#the elephant 6 recording company
bunyalien · 1 year
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saw the elephant 6 docu and cried a lot
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arcticfoxfacts · 1 month
The Elephant 6 Lost Release: E6-013 - The Clay Bears
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Below the cut for more info!
Okay, well it was never released, only catalogued!
“The Clay Bears” was, per the Elephant 6 Instagram, an experimental noise band from Ruston, Louisiana featuring a rotating lineup of Elephant 6 musicians. They were “known for their unpredictable performances and room-clearing live shows.”
One of the more well known quotes about the band came from the Elephant 6 website, which used to read “Clay Bears - One of the big mysteries of the E6. Apparently a super-group of some sort from the Ruston-era. The band had a revolving door line-up which at some points included such people as Scott Spillane, Jeff Mangum & Will Westbrook. They are thanked in the liner notes of Neutral Milk Hotel's album On Avery Island.”
And they are thanked on the On Avery Island linear notes! Taken from my personal copy:
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That quote is no longer on the website, but it is archived on NMH fansite neutralmilkhotel.org. That website also contains this snippet of information: "In a BBC interview in August 1998, Jeff mentioned the Clay Bears had a double album which was poised to be released. This never transpired, however. Ross Beach, a member of the band for a while, told me the following: 'As far as I know, the Clay Bears never had any official releases, though there were probably some 4-track cassette one-offs floating around Ruston in the early 90's. That was also a Jeff solo project, only noisier and more chaotic. The live version that I was in was purely an experimental noise improv band.'"
So based off this, we can assume that The Clay Bears was a project possibly spearheaded by Jeff Mangum and there may be demo tapes floating around the Elephant 6 sphere. The double LP Jeff mentioned is catalogued (but not listed in the database) as E6-013 on Discogs.
There is supposedly a clip of a Clay Bears concert on YouTube, but the video's since been privated. A Reddit post on r/Elephant6 asked about this clip (but got no replies). This redditor also did some digging, supposedly uncovering news from the 2006 Elephant 6 website about a DVD release with a Clay Bears snippet. Whether or not the supposed clip would be the one from the YouTube video is not known. The redditor further opines that the DVD was never released. Another redditor on a different post asked Jeff (because this was back when NMH were on their reunion tour) if Clay Bears would ever see the light of day, saying "it’s up to the people to decipher." The post itself speculates that the Clay Bears would appear on the Elephant 6 documentary. Admittedly, I haven't seen the doc, but I would assume it didn't end up appearing because there's seldom any discussion about the band or any resurfaced clip.
In another Reddit post, a user shows the University of Georgia media archive, which featured several Neutral Milk Hotel stuff in the Robert Schneider Collection of Elephant 6 Recording Co. Records. There is a Wayback link, but it's broken and while I can see the first recording is NMH instrumentals, I don't know what the second recording is. Apparently, the Clay Bears is somewhere in the archives, but the University of Georgia seems to have removed the collection and the Wayback Machine only archived the two aforementioned files. Although according to a commenter in the Reddit post, most of the links (including the Clay Bears) didn't work and would require going out to Georgia to listen to the physical tapes.
So that's about where the whole Clay Bears mystery stands. It's interesting how there's been multiple possible Clay Bears leaks, yet none of them seemed to survive. The Clay Bears is still listed as an Elephant 6 band under "The Collective + Extended Family" section of the website and there was an (aforementioned) Instagram post by the official Elephant 6 account last year.
Last thing, the image up at the top was posted by the Elephant 6 Instagram, but I don't really know what it is. They don't explain it and reverse image searching turns up nothing. It could be one of Jeff's demo tapes, but that's pure speculation on my part. I might try to contact them in the future for clarity, but I'm lazy and shy so I dunno.
Anyway, here's a few posters also posted by the Elephant 6 Instagram:
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cartrunkent · 2 months
Favorite Musical #10: Shrek
Shrek- If you asked my friends and the people closest to me, they would say Shrek had to be my number one. ...but it's just a solid show. Yes, I love it. Yes, it checks my boxes it's about being yourself and it's based on a book. It's also got some great music and wonderful characters.
