#the earliest i fall asleep is 2am
learn-and-accept · 1 month
I can't be depressed, I ate vegetables two days in a row
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lazulisong · 9 months
I am super regretting reluctantly conceding that maybe u shouldn't attempt home drains removal because
1. I had to wait until after the holiday
2. "What times good for you?" "Ten thirty or eleven?" (An hour later) "what about 330?"
3. I compose the politest reply I can manage in the red haze of my sleep deprived hormonal rage (I didn't fall asleep until after 2am and I have spent most of the last three weeks fighting to sleep eight hours a night because of the drain stitches digging into my skin and irritating it), to the effect that I am already almost to the hospital and the last time I have slept this badly for this long was when my fucking twin died but if that is the earliest they can do I'll just hang out at Powells or something
4. I go to Scrap for an emotional support prowl
5. Goldie miraculously finds a slot at one pm
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It's 2am on... I don't know what day it is. Is it January yet? I haven't kept track. The earliest I've gotten out of bed since my mom went into the hospital is 2:30pm, and I usually don't fall asleep until like 5-8am. I can't remember when I last showered. I don't have any clean clothes to wear except for shirts, because I haven't done laundry in only Odin knows how long. Last time I brushed my hair was probably Saturday. I haven't gotten my meds refilled but that'll hopefully be done today. And the meds I do have I haven't been keeping up with completely. But a kind stranger bought me a pizza tonight, and I promised them I'd at least shower. So... I guess I should go ahead and do that instead of eating depression food (chocolate chip pancakes and cookies in a mug) every few hours. It's 2:45am now. But I'd rather take the shower now than wait another minute for that. I feel gross... Mom may come home today. I don't know for sure, but the doctors said she'd be coming home tomorrow for the past 5 days, then continued to push the time back. I understand, and I want her to stay as long as she needs to be safe. But I just miss her dearly... I haven't seen her in person for over a week... I didn't even get to do a video call with her today... You know, my lupus is flaring so bad that I had to call out of work Christmas Eve. I couldn't move. Couldn't stand. I'm still in pain days later, however many it may have been since then. I go to sleep and it's dark. I wake up and it's dark. And maybe, one day soon, I'll see the sun again... Gotta keep going until I do.
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emitranslyrics · 1 year
This Is How To Be In Love With You
Do you know what it means?  To love entirely? If so, Fall in my arms and you can OVERHEAT with me
All the secret things I only wanna say to you All the dreams that only you can make come true Are symptoms of love
Aah, I guess if I have to pick a yes or no then calling this “happy” is fair But I can’t shake off the feeling that flutters on my back  that there’s something special that still isn’t there You know? It isn’t really much the kinda convo  that you wanna have so early on but I can’t let it go I love the way your eyebrows scrunch when you get stressed!! Forgive me!~
If we spent a day Past an inch away I can’t bear to think how our half-hearts would separate I try play nice But it isn’t right Saying “I’m OK” would be such a lie! 
Do you know what it means?  To love entirely? If so, Fall in my arms and you can OVERHEAT with me
All the secret things I only wanna say to you All the dreams that only you can make come true
Are symptoms of love
Don’t you know what I mean? Don’t you feel incomplete? Without, A girl who crushes on you ‘til it crushes you
Even every time I test your durability, Even when we practise breaking up ritually It’s symptoms of love
(Br-r-r-ring!~) Sitting up at 2am calling! Sulking as a hint ‘til you say “Good Morning”! Why’s it always me who falls asleep the earliest It kinda makes me feel bad that there are seconds missed, y’know? We both get lonely from time to time But I bet you’re gonna get fed up of me soon right…? If you’re treating me so nice, there’s gonna be a price, So forgive me if I get really clingy, alright?!
There are times we fight But I think it’s nice Getting hurt is just the proof my heart is working
Let’s match our pain Like we will match our names This love-sickness, rotting us down to the core!
You know what this’ll mean. A promise more than rings Because, We are two parts that make up one whole lover
Wishing that I knew you inside-out literally But wanting death because I know that that’ll never be That’s symptoms of love
You’d know my smile’s fake If I made a mistake But look, When I’m with you it’s like a fire inside me
“Bye-Bye” feeling more like ordered jail time Getting shy because it’s you right by my side, All symptoms of love
If we spent a day Past an inch away I can’t bear to think how our half-hearts would separate
I try play nice But it isn’t right Saying “I’m OK” would be such a lie! 
Do you know what it means?  To love entirely? If so, Fall in my arms and you can OVERHEAT with me
All the secret things I only wanna say to you All the dreams that only you can make come true
Are symptoms of love
Don’t you know what I mean? Don’t you feel incomplete? Without, A girl who crushes on you ‘til it crushes you
Even every time I test your durability, Even when we practise breaking up ritually It’s symptoms of love
All the secret things I only wanna say to you All the dreams that only you can make come true Are symptoms of love~
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httpiastri · 1 year
Hiii Love!
Gosh, I haven't been here in a while! I hope your doing good!
I actually managed to watch the race last Sunday, which is the first race I have watched since the summer break. That's so crazy 🙈 but I am just trying to get the most of the nice weather before it just starts to rain all the time here.
I am so so happy about choosing to do the year abroad, and even though sometimes there are harder days (like when my au pair kids do the opposite of what I tell them to do) and it gets frustrating, I love this work and the country and the kids of course! One of them was all cuddly today and didn't wanna stop hugging me 🥰
But the race was so good! Even though I am very... unsure what to think about Carlos as a person, I love love love Carlando and the teamwork at the end of the race was everything!! Gosh, I was so nervous!
I was planning on watching the race on Sunday as well, because it's early in the morning before I could go out, but now it turns out I am going out the night before and won't be home till 3 am 🙈 I really don't think I'm gonna be able to keep my eyes open to watch or even get up. How did I do this back home??
