Naomi Nagata - Dominique Tipper: 9,950
Praxideke "Prax" Ming - Terry Chen: 2,600
Roberta "Bobbie" Draper - Frankie Adams: 5,200
Sadavir Errinwright - Shawn Doyle: 2,500
Tilly Fagan - Genelle Williams: 1,300
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
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bedpolls · 10 months ago
Jules-Pierre Mao from The Expanse
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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marchdadness · 2 years ago
these are dads from the expanse! vote for your favorite, or the one you think is the best, or the hottest, or whatever! the winner will be entered into a poll tournament with 63 other fictional dads.
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downbadfordraper · 10 months ago
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You tell him Chrissie
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geekysteven · 8 months ago
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darkfire359 · 2 years ago
What are examples of movies / tv shows (especially live-action ones) where at least one of the following is true?
a. There is a single, primary protagonist who is non-white, but they could have been white without significantly changing the story.
b. The main antagonist or villain is non-white, but they could have been white without significantly changing the story.
Something like Everything, Everywhere, All At Once wouldn’t count because Evelyn or Jobu not being Asian would significantly change the story (in my opinion). Same with something like Black Panther or Interview with the Vampire.
Similarly, even media with very diverse casts, like The Good Place, Our Flag Means Death, or She-Ra wouldn’t count because their primary protagonist is white.
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hard-times-paramore · 28 days ago
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Julian Andrew Mao
The Expanse OC - He/him
Backstory under the cut! Plus some author commentary in this link.
Basically, this is me giving the Roci crew a son boy.
Julian Andrew Mao is the genetic son of Jules Pierre Mao among many other DNA donors. He was named in honor of Jules' late daughter, Juliette Andromeda Mao, who he saw as a cornerstone of the Protomolecule research project.
He's a clone, gestated inside a tube on a ship that spent around 4 months going from Earth to Io. Initially, he was going to be used to analyze and calculate the data of the Protomolecule experiment done on the 100.000 belters of Eros.
While was engineered without the capacity to feel remorse, the scientists didn't account for the deep logical empathy he developped regardless, and for him to refuse analyzing the human experiments on the grounds of "it was wrong".
He was initially punished as an attempt to fall in line, but the experiment had already failed. The scientists of the project turned to electromagnetically wiping out the empathy of other adult scientists instead, a process that proved cheaper and more effective.
The clone subject was a disaster in many more ways. Due to being gestated in zero G, he was born with extremely brittle bones, unable to endure even a moon's gravity.
Not only that, mutations happened during the gestation process, and the result was an intersex child with OCA1 albinism . Due to being in a ship, and not a proper lab, most of his deviations could not be corrected in-vitro.
The room in the ship that brought him to Io was makeshift-adapted into a sort of human terrarium, with an atmosphere that his underdevelopped lungs could breathe, low enough light that wouldn't hurt his sensitive eyes, and low gravity that wouldn't crush his skeleton. Too much work to maintain, it was considered temporary.
The Protogen scientists decided that a last resort so the clone project wouldn't turn out completely useless, would be to infuse him with Protomolecule to turn him into a hybrid, as part of the experiments in Prospero Station in Io.
Soon, however, the crew of the Rocinante stopped the research facility from creating the hybrids and rescue the children on the station.
While accounting for all the rescued children, they find Andrew in The Tower, a Protogen stealth ship orbiting the moon.
The boy prefers to be called Andrew, or Andy. He outright rejects his last name, and "Julian" is too close to his father, and even closer to that saint-like Julie he will never be able to live up to.
He was programmed to age rapidly until the fully mature physical age of 26 years old. Mentally, he's in a weird rift between child and adult.
Andrew is extremely intelligent and capable of fast thinking and data analysis, but can only live inside of a ship, preferably behind the glass walls of his "terrarium".
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mzannthropy · 2 years ago
“It’s really disgusting that Doss’ crazy adventures should have turned out like this. It makes one feel that there is no use in behaving properly."