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My past with this one is...You have to understand, I do not like the Shrek movie because it's a "buddy movie." Shrek 2 is my jam because it's an ensemble piece (Same with Toy Story and Toy Story 2.) My parents joined me on a trip to NYC with one of the companies I was working for at the time. We split for a lot of the three days we were there, but we went to see Shrek together. Dad loved Shrek and it was in mom's wheelhouse. It was the perfect choice. (Mom was a little more religious and liked things more family friendly...though, turns out she liked the recording for Book of Mormon...but that's for a different time.)...
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...Anyway, we went to see Shrek and my parents loved it. I did too. We all went in blind. No one knew the music or the show before we saw it. It was completely unknown outside of the source material and it was a blast. This was a great adaptation.
The ending of the first act, "Who I'd Be" ranks up there with Les Miserables for me as one of the best first act closers.
Photo Below: From the Broadway Production.
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It really wasn't on my list to do anything with because it was too big a show for me to tackle. When an opportunity arose, I was poked by enough people that I agreed to direct it and was given the chance. It took a little magic to shift it into something that really worked for me and we did it, adjusting the concept to being that the show took place during story time at a library... and it all just creatively sprouted from there.
My cast was brilliant and a good core group of us grew a bond that is envied in my community. My "Shrek Kids" and I still have a group chat that has been active for the better part of 6 years (honestly this week is the 6th year anniversary of the opening of our run.) I love those guys and I love what we did. Our "Who I'd Be" was spectacular and I'd put it up against the Broadway cast. Truth.
Photo Below: From the Broadway Production.
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I've seen Shrek at one high school. My high school is considering it in the next few years. ...Tragically, I saw the "New" tour in 2024 and it was anger inducing.
I get that they wanted to go back and re-evaluate some of the jokes particularly in regard to the Big Bad Wolf and some of the "transvestite" references... BUT They went too far in absolutely shredding the character of Farquaad. The direction of the production was a disaster and just not creatively sound. In the venue I saw it, the sound was actively bad and so loud I had to cover my ears at many points. I don't have issues with tours, I actually like them and think they are on par with Broadway shows more often than not. ...but this tour was crap. I learned it's a non-equity tour and the cast is upset about it and what they're doing but they're stuck. I feel bad for them, because it looks bad, sounds bad, is bad....and I encourage everyone to pass on it. (The tickets for me were more expensive than seeing Titanic or Water for Elephants or Moulin Rouge or Book of Mormon... all on Broadway.)
Photo Below: From the West End Production.
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Anyway, end on a happy note: I do love Shrek: The Musical. It's an important show in my life. My relationship with it isn't over and the friendships I've gained because of it are a miracle for me. It's also the last Broadway show I saw with my mom (the only one I've seen with my Dad,) So Shrek holds an important place in my heart. But...it's still 10.
My favorite song is More to the Story...which was cut but is on the original recording as a bonus track.
Favorite #10: Shrek
Favorite #9: Passing Strange
Favorite #8: Finding Neverland
Favorite #7: Titanic
Favorite #6: Seussical: The Musical
Favorite #5: Man of La Mancha
Favorite #4: Jekyll and Hyde
Favorite #3: Jane Eyre
Favorite #2: A Gentlemen's Guide to Love and Murder
Favorite #1: Assassins
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bubblesandgutz · 1 year
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Every Record I Own - Day 784: Neutral Milk Hotel On Avery Island
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea knocked me off my axis when I first heard it in 1998. The music alone was like discovering a whole new planet, and to then discover that the Neutral Milk members were a part of a collective of bands under the Elephant 6 Recording Company was like discovering a whole new universe. It was tough tracking down the other band's records in that pre-internet era, but I grabbed what I could. While there were certainly fascinating things happening in that solar system, I kept gravitating back to Neutral Milk Hotel.
On Avery Island didn't reprogram my brain the same way Aeroplane did, but maybe that's because I was already on the Elephant 6 wavelength when it came into my collection. While it didn't instantly floor me in the same manner, if you had asked me which NMH album was better back 1999, it's entirely possible I would've answered with On Avery Island. I remember dubbing this LP onto a cassette that I'd take with me to my summer job of cleaning up campus housing at my college back in May '99. On the flipside of the tape was the final mix of Botch's We Are the Romans, which we had just finished tracking up in Seattle. As I was going through all those students' houses, cleaning up the junk they'd jettisoned in the rush to leave for summer break, I'd switch back and forth between this strange little world concocted by a bunch of weirdo college kids on the opposite end of the country and our own little musical vision from our lonesome corner of the Northwest.
