#the dialogue for this one was fun to write
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I do feel like this post gives solid base adivce but lacks some context that is helpful to understand why certain choices work. I would recommend beginner writers to try to understand what effects certain choices have, or rather, what sounds good to them personally when reading! And once you've figured out what sounds good to you, replicate it in your own writing.
I'm just going to put some of the points in a bit of context (in regards of my own personal opinion!) to hopefully help with understanding how they work.
1. "the floor shifted beneath her feet" is not showing, it's idiomatic. it still works better than using "she was sick with shock" as it draws more of a picture for the reader to imagine in their head. If you truly want to show and draw a bigger, more detailed picture, you can combine idiomatic language with some telling elements i.g. "Her breath was stuck in her throat and though her feet were frozen in place, it felt as if the floor shifted beneath them." Makes it easier for the reader to imagine what exactly is happening without saying "yeah she's shocked"
2. I have no gripes with scene breaks but for the love of god, do not put several asterisks or other random ass symbols in a row. They are a nightmare for screen readers, so if your writing is supposed to be read from a screen just don't use them. Put only one single one if you absolutely must (or if whatever you're using to upload/publish allows you to use dividers that can be parsed by screenreaders use those instead). Also if you really have to use them, be mindful that you're not breaking up paragraphs and topics that belong together. I personally also believe you don't have to rely on extra visual cues to inform your readers about a pov or scene change. Use words. Use line breaks and paragraphs. That's more than sufficient.
5. Don't end every chapter on a cliffhanger but always give a glimpse of what's next. You can conclude an entire subplot at the end of a chapter, with no action that needs to be cut right there and simply letting your character say something like "I managed to do X, now the next step is Y." Getting a bit of a glimpse of what's happening next without detailing it will help raise your readers' curiosity.
6. and 7. Yeah, you should focus on the important stuff in a scene instead of every single detail that lead up to it, but GoT is a great example why always subverting expectations might not be the wisest choice. Adding to point 10 here: just write whatever is fun to write to you. If you have fun, it is likely going to reflect in your writing. And if that means writing your character going grocery shopping and all goes according to plan, then so be it. Your readers might find it boring, true, but not every single little scene has to be the most interesting and impactful scene if you're just starting out.
8. Epiphets are not the devil, but you should only really use them for characters that have not yet been introduced or whose names will never be revealed. You wouldn't talk to your friend about "the blonde man" if the blonde man was your mutual friend Max you've both known for years. You'd just talk about "Max". So if your character's name is known, use it. If not, epiphets that describe the new character's most prominent features are fine.
Overall, write whatever is fun to write for you, no matter how well received it is, particularly if you're just starting out. If you want to improve on a technical level, read books from different time periods, different genres, different authors, different cultures and see what you personally like about them. Read fanfiction. It doesn't matter. You don't even have to read the whole thing if you end up not liking it or not finding enough time. But figure out what you like and then try to replicate that. (Be it sentence structures, usage of many/few adjectives, certain phrases, how chapters are structured, narrative voice, dialogue, how characters are described or characterized, etc. etc.)
No matter how small it may be, if you find a certain something in a writing you find awesome, try to write in that something, too. And if it's about your cat making a big meow meow fuss because food!! then that's fine, too.
tldr; read shit + find out what makes it good to you -> try to write something with theGood -> own writing sounds good to you -> happy + fun (-> reader also happy and fun)
my 10 holy grail pieces of writing advice for beginners
from an indie author who's published 4 books and written 20+, as well as 400k in fanfiction (who is also a professional beta reader who encounters the same issues in my clients' books over and over)
show don't tell is every bit as important as they say it is, no matter how sick you are of hearing about it. "the floor shifted beneath her feet" hits harder than "she felt sick with shock."
no head hopping. if you want to change pov mid scene, put a scene break. you can change it multiple times in the same scene! just put a break so your readers know you've changed pov.
if you have to infodump, do it through dialogue instead of exposition. your reader will feel like they're learning alongside the character, and it will flow naturally into your story.
never open your book with an exposition dump. instead, your opening scene should drop into the heart of the action with little to no context. raise questions to the reader and sprinkle in the answers bit by bit. let your reader discover the context slowly instead of holding their hand from the start. trust your reader; donn't overexplain the details. this is how you create a perfect hook.
every chapter should end on a cliffhanger. doesn't have to be major, can be as simple as ending a chapter mid conversation and picking it up immediately on the next one. tease your reader and make them need to turn the page.
every scene should subvert the character's expectations, as big as a plot twist or as small as a conversation having a surprising outcome. scenes that meet the character's expectations, such as a boring supply run, should be summarized.
arrive late and leave early to every scene. if you're character's at a party, open with them mid conversation instead of describing how they got dressed, left their house, arrived at the party, (because those things don't subvert their expectations). and when you're done with the reason for the scene is there, i.e. an important conversation, end it. once you've shown what you needed to show, get out, instead of describing your character commuting home (because it doesn't subvert expectations!)
epithets are the devil. "the blond man smiled--" you've lost me. use their name. use it often. don't be afraid of it. the reader won't get tired of it. it will serve you far better than epithets, especially if you have two people of the same pronouns interacting.
your character should always be working towards a goal, internal or external (i.e learning to love themself/killing the villain.) try to establish that goal as soon as possible in the reader's mind. the goal can change, the goal can evolve. as long as the reader knows the character isn't floating aimlessly through the world around them with no agency and no desire. that gets boring fast.
plan scenes that you know you'll have fun writing, instead of scenes that might seem cool in your head but you know you'll loathe every second of. besides the fact that your top priority in writing should be writing for only yourself and having fun, if you're just dragging through a scene you really hate, the scene will suffer for it, and readers can tell. the scenes i get the most praise on are always the scenes i had the most fun writing. an ideal outline shouldn't have parts that make you groan to look at. you'll thank yourself later.
happy writing :)
#general#advice#i derailed a bit in the end sorry#i also mean no hate with this i just believe it isn't as black and white with some of these points
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"We need cash." Two, Soda, Steve, Dallas, Pony, 'n Johnny crowd the living room in a loose circle like mourners at a funeral. Between them, the shattered, stacked, 'n swept together corpse of what had once been their TV.
"We? Ain't my fault it's broken." Dallas kicks at a shard of glass 'n Pony narrows his eyes at him. "Blame it on the kid 'n call it a night."
"Hey!" Pony stomps a foot before he can catch himself, crosses his arms. "It wasn't me!"
Steve scoffs, rolls his eyes. Pony's face darkens murderously. "Was too."
"No, it was not! You were the one who fuckin' threw me!" Soda 'n Two's eyes ping pong back 'n fourth between the two of them.
"Did not! 'N if I did it was only 'cause you started the fight."
"Bullshit!" Pony's voice hits a shrill high note 'n Steve smirks at him, self-satisfied. "I only started it 'cause you were fuckin' callin' me names you asshole."
"Well, I wouldn't have been callin' you names if you hadn't been actin' like a brat." Pony lets out an indignant wail 'n Soda has to fly across the group to snag him by the waist so he doesn't start right back up again.
"Ok, ok. Enough you two." Pony writhes around like a fish on a hook for another moment before Soda jabs him in the ribs 'n he howls but stops fightin'. "This isn't solvin' our problems."
"I don't see how this is an us problem." Dallas tries again, hooks an arm around Johnny's shoulder 'n pulls him close. "I just got here, Johnny wasn't involved, 'n neither was Two. Soda bites the bullet for not stoppin' 'em 'n Darry can string the idiots up as he so pleases. What's the problem?"
Steve 'n Pony both turn on him, united for the first time that afternoon, fingers pointed 'n accusin'. "'Cause Two was bettin' on us-"
"Hey! Look, all's fair 'n love 'n war or whatever they say. Nobody asked ya to start rumblin' in the livin' room of all places."
"Yeah, 'n Darry'll love to hear that." Steve grabs his hip, wags a finger in a pretty damn passin' imitation of Darry. "Two-Bit Mathews you're how old now? Glory God almighty when are you gonna get any sense- OW!" Steve hollers at the comic Two's rolled up 'n thumped him over the head with.
"Ok, Ok fine. But I wasn't fuckin' bettin' against myself!" Two glares pointedly at Soda who rocks back 'n forth on his heels, suddenly findin' the floor real interestin'.
"Soda!" Steve stops nursin' his head to glare at Soda with wide eyes.
"Hey! Look! I'm sorry!" He blinks, tries his best tip-earnin' grin. "It was all on you, Stevie."
"SODA!" Pony whips on him quick as quick, quiverin' with as much indignance 'n outrage a fourteen-year-old can manage. Soda swallows back a snort, grabs Pony's face in his hands. "I'm sorry-"
"Well. Tough shit for y'all. But I don't see what this has to do with me or Johnny 'n I'm of the mind to beat it before Darry gets home 'n raises hell."
"Uh, Dal." Johnny clears his throat 'n tries to ignore the pointed stares of the rest of the gang hot on his face, runs a hand up the back of his neck, blows out a long breath. "IhadfiftycentsonPonyboy."
"Johnny!" Dallas drops him but doesn't sound half as annoyed as he does impressed.
"Well at least someone was in my corner-" Pony shoots Soda an aggravated glance 'n Soda throws his hands up placatingly.
"Yeah, speakin' of which." Two whips his hand out, palm up, 'n makes a grabbin' motion. Both Soda 'n Johnny huff but reach in their pockets 'n pull out quarters, dumpin' into Two's waitin' hands. He hoots his laughter 'n shoves the dollars' worth of change into his pants.
"Wait, who were you bettin' on Two?" Steve crosses his arms at the same time Pony plunks his hands on his hips, both glarin' accusingly.
"Me? I wasn't playin' for neither of ya! I bet y'all were gonna break somethin'!" Two cracks himself up, howlin'. It doesn't last for long 'n Pony 'n Steve turn succinctly on him, draggin' him down to the floor 'n landin' jabs wherever they can reach.
"Good lord. Well, y'all have fun with that one. I'm peelin' outta here."
"Oh no you don't." Soda catches one hand deftly in the collar of Dallas' jacket as he turns to leave, hefts him back. "You even think about wormin' outta this I'll tell Darry about that time you smoked all that pot 'n threw up 'n I had to carry a bowl a soup down to Buck's for your scrawny ass."
"Yeah, or that time you got picked up for shopliftin' 'n when the cops called I picked up the phone 'n never told Dar." Steve pauses in his onslaught of Two-Bit to throw his hat in the ring. The moment he's not focused Two wriggles out, flips him easily onto his back.
"Or that one time with Tim-"
"OK. Goddamn! No wonder Darry's goin' grey. Y'all are enough to send a man to an early grave." Dallas scowls 'n throw his hands up, shakin' Soda off. "So what now?"
"Now we need cash." Two says plaintively 'n they all stare down at the wreckage again.
"Ok. Thanks, genius." Steve rolls his eyes, clambers back to his feet, offers Pony his hand 'n hauls him up. "What are we lookin' at here? Like what? Twenty bucks?"
"Twenty bucks? Steve, what world do you live on where a TV is twenty goddamn bucks?" Dallas toes at the the box 'n it sparks. "Jesus Christ, none of you unplugged it? Hurry up 'n yank the plug out before we gotta by Dar a new house too."
Both Soda 'n Johnny dive for the cord 'n Johnny pulls up at the last second so they don't crack their heads together.
"So what, like fifty?" Pony 'n Soda exchange a glance, avert their eyes.
"Uh, try more like eighty, man." Soda plops down on his ass, looks desolately at the hunk of plastic 'n glass again.
