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offorestsongs · 5 months ago
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[SSR] Rosienne Minuit - The Rose Festival
after many tears, the main star is here!! 🌟 or, Rosienne's card for my fan event (which is also, technically, his hometown event)
surprisingly, he's not in a dress this time, but i saw the coat on Pinterest and couldn't resist myself. the yellow is, of course, a reference to Belle because one he deserves to be the main character for once and second because i wanted to drive home that he's got some inspiration from her too
[ voicelines under the cut // mention of @cheerleaderman's Astrid ]
Summon Line: Ah, you should be careful around here. Wouldn’t want to get your fingers pricked by the roses, would you? When Summoned: You better not slack off, Prefect. We have to get everything ready on time. Don’t look at me like that. I’m the boss here, I can lay down. Groooovy!!: [locked] Home: How was it like growing up in a castle like this? Well, cold, mostly. Home Idle 1: I’ve been helping my dad run this place ever since I was a little kid. You can probably find lots of embarrassing photos of baby me in period clothes. Home Idle 2: Back in middle school, I never really invited any of my classmates to the festival. It’s kind of nice to do so now, you know? Home Idle 3: Somebody falling for you even despite your monstrous appearance, such a beautiful tale! That doesn’t happen in real life, of course, but it’s fun to indulge from time to time. Home Idle - Login: Yes, yes, I know, it’s weird seeing me in such bright colors. You don’t have to say it. Home Idle - Groovy: [locked] Home Tap 1: That dress looks spectacular on Astrid. Who knew he could look anything other than a sad medieval orphan? Home Tap 2: I invited Silver mostly because I’ve expected him to look real prince-like in here. And he does! His face is great at driving more guests in. Home Tap 3: My dad’s been so excited to meet my friends… and I’ve been stressed somebody will embarrass me before him. Home Tap 4: Despite her name, it is said that the Beautiful Princess valued inner beauty more than the person’s looks. I’m sure a certain someone could learn from her. Okay, okay, that was a joke! You don’t have to go repeating it to him! Home Tap 5: Riddle’s took to teach people historical tableside manners. Usually, only our staff knows so much about this sort of stuff. I’m kind of impressed. Home Tap - Groovy: [locked]
Duo Magic
ROSIENNE: You better not fall behind, pretty boy. VIL: Oh, I'd rather worry if you can keep up.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months ago
SSR Divus Crewel - Rich Fur Coat Voice Lines
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When Summoned: You're a bold mutt indeed to call for your owner like this. I'll make sure to discipline you thoroughly.
Summon Line: Stay! We'll start with teaching you how to wait. Don't think you can run around freely while I'm watching over you.
Groooovy!!: There are no shortcuts to becoming a grand mage. Put forth the proper effort, and under my tutelage, you can slowly make your way.
Home: What is it, pup?
Home Idle 1: Bring Grim to me, it's time for some needed discipline. He spilled some highly important potions... Don't you dare think he can get away from me.
Home Idle 2: I must replenish the stock of ingredients used in potionology classes. They may say that failure is a part of learning, but still, when this much material is constantly consumed...
Home Idle 3: I would have never thought I would end up employed at my alma mater. I definitely know it was not in the forefront of my mind when I graduated from Night Raven College.
Home Idle - Login: Alchemy demands skills and knowledge of a higher degree than other courses. If you wish to improve your abilities, you would do well to attend my classes without fail.
Home Idle - Groovy: What are those dark circles under your eyes? Don't tell me you stayed up all night doing your homework...? I knew it. You need to manage your time better, you little mongrel!
Home Tap 1: I am looking forward to this coming weekend much more than I ordinarily do. I should be getting some parts for my classic car that I ordered from overseas.
Home Tap 2: I don't know when Ramshackle was established. It was already in its horrid condition even back when I was a student
Home Tap 3: The fashion world is ever-evolving, and even I am sometimes reminded of my own inadequacies. That is what I love about it.
Home Tap 4: I always see to it that the freshmen in the science club fail their first experiment. Only those who have tasted defeat can truly appreciate the taste of success.
Home Tap 5: This is a custom-made coat made to my particular specifications. When you become an adult, you should also pick up something specially made as well.
Home Tap - Groovy: You've recently been doing much better in your classes. Even without the ability to use magic, you can see that knowledge is power. Good boy, keep it up.
Duo: [CREWEL]: I'll discipline them properly, Headmage. [CROWLEY]: Do be careful not to overdo it, Crewel-sensei!
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rayroseu · 15 days ago
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The point of view and Silver's character taking up majority of the canvas to symbolize this is HIS moment, The way he unsheathes his sword!!! On Dawn's sprite, it looks like its just a glowing light, but on Silver's art here it looks like a glowing metal !! THE WAY HIS HAIR FLOWS AND HIS ARMOR GLISTEN TOO THE NECKLACE AND AURORAL RING AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE PIC HE'S SO VIBRANT AGAINST THE DARK ATMOSTPHERE OF THE ART WHICH MAKES HIM MORE EMPHASIZED😭💖💞💖💞✨✨✨
I also love the little details that his armor glows in a purple light, maybe not because of magic, but because one of Malleus' attack is a PURPLE FIRE, Silver's magic is light so ofc it'll reflect its surroundings (like with this card where he's surrounded by a dark pink mist probably from the smoke of the purple fire(?) on his armor and silver hair
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The POV of this card also parallels General Lilia too.
worms eye view, focus on the weapon, one eye visible, 3/4 angle, fighting stance position, flowing hair, glowing cape--
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Silver back in his last birthday card also said this line, very obvious but I'm still impressed at how this card really matched his new SSR
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It literally has the same pose for both Malleus and Silver, the same composition and lighting, the final chapter is just Malleus and Silver possibly repeating the history that Lilia doesn't want to relive again, I feel like I'm gonna cry in the next chapter 😭💔💔💔
additional but I love the little sneak of Malleus' tail here, you KNOW ITS REALLY HIM BECAUSE OF THE TAIL END 😭💞💖 HE'S SO COOL IN HIS DRAGON FORM PLEASE DONT KILL HIM 💔💔💔💔
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also side note Malleus' dragon wings have really translucent skin(?), I already knew their wings are semi see through considering this sprite of Meleanor with faded, pale colored wings, but with Malleus I guess its more translucent and more purple?? But it could also appear mkre translucent bcs his dragon form is behind a light source which makes it a bit look like its glowing--
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I hope there'll be a trivia about his dragon form, I'm so interested how can he fly with such thin and translucent wings !! but I know they wont elaborate and they'll just magic it away for the explanation lol
side note but what i love the most about Malleus dragon form is that his wings looks like dragonfly wings with its transparent skin and root-like textures on them✨
Meleanor has them too? But her art is on Chibi form so her details on her dragon form is generalized (its the lines on her wings that suppose to signify the skin of her wings are crumpled and with root-textures like Malleus' has)
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cozymochi · 3 months ago
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“Gosh, I wonder what kind of day my birthday will be… Please, please have things go my way for once...!”
happy [redacted] birthday Cecil Mugwort here’s a makeshift “cozy loungewear” iteration. but with 60% less quality control because i had second thoughts on nearly every aspect halfway through, but i was too far in and already made a commitment publicly 🫠
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pretend voiceless lines were collaborated on with @/oddberryshortcake under cut. If that’s anyones speed.
Summon: “Being able to tend to my plants at the end of a long day is my favorite part of my dorm room, I can’t think of a better way to spend the night before my birthday.”
Groovification: “There goes those clocks again…It’s practically telling me to get up and start another day.”
Home: “Late nights are so peaceful.”
Swap Looks: “Ugh, I need to get my unruly hair out of my face!”
