#the discord saw them first. just saying...
30403099 · 1 year
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some crops
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#saw a reply to a post that was like#websites only have apps to get more ad revenue out of you#and like. what i had to say about this wasn't the point of the original post so I'm making my own#but Reddit's mobile site used to be perfectly good and engaging#now it's changed layouts and stuff and it looks like the app. which we despise and hate and find unintuitive and user-unfriendly#which means what in practice? we're not using the app we hate it. we're just not on Reddit if we're not on the computer (old Reddit beloved#but it's not losing them ad revenue because we use an ad blocker so they probably don't give a shit either way#:/#saltposting#actually ETA I think a lot of things we hate about the Internet under late stage capitalism is. why does everything have to change layouts#all the time#for no good reason#like if it works there's no need to fix it#but nooo endless growth blah blah blah maximise user engagement blah blah blah money etc#how about retain the users you already have by remaining what they liked about you in the first place. ever think about stability?#there is a reason why we have autoupdates turned off on our phone and there's like 5 apps that are FORBIDDEN to update#Tumblr because we don't like the overhauls to the notes section (the ones where they're coloured differently based on read/unread#instead of on people you follow/don't follow)#Discord because the new layout looks like absolute shit and having DMs separate from servers would be hell for our processing#and ability to respond to both#our red filter app because it's gonna stop filtering wallpaper to comply with Android regulations and that's a no from us#are the main three but I think there might be others I'm not thinking of#anyway. yeah#I wish for predictable apps that don't suddenly throw new layouts at you every time you've finally gotten used to the last change#I don't wanna be kept on my toes real life does enough of that. I want to have a stable anything in my life is this too much to ask for
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justporo · 5 months
So you'll see tomorrow
A/N: Seeing a beautiful piece of artwork by @velnna and listening to Half life by Livingston I got a very angsty idea for a drabble (so be warned, it's sad). This idea came to me first a while back listening to Just a Man (you know from *that* BG3 edit). @velnna as always thanks for letting me play with your son - and sorry I hurt him... Also thank you to Dad on Maf's discord server for the inspo for the final line.
Warnings: implied character death (but this is just an alternate timeline ok??), self sacrifice
So this was it.
This is how they would all die.
There was no way they would defeat the Netherbrain. All their endeavours that led them here, all for naught. Unless…
Staeve saw it in his eyes first. How their expression changed from swimming and hopeless to hardened and determined. Astarion’s brows drew together - the crease they created between them as sharp as his daggers he lifted up once more.
He had never heard his voice like this. The tone as sharp as a knife and hard as rock.
It scared him.
“I’m going to create an opening for you. Be ready.”
Fear dug its claws into Staeve’s throat, choking him, as he began to realise what was about to happen.
“No,” the half-drow whispered, weakly grabbing for his lover’s wrists with all of his remaining strength.
“Astarion, no! You can’t do this!”
Panic gave Staeve new power. Helped him to forcefully turn Astarion around to him. Helped him make his love stare into his eyes as he screamed at him again. And again.
He shook him, even making the daggers drop from his pale, blood-speckled fingers.
Staeve kept screaming, feeling his voice become hoarse, hot streams of tears washing away the grime and gore as they made their way down his face.
But as he kept throwing everything at Astarion he noticed ruby eyes remaining hard and unfaltering. The decision had been made.
The last of his strength went with his last drop of hope as Staeve’s hands fell weakly from Astarion’s. His legs gave up, knees hit the ground hard.
And only then did Astarion shift, taking a final step back before making the run-up.
He dropped down in front of Staeve who could only stare up at him anymore.
“Let me do this one thing right, Staeve,” he whispered solemnly, cupping his love’s face. “Just this once let me make things right.”
Staeve’s vision was blurred, his head swimming. But he still clearly saw the warmth in Astarion’s eyes as he leaned his forehead to Staeve’s.
Astarion’s hand wandered to the nape of his neck as he pressed his eyes closed. “Promise me, you’ll live for me, Staeve. To the fullest.” When the vampire opened his eyes again, Staeve was sure there were tears in Astarion’s eyes as well.
There was nothing in Staeve to do or say. He wasn’t in control of anything anymore it felt like. Not even his own body as he solely kept listening to Astarion’s final words.
“And promise me,” the vampire continued, voice breaking, “sometimes - when you sit in the sun - you’ll think of me, Staeve. Promise me.”
Astarion only waited only long enough for Staeve to weakly nod, seemingly the only thing he was still capable of.
Then he crushed his mouth to his lover’s, the motion so forceful their teeth crashed together.
Desperation had them kiss so hard it hurt, that it felt like perishing already. Astarion’s hand on Staeve’s neck pressed down so hard it felt like bones might crush. A single last breath was passed between them as their lips moved against each other as they tried to make this the most vivid moment they had ever experienced.
One so he could never possibly forget this final kiss - how it had felt.
The other so he would go to his end, with the taste of his lover on his lips.
When a small eternity ended and Astarion broke away he grabbed Staeve’s face a final time.
“I know in another life, I would have loved you forever,” Astarion uttered with a smile.
Then he let go, Staeve almost toppling over, suddenly void of anything still lifting him up.
Astarion grabbed his daggers, turned around with a last glance and a smirk - and then he leapt.
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wiishopwednesday · 3 months
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longing for something you can never return to
[ID: a collection of images relating to nostalgia. the first image is a genius screenshot of the lyrics to car seat headrest's "famous prophets (stars)." the screenshot reads "We gotta go back/We gotta go back/We gotta go back/We gotta go back." the second image is the "we got the torture labyrinth tomorrow" meme template, edited to instead say "We got missing what we can never return to tomorrow/What?/We got the beginning of the rest of our lives tomorrow/Ohhhh/Okay." the third image is a discord screenshot, with the user's username and icon cropped out so that only the text is visible, and reads "Duuudeee you missed out on those 7 days where god created earth you are fucked LOL." the fourth image is a screenshot of a piece of text, which reads in bolder font "You can never leave home." underneath it, in normal text, it reads "You take it with you no matter where you go. Home is between your teeth, under your fingernails, in the hair follicles, in your smile, in the ride of your hips, in the passage of your breasts." the fifth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user ryebreadgf, which reads "YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! YOU CAN BITE AND SCRATCH AND BEG BUT YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!" the sixth image is a screenshot of a piece of text that reads, "YOU KILL YOURSELF AND IMMEDIATELY WAKE UP AS A CHILD ON YOUR PARENTS BED. YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR HALF AN HOUR. THE SUN IS SHINING." the seventh image is a picture of two uneven dark yellow boxed next to each other on a off-white background. the first box reads, in handwriting, "I'm terrified of change." the second box reads, "I'm terrified of staying this way forever." the eighth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user dakotajohnsongf, which reads "women be looking at pictures of their childhood selves and trying to find a way back to them." the ninth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user bestofgentleearth, containing a screenshot from a forum of some kind. a line of text reads "(16 hours ago) butterfly said:" underneath, an indented section of text reads "today, the world looked beautiful again. i'm starting to remember what kept me alive last summer." the tenth image is another tumblr post by user cursedsuggestion, which reads "the friend you miss comes home for good. you never see another mirror. it's summer forever and that terrible thought you keep having finally disappears." the eleventh image is a screenshot of a reddit post, with the original poster's username and icon cropped out so only the text is visible. it reads "I'm not sure how to word this, but I constantly go through this deep sense of loss. I feel like I terribly miss something I love from the bottom of my heart, but I don't know what it is, exactly. Nothing in life satisfies me, nothing makes me content, but l wouldn't say I'm depressed either. There's just this endless search for something, and at times I feel I can catch a glimpse of it - different sceneries pop into my head at times, like of a particular beach at night, and I'm moved to tears. Or I remember a dream and all the feelings that were stirring while I saw that dream, and feel entirely connected to them." the twelfth image is a screenshot of a tumblr post, but the original poster is cropped out so only the text is visible, which reads "wait i wasn't ready. i never finished that game of tag. i still need to learn how to do a cartwheel. my friends and i never finished making that bridge over the creek. i want to go back. can you carry me to bed one last time? and maybe i'll wake up tomorrow in my childhood room with my pink walls and we'll laugh over this dream at breakfast." the thirteenth image is another tumblr screenshot of a post by user heavensghost, which reads "uhhh yh sure u can go back but no one will be waiting for you there."
the fourteenth image is a screenshot of a reddit comment, with the user's information cropped out so that only the text is visible, which reads "HIRAETH (heer-eye-th) 'A deep homesickness; an intense form of longing or nostalgia for a place long gone, or even an unaccountable homesickness for a place you have never visited. A pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost.'" the fifteenth image is a collection of 3 rows of black boxes, with 3 boxes in each row. the first box has a white, vague form of a human. the second box pictures the human form stretching its arms and legs out. from the third box onward, the human figure starts to dissipate into white dots until it has completely disappeared and only dots remain. the sixteenth image is a tumblr post by user n1ntendos, which reads "I AM HAUNTED BY A PAST I CANNOT GO BACK TO !!!!!!! anyways." the seventeenth image is a screenshot of text that reads "I cling to everything - CDs that skip, rings that turn my fingers green, the dead ends of my hair, old love notes that turn my stomach over and over. And I'm not proud but there are still boxes under my bed. And I'm not proud but my closet is still running out of space. And nostalgia is a fucking waste of time but my heart is full with it. Tell me I won't hold this forever. Tell me there will be a day where I let gloriously go." the eighteenth image is an image of larger text that reads "It's a summer day, and I want to be wanted more than anything else in the world." the nineteenth image is a photograph of a large white dog standing in a dark, flowing river surrounded by a dark forest and green trees. the dog is facing away from the viewer with its mouth open. the dog appears to be glowing, likely due to a lens flare of some kind. the entire picture feels very melancholy and nostalgic. the twentieth image is larger text that reads "Nostalgia is the aching realization that you can't go back again. The longing, no matter how intense, can never be met." the twenty-first image is a screenshot of an instagram dm, with the user's username and icon cropped out so that only the text is visible, and it reads "well the time passes anyway so I have to." the twenty-second image is a screenshot of the spotify lyrics for gerard way's song "action cat." the lyrics read "Hey/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you too." the twenty-third image is a screenshot of text that reads "YOUR CHILDHOOD DOG IS ALIVE. YOUR DEAD BEST FRIEND WANTS TO GET COFFEE. YOU HAVE BEEN KIND AND GOOD. THERE IS NOTHING CHASING YOU. YOU CAN SLEEP. WHAT DO YOU DO?" the twenty-fourth image is a continuation of the lyrics from car seat headrest's "famous prophets (stars)" that were pictured in the first image. these lyrics read "We've gotta go back/We've gotta go back/We've gotta go back/(Don't spend too much time on it)." end ID.]
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coldfanbou · 4 months
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Who would've thought Yuna made a good saleswoman...Well, I would have. Anyway, here's the fic for the week; originally, I was thinking of doing a Yuna gangbang fic, but then Eros presented a saleswoman concept I liked in a writer discord and thought would be easier than a gangbang.
Length 2.1K
Yuna X Mreader
Having seen good reviews about the new mattress store, you look up the location. Your mattress has had a depression in it after years of use, and you needed another. The reviews praise the staff for their help in deciding. You set aside time to head out, ensuring you researched the different types of beds beforehand. You arrive at the store just a few minutes after they open; you take in the grand scale of it. You next notice how empty it was, considering the many reviews you thought the store would be full. You don’t even see any workers as you walk through. 
Shaking your head, you move through the store and look at all the different bed models. They had various kinds of technology, all meant to aid sleep, or so they claimed. You tested a few beds laying on them to see how they felt. You had decided beforehand you wanted something that was a little firmer, so you focused on those. As you tested another out, you shut your eyes, imagining what it would be like to sleep on it for years. This one was too firm, having very little give. You open your eyes to see the face of a young woman staring back at you. “Hi! Welcome!” She greets you. You jump, shocked that you hadn’t noticed her walk up to you. “Oh, sorry for scaring you. My name is Yuna, and I’ll be your special aid today.” She says with a wide grin. You look the woman over as she fixes her hair. Yuna didn’t look like someone who worked her. She wore a white sleeveless crop top from a nearby university and matching white shorts. Her red hair stood out against her clothing, attracting attention to her face. 