"EIGHTY? Guys. We're dead. More than dead. Dar's gonna kill us, bury us, 'n then dig us back up again." Steve chews at his thumbnail, paces quick back 'n forth.
"Naw, Steve. Be realistic." Two grins, stuffs his hands into his pockets. "He'd never go through all that work for us. I think just killin' us the first time around'll do it."
Pony groans, presses both his palms into his eyes 'n collapses back into the armchair. "Not funny, Two."
"Aw, not even a lil-" He's cut off by the throw pillow Steve beams at his head, hittin' him square in the face.
"Man focus. We got cash, right?" Dallas refocuses the room, looks at them each in turn. The silence is answer enough, the celin', floor, 'n walls becomin' real fascinatin'. "Man, y'all've got to be jokin'. Steve, don't you have some money from the DX or your da put away?"
"Uh, well, no. Not really. Kinda, uh, lost it. All." He twiddles the bottom of his vest between his fingers, refuses to look up.
"Whatta ya mean lost it?"
"Look you lose one goddamn drag 'n suddenly everyone's crawlin' up your ass! How was I supposed to know that? 'N hey, what about you, Two? I don't hear you offerin' anythin' up."
"Ha! What money? I didn't have anythin' to start with don't look at me. Ask Soda, he's employed."
Soda throws his hands up guiltily. "Don't look over here. I got six bucks to my good name."
"Yeah, good 'n broke-" Soda pulls a face 'n kicks Dallas hard in the shin before he can duck outta the way.
"Where'd your paycheck go, Soda?" Johnny prods at him with his foot 'n Soda playfully catches it, yanks at him.
"Hey, I keep the lights on in this place!"
"And the rest of it?" Johnny pulls back 'n, when he realizes Soda ain't lettin' up, reaches down to jab at the ticklish spot on Soda's ribs.
"What? A man can't be afforded a lil' fun?" Soda yowls 'n drops his foot, wrigglin' backwards to get away. "How was I supposed to know a guitar was twenty-five bucks?"
"Soda!" Pony's jaw drops open. "You can't even play!"
"Hey! Yet! Gimme some credit! Plus I don't wanna hear anythin' from mister no job over there." Soda crosses his arms dramatically but he's grinnin' the whole way 'n all of them know he doesn't mean it.
"That ain't fair! Darry won't let me get a job. 'Course I don't got no goddamn money. Look at Dal. He's got a job!"
"First of all, I didn't even break the fuckin' TV. Second of all, how much money I got is none of your damn business." Dallas scowls, turns his nose up. Steve groans, drops down to the couch with his head in his hands.
"God so we're all broke."
"Shut up, Dal." Two cuts him off 'n Dallas' shifts his glare, damn near murderous. "Johnny Cakes?" He tries, weakly hopeful.
"Uh, I got three bucks." Soda quirks an eyebrow up 'n Johnny plops his hands on his hips.
"Where did you-"
"Ya gonna ask questions or are ya gonna take it?" Soda studies him for a moment, arms crossed still 'n doin' a cartoonish impression of a fussin' hen.
"Boys, we got a real hood among us here today." He hoots 'n Johnny kicks him in the hip, both of them still howlin'. "So that brings us up to, what?"
"Uh, nine bucks. Ten if someone can wrestle that change outta Two's pocket." Pony leans forward, elbows on his knees, 'n sizes Two up like he stood even a single chance.
"Man. I want lillies at my funeral. Can I put that out there? Should we do last rites now or-"
"Aw, hush up, Steve. Look, we just gotta scrape together a little money before Dar gets back. We can get, uh, what was it?" Soda frowns, counts absently on his fingers.
"Seventy more bucks." Pony dead pans 'n Soda's self-assured smile wavers a bit.
"C'mon, that's nothin'! We just gotta put our heads together." Soda climbs to his feet, rubs his hands together in thought. "How do we get our hands on some quick cash?"
Dallas 'n Two open their mouths 'n Soda throws out an accusin' finger to each of them. "'N nobody's doin' nothin' illegal 'cause if Dar has to pick one of us from the station before he comes home to no TV he's gonna start inventin' cruel 'n unusual punishments, y'hear?"
Dallas rolls his eyes 'n mutters 'n Two nods absently in agreement but they both don't offer any other ideas. "Anythin' else?"
"Uh, pawn shop?" Pony offers.
"Yeah, great idea, Pone. Anyone have any expensive jewelry they've been keepin' back?" Steve drawls, dryly, apparently resigned to his fate.
"Well, it ain't mine but I got, uh, a Singer we could sell." Dallas leans back in the doorway, waits for the onslaught of questions. They don't disappoint.
"A Singer? Dal, you've been watchin' me hafta hand hem 'n you had a Singer?" Soda howls, goes to kick him in the shin again but Dallas is prepared this time 'n dodges it.
"Where the hell did you get a Singer-?"
"Look! It was Sylvie's, right? When I kicked her out she didn't get the chance to take it or nothin'. It ain't mine." He throws his hands up defensively, eyes Soda still standin' close enough to wallop him if he decided to. Soda glares back like he's still makin' up his mind about goin' for round two.
"Aw, man. We can't pawn off Sylvie's stuff." Johnny backs outta the way as Soda decides to give it another go 'n jabs at Dallas. "She mighta been a lil' mean but she don't deserve to have her shit sold off."
"The bitch- Soda get offa me- two-timed me? Remember?" Dallas knocks Soda's hands deftly away 'n Soda sneaks in on more solid kick before retreatin'.
"Oh, yeah." Johnny rocks back 'n forth on his heels, still clearly uncomfortable with the whole idea.
"Maybe Soda 'n Steve could pick up some extra shifts for a bit?" Pony tries again, clearly not as willin' as Steve to lie down 'n take his medicine.
"Yeah, another winner, Pone. 'N when Darry comes home to no TV tonight?" Steve scowls at him 'n Pony glares back, the two still dangerously close to another all-out scrap.
"Well, at least I'm comin' up with somethin'."
"Doesn't help if it's all stupid-"
"Alright you two, knock it off. We can't afford to have to buy anythin' else y'all broke 'cause y'all can't keep your traps shut." Two cuts in 'n they both round on him, glarin'.
"Look who's talkin'!" Steve mutters 'n Two grins 'n flips him off.
The laughter 'n bickerin' trail off, lapsin' into silence again. Each lookin' guiltily at the disaster, eyein' each other. "Well, uh, is anyone not above beggin'?" No one says anythin' 'n Two clicks his teeth, nods. "Yeah, didn't think so."
"Hey, guys." Six heads turn to look at Pony, suddenly ashen 'n lookin' past them up at the clock in the kitchen. "Is this a bad time to tell y'all Dar told me to tell y'all he'd be home early this afternoon?"
"Pony." Steve flies to his feet, grabs Pony by his shoulders. "How early?"
Somehow, Pony manages to pale even further. "Uh. In like. An hour?"
As if it had heard, the TV hisses, flashes, lets out one final death rattle 'n falls silent so it's just the seven of them, eyein' each other like men at the gallows.
"Dallas?" Johnny gives himself a shake, grabs his jacket from the back of the sofa.
"Yeah, man?"
"Let's get your girlfriend's stuff."
#UGH#this was so fun actually#guys#theyre silly#when you think about it#also this fic was SO dialogue heavy#yall dont know it yet but this is me makin up for somethin im cookin up that is both sad N has like 5 total speakin lines#anyways#my penitance#theyre just my guys frl#lettin them be kids forever n ever#also even if they had managed to replace the TV darrry still would have come straight home#taken one look at them#n simply known#darry can see STRAIGHT through their asses#the outsiders#sodapop curtis#ponyboy curtis#darry curtis#dallas winston#steve randle#johnny cade#two bit mathews#my writing#also if you can tell me what song this fic is based off of ill love you forever#the outsiders fanfiction
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Undercover Challenge 🕵️
Hey everyone, I’m back with another monthly challenge! For the months of March AND April, I am formally challenging any willing writer to take a stab at writing fanfiction including someone undercover using their choice of Criminal Minds characters! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed! Please check out the Rules below the Keep Reading.
There are prompts below the cut, so keep going!
(**This is NOT a request list for me—this is a prompt list of other writers! Feel free to request from someone else, and be sure to let them know about the challenge!)
General Prompts 🔍
Characters go undercover as a married couple.
A goes undercover as an escort to gain intel on B.
A feigns distress while undercover and is surprised when B saves them.
A goes undercover as a sex worker. B is shocked by their sexual persona.
Halloween masks offer the perfect opportunity to snoop on your coworkers.
A is excelling at their undercover work... until B shows up, also undercover.
Character goes undercover to a mystic who immediately identifies them as a spy.
A struggles with the more psychopathic aspects of their undercover work. B doesn't.
Character becomes close with their agent handler... they've never felt so cared for before.
Character is an investigative journalist trying to learn about the inner workings of the BAU.
It would be a lot easier to pretend if Character wasn't actually in love with their partner.
A thinks they've successfully tricked B... when B leans forward and speaks directly into their wire.
Character is surprised when their undercover partner is very good at pretending to be in love with them.
A becomes worries when B gets injured on an undercover mission that they were supposed to go on instead.
Character goes undercover as a stripper. This is how everyone learns they already knew how to pole dance.
Characters are both undercover, but think the other is in the organization they're investigating. They learn nothing.
Anything else you can think of!
Dialogue Prompts 🔍
"It's not real." / "It feels real."
"You should dress like that more often."
"You look... different." / "That's kind of the point."
“Did you really think this was going to work on me?”
“Your diamond ring is fake.” / “So is the engagement.”
"Maybe in another universe, I could’ve been different."
"You haven't even scratched the surface of my skillsets.”
“I’m just acting.” / “Oh? So you can make your heart race on command?”
“We should focus on the mission.” / “I’m trying, but you’re making it very difficult.”
“I know you have to go undercover, but do you really have to dress like that?” / “No, but I look good, don’t I?”
Your fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I collect both! You can also tag “#mentioningmargins”
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed. Please also include some indication of rating if it is NSFW.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post. For xReader fics, PLEASE specify if your reader is Female, Male, or Gender Neutral.
Have fun!
The Masterlist of fics will (hopefully) be posted around April 30 If you finish after that, no problem - just send me the fic once you’re done and I’ll add it after-the-fact!
Feel free to message me if you want help developing a plot, have any questions, or just want to gush about your fic. I’m happy to help, and I’m happy you’re here ❤️
Happy writing!
#criminal minds#spencer reid#aaron hotchner#derek morgan#jennifer jareau#emily prentiss#tara lewis#luke alvez#david rossi#elle greenaway#criminal minds challenge#criminal minds fanfic#spencer reid smut#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#cm fanfic#criminal minds fic#criminal minds prompts
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Cate's Creation Celebration

Hello and welcome to my first ever writing event! 🫣😅😨😵
My birthday happens to fall the day before Walpurgis Night. Where I'm from we celebrate with friends, watching bonfires, listening to choirs and getting absolutely shitfaced. So we're going to combine that with the myth and folklore of Walpurgis Night and have ourselves a creation celebration! Are you going to confess to your best friend by the flames of the fire, or are you going to get snared by a dark warlock?
There are two parts of this! A writing event and submitting a writing request. For both you need to be +18 to participate. There needs to be some indication of your age in the bio of your blog.
If you want to submit a writing request, you can find the form here. Your askbox needs to be open to be able to participate. Read the rules in the form before submitting.
If you want to participate in the writing event please see the details below!
General details
The writing event is open to the end of May (but I'll accept late entries)
All entries will be put into an event masterlist.
I read for Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans and sometimes Henry Cavill characters. I'm open to reading other fandoms but no RPF.
