#he’s such a fashion diaster
cosmerelists · 1 year
The 10 Types of Guy that Adolin Embodies
[Spoilers for Stormlight Archive!]
All terms in what follows--and the term “guy” in the title--are gender-neutral!
1. Horse Girl
Adolin loves horses. He had a special bond with his Ryshadium Sureblood, and after that horse’s death, he started spending time with his father’s, Gallant. He likes to feed them treats and brush them and talk to them. A horse girl for sure.
2. Himbo
Himbos must be beefy, kind, and dumb. Adolin is certainly beefy and certainly kind. He’s not always dumb, but he certainly has his moments...I’m thinking of how he once took a date to the stables as part of his investigation or when he (badly) pretended to know what Kaladin’s power was in a (bad) attempt to get Kaladin to confess. Even throwing himself in prison--but still bathing and wearing cologne and chatting to his girlfriend the whole time--has himbo vibes.
3. Fashion Icon
Adolin knows fashion and cares about fashion. He reads fashion magazines. He makes himself an outfit even using what he can scavenge in Shadesmar. He now accessorizes his uniforms since he follows the Codes more loosely. He is a fashion icon.
4. Ladies Man
Early Adolin dated a lot of ladies. He found it very easy to flirt and and to find dates, although he often had trouble keeping girlfriends...in part due to his wandering eyes. He’s now happily married, but “ladies man” was once a term that could be used to describe Adolin.
5. Bisexual Disaster
But being a fashion icon and a ladies man does not mean that Adolin is always smooth. To me, the height of bisexual diaster-ism is seeing a hot guy and thinking about what a catch he is...and then telling your girlfriend that she should date him instead. Luckily, Shallan is also a bisexual disaster, so they can enjoy fun dates talking about how you poop in Shardplate.
6. Smooth Criminal
Okay, but there is one way in which Adolin was rather smooth. At least, he did manage to not only murder a highlord, but also get away with it and even get put in charge of the investigation. On the inside, Adolin was not being smooth about any of this, but on the outside, he sure seemed to be!
7. Mom Friend
I am thinking in particular about when Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin accidentally fell into Shadesmar. Adolin fears that he is useless in such a place, but what he actually does is take on the role of the group carer: he talks Kaladin through the journey since Kaladin is nearly comatose from despair, makes sure they make camp, and generally tries to keep the group positive and moving. I’m sure he would have been distributing snacks had he had the ability.
8. Jock
I mean, this one feels fairly self-explanatory. Adolin’s Calling is Dueling, which is kind of like a semiprofessional sport: they have brackets and everything. He likes to work out and be strong, and just generally has some big jock energy.
9. Theatre Kid
But Adolin also has a flair for the dramatic. We see this most of all during the series of duels during which he is trying to disarm the other highlords: he plays each one differently, going full brutal in one duel while slowly chipping away at the armor through light touches in the next one. He’s doing it for the show.
10. Trophy Husband
Originally, Shallan was just a woman from a minor house engaged to a highprince. Then it turned out that she was one of the original Radiants, and Adolin was just some guy. So if anything, Adolin is more the trophy spouse at this point. I think he’s okay with it.
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timeguardians · 6 months
How would your muses handle a nuclear disaster if they were involved with it or heard on the news?
Hmm. Good question. This is fun.
Peggy Carter:
Wistful eyes narrow upon Howard Stark's squirming and babbling form. If he didn't appear as many degrees contrite as he did right now, she may not have resisted the URGE to unleashed a balled fist in his direction. She has already dealt with his nuclear radation experimentation ONCE. Twice? Twice is becoming a habit, one she has no desire to keep cultivating. If he is DESTINED to get her killed, can't it be in some less painful fashion?!!!
Peggy's first priority is to SAVE as many people as possible, then to nail the one responsible. Even if it means knocking Howard upside his far-too clever head.
If the case ended up involving her kids @theshxdxw, @americasdaughter or Jamie, she would FREAK. She would stop at NOTHING to stop the event from harming her kids. Sure, they might have varying degrees of Super Serum, but she is not comfortable RISKING them.
Jamie Michaela Rogers:
As a Private in the United States Military, she would likely be called upon to respond to an incident like this. Her first goal would be to MOVE as many innocent people as she can into isolation chambers for the help they will so DESPERATELY require. Then, she would seek to take out the threat, no matter the cost, no matter the peril.
She is horrified by what she finds. There's panic in the streets. People are looking for guidance which, likely falls upon her shoulders. Sure. Foundations like SHIELD had preperations for this, but what do you do with the actual fall out. Like her father, her heart is torn. She does all that she can for the victims to make them comfortable. Prays with the ones that she knows will NOT make it.