Home Transition 1: “Having Silver as a roommate isn’t so bad… If you forget the whole ‘sleeping through five alarm clocks’ thing he does.”
Home Transition 2: “It’s a little embarrassing, but I love how soft and fuzzy these pajamas are. They keep me warm all night.”
Home Transition 3: “THE Vil Schoenheit gave me eye cream for my dark circles. Does he think they look really bad? I was so nervous I dropped the bottle right after getting it…”
Home Transition - Login: “My birthdays are usually spent celebrating my twin sister’s birthday too. But here at NRC, I can celebrate my birthday just by myself. It’s nice not having to share for today.”
Home Transition - Groovy: “Nyoka Wadjet gave me some fancy looking cup as a gift. I told him it’d make a nice new home for my Ice Lilies , but he almost seemed upset I’d be using it that way. Did he just want me to let it collect dust?”
Home Tap 1: “I mustn’t let Ollie trick me into feeding him his dinner twice. Tricky ol’ bird.”
Home Tap 2: “I made sure to send my twin sister a card for our birthday. I actually got one from her today too! For once, she didn’t brag about herself in it… She even pressed a small flower into the envelope.”
Home Tap 3: “Housewarden Malleus Draconia approached me earlier. He just wanted to tell me happy birthday but I was so scared I nearly collapsed where I stood… Ahem! Of course, I still said thank you!”
Home Tap 4: “Just one more page of this ancient magical relics book and then I’ll turn in for the night. Oh, but next chapter is on amulets. Maybe a few more pages then…”
Home Tap 5: “Do I dye my bangs? No, its just a condition I was born with. It spreads a little further every year. At this rate, I’m gonna go gray before I graduate…”
Home Tap - Groovy: “I try not to stay up too late, but I can’t help it! Everything is silent, it’s just me, my bird, my books and my plants. It’s such bliss at night.”
[CECIL]: “T-Thanks for celebrating, Nyoka!”
[NYOKA]: “It's no trouble, Cecil.”
Birthday Login Message: “Oh, you’re wishing me a happy birthday? I didn’t think you’d remember. You know, the science club pitched in and got me a new plant today. It was a pleasant surprise to know my seniors had been paying such close attention to my interests. …Hm? Is this your present? You made a card all by yourself? …This is much more thoughtful than the ill-fitting sweaters and mugs I normally get, thank you.”
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sunnysidesevenup · 3 months ago
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SSR - Arlo Wake - Moonlight Attire
Groovy [Locked]
Summon: Siren’s used to lure sailors to their deaths—don’t you think something like that is fitting?
more voice lines under the cut!
Groovification: That wasn’t so hard, was it?
Set to Home Screen: Did you need something? Find someone else to help you with it, then.
Home transition 1: It’s nice to be in the ocean again, I suppose.
Home transition 2: Don’t scold me for laughing at your attempts at swimming. It’s only natural.
Home transition 3: Piranha’s eating humans is largely a misconception. Whether or not this applies to merfolk, well….
Home, after login: Good, you’re here. I need you for something—don’t look at me like I’m going to eat you.
Home Tap 1: Wearing jewelry is common for merfolk, but you have to make sure it won’t fall off and get lost. Only fools lose their expensive items.
Home Tap 2: If you think my appearance right now is shocking, then I’m concerned how you’ll react to other merfolk…
Home Tap 3: If you start drowning, I guess I can help you. You’ll give me something in return though, right?
Home Tap 4: I haven’t given you permission to touch my tail, you know! Just because it’s shiny doesn’t mean you can—what are you, a bird?
Home Tap 5: I’m certain my siblings are up to something, but you’ll side with me, right? It’s the better option.
Duo: Vil
Duo Magic:
Just because you’re the expert doesn’t mean I’ll always let you take the lead, Vil.
I’ll hold you accountable if we fail, then.
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Is it just me or do 2003 Leo and Raph have the best relationship out of all the iterations? It's my favorite, at least. Like they do get snappy with each other sometimes but their spats aren't nearly as often, as intense or festering as long as some others I've seen.
It was refreshing that Raph didn't challenge Leo's position as leader nearly as much. Sometimes he would challenge the decisions he made while leading but not undermine his position. He learned and mostly accepted that Leo would be a good leader in childhood and he backed him up nine times out of ten (even when Leo didn't know it: e.g. the "If Leo needs us, we're here. But let's see what this is all about." An instance of Raph pulling a Leo-type move, hanging back to recon rather than rushing in, while Leo's judgment was clouded. Learning from each other and supporting even from a distance)
How ready they are to be there for each other? How openly protective they are of each other? Like they're not as coy or begrudging or emotionally constipated as others about showing how much they care. Small gestures, big gestures, it doesn't matter. Leo's having trouble focusing on a plan because of the noise? Raph makes the noise go away. Wasn't Raph the first one who wanted to look for Leo when his morning training (getting ambushed by the Foot) ran unusually late? Or the scene where Leo's suddenly getting pulled away by an unknown magical force and he calls out to his brothers in alarm. Don cries, "Oh, no!" as he and Mikey stand there and watch; they freeze up. Raph dives headlong after him instantly.
And how they take it when they can't be there for each other? He dove headlong and he didn't actually make it in time to grab Leo's hand before he's gone. Master Splinter has to physically hold him back as he's still shouting and fighting to get to him (and then he has to be restrained again by magic when it looks like Leo's in danger in the 1v1 he was pulled to. Screw the fact that he's obviously outpowered by the almighty binding rules of the duel, he'll go kicking and screaming anyway, that's his bro!) And the scene where they're on top of a moving car, Leo loses his grip on Raph and he falls and from Leo's POV, time slows until he sees Raph land alright. Raph facing his fear ick about bugs, jumping down to defend Leo from the big boss bug with no hesitation when he sees him get stung? And of course when he cries just the once (as far as I recall) in the whole series when Leo's seriously hurt. How he makes me cry in SAINW as he crawls to Leo's side, reaches out for him, calls his name with his dying breath, his last word is his brother's name as he falls beside him, hand against his??? And that was after being estranged in that what-if future! LIKE BRO THAT SCENE MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM
Even just the two or three lines where Leo's waxing poetic about their family, being completely sincere, and Mikey bursts out laughing and teases him for being a sap. Raph immediately tells Mikey to lay off and that Leo's got a point.
They're just so good. They have a few arguments like all siblings do but there is zero doubt that they love each other to pieces and they don't hesitate at all to show it on the regular. And outside of that estrangement timeframe where they were traumatized and grieving and in a literal apocalypse where they lost all hope, they didn't let their relationship fall apart the way some other iterations did. (Like I love 2007 but that fight on the rooftop? Where Raph could have killed him? I watch it and I can't help but think to myself, "2003 Leo and Raph would never." We saw them have a tussle on a rooftop and the moment there was a possibility he put Raph in real danger, Leo came to his senses and dropped everything to make sure he was okay. I dunno)
Asfjskjfks this is all just biased four AM rambling. The point is I love them, your honor, best/closest/healthiest R&B dynamic duo forever in my heart <3 (Natural disclaimer: I don't say any of this to crap on any of the other iterations. I like them all! I just like 2003's portrayal the most)
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shadowed-dancer · 1 year ago
Storylines Genshin should implement in the future
Itto meets Furina
A new Dainsleif chapter where he recounts a story about your twin, during which you play as the abyss twin and have to do the entire aranara quest again (real talk though, a Dainsleif quest where you play as the abyss twin would be so cool)
Follow up event to the TCG event from 3.7, in which Timmy becomes the grand champion of Teyvat and we have to escort him around to the different nations
I want the most random duo of characters to meet. Give me a Kaveh and Gorou friendship arc
We take Qiqi to Fontaine to see a magic show
Desert questing with Jeht part 3 except it leads us to Natlan and there’s no underground component. We just walk in a straight line while Jeht talks to us and occasionally we fight things
Furina story quest which is just about us teaching her how to bake desserts from around Teyvat
A quest where Tighnari, Sucrose, Diona, Gorou, and Lynette meet and we try to figure out why the heck they are part animal
Lantern rite event in which Hu Tao enlists us and Xiao to prove Zhongli is an adeptus so we must sabotage her efforts (and in doing so we learn more about the yakshas pleaaaase)
Tighnari asks us to help him solve the mystery of that time he got struck by lightning and along for the journey he invites his good friend Hat Guy who gave him water during the interdarshan championship
A singing contest/talent show where all the nations send their performers and they all sing little songs (including the traveler! Let’s hear their voice!)