Only reader-insert fics. Please use inclusive language and tag accordingly so everyone can have fun!
You don't have to claim a prompt but please keep to the theme of the event.
10k maximum word limit. Please put your fic under a cut after a reasonable amount of words!
Your fic can be part of a series but must be able to be read as a standalone piece.
No fucking AI fics.
No incest, grooming, underage, watersports/scat, vomit, necrophilia, cannibalism, bestiality or similar types of yucky stuff.
Otherwise works can be any genre (fluff, smut, angst ect), just make sure to include appropriate warnings. I do reserve the right to not read and/or reblog something that makes me uncomfortable. I'm not much for really dark fics or whump.
If you only post to AO3 then please send me a link or something so I don't miss it!
Tag @veltana when you post your fic and include #catescreationcelebration in the tags!
Here are some prompts to get the wheels turning!
Dialogue (you're free to change tense):
"Did you put a spell on me!?"
"If magic made wishes come true, what would you wish for?"
"Are you alone out here?"
"You have no idea what forces you're playing with."
"I can't pretend anymore."
"I'm doing this for you!"
"I'm not supposed to fall for someone like you."
"It's really hot."
"Our love will either save the world or doom it."
"Is that a pentagram?"
"Don't tempt me."
"You're not supposed to be here."
"You're adorable."
"Do you feel it? The pull between us?"
"Ugh, I hate this!"
"I'm not just your protector, I'm bound to you."
"I'm really cold."
"I warned you, being near me comes with a price."
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
"You're the only light in my dark world."
"I gave up my soul for you."
"I've always wanted to summon a demon."
"You deserve to know."
"I've heard your voice in my dreams."
"The moon has whispered your name to me."
"Oh... oh!"
"I can give you anything you desire, but there is a price."
"Who are you?"
Bonfire celebration
Sacrificial ceremony
Cursed/Enchanted forest
Abandoned cottage
Moonlit grove
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Forced proximity
Fake relationship
Secret relationship
Marriage of convenience
Arranged marriage
Fated mates
Only one bed
Idiots in love
Fuck or die
Haaaave fuuuuuun~
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"Let me show you my home country!"
Show WHAT, Harding? A scorched, dead wasteland? Dead, rotting corpses? Faimen? Plague? Ash choked sky? All you'll be camping in will be ash and horror...
I'm so freaking pissed they leveled the Hinterlands and all of Southern Fereldan. I LOVED the Hinterlands in DAI. Not ironically, its my favorite area. And then just... pretended everything was hunky-dory!
Like, it would have been better writting if Harding and Emmrich would have been gearing up for it, and it was going to be a SOLEM trip. One they're both prepared for it to be a harrowing and draining endeavor to endure. Like, have it go along the lines of: "Thank you for agreeing to come with me to check on my mom, Emmrich. It... means a lot."
"Oh of COURSE, my dear! I wouldn't miss it! I'm sure there will be lots to--"
"*Emmrich...* It's not going to be easy. It's going to be-- *voice cracks*.... It's not a fun get away camping trip. We might be fighting through undead, demons. Or maybe we wont encounter anything at all, except Mom."
"... I know, Lace. I apologize, I was trying to add some levity and excitement to the trip... But that was incredibly insensitive of me. I am sorry."
"Its alright. I'll tell you what used to be there? If the landmarks are still... you know. Still there."
"I would cherish every story you would deem to share with me. Every memory."
Fix up the dialogue, give a nod of respect for your own lore you JUST created in your world, and then the scene doesn't need to changed, the 'camping trip' doesn't need to be scrapped. (But then that begs the question of why the hell isn't Rook and the rest of the gang going with them, but that's besides the point. I personally would make very different writing choices... like giving the OG Dragon Age dev team the freedom to make their passion project in peace.)
A prime example of veilguard adding insult to injury is being told that the entirety of southern thedas is dead and gone and then later having to sit through a cutscene where two companions plan a camping trip to the hinterlands. In southern thedas. The place that has, off screen, been scorched off the face of the planet. A camping trip.
#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age inquisition#solas#fandom critical#dragon age veilguard#bioware critical#dragon age critical#veilguard#datv#creative writing#dragon age lore critical#mourning what could have been
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I just found your blog and I love the way you set up your headcanons!!
Could I request your take on soulmate aus for all the boys? Like, what kind of soulmate system would each of them have, how would they meet their fated person? Does it go smoothly, or is it a bumpy ride?
💌 Reply:
Ahhh, thank you so much for the love and this adorable request! 💜 I’ was so thrilled to dive into BTS Soulmate AUs and i really hope it's what you imagined and that it is to your liking 💜 ... Have fun - C -
Intellectual Slow Burn
tiny indie bookstore in Mapo-gu
shelves crammed with philosophy and poetry
Namjoon frequents it weekly
always in the same corner - floor cushion #3
green tea cooling beside him
you’re the part-time clerk who restocks the “Existentialism” section every Thursday
you both annotate books with sticky notes
leaving thoughts for strangers
one day, you pick up Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra
you find his note: “Is the Übermensch just a coping mechanism for capitalism? (asking for a friend) – RM”
your reply: “No, but your sticky notes are. – Y/N”
His Notes
philosophical musings in tiny
precise handwriting, dotted with coffee stains
he underlines quotes about self-love and the universe’s indifference
Your Notes
sarcastic quips in purple gel pen
doodles of crying clouds next to Camus passages
The Book That Changes Everything
a battered copy of The Little Prince
he writes: “Do you think the rose ever apologized for being high maintenance?”
you respond: “The fox did all the emotional labor. Discuss.”
8 PM
rain taps the windows
he’s clutching The Myth of Sisyphus like a lifeline
What He Says
“So. You’re the one who called Kant a ‘coward in a wig.’” (Rubs his neck, glasses fogging.)
“I... I brought banana milk. As a… peace offering? For the capitalism thing.”
His Thoughts
“She’s prettier than her handwriting. Way prettier. Abort mission... wait, is that a Demian reference on her tote bag?”
Phase 1
leaves longer notes with his phone number scribbled in Morse code
you decode it while he pretends to browse
Phase 2
“accidentally” drops his favorite fountain pen near your counter
note inside:
“Dinner? I’ll let you rant about Heidegger.”
Phase 3
you hesitate
he blurts:
“I’m not good at this. But I’m really good at… listening. And losing umbrellas. Mainly listening.”
Week 1-4
notes escalate to essay-length debates in the margins of Rilke poetry
Week 5
first “date” at a 24-hour diner
he brings a 3-page bullet-point list
titled “Reasons I Might Be Annoying (Please Critique)”
Week 8
takes you to Seoul Forest
kneels to fix your shoelace
“I think… I’m yours. If you’ll have me. And my overthinking.”
Glasses Move
adjusts them three times when nervous
you count them during his confession
Banana Milk
always keeps a carton in his bag
“in case of existential emergencies"
Secret Playlist
makes you a lo-fi mix titled “Margin Notes”
samples of bookstore ambient noise
track 7: “Pause for Highlighters.”
Bookmark Gift
carves you a wooden bookmark with “NamKimdiary” on the back (his old Tumblr username)
After Your First Kiss
“I’ve written a thousand metaphors about love. None of them… this.”
When You Fight
“I’d rather lose every debate than lose you. Even if you’re wrong about Sartre.”
Proposal (Years Later)
slips a note into your shared copy of The Little Prince:
“Tame me?”
Culinary Chaos to Comfort
a Michelin-starred restaurant in Gangnam
Jin is the elusive "Chef Kim"
known for emotional tasting menus
you’re a food critic
anonymously reviewing his dishes
every course he creates makes you feel his hidden emotions
loneliness in a bitter chocolate soufflé
joy in honey-drizzled tteokbokki
you taste the true emotion behind his dishes
he receives anonymous letters about his food = your critiques
they inexplicably quote his inner thoughts
His Dishes
Jjajangmyeon that tastes like nostalgia
= his childhood memories of cooking with his mom
Bingsu that bursts with loneliness
= his early trainee days
Your Reviews
“The sea urchin risotto screamed, ‘I miss my brothers.’ Hire a therapist, Chef.”
“The kimchi stew is perfection, but why does it taste like you’re afraid of being forgotten?”
his restaurant’s kitchen
2 AM
corners you after you sneak in to confront him
What He Says
“You. You’re the one who called my soufflé ‘a cry for help in dessert form.’”
arms crossed, apron splattered with gochujang
“Do you have any idea how many chefs cried because of your ‘constructive feedback’?”
pauses, then smirks
“…It was kinda hot.”
His Thoughts
“She’s got a resting critic face, but her eyes… they see me. Wait... did she just steal a dumpling?
Phase 1
leaves a mystery dish at your doorstep daily
each meal paired with a dad joke: “Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing… and also you.”
Phase 2
invites you to a “private tasting”
just him cooking army stew in sweatpants
“No Michelin rules. Just… us.”
Phase 3
call him out for hiding behind jokes
he admits:
“I’m scared you’ll taste the mess I really am.”
Month 1
exchange angry sticky notes on his fridge
he doodles himself as a crying onion
Month 2
crashes your live mukbang stream
“That’s my japchae! And my future wife!”
trends for a week
Month 3
cooks you a five-course meal where every dish tastes like unconditional love
no words
just a ring hidden in a bubble tea pearl
Dad Joke Diary:
keeps a notebook of jokes to make you laugh
#1: Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack up… like you do at 3 AM.
Secret Ingredient
adds a pinch of sugar to every savory dish he makes you
“To match your smile.”
Mukbang Cameos
sneaks into your streams wearing a Gucci apron
shouting “EAT THIS, NOT THAT!”
feeding you strawberries
Birthday Surprise
recreates an "I Purple You” live setup in your kitchen
“This time, it’s our color.”
During a Fight
“You think I’m just ‘Worldwide Handsome’? I’m terrified you’ll realize I’m just… Jin.”
First “I Love You”
“I don’t need a Michelin star. I just need you to taste this.”
feeds you a strawberry that bursts with devotion
“Marry me. I’ll annoy you with dad jokes for eternity… and make sure you never eat alone again.”
Silent Understanding & Creative Synchronicity
late-night music production studio in Hongdae
Yoongi works under the pseudonym "Agust D"
you’re a lyricist for indie artists
known only by your pen name "Shadow"
your words and his beats have been paired anonymously by a streaming algorithm
= creating viral hits
you’ve never met
your lyrics and his instrumentals align too perfectly
every time he uploads a track labeled “Unfinished”
you fill in the gaps with verses that mirror his unspoken emotions
fans call it “fate’s playlist”
His Tracks
haunting piano melodies with gaps in the rhythm
as if waiting for words
song titled “Interlude: Ghost”
muffled voice memo:
“Someone out there… knows.”
Your Lyrics
raw, introspective verses about isolation and quiet hope
they trend every time he drops a beat
bridge for his track “The Last”
“I built these walls, but you’re the echo in the hall.”
24-hour coffee shop near his studio
he recognizes your voice from a podcast where you dissected his “Daechwita” instrumental
What He Says
“You’re Shadow.”
no greeting, just a tired smirk
slides you a USB drive
labeled “Track 08 – Fix It.”
“The last line you wrote… ‘the static in my veins.’ Why?”
stirs his black coffee
avoiding eye contact
His Thoughts
“She’s younger than I imagined. But her eyes... they’ve seen the same nights as me. Damn, she’s good.”
Phase 1
leaves cryptic notes in the metadata of his tracks
“Meet me at 3 AM. – D”
show up at the studio with a thermos of honey citron tea
Phase 2
collaborates with you anonymously
a song called “Burn It pt.2”
changes the final chorus to “Stay.”