“I saw you lay on a few models. Did any of them interest you further?” Yuna asks, her hand behind her back as she listens to your response.
“Well, there was the smart bed and one over there.” You say, pointing out a mattress that wasn’t too firm or soft. “The second one is what I’m leaning toward. It’s a lot cheaper.”
“That’s true, sir, but the smart bed is much better for your sleep and other activities.” She states. 
You find her comment odd, “Other activities?” It takes you a moment to connect the dots; when you realize what Yuna meant, she nods.
“Yes, sir. I did mean that.” She states, “Now, if you’d like to test them out, please follow me.”
“But I already did.” You’re confused again, not understanding what she means.
“For the…other activities. You need to follow me.” Yuna says, walking ahead of you. She checks to make sure you are following her, smirking as she sees you are. Yuna stops at a door at the end of the building, picking up a mounted phone. “Hello? Yes, we’d like to test out the Genie smart bed and the Dura hard mattress. Okay, thank you.” Yuna hangs up and spins around on her heel. It’ll be just a moment; they have to set everything up. You see the hunger in her eyes as she looks you up and down. She licks her lips and smiles at you. “I’m sure you’ll like the Dura brand, but the smart bed is the way to go. I’m sure your girlfriend would love it.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” You respond, fixing Yuna’s error. “Why do you recommend it so much?”
“It has a lot of nice features; I can show you soon,” Yuna says just as the phone on the wall rings. She picks it up, talks to the other person on the line, and grows her smile as she places the phone back on the hook. “Everything is ready; please come in.” Yuna opens the door; the room is decorated like any regular bedroom, with only one thing standing out: both beds you had been thinking about were set up in the middle. Yuna grabs your hands, taking you to the cheaper bed, placing her hands on your chest, and pushing you onto it. She lifts her shirt, her perky breasts bouncing slightly. “First one of the day,” Yuna whispers to herself as she places a hand on your crotch. You’re taken aback at her advances but willing to go along with it. You wouldn't, couldn’t deny her. She feels your bulge grow larger, her eyes widening for a moment as her lustful smile appears.
She unbuttons your jeans, pulling them down. Yuna giggles as she sees your bulge being held back by your underwear. She bends over, planting a kiss on your cock through your underwear, “You’re so big,” She says with a giggle. Yuna pulls at the hem of your underwear, feigning shock as your cock pops out. You see her shining teeth as she smiles and grasps your cock. She strokes it gently, watching it fully harden in her hand. Yuna kisses the tip of your cock before tracing her lips with your cock.
You grunt her name; her warm lips surround the head, wrapping around it as her tongue moves across it at an agonizing pace. You’re squirming, wanting her to do more. “Relax, baby. I’ll give you what you want in a minute.” She says, her hand pumping your cock as she moves closer to your ear. “Once your cock is in my pussy, you’ll see who I really am.” Yuna’s low, sultry voice sends shivers down your spine. She runs a finger down your chest until she returns to your cock, her lips pressing against it before separating and taking you in. Her tongue runs along the underside of your cock, slowly moving from side to side as she strokes the base of your cock. 
“How are you so good?” You moan out, throwing your head back as she takes more of you into her mouth. Yuna ignores your question for the moment, too focused on your cock to answer. Your hips buck, sending your cock into the back of her throat, surprising Yuna. 
She pulls back, her saliva dripping onto your cock. “Ah, if you wanted more, you could have just said so.” She pushes herself back onto your cock, making it disappear. You feel Yuna’s throat tighten around the head. You fall back onto the bed, lying down as you explode in Yuna’s mouth, sending waves of cum down her throat. Yuna’s cheeks fill with your semen, puffing up as she pulls away. You sit up slowly, watching her as she lowers her jaw to reveal a mouthful of cum. Yuna swallows it, moaning slightly as she revels in the salty taste. 
Yuna takes a step back, undoing the button on her shorts and pulling them down, shivering as the cold air hits her cleanly shaven pussy. “Move back a little.” You follow her orders, centering yourself on the bed. Yuna crawls over you, her modest breasts swaying. She reaches down, grabs your cock, and runs it between her wet folds. Yuna’s soft moans arouse you further, making you want her more. She Presses the head against her entrance, slowly dropping on it. She takes a deep breath, groaning as she feels your cock stretching her. Yuna places one hand on her lower abdomen, feeling your cock make its way through her until it knocks against her womb. “You’re tearing me apart,” She whimpers. “I need a moment.” Yuna focuses on the sensation caused by your cock. 
You sit under her, desperate for more, her tight cunt feeling too good to just sit there. You grab her hips and begin thrusting, surprising Yuna. “I’m sorry, but I need you.” You moan, thrusting into her quickly. Yuna places her hands on your chest, trying not to collapse on top of you as you split her apart. You catch her expression, her furrowed brows and shut eyes showing slight discomfort as you knock against her womb. Yuna’s expression soon softens as the pleasure overcomes her. 
Yuna’s moans echo in the room; her head tilts back. She looks to the ceiling as she feels her climax approaching. “I’m gonna cum.” She mumbles. You were still a little ways away from your climax. You speed up your thrusts, trying to cum with her. Yuna felt your cock piston in and out of her; she felt like a toy being used and was loving it. A delighted smile appears on her face as she cums on your cock, her walls tightening around you as you continue to ruin her. The young woman’s strength gives out, sending her onto your chest as you near your climax. She mumbles something; it’s inaudible initially, but Yuna repeats herself. “Cum- cum in me,” she says. You moan Yuna’s name, repeating it as you impale her and shoot your cum into her pussy.
You feel Yuna’s walls milking you for your cum as you both start to relax. She stretches out her hand, pointing to the other bed. She gulps softly, saying, “We have to try out the other one.” You nod your head, already tired. Running your hands along her back, Yuna shudders as she feels your hands come to a stop on her ass. You sit up, struggling slightly as you move over to the other bed with Yuna still having your cock inside her. She grabs a remote and holds down one of the buttons, causing the back to raise and letting you be in more of a seated position. You found it convenient. Yuna gives you a dreamy smile as she tosses the remote and begins moving. 
You’re seated position puts you much closer to Yuna’s breasts. You notice now her small brown nipples; they move softly as Yuna bounces on your cock. You lean in, dragging your tongue over one slowly, flicking it with your tongue at the end. She gasps, and her body shivers at your tongue's warmth. 
“W- What do you think?” Yuna mumbles as she rides you like her life depended on it, her walls squeezing you as you hit her womb. You can tell Yuna is trying to speak more, but the pleasure she’s receiving is making it difficult. Moans flow out from her as her walls tighten around you again. Yuna could give you no warning as she came. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she reached her second orgasm; her voice was becoming hoarse from her moans.
You get Yuna off you, laying her beside you. The moment you do, she turns to you, “You didn’t cum.” She says softly. “I want to feel your cum.” Yuna’s hand slithers down her body, spreading her lips for you. You stare at her glistening pussy, it makes you hard, and you find yourself unable to resist Yuna’s invitation. She grabs the remote, lowering the bed back to its original position. “There, easier for you.” She says, licking her lips as she imagines you inside her again. “Go on, fuck me.”You align yourself with her cunt and push in quickly, feeling like you’re being sucked in.  Yuna’s moans bounce off the walls, fueling you to start thrusting. You lift her hips off the bed, giving yourself a better position and allowing you to go deeper into Yuna’s cunt. Each thrust creates a bulge that Yuna presses down on, making her walls tighten around you. Her moans grew louder; she was getting more pleasure out of it, too. Neither of you last long, your quick thrust making you both cum again.  You collapse on top of Yuna, feeling parts of the soft mattress. 
You watch her grab the remote, feeling the bed become firmer. “So what do you think? How was the smart bed? Better, right?” Yuna mutters, slowly regaining her composure as time goes by.
“I think you’re right. It is better.”
“I told you.” She replies, a smile on her face.
You and Yuna hammer out the details as you lay beside each other, your cum oozing out of her cunt, and you end up buying the smart bed. You don’t know if Yuna being naked at the end helped her convince you, but you were buying the bed. Yuna felt satisfied with herself. After you had left, she went to the staff room, skipping all the way there while still naked, happy to have made a good piece of commission on the sale. She showed off, annoying the others as they stood there watching cum run down her legs. You write a review for the store, writing about the helpful staff much like the others before you.
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
Satoru Gojo
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Summary: Your dad's best friend visits to find you sunbathing topless, and you try your best to make him feel comfortable after witnessing the unusual view.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, age gap (Reader in 20s, Satoru in 30s), Satoru is best friends with her dad, oral sex (m. receiving), titjob, vaginal sex, creampie, semi-public sex (by the poolside outside)
10k Event Masterlist
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Moving back to your parents house after college wasn’t the ideal plan. You had bigger and better plans at this age– You were already planning to become a homeowner and a successful business woman but life had different plans for you. You were shooting for the stars and you were aiming too high. Your parents always encouraged your unrealistic goals too, and you’re blaming them for your disappointment instead of your own naivety. 
It’s fine though, they have a pool in the backyard where you can lounge around and take in the hot summer sun. And you have the whole house to yourself which allows you to undo the bikini top and lay there nearly naked. There’s a fence around the house so no one can see you– Maybe if the neighbor was curious enough he could go to the second story of his house and peek over. But the old man is a prude, he’d have a heart attack if he saw you like this. At least he wouldn’t stare.
You look at the glass screen door that separates the house from the outside, and you lift up your arm to wave at the familiar man. You completely forget you’re topless until he slides the door open and walks out to join you. You rush to put your top back on, and when he realizes he says, “Don’t worry. I’m the one intruding here.”
“What are you doing here, Satoru? My parents aren’t home.” You tell the man that takes a seat on the lounge chair that’s right next to yours. You take advantage of your sunglasses, looking him over. Black slacks, a light blue button down shirt with the top two buttons undone. He always manages to look so fucking good–
You often wonder if wanting to fuck him is wrong. He’s your dad’s best friend– He’s way younger though, probably only ten years older than you. He’s been a family friend for the past three years or so and he’s managed to get your parents’ trust. Enough that your father calls Satoru his best friend. Every time you came to visit you’d find Satoru in the house with them, so you’ve gotten familiar with each other.
“Just came to say hi to you since your dad told me you moved back in. Granted… I didn’t expect you to be…” He doesn’t have to say it, simply signaling at your bikini top. You chuckle.
“It’s not a big deal. I don’t care, neither should you.” You respond. His brows raise.
“You don’t care?” He asks, and you hum in response.
“If I cared I wouldn’t be topless in the first place, right?” You tell him, and he ends up laughing. He’d agree if it weren’t for the simple fact that you were scurrying to put your top on when he walked out.
“Is that why you rushed to put your top back on when you saw me?” He questions, and you take off your sunglasses and put them on the small end table. You sit up, a smirk on your face before you say,
“Didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“Now why would that make me uncomfortable?” He doesn’t waste a second in replying, and you reach behind to undo your top again. You take it off and toss it to the side, and his eyes stare at your plump breasts. You watch him, seeing how he moves uncomfortably, making your eyes go to the tent in his pants. Your hands go over to cover your nipples.
“I thought you wouldn’t be uncomfortable.” You say, and Satoru has no idea what to say.
“I’m not.” He claims. Moving around, hoping that it’ll help with the bulge in his pants. You smile at him as you get off the chair and on the ground. Your knees will absolutely hate you for this, but your pussy will thank you.
“I can help you get comfortable.” You look up at him, batting your eyelashes. Your hands go to the buckle of his belt and you begin to undo it, and Satoru stares. He shouldn’t– But he wants it. He wants to fuck you so bad, it’s unbelievable how no one catches on when he looks at you. When his cock is out, you lick your lips, looking up at him, waiting for him to say something, “Please.”
You take a note on how big he is, which you aren’t surprised about. But you know that you can’t fit him all in your mouth. There’s a cocky smile on your lips, you love a challenge and you surely want to impress the man in front of you. You lick from the base of his cock to the tip. Your tongue circles around the tip, working him up until you hollow your cheeks and lower your mouth on his cock, taking as much as your mouth can take. Satoru lets out a low groan as he feels your mouth wrapped around his cock.
