#the devine error au
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thedivineerror · 6 months ago
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daychanelyt · 1 year ago
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Yeh, You could say i've been workig. At first I was thinking of making this into a written story but... With how simple I made the designes? I might just make a comic blog and not like the INY2KP-VR with over complicated sprites. I am thinking about it.... I might do it. I just need to know if someone would like to see that.
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redloves · 7 months ago
Gangverse Chara Au's with their Real full names ꧂.
∙「❦」∙ Error Chara ➸✵ Sarah Lopez
∙「❦」∙ X-tale Chara ➸✵ Carlos Knight
∙「❦」∙ Killer Chara ➸✵ Anabella García
∙「❦」∙ Dust Chara ➸✵  Lina Dela lefèvre
∙「❦」∙ Horror Chara ➸✵ Elizabeth Craven
∙「❦」∙ Underfell Chara ➸✵ Maddie Alcaraz
∙「❦」∙ Mafia Frisk ➸✵  Anastasia Kuznetsov
∙「❦」∙ Revenge Chara ➸✵ Renée Roussel
∙「❦」∙ UnderTale Chara ➸✵ Surena Akashiro
∙「❦」∙ UnderSwap Chara ➸✵ Matilda Barron
∙「❦」∙ Fresh Chara ➸✵ Fresca Fulgencio
∙「❦」∙ Core Chara ➸✵ Layla Charna
∙「❦」∙ Dreamtale Chara ➸✵ Kristen Delaney Carnell
∙「❦」∙ Lust Chara ➸✵ Amia Bélange
∙「❦」∙ OuterTale Chara ➸✵ Evren Beaumont
∙「❦」∙ FlowerFell Chara ➸✵ Bianca Moss
∙「❦」∙ Ink Chara ➸✵Ramona Bonetti Lefèvre
∙「❦」∙ AfterTale Chara➸✵Iriye Birk
∙「❦」∙ LittleTale Chara ➸✵ Luan Morales
∙「❦」∙ SwapFell Chara➸✵ Delancy Devin
∙「❦」∙ ReaperTale Chara ➸✵ River Styxx
∙「❦」∙ DanceTale Chara ➸✵ Kristyn Schmidt
To be updated...
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bartholomaus · 3 days ago
Dacă visul tău este sa ai salariu mare de corporatist, sa devii CxO cu secretara si sofer. Sau visul tău e sa devii sef la stat si după pensie specială.
Asta nu e vis. E dorința de a deveni mediocru. Sa ai salar plătit de altcineva si sa ai mașina căsuța si confort de cel mult clasa medie occidentala. Si după sa mori si sa nu știe nimeni ca ai existat. Un mic birocrat care degeaba a trecut prin viața.
Visul ăla bun, adevărat, e sau sa creezi ceva (un film, o carte, o poveste, un cântec, orice) sau sa creezi o companie cu un produs doar al tău - sa ai clienti multumiti si sa poți plăti salarii la alții sau sa devii doctor/salvamontist/pompier ca sa salvezi vieți. Sau sa inventezi ceva nou, orice.
Eu nu știu copil care își dorește sa devină un simplu birocrat obedient cu leasing pe mașina si credit imobiliar. Si copiii sunt forma pura a omului înainte de a fi prostit si traumatizat de societate. ---
Omul mediu e de o prostie inimaginabilă. Colosală. Un animal ușor manipulabil - care gândește în scheme simple care îi sunt băgate în creier de alții.
Ce își dorește omul simplu:
- Să fie totul sigur și clar. Chit ca nu e posibil așa ceva
- să îi zică cineva care e schema și regulile. Rețeta pentru orice. Dacă nu are una sau primește rețete care sunt diferite - intră în stres panică . Alege una din ele și vrea să dea la cap ălora care zic altceva ca nu poate face față la așa confuzie.
- Să facă parte dintr-un grup. Unde toți gândesc la fel. Și grupul să aibă inamici - cu care să fie în conflict. Ca altfel devine plictisit, nu își găsește sensul.
De aia omul mediu REFUZĂ libertatea. Vrea o structură, o rețetă. Să meargă la birou unde să îi zică cineva ce să facă . În rest - să îi spună soțul sau sotia, biserica sau psihologul sau guru ce să facă. Altfel e pierdut.
-- >:>Omul/creierul său e programat pentru economie de resurse, de aceea preferă să evolueze într-un sistem social și nu se apucă să reinventeze totul pe cont propriu. Unii preferă să evolueze în interiorul regulilor sistemului (zestrea ideatică/cutumele societății) oricare ar fi acestea (bune-rele), alții le evaluează critic și au șansa să le schimbe/perfecționeze/evolueze / trial-and-error. În final de aceea avem alegeri din 4 în 4 ani. >?>?>? Sa fii independent/autonom nu e usor..inainte oamenii supravietuiau in grupuri. Spiritul de turmă a rămas in memoria fiecărui om. Daca grupul avea 10/25 etc de oameni si un singur lider, cati din urmasi au mostenit gene de supuși si câti de lider? E simplu...cei mai mulți sunt cei care au moștenit abilități de supuși și asteaptă ca altii sa decidă pentru ei. Asa e peste tot, nu doar la noi. >>>>
Nu e prostie ci adaptare la un rol social necesar - cel de formare și apărare de grupuri.
Performanța grupurilor depinde însă și de membri care pot explora realitatea pentru a adapta răspunsul grupului. scoutvssoldiermoreonmindsets=https://farthertogo.com/scout-vs-soldier-more-on-mindsets --- Sa ai acces la toată informația, la toate cunoștințele lumii, la toata arta creată de civilizația umană - direct din telefon si gratuit. Un miracol.
Si sa îți pierzi timpul pe tiktok urmărind pe unii care râgâie, pe Facebook cu Sosoaca live, si pe YouTube la manele.
Asta înseamnă sa fii un cretin absolut care degeaba ești pe aici. Vai de capul tău de mare nimic ce esti, de imbecil, de eșec total al biologiei. îți meriți soarta de rahat pe care o ai. ---
Cel mai important joc al omului pe planetă nu e despre bani. Nu a fost niciodată despre bani. Ci despre STATUS. Unde ești în ierarhia socială din jurul tău.
Și există 4 tipuri de status :
- material - am casa, mașina, vacanțe, haine mai tari decât ceilalți
- sexual - am nevastă sau soț sau partner mai sexy, mai frumos, mai interesant sau mai influent decât ceilalți
- intelectual - sunt mai deștept decât ceilalți, am mai multă influență socială decât ceialalti
- decizional - am putere de decizie asupra altora mai mare decât alții
O societate lăsată să fie “democratică”, “liberă” - înseamnă haos pentru ca toți se bat pentru status de orice tip, și evident marea majoritate nu pot atinge vârful piramidei (prin definiție e o piramidă cu mulți la bază și puțini în vârf). Deci sistemul devine instabil și haotic și se auto-distruge (când economia nu mai crește foarte repede ca să ofere poziții din ce în ce mai multe la vârful piramidei).
Și atunci au fost inventate chestii pentru a pacifica lumea:
- religia (ca să îți spună ca nu contează de fapt nebunia asta cu statusul, stai liniștit și vei fi bine - în viața de după însă)
- ierarhii forțate - ca fiecare sa fie in locul lui deja alocat - sistemul de caste in India sau sistemul feudal (care e încă în vigoare în multe tari dezvoltate, de exemplu în mare parte din Europa de vest)
- naționalismul și războiul - in care nu mai contează cine ce face în interiorul națiunii, tu ca om nu contezi ci doar națiunea contează - și măreția e comună dacă distrugem pe alții
- comunismul - la fel, omul nu mai exista exista doar clasa socială și partidul - și măreția e făcută prin distrugerea burghezilor și a oricărei reminiscențe a vechiului sistem (familie, religie, orice).
Din păcate - și naționalismul extrem și comunismul eșuează inevitabil - ca la un moment dat nu mai ai cu cine și cu ce lupta, de unde extrage bani, și lumea revine de unde a plecat după tragedii mari și mulți morți.
Și iarăși din păcate - în istorie - singurele chestii stabile au fost sistemele religioase și pe bază de caste / cvasi-feudale. Nu democrațiile. E trist dar asta e realitatea. --
In limbajul corect politic, vorbim despre importanța educației, a echității, a egalitații de șanse etc. Suna frumos. Ajutorăm categoriile "defavorizate", investim in ONG-uri, tot tacamul. Asa "progresăm".
Insa de fapt problema e cu totul alta. E de IQ. Si IQ-ul e 80% genetic, nu il poti influenta extern (prin educatie sau "ajutor") decat marginal (nu zic eu, e consensul știintific demonstrat in sute de studii). Si diferentele intre oameni sunt colosale.
Cineva cu un IQ sub 75 e practic re/tardat - au probleme mari de a comunica lucruri simple, de a-si organiza lucrurile simple in viata, de a functia in societate la nivel minim, nu pot intelege nici un concept cat de cat mai complicat, nimic.
Cei intre 75-90 - pot intelege ordine simple, pot avea un job cu cerinte simple si repetitive. Nu pot intelege concepte complexe si nu se pot adapta la situații non-familiare. In sua - nu poti intra nici macar in armata la cel mai de jos job (sa speli pe jos sau sa cureți cartofi) daca nu ai un IQ de 85.
Media IQ la noi in tara de de 90. Jumatate sunt in categoriile de mai sus.
Bun. continuam. IQ de 90-110. Pot functiona OK in viata de zi cu zi si in societatea moderna. pot rezolva probleme simple. Pot avea job-uri cat de cat ok, nu de varf. Pot avea o viata independenta, o cariera cat de cat, sa iti platesti o casa si o mașina, sa ai o familie.
IQ de 110-120. Oamenii astia pot intelege idei complexe, fac analize si planificari, pot avea gandire critica. In general sunt buni la job-uri complexe in care e nevoie de atentie pe detalii si rezolvarea unor probleme punctuale non-standard.
La nivelul de IQ de 120 e ChatGPT modelul O-preview. Toti cei de mai sus sunt sub.
