#the elemental alliance
thecatundertheladder · 4 months
More stuff for my Wu and Garmadon in the Tournament of Elements au! This is what happens on the ferry ride over to Chen's Island.
When Wu and Garmadon join them on the ferry, the ninja are, at first, confused as to why their senseis were allowed on it. After all, only elemental masters were invited to the tournament. You know, cause it’s the Tournament of Elements.
Lloyd: I'm surprised they let you on.
Jay: Yeah, they didn't even let my weapons on!
Garmadon: Well, we were invited.
Wu: We just weren’t planning on accepting until we realised you were going.
Kai: Wait, wait, so does this mean that you’re elemental masters too?
Cole: I guess it makes sense. They are the sons of the First Spinjitizu Master. So why wouldn’t they have elements?
Lloyd: So, what are your elements?
Wu: Hmm, we aren't actually elemental masters, but in this case, I suppose I am the master of Creation and my brother the master of Destruction.
Garmadon: We'll explain further when there are less curious ears.
Garmadon goes on to explain how everyone on the boat are all descendants of the original elemental masters. Of course, this is where Kai decides to fight Karloff [also side note I watched this episode before writing this and it's really out of character that Karloff tries to steal Skylor’s cloak but anyway].
Like Garmadon, Wu also just lets Kai fight by himself, so nothing much changes there.
However, Wu does wander off to have a conversation with Griffin Turner at some point because while canon says that Garmadon (and probably Wu as a result) has never met most of the EMs, I say that's unrealistic - that and it's implied that Garmadon has met Griffin. Anyways, Griffin does not think that Wu aged well.
Right before they arrive on the island Jay decides to take advantage of Wu being there, and ask what the tension between Garmadon and Clouse is all about. And Wu, being a shitty little brother, decides to tell him. Needless to say, the ninja were shocked to find out that Garmadon and Clouse had dated. Up until that point, the ninja (except for Nya – she and Wu hung out a lot) had been a bit wary about stuff like that around Wu and Garmadon. They were thousands of years old, who knew what archaic values they still had. So finding out Garmadon used to have a boyfriend was a surprise (but a welcome one, as it let them know that Wu and Garmadon were accepting of LGBT people). Out of the information gained that night, the ninja consider Clouse being Garmadon’s ex the most important part.
Of course, while this is all happening the other elemental masters are sizing up the ninja, Wu, and Garmadon. And they all have varying opinions based around how much knowledge they have of them.
The ones who have never met or heard of any of them before see them as easy pickings. I mean, a bunch of teenagers and two old guys, seriously, how hard can it be to beat them?
The ones who have met Wu and Garmadon before, but only briefly, are a bit more wary of them, but still think they shouldn't be too hard to beat.
The few who know Wu and Garmadon quite well (like Griffin) are definitely nervous to be up against them, and they have enough sense to know that if the ninja have been trained by them as well, there’s a good chance that they are going to be tough opponents as well.
And, of course, the elemental masters who have heard of how the ninja defeated the Overlord are a bit shocked to find out that they are teenagers. Cause what the hell? Why are teenagers out there defeating God's arch-nemesis?
So basically, it's a direct correlation between how much the EM's have heard of the ninja and/or their senseis and how much they view them as a threat.
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akariarda · 2 months
Due to the resulting problems, Garmado and Wu find themselves in a situation where they compare their aging with the aging of others.
Request from ao3!
"Garmadon!!" Wu yelled panicly as he ran through the halls of the monastery. "Brother.."
"What's wrong, Wu?" Garmadon asked semi-interestedly, continuing to strike his target with his katana.
"We have a problem.." Wu tried to catch his breath.
"Yes?" Garmadon raised an eyebrow, now seeming a bit more interested. Nervously.
"The Serpentine are rising up again and causing chaos in Ninjago City." Garmadon frowned at that.
"But we recently made a deal with their king!"Garmadon angrily said.
"Who are you?" The Serpentine Guard asked Wu and Garmadon.
"We are here to speak with your king," Garmadon replied firmly. "He has broken some of our deals."
"Enter." The guard grumbled and let Wu and Garmadon stand before the Serpentine throne.
"King Mambo VII." Wu solemnly replied.
