#levi ackerman hcs
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acmeangel · 2 months ago
Levi as a dad would…
Levi would get into arguments with his toddlers in the middle of pretend playing, when the logistics of the storyline stopped making sense. He’d be sitting on the living room floor, holding a plush horse, saying “So now my horse can’t swim across the river that leads to the magical forest? Then why was your horse able to thirty seconds ago?”
Levi would have make believe tea parties with his little ones, and would actually dress up for them (and bring real tea). He’d sit at their small table, formally greet each of the dolls and plush animals at the table, and follow each and every one of the tea party rules.
Levi would always say “I’ll get it” when the babies cried in the middle of the night, before you even had a chance to wake up. He knew that you needed to rest more than he did, and he secretly loved having these quiet moments with his babies, holding them, rocking them, and gazing down at their tiny sleepy faces.
Levi would always be a little bit grossed out by baby food — the colors, the textures, the pureed meats and vegetables. “They actually like this crap? Find that hard to believe,” he’d mutter at the grocery store. He’d sit at the high chair, spoon-feeding your baby, saying things like “This is just vile” and “You’re eating blended meat right now” — all in a soft, cooing tone that made your baby giggle.
Levi, while reading on the couch, would let his little girls put clips and ribbons in his hair and tie it up in any which way they wanted. When they’d say “Daddy, we’re going to use all purple clips this time,” he’d just nod and mumble “Nice” or “Sounds good.” He was only mildly embarrassed the time he accidentally spent the whole day in public with a butterfly clip in his hair.
Levi, if he learned that his kids were being picked on at school, would drill it into their heads to never, ever fight back. He’d help them find other, peaceful ways to deal with the situation because he didn’t want his own children to ever have to resort to violence or know how to fight.
Levi would try, for a while, to keep some semblance of organization and order in your house, despite having rambunctious toddlers. He’d finish putting toys away, only to turn around and see new ones scattered on the ground. He’d give up on this after a while, especially at the sight of his little ones giggling happily as they played with their toys — but his eye would still twitch when he’d step on a plush animal or toy block in the hallway.
Levi, surprisingly, wouldn’t forbid his teenage daughters from dating (as long as he got to meet whoever it is). Really, he’d just be glad that his girls are getting to grow up with a normal life and worry about normal teenager things.
Levi would still curse just as much, even with the little ones around — when you freaked out the first time one of them said “shit” he simply shrugged it off. “What? It’s just a word. They’ll learn it eventually.”
Levi, when his kids eventually began surpassing him in height, would frequently remind them that he was still the one in charge and would gripe about being “stuck in a family full of freakish giants” (average-height people).
Levi, while you were still pregnant, doted on you incessantly — in a Levi way. He’d never let you lift a finger and would frown and grumble if you tried, insisting that even the smallest physical strain is bad for the baby. He’d manage to reach things from the highest shelf for you, despite being shorter. He’d constantly be placing concoctions of herbal teas or odd-looking snacks in front of you, simply saying “Drink that” or “Eat that” after researching what nutrients pregnancy requires.
Levi, as a dad, would really just try his best to give his kids everything that he never had — loving, supportive parents who would protect them at all costs, and a life free of worrying.
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Requests are OPEN!
taglist: @leviykwim @wittyjasontodd (message to be added!)
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levisecretgfblog · 9 months ago
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killerskillercaptain · 1 year ago
How you knew Levi Ackerman fancied you Headcanons
You weren't necessarily a great beauty but he'd stutter when he'd speak to you.
He'd engage in a casual conversation with you more than others, and you know Levi hates small talk.
You would catch him glancing at you from the dinner table at festivities.
He'd always get informations about your position during the expeditions outside the walls.
You can see him frown when you're chatting with other male comrads and even young male cadets.
He'd always compliment your dress when you attend formal balls and ceremonies.
He'd offer to dance with you during those formal ceremonies even though he would frown during the whole thing.
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year ago
I Hate You I Love You
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Levi Ackerman was the most annoying man you've ever met in your life. In hindsight, a lot of that frustration came from misunderstanding and had you taken a moment to think past the first impression, you probably wouldn't have hated him as much as you did. His cold and callous personality was off-putting, and not something you wanted in your life. But life had other plans as it seemed to always push you two together and you would never admit there was something alluring about him that you didn't want to stay away from. Somewhere along the way, he had actually grown fond of you too, but he'd rather die than believe it. Months and months of back and forth, hand brushing, cutting insults and sneering glances. But it only took a few minutes of typical arguing in a dark room before his lips crashed onto yours. You're mad at your body for betraying you but that fleeting thought disappears as clothes are being ripped off and whispered "I hate you"s echo off the walls. Levi angered you so much because of how much you fell for him.