IQ de 120-130: sunt foarte buni pe lucruri complexe si inovative, pot fi lideri care gandesc solutii noi la chestii sofisticate.
IQ de 140+: Elon Musk, Einstein, Zuck etc.
Problema repet - e ca IQ e GENETIC. Populatiile au IQ diferit - e dat de ce au mancat zecile de generatii inaintea lor si in special daca au avut acces la iod.
Putini inteleg. Progresistii, ONG-istii, stangistii - nu au IQ prea mare de aia nu inteleg chiar deloc. Probabil sunt in zona de 90-110 cel mult. Activistii lor sunt mult mai jos, repeta isteric ce li s-a spus.
Cei care ma urmariti - probabil credeti fiecare ca aveti IQ de 120 sau 130. Nope. Think again. Fiecare ne supra-estimam nivelul. Media in RO e de 90 (cu o anumita minoritate si cei din rural pe la 70-80 in medie, evident nu toti). Cei care nu sunt asa sunt in medie la 100. Oricum sub chatGPT acum, nu peste 5-10 ani (atunci vom fi toți furnici).
Eu nu ma supraestimez, stati linistiti. Nu o faceti nici voi. Si cine e obsedat ca democratia e un model perfect - think again. Serios? ---
Mix-ul de putere intr-un stat este intre birocrati, instituții de forță, marile companii, bănci (și sistemul financiar). În unele țări birocrații sunt mai puternici (gen Franța sau China ). În altele companiile au puterea (gen Germania). În altele sistemul financiar (SUA). În altele instituțiile de forță (Rusia). Dar peste tot e tensiune și un mix intre jucătorii ăștia.
Niciodată puterea nu a fost , nu este și nu va fi la “popor”. Hai să fim serioși . Dar nu e o problemă - e bine să crezi ca ai ceva de spus , e o iluzie plăcută. --
Pe vremuri, romanii dădeau plebeilor, ca să le amețească judecata, pâine și circ.
Acum i se dă plebei tinerimii fast-food și concerte - untolduri, la greu.
Cât mai mult circ, adică, de nouă aplicație.
Combinație mortală de rumeguș alimentar, care umflă burdihanul și asfixiază creierul, asezonată cu dixtracție, teteo, cât încape.
Prostime, preponderent prostime, care va deveni carnea de tun, sacrificabilă, prin care așa-zisele elite vor face din om un animal docil, ușor manipulabil, numai bun de aruncat la coșul nazist al lumii viitoare.
Iată-vă perspectiva, minți de câlți, care v-ați șaormizat și v-ați predat circului boșilor planetari, pentru a vă întuneca luciditatea.
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needtowriteaf · 10 months ago
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Mon père a trompé ma mère, lorsqu’elle était enceinte de moi. Ça n’était pas une légère tromperie éphémère. L’histoire d’une nuit, ou de quelques-unes. Non. Cette double vie à durée plusieurs années. Ma mère le savait. L’autre femme ? Elle le savait aussi.
Cette mascarade a pris fin le jour où il a engrossé sa maîtresse, à son tour. À ce moment-là, ma mère a décidé que ç’en était trop. Chacun ses limites, après tout. Je te fais la scène courte :
« Ça ne peux plus durer, Philippe, il faut faire un choix, maintenant »
Spoiler alert. Il ne m’a pas choisie.
J’ai 25 ans. Et ce n’est qu’aujourd’hui que j’en prends conscience, de façon éclairée, je veux dire. Mon rapport problématique aux hommes est né là-bas. Dans le ventre de ma mère.
Je ne suis pas celle qu’on choisie.
Néanmoins, je sais aussi que c’est bien largement de ma faute. Je prends plaisir à me mettre dans des situations où il n’y a absolument aucune probabilité que l’on me choisisse. Ça, c’est pour l’intrigue. Et si elles n’existent pas, alors, je crée ces situations, de toute pièce. Ça, c’est pour les péripéties. Et puis, comme ce n’est pas assez tragique, je me mets à croire de tout mon être, très sincèrement -pathétiquement- que le dénouement sera beau, cette fois-ci. À mon tour, de remporter le grand prix de l’amour des hommes. Ça, c’est pour la dramaturgie.
À chacune de ses fois, je peux t’assurer qu’il y avait plus de possibilité que je gagne au loto plutôt que de chance que l’un de ces hommes s’engage à mes côtés.
Je me demande ce qu’il se passerait si un jour ça se produisait. Il m’arrive d’y songer parfois. Même souvent, si je dois être honnête. Mais je pense que mon cerveau ne saurait pas traiter l’information, en réalité. Il croirait peut-être à un bug. Error 404. Veuillez réinitialiser le système sous peine que tout vous explose à la gueule.
Parce que je ne sais pas gérer l’amour des autres. Pas beaucoup plus le mien, j’avoue. Mais disons que le mien, je sais qu’il est là, qu’il est sincère, qu’il sait être intense et abondant. L’amour des autres -l’amour des hommes-, il est hors de ma portée, hors de mon contrôle. Il ne m’appartient pas alors, il m’échappe, je ne sais pas ce qu’il cache. Je ne sais pas non plus ce qu’il signifie. Je ne peux ni le saisir, ni me l’accaparer, ni le serrer si fort contre moi qu’il ne me quittera pas pour d’autres bras.
Pourtant. Je te promets que, je suis aux antipodes de l’image de cette femme possessive et névrosée, qu’on croirait deviner à travers ces lignes.
Je suis même une grand libertine. Je ne veux pas être possédée. Et encore moins posséder l’autre. Je m’oppose farouchement aux contours rigides du cadre. Je dépasse sans cesse les limites que je juge inutiles ou infondées. Je refuse de suivre les règles, si elles ne font pas sens pour moi.
Le couple standard me dégoûte . Le petit T3, avec le petit mari, le petit bébé, la petite voiture et le petit chien.
Rien n’est petit dans ma façon d’aimer. Tout n’est qu’excès de drame et de grandeur.
De la jouissance aux larmes. Je ne fait qu’avec l’entièreté de mon coeur et la candeur mon âme.
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thewul · 2 years ago
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Ce render de front du Cuba Libre les amis est un tour de force de BCS qui a nécessité plusieurs semaines de reflection, et qui nous rapproche de notre aventure ensemble a bord du Cuba Libre
Une aventure mes amis qui a commencé au fond des océans, et qui doit nous mener vers l'espace et la conquête spatiale, et une étude de cas BCS, ou nous nous sommes appuyé sur le groupe Bombardier afin de le transformer au delà de ce que nous escomptions
Récemment la finalisation du train ATLAS, avec en vue un véhicule de mobilité ultime qui constitue la base de nos movers de l'espace, des engins de centaines de mètres de haut capable de transporter des dizaines de milliers de tonnes, l'industrie minière spatiale de grande envergure, les minerais nécessaires aux hypercarriers de l'espace qui doivent d'abord sortir de nos hauts fourneaux
Avec biensur une pensée pour Joseph Armand Bombardier qui a commencé tout ceci, et dont a mon sens nous avons su deviner les ambitions qu'il a eut pour Bombarder de devenir un grand groupe industriel hors norme
Et auquel nous proposons le projet de devenir un grand transporteur et industriel de l'espace, un groupe industriel intégré, présent dans des centaines de milliers de galaxies et qui oeuvre au sein de la globalisation spatiale, un vecteur majeur de commerce, d'industrie, de paix et de prospérité dans l'espace
Un groupe industriel et transporteur de l'espace qui devient en lui même une civilisation a part entière, composé de colonies et de ports spatiaux, et dont une grande partie est nomade, a la recherche de nouvelles planètes habitables pour les transformer en colonies prospères, et de lunes aptes a devenir des hubs de transport spatiaux
Faisant de l'expression prendre le Bombardier une réalité qui commence ici, et qui aboutit aux limites de l'espace connu dont elle repousse sans cesse les frontières
Et biensur de tels intérêts économiques et commerciaux aussi conséquent impliquent la capacité a les défendre, avec les NMIL, Forces Armées de la Fédération Spatiale Bombardier que je salue ici dés a présent, et qui sont appelés a devenir les premières forces armées spatiales en termes d'effectifs
Pour faire de l'espace un trait d'union commun de sécurité, de paix, de progrès et de prospérité, pour tous sans exception d'origine ou de race
Une aventure qui commence ici, plus tôt que prévu dans le gaming, avec une série de jeux basés sur une map réaliste de l'univers connu et qui doivent servir a développer et a comprendre les stratégies aptes a réussir cette conquête spatiale
Vaste laboratoire ou les éléments de départ sont les mêmes pour tous les joueurs, un groupe industriel basé sur la planète Terre qui poursuit une expansion spatiale, ou les stratégies de ces joueurs vont différer, ou le trial and error virtuel est d'une importance capitale pour Bombardier Space Federation, et qui a terme pourront refléter la taille de cette flotte spatiale et l'immensité des space hypercarriers qu'elle projette pour le futur
Amitiés mes amis, espérances
C’est donc la fin de Ionosphere V?