While I've familiarized myself with Aeorplane to the point where I've drained it of a little bit of its magic, I still feel immediately transported back to that summer of 1999 whenever I listen to On Avery Island.
I owe a hat tip to @axelrod for reminding me about the Elephant 6 documentary yesterday, which I watched last night. It was an inspiring movie that reminded me of all the beauty and excitement of being at that age where you're out on your own, free of larger adult responsibilities, and finding your tribe of like-minded artists. The Elephant 6 collective did an amazing job of creating their own little universe, both in terms of the psychedelic music they made, but also as far as cultivating their special cultural enclave. One thing that kept coming to mind while watching the movie was how that specific kind of magic will likely never happen again. It was an era of cheap rent where you could work a part time service industry job and survive. You didn't have a cellphone to distract you, so your social time involved hanging out with your friends. You weren't bombarded by entertainment, so you and your friends were constantly making art with no hopes of a larger audience other than the people you hung out with on the weekends. And even beyond that, your access to music was so limited that you were actively engaged in your local scene and listened to your friends' records over and over and over again.
That last point was one that really stuck with me while watching the documentary. My listening habits have expanded dramatically in the last twenty years, and that craving of new music has increased even more in the era of streaming. But I worry about losing some sense of forming a deeper connection to new music and creating that mental bond where an album can transport me to some other time and place, keeping me tethered to some aspect of my past. Will I ever listen to a new record as much as I listened to the two Neutral Milk Hotel albums? Do I have that kind of bandwidth considering the volume of new music coming out in any given week?
I must have listened to On Avery Island hundreds of times, and it's fully woven into my synapses in such a way that whenever I hear it, I'm twenty-one again, just finished with an academic year with the whole summer ahead of me, with a new album by my band all wrapped up, feeling nothing but optimism for the future. And it's ultimately that kind of connection that I want out of all music.
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1207cbc · 5 months
What inspired the name “December 7th”?
The film "Shiki-Jitsu" and the Elephant 6 recording company.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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IMAGES: First F-16 Block 70 arrive in Bahrain
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/03/2024 - 09:42in Military
The first batch of three F-16 Block 70 combat jets arrived on March 9 at Isa Air Base in Bahrain, part of the "Hamad Falcons" project of the Royal Bahrain Air Force.
The aircraft departed on the night of March 6 from the Lockheed Martin unit in Greenville, South Carolina, for Bahrain. This initial delivery of the aircraft is considered the culminaton of the existing cooperation between Bahrain and Lockheed Martin. Bahrain is the first country in the Persian Gulf region to receive the new and advanced Block 70 fighters.
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— DJ (@v1pergirl) March 8, 2024
The flight of the jets, with USAF insignia as the standard operating procedure for FMS fighters deliveries, was accompanied by U.S. Air Force KC-135 air support and refueling aircraft. The group of jets made a technical stop at Moron Air Base, Spain, where photographer William Jardim recorded the arrival of the jets. A video also recorded the arrival in Moron.
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On arrival in Bahrain, Lieutenant General Abdulla bin Hassan Al Nuaimi, Minister of Defense Affairs, was present to welcome the pilots and the new combat jets, considered a cutting-edge variant of the renowned F-16 Fighting Falcon, or the "auge of modern air war technology" according to the minister.
Bahrain has ordered a batch of 16 F-16 Viper aircraft, of which five units have been built so far, while another 11 aircraft are still in the production and testing phase.
The vice president and general manager of the Lockheed Martin Integrated Combat Group, OJ Sanchez, states that the delivery of the F-16 Viper aircraft to Bahrain represents a technological leap for the Bahrain Air Force.
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The F-16 Block 70 aircraft are considered of generation 4.5 and are equipped with AESA APG-83 radar, advanced avionics, weapons and modern security systems.
Lockheed Martin's partnership with Bahrain extends for more than five decades, as the company focuses on supporting regional security and providing technology for critical missions.
The production list of the F-16 Block 70 is currently 133 aircraft for six countries, and Lockheed Martin is preparing to produce 19 to 21 aircraft this year on its production line in Greenville.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Block 70Lockheed MartinRBAF - Royal Bahraini Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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emerystellar · 2 years
It’s Emery!!!!!!