I don't know if I missed anything because I haven't read all of the asks, but did you come to a decision about your University? Just if you wanna talk about it :)
Also, I read that you were struggling a bit about a writer's block and I just wanna say that just starting is the most important thing, even if it might be absolute bullshit! You can always improve it later! Hope it resolves itself soon and you have more time to write as well!!
hello love! i’ve missed you!! i’ve been doing good, how about you? <33
aw im glad you got to watch the race, it was a good one!! not just the boring old “max verstappen wins by 64 seconds” race 🤭 i’ve been kinda unsure about my feelings about carlos recently too but i can’t say no to carlando, such an iconic and lovely pairing 🥰 just wish it had been swapped around so lando had the win!
but yes you’re right for enjoying the weather and spending time with the kids! i’m really glad you feel like going away to be an au pair is the right thing 🥺 since i work with kids too (they’re probably a bit older than yours, though?…) i really get you, it can be annoying at times but it’s also so much fun. and a cuddly child 🥺😭 that’s so sweet awwww i’m so happy for you about this whole thing 🫶
oh god if you’re up that late then it indeed would be hard to stay awake 😩 good thing you can always watch it later! and i hope you have a great night out 😁😁 idk how i’m gonna survive it either, i really wanna catch up on some sleep this weekend… why couldn’t this weekend be a later race 😔😔
about uni, i ended up not going and instead i’m taking a course in journalism at another university! it’s only once a week though, so i’ve been working these last few weeks. first time i’ve ever worked an actual 9-5 job for more than like two days 😵 i’ve done so many other types of work but this is new territory. it’s quite alright so far! the only problem being that i never fall asleep until 1am at the earliest, so i never get a lot of sleep :/ well well!
you’re very right, always when i get a block i just sit down and force myself to write either way. i have barely had any time at all to write these last few weeks tho so i haven’t gotten around to doing it. i did manage to sit down last night though and had a good writing moment! but it was at 2am so my work today is going to suffer from it 🥲 thank you love!
i hope you have a great weekend sweetheart 🥰🥰
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xoteajays · 2 years
ღ ava and sambucky!
oh i do love and miss these idiot bastards (affectionate).
who’s the first to wake up in the morning: probably sam. he’s got a routine. otherwise maybe bucky.
who’s the one to make breakfast: sam or ava. sam because he wakes up earliest and he loves his bf and gf even if they’re lazy and sleep in; ava because it’s part of her personal growth to reconnect with being korean through the food, so she cooks a lot. i like to imagine that bucky cannot cook well because 1940s food is gross (and he wasn’t exactly cooking at the winter soldier).
who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: ava will, especially on the rare occasion she’s up first. sam will call them out of bed to the table, he’s not giving into their whining.
who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: ava. all the gd time, not just in the morning. 
who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: also ava, sometimes bucky if he really doesn’t want to do it. sam never because he’s an adult despite sometimes being chaotic.
who chooses the movies: usually sam because he has the wider range of movie knowledge. ava only watches what interests her (and korean movies to help her with learning the language), and bucky hasn’t seen a movie that was made after the 30s.
who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: ava usually if she thinks the movie is boring. if the one or both of the others agree they’re kinda bored of it too, they’ll go along with it. otherwise, one might complain that their not paying attention before getting dragged into it.
who orders lunch: ava because she’s deeply wired into the best food joints on where ever in the world they are.
who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: ava usually, sam on occasion. bucky is always sour about it, but he won’t stop them until like the third for fourth steal.
who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: surprisingly, bucky.
who distracts the other from trying to work at home: ava does not do her work-required paperwork. she will try to drag her boys down to her level.
who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: ava. she knows the best place in the city! they have to go!
who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: sam. of ava because she’s cute. of bucky because he’s going to bully him.
who makes a s.exual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: probably sam or bucky.
who cooks dinner: like breakfast, bucky is not allowed near the kitchen (to cook). it’s either ava or sam or ava and sam.
who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: they all attempt to, but bucky insists and complains the entire time about how many knives and stuff they used. 
who stays up until 2am reading: bucky until ava gets annoyed by the light and telekinetically switches it off.
who stares at their partner while their sleeping: ava. usually at bucky. half the time to just look, the other half to gently wake him if he starts to have a nightmare.
who kisses their partner while they sleep: it’s not particularly safe to be kissing sam or bucky while they sleep. they’ve both got too-quick reflexes and bucky has trauma so if he’s shocked awake, it might not end well. on the other hand, they think ava sleeps like the dead and thus sometimes kiss her to wake her up. in actuality, ava’s telekinesis usually wakes her to movement in the room and she just pretends to stay asleep.
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y01te-moved · 6 years
honestly lately ive been like.. pretty self conscious about how much sleep i get and things are not looking very excellent
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youremyonlyhope · 4 years
It’s a quarter to 1am, I have to be up by 7:30am work. So of course now is a great time to watch a bootleg of the Pippin tour from like 5 years ago.
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 years
I’m about to tear my house apart looking for my blackout curtains that I know exist somewhere so I can destroy my circadian rhythm. How are you guys doing
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jyunshiim · 3 years
when the moon kisses the sea ⤷ 𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Genre → Slow burn (?) | fluff | Hyunjin! neighbour | friends to lovers |
Contains → fluff 
Listen to →  a duet between the piano and the moon
Word count → 4K
TW → none
Chapters → oneshot
Summary → from observing the moon glaze the ocean from your bedroom window, dancing in the moonlight alone enduring pure the happiness you felt, you notice a new light across from your bedroom. A new face, a new friendship, a new way of living life. 
Authors note → ‘italics with inverted commas’ are for Hyunjin’s speak / thoughts. Bold is for the readers speech / thoughts. Speech marks are used as normal; once characters meet these are no longer in use.
‘You pushed your window out as far as it could go and opened your curtains wide open, your lamp on the dimmest setting to the point where there was no need to even have it on since the moonlight illuminated your bedroom. You leaned against your window ledge and rested your tired head on your palm, gazing into the sea where the moon’s reflection kissed the ripples and waves that rolled onto the pearlescent sand - even thought it was 2:34 am, you could tell the sand was pearly. Your carefree dancing in your bedroom, moving with the wind and the breeze without a care in the world. That was my first impression of you, you were an interesting character I was yet to meet …”
As you heave open your window until it opens as wide as it possibly could, you glance up at the milky orb in the abyss above you. You sigh to yourself; “it’s just you and me against the world, don’t fail me,” you scold the moon jokily. It was a little sad how you’d talk to the moon in your bedroom alone although the moon provided you with the utmost comfort when you had no one. You sit on your window ledge with your black kitten plushie in your lap and a notebook with a pen wedged into the spiral spine. Writing was your passion as well as gaining further knowledge about astronomy - although it was super hard- though people called you a poet since you wrote from deep within your heart. The tides came in gently rolling onto the grains that cloaked the beach; it was quiet. The leaves and trees rustled in the silence though it wasn’t a problem to you since your bedroom was filled with the melodious sounds of music. You liked listening to classical music during the earliest hours of the morning - 2am and later- as you noted down your ideas, feelings and thoughts with swift motions. Luckily, you found some quiet since the construction outside was halted for the night; a new home was being built next to your home and you wondered who would move in. Perhaps an elderly couple who needed a beach view, a family with young, loud children or perhaps a young, newly wed couple. The possibilities were endless. Sometimes you would fall asleep on your window ledge and wake up to the sun scorching the side of your face. The ceiling fan in your bedroom whirred, buzzing in one ear and the bluetooth speaker on a low volume playing one of your favourite orchestral pieces. Your bedroom lamp that sat towering over your paperclips and sticky notes was set to a warm light on a low setting too; your bedroom wasn’t a mess today, only a few things were misplaced like the charging cords on the floor and the dejected childhood teddy, tattered and frayed wedged into a box of ring binders and paper. It didnt bother you, that was your charm - forgetting things and misplacing things but being ever so focused on the one thing you love. That was you. 
