#the dude that posted it might just be trolling but it still was enough to make me want to go insane
dany36 · 1 year
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - John 8:1 🐄
the message now reads: ‘THE/TOWER/HA’ . i’m sticking with the assumption that ‘tower’ is a full word and ‘ha’ is the beginning of the next until proven otherwise
okay and now it’s talking about falling asleep within the dream, which is confusing as all hell. whoever this narrator is, ‘her body was a mystery to her’, which is very reminiscent of the themes throughout of Nona wondering who she is. i really do think that this narrator has to be Alecto somehow or on some level, maybe because of Harrow falling asleep in the Tomb at the end of HtN?
also hammocks made of ‘baby-soft skin’. Ew. 
and an interesting point of reference, John’s eyes are explicitly black w/ white rings on them, so this dream is set after Alecto becomes his cavalier. although it might mean nothing, it’s also very interesting considering just how significant eye colour has been that the torchlight makes the white ring ‘a satiny gold’, given his eyes were originally gold - i wonder if it might have something to do with the type of shared Lyctorhood he and Alecto have going on?
honestly if someone came on the internet showing off that they could control dead bodies or whatever, i would think it was a deepfake or some other trolling as well. i love that apparently there are still Flat Earthers around despite having the tech to have some kind of space station on Mars existing
its ironic people calling him the Antichrist initially, given that he eventually adopts the exact opposite vibe of being a deity. and the whole religious/God/Christ associations aren’t even something that he solely adopted post-Resurrection himself either, even here people, and John’s group of friends, are explicitly comparing him to Jesus and using Christianity as a basis of what to do
and uh yeah, realistically someone broadcasting that they can raise the dead and heal everyone would probably be considered a cultist not just by the government, but by most people honestly 
and we’ve got A— Junior, (presumably) Alfred, joining the team as well, who apparently went from being a hedge fund manager in one life to swordfighting in the next. wild. 
‘she’d adored being a cop’ i like Pyrrha well enough so far, but yikes 
even though John’s still getting to grips with his powers, and can’t do proper resurrections yet, he still seems a lot more powerful than other necromancers later, given he’s able to build an entire wall out of perpetual bone, something which from what I remember Harrow treated as a massive achievement at the end of GtN 
what the actual fuck did those cows and sheep do to you man!!! is this why Canaan House has all that horned skull imagery, as like a weird little tribute to how cow murder contributed to him becoming Emperor. maybe the real cow murder was the friends that we made along the way
‘they treated us like we’d done some kind of huge crime’ MY DUDE.
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thewebcomicsreview · 11 months
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Happy 10/25, the third most important religious holiday in the Homestuck Calender, and we got a new HS2 to celebrate, focusing on one of the new kids. The new kids were one of the parts of Homestuck 2 I actually liked, so let's see how the new writers handle them! With a Jailbreak reference, apparently.
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Wait, hold on, deep lore: thespiansGlamor is Harry, glutinousGymnast is Tavros. RecidicivousGainsayer and gavageCunctation are names we haven't seen before. GC fits into the AGTC DNA theme of all the screen names we've seen so far (it's Terezi's acronym), and RG doesn't. They might be random NPCs, but they might also be foreshadowing. Also, neither Rose nor Kanaya appear to be on their daughter's friendlist, unless they're under the scroll bar, but maybe that's not weird.
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What, uh, what did she draw the key with, HS2? That's her blood color, but she's not bleeding.
Also, who's narrating this? This has been a question in HS2 all along, but the narration here calls attention to itself more. It's much more "Homestucky" than HS2's had been.
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We even have narration describing conversation, which is something HS2 has never done and HS1 restricted to carapacians.
You suggest to Vriska that you should go the other direction. Vriska says nah this is definitely where we wanna be. She says between the two of you, you've probably got enough luck to take this whole place off the map if you really wanted. You ask her what the fuck she means by that. She says you know like with your Thief of Light powers. You tell her you don't have anything like that. She says huh, weird!
Oh FFS now I have to go look up if post-Retcon Vriska met Aranea, her own dancestor who was not a Thief of Light. That's such a weird thing for Vriska to assume, that Vrissy not only has Vriska's powers but has mastered them. Also, I wonder if this narration style, besides being a Jailbreak reference, is because the new writers aren't confident writing the HS2 characters yet? Or maybe they just don't want Vriska/Vrissy dialogues because they're kind of hard to read.
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I like these expressions. I also like this continuation of Candy Lore, that all the HS1 characters see Candyland as a "fake" universe and that's part of why they fucked around so much and got so fucking weird, whereas we see here that the actual Candy Natives do not see their planet as "bootleg". The fact that the HS parents don't think of their own children as entirely "real" is actually super fucked up, but I guess Yiffy's got the main right of complaint there.
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I like that Vriska, who can fly, still makes Vrissy give her a boost. What a jerk!
Vriska says now THAT sounds like some shit a REAL Vriska would say! You roll your eyes and start to leave when Vriska calls out to ask if you're going without wishing her good luck. As you start to wish her luck she cuts you off and tells you to keep it, as she already has aaaaaaaall the luck she needs. You say okay dude.
I don't know if the original HS2 writers intended for the resolution of the "Vrissy kind of idolizes Vriska" subplot to end with "Vriska's so fucking Vriska that Vrissy is disillusioned within literally minutes", but it's honestly kind of funny and I like it.
JANE: From the conversation recovered from Egbert's phone, we've learned that Roxy has been... conspiring alongside the rebels for months now. Operating a lab deep within the ruins of the Troll Memorial Meteor, she and her coconspirator Calliope are preparing some kind of super weapon they've dubbed "The Plot Point". JANE: Heretofore referred to as The Point.
This feels a little like shade.
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JANE: Let’s get to The Point!!
A lot like shade.
It's a little convenient to the new team that they took over right when HS2 was starting to actually go somewhere, but regardless, that was a neat page. I got a soft laugh out of it, the plot is starting to move, and there was some decent worldbuilding.
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ourimpavidheroine · 1 year
You've said you don't do modern AUs but if you did, who would have social media? And what kind?
That's true, I usually don't. But you know what? Why the fuck not!
Of the original generation, I think Su Beifong is the ultimate Facebook Grandma. Where she is the queen of humble bragging, FOR SURE. I don't think Baatar Sr would be into social media much at all - just not really his thing. I think Pema might also have FB, where she would post sweet updates and occasional Boomer memes and DM her family. Lin would not be caught dead on social media and refuses to look at anybody else's posts. LoLo would probably belong to the same private FB group as Bumi II and Iroh II. It's probably called something rude like SEAMEN 4 U or something. Where they reminisce over past exploits and compare fire whiskey or something. Post stupid Navy memes. I think both Izumi and Kya would be on FB, but they'd be private accounts and only for the sake of seeing family pictures and sending DMs to the rest of their generation.
Tenzin would probably have official Air Nation social media with lots of useful information. Which would actually be overseen by Jinora, of course. I think poor Tenzin would be confused by social media. And avoid it as much as possible. Jinora would probably do most of the posting and all of the accounts would be very well done.
Asami doesn't have time for social media; she has a PR firm that does Future Industries social media for her. Korra probably has both Twitter (I refuse to call it you know what) and TikTok, where she is the ultimate Gen X poster, and quite popular with all age ranges. There's air guitar. There's showy displays of bending. There's hilarious interviews with spirits. Every once in awhile she gets serious, as well. She's very popular because she's the Avatar. She's pretty busy, so she's not a daily poster by any means, but is still well liked. She has matured enough that she just blocks trolls instead of debating them.
Wu has FB, Instagram, Twitter - all of which are connected and basically post the same thing. Nothing live because the man would not be caught dead without anything wholly and completely curated and photoshopped. While he does write most of his posts and takes some photos, his posts are curated by his PR firm before being published and are meant to represent the Hou-Ting family as a whole. The Pool of Golden Blooms does have social media, but it's done by his publisher. Wu does have a private FB account so he can keep up with friends and family, however.
Mako would have Whatsapp so he could get in touch with folks but that would be about it. He'll gamely watch whatever memes anyone else shows him, though. He's often included in Wu's posts and he's okay with it. As long as he isn't required to actually keep up with it.
Qi would have Insta only; no candid shots, but something incredibly stylish and cool. Fashionista account, for sure. Followed by thousands and thousands. Never responds to anyone. Please. As if they would. Scorpio.
Bolin is the KING of social media. One of those celebrity actor accounts that everyone loves. He'd be like the Mark Hamill of Avatar Social Media. Or the Neil Gaiman. He'd respond as much as he could.
Opal would be the Georgia Tennant of Twitter and Instagram. Enough said.
Nuo would have FB and Instagram. She would not post all that much, but she'd keep up with what everyone else was doing. However, she and Wu would Facetime daily. There is official Zaofu social media but that's done by the PR team.
Wing would mostly post stuff about his garden. Wei would mostly post stuff about his pro-bending. Neither of them is very regular. They are both pretty busy with their lives and are more outdoorsy dudes anyhow.
Ikki mostly does live blogging, and she's fairly popular. Sometimes Baatar Jr is in it by accident and he is HIGHLY CRANKY about it, which Ikki thinks is hilarious. Most people think he's doing it as part of a long-running joke but no. He's legit crabby. He thinks social media is the downfall of civilization and refuses to use it. (When it is pointed out to him that his Aunt thinks the same he gets real fucking pissy.)
Huan does Twitter and Insta, but only about his art. He doesn't interact.
Meelo does regular live blogging like his sister, mostly about the Southern Air Temple as well as the school for the Deaf they have there. I would imagine he would do some sort of YouTube channel to learn Sign Language. (I have a lot of headcanons about Meelo eventually coming into his own and being an amazing teacher.)
Rohan? Too busy for social media, probably, although if Jinora asked him to do something specific for Air Nation social media he would gladly help out.
Hou-Ting kids? Naoki would do occasional Instagram posts, probably. It would focus a lot on her bending/her students' bending. She wouldn't do anything with regards to the Fire Nation court - that would be done by the official Fire Nation Royal accounts. Hemadri, on the other hand, would have a very popular Twitter account. People think it's Naoki doing it, but it's actually Lady Uma, which is something only Juziya, Naoki, and Sozui know. Juziya and Sozui would be covered by the official Fire Nation Royal accounts as well.
Zhi along with San would do popular desert, bug and geology videos/blogs across social media. They'd be like the Avatar version of Shane and Ryan with some Bear Grylls thrown in. Great rapport and really fun videos that actually teach people things. Ping and Amak sometimes show up. There are many calls in the comments for Ping to take his shirt off. Ping is mortified.
Meili would not do social media often but when she did it would be about her clinic and/or charity work, never anything personal. Meili is a very private person. Tupilek would keep up social media for Bridge Clinic, and would have a private FB account to keep in touch with his family down south.
Sayuri wouldn't do social media, except for her wholly anonymous and totally secret Tumblr account, which would be full of weird fandom stuff. She'd have the shoelaces, okay?
Zu also has a private Tumblr account, also full of weird fandom stuff. Neither of them know the other one has one. When they eventually find out, they will think it is H I L A R I O U S. They still won't follow each other, however, because they both understand the importance of having their own thing to themselves.
Orchid would be a social media QUEEN. Mommy blogger. Business woman blogger. Come see gorgeous Zaofu blogger. Beauty tips blogger. Sponsored blogger. Absolutely. Iris? No time, could not care less. Rose? Oh god no. She'd have a sophisticated website for her jewelry business but it would be done professionally, she'd have nothing to do with it. Poppy? Twitter. Where she would be known for being just savage to people who pissed her off. As would Jai, who would offend people on the regular. God help you if you attempted to troll one of them, because the other would come gunning for you.
Bu would probably blog every once in awhile, but not consistently. Pearl? No. She's as much offline as she can be.
