#the divine right of kings
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dispatchesfromtheclasswar · 6 months ago
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saltingthecookingwine · 1 year ago
This is fabulous! Maine is called that cause Charles said so it appears
i do desperately need everyone on this website especially people who arent american but want to rag on america to familiarize themselves with the basic romanized spelling conventions of native american languages because every day i come on here and i see people making fun of massachusetts or connecticut or mississippi or passamaquoddy or mashpee or nipissing and its like PLEASE. PLEASE THEY ARENT ENGLISH WORDS. PLEAAAAASEEEEEUUUHHH. USE YOUR MINDS TO IDENTIFY WHEN A WORD LOOKS LIKE IT MAY NOT BE ENGLISH. I DONT CARE IF YOU MAKE FUN OF AMERICA JUST PLEASE STOP BEING RACIST WHILE YOU DO IT
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rustchild · 1 year ago
desperately craving weird surrealist arthurania. Knights with no faces wandering through the mists. Seams between Christian and pre-Christian Britain gaping like open wounds. Beafts and visions. Maybe a monk. Maybe the monk is gay
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wileycap · 21 days ago
So, Aang, Sokka and Katara are probably a little awkward around all the royals and Important Fancy People - but they make do. Zuko and Toph are both high society people, they're fine. But do you who isn't making do and who isn't fine?
Suki is from a tiny remote island, where all girls know is face paint, feed them to the Unagi, dismantle sexism, be bisexual, eat hot chip & lie sorry, my point is that aside from the Gaang and enemies, the highest ranking person Suki has interacted with pre-Boiling Rock is probably the crabby customs lady at the Ba Sing Se ferries.
It would be perfectly fine to characterize Suki as being very matter-of-fact, cool, unflappable about their new station in life... but it would be a lot funnier if she only looked like that, while freaking the fuck out internally. Because guess who Sokka just invited out to lunch with them?
The Earth King! Who, in the entire history of Kyoshi Island, has never even sent a letter there! One Earth King did mention Kyoshi Island in passing, and this was recorded in a minor noble's letter to a sister-in-law whose cook sometimes bought fish from Kyoshi - and Kyoshi Island bought and preserved that letter! That's how important he is! So WHY exactly. Does fucking Sokka have INSIDE JOKES with the man??? Sokka if you tell him the cabbage patch joke I'll - he's laughing?!
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radiance1 · 1 year ago
@puppetmaster13u You called Danny a space whale in the tags of one of this post.
Now what if that was literal?
Hear me out, Danny outlives his friends, parents, sister. Danny becomes a literal whale.
Well, not a literal one because he's a ghost, but he takes the shape one of at the very least. He's just a giant, glowing white whale that looks pretty divine not going to lie.
Danny leaves earth. It wasn't safe for him anymore, what with the GIW and all that as even the ghosts found it not even worth anymore to visit the mortal world.
Except for Desiree and Spectra, but that's besides the point.
But Danny doesn't retreat to the zone, he's always longed for space, but because of his new half humanness he doesn't get believe he could've ever gone because, well. Yea.
But Danny goes fuck it and goes anyway. His form shifts from human to that of a giant whale, and he swims out into the vastness of space.
Years pass, and Danny does start getting bigger as he aged. He explored the vastness of space, marveling at many things, the different planets, the stars, the formations of rock and other things.
Then he encounters someone he never though he would've.
Well, he knew Vlad was left behind in space by his father but he didn't think he would find him again and Vlad seemed... different, from what he remembered.
For one thing, he didn't even know where Vlad began and space ended. He got only see those red eyes that even hinted at it being the man. His body was void black and filled with stars upon stars, all glittering from his body and Vlad barely even seemed to notice him, or if he did, he didn't seem to care at all.
So, Danny took him.
He was both curious and felt a bit bad about what happened to Vlad, even if he didn't know exactly what happened, and he couldn't just leave him there either.
So on his back Vlad went, and his travels continued.
It seemed to be the correct decision, really, because slowly overtime Vlad seemed to be regaining his awareness. Then slowly, tentatively, started to speak with him through ghost speak.
Vlad only seemed to vaguely remember what he was before space. He remembered hating a man, loving a woman, wanting a son, loneliness and a boy with white hair and toxic green eyes.
