#the energy he gives off isn't for the weak because if u give up then you aren't gaining his trust
puppypawprintce · 7 months
severus is like a cat that has to be won over with months of constant kindness and understanding and consideration and at some point he realizes he has nothing to be wary of and then can show his real feelings. and the things he cares for. his favorite topics to talk about have to do with anything that causes innate curiosity, and one of the things that gets him to keep talking is by his responses not being rejected. if someone isn't scared away he has an obligation to keep conversing. it doesn't hurt him to find him offputting or too negative as an adult, he's used to it. it's crazy and unheard of though... for someone to respond with something more open. i think connection is something he craves but it's never something he's used to, even when he and lily were friends, it probably surprised him to be treated kindly. to have a friend.
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thesilmarillionblog · 3 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 4624
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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It was quite the struggle to train with Ben for a week, especially when he took it extremely seriously and pushed you to the very limit. It was not that he hurt you; it was that in the lab you either lost your will to fight or you just got really weak.
There were moments when you stated to Ben that things might get serious about your power, but he chose to ignore you and aggravated the training, which left you worn out. But you were relieved that he could, in his own irritating way, encourage you that your strength was still there.
Ben answered, “No,” right away when you wanted to stop the exercise.
Right now, the entire home was a mess, and the hole you had made in the wall remained.
“I'm tired here, Ben,” you complained as you fell to the ground, gasping for air. You had been there exercising together since the morning, and it was nearly the sun going down. Except when you needed to eat or pee, he rarely gave you a moment's peace of mind. “I mean it. I'm done.” 
You opened your hands wide on the ground, and he looked at your body while saying, “You're a supe; you can't just feel exhausted that easily.”
You blushed as you noticed him staring at your soaked entire body and replied, “Give me some break.” There's a good chance that you were both thinking the same thing. “How on earth can you find that much energy? Even for a supe, it's too much.”
Ben stared at you and then took off the shirt he had taken off hours earlier, wiping the sweat from his muscular chest. You grimaced, knowing you probably smelled like trash. 
“It's because I am the strongest; I am not just any average Supe.” With the most arrogant way possible, he threw his t-shirt back to the ground and said, “Simply better and more powerful than anyone. But don't worry; we'll return you to the way things were, sweetie. You have my word.”
He gave you a sneaky smirk when he saw you staring at his broad, sweat-damp chest. Ben was waiting for you, literally, from above, all the time you tried to get some rest. His eyes narrowed, and you suspected his head was full of filthy stuff. 
You just muttered, “I hope so,” and avoided giving him a glance as you closed your eyes.
He sighed and went down on the floor next to you, crossing his big arms over his head. 
“Don't think about it that much. You're going to do even better than you are now. Maybe we should just do those trainings more frequently. What do you say?”
“It’s fine. I don’t have another choice anyway,” you replied, cutting it short while keeping your eyes closed. Even if you felt his intense stare on your face, you didn’t react. “What did the doctor tell you, by the way? The one who supervised Compound V's improvement for decades?”
You remembered that there was a lot of discussion following the news that Ben had killed him at his home. You kind of hoped you could have dealt with that cruel piece of shit on your own, though. He was just a monster with a white robe. He had always made an aggressive attempt to cause damage to you and showed no sympathy or compassion for anyone. You got scared and insecure when you opened your eyes, recalling the physical harm he had inflicted. 
“Fucking piece of shit!” Ben angrily exclaimed, his fists clenched over his head. “I should have killed him properly.” 
“What did he say, so you blew up?” 
“Isn't it obvious? That pussy told me how little supes are in the big picture of science, the future of the supremes, humanity, and some other bullshit. It's certain that Vough paid that cocksucker generously during all those years. He lived in luxury, torturing us, and he didn’t even regret it.”
“Did he tell you what kind of research he did on my body?” You asked as you moved your body to face him. 
Ben fell silent for a minute, enraged by what he remembered the doctor had said about you. Nevertheless, his eyes softened as he saw your expression and saw that you were excited to hear what he was about to say and that you were feeling at ease and comfortable next to him. That was all he needed. Ben recognized that if he made a determined attempt to be by your side and touch you in the way he desired, you would push him even further away and that you weren't
ready for physical contact at this time. He therefore forced himself to keep his distance from you and let you do whatever you wanted.
He just turned to face you and stated, “I didn't give him enough time to talk,” straightening his posture and sitting straight up on the floor. “He's just an animal, and he sees supes as rats for research in order to make profit. That's all.”
“When we agreed to live this life as supers, Ben, we already knew that.” You said bitterly, “People in charge always wanted to play with us like we were toys. They used us as they pleased and needed us for their own good. I wanted to leave the company for a number of reasons, one of which was that I was unaware of how serious that whole picture was. What I need to learn is what they succeeded in doing during the decades we were unconscious and at their mercy.”
Ben sighed and got up to get some weed from the nearest table, just after helping you off the floor.
“I was told by that son of a bitch that he examined you to make the future supers flawless. Though I'm not really sure what he meant, it seems to me that Queen Maeve—the woman from Seven—is their new you.”
“Do you think they might have found a way to weaken me? Don't say 'no' right away,” you said in a hurry when he opened his lips to object. “It just doesn't feel right about what's going on and everything.”
Your concerns, which were constantly lurking beneath the surface, took over when you realized that Ben had remained silent. Something was off with you, you two sensed that. Although after your first training day you felt a little stronger, your weakness remained under your skin.
You pulled open a window to let some fresh air in and muttered, “If you hadn't just killed the doctor, we could have learned about it.”
Ben offered you one of the glasses and sighed as if he regretted what he had done, filling the other one with wine. “I didn't intentionally kill him. It simply happened beyond my control. But I would still murder him anyway.”
You raised an eyebrow and sat down, realizing that your tiredness was taking over. “You need to find a way to control it since your nerves are always on edge,” you said. “And also, I need to find someone who can understand all of this.”
Ben sat beside you, stretching his muscles and leaning back into the coach while he listened to you attentively. As you spoke, you noticed that your gaze lingered a little too long on his sweating body, almost making you flush. 
He studied your expression to see how you would react to his suggestion. He said, “I guess the best option is to kidnap or torture a doctor who is in charge or fuckever who's doing supe studies for Vought right now. We can use Mindstorm to look at your memories and thoughts to see whether they have hurt you in any way.”
His suggestion caused your eyes to widen with excitement, and you exclaimed, “That's actually a smart idea. But how are we supposed to find him?”
“Remember the new technology, sweetheart. Anything is possible with these phones, Bluetooth, and GPS technology. Remember how I found you very easily?”
You gave a nod to him, knowing that what he stated was right and that you would be able to reach Mindstorm with ease thanks to modern technology.
After you had your shower, you saw Ben watching the TV with a dead serious face, and you sat beside him.
As you used the towel in your hand to dry your damp hair, you inquired, “Is there any news about us? Almost a week has passed.”
“Not much,” he replied as he continued to listen to Homelander talk about the two of you.
‘They pose no threat to the United States,’ Homelander confidently stated, grinning, as he extended his arms and turned to face the screen. 'As Seven, we've been trying to find them for a week, but it looks like they are hiding pretty well,' he continued. I, Homelander, the Seven's leader, swear to you that they shall answer for their actions. It has been proven that Soldier Boy rescued Y/N, and it's very likely that the two of them murdered the hapless doctors as well as every lab employee in cold blood and without hesitation.'
You and Ben exchanged a look as Homelander continued his speech. ‘Their families and children are in agony even though our government gives them the best care they can. These two criminals are responsible for the deaths of the orphans whose parents they killed. It breaks our hearts to see them weeping and grieving the loss of their families. There are even toddlers among them. Soldier Boy and Y/N will be held liable and made to pay for the harm they caused to the United States and its citizens. They have little time to conceal; they cannot get away.’
As the audience gave him a loud applause and he flew opening his arms out like.
Ben angrily said, “Fuck that. Son of a bitch,” and threw the remote control onto the table in front of him. “They were just another piece of shits who enjoyed torturing supes, nothing else.”
“But I didn't kill anyone,” you mumbled. “We are past the point of self-justification. Homelander is basically controlling the crowds. They would never pay to listen to us, Ben.”
Ben stared at the TV and said, “I'll teach them how to listen,” in a menacing manner. “You see? It's no longer about Butcher and his useless group. It has to do with our future.”
You could have argued with him about the future, but all you wanted was to avoid getting into another fight with Ben. 
“I think such a guy wouldn't be innocent at all. We might be able to defeat the company if we can figure out how to properly express ourselves, explain to them how Vought tricked us, and show the real Homelander to the rest of the world. There isn't another way.”
 “I know, I know,” he muttered.
As you could tell Ben was becoming enraged and feeling overwhelmed, you touched his bare chest, which had a little glow to it. “Hey, are you okay?”
He responded with, “I am,” placing his hand on yours and giving you a gentle squeeze. 
“Can you please stop getting angry for a second? I can sense the heat building in your chest.” You muttered, “You're stressing me out here,” but you didn't remove your hand from his upper body. You could feel him cooling down beneath your touch once again. It was fine as long as it worked; you simply didn't know why. 
“Well,” he said, arching an eyebrow, licking his lips, allowing you to touch him, and gently tracing his fingers over yours. His powerful, slow beats were calming in a way. “It's not too bad. Is it?” 
You withdrew your hand from his sweating chest while rolling your eyes at him and making sure he was okay. 
Ben had just showered when Butcher and Hughie showed up at the house. 
Butcher remarked in a sly manner, “Glad, I delayed for an hour coming here to pick up you two,” as you and Ben got into the back of the car. “We could have interrupted something funny, judging by the all-wet hairs and all.”
“We were just finished training there!” you exclaimed, your face heated. 
“It must be very good training, indeed. The entire fucking house was damaged like hell. You two spent a whole week all showering and training while we were dealing with the shit Soldier Boy caused.”
“Sorry for that, but it's not what you think, really.”
“I thought Soldier Boy and Crimson were having a relationship. Yet life goes on, don't they? There are always new, fine chickens and dolls all around.” Butcher smirked at Ben.
You were ready to add something about Ben and you having nothing to do, but Ben became enraged right away when Butcher brought up the Crimson Countess. 
“Don't you fucking know how to stay silent and shut your useless mouth?” Butcher was obviously enjoying himself when he suddenly made Ben mad. 
“What made you so furious now? Have I said anything untrue?” 
Hughie leaned back in his seat and said, “Butcher, stop that,” sounding distressed as Ben continued to swear at them both and told Hughie to make Buther to suck him soon, so his mouth would be filled enough not to talk stupid.
“Why even do you become irate out of nowhere? After all, you murdered the poor woman.”
You looked up at Ben, asking with disbelief, “What? Why did you even kill Countess?”
The fact that Ben never brought it up startled you even more than Butcher's statement, as though it were nothing important. You were stunned and shocked beyond belief. At that point, you were at a loss for what to think. You were not sympathetic to her, though. After all, Vought used her as a cunning evil to harm both you and Ben. She was the one who paid you a visit in order to deceive you that day. 
He tried to convince you immediately, giving you a gentle look as if he wanted you to understand what he had done. “She deserved whatever I've done,” he defended himself. 
You acknowledged, “I know she did. But why?”
He looked at Butcher and then turned to face you, almost whispering, “Let's discuss this at a later time. All right?”
You found Annie nowhere to be found when you got to Butcher's home, where only Kimiko and Frenchie were inside. Kimiko watched Frenchie play with his phone, seeming bored.
“Why did it take so long for you to come here?” Frenchie inquired in an irritated manner to Butcher. “You give me too much to deal with, though you know I have things to do. Kimiko is also exhausted.”
Butcher sarcastically remarked, “Hello to you too, baby,” as he removed his coat. “I have not even once heard a complaint from her; she is an incredible Supe. She can't possibly be exhausted, right, doll?”
Ben moved you over to the edge of the coach and sat by you, resting his legs on the table, just as you were about to strike up a conversation with Kimiko. You were fine with him being close, though, so you said nothing at all. In fact, if you were honest with yourself enough, you would admit that his behavior around you somewhat comforted you. 
“Kimiko and I have spent days looking for Black Noir and Queen Maeve, but we haven't made any progress so far. It's strange that they were absent from everything for so long. You see, something isn't quite right. According to Starlight, they have vanished.”
“The fuck you mean they are missing?” Butcher asked in disbelief.
“Why would Noir would go missing? It's not his thing to disappear,” you said. You thought you were thinking to yourself, but you had said it loud.
“He must have ran away when he saw us back together,” Ben said in am amused tone. “He fucking knows I'm going to kill him too. He’s a fucking dead man.”
You told Ben, “There must be a reason,” ignoring the way he talked about taking Earving's life. Right now, you don't need to see Ben being enraged over Noir and losing his temper again. 
“How the fuck doesn't Starlight know where Queen Maeve is?” Butcher questioned Hughie. 
Hughie took his head in his hands and responded, “She thinks Homelander did something to her. Maybe he killed Maeve.”
“How about Ninja Cunt, though? He is known as Homelander's right wing. Suppose he murdered Maeve. What about Noir?”
Frenchie remarked, “That's what I'm trying to understand,” and Kimiko communicated with him using sign language swiftly. 
“All right, we'll watch out for this and see if he shows up again.” Butcher ended it quickly and continued. “Tomorrow, Soldier Boy and I are heading to New York.”
You eyed Butcher with suspicion, asking, “Why and why not me?” 