Rose Dewitt Bukater:
Is likely comfortable enough that she hears about it on the news during one of her afternoon paints. Having been through a disaster, she would be oddly captivated by the story. She is not qualified to respond to the incident, but she does likely try to get things together for the survivors. She knows they will likely face some of what she did, on a worse, more ever-lasting scale.
______________________ Brianna Wayne:
With the news headline's flickering rapid-pace across the television screen, has no choice but to allow herself to become distracted. She likely rises, her face horror-stricken by what she sees. At the same time as she's processing the diaster Commisioner Gordon has likely already ignited the Batsignal. One that she would NEVER refuse to answer as Batwoman.
Like Jamie and Peggy, getting innocent people out of harms way is of the upmost importance. Then with some reseaerch and help from Alfred and Foxe, she finds a safe way to dismantle the nuclear toxins and the people responsible for unleashing them. With her wealth, she also spends a good fortune on research, to try and help anyone who has gotten sick because of this attack.
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
I have said this before I’m sure but I just adore the flavor of Wrightworth where like Phoenix does some stupid shit that makes him such a diaster and miles has to grip his thigh because how dare he be so beautiful while Phoenix sees miles just being human and a mess and does the same but probs in a more dramatic fashion. Because wow he is so hot and handsome and MINE. While literally everyone else fucking questions how the heck do they consider each other attractive.
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playedbetter · 10 months
Nathan McDonald Info
Name: Nathan Mcdonald
Alilas: Ropeman
Gender & Pronouns: Trans Man (He/Him)
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 19
He came from a middle class family with a stay at home mom, Martha, and office employee dad, Jonathan. Quite frankly the modern white picket fence dream. His parents were both very loving and did everything they could to give him a good start in life. His mom took him to all sorts of events, he went to a good preschool, and all of it was well documented.
Entering proper school, Nathan struggled a lot and took a massive hit to his confidence as a result. Martha eventually figured out that he had ADHD that the school refused to accommodate in any helpful way. So she pulled him out and started homeschooling him.
Through the homeschooling community he met Emma Ezra who'd become his best friend. He also had the time to focus on his growing passion for fashion, sewing, and design, which his parents supported.
As a preteen he became aware his dad was struggling with his own mental health and had relapsed into alcoholism that had formed when he was in university. His parents tried to keep him out of the loop, but he knew there was a problem. He vowed to cheer up his dad and be the best kid possible.
Unfortunately there was only so much Martha or Nathan could do. When Nathan was fifteen and returning home from a hangout he found his dad dead in a closet. Nathan, in a state of shock and disbelief ran. He ran until he found himself in an abandoned building that turned out to be an art studio.
There he cried his eyes out and passed out. He had a strange dream of a recently dead hero, Muse, who tried to comfort him and told him that she wanted him to succeed her. He woke up thinking little of it, and returned home to his mom.
Six months later he realized he had gained powers. While on a stroll with Emma she lost her balence while walking on a wall. He reached out to grab her and accidentally used his powers to create a rope that caught her by the ankle. Both were astonished.
He decided to become a superhero and dubbed himself Ropeman. Well aware of the risks involved he begun by just doing public service and diaster relief, slowly working his way up to crime fighting after getting some training from various other heroes.
Having graduated he's moved into an apartment with Emma, and thanks to his connections and talent, has become a tailor for the hero community, creating and repairing their costumes.
He has a lot to lean though before he's ready to become the next Muse.
Nathan is an incredibly upbeat and positive person. Friendly towards anybody at first meeting, and generally willing to give people second chances. He's a massive goofball with a self depreciating sense of humor. In general he's always trying to lighten the mood and inspire others to be their best selves.
This covers massive insecurities about things like his intelligence and competence; depression which formed after his dad's death; and feeling like his own problems are a burden to others and that he's responsible for the happiness of the people around him.
Ultimately he is a heroic man, brave in the face of his fears and willing to put himself at risk for others. He genuinely believes everybody deserves the chance to live.
Fabrikinesis/Filukinesis: He can control natural fibers (plant or animal based) that by common sense would be considered fabric, thread, or rope. He can move it (maximum distance unknown), alter its physical properties (such as toughness, fire resistance, colour), create it, or destroy it out of existence. This takes mental energy from him and some level of focus. Material like steel cable or polyester is immune to this.
Enhanced Fashion Design: He has a supernaturally good eye for design and ability to implement it masterfully. The worst anyone could honestly say about his designs are that they aren't too their taste.
Inspiration Inducement: He can induce inspiration into others, allowing them to overcome creative blockage or burnout. He has no control over what this creative energy is used for.
Limitless Imagination: While he can have trouble accessing the ideas based off his mental state, he will never run out of ideas of how to apply his craft.
