#the diaster artist
willow-boop · 6 months
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Phil the arsonist
I wanted to make a silly image with her and my uptight elf paladin Taeral because I know she would drive him crazy!
I like tormenting him.
(Lovely Phil created by @theravenloftwanderers )
(Taeral by me)
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donuttot · 1 year
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haii...I'm a new artist here and posting cause of the twitter diaster, I like cookie run so follow me if u do too :]
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mercurialmalcontent · 7 months
Hey, fyi those sisters of the solstice pictures are AI generated. No worries if you already knew, but you don't seem to be a fan of it so I thought I'd mention it.
While I'm not a fan, I'm most specifically not a fan of the "I put a bunch of prompts into a generator so now I'm a Real Artist" type. The "I don't want to pay an artist so I'm going to generate some complete bullshit" type (i.e. that hilarious diaster of a Willy Wonka event). The type lazy, cheap assholes use as an excuse for not building their skills or paying people to do good work.
However, Rob Sheridan is a professional artist and has been such since well before anyone could get AI to shit out images (he was NIN's art director for 15 years, from 1999-2014). His images demonstrate style and aesthetics that are consistent with his earlier work, which suggests to me that he's using AI as a tool and not as a substitute for skill, thought, and time.
Shame the ethics of AI image generators are a mess!
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busdriver-55 · 2 years
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Actors - Hollywood AU
ghostwalks (gin and fog) by diasterisms: They are co-stars on a TV show and Kylo is a bit of a bitch and they hate each other because of UST they can't act upon for whatever reasons (maybe because the network forbids relationships between leads) and they still shoot all these hot sex scenes.
Something Wicked by violethoure666: In the early 2000s Ben Solo and Rey Kenobi were America's sweethearts. Stars of the hit show Something Wicked, they took the world by storm, partying across a gritty Los Angeles landscape and making every headline. By 2017, they aren't speaking, in fact Rey despises Ben and when they are cast together in a rom com, all hell breaks loose. Jumping between the early 2000s and present day, this is the story of two people who found each other, lost each other, and found each other again. (AKA the modern day celebrity AU no one asked for)
AQUARIUM by EllieCarina: Strangely enough, seven days spent in a bed with a stranger for excellent pay doesn't seem too bad a perspective for Rey Kenobi. And since work isn’t easy to come by in New York City these days, let alone for a newcomer actress that, apparently, no one has been waiting for, Rey takes an unusual job: as living art in a performance piece by world famous artist L. Skywalker. For a week (AND EXCELLENT PAY!) she has to spend her days in a room inside a room at the MoMa. So far, so weird. But when her mattress-mate turns out to be an old, very unfortunate acquaintance, their tiny fake bedroom turns out to be a whole lot tinier than Rey had anticipated.
A Sky Full of (Shallow) Stars by @semperfidani: Rey, a struggling wannabe actress with a painful past, is trying to break into show business and forced to take waitress jobs to pay the bills. Kylo Ren, a famous actor from a legacy family with a troubled past, is nominated for numerous awards and pressured by his agent to bring a date to the award shows to improve his image. Rey spills water on his lap at the Golden Globes. How fortuitous.
Hollywoodland by @vedavan: A Reylo actor/actress AU, set during Hollywood's Golden Age.
I Got a Bad Desire by @kaybohls: Award-nominated director, Ben Solo, is set to direct to the next hottest show in town, GATSBY! When producers Canady and Holdo cast his former classmate and fellow Julliard alumni as his leading lady -tensions rise. Can Ben let the past die so his show can thrive? Perhaps there's more to this "Hollywood Sellout" than meets the eye.
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mouncejohntyler · 2 months
The dreaming of end, ruling.
Tragedy twists and a turn forward
Inherent intent to an incline
Welfare wayside stories are wought
Dangerous bombs dropping sounds
Homicide the hidden middle fingers
Bittersweet beliefs beyond what they
Consciences had said are thons means
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To the perennial prizes put as a
Admirable aim towards art amongst
Distal to distant relative's that
Metaphors make a fuss over a
Keen colorful creations of tattoo
Pacing my heartfelt meaning behind
Invaluable to thons that misunderstand
Publicity to the active awareness artform
Erasing any hate that never was a diaster
Painting the permanence of my people.
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anaja-theratbird · 3 years
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“Imagine a movie so incomprehensible that you find yourself compelled to watch it over and over again. You become desperate to learn how (if) on earth it was conceived: Who made it, and for what purpose?