“You two stayed at a lovely house for a week, for God’s sake. Aren't all of the showers enough? Is it not possible for you to separate for even a single day? Would you really miss this cunt that much?”
As Butcher continued to make assumptions about you and Ben, your face heated. Kimiko and Frenchie turned to face you in harmony, taken aback. 
“You're just making the wrong assumptions.” You distanced yourself from Ben and explained, “It's not like that,” acting as though you had been proven guilty. Ben didn't appear to be supportive when you stared at him, yet it seemed as though he was okay with Butcher's comments. “What I want to know is what you're going to be doing here and why I have to stay here.”
“Yes, doll. To catch up with your old friend TNT Twins, we are going to join Herogasm. It's almost like we have to clear your names first. Maybe they know anything about the specifics of those events from decades ago, and they could say something that we could use against Vought. Though things might get messy soon, don't you worry, I'm going to keep an eye on your soldier so that he won't be pouding into any supe cunt there,” he said with a wicked smile.
Ben said, “Maybe we can also find a thing about Mindstorm there,” giving you a meaningful glance and a small touch on the arm before you could respond. You nodded to him. 
��However, why must I stay here?”
“Kimiko needs to get some work done, and we need more muscle to help Frenchie and Hughie here. Let's don't take too much attention.”
“Okay,” you said, acknowledging the situation and giving up on further arguments. Herogasm was something you've always detested and loathed. Ben, the founder of it, was making it even worse. Yet the one thing about Ben's inconsistent anger—the energy in his chest—that scared you was his unpredictable temper. You weren't sure if he could find a way to control it soon enough. 
You questioned Hughie, “By the way, where is Annie?” As a member of Vought and Seven, you were aware of how difficult it must be to handle the entire company's evil by yourself. 
“I don't think she'll find Maeve anytime soon, but she's doing some research in order to locate her. She seemed to have disappeared in a heartbeat.”
You figured she was kind of involved in this too, based on the way they talked about her. 
Ben abruptly stood up and stated, “I guess all the rooms are full. So, which room are Y/N and I staying in tonight?”
“Not full,” Hughie smiled in response. “I suppose there are now two available rooms since I will be seeing Annie tonight.” 
Kimiko nodded quickly as she gave a smile to you.
Ben's expression darkened as Hughie continued to tell him and Annie that they would not be staying in this house any longer, while Ben quietly cursed. He glanced at you for a moment, but you ignored him and asked Kimiko to show you the room where you would be sleeping. 
After an hour of inspecting the room and all of the furniture within, you heard a light knock on the door and knew it was Ben.
After a minute, you said, “Come in,” startled that Ben was holding back, opening the door this time without your permission. 
He whispered, “As you wish, baby,” and carefully shut the door behind him. 
In the dim light, his hair fell over his forehead, and his white t-shirt made your heart melt just a bit. Under his large arms, his t-shirt was too tight. Perhaps you weren't used to seeing him in his regular clothes, which is why you were still excited when you were around him. 
“What now?” you muttered as you sat on the bed and observed him approach you. 
He joked, “Don't get excited; I'm just here to make some conversation,” and sat down next to you right away. 
You said, almost in a whisper, “Which is about?” while he briefly studied your body.
His darkened eyes lingered on your revealing nightgown, but you remained silent, intensifying the tension in the moment. 
Ben's desire to force your body to the covers, get on top of you, take off your sweatpants, and get you ready for some post-breakup fucking was unbearable. He was well aware that you never touched yourself when you were by yourself in the house, and that really disturbed him because he knew that he was the reason for it. Ben could tell by the way you looked at him and by the beating in your heart that your body still yearned for him, but he also understood that he had to rebuild your trust in every way. He had to take care of his meat by hand up until that point. 
After sighing and searching for the right words, Ben uttered, “About the thing I told you that we can discuss later.” He made an effort not to speak about Crimson bitch right away. She was the reason your nerves were already fragile. He had no reason to blame you for it. 
As he attempted to read how you were feeling, you questioned in a cold voice, “Why did you kill her? Was it unintentional?” 
You were curious as to whether he truly intended to murder her or if this was just another unintentional incident similar to the others. You needed to comprehend it, even though you didn't know why it mattered. 
After a while, he said, “I blew up,” and when you realized he hadn't done it on purpose to exact vengeance for you, your posture straightened. 
Ben said, “I was just trying to get information about you and your location before killing her,” as soon as he saw the look on your face. “I was cautious to do anything until she had spoken about you. But I was unable to control myself when she touched my nerves.”
“Did you kill her just because she was unfaithful?” You questioned him suspiciously, attempting to make sense of his motivations. Ben might tell you the truth or a lie, but you would still listen to him even if you weren't sure he would be completely honest with you. “In the end, it's her who deceived you. Whether Vought commanded her or not is important. She was the one who brought you there so they could capture you and then transport you to Russia.”
After pausing to comprehend what you were asking, Ben responded, “I would kill her anyway because of what she had done to both of us,” as if he had no idea how to answer properly. “Especially to you.” 
You said, your eyes softening with sorrow, “I wonder what you would do to me if I were the one to trick you, Ben,” knowing that, after all these years, loyalty was what mattered most to him. “Even if I had every right to do so.” 
“I would never hurt you,” he abruptly rejected, emphasizing each word in a hard voice. “I knew I would deserve it anyway.”
“I'm not so sure of that, Ben,” you said. “You're even more dangerous considering I'm getting weaker and you're ready to blow up anytime.” 
His smile expanding, he added, “Hey, don't say such things,” took one of your hands, placed it on his warm chest, and whispered, “You have every power over me.”
Under his focused gaze, your face flushed, and after a moment, you reluctantly withdrew your hand. 
“So, you're going to Herogasm tomorrow?” you said, attempting to change the topic. “Given how difficult it was to persuade you not to join decades earlier, you must have missed it quite a lot.” 
“Are you feeling jeaolus?” he asked with a mischievous smile, and you grimaced. 
“Why should I be? I'm just saying you might have missed the chance to join the party that you organized after all this time.”
“I'm not going there to fuck, baby; I'm not interested anymore,” he murmured, retaining an arrogant chuckle. “I'm going to call you when I get there.”
“I'm not sure.” You said to quit talking about Herogasm anymore. “I might be busy to pick up when you call.” Herogasm was the world's dumbest thing, especially since Ben founded it. 
“Why may be you even busy, anyway?” This time Ben uttered serious words: “I'll call you nonstop, so keep your phone with you every moment.”
You responded with the same heedlessness, “I might.” 
Ben smiled playfully and narrowed his eyes. “Since you too need to take care of yourself, it will actually be good for us to be apart for just a small amount of time.”
You naively asked, “About what?” as though he would make a crucial point. 
“You might as well relax on this bed while I'm away because I’m pretty aware of you're not touching yourself, knowing I'd hear you in a second, huh?”
You became the deepest shade of scarlet in your cheeks and murmured, “I can't believe you.”
“I'm not making fun,” he declared with seriousness. “It is also a bodily necessity. You don't have to reject playing with yourself a bit. Being the reason is something that irritates me a lot.”
“I don't feel ashamed of taking care of myself because of you or anything else,” you immediately argued, ignoring the heat on your cheeks. “I have no problem touching myself while you're here. It's not all that important.” 
Ben arched an eyebrow at your quick, brave, “If you say so,” followed by a sigh. 
“I'm serious here, Ben,” you continued, growing agitated by his haughty demeanor and enormous ego. “I'll prove it.”
He studied your figure and growled in a low voice, “I won't promise that I won't focus on you or listen to the way you sound.”
“Then don't.”
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are appreciated very much.  They keep me going. ♡˚.
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto @yvonneeeee @starryperson @mfnqueen1 @chaand-sitara @boywivlove @stilinskisthings @brynanna @delaynew @yoyoanaria @n-o-p-e-never @ghostslillady @certifiedhaters @deans-spinster-witch @demodemo909 @stoneyggirl @cheynovak @libby99hb @moneyburner @jenn-777q @hey-there0-0  @purplerosequartz @shadowghoul2525 @darkqueen1995 @simpin4pixels @deebris @spideybv28
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whore-ibly-hot · 1 year
Can u tell us if any of ur yans have big pecs 🧍‍♀️ . Ngl,I feel like joey has the biggest male boobas between all yans, he just radiates that big titty committee energy 🤭
No, because Joey is shredded from farm work, so he has some big old oingo-boingos. You may notice if you start hanging around him he begins to wear tighter buttons up, or slipping his overall straps off and stretching out. Fritz has pretty big pecs too, but there hard to see under his uniform. Mattias has some pretty good boobs, but his chest is usually kind of tender afyer a match, so he prefers to lay on yours. Patrick's less about pecs and more about abs, he's shredded and has a few scars. Not a lot going on in the boob department.
Now for our itty-bitty tatty friends, we have Ahmed, with a skinny, weak lil frame. No boobs, no muscles, no stability in general. Puck doesn't really have boobs, but he is strong. He's lean, but as a forest fae he does a lot of running and exploring. Johannes hasn't been in the war very long, so he's not the fittest, so no booba. Carl has no boobs, he only likes yours.
The hardest to place is probably our cult boys, Joshua and Gabriel. Joshua is about 20, and has a pretty lanky build. He's strong, but not super developed. Gabriel isn't strong or tall frankly, because he makes Joshua do all his dirty work. Not sure fully what vibes they give me.
Anyways, that's my oingo-boingo overview for all my boys, hope this helps!
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thelostboys11 · 2 years
Dwayne x Reader NSFW Alphabet
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Dwayne x Reader NSFW
Word count: 615
Warnings: Smut (obvi)
A/n: I hope y'all like this!
A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Dwayne is really good at aftercare! He is very caring and loves you very much. He'll always take care of you afterwards.
B = Body part (What their favorite body part is)
Dwayne loves his abs because he knows how much you love them. He loves your hips. He loves holding onto them when you ride him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Dwayne likes to cum either in you or on your stomach. Dwayne doesn't like a messy session.
D = Dirty secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Dwayne loves it when you play with his hair. Feeling your small hands on his scalp makes him feel so good. He'll be quiet and would be holding your waist while you play with his hair. He would end up getting so horny.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? How good are they?)
Dwayne would have so much experience. And you? You wouldn't even know what you're doing.
F = Favorite position (Self explanatory)
Dwayne loves missionary. He loves seeing your beautiful face while he fucks you.
G = Goofy (How goofy are they?)
Dwayne is goofy but he'll be a bit more serious than the others.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they?)
Dwayne is trimmed but his is a bit long. They're not long enough to really bother you.
I = Intimacy (How they are during the moment)
Dwayne is caressing and kissing every part of your body.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Dwayne doesn't really see the point in it. He'd only do it if he was alone and horny.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Dwayne enjoys biting, breeding, and light choking.
L = Location (Where'd they do it)
Dwayne would literally do it anywhere. He would do it in an alleyway if he really wanted to.
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
As said before, he loves head massages. It makes him feel so good. Breathing in your scent while he has his head on your chest and as you play with his hair.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do)
Dwayne wouldn't do anything too extreme. He really cares about you and wouldn't want to hurt you.
O = Oral (Preference on giving or receving)
Dwayne's gonna eat you out over and over again. When receiving, he wants you to be able to go at your own pace. He'll just sit back and let you enjoy yourself.
P = Pace (What's their pace?)
Dwayne doesn't usually go that rough with you. How fast he goes depends on the day and his mood.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies)
Dwayne doesn't really favor them. He doesn't mind quickies but he doesn't actively have them.
R = Risk (Will they take risks?)
Dwayne doesn't mind exploring in bed.
S = Stamina (How long do they last?
T = Toys (Opinions on toys)
Dwayne doesn't really care for toys. He'll only use them if you ask him or if he's caught you using them before.
U = Unfair (How much they tease)
Dwayne won't tease you too much, but he'll occasionally tease you while in bed.
V = Volume (How loud they are/what noises they make)
Dwayne is the type to grunt and groan.
X = X-ray (What do they have in their pants)
Dwayne is fucking hung. Look at him, it screams big dick energy. And man knows how to use it. He gets every little sensitive spot. Also, he has very big balls.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Dwayne isn't usually horny. He literally has other shit to do (sorry no offense).
Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Sleep is for the weak.
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ponuchuu · 24 days
Where is my daily serving of puppetgear lore Nick, I'm HUNGRY
OK BUT i can rant to you about this idea i have about niko being sick
I've mentioned in this post that Scarborough Fair is one of the song that Niko treasured most, if not THE most because it was one of the fondest things he have out of the hellhole that was THOTH so it's a melody he often repeat in any situation (that is not insomnia btw) that are emotionally heavy for him, such as anxiety, panic attacks, socially overwhelming situations so I often think about him humming the tune quietly to himself at night whenever he's particularly anxious and Wanderer just so happens to hear it while going out at night. It's sort of like a core memory for Wanderer, he never brought it up, he never even questioned it but the melody stayed in his mind because Niko is associated with it.
Now imagine if there's a day Niko get sick, Niko being sick is extremely rare, his immune system is very strong and he recovers exceptionally fast so when there are days where he gets a very bad fever, it made him anxious and jumpy cause he needs to do something or he'll end up laying there, stuck with his thoughts and lamenting over how worthless he is if he doesn’t do anything-- This is a problem that had happened before in the Fortress, Sigewinne has to constantly keep watch of him in case he sits up and do anything reckless, heck even Wrio has to tell him to lay back down and take turns to watch over him if Sigewinne is busy with other patients.