I kinda see Olive's point here... oh dear, am I gonna be controversial again?
So, the way I see this book is that the real villain is not any person, but the clan's customs and traditions. I think all the members perform to some extent, but I don't think they're really bad people as a whole (I maintain that Uncle James is an abuser and Mrs Frederick ofc is an emotional manipulator with her silent treatment, though she's not a Stirling by birth, the rest are mostly boring or pompous or annoying, but nothing terrible). And I think Olive also performs, maybe more than the others, playing the role of the golden daughter, the perfect girl. The only other time we get Olive's POV, aside from this letter, is in the chapter when Barney is getting gas from Uncle Wellington while Olive's in the car. We learn that her fiance worries over insanity running in the family, and then she has an idea:
Wouldn’t it be splendid if she could induce the prodigal daughter to return?
She doesn't care about Valancy, she just wants to score points the the clan. Olive has followed all the rules correctly--yet Valancy, who has shamelessly broken them, gets to bag a Redfern heir and thus gains respect of the clan.
Natalie Lue talks a lot about performing and people pleasing on her Baggage Reclaim podcast and blog (which she doesn't update anymore, but there's plenty of material to read/listen to), I have previously shared an episode where she talked about the dark side of people pleasing--meaning that if you people please all your life, one day you're just gonna snap. It's essentially what happened with Valancy.
“I’ve been trying to please other people all my life and failed,” she said. “After this I shall please myself.
It's like that meme "are you tired of being nice, don't you just want to go apeshit?" I hope Olive and Cecil will be happy together, but it would also be interesting to see Olive, too, go apeshit.
Also, I have just remembered Clarissa Mao from the TV series The Expanse. She also did her best to be the perfect daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao (the Big Bad of the show), who favoured her rebellious younger sister Julie. One day it becomes too much and she goes berserk, trying to kill the main hero of the show. I really liked her character, though I never finished the show (maybe I'll go back to it).
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badwolf-gallagher88 · 3 months ago
Day 24 - Royalty/Fantasy
When Miller was a child, he had been fascinated by the tales of knights and dragons that originated on Earth. 
He had given in to a private smile when he first arrived on the Rocinante. Fancy calling a ship after the horse of foolish Don Quixote, the knight so pathetic he couldn’t tell the difference between a dragon and a windmill. He had to admit, that if you put Holden on horseback he probably wouldn’t be much better at distinguishing the difference, but it was still a funny idea.
Nonetheless, despite having grown in years, Miller’s fascination had yet to fade. There was something almost abject about the way a knight would pledge his service to a corrupt, pitiless king.
Perhaps it was because he found the regrettable pledge of service a bit too relatable.
He had never envisioned himself as a knight in shining armour. He was more of the scrambling dogsbody - a young boy that spent so much time in service, one day he woke up and was an old man. And as he grew into that old, aching body, he came to realise he was doing the bidding of a cruel and merciless master.
Star Helix had long been in the pay of Earther corporations, but it wasn’t until he’d been put on Julie Mao’s case that he quite registered it. In this mockery of a fairytale, men like Jules-Pierre Mao were the kings, and men like Miller did not even earn themselves the titles of knights.
Nonetheless, he’d donned his invisible armour - or perhaps that was simply his hat - and gone in search of his damsel in distress. 
Julie Mao was no helpless princess in a tower. She was a warrior maiden, riding like Joan of Arc into the middle of battle, prepared to give her life and take others. In this case, Miller felt more like Don Quixote, helplessly chasing after Dulcinea. It made no matter - he had taken up his sword, and he would not let it down until he had defeated the dragon, the corrupt king, and taken a new queen.
Lying on his bunk in the Rocinante, shortly after fleeing from Eros station, Miller laughed quietly to himself.
The foolish knight had chased his windmill, and been impaled in the process.
Part of him was disbelieving in how myopic he had been, but deeper inside, it all sort of made sense. For years he had absorbed himself in stories, seeking the answers to questions that plagued every Belter who had too much time. Why did they serve these fickle kings? Why were they always the servants, and never the masters? Who would come to save them when the great dragon arrived, and all the world went up in flames?