Phase 3
after a year of demos, he sends a track titled “First Love”
no melody
just his voice:
“I’m bad at this. But… let’s try.”
Year 1
anonymous collabs
notices you quote his live rants in your lyrics
Year 2
confront him after recognizing his piano riff from an old Bangtan Bomb
“You’re Agust D. Why hide?”
Year 3
he produces a fully instrumental track for your poetry book
liner notes read:
“Your words were my first language.”
Studio Ritual
leaves the window open when he wants you to visit
playing “Seesaw” on loop
Secret Track
hidden file on his SoundCloud named “Glossary_Of_Us”
has snippets of your voice
Lyric Easter Egg
quotes your first-ever verse in his SUGA mixtape sequel:
“The static’s gone. Now it’s just us.”
Coffee Cup Codes
draws tiny piano keys on your takeout cups
he’s too shy to say “I miss you.”
When You Confront Him
“I don’t believe in soulmates. But you… you’re a glitch I can’t fix.”
First Duet Session
“Your voice isn’t perfect. Good. Neither am I.”
samples your laugh into a song titled “Forever Interlude.”
credits list: “Feat. My Forever First LOVE.”
Collaborative Growth & Digital to Real-Life Connection
on a global dance challenge app called SyncSteps
users upload videos and are algorithmically paired with "rhythm partners."
Hobi joins anonymously under the handle SunshineDance
you’re a shy dance enthusiast
using the app to overcome stage fright
posting under ShadowSteps
the app’s AI matches you based on complementary styles
your fluid, expressive movements sync perfectly with his sharp, energetic choreography
your collaborations go viral
you don’t know each other’s identities
His Videos
crisp, powerful routines tagged with motivational captions:
“You’re one step closer to shining!”
a freestyle titled “Midnight Groove”
= he leaves a frame empty
urging you to fill it:
“Your turn, Shadow.”
Your Videos
intimate, emotion-driven dances in dimly lit rooms
your first upload caption:
“For the girl in the mirror who’s still learning.”
a response to Midnight Groove where you dance in a sunlit studio,
caption: “Found the light.”
app’s chat feature
he messages after your first collab goes viral
What He Says
“Your flow is 🔥! But why hide your face? The world needs to see you.”
adds a sunflower emoji
“I’ll teach you a confidence combo. Step 1: Pretend the mirror is your best friend. Step 2: Steal their swag.”
His Thoughts
“She’s got raw talent, but she’s holding back. Let’s change that… gently.”
Phase 1
creates personalized warm-ups for you
tagging you in posts:
“@ShadowSteps – this one’s for your left side hesitation.”
Phase 2
sends voice notes with pep talks
disguised as "dance tips":
“Remember, mistakes are just freestyle opportunities!”
Phase 3
after months of collaboration, he slips his number into a private video description:
“Text me. Let’s choreograph IRL.”
Month 1-6
viral collabs
late-night app chats
he nicknames you “Shadow Warrior.”
Month 7 - 8
you join a live workshop he hosts
masked, like your videos
he recognizes your signature wrist flick mid-session
Month 9
invites you to co-choreograph a piece for his dance crew
at rehearsal, he pulls off his cap:
“Surprise. It’s your Sunshine.”
Playlist Clues
his practice mixes include BTS’s “Butter” remixes
track #7 is always “Chicken Noodle Soup”
= your first collab choreo song
Signature Move
adds a tiny hop to routines when he’s happy
you mimic it in your videos
Secret Code
uses yellow post-it notes during IRL performances
= the same phrase from his app comments
Meme King
sends you edits of your dances with dancing carrot GIFs
captioned: “When you finally nail the combo.”
When You Reveal Your Face
“I knew you’d be beautiful. But damn, you’re a supernova.”
During a Setback
“We don’t ‘fail.’ We freestyle. Now grab my hand and trust the beat.”
“I fell for you in 8-counts. But I’ll love you in infinite ones.”
Emotional Mirrors, Artistic Synchronicity
global photography platform called Frame & Soul
users submit photos
paired algorithmically with "emotional complements."
Jimin posts under JM_Eyes
you’re a introspective travel photographer
posting as Silhouette_Shots
app pairs your photos based on unspoken emotions
his shot of a rainy Seoul alley at 3 AM syncs with your sunrise over a deserted beach
both tagged “loneliness and hope.”
your galleries become a silent dialogue
His Photos
moody, intimate shots:
half-empty wine glass backstage
his shadow stretching across a rehearsal floor
crumpled lyric sheets.
self-portrait of his reflection in a broken mirror captioned:
“Pieces of me I can’t name.”
Your Photos
stark, vivid contrasts:
a lone flower in a cracked sidewalk
storm clouds parting over a cityscape
a response to his mirror photo:
“Even broken glass reflects light.”
Frame & Soul exhibition in Busa
your paired photos are displayed side-by-side
recognizes your style instantly
What He Says
“You’re Silhouette_Shots.”
voice soft
eyes tracing your photo
“How did you… see that?”
“Your picture of the ocean... it felt like my choreography. Heavy, but… free.”
His Thoughts
“She’s quieter than I imagined. But her hands, they’ve held cameras and courage. God, she’s beautiful.”
Phase 1
leaves cryptic comments on your photos:
“Your shadows have better rhythm than me.”
attaches a video of him dancing to your sunset photo’s timestamp
Phase 2
sends you a disposable camera with a note:
“Capture something I’ve never seen. I’ll do the same.”
return it with a shot of dandelions surviving concrete
sends back a photo of his bare feet on a studio floor
matching your caption:
“Roots in unexpected places.”
Phase 3
invites you to a silent photo walk through Seoul
communicates only through his camera lens
guiding you to his favorite hidden spots
Month 1-3
viral photo pairs
late-night app DMs dissecting light and shadow
Month 4
sneaks you into his dance studio
choreographing a piece inspired by your storm cloud series
“You’re my muse. But I’m… scared to be yours.”
Month 6
you collaborate on a photo book titled “Unspoken.”
final page is his shot of two coffee cups with steam forming a heart
your caption: “Developed.”
Polaroid Habit
leaves Polaroids in your bag
doodled arrows pointing to his favorite parts of your face
Dance Codes
humming “Serendipity” when he’s nervous
then denying it
“It’s… a vocal exercise.”
Exhibition Easter Egg
hides a tiny JM logo in the corner of his photos
matching your SS watermark
Secret Project
films a dance video
his movements trace the shapes of your photographs
credits list: “Choreography by Us.”
When You Doubt Your Art
“You think your photos are just ‘pretty’? They’re alive. Like you.”
First Kiss
“I’ve danced for millions. But this… this is the first time I’ve felt the audience.”
“I used to chase perfection. Now I just chase your light.”
Tangible Connections & Nostalgic Serendipity
a cozy vintage shop in Daegu named Timeless Treasures
known for its eclectic mix of retro cameras, vinyl records, and handwritten letters tucked inside secondhand books
Taehyung frequents the shop
leaving behind curated items with cryptic notes
you’re a freelance writer
you discover his first note inside a 1970s film camera:
“Capture the moments everyone else forgets. – V”
you both leave meaningful objects for each other in the shop
accompanied by handwritten stories or questions
the shop owner, a wise elderly woman, acts as a silent guardian
she's placing your items in a dedicated corner
labeled: “Soul Exchange.”
His Items
a saxophone pin with a note:
“For the jazz in your soul. Play it loud.”
pressed maple leaf from his childhood home:
“Autumn remembers what summer forgets.”
Gucci scarf (fake) with:
“Even fakes can feel real if you believe.”
Your Responses
a typewriter key (the letter “V”) and a poem:
“Words fail, but keys don’t lie.”
mismatched teacup with a story about your grandmother:
“Broken things brew the best stories.”
shop’s dusty record aisle
catches you inspecting his latest gift
= a vinyl of “Fly Me to the Moon”
a note: “Dance like no one’s watching… but me.”
What He Says
“You’re the one who took my camera.”
grins, holding up your poem
“Your words taste like hobakjuk; sweet, but… lonely.”
“Why a typewriter key? I’ve been staring at it for weeks.”
tilts his head, curiosity sparking
His Thoughts
“She writes like she’s lived a thousand lives. And her smile... god, it’s brighter than my flashbulbs.”
Phase 1
leaves a blank journal titled “Our Untold Stories”
a challenge: “Fill this. I’ll do the rest.”
you respond with a tale about a boy who speaks in riddles
Phase 2
gifts you a polaroid camera and a map of Daegu with circled locations:
“Show me your city.”
your photos of abandoned theaters and sunlit alleys become his muse
Phase 3
sends a vinyl record with a hidden track
his hummed rendition of “Winter Bear”
label reads: “For the girl who hears my silence.”
Month 1-5:
exchanging objects and stories
nicknames you “Time Traveler” in his notes
Month 6
you find a script titled “The Boy in the Beret”
a play about a man who falls for a stranger’s words
final page: “Auditions: Tomorrow. 7 PM. Bring the teacup.”
Month 7
the shop’s annual “Nostalgia Night”
he wears the saxophone pin you gifted him
you arrive with his Gucci scarf
owner smiles: “Took you two long enough.”
Beret Code
wears a red beret on days he plans to leave you something
nod to his fashion
Secret Stash
hides cocoa in the shop’s fridge for you
labeled “For the Writer’s Block.”
Vinyl Clue
his “Winter Bear” vinyl has a scratched groove that plays “I purple you” when spun backward
leaves a BT21 Tata keychain with a note:
“Found this alien. Think it’s yours.”
When You Confront Him
“You think this is a game? I’ve been writing us into existence since day one.”
First Date
takes you to a silent film screening
whispers: “Dialogue is overrated. Just feel it.”
“I collect vintage souls. But you… you’re timeless.”
Competitive Synergy, Digital to Real-Life Bond
online multiplayer game called Arena Legends
players worldwide compete in team-based strategy battles
Jungkook, a top-ranked player, goes by the alias GoldenJK
you’re a rising star known as Valkyrie
notorious for your unorthodox tactics
the game’s algorithm pairs you as rivals in ranked matches
your playstyles clash yet complement perfectly
aggression meets precision
game’s AI assigns you as Nemesis Partners
= rare status where rivals share exclusive challenges
each victory unlocks a personalized clue about the other player
Jungkook’s clues hint at his art
“A rabbit doodle in the killfeed”
yours tease your love for indie music
“A lyric snippet in the chat log”
His Gaming Traits
Aggressive yet strategic
dominates matches with bold moves
always protects teammates
leaves golden bunny emojis in the chat after wins
Your Gaming Traits
creative sabotage
use map glitches and unexpected combos
posts montages titled “How to Outsmart a Golden Bunny.”
secretly drop song lyrics as taunts:
“You’re my favorite mistake.”
Nemesis Partner chat room
unlocked after your 10th match
What He Says
“ValkyrieV. Your playstyle… it’s like watching abstract art. Chaotic. Beautiful.”
sends a bunny emoji
“Why the lyric spam? You a BTS fan or just trying to distract me?”
winks via emoji
His Thoughts
“She’s ruthless. But when she revives teammates? Soft. I need to know her IRL.”
Phase 1
creates a custom map titled “Rabbit Hole”
hidden ARMY references
final clue: “Find me where the sky is purple.”
= his favorite Seoul rooftop
Phase 2
sends you a mystery USB drive containing a game mod.
transforms his avatar into a golden knight
guarding a pixel-art version of your hometown
Phase 3
challenges you to an IRL match at a PC bang
shows up wearing a bunny hoodie
controller in hand: “No avatars. Just us.”
Week 1-4
toxic rivalry turns into respectful banter
screenshares his art mid-match
you play “Euphoria” over voice chat
Month 2
you team up for a charity tournament
his avatar sacrifices itself to save yours
“Why’d you do that?!”