Of course since Niko is in Sumeru now, he doesn't have a lot of people that can look out for him except Mekal and Aarush (Aarush tried to ask for a day off but Niko assured him he's fine) so often than not he WILL find a way to do something and even sneaked out when Mekal was out in the market, but the Sumeru heat is harsh so it's not really a surprise he fainted in mid climbing, making all of his Meka shut down as he feels the fall below him, not able to open his eyes and waiting for his inevitable death....
... Only to wake up to a VERY angry Mekal, getting scolded left and right on how he could seriously have gotten hurt if it weren't for "that big-hatted, flying gentleman over there" while serving the exact tea said 'big-hatted, flying gentleman over there' liked (the only reason Mekal knows is because Niko bitched and complained a lot abt how bitter the tea was) on the table as he clicked his tongue and sit down on the left over space on the couch away from Niko's current resting head.
The moment Mekal turned away and back to the kitchen is when Niko tried to sit up again but was immediately get layed back down by Wanderer, who's at this point wasn't even trying to hide his anger at him cause-
"Fucking hell, if I didn't get there in time what do you think could have happened ?! Wretched being, your body is weak and it's going to break, you could've-" but he cut himself off at the last point, opting to tell Niko to take a rest now or he'll make sure both Aarush and Wrio knows about his little stunt today. As angry as it made him, Niko really doesn't have energy to fight back as he just grumble and lie back down with his face facing the back of the couch, no wanting to look at Wanderer at that moment.
The first few minutes weren't bad but as Niko lay on the couch with nothing to do and his mind free to wander through, he started to get anxious again, work usually takes his mind off of his rather degrading thoughts but now that he has no choice to work he had to lay there with his thoughts running, sleeping to him isn't easy either and even the loud noises in the kitchen isn't enough to drown out the thoughts. It isn't obvious then to him but he was hyperventilating, his breathing was starting to become ragged but by now his mind was already somewhere.
The change didn't go unnoticed by Wanderer, it's something he figured would happen because he had never seen Niko without doing his work or without something to distract himself from- then it suddenly hit him, that song he had heard Niko humming to himself before-- could it be...?
Without even a second thought, Wanderer turn Niko's head to the side before place his palm gently on his forehead-- cringing a bit at how much cold sweat there are but the barely noticeable tear line falling down from Niko's cheek that managed to escape out of the arm that was covering his eyes right now-- made him forget all about it as he begins to quietly sing the melody that Niko is so fond of.
The sudden music made Niko breathing stop for a second, taking in the melody as his breathing started to calm down, solely letting his focus back on the sound that was coming from above him. The sing voice was unfamiliar so Niko knows it wasn't from him and Mekal's voice is a little more robotic than the smooth sound that was singing right now. The realized was immidiate and by the time he realized, his breathing was stable again as all he can focus on was the lyrics of his childhood song.
A few second of silent passed after the singing stop before a small chuckle broke out, Niko can't help himself from laughing-- not because it was funny, but because he didn't expect to hear Wanderer at all. When he stopped laughing, Niko removed his arm and look up at Wanderer, his eyes tinted with something indescribable before going through on how the melody was off and that he got some of the lyrics was incorrect before proceed to sing it himself to demonstrate where he was wrong, Wanderer didn't even snap back or retort as he can see Niko was singing the song to himself as his voice was getting quieter before drifting off to sleep, a smile on his face as he finally get his sleep after 2 days...
I ENDED UP WRITING SO MUCH BUT EBFJEJFJDJDJFJEJF they got me acting silly oops tee hee twirl hair
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when reading this keep in mind that A) i dont know much about your oc Phoenix or the other fics and B) i strongly believe that stories cant exist without confict of some sort. love triangle, war, homework is due tomorrow and u havent started, if there isnt an issue there isnt a story
about the Phoenix reader situation, i dont know about your oc Phoenix but i worry if you don't write it carefully it might feel like an op oc situation. every time she runs into an issue its gonna be why didn't reader use this artefact? why didn't reader use that artefact? i don't know how strong the artefacts are but i do know that unchecked overpowered-ness can ruin a story. if sun wukong wasn't limited by tripitaka and his rules, he would have dealt with every demon in their way without much issue and jttw would have been much shorter and suckier for it.
i find stories shine when characters have to work around their limitations and what they have instead of giving them powers/tools that solve issues for them. its kinda hard to write a conflict when somebody has a maguffin that completely bypasses the issue.
reader is from the modern world, use that! we have access to a breadth of knowledge that people didnt back then, even if reader is no expert in the field, she should have picked something up by social osmosis at the very least!
everyone knows something about cpr, and if reader had classes regarding health and the body, she might have learned basic first aid! imagine the tension of reader having to use barebones first aid knowledge, being unsure if she's patched up to recover in time and having to navigate the threat of infection instead of an artefact bypassing all that juicy juicy plot.
and the glamor artefact, have reader struggle to get a disguise instead. have reader having to bargain or barter or hell, even steal to get different outfits to change her is a good way to explore her personality! how much of her apperence would she be willing to change to be in disguise? would she cut her hair? wear a mask and hood? give up things she had on her from her homeworld to barter for a better disguise? cover herself in mud or walk through a creek/river to throw off her scent?
and thats just two artifacts that i covered here! every time you give a character a tool that solves problems you strip yourself of multiple potential plot points you could have explored and written a story about!
to end this all off:
sun wukong and the six eared macaque[jttw ver at the very least] are the spiders georg when it comes to power scaling. they are extreme outliers, both of them. when it comes to a fight, they exist to be op. so dont give them fights, give them issues that they cant punch their way out of. they cant fight their way into readers affections, use that.
When reading this know that I love a good debate. I can definitely see where your coming from don't worry.
I like the idea of using fantasy and fiction in my writing. I like reading about character that have it too.
Just because a character has a tool doesn't mean they always know how to use it. And each tool would have a weakness.
Reader doesn't know how to fly, just because she gets wings doesn't mean that she'll know how to use them immediately.
Fire burns, Reader isn't immune to fire being human so she'd only be able to use it for specific things. Such as lighting a camp fire, but again just because she can light it doesn't mean it would stay lit. Such as if the wood she is lighting is too wet or so forth. Since fire needs fuel she'd have to learn how to keep a fire going and all.
Growing plants would be slow and can't garrenttee that they will be healthy or say the food it grows safe to eat.
When healing it would require energy and honestly the healing would be closer to just a slightly sped form of healing. So the person healed would still need time to rest because it would also use there energy as well. It also can't be used all of the time (I would be deciding an actual logic system for it later if this is the route I would like to go.) *Basically pain relief and minor healing*
- Adding onto the healing, it wouldn't be able to work on herself, and since she is the only one who can use it, that doesn't help too much. Since Shadowpeach are fucking immortal! Well only like 2x immortal at the beginning since it starts between the time after Subodi and before the heaven attack.
- As for CPR that would be really fun to play around with. But again I'd she was to heal someone it would be another human or Spirit. Due to the op power of the monkeys (and no they can't use their fists to gain her affection 😂 though they Wukong might try to impress her that way)
The sheild is almost impenetrable, not completely, and honestly, it was more of a tool to be used against Wukong and Macaque for plot reasons. So that they have a harder time getting to Reader rather than being able to just capture her immediately.
The glamour mask was also more so for a plot point that comes up later, a specific idea that came about in my head a while ago. Which ends with --- (Said mask can only have one other transformation besides the user's real form).
Also the first two are unable to be used in the cold because plants sleep in the winter and cold is the opposite of heat.
So there are downsides to all of these. Ways to get around them and ways to damage them. I'm not trying to make the Reader OP at all, I was just having an idea and seeing where it was going. These artifacts wouldn't be able to all be used at once, all would require concentration (she's getting attacked she needs to concentrate to make a sheild but her fear gets in the way) or (having a panic attack over someone being injured and can't concentrate to heal them)
These artifacts existing also wouldn't mean that they are with her at all times. In the beginning of the story, she only has a switchblade, and that's it. She might find one and lose it, or she might get a different one and break it. Who knows being as they would be physical objects she wouldn't be able to have them at all times.
I loved answering this, and I will be hoping you respond, anon. I wonder if you've got some other tidbits of ideas for me.
Also, does anyone else have suggestions? Send them my way. I love to debate~ I think I'm using that word right at least 😅
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Not sure how to view Chris anymore and it’s sad. At this point whatever the “truth” is, it doesn’t matter.
I’m just floored at how someone could be so weak to get into this mess and not “be able to get out”and it’s easy to say oh it’s hard for him to get out but he’s at least trying to show this is fake, yet he was bold enough to lie to the world about being married?
Make that make sense?
Like how the fuck do they clean this up at all?
It’s like reality and illusions are morphing together and I honestly don’t know who the fuck this man truly is and maybe that’s the way it should’ve always been.
We get wrapped up in this shit mainly due to the way of the world and due to Hollywood and capitalism, etc, but we have to take accountability by finally choosing to not fall for seeing other mere mortals as anything but human.
If you take any random person off the street, clean them up, give them a great marketing team, BOOM you have a new celebrity. It’s all a big awful joke of illusion.
No more rose colored glasses. It’s to the point fandoms and celebrity today is seeing a blue sky but being duped into believing it’s green.
Unfortunately most will never understand the above and never take those glasses off.
This applies to fans, non fans and just the overall population of the world who are willing and unwilling and unaware at how impacted we all are by celebrity culture. A headline makes waves or something goes viral and we ALL stop our lives to read or listen about it and many hop online to discuss and argue with others over various things, not once seeing the reality……you’re taking time out of YOUR life to focus on someone who doesn’t even know you exist, wasting YOUR time discussing crap about someone else who is living their life and getting rich off of you and someone who uses media to stay relevant through…..Y-O-U!
*breaks rose colored glasses* for good.
Same, An🫶n. Honestly before I was sucked in here, Chris was the ideal guy for me... Ofcourse, Papa was right. He told me once that "I shouldn't place anyone on a pedestal, because anything placed that high, is meant to break."
I've got nothing but love for Chris and his work. But the way this is all spun, real or not, I'm not sure if I can keep adoring him as a person.
Like I've said before, we can't exactly blame Chris, alone for getting into this mess in the first place. But if those breadcrumbing and hinting on his end isn't true (the hope and rumor that he's telling us that anything about the wedding is fake, etc.), An🫶n is right.
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He's not a saint, but he's not a demon either. But the thing is, he isn't going to be just Chris Evans, the actor we all love and adore. The actor we'll be happy for when he gets his small victories. Whose dog is one of the best things on the internet during this whole mess right now.
He's also going to be Chris Evans, the guy who "married" a racist, who's friends have baited the entire Fandom. The guy who couldn't save his fans from tearing at each other. The guy who let this get so out of hand, that the one place that should've been safe for us to escape to, and enjoy everything, disappeared in mere months.
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I'm planning to stick around, because I know for a fact, a ton of you were here for the fan-made stuff. The fanfics, fanarts, discussions about characters, etc.
I came here for that too. Doesn't mean I'm giving up this whole thing. But I'm going to take time to go back to the fun part. Because honestly, my page has turned into an analysis page😅 it's 70% rant posts about the bullshit pr, and 30% me and my fics...
Bro! I intended to make fucking fics before 250 Followers Celebration comes... But I'm way behind... Partly, because of life. And partly because the second something goes down, I drop nearly everything, and focus so much time and energy on this.
So, I'm not saying drop him or any celeb completely. I'm saying we need to tone down our idolization, because it may have gotten to the point where it isn't healthy.
For the sake of your health, mental and otherwise, Fandom. Take time to enjoy what you love about this Fandom. And please don't say anything about tearing the PR Narrative, because even I have to admit, it takes it's toll.
Again, not backing down, or stepping down. Just giving myself time to take care of me, and spend time with my family while they're still alive.
I don't know if this Christmas season will be the last that I get to spend time with any of them, so I'm going to make sure I live every minute with them. And not stuck in this hole I've dug myself for months, since the wedding announcement.
And you should all do that for yourselves, guys. Take the time, and make it count.