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vera-deville · 11 months ago
I Will Say (I'm Fucked)
05/06/2024 - 05/10/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,027 Warnings: The usual cursing; Y/N does the infamous Wattpad stuttering (it's only one line, I promise-) Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the third and final installment to this fic, so please read the previous two parts for more context!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Leona finally asks out his favorite herbivore.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the door to her dorm, only to reveal a certain blonde stalker outside.
"You're late Trickster~" Rook sang.
"I know, I know, don't tell Vil though-" You replied, eyes practically begging for him to give you a free pass.
"Seeing as you're not in Pomefiore..." He began, "I suppose I could let it slide this once."
You heaved a sigh of relief, until you felt that heave get locked in your throat at the sight of another person behind Rook.
Vil Schoenheit.
Vil Schoenheit was the house warden of Pomefiore, a house belonging to the esteemed Night Raven College (or NRC for short). He was a well-renowned actor, a celebrity in his own right, and possessed beauty that rivaled no other (except for maybe Neige in the eyes of some Rook). He was known for his strictness, but no one could deny the results that emerged from them (except for maybe Epel).
Vil Schoenheit was also a good friend of Y/N. One of her closest friends, in fact. And as such, his generosity knew no limits with her.
Hence why she was getting torn into pieces as the trio walked to their respective classrooms.
"Vil, as much as I love you, I will not hesitate to throw your new eyeshadow palette into the garbage if you don't stop harassing me in the hallways this morning." You told the beauty queen.
Seething, he replied, "You will do no such thing." Eyes steel cold, he walked a little faster ahead as he continued, "As a Prefect, I expect you to uphold certain virtues even if you do not have many people in your dorm.
You sneered at this.
"Don't tell me how to do my job Schoenheit."
"Then do it properly Prefect."
Rook watched as the two of you glowered over one another, simply happy to be basking in the presence of his friends (plus it was always amusing when you and Vil would argue). He knew that despite your differences, the two of you were as close as friends could be. Even your bickering was in loving nature.
Soon enough, you reached your class and the Pomefiore duo bade goodbye to you before making their way to their class. Smiling to yourself, you played the last five minutes in your head over and over, highlighting your favorite bits as you sat in your seat.
Mozus Trein was a very particular individual. The subject he taught wasn't necessarily popular amongst the students of NRC, but amongst the fair few who did enjoy the class was the Prefect of Ramshackle.
History did by no means come easy to you, but seeing as you were in a completely different world and said world had magic in it, reading history books was more or less akin to reading fairytales. And there were so many of them-
In short, you were something of a fan of Twisted Wonderland's history.
And it showed great results.
"Well done again Y/N." Professor Trein smiled at you as he placed the test paper on your desk. "You seem to have done exceptionally well on the essay portion of your test."
You thank him and say, "Well, the history of Briar Valley is particularly fascinating."
"Every bit the teacher's pet, I see." The professor jested.
You gawked in response.
Class ended sooner than you wished (in your defense, it really was an interesting class), but the rumbling of your stomach opened avenue to better things in life.
In other words - lunch.
Walking alongside Grim, you meet the rest of your first year friends in the cafeteria. With your utensils in hand, you were oh so ready to dig in when a certain red-head interrupted you.
"Yo Y/N."
"What is it Ace?" You asked, annoyed at the timing he had.
"Leona's been watching you really intensely." He noted. But then his smile turned mischievous. "When'd you piss him off?"
Having had enough of him already, you smacked the back of his head, nearly breaking out a grin after hearing Deuce choke on his sandwich when he laughed at the action. "I didn't do shit Trappola. Don't jinx it-"
Rubbing the back of his head, he said, "You're fucking crazy, you know that, right?"
"Damn straight."
Jack, though not fond of the use of vulgar language, did also find the situation funny, and barely managed to conceal a snort as he ate his own food. Epel on the other hand felt no need to conceal his as he guffawed his enthusiasm all whilst bits and pieces of food fell out.
Unfortunately for Epel, he did not notice the looming figure of his house's warden steadily approaching him.
"It seems our lessons still haven't gotten through to you Baby Potato." Vil sneered as Epel whipped around to see him, clearly not expecting to see him. "No matter. I'll be sure to whip you into shape soon enough."
The rest of the first years watched as Epel visibly shivered at Vil's words and as he was dragged away by the said man.
"It's not fair! Y/N and Ace cursed too!"
Whipping his head around to glare at the other two perpetrators, Vil only shook his head before continuing to drag Epel to his immediate lessons.
Epel felt betrayed, and Ace's stink eye wasn't really making matters better.
Rook slunk around to you before anyone else could notice, and managed to say one thing before Vil called for him.
"Roi des Lions seems to be very interested in something in your direction my dear Trickster."
You looked around your friends, trying to determine if they'd heard what Rook had said, but Lady Luck seemed to be on your side because they were still busy watching Epel get dragged away.
Shooting Rook a glare as he went on his merry way to wreak havoc elsewhere, you decided to chance a peek at the lion who now two very annoying (but for some reason highly observant) people had mentioned was staring at you.
Sure enough, he was indeed staring at you.
Not in a smoldering way (which is what you assumed), but rather a lazy manner which befit his personality wholly.
And upon noticing you looking at him in return, Leona's lazy stare mutated into a sly grin (also befitting his personality wholly) before he finally turned his gaze to his food.
The interaction left you feeling a tad giddy, but mainly because he was such an intimidating figure. Not because you had a large sweltering crush on him or anything.
Oh wait.
We're done being in denial now, aren't we?
So maybe, just maybe, the giddiness could be attributed to the chemical infatuation you had with the man.
It was later on in the day, around the time that classes were ending for the day that you found Ruggie.
Or rather, Ruggie found you.
And boy was he weird as hell (weirder than usual, that is).
You noticed that the lavender-colored flower petal tangled in his scarf as he simply watched you for a full 5 seconds (yes, you counted), and then proceeded to do his little hyena laugh before saying "Have fun Y/N~"
However, Twisted Wonderland was full of weirdos, and if you gave every single one of them the time of your day, you'd be stuck the resident therapist. Not that you don't already do that.
Besides, you had to get to Professor Crewel's class, and no one wanted to be late for that-
This time, Lady Luck was not on your side because you had in fact been late (albeit by a few mere seconds), but it was enough to be called out in front of the whole class by Crewel and put a damper on your already dampered mood.
You couldn't wait for classes to be done with already-
Sucking it up, you propelled through the class, only to lose all motivation by the end of it, because Crewel had assigned homework. And a lot of it.
The homework in itself wasn't anything too difficult. If there was something you didn't know, all you had to do was reference a textbook, and that'd be it. The problem lied in the fact that Crewel had assigned a 1,500 word essay regarding any potion of the students' choice and they had to finish it over the weekend.
This was too much. Even for Crewel.
Grim wanted to go watch Ace's basketball practice with Deuce, and you figured that you could use the time alone and maybe even get a head start on your essay, so you walked with vigor back to Ramshackle.