"You mean Mambo VIII." The young Serpentine turned and looked at them.
"You are not the king!" Garmadon said confusedly as he studied his face.
He resembled him, but not too much.
"Of course I am! And who are you?" The Serpentine king asked.
"I am Wu. This is my brother Garmadon and we are the sons of the First Spinjitzu Master! We come because of a breach of the deal we made with..."
"I don't remember you from our ancient legends." Mambo VII looked confused at Garmadon and Wu.
"My king...." an older Serpentine arrived and whispered something in his ear.
"Oh, of course.. So you are the old story my father tells." Mambo VIII looked at them thoughtfully. "But how do you look so young?"
"What old story?" Wu looked puzzled at Mambo VIII. "That was just... "
"40 years ago!" Garmadon interrupted.
"Just?" Mambo VIII looked angrily at Wu and Garmadon.
"Well, I don't know what kind of creatures you are when 40 years is just... But the deal is no longer valid." Mambo VIII slammed his fist on the throne.
"I demand to see King Mambo VII immediately!" Garmadon said angrily.
"My father is on his deathbed.." Mambo VIII sighed sadly.
"Why?" Wu asked worriedly.
"Because of old age, you fools! And now get out of here before I make you die with him."
"Maybe we should focus on the Elemental Masters.." Wu sighed as he and Garmadon sat on a bench in the park.
"If they are still capable..." Garmadon sadly lowered his head.
"Why are you like this, Garmadon?" Wu looked at his brother with big eyes. "They are more than capable.."
"Look over there, brother." Garmadon cut Wu off abruptly. "Do you remember forty years ago when we sat on this same bench?"
"Look there, do you see that monument."
"They added something new!" Wu noticed happily.
"Now remember those kids who forced us to play with them.."
"I remember them." Wu smiled. "They were so cute.."
"What do you think they are now?" Garmadon spoke seriously.
"They probably have their own children or are busy with work. Either way, they are fully grown." Wu sighed thoughtfully.
"Now do you see that all those old children are now older than us?" Garmadon looked at Wu.
"But that means we will never be able to bond with anyone.." Tears filled Wu's eyes. "Everyone will leave, and we have to stay and watch them die.."
"I'm sorry, brother." Garmadon said, putting his hand on Wu's shoulder. "Maybe one day, Wu, you and I will find someone worth growing old for.
But until then, we must protect Ninjago, the land of our ancestors. Our land.. They only live here for a short time so they are not able to protect it properly..
"She was a good friend." Wu sighed and placed a flower on the former majestral leader's grave.
He noticed a couple in their thirties smiling and talking. When he thought that thirty years ago he and Garmadon were the same and likely will be for another thirty years..
And they will age..
"You got lost in thoughts again." Garmadon lightly elbowed Wu.
"I am Maya." Some woman presented themselves to them. "The new master of water. And behind me stood the Elemental masters. You called us."
"Are you all new?" Garmadon asked as he apologized when he saw the look on Maya's face. "I mean, we haven't met yet..."
Garmadon nervously scratched behind his ear.
"I feel like we already know each other!"
"Master of ice!" Wu exclaimed in amazement. "You look... different."
"I've aged a bit." The Master of Ice smiled. "And look at you! Still so young!"
"Wu.." Garmadon said as he quietly entered the monastery.
"Yes?" Wu peeked his head out of the training hall.
"Do you remember when we were talking a few months ago about finding someone worth growing old for?"
"Do you have someone in mind?" Wu asked, biting his lip.
He knew who he was talking about. The same woman he thought about every day.. Misako
"I have to confess something to you." Garmadon sighed.
He and Misako were sitting on a bench in the park. On that bench where he and Wu sat through the years.
"You look like you're about to tell me you robbed a bank." Misako smiled at Garmadon.
"Did something happen, Garmadon.." Misako looked at him with concern.
"Can you imagine watching people around you grow old and die while you remain eternally as you are.." Garmadon said in one breath.
"Yes.." Misako said confused and thoughtful.
"Now imagine that your father is the First Spinjitzu Master, a dragon and Oni hybrid, and that you are over thousands of years old.."
"You are over a thousand years old!" Misako shouted, palely looking at Garmadon.