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ciciciron · 10 months
Random Gen 4 Character Hcs cuz I'm Too Sick to Write Anything Good
Ya boy's got strep, gonna do every Gym Leader and the E4, some characters will have more cuz I'm autism but I'll write something for everyone
He's the second youngest Gym Leader, like, 18 - 22 at most
That doesn't mean he's inexperienced, no, it's honestly based upon the timeline of whatever I'm writing but I think he's been a Gym Leader for a good few years
I get the vibe that he's just like really nice, like just a good, reliable dude who needs a break and is fortunately likable enough to escape his father's shadow
She's afraid of like everything, beyond just ghosts, my girl is a coward
She's pretty close with every other Gym Leader because of this, got em all on speed dial to come get the Spinarak out of her house and all that
Such a cringe fail lesbian
Honestly I see her as such a Kobeni (csm) type character, she knows what you are
Girl is 9 get her out of here
My reasoning for that age is because in pokespe it's mentioned that she's younger than Platinum, who is like 12
She's not weak but like someone help this poor girl she don't know what's going on
Crasher Wake;
Bros like, really good with kids, great at entertaining them, they just think he's cool af
He's not very helpful but he definitely tries, like if you cried he would recommend petting Quagsire, which would probably help tbh
He just gives the vibe like he's the type of guy you'd call uncle your whole life only to learn later on he's just a friend of your dads and not at all related to you
She isn't actually French- I know, who would willingly act French? She would, her real name is Heather because I came up with all of this when I was going through my musical theatre phase
She's Jupiter's older sister, naturally they don't talk much anymore
She isn't very lucky when it comes to love, swears after the end of every bad relationship that she's going to give up and become a nun, she is not religious nor does she ever stick to her word
Sometimes he just forgets he's a dad, not like- forgets who Roark is, just that if he got called to come bail him out of jail he'd be confused why he was the one getting the call
Himbo energy, not a thought behind those eyes
Wildly irresponsible but on accident
Girl's an influencer, she's the only one of them who knows how to properly work Tiktok, she will send you Tiktoks that remind her of you and you WILL receive those links through Instagram DMs because she forgot to save your phone number or just doesn't have it
Adding onto that- she will post fit checks regardless of what is happening in the background, she doesn't care that that man is drowning, this ain't about him
She is really good at remembering things about her coworkers though, she's in charge of every birthday party, if you forget your birthday don't worry she remembered and she is in your house don't ask how she got in
I don't care if he's canonically just some skinny twink he's big to ME. Like- 6'4", at least 200 pounds, guy is just huge and bulky and built like a brick wall, tons of practical strength because,,,
This is more about his Luxray but his name is Oscar and he's massive, think an Alpha Luxray in Legends Arceus, that cat is huge, Volkner is only even slightly strong just to be able to lift him off of his bed at night when he's trying to sleep
Wildly irresponsible but on purpose, he thinks it's funny to endanger himself, no he won't seek help he doesn't believe in therapy because he wasn't properly helped when he was younger
He does care about Sunyshore though, spent a week fixing that black out that stopped you from visiting the city at first in DPPT, he claims it's Team Galactic's fault but like no one believes him
Sorry to give Volkner 5 I mean what to expect from the guy who named himself Volkner but he's related to like every Electric Type Gym Leader and also whoever I see fit. It's a very large family. He makes frequent trips to Unova to visit his only respected similarly aged cousin Elesa so they can trash talk their not respected similarly aged cousin Colress (Long story). Also yes I do believe Palmer is his dad and Barry is his younger brother and I'm deciding today that they all have a good relationship. (Also I want to elaborate on this all so much like smh I didn't even bring up the Shinx based ceremony but that's gonna have to be a different post)
I don't have biases what are you talking about anyways E4 time.
He may or may not be distantly related to this fellow green hair and prong having man named Ghetsis but that's more lore to unpack on my end and I don't want to explain my real life friendships that make Ghetsis relevant here.
He can't be in the same room with Gardenia for too long because she gets freaked out just knowing Vespiquen is there, they have to be cycled out intermittently at every League meeting
He's been in the E4 the 3rd longest despite the fact he's only slightly older than Flint and Lucian, everyone who doubts Bug Types is amazed
She's been here before Cynthia was Champion and was actually the Champion before the guy who came before Cynthia, there's no getting rid of her
The hair makes it obvious but she's related to Agatha of the Kanto Elite Four, sometimes they meet for tea and to trash talk every challenger they've faced as well as their coworkers
She's excellent at comforting people without even realizing what she said half the time, you'll thank her for the advice and she'll accept that without knowing what she told you to do, she was completely out of it
He was the Oreburgh Gym Leader before Roark, however many years before depends on the timeline, but he was second choice to join after Volkner declined for reasons I don't actually have outside of my main au
He acts exactly like one of those straight boys pretending to be gay to make fun of gay people expect it isn't acting and everyone can tell aside from him (i.e. jokingly being incredibly affectionate with Volkner)
He's probably the most reliable friend one could have and is like always ready to throw hands, he has too much energy and just wants to punch someone in the face, please ask him to punch someone in the face he will happily do it he's begging you
Guys a fucking ass, like, he's just very rude. That's not because I hate him he just seems kind of stuck up. (I'm mad that he tells me about how much he reads whenever I talk to him in Pokemas because I can't read large paragraphs without my vision blurring and it feels like he's bragging, and also a specific decision I made for my general lore)
He's genuinely psychic, like, telekinesis style, it comes in handy at sorting books and throwing things at people because that guy ain't got an arm on him to save his life
I think that psychic power could be totally nullified by putting a hat on him. Battle tactic.
Her father was Champion before her, she's a nepobaby, she would get upset if you called her that though because she worked real hard for her position and is tired of people devaluing her
Her slug is named Sharon and she hates men, specifically blonde ones. If you are near that Gastrodon as a blonde man you are about to be hydropumped. You can't out run Sharon don't even think about it just accept your fate.
Meanwhile her Garchomp is named Joan and she's just a large scaley puppy.
She definitely needs glasses but she's very stubborn
She also can't drive. Don't let her do it. She is going to hit another mythical Pokemon.
Cynthia is also incredibly shocked whenever she learns someone doesn't care about history as much as her. She's just like- in awe, she forgot people could have other interests and it's throwing her for a loop, she'll just kind of stand there with her mouth agape until you speak again and even then she'll never look at you the same again
Okay that's...everyone for today, I would do Team Galactic but at that point I'd feel like I have to write something for every single character in the game and I'm neglecting my homework too hard for that.
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rivangel · 2 years
Hi Gee!! 💕💕 Hope you don't mind me dropping in randomly, best-friend-o-mine 💕
What are your headcannons on virgin Levi showing you his dick for the first time? Would he be nervous about it? He's never really shown off that part of himself before, the communal bathrooms don't count. Especially when he's all hard and leaky, that's super embarrassing. Plus he's not as.. endowed as some of the others. Or would he try to play it off cool, despite the tremble lingering in his voice and fingers. He's afraid of disappointing you after all.
its always a treat when u hop in my askbox tay🥺almost as much as i love talking about virgin levi... | .7k
There would definitely be a sense of anxiety underlying everything he does before you get his clothes off. Besides the fact that Levi has never done anything like this, he kisses much more tenderly, even distracted, because of his racing thoughts and his heart pounding in his ears. Pressed to the bed underneath you—underneath anyone—isn't a position Levi can stand finding himself in in every other context, which is why you take it slow.
His breath is already hitched, and there's a tremble to his touch at your waist, as he's not confident in going any lower. Dotting his neck in wet kisses alone makes him just swoon. Just opening his shirt like curtains even gives him a spike of anxiety… so when his pants are gone??
Honestly, his dick has been interested since you first pulled him in an embrace before you even got to the bedroom. But somehow the embarrassment is different when he's stripped down to just his underwear. He gets antsy if you take your time kissing down his body, caressing all his curves, licking little circles around his pink nipples. He's a mess.
It doesn't work to tell Levi to relax a little—caressing his tongue with your own and grinding your palm again his obvious need gets him much looser and pliant underneath you. Even if he's still devoting too much energy in keeping embarrassing sounds to a minimum (in vain). Levi tries to play down nervousness no matter what, but his weak voice holds the lightest tremble when he tells you to hurry up, squirming lightly, tilting his hips up into your palm.
Yes!! He’s never “shown himself off” in this kind of context at all, although he had no shame in the sense of military life. It’s so hard, throbs so thickly, and yet he swallows a moan when it does. His face is on fire.
It might be plainly obvious that he’s aching and ready, but since Levi up to that point has made it a habit to ask for your consent when he does most anything, you ask first. This kind of resignation appears on his face, all fueled by nerves and affection he’s never experienced before. He’s made it a point in his life never to need anyone, including in this way, but he’s ready to now.
But god, his nerves really are raw. He hooks his thumbs in the elastic waistband because if he pauses to think, he’ll work himself up even more. You peel them down the rest of the way.
His chest falls with a small huff in relief when his cock is freed and slaps his pelvis, not just hard but sticky and swollen. It’s obvious what you do to him, how much he needs and craves more of you, and that makes him feel a little ashamed. He hides the lower half of his face under his arm and tries to gauge your reaction.
His own size has never mattered, because he’d never end up in this exact situation, he used to think. He’s not insecure that he can’t satisfy you—just that size usually means a lot to people.
Goddd his pretty cock though. Most of it will fit in your fist, but it’s so fat, and his massive balls are so round and firm. So pretty. And since he’s desperate, the cum that’s welled over his slit is just begging to be licked up.
You’re staring so hard, which he wouldn’t mind if your eyes didn’t drink in the sight of his cock between his thick thighs for so long. Instinctively his legs being to inch closed, snapping you out of your reverie.
“You are so fucking pretty,” you huff, almost like it makes you mad how fucking perfect his body is, because of quirks like his many scars, or the borderline feminine curves to his waist and hips, or his pale bordering on porcelain skin.
Promptly you squeeze his knees to open his legs again. Levi is too busy reeling from that compliment, leaving him to gasp as you scoop up his balls, rubbing too slowly. “I love it. You’re so cute. Can I suck you? Please?”
“W-What the hell. Cute—?” he tries to rasp, but he doesn’t get to finish as your arms encircle his thighs, pinning them apart to make room for your mouth as you go down.
Whatever that means, he had no reason to worry in the first place—obviously. All that’s left is for him to lose his fucking mind under your mouth.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
I have to say, it's disheartening to keep seeing the Megumi slander on the internet and the way they don't give credit to where credit is due. I especially dislike that people think Megumi is so weak-willed just because he can't regain control of his body against Sukuna and compares him to Yuji, a result of Kenjaku's experiment, who was designed to be a cage for Sukuna. It's definitely not just a matter of will power.
Did they honestly just forget that despite Megumi being broken over finding out Tsumiki's gone he still managed to interfere with Sukuna's cursed energy output? Definitely putting up a fight? Did they miss that Sukuna had to take a dip in the Bath of Evil just to further sink Megumi's soul to ensure he wouldn't be interfering as much? But even then, he still had to go and kill Tsumiki for further insurance. Like, this is a normal kid (as compared to a specially-made vessel) we're talking about. His body wasn't made to host Sukuna and yet even Sukuna recognizes that Megumi have the potential to suppress him as well. Heck, Megumi even surviving being possessed is already a miracle in and of itself. So I think in terms of will power and strength of the soul all of these ought to account for something.
I'm so sorry if I ranted. I've missed my boy and the odds of him being x'ed rising each chapter is making me bristle whenever I see people shitting on him (I really got to remove myself from the toxic spaces for a while). But onto my ask, on the possibility that Megumi's coming back, do you think he'll overcome Sukuna alone or will he get help? Personally I really want him to breakout on his own. That would be such a nice F U to Sukuna. And I want my boy to take back the mastery of the 10S. The recent chap leak (that I couldn't avoid for the life of me) revealing Sukuna's motives with the 10S and Maho gives me a bit of hope that Gege has yet to show us the full extent of this technique. And there's still Chimera Shadow Garden. I'd like to think Gege would be kind enough to give us a pay off for the deliberate progression of Megumi's character and abilities. Essentially another Origin of Blind Obedience pay off. Cause my boy deserve it so much 😭.
HOLA anon!
Rant away anon. This is what jjk Confessions Sunday not on a Sunday is for 😂. Even if I disagree with some of what I am sent, I always try to make it a point to understand where others are coming from. Otherwise Squishy calls me out on it ;)
Onto your question under the cut...
So I totally get how bromantic it is for Yuji to save Megumi. I do. It's an absolutely beautiful statement about the love these two have for each other.
With my recent realization that jjk is about... dun dun dun... DEATH, came a deeper understanding about how Gege is executing on this theme.
What I mean by this is that Yuji, Megumi and Nobara (the entire cast, really) have a shared experience of what it is like to face death as part of their everyday experience.
I know, I am late to the party. I can be dense like that.
Anyways... I think it's important that we agree on what it means to face your mortality. Most especially if you are young.
Spoken from experience, when you are young, unless you have had a brush with death or some sort of debilitating illness, death isn't something you think will happen to you.
When you are young, death is some foreign concept that happens to others. Never you.
Now, I'm not necessarily advocating that people contemplate death, but, also spoken from experience, there is a paradoxical truth about death that deepens the experience of the self--and that is that becoming aware of your mortality, if approached with the right mindset, becomes an invitation to live life more fully and with more intention.
So I imagine Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, due to being the only 1st years, have developed a much deeper, unspoken bond than they would have with many of the other people in their lives.
That said, Megumi asking to be saved is such a desperate but beautiful expression of his vulnerability, which we hardly ever get to see by the way.
Not only that, it's bromantic af, mate! Ship or no ship, asking to be saved has deep implications on a soulful level.
To this point, Kiri by Monoral, the Ergo Proxy op, is one of my favorite songs ever because it captures the essence of love as a religious and aspirational experience in which someone asks to be saved.
But saved from what?
What does salvation even mean?
Come and save me
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I am kind of obsessed with this theme of redemption as of late because Gege is framing Sukuna as a religious figure redeeming and releasing characters from their existential woes.
Which is kind of what Megumi is asking of Yuji in asking to be saved.
Like in the lyrics to the song, Megumi is metaphorically saying "I need you to 'refill my place' and to 'complete my fate'. Come and save me".
He's saying "we're not heroes" but at the same time elevates Yuji to the role of one who can redeem.
It really is as simple as Megumi asking for help on a surface level, and as complex and deep as asking for salvation on a soulful level.
After all, as I said in a previous ask, when Megumi asked for salvation, he had recently learned Tsumiki has to take part in the Culling Game, meaning Megumi is likely feeling insecure and anxious.