When you got there, a tall figure rests against your door, and you nearly jump back in fright from the sight.
"Leona!? What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you."
Oooooh, that was smooth (although anything that came out of his mouth seemed smooth at this point).
Deciding to be a little braver than usual, you pranced right up to him, faking a confident smile and asked, "what for?"
And that's when a flurry of lavender was gently jolted into your line of sight.
It took a few seconds, but you were eventually able to will yourself to look at Leona instead of the flowers.
"I'm here to ask you out."
Now your heart had gone quiet too.
"Uh-" You started, "I-me?"
Real smooth.
"Who else for, Herbivore?" Leona asked, eyebrow raising questioningly.
"Just wondering," you make out meekly. So much for the brave confident girl act.
Trying to regain mobility in your arms, you tried to gracefully accept the flowers.
"You look like a mechanical doll." Leona commented on the strange way your limbs seemed to move.
That seemed to snap you out of your lovestruck daze as you grabbed the flower bouquet with one hand and hit Leona's arm with the other.
Not it felt awkward.
You still hadn't responded to the whole 'I came here to ask you out' thing and you'd also just slapped the guy (although it wouldn't have done any damage whatsoever on him) right after you grabbed the flowers he got for you.
You kinda wanted to disappear at the moment.
"So?" Leona prodded. Looking up at him again, trying to find the words, he continued "do you want to go out with me?"
You like to think it was his eyes. His eyes though intimidating, also bring some strange sense of calmness over you. And it was those eyes that made you answer him clear-headed.
"Yes. Yes, I do."
And now that you were a little more clear in the mind, you noticed how Leona's facial expression showed the tiniest bit of expression - relief. And that's when you realized that you weren't the only nervous person in this situation. Leona (although to what extent, you were unsure) was also anxious, clearly about what your answer, your decision would be.
"Great. I'll see you at The Winstonian next Friday at 7:00 P.M."
The Winstonian? That sounded fancy.
"I'll see you then Leona."
Nodding, Leona started walking away when you interrupted him with a question.
"Hey Leona? What's the dress code?"
"Just wear something formal."
That was a problem. You didn't have anything formal in your closet (aside from your NRC uniforms, but you really didn't think anyone would wear that to a first date-
Leona waited a moment to see if you had any more questions before sauntering off back to his dorm.
He turned around.
Pushing your rapidly beating heart down your chest, you asked, "Can you help me with this essay I have to write for Crewel?"
It wasn't much, and sure, the date was in a week, but letting him go now seemed like such a waste. Maybe you could spend just a teensy bit of time with him before the big night.
Leona's eyes glowed a green ember.
"Sure Herbivore."
You couldn't help the grin from spreading on your face as you invited the lion into your dorm and at the idea of a totally not study date with him before the actual first date.
God you were so fucked for this man.
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Author's Note: Alright, so this (not originally planned to be) series is officially over! I hope I did the last part justice and that you enjoyed reading it (not gonna lie, it feels like it's missing something), but I have decided that if I ever find out something that I want to add to this, I can always do so in the form of drabbles. Also, it's worth mentioning that the original idea I had for this story was that Leona would keep trying to ask out the reader, but fail a whole bunch of times before succeeding. I obviously went down a different route, but I might write that story idea separately (not affiliated with this series). Thank you for reading!
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comingyourlugubriousness · 1 year ago
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Groovy: Let’s make some memories we’ll never forget! Say Cheese!
Here is Yume's groovy birthday card! Fun fact I drew this one first before the basic card one. This is half art/half edit. I wanted to make it look most like a card so I used some twst refences and had a lot of fun with it.
Yume and Leona's dynamic is very fun! I'll post Yume's birthday interview in a few days!
Voice lines and Duo magic under below:
Summon: Ah, I was waiting for you to show up. We can’t start the celebration without you!
Summon 2: *mimicking Idia’s voice* “Fuheehee, here comes the birthday boy~” Ah, sorry just an inside joke, haha.
Groovy: Let’s make some memories we’ll never forget! Say Cheese!
Set Home: Ready for the “surprise!” hehe!
Home Idle: Yuuta and Yuuhi made me a special pizza cake for my birthday! It’s so tasty, you have to try some!
Idle 2: Ruggie keeps bugging me to let him do chores for me today, but I don’t have anything I need done. All he needs to do is be there after all; that’s a friend's only real job on your birthday!
Idle 3: Deuce gave me a charm for my keys; it’s a matching set; look how cute it is!
Idle Groovy: Like my jacket? I designed it myself! It’s not completely Ignihyde, but not fully Ramshackle either. It belongs somewhere in the middle… like me! Hehe! *smiles*
Home Login: Wow this is a bigger party then I thought…hey, will you stay close to me for a bit…Thanks!
Tap: Phew~ Jamil just barely stopped Kalim from running a whole parade through here. Please Kalim, the introverted Ignihyde students would perish instantly!
Tap 2: Grim drew me a picture of the two of us together for my birthday. It’s getting the highest honors; right on the fridge!
Tap 3: Riddle gifted me an assortment of teas; we drank them together! They were way sweeter than I imagined.
Tap 4: Hm? Idia’s gift? Oh, we celebrated my birthday early last night, just the two of us!...HEY! Not like that! Don’t make that face! o///o 
Tap 5: *talking to self*...the origin of the idea came from ancient mages who used their powers to manifest their desires by using the power of the cosmos…” Hm…didn’t I read this before?…Huh! Oh! Sorry, I was just reading the book Leona gave me! It’s really interesting!
Tap Groovy: Instead of just fixing my glasses like a normal mage; Leona had Ruggie make me an eye glasses appointment to get a new prescription…I mean…I guess it's kinda nice? But still, I’ll have Trey or Idia fix my original pair.
Duo Magic
Yume: Here comes a big play; you ready, old man?
Leona: Heh, don’t fall behind, runt!
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k-looking-glass-house · 1 year ago
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Happy (fanon) Birthday Chenya'!
Yes....it's happening, ...Did I gave fanon birthday to the twiwon's cast leftover.....Yes!
And what better than the only day which can appear or disappear every 4 years for our dear chescha'cat!
Yes ....it means Riddle tells everyone that Chenya is only 4/5 because it's true.... Ruuuuuuullllleeeeeee *p&s ref*
I didn't have enough time to finish this one... sorry Alchemi Alchemivinch Pinka... sketch...only sketch colo
Pat pat it's like a Disneyland's GRWM outfit!
Summon Line: “Nyaachulululuuu, aren't we all mad here? If you're looking for a rabbit you got it wrong~” Groooovy!!: "We're all mad here! I'm mad, you're mad! *grinning*" Home: "Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka!! Say it ONCE again!" Home Idle 1: "Can you stand on your head? *disappearing*" Home Idle 2: "My birthday is a mystery, isn't it great, dealing with a desk and nyot a crow?" Home Idle 3:" In the Queendom of Roses, unyhappy birthday are great, but happy birthday are even better!" Home Idle - Login: "I'm stranger, you're stranger...Together we are.... strangers! Nyahihihihi" Home Idle - Groovy: "I wannya meet Riddle and Trey, hihihihi let's surprise them together!" Home Tap 1: "*humming* *floating head*" Home Tap 2: "It's always tea time, but right now I want a pinkitty drinkitty! Nya~" Home tap 3: "My age? Hnnn hihihi I'm 5! You don't believe me?? Ask Riddle~" Home Tap 4: "Oh... how was.... I able to enter Nyaght Raven College? Actually your headmaster is very "yashashii"! It's true! I told him he had a sweet hat goodbye!" Home Tap 5: "My grandpa is so excited every 4 years to celebrate this special day with me! How great, how great! *purring* (kill this headcanon of my brain now)" Home Tap - Groovy: "*appearing* Boo!!! Nyahahaha did I startled you? Ahhwww sorry sorry, let me headpat you! *humming*"
Chenya': This way, that way? Nyakufufu~ Yuu(sona): Happy birthday Chenya'!