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💫 Autism + ADHD + OCD
💫 19 years old / CST timezone
💫 OSDD1b system; the nova mausoleum
🎆 i’m a jack of all trades; i love dabbling in music, art, writing, worldbuilding in general, character design, web design, and animation !!
📼 special interests; vhs tapes, vinyls + cassettes, organs (instrument), animatronics, lost media, abandoned amusement parks, typography, education
💜 media i like; the elephant 6 recording company, fluidity (wiiware), rankin/bass films, jack and the cuckoo-clock heart, TETOCU/Melvinborg, AT/fionna and cake, miraculous ladybug, super paper mario, super mario galaxy, good omens, the amazing digital circus, the desolate hope, moral orel [and more!! please please ask me about my interests i will scream at you]
🗒️ my askbox and dm’s are always open, please please interact im very open and love people always unless you’re a bigot/racist/transphobe/radfem/etc :]
that also includes if you want my help on a project or would like to collab!! it’s one of my favorite fuckin things to help out other indie creators so please reach out!!!!! :D
(as a side note if you interact at all i will probably follow you so don’t be alarmed HSKJD)
i also do art commissions if you’re interested!! more details can be found here
art tag- #gallerystellar
music tag- #melodystellar
writing tag- #poetrystellar
OC tag- #menageriestellar
fanfic tag- #ao3stellar
furby photos/art tag- #furbystellar
other stuff i made tag- #creativitystellar
💾 ALSO. last but not least. visit my super fuckin cool website
» https://emerystellar.straw.page «
thank you for visiting, and have a stellar day!
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dankalbumart · 1 year
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A Dream in Sound by Elf Power Arena Rock Recording Company / Elephant 6 1999 Indie Rock / Indie Pop / Lo-Fi / Neo-Psychedelia / Psychedelic Pop / Indie Folk
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Fragment about the Music Tapes from Clubland column by Ken Maiuri in Daily Hampshire Gazette, 22 July 1999
Furthermore: Tonight at Flywheel in Easthampton is a triple-bill that includes the Chicago-based big-band-ska stylings of Runforyerlife, the Ohio-based post-rock of Blue Ash Solution, and the Holyoke-based pop-punk anarchy of The New Harmful. The all-ages show starts at 7:30 p.m.
The Elephant 6 Recording Company releases high-quality, out-of-the-ordinary pop music from an ever-growing bunch of bands (including The Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, Neutral Milk Hotel, Elf Power, etc.), most of whom call Athens, Ga., their home. Another one of those E6 groups is called The Music Tapes; they’re possibly the most experimental of the whole lot, and they’ll be performing at Flywheel in Easthampton on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
I call The Music Tapes experimental because I couldn't hum one of their songs if you put a gun to my head. Which isn’t to say they’re tuneless, just that they’re not so memorable. What does make an impression, however, is the intricate imaginary world the group has created, which involves a concept album called “The 1st Imaginary Symphony for Nomad,” and a member of the band that’s a television set with a face. In fact, the Music Tapes’ first single spotlighted the song “The Television Tells Us,” in which the sets sing their warnings to us all: “Human beings, we are your conquerors/please hear us, please stop us/we conquered earth accidentally/we’re a life-form of observers/we came to earth just to look inside of you/you are living, now you’re stopping!/just to sit in front of us and watch us televisions dream of life...”