"If you are.." Garmadon swallowed.
"It actually makes sense." Misako said, smiling. "I just can't imagine that in a few decades you and Wu will probably not even remember me.."
"No!" Garmadon quickly said. "For some people, it is worth growing old and dying with them. And I am sure that for the first time ever, I have found such a person."
Saying that, he smiled and took a flower, placing it behind her ear.
"Don't tell me." Misako sweetly smiled.
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Elemental alliance memes pt.2
Ray , Garmadon and Libber
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Clouse trynna be friends with the serpentine after Chen tells them to get along
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Misako in her depressed , everyone's dead or disappeared era
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All the happy couples and wu's single ass
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Garmadon trynna look tough ( in reality he's so bbg )
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Libber taking a selfie at garmsakos wedding , featuring wu
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woffles-4-waffles · 9 months
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Garmadon as an Anacondrai General? A drawing of @kim2248 's cosplay! >:3
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crowleycorvid · 3 months
I'm so. I love this drawing a lot
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I hope it is clear every time I draw him how genuinely in love with this character I am Wu they could never make me hate you
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netmors · 5 months
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Eleventh Fleet AU - Admiral Karyn Faro
This was supposed to be an art post in honor of the anniversary of the release of the Thrawn Trilogy from Legends, but I'm only on the second book, so my opinion on the story has not yet been fully formed.
It was still the May weekend and after such a good cold I wanted a banal, basic rest.
However, I discovered such a thing as photobashes in concept art… And I decided to make a “sketch” for screenshots from the game. It turned out to be a very strange experiment, but the experience was really interesting…
Disclaimer: such a game does not exist… It is unlikely that it will exist.
Music: The Clone Wars - Unreleased Soundtrack Shattered & Victory and Death
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get-acronixed-meme · 5 months
The Elemental Alliance but it's Friends series AU idea 😏
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An extended version with other members of EA:
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i-m-art-ix · 4 months
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zkoh001 · 4 months
Back to Ninjago ✨
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I was drawing this. For 72 full hours (spread out trough like-3 months)
It doesn't look like I put 72 hours into this... (I swear my confidence went like a drunk rollecoaster while making this piece)
But alas, it is done, and I worked too hard not to share it. Behold the elemental alliance. (I can't draw armor. So the design changes are mostly because of that)
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I totally got the Masters of Sound and Gravity the first few times, which is quite hilarious cause the Master of Gravity spends quite some of his screentime flying, but oh well.
Also, I tought they were related (for no particular reason) hence the positioning on the picture.
The guy on the left side of the picture was literally listed as "unknown elemental master" and I literally only added him so the proportions were more balanced (also so noone could argue it isn't finished)
I feel like his power was supposed to be lightning (based on the outfit) but then season 6 happened, and he was quietly retconned to make way for libber. I hesitated making it a father daughter situation, with him passing his powers on faster than Cole's grandfather to Lilly, but in the end, settled for making him a Master of Light.
Lilly and her father joined together, but neither of them are sure why it took so long for the power to pass down (probably after or at the very end of the First Serpentine War). They were both the type to understand it's war, and those rarely have a happy ending (in general, these people were kinda forced into this role because of their powers, some of them pretty young) Maybe the late heritance caused issues with Lilly's immune system leading to an early death? 👀🥺
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I like to think the old Master of Earth was a mother hen of sons just as Lilly (it's genetic a this point). The above picture happened sometime after Garmadon's banishment.
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Libber (or whatever they call the previous Master of Lightning) turned out really cute, I'm probably most satisfied with her (also gave her freckles to match Jay). I feel like we massively missed out on having her be the one to make/power Prime Empire. I mean, I get they wanted to save the mom storyline for MotM, but I'm sure you can write two separate stories revolving around parents. I also believe she joined really young, probably the youngest (and she was a menace. Also imagine if she was friends with the twins, the tragedy)
Wu and Garmadon pretty much have their canon designs (I like that they are dressed the most "traditional" out of everyone) except I added a bit more purple and gold respectively. Also, I'll mention it here, every active elemental masters have eye colours matching their elements, and their pupils are light (giving way to theories about them not even being human). The spinjitzu bros have "rings" around their pupils in the opposite color (purple for Wu, gold for Garmadon) showing the link between them and their powers.