"Come and save me, I am at the lowest I could ever be."
Now, I LOVE that Megumi is asking to be saved because, in doing so, he's showing character growth, you know, that one thing people say he doesn't have. For one, he's asking for help, and second, he's showing vulnerability, which I will never get tired of saying he normally suppresses.
So anyways, all of that to say that, the problem with this mentality is that, even if it means Megumi has grown, it absolves him of responsibility for himself.
He's basically saying "here you go Itadori, your character archetype is Pisces, the redeemer, so here are my existential burdens, go die on the cross for me".
Ok, not exactly. I am exaggerating to get a point across.
My point is that, in asking Yuji to save him, Megumi is absolving himself of the responsibility to develop the qualities he admires in Yuji or to acknowledge said qualities in himself.
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In retrospect, there's something about how Megumi having no qualms scoring 100 points is really about how he's willing to tarnish his soul and become irredeemable for the sake of saving Tsumiki.
And isn't it ironic that Megumi is on quest, just like a Knight, to uphold and protect the ideals of a Sleeping Beauty and yet he himself needs saving?
I am having a hard time verbalizing the paradox here, but Tsumiki's death is SO deeply symbolic.
idk, I don't feel like I'm doing this answer justice because I feel like I can go deeper with this because there's also something at the core of this idea about how Megumi is giving up on himself by waiting to be saved.
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Which is relatable af.
What I am trying to say is that if he gets saved in the sense that other people yank Sukuna out of him or wtv... then Megumi didn't learn his lesson, and that just means it is prone to happen again.
If Gege decides to go for the bromantic outcome, I am sure he'll show us the train of thought he took to get there. Maybe there is a way for Megumi to be saved AND for him to take responsibility for himself.
Whatever the case, like you dear anon, I need him to stop feeling sorry for himself, to stop doubting himself, to see himself as good enough, and to take back his agency and take back his life. Because in doing so, Megumi is taking responsibility for himself.
Something like that 😂.
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Thanks for the Megumi-love anon!
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Rhythm i am fine thank u for asking, I’d give u cuddles too. I might come off of anon soon someday !! If i feel it hehe
and if king Chris can give me cuddles that would be nice of him. :(
To distract both of us from adulting
1) princess giving birth !! How would things go after she got the two pups lix and minnie out ? How would chris react to his wife’s weak state, would he panic? And how would they react seeing their pups for the first time ;( ☹️☹️
I think chris would say sth like “the pups look like they belong in my beloved’s arm.”
2) pretty wearing baby pink coquette lingerie! Ik wereroomies chris loves black and burgundy lace but if she wore blush pink or sth in soft lace and silk!! And maybe wore a white ribbon in her hair !! Or a white sheer babydoll 🤨
(Basically channel her inner princess reader)
It could be like a Chris got promoted so she surprises him by wearing these at night, whether or not they plan in getting sexy. She makes dinner in these things, or watches him make dinner while she reads a book. Or cockwarms him. BYEEE!
- 🐧
i just got to this, and i'm telling you, penguin... i'm dizzy, this is making me dizzy 😩
Thoughts.... so many
like.... i feel like princess might've had a difficult time giving birth. having twins is difficult on its own, but having WEREWOLF twins??? must be even more so.
she was probably in labour for hours, in pain, to the point where she started crying out of frustration because "i want them out!! get them out, please!!" and Chris will be all distressed seeing her in so much pain, to the point where he starts to briefly consider not getting her pregnant ever again.
but that's not really what she wants, she's just in pain, you know?
the moment the pups do come out, she's just so relieved, heart so full feeling her children against her skin. and Chris is just.... over the moon. he knew she would make it, she is his perfect mate, she was made for him in every single way, so of course she would be able to birth his children.
seeing her, seeing his pups, there, whining and writhing a bit in her hold made him just so proud. that's the love of his life and his beautiful healthy children and he's just... enamoured. he almost cries when he had to cut the cords, but he kept the tears in because no one but his wife can see him like that and the midwives were there >:(
in any case, the recovery process was surely a long one. you bet your ass Chris made sure his precious wife didn't move a single finger. there was an army of maids and midwives helping her in every way they could, until she was strong enough for chris and her to care for their cute little pups on their own :(((
i'm sure our King just loved being present at all times. he kept his duties to a minimum for as long as he could, and you know he had regained her strength enough to resume their feedings (he, sadly, decided to stop when he saw how tired she was after giving birth. he wanted his milk but every ounce of her energy needed to be reserved for his pups so he reached a compromise with himself )))): )
it's true he loves the darker lingerie, but, realistically, AS IF this man isn't going feral for his pretty girl in any and every possible colour???
the white and pink will trigger something in him, though... like, it'll probably make him want to ruin her even more than he already does. it'd probably remind his inner wolf of all those times she's dressed like an innocent, defenceless bunny, and he'll just.... salivate like the horny dog he is.
atp he doesn't even question why she'd be dressed that way, if there's a reason or no reason at all. you just know that the moment he spots his pretty baby all dolled up, anything else he was going to do is pushed aside. it's Praise and Worship time.
if there's something he can't get away from doing, then he will have her cockwarming him for as long as he's got to be focused on the task )):
occasionally kneading one of her breasts, or pinching her nipple, just overall touching her all over... and the second he can have his full focus back on her, he's Focused.
orgasm galore. an evening of just the alpha couple doing nothing else but each other <33
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Hello, I recently found your page and really liked what I saw. May I request a Harry Potter matchup (students) both platonic and romantic plus a theme song and a bit of dialogue if possible, please.
I’m a 5’3 female, hetero. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I am a loud introvert and a Virgo, but my MBTI is ENTP while my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw. My main aesthetic is dark academia though I have a hidden interest in cottagecore and other cute things. I also love sweets and desserts above all else, and have an expensive taste when it comes to food. I have a weak body as I get sick quite easily and have low stamina, but when I still have some energy left, I am extremely active. I also dress rather elegantly and favour dresses over pants. I would describe myself as curious, eccentric, argumentative and feisty, picky, creative, intuitive, unpredictable, honest, sarcastic and a huge smartass. I am not afraid to clap back or stand up for others when wronged or insulted. I enjoy acting clever and mischievously to piss my friends off because I think it's funny, but I know to not take it too far. Even though I am verbally mean-spirited, I do have a deep care for others and tend to show it through actions rather than words. I have the tendency to get obsessed and nerd out over whatever I find interesting, whether it's an obscure part of ancient history, a franchise or character, stories that the lyrics of certain songs are conveying, aquatic animals and birds, floriography, desserts that I liked, legends and myths, unsolved crimes or even some odd conspiracy theories that seemed funny, I could get into it and accidentally stay up all night reading up random trivia about them. I become extremely talkative when it comes to those topics, as I have no shame in discussing and ranting about them to others. My hobbies are drawing, painting, writing, embroidering, travelling, spending time with others, baking and learning about random stuff. As extra pieces of information, I am actually easily flustered when it comes to romance (it's also why I don't show affection through words) and I like someone who I could have "playful" arguments or debates with.
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
For harry potter, romance wise I ship you with:
Draco malfoy 🍏
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So I know it's not exactly what you thought but I think draco would be attracted to someone like you.
Draco would think your unbelievable at first, picking on your friends, he would find your feisty side attractive.
He would ask you to attend his manor to show off his riches and Purity.
He would give you secret expensive gifts.
He would tease and bully other people like gryffindors and hufflepluffs.
You would go on dates with him to expensive places.
You would be sick of him talking about potter all the time.
You: so draco, let me guess potter again.
Draco: yeah, it's always potter up to something.
You: for once can we please not talk about him
Draco: ugh fine, what is there we can do that isn't boring in this school.
You: going on a date to diagon ally.
Draco: *goes soft* for you I'll go, but only if we aren't seeing that stupid weasley shop.
You: of course *kisses him*.
You would have to need approval from dracos parents.
Dracos father doesn't necessarily agree with his choosing but admires your rich taste. His mother may think of you as a daughter figure.
Draco and you marry after the voldermort events and have a child with your eyes and his hair. They are sorted into ravenclaw.
Your theme song:
For the platonic side, you would be friends with:
Neville longbottom🌵
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I feel like neville longbottom of all people would be loyal to you.
I feel like you would also befriend ginny weasley.
You and neville would hang in the greenhouse and talk about things for hogwarts.
Neville would bring you plants and talk about herbology.
If your down, he would cheer you up.
He would most likely be more accepting of you.
You: ok longbottom, what did ya bring this time.
Neville: uh, thought I would give this to you, it's a Mimbulus mimbletonia.
You: wow, it's a cactus.
Neville: not exactly, it's a rare plant.
You: oh, if you give it here, I can draw it.
Neville: really that would be great.
You would draw the plants and paint them in the greenhouse.
Ginny would also debate things with you.
Neville would probably not get most of the jokes.
Either way your friendship is meaningful.
Your theme song:
Anyways that's all for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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kiridarling · 3 years
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eijirou kirishima | f!reader, DARK CONTENT, drugging, noncon, but also the reader isn't not into it bc like...i have my limits okay, talk of vomit for a sec (no actual vomit), degradation, bondage, size kink, hair pulling, ripping clothes, slut-calling once or twice. minors dni!
— 3k words
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart? Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
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"See somethin' you like, Sweetheart?"
"U-Um," you flush a deeper red than the stranger's hair and pray he can't see it under neon red lights. Either way, you've been caught red-handed, and recoil. "Sorry."
The stranger's crimson eyes soften before relaxing into a kind smile, and he lifts a dismissive hand. "I was just messing with you! That's on me."
He lifts a hand to scratch the back of his head and the smile grows wider, displaying the rows of predatory sharp teeth that shouldn't look as gentle as they do. You relax in the seat to his right, immediately turning to the bartender to order a funny named a drink. The redhead raises an eyebrow, leaning his arm on the counter.
"A Stranger Danger?" He nearly deadpans.
"Club Special," you shrug. You've never been particularly great at holding your alcohol, but this drink provides just enough punch for a buzz, aka what you need to get through the night. The bartender slides over a tall, rose-dyed wine glass without another word.
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"Eijirou Kirishima," the stranger says with his sharp teeth, offering a large hand to shake. He looks comical next to you, all hunched over the neon bar while you sit up straight for your head to reach his shoulder, and as you take the handshake, can't help but notice how his palm eats yours like it's nothing.
"Y/N," you smile. His hand lingers before it pulls away, and he tells the bartender he'll have what you're having.
"So," Eijirou starts once his order has been placed. "You come here often?" You snort at the cheesy line, and the way Eijirou smirks implies he knows just how cliché it is.
"Sometimes," you shrug vaguely. The club's fairly new, so it's not as if you can say you've been going here for years. You lift the drink to your lips, the sugar-crusted rim tickling the corners of your mouth. "You?"
He shrugs, "When I want to get out."
You nod at that and offer him your glass with a raised eyebrow. Eijirou shakes his head, lifting a glass of his own. Your nose scrunches.
He takes a sip before answering, lips white from the foam before his tongue licks them over, "Stella Artois. Want some?"
Your eyes shift between your dainty glass and his not-so-dainty one before you snort, "I'll pass."
Eijirou shrugs, reclining back in his seat and beer in hand, "Suit yourself."
You pat your back pocket for your phone, but when you realize there's a loss of weight on one side, you pat your right buttcheek to realize you left your wallet in the car. Fuck.
"Uh, hey," you say, knocking the redhead on the shoulder. You figure he's trustworthy enough, and the bartender always keeps an eye out for you anyway. "I'll be right back—left my wallet in the car."
Eijirou nods at that as you push away from the counter practically shaking your head at how distracted you can be sometimes. Seriously, your wallet?
At least the bartender didn't ask for your ID. Yikes.
You slam the car door shut with a huff, wallet finally in hand as you trudge back to the bar. When you return, Eijirou's got the beer lifted to his lips and greets you with a small wave as you sit down.
"Long time no see."
You giggle while grabbing your glass by the neck. As the club starts to fill out, you begin to shrink into your shell—throwing the entire drink down the hatch fixes you right up, though.
"Oh wow okay, looks like we're just going for the whole thing, then," Eijirou chuckles as he takes a much more civilized sip of his. You smack your lips with a satisfied aah.
"Gotta get the buzz going somehow," you wink, before getting comfortable in your seat. Alcohol warms your veins already, prompting your body to start pulse in time with the bass of the music. Eijirou smiles, watching you.
"You like this song?" he asks softly, before adjusting so you're both sat the same way—elbows and backs against the counter, facing the club and all its chaos. You shrug.
"I guess. I've never heard it 'till now."
He tosses his head back onto his muscled shoulders in a chuckle, and you watch the entire act in slow motion. The glint of his teeth in the neon lights, how his chest balloons and quivers under the weight of a bellow. You find yourself staring much harder than you intend to, but he doesn't seem to notice, eyes locked on the dance floor.
"Touché, touché," he says upon recovery. The alcohol in your veins turns to syrup and time starts to blur more than you're used to it being, body so light and weightless you have to pat the chair to make sure you aren't floating. That usually doesn't happen.
"You okay?" Eijirou frowns when you falter. You pull a smile and nod.
"Mhm," you say, though silently panicking when you feel like you're falling out of your seat. You grip the countertop just in case. "Mhm, yeah."
He raises an eyebrow, "You sure?"