And if that isn’t enough, the two opening bands on the bill are Aden (a subdued indie-pop band from the famed TeenBeat record label) and Thimble Circus, who I’m told are yet another band that’s somehow connected to the web of Elephant 6 musicians. This could be good.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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daggerzine · 15 days
Giant Day- Glass Narcissus (The Elephant 6 Recording Company)
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Elephant 6 alumni Derek Almstead (Circulatory System, The Olivia Tremor Control, The Glands, Elf Power, and of Montreal) and Emily Growden (Marshmallow Coast, Faster Circuits, and The New Sound of Numbers) have released their Giant Day debut LP, Glass Narcissus. After an EP and a single, it’s well worth the wait. All of the songs were written by Derek except “Patience,” which he co-wrote with Emily. The album was produced, recorded, and mixed by Giant Day, with production consultation by Will Cullen Hart (The Olivia Tremor Control, The New Sound of Numbers, and more). The artwork, photography, and design were created by Emily. “I Can Take It” leads the album off with a mixture of upbeat sounds. Definitely a toe-tapper with its bass guitar. According to Derek, it’s a tribute to Janet Jackson’s “When I Think of You” written during the COVID lockdown. The lyrics say it all, “I’m not able to sleep more; Can’t get up and get out of bed; Reattaching the moment; Keep kicking and cursing.” Next up, “Ignore the Flood,” has a Blue Oyster Cult “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” vibe, but then takes off in so many different ways leaving BOC behind. Excellent guitar work that highlights this indie pop treat. Watch the video here:
“Vacation” is another swirl of jangling guitar work that is absolutely gorgeous. A sad song that brings Rain Parade to mind. “You're always a chore; You wonder why you don't see me more; You can't seem to clear your head; All of your dreams are dead, but you don't know why.” “Walk With A Shadow” opens with a trippy bass and Emily taking on the lead vocals. It's another lockdown number that reminds us of the panic at the time. “Why am I letting myself go; I'm getting afraid of my shadow; I can't look at it.” It's a perfect mix of creepy music with lyrics. Next is “Overtone,” a funky, psychedelic number with eerie keyboards and soaring vocals, plus a boatload of other instruments. “Suspended Animation” brings Emily back on vocals with an 80s sounding, bouncy mix of synths, beats, and guitars. Love it! Next up, “Fair Dues” kicks in with intricate guitar work that you hope will never stop. Heather McIntosh (Circulatory System, The New Sound of Numbers, and more) adds some beautiful cello to the mix of too many melodies to count. Stunning! “We Were Friends” is a song about Derek’s childhood friend. It starts off kind of rough, but then settles into a rockin’’ guitar jam. “Your dad was the preacher; And we sang in the choir; You try to corrupt me; And I try to corrupt you... It's a shame the way our world has changed. Don't remember much about you." Derek does a great job singing from the heart here. “Patience” enters with a heavy acoustic bass and a splash of brush drums that eventually lead into a lot of other psychedelic sounds (organ, synths, saxophone (courtesy of Bablicon’s David McDonnell)), but it’s Emily’s haunting vocals that take over here. “Do you sit and wait for the path of the moon? Do you see the rose and not the thorn? Do you see the day, but block out the night? Do you have patience?” Where did it begin? How will it end? Absolutely beautiful noise. The album ends with “Reflections on Kettle Black.” It jumps in as a spacy, frantic instrumental filled with synths, beats, and ambient sounds and then ends abruptly. Whoa! If you miss the Elephant 6 scene, this is a great album to hear. Glass Narcissus is filled with many artists from that collective. ERIC EGGLESON
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parkerbombshell · 3 months
Addictions and Other Vices 937 – Colour Me Friday