Goba has a popular YouTube channel where he teaches Airbending meditation techniques and body strengthening exercises that anybody can use.
Katara II would have a YouTube channel about archival techniques, as well as Airbending history - which are mostly voiceovers, since she's not comfortable in front of the camera. She'd be well-known and appreciated, but more among the academic crowd. Tseten would enjoy social media, but wouldn't be consistent. A month of daily blogging and then six months of nothing while he'd be neck deep into his art.
Bhuti has one of the most popular travel blogs in the world. She'd be one of those people who would have an entire TikTok channel of her dancing with various people all over, that kind of thing. She's fun, she's engaging, she goes everywhere. Ever wanted to hear an air bison fart? Bhuti's got you covered. People love her, and she does lots of fun and spontaneous interviews as she travels as well.
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d2kvirus · 1 month
23/8/24 Fact or Fiction
Statement #1: Swerve Strickland is the TOP attraction in AEW. FICTION - While he's the company's top champ (at least at the time of typing) it is hard to deny that they've been presenting Will Ospreay as the company's top star since his arrival. The key thing, however, is he is not being treated as an afterthought in the way Hangman's title reign felt especially when it was clear his reign was being sacrificed to Punk (and didn't that work out well for all involved?), though there is the problem that his title defences have taken on the assumption of him dropping the belt, first to Ospreay and now to Danielson
Statement #2: CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre, Hell in a Cell – bad idea.  FACT - Bracelet on a Pole is the only way for this feud to end, obviously
Statement #3: In 5 years, you will have forgotten that Nia Jax was the WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion in 2025. FICTION - I sincerely doubt that Nia Jax will have left the company five years from now, unless she gets into another shoot fight with Charlotte on TV or something, so that little factoid will be brought up every now and then
Statement #4: Taking the US Title off of Logan Paul for LA Knight means even less US Title matches on WWE PLEs. FICTION - Considering how most PLE cards can be summed up as "And you get a title match, and you get a title match..." that increases the chances of more US title matches featuring, especially now the belt is on a fulltime performer and not a part-timer who is more interested in amateur snuff photography, running pyramid schemes, exploiting the legal system to silence criticism and generally being a transphobic heap of decomposing rhino shit
Statement #5: You’re embarrassed to tell new people you meet in real life that you’re obsessed with pro-wrestling. FICTION - I look like the bassist of an early 2000s post-grunge band, so embarrassment in public usually starts there
Statement #6: The Wyatt Sicks is a dumb name FACT - Let's be honest, the name does have the whiff of the 2002-3 indie scene to it. Not enough to tank the gimmick outright, but it does feel like a little more workshopping was needed
Statement #7: If pro-wrestling became an Olympic event, AEW and WWE would work together to try to win gold for USA. FICTION - Aside from it not being an Olympic event, because Olympic events don't have predetermined outcomes (not even the Australian Breakdancing qualifiers, contrary to internet theories...) but to be honest you couldn't see WWE and AEW working together to bring home gold for the USofA for the obvious reason that they have plenty of non-'Murican talent, for example Rhea Ripley or Toni Storm winning gold for Australia would reflect just as well on the company as Charlotte or Britt Baker would
Statement #8: You’ve cried because of wrestling. FACT - Eddie Guerrero's passing certainly brought a tear to the eye. Which was kind of awkward, given it was my first day in a new job and I had to explain why I was crying to my new colleagues
Statement #9: Timeless Toni Storm continues to be entertaining. FACT - Though I do wonder if turning her face, as seems to be the plan going forward, might see the character jump the shark - which it has been at risk of doing once or twice already
Statement #10: It’s still impressive when someone gets driven through WWE’s ringside barrier. FICTION - It looked impressive when the spot was very rarely used, for example when Goldberg speared Rosey through the barrier it was a spot that hadn't really been seen up until that point, but these days the spot is so common its lost all (pun not intended) impact
Statement #11: Rhea Ripley should be happy to be rid of Dominick Mysterio – dude’s a loser, in reality AND kayfabe! FACT - It frees Dom up to mercilessly troll that transphobic heap of decomposing rhino shit on their podcast, after all
Statement #12: We will never have another over and dominant “big man” wrestler again, like an Andre the Giant or Yokozuna. FACT - The monster heel is a relic of the territory era, where they could come in and dominate for a period before being sent packing by the territory's top babyface to repeat the cycle somewhere else. That simply cannot happen in WWE or AEW, because once they're vanquished the first time they would either require a significant retool to appear the dominant force they once were like Kane did, or are a forever nerfed part of the roster like Big Show, Khali et al were for longer than they were ever the dominant force
Statement #13: Randy Orton deserves a World Championship title shot even though he lost clean to Gunther in the King of the Ring finals. FICTION - If they are going to run Cody vs Orton, surely they need one of those "storylines" I keep hearing about as people continue to pretend that the two biggest matches of WrestleMania 25 prove that to be absolute hogwash. There's obviously a story there, and not "Your father died" or "You left the company you founded" which is the story of the vast majority of Cody feuds for the past eighteen months, but a Master vs Apprentice storyline going back to their time in Legacy - but that would need time to build up, and to be honest feels like a stopgap in the period between Survivor Series and the Rumble
Statement #14:  You know how we can end the curse of the of multi-person ladder matches. FACT - It's quite easy: have Jimmy Fallon say that he loves multi-man ladder matches on his show, as that's the usual way to run something into the ground faster than Concorde and end anybody's interest in it
Statement #15: Let’s be honest here, people really don’t care about tag team wrestling. FICTION - I'm a person and I care about tag wrestling, so therefore...
Statement #16: It’s weird that TNA’s arguable most-over contracted star is now a regular mid-carder on WWE’s C-brand. FICTION - I'd say it was on-brand
Statement #17: You know exactly when WWE TV is going to commercial every time, and that sucks. FICTION - Mainly because I use WatchWrestling, so I'm distracted by their ads cutting in far more than when the actual ad breaks would be
Statement #18: It’s only fair that all male wrestlers should have to wear shirts or singlets that cover their nipples when they wrestle. FICTION - Mainly because it would be rendered moot when 23% of all wrestlers do the same pulling down their straps spot in their matches, at which point matches would start to feel like a weird burlesque show
Statement #19: Bryan Danielson will never really retire. FACT - Dory Funk Jr is set to wrestle a match aged 83 next month, so you know AmDrag will take that as a challenge
Statement #20: You understand why Roman Reigns, super evil heel, would help his arch enemy, and all-around enemy of the Bloodline, Cody Rhodes defeat Solo Sikoa and cost him the WWE Title, despite claiming that championship is what fed their entire extended family and he went on record multiple times saying Solo was going to be the next Tribal Chief. FACT - Because a necklace is far more important than a title belt. Duh!
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vitaminwaterreviews · 10 months
IU - Lilac
This is one definition of a no-skip album: an album in which every song is high enough quality that there is no filler. And that’s exactly what we got here. Even the songs that I didn’t like as much were still excellent songs. That said, it isn’t no-skip in the other sense of the phrase. Like, you could skip any given song, and still pretty much get what this album has to offer. Overall very high song quality, but I’m not sure the album as a whole necessarily connects back to itself as well as it could. But then again, maybe the lyrics fill in that gap, and I certainly don’t understand the lyrics. Average score of 8.2 which does feel about right. Very, very high quality songs. Nothing was quite a 10 for me though. Even Lilac, which is a song that I really do love, isn’t quite there.
Musically, it’s amazing how much her sound can evolve, yet she still sounds so IU. I guess it’s literally the sound of her voice that’s the throughline. But like, if we look at early IU, which was kind of indie/folk, and then we look at jazz IU, and then her evolution into pop IU, and now we have a bit of house and rapper IU? Like that’s crazy dude, never in my life did I expect to hear IU rap, but that’s what we got in this album.
I might listen to Pieces, not sure yet. We do know that she’s working on another album, so that’s exciting. But for the most part, that’s kind of the end of my main IU deep dive. And I must say, what an experience. It was just so cool to hear her grow as a musician. That’s the kind of personal story that you don’t totally get from group music.
The first IU song that I ever heard was Lilac, and the second was Flu. I also know the line “you’re my celebrity”, and I heard My Sea when Bora did it on Queendom. (Also, justice for Bora oml.) I should mention that I have high expectations for this album; this is IU’s most recent album, and the parts of it that I know are very good.
I’ve seen this MV several times
God I just love everything about it
That bass and that guitar line beneath her voice is just So good
I love the part where the people on the train start dancing and she tries to dance along
And then of course it cuts to her in the center of the choreo
I really appreciate how they play with color in this MV. Actually like all of her MV’s. But this one in particular, with scenes of varying colors and brightness and contrast
The animated section I’m not totally sure about
Like it does feel a bit jarring, kind of just thrown in there
9/10. I love it, but not quite as much as Palette
This really is a song that you need good headphones for
So many cute little harmonies just everywhere, the “flu-u-u-u-u” stuff
The chorus is So groovy
The bridge does feel … almost out of place? I dunno, sort of
But at the same time I kind of wish there was more of it
8/10, very solid song, good song
Hey look, a song I don’t know yet!
She gambling?
Oh wow this is lower than we’re used to her singing, WOW
I like it
Also wow, bassy
MV does seem to be casino inspired, all these aces
She sounds SO different in this song, just the timbre of her voice
Holy shit she’s rapping
Holy shiT dude haha
Rapper IU might be my favorite thing in the universe now
That choreo is cute
9/10 for IU the rapper, that was so good
Hi spring Bye
Ballad time?
Haha these synths are so 80’s
Kind of haunting background vocals here
I kind of wish her voice was more prominent in the mix
Mkay, this is nice
Very … regal
Woah what was That
Oh wow this post-chorus is not what we expect from IU
And she’s just doing that cheeky smile that she does haha
Yeah wow that random synth line is Good
Why does she kind of look like Dahyun sometimes?
Troll (feat. DEAN)
Woah okay
Oh wow this is Cool, I like this
I dunno if I totally like Dean’s voice here
I certainly do like IU’s harmonies though
Hm… okay, I think it’s starting to make sense to me
Okay, yeah, I’m onboard
I really just love male/female harmonies, that’s like one of my favorite things in music
Empty Cup
This is a guitar right? Feels distorted though, like her vocals
Bass is nice
Don’t totally get what this song wants me to feel
Oh, “sick of your love,” it wants me to feel jaded then? Yeah, I’m getting that
This second verse is so nice, harmonies and clean vocals, mmm
It’s only two minutes?? Wait, hm. How do I rate this? On one hand I want more. On the other hand … isn’t that a good thing?
My Sea
Omg it’s Bora’s song
Man I can even picture that stupid mailbox
Fuck Mnet
Anyway, this is IU’s song
Have I ever mentioned how much I love IU’s voice?
Oh okay, we’re building now
And now we’ve got that walking piano line
And we’re building again, I hear those plucks
Oh wow, the pure vocal harmony there was unexpected
Phew, this is Anthemic
Yep, this is that high note
9/10, anything less would be criminal
Ah puh
Haha and what comes after My Sea? A surfing song, obviously
I like the vibe, causal and bouncy
Haha the waves and acoustic guitar
This is honestly So good
Not much to say, just a very enjoyable song. The perfect thing to place after My Sea
Kind of lofi vibes, the instrumentals at least
Her vocals of course are clean as ever
And these drums sure aren’t lofi
Haha wait what are these vocals? Is this IU doing this?
7/10 but it will certainly grow on me
0 notes
dianight · 10 months
Anyway. I finished the hbomberguy plagiarism video. Few tangentially related thoughts at random. Long (!). Very long actually (!!!).
Something he repeats a couple times through the video: "why would they do this?" I'm taking a step back and just saying monetary incentive. I thought it was very obvious (is it meant to be?) but the way it's presented leads me to believe there is some sort of "final goal" of sorts(?). Like. Not a criticism or anything but rather a "there is no way it's any other reason than monetary gain" so it felt a bit weird the way it was insisted on as if it were a mystery(?).