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mysteryshoptls · 10 days ago
SSR Silver - Daybreak Armor Voice Lines
Dawn Armor Silver has no vignette.
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Let's take back our tomorrow... our future filled with our laughter!!
Summon: I will not lose. This is for those most precious to me... To protect their smiles.
Groovification: This is for both fae and humans... I will put my all into this we can have a world where all races can laugh alongside each other.
Home: I can feel my power overflowing...
Swap Looks: I'm ready. Time to go.
Home Transition 1: I came to terms with many hard-to-swallow truths in my dream. However, I am very grateful to have been able to gain a deeper understanding of my father.
Home Transition 2: Malleus-sama looked in on me as a child, even while knowing of my origins... I absolutely will not allow him to be seen as an enemy to mankind.
Home Transition 3: It was a pleasant surprise to be able to witness Baur-dono and Father's conduct while on active duty. I'm sure it will be a good foundation for when I next train in the real world.
Home Transition - Login: I'll use every ounce of strength I have, so I can fulfill every single hope that has been entrusted to me.
Home Transition - Groovy: Each time my hands would shake and my legs threatened to give out from under me, you all gave me strength. I am thankful to have everyone with me.
Home Tap 1: While in the dream worlds, I rarely felt drowsy. It would be nice if I can stay in this condition even after waking up...
Home Tap 2: I hadn't expected my Unique Magic to come in handy like this. I'm sure it won't be used in such a manner again after this whole ordeal.
Home Tap 3: Sebek's admonishing words helped to encourage my stalled resolve. I am fortunate to have such a dependable younger disciple.
Home Tap 4: I never realized just how much Father had cherished that bracelet I gifted him when I was but a child. I'm glad I was able to recollect that memory.
Home Tap 5: My fluttering cape hit you in the face? My apologies. I'm just not used to this sort of outfit...
Home Tap - Groovy: Our interactions may have been minimal before this, but... I believe we've gotten closer over the course of traveling through many dreams together.
Duo: [SILVER]: Father, allow me! [LILIA]: Show me what you've got, Silver!
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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stompedchild · 2 days ago
my brain's been thinking about certain realmers as magical girls recently, so i'm presenting my losa+tina x pretty cure au! i was inspired to make this when i saw this art by @melmokk3 !! maybe i'll make a madoka au as well but i wanted to make something more lighthearted and silly before anything else. what pretty cure is and what the au is are explained below the cut :3
okay so to quickly summarize what pretty cure/precure is, it's a magical girl series! there's currently 22 seasons and there's usually a different cast for each one. the story normally goes: a fairy's kingdom has been attacked by evil, they find the legendary pretty cures, they defeat the monsters of the week, and in the end good wins!! my au isn't based around any season in particular but instead i'm pulling from a lot of the common tropes/general tone and from what the spinoff seasons full bloom and mirai days are doing, which is working with aged up versions of the main casts.
as for the au itself-
the au focuses on ros, tina, sneeg, and clown. they're all adults in our modern world, living in a city... somewhere. they've got jobs, they're trying to make rent, and despite everything life could be worse! on one fateful day, coworkers ros and tina are window shopping when they encounter foolish! i don't have a solid vision for his design but i'm thinking he'd be like candy and pop from smile precure/glitter force. he's the fairy and therefore helper to the cures. he gives the two the rundown of how he got into this mess: he was the grand ruler of the kingdom of fools, until the malicious badgers attacked and destroyed the kingdom for the sake of causing chaos. now he's on the hunt for the legendary pretty cure warriors to save his kingdom, and their world, from destruction. shortly after they'd get attacked by pangi, and ros would become the first cure out of 4
after ros becomes a cure, she'd deal with a couple of fights with pangi with the occasional bbh sighting! she and tina would then be introduced to clown, who would become the second cure and the then strongest of the bunch. clown becoming a cure would also coincide with mocha/pili being introduced as a villain. sneeg would hear about all of the monsters running amok in the city his buddy ros lives in, so on the day he goes to check-in on her, the first attack orchestrated by the triple threat happens, and sneeg would become the third cure. if/when tina becomes a cure at all it would be much later down the line, probably closer to whatever explanation i can give the war in this au. in the meantime though, i have agendas to push so qpr losa and rostina yuri would be happening and are the relationship endgames.
i don't have solid designs in my head as of yet, but i've got a theme and some general color schemes/ideas. i'm still working on just picturing some stuff such as what they're using to transform/use their finishing attacks, as well as just fleshing out what happens between/during everyone becoming magical girls. seeing as the cures are fighting for the sake of the kingdom of fools though, why not theme them around a circus and circus positions?
ros would be Cure Ringleader, the head of the team, quickest of the bunch, and a purple cure. clown would be either Cure Jester or Cure Clown, he'd be a red cure, the best skill-wise, and he'd have a fire-based finisher. i'm still conflicted on sneeg's cure name but for now he's Cure Trapeze. he's a blue cure who can fly, and has a lightning finisher. lastly there's tina who's Cure Magician. she's a pink cure and the strongest magic-wise. i dont have the best vision of her finisher but i think somehow it'd involve a magician's hat. the losa would have a trio attack as well as duo attacks for each pairing. tina and ros would have a duo attack, and the 4 combined would have some crazy finisher that i'd imagine would put whatever they're fighting through a circus or something (thinking about the you&idol finishers as inspiration for the 4 cure attack, where whatever they're fighting literally gets teleported to a circus).
that's most of my put-together thoughts on this au for now. not sure if i will ever post any art but i might post more words abt this later. i'm still working on it and i'll probably also wind up with that madoka au at some point :3
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cruel-acid · 2 months ago
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It’s my boy’s birthday today yay! Since I missed it last year, I’ll be dropping another card soon too as well as the groovy ones
✨Voicelines under the cut✨
When summoned: It is my special day, of course I need to look outstanding! Casual accessories are a no-no today.
Summon line: This is quite a celebration all in my name. Can’t say it doesn’t flatter my ego…
Groovy: [LOCKED]
Home: How nice it is to actually be the star of my own birthday.
Home idle 1: It surely is nice to have everything my way. Even though it’s just for the day…
Home idle 2: They even brought in a cake for tonight, huh? Hopefully I can sneak my serving outside, no way I’m eating this…
Home idle 3: Of course Ruggie isn’t here now - he’s a busy guy. We’ll be meeting past curfew as usual, granted I can sneak out without being caught.
Home idle - login: You’re welcome to join the party. If you didn’t come empty handed, that is.
Home idle - groovy: [LOCKED]
Home tap 1: Back at home, my birthday is also a big deal. A party, gifts from the people… Not exactly a relaxing resort.
Home tap 2: Ah, Rook knows just what to gift as always. Nothing compares to the juiciest gossip from someone who knows everything!
Home tap 3: Housewarden has been giving me a look all day long. I swear if he’s gonna read me another lecture on nutrition…
Home tap 4: Aeolaus didn’t show up in person, as expected… But the earrings he sent me are quite fancy.
Home tap 5: Pardon me, I’ll have to leave the party for a while. Dad is calling, so I’ll be back in… Maybe half an hour?
Home tap - groovy: [LOCKED]
Duo Magic: 
Iza: Quit eyeing me like a vulture, Housewarden.
Vil: Not until you learn to listen.
