#the ethnic cleansing of Palestine
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the-bitch-in-the-tower · 1 year ago
TW: Self-harm, self-immolation, extreme Protest.
Aaron the last 1:30 of Aaron Bushnell before he died for a free Palestine.
The video is blurred at the end. There is no graphic imagery.
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jaffababe · 2 years ago
“When it created its nation-state, the Zionist movement did not wage a war that 'tragically but inevitably’ led to the expulsion of ‘parts of’ the indigenous population, but the other way round: the main goal was the ethnic cleansing of all of Palestine, which the movement coveted for its new state.”
Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
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vampiresplunderedourcats · 1 year ago
"I took my son's picture, may god have mercy on him, his bracelet, his death certificate..... a paper that proves that I am a Palestinian."
Go follow wizard_bisan
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pinktwingirl · 1 year ago
Hi. I’m Israeli, I saw a few of your posts and I would like to share my perspective with you.
You talk a lot about Zionism as an ideology, but I think it’s important to distinguish between the ideology itself and what is being done today.
Zionism is an ideology that states that Jews have a right for self determination in their own state. A lot of it is rooted in religion, but a large part of it was a response to Jewish persecution in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Being a minority you are essentially helpless when people decide to pillage you or treat you like a second class citizen (and yes, that also happened to Jews in North Africa and the Middle East) when you have your own state, you can at least defend yourself.
Just like any other group of people can strive for self determination (including Palestinians) so can Jews. It’s not just a matter of being secluded from others, or being elitist, it’s a matter of insuring your own security as much as you can as a people.
Zionism is not an evil ideology. You can maybe argue that the way it was achieving its goal is evil, but by that logic you can also argue that Palestinians are evil since they had also committed heinous acts against Jews in this land way before the invention of Zionism and even before they defined themselves as Palestinians.
Zionism is also very tied to Judaism. The longing for returning to “the homeland” is referenced throughout countless Jewish texts in the diaspora, again, way before the invention of Zionism.
There are some sects of Judaism that are against it, but saying “hey, Judaism and Zionism are completely detached!” Is I’d say
 incorrect. Like to a point where the overwhelming majority of practicing Jews have some sort of Zionist views.
So about the situation today. in an ideal world, I believe that Palestinians have a right for self determination as much as we do. Saying Zionism is just like this evil, western colonial power, whose sole purpose is to harm and torture Palestinians is very very incorrect.
Thanks for reading, have a nice day đŸ™đŸœ
This is gonna take me a whole essay to respond to so I’m gonna do y’all a favor and put a cut below feel free to read more if you want
If Zionism were purely about “Jewish self-determination”, that would be one thing. However, the reality is that the ideology of Zionism is inseparable from anti-Arab racism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The argument you are making only works if you are operating under the assumption that Palestine was an empty piece of land before it was settled by Israelis, which is a notion that many Zionists have tried to push, hence the Zionist slogan: “A land without a people for a people without a land.” However, this is not true. There were always people living in Palestine, and there is no way that an exclusively Jewish state could have existed there without systematically murdering them and expelling them from their land. If you go back and read the texts of the original Zionist leaders, they make it explicitly clear that this was their objective from the very beginning. Ilan Pappe’s book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” documents this extensively. I’ll include a few excerpts here. This is Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion’s second in command Moshe Sharett explaining how he wanted to pay off villagers to leave in order to “reduce the number of Arabs” in Palestine:
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This is the description of “Plan Dalet”, which was explicitly designed to drive out Palestinians and murder whoever remained:
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This is David Ben-Gurion explicitly saying that even 40% “non-Jews” (aka Arabs) in Palestine was unacceptable:
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This is an example of how Plan Dalet was carried out in the village of Deir Yassin (tw: murder, sexual assault, this is extremely graphic)
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While to some, Zionism might seem like a nice idea, in practice, it requires murder and systematic cruelty towards the Palestinian population that is continuing to this day. This is why people are opposed to it. It has nothing to do with religion or antisemitism; it is because people can very plainly see that the occupation and genocide it has caused is morally wrong. To quote Dr. Gabor Mate on why he is no longer a Zionist: “Yes, we created this beautiful dream, but we created a nightmare for somebody else.”