Exact Professeur, nous y avons démontré diverses choses et nous avons finalisé le tour de ce que l’on a réalisé en matière d’engineering dans BCS Legacy, 7 ans de développements jour pour jour, bien que BCS Legacy ai connu des interruptions, parfois longues, mais il restait toujours quelquechose de nouveau a découvrir
design notes: an estimation of the submerged displacement of the ship is between 20,000 to 25,000 tons and likely at 22,000 tons, that is important for the motorisation of the ship where we have either 22,000/2 or 22,000/2.5 accounting auxiliary propulsion
at 30 knots or 58.2m/s the torque for both turbines is 376.06t/s or 188.03t/s per turbine, or 470,07t/s accounting auxiliary propulsion, that is a speed of 37.5 knots
using the ET, Elapsed Time, method we have a horsepower of 48,626 for both turbines, or 24,313 hp per turbine, or 60,782 hp accounting auxiliary propulsion
now 24,313 hp is what a diesel engine performs, which puts us at twice that figure per turbine, quite different from a propeller blade, and an estimated maximum speed of 60 knots, or 75 knots accounting auxiliary propulsion
or 90 knots accounting dynamo propulsion, direct flow I guess without fishing nets countermeasures, and in phase for achieving the tunnel effect which could be twice that figure
on a related matter that is the B1000 Gunray BAT, we propose that when the jet breaks the sound barrier, which is equivalent to piercing a bubble, a tunnel effect can similarly take place around the jet due to its turbine propulsion allowing it to achieve much greater speeds, ie by eliminating or dampening to a great extent friction, which should also apply for space travel
The tunnel effect which can be observed with a bubble travelling in a glass of water, applies underwater, in the air, and in space, that is in any medium where speed causes an increased density to reveal it, now of course the propulsion torque and the hydrodynamics or aerodynamics of the vessel play a key role in producing it
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augment-techs · 2 years ago
W I N X for the letter prompt for Connor and Trent
Wingfic: When a person reaches 13, they grow wings as a reflection of their soul. For Conner, this is no problem; he's never been traumatized without getting help and he doesn't suffer from neglect or low self-esteem. And to show it off how good he has it, his wings are a glistening spectacle of brazen blood red with brown clustered highlights at his joints. Trent, however, rarely shows off his wings, especially only after just joining the team, and with the whole mess with Mesagog being found out as his father. When he finally did trust Conner enough to show them, they were a pale, muted mess. What once had been shining white and black tern's wings had faded into a tatty mass of unkempt feathers, a sort of dust settling over them in Trent's anxiety and depression; some important bits that helped him fly had also come undone. Needless to say, when Conner finally got over himself and saw how much Trent was hurting, he immediately went to town preening him and building his confidence back enough to at least a happy medium of where Trent could fly again. Intoxication: After everything--the Rangers, high school, college, a nervous breakdown that came out of nowhere--Trent was put up with multiple doctors, who gave him multiple drugs. A lot of them didn’t do anything to make him feel any less...less...about himself; but several of them did get him high. He painted Anton’s house magenta with sunset highlights and wrote that graphic novel he planned as a kid with a snowy owl and a purple unicorn in thirty-eight hours one time, even. Conner...has had beer. After a match with his sport’s team at college went well, and then immediately puked his guts out. Not worth it to try anything more than that. New AU: So...The Power Ranger thing never happened, but Trent had to make it on his own when Anton refused to pay for art school, and Conner had to make a better living than what he could afford working at as a barista when he suffered an injury his first year on a major league team. Through trial and error, their friends (Kira and Ethan, Cassidy and Devin) set them up to do work in the porn industry together as live cam-boys. They actually became exceedingly popular among fetish circles that like power fantasies of Trent topping Conner with something of a darker persona; and Conner got his props for being able to deadass lift Trent into the air and doing a standing sixty-nine on command. X-Ray: When Trent was evil as the White Ranger, he did have time and tide to watch the Rangers from afar, though none of them nearly as much as Conner out of his suit. Often after taking time to wash off after a sporting event in the communal showers where the White Ranger could not be heard, could not be seen. Sometimes he’d even get himself off at the display under the soap and water back home in the privacy of his own room and the safety of his own mind. Conner...is actually missing the baby toe off of his left foot. Nothing bad happened to cause it; he just never developed it in the womb. It doesn’t bother him, but he wished often that people didn’t make such a big deal out of it every time he had to take his shoes off for practical reasons among new people. Questions that got annoying and boring after a while made him almost gag. Trent, after they started dating, never asked about it, but he did find it interesting enough to ask if he could sketch it once--but not in a fetish kind of way. More like Da Vinci dissecting dead bodies and sketching them for people to look over centuries later.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Minors DNI, College AU, Poetry, Angst, pining, fluff, explicit language, explicit sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), squirting. All errors my own.
A/N: There is a credited poem at the beginning and my original poem at the end. This is the result of a combination of an ask from the 100 smut prompts ask list, and also an old (sorry Nonnie) prompt that fit very nicely together.  I struggled with this one.  Idk. Hope you like it Nonnies! 
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Intimate Talking 
We speak screen to screen, faces flash through satellites
But this progress in communication stumbles when we try to say
I'd like to try out something new, I'd like to learn to pleasure you
I think this might be fun, I'll show you round my body
If you'd like to come-
 Holly McNish
Rhode Island, 2003
The way you recited that poem earned his attention at Sophomore Slam. 
Having never talked to you before, he followed you around the theater until you did, and sought you out to chop it up. 
The fact that you’d beat him in the competition was one thing, but the fact that you were gorgeous and didn’t seem to know it was another.
You respected each other’s pen game and delivery.  Whenever you got together, Daveed would frequently get this dreamy look in his eyes and say it was like you came alive when you performed.  
Then, you’d get into some deep conversation about literature or writing or performing.  
You’d run your poems by each other and spend hours listening to the other practice for competition, eating pizza or indian or going to Dre’s Cupcake Shop, your favorite place to get something to eat.  
You made a ritual out of your weekly carb overload so much that became Daveed’s name for you, Cupcake.
It was the perfect relationship. 
And completely platonic.  
Even though you were very attracted to him, you promised yourself that you would never get with Daveed. And there was no mistaking that he was in the friend zone. 
He always seemed cool with it, and you kept the lines very clear. Because Diggs was dangerous.
Daveed was the resident track star and carried the pride of Brown University in his pants. 
A lot of people wanted to ride.  
On the other hand, you were just another brown English major nerd on the Brown campus.
When you were together, people frequently remarked that you and Daveed looked like brother and sister. It wasn’t funny, although you two laughed every time someone said it.  
What they didn’t see was you two rolling your eyes at each other afterwards. You loved Daveed.  
As a friend of course. He was the homie.
Your disappointment in your sex life thus far was an occasional topic of your poetry.  Daveed wanted to hear those particular pieces over and over to perfect them. He said they were your greatest works. 
In the area of sexual experience, you and Daveed couldn’t be more different. The fact that you’d let Kyle Jackson hit it a few times in sophomore year was the only reason you weren’t a virgin.
You guys were like yin and yang, together whenever classes, and your job at the campus coffee shop, and track, allowed. It was dope.
Six months after you two started hanging out together, Daveed missed the two classes you had together on Tuesdays.  
He never missed class.  
So, right after Comparative Lit was over, you opened up your Razr and spent precious minutes calling him.
“‘Lo?”  His deep, sleepy voice did something to you, but you were chllin’.
“Dude? What’s up with you?  Why weren’t you in class?”
“I’m feeling low today. Just wanna stay in bed.”
“But the poetry slam in Hartford is next week.  We gotta work on our pieces….” 
And, more importantly, he’d promised to go walk across campus to Dre’s with you.
“So what’s up, D?  Why are you moping around?”
“Fuck. I’m just thinking about this girl who broke my heart.”
Devin Walker. Must have been her. Daveed had been boning her for a couple of weeks.  Longer than any other chick who hung around.  Wow. The player got played.
“You’re shitting me?  You have a heart?.”
“Ha. Ha. Leave me to my morose musings, Cupcake. It’s hopeless.”
“Listen, I don’t have the minutes to waste on trying to get you out of bed. Bye.”
You flipped your phone closed and hurried to the opposite corner of campus.
After Jace and Cal let you in the apartment, you went straight to Daveed’s room. It was pitch black and Prince’s Diamonds and Pearls cd was playing softly on his speakers.
You spotted the long lump with hair that was Daveed on his bed. 
You opened the curtains.  The entire atmosphere changed. It was only 3:15 in the afternoon.
“Diggs. Get up. Time to go. You’ve moped in here all day? What the fuck did that girl do to you?”
“Unnnnnnh,” was all the lump replied, and then turned over to face away from you.
You sat on his bed and shook his shoulder, slowly rubbing it. You could feel the muscles underneath. Daveed began to move, his arm snaking out to rub his head. 
He moaned again, looked at you, then sat up, the college blue block comforter falling to reveal his naked torso.
Holy shit, he was fine. But you already knew this. And he smelled so good. 
You could smell his body wash and shampoo and the scent of spice filled your nostrils. 
You were frozen on the edge of the bed, staring at his muscular chest and abs. Damn.  You were staring.
“Hunh, what?”
“I said what are you doing here?” 
He wasn’t annoyed with you, just regarding you blankly as you intruded into his coping technique.
“I want to help. Why are you wallowing in bed like this? Did Devin break your heart?”
Daveed shifted again and now you could see his v-cut. 
Holy damn. 
You shifted over to his bean bag chair to give you some space.
Daveed rubbed his hands over his face and hair again and threw the covers back. 
You braced yourself, only to find that he had on grey Brown U sweatpants that matched the hoodie you may or may not have stolen from his room the last time you were over.  
And that you had on right now.
You realized you had been too interested in what he was or was not wearing. 
You tried to straighten up as much as you could in the beanbag chair. This was about Diggs, not your hormones.
“My heart is unavailable to people such as Devin Walker to break,” he replied and gave you a lopsided grin. 
You felt… some kinda way.
Daveed was looking at you strangely. You asked a question you should not have.
“Why is your heart unavailable to Devin?”
“That’s kinda personal…. “
He looked coyly at you as he leaned against the wall beside his bed. 
“But you know what? You know me better than anybody in the entire state of Rhode Island.”
You laughed at him.
“The State of Rhode Island has 8 times fewer people than New York City, Daveed.”
“But it’s a state. It’s a metaphor to illustrate how well you know me. So, I’ll tell you. My heart is taken by another woman.”
You were getting warm and your heart was beating faster for some reason. 
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, and you were suddenly hot. You didn’t like where this was going.
“Oh well. I’m sorry for that girl.  I’ll leave you to it.”  
You had to get out of here, before something crazy happened. You stood up and made for the door.
Daveed’s long arms and fingers grabbed the hoodie and pulled you before you could make it to the door, causing you to fall back into his arms.
“Look what just fell into my lap.” 
His grin blinded you as you stared up at him and got caught up in his big ass brown eyes and the mint smell of his toothpaste.
To avoid being hypnotized by him, you shut your eyes, but that just intensified his aroma. You couldn’t help but inhale that Daveed coconut, spice, mint scent some more. 
You felt Daveed’s soft lips on yours.  You moaned and opened your mouth, letting him slip you his skillful tongue. 