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Addictions and Other Vices Fridays 3pm-6pm EST Repeats Saturday 3pm EST and Sunday 8am EST  bombshellradio.com #NowPlaying #indie #rock #alternative #Synthpop #indierock #community #radio #BombshellRadio #DJ #AddictionsPodcast #NewMusic #ColourMeFriday #Radio247 New Indie finds, previews of Just Another Menace Sunday artists coming up this weekend into next week ala Dennis The Menace, and Alex Green of Stereo Embers The Podcast and Sandy Kaye of A Breath of Fresh Air. Discoveries from our social media followers and a few more surprises. Thanks to all the artists, labels and PR companies that submitted tracks this week. Fix Mix 937 1. **Moving Slow - Bored At My Grandmas House**                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. **Long White Veil - The Decemberists** 3. **Davies and Wales - John Cale** 4. **Total Communication Breakdown - China Bears** 5. **Take A Chance With Me - Roxy Music** 6. **Spirit - The Killers** 7. **Love Plus One - Haircut 100** 8. **Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw** 9. **Anxieties (Out Of Time) - The Regrettes** 10. **Does Only God Know That We're Lonely? - Sea Girls** 11. **Good, but not together - Valley** 12. **False Dichotomy - Metric** 13. **Joshua - Dizzy** 14. **Circles - Basement Revolver** 15. **Pharmacist - Alvvays** 16. **New Survival - Ellevator** 17. **Nobody Escapes - Mother Mother** 18. **Magical Thinking - Sloan** 19. **Leather Jacket - Arkells** 20. **Neon Pill - Cage The Elephant** 21. **Blame Brett - The Beaches** 22. **The Canadian Dream - Sam Roberts** 23. **Get Back Again - The Tragically Hip**   INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK Friday June 14 Rainbow Country  w HR 1 My conversation with Sergeant #RobertChevalier The 2S-LGBTQ Liason Officer for #TorontoPoliceServices continues. On this episode we get his thoughts on the removal of #Toronto Police from Toronto's Pride Parade & MORE! Just Another Menace Sunday w/ China Bears A Breath of Fresh Air  w / American singer-songwriter Bruce Sudano has a storied history in music. His unique journey began with a songwriting mentorship from Tommy James, co-founding Alive ‘N Kickin’ and Brooklyn Dreams, and seeing his work recorded by iconic artists like Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, Michael & Jermaine Jackson. Sunday June 16 Stereo Embers The Podcast w /  Stereo Embers The Podcast: Jad Fair (Half Japanese) Just Another Menace Sunday w/ TBA Tuesday  June  18 A Breath of Fresh Air  w / TBA Wednesday June 19 Just Another Menace Sunday w/  TBA Thursday June 20 Stereo Embers The Podcast w /  TBA Read the full article
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arcticfoxfacts · 28 days
Elephant 6 Oddities: Midget and Hairs
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Barring the jarring (and possibly offensive) name, Midget and Hairs is the music project of one Paige Dearman, formerly of Louisiana, but now based in Texas. Beginning in the 90s, she became associated with the Elephant 6 Collective thanks to fellow Louisianan Jeff Mangum, whom you might recognize as main guy from some obscure band named Neutral Milk Hotel.
More under the cut!
There are only three Midget and Hairs releases. Cactus Screwballs and the I’m a Big Kid Now split with Marshmallow Coast, both in 1996. Later in 2007, a self-titled compilation was released. An old interview with Paige stated that she still records under the Midget and Hairs name and even joined another band, but has yet to release anything else. However in that same interview, she also mentions that she wants to do a full-length M&H album someday.
In fact, the Midget and Hairs MySpace mentioned it DID release in 2008, but I have yet to see any evidence of its existence. Maybe it was actually talking about the compilation? Who knows. Aside from that, there are a few singles that have appeared on compilations, but that’s about the last of the official M&H releases.
Not even a peep of Midget and Hairs is seen today. As far as I know, neither M&H nor Paige has any active social media, so until we see some kind of activity, the band seems to be indefinitely over.
Midget and Hairs flew largely under the radar, thanks in part to their short catalogue. Like many of the more obscure E6 bands, they aren’t on streaming, which is a damn shame because I can’t find most of their music aside from Cactus Screwballs and a few odd singles here and there.
Their music is very crunchy, like they were recorded with one of those shitty handheld tape recorders, which I think is what was actually used. It’s quite unique, actually. It’s a noisy experimental twee pop, that despite being so rough around the edges, can be quite good at times. Cactus Screwballs can be found in full here. Check it out!
I’d kill to hear that compilation album in full, though. I quite liked what little I heard of it. I’m particularly in love with this song. It’s pretty amazing!
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thetajinindia · 3 months
3 days golden triangle tour By The Taj In India Company
The Taj In India Company's 3-day Golden Triangle Tour takes visitors to three of India's most famous cities: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. It is a thrilling and culturally immersive trip. This three-day tour offers a thorough examination of India's history, architecture, and cultural legacy.