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dorkus-mcdingus · 15 days ago
Felt a bit silly so here's the Heartslabyul duo magic lines with my prefect ft. Grim :3
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year ago
please… - Part 4
Azriel x reader
a/n: happy to be back here again 🧈
word count: 3,968
-Part 3-
You watch on with barely concealed distain as your father fumbles before the High Lord, allowing himself too much leeway on the invisible leash, consequently choking when it’s pulled taut. Probably another jab at the High Lord’s mate. His High Lady.
How obnoxious.
Away in an alcove, your mother watches on with equal distaste, enough to have you raising the glass to your mouth to conceal your grin. If only she wasn’t so awful.
As if sensing your lingering gaze, she turns her sharp, kohl-lined eyes in your direction. The smile vanishes in the blink of an eye, sipping slowly as you raise a brow. Her own narrow, flicking to the duo hidden in the shadows a little way from the foot of the dais, darkness coming alive in that corner.
You idly drag your gaze back to your mother’s, taking an intentionally deep sip from your drink. Her brows draw together in cold warning, contempt tightening her features at your indolence, but you break the connection and turn to the corner she’d ordered you to. Holding the Shadowsinger…and the Morrigan.
Softer than a summer’s breeze, quieter than a concealed hunter, you make your way into the darkness, crafting together a smile fitting of your court. “Sister,” you greet, sweeping over her analytically, picking out the thrum of waves that are quietly resonating from her outline, slowly deciphering them, pulling them apart to understand her rhythm. “Spymaster.” You hold still as their attention openly lands on you, taking you in swiftly, checking a mental list no doubt. An instinct installed in them from a young age, but one you have, too.
“How lovely of you to join us,” Mor drawls, lips sharpened into a cutting smile, holding her drink elegantly between two slim fingers, nails dipped in blood-red varnish. You offer her a cool smile in return, “it took me some time to find you. I should have known you’d both be lurking in the shadows somewhere.”
“It’s hard not to in a place like this,” Mor replies, eyes glinting as she gestures to the dimly lit room. Your own smile sharpens to a grin, preparing to drink as you raise the glass to your mouth. “And…Velaris, was it? Is it much better there?”
Her eyes flinch, exterior remaining calm and cool, unruffled except for the tell-tale truth of her gaze. The stuttering pulse of the air around her, fluttering in a way she can convince her heart not to. All for nothing, in the face of your magic. You take a sip of your drink, making a show of enjoying her resentful silence, the anger that’s tucked in the narrowing of her brows.
“It really would be lovely to visit sometimes,” you muse, watching how the air distorts with the gradual irritation of her emotion, still kept under lock and key in her features. Really, without your magic you’d be utterly clueless. “After all,” you continue, “it’s always you coming over to us. It would be rude not to return the favour. We can’t have our High Lord and lady constantly being the ones to put in the effort.”
“And are those your own wishes or whispers you’ve caught in hallways?”
You break your gaze with Morrigan, turning at last to meet the cold, unruffled eyes of the shadowsinger, looking as if he were carved from stone. So fitting to the Hewn City.
“Most of the rooms are warded,” you reply smoothly, “it would take some effort to overhear such a private conversation.” You take another calm sip of your drink. “But maybe I have.”
They aren’t as foolish as to exchange glances with one another, not even a shift in attention, but you know they mark the words carefully.
“Is there a spot you favour, Mor?” You ask, returning your attention to the female you share blood with. Between the two of them, her waves are the most unsteady. The only one who has ties to this place, who has memories that run as deep as the cave systems tunnelled within. “There must be much more choice on the outside. More people about, more places to wander, more fresh air to enjoy,” you muse, watching her from over the rim of your glass. The growing agitation of her waves. “Is the sun still blinding when you emerge from our darkness, Mor?”
Power thunders through the room, the very ground shaking and you whip around along with a few hundred other bodies in time to see a figure knelt on the stone floor before the dais. Your blood turns to ice, skin freezing over with fear at the intensity of the overwhelmingly dark power, how it suffocates the room, leeching the hall of air until every breath feels empty no matter how deeply you inhale.
Subconsciously you take a small step back, legs feeling unsteady though you force yourself to hold fast, to continue hauling air into your lungs no matter how pointless it feels. There are too many figures now crowded before you to see what’s going on, who it is that’s being punished for whatever transgression they committed, but you can hear the barely muffled sobs, the pained whimpers of fear rising from throughout the room. The hall, once smelling of berry wine and roasted meat sprinkled with herbs, is now contaminated with an edge of terror, sharp and tangy, enough to put you off eating for the rest of the night.
Through your peripherals you watch as Morrigan slinks off into the shadow, aiming to be closer to the dais, ready to pounce given the chance. It’s enough to set any sane person on edge.
Something brushes against your shoulder blades, and your spine turns rigid, the softest whisper of shadow pushing you upright again. A moment later it vanishes, hardly there for a second but enough to return the warmth to your blood, the colour to your skin. Your heart still thunders against your ribs, but you find no shame in it—not before the sheer display of power that’s inevitably brought out to remind your court of its place. At his feet.
A flicker of resentment stirs in your chest, brows pulling together over your eyes, jaw wound tight as you fix your gaze upon the raised thrones, high enough to survey the revelry—and to disrupt it at their pleasure.
A cold shadow again brushes your skin, but this time on your upper arm, a swift flick to get your attention and you turn in time to see him shift toward one of the hallways, much darker than usual. An invitation to follow. Though maybe by the way it wraps around your wrist, giving a firm tug, it might be more of an order.
With a last glance at the crowd, enraptured by the show of pain, feeding off another’s downfall and gleeful it’s not their own, you silently follow after him, stepping deeper into the concentrated depth of darkness that seems to constantly surround him.
It would probably serve as more of a threat if you hadn’t been born into shadow like his.
“What do you want?” You ask upon locking the door, having chosen a room you know to be warded against eavesdroppers.
“How much are you able to hear through passing conversation?” It’s a question, but one he’s phrased as a quiet demand, leaving little room for argument. You regard him warily, before walking over to the half circle of plush chairs arranged openly around a constantly lit fireplace, rugs on the floor the colour of blood and oranges. “I hear what I hear,” you reply cryptically, setting down into one of the chairs, secretly grateful you no longer have to stand, legs still feeling a little wobbly. The heels are also a little uncomfortable, but it’s a familiar pain, so one you know how to manage.
“Curious about some goings on, Shadowsinger?”
His features remain neutral, shadows thick as they roll from his shoulders, swirling between the great wings that loom at his back, cutting and intimidating figure. Maybe he would be scary if you didn’t know how soft his hands could be. How gentle. Your skin aches for another set of touches, to refresh the memory, to remind yourself of the sensation. To remind yourself people can be kind, even in a world of blood and stone.
“I would have thought you’d be eager to share information,” he says neutrally, alluding to the other exchanges you’ve had. Mutual benefits being reaped in private. “And I would have thought you’d have no need for extra intel,” you reply, keeping your attention on him as the flame from the fire is cast through the open room, light reflecting warmly from the large mirror that’s mounted atop the mantel. Sweet thing.
“I know what you want,” he reminds lowly, “and you know what I want. I’m sure you can see how this would be advantageous to both parties.” The air around him remains still and unbothered, calm and steady as usual. “You’re proposing this be a mutual exchange?” You specify. “Something regular?”
“Regular, but not frequent.”
“How often, then?” You ask, brows narrowing. Things in your court are delicate at best, volatile at worst. Casually overhearing tidbits is no skin off your back, but making the effort to hear things of use…especially information that might be sensitive, intel that if acted on could be traced back to you. He has no obligation to look out for you either, if things went south. No reason to help you out unless it would benefit him.
“I couldn’t say,” he replies idly. “Maybe days apart, maybe years. Whenever I seek details perhaps only you can find.”