His hands spanned your waist and his thumbs were dangerously near your chest.  You were trembling in his grip and growing moist.
When you realized what was happening, you jumped up.
“Why would you do that?” You were shocked. More at your reaction than to what he did.
“You mean, why would WE do that. You closed your eyes and moved toward me.  I thought you wanted…”
Both of you stared at each other wide-eyed, and then burst out laughing.
Daveed stood up from the bed and put his hands up in surrender.
“I’m sorry.. I thought you were catching my vibe.  I just wanted…”
“To have some fun while you wait for your mystery girl to fall into your arms.”
“Mystery girl?” The cute way he cocked his head was fucking dangerous.
“The one who has your heart.”
Daveed grinned again.  “She just did.”
What? Is what you said in your head.
“WHAT?” is what you said out loud.
Daveed retreated to the other side of the room and you got to watch his damn muscular back.
“If you don’t want anything to do with me romantically, you probably need to leave now.  If I explain myself, you won’t leave my room the same way you came in.”
You rolled your eyes at his arrogance.
“You’re not going to get out of explaining this shit to me with some bullshit like that. Explain yourself Diggs.” 
“It’s not bullshit.  You can’t hide that body under my stolen hoodies, even if they do go down to your knees.” 
He got that look in his eyes.
“It’s true, you have my heart. You’ve had it since Sophomore Slam.” 
Daveed shook his head and you sat back down on the bed.  
“I still call bullshit, D.”
“Ok, remember after that party two months ago, and I was so wasted that I could hardly walk?”
You nodded your head slowly. You didn’t get it.
“Remember that Cal asked you to get me back to my dorm safely?”
You remembered alright.
“So, remember that I wouldn’t get my key out and you had to go in my jean pocket to get it.  And then you walked me in here and dropped me on the bed?”
He continued to peer at you. 
“And then I asked you to help me take off my jeans and you started to unbuckle my belt but then just stopped and ran out?”
You crossed your arms.  “Yeah. What about it?”
Daveed breathed a long sigh.
“Wellll. Cal was trying to be my wingman, and I was sure, since I’d caught you checking me out, that when you got my pants off, that, you know…”
You felt like screaming at him, but you kept your voice low.
“How old are you? How fucking old are you Daveed? Are you 21 or 2?”
‘I know. I know. So I decided to just tell you, and last night was the night and then I went to your room and saw you in there with that Armando dude bro.
You started laughing.  “You saw me with him? Why didn’t you come in and say hello?”
“The same reason you don’t hang around when I’m with one of my chicks.”
“The difference is, I was not about to bone Armando.” You were getting heated.
“I saw him lean in for the kiss, Cupcake.”  He looked like a lost little boy.  It was kind of sweet. And kind of irritating.
“I guess you didn’t see me laugh in his face after he leaned in.” 
You glared at Daveed. 
“He was trying to play me with the ‘tutor me’ trick. And he’s a fucking dolt if he thinks that I would kiss him. Not attracted to him at all.”
You grimaced at the thought.
Daveed’s face lit up. He pointed to the bed beside you.
“So… you just kissed me back. That means...”
You crossed your arms and stared straight ahead as he approached the bed again.
“We’re friends, Daveed.” 
You watched as he crossed his chocolate arms.
“Oh. So  you haven’t been objectifying me since you came in my room this afternoon? I see you looking. And it’s not the first time either.”
You avoided his question.
“For someone who says I have your heart, you sure did give that D to everyone else…”
He shook his head at you.
“Why do you think I got with all those other girls?”
“Because they are beautiful and you like to fuck. You say it all the time, D.  Don’t. Play. Me.”  
It’s what you were afraid of. You held your head in your hands. This was your nightmare. 
“I do like to fuck. But I’ve not met anyone I want to make love to yet. Besides you. Those other girls are alright. They served a base purpose. But you are beautiful. You’re my ideal.” 
He sounded like he believed it.
Daveed knelt down so he could see your eyes.
“You gotta know that you are one of a kind.  Not only do your eyes light up like amber when you’re excited about something, but your lips when they speak poetry light my soul on fire.”  
Daveed with his damn words. You melted a little bit.  
“You...you think my eyes are like amber?”
“Yes.  And your voice is something that I have to hear everyday to calm my spirit.”
You just gaped at him.  Here he was, writing poetry about you. 
“Why do you think I ask you to recite your sexual frustration poems?  Not just because they are top tier, but because I want to learn what you need.”
He leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling.
“God I want you to write poetry about how I make you feel.”
You looked at him and when he looked you in the eyes again you could see his frustration.  
“I want you.”
You were caught up. You stared at him wide eyed, your bottom lip in your teeth.  
"Look. Stop fighting it." Daveed was serious. "You've got to give us a chance."
And he kissed you again. Your defenses were gone. You kissed him back, your arms coming up to put your hands in his hair.
He pulled back and looked in your eyes.  
“Do you want me too? Right here? Now?”
You smiled and nodded.  
“Yes, Daveed. I want this. With you. Right now.”
Daveed grinned. “You are so beautiful.”
He kissed down your neck to your collarbone and lingered there as you moaned. 
He pushed his hands under his hoodie up your torso. He rubbed your sides and then extended his thumbs to your nipples, looking at your face as he toyed with your breasts.
The pleasure on your face was everything. He started stroking and lightly squeezing your nipples, watching as you squirmed.  He was becoming as hard as a rock and you could feel it.
“Let me ask you a question.”  
You couldn’t speak. You were unsure of your voice and were biting your lip again. He continued.
“I’ve been wondering for the longest time, what color are your nipples? Are they light, or dark…?  I want to know if what I see in my dreams is true…”
You released your lip with a breathy “Fuck!” and then threw yourself at him.
Daveed grabbed your ass as you climbed on his lap and kissed him. 
Then, he moved his hands up to the hem of the hoodie and lifted it up, making you stop attacking him to raise your arms.
“Hot damn!” You heard him exclaim before you could see him again.
Daveed leaned back and stared at you, and you wanted to cross your arms and hide, but you just hunched your shoulders instead.
“No, sit up straight. Let me see you.”
You did it, and the more your spine straightened the more Daveed smiled.
“Much more beautiful than I dreamed.” 
He reached out and brushed the side of your breast, his thumb thrumming your nipple.  
The thrill that ran through you was unparalleled. You bit your lip again, which drew Daveed’s attention to it.
He leaned forward and kissed you again while palming your breast and squeezing your nipple, making your panties flood. 
His lips trailed down your neck to your collarbone and then down to your breasts, lightly kissing his way down.  
When his lips closed around your hard peak, he simultaneously squeezed the other nipple and twisted it at the same rhythm that he outright sucked the other.
“Oh God!” you exclaimed, making Daveed stop for a minute and smile against your flesh. 
Then he started pushing your breasts together, licking and biting from one nipple to the other.  
You were sure he could feel your arousal through your pants. You squirmed on his lap and started grinding your hips to get friction from his hard on. 
You could feel the heat radiating off of him. His body was impossibly warm with no shirt on.
“What do you want, Cupcake.  Use those words.  I know you know how.”  
The rich deep timbre of his aroused voice was giving you crazy ideas.  
Something crazy popped out of your mouth, but you had to admit what you were thinking, and what you had thought about many times before.
“I...I want to suck your dick.”  Daveed stopped and leaned back to look at you again.
“Really?”  You’d managed to surprise him.  You felt strangely victorious.
“Yes. I’m not very experienced, but…”
Daveed silenced you with a kiss and then chuckled. “No takebacks.” 
He leaned down to kiss each of your breasts again, then gently deposited you on the bed as he stood up in front of you. 
You watched as he leaned hooked his thumb in his sweats and leaned over to kiss you on the lips as he pulled them down. When he stood up, his cock practically hit you in the face. You jumped and then laughed nervously.
It was bigger than you thought it was. And you’d heard the stories.
You took it and felt the length, and the weight of it. You admired how strong and long it was and also its warmth. 
It was beautiful, smooth and brown; and it was calling you. Just holding it made you even wetter.
The way you looked at it made Daveed leak. 
You saw the clear bead at his tip and moved your head close, sliding your tongue out to taste it. 
You closed your eyes and continued to stroke, and before you could moan, Daveed did.
That inspired you and you opened your mouth and took it as deep as you could. 
You summoned the random porn videos you’d watched and hollowed your cheeks as you pulled it out with a pop. You licked the tip and then did it again.
Then you sped up.
“Shit, you look so good doing that. Feels good too. And you say you don’t know how...Well I don’t know how I’m going to…. last… long. Better than my wet dreams.” 
That inspired you to take him down your throat. 
It was less than three minutes from when you started. And you were making him your bitch already. Daveed was a moaning, quivering, mess.
“W-w-wait a minute, I’m gonna…fuck!” 
You kept going and looked him straight in the eyes while going faster and taking him deeper. The shout he let out when he came down your throat was everything.
You closed your eyes and concentrated to swallow everything, but you couldn’t help that some saliva and cum leaked out of the corner or your mouth and combined with the tears now streaming down your face.
Daveed looked down at you with pride, wiping the corner of your mouth and your face with his thumb.
“Damn. Cupcake.  That was pretty fucking good.” 
He leaned down and kissed your lips, tasting himself on your tongue. When he finished, you smiled back, proud of yourself. 
“Your turn.”
You squealed as he took hold of your hips and flipped you back down to the bed. 
He kneeled on the floor and his fingernails scratched as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and panties and pulled them down roughly, impatient to get at your pussy. 
You tried to cover up as you remember that you hadn’t shaved. Daveed was about to be confronted with a full bush.
Daveed smiled and shook his head.
“Fucking perfect.”  He put his hands on your thighs to open them, and met resistance.  His eyes met yours.  
“You still good?”  He was so earnest, and so eager that your anxiety faded. You let your legs fall open and you nodded, smiling at him.
He smiled back and rubbed his hands down your thighs to your apex, rubbing your lips with one hand as he reached to put the fingers of his other hand in your mouth.
“Get ‘em good and wet for me Cupcake.”
You did as you were told, moaning as he pumped his fingers in and out. 