"Yeah," you nod, before clearing your throat. Your body flashes hot then cold, and you wonder if you shouldn't have taken that drink down like you did. "I'm um—I'm going to go to the bathroom, one sec."
You're unsure if Eijirou says something as you leave because you pour all your energy into stumbling across the obnoxiously loud club, filled with too much bass and pandemonium for your liking. You're suddenly overwhelmed by everything and your esophagus goes numb at the thought of vomiting, but you make it to the singles bathroom just in time to shut the door and control your goddamn stomach.
With a sigh, you rest your head against the cool sink. The incessant buzz of the overhead lights is much, much better.
You take a deep breath and flick on the sink. Ensuring it's as freezing as it can possibly go, you launch some into your face. You don't even consider ruining the amount of work that went into your outfit today, because ultimately you aren't sober enough to give a shit, blinking back at your reflection to find it fairly blurry. You nearly stumble and fall, but your vice grip on the counter keeps you alive.
"You okay?"
The second you step back into the noisy club, Eijirou's there—with his sweet sharp-toothed smile, he's posted next to the bathroom door and you find yourself grappling his jacket for stability.
"Whoa—Careful now," He chuckles at your sloppiness with a lifted eyebrow. You blink once, twice—the spots floating in your line of vision don't disappear. His hands snake around your waist to keep you from falling and eating shit, and you dig your forehead into his muscled chest.
"Gotta—I gotta go home."
"Okay," Eijirou soothes softly upon realizing how utterly shit-faced you are. "How'd you get here?"
"Walked," you groan and nearly cry, looking up at him with a pout. Eijirou coos.
"Well, no offense but I don't think you're good to walk on your own, Sweetheart."
His voice is heady with something you can't quite recognize, but it's comfortable, and you melt into his chest with a weak nod.
"Can I help you home?" He offers with a kind smile. You nod, fists gripping his shirt in tufts.
"Yes please."
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"I am al—hic—always so fu—fucking careful," you slur. Your body has gone so numb that Eijirou gave up and resorted to carrying you bridal style the rest of the way instead. But he has to set you down so you can stuff your keys in the door, but you can't even do that right.
"Need me to do it?"
"No!" You puff your cheeks, trying twice more before you successfully get it in the keyhole. "'Mma strong independent woman who don' nee' no mahn."
Eijirou chuckles, and using his big shoulder, opens the door to chauffeur you inside. Neither of you get very far, maybe halfway to your room, before your legs give out and the only thing that saves you is the hand on your waist.
"Down this hall?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod so profusely it gives you a temporary headache.
You blink and you're in your bedroom, your front hitting the sheets with a soft thump. Huh. Maybe he carried you the rest of the way. With a face full of pillows, you groan at the new and improved position as you feel the bed dip behind you, and Eijirou grab both of your wrists.
"You're so cute, you know that?"
Something soft and silk ties your fists behind your back. You recognize the material as the belt from your robe, tossed carelessly on your bed during the chaos that ensues every time you get ready for the club. It's not until you try to pull your hands apart that you realize they're tied tight.
"Pulling is only going to make it tighter," Eijirou says with an absentminded sigh, like he's done this before, and trepidation spikes in your chest once he raises your hipbone and slides a pillow underneath to angle them, the only way you could break free—especially with the new grip on your hips.
"Ei—" you try to squirm, legs kicking blindly into the space behind you, but once he seizes your thighs he's sitting on your calves to keep you in place. There's the undeniable sound of cloth ripping and your behind is suddenly met with cool air, prompting a shiver or two.
"Eijirou, what are yo—"
You're interrupted by a stinging slap to your ass and a growl. "Don't tell me I gotta gag your pretty mouth too, Sweetheart."
His voice is low and sharp with a threat, his grip tightening around your thighs.
"You're soaked already? Fuck...and I bet you taste so sweet too..." he bites back a groan in thought, sliding a finger down your slit.
He clicks his tongue but it's damn near mocking. You gasp as he fills you with two large fingers instead of one, body tensing as the alcohol-induced numbness fades in favor of amplified arousal. Eijirou chuckles at your reaction.
"Taking it so well already," he purrs, hand caressing the crest of your ass. In your defense, there isn't much you can do but take it. Ah-ah, Sweetheart—Speak up for me."
"O-Ow," you hiss when your head is wrenched. upwards via your hair to expose your broken moan. Eijirou's grip only tightens after you complain, and you can feel his hot breath ghost the base of your neck. His thumb finds your clit and doesn't move, it just sits there as heavy weight—and it's just as frustrating as it is teasing.
"Ei," you rasp into the pillow, voice hoarse and thick. "I nee—fuck, more—"
"More?" He chuckles derisively, shaking his head with a tut. "Two fingers and you want more? Fuckin' slut."
Each word is loaded with something pitifully mocking and if you were in any other position you would've curled a lip and spat back. But that's a little hard with your face in the pillow and Eijirou's weight above you, isn't it? You shake your head against his fist until he lets go in favor of crackling a solid hand against your ass.
"Oh, you like that, don't you Sweetheart?" He grunts and his fingers increase in speed, the lewd squelch bounces off the walls of the bedroom and echoes in your head in the most insulting way. "My fingers fill you up that good?"
"Y-Yeah, I—" you choke around drool that gathers in the corners of your mouth and shake under his palm. "Fuck me Ei, I nee—"
The quick spank cracked against your ass shakes you from your thought process. "Dirty fucking girl—you really so desperate to let a guy you just met fuck you like this? So goddamn easy."
But he's removing his fingers regardless, stuffing them between your swollen lips as he assumes the space behind you. You hear the quiet fumble of his belt and the run of his zipper, before you feel his hot cock pressing against your soaked entrance.
Eijirou pushes in with a groan, his free hand finding your hips to keep them in place. Your legs thrash as he fills you up with a pleasurable burn, and by the time he bottoms out, you're positive he's filling you up all the way to your lungs.
"Fucking hell," he heaves above you, and the fingers in your mouth disappear to grasp the sheets. You shake along with him, back straightening in a poor attempt to alleviate the burn—and he barely gives you a second to breathe before he's pulling out and slamming back in.
You jump each time the head of his cock rams against your cervix, feet scrambling in a poor attempt to escape. Eijirou growls and puts all of his weight in his hips to ensure you'll stay still, a big hand smushing your face into the sheets.
"Sing for me, Sweetheart—I wanna hear ya."
Your voice cracks as Eijirou speeds up, simply using you for his own pleasure—but maybe that's what excites you the most.
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart?" He spits, and you can feel the sweat dripping from his shoulders onto your exposed back. "Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
You whimper uselessly and nod, but Eijirou growls, yanking your head up for a proper answer.
"I said, don't you?"
"Fuck I—" he hikes your hips even higher for a better angle and gets one, the head of his cock forcing a scream out of your lungs as you yelp, "I do!"
"'Course you do," he chuckles, and drops your head back onto the pillow, "'Course you fuckin' do—"
"Ei-Eiji—" you gasp like you've been underwater forever. "I can't, I nee—"
"Dumb little baby can't even speak," he coos, before his hand finds the sides of your neck and squeezes. "What? Whadd'ya need, Sweetheart?"
And honestly, you're not completely sure what you need, you just know you're chasing after *something—*and Eijirou's got you sprinting after it while you melt into the sheets into a hot, gooey mess. You think the split ends of EIjirou's hair ticking the back of your arms, but you aren't sure. The only thing you are sure of is the burn between your legs and the feeling of being very, very close.
"'Mma cum!" You squeal, the vein in the side of your neck bulging. Eijirou grunts and slides a calloused hand under your stomach to play with your clit, hissing as you squeeze around him.
"Awe, the little slut's gonna cream all over my cock?" He coos, and you're positive his hips speed up just a bit. The grip on your neck slides to the hands tied behind your back for leverage. "Yeah she fuckin' is—I can see your eyes rolling back already."
And he's right, because the weight of your orgasm knocks the wind out of your lungs and your lips round to form and 'o'. You couldn't say if you screamed or not, as the ringing in your ears peaks with your orgasm. The only reason you know Eijirou finishes is because his hips stutter to a stop while you lay face down in the pillow, heart thrumming against your ribcage.
"Hey, you okay?" Eijirou nearly scrambles to get your back on your chest. You know this type of thing gets him nervous, but he does it oh so well, and there isn't much you can do but smile at the ceiling lazily.
"You just railed me into the sheets and you're asking if I'm fine?" You snort at your boyfriend's frazzled appearance—and the afterglow doesn't help, his chili red hair sticking in every other direction except the one it's supposed to.
"Yeah," Eijirou doesn't even hesitate and then gives you a quick peck on the lips. His voice edges on a petulant whine as he says, "I was rough, Sweetheart."
"Because I asked you to be," you quirk an eyebrow and finally, the redhead stumbles to your joint bathroom butt naked. "And don't forget to wet the towel this time!
A little shuffling in the bathroom, and then:
"That was one time!"
"And my vag will never recover!" You holler back. Eijirou just snorts before the white noise of a running sink takes possession of the conversation, and you scoot to the section of your shared bed that isn't soiled with a sigh.
You roll onto your side and come face to face with a framed selfie of you and Eijirou on your first date. Next to that one is first anniversary, second anniversary, third...
Now you're edging on the fifth, comfortable enough where he's walking around with his soft dick out and you've given up in swatting at his hands every time they grab for your tits. You two are comfortable—this is comfortable.
Eyeing the bathroom door, you still hear running water. Sneakily, you reach for the drawer where Eijirou keeps the the ring he doesn't know you know he hides. But frankly, you're the only one who cleans this goddamn house, so it wasn't like you weren't going to find it. You open the red velvet box to blink down at a diamond ring, thumb caressing gem. It glimmers even when the lights are low, and you can't help but be jealous of it—which is silly. You know it'll be yours anyway. The ring is always smoother than you expect it to be, but that thought doesn't last long, because you quickly toss it back into Eijirou's drawer and assume a less suspicious position upon hearing the sink turn off.
"What?" he asks with a small grin as he walks in with a wet towel in hand. "You're giving me that weird look again."
You snort, rolling your eyes before adjusting so you face the ceiling again. Spreading your legs, you demand, "'S nothing. Now clean me up, big boy."
Eijirou huffs at that but he assumes the space between your legs with a light blush. You smile.
He'll do it. When he grows the balls.
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minerviewrites · 3 years
could u do a short and sweet hc where toji’s s/o is a drop dead gorgeous russian woman? she calls her papa at minor inconveniences, cold on the outside but is so warm and nurturing if you break through her walls, looks like a model, has high standards, and speaks russian at him when she gets pissed off? this is close to my heart because i’m russian💓 please and thank u love you
Of course! Thank you so much for the request <33 I hope you like it!
Toji Fushiguro with a Russian s/o
Sfw, fluffy hcs with Toji :)
Warnings: slightly suggestive? Mentions of having kids, kind of afab reader
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Okay, let's get one thing straight- Toji absolutely ADORES you. Not just because of your looks either, it's a combination of everything about you; accent, attitude, the way you talk to him when angry... he lives for it
Sometimes he'll purposefully make you angry just to hear you yell at him in Russian. He doesn't understand what you're saying in the slightest, but he loves how the words roll of your tongue. Toji also has a weakness for any Russian nicknames you give him, even if they're not so sweet. It gives him a connection to your native tongue, and makes him feel closer to you
He is a little unnerved with your papa though... the way you speak to him on the phone after inconvenience makes him wonder what he's like, especially since you rely on him for support. He secretly wants you to depend of him the same way you do your papa, and he might even bring it up to you when far in the relationship
Toji is very fond of how nurturing you can be, especially if you have that same energy towards Megumi. It might even convince him to maybe have another kid in the future, but with you this time. He's never really had a stable household, so when you come in and care for him, he absolutely melts. Toji finally feels cared for and he loves it.
Now, when you get your walls up when outside, he loves to see that part of you as well. Knowing that you would defend him even though you don't have to, and you can stand up for yourself, is a stability Toji needs. He wants to be able to depend on you as well, and having a strong personality definitely draws him in
For looks, Toji isn't really sure how he pulled you. Now, don't get him wrong; he's always been complimented for his good looks by women and men alike. But you... you're out of even his league. He compliments you on an hourly basis, and will even braid your hair if it's long enough to do so. Toji is a little...grabby, but he just loves how you look and can't help but slip his arm around your waist sometimes. He loves to do it in public so he can watch men's irritated expressions when they realize you're taken
Toji practically worships the ground you walk on. If you allow him, he'll constantly take pictures of you; he has an album on his phone of you, it's a very prized possession of his. He loves going through the photos and seeing you with those walls down, just relishing in his attention.
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kazuhasbunny · 3 years
Giiiirl, imagine you are on Baal's side, you are a general and commanding an army against the rebels' own general, Gorou.
You are all cocky and confident, your years of experience just keeping you aware enough so you won't be consumed by your pride. But oh, your face, when after all of those carefully thought out strategies and intensive training, you end up losing to that mutt.
He is insufferable. Even though his face and body is caked in a mixture only war can give-- blood, sweat and dirt, his smile is the biggest, smuggest thing you have ever seen in your life as a warrior. It does not help that you are on your knees, back stretching forward as the grip he has on your jaw tugs you up with such a force you won't ever believe an archer, a long distance fighter, would posses. The bodies of both sides lay scattered on the defiled land, but the purple spots decorate the most, as his last men stand straight and proud behind him, just as yours do, but the lack the attentiveness. Their tired and bored countenance ticks you in a wrong way. Why they don't look happy by this result?