Your left cheek was scalding and it was none other than you sleeping against the window again, clutching your kitten plushie and notebook close to your chest. Your door was open ajar again meaning either your sister or your mother walked in to check if you woke up yet. Work. Panic struck, you scurried through your dresser and your clothes to find your work attire - you completely forgot you started at 12:35 today and it was 12pm already. Your notebook and plushie sat looking over the ocean although this time with the ocean lapping slowly onto the shore. You began walking to the bus stop praying you weren’t yelled at by your manager today but to your convenience, a large van blocked your vision to even see the bus come your way. Your groaned in downright distress and held your head in your hand running back to your house to beg your sister for a lift to your work place. Of course with all siblings there’s always a small negotiation and a quarrel; you had to give her some cash in order for her to drop you. A deals a deal but at least you were at home for the fraction of the time.
‘ I told my father the bus stop was a bad place to stop but I couldnt blame him, we couldnt turn because of someone waiting at the bus stop. I can’t blame her either, she seemed so… panicked. It’s true, I felt bad because I was in that moving van but maybe one day i’ll make it up to her. I wondered she worked, cafe perhaps?  A hairdressing assistant? Or maybe a waitress? Whatever she worked as she looked too young to be a lawyer or something so prestigious although it’s not good to judge before hand now is it. Never, i’ll know her better one day, she looked like she was from the same neighbourhood I’m moving into and also looked around my age…’
You sat at the reception of the hairdressers, boredom striking you like a bolt of lighting. It wasn’t very busy today so you waited for time to tick by. “Any new appointments yet Kit?” the manager sighs with a coffee in her hands - how typical of a manager - you shake your head. ‘Kit’ was your nickname at work because you apparently reminded them of a baby fox. Who knew the reason but you thought it was cute. 3pm and you were off to have your lunch break and though it was a late one you were glad to at least move your legs a bit and get something to drink. The door to the coffee shop next door chimes and the barista greets you with a great smile. Iced vanilla latte. You’ve been craving one since you had that one dream that you went to cafe with someone and they bought you a iced vanilla latte. You’ve been getting strange dreams and as you seated yourself at a window seat, you pondered about them. One time you dreamt that you were in a verduous space, a wide path adorned with tall hanging trees that loomed over you. It was chilling indeed - not in a relaxing way - but there was an element of safety within that dream. You looke down to see you hand interlocked with someone and it’s ever so typical of dreams to just blur out that person. Just a smear in your memory, you just couldn’t fully remember who it was though the laugh they gave was hearty and full of pure happiness. You couldn’t forget. But a dream is a dream right? They’re not real. 
Break time is over… back to work you go.
‘The new home was absolutely wonderful. The seascape below was so new to me and hearing it was so calming. It was a new start for me. My bedroom window was wide; a lot of natural lighting and I loved that indeed. The window faced  the ocean to a degree but was right opposite my neighbour. Judging from the sheet curtains and the piano on the opposite side of the bed, they seemed like a girl who loved music perhaps? Possibly even around my age although I cannot judge can I? I’ll meet them some day, if we’re destined to.’ 
Tiresome and fatigued, you drop onto your bed as soon as you get home from work. Your new neighbours were quite strident whilst moving in, hearing boxes being placed, talking, laughter - that laughter. There was one that sounded like the one you dreamt of? Perhaps you were too overly tired since you slept at 4am the night before but who’s to judge you but yourself? There were birds nattering outside on the roof of the new house opposite; as you were watching them, a shadow walked out of the room opposite. You hoped they didnt see you and continued to do what you needed to do and the first on the list was to water the flowers outside in your garden. There was a yapping of a small dog coming from the garden next door and a couple people talking about something, one sounding distressed.
“ Kkami’s ball fell over the fence,” a young male voice spoke out sounding out of breath. Kkami? Kkami must be his dog. You look in your garden to see a red squeaky ball and glance over to the fence, should you just throw it over? It was now in your grasp and the most polite thing would be to return it so you lifted your arm and threw it over. You head a ‘ouch’,  it did not just hit them on the head! You continued to water the plants and your flowers. “Mother, the neighbour threw Kkami’s ball back!” He sounded happier now. You were going to cross paths with him a lot more… a lot more than you thought anyway… 
It was June 14th and your bedroom window was wide open to allow some sort of breeze to glide in. Your curtains were open and you were sitting cross legged on your bed flicking through your book, letting the entire vibe just settle. Ever since you moved to the home you were living in you visited the beach 3 times; once for a beach party with your friends; another time with your family during summer when the sun was practically scalding your skin; the last time was alone although it started to rain which was just plain bad luck. You went to close your window but that’s when the universe decided to change something, an energy shifted. Your eyes locked with a dark brown haired man? No boy! Well, you couldn’t really judge. The sheer shock and fear was quite evident on both of your faces, the male in the house opposite just got out of the shower! Luckily he was just shirtless with his chestnut toned hair stuck to his forehead only just shirtless though. . He broke out into a smile and you simply raised your hand. ‘That was kinda endearing’ You quickly shut your window and darted towards your door. What was that for? Why did you do that! You ask yourself. He was shirtless, what if he thought you were weird! Many thoughts scrambled your poor mind but you tried to not let it bother you, maybe writing ‘I’m sorry for staring at you’ on your window is a good idea! Are you dumb? That’s so strange! Maybe just an ‘I’m sorry’? A simple apology is straightforward and effective. In fact, you just left it and didn’t do anything hoping he’d just simply forget about it and wouldn’t talk of it again.
Your heart thumped out of your chest like it was trying to resuscitate itself back to life. Was that normal? The palpitations were getting oddly frequent. “Do you mind? I’m trying to study here!” you speak to yourself softly before glancing to see your neighbours desk facing your window; he seemed to be doing some type of work too? He looked up and it felt as if the world stopped spinning for a split second for you, the moon began shining brighter and the stars were gleaming harder - just in that second. A simple smile is all he returned. You smiled to yourself and thought that this could be something good and that you could have a new friend like you see in movies. Who knows? You found yourself asleep at your desk at 6:45 AM, your notebook wide open with some ink smeared because you suddenly slept on it. It was the weekend and you had time to sleep in although you had to leave for your job at midday. 12:15 PM, you walk down the stairs humming a melody that you've played on your piano and into the kitchen before you get a glimpse of people in the living room with your mother. “Oh you’re awake! What good timing, these are our new neighbours and their son who’s your age,” your mother smiles as they all turn around to you and there he was. Smiling at you fondly with a single strand of hair lingering at his forehead. “Hi, i’m Hyunjin by the way,” he raised his hand giving a slight wave and a side smile. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you and I don't mean to be rude but I am super late for work right now and I have to go-” you panic before dashing for the door. You dismiss yourself before biting the back of your hand for embarrassing yourself.