Overview of the Tour Three Days and Two Nights
Day 1: Morning: Delhi to Agra
3-day Golden Triangle Tour
Pick-up: From your accommodation or a prearranged spot in Delhi. Explore the main sights in Delhi, including the Parliament House, India Gate, Qutub Minar, and Lotus Temple. In the afternoon:
It takes about three to four hours to go to Agra. Check-in: At an Agra hotel. Evening:
Mehtab Bagh: Come to this garden to see the Taj Mahal at sunset. Day 2: Jaipur to Agra Early in the day:
Taj Mahal: Guided tour of the Taj Mahal during sunrise. Late in the morning:
A guide is recommended for visiting the UNESCO World Heritage site, Agra Fort. Breakfast: In the hotel or at a nearby eatery. In the afternoon:
Fatehpur Sikri: See this ancient city and its monuments when traveling to Jaipur. Travel time to Jaipur: four to five hours. Check-in: At a Jaipur hotel. Evening:
Leisure Time: Take a trip to the nearby markets or unwind at the hotel. Day 3: Delhi to Jaipur Morning:
Amber Fort: Take a jeep or elephant ride while touring this magnificent fort. Explore the museum and palace at City Palace. Visit the astronomy observatory at Jantar Mantar. Hawaii Mahal: Make a photo stop at the recognizable "Palace of Winds." In the afternoon:
Lunch will be served at a typical Rajasthani eatery. Evening:
Motivate Returning to Delhi is a 5- to 6-hour trip. Drop-off: At your accommodation or a prearranged spot in Delhi. Included: Transportation: All transfers and sightseeing are done in air-conditioned vehicles. Accommodations: Depending on the package, 2 nights will be spent in 3/4 or 5 star hotels. Meals: Hotel breakfasts; some packages include other meals. Professional guides who speak English are available in every city. Tickets for entry: Entry to all significant landmarks and locations. Extras include parking costs, tolls, and any taxes. Exclusions: Individual costs (such as gratuities and mementos). Extra meals not included in the schedule. attractions or optional activities that are not included in the package. Suggestions: Clothes: Seasonally appropriate, cozy wear; modest clothes for religious site visits. Wearing cozy walking shoes is recommended. For sun protection, wear a hat and sunscreen. Camera: To record special moments. Cash: For gratuities and personal spending. Booking Advice: It's best to make reservations in advance, especially during the busiest travel times. Examine Policies: Carefully review the included and cancelation policies. Examine evaluations: To guarantee a positive encounter, look for evaluations of The Taj In India Company. Visit the official website of The Taj In India Company or get in touch with them directly for more information in-depth or to make a reservation. Enjoy the Tour of the Golden Triangle!
Yes, of course! The following general tips and techniques will assist you with Wordle:
Wordle Strategies and Tip Commence with Standard Letters:
To increase your chances of correctly identifying letters early on, use sentences with common vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants (R, T, N, S, L). Employ Different Words:
To cover a wide range of letters, try a variety of words at first, then cut it down based on the suggestions you receive. Take Note of Comments:
The green letters are positioned correctly. The word contains yellow letters, but they are arranged incorrectly. There are no gray letters in the word. Don't Repeat Inaccurate Letters:
When a letter is determined to be erroneous (gray), it should not be used in any more guesses. Consider Combinations of Letters:
Think about typical letter ends and pairs (such as -ING, -ED, and -ER). Apply the Elimination Process:
Remove words that don't suit the recognized letters and locations as you acquire additional data. An exemplar walkthrough First Guess: Use a term such as "ARISE" to begin.
This covers two common consonants (R and S) and three common vowels (A, I, and E). Second Guess: Modify your subsequent statement in light of feedback.
A word like "SCALE" could work if "A" and "S" are yellow. Third Guess: Adjust even more in light of fresh data.
Try "STACK" if "A" is still yellow and "S" is now green. Examples of Word Lists These are some suitable opening phrases:
Conclusion of Crane Slate Trace Shine Roast These techniques will assist you in more effectively reducing the pool of potential words. Best of luck and happy deciphering!
See the New York Times' Wordle strategy guide for more detailed instructions and sample workflows.
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The British East India Company
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The British East India Company was one of the first corporations to exist in history. It has a founding place in how we should examine the role of corporations. These multi-national private entities operating for profit under the benevolent watch of their state continue to cast long shadows today. In the case of the East India Company their influence over the British monarchy, George III, during his reign was one of the determining causes of the American Revolution in 1765. In addition, it was this corporation that spurred the colonial takeover and exploitation of the Indian subcontinent. Corporations have much more narrow profit driven intentions than states. “The EIC was the means by which Britain conducted its imperialistic policies in Asia, and it made millions through its global trade in spices, tea, textiles, and opium. It was criticised for its monopolies, harsh trading terms, corruption, and the damage it did to the wool trade. Finally but by no means least, the EIC swept away rulers that stood in its path, relentlessly siphoned off resources, and repressed the cultural practices of the peoples living within its vast territories. In short, the EIC was the "sharp end of the British imperial stick" (Faught, 6). The EIC's directors and its shareholders gained immense riches. India, in contrast, became ever-poorer. Much more than a trading company, the EIC ultimately became a state within a state, even an empire within an empire, and one accountable to no one except its shareholders.” - (https://www.worldhistory.org/East_India_Company/)
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Corporate Slaver In The Transatlantic African Slave Market The East India Company was a slaver. It used slave labour and trafficked in slaves for profit. Not the biggest player in the transatlantic slave market it transported African slaves to its holdings in India and Indonesia. The Royal African Company was the major slaver corporation operating at that time. It is important to remember just how crucial this global trade was to Britain in the 17C and 18C. Foundational wealth necessary for the forthcoming industrial revolution was established via profits from slavery. “There are several implications - first is evidence of the British East Indian Company participation in trading slaves. Second, records from St Helena, an island in South Carolina is proof the company transported slaves to the Americas.” - (https://aquila.usm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1153&context=slisconnecting#:~:text=Thereareseveralimplicationsfirst,transportedslavestotheAmericas.)