Does your failure was already predicted? As if this end was something that was already calculated. Taken in account.
The man holding your jaw in a bruising grip let go of you, a mere blink of respite as the next second your left cheek explodes in pain, your vision swaggers for a second as you fall on your right side from the streght of that blow. You shut your eyes and concentrate on your breathing; the fight left you completely drained, as much as your brain screamed at you to stand up and attack that man, your bones and muscles protested as you tensed in hopes of getting up, but ultimately you only made yourself look pitiful.
Gorou turns to were his men are, his gaze lingering for a second on your laughable attempt. His focus switches to the army as he starts to pace from one side to the other, the victory was already decided, but the energy from the feat itself brought a surge of emotions within him.
Another quick glance at you, and something on his mind switched. He was wondering what to do with you; killing you off felt as a meaningless action, as the Shogun won't care for someone as low as yourself. You only were deployed to fight against them to gain time for the real force, to prepare and learn how strong the rebels actually are. With how confident you looked hours ago, it seems that your benevolent Shogun forgot to grace you with such knowledge before sending you off with a bunch of newly trainees.
"First of all, congratulations, my friends, for this well earned victory" Gorou began. The group of men on front of him quickly acknowledge his words, paying attention to what he had to say.
"Even if the outcome resulted as to what we--" He turns around, your eyes opened when he began speaking. You both made eye contact, and Gorou's smirk transformed into a full smile. Was it okay for him to fill such giddiness at the sight of your equally wounded pride and body? After all, he was the one to bring you into that state, he was the one to put you in your rightful place with just one arrow, kneeling on the dirty battlefield as the geo power incased on the arrowhead did its job in petrify you.
The glint of defeat on, dare he say, those gorgeous eyes of yours really made them stand out. Actually, as he approaches your form, he's starting to see some other appealing features he couldn't notice from a longer distance. What was the Shogun thinking, in even allowing you a spot within her number when you clearly weren't made for war?
"--Expected" his pause brought your attention to what he was actually saying. So they had all of this calculated...
"But now, all that is left to do, is tend to the wounded and take care of the dead. Yours and their sacrifice will bring an end to this stupid decree in no time. We need to prepare for tougher, real..." He gives you a glance "...battles from now on. Don't let this win get in your head"
The crowd quietly cheers between them, some of them patting each other on the shoulder for a job well done. All of that camaraderie made your stomach hollow, as you recognise the same speech you have told to your former men after a battle well fought. Those piercing blue eyes of his made you painfully aware of the consecutive part of giving a victory speech, about what is waiting for the losing side, the pit in your stomach grew in size and you really wished that it could swallow you whole before the man in front of you does.
Gorou thrills in your despair. That pretty face of yours plunging into dark dephts, your mind weaving one horrifying destiny after other speaks a lot of your character, as only those who have layed a cruel end to those before them can conceive. He knows what kind of thoughts those are, but as much of a monster as you are viewing him now, he won't do such a thing. He was quite merciful while deciding what your fate will be, even if he didn't pondered a lot in the few minutes after your fall, you are but only a child with a weapon, sent to die by that horrible woman.
And something he prides himself of, is learning from mistakes. He won't throw away something that can fulfill very well other duties than warfare ones.
"Sir! If I may--" a voice spoke between the masses of helms and spears.
"I know, I know. The general" Gorou waves off his hand, his eyes never stranding away from your form for far too long.
A groan escapes your body as his foot steps on your ribcage, not too hard but your weak body sense as if he had nails attached to the sole, your skin felt cold and as if it was being prickled by a ton of needles. He pushes your your body with a gentleness unexpected from an enemy, until you were lying on your back. The new position put pressure in the arrow wound on your right/left shoulder, your dominant arm, and for a second you were grateful of the rigidness granted by the geo element yet covering half of your arm or else you are sure you would have cried in pain, the last thing you want now is to show more weakness that what you are displaying.
"What I am going to do with her... I didn't know myself when we first begun this battle" Gorou continued. He removed his shoe from your chest to your side on the floor, so you'll be cage between his legs while he looks down on you. His arms crossed across his chest and he tilted his head to the side, as in assessing you, taking on your face just as covered in grime as his but not diminish your beauty in the slightest. He really made a good decision in regard of your fate.
The soldiers stood still, the atmosphere felt heavy like the air on a hot summer afternoon that feels stuffy on your lungs as your breath in. Their general had an unseen aura surrounding him, his usual careless actitud makes everyone forget that there's an animal side to him, although they aren't sure they will presence it for the first time, their captain is definitely switching towards that side... they even feel a little bit of pity for the woman under him.
"But as I see her like this, beaten, it makes me remember something of old, that the victorous usually sow. Can you guys guess what it is?" He squats over you, sweetly combing a couple of strands of hair out of your face.
Whispers break among the army after the question. One of them raised his hand, no barely 18 years old as he was one of the shortest in comparison to his bigger and wider shouldered comrades. The young recruit promptly lowered his arm as the general wasn't looking at their direction but that didn't stopped him from answering, eyes shining with excitement:
"They take something as a token of their victory, sir!"
Gorou hummed in affirmation. "Yes, they did. A spoil of war, if you may"
Dread washed over you. He wasn't going to kill you, as a way to demonstrate their superiority? To be taken as a trophy, a possession... He surely won't mean that, right? They are going to torture you and extract every drop of information that you have, until the last thing left in you is blood to shed on their hands as your usefulness is cut short like your troath.
You needed to say something. Anything, as long as it would arise anger within the young male, anything as long as you aren't degrade far from what you have been.
Gorou raised his eyebrows as you coughed. He wasn't expecting a monologue from you but neither silence. Your sudden wish of speaking made the men jump into action, their spears pointing at you with such terrifying speed made you realise furthermore that this battle was destined to end like this, another stripe to the tiger just like a new blow to your pride.
"Just kill me already. I won't say anything, and if given the opportunity, I will end it myself" you spat. You tried to transmit all of your pain, hate and shame in one stare, you won't go happy until you make that man see what you feel, how big your abhorrence is to his being.
All the males stare in silence, until the general himself chuckled. Your cheeks burn with rage, your teeth clenched together as you tried yo surf this flare of emotions. How dare he laugh like that! He already won and you won't speak a thing about the Shogun, why acting like that? Isn't the rebels supposed to act with nobility and fairness?
Gorou took a breath in. He's happy he didn't went for the traditional route and killed you.
"Aw, now you just proved me correct, sweetheart. I'll enjoy making you into a proper wife"
All of that just to say "Imagine being taken as Gorou's prize and he makes you his whore wife" LMAO
(Also? In the part that reader coughs? I wanted to put that Gorou spits on your lips because you looked thirsty AODJFJDC)
THIS 🙏 yes i’d love to be gorou’s housewife he should really take me in and train me to obey him . please i’d do anything for him
AND pleasee omg ... if u actually put that in i’d die on my chair it’s too hot i can’t hjnhnggrh
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: This Love by Camila Cabello
Summary: Love has so many definitions yet Oikawa never gave you the right ones.
Pairings: Tooru Oikawa x gn!reader
Word count: 4.5k
Tags,Genre: toxic relationships, angst, dozens of cuss words, manipulation
A/N: i promise i love oikawa- pls reblog & comment if u enjoyed!
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Was it one of those nights again? The nights where everything is crumbling apart and you're holding onto someone who is broken as well.
Still, you find yourselves testing what it means to be in love.
"I can't keep watching you destroy yourself, Tooru!" You shout as he stands up from the bed then standing in front of you, his power towering over you.
"I'm doing completely fine, Y/N! What part of that don't you understand?!" He shouts back, with a tone stronger and louder one fighting yours.
I'm tired of meeting in the middle.
"Tooru- I support you but if I have to see you fucking lose yourself over a game then I can't handle it anymore!" He lets out a bitter laugh, backing away from you to stare you down. Each part of your body was trembling and his did the same. His body was drained from exhaustion and yours reeked of pain.
"Support me? Then fucking stop already! You said you'd always be there for me and now you're switching shit up?" He says, the drug in your veins fading while your hand trembles at the peak of his voice.
"I stuck to my promise Oikawa! What about you? Didn't you promise you'd always make time for me?" You asked- a slight crack in your voice remembering how tender he used to say these pretty promises.
"Well isn't that just so fucking selfish of you to assume I could make that happen."
He turns his back to you while your jaw was down to the floor, your eyes wide with tears streaming down every second and a heart snapped in half.
"You don't get to call me selfish when I was never a priority to you in the first place!"
Oikawa hesitates to look at you.
He knows what he'll see. A sight of you he's seen multiple times yet it always punches him in the gut with how he's aware that it was because of him.
How many broken pieces of your heart did you have to walk on for you to admit that he never puts you first?
If it was a battle on whose selfish, the king knows he's at the top.
"What the fuck? I tried Y/N! I'm always coming to your fucking rescue and it makes me hate the way you need me." He pities himself. He knew how low it was for him to say, your emotions are always valid to him- he treasures them because you hid them from him when you met, how hard it was to be open to these emotions with one person.
He was that person that you regretted ever being vulnerable to knowing he turns them like knives, striking you in each body part.
"Do you know how many times I had to ask myself if I needed you? God- you were so busy all the time I had to push away my own feelings for you, Tooru!" Your knees felt weak when you remembered how many times you've broken down without a shoulder to lean on. He should've been there- a call away whenever your tears came to you but knowing how he'd never let the game go, you threw away your sorrows to make sure his smile stays on.
"If you needed space, then just walk away!" He shouts, he runs a hand through his locks as he takes a seat back onto the mattress.
I did and each mile I went, I returned to you.
"Go on then- cause it's obvious we need it both!" You closed your eyes as you gripped the strap or your bag, ready to turn your heel on him.
But the flow of love in your veins insisted you to stay, to fix the relationship that was never complete.
"Tooru." You called out for him, desperate to touch him and forget everything.
But he pulls away.
"Just go, Y/N." He whispers, finally the soreness of his throat was growing on him. He still couldn't dare to look at you, he knows that his eyes would give away that he wasn't man that you wished him to be.
For the first time, loving him wasn't something you could endure anymore.
The next day comes in and Mattsukawa finds you in the corner of the empty classroom, with your sobs resonating in his ears.
"Y/N?" He calls out for you while he immediately rushes to your side, gripping both your arms, fearful that something happened to you on your way to school.
"I-Issei- hi." You stuttered in finding a way to replace the sadness in your voice.
"Did something happen? It's just me, Y/N." He says softly, caressing your arm as you wipe your tears with the sleeve of your uniform.
Oikawa wasn't there to walk with you in the morning.
What makes it better is that you couldn't sleep last night.
Now, you were scared. When somebody finally shows you concern, you want to cower away thinking that it'd be a waste of their time.
Selfish, is the first word that comes into your head.
"Nothing happened. I didn't get any sleep last night- I'm just really stressed out I'm so sorry." You said looking down, while Mattsukawa sighs sadly, taking you in his arms and patting your head.
"That's fine, Y/N. I can always help you with your studies if you really can't do them anymore."
What help is there for a heart covered in thorns?
"Thanks, Issei." You whispered while he pulls away from the hug, to rest his hand on your shoulder.
How easy it was to mask your feelings.
"It's nothing, I'll walk you to class." You nodded as he protectively walks in front of you knowing no one would want people to see how they broke down.
Oikawa sees you and Mattsukawa as he walks with Iwaizumi. He notices the way your orbs looked lifeless with heavy bags underneath, the paleness of your lips and how you constantly look down.
He's in it for it again.
"Did you two fight?" Iwaizumi asks, Oikawas eyes met with yours and you look away instinctively while he feels a sting to his heart because your eyes held fear.
Iwaizumi let's out a sigh, the silence was enough to give him an answer. Hanamaki meets with you and Mattsukawa while Oikawa wondered if he should even approach you.
He's reached the line of boundaries where everything was just filled with pain. Exhaustion never mixes well with insecurities. A hard working person like him makes unchangeable decisions, like last night and maybe several weeks before that.
There was just a massive difference between his love for volleyball and his love for you.
But the amount that he gives to volleyball, should be the same amount that he gives to you.
This is what he struggles with the most.
How can he juggle all the things he love to meet at one point? He can't just expect you to be on the court while his passion drives the ball, and he can't have the ball in his hands when you're in class with him.
It's possible to meet in the middle, but he chooses not to.
As classes went on, the gap between you and Oikawa grows bigger. During lunch, where were you? With Hanamaki and Mattsukawa. Even a glance from him would hurt you and now he can see a clear view of how perfection turned into wreckage.
By the time, practice was about to start he jogs up to you in hopes of talking things out, even a way to just get a response from you.
It was completely unfair. He'd call you so many names without reason while you fought and never even named him a single ugly thing. It's all his fault. For being up in the gym too late, for loosing his appetite and his energy to the point where he drowned you in his challenges.
"Y/N hey-"
"I'm gonna go, Oikawa." You cut him off before he can even say anything else. He feels his the way his breath gets caught in his throat. You didn't even spare another second before turning your back on him with the intention of walking away.
His eyes widen before grabbing your arm softly as he tries to pull you to his embrace you stood your weight to the floor.
"Y/N- c'mon love.. talk to me." He whispers, his hand shaking as it held onto you. You tried to rip him off but instead he surrounds his arms around you, his head leaning on your shoulder, tears forming as he feels the cold atmosphere of your body.