“Couldn’t let my nemesis die.”
Month 3
invites you to his studio
you find a painting of your ValkyrieV avatar
caption: “My Greatest Opponent. My Only Equal.”
Gamer Tag Easter Egg
username GoldenJK rearranges to “Jungkook Loves ARMY.” later
IRL Clues
wears a BT21 Cooky keychain during streams
you gift him a golden bunny sticker for his laptop
Secret Mod
codes a private server
your avatars dance to “Still With You” under pixelated stars
Post-Win Ritual
sends you banana milk deliveries with notes:
“For the victor. Next time, though…”
During a Match
“You fight like you’ve got everything to lose. Why?”
“Because I hate losing to rabbits.”
First IRL Meet
“You’re… shorter than your avatar.”
“And you’re exactly as cocky as yours.”
“I used to play to win. Now I play to hear you laugh.”
#bts fanfic#bts imagines#bts#bts army#magicshopstories#bangtan fanfic#bts headcanons#bts soulmate au#bts au#namjoon imagine#jin imagines#suga imagine#yoongi imagine#jimin imagine#jhopeimagine#taehyung imagine#jungkook imagine#suga headcanons#yoongiheadcanons#bts fluff#bts x reader#bts x you#bts x y/n#bts namjoon#bts jimin#bts jungkook#bts jin#bts jhope#bts jk#bts yoongi
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do you write anymore? would you ever write gelphie fic? you were always my favorite supercorp writer, and i was pleased to see you're a gelphie fan. would love to see your take on it !
Never say never but I'm not really in the habit of writing anymore. But I do love gelphie!! Elphaba Thropp the character of all time. She's green she's autistic she's bisexual she's literally Oz's most wanted. She's allergic to water and love and sincerity and shutting up and keeping quiet.
Anyway to tide you over here are my all time favorite fic recs:
The Last True Eminent Thropp by Ridiculous Mavis for bookverse political thriller/romantic romp with incredible style and flow and whip smart dialogue and pitch perfect characterization. Or The Brave and the Vulnerable for an extended version of the trip to the Emerald City featuring the most poignant illustration of falling in love. Or The Thrill, Basis Determined for an assortment of delightful bookverse moments. Or anything else by the author, really.
Unadulterated Something by Throppsicle for classic musicalverse roommates to playful enemies to friends to lovers to political prisoners to fugitives. With a fantastic Galinda voice throughout.
The Love Club by OrkButch for modern-ish bookverse flatmates AU that's incredibly, intrinsically queer and certainly not shy to put you (and the characters) through the emotional wringer. Full of feelings, authentic and intense with absolutely incredible art to go along with it.
And some newer, equally excellent recs:
attrition by haline for an epic bookverse adventure featuring nunneries, fugitives, and reluctant co-parenting; or silk chiffon for movieverse idiots to lovers featuring Galinda's gay moms, architecture nerdery, and There Were Actually Two Beds But They Shared One Anyway. haline has a real gift for embodying the characters to absolute perfection, each version of them in its own distinct way, with the smartest snappiest most believable dialogue to go along with it. And always so much love.
'Study' Partners by GenericOregairuFan for the most insane misunderstanding of all time, featuring blisteringly funny dialogue, insane platonic intimacy, and one of my favorite fanfic tropes (one of them thinking they're dating while the other has no clue). Simultaneously absurd and fully believable, masterfully executed, and so much fun.
Demystified by Looktotheedges for a movieverse retelling that is so incredibly full of heart, with the most thoughtful characterization and an incredible commitment to fleshing out all the relationships and giving each of them their place. This fic made me like Pfannee as an actual character. The first couple of chapters seem a bit too close to canon, but give it a shot, it really develops beautifully.
i imagine my thumbs on the irises by cinnamonfiglatte for the highly likely scenario that you left the movie with an intense desire to see Galinda duel Elphie's father to the death. And then kiss Elphie passionately. And also Galinda has gay moms.
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Shifters - Part 5
The finale of the Shifters series, in which some of the Scions get roped into the potion experiments...
For reference, R'alma and Thancred historically do not get along very well at all. R'alma is holding on to a nasty grudge.
Also, maybe pay attention to the dialogue tags in this one.... 😏
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
And that is the end of the Shifters series! There are several more VNs to come that springboard off of this bit of lore established here, tho, so I hope you are looking forward to it.
Also the final pose for this set was really good but didn't fit in the frame, so I was unfortunately unable to include it in the VN proper, but please enjoy these alternate angles...
#ffxiv#gposers#ktisis pose#reshade#RalmaPresets#visual novel#wolnpc#wolgraha#r'alma/g'raha#r'alha#r'alma lore#sorry for subjecting you to such mischief Thancred#the dialogue for this one was fun to write#and even more fun to pose tbh#also there's a special little detail in this one re: R'alma's pants#see if you notice the subtle difference#Yes he is wearing different pants than normal I'll give you that for free#but there's something else....
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happy wyllstarion wednesday! here's a short comic I drew for a server gift exchange 🤍❤️
#baldur's gate 3#wyllstarion#this was very fun to write/draw and I hope you can catch all of the like. subtleties I tried to put in the dialogue and expressions#also let me know if you need anything tagged?#needles cw#just in case but absolutely nothing graphic shown#f#also no one @ me if any of this is medically inaccurate there’s yaoi happening on screen. focus
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a couple of people told me the comic i made reminded them of A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacmuffin, so i had to draw a scene from it
#it’s one of my fav fics#go read it rn!!!#also this used to be in color but it looked like ass so i made it monochrome#it was so fun drawing a comic i’m not used to adapting dialogue that i didn’t write myself#drawing and coloring the same charas over and over is tough tho..#me when jason todd is vulnerable#my art#tim drake#tim drake fanart#jason todd#jason todd fanart#batfam#batfam fanart#batfamily#batfamily fanart#batman#batman comics#dc#dc comics#batman fanfic#red hood#red hood fanart#red robin#red robin fanart
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Thanks for the tag Daezy!! this is actually so fun PLS KEEP TAGGING ME
5 things you might find in a story of mine...
1. Five senses descriptions. I try as much as I can to put in five senses cuz I feel like it's one of the best literary device, because it's much easier to immerse yourself in a story when it says "The cold water woke her up as she splashed it in her face, along with the stream of water from the faucet" instead of just "she washed her face". Sure metaphors and similies are amazing (especially when they're well made) but five senses are direct from experience.
2. Complicated emotions. I love writing them as simply as I can to convey the complication of them, or just physical reactions. These kinds of emotions are best described with not saying the type of emotions outright, because they are complicated emotions. There is something to be said about "melancholy curiosity" vs a vampire reaching his hand out to the rays of the sun.
3. Dialogue. Writing dynamics between two characters that I know by heart is the best thing, from their subtle shifting of their weight to scratching their head. Also the way they talk, the way they perceive the other person. Most of all when the body language and background isn't relevant at all, and just a few lines of plain dialogue. There's so many underlying depths to a conversation, and you can use many different types to convey many different emotions.
4. Angst. Characters and situations are ALWAYS much more interesting with a bit of sadness and drama and backstory. Especially because those are some of the biggest deciding factors of why the characters do what they do and say what they say. Everything in their life impacts the characters' entire identity, and so does their hurt and survival. I love spicing shit up like that.
5. Akashi Seijuro. I write mostly for Knb so I find myself sometimes sneaking my love Sei in there just for fun, unless it's like a request that has a specific character. Because why not lmfao I love talking and writing about him.
Tags: @chosenimagines @lamnwar @tetsunabouquet IDK I'M BLANKING ON WHO TO TAG IF U SEE THIS CONSIDER URSELF TAGGED
✏️ writer’s tag game ✏️
thank you for the tag @chunkymonkey 🩶
5 things you might find in a story of mine....
LOTS of internal monologues
a man somewhere, undoubtedly pining
gratuitous angst
absolutely fucking massive sentences split with em dashes and semicolons
bouncing on it in a way that is fundamental to the plot
tagging @vspin, @pheedraws, @shalfea, @lilac-lich, @lylakoi, & anyone else who sees this 🫵
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I’m a big proporter of “k_k isn’t stupid he just likes to act like it bc he thinks it funny to make people mad or confused”. and other such doodles of him
if you ship scc go away👍
references for the last one under the cut

#the art gallery#deltarune#scc#yknow that tweet or whatever it was from toby fox where he said it was practically addictive to write sans and papyrus’ dialogue like t#like they could continue a conversation twice as longer than he intended bc it was just so fun to write them. that’s scc for me#I’m specifically talking abt the hot dog in the microwave one here
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Hi, i can’t help but request this because you write so beautifully.
So I just had the idea of a former ballerina being sacrificed to Sukuna. She does her work good and gracefully but she longs for old times where she was able to dance and feel like she’s flying again. So she does it in the evening in Sukunas garden. He of course notices and as culture lover he is he makes her his personal dancer. And a cute lil love story forms from this scenario.
I would be so thankful if you form this to a proper story because i don’t have enough imagination. Love your work
Thank you for the compliment! I apologize in advance for my butchered descriptions of dance scenes and hope you like what I came up with anyways <3
Swan Lake
Sukuna x Reader
Word count: 6.3k
Tags/warnings: gn! reader but the words maid, whore and bitch are used, true form! sukuna, bullying, fluff with a very brief and soft smut scene at the end!
Sukuna doesn't care where his servants come from. People get offered to him all the time, and he takes them when he feels his palace is understaffed. And that happens quite often, considering how eagerly Sukuna gets rid of his servants for the smallest inconveniences. His staff is disposable to him, having no value beyond the services they provide him with.
So he doesn't know about your past. He doesn't know you were once an esteemed entertainer. He doesn't know that you were touring the world, sharing your art with audiences of all different classes and ranks in society. He doesn't know you were once the star of the stage, hypnotizing people with the fluidity of your movements in rhythm with the music. He doesn't know you were snatched from fame, taken against your will and brought to him to pay your capturer's debt. You're not sure he's even properly looked at you, much less heard your capturer tell him who you are. You were that worthless to him.
Now you are but a maid. You spend your days on your knees, mopping blood soaked floors. At night, you share chambers with dozens of other servants. Privacy is a foreign concept in Sukuna's palace. You are not entitled to it even in the bathroom. Everything is shared for the servants. There's no space for you to even try to indulge in your beloved profession, even as a hobby. Except...
The garden. Most servants are in bed, prepared to sleep, but your eyes linger on the windows. In every way, going to the garden would be to your own detriment. Losing sleep was dangerous, it could lead to getting caught slacking off, or being ratted out about it. And the consequences for that... well. One could only imagine it wouldn't be a simple slap on the wrist.
Still, you longed for this. The work you did during the day drained you, it was repetitive and soulless. You weren't made to clean floors. You were made to dance, it was your destiny. Since childhood, you don't remember a period of time as long as this one, where you haven't had the opportunity to enjoy your passion. Tears stung your eyes as this revelation found you. Every day, you could feel your life slipping through your fingers. You were alive, but your energy, your liveliness, your personality, all of it was dissipating in the pools of blood you were forced to clean.
''Can you be quiet? Some of us are trying to sleep.'', a servant who sleeps in the bed next to yours snaps you out of your thoughts. You are sobbing. You apologize quickly, and snuggle in bed, trying to muffle the noises against your deflated pillow.
But sleep just doesn't take you that night. You grow more and more frustrated, as time passes and you toss and turn in bed. Eyes wide open, fixed to the window across you. The garden lures you, calls for you. Damn it. You have to try. This is not much of a life anyways, you think. Sooner or later Sukuna or Uraume would find faults in what you're doing anyways, and you'd be served for dinner. You don't exactly have a lot to lose.