“Oh, shit–” He throws his head back in pleasure as you bob your head. You take pride in how he reacts, knowing that you’ve barely even done anything. The thought of you has been driving him wild for the longest, and finally you’re on your knees for him. He moans again, “Your mouth feels so fucking good–”
You try to take all of him in your mouth, gagging on his length which makes tears well up in your eyes. Your hand goes up to play with his balls, while you take more than you can in your mouth. You take a big breath when you detach yourself from his cock. A string of saliva connects your lifts to his dick, and Satoru would do just about anything to take a picture of you like this.
You put his shaft between your tits and you squeeze them together before you move them on his cock. Satoru swears he’s died and ascended to heaven– He might actually die if someone catches him, but that’s the last thought in his mind while your tits are on his cock. He can’t help but comment, “Oh you’re so fucking pretty. So fucking beautiful.”
You lower your head, your tongue circling his tip. He keeps moaning your name, and just as he’s about to cum, you stop. You get up from the floor, satisfied by your stunt. You take off the bikini bottoms and toss them on the other lounge chair before getting on top of him.
“Do you think you can handle it all?” He asks, and you furrow your brows before you chuckle in response.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You respond as you align his cock with your entrance, and you slowly lower yourself on his cock. He stretches you out and your eyes roll to the back of your head. You can handle it, but it’s certainly a lot. When he bottoms out, you take a moment to adjust to his size. “Fuck… It’s s’ big.”
You begin to move slowly, much slower than what he’d like but you need to adjust to his size. Satoru loves the way your cunt feels around him, just like he imagined. How is he supposed to go back to normal after this? 
His hands roam your body before his thumb lands on your clit and he begins to play with it. Your cunt squeezes around his cock and he could just finish inside of you but how pathetic would it be to come so early?
“You’re so tight.” He comments through gritted teeth. He begins to move for you, setting a pace that’s much faster than the one that you had set. He’s glancing around, looking for any of the neighbors that could tell on him, but there’s no one around thankfully. This can be your little secret. “You feel so fucking good.”
You moan his name, loving the way he feels inside of you and how well he fits inside your body. He’s treating your body so well too. Maybe you should’ve gone to him sooner, even if it was inappropriate to. His free hand begins to pinch your nipple. You keep moaning his name, getting louder and louder with each movement.
“Oh Satoru–” You feel your orgasm build up slowly, and he doesn’t threaten to slow down. Your breathing gets heavier, and your hands grip to his shoulders that he’s sure he’d be bleeding if it weren’t for the cloth that protects his flesh. You’re sure the neighbors hear you moan his name when you finally reach your climax but you don’t care since it feels so fucking good.
“Shit shit shit, gonna need to do this again.” He groans, and he’s so close too since you’ve got him worked up. Your pussy is just so nice and warm, he can’t control himself. His thrusts get unregulated and he asks, “Inside or outside?”
“Inside!” You’re a little too excited when you answer, but he understands the sentiment because the thought of coming inside of you is something he’s fantasized about. It only takes a couple more thrusts before he fills you up with his cum.
He gives a couple more thrusts until he finally pulls out.
“Leave before my parents get home.” You tell him, grabbing your bikini and putting it on again.
“We have time. We can go for a round two in your bedroom.”
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pommunist · 7 months
‼️ This is very important so please read ‼️
The ex-admin for Dansir, Lapin, and Sk8ter (a penguin) came out on Twitter with her experience as a QSMP admin and it’s very grim. The user is @/Leasagne_ on Twitter.
I’m gonna try my best to translate from French :
1st Tweet : « Imagine having the first multilingual minecraft server in the world and paying your staff 150€/month and threatening to sue them if they complain. »
2nd Tweet: «  «You signed an NDA blablabla if you speak we’ll sue you. » Yeah Yeah, sure. They think they can gift me a toy and i’ll forgive them and shut my mouth. They don’t know who they are facing »
3rt Tweet : Talking about the NPC she played « Dansir, Tototte, my version of Cucurucho and Lapin won’t come back. Enough of treating people who give a lot of themselves like trash »
She then tweeted art she made for QSMP that she hasn’t been paid for. This include for exemple a Rose drawing, a Lucy drawing and the Techno fanart from Dia de los muertos event.
4th tweet : « Everyone is burnt out in their entreprise but it’s not a problem bc no one can talk or they risk getting sued. »
She then make a serie of tweets explaining why they got fired : « During a stream, Aypierre leaked my name, thanks dude, they saw that i was talking to him on discord, which is a FORBIDDEN THING. I was then accused of leaking things to him, bc on the screenshot, i was talking about DDOSon the server which is considered sensitive information. There was then an investigation on me, which i said was useless as I didn’t have anything to hide and was ready to answer all their questions. I admitted not following the rules (btw it’s forbidden to have chatrooms BETWEEN ADMINS, that’s why I wasn’t following the rules). We aren’t allowed to talk to streamers out of stream, but everyone does it i was just caught doing it. »
She also added some more stuff
-Saying that they were only TWO french admins (the other being Pomme’s) and OP had to do all the translations of QSMP newspapers, as well as adding articles on french CCs as they had been forgotten.
-Said that Empanada wasn’t supposed to be killed that day, it was an accident.
-Said that Pomme’s death, which was reversed, was forced so that « Baghera would have a tragic reaction »
-Said that the QSMP admin staff are all wonderful people with good dynamics, higher ups are the problem.
-Said that she believes Quackity isn’t aware that this is happening.
-Said that now QSMP ccs are aware that this is happening and want to discuss it with the admins.
I’m on my phone so it’s hard to include screenshots or links of everything so if you’re able to feel free to do it by reblog. I’ll add more things as soon as possible.
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lovetei · 3 months
may u do how the om brothers would act with a bimbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 (gn mc but i don't remember the gn word for bimbo😭i think it's like thembo or something but im not sure. english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
I think bimbos are cute 🤭🤭
I fully believe getting treated like this by them would solve 99 percent of my problems.
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How would the brothers react to an MC who is a complete bimbo?
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not specified (even though bimbo is used to degrade a beautiful but unintelligent woman or frivolous young woman, I used "bimbo" in this scenario as someone who's attractive but unintelligent), slight dark themes, slightly deregatory
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
At first, he found you annoying
How come your only solution to problems is "Be pretty"
It's insane how stupid you were, what do you mean you don't know how to spell the orange fruit?
But soon after, he started to find you interesting
After meeting you, he believed that it's not the professionals that are dangerous, it's the newbies
It's interesting how they can never guess what's your next move
When you two got in a more romantic relationship though, he started treating you like a complete child
You would sit on his lap in a meeting while swinging your feet and you asked him, "Luci baby~ what's the investment thing you're talking about? Is that like, shopping?"
He would just chuckle and squeeze your cheek softly, "Don't think about it, little MC don't need to worry their pretty little head over something so trivial~"
Even though people think of him as someone who's as stupid as you
He proves them wrong when he started to act like a complete mature man around you
No funny pranks or anything, he's just taking care of you because "How can his pretty little survive in hell without him, hmm?~"
And you'll just giggle at him and continue clinging on his arm
He would walk around the academy and each time, it's either he's holding you or your stuffs
Some people would find your things on his bag and he'd just shrug it off
Though at first, he thought you as a nuisance
He started to like it how you depend on him so much
"Mams how do I use this??"
"Mams don't leave!~~"
Oh, how his heart speed up whenever you ask him for help for the smallest of things
It's alright, MC, this strong demon will protect this pretty little human.
He hated how you used to look at him like he's some animal in a zoo
"What?? How come little Levi don't like going in parties?!"
With those pretty, glossy lips of yours and that tiny brain in your head.
He hated how you wore your uniform, can't you see how innapopriate your uniform is?!
Is the skirt supposed to be that short?!
Is that shirt supposed to have only three buttons closed?!
Why is your pants so tight?!
But once you got close to him
Oh, the contrast between the two of you made others heart flutter
Other people saw it as "Discord mod x d kitten" in the best way
But his brothers
They saw it as "the nastiest pervert x the prettiest girl"
You don't want to know why
He'll just be there sitting with his arms around your waist grumbling, "Ah, people are so noisy... Let's just stay in my room, okay?"
If that's the only thing he'll say, you might find it normal but of course, he has to say something to ruin it
"This pretty sheep won't refuse me now, will they? After all the snacks and candies I've given them, this pretty sheep will sure come with me, right?"
As someone who values knowledge and education more than anyone among the brothers
You must've thought he'll hate you
Well, you're right
At first
Everytime your test exams will come back, he'll be the one to sigh the loudest
But after the tutoring session Lucifer planned for the two of you, to help you increase your scores
It's been different
Well, it's not like you're studying, psh, never
Satan gives you cheat sheets or tells you the answers secretly
He'll be next to you every exam and his hand will secretly on your thighs, or sometimes, even higher
Then he'll caress your skin to tell you the answer
Of course, after exams scores are released you have to give him a reward
One kiss for every correct answer, that's the reward
But since you wished for it, he'll pretend to be a good tutor and act like you really studied instead of cheating
"Ah, my baby is so smart~ look, the only thing you got wrong is the last part! Butt that's okay, it's really hard, especially for someone as innocent as my baby..."
Then he'll pepper your face with kisses
You two are a match made in heaven and hell
The moment you arrived with those leopard prints, he knew you two will have fun together
Shipping sprees and all
The internet will break everytime you two post on social media
He'll help you get in the high society of Devildom
And of course, get you a pass to the freakiest parties in hell
You two are practically beasts in parties
The most breath taking clothes and the sexiest proportions, what a combo
And the two of you will drunkly stumble inside the house, well, you will.
He's the only person who knew about you and Satan's little deal too
"Hi my prettiest baby! How's my apprentice doing?!~" He said while squeezing your cheeks
Yes, your cheeks
It doesn't matter if it's the cheeks on your face or your ass
He's squeezing them
He wasn't annoyed or anything
In fact, he's worried for you
"It's okay, MC. I will protect you, just tell me whoever says mean things about you."
He acts like your body guard
Always beside you whenever you have to go by yourself, we'll, not by yourself anymore
Always carrying your bags
Your little make up
Holding your clothes as you shop
Paying for you
Everything, who knew who might take advantage of you if he isn't there
That's not all
He's always carrying you too
"My feet hurts so bad! Beel!"
Is how all of it started
The next day, and so on
Everytime he sees you, he's scooping you up and carrying you on his arms
He knew you were dumb
Please, he has this sense where he can find out if someone is dumb just by hearing them form a sentence
And so far, yours is the most... You know.
He's one of the most manipulative, but also one of the most protective
He hates it when someone else use his dirty tactics on you
But that stop him from doing those dirty tactics on you again
He just loves it when you're so... Naive.
He chuckles everytime you tried to think for yourself once in a blue moon and would ruin it with a,
"Shhh... Don't think about pretty, it's better when you're dumb and dependent."
And you, who sadly didn't take that as an insult, just nodded and made him chuckle even more
Gosh, he wonders how much it will take for you to break.
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bluesidez · 6 months
Can’t get Firefighter Miguel out of my head because of the Miggy discord.
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content warning: nothing but fluff...for now 😗
word count: 1.3k, not proofread
Next ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅𓌉◯𓇋 Masterlist
Imagine you’re trying to get into baking or something and you’re not used to your oven AT ALL.
Cherry pies? Ruined.
Apple fritters? Apple crisps.
Chocolate chip cookies? Charcoal chip cookies.
Brownies? More like burnt brownie brittle.
Your process would be going so well until it was time to actually put your dessert in the oven and it was like your oven plotted against you.
You set the right temperatures. You pre-heated. You even placed things in the right part of the oven. How is it that everything goes wrong?
The only desserts that saw the light of day were the no-bake ones. You’re not sure how much more no-bake cheesecake you could take anymore.
The day that really sets it off is the day that you attempted to make a simple vanilla birthday cake. Your friend’s birthday was coming soon and you wanted to gift her one of those cute bento cakes.
Your icing is finished and delicious. You’ve been practicing the decorations all week and they were pretty cute! The cake just a few more minutes left to bake, then you could take it out to chill.