Flight: He is capable of unassisted flight, and able to reach speeds of 60mph while flying.
Vacuum Adaptation: He can survive in space and without oxygen.
+ More as his story develops.
Hand To Hand Combat: He has basic Judo training. Against anybody with training without other factors he'd lose against them.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Mettakaard Week Day 4
"D-Darling...You know I absolutely love you and anything you do, but THIS is absolutely something I wouldn't even serve to my worst enemy."
The pink eyed robot stared dow repulsed at the two bowls on the table. Inside each was.....something that his lovely boyfriend attempted to prepare for Dinner. Only ending up in diaster once he agree to let him cook today instead of them ordering takeout like everyday, and it turned out into this mess. One bowl held something that WAS mac and cheese if it was burnt to the levels of ash, and the other one held....WORMS!! Actual. Live. Wiggling. Worms! He didn't even know where he got enough to fill an entire bowl nevermind how he could've done it within the half hour of him turning his back to him. If he had a stomach at all he would've thrown up oil and bolts at the sight. There was NO WAY he was going to taste let alone touch this. Again, thank goodness he didn't pester Alphys for a stomach and tasting sensors.
His boyfriend on the other hand crossed his arms and glared at him. "What tis wrong with mine cooking? I'll havest you know I feed mine son this every morning and he always loves the way I cookest things!"
"Exactly. I wouldn't serve this to anyone other than him or you. It's not....ordinary food, Dear."
He scoffed and gave him a challenging look. "And what wouldst thou prefer? Thoust glamburger with so much glitter I'd die of sparkles before I could even bite into it?"
He gave off an overdramatic gasp and put a hand to his chest plate. "WELL!! If that's how you feel about my fashion style homecooking then no one in their right mind would eat insects and burnt pasta!"
"Oh yes?!"
"Fineth! Lettest just order out again and drink to makest this laughable!"
"Darling! That's the best idea you've had all day!"
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libradoodle1 · 2 years
Libra! Happy belated birthday I’m sorry my present is so late, I think @youwerenevermine teased it to you, a drabble to go with her gorgeous moodboard. 🥰 Since it’s taking forever, here is a belated gift— a teaser!
Sweet, lovely, beautiful Dany though was trying. it had been her idea. She wanted to get him back to nature, since he had moved south from Winterfell to King's Landing for her, for her job and sh eknew he missed the cold North. They couldn't get all the way up to Winterfell so the Vale was the closest thing.
He had other plans for his birthday, but kept his mouth shut, as she did the best she could. Each time he tried to change the subject, to get to a point where, maybe he could do what the'd been planning to do for the last six months, and Dany did something to upend the situation.
In her quest to give him the perfect birthday, Dany was somehow messing it up.
Bless her, he thought, as she had zero idea.
He thought of the ring buried deep in his inner coat pocket; ecah time she'd gone to shake out the coat, he'd pounced on it. After three days, he suspected she just thought him oddly attached to the garment. It had been in his head for months he would propose on his birthday. Knowing Dany, she would do somethin gspecial as she had the entire five years they were together, and he would turn the tables on her and ask her to marry him, as the best birthday gift he could ever have.
"Dany," he began. He was going to do it. Right here, right now. With dried blood on his face and a filthy smelly dog and mountain goat shit scattered through the camp. He stood up and went over to stop her from trying to make the terrible camp coffee she'd gotten at the sporting goods store. It tasted like oil. "Dany, you're freezing, here." He had a great idea; he took off his coat and went to drape it over her shoulders, but she stood so fast, she knocked him backwards.
"Oh! I'm sorry!"
He wheezed, having hit a log on the ground hard. "No problem!" Bloody seven hells.
Dany looked upa t the sky, a fresh rumble of thunder. "Seven hells!" she screamed, stomping her foot in a most un-Dany-like fashion. Her silver braids were a knotted, dirty mess on her shoulders and she was almost in tears. "I looked at the weather, I swear I did!"
"We weren't planning on coming this high up," he tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't hear it.
"This has been a diaster, I'm sick of it!" She kicked over the coffee can, sending it into the flames, which spout up and caught. They both stared at it. Maybe it was oil. She sniffed, her nose red and slightly swollen from the cold. She was getting sick too, but he wouldn't tell her that. She refused to believe it.
He stood up and reached for her, drawing her close. "Dany, shhh, it's alright. It's been fun!"
"You're lying."
"No I'm not, you know I can't lie!" And indeed, he couldn't, because his ears were turning pink and he was trying to avoid her piercing violet eyes, accusing him. He heaved a deep sigh. "I think maybe camping just isn't our thing."
"But it's supposed to be fun!"