I don’t know what percentage of the Jewish population are Zionists, but I think the fact that there is such a strong Jewish anti-Zionist community is proof enough that Zionism should not be linked to Judaism. In fact, you could even argue that saying so is antisemitic because it implies that every single Jewish person is complicit in Israel’s war crimes, which is not true. Furthermore, I strongly believe that many Jewish Zionists subscribe to the ideology because they have been told lies and propaganda about the creation of Israel. It is very evident that Israel is going out of its way to cover up its crimes against Palestinians (i.e. outlawing mentioning the Nakba, planting trees over destroyed Palestinian villages to make it look like nothing was ever there, etc.) I think more Jewish people would have second thoughts about Zionism if they knew the truth behind the ideology.
As for the notion that the military occupation and apartheid of Palestinians is somehow “necessary” for Jewish safety, I would say that this is not only untrue but also makes no sense. Violence is inherently necessary to run a military state and keep a population under an occupation, and violence is always going to beget more violence, which is the exact opposite of the “safe utopia” that Israel strives to depict itself as. Think about it: if you were in a Palestinian’s shoes, would you not do exactly what they are doing? If you were born under a military occupation where you were routinely at risk of being bombed and having your home stolen by settlers, would you not resist by any means necessary, even if it meant resorting to violence? At the end of the day, the only difference between you and a Palestinian is luck in where you were born - that’s it. Safety is not achieved by oppressing others. Safety is achieved with peace and respect for others. I am not against Israelis living in Palestine. But there is no reason why Palestinians need to be ethnically cleansed for that to happen. People of different religions coexisted in Palestine before Israel; there is no reason why that can’t happen again. The more Israelis that realize ending the occupation is in their best interest, the faster the violence will end. It really is that simple.
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tillietangerine · 1 year ago
Review: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Ilan Pappé)
As someone who, until college, had been increasingly concerned about human rights violations in Gaza but, to a certain degree, bought into the idiotic notion that the whole situation was “complicated” and with “fault on both sides,” The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan PappĂ© is a great place to begin. You cannot read 336 pages of Israel committing ethnic cleansing over 70+ years without

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eggcatsreads · 1 year ago
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This should be required reading for anyone who claims to be a Zionist or that Zionism isn't violent and evil - comparing the actions of Zionists to Nazis isn't antisemitic, it's accurate.
If you can defend Zionism after this you have absolutely no humanity and should be ashamed.
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pesbianlanic · 11 months ago
january - march 2024 reading
books in bold are especially recommended!
Gentle Chaos: Poems, Tales, and Magic by Tyler Gaca - 4.5/5. i’ve followed Tyler (ghosthoney on TikTok) for years now, and this book beautifully captures the strange, magical energy of his videos. i love his mind and creativity!
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe - 4/5. this is an excellent introduction to the Nakba and how Israel oppresses and kills Palestinians. the writing can sometimes be a bit academically dense, and the material is overwhelming (emotionally/horrifically and because of the sheer amount of it that he provides). my one major concern is the use of the term "ethnic cleansing" rather than genocide
The Girls by John Bowen - 4/5. simple, macabre, delightful. lesbians in a little english village and there’s murder.
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White - 5/5. stunning. showstopping. bloody ghost story with a lovely T4T romance. i can’t put into words how much i loved this. i finished it in a day because i couldn’t bear to put it down for very long.
Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella - 4/5. this was just fun. also, love anything that shits on toxic masculinity. seemed like it was setting up for a sequel and i’m really hoping there is one!
Hell House by Richard Matheson - 2/5. a friend recommended this to me, but i wish i’d read some reviews first. holy men-writing-women. “horny house,” as i’ve seen some people call it, is apt. the plot is driven by rape, the fear and “horror” of lesbianism, and constant hypersexualization. it’s gross, honestly. this book had a strong start but fell apart about a third of the way in.
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price - 5/5. i’m currently investigating whether i’m autistic. whether or not i am, this book helped expand my understanding of autism and what a better, more accepting society might look like.
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luthienne · 1 year ago
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Ilan Pappé, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
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the-bitch-in-the-tower · 10 months ago
Did Biden really suspend weapons shipments to Israel? - JVP
I had heard about this. I also heard that Speaker of the House had a conversation with Netanyahu about impeaching Biden for "suspending" weapons shipment. If he did, that is treason. Discussing the removal of our sitting president with a forgien power is treason. I haven't been able to find a confirmed source yet. So for now it's just a rumor.