When Garmadon is banished, Wu's eyes become completely gold, affected by their severed connection (and Garm has red eyes, but normally his would have become purple as well) Also, I kinda traced the text on their gi, cause I'm not drawing that from memory 😅
Master of Shadow was one of the first to join the Alliance, but is not the youngest member, she wanted a peaceful solution at the start, and like most of the earlier members, have a more nuanced view on the war, probably even had serpentine acquitances, which is why she looks so sad a lot of the time.
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I see Ray and Maya as a kinda golden retriever, black cat dynamic. Maya was incredibly skilled, cold and precise, and one of the deadliest elemental masters (I was cooking up some story about a warrior clan she grew up in, but it's up for interpretation).
Ray meanwhile lives by the principle of "They can't know my next step... if I don't know my next step." Runs in, swords blazing, most people fighting him are just sort of. Perplexed at first.
And of course Maya didn't like him at first, but it's really hard to dislike Ray long term. (Which is how he also became Wu's best friend, despite him trying to hold a 'polite acquitances' type of relationship with the Ems. Ray is just like that) But she fell first.
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Either this happened, or he went ahead of the trouble and asked him first.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand (working a lot on this means I had a lot of time to microwave these dudes, this post is looong)
Master of Ice is just that one kind of slightly creepy wise old man, who just... knows stuff. Everyone just sort of accepted that you don't ask him how or why he knows stuff, he just does. Wu and Garmadon have a tendency to follow him around (cause he's pretty similar to their father in a way), which kinda translates to everyone following him around like little ducks (even when he barely socialises with anyone lol).
Design for Master of Ice is inspired by @maydayissleepy, go check out their art!
And I already made a bunch of posts about Hands of Time and the time twins, but design wise, I just made a new one (to avoid the complex armor). When in battle, it's basically impossible to tell the two of them apart. Also, they have heterochromia because they both have two powers technically. The murky brown we see in the show is because they lost the power, but are still technically the Masters of Time, since it never passed on (if the blades broke somehow it would go back to them)
I feel like they joined later (even way later, which is why they clashed so much with the alliance) which is why they aren't mentioned in the early flashbacks (and also cause they didn't exist yet), and went kinda gungho on the war, not really knowing (or caring) for it's nuances.
Anyways, let me know what you think!
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thecatundertheladder · 5 months
In your Wu and Garmadon ToE au who is Wu and Garmadon fighting and does that also change who the ninjas fight in the tournament of elements 
Thank you so much for asking!
It does change things slightly, but only for kai and some other elemental masters.
The matches are as follows:
Round 1:
Griffin (win) vs Gravis (loss)
Neuro (win) vs Bolobo (loss)
Shade (win) vs Ash (loss)
Jay (win) vs Cole (loss)
Skylor (win) vs Jacob (loss)
Lloyd (win) vs Chamille (loss)
Lloyd's team (start):
Chamille's team (start):
Mr Pale
Then after everyone's changed sides
Lloyd's team (end):
Mr Pale
Chamille's team (end):
Round 1 Continued:
Tox (win) vs Kai (loss)
Garmadon (win) vs Griffin (loss)
Wu (win) vs Mr Pale (loss)
Catching Nya:
I had a lot of fun trying to work this out. TBH I don't see some of this as realistic but I didn't want too many ninja hunting Nya so Kai had to go. If it was realistic and you know, an actual tournament, I think the ninja, Wu and Garmadon would smash everyone until it was just them, and then overall Garmadon would win, but I need the plot to work out as well so 🤷‍♀️.
Also have way through working this out I realised that Garmadon and Wu would have to skate and I was possessed with the image Libber Gordon teaching them how to skate.
If you would like a more in depth run of any particular fight please let me know and I would be happy to write about it. I'll be doing some more stuff about the matches any way.