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4ngeldusstt · 2 years ago
✨Just a thought✨
Imagine Levi giving you a book that he read and thought you might like too filled with marked pages and lil annotations that he purposely made for you, maybe explaining things he knows you might not understand fully when you read it, underlining quotes that remind him of you or quotes that he doesn’t like leaving comments saying how dumb that pharagraph is.
The thought of flipping through the book and seeing his hand writing on almost every page, scribbled words on every blank space he could find on the edge of the pages, bent corners and marked words.
This is just a cute scenario that’s been in my mind today that i can’t get rid off !!! me (a book lover and a complete bookworm) personally, find this adorable.
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 2 years ago
If you do HC can you do HC about dating canon Levi and also Eren if you write for Eren?
anon, i really, really tried to come up with some for eren, but unfortunately, i don't think i can write/produce eren content that would be satisfactory and i don't want to provide something half-baked!!!
i hate being someone that writes for only one character, but i don't feel like i can do other characters justice
i'll still provide some for levi because levi brainrot hours are 25/8
also my GOODNESS i'm sorry it took like a month for me to write this, my brain is clearly not where it needs to be. i also went from i cant think of any :((( to pumping out like 5 without thinking why does my brain have to be like this a;ldkfj
Dating Canon!Levi Headcanons
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➼ levi's love language is acts of service. we all know this. although he's not against quality time or physical touch, if you're having a hard time, you bet you can expect him to do something out of the way for you. stressed about work? he'll happily bring you a warm cup of tea as you work. got injured after an expedition and want to go outside but can't? this man will literally carry you to the top of the wall if he knew it would make you happy ➼ levi wouldn't be too thrilled about you being on the scouts, but he's not going to make too big of a deal out of it. after you all, you were an adult and you could take care of yourself. that wouldn't stop him from worrying about you when on the battlefield, though, especially after the 57th expedition ➼ if something did happen and you got hurt or levi thought you had died while outside the wall, it would shake this man. he'd either be by your side constantly or not be around at all. he'd need time to sort through all the troubling emotions that popped up within him when he thought he'd lost you. ➼ he'd eventually process, though. and when levi comes back to you, you can expect some pretty protective behavior for a little while. he won't do anything too explicit or out-of-place, like taking you off missions, but he would use his status to see if maybe he can nudge erwin just a bit to see if you could at least be closer to him during the next expedition and vice versa ➼ when you're on breaks between expeditions, levi would like to take you on top of the walls during sunset to stroll across it. it was away from the hustle and bustle of the villages within the walls and provided the two of you with some much-needed private time. ➼ i know there's a trope of you and levi needing to sneak around because you can't be dating while both being on the scouts but i dont think that has to be true. i think you'll definitely have to re-evaluate whether you can function the same on a battlefield, but i don't think erwin or pyxis are the type to keep you separated from one another unless there was an explicit beneficial reason to. ➼ after the hole in shiganshina is sealed and ventures outside the walls were possible, he'd also take you to the beach since it was a sight neither of you had gotten to explore before. levi wasn't too big of a fan of it—wet sand = mud after all—but he liked the time that he spent with you and watching a smile appear on your face every time he brought you there was enough for him to bear with it ➼ if you went with him on the marley trip before the raid on liberio, he'd love it when you dragged him to the various dating locations, grabbing ice cream, exploring tea shops, coffee shops, etc. levi might not vocalize it, but you'd be able to tell by the way his furrowed eyebrows softened or the edges of his lips slightly twitched into a small smile, or how you'd just be waiting for him and he surprises you by showing up with two ice cream cones.
y'all i really want to write a marley date scene al;jfslkd #: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @lovolee3 @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @idkks4m @moonmalice @levis-squishy-cheeks @roseofdarknessblog @anviacker @aam1na @luvjiro @noctemys join my tag list!
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happybird16 · 2 years ago
What if Levi is a rapid-fire sneezer? He's one of those people who never sneezes just once or twice; instead, he sneezes a dozen times back to back. It goes like -achoo, achoo, achoo, achoo- and it's incredibly cute. It's a little quiet and his sneezes have a slightly high-pitched sound, and he sniffles adorably afterward.
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ackermans-angel · 2 years ago
No thoughts head empty, just thinking about being a passenger princess in Levi’s car.
His shirt cuffed at his forearms, right hand on your thigh (or holding your hand), and the left steering with ease. You can see the veins on his forearm as he turns the wheel!!!
He’ll let you take control of the radio/music, even if it isn’t his favorite.