"Hmm." Yes, but this definitely wasn't. He scratched his beard. "Maybe it's the Vale." It was cursed or something. It was just rocky and cold and rainy. Definitely not the mountains in winterfell.
Dany snuggled into his chest, her voice muffled. "I wanted you to have a good birthday."
"It is a good birthday!"
"Jon, the mountain goats ran off with your cake!"
Aye, they did. They'd discovered it this morning when she wanted to present it to him, but found it missing. Or else Ghost ate it. He was betting Ghost ate it.
Omg, Mags!!! 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
First off, thank you so much! I had no idea the camp story you were going to write was for me! 🥹. Erika told me and I just chalked it up to Mag’s and her million one ideas! So thank you making me one of the million and ones 😍🤭
I’m a sucker for camp fics. And humor! Cracky humor, specifically, and this made me giggle. The oil coffee that he’s forcing himself to drink, the bloody face, awful weather, being knocked on his ass…😂 Poor Jon! But ofc he loves his Dany so much so he goes along for the proposal 😍
However, I wasn’t prepared for the goat running away with his cake!!! Wth???!!! 🤣🤣🤣 The image of that is too much.
Thank you so much! You’re so sweet to write a story for me. This teaser was so funny I can’t wait to read the entire thing.
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unsurebird · 5 years
Tumblr media
Teru time
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aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
honestly...what clothes' would fox leave him by the flume is the real question?
oh god a great question...anyway you cut it poor Bobby is going to be dressed like an asshole, at least for a little while. weather he is trying to blend in, wearing a republic uniform, or more likely Fox just grabbed random clothes' that in no way matches or in anyway allows bobby to blend in because he only knows the military's life (think Quillen but much much worse) poor bobby is going to stand out like a sore thumb until Riyo takes him shopping for something a bit less...stand outish...or we could be lame and he gets brown hooded robes (LLLAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEEE) honestly the worst case is if Riyo does not know she is a traveler so, either booby has to keep wearing whatever he had on from wherever he was last or worse, whatever Qui gon left at the flume last time he was there...like 15 years ago, honestly the any option is great. 
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sirrriusblack · 4 years
Lily and Remus for the ask thing!!
thank you !!
who steals french fries off the other’s plate? definitely remus. no doubt. he has no boundaries when it comes to other people’s food but will murder you with his gaze if you even try and touch his.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple? lily, especially if james is around.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail? probably lily, remus is an absolute menace and most definitely always has weed on him
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues? they give each other advice despite both being complete and total diasters when it comes to love,, they’re perfect at dealing with break ups tho. cringey muggle chick flicks, ice cream, chocolate, home fashion shows and ranting about dumbass boys
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes? lily for sure, she must win at everything. remus has given up at this point.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk? lily. the only top she’ll ever be ;)
who starts and who wins the pillow fights? lily starts, remus wins. he’s ruthless. r u t h l e s s.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush? lily. remus is a tired, awkward little bean that can’t flirt for shit, let alone do it for other people
send me a brotp or friend-ship and i’ll answer these questions
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star-wars · 4 years
Hi, what some of your favourite Reylo AUs? Just AUs please.
Hi anon, I’m so glad you asked! I’ve been reading a bunch of reylo fics over quarantine so I’ve basically been waiting for one of these asks, haha. I’ve listed fics that I think are AU must-reads, the universes ranging from Harry Potter to Modern to Dystopian. I hope you like them!
the heartbreak prince by diasterisms (E) (known as @kylorenvevo here on tumblr) - A Harry Potter AU with Ben as the DADA professor and Rey is a seventh year student. Lots of pining, secret jealousy, and sexy times, and I’m obsessed with this fic. It’s perfect in every way.
I’d Like My Obituary to Hint at a Sequel by VioletWilson (T) - Where Ben actually ~didn’t~ die in a plane crash, and Rey who secretly broke into his house poses as his maid/groundskeeper when he returns. Oh, and also grilled cheese.
Little Thieves by ohwise1ne (E) - A dystopian AU with A/B/O dynamics, Ben is a Alpha Knight for the First Order and Rey is an Omega rebel soldier. Amazing smut, and I love the way the plot builds and how the author describes their tender, vulnerable dynamic.
jelly-filled by Like_A_Dove (T) - Teenagers Rey and Ben both work in a donut shop. A super fluffy one-shot.
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink (M) - This is technically still in the Star Wars Universe, but it’s a canon divergence fic so it could technically classify as an AU? But Rey works on the Finalizer, and her revelation of being Force-sensitive leads her to become Kylo’s apprentice. A classic and must-read.