“Hey neighbor!” you hear before you walk into your home after your shift. You freeze at your front door and turn around with a painted smile to see it was your neighbour Hyunjin - Dream boy. “Oh hey! How are you?” you ask him. He smiles and points towards your feet; “ you’re stepping on my dog's toy,” he giggles as he bends to pick it up. You never felt more embarrassed. “ We met earlier but we didnt get to talk but it seems like you’re busy and injured,” he points to the back of your hand which you hide behind your back. “Oh yeah sorry about that i’m so busy with uni and work and i barely have time to even talk to my parents so i-” you ramble before he interrupts politely. “ well here’s my number so we can text any time you’re free since we’ll be seeing each other more often,” he smiles before leaving a little note in your free hand and taking his dog’s toy. “Talk later window friend,” he smiles. Friend? Did he just call you friend? Of course he did. That’s Hyunjin.
Hyunjin was a talented dancer and a genius at physics. Surprisingly, he loved philosophy and learning about it since he studied philosophy in his previous university. Hyunjin had a welcoming personality; his strong, passionate and king aura radiating warmth and compassion. An all round nice person to be friends with. 
You sit on your bed cross legged and hold the note and your phone in the other hand, side eyeing the window to see if he was there and then turning your head around since you were certain he wasn’t there. You were wrong. He picks up his phone and points at it before pointing back at you and you shake your head, of course he playfully drags his finger down his face to indicate he was crying. Your roll your eyes and type his number in and message him.
You: what?
HJ: omg you finally messaged me, i just wanna get to know you :D
You: I suppose I didn’t make the best impression on your family earlier did i? 
HJ: no my parents though you were a hard worker, I must say I do agree, do you always sleep on your desk. 
Oh no.. he saw you passed out on your desk from studying til the early hours of the morning.
You: no i don’t, don’t tease me on that!
Minutes pass, hours pass and you and Hyunjin sit at the window talking all night, getting to know each other and becoming closer by sharing things in common. Your eyes match and lock every time there was a sweet exchange of words, the internal giggling you endured  when he teased you in the most winsome ways, the way his fingertips were raking his chestnut locks back and smirking sweetly at you. It felt nice having someone to experience your early hours of the morning with. It seemed like a perfect start to a long term friendship. One thing caught you off guard:
HJ: are you free tomorrow night to hang out? 
It was the fact he asked about tomorrow night and not any other time of the day. Of course without a second thought you replied with a simple ‘sure:)’ and turned off your lights to go to bed. Though the fluttery sensations toyed with you, it was bizzare to you; Inexplicably extraordinary even! Forget it. It’s the nerves talking nothing more.
The following night was blissful; the ocean’s waves softly crashing against the bay of the beach below against the gritty sand which appeared to look like satin spread across for miles. You wait at the window again, watching the evening go by; the elderly couples walking hand in hand across the beach; the puppies experiencing the sand for the first time; the sun finally kissing the ocean goodnight before the moon rose to dance on the motionless ocean. There was a sudden flicker disrupting your train of thought and it was him. Hyunjin. He was searching for his jacket all of a sudden and caught you staring at him. Without fail he smiled at you with great compassion you could almost feel it radiating off his body, gleaming. 
HJ: grab a jacket, it gets colder during the night 
Where on earth were you both off to? You met him outside your front door and he waved at you again. “Seems like the first time we met,” he smiles again, his eyes turning into the crescents you loved to see in the night sky. “In my house or when I was stepping on your dogs toy?” you laugh back. “Hmm the second time seems a lot more memorable, since you didn't even realise you were standing on Kkami’s toy,” his hand rests on your shoulder. “No worries, Kkami forgives you even if you don't know his name.”. You roll your eyes, “come on, you just moved in and now you’re making fun of me?” you poke his arm. “Hmm, friendly banter?” he shrugs and flashes a mischievous smile. He begins to walk and you follow, standing by his side. His complexion was illuminated by the moonlight, highlighting his features; the sharpness of his jaw, the way his lips were naturally a rosey pink. It was interesting how such an angelic person existed with such a vivacious personality balanced out perfectly with the correct amount of introversion. He was like a warm spring’s day and a garden of freshly bloomed flowers dispelling such sweet fragrance. He reminded you of a freshly baked pie left at an open window for cooling. It was hard to explain, though that’s what he made you feel. “How many times have you come down to the beach?” he asked you whilst swaying side to side. “Hmm not many, maybe 3 times in my whole life?” you reply without having a second thought. He gasps. You stopped and looked at him with such confusion tilting your head at him. “Why what? Did I say something wrong?” you look around. “How could you miss out on something like this?” he points at the beach and the ocean. “I can see it from my window, what more could I ask for?” you shrug. He grabs your hand; “hey we are NOT this close yet!” you yelp before he drags you into the sand. The smile on his face lights up right in front of you. He seemed so happy. Genuine happiness. Your heart felt so warm. Though you were not happy about your shoes getting covered in sand that’s for sure. “Hyunjin -” you whine at him meanwhile he excitedly swings his arm around your shoulder. “I never took you for a whiner,” he giggle before looking up at the stars.
“The stars are so bright tonight,” Hyunjin looks up, encapsulated by it’s heavenly beauty. “Are you into astrology and all that?” you ask him shrugging slighting so his arm falls off your shoulders. He didn’t seem to have minded at your gestures, he wanted to respect you as his new friend. “I am, I think the stars have such an interesting meaning don’t you think?” he turns to you, the speckles of light from the stars glossing his umber orbs that were glazed slightly by the pale moonlight. “I don’t know, I never really thought of it much thought the moon seemed to have given me some type of comfort, it’s just so weird,” you pause, “don't worry,” you ridicule yourself. “Well, maybe you might change your mind,” he smiles, pulling the draw strings of his hoodie tighter, “it’s getting colder, maybe we should head home.” he turns around beginning to walk though you stood there watching the ocean lapping onto wet sand. It was unusual; the ocean was pitch black almost hidden, almost like the moon during the day.Perhaps people were like that too? Hidden in the open, ready to be seen though it takes some time to finally be noticed. Those who do notice the true beauty of the moon and the ocean are those who appreciate the small things, notice the small intricacies of what makes these things so valuable. Hyunjin was one of those people who notice the small valuable things in life, it was indeed an admirable quality you saw in him.