If you belt out the lyrics to a song you really like you can sometimes catch him smiling and chuckling under his breath.
He stares at you at red lights and squeezes your thigh (or hand) reassuringly, to let you know he’s listening to whatever you’re talking about. Occasionally, you can get him talking about something he’s passionate about.
Late night drives to Mac Donald’s or 7/11 and him always being super protective of you. He acts annoyed that you’d even suggest to go to a place as dirty as that, but secretly loves how spontaneous the trips are and the extra time he gets to spend with you.
Sometimes he’ll take the long way home just to be with you a little longer. You tease him about it but he just brushes it off and says he took a wrong turn. Like he’d take a wrong turn🙄
HE ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS opens the door for you whether you’re getting in or out of the car.
It doesn’t happen often, but when he can’t keep his eyes off you, he’ll park a few houses down the street before dropping you back at home, and start a slow but steamy make out sesh. The radios turned down enough to where you can hear the little sighs he makes as things start getting more intense, but he always respects you and ends up stopping… Even if you don’t want him too
Inspired by this post by @anviacker
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beneathashadytree · 2 years ago
Hey! I saw in the rules that you prefer romantic love to platonic love, but it's always worth a try, right? Well, can I get little Levi with a mother-reader who will find him instead of Kanny and give him a little better childhood?
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Warnings : this is purely platonic & familial, mentions of death and grime in general, implied PTSD, this is not proofread, reader is female and acts as Levi’s mother!
Genre : fluff (but some angsty parts)
Word count : 1.2K words
Additional notes : Hi nonnie! Normally I don’t write for female readers, but since the premise in this is quite different I was quite okay with it. I do occasionally write platonic fics, by the way! This request gave me the opportunity to think a while about the possibility of Levi being found by someone with motherly instincts and all the love to give (and I think I cried a little). Hope you like this!💗
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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It was impossible for her to not notice the kid that managed to melt into the shadows on the walls and the corners of the room
After all, he made his presence so scarce that it made him all the more visible, and her eyes couldn’t help but soften at the sight of his lifeless eyes, unblinking as they stared at the ground in front of him
His emaciated figure brought a pang in her chest; a starved, dirty child no more than a few years old, curled in the darkness of a room that reeked of the stench of rot and decay
Speaking to him proved to be fruitless, as he only ever turned his empty eyes to look at her through his long, greasy bangs, without any other sign to show that he’d even understood
Still, when she said that she was taking him away to somewhere safe, there wasn’t much of a reaction from him except for the slow blinking, and the finalized turn of his head away from her as soon as she was done speaking, which was enough to tell her that he had no qualms he wanted or felt the need to express
First things first—she had to give him a long, clean scrub, to determine whether or not the grime and filth had hidden any wounds or illnesses that she should be made aware of
Her place on the surface was a quaint little cottage on the edge of the town near Wall Sina, and she barely had enough space to take a child in
But after having heard from her brother (who’d secretly frequented the brothel at times) that a child had been abandoned in a room where his mother had died all alone, she couldn’t help but take the trip to the Underground and swear to herself that she’d do anything within her capabilities to save the boy
As a simple baker, she didn’t exactly have the world to give in terms of finances and services, but she’d be damned if she didn’t try her very best to take him in
And so, for the first time in her life, she actually invested in a proper bathtub, seeing as she had an inkling that the child—Levi, she’d learned his name was after he’d croaked it out after a few minutes of her probing—wouldn’t have been too keen to bathe in the communal of the town, where all the adult men were
And besides, she doubted he currently had the strength in his arms to prop himself up for longer than a few seconds at a time; a fact that was proved right when he staggered on the way to the dining table after he’d cleaned himself of the dirt that had been caked on his skin
Gaunt as he looked, she couldn’t help but optimistically scoop potatoes and bread onto his plate (though, as was to be expected, he wasn’t able to stomach much after having been starved of food for so long)
Perhaps the trickiest part of the day was getting him to fall asleep at night, after she’d managed to hurriedly set up another makeshift bed in her bedroom with the help of her brother, until she could afford to set up a proper space for him in the unfurnished room she’d been using as a storage space for years
She sympathized with Levi, who must’ve been wracked with nightmares of the past couple of months he’d endured, and must’ve found it difficult to fall asleep
Exhausting as it was to wait for him to tire himself out with his own thoughts, she didn’t mind the wait, and made it clear from the inviting space beside her that she was willing to hear his worries out, should he ever want to confide in her
Though as the days of routine turned into weeks and months, it became clear that Levi simply had little to say in all cases, and showed even less inclination to divulge anything on his mind