Turned out the world went up in protomolocule, not in flames, for all it matters.
He had lost his maiden, and almost been killed by the dragon.
Yet Miller still believed himself a knight, and if Holden was willing to fight windmills, then so was he. 
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kadytimberfox · 1 year ago
Kady's Expanse (Re)Watch Blog
Episode 1.01 - "Dulcinea" (Pilot)
And here we go for my...fourth time I've watched this episode I think? It's a really wonderful pilot that does so much work with introducing you to the world, our cast of characters, and setting up the threads of the main plot and does it all perfectly in a very tight 45 minutes. It reminds me a lot of Deep Space Nine's pilot "The Emissary" which is similarly a masterclass in tight storytelling and how to properly kick off a new series.
And speaking of kicking off a new series, hey! I'm watching this show that I absolutely adore again and I'm going to take the time to spout my thoughts about it on the internet because that seems like a fun idea! I really enjoy thinking about media critically but I've never taken the time to write down my thoughts before. It's a style of writing I've always wanted to try so where better to do that than a Tumblr blog? I'll try to keep these Brief and Not Boring but no guarantees on either. Especially on this one. It's the pilot, after all.
I also want to keep this as light on spoilers as possible; again though, no guarantees. Also if you haven't seen this show yet just go fucking watch it it's so good.
Later in this post is a description of torture that happens in the episode. I marked it with a TW and formatted the text to make it distinct from the rest of the post.
With that out of the way, there's nothing left to do except pick apart this pilot!
We kick off with a bang (and then some more banging) as we see a young woman named "Julie" fight her way out of a locked compartment, explore the darkened hallways of her Completely Fucked Spaceship, and watch her friends get eaten alive by some evil blue space goop. Surely none of that will be important later.
Cut to the adventures of hard-boiled Belter detective Joe Miller and his new Earthling partner Dimitri Havelock. They're private cops for an Earth corporation who theoretically maintain order on Ceres Station in the Asteroid Belt, the biggest shithole this side of pretty much anywhere. They go to a murder scene and do basically nothing, antagonize and then arrest people minding their own business at a bar, and take a bribe to half-ass a health inspection. Y'know, classic cop stuff.
Back at the precinct, Miller gets an off-the-books job from his boss to find one Juliette Andromeda Mao, daughter of megacorp magnate Jules-Pierre Mao and coincidentally the spitting image of "Julie" from our opening scene. Apparently, her pro-Belter activism is starting to piss off dear old dad and they want her to come home before she embarrasses the family any further.
In the middle of his investigation, he finds out that those air filters he "inspected" earlier crapped out and poisoned some children. Instead of taking accountability for not doing his job, he decides to throw the sleazy air filter guy into an airlock and only lets him out after he promises not to fuck it up next time. And also to pay Miller double. I'll let it slide though because Sleazy Air Filter Guy is an asshole.
Back on Earth, United Nations Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala shows up for about five minutes in this episode. The only thing she does is torture a guy. End scene.
Meanwhile, the good ship Canterbury is on its way to Ceres with a big haul of space ice that the station needs to turn into water. Second Officer James Holden gets immediately promoted, much to his dismay, because his previous boss Mike Ehrmantraut went insane from being out in space too long.
Mystery strikes when the gang gets a weird distress signal from a ship called the Scopuli. Captain McDowell, probably having watched enough Star Trek episodes to know that this can't be anything good, decides to ignore it. Holden just can't stop himself from doing a good thing, though, and secretly reports the signal, officially making the Canterbury Legally Obligated™ to investigate.
He picks his away team (unknowingly also picking the people he's going to spend the rest of this show with) and takes a shuttle to investigate the drifting Scopuli, where they find everything shut down except for the beacon that brought them here. "Pirate bait", or so it seems.