Could be me just being bad at interpreting what he meant. Moving on.
I am personally fascinated by cheaters. The mentality that leads someone to cheat is just so different from mine that I actively seek out cases like those. Not about plagiarism in particular, but rather cheating in videogames.
Karl Jobst has many videos about people who got caught lying about various achievements, usually but not always about speedrunners, and I enjoy them very much because a few times you get to see the timeline of denying, covering up, making excuses and eventually apologies. Not always in that specific order althought it's pretty common.
I've been consulted a few times about certain situations were it looks like someone might have used some trickery. Would get send a clip on discord, check it out and more often than not something fucky was going on.
There's two cases that come to memory.
One was some kid (despective -> very immature behavior) that pretended to complete a certain run. While using cheat engine. While streaming. A few people were quick to clip some very suspicious moments and make vague "this looks like foul play" comments but no one wants to come out and say it while they are celebrating. Got caught right away by verifiers. A couple days after not communicating this kid sends a few paragraphs as an apology. I saved it at some point out of morbid curiosity because to me cheating is just. What's the point even. (I seem to have deleted it at some point).
In this word document this individual explains his thought proccess, where he sees other runners get achievements while he feels stuck (skill wise) so he starts using cheats to practice; sometimes he forgets for a bit, sometimes he remembers to turn them off. The day he completed his run he intentionally left them because he felt that the pressure was getting to him and he really really wanted results. A few more excuses about feeling worthless, dealing with anxiety and depression.
Now. I'm not heartless enough to dismiss something like that right away, it might have been true, but that's no valid excuse. That kind of result-centric mentality is something I loathe. I know runners that deal with physical/mental conditions, that acknowledge their limitations and still do their best.
Furthermore, it is disrespectful to anyone who has ever tried in a legit way. Hey. I am aware that it is just playing video games. As they say, in the grand scheme of things it is not that big of a deal. Yet. For those who try their best. For those who have fun doing it. I feel like it mirrors that lack of respect that those plagiarists show for those they stole from. Very selfish way to look at things and behave.
As far as I'm aware this person has stopped having an online presence. As a disclaimer, this kid was 18-19 at the time. Oh well. He will learn and do better. We know.
The second case was some random dude (unknown runner, comes out of nowhere) that claimed (emphasis on this word in particular, it will be relevant and I get triggered by it) to have achieved a run (I'll mark it but it's a very specific run that we'll left vague) in 2018. He showed up in 2021 or 2022, my memory is not perfect.
I saw his discord post and literally thought it was a troll. Later that day I'm messaged and asked if I've seen this dude's run. Nope. I know the person that achieved that run back in 2018. At the time he'd moved on to do real life stuff (I'm assuming) but for older members of the community he is well known.
So. Rando shows up with a video posted on 2021/22 and says he completed it in 2018, making him the first [particular demographic that we won't mention] (not even the first person, my guess is he just wanted to brag) to do it.
Lucky for everyone, I happen to have some time so I watch this video that is barely past hour and a half. [I would usually just place the time in a parenthesis (1:30), but the lenght is relevant.] As of writing this post, the video is nowhere to be found. I actually remembered the name of the channel and he's got a few videos made in the last year, but the one that we mentioned is gone. Back to the past.
I don't like verifying runs because I'm an elitist piece of shit (<- selfdescribed) and watching less experienced (or the rude way: skillful) players gives me conniptions. But. I can somehow watch this because I am actually interested in this kind of thing. Cheaters. Liars. You know.
For a 2018 run, it's remarkably good (Evidence 1). There is a point where the player uses an item, moves in a certain way and stands in a specific spot (Evidence 2). This player is way too reckless and not sloppy for a 2018 run (Evidence 3). Once again, the player uses an item, moves and uses the item again in a particular place (Evidence 4). The run ends in ~1:30+, for a 2018 run this is insanely fast (Evidence 5). Evidence 6 is the fact that no one knows who this person is. This kind of run is a community effort where we develop strats and discover things as a community(!), together.
When getting to Evidences 2 and 4 I had to pause because I was laughing too much. I wish I could express this better: players have tells, little things they do that only they do. It can be the way they move the camera, the way they cut corners, the way they use throwables or even the way set their menus/inventory. If you are familiar with a player, you could be shown a random run and eventually you'd pick up on those tells and go like "hey isn't this X person?" So on Evidences 2 and 4 this dude uses very particular strats that a relatively famous player uses. This wouldn't be a problem if the player in question had developed those strats at the time, which is not the case.
Which leads to the conclusion: either this random dude had a very fast, very methodical run (no better way to describe the way someone who is very comfortable in their strats plays, aka someone who is not achieving their first run), using strats uncannily similar to those a player was yet to come up with, all of these while no one knows who he even is, who doesn't participate in any community discussion and somehow had no access or resources to upload a video to youtube or any other hosting site for three whole years; or, he is lying.
What I said to the person who consulted me at the time is the same I'm typing: this dude just wanted to claim to be the first [unmentioned demographic] to achieve that run, because claiming to be the first person was a bit too shameless.
So what do all those paragraphs even have to do with the plagiarism video? One may ask.
While watching the video it was very obvious to me why those people were being so blatant in their trickery. The whole point is that it is very easy to do and unless one is familiar with the topic at hand or happens to have read those articles/watched those videos it's also difficult to spot.
In both cases I experienced both players wanted fame and/or money, so to speak. It's something I often complain about, how the monetization of the internet has encouraged this kind of behavior. Hbomberguy does bring up that even with no economic incentive people still tried to plagiariaze AVGN because (paraphrasing A LOT) people want to be praised/acknowledged, they want to feel they have "made it" (my words).
One thing that Hbomberguy briefly mentions is that by stealing from a "smaller" creator (hate this word but I'm using his, I'd say artist personally) they made a big profit. He does not mention the number though.
I believe most people are not aware of how insane it is to get that amount of income from a few videos. Not to doxx myself accidentally, but to give an example: on a ~50k views video I made a bit more than ~200€ (after tax). It does not work exactly in a linear fashion because of stupid reasons (it might have changed at some point / I am not currently up to date on these things / take this point with a bucket of salt) but imagine half a million views on a video making 2000€. Now do it every month with almost no effort on your part other that the recording/editing, arguably the easiest parts on those kind of essays (extremely derogatory and disgusted), and you got yourself a nice con. Some of the videos shown had more than a million views. Do the math if you want. (It will not be 100% accurate, but it paints a picture).
This is why it's so disrespectful. These people who put in the effort to research these topics, who quote and credit their sources and could be making money of their work get nothing.
I have a weird relationship with this argument. I do not think that anyone deserves money for their work but I do believe they have to be compensated for it. To expand and maybe clarify: the fact that someone works to create something does not entitle them to get anything, the fact that their work is used to generate profit does not entitle them to that profit (my anticopyright stance I suppose), BUT, their work getting used without their consent/with no credit (I guess I should have explicitely typed it before) to generate profit is not ok.
Not like "giving credit" is enough and without ways to enforce it it's meaningless, but I don't see "getting their consent" being the way to go. As an example I'd say any art whose artist's online presence is gone. Who do you ask? Do you just not use it ever? (I'd like to say no. Art is for everyone). Is it ok to use? Under what circumstances? What counts as "using"? A profile picture? A cropped character as an emote? How is it going to be enforced, and more importantly, how to prevent those ways of enforcing it from being abused?
Those are rethorical questions mostly, I don't know the answers.
But in a capitalist society artists are extremely underappreciated while at the same time they get exploited arguably more than other forms of labour. There is also a form of duress where they are forced to monetize their art against their will, where they are forced to somehow promote themselves just to make a profit (which is itself an entirely different skillset), where they "have to" take the side of intellectual property laws not as a concious choice but by societal pressure (don't know a better way to phrase this).
I don't have a proper ending for this trainwreck of a train of thought.
You may call upon me in moments of need. It will get better or I will burn this world down.
0 notes
dash-n-step · 1 year
Literally the original finnster videos with girl mode were him going in Omegle to troll guys, like this isn't hidden information.
Watching people's fetishes play out in real time is kinda fucked anyways really, this isn't something he does for fun, people pay for this, well enough he can't really say no anymore. And they do so for reasons that are obvious. I just can't be the only one watching and seeing these things
I'll be honest, I didn't actually know much about f1nn5ter besides the occasional posts I've been seeing about his "journey", the fact that people are still using Omegle is a surprise to me on its own.
I think part of it was also I just assumed it was one of those non-sequitur bits, like when a streamer has a redeem that turns them into an among us or neco arc. From what I can tell from the comments, OP changed her mind about how she felt about the whole thing, but the omegle thing is, like, still kind of weird.
I don't know, I mean people doing silly things on omegle is, like, normal, but I think haing worries about traversing into transphobic tropes is a genuine one to have.
I also wouldn't really say he "can't really say no anymore" cause he can always go "hey guys, I no longer feel comfortable doing this, or this might be in bad taste in some circumstances" and then just wiring the money for that specific donation goal to some other thing. Presumably he's a big enough streamer that either his fans will forgive him, or the people who get mad at him for not wanting to do something he doesn't want to do will be replaced with new fans.
I do think there can still be something funny about parts of the situation, especially if random transphobes can get called out during this as they at stupid about a completely cis dude, or that moment with the inane double standards of twitch guidelines. It's just a whole thing.
I don't know, I'm tired and was more just surprised about the omegle thing, I just can't imagine the "joke" comes across well at all.
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re taking requests but I just had my sister cut my long hair despite my gut telling me not to and I hate it and I feel so ugly , my hair is my comfort and was wondering if I could get a comfort fic with Mallek reassuring reader they’re not because I’m having a hard time convincing myself, I’ve been crying for like 2 hours now
i am always taking requests! It just takes me a while to write them sometimes lol ;-;
so sorry to hear about your hair <3 I hope this helps even a little bit! also sorry it took so long to post lol. i used this prompt as a warm up and forgot to post it
It was bound to happen sooner or later on Alternia: absolute disaster.
You like to think you'd made you peace with the idea. Brutality? Well, all trolls are bastards, you're used to it. Violence? It's just foreplay on Alternia, and these funky little ant people want you so bad it makes them look stupid. They better start calling you cordyceps 'cause you got these bitches going to lengths once they've got you on the brain. And drone strikes? All you have to say to that is: you've befriended worse. Murder clowns; weeaboos and gamers; a verified nice guy, even. Drones got nothing on a heated gamer moment.
So what gets you in the end... it's the overconfidence, surely. Your sudden courage; you think it happens with an "oops" or an "uh-oh."
The important part is: it happens at all.
Because here's the thing they don't tell you about Alternia: even you- with your pal-ietal lobe, your cerebell-chum, your god damn penchant for being just the friendliest little guy- are alone with me, myself, and I at the end of the night. All you've got is that dude in the mirror who only talks back when you're at your most sleep deprived.
And that dude in the mirror has one fucked up 'do.
The solution is obvious: you've fucked youself over with Occam's razor, may as well use it. Who else do you know has fucked up hair?
Well, all of your troll friends. Tagora especially comes to mind. But who else has intentionally fucked hair?
Mallek lets you into his hive without a word about your impending flop era.
It might be thanks to the hood drawn up over your head; thank god for Mallek's hoodie.
"What's up?" he asks. You're still learning to read him; his smirk never quite reaches his eyes, but then again, neither do any of his other expressions. "If you're planning on robbing the hood, I'd appreciate if you didn't display my sign." He flops down on his sofa, grabbing another slice of pizza and handing you the blue plastic plate as if your hands aren't shoved anxiously in your hoodie pocket. "Or at least rob something really cool and subversive. You know, flushed affirmation day is coming up-" it isn't, "-and I've always wanted a Namaaq original."