She’d been slowly increasing the portions of his food, silently urging him to eat more at mealtimes, and with the rate at which he quietly tried to help around the house, he often ate ravenously after having exerted so much more energy than he’d been used to
Though there was one terrible habit it seemed that Levi had developed, and that was an overwhelming urge to clean himself and keep his surroundings spotless
He’d often scrub his skin raw and red while in the bath, tirelessly try to dust away the shelves even when she herself couldn’t spot a single fleck on the surface, and unfailingly offer to help with the dishes instantly after every meal, though he could barely even reach past the sink
His short stature alerted her to the fact that his malnourishment had probably aided in it, and that was one of the reasons she so eagerly tried to feed him, though she knew it wasn’t very logical
Of course being a baker came in handy, and it soon became a well-loved routine for them to sit at opposite ends of the dining table, with Levi biting into a buttered scone and holding a cup of tea that comically dwarfed his hand
Perhaps the most difficult of all was forming a healthy relationship between them; one where he felt safe enough regardless of whether or not he felt the need to open up his heart
More importantly than anything, she just wanted to make sure that he could feel the affection she felt for him and would always offer him
She would not be deluded into thinking that she could ever replace Kuchel (whose name she found out while mending a tattered handkerchief that Levi had been so adamant in taking care of until it had ripped at the edges), but she could not help but slowly love him as though he were her own
It wasn’t hard to realize that his quietness and nonchalance was only a front; that he was a much kinder kid than he’d ever let on when he was so busy seeming so much older than his years
After all, whenever she fell ill, he was instantly there to usher her into bed with a scowl, though the way he wiped away at her sweat and pressed cool rags onto her forehead showed that he was anything but annoyed
His concern was apparent, and it perhaps was caused by his own lasting paranoia from when Kuchel had fallen ill, but in all cases it showed just how deeply he cared
Levi wasn’t exactly the most polite boy she’d ever seen, but he was good at heart, and exuded a sort of purity that came out in clumsy gestures
Helping out in the house without her ever asking for nor expecting it, a quiet but no less honest thank you after a hearty meal, a bunch of wildflowers that mysteriously popped up in a cracked vase whenever she seemed down; it was clear he’d grown fond of her over time
Though she was barely in her early 30s herself and had never foreseen his presence in the house, she could no longer imagine her home without Levi—and in her tentative praises and careful hugs he’d slowly grown to melt into, she could see that her love had truly saved him from the pits of hell
And really, nothing in the world could beat that incredible feeling of being a mother in all the ways that mattered
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend
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acmeangel · 1 month ago
picturing levi naming his firstborn baby daughter kuchel
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starrylevi · 2 years ago
Obsessed with the idea that people forget you have Captain Levi’s heart until they see him do little things for you. Like at breakfast, before his morning meeting with Erwin, he’ll pass by your table and casually hand you a loaded plate. “They didn’t have those croissants you usually like but I found those weird ass pastries you can’t stop talking about.” And then he’ll just walk away without saying anything else. Or like, while you’re all suiting up for a mission, he’ll randomly walk up to you and adjust the thigh straps of your odm gear to make sure they’re properly secured and you’re just like “!!!” inside. Or like for every group meeting he arrives early and saves you the seat next to him and when you arrive, he’ll pull out your chair, waiting till you sit so he can briefly place his hand on your thigh as a greeting 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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theysangastheyslew · 4 months ago
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*insert mad cackling here*
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killerskillercaptain · 1 year ago
How would Levi act if he heard a rumor that reader had a crush on him
Levi isn't one to care or listen to rumors, even the ones involving him, but i think it depends. If the one having a crush on him is a colleague, like a squad leader, he will be a little bothered/intrigued and his behavior towards the person will slightly change.
If the rumor is about a younger cadet having a crush on him then he'll just shrug it off and ignore it until everyone eventually gets tired of it, he knows rumors die fast.
Hange, Mike and Erwin would tease the hell out of him though.
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chaotic-on-main · 2 years ago
I would just like to state that I LOVE your mix of anime (Levi nom nom nom gulp) and chaos. Your meme and such reblogs are gold and though I don’t usually reblog them because they don’t personally fit with my blog, I love it when they grace my dashboard. THAT BEING SAID… could we get a head canon for Levi and meme culture? Like what memes do you think he’d snort at?
Omg thank you so much!! I live up to my handle, I like to think lmao. Only chaos. All the time.
Also absolutely!! I don't know if I characterize Levi well so forgive me if y'all don't agree. 😅
Levi Ackerman and Meme Culture:
I'm gonna be honest and say Levi doesn't understand meme culture very well.