“You alright? Are you not cold?” he taps your shoulder. “Oh yeah, let’s go,” you shove your hands into your pockets and stroll alongside him. “That was a nice talk,” he smiles, ear to ear. “It was and I suppose we should do this more often?” you suggest. You never usually suggest things like this so this was a first. Hyunjin’s warm smile felt like a pleasant spring day, a cool fruit tea; “no need to ask, we’re friends now,” he holds out his pinkie finger and you look at it blankly. What’s that supposed to mean? “Make the promise and lock it girl next door,” he inches slightly closer to you. “Alright alright, don’t come any closer then,” and that’s when you made the promise and locked it. 
Never break promises.
Months pass, around 6 months, and you and Hyunjin became very close friends. It was easy to connect with him, he was like a friendly golden retriever. You discovered that he was a very talented dancer and also incredibly intellectual. You saw the way he studied; his eyes scanning his textbooks, the window slightly ajar to let in the breeze, the desk lamp set to a warm and dimmed so it wasn’t too disruptive to any other neighbours. Your stomach churned and twisted like it was making its own dough, abnormal indeed though it started ever since you started to spend more time with Hyunjin. Hyunjin would ask to meet you at the window or ask you to take a stroll down the beach with him. 
Tonight it was warm and pleasant. Hyunjin walked by your side and handed you one of his headphones; “what’s this for?” you ask puzzled as to why he would just hand it to you. “ Music usually helps with silence, sometimes there just isn’t much to say,” - he wasn't wrong and he was very much correct. You willingly took the headphone and placed it to your ear and you were surprised at the music he listened to. Slow yet fulfilling to listen to. “I would have never guessed this is the music you liked?” The subtle smile he gave spoke a million words. Gestures that were deemed irrelevant to you prior to meeting him suddenly meant a lot  like the gentle hand on the shoulder or the way his eyes softly blinked when he was listening to you speak. Speaking from the heart, you had to admit there was steady proliferation of your emotions to him but your stubbornness refused to confess; however today everything seemed to have merged within your path. As you both sat on the sand, hands buried deep within the grains gazing up at the bleak sky that was adorned with speckles of light and glitter, Hyunjin began to speak. 
“Have you ever seen a dolphin in your dreams recently?” it was a strange question to ask nevertheless you responded with something simple. “I haven’t, it’s a weird question to ask,” you couldn't help but smile at his confused expression. “Ahh okay,” he buries his face into his palms “i feel so stupid!” his cheeks visibly going red. “Why is that?” you nudge him. 
Dolphins are a symbol of protection and often signify needing some freedom from tumultuous emotions that an individual has been enduring. Hyunjin was embarrassed to even utter what was on his mind but he had to at some point right? 
Under the pale moonlight that began to beam brightly, it was endearing to see Hyunjins ears blush with a  pink tinge, his face buried between his hands. “Is it weird to say,” he paused for a moment before gathering himself together, “i’ve fallen for you, really hard,” you could hear the pit in his throat as his voice began to sound croaky and hoarse. Everything became muffled; the ocean crashing against the shore, the breeze skimming the sands, your own heartbeat was the only thing that was deafening to you as it thumped out of your chest and into your hands. “Sorry, that was a bit out of line, I- I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” Hyunjin’s voice began to get shakier and that isn’t what you wanted. “NO-” you burst, “I mean, no, not at all,” you couldn’t help but let a smile loose. During that very moment the red threads were tightening meaning that two souls have finally met the way they should have. The sudden silence was abrupt yet soothing and in this moment whatever happened, happened. Hyujin’s hazel irises observed you for a moment before you felt his hand slide up the side of your cheek, his thumb brushing over your cheek thought you didn't move at all and you knew you didn’t want to. 
It was like a rollercoaster that sat at the top before the big drop, you didn’t know what to expect. That’s when your heart stopped for a moment; Hyunjin’ free hand held onto your hand as he leaned into a tender kiss that was burning with passion. You weren’t certain with your feelings until this very moment when you pushed yourself towards him. How did you and the boy next door fall for each other? It was as if fate was on your side for once. For the first time ever, you felt like your feelings have been reciprocated, the way Hyunjin treated you was something almost too heavenly to imagine. “I thought you would react badly...” Hyunjin shyly looked down, but you shake your head and lay a wholesome kiss on his forehead. “of course not, you went with your heart and i’m glad you did because that’s what I love about you, you follow what your heart tells you,” your hand caresses his cheek as he tilts his head into your palm intentionally. A new way of living had just begun. From strangers to neighbours, neighbours to friends and from friends to much much more. 
The moon and the ocean were so close yet so far to which they would only meet at the horizon when the moon would set and the sun would appear. The moon gleamed with rich pale rays of light onto the ocean just like Hyunjin’s enthusiasm and playfulness would compliment your toned down, almost mysterious personality. That’s how Hyunjin described you and himself because the most beautiful moment to witness is when the moon kisses the sea. 
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kiddiesmores · 4 years
Can i have some soft hc kenma crumbs where he comforts his crying s/o because they think kenma deserves someone better than them 🥺👉👈
yes ofc ofc, i hope you like it
gif isn’t mine
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he hated when you cried
he’s not the best comforter but for you he’ll always try
his heart breaks when tears leave those pretty eyes
so when he hears the tiny sobs that leave your mouth from his game chair he’s quick to get up and hold onto you
“what’s wrong kitten?” he’d ask pressing you against his chest, “am i not giving you enough attention? do you need me to take a break, shhh it’s okay, you can tell me”
but that made you feel worse
“n-no, it’s the opposite really.”
ken was confused
“why are you with me kenma? i’m not the best partner yknow. i-i-i-i stay up too late, i sleep in too much. i cry too much, i barely wanna get up and go out. i cling to you all the time and-and-and i know you could do so much better”
yeah kenma wasn’t having that
“well first of all we share a sleep schedule so that really isn’t a issue.”
he wipes your face with his hoodie sleeve, “you do cry a lot yes. and i hate it.”
you whimper
“not like that bug, i hate that you’re so sad. we all have our bad days, but i wish i could make sure i’d never have to see those tears fall because someone or something upset or hurt you. you’re so precious and the only time i wanna see you cry is when we’re making love at 2am”
your mouth gaped a bit, words not leaving because kenma never talks like this
not to you at least, maybe if he’s really tired when he talks to kuroo in a discord call he’ll spill his love for you, but he prefers actions over words
“saying i can do better than you is like telling me to order something other than apple pie.”
he kisses your head, “nothing is better. i only want you. i need you.”
your hands tugged on his bouncing ball hoodie strings, shifting yourself up to kiss his lips
his gentle hands rubbing up and down your back as he kissed you so sweetly, slowly, taking in your senses
once you pulled away, your face nuzzled into his chest
kenmas lips got closer to your ear, “and as far as clinging goes..”