This book is about what might be the world’s most improbable Hollywood success story. At its center is an enigmatic filmmaker who claims, among many other things, to be a vampire. This man speaks with a thick European accent, the derivation of which he won’t identify. He also refuses to reveal his age or the origins of his seemingly vast fortune. His name is Tommy Wiseau; and the film he wrote, directed, produced, starred in, and poured $6 million into is a disastrous specimen of cinematic hubris called The Room.
The Room is--despite its ostensibly simple plot--perhaps the most casually surreal film ever made. To put it simply, The Room doesn’t work in any way films have evolved to work over the last century of filmmaking. It’s filled with red herrings, shots of locations that are never visited, and entire conversations comprised of non sequiturs. It is, essentially, one gigantic plot hole. For many, experiencing The Room is both wildly exhilarating and supremely dislocating. The film engenders an obsessive fascination, instantly luring you into its odd, convoluted world. Tommy Wiseau intended The Room to be a serious American drama, a cautionary tale about love and friendship, but it became something else entirely--a perfectly literal comedy of errors.
Yet since its 2003 release, The Room has spread across the United States, and now the world, with viral unstoppability. Many believe that The Room’s unfathomable incompetence elevates it to something like Bizarro-world brilliance. It’s revered for its inadequacy and its peerless ability to induce uncontrollable laughter from beginning to end. It may be the most wonderfully terrible one hour and thirty-nine minutes ever committed to celluloid.
And I was in it.”
Thus begins The Disaster Artist, a memoir and endeavor of love to the greatest bad movie ever made. Shocking, hilarious, human, sad, and written with the utmost clarity, Greg Sestero aka Oh Hi Mark has graced the filmmaking genre with this masterpiece of a disasterpiece. 
The movie is also a masterpiece of a disasterpiece.
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knickerbocker01 · 7 years
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jamesbvck · 7 years
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joshhutchsource · 7 years
A24 is set to debut a full trailer for James Franco’s The Disaster Artist in front of It this week. It’s been sent to North American cinemas by Deluxe Digital, and we expect it online in the next few days.
Special thanks to @bandathebillie for sending this in.
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saintcheesus · 7 years
So the Disaster Artist was strangely heart warming and uplifting and honestly, Greg Sestero is a ride or die and lemme tell you how much I enjoyed that movie.
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catdadeddie · 4 years
Tagged by @madamewriterofwrongs 💕
Last song: Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
Last movie: Coco
Currently Watching: nothing really. I started a 9-1-1 rewatch and then I don't have time to do much. I can watch TV and there goes my free time for the day
Currently Reading: fanfiction lmao. Felicity's about to drop a new chapter of "hearts on fire" and that's how I'll spend a good part of my morning
Currently Craving: attention. I'm so socially deprived and I hate it. I've been so needy lately and like my skin is actually crawling from it.
Tagging: @woodchoc-magnum, @gracieli, @vampirebuckley, @transneil, @bvckleydiaz. @paranoidbean and I'll only do those because this one circulates alot and I'm not sure who wants to do it again
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unsurebird · 5 years
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Teru time
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captainshazamerica · 7 years
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artistshivam · 7 years
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artist ~ shivam sehgal
instagram- shiamsehgalartworks
youtube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77I134-KIdw&t=2s
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jennibeultimate · 3 years
Personal recap Skate America 2021 - Men Short Program
I am back with personal recaps for the GP series 😁 FYI personal means just this, personal feelings and some babbling about scoring and how I see things. You can agree or not 🤷‍♀️ I am also only talking about what comes to mind, my bias is clearly voiced, but it doesn't mean I am in the wrong. 😉
This was quite some cursed start to the GP series for the men.
Vincent Zhou won the SP, Shoma got 2nd with an invalid element and Jimmy Ma is 3rd and Nathan is just in 4th place! 😱
Vincent Zhou was the only skater to have difficulty and land all his jumps. So I give him credit for this. Also you can see how he worked to improve his PCS with transitions into his jumps and the overall picture is much better. I am no fan of Vincent but today being in 1st place makes sense in this disaster comp.
Jimmy Ma was superb. 😍 The only skater to have 7 elements with positive GOEs. I bet he didn't think he would get 3rd place in this field but that's how it is.
I swear there is hardly ever a time when Michal Brezina - a sentimental favorite of mine for years - doesn't make a stupid error. *sigh* I give him a huge applaus for still skating - most likely his last season - at 31 years! 👏
Shoma ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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This program, this costume, it's sooooo beautiful. 😍😍😍😍The commitment to the program is extraordinary and though he made a huge error, the program wasn't affected.