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marcopolo-artist · 7 months
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Elemental alliance memes
Ray and Garmadon being the og idiots
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Garmadon taking wu away from the fsm ( the og bad father )
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wu who still thinks he has a chance and Misako who wants him to die
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Garmadon , Ray and libber
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Wu after getting no bitches , no friends , no action and no future
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Ray after doing something stupid
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maydayissleepy · 8 months
Who are these guys. Did the fandom give them names yet. Their wiki articles are so thin guys what do you know
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Anyways. The random urge to concept character designs hit
For the unknown elemental master, I'm following the theory that they're the master of form. And though not as important, ,,I headcanon that they're the one that painted pictures of the elemental alliance
Though for the ice master, I'm liking the idea of him being one of the most magically powerful members of the alliance, though that strong of Ice magic being something more than what the human body can handle, it occasionally manifests itself outside of the ice master's control. Whether that be frost and snow forming around him unconsciously, or becoming some permanent illness to the ice master himself.
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asherbakugou · 4 months
Okay, so this is a story i might write but I do want to get it out there and see if anyone is interested in reading it.
So the series would be about the previous two sets of Elemental Masters of Ninjago, since some got their Element earlier, others later, and its a whole jumbled mess. The main focus would be these characters.
Keahi Kalama, The Master of Fire, and known as the Wildfire Archer, for when his arrows strike they wrupt into flames. He is also known for using different pouches full of powder to change the color and deadliness of his fire and to make the smoke itself poisonous. (Father of Ray Kalama, Grandfather of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Jiang Daiyu, the Master of Water, and known as the Tide-Bringer for she swept an army from the beach when they threatened her home village. She prefers to use a fishing spear as a weapon, simply because she knows how to use it best, and she is one of the strongest Elemental Masters of the Alliance. (Mother of Jiang Mei Lien (Maya), Grandmother of Kai and Nya Kalama)
Gerald D'Angelo, the Master of Earth, and known as the Shield for his control in forming shields to defend his allies. Most commonly seen using a massive war hammer to manipulate the earth and is naturally strong, breaking bones in a single punch. (Father of Lilly D'Angelo, Grandfather of Cole Brookstone)
Aspen, the Master of Ice, and known as the Bringer of Winter for he rarely is seen during missions in summer but once he begins being seen it means winter is coming. Used two long blades coated in poison that left his enemies rotting but frostbitten, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. (Unknown relation to Zane Julien)
Petir, the Master of Lightning, and known as the Blue Serpent for his powerful strikes using the Imperial Adder fighting style. So fast, very few of his oppenents stand a chance when facing him outright even when they outmatch him in strength because he has experience and speed. No known weapons used. (Father of Lyn, Grandfather of Jay Walker)
Eteri, the Master of Wind, and known as Tempest for in battle she could summon massive tornadoes that left gouges in Ninjago still seen in modern day geography. Rarely every used weapons, but carried Tessens, war fans, with sharp blades in case her element became disabled or she needed to fight without it. One of the strongest members of the Elemental Alliance. (Mother of Morro)
Aryan, the Master of Smoke, and known as the Ghost Samurai, for his ability to turn himself to smoke and travel quickly made people believe he was a ghost. A samurai that teamed up with the Elemental Alliance, because they were being threatened by the Emperor of Ninjago. Wore black armor and had a sword passed down to him that was still as sharp as the day it had been forged. (Father of Morro)
And Garmadon.
I wanted to do a series about how Elemental Masters weren't trusted or revered until recent years and that's why Morro never used his Element on the streets. It would show the Emporer basically deciding he wanted all elemental masters dead, not understanding very well that the elements would simply pass on, and sent out his army creating a period of war and strife.
A lot of the secondary Elemental Masters stayed in hiding with Wu, who did not wish to fight, while Garmadon led his own group to fight back and try to force the Emporer to leave them alone.
The main characters though would be Eteri and Aryan, Morro's parents, and we would see what happened leading up to him being 'abandoned' in Jamanakai at the base of Wu's Monastery. I thought it would be interesting to explore if his parents did not actually abandon him but circumstances happened and he ended up alone.
Parts of the story would flash forward to when Garmadon is talking of his old friends, finally sharing the information all of the ninja wanted before revealing Morro's parentage. (He's there because he's trying to redeem himself.)
So, what do you think?
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ninjakitten1699 · 1 year
Garmadon: Some of you are gonna turn on me and some of you are gonna turn me on. I don’t make the rules.
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da1stninjagofangirl · 3 months
Ninjago elemental girls edit. Enjoy :D
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