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jaffababe · 2 years ago
“Within a few weeks of UNSCOP starting its work, the Palestinians realised the cards had been stacked against them: the final result of this process would be a UN resolution on partitioning the country between the Palestinians, as the indigenous population, and a settler colony of newcomers, many of whom had arrived only recently. When Resolution 181 was adopted in November 1947, their worst nightmare began to unfold in front oftheir eyes: nine months after the British had announced their decision to leave, the Palestinians were at the mercy of an international organisation that appeared ready to ignore all the rules of international mediation, which its own Charter endorsed, and was willing to declare a solution that in Palestinian eyes was both illegal and immoral.”
Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
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withbriefthanksgiving · 1 year ago
Transcription of text in screenshot:
The three aims of keeping the country Jewish, European-looking and Green quickly fused into one. This is why forests throughout Israel today include only eleven per cent of indigenous species and why a mere ten per cent of all forests date from before 1948.
At times, the original flora manages to return in surprising ways. Pine trees were planted not only over bulldozed houses, but also over fields and olive groves. In the new development town of Migdal Ha-Emek, for example, the JNF did its utmost to try and cover the ruins of the Palestinian village of Mujaydil, at the town's eastern entrance, with rows of pine trees, not a proper forest in this case but just a small wood. Such 'green lungs' can be found in many of Israel's development towns that cover destroyed Palestinian villages (Tirat Hacarmel over Tirat Haifa, Qiryat Shemona over Khalsa, Ashkelon over Majdal, etc.).
But this particular species failed to adapt to the local soil and, despite repeated treatment, disease kept afflicting the trees. Later visits by relatives of some of Mujaydial's original villagers, revealed that some of the pine trees had literally split in two and how, in the middle of their broken trunks, olive trees had popped up in defiance of the alien flora planted over them fifty-six years ago
End transcription.
I'm reading about how Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, deliberately replaced olive trees and other indigenous flora with European plants. This ecological disaster, which is now proudly hailed under the banner of 'making the desert bloom,' was done to 'de-Arabize' the landscape, and to cover up - often with fast-growing European pine trees -the ruins of Palestinian villages that were destroyed by Zionists forces.
And I just need everyone to read this passage from Pappé, because the symbolism of what happened to those European pine trees in the desert speaks for itself:
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappé (2006, p. 227-228.)
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no-passaran · 16 days ago
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This week, over 350 rabbis from the USA, together with some American Jewish creatives and activists, took a full-page ad in the New York Times to oppose Trump's plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.
Sources: website of this campaign (Jewish People Say No To Ethnic Cleansing), Jewish Voice For Peace, The Guardian.
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bibyebae · 9 months ago
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alwayswiselight · 4 months ago
If you haven't read it, READ IT!
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine is a book authored by New Historian Ilan PappĂ© and published in 2006 by One World Oxford.During the 1948 Palestine war, around 720,000 Palestinian Arabs out of the 900,000 who lived in the territories that became Israel fled or were expelled from their home. The causes of this exodus are controversial and debated by historians. In his own words, Ilan PappĂ© “want to make the case for the paradigm of ethnic cleansing and use it to replace the paradigm of war as the basis for the scholarly research of, and public debate about, 1948.“The thesis of the book is that the forced move of Palestinians to the Arab world was an objective of the Zionist movement, and a must for the desired character of the Jewish state. According to Ilan PappĂ©, the 1948 Palestinian exodus resulted from a planned ethnic cleansing of Palestine that was implemented by the Zionist movement leaders, mainly David Ben-Gurion and the other ten members of his “consultancy group” as referred to by PappĂ©. The book argues that the ethnic cleansing was put into effect through systematic expulsions of about 500 Arab villages, as well as terrorist attacks executed mainly by members of the Irgun and Haganah troops against the civilian population. Ilan PappĂ© also refers to Plan Dalet and to the village files as a proof of the planned expulsions. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine BY Ilan Pappe Download (PDF)
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angelnumberdigest · 4 months ago
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the-bitch-in-the-tower · 1 year ago
Really? You'd vote for him no matter how many people are fucking dying because of him? Really?
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