"I can't keep waiting for the time where loving you doesn't hurt me, Tooru." You said quietly while he harshly closes his eyes and holds onto you even more.
"I'm so sorry- I promise I'll be here and you don't even need to question yourself- I- just come back to me..please." He pleaded, desperation in his voice while his tears streamed down on your clothes. You too looked away as a pool of your own tears were resurfacing.
"I'll be better- no I'll be the best for you. Everything Y/N- you're not selfish, never- I'm so fucking sorry." He digs his head into your neck even more while you tried your best to not let out a sob.
"You promise?" It was so little, like you didn't even want to say it because your expectations of love never met with reality. Sadly, Oikawa heard it yet there was a second where he hesitates and you took notice of that. How tiny of a detail makes you hold back on everything you wanted to say.
He removes his arms from behind you while he stands in front of you, now opposite to the power he had last night. It seems like it was your turn to have him this intimidated by the tension.
He takes your hands, caressing them, then holding them up to his face as he places sweet kisses on them. Some of his tears fell on your hand and he let them stay, while you hated how it was a genuine sign that he could be honest.
"I do, Y/N." You stared at him while he begs with his eyes. A single tear escapes your eye as it cascades down your cheek and wipes it away with his finger leaving traces on it.
You give him a nod and this sets his heart on fire.
His lips tug into a sad smile while he gently meets his forehead with yours, closing his eyes. He was more than thankful for another chance.
"I love you." He says, still with eyes closed, only focused on the beat of his heart syncing with yours.
Once again, the drug of love leaves a reaction in your body.
"I love you too."
Then the next few days, there was an ounce of hope.
Oikawa's nights were full of sleepless hours and what makes him stay awake is you, or at least how broken you were.
He couldn't help but imagine how you were in deep helplessness and you couldn't even gather the courage to call him because you thought he was more important than your own emotions. He imagines how you'd rather push your screams onto the pillow instead of voicing them out or even how you chose to smile for him after heavy hours of being accompanied by stress and insecurity.
It haunts him how he called you selfish, how he made you think that it was your fault for even being his- supporting him even. He needed you- he did but this thought is always surpassed by the fact that he always wanted to be number 1, to beat his own demons and the ever mocking Shiratorizawa.
He couldn't even remember where he took off practice to stay with you. He often visits your room to rest for a while but he barely gets to do that nowadays. During the mornings was his opportunity to give you a fraction of his time but something so simple he still forgets.
So, he makes up for it.
Even with the help of Iwaizumi, Oikawa goes home by 6pm so he spends the night with you even if it's for a few hours only. If he was going to prove himself to you, he'd do with a 100% of his body.
He was on the brim of losing you and he wasn't going to let himself be the reason for you to walk out of his life.
"What's wrong?" You asked as he laid in your lap, stroking his hair.
"I'm just happy that's all." You leaned your head on the pillow as he takes your hand, intertwining it with his kissing it once again.
There it was, the bad kind of butterflies that swarmed around you.
You wished you didn't forgive him that fast, it was nearly a day when you forgave him. The space that he mentioned basically meant nothing as he also gave in to it. He struck a nerve that day yet you went and took his apology like you've begged for it.
You did wanted to avoid him at all costs because there was never a moment where his insults didn't replay in your mind. You needed for him to realize that he had caused another split to your heart, what you didn't expect is for it to happen within hours.
You thought that Oikawa would've argued with his ego before he could talk it out but it happened so instantly that it didn't give you enough time to rethink your decision of forgiving him.
Oikawa held onto his ego but he had to remember his heart or else he would've dropped yours instead.
"It's getting late, Tooru. You should go." You said sighing before planting a kiss on his forehead. He smiles before sitting up and embracing you tight like you could slip any moment now. You had your arms wrapped around him as his slow breaths rested on your neck.
"I love you, Y/N." He says, holding on to you longer.
"You need to go Tooru-"
"Why don't we go on a date on Friday?" He asks pulling away from you. You raised an eyebrow at him as he chuckles.
"I need to spend more time with you." That's when it was your turn to smile, it felt so good to lift the heavy feeling off your chest, seeing that he's genuinely trying to be the best for you.
Your hand reaches for his cheek, your heart swelling with joy as you look at him while he leans in to your touch.
"I'd love that." He grins as he pampers your face with kisses at how excited he was to see the smile on your lips return. You let out fits of giggles as he continues to cover your faces with delicate pecks.
"Tooru- baby!" You shout as he laughs before placing both hands on either side of your face.
"Good night love, hopefully you don't dream of me this time?" He teases making you roll your eyes as you sneakily land a peck on his lips.
"That isn't too bad." You said chuckling as he kisses your lips while you smiled before allowing your lips to move with his. You pull away, flicking his forehead with your finger.
"Go." You said laughing, he gives you a pout before sighing and taking his bag from the floor.
"I'll see you on Friday then?"
"You'll see me tomorrow, Tooru."
"That's even better." He leaves with a smile on his face while what remains on yours were heated cheeks.
It was good to feel how love flowed in your bloodstream again, it wasn't bad to take in some of it's harshness from time to time.
"Really? Oikawa hasn't brought that up." You pout as Iwaizumi shrugs beside you, it was Friday and your boyfriend decided to miss it for some odd reason.
Iwaizumi brought up the topic of an upcoming match and that Oikawa saw an article of how Ushijima takes the crowd by storm again. He's never mentioned it to you but you did notice how he'd walk you home and instead of staying, he'd leave for some specific reasons.
"Anyway, will you be there?" Hanamaki asks, biting into his apple. You nodded of course. You couldn't miss the opportunity to see him outwit the opposite team again.
"I just hope he doesn't go crazy with training again, Wakatoshi taunts him even through a photo. I don't wanna see him- forget about his health." You wanted to say how you wanted to avoid arguments but the boys seem to agree to what you said knowing Oikawa oversteps his strength all the time.
"I'll watch over him." Iwaizumi says looking at you while you smile at him, grateful that if you weren't always there- it was Iwaizumi that you can count on.
"Thanks, Haji."
"Are you not worried about my health, Y/N?" Hanamaki says pouting making you laugh while Mattsukawa flicks his forehead with a straw.
After classes, home was calling your name for you to get ready on your date. There was the familiar feeling that kicks in, how you got excited when his name on your phone lights up the dark room, or when you see his jacket on your bed- it was back. The love bug has returned, how the first bite felt like love was overwhelming but you wanted to handle it.
God, you felt so silly- acting like one of his fan girls who got noticed by him. You were lucky enough to even obtain the title of being his so of course your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when he admitted his feelings to you. Though, it felt good. After the whole argument, you were scared if that feeling can ever come back now that it did- you were more than relieved.
The clock goes on as you wait for him to arrive.
Sure, it had been a good 20 minutes that passed but you were assuming that there'd be a meeting since there was a match coming up so you let your patience take over for a while.
But 20 minutes grew into an hour, and an hour turned into 2 more.
You couldn't even cry because you knew, it was too good to be true. Storming out your house changing out of the outfit you initially planned, you chose to dress into something more comfortable knowing it wasn't going to happen anyway.
You knew where to go.
As your feet lead you to the Seijoh gym, your heart was growing darker with each step.
Hearing the sound of volleyballs impacting on the floor, you already knew.
"Oikawa! Go home!" Iwaizumi shouts while the stubborn setter shakes his head, spiking another ball, out of breath as he do so.
You heard Iwaizumi loud and clear, that was enough for you to run back home, to never face his lies again.
Maybe you were a fool for lovebugs- but the bite wasn't to make you fall in love.
It was for you to stop.
"Go home, Oikawa. C'mon." Mattsukawa says sighing while the first years were already bidding them goodbye. Iwaizumi waves them off and tells them to rest well while Oikawa was still spiking to no end.
"I can't- I need to beat them." He says panting while the other third years share a look, remembering your words.
"What about Y/N?" Iwaizumi asks and it seems like this doesn't hit Oikawa like it's supposed to.
"Yeah, isn't it Friday? Aren't you guys supposed to be on a date?" The moment it leaves Hanamakis mouth, Oikawa stops. Iwaizumi sighs in annoyance when he sees the way his best friends expression drop with shock.
"You forgot didn't you?" Mattsukawa asks and suddenly he's brought back to the moment where he found you crying, now realizing that it was to put up the fact that Oikawa was the only reason.
Suddenly, the silence of the gym surrounded him like a tight space while his mind went at war for his mistake.
"Fuck! I- I have to go." Oikawa stutters as he immediately grabs his bag but before he leaves, he sees how disappointed his teammates looked at him. He looks away as he runs to cut the distance between you and him.
"This isn't going to be good for the both of them." Iwaizumi says sighing before picking up a few stray balls. The other two agree sadly but they hope that you two would be able to withstand the issue.
But Mattsukawa feels like you were at the tip of the cliff already.
After a few minutes, dozens of knocks awoke you from your corner as you knew who was at the other end.
"Y/N? Let me in please.." He begs through the door as you felt the tears continue to drip down your cheeks. You closed your eyes as Oikawa leans his head on the door, praying you'd open it.
And you did.
Your heart was numb, your eyes were giving out but watching him stand there made you feel alive, because you knew this was the last time you'll ever let the drug of love fool you again.
"Y/N- I'm so sorry I just we had a project and-"
"I didn't think you'd still lie to me." You said with a dry voice as his heart was pinned by your words.
"I didn't even know there'd be a match." You added, chuckling bitterly as Oikawa bites his lip looking down. You let out another laugh, the red hue of love was fading in your system turning into a deeper shade of how you've let the toxicity slip from your notice.
"I'm so fucking sorry-"
"Tell me then, can beating Ushijima bring you everything you've ever wanted?"
He was quiet. You put him in a spot where he shows too much hesitation that you wished you didn't even ask in the first place.
"And if you won, I guess that's when you can realize to put your health first." You continued stepping forward as his eyes looked at your exhausted ones.
You surprised him by tugging onto his shirt, gripping it with every might left in your body. You held him because there was nothing else for you to hold onto.
You tried to grab the last thread of love strapped in your body but it seems to have been cut when you saw him at the gym.
He didn't know if he could hold you because this a whole other side of you he prays to never see again. He just wanted the warmth of your skin on him but why was it that you felt the coldest to him?
"So please tell me, what do I have to do for you to stop choosing me?"
You said this with every timbre of your voice trembling as you land a firm punch to his chest then turning your back to him, letting out a sob.
"I understand, Tooru. God- I always have and it fucking sucks that I know I can't do anything about it." Oikawa looks at you, adrenaline rushing to his heart when it sinks in.
"I can't choose, Y/N. You're making this hard for me because I love both." His voice cracks at the idea of choosing between you and a sport he's loved since he was a kid. His dreams that he wants nothing more then to happen, while he visualizes a possible future with you.
"I've always known what you'd choose, I just wish I fucking knew when I needed to stop believing that it could be me." You were defeated and naïve, you should've known that it would bring you to this conversation over and over again. You tilt your head, harshly gasping for air as you sniffle, the heaviness of your eyes taunting you to sleep the pain away in hopes it'd be a dream instead.
"Y/N stop fucking saying that- you're acting like I didn't try and give you everything that I could!" He yells, his own eyes brimming up tears. You were surprised to hear this but seeing how his cheeks and ears were painted red, you knew that he's been trying to release all the things he wanted to say.
"And I did the same yet you always turn it on me, Tooru! All I've been saying is that I just wanted you to make me feel like I could be at the top of your list- even for a second but I just keep getting played over and over again." You rambled on and what makes you crack under the pain was a scoff.
"You knew what game you were playing, why didn't you stop?" He didn't attempt to stare at you since his question felt like it was mocking you.
You should've left. The moment where the crowd cheers for him while your shouts became the weakest, you should've known.
Oikawa did too.
He thought you would've gone and walked away when you had the chance but what shocks him is that you stayed. There's a voice in his head that tells him that what you two had can never remain permanent but he held onto his beliefs that he could make you stay no matter how difficult the game was.
"Because I fucking love you too much Tooru! God if I could just- get it out of my fucking veins then maybe I could realize how I've gone into a trap instead." You shouted, walking towards him with both your eyes wishing for it to be over.
"What trap are you talking about Y/N! I love you just as much as you did and I tried to make things work but it- isn't working anymore." His voice fades with his ending sentence while you've gone to a corner, sobbing and sliding off the wall, sitting on the floor as every ounce of love dies on you when you hear him.
"I don't know- it's a word that I can never know what it means- I can admit that it is scary." You said looking at the night sky, with your knees to your chest as Oikawa smiles fondly at your words.
"What's so scary about falling in love?"
You look at him before answering.
"Maybe I can show you that it can be beautiful." He says, staring into your orbs. You smiled at his words before resting your hand on top of his while he blushes before intertwining them.
"What if it hurts?" You ask him, adjusting your position as you listened to his convincing words.
"Love always hurts." He says sadly, chuckling in order to ease how bitter it was. He sees how your reaction didn't falter because you knew it was true, so with his hand lifting your chin to meet his eyes, he speaks.
"But that doesn't mean I can't take some of the pain away."
You felt Oikawas presence beside you as he leans his head on your shoulder closing his eyes as two people were tired of ripping each others heart.
"Maybe you should set me free." You whispered, your voice gave out, like your last words. Oikawa sucks in a harsh breath as you close your own eyes and he sees the final tear fall from your cheek.
"But I really don't want to."
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