“I’d rather not be subject to such a mercurial agreement,” you say dryly. “If you’re seeking particulars, I can work with that, but without a direction is too much.”
“What sort of things do you have in mind for particulars?” He asks, the air faintly simmering around him. “And give away the small advantage that I have? I think not.”
“Very well,” he replies, as if having expected the small resistance, “what do you know about your father’s intentions for Velaris?”
Your brows narrow, running your gaze over him, hands mostly concealed in shadow. “How much are you willing to give for that?”
“How much do you want?” He returns, evading the question. Neither of you break the connection, staring each other down though the focus isn’t malicious. More wary—slightly curious. Unsure of this possible development.
“I’ve had no time to thoroughly look into that specific topic,” you start cautiously, angling your head, “so I’ll settle for the usual amount.”
“How much do you have?”
“Some,” you reply vaguely. Again that slight tension rises, the potential to turn into something terse, but then the two of you remember there’s no underlying violence, and settle back to relatively normal behaviour. Not quite at ease, though.
He nods his head for you to start, but you pause, looking him over once more. Letting him know you aren’t entirely at his disposal. You still hold the power to withhold what he’s after. He gives no sign of impatience, nor irritation, just bland neutrality. So you lean back into the plush warmth of the chair, inclined to pull your legs up to your chest, but that would give the illusion of weakness, of mediocrity. But maybe it would be better for him to think less of you, so you follow through with your original wish, tucking yourself into a deep corner of the cushion.
“Some things I’m able to hear through simply being in the right place at the right time, more on the side of coincidence than anything intended. Snippets of conversation people are too lazy to think to cover, or sometimes just not important enough for secrecy,” you begin, and he leans back into the wall slightly, more so that his shadows are within reasonable distance than for comfort. It’s easier to slip into darkness when you’re near a corner than the middle of a room, after all.
“Other times, there are pieces one can only have the chance to overhear depending on who they are. As his daughter I’m allowed more access than most to various rooms—some I doubt even my sister knows exist, having lacked the agency to seek them out.” Like before, he makes no external shift of his expression, no obvious tell to his emotions, but the air shifts around him, as if disturbed by something. Like how the colours above flames twist and distort as heat ripples up.
“Then, there are the things that require somehow being able to listen through walls, through wards that are spun thicker than wool and tighter than chainlink armour,” you say, catching the hint of interest in the far depths of his hazel eyes, and you wonder if you’re granted access to that piece of him through his own will or whether it’s a side effect of having foraged so deep inside of his mind you reached the bones of his soul. Tattered, but remaining strong. “Those, are the pieces I think you’d be interested in. Correct?”
His mask shifts a little, allowing his brows to dip as he takes on what you’ve said. “You know a way to listen through wards?” He asks, eyes flicking to the perimeters of the room. “I highly doubt anyone else would be able to, Shadowsinger,” you reply. “I highly doubt you’d tell me if they could, were you acting on your parent’s behalf.”
“Then I suppose it’s a good thing I’m not.”
Another tense silence passes between you, tension rising then fading, simmering away, like a pot taken off the boil.
“You already know I preside over my father’s hoard of antiquities. Ancient things with nasty spells wrapped around them, sometimes even imbued with malice themselves, which is what makes them so dangerous, as I’m sure you’re aware.” The air flickers around him, and you smile faintly. “What did end up happening to that mirror?”
“That’s none of your concern,” he replies shortly.
“I hope you put it to good use.”
His brows narrow at your tone, more clipped than he’s ever heard it. Verging on stern.
“Kier’s trove?” He reminds, still keeping to the shadows. A smile twinkles in your eyes, a little menacing. “There are all sorts of things in there—things that he really should be making more use of,” you answer wryly. The Shadowsinger remains quiet, inviting you to continue, and you settle more comfortably into the armchair. “You’d be surprised how useful some of the items in there are, once you known how to use them properly.”
“The Veritas?” He asks.
“Can repeat moments from memory, but can also record events as they happen, stored away in a secret pocket of time,” you smile, and wariness threads through his bones. “There were some interesting new moments captured within it when your returned that orb, that I doubt you knew could be accessed by me—or anyone, for that matter, if they knew how.”
“What are you talking about?” Azriel mutters lowly, shadows flickering at his back, agitation thickening in the air as the waves around him stutter.
“It’s a rather effective way of peering into someone else’s life,” you muse, “like a spyglass. I’m sure you would love to know how it works. It’s a shame the Veritas is so precious, or it would be a handy thing to leave lying about in your enemies’ rooms—see what they get up to behind closed doors.”
“What did you see?”
“Did I say that I saw?”
“It’s unwise to play games you don’t understand the rules of.”
“And here I thought we were on the same side, now you’re threatening me?”
“We have an agreement. Do not mistake that for sharing a side.”
“But we have a mutual enemy, doesn’t that put us exactly there?”
He pauses, and you watch as the shadows stretch along the walls, much further than they ought to be capable of. “I have no guarantee you aren’t under Kier’s thumb,” he says lowly, “though I suppose a quick look from our High Lord could sort that out.”
“Funny, I didn’t get the impression he would do something like that. Just going off how you all acted in the presence of the mortal queens.”
“So you did look.”
“I was curious,” you reason, smiling faintly.
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back,” you remind, still smiling, more feline than before. “How do you think I came to know so much about my father’s trove? A comprehensive manual listing every little detail for every little object?”
“You’d have to be insane to meddle with age-old artefacts.”
“Or just bored to tears,” you counter. “So little happens down here, can you blame me?”
“So you decided to go and poke at ancient relics? Some that date back to prerecorded history?”
“And now you get to share in all the knowledge I’ve acquired, isn’t that wonderful. I’d have thought you’d be flying to the moon and back at getting to expand your web of informants.”
He stares at you silently, an unreadable look on his lovely face. “I’m assuming you won’t freely hand over that information, though.” You smile faintly, choosing to remain quiet. “And how much does your father know about the objects in his possession?” Azriel asks carefully.
“About the same as you do, probably.”
“Why have you chosen to keep it from him?” He inquires, hazel eyes more alert than usual. It seems you’ve successfully piqued his interest. “Surely handing over even fractions of everything you supposedly know would put you in his favour.”
“And what benefits would I get from being in his favour?” You return, amusement fading.
Azriel angles his head, the light from the fire warming the smooth planes of his features. “You tell me.”
“I think I’ve told you quite enough,” you reply lowly, “pay up.”
Something glints in his hazel eyes, the edges of his mouth curving ever so slightly, before he’s stepping back into the shadow, swallowing him whole. You bolt up in the chair, spine straightening as you lean over the arm, but he’s already vanished. Gotten out. Left you alone within the heavy stone room that no amount of fire is able to truly warm.
Your mask slips away, brows curving slightly, lips parting in quiet sorrow as a soft breath has your shoulders sloping with despondency.
Scar-roughened hands slip gently beneath your jaw, softly but firmly guiding you to lean back against the chair, tipping your chin slightly to gaze into deep hazel, the firelight refracting through the array of colours. His fingers run along the bone, raising to the spot beneath your pointed ear as he holds you still, keeping enough distance between his touch and your throat for you to ease. You may crave comfort in the form of physical connection, but the feeling of hands around your neck…never again.
“You could have just walked over,” you manage softly, staring up at him, tall enough to lean over the top of the large armchair. “I could have,” he agrees, “but you needed a reminder of your codependency.”
Your brows furrow, but he lightly applies pressure to the soft hollow on the underside of your mouth, and you lean back into the seat, eyes content to close. It’s such a rare gift, you can’t bring yourself to deny yourself of it from any angle. You need to let the touch sink into your skin, to memorise how it feels, how the warmth seeps in and remains for a little without the stinging pain of leather, or the harsh bite of metal.