As you’re piping a bag of baby pink icing, you look up to see that the room is a little foggy. You turn in a panic and notice puffs creeping from the oven.
“No, no, no!!!” you cry as you turn to open it.
You can’t do anything but cough as a ton of smoke hits you in the face.
Your cake on fire. Orange and yellow light illuminating the oven.
You panic as the fire seems to grow brighter once it hits the air.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
Where was your fire extinguisher? You tried fanning at fire with a towel, but to no avail. You couldn’t even get to the knobs to switch the oven off.
You step back, terrified. You felt like sobbing watching the flames take over. Why aren’t the sprinklers on?
By the time you run out of your house, the fire alarm decides it can sing its tune. You call 911 with a shaky voice, hoping they can get here faster than your alarm decided to make itself known.
You stand outside peeking through your eyes as you could see the flames grow near your kitchen window.
Thankfully the firetruck makes it in time, the firefighters working quick to get inside.
One of them asks is anyone else inside and you shake your head no, thankful that it was just you.
It doesn’t take long for them to put it out and come back outside.
“Are you ok?,” one of them comes to ask you. You look up to this tall, dark, and handsome man. He’s sweating a bit obviously from the summer heat and the fire as he takes his helmet off. His hair is curly and dripping. You ogle him a bit, watching his chest move up and down.
“Do we need to call you an ambulance?” he says, placing a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Oh! No! So sorry, I’m still a little…winded from everything,” you say, embarrassed.
“Ok, well as long as you’re fine. Do you mind telling me what you were doing?” he asks.
You cast your eyes down. Here was such a fine man standing before you and you had on pajamas and a frilly maid apron with flour splattered on top.
“I was trying to make a birthday cake. As we can see, it completely failed,” you reply. “I don’t know what happened. I followed every instruction. The oven was set at 350 degrees.”
He tilted his head at you as you whined away.
“Is this the first time that something like this has happen?”
You shake your head no, “This is the 3rd burnt dessert in a week.”
“Hm. Well I’ll have the crew here check it out.”
An hour and some change later, one of the firefighters tells you and the tall glass of water, who learn is a captain named Miguel, that you have a damaged gas line.
“You’re really lucky that you were only getting blackened sugar. One more cake and that could have been the end,” Miguel says to you with hand on his hip and another on your shoulder. “And also, never open the oven if there’s a fire. If this happens again, turn the oven off and wait until it dies down.”
You felt your head nodding, heart beating at how awkward everything felt.
Miguel looked down at you again, “Do you have anywhere you can stay over night? Or until I can get someone up here to get this gas fixed?”
“My grandma lives a couple of streets down,” you say, cheeks heated at his intense eye contact.
“Tell you what, how about you settle there for the night and I’ll come back personally to help you grab your belongings tomorrow morning?”
“That would be amazing! Thank you so much. I’m sorry for all of this,” you gesture to your house.
“It happens. Nothing you did here was your fault. Besides, I’m the captain. Fighting fires is what I do. Now, how about a ride in the truck to your grandma’s?”
You feel giddy when he practically pulls you in the truck. No seats are left so you have to settle for sitting on Miguel’s lap, heartbeat racing.
The other firefighters try to hide their smirks and snickers watching their captain hold you so softly in his arms. One big bump in the road has you clinging to him to not fall off.
You straighten back up, embarrassed by the little slip. Miguel chuckles at your actions.
You pretend not to hear their wolf whistles as he guides you to your grandma’s front door.
Miguel knocks firmly, waiting with you until she opens it.
She’s about to fuss at you for not stopping by sooner until she looks up at Miguel.
“And who is this?” she says, a bit shocked.
“My name is Captain O’Hara. I just wanted to drop your grandbaby off. Had a little baking accident.”
Your grandma listens to Miguel as he explains the situation calmly and professionally. It doesn’t stop her from fussing over you, grabbing and turning you to check for any damage.
“I’m ok grandma. I just have to stay here while my gas gets fixed.”
She thanks Miguel profusely, “Son, what’s your favorite food? I’ll have it made and sent down there for you.”
Miguel laughs heartily. You’re about to tell him he doesn’t have to answer that until he beats you to it.
“Whatever your specialty is, I’ll take it,” he says with a sweet smile on his face and holding your grandma’s hands.
“Cap! We gotta another fire at the college dorms. Someone burnt noodles in the microwave again,” a firefighter yells from truck.
“Well if you all can excuse me, duty calls!” he says and runs back to the truck.
“I can’t believe you burnt a cake! Haven’t I taught you better? And you know you’re making him that food, right?” your grandma says as you step inside.
“Grandma,” you say, affronted. “It was the oven, not me! And he might not want to even eat what I make after this.”
“Hmph,” she says, with a click of her tongue. “Well, you better get ready to use this kitchen here. You need that man as a husband.”
“I have some ham hocks in the freezer, some turnip and mustard greens. I think the church sent me some potatoes. We need to go to the store too. You gotta get him through his stomach.”
There was a silence as you and your grandma stared at each other.
“So are you thinking pork chops or catfish to go with the side dishes?” she said, grabbing a pencil and an empty envelope.
You just groaned and crumpled in your chair.
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divider by: @benkeibear ❤️‍🔥
the grandma convo is heavily inspired by my own grandma lol. tagging @miguelhugger2099 @kit-and-wolfe @huniedeux @ugh-ok-fiyn because I want y’all to see this 😗
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spiderlandry · 1 year
Love Language — ethan landry
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Description: You regularly hugged all of your friends besides Ethan. He wonders why.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings: reader is shorter than ethan, some teasing, confessions, no ghostface, mention of a dead childhood pet once, lmk if theres anything i should add !!
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s note: is this very specific to me? yes.
When Ethan first met you, he thought you and Chad were dating.
The first time he met Chad’s friend group and inevitably became a part of it, there was talk amongst them of a link in their friendships currently studying a semester abroad, which he quickly found was you. They talked greatly of you, and Chad said you’d known them since freshman year of highschool besides Sam. The Woodsboro murders only brought you five closer together.
Safe to say Ethan had quite high expectations. There were photos he’d seen, and you were…attractive, to say the least. (If Ethan was honest, he’d say hot.) And by the way everyone talked about you like you were an angel, he wasn’t actually expecting you to be the closest thing to a deity he’d ever seen—but he was proven wrong.
You were introduced when you finally came back for the spring semester, and Quinn teased him afterward for being reduced to a bumbling idiot at the mere sight of you. (It was even worse when you talked to him.)
But after a week or so, your intimidation levels went down significantly. You weren’t just an angel by looks, you were an angel by character. Even if Ethan hadn’t known you for long, the thing that stood out most was your compassion. How you cared so deeply for others that it only inspired those around you, including him.
What made him contemplate your relationship with Chad were the hugs.
Ethan was there when they picked you up at the airport. You hugged your friends from Woodsboro and Anika (since you’d known her over Facetime), then waved an awkward introduction with Ethan as he desperately tried not to stutter out his name.
He thought, okay, that was normal. Hugging your friends you hadn’t seen in a long time.
But as time progressed he noticed that every time he happened to see you, either on campus or when some of them would grab a bite to eat and you were invited, you would always be hugging Chad.
Ethan’s data was only gathered during this short week after you arrived, and he realized he was completely wrong when he began to hang out more with the rest of the group, not just Chad.
You hugged everybody.
He put it together when he spotted you at a popular lunch spot with Tara, embracing her for a good minute or so. He also went to Quinn’s place of residence which happened to also be the Carpenter sisters’, and Sam was holding you in the kitchen while something was cooking.
He started noticing it every single time. There was Mindy and Anika, who you drunkenly hugged at a lame party (in which he’d never admit that he attended just to see you), then Quinn at some point when he ran into both of you on campus.
Throughout the next few weeks, he accepted that it was just your way of showing you loved your friends. And he wasn’t close to you yet, but he was looking forward to the day he would be.
The diner a few blocks from your place became familiar with you and your friends constantly hanging out there, and even if it could get rowdy, the staff couldn’t help but appreciate that you all tipped well despite being college students.
Ethan didn’t put much thought into the hugs a year into knowing you, his thoughts were replaced by how much you spent time with him. You asked him to hang out. You texted him. You even did study calls over discord, and you’d be able to hear Chad teasing him in the background and you always laughed it off.
Soon enough, you consumed every corner of his mind, and every good thing he saw would come back to you. He saw the moon come out every night and was reminded of how much you loved it. Whenever he encountered a stray cat, he thought about stories you told of your childhood cat, a picture of her still in your wallet though she died years ago. At a store, he would remind himself to grab the chips you liked.
You occupied places in his psyche so much that it felt like he was drunk on you. He guessed that’s why he forgot about the hugs pretty quickly.
At least, he forgot about them until you were at the diner with him, Chad, and Tara. They were always the most available, often down to do whatever when you’d text to the groupchat if anyone was free.
Chad was frowning at his phone, brows furrowed.
You were sitting across from him, next to Ethan, when you noticed.
“What’s wrong, C?” You inquired, putting a piece of fry dipped in milkshake in your mouth.
Ethan was focused on his milkshake, and how you occasionally would dip your fries in—without double dipping, of course—it made his heart flutter even if it was the simplest of actions. The domesticity of it. He may as well be your boyfriend, he fantasized.
“This quiz is wrong.” Chad scowled.
Tara, right next to him, peeped at his screen. She laughed. “Why are you taking this?”
Chad shrugged exaggeratedly, almost reminiscent of a moody kid. “I was watching this video essay about love languages last night, so I got curious.”
You smiled, taking in the context. “Did you do a quiz on what your love language is?”
He nodded.
“Can I see?”
He handed you his phone, and it read Physical Touch. Ethan scooted closer next to you to read it and you tried to ignore the faster beat of your heart when you thighs began to touch.
“Y’know what? It’s kinda right,” Tara chimed in.
“Really?” Her boyfriend turned to her.
“You have your hand on my thigh right now.” She chuckled, a soft sound as she leaned in closer to him.
Reading further, it also said Words of Affirmation was a close second.
Ethan finally spoke, “You should listen to your girlfriend, Chad.”
You handed the phone to Tara when she motioned for it. “Words of affirmation also seems right,” she added.
“Seriously?” Chad asked, his tone lifting to showcase disbelief. “Does everybody know this but me?”
Ethan pulled a memory from his brain. “You always hype me up at parties. Remember when you kept calling me a snack at that Halloween party last year?”
His roommate gave it a moment, then responded, “Alright, fine. I guess you’re right.” He looked to Tara with an unsaid question that only she knew how to read. A question that was ‘are they actually right?’
“Well, I can’t exactly say it at the table.” She said it teasingly at Chad, but with a lilting tone that told you it was, to say the least, inappropriate.
Ethan put a hand on his face, “Please have some decorum, guys.”
“Yeah, come on.” You joked. “I’ve had enough of you two lovebirds.“
Chad glanced at you, feigning offence. “Don’t act like you’re not the same!”
“Woah, woah—“ You interrupted. “With whom?“
He pressed his lips into a thin line, eyes going to Ethan, who had a panicked look.
“What? What makes you think that? Why are you looking at me?” Ethan said a tad too quickly which made Tara almost snort.
“Let’s not…” You shook your head slowly, “start this.”
Now, what did you mean by that? Ethan thought.
Chad shrugged. “What about you, roomie? What’s your love language?” He asked, moving away from the subject of you and Ethan which you were eternally grateful for. But the question still plagued Ethan, unbeknownst to you.
“Um…” He thought for a second. “What are the love languages?” He asked when he realized he didn’t actually know the other ones.
“I think yours is acts of service,” You interjected. You were looking him up and down, as if you were scanning him for something. He couldn’t help but almost cower under your wandering eyes, but he stood his ground, a mental battle inside his head of which you were completely unaware.
“Is it?”
“Yeah,” Tara agreed. “Yeah.” She reiterated, more sure of it.
“Listen to your partner in crime, roomie.” Chad smirked.
You tilted your head at the partner in crime part, you’d never heard yourself be referred to with that regarding Ethan. Not that you minded.