Suddenly, McDowell advises the away team that a very scary ship has appeared out of nowhere and that they need to get the hell out of there. The gang gets back on the shuttle just in time for the mystery ship to fire not just regular torpedoes, but nuclear torpedoes at them. The torpedoes close to zero...and then continue streaking towards the Canterbury.
Holden tells McDowell to eject the space ice to form a protective barrier, but he refuses, apparently willing to die rather than lose his payday. The payday (and everything else aboard) is lost anyway, however, as the Canterbury erupts into the most beautiful supernova I've ever seen.
"She's gone. They nuked her. She's gone."
My thoughts
So this is where I actually have to do the analysis thing. Since the beginning of this show is split into three primary subplots that all deal with a different piece of the Julie puzzle (a narrative device that I fucking love, by the way), I'll divide things up by talking about each one individually because that just makes sense.
Before I do that though, I just want to briefly say that that opening scene with Julie on the Scopuli is just the perfect opening to this show. It immediately gives us a very brief glimpse inside the puzzle box that our main cast is going to spend all of this season (and most of this show) trying to open. It's quick, it's tense, it's completely terrifying, and it's unforgettable if you've seen it.
Miller on Ceres:
And we follow up that perfect opening scene with a perfect choice for which of these three main threads to start with. The thing that's great about dividing up the characters like this is that each of them only has a piece of what's going on with Julie and the Scopuli, but no one has the full picture. Miller, though, gets the most information off the bat and is the only person in the main cast who's looking for Julie specifically, so it's only natural that we should start with him.
His story is also the inspiration for the title of this episode, "Dulcinea". For those of you who aren't big Don Quixote fans, it's a reference to Quixote's fantasy lover that he invents because he styles himself as a knight and, of course, every knight needs his damsel. He describes her in excruciating detail; she's royalty in a far-off land who is the epitome of feminine beauty, the ideal of Womanhood Incarnate--or his vision of it at least.
And the deeper Miller goes in his investigation, the more quixotic he gets with his idea of who Julie is. He's never met or spoken to Julie, but as he unravels her activities prior to departing on the Scopuli, he becomes increasingly obsessed with her, imagining what kind of a person she must be, picking apart every little detail and transposing it onto his vision of what her life must be like. I'm sure he would call it "being a good detective", but it's much more than that to him.
Throughout Miller's jaunt around town with Havelock, they banter back and forth, and through their conversations, we get a great sense of their personalities. Whereas Miller is the grizzled veteran who's had his morality thoroughly beaten out of him, Havelock is a by-the-book rookie cop who seems genuinely interested in learning about Belters, if only so that he can police them more effectively.
It's a very tried-and-true buddy cop pairing, but it works really well here. Havelock gets to be our audience surrogate for this story as we learn more about how Ceres and Belters operate.
This thread has the biggest worldbuilding burden out of the three and it pulls it off so well. We get so much about life in the Belt, the politics of the Solar System, the Outer Planets Alliance, or OPA (who will definitely be showing up later), and the logistics of maintaining a huge population of humans on a space station. And none of it feels clunky or awkward in the slightest. It's exactly the style of worldbuilding I loved in "The Emissary" from Deep Space Nine.
Ceres itself also has huge DS9 vibes, and not in a good way. The set design team did such a good job making this place look old, weathered, and completely falling apart. Except, of course, for the nice apartment buildings where the cops, off-worlders, and everyone else rich enough to ignore the seedy underbelly get to live.
There are a ton of fantastic, evocative lines in this arc, but I think my favorite is Miller's deadpan proclamation that "There are no laws on Ceres, just cops." A perfect summary of everything we see on screen about how power is wielded in this place.
Chrisjen on Earth:
This is the shortest thread where the least happens, but it will grow into one of my favorites. We don't get too much additional insight into what's going on, but we do get two important things: 1) Chrisjen Avasarala is a stone-cold bitch who thinks the OPA are terrorists, and 2) the OPA are apparently trying to get their hands on illegal stealth technology, which doesn't help with the whole "terrorism" thing.