Counting Cards by AstridMyrna (G) - A soft neighbors to friends to lovers fic, during the most wonderful time of the year. This fic is sweeter than hot chocolate.
provocateur by @dankobah​ (E) - A Sugar Daddy AU where Ben is LOADED and Rey is a poor college student. If you like designer fashion and don’t balk at Rey’s excessive spending, this fic is for you. This whole fic is devoted reylo and it makes my heart go *explosion noises*
I hope you enjoy reading the fics as much as I do! Don’t forget to leave the authors a kudos on their work. Feel free to send me more asks about my fic recs anytime :)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #494: After the Arrest (DuckTales)
9:23 p.m. at the Outside of Duckberg's Sheriff's Office
Goldie: (Walking Alongside with Scrooge) Thanks a bunch for the bail, Scroogie-Baby. Not sure if I would look good in orange.
Scrooge: ('Sigh') Alright, lassie. It's time for you to confess. Why on green Earth were you doing getting into a fist fight with Emma Glamour of all people?
Goldie: (Rolled her Eyes) Oh come on, Scrooge. What's wrong with having two mature ladies settling things with our fist?
Scrooge: (Gives Godie a "Really?" Look) Goldie. You never get involved to any public fights. Let alone a fist fight.
Goldie: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, fine. So maybe there was more to this story than just picking fights. But I'm telling ya, Scroggie, there's a perfectly good reason for this.
Scrooge: (Crosses his Arms) Really now? Does it has anything to do with bragging rights on who's more successful?
Goldie: ('Scoffs') Please. That walking fashion diaster wishes she could out success me. But no, it isn't about the money or anything.....('Sigh') It's about what she said about Louie.....
Scrooge: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) What?! A-Are you absolutely sure it's our Louie you're talking about here?!
Goldie: Yeah...... She was telling everyone how she talked down to a kid with no problem or guilt. Calling him a nobody and everything. I asked who that kid she was about and loud and behold, that kid she talked down to was our Little Sharpie. (Glares Down on the Floor) She somehow remembered his name......
Scrooge: (Thought of Something) Wait a minute.....I do remembered him, Dewey, Donald, and his two band mates attended her party at one point....You think that's how she somewhat remembered him?
Goldie: Definite possibility. But either way, I did not take any of what she said about him kindly. So......I was able to grabbed her by the dress collar or whatever and told her that "If she ever goes around and talk about my Sharpie like that again, I'll rearrange her run-way face into submission." Then the guards and eventually the police came and....Here we are. Walking away from a Sheriff's Office.
Scrooge: Wait. So did Emma tried to fight back or anything?
Goldie: ('Heh') She tried. Not by a lot though. But I guess that's what happens when you're too pampered to do anything for yourself.
Scrooge: True....('Sighs Heavily') Normally I wouldn't condone any of this foolish behavior from anyone, namely you, but....I would be a lousy hypocrite if I didn't do the same in that situation. (Frowns a Little Sadly) Besides..... I'm already too worried about the lad to even care about it anymore....I just don't understand why he never told anyone about this....
Goldie: (Frowns a bit Sadly Too) Maybe he didn't want any of us to worry. Which, I might add, doesn't sit well in his favor right now....('Sigh') I just wish there was a way to help him out, you know?
Scrooge: Well.....I guess the only thing we can do for the lad is to just be there for him the best way we can. And not by getting him to talk about situation with him and the model. I don't want him to feel like he has to tell us anything.
Goldie: Yeah. I can do that. Seeing him genuinely happy is good enough for me anyways
Scrooge: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, look at you now. You really care for the lad, do you?
Goldie: (Rolled her Eyes) Please, Scrooge. I don't just care for him.....(Looks Down on the Necklace Louie Gave her Last Month and Smiles) I love him.
Scrooge: (Smiles Softly Towards Goldie) I know you do, lassie. I love him too. We all do.
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afterthelastreset · 5 years
MettaKaard Week Day 4
Household "D-Darling...You know I absolutely love you and anything you do, but THIS is absolutely something I wouldn't even serve to my worst enemy." The pink eyed robot stared dow repulsed at the two bowls on the table. Inside each was.....something that his lovely boyfriend attempted to prepare for Dinner. Only ending up in diaster once he agree to let him cook today instead of them ordering takeout like everyday, and it turned out into this mess. One bowl held something that WAS mac and cheese if it was burnt to the levels of ash, and the other one held....WORMS!! Actual. Live. Wiggling. Worms! He didn't even know where he got enough to fill an entire bowl nevermind how he could've done it within the half hour of him turning his back to him. If he had a stomach at all he would've thrown up oil and bolts at the sight. There was NO WAY he was going to taste let alone touch this. Again, thank goodness he didn't pester Alphys for a stomach and tasting sensors. His boyfriend on the other hand crossed his arms and glared at him. "What tis wrong with mine cooking? I'll havest you know I feed mine son this every morning and he always loves the way I cookest things!" "Exactly. I wouldn't serve this to anyone other than him or you. It's not....ordinary food, Dear." He scoffed and gave him a challenging look. "And what wouldst thou prefer? Thoust glamburger with so much glitter I'd die of sparkles before I could even bite into it?" He gave off an overdramatic gasp and put a hand to his chest plate. "WELL!! If that's how you feel about my fashion style homecooking then no one in their right mind would eat insects and burnt pasta!" "Oh yes?!" "Yeah!" "Fineth! Lettest just order out again and drink to makest this laughable!" "Darling! That's the best idea you've had all day!"