His desperate attempt to act like everything is cool means so much; you almost believe it, with his smudged eyeliner and his dichotomous face.
"Already stole everything I wanted," you say, sitting gingerly on the edge of the couch, pressing your fingers to his chest. It's a small comfort; his heart beats so slow where yours is beating in a near frantic state.
"Just the one? You know I've got about five more?"
He smirks again, but this time his eyes join the party with a little tilt-o-whirl and the light that comes with it. "Hoodies." He takes a bit of his pizza, chewing through a smile.
He gestures at you with his half-eaten slice. "So what's the deal tonight? Breaking and entering? Defamation of property?"
"Defamation of person, maybe," you say. And with a thrill of anxiety, you pull the hood down.
"Damn," he says. He chews down the crust. "You look fucked up."
Well, he didn't have to say it. Damn gamers and their blunt demeanors. Tears sting at your eyes; maybe this was a mistake.
Mallek looks suddenly very distressed, running his hand through his own hair and eyes wide. "Fuck, I didn't mean it like that." He's panicking now, which at least is endearing enough that you can momentarily shove aside your upset. He looks around wildly, before handing you another slice of pizza. Another blue plastic plate. His white flag, his peace offering.
"Help," you say, in a tiny, mousey voice. Because it's the only thing you can say without falling to pieces.
It takes some manoevering, three more slices of pizza, and a few paragraphs of skipped exposition before you're sat in Mallek's gamer chair, with Mallek's hands in your hair, and Mallek's razor buzzing away behind you.
It's terrifying; hasn't your look suffered enough?
"You're going to get my hair stuck in all the noo- crevices," you catch yourself just in time.
"Yeah, well I've got a fan."
"Human hair is finer than troll hair."
"Heh. Got a leafblower, too."
"Do you really?"
"Yeah." You turn around in his chair to really look at him, give him a hard left face to the face. "Really," he repeats emphatically. "How do you think I got around before I saved up enough allowance for a hoverboard?" He jerks his horns to one of several piles of junk that litter his hive. You wouldn't have seen it if he hadn't pointed it out; a leafblower connected to both a skateboard AND a flamethrower. That is indeed Alternia's stupidest- and, possibly, deadliest- private transportation.
You're shocked. "Does it work?"
He scoffs. "Does it work? Do you feel any hair in those crevices?" He kicks at the seat; several meals worth of crumbs rain down.
You do, regretfully, find yourself suddenly aware of tiny bits of your cut hair in your own crevices. You wonder if he'll let you take a shower, or if he's going to try to prove a point with that leafblower.
"Your deflecting," he says, grabbing you by the top of your head and straightening you out. He clicks on the razor and you must visabley tense, because his hand on your head goes suddenly tender. "What's the big deal? I've been cutting my own hair for sweeps."
"What if I look stupid?"
"Do I look stupid to you?" He fluffs up his hair with his off hand, looking like the world's sexiest cockatiel.
There's silence between you. Mallek's face is so transparently pleading with you: please laugh, please feel better.
"It's just..." you trail off, fiddling with the hem of your stolen hoodie. "I've always been a person with hair that was a certain length, and-"
Mallek interrupts you with a swipe of his razor against your scalp.
"Hey!" your hand jumps to the clean shaven spot; it's fuzzy like a kiwi.
"You'll learn," he says, pitching his voice low, "to be the person with this length hair." He pulls the last lock out of your face before shaving it, kissing you on your now exposed scalp. "Or this length hair," he tickles you on the jaw with the lock of hair he just shaved off. "You're gonna look so punk, babe."
And so it goes. He doesn't shave your whole head; just a small part of the side.
"Did I ever show you my first shave?" he asks, wiping down his blade once he's finished.
He doesn't wait for your answer, shoving his palmhusk in front of you. The picture is of preteen Mallek, complete with lime-green soda tab necklace and striped arm bands and shaggy, wavy hair with a shaved patch right at the side, all right angles.
"Wow," you can't help but laugh, "I always knew you were a square." You trace the perfect, ridiculous edges of his hairline on his palmhusk screen, and he hits the lock button.
You're forced into eye contact with your own reflection.
It's not bad- the haircut is very troll, with wild bits sticking up at odd angles- but, well...
You turn in your chair.
"So, matching tattoos next?" He offers.
It's not you, not really...
But you smirk the same way he does: all mouth. Your mouth. On his.
You think you can find a way to be this person, right now. You'll grow into it, and if not? The hair will grow into you, eventually.
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Troll WIPs
Mostly for myself so I don’t forget all the ideas I’ve been gathering and working on, because I’m an easily excitable dude who’s also very easy to distract and awfully tired and forgetful... so you might see how that might affect what the hell im doing on this blog...
However, if you were ever interested in shippin with me in any kind of capacity and find my current roster lacking, ya can of course check out what I have on the backburner.
This is going to be a very long post, because I'll probably add some visuals here and there and because yeah... I have a lot of ideas, so it's going into a readmore!
Basically done!
Elyzia - just gotta finish those talksprites! <3
Xiento Ethuri - needs some talksprites <3
Romida Gartho - could probably use a talksprite
Stryxe Sangui - talksprite? :3c
Well underway, solid ideas
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Vizlei Alvear - Male - He/Him + A very friendly fella, maybe not the smartest though? + Student studying to become a veterinary! Loves animals! Childhood friends with Elraik, friends with Ghalen + Study buddies with Salhus and Ialvah :D
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Elraik Maarvi (Left) Transfem Nonbinary - They/Them + Design by @8bit-mau5 + A Business and Fashion Student who has commitment issues, but enjoys being desired by others, is childhood friends with Vizlei and enjoys doing pole dancing as a hobby, a bit sassy this one
Ghalen Centin (Right) Male - He/Him + Design by @8bit-mau5 + A chronically tired fella that's kinda friends with Elraik and Vizlei, also a Student, a bit of a mutant, tends to be chill most of the time, likes snacks... feed him snacks please...
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3 literal troll children who are kinda some feel good characters for me, who have nothing bad happen to them besides regular ass lil kid troubles (literally all 3 of them are mutants in some ways) + Revenn Spirav (Left) - 1 hemoanon baby duck nonbinary knight that likes to go on adventures and be the protector of their friends! adopted Striga as their parent + Veltin Airlin (Right) - 1 shy violet prince boy, "giant seabunny" parent, very timid and a lil clingy, wants to be a good boy, Design by @goddesstrolls + Anthea Cornis - 1 pink super sparkly unicorn princess who wants to be the bestest empress when she grows up! Is surprisingly level headed for her age... will still put makeup on you and try to pretty you up with sparkly clothing though
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Kazmir Lycant (Left) Male - He/Him + An indigo werewolf shifter, that's kind of chaotic evil, that's a pretty rough design idea, used to be a really nice guy until he got fucked over so much that he just went apeshit at some point, though he's mellowed out some since + Used to hate Hespar, because the guy almost got him killed when they were both younger, but at this point he's kind of gotten attached to the old fool and they might manage to bond with one another yet...
Hespar Laetum (Right) Male - He/Him + Old man Monster Hunter Cowboy Wizard! He's a design trade I got from @goddesstrolls + He hunts the undead and other creatures that are dangerous to most regular trolls - he started hunting Kazmir many years ago when the guy started to go apeshit and almost killed him, but got away + Kazmir has since become Hespar's white whale of sorts, always trying to find him and take him down, though he's starting to get old enough where even his magic can't help offset his waning strength and skills anymore
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Anudal Nubihs (Left) Neutral - He/Him + A Businessman, if you will... Not quite a troll this one, is he? + What business? You're not sure, though if you'd ask him he'd probably say he was in the business of death, which is why the Alternian Empire is so lucrative + He's far above most petty, mortal things, but he indulges occasionally to alleviate potential boredom
Orvear Retrix (Right) Male - He/Him + Rainbowdrinker artist, chaotic evil, a wee lil bit insane! A design trade I got from @goldenguillotines + Orvear is... a lil fucked up in the head, he's obsessed with beauty (or at the very least what he himself defines as beauty), he's always looking for models for his paintings and sculptures and might become obsessive with what he thinks is a beautiful troll + he will seduce trolls he thinks are attractive enough for his taste, get them to pail with him and then drink their blood, because that's how feeding works best for him
Crovin Thonyz - Male - He/Him + a drunk ass teal who can't get his shit together ever since his matesprit died quite a few sweeps ago, he loved him too much and can't seem to move past it
Temero Rargym - Male - He/Him + a lime chemist that hates the world and hates being alive but would never let you kill him because that would be doing you a favor after all + he finances himself by selling designer drugs - as in specifically designed for your wants/needs, he's ridiculously good at it
Rough ideas, working on it
Balton - Pokemon Based silly boy for Sylvie <3
A specialized team for Athokk, he needs some coworkers other than Aitreo
Masc Enby Guitar Player in a band with Etatio
A Sexy GNC dude, singer in a band with Etatio
Gonna have to figure out a drummer for that band too
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Amalia Ashado - Genderfluid - She/Xe + Design by @8bit-mau5 + Originally wanted to put her into the Venturia gang, but I changed my mind in the meantime + Wanna put xem on Alternia with some of the others, a noble lady
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Mlanee (Left), a GNC boy - He/They + a popstar with creepy cute vibes, may or may not be evil/insane, rough design idea
Myelee (Right) - She/They + a feel good dancer, making choreographies and videos for youtube, but also has their own studio where they teach, rough design idea
Adopts I love but really need to figure out
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Purple (Left) + Design by @cherrytrolls (wanna edit the look a lil) + potentially ditzy, airheaded idol, cute and well meaning?
Indigo (Right) + Design by @cherrytrolls (wanna edit the look a lil) + maybe a pit fighter, kinda tough gal?
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Lil Miss Bloodthorne (Left) + Design by @clown-fuckers-r-us (wanna edit the look a lil) + seriously gotta think about this one, probably a demon of sorts
Pastel Goth (TBA) + adopt by (TBA) highblood, probably a former friend of Etatio's
The Venturia Gang
It's an entirely different planet (Venturia) where technology doesn't really work the same way it does in the rest of the Empire. + Imagine it a bit like DnD themed, leaning more on the fantasy than the sci-fi side. It's got kingdoms and various forms of ruling castes, mutations, flora, fauna, gods etc. + Trolls originally came to the planet to colonize it, but found they couldn't leave anymore. If ya land on the planet, yer stranded there for the rest of your life and find that pretty much all your tech is useless. + Ya gotta adapt, bro! Become one with the fantasy setting! + I gotta figure out more about this quite literal homebrew im doing
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Ithora Khaave (Left) Nonbinary - They/Them + Ranger Design by @8bit-mau5 + generally unfriendly, kinda dislikes other trolls, adventurer
Namkor Argean (Right) Genderqueer - He/They + Bard Design by @8bit-mau5 + gay ass disaster
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Lyonel - Male - He/Him + Himbo Supreme Barbarian, rough design ideas - Lion hearted, stupid but friendly, courageous or maybe too stupid to be scared + heart full of love and ass full of dumb
A sexy sexy rogue bastard <3 abs out whore dude + only really have some visual ideas so far
I kinda want more DnD/fantasy trolls
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers Meeting the MC’s Family
I mean, if they have any family at all, what could they even tell them anyway? “Sorry Mom, still in Hell so I won’t make Thanksgiving but I’m doing great though!” This is another long one folks, but I lowkey kind of love it a whole lot. Sooo fun to write. One of my favorite posts so far.
Thinks it's a little weird that they’re so adamant to introduce their family to a literal demon but also kinda gets it. Family is the most important thing to him too.
Is very focused on making a good first impression, from image to attitude. Their approval isn’t going to do jack to stop him from being with the MC but he’d still take pride in being able to charm them for a night. Besides, if the MC cares then so does he.