This links up to both Miller's and Holden's subplots: we know about the OPA from Miller, and the ship that eventually blows up the Cant was using Martian stealth tech. Of course, since Holden and crew have no idea about the OPA, they immediately start thinking that Mars is out to get them, which will continue to play into the story going forward.
Also important to note is that Chrisjen is getting this information through the most brutal torture I've seen on TV in a long time: forcing a Belter whose body can't handle Earth's gravity to stand for hours on end by holding him up with hooks under his arms. After Chrisjen goes on and on about his "weak Belter lungs and brittle Belter bones", she coldly turns around and tells them to hold him up for another 10 hours. "If he survives, call me."
!-- TW ENDS --!
Fucking ghoulish, and definitely not a good look for Madam Undersecretary's first appearance. You're gonna have to trust me now when I say that she becomes one of my favorite characters in the main cast. This is about as bad as she gets, but she continues being manipulative and cold-blooded for most of this show. That's just who she is. To me, it's part of what makes this subplot of scheming at the UN so engaging.
We'll be seeing a lot more of Chrisjen going forward, and she'll get much better. At the very least, she will stop torturing this guy. But only because someone will tell her not to.
Holden on the Canterbury:
If Miller's story shows us life in the Belt and Chrisjen's shows us the politics of the Solar System, Holden's thread is all about life onboard a spaceship, which is important because we're going to be spending a lot of time on spaceships. This is also the part of the episode that has the most CG and honestly it holds up really really well. I know it's less than a decade old and they probably got a lot of money for the pilot but still! It looks great!
I'll drop a brief shoutout here as well for the ship designs in this show. They knocked it out of the goddamn park with the Cant's design: it's a big, boxy, dull gray, ugly thing that looks designed to haul ice and do literally nothing else. Everything is so practical and, above all else, plausible. They look like humans from the near future built them and that's the highest compliment I can give them.
There are shades of the first act of "Alien" here as we are essentially dropped into the Cant in the middle of its mission and get to see the camaraderie and hierarchy between all the members of the crew. We also get to know more about Holden, and immediately he begins showing us his defining character trait: he wields a lot of authority and respect, but he hates being in charge.
We see this in the very first scene onboard the Cant when one of the ice haulers, Paj, gets his arm severed while working outside the ship. He seems completely unfazed by this, though, since the company will send him a prosthetic and he's been working for them long enough to get a really good one.
Not only does this happen often enough that the company just buys prosthetics as a cost of doing business, there are literally tiers of coverage depending on years of service. What an optimistic future this is turning out to be.
Paj pleads with Holden to make sure the company doesn't send him a "used" arm (a frightening thought), to which Holden replies with something that he will continue to say, in so many words, over and over: "I'm just another clock-puncher like you." Holden knows he has authority on the Cant, but all he wants to be is a clock-puncher, which he makes very clear to pretty much everyone he talks to, including Captain McDowell when he essentially forces the XO job onto him.
Later on, we get our first glimpse at Holden's other primary personality trait, that being that he is The Main Character and therefore the most kind-hearted soul that can exist in this cold, selfish world. He logs the distress signal they received from the Scopuli, thereby ensuring that they'll have to divert from Ceres (and lose their on-time bonus) in order to investigate.
He shares this privately with Chief Engineer Naomi Nagata before the shuttle mission, to which her only reply is to tell him to keep that to himself. Fair play, considering she was just talking about how she wanted to strangle the little fucking do-gooder before she realized it was her new XO. Excuse me, Acting XO.
Before the shuttle launch, we're briefly introduced to the rest of the away team: the aforementioned Naomi; her mechanic Amos Burton, whose defining character trait is doing whatever Naomi tells him to do; ship's pilot Alex Kamal, who we previously saw being an annoying blabbermouth on the Cant; and Med-Tech Shed Garvey, who sewed up Paj's arm and wants everyone to know that he does not want to be here. Yes, his first name really is Shed.
Most of this part of the episode is setting up what'll happen next so we don't get a lot of time with any of these guys, but we'll have time for some great character work in the coming episodes.