His fingers trace up the arch of your ear, light as feathers as you raise into the touch, so desperately seeking more. Your breathing settles into a steady rhythm, deepening with surprising swiftness, falling into the heat of his hands as they soothe your senses.
“What are your father’s intentions for Velaris,” he murmurs quietly, sliding the palm of his right hand fully beneath your jaw, letting the heat sink in, marking how your breathing stutters ever so slightly. “He’s only mentioned it a few times,” you mumble, basking in the heaven of his hands. “What has he said?” He prompts, raising his left palm to brush hair back from your cheek, to stroke over the crown of your head, lulling you into spilling more secrets. “He’s said it’ll be a chance to expand his reach,” you mumble, “something about buying up precious commodities and reselling them elsewhere, to slowly decrease trade…I couldn’t hear all of it…”
Azriel’s brow narrows at the revelation, making a mental note to report that back to Rhys. “What else?” He asks, hands both sliding beneath your jaw, cupping it lightly as his thumbs slowly drag over the skin just below your cheek bones, pressing hotly into the hinges, the muscle making your eyelids flutter at the slightly ticklish sensation. “Something about…being able to keep an eye on Mor… Knowing she wouldn’t like sharing her home with them,” you answer wearily, softening beneath fatigue and the soothing touches. “Reminding her she can’t escape.”
“And what about Kier’s trove,” he pushes, shadows pushing into the chair with you, and you shudder lightly, fingers trembling. He can hear the flutter of your pulse, see how your lips have parted to hand over the information for a few more seconds. “He keeps it locked away,” you murmur in answer, “the really precious things, at least.”
“What can they do?”
“I…” You trail off, body losing its tension, muscles relaxing into the encompassing warmth. “I can’t tell you.”
“Yes you can,” he whispers, hand again shifting to stroke against your hair—so softly, so sweetly. Not even the slightest suggestion of pain in his touch. So cruel.
But your eyes slide open, pupils wide and blown out, readjusting swiftly to the dim light of the room. “I think that’s enough for this time,” you manage quietly, tone shaky, “can’t have you bleeding me dry in one go.”
Azriel’s brow narrows, but then he’s pulling away, your skin already feeling cooler without the comfort of his touch and shadows.
“Keep an ear out for Velaris,” he instructs, hands settling over the top of the seat so you have to remain looking upward. Azriel considers mentioning also keeping an eye out for Eris, but he’ll start you off with one task. See how you manage it, before guiding your attention to other areas of your court.
“And what should I do once I acquire more?” You ask, and he notes the certainty in your tone. As if you somehow have a guarantee you’ll be able to discover more. Maybe there really are some dangerous things in Kier’s trove, thankfully left unknown to him. For now.
“I will find you,” he replies shortly, at last stepping back from the seat, shifting to his shadowy corner. “You stay focused on one thing at a time.”
“Any artefacts you want to know more about?” You ask, and he can hear the mirth in your voice without having to see your expression.
“Don’t do anything foolish,” he reminds, leaning against the wall. “This agreement only works if you’re alive.”
“And in this world,” you add, a touch quieter than before. He doesn’t like how lightly you speak about meddling with those objects—can only hope that you of all people will know when you’re about to take a step too far.
He doesn’t reply, simply looking you over one last time before vanishing into the darkness. Leaving you to ponder the new developments.
And how much longer you can take before having to return to the great hall. Feet still aching.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya
please… taglist: @hyemishii @darling006
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semisomnosres · 7 months ago
question if there was a season 3 rc9gn what could it be if season 3 could come out
I doubt that in the supposed 3rd season the writers will suddenly go into something serious. I'm sure that the meeting of people responsible for scenarios looks something like this: Man 1: we need a script for season 3. Tell me the best ideas you have Man 2: maybe we can talk about Randy's experiences? About other ninjas, how the chaos pearls appeared and.. Man 1: who let him in here? I'm telling you we need the BEST ideas. And you're fired Man 3: fart jokes Man 1: brilliant! Give this guy the entire budget, we have an unrecognized genius here! Man 3: *burps* Man 1: I'll name my son after you
I imagine the following development of events:
The season will begin with Randy's ego soaring to unprecedented heights after defeating an enemy that has terrorized the city for 800 years. And with this behavior he will irritate not only Howard, but also Nomicon, listening to the same thing every day several times a day will eventually irritate even the magic book, he will grow his eyes on purpose to roll them. He will start saying something like "if you continue to behave so carelessly, you will not notice how the enemy sneaks up" which Randy will shamelessly ignore and as a result, as Nomicon warned, he will screw up somewhere and endanger others and this will still manifest itself in the near future.
It is logical that the Sorceress will take the niche of the Sorcerer. She has already escaped from the world of shadows at least twice and nothing holds her back. But she is more careful and cunning than the Sorcerer, attacking into the breach is risky (especially after defeating her ex), so she will sit somewhere or will plot while remaining in the Land of Shadows. Let's assume that like the Sorcerer, her good side also separated from her, which she chained and hid, but it was nowhere to be found in the shadow world, so it is possible that she is in one of the remaining 8 worlds. And I think after all this, she will hide the good version more securely (and I wonder if it is possible to simply kill her? If so, then this would make her task much easier. But most likely they are connected, that while one is alive, the other will not die, etc.)
And it is not necessary to defeat her so that the next ninja have an opponent, she can also be sealed or given a new one. Perhaps, in addition to the green and purple chaos pearls, there are other colors, perhaps there are as many of them as there are worlds, who knows.
Viceroy and McFist will again become villains, they are too good a comedy-villain duo to simply put them aside. But why would they attack the ninja if the Sorcerer is no longer there? Therefore, we use the point above. This time their boss will be the Sorceress, there are 3 options why they will listen to her - manipulation, promises like last time or threats, or all together. She can threaten to harm McFist's wife, which he will not allow And perhaps they will tell about his probable conflict with the past ninja (I have a headcanon that when he studied at the Norisville school, the then ninja somehow annoyed him, because of which he so willingly agreed to the sorcerer's proposal) And after so much time, the offense still remains
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Since Theresa was shown as a mutual love interest of Randy - then they should devote time to her and her interaction with Randy. Otherwise, in her current state, she is at the level of talking curtains. I understand that this show is a comedy-action movie and not a romance, but at least it will not be such a difficult task to write her between the lines. Here's my idea for how to fit her plot: so that Theresa would have more opportunity to spend time among the main characters - she should learn the secret of the ninja at some point. (for example, at the beginning of the season When Randy didn't notice anything beyond his nose drunk with his triumph) Of course by accident, and instead of revealing the secret she began to cover for him like Howard. She should earn the opportunity to keep these memories, save the situation by proving to Nomi that she can be trusted. (It seems that Amanda's love magic only worked on guys, you can play this situation) so from the company of 2 idiots and 1 sane person in the person of Nomi, there will be 2 idiots and 2 sane people
I REALLY WANT to be given more information about the Norisu Clan, at least show the silhouettes (I made several designs of the First's brothers for myself, maybe I'll post them someday) (and I would really like more interactions between Randy and First. The trope where a tired adult almost adopts a hyperactive child will sell me almost everything) And at the same time, I don't want to be given out a lot of information about Creep, he suits the role of a mysterious guy who knows much more than you can imagine.
We have already been shown several mask modes: fire, Halloween and ice (from the game). Most likely there are other versions that are not limited to the elements (he has a bomb with bees, it seems there are no rules at all), for example, a lightning or stench mode (yes, don't pretend that the authors won't do this) and new types of magic from weapons or expanded hidden settings of old ones.
BUT most likely most of this will not be written into the plot, freeing up all the screen time for toilet humor…..
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