Has more experience with the human world than the others so he’d know a lot of the do’s and don'ts already. They won’t need to worry about him making some kind of slip up.
Would love the irony if the MC’s family is religious at all. Christian/Jewish especially. May or may not play along with their little rituals but is going to make a lot of thinly veiled, passive-aggressive comments towards his "old man."
Would be most comfortable in a setting where there’s a lot of intellectual discussion or debate. He loves to steer a conversation down towards politics or other controversial things to get a rise out of people. The MC may need to reign him in if that’s a big no-go zone.
Isn’t really going to get along with any younger siblings the MC might have. Either he’s too stiff or too scary. If they’re looking for a playmate, look somewhere else.
Also not going to be particularly fond of any pets they have one way or another. Though he may take a shine to pitbulls or rottweilers because they remind him of Cerberus.
You sure about this, MC? Him? Really? Are you really sure? He’s going to think they're crazy but he’s not going to refuse.
Will be so freaking excited if they’re from a well-to-do or, dare say, rich family. So much stuff to steal admire. Yeah, yeah no stealing from the MC’s family, he gets it... He’ll really try his best but it might be good to keep an eye on him.
Surprisingly though, he’s not going to be disgusted if they’re from a poor family either because the dude gets it. Money is hard to come by and things can be tough. He might even… pay... for some stuff while he’s there... You know, if he can. Don’t make a big deal out of it… He's got an image to keep.
He’ll try his best to not come off like a total scumbag and it may actually work. He’s rough around the edges but there’s plenty of chances for his better side to shine through as long as he stays on good behavior. 
They will have to be sure that he doesn’t get to talking too much because his dumbass will let it slip that he’s a demon. 
Mammon may not love kids but kids love him and any younger siblings are going to do the same. Even if he calls them little gremlins, he’ll let himself get roped into whatever game they’re playing and make it a lot of fun in the process.
Bring on the pets! He’s more of a dog person but he’ll play with a cat too. He may not be as animal-obsessed as Satan but he loves a good furry companion every once in a while.
NOOOOO and you can’t make him!!! A social event involving strangers where he has to make a good impression?? Fuck no, that sounds like actual hell and he doesn’t want anything to do with it!
… But he also can’t just let the MC go back to the human world alone because what if they meet someone better than him and get reminded that they’re with a good-for-nothing otaku…? Okay he's going. But he’s going to pout about it.
His first impression is going to make him come off like a nervous wreck no matter what. There’s really no polishing this bundle of anxiety. The best he can hope for is to ride this thing out until it's done.
Will be pretty quiet and cling to the MC like a life-raft the entire night. Refuses to be left alone with their family in any capacity, he could not handle the awkward silence. If they’re going to the bathroom, then he’s going too damnit.
If they have a pretty nerdy family then he might be a bit more comfortable. Especially if any of their siblings/parents game or are into anime. Steering conversation more towards his comfort zones will help him out a lot...
If they have little siblings who play a lot of video games then he is going to be the coolest person in the world. Period. He knows all the best strategies to practically any game out there, demonic or human. He may even loosen up a little bit and start smiling if he gets to wow an audience with his gaming prowess!
Like Lucifer he’s not going to be all that impressed with pets either way. He’ll think fish are pretty neat and probably even reptiles too but don’t expect him to get too cuddly with a dog or anything.
Doesn’t hate the idea but agrees that his name is going to have to change if they’re really serious about it. “Hey everybody this is my boyfriend, Satan!” is only going to be appealing to very niche circles...
Like Lucifer, he's going to be mindful of how he comes across. He'd rather the MC's family likes him than didn't, even if it's irrelevant, so expect him to be very polite and sociable. Damn near the perfect gentleman.
… Until something/someone sets off his temper. He may not go full Wrath on the situation but it's probably best to get him out of the room real quick so he can cool down.
Would love if the MC comes from an super educated family but it’s not a must. He's the kind of guy who will ask a lot of questions about any person's profession/skills and how things work regardless of background. He's curious that way.
Either way, he is going to show off his smarts and make sure that their family knows where his intellect is at. He wants them to know that the MC picked someone with a good head on their shoulders, after all.
Best keep him away from small children and bratty teens. He isn't exactly opposed to kids, but it takes one little shit to set him off and NO ONE looks good yelling at someone else's kid. Deserved or not.
Will there be cats? Do you have a cat? Please say you have a cat! He's okay with dogs too but if the MC has a cat this man will be ecstatic. The cat will love him and he will love it right back. Honestly, he's already adopted it. It's his now. Who's MC?
Baby, you can take him anywhere and he’ll be the life of the party! A little family gathering doesn’t matter to him.
Is going to make sure that the moment he walks through the door the MC's family is in awe of what a catch they've got for themselves. He wants them to be proud of their little MC! To him, that translates to looking good and being fun!
Hope this is a house used to physical affection because he will not (and probably cannot) turn it off. Everyone gets hugs. Everyone.
Extra affectionate the whole night. He'll hold the MC's hand or arm or waist or really any part he can get away with. Kisses on the head and cheek aplenty. He may also lowkey butter up their parents with loads of compliments no matter what situation they're in.
If he's told to cool it on the touching though, he may get offended.
Is going to be better with teenage siblings than little, little ones. The man lives to give dating advice, fashion tips, or makeovers, you name it. Though he has to be careful to mention just human products and not some of the stuff he has back home.
Animal fur on his clothes? After he dressed himself so carefully?? No thanks. You can have your cute puppy or your little kitty. He'll take pictures, but he's probably not going pet much.
Is honestly kind of honored by the suggestion. The MC is already a part of his family so it only seems natural to make him part of theirs. Though he has some reservations, mostly around his appetite...
He doesn't go up to the human world very much because it's really hard for him to stay fed. He's well-known enough in the Devildom that restaurants know what to expect when he walks in. Not so much up there.
Arrange the meeting around a state fair, festival, or carnival where the food is plentiful and he's golden. Hopefully their family won't be too disturbed by how bottomless his stomach is…
Beel is a sweetheart through and through but his lack of knowledge about how the human world, or humans in general, work might come back to bite him. He may need a little 101 about human manners before going.
Truthfully, their family is in for a real treat! This giant may look intimidating, but he's as gentle as they come. The kind of guy who will carry their grandmother’s bags with a smile on his face just for the sake of being helpful. 10/10 Sweetie, mother will approve.
Ooooh little kids are going to love Beel. He'll let their siblings hang off of him like a jungle gym. Will also play games with them if they want him to. Doesn't matter to him, their family is his family too and he wants to see them all happy.
Man wants dogs. Preferably big ones that he can rough-house with but little dogs he can cuddle work too. Do remind him that he can't just rip a whole-ass branch off a tree to play fetch like you could with Cerberus.
Really? You want that? Lol, okay but no promises. This is pretty much the equivalent of sticking two unlabeled chemicals together in a beaker and leaning in to see what happens. Who knows, but now you're stuck in the middle of it.
He's not going to try especially hard to make a good impression or change himself in any way. If their family is into people who are kind of chill and sarcastic then he'll get along swimmingly. If they were expecting more of a Satan type, yeah. No. He's not holding open any doors.
Won't be taking the whole thing all that seriously to be honest, like, what are a bunch of humans going to do if they don’t like him? Tell MC? They're certainly not going to be able to make him leave. He's humoring them at best, even if he's nice, so why bother fussing about it?
Might be a disrespectful little troll at times like pretending to fall asleep or making casual jokes like "Oh no, ma'am. I'm not all that comfortable with that cross over there because I'm a demon. …. Got ya, didn’t I? That'd be silly." *shit-eating grin*
Would appreciate a quiet, slightly introverted family the most. He's going to start getting annoyed if people in the house are too loud and may speed the whole thing along as a result.
Kids are things he'd rather avoid than have to interact with, but if pressed he will humor the little ones too. Don't expect him to do a whole lot of moving, though. If they're happy to just show him things that he can semi-pay attention to, that works for him.
MC has a pet? Is it fluffy? Is it lazy? Bring'em here. Like Beel, he likes big dogs but would rather just bury his face in fluff than try to wrestle it. He may actually fall asleep with them if they lay still enough for it.
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Whoo boy, been a little bit. I can’t really say much besides IRL sucks, so. Back to something that doesn’t suck, which is BNHA. This chapter is dedicated to the good bean Tenya, especially his little smile which forced me to change my pfp on discord because I just couldn’t.
I was kinda planning on doing arc summaries between sections, but honestly, the BNHA wiki already has those, so if you don’t want to go back and read through all the posts I’ve done for the pre-USJ chapters, just head over there and do a skim of the summaries there, I guess?
[No. 12 - Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!]
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I just love how his hand gestures are actual effective tools against enemies, I cannot even. Also, a good and friendly reminder that carbonated drinks stall his engines! I have never seen that used in fanfic, whether for crack or whump purposes… a shame.
We head right into the next morning from that battle training, with the kids being held up by the media as they ask about All Might. Izuku is a bundle of nerves as he awkwardly excuses himself to the nurse’s office, Ochako is a darling who describes All Might as super muscly, and Tenya goes into a whole ass speech with a lot of fancy language to explain the honor of being at UA and learning under All Might. 
(Honestly, I find it hard to determine whether this is genuinely earnest or if he’s picked up media warding skills from his parents and older brother. It’s probably genuine, but I just love the idea behind low-key troll master Tenya who learned from the best, aka his older brother.)
Katsuki, unfortunately, is still known as ‘the kid from the sludge incident’, which I mean. I am so fucking baffled at how long the media in this have held onto that 'sludge incident' thing, like, you'd think they'd have moved on to other things by now and don't really think about it much.
It’s the same with the general public (as seen in chapter 3), like, yes, I too would have a fucking complex and anger issues if all anyone thought about in relation to me wasn't my high grades or my skill in combat or anything, but that one time a year ago where I was almost suffocated to death while the people who were supposed to save my life did fucking nothing. I mean, Katsuki has always had a complex, but This Didn't Help.
Moving on, we see the media wondering who the fuck this messy looking dude waving them off is, while Aizawa just. Fucking shoos them like they’re dogs or kids or something. His words seem like a vague attempt at being polite about shooing them, but with the hand gesture, well. Basically comes off more as a chastisement. 
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...honestly, this feels so weird that no one knew about it even though the kids who got in got a message from All Might saying he’d be teaching there. The only thing I and the others can assume is that there was an NDA on him teaching until it was announced to the newspapers on the first day of classes. Which would explain why it didn’t hit the news until said day…
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Whatever, it’s weird, let’s just move on.
One of the reporters steps forward, asking/demanding a chance to speak to All Might about his sudden shift to teaching, only for the guy behind her to try and call out a warning - just a touch too late, as the sensors over the gate react, causing the daunting hunk of metal serving as a gate to slam closed right in front of her. Gonna guess she’s new to the reporting scene. The guy explains that the UA barrier locks down if someone without a school ID approaches the gate, and that supposedly there are more sensors throughout the campus.
The panel gives us a diagram of the three ‘levels’ of sensors - the gate/wall around the school, the walkway to the school, and the school itself. Which I think correlates to the security levels that come up later, since it’s a ‘level three’ breach, which means the school was broken into. Was it… always that fucking simple and I just totally glossed over that detail until now? orz
While the newsfolk complain about not getting comments from UA, we get to see the back of a ~mysterious figure~ who definitely isn’t the primary antagonist of the entire series. God, you can see his individual neck vertebrae.
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We transition to 1a’s homeroom, with Aizawa going over the battle training as well as their grades / evaluations. Aizawa calls out Katsuki and tells him to grow up and stop wasting his talent, which Katsuki grudgingly accepts. Izuku jolts at being called out next over his broken arm, and accepts the chastisement of learning to control his quirk, because trying isn’t going to cut it. Aizawa does soften the blow, however, by repeating that Izuku has potential, assuming he overcomes that issue.