You opened your mouth and he lifted his fingers out, a trail of saliva still attached.
He smiled gratefully, as he brought his fingers to your cunt, swiping them up and down, enjoying the feel of your slick as he spread it around.
“Look at how beautiful you are..” 
You sat up, and the sight of what he was doing to you caused your pussy to flutter. Daveed felt it, and looked at you.
“That feel good?”  
All you could do was look at him and whimper. He held your gaze as he pushed his fingers deeper into you and curl them.  Your eyes rolled back into your head which lolled back on your neck as you arched your back.
Daveed admired the view of you, sitting on his bed, legs open, back arched and breasts fully on displayed as he finger fucked you.
He grabbed a nipple and squeezed as he thumbed your clit. Your legs started shaking.
“That’s it, Cupcake. Stay there. Take this. You gotta get ready for me. Cause I’m ready for you again.”
Your head snapped back up to see and sure enough, Daveed was large and in charge again.
“Fuck, Daveed. I need it.” 
Your legs shook more and he could feel your pussy walls grip his fingers. He couldn’t wait to be inside you.
“You need it? You want my dick?”
“Hell yes.”
“First, I need your cum. Watch me.” 
You sat up and watched as he leaned down toward your clit.  
You felt some kind of irrational dread as he wrapped his thick lips around it, sucked, then pulled it between his lips, releasing you with a pop. He kept fucking you with his fingers.
Your chest started heaving and you couldn’t catch your breath.
You’d never felt this way before. There was a strange pressure building in your belly, becoming more intense as he kept making out with your pussy. 
He licked, sucked, fucked you with his hand and curled his fingers, searching for something, and when he found it, you couldn’t control your hips as you ground your cunt against his face.
Daveed stopped, just for a moment, to speak.
“I said, watch me. Keep your eyes on me. I still need something from you.” 
The command in his made you feel some kinda way. Like you wanted to obey. What was this feeling? So sudden, and new?
You gave him what he wanted. 
“Daveed, stop... Oh god, wait...Oooohhhhhhhh.’ 
You shook and the pressure released.  All over Daveed. You squirted right into his face.  You were horrified and tried to get away, but Daveed looked delighted, and held you fast, so he could get his mouth on you.
When you were done, your hands were covering your face, your core still quivering. You were so embarrassed.
He took your hands away from your eyes. Daveed was watching you, the proud smile back on his face. 
“You look good all soaking wet."
“Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack. I love that shit. You’re so fucking hot. Give me that ushy gushy shit all day long. I knew you were the girl of my dreams.” 
He climbed up your body, kissed you, and made you believe what he was saying.  You felt his erection against your thigh and got inspired for more.
“You gonna give me some?” You pulled away and waggled your eyebrows at him, getting bold.
“Oh, you mean some dick? Most definitely.” Daveed palmed your ass as he got up on his knees and parted your thighs again. 
He stroked his dick a few times while looking at your wet pussy. The way he was licking his lips and staring while pumping his cock made you quiver again. 
“Now THAT is hot.” You smiled down at him and bit your finger. 
“Oh.” Daveed raised his eyebrows. “You like to watch?”
He continued to stroke as he got off the bed and went to his bedside table and retrieved a condom, then came back to the bed.
Daveed opened your legs and wrapped them around his waist, still pumping and now teasing your slit.  He held you down as you tried to raise your pelvis to make you enter him, taking that control.
He sucked his bottom lip as he held back, wanting to take you roughly, but also wanting to take it slow.  He looked deep into your eyes as he slipped first his large head through your opening.
He stopped, closed his eyes and you both enjoyed the pounding of your bodies together.
“Shit girl, you got me slipping.” He smiled at you as he pushed further inside you, the stretch significant, but good, despite the wetness.
You had never felt anything like it. You back arched off the bed as he bottomed out, the slight pain of taking him fully eclipsed by the pleasure of feeling him inside you.
You prodded his ass to move and he obliged.
There were no more words as he snapped his hips into yours, now feeling that wonderful quiver around his cock.
“Damn girl, you feel so, so good.”  He dropped his head to your shoulder as he rolled his hips deeper into you, hiking your leg higher to dig deeper.
You started almost hyperventilating again, as you panted and moaned and scratched up his back searching for your release.
“Make me cum again. Please Daveed. It feels so good. Never felt this good before…”
And with that, Daveed lost control, the steady pace of his stroke gone, hips sloppily giving you what you and he wanted. The thought of him made you come as he lost control, and he followed you into that abyss.
Afterward, you lay there, messy and wanting to move, but never wanting to leave that space.
“That was so fucking sweet, Cupcake. I love you.” 
Daveed bit your neck, and you laughed, breathing, “I love you too, D,” in return.
One week later, Daveed’s face was proud again when you won the 2003 Hartford Slam with this poem
I love the weight of you.
Pressure and warmth all around.
Smell of brown skin smooth under my lips; hands touch and taste combine, condensing sensations into pleasure on the edge.
The sting of passion is welcome when surrounded by you.
A feel of love tastes of clover honey:
Sweetness, with a bite.
Let me know if it’s good!
@theatrenerd86​ @sebastianabucknettastan​ @imatyoursurrvicesurr​ @riiyy​ @lonelydance​ @jbrizzywrites​ @sillyteecup​ @ohsoverykeri​ @biafbunny​ @summerofsnowflakes​ @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​  @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs​ @einfachniemand​
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ames96 · 4 years ago
Heya 😀
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Yep un des rares posts que je fais moi même 😅🤣
En général je reblog simplement des posts des auteurs des AUs Undertale mais là non !
Alors pour ceux qui me connaissent pas. Je me présente InkGlitchy96, je suis ici a la base que pour justement voir les comptes des auteurs des AUs Undertale (Comyet, Crayon Queen, Jakei, etc...)
A la base je suis une "écrivaine" Wattpad. C'est purement amateurs, et par passion. J'écris beaucoup (même TROP) sur Undertale surtout sur les AUs de manière générale même si avec mon pseudo on devine rapidement mes personnages favoris qui sont Ink et Error (en ship) après c'est Vampire-verse que j'adore, SwapDream, puis DreamTale, etc...
Je débute ici car...Pour ceux qui connaissent vous devez savoir que Wattpad sa devient...N'importe quoi.
Du coup j'hésite a republier toute mes fanfics ici donc a peu près 130 histoires 😑
Alors j'ai deux questions : Y a t'il une limite de caractères par post ?
D'image ?
Ensuite pour les curieux voulant lire ces fanfics en attendant que je les recopie ici (ou pas a voir) voici le lien de mon Wattpad:
Merci à ceux qui auront lus 😊
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chick-from-nz · 4 years ago
Paper, Scissors, Rank (Ch: 3)
CHARACTER/PAIRING: Modern!Carrillo x Army!OC (eventually) 
WARNINGS: maybe some swearing, military slang, spelling and grammatical errors. Could be very OOC/AU for some. Carrillo might not be cannon accurate for some as this is an AU. Flippy, floppy point of views (if it can be called that?), some oc x Army!oc 
AUTHORS NOTE:  hopefully y'all enjoy this chapter, sorry for the high amount of OC on OC content in this chapter, also i was writing this late at night so its probably a lil disjointed, but ah, yeah you’ll see why soon. More of the Colonel is this chapter, finally, but yeah. enjoy!
TAG LIST (OPEN) : @girlpornparadise @1zashreena1 @xxidontwikeitxx @nicke0115 @allalngthewtchtower @lettherebrelight
It seemed wishful thinking really did not pay off for Cadet Greyson, the next two days of training went by without so much of a sighting of the Colonel, who at this point, was still nameless to her and her fellow cadets. Maybe he hadn't seen someone worth his while within the current platoon and had instead decided to leave for the main base to find a more adequate soldier. Greyson dismissed that thought as quickly as it came. Surely he would want a fresh little soldier to mold into his perfect team member, why else would he be sniffing round the training grounds if not for that reason. But as it seemed, no one other than herself had seen the Colonel around. So maybe he was really just a figment of her imagination then.
Pffft, as if, you can’t make THAT man up. He is pure sin of the utmost devine kind  Greyson giggled quietly to herself. She had definitely gone mad from the deathly amount of exhaustion they had faced since the assessment day.  That or maybe I hit my head when I fell from that stupid wall.  Again she giggled to herself. Nope , definitely gone mad.
Another thing that struck her as odd was that she hadn’t seen  LT. Colonel Sinclair since their less than professional interactions two days ago. Hopefully he finally came to his senses and decided she wasn't worth the effort and that her rank was far below anything worthy of his attention. For some reason though, that thought struck a cord inside of her, one that frightened her. She was in over her head with this guy, way over her head and rank. Even if he was drop dead gorgeous.  Definitely not as attractive as a certain handsome Colonel.  A little inside voice reminded her. God, that was the last thing she needed, falling for a guy with an even higher rank, if she wasn’t frowned upon already she definitely would be then.
Shaking the idea from her mind, she stood up and continued packing up her kit. The company was to head back to the training base today. A welcome thought for all the recruits within the area. The thought of sleeping on a bed that wasn’t below zero temperature to the touch and fully functioning warm showers seemed to be pushing them to move faster and more fluidly as a team than ever before. There is never a more motivated team than a team that has a single goal in common . Sometimes she hated her father but she never knew that saying to be more true than it was now.
It took the recruits approximately thirty minutes to have the campsite return to the pristine state it was before they laid camp only four days earlier, despite the fact said week had felt like a month long mission.  Despite all the recruits being overworked and their patience stretched thin with each other, all of the thirty recruits had passed their final assessment week, which would mean all of them would graduate together. An accomplishment for all and a first for a company of this size.  Yet, it was obvious from an outsider looking in, that this company was definitely not a team of thirty like they should be. The distinct scores between the top three recruits and the rest had seemingly made the company into two teams. The twenty seven cadets who had done enough to pass, and the three cadets who had excelled beyond all expectations in every single area of the training. The elite cadets of the company some might say.