Ethan shot him a very stern look, as if they had a silent conversation. (To your obliviousness, it was because Ethan referred to you as his partner in crime to Chad a few days ago, giving his roommate more ammo to use.)
“Why do you guys think it’s acts of service?” Ethan shifted the topic back.
“Well,” you began. “You always bring me chips when you come back from a store.”
“He only does that to you, though.” Tara said.
“Does he?” You turned to him for an answer.
“Well—I do stuff for other people too.”
“Like what?”
“I do the dishes at our house. I mop the floor, I do stats homework for Anika.”
“That’s all true,” Chad agreed. “Okay, so yours is acts of service. Y/N, what about you?”
“Definitely physical touch.” Tara nodded, certain of it.
“Oh, for sure, for sure.” Her boyfriend concurred.
“Wait, what makes you guys so sure?” You smiled regardless of your questioning tone, appreciative of the way your friends paid attention to your actions.
“Do we even have to start?” Tara asked, “The hugs?”
“Yeah, you’ve been doing it since high school.”
“Within two days of knowing me, you hugged me in Ms. Thompson’s class,” She added.
“Okay, you’re right, but—“ You started.
“What else could there be?” Chad interrupted.
It was then that a quiet voice piped up from next to you, so quiet a whisper you could’ve missed it if the diner weren’t empty. “You’ve never hugged me.”
Ethan sounded so dejected, so…defeated?
It broke your heart.
He regretted it even before he said it, and judging from everyone’s faces apparently he needed to rid himself of the habit of saying things out of turn.
Tara’s eyes were a little wide, while Chad puffed air from his mouth.
He refused to look at you.
“Never—nevermind,” He waved it off.
“I was just getting to that,” You furthered. “My love language is different for certain people!” You exclaimed.
“Is it?” Tara questioned, eyes narrowing. (You’d realize later how much of a bait this was.)
“For you guys, I’ve known you for a while so I’m comfortable touching you.”
Chad had the same expression as his girlfriend, “But you do the same to Anika and Quinn.”
It dawned on Ethan that they were pretty much backing you both into a corner. “Guys—“
“But—that’s—that’s different,” you insisted.
A long pause. Nobody could decide if it was awkward.
“…Is it?” Ethan finally spoke, a piece of courage in exchange for dignity. He needed the answer.
You fidgeted in your seat, not knowing how to say it. But you wanted to, badly. The answer was etched into your bones, weaved into your DNA.
“Fine,” you shrugged. “Wanna know the truth? I was going to say, before you interrupted me, that my love language changes when it’s romantic, okay?”
The answer was Ethan.
You didn’t know what was going to happen next. At this point, your heart was in your feet and you’ve scooted away from Ethan.
He was breathing shallowly as if he’d just ran a marathon. “Can you…elaborate?”
You took a deep breath, “Do you seriously not know?”
He shook his head.
Then you did something he never expected.
You reached for his arm and guided him out of the booth, heading for the door and ignoring your friends’ looks when you exited the diner.
Chad and Tara were left to anticipate.
Right outside of the dimly lit diner, on sidewalk, you positioned yourself right in front of him.
You stared right into his brown doe eyes, and hugged him. You put your arms around his torso, under his arms, your head on his upper chest.
It took him a good second to reciprocate, but it was worth it. The warmth that radiated from his touch was one you never forgot, even if you couldn’t feel it again for a thousand years. (But you’d never let that happen.)
You were hugging him because you couldn’t face him while you said what you were about to say.
“I don’t hug you because if I did, it would mean different.” Your voice was muffled by his jacket. “I don’t love you the way I love my friends.”
With your head where it was, you felt his breath hitch. “What—what do you mean?”
You laughed, and Ethan revelled in the rumble of your joy in his chest.
“I mean…I spend my time with you differently because I love you differently. I hug my friends, but I spend time with you, because I…”
He didn’t know if he had the strength to keep himself upright.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
He was silent.
“And—and you don’t have to even…feel the same, but I didn’t want you to wonder if I loved you or not because I couldn’t let me being scared take that from you. Because you deserve to know. I think.”
Your voice was so unstable that it tapered off by the end, as quiet as Ethan was.
His embrace tightened, trying to pull you closer. He leaned down and put his head on your shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’d say that—that I don’t have to feel the same.”
Now he felt your breath hitch.
He continued, “I think I already loved you when we met. Is that weird?”
You laughed. And he memorized that sound.
“It’s not weird. I think it happened to me too.”
The biggest weight on both of your shoulders were lifted, something you thought wasn’t possible.
He breathed you in, memorizing the edges of your body as you kept talking.
“I’m sorry they kept teasing you because of me. Tara knew, so Chad probably knew, too.”
He pulled away slightly, looking at you.
“I thought they were teasing me because Chad knew.” His eyebrows were pinched, and you put two and two together at the same time.
Your eyes snapped to the window of the diner, seeing Chad and Tara’s heads disappear from the view when they ducked down, trying to avoid you from spotting their peeping. But you saw it anyway.
You focused back on Ethan, and while he was still looking at the window, you put a soft hand on his cheek and guided his head to face you again.
“It was a set up,” He sighed.
“It was.” You nodded.
“Should we be mad?”
“Are you?”
“Not when you’re in my arms.”
You grinned. “Since when did you have game?”
“I have you, don’t I?”
You playfully slapped his arm. “Wanna go back to my place?”
“If I ever say no to that, kill me.”
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littlemssam · 3 months
Since not everyone saw my latest Statement on Discord yesterday, I wanted to post it here as well, and I also want to clear a few things up.
For those who do not know what this is about, I made a post that I should not have, or at least I should have phrased it in a way where the meaning is clearer. The Post I made was "Since I was one of those that got tagged in there, I can just say that I will not partake in any Anti Israel Pro Hamas Propaganda, and I will most certainly not forget what Hamas did Oct 7th like a lot of these ppl seem to do." I now see that the way I phrased it made it seem like I feel that the attacks on Palestinian Civilians were/are justified, and that is not what I meant, and I am deeply sorry about that. Edit: To make it clear I am against the Israel Government and Netanyahu, just like I am against Hamas. I am pro ceasefire now.
On June 25th I had to face the consequences in my Discord. A lot of ppl came in and confronted me about it. When the first ppl joined and started the confrontation, I did knee jerked again and banned the first three of them, because one of them insulted me and wrote that the attack on Oct 7 was made up. There were a few follow up bans of ppl, who also insulted me, but I did not ban anyone on purpose because they are Pro Palestine. There were also some Posts deleted that should not have been. It was not done by me personally, but I was also not fast enough and clear minded enough to stop it and I could not undo it, so I apologise for that as well.
I locked the Server down in the End, because it was 3 am for me and I was, and still am, very overwhelmed and exhausted, and the Server will stay down for a while. This is the latest Statement I made, and I know it will not be enough for everyone and I respect that.
"I did not mean to seem to take a stance that seems like I am pro-Israel as if I believe this is all their land (a Zionist). I do not want to condone the violence happening in the country right now or pretend that Palestinian lives don't matter. It was never intended in what I said. I did not mean to phrase things in a way that make me seem to be against the problems palestinians are facing in Gaza. I inserted myself into something I don't know enough about or how to talk about in an educated way, so I should have better not said anything at all. I am sorry that I did. I do feel it is wrong that some people feel like what happened on October 7 is fake and I have already had people say it is. I have banned people who have said so while attacking me. That is wrong. Those people died and it's sad, so too it is sad the people who are dying over the military actions of Israel in attacking the groups who did this causing a loss of Palestinian life without considering who will be hurt. I am not a Zionist. I am just someone who felt sickened by what happened in the attacks last year and didn't like how I see some people pretending that is all a hoax."
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808airsoftbros · 11 months
Who's the Bustiest? (Female Idols) (BXG) (S)
Author: This is an idea that I got from Discord and came up with this. Hope you enjoy it and if you want to check out my Masterlist for more fics :)
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It was my first day of college, I was quite excited as I'd get the opportunity to learn new things, make new friends, and perhaps find love.
But I knew that was all delusional love stories that you see in web dramas although they are entertaining to watch after school.
Anyway, I was on my way to my first class, that was until I heard the loud sounds of footsteps approaching me and I turned around and saw a woman running towards me.
"What the-" I was about to say but it was too late as the girl ran into me.
What was worse was that she was holding a cup of cappuccino and it spilled all over my new Addidas jacket which isn't cheap.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The girl apologized and rushed to get some tissues from her bag.
"Aish... It's okay... Are you hurt?" I checked and she shook her head.
"N-No, but thank you for asking," She answered.
"Oh my Lord, Unnie are you okay?!" Another girl approached and she nodded.
"I-I'm fine, it's my fault! I wasn't looking!" She said and she sighed.
Though my jacket was soaked and stained with coffee, my shirt escaped without a drip of coffee so at least I didn't need to change clothes right now.
"We're so sorry about this, Jisun-Unnie here can be a bit clumsy sometimes, I am Natty, second-year," She introduced herself.
"Oh, I'm Y/N, first year," I replied and she nodded.
"Ah, so you're a freshman, well in that case, welcome to our school," She said and I thanked her.
Taking off my jacket soaked, I tried to squeeze as much coffee out as possible. I was planning to quickly make a run to the dry cleaners on campus but Jisun-Noona and Natty-Noona insisted on cleaning it themselves seeing it was Jisun-Nonna's fault.
At first, I was reluctant to do so as I didn't fully trust them despite them being my sunbaenims but you cannot be too safe.
"It's okay, Y/N, your jacket will be safe with us. Here, I'll give you our numbers as insurance, and I'll text you when it's ready," She suggested and I nodded.
"Sounds fair," I agreed and opened my phone app.
Adding them to my contacts, I thanked them as I handed over my jacket to them, and we went seperate ways to go to our classes.
Heading to my first subject, math, I was greeted by the professor and I greeted her back before taking my seat.
After about ten minutes, the lecture started, and the professor wasted no time getting into the intro to Calculus. Being a math nerd, the lesson wasn't hard and I was able to easily figure it out.
Working on a problem, I felt someone poking my shoulder and I looked to see a beautiful and busty girl poking me to get my attention.
"H-Hey, do you mind helping me with this?" She shyly asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, no prob," I answered and she smiled.
"Thank you! I'm Lee Saerom, second-year, and what about you?" She kindly asked and I introduced myself.
Helping her with the problem, she was amazed at how easily I was able to solve it and I showed her step-by-step on how to solve the formula and find the proper solution.
Most of it was basic Algebra which she wasn't too half bad on but still could use more work if she wants to succeed in the class.
"T-Thank you but I could use your help in the future. Do you mind if we exchange numbers?" She asked and I agreed.
"Sure, why not?" I answered and I input my number.
Adding her to my contacts, I felt lucky at how I managed to get three girl's number... Even though I'm not going out with either of them. Hehe.
After class, was over, the rest of my three classes were uneventful as the professors were introducing their first lessons and shit.
With my day of college over for today, I got a text from Natty saying that my jacket is now ready for pick up and uploaded a photo.
I was shocked at how cleaned it looked as if it just came out of the production line.
I texted Natty that I'd meet her at whatever nearby location, and she texted suggesting to meet her at her dormitory.
"Okay, come to Dorm 321,"
Giving her a thumbs up emoji, I put my phone away in my pocket, and I looked to see three other hot woman coming my way and they do not look happy.
"You! Punk!" One of them pointed at me.
"Me?" I asked and she marched toward me before harshly grabbing my collar.
"Did you hit our friend?!" She angrily asked and I was fucking confused.
"W-What are you talking about?!" I nervously asked as I have no idea what they're accusing me of.
"Liar!" The other woman who also have huge boobs said and I gulped.
It didn't take long for them to beat the shit out of me and I was totally helpless. My arms and legs were sore, and I was left with a black eye.
Fucking hell, what is their damn problem?! I should report them to the police for assault!
Whatever, the police wouldn't believe that a man was beaten up by three busty women so I took a deep breath and decided to let the whole transgression slide.
Despite being injured a bit, I make my way to my Noona's dorm as instructed. Each step I took stung the living shit out of me but I kept going.
"Jeez, this is not how I imagined my first day of college..." I muttered as I painfully make my way into the elevator.