With that done, Aizawa ‘Plus Extra™’ Shouta gets the whole class tense by drawing out the next class announcement. While I think it’s a translation error, the whole class sweating as they wonder whether it’s another brutal pop quiz is hella funny. (I’m guessing it was meant to be ‘test’ which would reference to the quirk assessment as well as the battle training, but ah well.) The whole class sighs in relief as one as Aizawa finally reveals that their task for the morning is to choose a class president - a normal, school-like thing in comparison to the past two days.
Pretty much the entire class has their hands raised to volunteer for the position, with Katsuki being particularly aggressive about it (as per the norm). Even Izuku has his hand shyly lifted up from the desk, while his narration notes that the position in normal schools entails mundane tasks, but in UA’s hero course means leading the group - a position suited for a top hero in the making.
Tenya calls for them all to quiet down, drawing attention as he goes on to explain how leading people is a task of heavy responsibility, but that ambition is not equal to ability. He is so intense it’s hilarious as he explains how the office demands the trust of its constituents, and that if it’s to be a democracy, then he puts forward the motion that they choose their leader through election.
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Seriously this is just so fucking hilarious, I love this boy so much. And I love whoever it is that calls out that this is a classroom, not congress. 
Tsuyu points out that the class hasn’t known each other long enough to build trust, and Kirishima notes that everyone will vote for themselves. Tenya points out that that is precisely the reason that anyone who gets multiple votes will be the best suited for the job. He then checks with Aizawa if this is allowable, which the teacher agrees to so long as it’s quick. And a quick transition, we reveal the winners-
Izuku with three votes, and Momo with two.
Everyone else, it seems, still has one vote, which was their own (as predicted). Izuku is shook. Katsuki is shaking in anger as he demands to know who the hell voted for Deku. Ochako is whistling and looking away, thinking that she’d better not let Katsuki find out.
(Also of note is that Sero is already approaching Katsuki and making a joke here about it being obvious Katsuki wasn’t one of Izuku’s votes, and then seemingly laughing a bit when Katsuki’s temper turns on him?
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Hard to say for sure, but it seems Sero is the first of Katsuki’s future friend group to approach him and get away with poking at his temper. Which I feel is something very much overlooked by the fandom in favor of Kirishima for fairly obvious reasons.)
Tenya, meanwhile, is in a funk as he notes he has no votes, and that that is the harsh reality of office. Momo is concerned as she notes that zero votes meant he voted fro someone else, while Sato points out that Tenya was the one to suggest the election, so what did he seriously want? Izuku and Momo go to the front of the class - Izuku a nervous wreck while Momo’s just exasperated with the situation. Aizawa confirms their positions as he gets out of his sleeping bag, and the class talk a bout about the suitability of the chosen pair while Tenya continues to sulk in his seat.
With that, the first half of the chapter is done, so I’ll call it here. I can certainly say I learned a thing or two today, and I hope y’all did as well!
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And imma add the minor trio and Rika too!
RFA+minor trio+Rika playing among us:
As crewmate: he’s pretty chill, his avatar is the white one with a halo (because he has an angelic face), his name is Zen with a little heart and he sticks with you and Jaehee most of the time. He does some of his tasks, to prove he’s innocent and then he’ll follow you and Jaehee around to sort of “protect” you. When an emergency meeting is called he is the one in the groups that talks and tries to find out who’s the impostor, along with some other people. He will say that you and Jaehee are innocent and he’ll defend you :)
As impostor: he gets caught immediately because he always kills Jumin first and then when an emergency meeting is called he’ll say “I’m sure he deserved it” or he’s just laughing evilly in the background. He will kill everyone except you and Jaehee! Another way of finding out if it’s him is that he will also kill whoever killed him last round just to get some revenge pft. But the more you all play, the better he gets and soon enough he’s fooling everyone around him (I mean he’s an actor, he can lie) so Zen is pretty good at being the impostor (but he doesn’t kill you or Jaehee so that’s another way of finding out it’s him lmao)
As crewmate: He plays with the light green avatar, and he didn’t really have like an accessory until Seven hacked into his server and made Yoosung’s avatar wear the post it note that says ‘I’m dumb’ or something like that lmao (he also changes Yoosung’s name to baby Yoosung or something like that which makes Yoosung so freaking angry pft.) Anyway, since LOLOL is something that requires teamwork, he’s pretty good at it! He’s always doing his tasks and sticks to you or Seven. He is the one that gets killed first tho, on A L L O F T H E R O U N D S which makes him shout and scream (sometimes he will rage quit while Seven is just laughing his ass off.) Also if he isn’t killed by the impostor then he’s voted off pretty early lmao
As impostor: he’s an angry chihuahua out for vengeance. He normally gets caught in the 2-3 round. Also. He kills V first so thats how you know. He will literally just kill V and then he won’t do anything else, his purpose is complete (he might kill Seven if he feels like it tho.) its pretty easy to know when he’s the impostor lmao. Also he doesn’t know how to really lie and you can catch him pretty easily.
As crewmate: she is so freaking perfect holy shit. She gets her tasks done super quick, and she’s the one that can actually guess correctly about who the impostor is. Her avatar is the orange one, and she doesn’t really have any accessories, her name is simply Jaehee. When she’s crewmate she’s super cooperative, and she’s just, the perfect player. She loves trying to figure out who the impostor is, and she’s the one that actually uses evidence to get someone voted off.
As impostor: dude. SHES PERFECT TOO PFT. She is literally one of the best impostors. No one is able to suspect it’s her, and she managed to get the group to vote off someone without seeming too suspicious. She also may or may not sometimes kill Jumin first, it mayyybe makes her a bit happy lmao. She will leave MC for last though, and she will follow MC all around the ship. She doesn’t usually kill a lot though, she mostly sabotages the ship and that’s how she wins.
So, his avatar is purple, and he has The cat head hat as his accessory. Seven hacked so his name would be Cat Mom. Alright so our baby actually gets killed first lol. If Yoosung doesn’t get killed, then it’s him. He also finishes his tasks quickly (once he learns how to really play, it does take him a while and he will need your help.) When he isn’t killed he’s also really good at finding out who the impostor is, using facts and logic. He’s a genius my babyyyy. I love him pft. Anyway, Jumin is really really good at finding the impostor which is why they also always kill him lmao. He will stick close to you no matter what.
As impostor: listen. The first time he played and got impostor, he immediately said in the chat: MC can you explain this to me? I can’t do the tasks, and it only lets me ‘vent’ and ‘sabotage’. Do you know what this means? Also why is my name in red?”
He shortest round ever lmao. But then, he’s super good,once he gets the hang of it. The only people he refuses killing is you and V. He’s super good at lying, no one can tell it’s him because he’s perfect at defending himself. Jumin kills and sabotages, he usually does a bit of both. If he has to kill someone like you or V,he will immediately apologize in the chat, and apologize for everyone he balmed or killed too lmao. But it’s so cute. Also Seven taught him that whenever a game finishes he has to say ‘gg ez’ and now he won’t stop saying it. ‘Mr. Han, we managed to sign the contract with Mr. Kim.’ Gg ez. He leaves the chatroom, he signs off with gg ez. ‘Jumin would you like your pancakes with sugar?’ Yes love, thank you. Gg ez. It won’t. Stop.
As crewmate: boi. This guy is just super chaotic. He will act like he’s the impostor to scare everyone. He will be following you to make you uneasy. He doesn’t really do the tasks, and mostly focuses on teasing Yoosung or Jumin. He’s also the reason Yoosung gets voted off pretty early lmao. He’ll call an emergency meeting the first 5 seconds of the game and say he just missed you all, and wanted to see your faces pft. Still, when he gets his head in the game (ooo get dat reference??) he’s super good. Sometimes he will play seriously, but it’s like, a 1/100 chance lol. His avatar is the red one, and his accessories will change every single round.
As impostor: He’s still chaotic lmao. As for his name...it’s green lmao. It’s mostly when he’s playing with other people though, but Jumin will always refer to everyone by their username, so he will say “I saw Green vent.” And then everyone will voye Yoosung lmao. He’s like CallmeKevin (his Among Us videos are amazing, rip to peepeepoopoo, 21, Big Chungus, and the rest.) Saeyoung is just a huge troll lmao. He will also kill in front of Yoosung and then proceed to say that Yoosung was the one who did it lol. Oh I really want to play with him lmao it’d be so fun to form a freaking alliance.
As crewmate: he’s super cooperative. His avatar is the turquoise one, and his accessory is the snow crewmate (Seven hacked so V could have one pft.) V always does his tasks. He isn’t one to suspect people, and he’s always the one that reports the bodies. He believes that no one gets voted off unless you’re all 100% sure that the person is the impostor. V was the one that taught Jumin how to play and they mostly spend the whole game together. Also if someone kills him, he’ll be the one to apologize (LMAO I’m sorry, but it’s now a rule that V has to always apologize for something in my head canons, B U T you KNOW he would! This man will apologize for being born lmao -honey no please-)
As impostor: he will lowkey cry. Nah I’m joking lmao. He doesn’t kill everyone and mostly uses sabotage. He doesn’t really blame anyone either. He’s like...a pacifist impostor lol. He doesn’t like getting impostor that much, but he’s the one that gets it’s like three times in a row. There’s nothing else to say, because we all know that V ain’t doing shit as impostor lmao he’s a sweet baby that doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. He does sometimes kill accidentally, when someone suddenly appears close to him he will sometimes press the kill button (he always forgets it’s there) and ends up killing the person, then he’ll confess to everyone and apologize pft.
As crewmate/Impostor:
Ray: sweetest bean ever. Has the pink avatar and the little flower as accessory. He likes doing his tasks and will follow you around every where. He’s always super quick to blame Saeyoung though. As impostor he will always kill Saeyoung and V. He’s actually really good at lying, since he looks so sweet and innocent. He won’t kill you.
Suit: Black avatar, knife hat. He’s always suspicious. He won’t let anyone follow him. He doesn’t really do his tasks, and is not one to participate in the chat. He always laughs when someone gets killed. As impostor he always wins. He will kill everyone in a single round, no one really knows how he does it, but when he’s impostor the round is never long.
Unknown: he has the black avatar too, with the fedora cuz why not? He doesn’t really do his tasks, and mostly follows you around. Not to like, frighten you or anything, but he does like teasing you sometimes. He will not take part in the discussion most of the times, but sometimes he’ll just say: it’s zen... and BAM he’s right.
SE! Saeran: he has The pink avatar and the little crewmate pet. He likes doing tasks and walking around the ship. He also won’t really participate in discussions. He doesn’t really like getting impostor, and he will always win by sabotaging. It’s just...something about killing them (even though it’s a game) that makes him feel weird. Sometimes he will kill Saeyoung though, but it’s probs because he wants to get revenge for a prank or smth lmao.
GE! Saeran: he has either the pink or white avatar, with the flower hat or the snow crewmate. He always follows you around and is pretty good at doing tasks. He’s also a bit more active during discussions. When he’s impostor sometimes he will kill Saeyoung, but it’s in a more to tease his brother kind of way. He is pretty good at lying, but he will always tell you if he’s the impostor. He also won’t tell if you’re the impostor on a round too lmao,he’s just so cute and loyal.
As crewmate: first. How in the diddly darn fuck did you get him to play LMAOO. He got stuck with the a maid hat and dress that Seven made for him lol. He’s fine as a crewmate, and he is the one to vote people off mostly because of gut feeling. He can always catch Seven when he’s the impostor too lol, he’ll just call an emergency meeting five seconds into the game and type: ‘it’s seven’ and 80% of the time it is.
As impostor: the other 20% of the time he isn’t right about Seven is because Vanderwood is blaming him lmao. He’s a really sneaky impostor, he’s super good at using vents and great at killing people. He’s also one to win the rounds pretty quickly.