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Elephants at Sezincote House by Des Blenkinsopp is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 The Armed Forces Of The British East India Company The British East India Company had its own army, controlling some 200, 000 soldiers or mercenaries. This number was double that of the actual British army at that time. The East India Company via its military force subdued the Indian principalities and states it had begun trading with. It applied ruinous taxation upon the residents of these territories and carried out what can only be described as sanctioned looting. India had been the dominant textile exporter globally up until this time and the East India Company pillaged and exploited economically this to their extreme advantage. This would eventually result in the 1857 Indian Uprising, where Indian soldiers in the British army mutinied against their British officers. The push for Indian independence would grow out of the disgraceful treatment of Indians by the corporation and the British colonial state. Talk about taxation without representation!
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Photo by Sawyer Sutton on Pexels.com Taxation Without Representation The American Revolution was driven by concerns like taxation of the colonies without parliamentary representation. The East India Company was behind many of the British state moves to raise more money by taxing the American colonists. The Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, and the Tea Act all sought to raise more money from the colonists and were greatly unappreciated by the Americans. “22 March 1765 the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which sought to raise money to pay for this army through a tax on all legal and official papers and publications circulating in the colonies.” - (https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/legislativescrutiny/parliament-and-empire/parliament-and-the-american-colonies-before-1765/the-stamp-act-and-the-american-colonies-1763-67/)
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Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS on Pexels.com Corporate greed can be said to be at the heart of Britain’s treatment of India and the American colonies. Short sighted, profit driven policies which in the end cost Britain hugely in terms of losing its colonies, which would prove to become immensely wealthy over the following centuries. World power would shift from Britain to America on the back of these resource rich lands. “there were still accusations that EIC officials were enriching themselves at the expense of the interests of the British state – even Clive came under suspicion. The EIC officials who retired to England and an extravagant retirement with their riches were known disparagingly as 'Nabobs', a corruption of the Mughal title for a high-ranking official, nawab.” - (Mark Cartwright, Sept 2022)
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'My hero was good at hanging' from Scenes from the Private and Public Life of Animals by J. J. Grandville is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 It is the age old battle between private wealth and public good. Corporations are predominantly on the side of the former, with their principals stashing away as much private loot as possible. Tories and conservative governments more generally are invariably peopled with those closely tied to corporations. Slashing the public service and privatising it are practices still widely pursued today. The neoliberal economic thinking and their largely discredited ‘trickledown effect’ BS has been hugely popular over the last several decades. This is why we now have the greatest economic divide between the small group of the super wealthy and the rapidly expanding working poor. The rise of mega corporations with oligopoly powers in highly concentrated markets has seen price setting and corporate price gouging during recent high inflationary periods around the globe. The rentier economies are all about endless fees, fines, and charges being applied to every aspect of living in the ‘user pays’ environment so favoured by these multinational corporations. The British East India Company would be totally at home in this modern corporate world. Indeed, large corporate armies are on their way back as we observed in Iraq and Afghanistan quite recently. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©HouseTherapy
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Statue of Field -Marshal James Keith by ronnie leask is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 Read the full article
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hiii ive never heard of userboxes are those like the “this user is x” stamps??/gq
also if we could have a blinker that’s based off of the elephant 6 recording company (using desaturated reds/blues/yellows, blacks, etc) being like “an elephant 6 recording cd” or “music pure and infinite” or something of the like :,D
here’s the logo if it helps:
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user boxes are the “this user is x” or “i love this”
I’ll happily make a blinkie! It might take a bit though.
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