Once the elevator reached the third floor, I got some stares from other students but I ignored them.
Finally arriving at Dorm 312, I didn't see any doorbell so I texted Natty that I'd arrived and she said she'd be there in a few minutes.
Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long as Natty opened the door with my freshly cleaned jacket in hand and she was horrified to see bruises and scars all over my body and uniform.
"My God! What the hell happened to you?! Did you get into a fight?!" She frantically asked and I shook my head.
"I fell," I lied and she sighed.
"Come on, I'll treat your wounds," She said before stepping aside.
"No! No! It's fine, I'll just go to the nurse's office," I declined but she didn't take "No" as an answer.
Dragging me inside of her dorm making me hiss in pain and she apologized. She helps me take off my shoes and bag before guiding me to the couch to lay down.
"Wait here! I'll get some medicine!" She instructed and I nodded.
Going up the stairs, I take out my phone go through Instagram and watched a few Youtube reels to pass the time.
"The fuck?! Why are you in our dorm?!" I heard a dreaded familiar voice and I looked to see the same girl that jumped me.
"N-Natty dragged me in here!" I pleaded and she scoffed.
"Unlikely story, I guess I need to teach you another lesson!" She said before cracking her knuckles.
Right when she was about to punch me in the gut, she was held back by Jisun and she gave her a confused look.
"J-Jisun, what are you doing?! This psycho is in our house!" She said but she shook her head.
"No, Unnie! He is our friend! He's the one I spilled coffee on!" Jisun explained and her eyes widened in horror.
"O-Oh my... I-I am so so sorry! We completely misunderstood! We thought you tried to kidnap her!" She frantically apologized and I chuckled.
"I-It's okay, Noona, I understand you wanted to protect your friend," I forgave her and she sighed in relief.
"Okay, now that's settled, I am Kim Sejeong and I guess you've already met Jisun. The two others are Kwun Eunbi and Park Jihyo, we are third-year students," She introduced herself.
Coming down the stairs, Natty comes to treat my wounds but we keep our conversation secret so as to not start any conflicts.
"Sorry, Y/N but this might sting a little," She warned before applying the alcohol wipes and I hissed.
"Damn, that's strong..." I muttered.
Finishing up bandaging my arm, it was clear she was a nursing student as she did it professionally and I kinda blushed as her boobs were pressing against my shoulder.
"Alright your right arm should be good, now can you please remove your shirt?" She asked and I blushed.
"U-Uhm, what?" I stuttered and she giggled.
"It's okay, I'm not going to make fun of you," She assured.
"Yeah, it's not like anything we haven't seen before," Eunbi said before sipping a cup of tea.
Reluctantly taking off shirt, Natty goes on to treat the bruises on my chest and stomach.
"Damn, you really did a number on yourself, huh?" She asked and I slowly nodded.
"Haha, yeah..." I replied.
Bandaging and applying cream on my bruises and injuries, I had to remain shirtless for the rest of the day.
After more than an hour, Natty finishes up treating my wounds and I thanked her for her help.
"Don't mention it. You mind as well stay here for the night, besides you can't really move around too much. If you need to use the bathroom or shower, just let me know," She instructed and sighed imagining Natty holding my cock while taking a piss.
"Oh, and don't worry, I had to handle plenty of old man dicks in my nursing school," She assured before winking and I gulped.
"Or maybe I can help you~!" Jihyo flirted and I blushed like a tomato making Natty playfully roll her eyes.
"Oh, Jihyo-Unnie, can you please not? You're going to make the poor kid pass out!" She jokingly said and she laughed her ass off.
Opening the door, I was surprised to see Saerom coming inside and she was just as surprised to see me in the dorm.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? And why are you shirtless....?" She asked and Natty rose an eyebrow.
"You two know each other?" She curiously asked and I shyly nodded.
"We have the same calculus class," I answered and she nodded.
"I see, well, no need for introductions then," She mentioned until we heard someone clearing their throat and we turned to see a big curvy ass woman coming down the stairs and staring down at me.
"Now. Now. What do we have here? Natty what have you brought here?" The woman asked.
"Oh, Unnie, this is Y/N, freshmen, I treated his wounds so he needs to stay in our dorm for the night," She explained.
"Well, Y/N, I am Lee Chaerin the eldest of the group but you may call me CL-Noona if that's easier for you. I'll tolerate your presence here for now but by morning you must leave. Understood?" She asked and I frantically nodded.
"Awww~. Unnie, but I want to play with him~!" Sejeong complained and she rolled her eyes.
"Like how you do with every guy you meet?" CL-Noona rebutted and she pouted.
"B-But this one here is cute!" She replied and she sighed before shaking her head.
She signals everyone to gather around to the kitchen, they talk softly so I couldn't hear their conversation. After about a few more mintues of talking they come to me.
"Okay, Y/N, after much discussion, I've come to an compromise here, I'll allow you to move here to our dormitory," She explained and my eyes widened.
"W-What?!" I exclaimed.
"But under one condition..." She paused and I rose an eyebrow.
"What is that?" I asked.
"You must be our pet, our lover, and do everything we tell you to do. Now, you don't have to accept our terms and leave right now but imagine having seven sexy women taking care of you," She explained and I gulped.
Damn, well she isn't wrong, I've always dreamt of having a harem, and having all these busty woman to myself is something I never thought would happen.
After taking some time to contemplate my decision, I agreed with CL-Noona's term and she smiled along with the girls.
"Yay~! Now I can fu- I mean play with him!" Sejeong cheered.
"W-What was that?" I nervously asked.
"Oh, uhm, nothing, puppy~," She assured before pecking my cheek.
Right afterward, my life took a 360 turn, the girls went to my dorm took all my stuff, and moved them here. I noticed that they've been quite comfortable giving me tight hugs and wearing revealing clothing.
Thankfully, I was able to control myself before CL-Noona beats my ass for being a pervert but I have a feeling they want me to get hard.
"Hey puppy~," Saerom whispered and I turned to look at her.
"Hey, Noona," I replied and she pecked my lips.
"Mind answering a question?" She asked and I nodded.
"Which one of us do you like most?" She straightforwardly asked and I gulped as I didn't know how to answer her question.
"I-I don't know, Noona, I like all of you," I nervously answered and she frowned showing her dissatisfaction.
"Aww~. Come on, baby, I know you must like one of us more... Maybe my boobs might change your mind~," She suggested before taking off her shirt revealing her black-laced bra and I blushed at the sight of her mounds.
Suddenly, the door opened and Jisun gasped at the sight of Searom's half-naked self and she immediately pulled her out.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Jisun asked and she giggled.
"I just wanted to know if I'm Y/N's favorite~," She answered and she huffed.
"Oh, really~? Then Y/N, what do you think of these babies~?" She teasingly asked as she takes off her tank top and I saw she wasn't wearing a bra.
"H-Hey~! No fair~!" Saerom whined and takes off her bra leaving them half-naked and my dick started get hard.
Seductively approaching me, they each grabbed my arm and threw me onto the bed and they smothered my face with their massive tits and they giggled.
"He's so cute when flustered~," Saerom complimented before pressing my face into her tits.
"Yeah, but mines are bigger so I can make him more flustered, watch," She proved and smashed her mounds onto my face and I blushed harder making Saerom-Noona scoff.
"What is going on here?" Natty asked as she walked inside with Sejeong and was shocked.
"Ah, you horny girls, why didn't you invite me?" Sejeong complained.
"Well, you can always join us, let's see which one of us has the bigger boobs," Saerom proposed.
"Oh, you're on!" Natty and Sejeong accepted and joined us on the bed.
Sejeong takes off her shirt showing no bra while Natty takes off her hoodie and she wasn't wearing a bra either. Guess girls don't wear bras at home.
Of course, it didn't take long for Jihyo and Eunbi-Noona to join us as well and my God they have some of the biggest boobs I've ever seen in my life.
"Okay, now that we're here... Baby, which pair of boobs do you like best~?" Jihyo-Noona asked before licking her lips.
"U-Uhhhh..." I muttered.
"Come on baby, which one of us?" Jisun whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.
"I-I cannot choose!" I answered and they sighed.
Suddenly, the door busts open revealing CL and the girls gasped as the eldest walked inside only wearing a white bathrobe. She looks down at each and one of us.
"Girls~. Girls~. Let us remember that each and one of us has a special place in our puppy's heart so it doesn't matter how big our boobs and asses may be. Our puppy will still be loyal to us, isn't that right~?" She asked and I frantically nodded.
"Y-Yes, mummy," I answered and she giggled.
"Good, now let us all enjoy him, tonight~," She said before sexily smirking and the girls agreed.
Saerom goes to take off shirt while Jihyo takes off my pants and underwear revealing my monster 9-inch cock and they licked their lips like a predator eyeing their prey.
"What a big-sized cock you have, puppy, and it's all for us," CL-Noona complimented and began jerking it off making me moan.
"T-Thank you, mummy," I muttered and she giggled.
Starting with Jihyo, she presses her mounds between my cock and bounces up and down making me moan. Her titties felt soft and smooth adding to the pleasure.
"I-It feels so good, Noona~!" I moaned and she hummed.
Each girl had a turn for about ten minutes until they switched out and I had to hand it over to CL-Noona giving me the best boob job and she wasn't too subtle about not being a virgin.
"All of the men, crave for our bodies baby~. You are really lucky to fuck all of us~," CL-Noona said and I nodded.
"Y-Yes, Mommy ~," I moaned out and she smiled.
After they were finished giving me boob jobs they each gave me a sloppy blow job, the feeling of their warm mouths on my cock and balls felt amazing and I could barely hold myself from cumming but I did my best to please my mummies.
"Such a tasty cock, better than my ex," Jisun complimented.
"I know, right?" Natty replied.
"N-Noonas! I-I'm going to cum!" I warned as I couldn't hold it anymore.
Gathering around my cock, I let out my massive load onto their faces letting out satisfying hums as they taste my cum.
"Cum also tastes amazing, we should do this everynight~," Eunbi suggested and they agreed.
"Now, let's get onto the main event, remember, will all get one round of his cum," CL-Noona instructed.
Going first was Natty and she didn't waste any time slamming her pussy onto my cock letting out a loud moan.
"Aww~. Is our baby a virgin~?" She asked and I slowly nodded.
"Y-Yes..." I shyly answered and she smiled.
"Even better," She replied.
"Good, because from now on, our pussies are the only pussy you're ever going to get~," CL-Noona said.
With Natty riding for me the next half hour, we came together and I filled her womb with my cum.
Next up was Jisun, she inserts my dick into her womanhood as Saerom sat on my face forcing me to lick her pussy.
"Oh fuck~! Good boy~!" Saerom yelped as I insert my tongue inside.
"So big~!" Jisun moaned in ecstasy as she slowly began riding me.
Despite not being experienced, I did my absolute best to please them and so far I'm doing good based on how loudly their moaning.
As soon as I let out my load inside Jisun, Saerom takes her position as Jihyo got on my face with her soaking wet pussy and it tasted like watermelon and I'm a huge fan of fruits.
"Ohhhh~! Puppy, I could ride this dick all day if I wanted to~," She screamed as she inserted my cock inside her womanhood.
"Mmm~. Your tongue feels so good puppy~," Jihyo moaned as I insert my tongue.
"You're doing such a good job so far, puppy~," CL-Noona complimented before giggling.
"Puppy, I'm going cum~! You better drink all of it!" Jihyo warned before squirting in my mouth and I drank all of it.
"I'm going to cum too, baby, I want your sticky cum inside my womb~," Saerom pleaded and we came at the same time.
Jihyo took Saerom's place as soon as she made my dick hard again and I was starting to feel sore and tired as I've came several times.
"Tired already baby~? We haven't gotten to the best part yet~," Jihyo said as she jerked my dick back to life and I gulped.
To my surprise, she gets on all fours shaking her ass signalling me to pound her as hard as I could and I got on my knees before shoving my cock inside her pussy making her loudly moan.
"Oh, you naughty boy, you want me that much~?" She teasingly asked.
"Y-Yes, mummy~!" I answered as I began fucking her.