As crewmate: she’s still sus lmao. Yoosung is always defending her though. Rika doesn’t really do her tasks, she doesn’t really do anything really. She follows you around, and will always say you’re innocent though. Her avatar is the yellow one with ram horns (don’t ask why, it’s the first thing that popped into my head lmao)
As impostor: ahhh she’s super good at manipulating and blaming others. She also frames V a lot lmao. She will kill everyone, no mercy at all. Saeran and Yoosung are always defending her, so she’s pretty good and hiding that she’s the impostor. During meetings she’ll stay quiet and mostly watch, but sometimes she will say something to stir the blame to someone, in such a...natural manner. She’ll just be perfect at shifting the blame without being suspicious. She’s really good at being impostor.
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airlock · 3 years
it's inadvisably early in the morning and I just finished watching a video talking about the public perception of Twilight over the years, and it got me thinking about some things that I figured I might as well inelegantly ramble about in my limited platform that one or two people like to read my text posts on
but before I take this to the inside of the readmore, I have a small confession to make. you see, when I was a teenager...
... I fucking hated Twilight actually. that's barely a confession, but hey, I told you it was going to be small
anyways, onto the disorganized reflections about the deceptively simple matter of disliking things in media and fandom, typed from my phone and likely riddled with tpyos
in this day and age, I think it's very unlikely you'll uncover a person, especially a mature one, who likes Twilight without at least harboring reservations over its more tres problematique aspects or the simple fact that they're not really the most fascinating thing that a monkey has ever committed to a typewriter. at the same time, though, the phenomenon of vociferously disliking twilight is long gone; for the most part, Twilight either your guilty pleasure, or something you don't think about very much at all anymore.
this has made it rather easy to construct the retrospective narrative that, even if being a twilight fan back in the day might have been a little bit cringey and embarassing, everyone who vocally disliked the books back then was someone pathetically hanging their entire identity onto bashing a thing just because teenage girls liked it.
now, I'm not here to stand in defense of the whole of the phenomenon that was Hating Twilight, because hoo boy, not all was right in that kingdom. it led to an immensurable quota of bullying and harassment, and much of it was rooted in sexism, queerphobia, machismo, the works. still, some part of me doesn't see how exactly it's fair to forgive Twilight for being imperfect while also casting that other coin of olden times only ever in the worst possible light. it's not an exact equivalence by any means, but I think it's something comparable.
it's also just kind of like... when I think about to what exactly I disliked so much about Twilight, when I try to get to the core of it in the most honest way I can... it comes down to the sparkly vampires. yeah. it's not that I hated it because it was effette (although I wholly admit that I was there on board with people taking the mockery in that direction), so much as that it seemed like this story was written about vampires that weren't vampires in any interesting way. not nocturnal bloodthirsty undead monsters, just attractive guys with a couple of superpowers. might as well have set it in smallville.
you might be thinking, that's such an unimportant thing. and it absolutely was! but nobody is any longer pretending like they had a deep and interesting reason for liking Twilight; why should it only be Valid (TM) to have disliked it all along if you were one of the people who actually had a good reason to feel that way?
there are certainly some things that the sentiment doesn't justify -- doesn't make it right to give the people who did like the books a hard time, and doesn't make it right to talk about these dislikes as if they are objective assessments of quality, to name a few things. again, it's not an exact equivalence. but I think this unwillingness to just let people have their petty, personal dislikes is one manifestation of a deeper and more insidious phenomenon in modern fandom culture.
one thing I also remember from those yonder days is that, from time to time, people would take me to task on why disliking Twilight seemed to matter so much to me. whether it be because of times when I was genuinely being uppity about it, or because of times when people simply projected this sense of caring very much at simple expressions of dislike and/or some rounds of having fun lambasting the disliked thing. at those times, I'd do the thing that many people did and fall back on concern trolling over the book's ostensible romanticization of abusive behavior. (which, to be clear, is not something I am now categorically saying Twilight doesn't do, I'm just now past the point of pretending like I know enough about the series to make such a serious accusation affirmatively. maybe I should have just stuck with calling out the part where a dude falls in love with a newborn. I know that that's a thing that happens, unfortunately)
thing is, that particular strain of behavior -- deflecting with social commentary as a response to being taken to task on your petty dislikes -- reminds me quite a bit of something else. like, say, the fact that most people in fandom these days are absolutely unwilling to ever admit they dislike something just because they do and instead always have to make it out to be a cause of social justice instead.
one of the bigger reasons why this happens is purity culture and the desirability of signaling wokeness to others even in situations where it does not fucken matter, but I think another of the biggest reasons is that, if someone simply does come out and say "yeah, I dislike the thing for reasons that aren't very deep", they tend to get responded to like they grew five heads. best case scenario, they get labeled a killjoy. worst case scenario, they get the woke-fu turned on them, because hmmmm, how suspicious that you dislike this character who is a minority of some sort. (if the character is not a minority of any sort, then naturally, people have written slash fic about him, therefore you are homophobic for disliking him. it always works!)
now, there is a certain amount of etiquette that is fundamental to not being a dick about disliking things -- the golden rule being that you don't ruin the fun for people who do like the thing -- but I think it's high time we recognized more broadly that pettiness creates as much community and life as love does. somewhere beneath all the chest-thumping and celebrity harassment, there were once people genuinely finding community in their shared distate for this tedious little book that it seemed like the world couldn't get over. I think that, whenever you give people that opportunity to bond over a shared dislike, they'll bite; it's better we just figure out how to wield this, with etiquette and honesty, and accept it. it's leaps and bounds better than making people feel like they have to destroy something before they're allowed not to like it.
hell, I'd say that the best thing out there is when fans and haters of a certain thing can still find common ground. can you imagine how thrilled I was when I heard about how the Twilight series apparently has a whole lot of more interesting-sounding side characters who were just unfortunately shunted to the background of The Love Triangle Of Mr. Obssessive, Ms. Everygirl, And Mr. Secretly Actually In Love With An Ovum?
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Make ME
Title: Make Me Creator: Purple_ducky00 Rating: Teen Warnings: none applicable Relationship: Sam/bucky Square Filled: O3 – Undercover Mission for @samwilsonbingo Summary: Sam and Bucky get under each other’s skin, and neither of them can stand the other. How long til these idiots learn that it’s not hate, but love between them? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29754915
Prompted from this post by @rambeaus
“Who died and made you king?” Bucky grumbles.
 Sam throws up his hands in annoyance. “For fuck’s sake Barnes! You know this is the best way to do this!”
 “No, I don’t! This way has many flaws. The slightest movement could set off a chain reaction of…” Bucky’s tirade is cut off by Natasha walking between them with sterile gloves and picking up the mouse trap, sticking the remains of the mouse and the trap in a plastic bag.  She rolls her eyes at them and walks out of the kitchen.
“Do you see what you just did there? This could have all been taken care of if you just listened to me!” Sam growls.
 Smirking Bucky turns away. “Bite me.”
 Sam’s temper flares as he watches Bucky walk away. What is it about the soldier that makes Sam’s blood boil? Every interaction they have ends in an argument… And for some reason, Rhodes had put them on the same team! When a few deep breaths don’t calm him down, Sam heads to the gym. Might as well let out some aggression on something he can’t hurt.
 ++++++++ “What were you thinking putting those two on the same team?” Tony laughs as he lays down in his husband’s lap. “The UST is off the charts. They are going to finally snap and either kill or fuck each other.”
 Rhodey shakes his head. “I know. And that’s why I put them on the same team. I’m sick and tired of them skirting around the issue. No use delaying the inevitable. They both have too much of a sense of duty to not complete the mission, and I’m going to assign a mission leader to go with them to keep them on track. Now, who should that sucker be?”
 “I would tell you Steve because I love trolling him, but he would only stop them from doing either. Give the job to Sharon. She deserves it after the whole blow-dryer incident.”
 “Tony, that was five years ago.”
 The retired superhero sits up to glare at Rhodey. “I’m still not over it.”
 “Ok, ok. I’ll send Sharon. She’s close with them anyways. Hopefully, she knocks some sense into them.” Rhodey concedes.
Sam and Bucky are seated across the table from each other in the conference room, listening to Sharon’s plan. “So, we’re going undercover as actors in the Bachelorette.  We have intel that the host of the show is somehow funneling contraband drugs and black-market arms for HYDRA. Bucky, Tony made you a flesh-like sleeve for your arm, and we are all going to be using holomasks to cover our identity. Do you both have your characters memorized?”
 “Yes. I am Tucker Acktenbee. Raised by my mother and her sisters, I know how to appeal to the feminine side. Growing up in Massachusetts, I love seafood and cranberry jam and pies. Before I applied here, I graduated from LSU with a bachelor’s degree in English. I am twenty-six, and my birthday is October 19.” Bucky says as he pulls the holomask over his face. He looks like a completely different person.
 Sam rolls his eyes and does the same. “Hey, baby. My name is Joshua Perkins. Born and raised in New Orleans, I also share an affinity for seafood, but my insides can handle the spice. No one’s going to want a bland piece of white bread like Tucker when this bombshell is available. With a master’s degree in psychology, I’m here to help with whatever emotional needs a woman has. I’ll be twenty-seven on April 15th.”
 “Good. Good.” Sharon nods. “Just so you remember, I am going to be in the camera crew so my ears will be open for any rumors. Pack your stuff. We have to be on set in 24 hours to rehearse.”
 “I don’t know about you, Barnes, but I’m going to win that Bachelorette’s heart.” Sam nudges Bucky with his shoulder.
 “Better a fake relationship than none for you, I guess.”
 This man makes him so angry! “Fuck you.”
 “Nah, better leave that for Miss Bachelorette.” Bucky sends him a syrupy grin and walks out of the room before Sam can reply.
 “Arrrgh!” He groans, and Sharon looks at him strangely. “Sorry, Shar. He just gets under my skin so easily. I just want to strangle him sometimes!”
“Yeah… strangle him…” She nods slowly.
 “What are you implying?”
 Raising her hands in surrender, Sharon backs up. “Hey, I’m not kink shaming. You do you, my friend. Just don’t tell me about it.” She picks up her clipboard and tablet. “Wheels up in nine hours.”
  Kink shame? What the fuck? Needless to say, Sam is very confused.  There is nothing kinky about his and Bucky’s relationship. They clash at every turn. If he slammed the door when he stormed out of the room, he’ll never admit it.
“Hello and welcome to The Bachelorette! I am your host, Chris Harrison. Join me as we find this year’s Bachelorette a husband. At age 28, Penelope Darnea previously worked in insurance but is looking to branch out to another occupation. She loves baseball and the beach and is always down for a margarita. Now, let’s take you to our woman of the hour as she greets the contestants!”
 Bucky is one of the first contestants to the mansion. Penelope Darnea is a beautiful woman with societal “perfect” features. As he walks up the stairs to the mansion, she greets him. “Hello, welcome to the mansion! Tucker Acktenbee?”
 “Yes, it is.“  Bucky leans down to kiss her hand. “Can I tell you just how ravishing you look? The man you choose will be incredibly lucky indeed.”
 Blushing, Penelope waves him on. “I can tell that you’re a charmer.” Bucky is escorted to a room in the mansion as Ms. Darnea greets the next contestant. He uses the time he has to think about the mission. Somehow, they have to act as contestants for the Bachelorette and figure out how they are funneling the money without the network realizing. And he has to do it with Sam.
 His therapist once asked him “What does Sam do that gets on your nerves?”
 “The better question is what does he do that doesn’t get on my nerves?” Bucky had replied. They always have the stupidest of arguments about the most meaningless things. Both of them hate to lose. His head perks up when he hears someone in the hall. “Here is your room, Mr. Perkins. If you need anything, please ring the bell.” The host goes through everything as he did in Bucky’s room.