Sneaking out of the chambers is easy. You spent your whole life on your tippy toes. No one moves in their sleep as you cross the room, open the door and slide through the crack. Quietly, you make your way around the mansion. Outside, you're greeted by a light summer breeze. The garden is eerily peaceful, lit by the moonlight in this late hour.
You start to warm up, hopping, circling your neck, swinging your legs. Feeling the stretches in muscles you forgot you had. The grass tickles your legs as you splay across the ground and reach for your feet. Then stand and shift your weight to your toes, feeling out how rusty you've gotten in the time you've missed out on practicing. It's not too bad.
So you start out slow. The music plays in your head and you mouth silently, counting the rhythm. Your eyes are glued to the ground, you're trying not to trip and fall on the uneven surface. Your movement feels as smooth as it did before, but you can't see yourself in the mirror to check your form. You close your eyes, surrendering to the cadence of your motions. The music carries you, and as you turn into a poised second arabesque, time seems to slow. It's only a moment, but when you turn back to continue...
Slam. So hard you start to fall back, but his arms catch you around the waist. If you weren't scared out of your mind you would've wondered how did he even show up there without you noticing. But of course, he's Sukuna. You look at him with eyes so wide you think they may fall out, and he stares back with an amused smirk. Then he bites the air in front of you, clanking his sharp teeth together, and you scream in response. His hand flies to your mouth in an instant and he shuts you up.
"Quiet now. You wouldn't want to wake your colleagues up, would you?", he tilts his head, observing your terrified expression. "Or do you want everyone to slack off with you tomorrow?"
"I-I won't slack off I promise!!!", you panic, hands shaking as you bring them up in a defensive stance. Tears pool in your eyes as you stare death in the face. He is... weirdly beautiful, lit by the moonlight. And he holds you sturdily, but gently. It doesn't hurt. And he doesn't seem particularly mad.
"Is that so?", he asks. There's a smile on his face, but it feels dangerous, threatening. Like everything else about him. "Then just what do you think you're doing outside at this hour?"
"I was- I was dancing -", you stutter, struggling to form coherent sentences. Why are you so close to him? You're pulled flush against him. You can almost feel his -
"I didn't know I had a dancer in my ranks. Why didn't you say so?", he says, and surprisingly lets go of you.
You're so sure he's playing with his food. You're so sure he's going to slice you into pieces. You've already crossed so many lines, broken so many rules. You look to the ground, only now remembering eye contact with him was strictly forbidden.
"Speak.", he growls, audibly irritated by your refusal to reply.
You didn't think he was genuinely asking. What the hell are you supposed to say? Why didn't you say so? Maybe because you wanted to see the light of day again? "I ... A lowlife such as myself has no place speaking to your Highness.", you duck your head low in an apologetic manner. And he seems satisfied, smiling playfully again. Except you don't see it, you feel it. Sukuna's presence pulls the most demeaning, self-depricating things out of people's mouths.
"Humble.", he comments and walks a couple steps around you. He's huge. "Go on then, dance for me."
You stand frozen. It's not that you're ashamed... you've performed for audiences bigger than you ever could've imagined. But the weight of his stare is harder to bear than that of hundreds. And the stakes are higher than ever. He has to like it, or else...
"Dance!", he orders sternly, and crosses his arms over his chest. So you give it your all. Remembering where he interrupted you, you get back into position and start. Dance. Your life depends on it, doesn't it? Well if there's one thing you can do to save your life it should be this.
But it's not like before. Fear seeps into every muscle in your body, and your movements are unsure. Every jump is fleeting, every landing shaky. Tears blur your vision, and it's so hard to keep your breathing steady when you're struggling not to cry. But you're a ballet dancer, you were trained to endure. You finish the variation, cross your legs and gracefully bow.
Sukuna watches intently with narrowed eyes, like a predator stalking his prey. You can't see the sly smile on his face, but you can feel it.
"I apologize, your Highness.", your voice trembles. "It wasn't my best."
Sukuna huffs in amusement and waves his hand dismissively. "Go to sleep.", he orders.
You bow before him again, and quickly turn back towards the mansion. You don't feel relief from his piercing stare until you disappear behind a corner in the hallway.
You can't shake the feeling when you're back in your bed, snuggled in the sheets up to your eyes. You just survived a close encounter with Sukuna. And he must've liked what he saw at least a little bit, if you're still alive.
The next morning, you wake up and start getting ready for work with the other servants. The bathroom is busy, and as there's little else to do in the servant circles, gossiping starts immediately.
"Did you hear the scream last night?", the servant taking up the sink next to yours says, tapping foundation into her skin.
"Screams come from Sukuna's chambers all the time. It must be a new pet getting used to him.", another one replies. You shiver.
"Everyone knows how that sounds. This was different!", the two maids exchange a look.
The second rolls her eyes. "So, he killed someone. Nothing new.", she shakes her head.
"No. Uraume would've called someone to clean it up immediately.", the first servant continues. You really, really wish they would just drop it, until... "Hey you.", she turns to you. "Your bed was empty last night, did you hear anything?"
Your blood runs cold. "I was... feeling sick. And went to the bathroom.", you say quickly. "I probably couldn't hear... over the sound of throwing up."
"Hm.", both of them look at you now. "Well you look sick too.", one of them says. "Be careful with work today.", then they finish up and leave. You breathe a sigh of relief and finish up getting ready.
The next few days pass spotlessly. You don't cross paths with Sukuna. But some nights, you feel his presence in the garden. You stretch and practice simple movements in the bathroom, when no one's around. And the variations, you save them for the garden. At night. The only time you feel alive, the only time you feel like yourself. Human. Free. You think you might just get away with no one knowing, but then...
He walks past you and another maid while you're scrubbing the floors in the hallway. Both of you freeze as he passes by, assuming a submissive position and greeting him. You pray he won't notice, pray he won't know you by your voice, but he stops. Right by you, and then there's a moment of silence. He lifts his foot, touching your chin, and nudges you to look at him.
"Oh.", you watch his stern expression soften. "It's a shame for a talent like yourself to waste away on their knees.", he says. You look to the servant next to you, and she mouths a silent 'what?' as she turns her head in your direction.
You swallow your shame. It's not the first time you had to in front of Sukuna. "Its an honor to serve you, your Highness, even if it's on my knees.", you say.
Sukuna hums. "What a good servant you are.", an amused smile graces his face once again. "Well, get to rubbing then.", he nudges your face back downwards with his foot, and walks away.
You and the servants keep rubbing intensively, until he's out of sight and a couple minutes have passed. Then she grabs you by your shoulders and gives you a look that is both terrified and angry. "You did what with Sukuna?", she asks.
You frown, offended. Why does everyone in this mansion immediately think of that? "He knows I'm a dancer.", you say simply and look back to the floor, rage brewing in your chest.
"When did you do it. Was it you screaming? Oh my god it was!", the revelation hits the servant and she puts her hands on her cheeks, looking at you in shock.
"It wasn't me!!", you lie, agitation showing in your voice.
"Does he really have two dicks?", she asks.
You drain the washing rug and smack her in the face with it. "You disgusting pervert, how dare you ask that about your master!"
"You hit me! Whore!", she smacks you back, but harder, and her rag is full of dirty water.
"I'm not a whore!!", you cry, and wipe your face with your dirty, wet hands.
"Dancer. Yeah right, I can only imagine!", she throws the wet rag on you, and it sits on your lap, soaking you in the nasty liquid. "And you're a liar too! How shameless!"
"What is this commotion about?", a voice calls from the back of the hallway, and you turn around with teary eyes. Uraume looks like a blob of white in your vision, nonetheless they're recognizable.
"Tell them! You hit me, you little bitch!", the servant slaps your shoulder. You don't have it in you to fight back. The injustice pains your heart, and you can't bear the embarrassment.
Uraume smirks, noting your disheveled appearance. Your whole uniform is soaked now, even your hair. There's a pool of water forming around you as the liquid seeps out of the rags. "Clean this mess immediately. Master will be notified of this issue.", they say, and walk past the two of you.
The servant looks at you with contempt burning in her eyes. Then spits in front of you. "Clean.", she says, takes the rag you hit her with and starts cleaning.
Sukuna sees you that evening. He sits on his throne, head in his hand, and looks down on you and the other servant. He hides his inner smile, the joy he takes in executing power over others. And it's you again. He asks what this is about, and the servant wastes no time pointing her finger at you, saying you hit her first.
Sukuna's critical stare turns to you. ''Is that true?'', he asks, scanning you from head to toe, noting the state you're in. He's not particularly happy to see you like that.
You timidly nod, admitting your fault in the situation. Your stare is fixed to the ground, where dirty water drips down from your soaked clothes. You smell, and look like a rat, all of that in front of Sukuna. You wish the ground would swallow you whole and spare you this humiliation.
But he knows you. You've captivated him. Otherwise he wouldn't have cared to ask if you have anything to say in your defense. You tell him, omitting the details of her perverse question, you simply say she was slandering his holy name.
Sukuna moves, leaning his elbows on his knees. You care about his name? How lovely. So what is this slanderous thing his servants fought about?
Silence. You and the servant exchange uncomfortable looks. If there was one thing the both of you could agree on for the day, it was that repeating it in front of him was too vulgar. With that, Sukuna quickly grows bored with the situation. When he raises his hand, both of you flinch, expecting immediate punishment. However, nothing happens when he flicks his fingers. You're dismissed.
Quickly, both of you scurry away, leaving the throne room and going back to your jobs. The rest of the day is harrowing. The rumor spreads among the servants quickly, and you are the butt of every joke. You hear whispering and giggling behind your back, and everyone's stares linger on you as you go about your day. The culmination happens next morning, when the servants are getting ready in the bathroom, and the insults start getting more direct.
''Show us how you dance for Sukuna, why don't you?''
''Did you take both at the same time?''
''He didn't like you very much if you're still working as a servant.''
And then everyone goes quiet. When you turn around, you see Uraume at the door, their eyes fixed on you. ''Come.'', they say quietly, and leave without waiting for you to catch up. Well, it seems your punishment is due. You gladly leave the bathroom and follow them down the hall, anything is better than spending another second with the other servants. But now that you think of it, where is the servant that shares your punishment? Have you even seen her this morning? Or after the meeting with Sukuna at all?
You turn a couple corners, and stop at the end of the hallway. Uraume opens the doors to a room, and ushers you inside. What is this? It's furnished. Modestly, but... You open your mouth to ask a question, but you're quickly cut off.
''Make yourself at home.'', they say, and turn their attention to you.
''What about my things?'', you ask, looking around the room, then back to Uraume.
''You won't need them. Do you have good table manners?''
''Uhh.. yeah... I think.''
''Great. You dine with Master Sukuna tonight.''
''Your outfit is on the bed, be ready by sunset. I'll come to pick you up.''
Then the door closes and you're left alone in your new room. This isn't what a punishment should look like. Not when a beautiful kimono waits on your bed. Not when there's a barre fixed onto a mirrored wall, and there's a box on the ground, and when you open it, you find pointe shoes. Multiple pairs. He didn't know what size to get you. Ribbons, a sewing kit, glue, scissors... everything you need to break them in. Under that, a simple black leotard and a wrap skirt. By all means... this looks more like a reward.