Going in and out, pounding her as fast and hard as I possibly could, Jihyo could loudly moan as her mind was consumed by pleasure. CL-Noona hugs me from behind pressing her boobs on my back along with Eunbi and Jisun.
"Are you close baby~?" Eunbi asked.
"N-Not yet mommy~!" I replied as I kept fucking Jihyo and she smirked.
"Well, do you want to pound my pussy~? I'm just soaking wet from watching and I want your long and thick cock inside of me~," She whispered in my ear.
Picking up the pace, Jihyo began screaming and came a few times before I painted her womb with my cum and she collapsed on the bed all exhausted and I was panting.
"Good boy~. Now it's my turn now and you better fuck just as well as you fucked Jihyo," Eunbi said and I nodded.
"Hey what about me~?" Sejeong whined and she playfully rolled my eyes.
"Think you can take us both~?" Eunbi asked.
"Anything for you," I replied and she smiled.
With both getting on their knees and elbows, I insert my dick into Eunbi's pussy and insert my finger in Sejeong and switched places, fucking them both at the same time.
"Oh God baby~! So Good~!" Sejeong moaned.
"Mmm~. Keep it up and we may cum soon~!" Eunbi said as I pounded her.
Finishing off into Eunbi's pussy, I put my full attention to Sejeong, I places my hands on her tits and play with them while I pounded her.
"Yes baby, our tits are yours only~," Sejeong moaned.
"Why have any man when you have this obedient puppy's dick?" Jisun mentioned.
About ten minutes later, I unloaded my cum inside of her as she squirted all over my dick and CL-Noona pulls my head forcing me to kiss her.
With her having more experience, she easily dominated me and sucked my tongue and we let go when we ran out of breath.
"Now time to see if you can make me cum~," She said and pushed me onto the bed.
Inserting my dick into her pussy, I was astounded at how fucking tight she was compared to the rest. It felt Godly and I can see why so many guys competed for her but all of them never succeeded in getting close to her.
"Oh my fucking God, puppy, your dick is so good~!" She moaned as she roughly rides me and I moaned.
"Your pussy is so heavenly, mummy~," I replied and she smirked.
Speeding up, she began riding me like an angry bull and I held back all temptations to cum letting her enjoy herself.
"I'm so close to cumming baby~! Let's cum together~!" She screamed and I nodded.
At the same time, we came simultaneously and she collapsed onto my chest before pecking my cheek.
"You did amazing, baby~. I never expected you to be able to handle all of us," She complimented.
"Yeah, you did us so well~," Jihyo said before giving me a long smooch.
"You may consider us your actual girlfriends, baby, but at home, we are your mummies~," Eunbi whispered and I gulped.
The rest of the girls hurdled together and I was smothered in an ocean full of titties and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
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de4dlyniightshade · 8 months
HELP i need a blurb about how spencer would react to reader wanting to put a bow on his dick
like i can just imagine reader going "it's COCK-ette" and him just going "..what?"
the way i've literally spoke abt this in the discord before is crazy
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꩜ PAIRING: spencer reid x afab!reader
꩜ RATING: +18, mdni
꩜ WARNINGS/CONTAINS!: taking pictures/voyeurism, and like the tiniest bit of touching and that's about it
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A/N: for the sake of this fic let's pretend polaroids develop faster than they actually do, 'kay?
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you loved taking pictures of spencer anytime you could, candid photos of him reading, pictures of you two together, pictures of him when you just felt like it but you especially loved taking pictures of him that nobody else could see, pictures of him completely wrecked under you, pictures of your fingers buried in his mouth, pictures of the marks you left on him afterwards but the largest part of your extensive collection of photos, mostly polaroids, were pictures of his cock, either with your hand wrapped around it, inside you or just sitting pretty on his stomach.
spencer thought it was a little strange at first, the way you'd stop completely to fetch your camera to take a picture of him but he quickly learned to love it, knowing that you took them for yourself and because you thought he was so beautiful that the moment needed to be savoured, like now.
"let me see you, baby" you husked, standing back as spencer sat at the bottom of the bed, lips swollen and wet from you kissing him. he immediately complied, unbuttoning just a few buttons to pull his shirt over his head, his tie already discarded of before he moved to fumble with his pants, slipping them down his legs as soon as his zip was undone, pulling his underwear down with them.
"always so pretty, baby" you murmured, biting your lip at the sight of his pretty cock resting on his stomach, flushed and hard, a bead of precum dribbling down his shaft so perfectly.
"need a picture of you, pretty boy" you smiled, rounding the bed to your nightstand to fetch your polaroid camera from the drawer where you kept it so it was always on hand when you needed it, quickly making your way back to stand between his thighs, sinking to your knees like it was second nature.
spencer couldn't help but whine, rolling his hips as his cock throbbed against his pelvis. "sit still" you ordered, looking at him over your camera to emphasise your point before you looked back through the lens, snapping a photo of him and smiling to yourself as you took the printed photo and began shaking it as you always did.
when the photo developed you couldn't help but furrow your brows, something was missing, of course he still looked pretty but you just felt like it needed more, for your benefit if you were being honest.
you thought for a moment, spencer confused at your behaviour but not saying anything, just watching as he could almost see the lightbulb go off above your head as you reached behind your head, tugging the ribbon you had tied in your hair to loosen it as you grinned to yourself.
"what are you doing?" he asked, genuinely confused as you held the thin pink satin ribbon in your hand with a giddy expression on your face, "just sit still for me" you murmured as you reached out to take the base of his cock into your hand, stroking him a few times purely to rile him up before you took the ribbon and and wrapped it just below his tip, spencer utterly confused as you began tying it around his length, only realising what you were doing when he saw the distinct loops of a bow.
"wh- why did you- tie a bow...on my-" you stumbled over his words, completely infatuated with your weird antics, you truly never failed to surprise him.
"can't you see? it's cockette" you smiled, giggling a little at your own pun as he blinked back at you, now even more confused than before you answered, sighing a little to himself as he shook his head.
"perfect" you mumbled to yourself as you raised you camera once again, taking your time to get the angle just right before you snapped the photo, a wide smile on your lips as it printed, quickly snatching it and waving it around.
"my best work yet, if i do say so myself" you smiled, showing the photo to spencer who you had honestly forgot was literally waiting for you to touch him, his cock painfully hard by now, precum soiling the pink satin.
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felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 5
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[There are also a series of 'lil snippets' posts where I was just chucking together bits and pieces that I saw at other times: one, two, three, four, five, six]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and/or played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a ‘regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this. if you notice any mistakes in this post, please tell me.
For notes in here on community council things in particular, I recommend to listen to the vid directly, it's always better hearing things first-hand ^^
Character Creation
"The diverse body and gender options make it an industry leader by a signifcant margin" [source]
"BioWare was keen to highlight the hair strand technology that looked very similar to that seen in FIFA and EA FC, also made under EA's roof" [source]
"Fine tuning sliders that allowed for microscopic adjustments of nose angles, it was clear that a lot of options exist to get the smallest possible body parts exactly right" [source]
"There's no specific genital customisation to be oversold as CDPR did but, much like Saints Row, there is an option for bulge customisation" [source]
Pronoun choice, gender identity, body type, and voice choice are 4 separate options, not tied together [source]
Height is customised on a slider [source]
Size is customized on a triangle like in Saints Row: the 'points' are fat, slim and muscular [source]
The different lighting options are 4 different settings: clean, bright, dim, sunset [source]
In CC you can also try out what Rook looks like in their starting rags, in typical mid-game armor, and some level 50 gear (class appropriate for each one) [source]
There's a way for you to modify your character's look once the game has started if you want to make some tweaks [source: the official Discord]
You can be any class and choose any backstory/faction, any race, any gender [source]
Story and lore
On meeting Neve in the opening, if Rook chooses to say the positive dialogue option (I think this is the thumbs up one, "You rescued yourself, I see") they say something like, "It looks like you're doing pretty well by yourself huh?" [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF, the game has a Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission feel to it [source]
The Shadow Dragons are kind of an anti-Venatori faction, sort of. [source] A freedom force. [source]
The Mourn Watch are kind of like the police for the Grand Necropolis [source]
The Veil Jumpers are kind of like weird magical investigators, weird magical nerds [source]
The moment right after the gameplay video ends is 👀❗❗...? [source]
On the timeskip, the Community Council were told that they were going to make it about the same amount of time in-game as the amount of time that passed in real life from the time most people would have last played DA:I [source]
Rook's faction is also referenced outside of the intro segment of the game [source]
In the gameplay reveal video that we saw, some of the Evanuris statue assets at Solas' ritual site are doubled up in error, i.e. some of them have the wrong heads. This is not supposed to be the case, they are supposed to each have a different head (bear in mind this was an early build and isn't the final build of the game) [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Go [here] to see some DA:TV doodles of the characters that a dev drew this year and last year. :> the hidden doodle is a version of Rook, hidden as they have not yet shown any of the possible hairstyles for Rook outside of the gameplay reveal video. [source]
It is Lucanis who has the purple wings [source]
His name is pronounced "Loo-khan-ess Day-ah-MORT-ey" [source]
Lucanis is hands-down "the sole dumpster fire of the crew". Mary "wrote him specifically to be a bisexual disaster of a human. You're welcome." [source]
As a name 'Rook' is closer to 'Inquisitor' than 'Hawke' [source]
The Community Council highly requested there to be 4 voices for Rook. They kept bringing it up [source] (there are 4 voices for Rook)
The Solas face model has been tweaked "a hundred times" [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
Rook can jump [source: the official Discord]
Rook can sprint [source: the official Discord]
Warrior gameplay (or at least one build of this) involves doing the right parry timing to lead to a certain attack [source]
Warriors have a dropkick ability, enemies can be dropkicked off cliffs using this [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF said that the game ran smoothly and didn't have any bugs [source]
Companions can have an ability that heals Rook even when they are not mages [source]
Sword and shield warrior's ranged skill is like, boomeranging their shield over there [source]
In terms of the 'the game isn't open world, it's mission-based' stuff, it could be likened to Trespasser in this regard [source]
The first time the Community Council played, they asked if there is a photomode. BioWare said no, and the Council were like 'aw that really sucks, we really wanted one'. The next time that they went to play it, BioWare introduced them to a dev and said "Okay, we have photo mode, all thanks to this guy". "So there is one particular dev we all need to be kissing the feet of" because he figured out photo mode. [source] [nb, more on the Photo Mode situation here]
The current build of the game is not the final build of the game. A few things are currently being vigorously worked on [source]
Someone who played the game at SGF was told that all of the choices and consequences were in the game, and that basically the team are just polishing things up right now [source]
The number of community members on the Community Council is in the double digits and they are from all walks of life. They don't have any contracts which say that they can only say positive things; they can be as negative as they want about DA media. Not every member of the council has said publicly that they were part of the group, there is nothing mandating them to do so [source]. They have not played the full game [source] and they tested it on consoles [source]. A lot of them ended up liking the gameplay [source]. They played some of the main story but they don't know how it ends. At one point they did three days of playtesting from like 9am-4pm daily. "I liked the quality, I liked what was going on, I was very invested. I did have some worries from the first playtest that were completely resolved in the second". "If you are someone who is into the story, I think we're safe, in the clear, I think we're okay. What I saw, I was really enjoying, I'm really excited about" [source]
The name change also surprised the community council. They aren't keen on the 'the'. There are a lot of things that they said to BioWare which, sometimes things just cannot change as it's too late. [source]
They did not see the finished game trailer before it released, and at that time it might have had a different song in it. They fed back that the version of the trailer that they saw was fine (what they saw was a bit different) [source]
BioWare have data on the percentage of people who used tactical view in DA:I and it's in the single digits [source]
Upkeep of the The Keep is a lot and it goes down like once a month. There have been times when it was down for weeks at a time [source]
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AITA for venting to my friend about my fiancée?