Shoma did that 4T3T! 👏👏👏 It's years ago he did it cleanly in competition! But Shoma sweety I didn't want to have the success for the 4T3T for a screwed up 4F 😅
I also feared Shoma would be affected by the disaster from Kevin, but he wasn't. He did watch his skate. This speaks volumes about his mentality. He also said later that he was reminded of his own disaster at IdF 2019 and the reminder of the warm support from the audience. Maybe it did help in the end.
I am really heartbroken for Kevin Aymoz 💔
Poor guy is dealing with injuries. This was so hard to watch and the falls must have hurt. The step sequence was still 🔥 I hope he has a redemption skate in the free. 🙏
The other skater with bad luck with injuries is Shun Sato! He hurt his shoulder in practice and said he has pain in his shoulder. For this he skated well. I also really like this Four Season's program for him. You can see he made huge improvements artistically compared to his JGPF win in 2019.
There were sadly more skaters with diasters here 😥
Nathan is only in 4th place! 😱
And tbh I would have put him even lower. The PCS were way too generous. He still got 2nd highest PCS and the margin to Shoma is almost nothing. Nathan had two huge visible errors. Also performance was just not there. There were a lot of bonus points today. 🙄 (I mean I think he is scored too high in general, but if he is clean I can understand that his PCS aren't low but this time he was certainly no better than Vincent Zhou)
I really love the Star Wars program from Adam Saio Him Fa, just nothing did work today...
Daniel Grassl has a way to jump that always scares me. His legs look so wild in the air. I am not particularly fond of his skating but I don't like to see skaters be disappointed no matter who it is.
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Good luck for the free skate for everyone! Let's hope it's not another disaster! 🙏😅
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juuls · 4 years
Hi Reylo community!
Latest edit: First of all! —I am more than happy to help people who want to give podficcing a try, just send me a message and we can work out details, figure out answers to your questions, etc. I would just love to see more people recording podfics!
It’s easy to be a podficcer; nothing special is needed and I’m happy to provide tips for simple podficcing! In fact I sorta ramble about my process here in this Answered Ask and include 3 basic tutorials.
To the Reylo community at large (writers, artists, readers, lurkers, everyone!): If you could pick one of your, preferably, complete (or at least a fair number of chapters in and being updated) fanfics that you would like to have a podfic made out of... which would it be?
I’d love to create a list of works where authors have given permission to podfic their fics, whether short or long, and to contribute to the new Reylo Podfic Collection!
But I’d love to use this tumblr thread as a.... thought exercises, I suppose, and permission, too, for people to podfic your work.
While I do do podficcing for Marvel... it just makes me want to do so much more Reylo stuff! There’s so few pieces out there compared to the bevy of Marvel stuff, but honestly, every time there’s a new (Reylo) podfic—it breathes new life back into the fic, the author, the ship, the fandom..... plus you personally feel awesome for the performance high and for bringing a smile to the writer’s face. That’s the best thing ever and I adore doing it, no matter how ‘simple’ the podfic may be.
So, AUTHORS, which of your fics would you like to see podficced? Blanket permission for any?
And READERS!!!—which of your favourite fics, short or long, G or T or M or E... would you love to listen to, or think deserves the verbal treatment? :D
Old, new. Canon-Compliant, Modern AU. Canon-Adjacent or Post-Canon. Post-movie Fix-It or forget-the-movie Fix-It. Gen, Teen, Unrated, Mature, or Explicit. A/B/O or Soulmates. Bendemption or Renperor. Senator Ben or Jedi Ben. Fuck-Jakku Rey or Must-Return Rey. Hopeful Rey or Antagonistic Rey. Blocked Force Bond or Open. Good or evil. Take his hand or don’t. Pre-Canon, post-TFA, post-TLJ, or TroS—I don’t know her.
Come one, come any, come all! What would you pick to podfic?
Pod together with us!
I’ll keep the list of approved fics updated if we get enough replies! I do so hope we do! I love Reylo, you love Reylo, who doesn’t want their fic put to voice? And also, let’s breathe some new forms of life into this fandom! Celebrate it with me!
(Sometimes there are already podfics done for a particular fic but you can always 1, welcome another for your own fic, and 2, request of an author to see if you can perform an additional reading of their fic—each podfic is different and special in their own way.)