Even though Vlad was his former enemy, his nemesis, and someone who took the world hostage.
He couldn't help but feel pity for him.
Then their travels continued.
Years pass unnoticed, when in space, with Danny slowly getting bigger and bigger as the two travel throughout. They've come into contact with various civilizations, some hostile, some peaceful, some neutral.
The hostile ones never lasted long, even if Danny never lifted a flipper to do anything most of the time, Vlad made sure of it.
They came at went as they pleased, and Danny believes that they've gained a bit of a reputations over their adventures, but neither he nor Vlad knew exactly what they said. It did prove useful in some cases, however.
A few more years, and Danny feels that this system is vaguely familiar. Which happens sometimes, considering he's been travelling for so long. He then finds out why it was so familiar.
He came across Earth and, oh. When was the Earth so small?
Well, not small really, but when was he just only a bit smaller than it?
Did it shrink when he was away? Or did he just grow?
That doesn't matter though. What does, is the fact that currently seemed to be an invasion going on, on his home planet thank you very much. He did not like the fact that there was a massive fleet parked right outside his home.
So he spoke to Vlad, expressed his displeasure, Vlad responded back knowingly and went off to make the source of his displeasure disappear. That doesn't Danny was idle either, the fleet was big and, well.
It's been a while since he's stretched himself in a fight.
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scribefindegil · 7 months ago
Love that the Fellowship has like. A prince. A king. Several nobles. Members of very wealthy and important hobbit families.
. . . . and Sam, who becomes possibly the only democratically elected official in all of Middle-Earth.
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dooblebugss · 1 month ago
Hornet: why is it that bugs gawk at me wherever we go? I don't understand it...
Quirrel: perhaps they can sense your royal blood? The divine right of kings-
Tiso: it's because you're weird looking 🫵
Hornet: ....I actually prefer Tisos answer here.
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hopeworth · 1 year ago
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enbycrip · 1 year ago
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eleanor-arroway · 8 months ago
“The job is the unquestioned goal for all free citizens of the world – the ultimate public good. It is the clearly stated exit goal of all education and the only sanctioned reason for acquiring knowledge. But if we think about it for a moment, jobs are not what we want. We want shelter, food, strong relationships, a livable habitat, stimulating learning activity, and time to perform valued tasks in which we excel. I don’t know of many jobs that will allow access to more than two or three of those things at a time, unless you have a particularly benevolent owner or employer.
I am often told that I should be grateful for the progress that Western civilization has brought to these shores. I am not. This life of work-or-die is not an improvement on preinvasion living, which involved only a few hours of work a day for shelter and sustenance, performing tasks that people do now for leisure activities on their yearly vacations: fishing, collecting plants, hunting, camping, and so forth. The rest of the day was for fun, strengthening relationships, ritual and ceremony, cultural expression, intellectual pursuits, and the expert crafting of exceptional objects. I know this is true because I have lived like this, even in this era where the land is only a pale shadow of the abundance that once was. We have been lied to about the “harsh survival” lifestyles of the past. There was nothing harsh about it. If it was so harsh – such a brutish, menial struggle for existence – then we would not have evolved to become the delicate, intelligent creatures that we are.”
- Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World
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vranias · 4 months ago
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They're calling "Purify the palace, the streets" But the temple remains unclean
#12. Holy War - RKS
doomed by his father's sins
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duskerot · 1 year ago
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i disappear inside myself / my friends don't know it can't be helped
[Pure You - Nothing But Thieves]
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biancadavri · 3 months ago
I love the comedy of an Aeducan who helped Bhelen become king because he's also an Aeducan refusing to think of Alistair as a valid option for Ferelden's throne in spite of him being a Theirin. Very little that your deeply held belief in the divine right of kings or whatever can do against watching a grown ass man losing an argument to a dog (over the dog's food)
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originallymarysue · 4 months ago
Uh.. looks like someone broke the ketchup bottle... :/
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(DW He didn't kill anyone, the blood is just symbolism)
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realbeefman · 1 month ago
like minds just really gets at the meat of the way that first gay crush as a teen FEELS. we're soulmates he's in love with a girl i'm going to kill everyone he loves then myself. that's the Classics and nigel colbie really did all of it
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