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character-scrolls · 4 years
Miscellaneous Headcanons: Jinx - TSM (Soften Edition)
Enjoy some cute headcanons of some of my Jinx beans <3
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - No doubt about it, Jinx would have a book review channel and it would be as cute as heck.
- An incredibly fluffy and sweet vibe, she'd have a large bookcase in her background with cute fairy lights draped over it, maybe some miniture cactus plants sat on some of the shelves.
- Probably uses some soft music box as the background music or something that relates to the book she's reviewing that week.
- Jinx would mostly be a solo reviewer but she might occasionally bring on someone for a collab
- She has gotten some god awful book suggestions, some she does reviews and some she'll outright refuse to do
- Her channel would probably be something like Bookworm or The BookWorm
- One of her videos showcases a mini tour of all the books she's gotten over the years, she's slowly running out of floor space.
What kinda blog would they run? - PASTEL.COLOURS.FOR.DAAAAYS.
- Jinx's blog is dedicated to all things literature from fiction to non-fiction
- She could talk for hours and hours about her favourite authors and the books she's read that week
- Jinx takes photos of her reading space which is normally a comfy chair with a little side table with her current book and a cup of fancy tea steaming next to it and her reading glasses resting on top of her book.
- Though in reality it probably ends up with her sitting up in bed until god knows what time whilst spouting the false promise of 'yes this is the last chapter I'm going to read I swear' wheather that's a book or a really good fanfiction on her ipad that's upto you.
- Jinx's posting shedule would be at least twice a week, depending
- Would for sure have a side blog for fanfiction
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Jinx would be a cute little ghostie for Halloween
- She's not one for being scary so cute is the next best thing
- Jinx would do her best to hand make the costume, it wouldn't be the neatest but hey ghost aren't meant to be
- The costume consists of a white robe with oversized sleeves covering her hands with a lacy hood over the top and short chains would be attached around her ankles
Who would they cosplay as?
- Jinx would for sure cosplay someone like Yuna from Final Fantasy X or Howl from Howls Moving Castle  
- She would try and get a high quality costume, trying to get the most accurate looking one
What type of biscuit would they be? - A gooey chocolate chip cookie, because she's a soft that is all
What type of tea would they be? -A cinnamon blend tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - A sweet red wine
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - For sure, a spellcaster deck probably based around the Silent Magician
- Not just for the obvious reason...also by how it's played
- Not seeing her with any other type
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly Fairy? I'm not entirely sure because they're a number of pokemon I see her having in her team, I have considered like psychic for another option?
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Maybe a sheep? a cute little purple sheep
- Has the cutest cottage aesthetic going on
- Will gift you many, many, many books
Aesthetic: leather bound books, ink stained parchment, burning candle light, dark blues, pastel pinks and purples, empty potion vials, soft touches, sweet smelling purfumes, crytals, the glittering particles of magic, grubby bandages
Extra headcanon:
- The fiction she read throughout her years helped her discover her bisexuality, she had read so many books with different heros and their romantic endevours that it had a profound a effect on her. At first she didn't understand why she liked boys but also girls??? fiction helped her to finally understand that it was perfectly normal to feel like this.
Ruben - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - This boy. THIS BOY. His channel would be a disaster , but a wonderful one..he's trying
- Ruben would do a lot of dumb but harmless challenges, but it would radiate pure chaotic energy
- He's a gremlin with too much time on their hands lets be real here
- Ruben would do a lot of collabs, which are even more diasterous than his solo videos depending which poor soul he asked
- he edits like it's going out of fashion, jumpcuts galore and dumbass sounds effects for days.
- He has a sizable following
- He would for sure drag his boyfriend in for a video...for a price
What kinda blog would they run? - Like this Youtube channel, it's chaotic but is slightly more structured
- Being a avid comic reader, his blog is centred around comic books
- Will have full-on arguements with other people about which character is strongest/best/weakest etc
- "Now you listen here you litle shit, YOU DON'T-"
- His blog is fairly simple in terms of colour scheme, possibly using themes available to him
- Has an inconsistant posting shedule
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Probably a skeleton, surprisingly good at face painting
- He'd use face/body paint for his neck area and hands
- Contacts maybe?