The next few hours flew by for the cadets, a long bus ride back to base, stowing away their kit and polishing boots to get their rig from exercise standard back  to office standard. Rumors' had been passed around that tonight there was to be a big meeting for the cadets to attend. There was a palpable excitement coursing through the mess as everyone tried to guess what the meeting was about, many speculated that they would be introduced to the Colonel, while others thought it was a congratulations for completing their assessment week. Although, it was safe to say, that many of the recruits were hoping for the former of the two, and maybe if that happened one of them would be formally offered a spot on the Colonel’s intel squad.
Without even knowing the name of the Colonel there was already a bet running between the female cadets about the attractiveness of the foreign officer. Some girls bet that he was going old and undesirable due to his rank,  while others bet he was a “young stud”. Greyson had kept her thoughts to herself but would often scoff at the descriptions the girls came up with, not one of them was even getting close to what the Colonel looked like, which instilled a strange sense of pride within the cadet. But also a high level of confusion as not a single recruit in the platoon had ever mentioned seeing an unknown officer with the instructors a mere two days ago.
As the evening progressed the recruits waited for an announcement to be made over the speakers for them to move to the scran hall or into the common area for the meeting. By eight o’clock the recruits finally heard the speakers crack to live, waking most of them from an evening of well deserved rest. The recruits followed the instructions given to them and made haste towards the common area a short march away from their barracks. Upon arriving, dismissing and gathering in the space many recruits seemed to deflate at the lack of an unfamiliar face.
“Good evening cadets, as you know there is a Columbian Colonel on base observing the ins and outs of some squadrons so he can choose a select few members from different corps so join his intelligence team. Over the past week he was in and out of the training grounds observing most of you knowing. By the end of your longest day he had made a tough decision between two of the cadets sitting in this room, along with choosing your squadron leader, Lieutenant O’Connor here to be a part of his squad. In saying that, the colonel is yet to inform us of which cadet sitting in this room is the lucky new member of his squad. I shall take it upon myself, as the commander of the unit, to inform you as soon as I know” LT. Colonel Sinclair’s speech seemed to drone on for most of the cadets in the room. They were tired, beyond so, and were just wishing he would allow them to leave as soon as possible, but as it seemed, he wasn’t finished yet.
“I will be taking time this coming week to pull each of you into my office to discuss your future in the force and what corps you are now eligible to join due to your overall scores gained from the past twenty weeks of your training. Once you have all been assigned to a core you shall receive your patches and berets and be formally welcomed into your chosen field before you graduate. The last week of training will consist of core introductions and briefs and finalization of drill before your graduation day. I will offer you all a very big congratulations for making it through training and wish you all the best for your futures in the force. You are dismissed”
At the dismissal most of the cadets all but jumped from their chairs, having been given no more orders for the night it was to be a peaceful night ahead. And many of them would be heading straight to the barracks for sleep.  Greyson began to make her way from the room following slightly behind her fellow classmates only to be stopped by the LT. Colonel calling out to her. Stopping abruptly at the order she turned around and walked back towards him, the whole time wondering if this was gonna be another one of his ‘teasing moments’.
“Sir, not to overstep but I would like to get back to the barracks and back to my pit before I drop on my feet” Greyson said kindly to make it very clear to the LT. Colonel in front of her that she was suggesting and definitely not ordering him around, that was the last thing she wanted to do.
“This will only take a moment Greyson, I assure you that...” the LT Colonel trailed off, waiting for his subordinate to acknowledge, before continuing on, “I wanted to congratulate you personally on you achievements over the cadets course, you have set multiple records with the scores you have obtained and I wanted to let you know that you are the top recruit from your intake”
Shifting on her feet awkwardly Greyson nodded in thanks, silently acknowledging her own achievements and also trying to stay awake for the conversation. The LT. Colonel took a step closer to her, again entirely to close from a professional standpoint, and placed his hand on her shoulder, steady and firm, making her whole body tense up at the initial contact before she subtly, or so she thought, relaxed far too much under his touch. She had, after all, had no contact from anyone since joining the army, as was protocol, but it had left her touch starved, and in her tired state, far too ready to throw rank out the window and do something that broke far too many rules.
The LT. Colonel noticed the way she relaxed under his touch and decided to push the boundary a little further bringing the cadet in front of him into a tight hug, to which she returned all too eagerly. While absorbed in each other's embrace they failed to notice one of the other cadets, Cadet Lewis, watching from the door. Lewis was Greyson’s roommate and had stayed behind when she noticed she wasn’t behind her like she should have been.
Greyson sank into the embrace, although knowing that this was highly against almost all rules put in place she couldn’t bring herself to care. Yes he was her commanding officer, and yes she was but a lowly cadet, but in that moment wrapped within his strong arms and snuggled closely into her chest, she had never felt more relaxed. She let out one long shaky breath, one that he definitely felt, and pulled away from him. She needed to keep the relationship professional till she graduated, and probably even after then, god knows her father wouldn't want her to disgrace his name.
As she pulled away from his warm embrace she dared a glance up, there was a look of what almost seemed like longing and affection in the eyes of the man before her, and a look of want, the emotions she found in his intense brown eyes made her shiver. She watched as his eyes glanced down towards her lips, then slowly back up to her eyes as his tongue darted out to lick his lips. Shamefully her own eyes were then transfixed on his mouth, and for a small moment, she pushed the thoughts of rank out the window as his head dipped down and his lips captured hers in a bruising kiss. The shock that came from the kiss had her gasping into his mouth, giving him the perfect opportunity to tangle his tongue with hers, she felt his hands start to wander down her back, and further still to her ass. The shock of this seemed to finally bring her to her sense, cause not a second later she was pushing him away and taking a few steps back for good measure.
Standing there staring at the LT Colonel, chest heaving in time with his, sheer horror overcame her sense. What had she just done? Wiping a hand down her face to clear her thoughts she knew she needed to end this before it started, even if the kiss was better than nay she had had.
“Sir, I..” Greyson trailed off, she was struggling to find the right words for the situation, she didn’t want to reject him in a harsh way, or reject him at all if she was being totally honest with herself, but she knew this was the only thing that would save her career from being a shit-fight. “I’m sorry Sir, I can’t do this, I’m sorry” and with those final words she dismissed herself and promptly left the room for the safety of her barracks. In her rush to get away from an awkward moment, she failed to notice the  LT. Colonel’s face fell and the way he had to refrain himself from reaching out to touch her.
Breathing heavily and overcome with emotion, Cadet Greyson finally made it back to her barracks, a room she shared with but one other cadet, the luxury of being an officer in training. To her shock her roommate, Cadet Lewis, was still awake, and by the looks of it, she had been waiting for her to get back.
“So, you're fucking the LT Colonel right? That's how you've made it to the top of the points board” Cadet Lewis hissed at her
“I... what the fuck are you talking about Lewis, I earnt my place on that board by beating the rest of you lazy fucks in the events fair and square. And what the fuck do you mean, fucking the LT. Colonel, what gives you that idea?!” In her already distressed state Greyson was finding it hard to process the accusation thrown at her by the cadet in front of her.
“Oh fuck off Greyson, don’t play dumb with me. All the cadets see the way he looks at you and how he treats you differently from the rest of us! And don't act like you weren’t just smooching up to him in the common room, I saw it all”
Greyson felt sick to her stomach, if Lewis had seen it all she could have just lost the right to be here if she decided to run her mouth. She forced herself to turn around before muttering, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Lewis”
Lewis just scoffed, “yeah right, what you think you are exempt from the rules because your daddy was in the force too? Fuck right off Greyson, you’ve got another thing coming if you think you’re gonna get away with this”
Greyson felt her stomach flip, god, the stupid cadet behind her really just pulled that card. She knew she came from an army background but she definitely was not sleeping her way to the top, no matter what the other cadets thought. But at the mention of her father, the sickness turned to anger and she rounded on Cadet Lewis, giving her the harshest glare she could muster, lips curled up in a snarl and a finger pointed in the direction of the other recruit she growled out, “You bring my fucking father into the mess that you’ve made up in that thick skull of yours and I’ll use my name to my advantage. I’m sure your family would love you to return home with Dishonorable discharge plastered all over your report, wouldn’t they?”
Greyson had to to hold back her smirk when she noticed the way the other cadet clammed up and how her face fell. Yeah that's right, bring my father into this and I’ll use it to my advantage you useless trash. And without so much as another word Greyson walked out of the room, slamming the door to their room for emphasis. She was sure almost all the recruits in the block had heard what had just transpired but she honestly couldn’t care less. She made her way out of the barracks building and towards the gym, she needed to get the tension out of her muscles and a workout would be the easiest outlet.
In her haste and far too deep within her own thoughts, Greyson failed to lift her head to see where she was going, and as she rounded the final corner that led to the gym she came to an abrupt halt, slamming into a wall, or at least that's what it felt like. It wasn't until a pair of strong hands moved to steady her did she realize she hadn’t in fact run into a wall at all, just the widest chest she’d ever felt the pleasure of being this close too. She presumed it was one of the infantry boys, they were usually in the gym this late so it would make sense. Except, as far as she knew, none of the boys had the last name  Carrillo.
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thedivineerror · 8 months ago
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daychanelyt · 1 year ago
Yeh no I'm gonna postpone the INY2KP-VR for as long as I can. But hey look! Have a sneak peak. I am going to work on an animation to this AU. Have the character sheets that I've made today.
Also no this is not related to Goldy's inferno. I just used the Devine Comedy as a reference. This is one part of the three part story. First part being called William's Inferno. Idk what I'm going to call the AU as a whole but- I'm sure I'll figure something out. As of now What I have is " The Devine Error " or something like that.
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satohqbanana · 4 years ago
I'm still thinking about that modern AU fic idea in which young Rhen and Dameon move into a new town, following the marriage of their parents.
They find out that their next-door neighbors are the Tenobors and the two quickly become frenemies with the rich couples' son. The story follows how Rhen grows up noticing the changes in the Tenobor household, including how Mr. Tenobor just one day leaves and never really comes back, and how Lars frequently comes over to distract her from doing anything productive and have hushed conversations with Talia, sometimes with Dameon. Rhen discovers, true to her fears, that Lars was being abused by his mother.