Do you feel how awesome this could be?
They do.
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Blanket permission for any of these user’s fics: *
TheOriginalSuki [[“Maybe skip the Welsh epitaphs, ha!”]]
Politicalmamaduck [[Tall Tales of the Western Wilds has previously been podficced by @luminoustico and @quickficradio 🧡!]]
Perry_Downing [[Devotion has already been podficced, and Powerless, Thwarted, He Knows, and Unbidden claimed.]]
EllieCarina [[In My Bloodstream has been claimed.]]
DragonWhiskers [[any completed works]]
PalenDrome (nerdherderette) [[any and all fics, ships, fandoms]]
Podfics welcome for specific fics (permission given): *
Delicious Ambiguity by Juulna (~24.8k)
Shadowed by Juulna (~5.6k)
Little Earthquakes by LochTayBoatSong (~5.3k)
the breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you by LochTayBoatSong (~36.1k)
Asking Price by SouthsideStory and ReyloTrashCompactor (~33.2k, 13/15 chapters)
Things Not Seen by SouthSideStory (~13.8k)
Chains by Veggieheist @veggieheist (~295.5k, 67/? chapters) [[contact author as they wish to re-edit the beginning of the fic]]
Dream House by sleepyowlet @sleepyowlet (~11k) [[“I read it out loud to myself and because I wrote it with the Dreamlands cycle as background noise, it has the same kind of feel to it. You just need to find a podficcer who can read consentacles without cracking up.”]]
Camera Shy by Sophia Ravencrest @sophiaravencrest (~23.8k)
Blades Crossed by the-reylo-void @the-reylo-void (~27.1k)
enemies-to-lovers by the-reylo-void (~59.6k) **
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink (~132.6k)
Hiraeth by TheOriginalSuki @theoriginalsuki (~47.9k)
Blood is Thicker Than Whatever This Is... by DragonWhiskers @belovedunderwing (~1.5k)
Siren’s Song by DragonWhiskers (~22.5k)
Specific fics we’d love to see in podfic form and currently awaiting permission from their authors: [[fics granted permission moved to ‘Podfics Welcome’ list]]
Ashes of the Empire by Skyelo_Ren @dancingpenguin57 (~128.4k)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Star Inbetween. by Silvershine @silvershiner (~120.1k)
can’t turn off what turns me on by audreyii_fic @audreyii-fic (~26.1k)
Tactical Surrender by destinies @destiniesfic (~155.8k)
Claimed with permission:
landscape with a blur of conquerors by diasterisms @kylorenvevo (~362.9k) and To Kingdom Come (~145.7k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
In My Bloodstream by EllieCarina @jackpotgirl (~103k) [[Claimed by @juuls — awaiting pre-production edits, recording will begin, soon followed by posting, in a handful of months]]
connected in the deep and Split Soul by Juulna (~2.5k and ~1.3k each) [[short ficlets currently claimed for practice by @lochtayboatsong]]
Powerless by Perry_Downing @perrydowning (~213k) [[claimed by @juuls and will begin work on it in early- to mid-January]]
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink @anonymousmink (~22.3k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
Thwarted (~358k), He Knows He Needs To Stop (~140.5k) and Unbidden by Perry_Downing (~183.8k) @perrydowning [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
* “Please claim” even if just replying to this post or sending me an Ask or DM so I can edit the post. Mutiple podfics are flattering to the author but some podficcers really don’t like to be ‘one of many’. Absolutely valid. You can even create a placeholder AO3 ‘podfic’ and link it as inspired by said fic, so people can see that it’s being worked on... as long as permission has been granted first, or course, sillies! :)
** Although an unconventional fic format, this fic can certainly be podficced by using (1) different tones of voice for thoughts, fic summaries, different sorts of text, and/or (2) different tones of pings/chimes/whatever for the text messages from different characters, and/or (3) adding in an extra line of, for example: *ping* “text message from thekyloren reads as follows…” OR (4), if you want to get fancy, you could have some friends assist you by recording any of the messages from ‘their’ character. That would be a lot of fun, in fact! Another option is (5) where you would split your recordings and give an audible indication to read the message, followed again by a new audio file, etc. Only problem with this approach is if there are too many breaks in the audio and you end up going from one to the other too many times in a row.
And please, reblog and spread the word for this project! No project can operate by its lonesome; it needs help from the community it belongs to. ❤️ Here’s another link to the Reylo Podfics Collection!
Thank you so much!
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