And that said, what a great setup for what comes next! Nearly all of the people we just got to know on the Cant are vaporized by a mysterious ship, there's a cloud of space debris hurtling toward Holden's little shuttle, and we have a hell of a puzzle box to dig into. Did Mars blow up the Cant? Did the OPA? Why would either of them want to? What does it all have to do with Julie and the Scopuli? And what the hell was that fucking space goo??
Despite covering so much ground in this pilot, The Expanse makes it very clear that we've barely scratched the surface. And even though I've already seen this whole show and know where it's going, it took everything I had to not hit the "next episode" button.
I will be doing that very soon though because I had a blast writing this up and I definitely want to keep doing it! Apologies that this one ran so long -- I assumed I was going to write a lot with this being the first episode and everything but I had so many thoughts that didn't make it into this post. I'm sure I'll be refining the format as we go along as well.
If you read all the way to here, I'm genuinely flattered and I hope you have a wonderful day.
~ Kady <3
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devonsrugbyexgirlfriend · 1 year ago
Jess Watches // Tues 30 Jan // Day 130 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Expanse (rw with mum) 2x06 Paradigm Shift
Earth is planning an expedition to the point of Eros impact. Chrisjen conflicts with Sadavir about Jules-Pierre Mao. Col. Frederick Lucius Johnson improves his position in unexpected way. New battleground is opening.
" And please let them know that if they can't, I will rain hellfire down on them all. I will freeze their assets. Cancel their contracts. Cripple their business. And I have the power to do it, because I am the fucking hero who helped save Mother Earth from the cataclysm that Jules-Pierre Mao unleashed.
Tell his children that government is more powerful than any corporation. And the only reason they think it tilts the other way is because we poor, public servants are always looking for some fat, private-sectors payoff down the road.
But I'm not looking. And by the time they can pull the strings to force me out, it'll be too late. Their family will be ruined. Their mother, the children, their children, all of them, pariahs. Outlaws.
Hunted and on the run for the rest of their days until we find them, and nail each and every last one to the wall. Make sure you tell them that."
Reservation Dogs 3x05 House Made of Bongs
Dazed and confused.
Thanks to [this gif set] for laying out past vs present. I should rewatch it because I only remembered who Brownie and Mabel were. The guy who played young Brownie sounded exactly the same. Great attention to detail.
Star Trek: Prodigy 1x01 Lost & Found, Part 1
The young alien Dal finds a hidden starfleet spaceship during an escape attempt from a mine planet. But who is still after the ship?
Brett Gray and Ella Purnell voicing main characters. Sign me tf up! And only now learning of the Paramount+ fuckery. For a tax write-off. How is that legal?? Anyhoo, loved the first ep, the lead guy is purple!
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years ago
#2,000 200x100 icons of Francois Chau as Jules Pierre Mao in season 3 of The Expanse; slightly sharpened.
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This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)
Previous Expanse resources can be found HERE and HERE. There are also some Expanse gif icon & base icon sets on my blog w/ more to come.
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leviathanfcrged · 2 years ago
This blog is a mini-multi for characters that I occasionally get an itch to want to write from The Expanse but not consistently enough to make a sub-blog just for them. Activity here will be even more sporadic than any of my other blogs so patience is 100% a must. If you'd like me to try my hand at someone not already on one of my sub-blogs (list is in pinned post on @theexpansefcrged) or on this post, feel free to drop me a line and ask. I might try them out but I make no guarantee they'll stick. May be iconless, have not yet decided.
Marco Inaros.
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Adolphus Murtry.
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Josephus Miller / Investigator Miller.
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Monica Stuart.
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Jules-Pierre Mao
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sylvanauctor · 2 years ago
amos and banichi as well. and i think i'd like to see lord geigi file intent on jules-pierre mao.
chrisjen avasarala and ilisidi-aiji should hang out. nothing bad at all could result from this.
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phatburd · 4 years ago
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If that scene had thought bubbles.
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