I (24M) have been with my fiancée (26NB) for about 3 years now. I try to avoid venting to my friends about it when I’m having little relationship annoyances because I used to do that for a while and it ended up with them just getting a horrible image of her because when good things happen that make me happy I would be responding IRL with my fiancée or gushing about it publicly e.g. on Twitter which most of my friends don’t use, vs when bad things happened I’d go to them to vent directly so they were only seeing the shitty moments. They would just always tell me she sucked or to break up with her which just wore on me because I don’t want to do that, they know I don’t want to do that, they know I don’t think I need to. Our relationship is super affectionate, has helped me massively in improving mentally and socially and in my confidence, makes me genuinely happy, and is for the most part, with certain problems we’ve been working on aside, healthy.
It’s not a communication issue or anything, I’ll address any issues with my fiancée directly as well and we’ll resolve it between us, just sometimes I’d feel the need to vent out my upset first while calming down or talking through what to say to her before I brought it up etc.
However this changed recently. my fiancée has always been a very physical person, she’s cuddly and loves kisses and just general touching, and that also translates into her playfully hitting me a lot, which I’ll do as well. Smacking each other on the ass when we pass each other, jokingly hitting each other’s arms (gently) when we’re making fun of each other, stuff like that. Very occasionally this will bother me (the other day she pinched my face hard enough that it hurt for like 20mins afterwards) but for the most part I genuinely could not care less and I take it as all in good fun.
She has never hit me in anger before, until today. She was playing a video game and died, and I laughed while sitting next to her when I saw it, and she just turned around and hit me full force. Like, harder than she’s ever hit before, and causing genuine pain. Usually I would just brush it off because like I said she hits me in a joking way a lot, but when I kind of gave a startled “ow” she just looked at me and hissed “Don’t laugh” through her teeth and she looked genuinely pissed off, and the force behind the hit just caught me completely off guard. It was also very very sudden because we’d been talking normally and light-heartedly, had even been cuddling a few minutes before, and although she was pretty clearly exasperated at the game (sighing, saying “oh my god” when the fight was going downhill) I didn’t think it was serious anger, so her abruptly whipping around and hitting me like that was so sudden and whiplashy I didn’t even have time to register it.
I have PTSD (C-PTSD? don’t remember what the specific diagnosis was) from my last relationship which was abusive in pretty much every way you can think of, and one of my biggest triggers that has been relevant in this relationship as a result of it is raised voices/anger around me (not necessarily At me, just like when my fiancée is getting frustrated or stressed and she’ll start hitting her keyboard or shouting and it’ll make me start panicking), but this is the first time I’ve had to confront being triggered by a physical violence thing. I started dissociating like hell so I left the room when she was distracted by the game and ended up slipping out of the house to call one of my best friends via Discord and lowkey cry about it
I genuinely don’t really remember what I said, the gist was just that I’d been triggered by my fiancée hitting me in anger and that I needed to calm down before I went back. This may have been a dick move because this friend is a mutual friend of me and my fiancée - I knew her first and am closer to her, but she recently met my fiancée in person for the first time and they seemed to get along well, and we’re in several servers and stuff together.
After I was done I went back in and my fiancée apologised for hitting me so hard. I said thank you and we moved on
But afterwards she confronted me because my friend had sent me a message after that basically just checking in on me and my fiancée had seen the message on my laptop that she was using to game. I usually have my Discord on Do Not Disturb when she’s using my computer just so she’s not bothered by notifications beeping at her constantly so I’m not sure if it wasn’t on for some reason and it popped up on-screen or if she minimised the game and saw it somehow, but she was incredibly upset with me because she said I’d made her out to sound physically abusive. I did explain that I’d made clear to the friend she’d never seriously hit before this, but she said that didn’t matter because it was still giving off that impression and that it was unfair because her hitting me was done in a moment of frustration/anger and I shouldn’t have laughed at the game.
I apologised and we dropped it but I do notice that since then she’s been on my computer/phone more often and she’s slid into a few of my friends’ (and I mean My friends, not ones she talks to or knows and not ones I’d said anything about this to) asking if I’ve ever spoken about her and if she can give her side of the story. My friends came straight to me about it because they felt uncomfortable with what they saw as being prompted to talk about me behind my back.
Reasons I don’t think I’m TA: She hit me, and I know she vents about me to her friends too, and although it does bother me that her friends don’t like me because of it (for I assume much the same reason some of mine don’t like her for, AKA only hearing about negative stuff) I’ve always maintained she has the right to do it. I think everyone should be able to vent to friends about partners or family and vice versa in private because venting is normal and as long as it’s not dishonest or just pure shit-talking them I think it can be helpful and even healthy.
Reasons I think I might be TA: I went to a mutual friend so she also has something to lose if this friend forms a negative opinion of her, I laughed at her dying in the game even though I know she gets incredibly frustrated and competitive in games, and I’ve never had an issue with her hitting me more playfully before so she may have just misjudged how hard it was.
So AITA for telling my friend my fiancée hit me / getting so upset about it or is it just PTSD acting up and making me overdramatise something that is basically on the same level as the joke hitting?
What are these acronyms?
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
This is sort of a collab between me and @okchijt as we were discussing this on Discord while I was writing this. I'm in a watch party with them to watch Helluva Boss so... Here's some self indulgence about Blitzø :) Pacing is a bit everywhere due to our conversation process. Here's the pure brainrot!
Please Read Trigger Warnings For Mature Themes, The moment you click Read More you have consented to seeing this content.
Yandere! Blitzø Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Gaslighting/Blackmail, Trauma, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Fear of attachment/vulnerability, Enabling behavior, Jealousy, Delusional behavior, Mentions of Death, Paranoia, Poor mental health, Swearing, Mature content, Secret picture taking, Violence/Murder, Forced date, Blood, Threats, Guilt-tripping, Mentions of intimacy/Sexual content but nothing too graphic, Intoxication, Forced/Dubious relationship.
Word Count: 1446 words.
Tumblr media
Blitz is an obsessive stalker yandere who is fiercely protective/controlling of his obsession.
The moment you leave his sight, Blitz has a tendency to panic.
He needs to know where you are and only trusts a select few people with you.
Said people are Loona, Millie, and Moxxie.
This is most likely an AU after Stolas and Blitz "break up".
In that case, Blitz may not trust Stolas around you.
Speaking of Stolas, said Owl Prince may be jealous and condescending towards you due to Blitz trying to be with you.
I'm going to be honest, Blitz would be a mess as a yandere.
His whole life he's wanted that domestic sort of life with his obsession.
He craves connection, even if he originally tries to push you away.
But if you manage to stay despite what he says... then you have a clingy Imp on your hands.
He's known you for awhile, be that as one of his employees or a close friend who sticks around despite what he says.
The obsession probably starts in this concept with you comforting him about Stolas.
He's scared to let you in at first, not wanting to look vulnerable.
However, push hard enough and be there for him?
Well now he can't let you go.
Blitz is surprisingly affectionate towards you once he's attached, both verbally and physically.
Blitz would want his obsession to get along with Loona, his adopted daughter.
Speaking of which, Loona may be a subtle manipulator or step in if you decide to neglect to turn on Blitz.
Especially if it benefits her.
Moxxie would be concerned for the relationship between you two.
He may try to speak up about it, but the others would shut him down.
Which would cause him to just... stay quiet despite your feelings.
Although, Millie would enable everything, thinking the bond you have is cute.
When Blitz turns obsessive, Moxxie may be your only ally.
Moxxie tries to ease your worries, he genuinely wants to find a way to help both you and Blitz.
However... Blitz would be so UPSET if he saw you so close to Moxxie.
He has a fear of losing you, while he knows Moxxie won't steal you from him... he hates you being close with others.
As a result, Blitz may isolate you socially... or insert himself into everything you do with others.
For example, if you were clubbing... he's coming to.
Anywhere you go, he'll be there... be it out of sight or right by your side.
He's so obsessive with the idea of a "healthy" relationship, he completely forgets the fact he is actively messing up the only somewhat normal relationship he has again... since you've been with him through nearly everything already, he's blind to his actions.
What doesn't help is no one but Moxxie points out the issues.
Definitely bans any sort of mention of Stolas in I.M.P.
He doesn't want you or anyone bringing up his past relationships as he wants to move on with his new beloved.
He genuinely thinks you're his perfect match and refuses to hear anyone else out on it.
Blitz is normally really clingy and hard to get rid of, so he usually doesn't need to resort to kidnapping.
However, if he did, he'd lock you in his apartment with max security.
Going back to Loona, she'd pity you a bit but not actually help you.
In fact, she's literally the guard dog for Blitz.
You won't be able to leave as Loona can hear every movement you make.
If you're caught, she'll tell Blitz, or convince you to go back to bed beside Blitz on the couch.
It would be hard to even leave the couch as Blitz practically digs his claws into you and clings to you as he sleeps.
If you worked with him, you'd slowly be unable to go on missions since the job is so dangerous.
In fact, Blitz may keep you with Loona, it's unknown who's babysitting who though.
He may not care much about his own safety, but he cares a lot about you.
He'd probably break if you died on him.
Speaking of which, Blitz has already lost a ton of people in his life anyways.
If you, the only person who genuinely gave a shit, died on him?
You can bet he just... never recovers.
Not even the others can fix him.
Which is why he is so insistent on hiding you away.
Blitz would hate it if you neglected him affection, clinging to you like you're his only lifeline.
If you eventually caved and gave him affection, even out of pity, he'd break down in your arms.
That way he thinks you love him back... and he just wants to be loved.
Blitz would stalk you constantly, taking pictures and recordings along with following you wherever you go.
Human, Hellborn, Sinner, whatever... he'd follow you everywhere no matter where you went.
Be that another layer of Hell, or the human world, he just needs to be near you.
Your status and species of demon/human would change the dynamic between you and Blitz in some ways too.
He may even baby you, he isn't trying to be condescending, but he just...finds babying you cute.
Blitz is extremely manipulative, he may even be the type of yandere to gaslight or blackmail you into staying with him.
He'd guilt you into staying with him by saying "you're the only one that bothered to help him".
If he was drunk, he'd start rambling about how you helped him... essentially starting to trauma dump on you.
If you tried to point out the issues in your relationship with him, he'd act like there's nothing wrong.
If you tried to leave him and guilting doesn't work, he's find dirt on you and blackmail you into staying beside him.
Blitz would force you onto little dates (Like horse riding).
He's thinking you two are having fun, in reality you probably aren't.
Honestly, would it even be a Blitz concept if I didn't mention violence or murder in some way?
If you got hurt on a mission, Blitz would lose it.
No one would need to help him, he'd single handedly slaughter everyone around him.
By the time the bloodbath is over, he's covered in the stuff and immediately pulling you close.
He'd coo over you, telling you there's no need to worry... he took care of it.
That would most likely be when he'd pull you off missions, too.
If he ever lost you somewhere, he's threatening everyone for answers on your whereabouts.
You're so isolated with him there's barely any issue when it comes to "rivals".
Although, if he somehow sees you secretly speaking with someone other than him... he'd threaten them and if that doesn't work, he may attack them like some sort of feral cat.
Blitz would not blame his darling for anything, he's that delusional.
He thinks you could do no wrong and just blames those around you.
Obviously others are the problem, not him.
That includes Moxxie, as I can see him thinking Moxxie is trying to turn you against Blitz.
Ever seen scenes with Blitz being affectionate with Loona or the others?
Yeah, he's like that with you, but more intense.
He's practically all over you when it comes to affection.
Blitz sees everyone as a threat to his relationship with you.
Maybe not Millie or Loona, but that may include Moxxie.
It definitely includes Stolas due to his paranoia, he fears the prince will take you from him.
Striker would also count due to his motives.
I don't usually mention this in my concepts, but Blitz is sexually active.
He wouldn't force you into anything, but he's certainly needy when it comes to that.
Blitz wouldn't blame you too much if you called him Blitzo.
He'd calmly correct you, but treat it as a mistake and warn you not to do it again.
Blitz wants to know everything about his darling, both inside and out.
He may not say much about himself, but he'd nearly interrogate you about everything you like and dislike.
He wants to give the best gifts and foods for you since he adores you.
If someone ever hurt you in your past, or even the present, he'd just get revenge for you.
He'll make their fate slow.
Anything from a childhood bully or abuser, yeah they're gone.
Overall, Blitz comes off as a rather feral, intense, and clingy yandere.
You're stuck with him, like it or not, all so he can chase the companionship he never truly had in a long time.
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