You try everything on, find the perfect pair of shoes, and test them. It's not a big room, but there's enough space for you to practice with the bar. For the first time in so long, time passes quick. You're doing something you enjoy. It feels like in a blink of an eye, your shadow gets long on the wall opposing the window, and you have to get ready for dinner. You put the kimono on to the best of your ability - you don't have the opportunity to wear it often as a servant, being usually restrained in a uniform. And then reality hits you. Sukuna wants to have you over for dinner. This... is this a date? Unless he was planning to eat you, but you suppose he wouldn't have bought you shoes and furnished a room specially for you if that was the case... Come to think of it, what are you eating tonight?
Uraume knocks on the door, and takes a long look at you when you open. They fix your collar and nod, taking off down the hallway and expecting you to follow. They lead you to the dining room, vast and expensively furnished. You hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears. You only let your eyes explore for a second, before you fix them back to the ground and lower your head in Sukuna's presence.
''Your Highness.'', you bow in his direction.
''Master from now on.'', he says, and stands up to greet you. Master. You've only heard Uraume, and occasionally his pets, when he'd walk by with them, call him this by this... less formal title. He towers over you as his hand touches your shoulder, urging you to turn around. You follow obediently, making a circle and displaying your outfit.
He hums in approval. "Suits you much better than a cleaning uniform.", he says, and pulls your chair out for you to sit. You mutter a quiet thank you and sit down, already overwhelmed by the interaction.
He sits on the other side of the table, facing you. You can't bear the intense eye contact, and the silence that spreads across the room. Your eyes are fixed to your hands in your lap. ''Don't be shy now. I didn't invite you to sit there and be quiet. I reserve such duties for my pets.'', he breaks the silence.
''Master. Sharing a meal with you is a privilege, and I want to thank you for that. I'm not sure I'm deserving of it, though, and how my company may be of use to you.''. The kitchen servants scatter around the table, bringing food and pouring drinks. Various appetizers decorate the table, and only now do you notice you're hungry. You shyly pick the foods that catch your eye the most.
And your humility draws out a smile from him. ''You are an artist. And I am a man who takes great joy in consuming art.'', he says, and taps his finger against his glass, watching you pick. He's getting to know you, through your taste in food.
''I didn't know that about you.'', you say and look to your plate. You feel your hand shaking as you reach for the cutlery. You know Sukuna is judging every move. He was in your territory when you were dancing, now you're on his. And he will recognize the smallest mistake.
''Oh.'', his tone changes. It sounds like he didn't particularly like that comment. He finishes chewing. ''Did you take me for a savage?'', he narrows his eyes. More food is brought to the table, plates come and go quickly as the conversation progresses, and the tension grows.
You stutter, reading his volatile mood. ''I've only heard rumors.''.
He huffs in amusement again. ''I've heard rumors about you too.'', he says, leaning into the table. ''To be fair, I was asking around.''. So he took interest in you. ''They say you were the best there was, until you got captured.''
You chew slowly, taking his story in. He continues. ''They asked about you. Asked if I knew where you are. I said no.''. Sukuna watches as you grow visibly distressed by the mentions of your team. ''The best there is? What a wonderful prize. I'd rather keep you to myself.''. Oh. So that's what this is about. He gets off on the thought of owning you, the best there is, just for himself. You curse whoever told him about you. ''You showed me your worst, and mesmerized me. I want you to show me your best. Dance for me. Convince me you're worth my patronage.''.
The servants bring the main dish, and your head droops, stare fixed into the finely decorated red meat. You touch it with your cutlery, feeling it's texture. Sukuna eyes you as you cut a slice and bring it to your mouth, expectantly waiting for your reaction. You chew slowly, savoring the taste, but your expression is puzzled. ''What is this?'', you ask. And to make sure it doesn't sound like you're unhappy, you cut another slice. Truthfully, the food is incredible, but... you can't quite place the meat.
Sukuna bares his sharp teeth in a grin. ''Veal.''.
The conversation steers into a different direction then, and you quickly forget about how powerless you felt just moments ago. Sukuna is nothing like you've imagined him. He's right, you did take him for a savage. After all, everything you've heard about him pointed to a monster, who only took pleasure in wreaking havoc and destruction. Now, you find him to be eloquent, knowledgeable, and quite sophisticated. In a way, he appears similar to the other people you've met through your job. But way more powerful, and with it, way more intriguing.
Once again, time passes quickly, slipping through your fingers. The dinner is over, and you're facing Sukuna at the door. He seems to be pleased with your company, if you can read his face at all. ''Should I consider my offer accepted?'', he inquires. ''Everything will be provided for you. You just have to dance.''.
Well, it doesn't sound half bad, does it? You're not sure if the terms of the offers convinced you, or his presentation during the dinner. It might just be him. He made you feel you wouldn't be a jester, but a respected entertainer. And not for just anyone, but for a man as thoughtful and cultured as Sukuna proved himself to be. ''For you, gladly. Master.'', you smile at him. And he smiles back, taking your small hand into his, and planting a soft kiss to your fingers. You bow to him, wish him a good night, and you part ways.
Later, in your new bed, you find yourself replaying the interaction. Tracing his features in your memory. It's the first time you've had the chance to observe him, without fear of consequences. And he was beautiful. So elegant in the way he dressed and carried himself. Like a true king.
From then on, life in Sukuna's mansion is a game. Sukuna courts you in his dining room, feeding you delicacies from all around the world Foods that are hard and expensive to come by, that you've never heard of before. He courts you with the things he allows you to do, and the gifts he gives you. You dance and eat and walk around his garden and library. You don't dine with him every night, but when you do, rest assured that a new outfit is waiting for you in your room when you get back from practice.
And you court him on the floor, with feathery leaps that leave him on the edge of his seat, and dizzying turns that force him to focus all four eyes on you. You court him when you finish the variation by bowing before him, on one knee, a breath away from where he's sitting. And when you look up at him, he sees a lover rather than a personal dancer. Even though he's never touched you, or pressed his lips to yours.
There is love in the foods he picks for you specifically to enjoy, and there is love in the way you let him watch you practice. Even if you mess up, misstep and fall out of rhythm. Even if you stumble and fall in the most unceremonious of ways. There is vulnerability in letting him see you fail. It only happens a handful of times, but when you slip before him, you feel more naked than you would ever feel with your clothes off. And the relationship that the two of you foster grows intimate, despite the formal distance you keep from each other.
And that distance closes in, one day when Sukuna is there during a particularly nasty fall. You yelp when you hit the ground, and reach for your ankle, checking for injury. You only notice Sukuna when you feel his hand on your shoulder, and his brows furrowed in worry as his head looms over you. Your eyes meet for a moment, and you're hypnotized. Then you look away quickly, feeling your face heat up from the closeness.
''It's nothing.'', you say, and look down.
''Sure?'', Sukuna asks and stands up. You nod, and he offers you a pair of his hands, to help you stand. You take them, and he hoists you up effortlessly. And now you're face to face with his chest, and you're still holding his hands... ''That should to for today.'', he says, and when you look at him, there's a tender smile on his face. It sounds like a suggestion, but you've learned Sukuna is subtle about giving you orders. You nod, dust yourself off and untie your shoes.
That night, you recall his touch on your skin. Long fingernails ghosting over your shoulder, sending shivers through your whole body. You never expected Sukuna to have it in him to be gentle. But, that wouldn't be the first time he's broken the mold you thought he fit. And now in the cold of night, you find yourself craving him.
The next time you're invited to dinner, the tension is almost unbearable. ''Aren't you a sight to behold?'', he tells you when he welcomes you into the room. He always gives you compliments, but tonight they weigh heavy on your heart. You look across the table and curse every plate and glass that stands between the two of you. You look at him with quiet longing, and you think he knows. Because his smile is victorious, almost teasing. And when you accidentally hit his leg under the table, you start to credit it less to his size, and more to him deliberately crossing into your space. Subtlety is not a word you ever thought you'd attribute to Sukuna, but it seems this is the way you've established communication. You resist the instinct to remove your leg apologetically. So they stay touching.
Unfortunately, this little interaction slowly turns your brain into mush. By the last bite, your hand is trembling and you know you don't have the precision to pick up the last piece of food with your chopsticks. So you leave it on the plate, and wait for a moment when Sukuna is at least a little bit distracted, to attempt eating it again.
But such a thing doesn't happen. Today, he looks at you like you're the food on his plate. "Come on, eat it.", he nods in your direction. You can't read his expression, but it seems benevolent.
"I'm so full.", you make up an excuse.
"Just one strip.", he nudges your leg under the table, and you flinch, cheeks heating up.
"I.. I think I'll combust.", lies.
"I'll be offended.", Sukuna plays along with your game.
"Ah...", he wins, and you pick up your chopsticks with shaky hands. But as hard as you try, the little piece of food keeps escaping you, traveling through the plate.
"What makes you so flustered today?", he asks. "Is it the leg?". You blink at the plate, and feel your face going as red as the wine in your glass. "Come.", he waves his finger at you. You lean into the table, used to following his commands. And in no time, he is looming over your plate, one hand picking the last piece of your food with his chopsticks, and the other gently taking hold of your chin, nudging your mouth open. You part your lips obediently, and he places the bit onto your tongue, never breaking eye contact. His face is mere centimeters away from yours, observing you as you chew.
And the moment you've swallowed, and opened your mouth for air, he seizes you in a kiss. Slow, as he tastes your lips, and lets you adjust and catch up with him. He feels you go tense with the initial shock, then relax in his hold and kiss him back. His tongue brushes past your lips, and you think you'll sink right through your chair, and into the earth beneath the floor. The taste, the smell of him, so expensive and intoxicating. If this moment could last forever -
Foolish you. So much stress and tension, and you barely notice how quickly it passes. , how quickly his lips leave yours. His eyes scan your face, making sure you're alright, and then he's back in his chair. "There.", he says, "Have something to be flustered about."
That night, you think about his lips, slipping away from yours and moving to your neck, collarbones, shoulders. Not stopping until they've explored your whole body and touched your soul.
In the meantime, you practice your chosen choreography to perfection. And when you're standing in his throne room and awaiting the music, and your deciding performance to start, it's the first time in a while that you recognize feeling nervous. Uraume is there too, and his other disciples and guests. But he is the only one that matters. The only one your life depends on. Although the times when your life was truly on the line are long gone, Sukuna is still your patron, and now it's your turn to either satisfy or disappoint him.
The music starts, and the nervousness wanes as you start dancing. Sukuna's gaze is heavy, critical. He's seen you do this times and times already, but now it's final. Now, he's telling you, ''Bewitch me.''. Now, you're joining it together, one seamless show just for his enjoyment. And with every spin, you keep your eyes fixed on him. Enticing him with your movement, seducing him.
And for once, time passes quick for Sukuna as well. He finds himself lost in your dance. In your quick glances, in the way your body moves, contorts, withstands your weight on your tippy toes with so much grace and fluidity. You make it look easy. You nail the landing you failed so many times before his very eyes, perfectly, effortlessly. He almost wonders if you fell intentionally when he was watching you. And he's captivated. By the end of your performance, you earn his smile. You earn the clap of his hands, you even earn his standing ovation. The king himself, honoring you with the highest form of praise.
''It takes quite a performer, to entertain a crowd all by oneself.'', he comments later, over dinner. ''You've convinced me. You're worth keeping.''
''And when I can't dance anymore?'', you ask.
''You'll still be able to eat with me.'', he says.
At the doors, he bends down to kiss you again. You anticipate it, and accept it, kneading your hands through his hair. He asks if you're tired, and you shake your head no. He asks if you want to come with him. Yes, please yes, you've wanted to for so long. You almost thought he'd never ask. Again, his face lights up in a victorious smile.
He walks you through the halls, to his quarters of the mansion. Vast, and decorated with various works of art. They hang on the wall, or stand on the cupboards in forms of statues of various sizes. Sukuna likes to collect things, if that wasn't evident by your presence in the mansion.