It's not that he doesn't really understand it, actually. He just thinks it's dumb and doesn't care for it lmao.
And he's so behind memes (like I'm talking years because as we all know, some memes are built up on others and you need to really understand some base layers to really get it, yanno?) so when you show him anything, he gets this cute little knot in-between his eyebrows because he's confused and concerned for your well being because you just spent 5 minutes on the sofa crying in laughter over it.
I think he'd get a kick out of political memes, though.
I imagine he's very knowledgeable on today's political climate so he might exhale a small huff or chuckle at something that may grace his one social media app (it's probably Twitter)
He might get shallow memes, especially ones from a movie or show y'all had watched together recently. Like the Adam driver punching a wall from A Marriage Story or something.
But overall, I don't really see Levi Ackerman as someone who really cares for meme culture. And if he did, it's only because of how happy they make you.
He may frown or look disinterested at the things you show him but I think deep down, he's smiling because he loves to hear your laugh and see the way your cheeks flush.
While you're wheezing for air with tears pricking the corners of your eyes (maybe on the floor rolling), he's staring at you with love. And for that, I think Levi won't 100% hate meme culture.
I most definitely did not project myself into this lmao. My husband is very Levi Coded™ and so this is pretty much my life. And I'm okay with it.
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rubywithecat · 4 months ago
—(AoT men) When they know they fell in love with you—
Eren Yeager
- It would be at his toughest time when he see you. Your kindness and optimism really impressed him and he just wanna spends every seconds with you and he’s afraid that u would leave him if he really knows you. He’s afraid to show his dark sides with you even tho you would accept his every pieces. He just can’t help but falls for you head over heels.
Zeke Yeager
- You’re his ideal woman. When he sees you, he was caught off guard cuz he doesn’t think his dream woman wouldn’t exist in reality. All the features u have and ur personality just makes his heart beats so fast that he always felt nervous to talk to you even tho he had all the confidence they all disappear. But he would do anything to make you his.
Levi Ackerman
- He doesn’t believe in love. However, he surrenders his cold heart when he meets you and he felt it too. Even his comrades can see him fall in love. He would treat you sweeter than anyone else and randomly giving you a lot of gifts.
Erwin Smith
- He couldn’t believe himself that he would love somebody like you. You’re his total opposite. But as a magnet, he was naturally attacted to you. He tried to deny it but his heart can’t. When your around, he seems happier and feels better so he would try to make you stay with him with whatever reason he could give.
Porco Galliard
- Even tho you’re his bestfriend for like forever, he never felt anything or that’s what he thought so. But when his jealousy kicks in, he just know he lost you just when he accepts that he had been falling in love with you the whole time. You are going to marry another guy that ur family agreed to. He doesn’t know if he should fight for you or just let you go. But he would do whatever that makes you happy. His question is had you also loved him?
Reiner Braun
- He fall in love with someone he shouldn’t. He hates himself for it and he tries everything to make his feelings away. But, he just can’t remain calm whenever he sees you suffering. He at last betrays for you and saved you, that he would do for love.
(Hi! So, I’m back with AoT content that I have been sleeping for. I’m so sorry u guys!
Anyway, hope you enjoy this! Plz like, comment and share if you love this <3 It would mean a lot to me! Thanksss!)
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humanitys-strongest-bamf · 2 years ago
Levi Taking Care of Drunk!Reader | Headcanons
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➼ levi would 100% be willing to make sure you get home safe every time (being sober contact, picking you up, coming to the party with you even though he's not a huge fan of the crowd and how rowdy everyone gets), but he'd be grumbling about how much of a pain in the ass it is the entire time
➼ if you start drunk crying because of his commentary, he'd immediately start feeling really bad and be like "okay, okay, i'll shut up if you stop crying, just please drink this water and eat something" in a vain attempt to get you to sober up
➼ he's obviously very annoyed with these situations, but less so because he actually thinks it's a pain in the ass, and more so that he's constantly annoyed that you keep putting yourself in harm's way. (how many times can you willingly give yourself alcohol poisoning???)
➼ even if you were pressing all up against him and wanting to drag him into the bedroom, he'd obviously say no because you were intoxicated and he's not subjecting you to that (learn consent from levi, kiddos)
➼ he'd wake you up the next morning with some coffee and light breakfast (or maybe lunch depending on how long you were out) in an attempt to help you out with your hangover (although he can't promise that he's not going to make snide comments at you over it)
tag list (i realize i've been forgetting to do this, oops lol): @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @levis-squishy-cheeks @lovolee3 join my tag list!
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