Rhen spends some time trying to help him escape, but he mostly brushes her off. Eventually, Talia, who comes from an abusive relationship herself, explains things to Rhen and tells her to simply let Lars choose for himself. Rhen feels powerless because she feels she could do something, which she admits to Lars, and Lars admits to her that her being by his side is more than enough for him.
Lars later comes up with a plan to finally escape his house - to grab a scholarship and get into a college that allows for dormitories. Rhen helps him study for Aveyond College and promises him that once they leave town, they're never coming back. She even goes to learn how to drive a car.
Naturally, Rona is against Lars' plan, so Lars asks for Devin's permission to list the Perry's house as his current address, so he can have his acceptance letters mailed there instead. It wouldn't also look too suspicious because it could be brushed off as a typo error. Also, Lars applies for a college that sends out acceptance letters later in the year, some weeks after his 18th birthday, basically legal age, yada yada, so Rona won't be able to do anything about his decision.
Dameon warns Lars that he should have a failsafe, but Lars is adamant on making his plan succeed. Rhen the reckless is also bent on helping Lars get extra credit for just about everything, too. There's a lot of scenes involving Lars and Rhen crying together the bad way and the good way. The plan succeeds, and yes there's crying in the good way, because I am not willing to spare extra drama there.
The final step in Lars' plans is to leave Rona's house. He tries to talk things out with her, but there's no arguing with her. She's also reminded that Lars is about to gain his independence, and she tries to rush her own plans. Rhen worries for Lars when she gets radio silence from him for a few days.
However, Lars has already anticipated this. He slowly but surely acquires stuff to be moved to the dormitories, which he asks Dameon/Devin to transport for him. On his final night at Villa Tenobor, he sneaks out of his room and straps himself onto the passenger seat of Rhen's car. Dameon, Devin, and some other friends of Rhen help her quietly push the car to the edge of town, so when it starts, the engine noise won't wake Rona up.
At the edge of town, everybody bids them goodbye. Lars is quiet the whole time. Rhen congratulates him for freeing himself. Tears flow again, and Rhen promises him she'll be with him forever, as a friend, a classmate, an annoying voice in his head, whatever he wants her to be...
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smutandfluffohmy · 6 years ago
My boys
From: Smutandfluffohmy Character Parings: Felix X Reader Warnings: Violence. Blood. Cursing. Angry bitch bois Request:  Can you do a Felix imagine where the Lost Boys are really mean to Y/n, and one day both Felix and Peter are off, the Lost Boys hurt her really bad over something ridiculous (you can pick what) and when they come back Felix loses his shit when he sees one of the nicer boys is patching her up. Word Count: 2.6K A/n: This could be all yours for the low low price of sending me your fave fanfic.  Also fun fact about yours truly I have a wattpad book that’s rated #1 in  ***** AU, #6 in submissive***** and #103 in daddy***** because I’ve been doing this since I was 12 and I’m disgusting.
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You’ve been in neverland for a while, you couldn’t tell exactly how long you’ve been here though. Sometimes daylight would stretch on for days and others times the night would surround you for weeks. Neverland never had set days or nights nor weather, it was all determined on how Peter felt that day. Your stay has been long enough that you knew a general lay out of Neverland, you knew all of the boys names and vaguely how old they were. Despite your long stay some of the boys still hadn’t warmed up to you, you even though that they hated you but that was silly. You never gave them a reason to hate you.
You walked around searching under big leaves and around trees trying to find some of the younger boys you were playing hide and seek with.
“Hmm are you behind this tree?” You yelled jumping behind a tree seeing two of the boys hiding behind a big overgrown tree. Swinging your legs over the branch you began tickling them, the quiet forest around you filling with the three of yours laughter.The smaller boys turned on you and started tickling you with their little fingers.
“Guys help!” You called out between laughter as the rest of the boys that were hiding appeared as they all began tickling each other. “Okay stop stop please.” You begged laughing putting your hands up in surrender, a big shadow appearing over you causing the laughter to dial down.
“Peter and I are going to do some business things.” Felix said to the group stealing glances to you, you sat up still looking up at him. “If anyone appears in the island kill them.” He said he turned around and started walking off.
“Hey how about you guys go and hide again.” You smiled to the group, the boys scattred to all directions and you ran up to catch up with Felix. “Hey will you be gone for long?” You smiled up to him walking next to him with your hands behind your back, slowly letting them fall to your sides.
“A couple of hours.” He said stepping closer to you, letting his hand brush against yours. His fingers rubbing your knuckles gently.
“Be safe okay?” You said linking your fingers together and leaning in closer, your shoulders rubbing against each other.
“I’m alway safe.” He said flashing you a smile, his free hand reaching up to your face to tuck a strand of stray hair behind your ear.
“Felix wer-” Peter said as he magically appeared in front of the both of you, he took in the sight in front of him before making a fake gagging and throwing up sound. “Get a room.” He mocked Felix causing felix to groan and roll his eyes, Peter flashed you a quick thumbs up and a smile. Peter was a weird one that you still hadn’t understood, he looked and acted like a teenage boys much to your dismay but he sometimes said things that made him seem like he was truly 30 years old.
“I would like to stay and chat but we have work to do.” Peter smiled to you before both him and Felix disappeared into thin air. Huffing out you went back to look for the boys who by now had gotten the best hiding places. A couple of hours passed by until the boys were properly tired and all of you headed back to camp. Some of the older boys were sitting around while the rest were practicing their archery.
You let them all to their devices and walked away to get something to drink. You couldn’t help but feel the angry glares that were burning holes into the back of your skull, you shook your head trying to shake out the irrational thoughts. You found some water and took a swug out of it, making your way towards the boys practicing their archery wanting to get some practice in as well.
Grabbing a an arrow you walked away from the target and focused on the target in front of you. Pulling the string next to your cheek you let out a breathe and slowly breathing it back in convinced quick or jagged breaths will throw off your aim. Your fingers letting go of the string, your arrow hitting centimeters away from the bullseye but still getting a few thumbs up from some of the boys.
“Boo that sucked!” Devin yelled out to you playfully you answered with just sticking out your tongue and walking over to get another weapon off the table.
“I bet I could kick ass with a axe.” You said smiling to him, gripping the axe handle and positioning yourself in front of the target again. Just as your arm fell back Devin took it out of your hands.
“I bet you could but how about you practice in the woods where there's less people you could kill.” He said giving you a worried toothy smile, adjusting his grip on the axe pointing at the woods with it.
“Okay come on let’s go!” You said walking backwards smiling widely at Devin who gathered two more axes from the table. You kept walking backwards a yelp called out causing you to turn around  to see a pissed off Will standing in front of you. ‘Oh sorry I didn’t see you.I’ll be more careful next time” You said to him. Will was one of the Lost boys you couldn’t quite seem to be friends with no matter how hard you tried.
“Watch where you’re going or there won't be a next time.” he said pushing past you with Jack and Daniel walking closely behind him glaring at you as they walked by.
“Come on let’s go.” Devin softly said to you as he becomes you to follow him to the woods to practice axe throwing. The both of you talked along the way till you found a clearing with enough distance from the two of you and the rest of anyone you may accidently bury a axe into.The axe throwing explanation and technicalities went on for while before Devin let you actually hold them.
“Come on I learn by trial and error. That’s how Felix thought me archery.” You said grabbing the axes from Devin and positioned yourself in front of a big tree. Devin flinched slightly at the mention of Felix but you were too busy weighing the axes in your hands to notice.
“Felix scares the shit out of me.” Devin said frowning as he spoke. The memories of Felix frowning face making him shudder. To everyone else in the island Felix was nothing more than Peter’s right hand man that had a permanent frown on his face and had a vibe about him that he could kill anyone by just staring them down. However you knew Felix was so much more than that he just didn’t like opening up to anyone in this island.
“That’s because you're a weenie.” You said to him as you threw an axe at the tree in front of you, grabbing for another one.
“Seriously he’s fucking scary.” He insisting, going on a tangent about how and why he thought Felix was unsettling. You just shook your head because nobody truly understood him nor Peter by that matter, they were your boys. You smiled at the thought of that ‘your boys’ that sounds nice, letting the send axe getting plunged above the first. Reaching over you threw the last one without much thought turning around to smile at Devin but instead you were greeted with Will’s angry face.
“You’re just a stupid bitch aren’t you?” Will said throwing the first punch, it made an awful noise when his first made contact with your face.
“What the fuck was that for!” You yelled your eyes looking at the 3 lost boys around you.
“Come on Will leave her alone.” Devin said as he began walking towards Will,however  two lost boys grabbed him holding him back. You stood there stunned holding your nose trying to wipe away the blood flowing out of it.
“Because we all fucking hate you.” Will said between gritted teeth pointing a knife at you accusingly . The energy from the boys shifted drastically their hands no longer holding Devin back and instead holding them up in front of them in defense.
“Will you said we were just going to scare her.” Jack said stepping towards Will who had a crazed look in his eyes that you had never seen on anyone before.
“Why don’t you just shut up Will or I’ll kill you too.” Will said glancing at Jack from the corner of his eyes his murderous gaze never leaving his face. His hand tightening around the his knife, his knuckles turning white. It’s four against one surely you all could take him down but it there was something about his eyes that made all of you freeze in place.
“Look man we never agreed on killing anyone.” Daniel said pointing a finger at Will, Daniel stepped forward trying to get in the middle of you and will. Everything seemed to slow down, a dream like slow where you were screaming at your muscles to move a bit faster for the love of everything. Daniel’s shoes crunched over the twigs in the floor, Will didn’t even blink as he lunged forward to stab him in the chest.
Putting your hands on his left shoulder you pushed him out of the way before the knife was plunged into his chest. The knife ripped your clothes and your skin open, and you could swear you heard your flesh rip open. Daniel pushed you towards him trying to beakon you to run but you couldn’t you just stayed put and looked at Will. It was something about that stare that you couldn’t just shake off it made you afraid of looking away as if he might snap completely if you did. Before Daniel could beakon you any further Will kicked you causing you to fall to your knees.
You looked up at him he looked at you with those evil eyes the look never weavering.You wanted to get up and fight, you begged your body to get up and fight your way out of it but the air felt too thick to actually move your legs from underneath you. Before you could pity yourself any longer Jack hit Will across the head with a fallen tree branch, soon Wills horrid face was replaced with Jack’s face whose hair was sticking to his face from sweat.