''You're dragging behind. Did you have a change of heart?'', he asks, and extends his hand towards you. You step closer, and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. You're standing at the doors of his bedroom.
''I was just admiring the interior.'', you smile at him, and take it upon yourself to cross the doorstep. His bedroom overlooks the garden, through a tall set of windows, little plants sitting on his windowsill. And his bed is massive. You think it could fit four people of your size. But then again, Sukuna is not a normal sized person. Your hand finds the mattress, testing it's sturdiness. And when you turn around, he's right behind you. Towering over you, and forcing you to look up at him, like the king he is. But you're not scared. You have no reason to be.
''Lay down.'', he orders, but his voice doesn't sound stern. Still, you obey, climbing into the bed. And he follows, letting you ease into the pillows only for a moment, before he settles above you, urging your legs apart. You welcome him, finally feeling the closeness you've been craving for so long. His body, big enough to enclose you completely under him, so carefully pressed against yours. Light enough not to hurt, but heavy enough to establish power. To give you what you want, what you've craved for a very long time.
He never lets you forget whose grasp you're in. He folds your smaller body with ease, adjusting you to his liking. And you let him, trusting him with your body and pleasure. He takes you gently, slowly, making sure you're comfortable in the process. You feel so full of him, but it's not enough, not enough until all of your senses are overwhelmed with him. You feel up his muscled arms and back, wrap around him, pull him closer with every stroke, every swipe of his lips against yours. Sukuna draws the moans out of you with practiced thrust of his hips, hitting spots inside you you didn't know existed. In no time you're seeing stars - his four eyes, never leaving yours as you come apart.
And Sukuna is stoic for the most part, but by the end of it, even he is loosing his composure. Hungry moans slip past his lips, his brows furrowing as he concentrates, trying not to let out too soon. You encourage him, babbling sweet nonsense into his ear. This flustered Sukuna, completely engulfed in the chase of his own pleasure, is as close as you've come to seeing a god. Moments later, his hips still, and you feel his muscles tense as he reaches completion, deep grunts filling your ears like the sweetest music.
You lay in his embrace, and trace your fingertips over his tattoos. Your stare is fixed on him, as he tells you various anecdotes from his long lifetime. You enjoy the opportunity to admire his beauty from up close. His eyes, so unusually benevolent as they stare outside the window and turn to you from time to time, to check if you're awake. The curve of his nose, the glimpses of his sharp teeth, his strong, masculine jawline. He is an art piece on his own.
After a while, he notices you struggling to stay awake. His hand on the back of your head nudges you to lay on his chest. He whispers you a good night, and runs his hand through your hair as you drift off. It's been a long day you've dedicated entirely to him, so he finds you worthy of this special treatment. After all, it isn't often that someone claims the title of both Sukuna's personal dancer and his lover, much less in the same day.
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna#sukuna#jjk x reader#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#jjk fluff#sukuna fluff#soft sukuna#sukuna x you#see i love ballet. i even know a little bit about ballet#but WRITING ABOUT IT?? HELLLLLP#i just didnt know how to incorporate terms specific to it so everything is super vague#tons of dialogue in this one too!!#and the first fic i write where sukuna genuinely considers reader to be his equal and not a subhuman pet lol#it was fun to consider how he would act with someone like that#the dining scenes and the whole courtship thing? 100% inspired by hannibal.#dont ask me about it or i will write an essya
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Fearne had, in true Fearne fashion, wrapped herself like a personal pashmina around Dorian, which left Orym to curl into his chest.
They had slept this way dozens of times before. Fearne’s blackened fingers wrapped tightly around his forearm as she snored loudly into Dorian’s ear. Orym’s head rested on Dorian’s bicep, his arms folded together between them, and his bare feet were gingerly resting upon Dorian’s thighs just above the knees, as Dorian had coiled enough to let Fearne’s fuzzy leg stretch over his hip. They were exhausted, and this was familiar, and he should’ve been fast asleep.
But Orym’s mind buzzed.
Fearne had always been a strong source of heat, but now she was a furnace, and even without covers it was too warm. But Fearne was not the reason why Orym’s skin burned where it met Dorian’s.
He was a fucking grown man. He was fully capable of admitting that.
Admitting it didn’t change it.
Neither did it change his awareness that Dorian had been too still for the past hour, his breath too precise and measured to be natural as it fell upon Orym’s hair. Orym was not going to presume that the cause of this was the same thing afflicting him; there were plenty of other reasons Dorian would be lying awake tonight.
“My family will find your brother,” he murmured finally, and Dorian’s breath wavered for just an instant before he regained his composure and returned to his measured, singer’s breathing. It was so slight that no one else could’ve noticed it, but Orym noticed. “You said there’s a body— the Tempest can bring him back, or Fearne, honestly—“
“I know,” Dorian answered, and this too was so faint that no one but Orym could’ve heard. “I know,” he said again, as though this one was only to appease himself.
“Do you think… do you think any of Opal is still in there?”
“I don’t know. I could barely tell what was in there—“ he cut himself off. “I couldn’t even help my brother. I think Fy’ra Rai might’ve… she must’ve seen something. I hope so,” he added, inhaling, trying to capture an airy tone that he didn’t fully manage. “The Spider Queen doesn’t deserve her. She doesn’t deserve anything.”
Orym had nothing to say to this. He hadn’t cared what the gods did or didn’t deserve in weeks, but now he could see the vein of fury that sharpened Dorian’s edges. It didn’t frighten him the way it had frightened him months ago, when things had been simpler, when there was not a war to be fought. It simply saddened him. “I’m so sorry about Opal,” he said, after the silence had lingered. “But I’m,” he breathed out a single dark laugh at himself, his selfishness, “I’m real glad it wasn’t you.”
Dorian’s laugh matched his own. “I suppose that is a silver lining.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Orym admitted. It was easier to keep his voice from cracking at a whisper. “I’ve thought about seeing you again so many times— I wish the circumstances were better—“
“I’m here,” Dorian said, for the second time today. “The circumstances tried very hard to make even that impossible, but— I’m here.”
Orym pulled his arm gently out of Fearne’s grasp and raised his hand to Dorian’s cheek. It was too dark to see the tinge of lavender against his skin, but Orym could feel the warmth bloom beneath his fingers. He still couldn’t bring himself to attribute his friend’s insomnia to anything so self-serving as his own, but perhaps it was one factor.
He pulled his hand back. Was there a flash of disappointment in Dorian’s eyes? He couldn’t tell in the dark. But he brushed his fingers together, drawing upon the wellspring of life within the ground beneath this hastily-erected encampment. The Hellcatch looked like a barren wasteland to most, but that life was still present even here.
Perhaps not now, but after a rainy season, the valley would bloom with wildflowers. The seeds waited in the earth for their time to sprout. Life went on, even in the darkest of places.
He produced a small stalk of life from his hands, and held out the tiny bundle of forget-me-nots to Dorian.
He should’ve said that they were for Cyrus, to remember him by. He wanted to say that they were for Dorian himself, that a day hadn’t gone by that he hadn’t thought of him. He didn’t speak at all as Dorian’s hand wrapped around Orym’s, pinching the stem beneath his fingers but not letting go.
“Orym,” Dorian breathed, looking from the flowers to his face. Then a strange expression came over his face, a wrinkle of consternation as he stared into the middle distance. “Fearne, are you braiding my hair?”
Orym lifted his head an inch to peer past Dorian’s ear. He had noticed that the snoring had stopped, but he’d been too caught up in the conversation to process it. Fearne’s wide eyes stared back with perfect innocence, her hands indeed weaving Dorian’s hair into a loose braid.
“Just pretend I’m not here,” she whispered quickly. “I’m totally not here.”
When Orym dropped his head back to Dorian’s arm, he was met with a crooked smile. It was not meant to be disarming, but it disarmed him anyway.
“Just like old times, eh?” he said, but his hand was still around Orym’s.
Carefully, Orym moved to tuck the flower behind Dorian’s ear, bringing both of their hands with him, and then laced their fingers together instead. “No,” he said, and tucked his head so that his brow rested against Dorian’s chin, and pressed their entwined hands to his lips. “But I think that’s okay.”
#this was SUPPOSED to be a drabble that was borne out of fearne's one line of dialogue in particular lmfao#but here we are#anyway I just think they're neat okay#I don't know if I've written orym's pov but he's fun honestly#I feel like it's the exact middle point between caduceus and fjord lmao#but god. writing someone with a 30+ passive perception is uhhh a puzzle lmfao#critical role#cr spoilers#orym of the air ashari#dorian storm#fearne calloway#dorym#cr fic
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Hey y'know when the current moment is transcendently beautiful and meaningful and true, but you know that it is temporary and you can't help but feel existentially haunted by that fact. You know when you are experiencing beautiful heartrending art and you feel lost in the moment and then its over. You know how you'll experience art or human connection or a walk on a nice day and you know the sunlight on your skin will fade and you'll forget how it felt to be this warm.
You know in video games when there is one experience-definingly gleeful or touching or viscerally emotional moment that soon ends and leaves you with something more complicated, more doomed, more cyclical? You know? You know how it feels to dig your claws and teeth into a moment and try as hard as you can to feel it and to remember it and to make it part of yourself? Do you know??
#my art#okay i kind of went into an existential-dread-induced fugue state writing that. caption? whatever that was. um#hi look at my sketchbook-scrapbook spread about Beautiful and Meaningful Moments.#the pieces of it are:#• diatribe i wrote in response to an essay question in a really good uquiz about haunted houses at ~1 am after watching I Saw The TV Glow#• house of leaves exerpt (printed out via labelmaker)#(fun fact if you look at my spekta page you can see a couple tests/failed attempts at printing these labels. i reused em cause they fit him)#slay the princess dialogue#moment in Journey#moment in I Saw The TV Glow#moment in In Stars And Time#moment in Paprika#disco elysium graffiti.#and all the margin scribbling was straight off the dome except for one (1) song reference#if im remembering correctly.#ill maintag that shit why the hell not.#house of leaves#slay the princess#in stars and time#paprika (2006)#journey game#i saw the tv glow#disco elysium#i feel like fellow enjoyers of these things will Get the feeling im trying to express LMAO#bitches love the entropy of meaning
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guys i love them i promise i just have the urge to put them through the grinder sometimes
umm on the bright side here's the alternate good ending version lol!!!!!
#haiii ^_^#i didnt know whether to make a seperate post for the good ending one but it wouldve been weird so im just adding it onto here lol#op#one piece#sanji#usopp#god usopp#black leg sanji#vinsmoke sanji#sanuso#usosan#tw blood#tw injury#angst#comic#my art#mintart#ok originally i was gonna use every color but red for the first two pages and only make the butterfly red then make the last page red too#cuz yaaayyy symbolism whatever cringe and then i scrapped it cuz i love working with pink and i was nawt about to figure out#a whole new colour palette during finals week. also i have 5 minutes before class so im speed typing this LOL#anygays thanks lars for the usopp dies brainrot i HATE YOU#he's partly responsible for this actually#i hate how the colours of the last page turned out uurgghghhh im not fixing it tho bye#i like the rest of it tho >_<#i love writing dialogue but silent comics r pretty fun too#ive been doing a couple of those lately and theyve been helping me with gesture and expression practice#lol i love drawing sanji pathetic and in love#i love drawing usopp in general he's my favorite to draw ever im so glad he exists#JUST NOTICED THE LESBIAN COLOUR PALETTE UHHH NOT INTENTIONAL or maybe it could be yuri who knows. they r so very gender#i will draw sanuso yuri soon tho TRUST!!!!!!!!!
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