Who would they cosplay as?
- Would for sure cosplay as Beast Boy from Teen Titans, feel like that would be the type of character he'd go for
- Maybe with full-on body paint too?
What type of biscuit would they be? - Ruben would be like one of those giant biscuits with the chunks of m&ms baked into it
What type of tea would they be? - Iced lemon tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Apple Cider
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? -Elemental Hero deck maybe?
- His love of super heros would play a part in why he chose it
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Possibly flying?
- Has for sure named one of his pokemon Jeremy
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
-Possibly a squrriel
-Has a mis-matched house because who hell is interior decorating
Aesthetic: Fireworks lighting up the nights sky, scrapped knees, wide grins,bare feet,messy hair constantly running fingers through it,dark greens, off white,loud laughter, dumb jokes.
Extra headcanon:
- Ruben is known for being the town menace, however, when he was younger especially, the elder folk would leave out baked goodies for him to pick up during his escapes. Sometimes they'd even let him hide out near their house if it was safe enough to do so. Now that he's older, they don't let him get away so much anymore but will occasionally leave out a place of treats.
Lamina - Jinx: TSM
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Lamina's channel would be dedicated to fitness and her vast collection of swords
- She'll do exercise challenges and inbetween she'd show off her latest custom order swords
- Lamina has an intense energy on screen but will give legitmate advice on health and exercise
- She'll only really soften up if she talks about her girlfriend or her swords, getting equally giddy over both
- Her shedule is regular and she has quite a big following
- Swords will always be present in her backgrounds
What kinda blog would they run? - Her blog would focus on her swords and she'd go into detail about their history and origin
- She takes beautiful pictures of them from every angle imaginable
- Lighting is everything, it's gotta hit the blade juuust right
- She poses them with occassionally, doesn't admit it but she enjoys it
- Her colour scheme would be muted and her theme would be minimal
- Lamina tends to post whenever she has a new sword delievered
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Lamina is not usually one to get dressed up, would probably take some persausion
- She'd want it to be low effect, nothing too complicated
- If she had to pick, possibly an apocolyptic survior, no it's not an excuse to show off her cool swords shUT Up
Who would they cosplay as?
- Possibly Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
-Because did I mention swords? because she likes s
-Not sure which armor she'd go for
-Possibly would commission someone to make it
What type of biscuit would they be? - A simple shortbread biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Green macha tea
What type of alcohol would they be? - Straight whisky
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Warrior deck or Amazoness deck?
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Fighting type, feel like it fits her
What Animal Crossing animal would they be?
- Wolf possibly? or a bear
- Home filled with work-out equipment
- Grumpy personality?
Aesthetic: Early mornings, sore knuckles, stern looks, hidden softness, sword clashes, the smell of burning, loyal bonds, dark purples and blues,brusied skin and busted lips, quiet nights beneath the stars.
Extra headcanon:
- (tiny spoilers??) After Solus left most of her men dead, Lamina felt geniuely hurt. Her loyalty and trust in Solus was strong. She wouldn't admit but she did shed a few tears when she was alone before completely shutting herself off from her remaining men. They weren't like him, in fact, they were among the ones who mocked her and they only trusted her out of fear. She felt she'd lost her only real connection. Thankfully, she was able to open up again and she couldn't be happier. -------------------------------------------
Social Media:
What kind of Youtube channel would they run? - Katia would have a fashion channel, she'd showcase the unsual dresses she'd buy and possibly make
- There's always a WIP of a dress on a manniquien in the background of her videos
- She'll sometimes do time lapses of dress
- Katia will occasionally post tutorials on the dresses she makes and leaves materials and such in the description  
- She'd talk about the best materials to use to sew with
- Her sewing machine is covered in cute stickers and has become staple in her background
- She keeps a list of themes to explore in a notebook
- Her following is large but not overwhelming
What kinda blog would they run? - A fashion blog
- She'd post lookbooks each with a different theme
- Her colour scheme would be soft galaxy, maybe blue and purple
- Katia loves to talk about the history of fashion and tries to re-create the clothing from different points in history
- Her blog is clean and orginaised to a T. Everything is put into categories
- Katia posts weekly and does at least one lookbook per week
Dressing Up:
What would they be for Halloween? - Katia would be a wailing victorian bride
- With her skills in dress making her costume would be sublime
- She'd go ham on her costume, adding every single detail she can think of to make it look better
- Kinda erie how accurate it would be
Who would they cosplay as? - BOTW!Zelda or Twlight Princess!Zelda
- Again, costume making is her jam! the entire thing would be made from scratch minus a few things like the wig
- She loves the outfits Zelda wears in the games and would study the hell out of them to get the design right
What type of biscuit would they be? - Simple lemon biscuit
What type of tea would they be? - Earl Grey
What type of alcohol would they be? - Vodka
What kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck do you they have? - Harpy Lady deck
- She just thinks they're neat
- And she enjoys the play style
What kind of Pokemon Team do they have? - Ghost type
What Animal Crossing animal would they be? - Rabbit
- Her house would be cosy and hidden away within the trees
- Shy personality type
Aesthetic: Silver necklaces, heavy veils, masquerade masks, silk dresses, corset ties, anxious thoughts, strained smiles, secret encounters, fights for freedom, golds, silver, sparkling jewels, touch starved.