  “Thank you, sir. Much appreciated.” Oh fuck. That’s Sam’s voice. Bucky understands why they would put Sam beside him in case a quick update to the mission is needed, but to hear that voice at all times of the day? He can only take so much torture. Thankfully, a host comes to get him for an “exclusive” interview. Bucky stays true to his character but does not miss Sharon manning the camera.
 After the interview, he is told that he can fraternize with the other contestants, but he cannot use someone else’s set time with the Bachelorette for his own. That is an instant disqualification. Bucky confirms his understanding and returns to his room. Changing into a new outfit, he decides to take a walk through the house. He’ll let Sam come to him first.
A week goes by, and the second rose ceremony is coming up. Both Sam and Bucky make sure to spend time with Ms. Darnea, but also meet up in Bucky or Sam’s room every night to see if they’ve seen anything suspicious.
 Bucky has kept a close eye on the host but so far nothing looks fishy. Sam has been scanning other cast and crew members and has come up with nothing. They are quickly running out of options, but there are still a good portion of contestants left.
 “Why don’t we check the host’s quarters? He has to have something there.” Bucky suggests. That was the dumbest fucking thing Sam has ever heard in his life. “Dude. There are cameras everywhere. If we get caught, our cover is blown. We have to just wait for some kind of shipment to get here. The set can’t have had enough food stocked for a month.”
 “But what if we can’t wait that long? What if he’s getting stuff out another way? Then HYDRA has supplies, and they’ll hurt more people. We can’t let them do that.”
 Sam scoffs. “What do you think they have? Air ducts under the mansion?”
 “Go fuck yourself.” Bucky gives him the finger.
 “Make me.”
 Bucky’s eyes darken in anger. “I just might….” He cannot finish his sentence before there’re is a knock on the door.
 “Mr. Perkins, your date is set up.”  Someone calls through the door.
 “Now if you’ll excuse me,” Sam smirks and straightens his collar, “I have a woman to seduce Tah tah! Have fun!” And then he sashays out, enjoying the look of pure anger on “Tucker’s” face.
 He walks down the hallway with the camera crew following him to the porch outside where Penelope is waiting. “Well Joshua, what date do you have planned for us tonight?”
 “Well, my lady, you say you like excitement, correct? I have bought us tickets for skydiving. Does that sound enjoyable to you? Once done, we will grab dinner at that new Italian restaurant, Sal’s, I think? They serve the best tiramisu.”
 “Oh, that sounds lovely.” Penelope purrs, rubbing his arm with her hand.
 Crooking his elbow, Sam offers his arm. “Shall we go?”
 It is long after midnight when the couple returns from the restaurant. Sam looks up and sees the curtains are halfway open in Bucky’s room. That means he has some news. “I dd not realize they like you stay the entire night.” Penelope marvels. “Wow, Joshua, you are so cultured.”
 “Oh, it’s nothing. “Sam waves it off. “Just something I’ve picked up in my travels. Have a good night Beautiful. I hope to see you again tomorrow. Water aerobics class?”
  “Why yes. I do love water aerobics.” The bachelorette pokes his shoulder with hard, bony fingers. It hurts! Taking his leave of the lovely Bachelorette, he goes back to his room until the cameras leave. Then he walks over to Bucky’s, who updates him on the next shipment coming in. They will be ready then.
It is the day after the latest Rose Ceremony. There are only five contestants left. We have gathered these remaining contenders to give another “exclusive” interview. “So how are you feeling about the contest?” The host asks each participant in their interviews. Here are the responses.
 “I’m feeling pretty good about it. Ellie and I have had many a good date together. I do think she will choose me in the end.” Carlton Hayweather comments.
 Nathan Abbey snorts. “Well, there are five of us left, so she can only pick one, right? And the amount of time Perkins and Acktenbee spend in each other’s rooms, we really don’t have to worry about them. So basically, there’s three of us.”
 “I’m feeling confidant,” Joshua Perkins leans back in his chair. “I believe I have made her laugh the most, and I do believe humor and friendship are major keys in a relationship.”
 Terrance Filippo tilts his head. “Eh, if I win, I win. If I don’t, I don’t.”
 But it’s Tucker Acktenbee who wins the hearts of most watchers. “Penelope is a very strong woman. I trust that she knows who is best for her. I do hope it is me, of course, but should she choose another, we must all concede fair and square. We have to stop assuming we know what women want or need. She is capable of knowing it herself, and I wish her the best.”
 Are you excited for the next round? I am!
“Tucker, Joshua? The producers of the show would like to meet with you.” An event manager pulls them from the pool area.
 When they arrive in the office, the head producer, Carole Teller, claps her hands. “Great acting out there! Have you seen this interview?” She shoves a tablet in front of their faces. Nathan Abbey’s face is centered on the screen.
 “Oh, he thinks we’re gay?” Bucky asks.
 “Yes, and if you are, we don’t discriminate, although I wonder why you’re here if you are. But it doesn’t matter. The question is, would you be able to pretend at least for the screen? I don’t mean a full make-out session, but maybe the camera catches a glimpse of you two in the corner. Ratings will go up, and there will be added drama.”
 Bucky is about to object when Sam shrugs. “Sure. We can do that. Is that all you need?”
 “Yes. Thank you for coming in. Good work out there!” She chirps and then turns her full attention onto something else.
 “I guess we’re dismissed.” Sam shrugs. “Come back to my room. We have to strategize.”
 Once they get back to Sam’s room, Bucky pushes Sam up against the wall. “What the fuck did you agree to that for?” He hisses. “First of all, that means the show is queerbaiting and I don’t like that! Second of all, how is this going to help us?”
  “We can hide in little alleyways and closets. Who knows what clues we could find there? Do you hate me that much that we can’t play nice and kissy for a week or so?”
 “I can kiss you. I am a great actor, thank you very much.” Bucky leaves go of Sam.
 “Then do it. Kiss me.” Sam challenges. “Make me.” Bucky thinks the conversation would be ended there, but Sam grabs him by the face and plants a deep kiss on this lip. Caught off guard, Bucky is not ready for that, but quickly kisses Sam back.
 “Wow. That wasn’t so bad after all.” Sam says, wiping his face with his sleeve.
 Bucky scratches the back of his head. “Not… too… bad, I guess.”
 Now that one kiss has been made, many more are to come. Bucky and Sam take advantage of their “hidden relationship” to sneak into closets and hallways. They find that the next shipment will be coming in early the next morning.
 Bucky is taken away to get ready for his date. The dinner and show are quite enjoyable, and Penelope asks him back to her room. Bucky agrees. Once inside the door with the cameras off, she pushes him to a machine and flips the switch. The electricity runs through him and holds him to the machine. Tsk what am I going to do with you?” Penelope asks. “You shouldn’t have come, Asset.”
  “You can’t…. control me. The words don’t…. work anymore.” Bucky forces out through his pain.
 “True that might be, but I can break you. My mother broke you the first time. Don’t think I don’t have her notes.” She smiles wickedly. “Too bad you had to snoop in places you just didn’t belong. Now I’m going to take you and all my goods< and I’m taking you back to base where we can finish our experiments. How does that sound?”
 “Like we got it all on tape!” Sam bursts through the door. “Hands up Lady. We’ve got you.” He rips off his holomask, showing his face.
 “Drop the gun, or I electrocute him.” Penelope warns.
  Sam puts the gun on the floor and slides it halfway over to the villainess. As she bends down to get it, Bucky summons his strength to break free of the current and kicks her. Immediately, Sam tackles Penelope to the ground and wrestles the switch from her, accidentally setting it on high. Bucky convulses and screams. In panic mode, Sam clicks off the current and frees Bucky, who falls to the ground, unmoving. Quickly chaining the Bachelorette to the machine, Sam works on reviving Bucky. “Bucky! No! You can’t die. I just realized that I love you, and if you don’t wake up and get up, so help me I will kill you myself.”
  Bucky’s lips move minutely, and he whispers something. Sam leans down to heard Faintly, Bucky whispers with a grin, “Make me.”.
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janiedean · 3 years
How do you feel about the idea that Cersei's valonqar has to be Jaime? People say it can't be any little brother, it has to be one of her brothers or else the story doesn't make sense. I mean, obviously it would be dumb if she were killed off by a rando. Personally, my ideal ending is for Lady Melara Stoneheart to come back and eat her alive.
lady melara stoneheart would be great, but in all seriousness, jaime is not valonqaring anyone least of all c. because:
he's the audience red herring same as tyrion is c's red herring, like the text being OH HE WAS ACTUALLY TWO SECONDS YOUNGER is there to make you go like OH but it's grrm trolling just the fact that he's telling you like that means it's not going to happen, he never actually does that straight when it comes to prophecies (AA anyone?)
jaime is in the riverlands, he burned her letter, he's with brienne most likely watching her kill cat bc she can't kill him and they're going on the quiet isle and getting sandor and finding sansa, and I have to presume he has time to go back to KL? yeah no
there is no jaime equivalent in the og dance of dragons but there's the c. equivalent
jaime killing c. makes no sense bc it would just give him extra trauma tied to her and the entire sl he has is that he has to get away from her and his life isn't 100% tied to hers anymore so if he goes back and kills her and like..... re-traumatizes himself it means what in the great scale of things? sorry but I don't agree
also c. thinks they're going to die together in a murder-suicide which would still mean that half of what she thinks would be true and spoilers the entire point of c's chapters is that she's wrong just about everything so that's not happening period
also I already said it in that prev. post but: the prophecy literally says that the valonqar chokes her to death which like......... jaime has one good hand and a gold one so first thing he can't choke her with just one and if he used the golden one he'd basically cut her throat or crush it under the weight which is not choking but on top of that again
choking is an extremely personal way of killing someone bc like you have to watch them die slowly and keep your hands there while they do and you have to not falter and you have to be strong enough to not let them get away, and like........... with all their history for good or bad I have to think that if jaime killed c. - if he did - he wouldn't just like stab her and give her a clean death? when he's favored giving anyone he's killed a clean death anyway? jaime choking c. makes literally no sense both physically (because he doesn't have two hands) nor psychologically for how jaime's character is structured, so like.... I feel like it would be wildly ooc if he even managed to choke her in the first place
also again, I went through the prophecy fifteen times and it says THE valonqar, not YOUR valonqar, and why wouldn't she specify that and just say the? there isn't just one little brother in all of westeros which means that it can be anyone's and being someone who has reasons to kill her but is not related to her makes absolutely story-sense because she wouldn't expect it, we wouldn't expect it and again to quote the one dude who's certainly not the valonqar bc c. thinks he is,
Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head.
you can't trust any of that shit to not be random and again... like guys how does jon's death fulfill the AA prophecy? the salt is the tears, the smoke is because jon's wounds smoke when bowen marsh cries on them, the bleeding star is a sigil on heraldry above them when he dies like... the og is when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers he shall be born again amidst smoke and salt, would anyone presume that any of that is related to a smoking wound and a flag? no, and it's absolutely random, but that's what's basically sealing that jon is AA, so that the valonqar might someone not related to c. and that yamb is not actually a woman imvho are absolutely plausible within the story
also 'it makes no sense if it's not a relative killing her' imvho is not an argument that holds water because c. has hurt directly or indirectly about 70% of the main chars in these books, tyrion already has one kinslaying under his belt and honestly he did good and he should have had and good riddance to tywin but he's not going to get another and again making jaime kill her means just giving him trauma when half of his sl is about how he gets over her, so...
tldr I think there's extremely little chance of j. being the valonqar and personally I exclude it 100% because it makes no sense for his arc and it makes no sense for the actual plot anyway bc he can't physically get there in time and his sl is headed somewhere else geographically, I categorically exclude it's tyrion and I think it's going to be someone's younger brother who has good reason to kill her like not A RANDO but someone who has in-text reasons to
/two cents
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