he kissed your lobe, feeling your chest rise slowly, you had fallen asleep
“..i wouldn’t mind if you even clung a little tighter. i always want you by my side, forever”
kenma layed down slowly, your body now draped across his
his hands still rubbing up and down your back, thinking about how much he loves you
a quick glance at the clock, it was only 1:28am
he chuckled a bit to himself, “this is the earliest they’ve slept all week”
his eyes started to close, sleep taking over him, you right on top
just how he likes it
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arhvste · 4 years
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summary - you and kuroo play hide and seek in the early hours of morning after the hot nights of mid august prevent you both from falling asleep - fluff
this was actually a prompt written by @emma_ichihara on tiktok that i absolutely needed to write about after i saw it so thank u for that queen <3
warnings - none
The heat in your bedroom was unbearable. Then again, you couldn’t say you didn’t expect it to be as mid august is always going to be a pain to sleep through.
You tossed about in your sheets flailing your arms and legs about trying to get some sort of breeze across your limbs only to flop down in frustration. Grabbing your phone from the side of your bed you checked the time. 2:27AM.
Your eyes squinted at the brightness of the screen and you put your phone back down only to hear it vibrate on the surface as soon as you let go of the device. Assuming it was going to be a random notification from one of your apps you almost decided to ignore it but something told you to check regardless.
Your eyes once again squinting as they adjusted to the luminous light emitting from your phone contrasting against the darkness of your room. Your heart fluttered as you read through the notification.
2:28AM - tetsoup : i know ur up right now
You unlocked your phone as you typed out your reply. A conversation flowing between the two of you.
2:28AM - thot chan : okay u got me sue me for not being able to handle the heat
2:29AM - tetsoup : would’ve thought after being around me so much you’d be able to handle the hot ;)
2:29AM - thot chan : ur a chemistry nerd u aren't hot
2:29AM - tetsoup : fail ur next chemistry exam for all i care dont ask me for help :(
2:30AM - thot chan : you wound me captain
2:30AM - thot chan : and what are u doing up right now?
2:31AM - tetsoup : same as u genius, this heat is making my body perspire more than what i’d like
2:31AM - thot chan : lmao that means u finna be smelly. go take a cold shower u farm animal
2:31AM - tetsoup : at 2am? i don't think so u imbecile, i have a better solution though
2:32AM - thot chan : and that is?
You stared at your phone expecting a reply quickly but after 5 minutes it never came.
‘Idiot must’ve fallen asleep’
You hummed as you set your phone back down and allowed your head to hit back against the soft pillows on your bed. The heat was still bothering you so it didn’t look like you were going to be getting much sleep, regardless you still tried by closing your eyes and trying to force your brain into drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Not even 4 minutes into your attempt at forced sleep you heard your phone vibrate softly against the wood of your bedside table. Snatching it up towards your face you stared at the notification in disbelief.
2:43AM - tetsoup : im outside ur house hurry up the bugs are eating me alive
This boy.
Swinging your legs off the hurricane of sheets, pillows and your comforter, you dragged yourself over to the window to peek through your blinds. There stood your tall boyfriend with a big hoodie and sweatpants on, signature bedhead with his hands in his pockets patiently waiting for your arrival.
You smiled slightly. He really had your whole heart and you couldn’t deny that even if you tried.
Grabbing one of his hoodies you had ‘borrowed’ you threw on your shoes and quietly made your way to the front door carefully not wanting to disturb your parents and have them question your activities.
“Finally, my body was about to start decomposing from all the bugs attacking me from just standing here.”
“Sounds like a you problem.”
Kuroo pulled your smaller frame into his significantly larger one as you inhaled the scent of his hoodie. He buried his head into the crook of your neck as he gave it a soft kiss before looking back down at you.
“Come on let's go.”
You hummed in curiosity but allowed the boy to take your smaller hand into his larger calloused one and lead the way to the unknown destination.
It wasn’t rare for you and Kuroo to meet up during the night. Sure you spent a lot of time together most days but there was something about being the only ones out in such public places that made you both feel as if you were the only ones in the world. This feeling never got old to the pair of you as everytime the two of you met up in the earliest hours of morning you would find yourselves falling in love all over again with each other. These hours were the ones you held close to your evergrowing heart.
After 5 minutes of walking through the peaceful streets in your neighbourhood, Kuroo led you to the playground the two of you and Kenma would find yourselves occupied most days after school back when you were all younger. The place was such a public and overlooked one, but you all still cherished the memories created there and would sometimes find yourselves reminiscing on those times whenever you’d come back.
You let go of your boyfriend’s hand as you climbed onto the climbing structure which years ago would’ve proven to be more of a challenge for you to reach the top too. The platform a lot smaller than it used to be, you grabbed the railing and allowed a gentle breeze to run through the locks of your hair.
Kuroo looked up at you, adoration twinkling in his eyes. To him you were everything. He had known you ever since he first moved into the neighbourhood with his dad and grandparents. He used to find talking to others a struggle and found Kenma particularly hard to communicate with. You however, took the opportunity to get both boys to open up more to each other right by the reigns and within your first 6 months of being acquainted with each other, you had managed to get both boys comfortable enough to call you and each other a friend in confidence. For that, Kuroo was eternally grateful and even more so when you accepted his romantic feelings towards you 3 years ago.
“Let’s play hide and seek, you know, like we used to.”
You turned smiling to the beheaded captain. He gave you his signature smirk and turned around.
“You’ve got 30 seconds, be prepared to lose immediately.”
You laughed as he began to count up to 30, crouching behind a slide that you thought covered yourself from his view. It actually took Kuroo 54 seconds to find you and you turned the childish game into a small competition between the two of you, tallying up who could find the other the fastest each time.
It got to your 13th round and this time you were hiding inside the slide. Kuroo had yet to find you and it had been 8 minutes already. This confused you slightly as the usually perceptive boy would’ve found you by now. You climbed out of the slide and onto the platform as you glanced around your surroundings seeing no signs of him.
You raised your eyebrow as you knew the boy surely must be messing with you. He would never actually abandon you especially without letting you know.
Cupping your hands to both sides of your mouth you let yourself lean towards the railing of the climbing structure.
“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo!”
You called out while continuing to scan the area in your view.
What you weren’t expecting was for strong arms to find their way around your waist as you felt someone's hot breath against the skin on your neck.
“I’m right here, my beautiful Juliet.”
You gasped as Kuroo kissed your neck before spinning you around to look at you directly. One of his hands supporting your back and the other moving a piece of loose hair away from your face, he stared into your eyes which twinkled under the stars. You smiled widely at him as he admired your gorgeous face.