“Let’s go.” Daniel said grabbing your arms and leading you back to camp as he tried stopping the bleeding. You looked down at your body, far more cuts were scattered throughout, far more than you could remember. Did you just block out all these cuts? Did you block out the time Will stabbed you in the stomach? You didn’t know and you didn’t want to ask you just let Daniel lead you back to camp.
Jack and Devin were following close behind as they dragged Will’s body along with them. Daniel sat you down on a log, endless ‘I’m sorry’s’ and ‘I didn’t think he would do this’ falling from his lips but you were too far gone to catch any of them. You waved them all off the best you could as you began drifting off, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep them open.
“What’s going on?” You heard a voice off in the distance, too close but too far away at the same time you couldn’t quite recognize who it belonged to. Felix kneeled down in front of you cupping your face in his hands. “Are you okay? Who did this to you?” He said looking deeply into your eyes, concern washing over him.
“Here let me help.” Peter said stepping in front of you and fixing you right up but still looking at your wounds worried his magic didn’t take.
“Who did this to her?” Felix said pointing at Devin who remembered at that moment just why he ignored Felix at all cost.
“It was Will. We locked him up in the cages.” Devin answered him, and before he could ask anything else Felix stormed off to the cages. You quickly followed after him but Peter walked in front of you blocking your path.
“You should rest you still have a lot of internal bleeding.” Peter said placing his hands on your shoulders urging you to sit down, you just got more and more agitated. Peter placed his fingers on your forehead and before you knew it you fell asleep on Peter’s arms as he went to go set you down on your bed.
Felix stormed off from you, looking for the cage with the boy inside. Will swayed rapidly as he tried to escape the small cage that swung next to Wendy. Cutting the rope that secured his cage it crashed down on the floor making the side of the cage to fall off. He crawled out scurrying to his feet looking for anything to protect himself with.
Before he could say anything Felix grabbed him and started pulling him towards the cliff.
“The sirens are really hungry.” Felix said between gritted teeth grabbing his hand and twisting it till he heard a snap. Wills finger twisted in an unnatural way, his screams echoing through every inch of the island. Wendy let out a yell as she tried reading out to them as if her arms could stretch all the way down to where they were.
“Shut up or I’ll kill you next!” Felix yelled out to Wendy who just scurried to the other side of the cage. The screaming went on for what seemed like a for ever, most of wills limbs were twisted in different positions, his face turning into a mess a purples and reds then he was strung up back inside the cage next to a sobbing Wendy.
Felix walked back to your room climbing up the steps of the treehouse. Gently knocking on the door with his bloody knuckles smearing the wood, he cracked the door open to see you laying in bed and Peter sitting on a chair next to you.
“She’ll be okay. Whatever he used to stab her with was coated with nightshade but she should be better in a couple of days she’ll just seem to come down with a fever.” Peter explained as he patted Felix in the back leaving the two of you alone. Felix climbed into bed next to you twisting a strand of your hair in his finger causing you to stir awake.
“Hi creeper.” You smiled at him, seeing him stare at you as you were sleeping. “Get inside the covers it’s freezing.” You said pulling up the covers letting Felix climb inside, he kicked off his shoes and crawled in next to you. It wasn’t cold in the slightest but Felix couldn’t pass up the opportunity to cuddle with you.
“I won- I mean Peter and I will never leave you alone.” Felix said kissing the top of your head holding you closer to him. “I’ll always be here to protect you.” He whispered into your hair running his hand up and down your back. “And Peter can help but I’m better.” He joked making you laugh, almost forgetting the events of just hours ago.
“Ah yes my boys.” You smiled to him. Your legs tangled together, your chest resting on Felix’s chest hearing his heart beat thump quicker.
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shes-the-wildcard-blog · 6 years ago
Find the word
I was tagged by, @ladynyxeris we have never met (I don’t think?!) but I would love to be friends~ 
So, the rules are simple: post a WIP that contains certain words. Mines were “sky”, “smile”, “hope” and “horizon”. Oh, you can post more than a WIP too if one of them hasn’t all the words! It can be about whatever fandom you want. Then you tag your writer friends!  
(A/N) This is a VERY VERY rough draft, much of it written over long periods of time. It needs a lot of love and attention, I just haven’t had time. My method is always to just get it down on paper and then work on it later. This hasn’t gotten to the later part of it yet.
As always, no pressure and no obligations! You play if you want to, because the most important rule is to HAVE FUN!
Chances (SPN Rewrite) Ep. Bloody Mary 
Dean caught the signal and looked to his left, finding the mirror and grabbing it, aiming it back at Mary. She stopped walking and tilted her head, looking at her own reflection. There was silence for a moment, before a twisted voice screamed out at Mary. “You killed them!” Mary’s own eyes began dripping blood, her gaze stuck looking at her own reflection. She put a hand to her chest and started gasping for breath. Her reflection made an enraged sound, “All those people! You killed them!” Mary began to disintegrate, her body reduced to nothing but mush. 
Dean threw the mirror and Devin watched through still blurry vision as it shattered into a million pieces. Devin was able to lift her head out of her hands, but her heart pounding, and her head was still killing her. She watched Sam stand, a clear weakness in his limbs and he turned, offering her a hand up. She took it and was thankful for the help up, her legs still shaking. 
She muttered a soft thank you, and Sam nodded a welcome in return a small smile on his face. “Hey Sam? Dev?” Dean asked. 
“Yeah” both of them responded in unison. 
“That’s gotta be like what, six hundred years bad luck?” Dean teased. Devin let out a small snort and in return.
Chances (SPN Rewrite) Ep. Bloody Mary
Devin rocked back and forth on her heals, anxiously waiting as Sam picked the lock on the door to the antique shop where Mary’s mirror was being stored. It was taking longer than she had hope and with every passing minute they ran the risk of someone stumbling upon them. She was already worked up, and she prayed this time was different, that she wasn’t going to cause an earthquake again. Just point a gun and shoot scenario was all that she could hope for. 
(Bonus! This fic is dead and will never actually be worked on but its from almost six years ago.)
 Distant Memories- Hongbin from VIXX Error AU!
She looked down at her dream-self, her hands were smaller, and her perspective was skewed by her shortness. She was in the body of a child. Was this a dream or a memory then? She wasn’t sure that she could tell the difference one way or another.
Her surroundings were a pale white color, until a voice rang out calling to her from somewhere in the distance.  The pale color flashed before her and became the woods she knew were the ones behind her house. The weather was dark, rain poured from the sky slowly. In the dim stormy scenery, the woods seemed even scarier than normal. Ignoring her internal fear, her legs seemed to move on their own. Her adult mind screamed for her little body to stop.
 The voice calling her name got louder with each foot fall and her heart sped up both with curiosity and fear. Suddenly a black figure appeared before her, he was older, taller and somehow, he felt safe. He reached his arms out to her, “There you are, I’ve been looking for you for so long.” 
Apparently, none of my fics actually feature the word horizon. 
I currently am trying to push this tag out; I might add tags later. ^^’
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rhymesswith · 7 years ago
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Saw a few people commenting that they’d read this au if it was a fic. Not saying that it ever will be but if it were the prologue might go something like this...
The Goddess Istus understands that she will have a child. 
 It is not within her Duty to interpret the fabric she weaves. She is not all-knowing, rather she is the agent of a greater force. Her hands move with Devine Guidance to weave the Story of all things. She does not know what the stitches spell unless the Tapesty reveals it to her. And it is in such a moment that it does that she sees it, as sure as anything she has ever known. She will have a child. The child's father will be Cyfle, the God of Happenstance. And their union of Fate and Chance will bring into the world a child of Balance. 
And thus she pays Cyfle a visit. And then she sets to work weaving the fate of their child into the Tapestry of the universe. 
 And then the Goddess Istus drops a stitch. 
She freezes, her finger stilling on the needles. The Sands Of Time politely pause to give her a moment. The Tapestry is not a perfect thing; the colours do not always form a perfect gradient in a pleasing order. They are ugly as often as they are beautiful; orange blending directly into blue, skipping the yellows and greens and aquas to grow dark and muddy between. She has seen jarringly acidic colours that do not exist in nature, long swaths of chaotic black, flat featureless white. But those are not flaws, they are a part of the tapestry just as much as anything else is. Not like this. This is a mistake. She missed something, and when she holds the fabric up she can see starlight shining through the hole. It's the most first such error since she picked up her needles on the Day of Creation. 
Istus knows better than anyone that what is done should not be undone. She would never dare to unravel the threads she's already laid down. All she can do is take a deep breath and resume her work, forcing herself not to tremble. The life of her child takes form between her fingertips and she does not know what it says but it is beautiful. Aside from the hole, the fabric is pristine and so very stunning. The colours are rich and vibrant, dominated by the deepest purples and fiery crimsons, vivid magenta and luminous gold. When the Guidance falls silent she sets down her tools, she spreads her work across her knees, smooths her palms over its ethereal softness. 
 Carefully she separates the section that contains her child from the main body of the Tapestry. It forms a good large piece, enough for a blanket or a shawl. Her child will have the unique privilege of wearing their own Story around their shoulders. The hole is in the exact centre, small but nevertheless disfiguring the expanse, no way around it. 
And she is ready. Or she thinks she is. Istus is by nature, a difficult being to surprise. But when not one but two children are born to her, surprised she is. She had seen nothing to suggest even the possibility twins. But twins they are, two tiny pieces of herself identical and beautiful in every way. 
 She runs a finger over the hole in the Cloth, searching for the Guidance to give her an answer. Slowly she drags her nail through the fabric, tearing it into two perfect halves. Could it be as simple as that? Could the sick dread she had felt at making the flaw have been false? She finds no answer in the cloth but the new pieces are the perfect size to wrap her babies, and the hole not longer exists. She pushes the lingering apprehension out of her mind and holds them close. 
"Welcome to the universe my loves." She murmurs to their serene little faces. "Welcome Taako, welcome Lup. You are going to be amazing."
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