Extra headcanon:
- Katia was not always an anxious mess, that only occurred later in life due to the pressure her parents placed on her. As a child, she was playful and witty, she was rebellous and would always find ways to esape her escorting guards. These days the only way she can 'escape' are when she's in her own quaters.
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braddersbangerz · 5 years
Thirteen would wear socks and sandals and Graham would join in because he’s not going to be out-dadded by the doc
Ryan is walking 15ft away from these two fashion diasters and Yaz can’t help but love Thirteen even when she’s wearing the socks and sandals combo with an added fanny-pack
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gobydana · 5 years
Things sleep deprived Tim as done
- fell down the stairs in the batcave and manor. - Argued that life forms existed on other planets all while Kon was next to him… - Put the milk in the cupboard to Alfred’s horror. - Almost fell off a few buildings. The boy just need bubble wrap around him. - Tried driving a car but had no keys. He was still able to hot wire it though. - Got convinced that Jason was still dead and he was seeing a ghost. Jason might have thought of that one. - Slipped on a banana peel. Stephanie just wanted to see if it actually worked. - Ate many questionable food items. His nacho and m&m creation still brings others nightmares. - Referred to Dick as the fashion diaster. - Chugged a whole pot of coffee like it was water. - Fell asleep in Titus’s dog bed.
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cafeleningrad · 5 years
Theon and Asha for the ask game, please!
Thank you,dear ^^ Let's roll with our favourite diaster sibling pack.
Theon Greyjoy
Canon [fact I can’t get over it’s so great]: He’s excelling at so many arts of war: horse riding, archery, and swordsmanship, even his strategically not thought thorugh conquest of Winterfell was taken in by a clever tactic. I’ve the impression that his many talents wen’t a bit underapreciated in universe and by readers.Headcanon [fact and why]: He wears jewlery. In fact many Iron Born were jewlery if they pais the Iron price for it. For Theon it’s mostly earrings, an on the left wrist, a fibula for his cloack, sometimes a necklace and one ring for each hand. (Pretty much based on the Viking culture, the Iron Islands are based on, hehehe.)By the way, I believe he got his fashion sense from Ned Stark (remember that beautiful post how Sansa got her fahsion sense from her father? Yeah.)Heartcanon [fact you can fight me about]: Theon’s generally good with animals (kinda rooted in how he accepts taking Wex in for a horse), and Greywind adores the seven hells out of him. Ever since he was a puppy he loves to get his ears scratched by Theon, and attempts to cuddle him whenever Robb is not commanding Greywind to behave.Soulcanon [nothing you can say will change]: He’s capable of profoundly loving so,eone once his walls are down. Only his insecurities and fears will make a deep connection complacited.Crotchcanon. [Just… here’s my crotchcanon]: So much into older women. Bonus if they’re married, to spice up little adventures.
Asha Greyjoy
Canon [fact I can’t get over it’s so great]: She’s the best of all leaders in the story. Reasonable, understands her people's logic and demands, encouraging, strict when needed, diplomatic, yet sensistive in private. She’S simply well written.Headcanon [fact and why]: actually quiet capricious about her hair. As her mother’s her role model she tries to imitate her style.Heartcanon [fact you can fight me about]: Unlike Theon, Maron and Rodrik didn’t harass her little sister, even had a relatively ok relationship to her. Perhaps for sexist reasons, as women aren’t treated nicely on the Iron Islands, but they saw her as precious girl to protect. (At least, I don’t remember she said anything personally negative about her older brothers.)Soulcanon [nothing you can say will change]: Her favourite colour is purple. Crotchcanon. [Just… here’s my crotchcanon]: In contrast to her little brother... Asha likes inexperienced men, so she can have a dominant, teasing part.Send me a character andd I'll tell you about my canons
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