He allowed his hand to trail down your neck until he moved his fingers to weave through your hair delicately. Moving his head down, he softly kissed your lips as you melted into his touch. Your hands moved to his broad shoulders as he deepened the kiss making you sigh in satisfaction. You hummed as he drew small circles on your back with his long fingers let your own hands move towards his untamable hair and rake through it resulting in a hum of approval from him.
You both pulled away as you studied each other's expressions. In that moment Kuroo had fallen for you even deeper if that was possible. Every fibre in his being adored you and it took so much self control to not just tackle you off the structure and cuddle you forever. You were his soulmate he was sure of that. The idea of love had never crossed Kuroo’s mind until middle school when you had both grown up a little bit more. He was focused on volleyball and keeping up his grades but you were always at the back of his mind driving him crazy to the point where he felt he had no other choice than to explore these foreign feelings for you. He would argue that by confessing to you, he had made the best decision in his life. You brought nothing but pure light into his life he was convinced you were some sort of guardian angel. You couldn’t be real. You were a living goddess and there were times when he’d feel like you were too good to be true.
The feelings were mutual on your side too. Kuroo Tetsuro had been a challenge for you to get to open up but when he did he didnt hold back on subconsciously taking your heart and occupying your thoughts on the daily. The two of you held such a deep and indescribable love for each other sometimes you felt like it was too hard to contain.
Brought back to reality by your hand caressing his cheek Kuroo turned to you and smiled so genuinely.
“Y/N, I am so so in love with you.”
“I know Tetsu. I love you too. So much.”
You pecked his cheek as he guided you off the climbing structure and onto the soft grass surrounding the playground.
You both laid there in a comfortable silence as you allowed the sounds of distant cars passing through the busy city of tokyo, and the soft sounds of crickets chirping as you cuddled up to Kuroo’s chest.
He wrapped his muscular arms around you and pulled you close to him whispering “I love you” over and over again quietly enough for only you to hear.
The early morning had reached 3AM and you both knew you’d have to make your way back to your homes soon but right now nothing else mattered.
The only thing on your minds was the fact you were both stupidly in love with each other and you would continue to allow yourselves to fall in love over and over again as you stared at the stars whispering small professions of love to one another for the remaining time you spent outside.
Kuroo Tetsuro, a perceptive boy who hadn’t considered love until you came into his life, had never felt such raw emotion in his life and it was these early hour moments which he would hold close to his heart for the rest of his life which he had planned to go through with you by his side.
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imagines-mha · 4 years
class 1-B and night routines
Monoma: if monoma doesn’t annoy at least 2 people per night he simply will not sleep. Wears the comfiest pyjamas- like a 100% cotton top and plaid pj bottoms and everyones so fuckin jealous. He tells everyone he has a 16 step self-care routine he does every night but he really just brushes his teeth and then sits on his phone for like 2 hours? Ike what do you GET out of lying??? 
Tetsutetsu: he thinks going to bed after 11pm is criminal. Literally doesn’t understand the cryptidcrew™️ who DONT MF SLEEP. Works out before bed which is 👌🏻👌🏻 OOF. Aw hes the type of friend to make everyone tea and toast and send them asmr videos if they cant sleep i love him. He usually spends his night dancing around with pony and working off all his ENERGY
Kendo: “yall im turning into bed i’m too tired for this shit” “kendo it’s 7pm”
My girl will retire to her room as early as she can (usually with the rest of the girls) and she just RELAXES. Like self-care to the max: paints her nails, watches tv, plans her tomorrow, showers. She’s usually asleep at 10pm and wakes up the next morning full energy I want what she has
Awase: he has the WORST sleep schedule like fr. Literally sits up on tiktok until 3am and he’s just like “oh shit i’m up at 7…” *continues scrolling* like bro GET UR ASS TO BED U HAVE TRAINING AT 6AM. His night routine ain’t anything special- he sleeps in sweats and always keeps his window open (although someone told him about banshees once and now hes lowkey terrified lmao)
Kaibara- the type to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up at 4 in the morning to find tsuburaba in the kitchen eating a full course meal and he just SIGHS and goes up to bed in the worst mood bc why tf are his friends so WEIRD. Likes to watch the stars and edit pictures before he sleeps- its so therapeutic to him and also productive so he’s winning
Rin- he drinks coffee every night after midnight and then goes “oh my fuck shit i just drank coffee why am i like this” like congrats u fuckin dumbass now u ain’t gonna sleep. And he never fuckin learns. Always does his hw at like 11pm, Also stays up way too late binge-watching star wars smh 
Tsuburaba: he gets up every night and treats himself to a three-course meal in the kitchen no cap no sound awareness my man will be blending shit full blast at 2 in the morning. Usually falls asleep sitting at the kitchen table and he 👏🏻 needs 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 chiropractor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also always forgets to do his homework until everyone’s packing up to go to bed and hes like “please,, anyone,, the math?”. Shoda wants to punch him so bad
Ibara: the most well-structured person in the entire building. At 7pm she has her shower, at 8:30pm she goes to pray, at 9:30pm she journals and draws to calm her mind, and at 10pm she meditates until she falls asleep- which is usually 10:20pm.. Everyone wants her self control and independance like damn how does she FUNCTION. Also queen of vegan self-care remedies 
Pony: girl is chaotic as fuck it’ll be like 10pm and rin’s like “yo pony can i copy the hw??” And shes like “WHAT HOMEWORK.” . *cue two idiots freaking tf out*. She’s always wearing matching pj sets and fluffy socks and loves sliding around in them like a dork. Dances every night before bed to tire herself out like shes just in the lounge deadass vibing to taylor swift and a new person joins her everytime . people would be dead without her
Kodai: movies every night or she won’t go to class the next morning. Shes always just sitting on her phone w earphones in like she has absoloutely no time to deal with monoma’s shit so she just peaces tf out of existence. Cutest pyjamas ever i love her pyjama queen. The go-to girl for homework she just leaves her bag open, as long as u return it shes cool
Tokage: oh my god shes so CRYPTIC and FOR WHAT. Pranks pranks pranks pranks pranks. everyone hates her for it and she loves it so bad. Like she has the balls to prank kamakiri and that TAKES BALLS LET ME JUST SAY . she’ll just leave her body parts in people’s beds and its SO annoying. They usually just pick up her stray arm and fling it at the wall in revenge then act confused the next morning when she complains abt the bruises 
Komori: cryptic as fuck. Does she sleep? Why is she always sitting at the table? What is she doing? . Closes her tabs whenever someone comes into the dining room and just stares at them til they leave again like :)). In the garden every night til she can’t bear the coldness- watches the stars and makes flower crowns and worships the moon i love her
Kuroiro: nighttime is the time he just evaporates like where tf is he like 🙄🙄 reel it in randy from monsters inc . Hiding in the walls and listening to everyones conversations and secrets is his only skill in life . Everyone thinks he doesn’t sleep and just wanders around (he does, he just likes to have an edgy reputation)
Kamakiri- did you hear that?? oh its just kamakiri fistfighting monoma in the hallway again. Fr takes no prisoners he needs his beauty sleep (or idk do bugs sleep lmao??). If you’re in his way while he’s RAMPAGING to his room youre dead bro when i say he takes bedtime routines seriously i MEAN it. He does self-care and tells NOONE but its lowkey cute idk lmao why do i have a crush on a bug lemme call my therapist real quick
Bondo- 9pm. Wind down time. A good book is all my mans needs and he’ll be out for the count in absolutely no time at all. Fukidashi will die jealous and bondo fucking loves it. Milks tf out of it too he’s like YAWN I AM SO TIRED OFF TO BED NOW TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY GOODNIGHT and everyone who WISHES they could sleep as early as that wants him to choke
Manga- king of never having hw done until 1am at the earliest 🤡. He lives on 1 hour sleep most nights and his speech bubble just says “no <3” until like 11am. Its cus of his crippling hyperactivity he’s running the halls at 3am practicing the entire mamma mia choreography ffs fukidashi U HAVE A CAREER AHEAD OF U 
Reiko: energy drink addiction 101 if she doesn’t drink monster every night before bed she’s convinced she’ll die. “I sleep all day and party all night” she says, crying over math hw at 2am. Plays music too loud and has LED strobelites on ALL NIGHT. Shes deadass doing witchcraft in the lounge w komori all night during finals week she doesnt give a single fuck x
Shishida: another reader,, mans will finish an entire book in a night by the force of sheer willpower alone. Takes a bath every night and it makes his fur so fluffy and smell like apples smdnwjdnwd. Perfect snuggle buddy for wintertimes (pony LOVES HIM) and he’s that good man who carries tsuburaba to bed when he falls asleep at the kitchen table
Shoda: “please don’t speak to me while im doing my homework im 👌🏻 this close to having a mental breakdown and all it takes is a single poke to reel me over the edge.” Complains all day about being tired then goes to bed at 2am?? Like no shit ofc ur tired bitch . Always up for a deep talk at night he knows EVERYTHING abt EVERYONE and hes so trustworthy hed never tell a soul
Honenuki: he meal preps and does yoga before bed 🤢 like WHO HAS THAT MOTIVATION. Irons and sets his uniform out for the next day before getting his homework FINISHED by 9pm . He’s pretty flexible w what he does at nights it 100% depends on his mood. Usually he’s helping Tokage with pranks or working out w tetsutetsu tho. Used to annoy people who were up doing hw after 11 like “really tsuburaba? You should be ashamed”. Shoda almost DECKED him once for it tho and he was #traumatised and never did it again
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mercurial-madhouse · 3 years
Not even a last name and Up with the sun?
Ahhhh, my fellow one-letter love! Thank you for feeding my procrastination!
Not even a last name: What is one thing you've never planned for your character?
Oh this is an interesting question. To be honest, there are a lot of things I learn about my characters before hand, but the things I don't ever plan are actually specific character traits such as physical tics or terms they may use throughout a fic.
For example, Louis calling Zayn a cocktwat in Love After the End of the World or the whole running gag over Zayn being a wanker and H and L fighting over who he likes more in Three Days in February. Those things are always unplanned.
Up with the sun: What is the earliest you've ever woken up to write before?
Officially got out of bed, sat down at Hermes (my computer) and started writing? Earliest that happened was probably around 6AM. But I use googledocs to write and sometimes when I wake up around 2AM and can't fall back asleep, I'll open my tiny internet and write on Mercury (my phone).
What type of writer is M? ask game!
Gratuitous Louis!gif!
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lmanberg · 3 years
do you fall askeep really quickly or toss and turn for hours? cuz i literally fall asleep 15-20 secs after closing my eyes and it's so so annoying, cuz i cant rest my eyes n shit :(
I have dspd, so at night I can’t fall asleep until around 2am at the earliest, but in the afternoon I’m able to sleep easily which is why I take so many naps lmao.
Ik how you feel tho because when I’m really sleep deprived I’ll close my eyes in class and next thing I know I slept through 20 minutes of class
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parkersbear · 4 years
👀👀👀 The bedtime asks?? Lemme hear all of them! You chose the person :)
Yes! I’ll talk about the bird man more!
💙 Does F/O let you sleep with them?
This bird man needs as many cuddles as possible! And of course, the best time for cuddles is when trying to sleep! He will grab on to me and basically never let me go!
❄ Who is the blanket hog?
I am! He’ll have a bunch of blankets out so we can both have some but I tend to take more of them. Mostly because I’ve been getting cold a lot easier lately.
☀️ Who wakes up the earliest?
Hawks definitely wakes up earlier. He’s already a morning bird to begin with but he also has to for work. He’ll sleep in a bit more on his days off but he’ll still get up early.
🌙 do either of you stay up late regularly?
We both do just about every night. He’ll eventually fall asleep first but I tend to stay up for quite a while. I always tend to go to bed at least around 2am.
⛈ are either of you good about sleeping through storms?
Both of us are actually. Storms tend to be comforting especially at night so it just helps us sleep more!
💡 do either of you need a nightlight to sleep?
No. Neither of us use a nightlight to sleep. We don’t really need it since we can both navigate through the dark just fine.
⏰ how hard/easy is it to wake up your F/O?
It’s mostly easy to be able to wake Hawks up. He normally wakes up early for work so most of the time by the time I wake up he’s already out of bed! Like I mentioned earlier, he’s a morning person so waking him up isn’t hard.
💬 has F/O ever talked in their sleep? If so, what's something they've said in their sleep?
He has talked in his sleep before. Sometimes it’ll be really cute things like i love yous but sometimes he’ll have nightmares where most of his sleep talking comes from so let’s not get into that.
😴 has F/O ever done anything in their sleep (nuzzled you, sleepwalk, fell out of bed, etc.)?
He’s definitely a nuzzler and a sleep talker but he also flaps his wings in his sleep. So at first, he’ll have them spread out as a blanket but the next thing I know I’m wide awake because his wing hits me!
📢 who snores?
Hawks definitely snores but luckily he’s not super loud when it comes to snoring! He’s also very cute when he snores.
👕 Does F/O sleep with or without clothes? Would you be comfortable sleeping with them if they didn't?
He sleeps with clothes on most of the time. The only time he doesn’t is after fun times. Even if he didn’t sleep with clothes normally, I wouldn’t mind it that much!
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